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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 160 KB, 721x1107, ax_2014__ragyo_print_by_hyo_san_desu-d7o4k6j[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7715541 No.7715541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever want to cosplay from something you hate to do the costume justice? Have a series you're ashamed to be a fan of but love it so much you've planned a cosplay out that you can never buy?

Share it here!

Pic related is mine. I dislike KLK, on top of it being super popular and clogged with shit. I just love her design and can't stand to see fatties with their bewbs out or saggy old bitches thinking they look good.

>> No.7715545

Do Ragyo, at this point i don't think people would care much if you dont like KLK everyone just wants to see a good, non-photoshopped to shit Ragyo cosplay.

Do Ragyo. Do her justice, for me.

>> No.7715601

Are we long lost family, OP? I feel the same way with Satsuki. Except it has more to do with being born a condescending/constant glaring face Asian and seeing moe-faced girls cosplaying intimidating characters all the time.

>> No.7715649
File: 820 KB, 1280x960, Asuna_ACD_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her design is so cute and reminds me of Ragnarok Online. But, I just can't bring myself to watch Sword Art Online.

>> No.7715676

I have like, 68 cosplays pinned down that I want to make and only a few of them are from things I have not yet read/watched/played. Getting there and judging it I want to go through with it or not at some point.

Only cosplay I can think of that's from a thing I don't like and have no intention of looking at anymore is Kyoko from Yuru Yuri.
I pained my way through 3 episodes and deleted it from my harddrive right after, it wasn't just not funny to me, it was just embarrassing with every fucking moe-slice of life-ecchi stereotype ever. I expected something ala Nichijou or Azumanga Daioh and was just so disappointed.

Maybe I'm just growing old.

In any case, I fucking adore the school uniforms to death and I liked Kyoko in the few episodes I saw. Still wondering if I can fake my way through it, but just the thought of saying "gonna cosplay this (... even though I hate it)" makes me feel so unclean and shitty.

>> No.7715683
File: 60 KB, 720x713, 383985_290321444341819_205934736113824_888966_331271027_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty Crown is a piece of shit, but god do I love Inori's designs

>> No.7715684

What cons do you frequent? I will cosplay Ragyo if you cosplay Satsuki.

>> No.7715687

Yuruyuri was supposed to kind of be a satire as far as I know. It's humor was in making fun of itself. I suggest watching Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? though, it's got a similar feel as azumanga daioh and others.

>> No.7715696

Yeah, it was definitely satire, I could tell that much. I just didn't find it funny. Seen too many animes with girls grabbing other girls boobs, characters having nosebleeds over perverted thoughts.. Shit like that just makes me cringe when I see it in a show. From the screenshots I had seen, it looked so promising too, so it's just one big pile of disappointment for me.
And thanks for the suggestion, will check it out once I get the chance to!!

>> No.7715731

Oh man, there are so many designs I would love to cosplay in SAO but I was meh about the show and I don't want people to think I have terrible taste for cosplaying/"liking" it.

I wish Log Horizon had more varying designs/characters. I love the anime but everyone with an appealing design is either a child or a tall man.

>> No.7715740
File: 111 KB, 480x640, 1298935386150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to do one of Phedre's outfits from the books. They're described in enough detail that it really wouldn't be hard.

>already have tattoo on back
>don't know anyone I'd trust to drawn Phedre's mark on my back properly
>don't want to walk around a convention on a leash and/or with exposed nipples


>> No.7715742


>> No.7715776
File: 96 KB, 393x711, nureha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Log Horizon
I feel you. I love that anime but the series isn't really fun to cosplay unless you're doing it with friends/group imo.

>Was interested in cosplaying Nureha based on the preview
>She goes full creepy yandere mode with cheesy voice acting in actual episode
This is what I get for not reading the LN first I guess

>> No.7715797
File: 814 KB, 245x440, tumblr_static_tumblr_mr8niuqdxi1rq5fzso2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate RWBY, I hate Monty Oum, but I'm so tempted.

>> No.7715898

Actual question; Why do you hate Mony Oum?

I don't really know anything about him.

>> No.7716163
File: 295 KB, 1200x1681, Zara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplaying from Queen's Blade

I'm also a part of the itty bitty titty committee and have no idea where to start on making that gauntlet and sword.

>> No.7716374

I feel you guys. I love the designs of the girls' outfits (and the guys... actually Kirito gets the short end of the stick every single time and looks like shit) but I hate how the entire series is fantastic potential wasted on some guy's gary stu fantasy self insert.

