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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 84 KB, 720x960, 10394836_10154226191695691_8351929561287839118_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7711542 No.7711542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When two cosplayers love each other very much... babies happen! And babies in cosplay is always very cute. But what about when the con rolls around and cute baby isn't here yet?

What are some cosplay pregnancy do's and don't's?

What are some good and bad examples of pregnant cosplays?

>> No.7711561

>Pema - Korra
>Chichi - DBZ
>Gracia Hughes - FMA
>That one mpreg guy that looks like a chick from that longass manga, possibly the longest manga ever
>kiyo bachika from gurren lagann

>> No.7711581

The baker lady from Kiki's Delivery Service as well

>> No.7711587
File: 82 KB, 560x415, rs_560x415-140609140316-1024.fargo-alison-tollman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pregnant molly from fargo
skyler white from breaking bad

>> No.7711591

Queen serenity preggers is always my favourite.

>> No.7711608

I dream of doing this one day.

>> No.7711623
File: 92 KB, 450x600, 450px-RocketShipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my top choice for when I get knocked up. My husband better prepare for trouble.

>> No.7711637

But wasn't James pretty gay?

>> No.7711652

It's from the "Electric Tail of Pikachu" manga which would make it more cannon than any "gay" bullshit. He cross dressed in the first season, but that faded out pretty quickly in the scheme of things. Why else would he put up with a raging bitch like Jessie if he didn't want to bang her anyway?

>> No.7711662
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>> No.7711681

this is what i've been waiting for from this thread. some weird "why are you showing all that" shit.

thank you anon

>> No.7711689

Haha, I guess you're right. But then again, plenty of gay men I know tend to hang out with bitchy women as they are bitchy themselves.

>> No.7711690
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>> No.7711723 [DELETED] 

how about not just have babies

The world is over populated and kids are literally the worst economic decision anyone could ever make.

Not to mention pregnancy leaves a woman's body with permanent, nasty changes.

>> No.7711724

but James was never bitchy, unless he was in a moltres costume...

>> No.7711729 [DELETED] 

edgy desu~

>> No.7711731 [DELETED] 

Shut up, voldie. Go have another abortion.

>> No.7711732
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>> No.7711733 [DELETED] 


Somebody has been drinking too much of the feminist kool-aid

>> No.7711735 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 197x245, 1389905793862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you think that's crossing the line.

>> No.7711737 [DELETED] 

oh, sweetie, you're trying way to hard.

>> No.7711739 [DELETED] 

I'm not even a feminist. I just know that babies are fucking disgusting.

But not as ugly as a woman post pregnancy. Loose vagina 4evar, and stretch marks.

>> No.7711740 [DELETED] 

b-but its to a trip, so that makes it ok!
shut up voldie or whitnighting faggot
my daddy never loved me!

>> No.7711744 [DELETED] 

Voldie is just a gross fat cunt who will end up squeezing out a few kids and being fatter and looser than she already is

It's just a matter of a few years

>> No.7711745 [DELETED] 


I totally get why cosplayers hate having babies because it means they have to grow the fuck up.

>> No.7711750 [DELETED] 

>thinks growing up involves having kids

Yeah this isn't the 1800s anymore, you can be a grown up and not choose to ruin your life and economic well being with crotch droppings.

Take your preggo fetish somewhere else, drag your clown car uterus behind you please I don't want to have to kick it.

>> No.7711751 [DELETED] 

Someone's mad that they literally cannot get pregnant because their vagina is too full of sand.

>> No.7711758 [DELETED] 

Hahaha, yeah go squeeze out some kids voldie, it'll probably take no time since your vag is so huge and loose. They'll probably just fall right out and start walking a few hours after birth like a fucking cow.

>> No.7711762 [DELETED] 
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Be careful anon, you might cut yourself on all of that edge.

>> No.7711763 [DELETED] 

Degenerate whore. Have some respect for your unborn child.

>> No.7711766 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure anon meant that if you have kids, fun times are over and you have to force yourself to grow the fuck up.
Sage because I'm responding to bad bait.

>> No.7711767 [DELETED] 

Aww I'm sorry that nobody loves you and you have to take it out on people on the internet :(

>> No.7711768 [DELETED] 

She has a point in that you're at the age where you should start thinking about kids. 16 - 20 is the ideal age for a woman to have children.

>> No.7711772 [DELETED] 

>16 - 20 is the ideal age for a woman to have children.
are you retarded?

