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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7717280 No.7717280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7717294

fuck them, i wanted a 3day so bad, followed all instructions, and like many others lost out to scalpers. they have a lot of nerve charging $140 for each day singly when the 3day is $65. what the fuck, Reedpop?

>> No.7717298

I can't wait for them to sell out immediately so I can continue scalping passes on ebay for even more money. I already sold two Saturday passes for over twice what I paid, as soon as people realize it's their only option shit's gonna get real. Hoping for at least $150 per day pass

>> No.7718319

Whelp, I'm camping out on Wednesday morning.
Anyone want to meet up or something to stave off the boredom?

>> No.7719385

I might be camping out through Wednesday night but only if my friend can come if not, then probably Thursday night.

>> No.7719864

I want to go but it's either that or Rufflecon, and I'm still not sure which I'll pick...
As someone used to AX, will NYCC be fun? Strong/weak suits?

>> No.7719870

I never went to AX but NYCC is always crowded as shit and the anime side of things is generally weaker. The artist alley axed its anime section ages ago, meaning tables there are harder to get/more expensive. It does have it's fair share of anime stuff, of course, but a lot of it is comic book artists and things of that sort.

It's also crowded as fuck.

>> No.7719881

It is disturbingly crowded, to an unsafe degree. But their guest list is great. They haven't announced many yet, but the artist of Death Note will be there so they haven't totally given up on the anime side of things.

There are a lot of good cosplays, but the crowds and lines are horrible. Also if you want a full-weekend pass, be prepared to pay out your ass to scalpers unless you or a friend are camping out for one of the stores.

>> No.7719897

I've been going for years and I think I'm not going to go this time around.
It's going to be really crowded. There is little to no anime things this year besides the death note artist going. Last year they had very few anime panels. They showed the dub for that one Eva movie. But that was pretty much it. I stay in the lot more than inside the convention. But if you enjoy comics and things like TWD and shit like that then you'll have a good time.
Also if you look past the bunches of people who just wear super hero costumes that were bought at party city, there are actually alot of really nice cosplays!

>> No.7720294

That fucking line last year for the panel. Holy shit, waited for 2 hours and then finally got in and had to sit away from my friends since seats were all over the place. I guess it's better that they're clearing out the rooms this time around.
Super crowded and expect to wait a long time to get into any of the popular panels. Anime stuff is scattered but its there.

>> No.7721458

Just for the main stages, apparently. Which is fine I suppose, I've never wanted to go to any consecutive panels in them except for Robot Chicken and the Venture Bros.
I hope they stagger those, I'd hate to have to choose between the two.

>> No.7723907

It's kinda funny how despite being as big if not bigger than SDCC at this point, most of the events and whatnot seem a lot more amateurish in a good way, especially the cosplay contests, those were awesome last year.

>> No.7723940

NYCC gets the leftovers of SDCC, really, except there's less company exhibitors because of space. It'll always be buttfuck crowded because majority of the anime crowd that went to NYAF got shoved into NYCC and people are still willing to go even with the lack of anime stuff there

>> No.7724135

>cosplay contests
The one with Khan was pretty hilarious. The other one was so so with Amidala winning

>> No.7724220

>everyone starts screaming Khan as soon as he shows up

>> No.7724539

The contest was over the instant he came out. Some people were yelling out Khan even when the other cosplayers came out. I kinda felt bad for some of the people cosplaying as anime characters since I felt like I was the only one clapping for them.

>> No.7724551

enjoy it while you can
SDCC actively flags badge sales so you have to do craigslist all the time (not that getting cash is a bad thing but you can't plan ahead or get super inflated sales prices)
NYCC hasn't reached that just yet but eventually they probably will too

>> No.7724781

reedpop gives 0 fucks about scalpers, they just want that sweet cash
>camping out from the morning before
really? is it gonna that bad this year or are you joking? I remember reading that some guy started to line up at like 7PM the day before last year. I'll probably make it there around 10/11ish.

>> No.7725591

Well, I'm going to show up the morning before, see if anyone else is there, and if not come back at sunset. The lines were pretty crazy last year, and it took about a week for tickets to sell out, not the absolutely crazy hour.
So yeah, I think it'll be a zoo.