>> No.7716401

jesus christ that underwear is made of tissue paper and hope

>> No.7716408

augh i don't know why but i hate his work too, but rwby is kinda cool, if a bit... cringey

>> No.7716436

Temari from Naruto I even watch it but ugh dealing with Narutards is a total turn off

>> No.7716456

Yes QB had some great costumes but none that weren't totally sleezy and I just don't want to deal with the fans that would bring irl

>> No.7716575
File: 673 KB, 480x270, tumblr_inline_mxkx7nfzrN1r4e2cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the request to hear more about Monty Oum please! I haven't watched RWBY (it looks like awkward early vidya animation with a glowy overexposure filter over everything) but I want to do Weiss correctly, with a gradient dye and beading and a proper petticoat.

>> No.7716585

I always liked Mounty Oum. The only drama I have heard of him is when he leaked Weiss' design to sushimonster, and some stuff about him being an attention whore.
I really hate the voice acting in RWBY though. Rooster Teeth has literally done nothing but voiceovers for like ten years, how are they so bad at it?!

>> No.7716597

Probably because he's a 35 year old manchild weeaboo who only makes pandering animu fanfiction bullshit

>> No.7716606

RTX he said that RWBY was being picked up by WB Japan so I hope their dubbing will be better than the voice acting? idk.

Didn't he leak one of the new bad guys designs to sushimonster too? I was surprised to see such a detailed cosplay of her at RTX but she at least looked like she was having a lot of fun.

Also very curious about the hate, anons. I've started becoming not really caring of him this convention season.

>> No.7716659

What kind of drama came from that? I thought she got the designs because she was the "official" Weiss cosplayer for RT at an event last year plus the fact that she's friends with Monty. Johnny Junkers got exclusive references for the girls' weapons too because he made the props for the "official" group.

>> No.7716741
File: 49 KB, 357x685, 32154254-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7716747

Hey man, you cant be mad at a dude for getting paid to do what he wants.

>> No.7717138


>> No.7717140

ugh Menace for days and days and days. If only everybody's costume wasn't design specifically to be torn off.

>> No.7717144

I was wondering how that chick got her cosplay done when there was no character refs out.

The cosplay is great though, but it was def weird that he does shit like that.

>> No.7717155

She had the weapons and everything complete but to her credit, it really did look good. She looked like she was having more fun than Monty's girlfriend who was always with her.

On his facebook a while back he released the male bad guy's design with himself cosplaying and his girlfriend as the main bad girl which I thought was weird since nothing about his character had been released really? Maybe he just likes giving spoilers idk. I think he just favors cosplayers that give him notoriety but how long till Jessica Nigiri (who voices the main bad girl) cosplays her?

Oh well, more publicity for him.

>> No.7717174
File: 173 KB, 313x750, tumblr_n2wxeznsLr1r1wxrqo1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really didn't like KLK either and mostly slogged through it for the costumes, and pic related is something I'd like to try to do just to do it justice.

Thirding Queen's Blade, though; I hate that I love those designs so much.

>> No.7717230

I never saw that, but that must've been strange. I think it's a little unfair that he leaks stuff like that to certain people.

Also i was kinda blown away when they chose to let Jnig voice Cinder, like i know RT likes her but shes not a voice actress and she's not all that good either.. Which kinda isn't saying much.

I wouldn't really mind seeing Jnig cosplay her though, i think if she actually put effort into it she would look good (but knowing her she either wont cosplay her, or will little to no effort into it). It's just her voice doesn't seem to fit her, like Cinder seems like she should have some sort of scary-sexy voice (i can't think of the word sorry, a bit scatter-brained atm).

>> No.7717271

> Monty Oum shit
Ugh I fucking hate it too. RWBY is ugly, shittily animated, with garbage voice acting and truly terrible fucking writing. How in the world such a hacky, talentless clusterfuck managed to get so popular I will never know. However, I do know Oum's girlfriend IRL and I can confirm that she is an elitist, frosty bitch who considers herself to be the "official" RWBY cosplayer be-all end-all. But I guess if you're sucking the creator's dick you end up having a high opinion of yourself. I haven't spoken to her in ages, pretty much since she moved to the States with him. Anything to get RT Money and E-fame, that one. ALL that being said though, a couple of RWBY outfits HAVE made me pause and look twice. I'd never cosplay it though. Way way too much shit associated with that trash heap.

>> No.7717282

Can you post her? Is she that super over shooped Weiss?

>> No.7717301

That's her.

I don't like her Weiss or her Cinder but I thought she made a lovely Pyrrha. Just a horrible personality.

>> No.7717324

In terms of Monty , I can see how his models might come a bit plastic-y but RWBY does a better job hiding it. However that guy can choreograph a fight scene like a mother fucker. Hate his work but he is damn good at having multi-character brawls that show case how each character's abilities compliment and clash with each other

>> No.7717336

I haven't seen her cinder or pyrrha, what is her name? Idk from what i remember from her weiss she looks kinda goofy. But then again i think it was the ears she had sticking out.