>> No.7711773 [DELETED] 

Keep thinking your polluted womb at 35 is fine to have kids

>> No.7711776 [DELETED] 

enjoy your teen pregnancy

>> No.7711778 [DELETED] 

>Implying there's anything hotter than seeing a teen girl's belly swell with your seed
>Implying younger cosplayers aren't aching for it

>> No.7711779 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 300x200, Wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this thread turned into a warzone quickly

>> No.7711780 [DELETED] 


You sound like you're parents really, really hated you as a small child.

>> No.7711782 [DELETED] 

Pregnancy is a horrible idea no matter what your age.

I'm surprised so many girls are eager to ruin their bodies/guys are eager to fuck a loose pussy that will never be as tight as it was pre-pregnancy, not too much waste a bunch of money.

>> No.7711786 [DELETED] 

wow we should just use this thread as an argument for all those people refusing to give out abortions and birth control.

>> No.7711788 [DELETED] 

>Implying fucking a tight pussy for life isn't the hottest thing ever
>Implying hearing a child cry isn't the most disgusting sound in nature
>Implying chewed up nipples are ever sexy again
>Implying a woman is ever fuckable post pregnancy

Enjoy your used up whore!

>> No.7711790

I expected drama when I opened the thread but not this much. Amazing

>That big hat chick - KHR
>Lucy Steel - SBR

>> No.7711792 [DELETED] 



I'm selfish woman-child and the idea of having children scares me because it means I might have to give up playing dress up and be responsible for once in my life.

>> No.7711795

a gijinka of each evolution for each trimester would be very cute

>> No.7711797 [DELETED] 

>Implying having children isn't THE SINGLE most selfish act in this overpopulated world

I'm sure your offspring will be oh so thankful they get to deal with impending environmental disaster

>> No.7711804 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm sure you care oh so fucking much about over population.

>> No.7711809 [DELETED] 

I do. And even if I didn't, it doesn't make my point any less valid. You just don't want to acknowledge that you're having offspring that are going to have to deal with intense climate change and/or the disastrous time that will come about when we've used up our fossil fuel supply.

>> No.7711810 [DELETED] 

I'd say 14-18, it's what women's bodies are built for

>> No.7711811 [DELETED] 

Not that anon but yeah, I care a great deal about overpopulation
Its pretty selfish of people to continue spewing out 4-10 kids when the world is barely sustainable as it is

>> No.7711813 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7711816 [DELETED] 


>Muh overpopulated world
>Muh environmental disaster

Yah I'm pretty sure you care about that stuff while you're dressing up as cartoon characters and taking selfies.

Such activism. Very low carbon footprint.

>> No.7711818 [DELETED] 
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>So much trolling.

>> No.7711819 [DELETED] 

I'm not even a cosplayer. I sometimes go to my local cons and I come here to admire craftmanship

But I mean you still haven't invalidated my point, plz 2 improve arguing skillz

>> No.7711822 [DELETED] 

>All these girls saying they hate kids

Thanks for reminding me why I date a Chinese girl, not a White girl.

>> No.7711824 [DELETED] 

You do realize the people who spew out that many kids come from poor, uneducated countries, right/

>> No.7711828 [DELETED] 

Lower carbon footprint than having kids
And anyway that's not the point, the point is it's literally retarded to call people who don't have children selfish when having children is objectively more selfish than having kids
It's like someone dumping bags of garbage in a lake and then going up to other people just hanging around the lake and yelling at them for being selfish

>> No.7711829 [DELETED] 

Well I mean white and Japanese people are some of the most advanced races

Hence why they have population crises, everyone is basically too smart to have kids. But enjoy your Chinky scum

>> No.7711832 [DELETED] 

*not having kids

>> No.7711833 [DELETED] 

>advanced race

your weeb is showing

>> No.7711836 [DELETED] 

>But enjoy your Chinky scum

Thanks, I will. She was a virgin when we started dating and she's sweet, demure and loving.

>> No.7711840 [DELETED] 


It becomes selfish when you advocate to other women not to have children.

If you don't want kids, fine to each their own but that shit to yourself don't go around spreading anti-children hysteria about how they are going to ruin your life.

Whoever talks like that had shitty parent that hated them or is a raving radical feminist.

>> No.7711842 [DELETED] 

awww. She wants to pollute the world with crotch droppings! AND She even sucks in bed! What a lucky man you are!

>> No.7711843 [DELETED] 

>I just know that babies are fucking disgusting.
I don't get why people have such a disdain towards kids. I don't think I'll ever want kids either, but jeez. People act as if they were never that age, calm the fuck down.