>> No.7726223 [DELETED] 
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Just so everyone is aware I am the first one waiting on line as of today August 1st 6:00pm

No fucks given I am not going to lose to scalpers. Plus my 3 days passes are going to 4 friends who I will sell them to. Its just a matter of deciding which of the 4 among my friends are the most deserving.
>Also check out my repeating integers

>> No.7726229
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Just so everyone is aware I am the first one waiting on line as of today August 1st 6:00pm

No fucks given I am not going to lose to scalpers. Plus my 3 days passes are going to 4 friends who I will sell them to. Its just a matter of deciding which of the 4 among my friends are the most deserving.

>> No.7726273

Can you hold a place for me in line?
There's fast food in it for you if you do.

>> No.7726286
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Buy me a footlong from Subways and you have a deal. Let me know what day you plan on getting here.

>> No.7726367

I was thinking Wednesday evening. What bread, meat, cheese, and toppings do you want?

>> No.7726412
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I want a bacon egg and cheese footlong on a flatbread toasted. American cheese, yellow egg. Lettuce and a bit of light mayo. Thanks I appreciate it!

>> No.7726435

I won't question your taste.
You'd better be at the front of the line buddy.

>> No.7726516


As far as I know I am the only one so far.

>> No.7726569

Well still, hate to show up and not be able to find you, and have wasted money on a sandwich I won't find palatable.

>> No.7726641

i'll be there wednesday night with a friend and our lawn chairs

>> No.7726671

part of me wants to come by to give you some food or help swap out for you so you can go to the bathroom
the other part of me says I'm in California and not going to NYCC so there's no way I could help

>> No.7726676

I'm going to be out of town until like Tuesday or sometime, otherwise I would help.

>> No.7727796

Will selling my 3 day pass for $200 be reasonable after these retailers sell out their passes too? I was going to go higher but I think a 3 day sold for 200 a while back.

>> No.7728065

If I start lining up at 4/5AM is there a chance i'll be able to get a 4 day pass?

>> No.7728077


Depends on the day. Are you lining up the morning when they release them? Well you might be able to but people will be there by this coming tuesday since I know certain friends of mine are going to hit up tuesday to line up.

>> No.7728089

It would be that Thursday morning at their downtown store. It's either that or getting there 10/11 on Wednesday.

>> No.7728378

Is it true there are no hotels around the con center?

>> No.7728384

There are a few hotels nearby, but it's New York.
Yotel is the closest I think, but staying in a motel or the like is a terrible idea, it's just not like the rest of the country.

>> No.7728407

I can't wait to see all the fucks lining up Thursday/Friday. I work across from the midtown Times Square.

>> No.7728515

Midtown Downtown is where I'll be going

>> No.7728888
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Still no one lining up behind me yet. Im the only one here still. Also an update on things. Seems the back alley is going to be troublesome for camping out due to it being a place they use to transport goods into the store and such. Also homeless guy at night randomly around. Talked to a staff today says not to recommend anyone camping out but if you are doing it do it at your own risk.

>> No.7728911

there's gonna be a shit ton of people come wednesday night so I highly doubt any hobos are gonna bother a large group of people

>> No.7729020

I talked to a staff guy at the Not at Comic Con sale, I asked him about camping out and he said "I can't tell you to do that." Which kinda just sounded like he was fine with me doing it.

>> No.7729029

basically he doesn't want the store to look responsible if something happens so he's going to not say anything that can be construed as being official

>> No.7729230

Well, he told me specifically not to line up in the hallway, as they share a hallway with an apartment building, and they don't want people being loud in their hallway.
Another guy there said that he lined up a while before last year and he got egged.

>> No.7729255

he can tell you what not to do as to not piss off the neighbors but he definitely won't condone your actions

>> No.7729270
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Will there be vydia on here, any interesting stuff? I kinda want to go but I've never gone to one before I'd probably be going to walk around and buy some stuff or eat food or whatever. Can they kick me out if they find out I'm on drugs or acting weird?

>> No.7729271

so what day exactly are the retail stores getting tickets? (specifically the ones on long island)

>> No.7729275

NYCC is pretty good for vidya, about on the same level as SDCC.
Most of my free time last year between panels was in the Ninty room.

>> No.7729441

the 8th

>> No.7729853

that's bullshit i'll be at otakon on the 8th

>> No.7729920

Well then you better hop on the LIRR and be at Midtown Downtown on the 6th to wait, buddy.

>> No.7730876

Anyone can spot me a 3 day pass omg plox?

>> No.7730888

Give me 90 bucks on Wednesday and I'll get one for you.

>> No.7730937


Nah Im good maybe a friend will be in line and can get me a pass.