>> No.7717349

I think her twitter is sheenie_weenie? I'm not sure.

If you look at Monty's facebook page he usually posts her. (Sorry I'm on my mobile device right now maybe another anon can help out?)

>> No.7717462

>Also i was kinda blown away when they chose to let Jnig voice Cinder, like i know RT likes her but shes not a voice actress and she's not all that good either.. Which kinda isn't saying much.

God damnit, as someone who wants to be a VA this makes me sad. I know that RT always recorded in house so I think they wanted to get "regular" people in (this was before Jnig was announced) as it saved money, have the VAs always be nearby so its easy to work a schedule around them and maybe they thought that they would sound more "natural" and less actory.

>> No.7717475

Like I said upthread, how is RT SO BAD at voice acting when that's pretty much entirely what they do

>> No.7717481

Thank you, and it's fine being on mobile is annoying.

I feel you. The VAing isn't very good, but you know that its in house. But they got (hired?) Jnig to sound like shit, and i don't understand that at all.

>> No.7717559

>Like I said upthread, how is RT SO BAD at voice acting when that's pretty much entirely what they do

Because they ONLY voice RT stuff and I wouldn't be surprised if they're approaching the script like "time to read these using this cool voice I have!" They hit the general emotions of the scene and can sound angry, sad, upbeat etc. The thing is I don't think they actually bother to get any extra training or fan out to other works to expand their knowledge, character roster and such. They also don't do much with "playing" with the script and just read things safe and don't add extra sounds, emphasize certain words or use other techniques to add texture and variety to what's said. I don't think that the VAs are bad its moreso the ones directing the VAs have no idea how good things can be and can't direct the actors properly to get the needed results.

>> No.7717677

I wanna cosplay Merida. Natural curly red hair and freckles. But I don't wanna be approached by cringe-worthy disney cosplayers... espicially some of those Elsas

>> No.7717710
File: 337 KB, 435x605, sinon GGO cosplay, cute!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Sinon from the third arc of Sword Art Online, I saw her when looking up SAO stuff when Alfheim Online was out and thought she was really adorable and had a cool outfit!
I really like the SAO series, I just wouldn't want people to make fun of me for cosplaying from it. Also it's cannon that Sinon's outfit shows her buttcrack so I wouldn't want people trying to help and tell me that my ass was hanging out and I'd be a little bit embarassed by it.
I do have the right height and bodytype to cosplay her though, I'm thinking about it.

>> No.7717722
File: 943 KB, 1365x768, hyperdimension_neptunia_by_saint91xtreme-d3b8vk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ashamed should I feel for wanting to cosplay from Hyperdimension Neptunia? Probably more than I do?

>> No.7717728

Quick question, and I'm new here, why would people make fun of you for cosplaying it? I know it's not the best anime in the world, but I love the designs and I am currently working on leafa, am I going to get made fun of?

>> No.7717729

I second this too, but I feel like she's going to be the next yoko or just completely over- done.

>> No.7717734
File: 33 KB, 640x960, 10250297_240751669382094_5495952618795813050_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this is GF?

>> No.7717739 [DELETED] 

No? I know practically no one that even knows of HN, let alone NISA. I'm happy to see anyone cosplay from anything that is from NIS(A).
>into disagea/cray NIS fan

>> No.7717744 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 624x960, 1970501_232681200189141_1006160055_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's her i'm so surprised to see the unshooped cosplay compared to the shooped one she uses as her profile pic and the one you posted.

(pic related is unshooped as you can tell because she looks human)

>> No.7717748
File: 297 KB, 431x422, Ymir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Queen's Blade

I know little about Ymir's story arc and I haven't watched a lot of the series, but her design really catches my attention.
People would have my ass though, mostly because I'm fat and not flat in the least.

>> No.7717751
File: 326 KB, 1366x768, 37989_dangan_ronpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely any Dangan Ronpa character, they all have great designs but the cosplayer are usually so fucking annoying.
Every time I go to a con and see a character they have a badly made flower crown and talk about shitty jokes that were probably made on tumblr.

>> No.7717753

I cosplayed from it and honestly you should only feel shame if you cosplay as neptune. she is the worst.

>> No.7717757

Yeah that's her.

Sushimonster's Weiss was much better and that just seems like a lot of shoop in that image.

>> No.7717760
File: 52 KB, 640x960, 10464308_248858705238057_3518756463815966898_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If so, her Facebook is NyurtCosplay. Her Cinder looks good half the time when her wig/makeup isn't off in the photo, her Pyrrha is really cute!, and her Weiss is absurdly shooped in shoot photos but mediocre in hall shots.

Not sure if she's the one dating Monty, though, since she posted that they met for the first time at PAX Prime 2013.

