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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 729 KB, 1600x1071, averea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7712674 No.7712674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I knew it all along that sairu was a pervert, found this while surfing, everyone was thinking she had a secret lover in Japan because she was getting paid to go to Japan 4 times in a half year, but look what a diamond i found on the internet! No secret lover gentleman! Its far worse! Pervert DVD alert!

Ps; We should ruin her carreer, maybe spread some shit around there like we did in Europe but who here can speak Japanese? Save Japan!

>> No.7712676

I thought pervert meant the ones perving at her, not her being naked?

Anyway her facial expressions are.... offputting.

>> No.7712677

I literally just saw this, and I'm not surprised.
All she's been doing the last couple of months is whoring herself out with skimpy "cosplay" and semi-nudes.
But whatever man, whores gonna whore.

>> No.7712678

Not your private army

>> No.7712682

hoi is this, and why should we give a fuck?

>> No.7712683


>> No.7712685

> vol. 3

>> No.7712695
File: 251 KB, 1279x1920, Sahoshi101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly not the first i see about her doing this.

How can a girl even like to cosplay and dress so naked and perverted, its like a boy in a girl body

>> No.7712699
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>> No.7712706
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>> No.7712707

never heard of her.

>> No.7712711

She really needs some eye makeup. Without it the (presumed) circle lenses just make her eyes look smaller.

>> No.7712713

>not posting the gif

>> No.7712717

post the gif!!

>> No.7712720

i kind of like girls with no make-up but this one has a big self-esteem !

>> No.7712724

>low class whore sells herself to travel and have things

She's not special and I could care less. Just another worthless skank with nothing else to offer and needs to appeal to the most basic human urges to make money. Whoop de damn doo.

>> No.7712725

>I could care less.
ayy lmao

>> No.7712728

Oh sorry,

>> No.7712733

>I could care less
shit grammar is a diamond dozen around here

>> No.7712736

If you don't care, why are you here?

She's a famous cosplayer in Belgium that was hated for not dating some guy with a big fame in Belgium, still hated for it and a lot of rumors were spread about her, ever since the rumors started she changed to someone completely different, she started doing perverted photoshoots ... she was such a sweet girl and you guys don't know anything about it.

She was a friend of mine in a mmorpg and saw her on some conventions before everything happened against her. Now i talk to her sometimes on facebook but she seems completely different.

And who the hell even starts such a shit thread in here? Is it still the guy who was rejected years ago and told her to destroy her life? you're really serious about it are you?

>> No.7712738

So where's the video?

>> No.7712741

http://idoldvd.net/products/detail.php?product_id=36398 pre-order i think it says..

>> No.7712743

I gotta ask, where's the best place to find stuff like this? I love cosplayers resorting to ecchi cosplay videos like this.

>> No.7712744
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>> No.7712749

>shit grammar is a diamond dozen around here
So are pissed off sluts, evidently.

>> No.7712750

you're on /cgl/, what did you expect

>> No.7712751

>I knew it all along that sairu was a pervert, found this while surfing, everyone was thinking she had a secret lover in Japan because she was getting paid to go to Japan 4 times in a half year, but look what a diamond i found on the internet!
>Woman confident enough to wear nothing in a photoshoot
Pick one.

Jealous fatty detector alert is sounding loudly.

>> No.7712752

It's a misuse of an idiom you retard and people mess them up without thinking all the time.

>> No.7712755

>We should ruin her carreer, maybe spread some shit around there like we did in Europe but who here can speak Japanese?
>Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban.

>> No.7712757

A truly confident person could probably find a way to live without having to resort to selling nudes, which the majority of people could theoretically do btw.
I don't fault people for admiring easy money, but don't try to oversell it as something great by labeling it as something only 'fatties' wouldn't approve of.

>> No.7712762

I was wondering when she would resurface around here.
Sairu was that girl going around claiming she was the best Chii, but she had a mediocre costume. And then she started this online thing, advertised it a lot, but I don't think anything came of it.
Not too sure about this, but she was a starfucker, dated people for fame, and stole a laptop or something?
Immediate googling just mentions that there was more crazy drama involved with her.

>> No.7712765
File: 38 KB, 470x304, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's a tad buttflustered

>> No.7712766

Wasn't a very good DVD, not enough win in it.
Not really enough to ruin someone's "career".

Also, I forsee a ban coming.

>> No.7712774

Heaven forbid that someone makes softcore porn. Must be terrible being a bunch of prudes. :P

>> No.7712792

>a truly confident person.... this and that
Nah, a truly confident person would not be put off by what judgmental pieces of shit such as yourself think, and would be glad to make money whatever way they prefer. Also, two facts:
1- selling nudes is not easy money. I know, I know. Let that sink in: working in the sex industry is not "easy" (just like being a fashion model is not "easy"). You need to have a good body, maintain a good body and perfect yourself on looking your best for pictures with poses and facial expression. You also need to know the best way to market yourself.

>selling nudes, which the majority of people could theoretically do btw
2- No, the majority of people could not. First and foremost because they are fat and ugly. Second because people who do this kind of thing are shunned to hell and back (which is exactly what you are doing), so only a tiny, tiny, TINY amount of people would ever have the confidence to do it.