>> No.7711845 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 283x277, 1398785429660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is basically too smart to have kids

>> No.7711846 [DELETED] 

>Hence why they have population crises, everyone is basically too smart to have kids.
There's a reason why children per couple goes down drastically as education level goes up

>> No.7711847 [DELETED] 

Uhm, no. They could just be concerned about the environment and not an idiot who wants to ruin their body/their partner's body.

>> No.7711849 [DELETED] 

kids /=/ babies

Babies don't talk. Kids do. Kids go to school and shit, they have social skills. They aren't just glorified fetuses.

>> No.7711851 [DELETED] 


Did mom not hug you enough as a child?

>> No.7711854 [DELETED] 

your lack of counter argument is showing

like I said, enjoy your used up body, whether it be you or your partner

>> No.7711856 [DELETED] 

>the only thing that matters to me is how sexy i perceive myself to be
i cannot wait until you get old and possibly fat.

>> No.7711858 [DELETED] 

>AND She even sucks in bed!

I'm mid 20s, I want an LTR with a view towards marriage.

Sluts like cosplayers are fun and all, but we don't consider you girls marriage material. Sorry.

>> No.7711859 [DELETED] 

Lol, yeah well at least I won't get fat and used up during my youthful years. Your body is used up entirely once you have a kid and sets on premature aging actually, gives you more wrinkles, etc. Typically people are past their child bearing years once they actually start to look really old (at least in my family anyway).

So I'll still look better as an old lady than any moms. You're still not invalidating my point

>> No.7711860 [DELETED] 

I meant it as a generalization of offspring. I'm not just talking about people in this thread, but people these days talk like they were the perfect baby and ones these days are demon spawn. I'm sure your family had to deal with your shit as a baby.

>> No.7711862 [DELETED] 

LOL so she does suck in bed. That's funny but kinda sad.

Also I'm engaged to a rich guy who also hates kids, it's awesome

>> No.7711863 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 640x360, 23704013_SA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...and this is where your argument fall completely on it's face.

>> No.7711864 [DELETED] 

Yeah, not to mention it's usually the moms who blimp up during pregnancy and "can't lose the baby weight!"
It's a lot easier to maintain your body when you don't have kids

>> No.7711868 [DELETED] 


why the fuck do you trip?
you take off trip for a while to avoid drama and you come back, trip, and are responding to bait posts?

jfc voldie, I used to think you were just an underage idiot, but you truely and utterly are retarded, deep down.

I wont say any "abortion" edgetron supreme comments, but damn, this is painful.

>> No.7711870 [DELETED] 

Women who get their pre-baby bodies back are literally less than 1%
But I'm sure you'll be one of them, even though you stuff your face with Rocky Road "for the baby" and aren't rich enough to afford nannies and daycare once bratleigh pops out so you can go exercise

>> No.7711871 [DELETED] 

>photoshopped stretch marks
>permanently widened pevis (AKA permanenlty looser pussy)
>permanently chewed up nipples
>Will get wrinkles on face sooner, is wearing makeup also photoshop

Enjoy your illusions, anon. IRL she looks similar to any other used up mother, but with toned muscles.

>> No.7711872 [DELETED] 

>Also I'm engaged to a rich guy who also hates kids, it's awesome

So you are a common whore.

Why are cosplayers such trashy sluts? Stop talking about how good or bad people are in bed, take sex off your mind for 5 minutes you chimp.

Cosplayers are absolute garbage, it's becoming clear now.

>> No.7711876 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 658x448, 1360018172714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7711878 [DELETED] 

Fuck women are way more vicious than men. holy shit.....

>> No.7711879 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 510x416, 1362980217944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao you ladies are so rekt. Can't handle getting told?

>> No.7711880 [DELETED] 

>from rich family
>found educated guy in my field
>common whore

okay anon, I'm sorry your waifu is bad in bed and shy and boring and I'm not

>> No.7711882 [DELETED] 

Looks like you can't handle the truth, it's so sad. I'm sorry your preggo fetish causes women's bodies to become way less sexy than they ever were in the process

Get an ageplay fetish, ageplayers never want to have kids since they basically like to petend to be kids in their spare time. It's like having a kid that you can fuck!