>Cinder seems like she should have some sort of scary-sexy voice
I always imagined Cinder with a dark, smoky voice, and I've never heard JNig talk. It'll be so disappointing if Cinder opens her mouth and a bubbly, girlish voice comes out. Character design flaw on par with putting Idina Menzel's voice in Elsa's body.

>> No.7717761

>too slow at postin durrrr

>> No.7717767

Never even played a single one of the games, have no idea what they're about, the genre or anything else, and I usually love weeby games.
I can tell it's dumb moe loli crap but there are still a few designs that I find adorable and want to cosplay.

I won't though, but I don't blame you.

>> No.7717770

My only guilty pleasure is GuP being a tanker myself... will never be a cute little Hana though.

> suffering

>> No.7717840

I actually love her, I made a cosplay of her with EVERYTHING I still have the stupid wig in a hat box in storage. But I am a 6' amazonian udder beast. I will never wear her in public.

>> No.7718151


In a similar vein, I love her design, and while the show might not be a masterpiece of storytelling/Kirito is an obvious sue, I actually enjoyed it very much.

There's only two problems: I don't want to be associated with the fandom, and thanks to that, it would feel like a waste to put so much work into it and then be lost in a sea of cheap ebay costumes.

>> No.7718333

Do Undine Asuna. I've only ever seen her KOB uniform or Titania outfit. But then that'd be a problem if you prefer the color scheme of her KOB uniform.

>> No.7718366

I want to do a QB cosplay SO badly, but I'm dark skinned and there aren't any tan characters that I like in the show.

>TFW planning VH cosplay for AWA.
I might even have toy baby dressed as Nana or something. I doubt if many people will recognize me.

>> No.7719728


>> No.7719757
File: 127 KB, 336x600, 2cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE THE GAME, But I love the character designs.

>> No.7719770

Oh god me too, anon. Me too. The designs are really fucking cool. Most of them are really sexual and the creatures are sexual as well so it actually works. I just don't want people to think I like the game a lot.

>> No.7719779

I know right!
I didn't even play that much, I mean I love lewd games (cough cough) but I just don't like game and whatever.
sad life.

>> No.7719796

I've always loved the imp or the slimes(slimes would be so difficult to do though) but there are really so many cute designs. Since there's not too much to that game, and they're all basically semen demons it's not as if there's much to the character, it's just that the game is kind of lacking. It's a nukige and I only go as far as eroge because there's at least a tiny plot. Ah maybe I will break down and do it.

>> No.7720553

He cannot handle criticism in the slightest. When RWBY first started airing people criticized the voice acting, the script, and all the clipping errors in the animation (especially with Yang's chest) and instead of either polishing the things he was getting criticized for or just ignoring them, he responded with petty temper tantrums about it, especially to the VA stuff since the VAs are his friends.

Likewise, someone made a fan blog on Tumblr and pretty clearly stated it wasn't an official blog, and he called upon the fan army to harass the person to take the blog down for pretending to be him. When someone pointed out that it was pretty obviously fan-run, he didn't apologize, just gave a half-assed backpedal response like they didn't make it clear enough or something.

It's all old news from /co/ threads when RWBY first came out so I don't remember exact quotes. I just remember reading through the threads and seeing screenshots of the drama and immediately solidifying my hate for him because he has such a massive and fragile ego.

There's also the fact that his talent:fanbase ratio is 0:1000 so he's like the Stephanie Meyer of web-series. He's good at character design and battle choreography, but that's where his talent ends.

I don't hate Queen's Blade since the first series was alright for something that was blatantly fanservice, compared to other series in its genre. I'm just sad that most of the characters have the same body type, or their designs would be too difficult to pull off without modifying them or wearing extra clothes (like Menace and Echidna).

One of Alleyne's alt colour schemes from a figure is on my to-do list.

>> No.7720566
File: 254 KB, 658x370, Battle_Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking chubster but this series was my first manga.

>> No.7720646

Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.
I'm posting on my phone right now.
But this was a great read at the library.

>> No.7720651

Battle angel alita

>> No.7720683

All of what's being said here. Monty Oum cannot handle criticism at all. He's even unleashed the internet hate mob on a girl who tweeted about how RWBY sucks and RT is toxic.

>> No.7720696


Whoa really? I use to visit the /co thread on this and I dont recall such an event.

I do recall Monty getting pissed off at a fan about his twitter being associated with RBWY-whatever when it wasnt "official"

Said fan was only doing a giveaway contest AND had the title of the show tattooed on his back. The fan did offer to take down the twitter account but monty said "thats not good enough"

Im actually surprised monty was okay with a fan game being made of the show without going crazier

>> No.7720726
File: 59 KB, 638x555, monty oum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have zero respect for him after this.