Stop being a jelous ugly fatty. Stop trying to destroy a girl's life just because you are a dumb little shit with no backbone and zero individual mentality.

>> No.7712793

I doubt that it's really a big deal. It's not like these are some leaked nudes from a butthurt ex or anything. She went to an actual photoshoot and showed everything, knowing it would end up online and shit.

>> No.7712795

>gravure is not softcore porn
>implying it's normal to star in gravure anyways
>also, you aren't a prude if you don't do gravure
Are you saying you would be okay with being in a softcore porn?

>> No.7712799 [DELETED] 

>>Must be terrible being a bunch of prudes. :P
>types this while getting fucked in the ass and a cock in her mouth

>> No.7712824

>>a truly confident person.... this and that
Even though that's what you just did...
>would not be put off by what judgmental pieces of shit such as yourself think
This is stupid.
You think she doesn't care? Her whole way of making money is based on what people think of her.
>selling nudes is not easy money
It is, it's just a matter of how well they sell, slut.
>You need to have a good body
That's expected out of a lot of professions. That said, many women are expected to have good bodies these days. This is near meaningless.
>muh marketing
Wow, put a nude of yourself on the internet and tell the world how much you liked daddy's cum on your face. Much work.
>First and foremost because they are fat and ugly.
For someone so educated on the sex industry you really like to leave out niches and fetishes.
Fuck off slut and go be "confident" somewhere online.

>> No.7712828

This. No1curr.

Also damn, I thought I was skinnyfat but this made me regain some confidence.

>> No.7712830


Sexists and slut shamers

>> No.7712837

>Even though that's what you just did...
is what you said
>a confident person does not care (which is the definition of being confident) and does what they want
Is what I said.

You are dumb. You are so dumb. And you still are a judgmental piece of shit who can't grasp basic logic. How does it feel like, knowing "a slut" is smarter than you? What is it like, being a bitter hateful person who cannot even find solace on being smart because you are dumb, ugly, bitter and sad?

Nobody here is going to help you. Go away because you're only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7712839
File: 541 KB, 853x480, 1406335977656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some relatively sexy slut is selling nudes
I don't see why.

Did she kill puppies? Did she rape someone? Did she steal from charity? Is she a communist? Why are we supposed to hate this slut?

>> No.7712844

we're supposed to hate her because she's not having sex with us

>> No.7712845

You sound like a 19 year old camwhore who's really pissed off that nobody thinks your slutting is "hard work."
Newsflash: Fat, ugly, uneducated, STD infested, used, and drug addicted men and women have been in the sex industry for thousands of years.
Your little arguments about how one must have a perfect body and put in vast amounts of work to be a fucking sex worker is nothing but a crock of shit. There's a reason why sex sells: There's a demand, and a bunch of people are able to do it. It's not special, and you're still a ho that's going to be replaced in about five years. Get over it.

>> No.7712851


How can one landwhale have such shitty bigoted opinions.

>> No.7712852

I'll admit, I'd fuck her if I got the chance, hell, I might even rape her if I figured I could get away with it, but I can't say that her not fucking me is a good reason to hate her.

>> No.7712855

>everybody who defends X must be X
You are so off. So, so off. And still dumb.

Really, I don't care about that girl. Not many people here do. And the ones who do care about her do so with positive eyes and will probably go and give her money.

>> No.7712858

>still resorting to namecalling instead of facing the content

Mad tumblrslut detected, pls go

>> No.7712861

>And the ones who do care about her do so with penetrative eyes and will probably go and give her the D.

>> No.7712864


Stop sweating so much, if you leak too much oil sailors will try to harvest you. You're pissed off because you know it's true.

>> No.7712865

>Ps; We should ruin her carreer, maybe spread some shit around there like we did in Europe
Wow. Why would anyone be this catty about anything? Who cares, at least she's doing something.

>> No.7712866

>only has SHE'S A SLUT!!! against the nudes girl
>complains about it when someone else namecalls them
>the only content is "omg shes a slut pls help me destroy her life because it's so wrong to be a slut omg"

>> No.7712869
File: 52 KB, 600x500, mfw tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>everybody who defends X must be X

Kind of like how everyone who doesn't agree with being a prostitute is a jealous landwhale, amirite? Why are tumblrs always so unaware of their hypocrisies?

>> No.7712871

Why are you so mad this isn't working for you

>> No.7712872

Because tumblr thinks that the one who screeches the loudest is the most correct.

>> No.7712874

If she wants the D she'll have the D and be happy. Good for her!

>> No.7712877

Sorry, but it's true.
You resorted to namecalling somebody a "jealous fattie" because you thought everyone who doesn't think being a camgirl is a good thing must be OP.

You're very upset right now.

>> No.7712880

Yes, because if you were a guy you'd be happy about girls being prostitutes because then they'd be available to you and if you were a pretty or normal or ugly but non-bitter girl you wouldn't care.

The only thing to ever cause that amount of cattiness, hate and bitterness is jealously. You are jealous. Get over it and go cry in a corner.