>> No.7730941

>maybe a friend will be in line

>> No.7730945


Yes I have a lot of loyalty towards my friend. My dog however is a different story.

>> No.7730961

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would charge a man for waiting in line.

>> No.7730986

I happen to be an unemployed slacker who lives near a comic book store selling passes, would anybody actually pay me to wait in line to pick up a pass? Just curious

>> No.7731031

I'll pay you five bucks.

>> No.7731160


>paying someone $5 to get passes that will more than likely be worth double or even triple the amount they paid.

>> No.7731211

I have to get two already, but honestly, I'll get two extras for anyone that pays me the 130-190 in advance. Well, I wouldn't mind a bit more than the actual price, but still.

>> No.7731261

how many people do you think will be camping out at around 1AM for Thursday?

>> No.7731266

Odds are there will already be a decent line by Wed sundown. This was from last year and with the way that it sold out this year I would probably expect more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSWneFr-3w0

>> No.7733162

My body is ready

>> No.7733193

I came over today to scope shit out, no one was waiting.
You still around or what?

>> No.7733445
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Cop passing by was like trying to tell me I couldnt just stand there or some shit so I had to go might have to come back later tonight but yeah no one is trying to get there yet until wednesday or tuesday night.

>> No.7734004

Can you give some sort of physical description of yourself or your clothes, or am I just going to have to ask random people in the store if they're seagulls when I show up?
I'm going to be there tomorrow afternoon to check everything out again, and probably put down my roots on Wednesday morning from the looks of it.

>> No.7734134
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I'll be wearing dark blue jeans and a black hoodie. Wearing black thick rimmed glasses and be outside.

>> No.7734266

so what are you guys gonna do to stave off the boredom for 12+ hours?

>> No.7734276

Just make seagull noises and flap your wings.

Books are pretty good for passing the time with

>> No.7734292


Yotel is fucking stylish, but it's not cheap.

>> No.7734312

>Can they kick me out if they find out I'm on drugs or acting weird?

You'd have to really piss people off for that to happen. As long as you're a quiet drunk or stoner..

>> No.7734353

>books in the middle of the night
Isn't it like an alley that most people are lining up in? Do you have one of those lights that attach to the book?

>> No.7734387

>ever dark

>> No.7734439

>fucking stylish
It's Eurotrash.
>it's not cheap
In NYC, you have two options. Overpriced luxury hotels, or bedbug ridden skeezy shitholes.

>> No.7734444

if it's dark you sleep
unless of course you never want to sleep at all while you wait in line

>> No.7734455

I'll be wearing pink tanooki ears I got from Comic Con last year, with your sandwich.

>> No.7734468

If I don't see someone in pink ears and a guy in a hoodie in the front of the line come wednesday night, i'm gonna laugh

>> No.7734555
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Alright I'll be there around the afternoon probably around 3 ish if anything. I got an errand to run in the morning. Thanks again.

>> No.7734607

So, which one of the 3 stores are you guys camping in? Will the 3 stores sell out at the same time or what?

I remember 2 years ago a month before comic con, I just walked into a store and bought three 4 day passes.

>> No.7734610

Nigger you mean Tuesday or Wednesday? Because I ain't getting shit for you if you're talking about Wednesday.

>> No.7734614

2 years ago you could walk to the javits and buy tickets. The downtown one on Fulton is the one people camp out for which is on Thursday. Everyone else gets it on Friday but I'm sure people will camp out at the Time Square and other location.

>> No.7734617

I'll try my luck on Friday morning. If there aren't any tickets, whatever. The quality of of nycc just keep getting worse and worse with each year anyway.

>> No.7734624

Good luck, amigo. If you're looking for 3 or 4 day passes then you'll probably have to camp out. Too many people got shut out this year. It's just gotten too fucking crowded over the last 2 years. It's a shame that there isn't any convention centers in NYC because it's definitely outgrown the Javits.

>> No.7734674
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>> No.7735052

Shelled out the $140 for 3 days because the fucking website kicked my 3-day passes out of my cart before I could check out. Assholes. I feel like such a sucker.

>> No.7735062

NYCC is too far for most production companies to bring the big shit all the way too the East Coast, so SDCC gets the grand spectacle of displays from most of the media companies.

>> No.7735066

I remember 7 years ago you could buy at the door of the con! Things change.

>> No.7735141

There's lots of media companies in NYC, DC and Marvel and the rest are based there.