>> No.7720746

Isnt the RWBY game coming out official?

>> No.7720758

What? Sushimonster, Monty, and Haku (the girl who designs all the costumes/does concept art are all VERY good friends. Why would there be drama?

>> No.7720761


Started off as a fan game


Ah thanks for this. I already had zero respect for him when he back stabbed sushimonster but this takes it lower

>> No.7720766

Wait he back stabbed sushimonster? How so?

>> No.7720785

Concur whole-heartedly. They're on okay terms now though.

>> No.7720821

Actually I'm cosplaying Inori next week and I can't be more with you. GC is fucking awful but... Inori has pretty designs

>> No.7721126

Yeah, the game started out as a fangame that someone on twitter was constantly posting in the RTPodcast hashtag to get Monty's attention which, it worked.

At RTX Monty said they hired him on to do the RWBY game and their exhibit floor had a demo of it out to play with Yang being the second character released to play as.

I was first getting in to RWBY when I saw Monty get really hostile towards the person running the fan-based giveaway. I think even people from the company were telling him to just take a breather but it was probably that that made me really kind of paranoid of him especially at conventions.

Wow. That's pretty tasteless.

>> No.7721140


That's where I get confused by him and his behavior.

fan made game
>>oh let's hire that guy on

fan contest


>> No.7721147 [DELETED] 

The fangame will get him money. A fan contest will get him nothing. That's all I can see from it.

>> No.7721152
File: 1.78 MB, 3950x4860, Strawberry.Panic!.full.1138846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still angry about RWBY because the trailers were really, really fucking promising, particularly the first two. I was hyped as fuck from the minute I saw the first trailer, and as soon as I saw the first episode I just crumbled because it was so awful.

Anyway, staying on topic, the weeaboo shitbaby in me still wants to cosplay from Strawberry Panic. The dresses are just so bloody adorable and even though I don't like the series as much as I did before seeing Marimite, I still want to do a good Nagisa cosplay.

>> No.7721156

A fangame that he can hire the person to make for him so he doesn't have to do it himself and then release it as 'official' will get him money. A fan contest will get him nothing.

>> No.7721159


I have friends who are unhealthily obsessed with RWBY and I for the life of me can't figure out fucking why since to me it just seems like tryhard weeby crap. The animation is third rate, the voice acting is atrocious and after seeing this, I'd never support the work of this self-absorbed manchild. Fuck him.

>> No.7721163


A fan contest gets him free promotion (which can lead towards other things) that him or RT doesn't have do a lick of work.

>> No.7721191

Touche and I agree but Monty probably didn't see it that way since he seems to jump the gun pretty quick with assumptions. Though even that could be said about the game trying to ride off his popularity.

All in all, he handled the fan-contest in poor taste.

As for staying on topic. My guilty pleasure is cosplaying characters that have died or would cause someone to double take, realize who I'm cosplaying and then feel sad because said character had a horrible death or died and had only been seen in flashbacks but was important to a main character.

I want to cosplay Eren's mother from AOT all bloodied up.

>> No.7721201

Do spfx make-up on your mid-section to make it look like you where bitten by a titan.

>> No.7721206

I really want to. I've always wanted to do SPFX makeup and thought this cosplay would be a great way to get in there and try it out. Bruised up legs, bite marks, anything and everything.

>> No.7721963

wow wtf

>> No.7722064

>a lot of shoop
The first time I saw her Weiss profile picture I thought it was a painting.

>> No.7723818


Nope, I can confirm that she's Oum's irl girlfriend. She was actually ALREADY IN a relationship when she met Oum at Pax Prime, and made a big deal online about "Monty Oum is hitting on meeeeeeeee~" and put on a big show of how hard it was to be asked out by a "celebrity" when she was already "taken." She dumped her at-the-time boyfriend and got together with Monty immediately. In fact, I might not be 100% correct, but I heard that she had been kind-of seeing Monty even while she was still dating her old BF. This is from a mutual friend, so i trust it. She is only in the relationship for the fame/attention. She moved from Canada to the USA to live with him in less than like two months. Bitch is thirsty for internet fame. On top of everything else, she's just an unpleasant cunt. I've cosplayed with a larger group of people that she (used) to also be in for a long time now and she is just a controlling, demanding, stuck-up bitch. She talks shit about literally every cosplay she sees and laughs at people she doesn't think are as good as she is. That's why I got the fuck out and stopped cosplaying with them back in like 2010 or 2011.

>> No.7723837

Good, i wish you the best of luck. (also i can't wait to see how it turns out)

She sounds like a #1 asshole to make fun of people like that. Especially when all her cosplays are either extremely sub-par or extremely photoshoped. I'm glad you got the fuck out of there when you did.

