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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7710291 No.7710291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up!

>> No.7710314
File: 751 KB, 640x605, H86AvY9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got sauce on this?

>> No.7710319

She's honestly just a fat person on youtube who bought bodyline. End of story.

>> No.7710322


just searched "plus size lolita"

>> No.7710326
File: 415 KB, 640x640, voldie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahahah so fitting so true long live BtB

>> No.7710328

Everyones taxes are buying her those 4 BL dresses that become 1
How does she even sew without needing to catch her breath

>> No.7710332

Urge to vomit too high even her friends are derps

>> No.7710338
File: 147 KB, 640x528, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sick of seeing this shit
>Fund my bad habits
>Fix my problems
>Pay my bills

Be a fucking adult and deal like the rest of the world you sad fucking scabs your imagined entitlement is disgusting

>> No.7710340

that is fucked

can't wait to see her response

>> No.7710348

Lets start the popcorn anon

>> No.7710350

Who is this?

>> No.7710352


The final "you" should be "yourself".

>> No.7710355

May have been an ESL error tbh

>> No.7710359

Wait, what ? Any deets ?

>> No.7710360

That's fucking awful. What the fuck

>> No.7710361

Awfully true I agree

>> No.7710376

Haha this is the best (and so, so true)

>> No.7710377

You people are toxic. What's wrong with her exactly? Do you just hate her because she trips?

>> No.7710378

well she doesn't look fat per se. That dress is too small though.

>> No.7710382

Tbh I think a little bit of shapewear will help here.
I don't understand it either.

>> No.7710386

Awe Voldie's white knight how cute.
Sadly your just as 'toxic' as the rest of us. She gains herself hate just like every other lolcow on here does PLUS she trips

>> No.7710387

how? Exactly what does she do?

>> No.7710389

i was about to whiteknight until i opened the picture
that blouse is cheap looking, hair needs more volume, she looks like shes boobloafing even though she has a small chest? she looks so awkward in lolita...

>> No.7710398

Not even the other anon but can't really stand Voldie either to be honest.

She doesn't use concrit given to her yet gives it when she knows next to nothing of Lolita. Can't dress for her shape yet floods her pictures of her craptastic co-ords and cosplays all over the place. Bullies others while trying to make herself look like some cos-star. It's just like never ending with her. Just another cancer the cgl comms would be better off without.
Voldie hate gets old but she deserves every word of it and this secret is very true will never unsee her as a wrapped roast.

>> No.7710418

Sure she's gross as fuck, but fortunately nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7710462


She's oddly shaped but yes, she's not that fat as they are trying to make her sound.
She's not a whale or hamplanet, she's a chubby-chan.
I'm guessing by the other replies she has a lot of enemies on here. I mostly ignore her on here just like the other trips.

>> No.7710471

She is pretty flabby >>7702484

>> No.7710494
File: 451 KB, 245x136, tumblr_mw5igo84KT1rwthnqo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a whole different level of hatred for these kind of people.

If you're in debt, why the fuck are you spending money on such an expensive hobby? Open your eyes and see what's most important. Sell your dresses, stop going out to restaurants, and focus your money on bare necessities. Take responsibility for yourself; you're an adult. Learn how to manage your money and don't drag everyone else into your bullshit.

>> No.7710567

I feel bad for asking, but I'm new to lolita. Whats the name of this dress?

>> No.7710568

Delft Lotta by Innocent World

>> No.7710570

Thanks anon

>> No.7710581

She seems really fucking dumb too. In one thread someone asked her why /cgl/ hated her so much and she thought it was because she was raped? Why would you even advertise that on a trip?

>> No.7710585

Because she is retarded and I didn't know about that so add another notch to the Voldie needs to gtfo block

>> No.7710590

She's still not fat, just a little chunky. You make it sound like she's obese or something.

>> No.7710594


Why don't you retards get with the program and filter her trip.

>> No.7710596

I remember when she said that. She's an asshat.

>> No.7710597

But then we'll miss the lels.

>> No.7710610

By /cgl/s retarded standards she pretty much is

>> No.7710612 [DELETED] 

I forgot, that's considered average in America.

>> No.7710615

I like how it never crosses the writer's mind that perhaps, based on the way this person dresses and talks, that they may be mentally stunted enough to think that what they're doing is okay?
Not all people have the same sense as the majority of normal people. So is bashing her really going to open her eyes, or is it going to make her feel more justified to continue because she feels she's being vilified by haters?

Think about it.

>> No.7710622

Yeah, she's really not doing anyone any harm. Plus that video is over a year old. I'm surprised people are still crying about it.

>> No.7710625
File: 181 KB, 483x525, qkZqsBf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the self-hating fatties trying to distinguish themselves from other fatties lately?

I own a few popular prints that got replicated by Oo Jia and this shit doesn't bother me a bit. At the end of the day my originals look better. Has anyone ever owned an Oo Jia replica? Sure it's not horrible, but there's something off about them that makes them feel less authentic.
I got a skirt from her once and while many people believed it could be real, they also told themselves no way because I was too fat for the measurements on the original.