>> No.7735195

DC was based in NYC, they moved out West. All that's left is satellite offices for the moment until 2015. I meant movie/TV production companies though.

>> No.7735242

Isn't Warner Bros. based in NYC troo?

>> No.7735450

They have offices, primarily their music division, but everything else is in Cali , on the Warner Bros. lot nowadays. They can save money by just using unused office/studio space on the lot, instead of paying high rental costs in skyscrapers in the Big Apple

>> No.7735703

A'ight, I'll be there in a couple hours or so to check up on stuff, but I'll be ready to hunker down on Wednesday morning.

>> No.7735985

And you ain't here.

>> No.7736017

>but I'll be ready to hunker down on Wednesday morning.
keep me updated with the size of the line, amigo. i'll get there 10ish/11 tomorrow night

>> No.7736049

Alright, since I won't have all goddamm day to wait for your ass, I'm going to be there tomorrow morning; I'll be wearing a Finn the Human polo and pink ears. If you're not there at the front of the line, no sandwich.

>> No.7736328


I have been there since 3pm I gave up and left around 5

>> No.7736388

So there's no line as of 8PM EST?

>> No.7737153


What time tomorrow morning?

>> No.7737380

Depends on the line situation

>> No.7737877

That's penny wise and pound foolish. No wonder DC is going down the shitter.

You can expect people to be creative in some isolated backlot in the worst city in America. There's a reason all the good comic books take place in New York.

>> No.7738290
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There's no hoodie and horn-rim guy.
Guess I'll just take my place behind like 100 people.

>> No.7738370

Buy me a ticket, son.

>> No.7738396

/cgl/ fails again :(

>> No.7738583

wait, there's already tons of people there?

>> No.7738597

Apparently yes. I wouldn't expect there to be any tickets left after tomorrow. If only there was a /cgl/ hero who would buy some tickets and sell them only to /cgl/ anons.

>> No.7738635

fug, I hope its not like this tomorrow night at the Times Square store

>> No.7738692

Only the Fulton one will sell on the 7th. The other start on the 8th.

>> No.7738718

How long did it take for the store to run out of 3-days?

>> No.7738742

yeah, I meant camping out on Thursday night for Friday at the TS store

>> No.7738786
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somebody posted a picture of the line
not too bad as of now, looks like 30 or so people

>> No.7738966

Which store is least likely to be packed on Friday? Kinokuniya? One of the smaller comic shops?

>> No.7738976

When I was in NYC the same day of the Madoka movie premier a lot of poeole were in Book-Off, which kind of sucked because it's small and the weeby ones were super loud. Kinokuniya was pretty much normal busy but given NYCC there's probably going to be people everywhere if they're manga hunting. Even during a regular day around Manhattan/Times Square it's not that surprising to run into some sort of cosplay.

>> No.7739012

As someone who has never been to the con before, is it worth/risky buying the tickets on ebay? I only want to try going on Saturday because of work

>> No.7739022

Any updates on the amount of people on line?

>> No.7739026

Around 500 right now.

>> No.7739032

I'm selling Saturday tickets on ebay and I'm trustworthy, aside from being a blatant scalper.
The trick is we don't have the tickets in hand and we won't until September. By then it's too late to open a dispute or even leave bad feedback. Two people already bought tickets to me, I could just not send them to them and sell them again and there's not really anything they could do about it. I don't roll that way though.
OTOH if you wait another month ticket prices will go up a lot more. I sold 2 sat passes at double and I'm hoping to see them go up to $150-$170 after the stores sell out.

>> No.7739033

don't listen to this guy, there's only about 1,000 there. line snakes around several buildings already

>> No.7739035
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>> No.7739040

pick out the scalpers, guys

>> No.7739043

look at all that grease.

>> No.7739044

What is that, like 100 people?

>> No.7739200
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I am only getting two tickets. If you find a way to meet me soon I can get two tickets for two random anons provided you give me the money at hand and wait till I exit the store and hand the tickets to you.

>> No.7739291

Get me some for Saturday and Sunday

>> No.7739311

Get me some 4 day pass. I'll be there tomorrow morning at 8 am. I'll be wearing a pirate hat.

>> No.7739366


Do you have the money to give to me if not I cant help you.
And there is a limit of 4 tickets per person that can be purchased. And I am buying two.