>> No.7723852


Yeah I kind of gave up after the fourth or fifth Con in a row where she and another girl in the group (who I won't name, since this isn't about her) spent more time laughing behind their hands and making fun of EVERYONE who walked by us than actually interacting with our group. I had stopped cosplaying with them by the time they were doing Final Fantasy 0 but I ran in to her at a small summer Con and literally the only thing I heard her talking about was making fun of another girl who was cosplying the same character that she was. (Scythe or Syxth or something? She was just laughing at some poor sweet-looking pre-teen wearing the same character. That pissed me off)

>> No.7723860

Thank you! I was thinking of doing it for a convention but with Halloween coming up, might be good to test it for that. Not that trick-or-treaters will know the character (maybe?) but it'll be fun to test before hitting a convention floor.

Wow. That's horrible of her to do. Did Oum even know she was with someone else or did he just not seem to care?

They seem almost perfect for one another. They can inflate one and other's egos if anything else. He gives her fame, she supplies some T and A and they both call it a day. I really don't like how she seems to try to paint herself as the official cosplayer of RT. Does she really work for them or is she just always there with Oum?

>> No.7723886

Fuck her for doing that. Making fun of kiddie cosplayers is such a shitty thing to do, everyone knows they're usually just starting out.

You're welcome, halloween is a great time to test something like that out.

Even though most people wont know who you are it's pretty great hearing peoples guesses.

>> No.7723888


As far as I know she doesn't actually do any RT work. She's in no videos or anything and she def does not work on rwby. If you go on to Oum's Facebook page you can see that he literally does nothing but talk about her and post photos of her and fawn over her damn near endlessly. It's a huge case of "he is WAY more in to her than she is in to him." I know that he knew she was already dating when he was asking her out, I guess he just doesn't care? She told everyone big whiney stories like "Oh guuuyyysss Monty keeps on messaging me even though I told him I'm not interested and I'm already dating Anon~" But I guess once she realized that Oum could make her some kind of lukewarm weeaboo semi-famous she dropped her old BF like a hot potato and flew to Texas without a second thought. Her old BF was such a nice guy, too. he and his family let her live with them when she was having family troubles, and earlier in the same year she dumped him he had paid out of his own pocket to fly the two of them to Japan for vacation just to take her there. She does nothing but talk shit about him now she's with Oum.

>> No.7723941
File: 34 KB, 640x480, kenichi001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanserivce is plenty and the action is ridiculous and I love the series for it. I've went to a few cons as Niijima and I'm still wishing to have a Shinpaku Alliance group one day.

>> No.7723993

This is starting to sound so ridiculous, it's coming off as fake.

>> No.7724114

It does sound a little ridiculous. But then I honestly hope a person wouldn't be this bitchy.

That would piss me off too, anon. You did right to get out of there if this is all true. After seeing some of her cosplays she really has no room to point and laugh when her construction is bad especially if they're much younger and obviously new to the scene.

>> No.7724324

For someone who no longer cares about her and broke it off years ago, you sound pretty butthurt and obsessive with your posts.

>> No.7724790


>> No.7724799

My friend really wants to cosplay Shizuka. Where are you from, anon? Maybe I could hook you two up.

>> No.7725551

Jealous fatty detected

>> No.7725567


Better judgement would have told me to sage those posts since they're definitely not on topic any more. My bad, I'll sage this one. It's really up to you guys whether you believe me or not, so hey. Oum and rwby and stuff came up as a topic so I just threw in my firsthand experiences about the creator and his gf. I'm not making any of it up for sure (on her personal Facebook she still has pics of her trip to Japan up and I still occasionally see her ex-bf) but mostly she is just an unpleasant bitch that I'm glad I don't have to see any more. Thanks for the kudos for getting out when I did. I just couldn't stand how much of an outright cunt she and some of the other girls were. Like, not even being two-faced about it. Just blatant elitism and frostiness to people's faces. But oh well, it's not my problem any more. She and Oum can go have fun in entitled weeby paradise together forever.

To try to keep SLIGHTLY on topic for the thread, besides any rwby characters, I like quite a few Homestuck designs despite not wanting to assisiate myself with the bad part of the fandom in any way. I've also never played a Tohou game but a lot of the characters in 2u are really adorable.

>> No.7726237

Part of me does want to believe you but I'm just more taken aback by how someone could honestly be that cruel of a person and now so admired by fans who honestly just don't know any better. But fans are going to try and say hi or greet them at conventions and what, they're just going to snide and talk shit about them once they leave?

I know this whole thread (sorry it really veered off topic) has made me want to stay pretty far away from them but still intrigued enough to want to see them get called out on their bullshit.

Truth or frabrication, thanks for the info, anon.