>> No.7711884 [DELETED] 

There's no point in arguing with them, anon
They're going to be the same people who look twice their age when they're 30 and keep insisting from under massive eyebags "children are the best thing that ever happened to me!" while their unclothed apes run around screaming in the background

>> No.7711885 [DELETED] 

>bad in bed

She's submissive, as a guy that's all I really care about. If she's small, petite and likes being slammed up against a wall while I fuck her, I don't care.

I'm not some sexual degenerate like your boyfriend who probably enjoys shit like "pegging".

>> No.7711886
File: 633 KB, 300x163, tumblr_maw20aA0sE1qjx262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes in the thread to share experiences
>sees all the dramu

>> No.7711888

>Not Bulma
Are you trying to make anon look frumpy? Neither are shown pregnant so it doesn't make a big difference. Hell, cosplay preggo 18 and get your husbando to be Krillin if it works.

>> No.7711890 [DELETED] 


You're just grasping at straws right now. Are you just mad that >>7711863 has a better body than you even after having 3 kids?

You just sound really naive, bitter, and incredibly lonely.

>> No.7711891 [DELETED] 

Awh, I'm submissive too, only I come up with ideas and don't want creatures crawling out of my vagina.

Luckily my fiance will be able to fuck me all over our house, as loud as he wants, whenever he wants, and we can have as many sex toys as we want. Because we'll never have kids. Enjoy censoring yourselves!

>> No.7711893 [DELETED] 

>trolls trolling trolls
You guys really aren't good at this, are you

>> No.7711897 [DELETED] 

You sound like you're making excuses for yourself and refusing to see the truth.

Also, lol, my body is way nicer than fit mom's. And I don't ever have to deal with crotch droppings invading my house, wasting my money, or wasting my time. Any time spent caring for children could be spent fucking or caring for my husband.

>> No.7711898 [DELETED] 

>and we can have as many sex toys as we want

I'm sorry his penis is too small to satisfy you.

>> No.7711899 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but her body looks about the same as mine, especially in the stomach area and she probably worked a lot harder for it. She's not much older than me either. I guess good for her but I'll stay unpreggo, thanks...

>> No.7711902 [DELETED] 

>thinks sex toys = dildos
>was trying to imply they were kinky and into "submissive" girls

you're too funny anon, I don't even use dildos or vibrators.

>> No.7711903 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I meant to say she looks a little worse than me. She's clenching the shit out of her stomach muscles which gives them a really weird shape, that's something I really only have to do if I've just eaten a huge meal.
Also, obviously the reason this picture even exists is because.. she looks really, really good for a woman with so many children. That's not normal at all. She's a role model for it, the point is it's rare. It's like showing a picture of Yaya to prove everyone can make cosplay their job. There's a reason she's popular, because it's really rare.

>> No.7711904 [DELETED] 

So much truth

>> No.7711907
File: 141 KB, 625x900, tonamiko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinawa from earth bounder, husbando going as Flint

>> No.7711910 [DELETED] 

Like I said, I'm not a degenerate. I'm dominant and my dick is 7 inches, more than enough to please my 5'1 gf and make her scream. Please take your anal bead fantasies elsewhere, you peculiar degenerate.

>> No.7711912 [DELETED] 

Please stop replying to the obvious troll
It was really amusing to watch you get the future mommybloggers in a froth but now you're just ruining it

>> No.7711914 [DELETED] 

>all these sandy ass vaginas over babies
just don't have babies, jesus christ
why do you have to be sandy about other women's vaginas

>> No.7711915 [DELETED] 


>my body is way nicer than fit mom's

You sound fat and lonely.

>And I don't ever have to deal with crotch droppings invading my house, wasting my money, or wasting my time.


>Any time spent caring for children could be spent fucking.

For someone with some really fucked up views on children having sex is probably the last thing you should be doing.

>caring for my husband.

I sincerely would feel sorry for any man that would marry such a edgy women with a shitty attitude.

>> No.7711916 [DELETED] 

Lol anal beads. Yeah not only is my bf's dick bigger but we both have active imaginations.

Your idea of sex toys is so juvenile, it's like you have no idea what people could that's sexy besides shoving shit in their asses or pussies. I won't taint your innocent mind though.

>> No.7711921 [DELETED] 

LOL this is so true, I'm out. I'll just watch from afar and smile while I roll in the money I saved from not having kids

>> No.7711924

>Implying there aren't men in this thread
Anyway, this thread needs to be scorched earth. There's no saving it.

Pregnancy cosplay: The mom from Wolf Children Ame and Yuki?