>> No.7739371
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Kind of related but why the fuck isnt there a similar thing posted by San Diego Comic Con

I can NEVER figure out how to get tickets, 3 years and I never got an email back about tickets going on sale or where to buy or anything

>> No.7739374

Different anon, but are you fucking stupid or something? I'm pretty sure 3/4 day passes are already going for twice cost. It's not like you are going to lose all your money if someone falls through. If you want to be ~noble~ you could sell at cost on ebay in like two seconds.

>> No.7739383

I have the money yeah.

>> No.7739474

You still willing to help? If so, how do i tell who you are?

>> No.7739609

Brought two friends with me for the sole reason to scalp. They are going to be used so I can buy more 3 days instead of only being able to get 4 3 days I will be able to get 12 thanks to them. Of course they get a piece of the pie in exchange for their services. I figure a %10 cut will be fair of what I make.

>> No.7739772


Its people like you why I feel the rage that I do.

>> No.7739928


>> No.7740100

Heard from my friend who was there, that it was a shitstorm!

>> No.7740108

It was a clusterfuck in sleep-deprived slow motion.

>> No.7740127


Yeah there was some fights and confrontations here and there but police got involved later on and they made sure there was police ready this morning. Shistorm was mostly caused by some group trying to cute everyone in line and actually have the balls to go in fron of us and just park themselves there thinking they would get away with it. When asked to leave several times they refused and well things got serious from there. Luckily things resolved quickly and they were taken out.

>> No.7740145

I'm glad the police were actually helpful for a change.

Did the rest of the line also tell them that the other group was a bunch of filthy queue hoppers?

>> No.7740150

Fuck everyone there
Fuck line A
Fuck line B
Fuck everything
got there 8PM camped over night, everyone was friendly and things were civilized despite the silly line setup. then some stupid shit happened at around 6AM and people just bum rushed this ramp area and people got log jammed. I waited around another 3 hours and then they divided the crowd into 2 lines and shit didn't move at all despite it being well after 8AM. Had to leave because my friend thought she was going to faint.

>> No.7740207

Why didn't your friend just go sit down in a nearby store for a little bit? It's a shame to have spent all that time.

>> No.7740522

Some obnoxious guys behind me keep chanting "5 MORE FEET 5 MORE FEET" whenever the line moves.

>> No.7740529

Why don't they just scalp them by themselves? Seems dumb to hand the tickets over to you

>> No.7740793

On the website it says only 3 day tickets sold out? Why?
So I'm safe if I'm aiming for a 4 day ticket only?

If anyone wants a 4 day pass I'm willing to buy you one and you can pay me later. No scalping lmao.

>> No.7740885

I was talking her down since the shit went down at 6AM. She wasn't a fan of the whole jam up in the alley from the start. Everybody was paranoid that they were getting skipped so if we went off that line everyone would go nuts. Fucking guys yelling at the top of their lungs and singing didn't help either. It was just an absolute clusterfuck, which we should of saw coming after what happened online.

>> No.7740895


They are only like 15 or 16 so they dont even plan on going at all they care about money and shit.

>> No.7740906

That's what I mean though; wouldn't they earn more money just by scalping them by themselves, rather than letting you scalp them and only getting 10%?

>> No.7740909

If you're serious anon, I'd really like to take you up on that offer. Email in field

>> No.7741069

Came here to read about the shitstorm after a friend told me about it

I don't know if they announced this or not but Midtown pooled all the tickets they have to the one store today, they didn't group their tickets out equally per each store, so whatever sold out today is totally sold out for all Midtown locations (which I assume is at least weekend passes). If you didn't get them today, you're SOL. Don't know about whatever other stores like Kino are selling them. Godspeed, seagulls.

>> No.7741077

Yes, I am. Reading what >>7741069 said, I'll go down to Canal St. right now and get both of them. Email on field.

>> No.7741115

15-16 probably to much work for them

>> No.7741149

They are completely out of 3 day tickets and apparently they told everyone that the Time Square and Grand Central stores will not have 3 day tickets so they pooled all 3 day tickets to the Downtown store.

>> No.7741152

Are there 4 day tickets still available? I only saw that they sold out of 3 day passes at like 1PM. Is there going to be another huge like outside of the downtown store tomorrow as well?

>> No.7741228

There was a good amount of 4-days left at the downtown store by the end of today. Try the same store tomorrow and you should have a decent chance.

>> No.7741275

Do you think I would have to camp out again or could I just kinda get there at 5/6ish in the morning and get lucky?

>> No.7741354

I'd say camping is unnecessary. However, definitely be there a few hours before it opens.