>> No.7727097

not original anon but ive said this before in another thread... Idk if that person is telling truth but when i was back with the RT people(all vendors were allowed in VIP lounge) monty was straight up DONE with his fans and sheena has an obvious snob attitude. just my 2 cents

>> No.7727159

That's utterly horrible. Majority of everyone else who is with RT seems to continuously thank and enjoy their fans even with the obnoxious yelling and meme spouting they did during RTX. Monty just never seemed to really enjoy or be completely grateful that it's the fans that made RWBY explode in to popularity.

Sheena needs to realize she's NOT the official RT cosplayer, too. I just really think they both need a reality check and to reevaluate their personalities before other people realize what horrible individuals they are.

Sounds like they need their own thread on the lolcow/PT board.

>> No.7727202

Spite cosplay is the most rewarding but you are mega picky about boobs. Only fake or small ones are anime perky.

>> No.7727213

It always gets to me when people criticize RWBY's voice acting for some reason. I mean, it's only really barely scraped the surface of the story so it's got a long ways to go, and obviously the voice acting will get better, as well as the animation and art, as shown in volume 2 already. And there are a lot of characters that are already voiced pretty well. You've just gotta give it time.

>> No.7727338

We're the same person. I despised KLK but I watched the entire thing just because I thought Satsuki was a really interesting character.

>> No.7727402

Please do
I dont know why but I love the character designs for it and could never in a million years do them!

>> No.7727405

SAO was the anime of the year last year I believe maybe year before so its so overdone even this year still a lot of it but not as much as aay klk or AoT but generally because there is so much of obe anime with so few charcters you get judged more harshly or seen as unoriginal sonetimes weeby depending on the anime.

>> No.7727415

shes kinda uggu they nake a great couple

>> No.7727417

Haha you should watch QB2 and see what she becomes

>> No.7727428

Thats the cosplay world baby

>> No.7728917
File: 76 KB, 769x590, mirai1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate Kyoukai no Kanata, but I thought it was mediocre, and I'm tempted to cosplay Mirai. I feel like I could pull her off well because I have her face shape and body type, plus I look good in glasses. The problem is that I try to only cosplay from series I'm really into, since I don't have the money to make more than a handful of costumes per year, so I want every one I make to be worth it. I'm trying to decide whether or not she should replace a character I like more, but suit less, in my plans for next year. Any thoughts?

>> No.7730004

I don't think so, you can use boob tape and all sorts of other things to give them push up tier lift without them being fake. It's just laziness on the part of the cosplayer to think they look sexy without giving it that extra.

It's like you forget that there are ways to give the impression that boobs are lifted and perky without having fake ones.

>> No.7730114


You likely will be, hate to say. There are some people who generally make fun of anime cosplayers in general for being weeby (sadly, I hate most anime and can be one of those stupid assholes when I get really drunk) so it's likely you'll catch shit for it.
Especially if it's from something shitty and weebish like SAO. But try not to let people like me bother you, I guess.

>> No.7731938

I guess this is more a guilty pleasure desire?

I want to dress up as some Japanese Horror Ghost or Silent Hill creepy shit and just stand in the halls at night as people come back to their hotels or wander around. I really just want to scare some people.

Hoping to get better at spfx makeup to make this possible.

>> No.7731964

There are so many other characters that look like her from different animes. Why not just choose another one who looks like her from a series you prefer.

>> No.7731989

My nigga

>> No.7732000

This has been my dream for so long, I'm a special effects makeup artist so it's not really hard for me to do, but I've just never gotten around to do it.

>> No.7732043
File: 389 KB, 600x885, Watashi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would gladly do a cosplay group with you both of just horror stuff from any game or movie just so we can sit in hallways or appear in the bushes near people as they walk idgaf. I've wanted to do creepy cosplay forever.

Any suggestion for chipped away doll makeup? I've wanted to cosplay pic related so and it seems like the main way to sell it would be that doll makeup.

>> No.7735083

>Ever want to cosplay from something you hate to do the costume justice?
Jinx. Every each one of them is shit. All of them.

>> No.7735097
File: 412 KB, 769x951, meenah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever want to cosplay from something you hate to do the costume justice?
Very much so.

>> No.7735411
File: 287 KB, 512x720, melonadeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The second half of series one is actually pretty good. The characters get fleshed out much more and the story is pretty engaging, even sad and heartwarming sometimes. Ymir is one of my favorites, but I think Cattleya was my most favorite, and her husband is a hunk. lol


Maybe you could cosplay Melpha or Vante?


Not the person you are replying to, but I could not get past episode one. The "titty glare" censorship was too distracting. I liked how Yuit was taking Ymir's place of snarky comic relief though.

I wish I could get into Grimoire. The designs are really awesome but the series went overboard with the fanservice QB2 and onward.