>> No.7711925 [DELETED] 

>Yeah not only is my bf's dick bigger

lol sure, can't wait until he tells you he's into cuckolding or some other peculiar weirdo thing.

>but we both have active imaginations.

I'll bet you fucking do, you're a pair of degenerates who were probably chronic masturbators before you even hooked up.

>> No.7711933 [DELETED] 

This. Girls are so "fuck men, go feminism" yet get so defensive and uptight over the smallest things and each other. It's so odd, I'll never understand.

>inb4 "idgaf about what a man thinks" I'm a girl too.

>> No.7711938 [DELETED] 
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They cannot, the special edge just doesn't permit it

>> No.7711940 [DELETED] 

Is it really so hard for both sides of this argument to respect the personal decisions of other people? Personally I don't want to have kids because the idea of pushing an entire baby out of my vagina really a quicks me out, and kids simply just aren't in my future plans. I still love them and really respect women who choose to be amazing and responsible moms.
That aside I came to this thread hoping to see some cute pregnant characters and cosplays but that's the last thing on this thread.

>> No.7711944 [DELETED] 

These threads can never end well. Cgls lust for drama can not avoid such a hot button topic like insulting women over their choice to have children or not.

>> No.7711946 [DELETED] 

>impending environmental disaster

>intense climate change and/or the disastrous time that will come

>the world is barely sustainable as it is

You people are the same morons that believe we need to go vegan because cows are causing global warming aren't you?

>> No.7711949 [DELETED] 

That's strange. I distinctly thought I saw some angry posts about pregnancy and some people being "too smart to have kids".
Must've been hallucinating. /cgl/ sure has gotten better.

>> No.7711950
File: 134 KB, 727x1099, neo_queen_serenity_and_heir_by_shiroyuki9-d4pfoyq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pregnant Queen Serenity
Please, OP, everyone does this badly. Please, please, give it a shot and do your best, I believe someone will someday do it right!

>> No.7711953

pregnant nagisa from clannad seems like a pretty cute idea!

>> No.7711954

Don't go as a character who has a miscarriage. A friend did, and got 'joke punched' at a convention. It didn't end well.

>> No.7711962

Seriously? I know people at cons are stupid at best, but come on. Tell the story, please? What happened to your friend?

>> No.7711971

how would you cosplay someone who had a miscarriage if you're pregnant?

>> No.7711972

did they find who did it?
who is that retarded?
security get their ass?

>> No.7711974

Not that anon but damn you're stupid.

>> No.7711980

James WAS really sassy though.

>> No.7711985

No, just Chansey and Blissey, then the baby can be Happiny.

Aw man, I missed it.

>> No.7711993

this is like super easy to google btw just saiyan

any harvest moon wife

>> No.7711997

how did they get away with anything

>> No.7712002

I was gonna say 18 but I thought it would be like too obscure IDFK

>> No.7712015

Haha I just watched this last night (first time watching the show) and when I saw it I wondered if any pregnant threads had mentioned it before.

>> No.7712018
File: 172 KB, 719x1112, Maraich_pregnant_by_Maraich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Maraich, from Patalliro?

>> No.7712023

This seems...made-up.

>> No.7712035

Pls dont

>> No.7712090

Dang, this is cool. I kind of wish that she went further and wore maternity wear and had props attached to the box.

>> No.7712101
File: 295 KB, 497x645, lana[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lana from Archer?

>> No.7712113
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>> No.7712192

My friend cosplays, her husband doesn't, I've always been her con buddy and a baby just accidentally happened and she didn't fight it. Ended up cosplaying pregnant Mikasa and Yukiko and Kushina and it was adorable. As far as what I picked up from her, DON'T WEAR HEELS at the con, ask for chairs if you're gonna be in panels, drink lots of water even more than usual obviously, Be patient with yourself and leave a lot of time to take naps since con is more draining when you're preggo apparently. She just popped at the beginning of July and I'm gonna spoil her baby so much haha

>> No.7712193

Oh crap, and having someone to just give you a bubble if people try to poke fun at you is a wise idea as well. She was with me most of the weekend and said people were generally good about personal space but better safe than sorry

>> No.7712199
File: 100 KB, 600x896, krang-painted-on-pregnant-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine if she did the full costume.

>> No.7712700
File: 108 KB, 480x640, Pregnant-Padme-with-Anakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712748
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Uli from twilight princess

>> No.7712753

>What are some cosplay pregnancy do's and don't's?
This is easy: don't cosplay when you're a knocked-up bloated fatty loaded with someone's hell spawn.