>> No.7741854

so where is everyone going to try and get tickets on Friday or is everyone sitting outside the other Midtowns?

>> No.7741871

I went to downtown comics around 10 pm and there was no one camping anywhere. I'm going to go the to the one in time square and If there's a line I'll head to downtown.

>> No.7741872

Go to some of the little known places, or places that wouldn't normally attract a comic book nerd.
For instance, Kimono House on Thompson street.

>> No.7741886

Sacrifice sleep now for peace later.

I woke up at 5am for SDCC prereg (the last time they did onsite) and spent the rest of my convention having fun and the rest of the year leading to the next SDCC not giving a fuck.

>> No.7741898

Do you think there's going to be a ton of people at that Kinokuniya bookstore? I was thinking there but that Kimono House does sound like a good idea.

>> No.7741917

SDCC is a literal ourobouros of tickets and goers. People get the tickets for next year's SDCC at this year's SDCC and pretty much sell out then and there.

It's fucked.

>> No.7741937

It's hard to gauge how packed or hectic Kinokuniya will be. It's normally not all that busy even on weekends. But at the same time, it'll attract the former-NYAF anime people because it's probably a store they frequent.

>> No.7741971

Alright, thanks. I guess I don't have to get there and camp out the entire night. Push comes to shove I'll just check out Kimono House.

>> No.7741990


My friend is down there now, and she said she's like the 150th person there. She's near the end of the block, after you round the corner.

>> No.7742006

>150 at almost 2AM
that's not bad, apparently there was 450+ at 10PM when I got to Midtown last night

>> No.7742008

there are a lot of guides
if you haven't even figured out how the process is supposed to work in three years you haven't been trying at all. not even the bare minimum of effort to use google.

this idea is outdated by multiple years. there are no more onsite sales of any kind and hasn't been for years. even the returning registry is not the whole allotment.

>> No.7742049

Any pictures of the line?

>> No.7742438

I can't wait to see the line of dweebs by the Times Square midtown when I go to get my donut. Saw them lining up last night. Hope they enjoy the morning commute traffic.

>> No.7742444

Wow just No.


No one should ever have to wait this long for passes to a con.

This system is fucked up.

>> No.7742477

Woah man. Can you bring me a cofee? im in this huge line near time sq.

>> No.7742490

Good luck m8E0, you should've gone to Midtown Downtown.
I showed up about 2PM the day before, when I first showed up there were about 30 people ahead of me and that grew to only about 100 with people saving spots for friends.
19 hours of shooting the shit about vidya and anime is worth it for me.

>> No.7742498

Ay man thanks.

>> No.7742509
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All in a day's work

>> No.7742533
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Nope. Already at work. Throughly disgusted at the amount of garbage people left on the side walk. Too bad my office has no windows facing the street. Very glad not to be going this year,

>> No.7742852

hory shet kinokuniya sold out so fucking fast
apparently someone said they had 4 day tickets. If I knew that I woulda camped out

>> No.7743222


Only Midtown Comic stores ever have 4 days no other retailers will ever sell them.

>> No.7743241

4 day tickets are going for like 500 in Craigslist. lmao.

>> No.7744034

From what I hear, they only had 50 of 4-day passes and 100 of the 3-day passes. Midtown got the most due to them being a contributing partner

>> No.7744046

that's SDCC level right there
wonder if people are actually biting

>> No.7744169

4 days on stubhub are only 200+ when I checked early today

>> No.7744391 [DELETED] 

Just wondering but would some attractive girl have like bang bang fun times with me and throw in a bj for a possible chance of me giving up a 3 day ticket? Would anyone be willing to do that?

Bonus points if you are a lolita. Bonus points even more if you are chubby and I mean chubby not freaking landwhale.

>> No.7744674

I cant believe people are currently paying 200 for a 3 day. My friend is even willing to pay 150 for a 3 day. This is insane.

>> No.7745453


180-200 seems to be the average price they are being sold for. Anything higher and not that much people will bite. Especially if its more than 300

>> No.7745503

This is my first time going 4 days, is there anything that happens on Thursday or is it just show floor navigating?

>> No.7745509


Pretty much show floor navigating. Its like if you want to avoid large crowds when shopping around and get it over with so you can enjoy the rest of the con not having to worry about slowly moving from one vendor to the other.

>> No.7746153

There's also the advantage of first picks on merch.