>> No.7712881

mental gymnastics yo
tumblrs gonna tumble

>> No.7712883

I'm not the anon you were talking to

>> No.7712884

>because if you were a guy
What does gender have to do with anything...?
>you'd be happy about girls being prostitutes because then they'd be available to you
Have you even been to r9k?
Also you're being incredibly bitchy.
You're implying all men must merit only those who they can fuck. Are men really so caveman and base? Would another man agree with you speaking for them like that?
I'm fairly positive many men look at porn but don't get so personally invested with the individual that they'd be willing to support them with money, especially when they get increasingly undesirable and are replaced with fresh meat.

If you don't like hearing this, then you don't have to keep responding to every post with JEALLLOUSSS you know...you could...leave.

>> No.7712893

>Are men really so caveman and base?
Yes. Yes they are. You've proven it yourself with:
>(they) don't get so personally invested with the individual that they'd be willing to support them with money, especially when they get increasingly undesirable and are replaced with fresh meat.

I could leave, but unlike you I have enough decency to know that making softcore porn does not warrant getting her life destroyed. You are the asshole, you leave.

>> No.7712893,1 [INTERNAL] 

one of Kell's photobucket profiles.,.
I think you'll find more than enough answers over there.,.

>> No.7712893,2 [INTERNAL] 

We have all been 14 years old you autistic fucktard. We all know who you are. I'm surprised she still didn't go to the police for you stalking her and her entire family. We have heard the rumors of how you used to stand in front of everyone's window . The only one calling her by the name "kell" is Glenn

>> No.7712893,3 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty strange.,.
I call her Sairu Fearless or LadySynth,
( because the first time I spoke to her was on VF )
and gosh,
what the fuck are you telling Kevin?
Are you like sick within your head or so?
I mean,
even a small child can see it is you kev,
the way you write,
you have way bigger problems than I have
and no,
I never stand before peoples houses. -_-
I think you should call her mom first,
before making shit up like that.

>> No.7712893,4 [INTERNAL] 

oh shit, ^
is that Glenn the stalker?
scary man.

>> No.7712893,5 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, it's Ashley.,. -_-
A girl who's less hot then a crossdresser = not hot.
Hagane will see you at next con,
but she won't be talking to someone less hot then her,
especially not someone who got a cosplay from a "japanese love hotel",
they're as cheap as the price tag.,.
( also, they have a constant Wardrobe Malfunction around the cross area. )

>> No.7712893,6 [INTERNAL] 

i don't think "ashley" has to worry about having to talk to people who are 'less hot" then him. They might be rare to find. *disgusting*

>> No.7712893,7 [INTERNAL] 


Really gross dude! go check at a doctor if you are mentally okay

>> No.7712893,8 [INTERNAL] 

https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-0/1469881_244142189086226_1026701470_n.jpg?oh=5795dd8e09c1530ecffa0fa7efd54d91&oe=54859DEC&__gda__=1421208283_693408485cdc662976653e1f45d41a4c just kiss my ass.,. -_-'

>> No.7712893,9 [INTERNAL] 

Btw one last thing,
the way you talk about crossdressers,
it's rather you who needs to see a doctor.,. -_-

>> No.7712893,10 [INTERNAL] 

nothing against crossdressers but this one is really disgusting .

And about the girl Sairu,
Shes apparantly going to make her own erotic DVD ! I read on her facebook

>> No.7712893,11 [INTERNAL] 

So I'm Belgian and the only thing I ahve to say is .
WE ONLY KNOW HER BECAUSE SHE WALKS AROUND NAKED ALL THE TIME. NO ONE LIKES HER BECAUSE SHE THINKS SHE IS BETTER THEN EVEYONE ELSE. EVEN HER VOICE IS FAKE. She once spoke with me and her voice was suddenly much lower. She thinks she is famous but she fucked like half Belgium.
Almost no one in Belgium likes her.
That's all I am going to say .

>> No.7712893,12 [INTERNAL] 

What makes this your business?
If you don't like someone,
you can always ignore her,
so please do so
and live a normal life at peace.

>> No.7712893,13 [INTERNAL] 

oh another drama chick who can't handle another girl with the same hobbies gets further in life then herself... shit , Belgian girls are so pathetic.

Im looking forward to the dvd.

>> No.7712893,14 [INTERNAL] 

To all the anonymous scared shits out there that don't even dare to tell us who they are because they know that the stuff they are typing is not true and they are afraid to stand behind their myths and rumors with their actual faces. Putting a mask on, afraid someone will proof your wrong and everyone will see you are the one they have to laugh with because of these crazy lies you make on the internet. Yeah.. hide well behind your "anonymous"...

I actually think she is a wonderfull girl and i almost know certain these bad comments are made by people who don't know her and are craving for the attention that she gets. Well guess what; u have to earn it. And for those who think all this information is true, i hope someone who doesn't like you will spread shit like this around and people will believe it so that you can feel how it feels. And fake voice? No. She has a beautiful voice, always had, i have her on skype for 4 Years and we game every weekend together. Feel free to add me and i'll tell you the actual truth of this wonderful girl that has been trough a lot of hardship.

Now crawl back in your mothers house where you belong.