>> No.7712756
File: 20 KB, 450x264, Pacha and Chicha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pacha and Chicha from the Emperor's New Groove isn't one I've seen yet.

>> No.7712835

you can leave now, I'm amazed the mod didn't ban you longer.

Any characters that are never canonically pregnant but you think would still be cute? What about Ash's mom with a "future Pokemon master" sign?

>> No.7712862
File: 464 KB, 778x840, Sumika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to throw another pregnant character for a cosplay out there:

Sumika from Haibane Renmei

>> No.7712873
File: 46 KB, 500x277, osono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, there's Osono from Kiki's Delivery Service too

>> No.7713034

Edward Elric's mom RIP

>> No.7713072

i love this idea so much

>> No.7713081

I think if you're pregnant you should just stick to doing flat shoes, even if the char>>7712192
cter wears heels just make them flat

>> No.7713098
File: 37 KB, 422x508, Zoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a black lady and want to make a bunch of old bitter nerds (including me) cry.

To be honest if I were pregnant I'd probably be enough of an asshole to cosplay from an actively running series with source material that's still somewhat ahead, just to fake-spoiler people.
>dress boyfriend up as Littlefinger
>cosplay pregnant Sansa

>> No.7713116
File: 24 KB, 640x480, wow-its-so-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagisa from Clannad.

>> No.7713182

yes thank you

>> No.7713189

Mhm, my buddy was only 6 or 7 months along at the time, and I wouldn't suggest cosplaying any further into your pregnancy cause of the feet swelling too

>> No.7713194

This made me cry and laugh.

Now I really hope that there will be a pregnant Sansa and lil' fing at Dcon this year just for this picture opportunity.

>> No.7713294

You could always go the mpreg route.

>> No.7713357
File: 32 KB, 704x396, nagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagi from Kannagi would be cool.

>> No.7713385

Please do not ever do this unless you're doing Arnold in Junior.

>> No.7714294


>> No.7714359
File: 391 KB, 500x362, tumblr_m2tc5owqVq1qbimch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dress boyfriend up as Littlefinger
>>cosplay pregnant Sansa

>> No.7714552

What character did they cosplay?

>> No.7714555

>you can leave now, I'm amazed the mod didn't ban you longer.
I wasn't banned at all. Don't get all pissy just because the truth hurts.

>> No.7715317

They're from tumblr. Old seagulls would agree with you.

>> No.7716683

>That one mpreg guy that looks like a chick from that longass manga, possibly the longest manga ever

>> No.7716694

Dream cosplay yes. If I ever get knocked up

>> No.7716697

Omg you're an oldfag too? Let's be oldfags together ^___^

>> No.7716708

>I wasn't banned
What an amazing coincidence you started posting again almost exactly 48 hours later

>> No.7717771

>What an amazing coincidence you started posting again almost exactly 48 hours later
What an amazing coincidence I don't F5 /cgl/ threads over and over again.
What an amazing coincidence that my response was actually less than 24 hours later (how do I into math?)
What an amazing coincidence that it was the weekend and the times I posted were both around the same time when I was waking up and drinking a morning cup of coffee.

Are you always this retarded?

>> No.7717809

This is the cutest thread.

>Ash's mom with a "future Pokemon master" sign?
All of these yes*1000.

Maybe a gijinka of Lady Rainicorn from Adventure Time, too!

>> No.7717985

either post pregnant cosplay ideas or fuck off. This thread already went to shit once because of people feeling the need to shove their opinions into a productive and adorable thread idea.

>> No.7720334

Saw her at animazement, she looked tired.

>> No.7723634

So what's it like to have your own private beach between your legs?

>> No.7723647

I volunteer to inseminate anyone who desires to do preggo cosplay.

Don't thank me ladies, just doing the noble thing.

>> No.7723662

Don't stress your unborn child out by walking around all day at a con?

You need rest first and foremost, stay in bed, like pregnant women used to.

>> No.7723865

A healthy mother means a healthy child, light exercise like walking is good for baby and mama.

Also, chairs exist.

>> No.7723908


Having to 'rest' for the baby is a myth. Women and foetus will actually benefit from light to moderate exercise. The only things that aren't recommended are high stress activities (e.g. marathons) and activities with high acceleration force (e.g. trampoline jumping, because that's stupid).

Also, staying in bed makes her more likely to get a clot. Which is bad for both parties.

>> No.7724217

Dat girl is indian or mestiza

But it's fine since their child will be white