>> No.7747730

Hope everyone got the tickets they wanted. I don't remember lines being this long, or tickets being sold out so fast last year. What changed since then?

>> No.7747748

Tumbler and Doctor Who grew. And the word geek/nerd has lost its meaning.

>What am i doing in Comic con? I'M SUCH A NERD/GEEK!

>> No.7748092

Welp guess I am going to have to hope I can find a 3 day for less than $150 now :(

>> No.7748425

Fuck NYCC and fuck you scalpers!

>> No.7748434

think of it as the SDCC effect
shit got popular, lots of normals went, sold out, now people want to go to everything they can find (especially things that have comic con in the name because clearly everything with comic con is related to SDCC)

>> No.7748471

Comi-Con becoming more of a name for pop culture conventions rather than just being comic-centric. In NYCC's defense the area is the mecca of the comic book industry but with shit like the superhero film franchise boom, Dr Who and the Big Bang Theory it's attracting a lot of normies.

>> No.7748652

If you wanted to go to a comic only convention you can go to that shitty "Special Edition: NYC" in June from now on. Only reason to go there now is to get early NYCC tickets before they go online.

>> No.7752176

Guess the average buy price is 200
Even though Id gladly offer 150 or so for a 3 day at this point :/

>> No.7752212

My friend bought a pre-sale 4 day for like 210 on ebay. Not sure why she bought a pre sale when there's a buncha on hand tickets around the same price. The price is only gonna go up as we get closer to the convention.

>> No.7753823

How do you feel about anime things, cosplay, events, etc. at NYCC? Since NYAF was eaten up, I feel like there's no other place for it in the area.

>> No.7754056

I wish they would bring back NYAF or bring an anime convention to NYC. There's hardly any big guests from Japan and I think the biggest anime related thing they've had at NYCC was the 3.0 screening last year. There's always someone at the Q&A that complains about lack of anime related guests.

>> No.7754080

I don't know the actual reason why NYAF merged. Their attendance was 21k which isn't bad at all for a con only a few years old. http://animecons.com/events/info.shtml/1740/New_York_Anime_Festival_2009

They really took advantage on the merge and anime fans are pushed out by the second year. Now a whole lot more fans can't even attend because there are no more tickets. I just wish the anime fans would just stop buying the tickets and not going and put more of a demand to get NYAF back

>> No.7754120

Anime fans at Comic Con are like a red headed step child. They pushed them in a corner for the first year of the merge and that was the end of that. Reedpop doesn't give a shit about what fans care about. As long as the tickets sell, they're happy. They still never admitted to fucking up when they first put tickets on sale for NYCC this year. NYAF was only gonna get bigger and generate more money. It's in NYC so you automatically get tons of people and as it grows and gets popular you get people from all over.

>> No.7754124

>NYAF was only gonna get bigger and generate more money.
Fucking NYCC for cannibalizing it

>> No.7755220

21k is shit considering how bare the convention was. The rent at Javits isn't cheap, so ReedPop just folded NYAF. They could barely get any vendors, as the prices of tables/booths kept going up every year. At least with NYCC, companies spend big money to rent the booths (Marvel & DC alone are like $10k per day for the six days of the con - 4 days of the con and one day each pre/post con). I remember the aisles were barely packed, that you could literally do backflips down them. The only time it got packed was during an amazing costume, like the Bumblebee cosplayer, or during a line for a game/panel, otherwise everyone was scattered enough you could stretch and not worry about hitting someone in the face.

>> No.7755275

Why doesn't Anime NEXT step up and try to fill the gap? They're the biggest anime con in the region. If they can get 10K+ people in the wilds of central Jersey, surely they can get to Otakon levels in NYC.

>> No.7755438


ANEXt is perfect where they are. Secluded, tons of hotels nearby, and they don't need to worry about noise complaints, just idiots being hit by traffic at night, the stuck elevators, and the occasional pulled fire alarm. If they moved into NYC, expect the prices to go up and attendee traffic to drop significantly. More than half the con goers won't be even able to afford passes and hotels on their allowance.

>> No.7755618

>More than half the con goers won't be even able to afford passes and hotels on their allowance.
This would be nice but you would have all those kids who couldn't go replaced if they moved to the Javits. I think it would do better than the landfills of Jersey.

>> No.7756459

nyc has just as many landfills. you just don't see it since it's buried underneath overpriced condos

>> No.7756477

>landfills of Jersey

>> No.7756575

The sad thing is, if my friends and anime clubs had the know how, money, and time, we'd do our own con like NYAF. But since it's so difficult to pull off it's just a pipe dream.