>> No.7735514
File: 384 KB, 595x841, f2c344cbbb2627253744c5c6e3e0c4fb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimakaze. I don't like Kancolle and I don't see how I could ever possibly cosplay this outside of the bedroom. Though her design is so cute & sexy I might make it just for that.

>> No.7735515

Unofortunately, even RWBY doesn't showcase his choreography skills that much.
I wonder why he doesn't just get Burnie to do his writing, or at least edit it.

>> No.7735605

I disagree. With RWBY he's really shining with his team on team or team vs 1 battles (ie giant scorpion monster thing) and is great with character placement and showing how everyone is contributing to the fight even when the focus isn't on them. Most of the time you see fights like this characters not on screen are just kinda in a an empty space doing nothing until the camera shows them. RWBY gives plasuible cause to why a character isn't in combat (setting up for a big attack, recovering, climbing, moving to a new position) and you can see this. It's a subtle detail that I really love

>> No.7735934

Cattleya is badass. She's one of those cosplays I want to do but know it's just too racy for me. I've already cosplayed Airi and Tomoe. Melpha is on my list for upcoming.

>> No.7736182


I understand with Cattleya's costume. The only other outfit she had was her nightgown but it's very plain. Good luck with Melpha!

>> No.7736247

I wish I could cosplay Risty or Claudette. I don't give a shit about how immodest they are so long as I'm not risking a wardrobe malfunction like Echidna would be. Unfortunately I just don't have nearly enough rack.

Aldora is also a favourite but... pointy spine dick.

>> No.7736288

I actually really considered both, I loved Vante.

>> No.7739964
File: 249 KB, 500x659, 5411299_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Doctor Who is a real guilty pleasure of mine already, but when I saw this episode I was hooked by that costume and prop, and thought "heyyy I want to cosplay this"
But...I don't want to deal with the fanbase, I really hate them so fucking much.

>> No.7740044

Iktf anon, iktf

>> No.7742416

Jumping on the wanting to cosplay RWBY bandwagon especially since they had new outfits in the most recent episode.

After reading this thread I just really don't want to give Oum any recognition if he's going to be turning in to an egomaniac.

Sub par voice acting and glitchy animation aside, the characters are really cute looking and some of their outfits and weapons look challenging and fun to cosplay.

>>That feel
You should do it anyway, anon. I've yet to see a decent Meenah I like.

>> No.7742420

Airi is on my dream list

>> No.7743096

What you mentioned is the only good thing about it and is mostly what it's riding on anyway.

>> No.7743669
File: 194 KB, 538x670, 1404164710998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of alternate, sexy versions of characters. Pic related. Or lingerie styled to match the character.

/cgl/ shits on it all the time but I like it.

>> No.7744216

Go look up Dead Fantasy and Haloid on youtube. That's what he's most well known for other than RWBY.

To be honest, what he's best at is choreography and fight scenes (Dead Fantasy, Haloid, all of RVB Season 8-9), not sol or characters

>> No.7744293

There are a few kpop outfits that I'm interested in making (because cool clothes) but I'm not sure what kind of reception that would have a con... I'm wouldn't try to be the kpop idols themselves, just the outfit with a wig that would look good.

>> No.7744537

This and what a few others have said.

The guy might have a shite personality but at least he knows how to choreograph fight scenes.

You might as well if you really want to. You'll get those surprising few who might know what you're dressed as but conventions are always a great place to just dress up however you want and not feel too out of the ordinary.

>> No.7746629
File: 579 KB, 620x948, animebooks-com_2267_325672326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or her design from the PSP games. I'm planning to do that with Kirito.

>> No.7746810

as soon as I saw her I thought she looked like a more practically designed Yoko

>> No.7746814


though I think she's also something I'd want to do because I really like the character and think the design is cute. I have PTSD from a bad gun experiance and focus a lot on sniping in games and I just kinda fell in love with the character because it was stupid and relatable for me.

>> No.7746873

God I use to really love Candidate for Goddess and wanted to cosplay as Phil in her new outfit which you only see as a notes design in the manga. But the author discontinued the series not long after and I kinda still wanna do it anyway. No one would recognize me though. Does anyone even remember that series?

>> No.7748090

I had the body to cosplay as Ragyo, I'd do it immediately. I really liked Kill la Kill, but she wasn't exactly my favorite character or anything. But if I had curves like that, it wouldn't even be a choice. I would simply have the duty to get my tits out and strut my stuff.

>> No.7748278

Indeed I do, I was also disappointed they discontinued it. But man that was a long time ago, you brought back so memories for me.

>> No.7748286

I wanna cosplay the new Ms. Marvel because I love her design but her personality is cringey as fuck. Also I don't want those tumblr kiddies being near me, ew.