While I love AP, I don't believe brand loyalty is the end all. If there's a replica that genuinely looks GOOD and matches my other coords I will buy it if I don't have a hope in hell of seeing the original.

>> No.7710626

She needs to lose over half her weight and stop moaning about muh condishons. Take your fat acceptance back to tumblr

>> No.7710630

Are her replicas really that passable?
I've bought some replicas from DoL back when they were better quality and it was okay but definitely not passable for the original.

>> No.7710631

>pointing out that bashing someone will not necessarily get them to do what you want
...whatever you say anon.

So what's with >>7710338
I don't know how bankruptcy works, but it just seems to me that there's not much that they can do to an unemployable 26 year old with 20k in debt. They can't just shake money out of her that she doesn't have.
Would they repossess her house or something?
There's got to be help for these people.

>> No.7710632

They're not. People are just stupid

>> No.7710635
File: 91 KB, 480x640, 137203-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not fat, but that dress doesn't fit. Innocent World's bodices have barely any shape to them, so they're not great on girls who aren't stick thin. Bodice like pic related would look way better, something with more shape and structure.

She has a cute face and she looks a lot better than most new lolitas, tbh all the relentless hate for her is way more annoying that she is.

>> No.7710639

The one I got was just because it was a skirt. I even modded it so it had the pearl details like the original had. She literally could NOT fuck up the trim at the bottom.

I'd say with more complicated pieces (like her DDC jsk replica) there's more details that she simply cannot replicate as easily. There's more opportunities to fuck up a jsk/op.

>> No.7710647


If you took the time and trouble to fix up some of her glaring problems (she sucks at bows, and apparently lace is always a giveaway because she never ruffles enough of it ), put priorities in looking good in photos instead of in person (so the smaller details aren't so obvious and you can arrange your clothes to look nice from far away instead of close up), and mostly have an audience that doesn't look too closely at your photos in the first place, then yeah, they would be passable.

>> No.7710649


That's chubby, not a landwhale.

>> No.7710651


According to what I've read on cgl, you are fattie landwhale if you are over 100lbs. Which is stupid.

>> No.7710660 [DELETED] 

chubby is still fat.

>> No.7710661

>implying her bmi isn't probably in the "overweight" range.

If you don't think she's fat I'd hate to see what you bitches look like, lel.

>> No.7710663

"Chubby" is merely a name for a specific degree of fatness. Someone who is "chubby" is still fat.

Americans seem to have about 20 different words for "fat", each corresponding to an exact level of disgusting obesity. Kind of makes sense. Just like how Eskimos have hundreds of words for snow* and the British have hundreds of slang terms for being drunk.

>> No.7710690

She's not fat.
Weight has never been a black and white issue so stop trying to pigeonhole a term to make yourselves feel better. It's called a bodyfat percentage. Some people have a higher one than others.
Nobody would look at that girl and call her a fattie because hers looks to be relatively lower than a given hamplanet.

Cut that shit out.

>> No.7710695
File: 59 KB, 600x604, do you have brain damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This vendetta is old and annoying as shit.

>> No.7710696

People are only calling her fat because they can't come up with a better way to insult Voldie. Like seriously ladies, if you hate someone as much as you hate her at least put some effort into your insults. "fat" is the basic bitch of insults

>> No.7710700
File: 232 KB, 638x473, ap lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't post my secret but I'm still mad about it.
The 10cm makes a load of difference to some people, I guess nobody wants to say anything out of fear of being labeled a fattie. I work fashion retail and I've seen customers complain about mislabeled sizing and employees can get into shit over it.

>> No.7710703

Oh don't get me wrong, I think she's an annoying tripcunt and attentionwhore but even I can admit the girl isn't a planet.

>> No.7710705

Your anger is super justified. Imagine how much it would suck to shell out on a brand piece and find out it doesn't fit your chest. :/

>> No.7710714

Medical shit is awful and expensive as fuck in the USA but it's really hard for me to believe that she either has to suddenly get 20k or file for bankruptcy. If she's on unemployment then she could absolutely get medical assistance, or at least get a payment plan to slowly pay back the money, take out a loan, etc. She's just too lazy to look into the other options she has, fill out the paperwork, and give up hobbies that she can't afford.

>> No.7710718

Oh gurl, I know.

>bust is 42inches without binder
>binder brings it down to 36
>try on dress
>can zip it halfway
>can latch the top
>can't zip the bust

Now I have to pay more money to get it altered. I was talking to a trusted friend about it and apparently you can just add panels to the shirring?

>> No.7710719

I don't really understand why /cgl/ hates this particular girl so much. Was she involved in some heavy drama and I just missed it? She doesn't fit that dress well but it's not horrifying, just kind of meh.

>> No.7710722

>Was she involved in some heavy drama and I just missed it?
If you didn't browse here during the tripfag era, consider yourself lucky.
But yeah she was a tripfag and probably made a few enemies, or at least annoyed people to the point where they would want to blow up a few of her lolita attempt faux pas.