>> No.7756787

sorry m8, it's just what I observed.
If you go to Staten Island/Queens you'll see em. Not so much in the 2 boroughs that matter though.

>> No.7758617

Would anyone buy a 3-day for 250?

>> No.7760666
File: 120 KB, 720x960, Mr 8 NYCC Tickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate

>> No.7761459

I got 2 3 days up for grabs at only $180 each if anyone is interested

>> No.7762215

I guess best thing to do is wait till the day of the con where scalpers who have remaining tickets will be desperate enough to sell them off for a cheaper price or even retail

>> No.7762645

fuck off scalper

>> No.7764628

Went to midtown the other day and to my surprise I decided to fuck it and ask if they had 4 days or 3 day. Imagine my surprise when they told me there was one 4 day available. I snatched it up right away. Seems someone probably decided to not be able to go and returned the ticket for a refund. I didnt even think that was allowed to refund tickets like that.

>> No.7765518

I will buy them for retail price if you dont sell for asking price.

>> No.7767211

Is 180 fair price for a 3 day to sell?
I see them being bought and sold for around 150-160 so whats a couple more bucks right?

>> No.7770903

So glad I am not going this year. Enjoy your massive waiting in lines and more waiting in more lines inside. No point wasting money on a con thats just basically one big dealers room and event to advertise big businesses into testing the waters of their products to the general masses.

>> No.7771978

As a long time staffer we have considered moving to New York City. But the costs on our end would be so high, the ticket price would be huge. Not to mention we would have to possibly give up our budget on guests and bands. What I would like to see is someone build a nicer convention center that is large enough in north jersey.

>> No.7772610

Thanks, I will enjoy having fun. You can be angry at home.

>> No.7774002


>implying I will be angry at home

I will be too busy furiously masturbating to cripple porn and this chick here

But thank you for playing.

>> No.7774500

I have 2 Saturday passes for sale. Selling at prices slightly lower than ebay. They're not in hand but I have a bunch of feedback. Will drop email if anyone is interested.

>> No.7775814



>> No.7776178

Enjoy, I'll be enjoying myself as well at the convention.

>> No.7778166

Is NYCC worth going to anymore? Should I bother to go or sell of my pass?

>> No.7778191

It's not even worth that price. Screw that.

>> No.7778200

Why is the theme STILL walking dead? Come on now NYCC

>> No.7778202

It's better to scalp your tickets and make money. It's overcrowded and overpriced. I wanted to go to see Obata, but other than that, there's nothing good anime wise. I sort of miss NYAF for that reason

>> No.7778371

Is there anyone actually going to NYCC and not scalping their tickets here?
>but other than that, there's nothing good anime wise
They haven't even finished announcing the guests yet. I know that being an anime/manga fan at NYCC is suffering but you should not be going to this convention just for anime stuff. Gotta broaden that horizon
It's been their main draw for the last 2-3 years.

>> No.7778373

I've gone the last 4 years. Nothing remarkable has happened yet. I'm not wasting my money this year.

>> No.7779835

>finally a legit cosplay contest at NYCC
color me surprised

>> No.7779994

Tbh the best panel every year is robot chicken and venture bros. But I only got a Thursday pass this year so I will be primarily checking out artists and self published comics. I'm surprised not more people here into the whole comic side of things. Also my advice is don't ever buy from ticket resellers.

>> No.7782852



>> No.7783766

It looks like it'll be a step up from the ghetto contests they've had in the past. A bit more organized and at least the prizes are a better. At least they're trying

>> No.7783788

So they need a photo of the complete costume by September 19th? I'd enter but it's unlikely I'd be done by then...

>> No.7784062

You can always e-mail them and ask about it but I think a photo of at least some of the costume would do.

>> No.7788683

Man I wish I could go

>> No.7789400

I mean, I'd buy them. Out of my friends I'm the only one that didn't get tickets since I wasn't supposed to be in the state. I'll be here and I'd rather not be the sad one at home getting snapchats of shit.

>> No.7789499

I'll be sure to tell you how much of a fire hazard it is and how bad the lines are.

>> No.7790414


How much are you willing to spend on a 3 day? Just wondering my friend has a spare might not go this year. However she might be looking to part with it for like 180 so yeah sorry.

>> No.7790747

I mean, I'd buy a 3day for like 150

>> No.7792231


Can do 160?