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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7698769 No.7698769 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend and I have come up with an alt. Joker And Harley...I know 4chan is a very Judgmental place but i just wanted to get opinions on the cosplay of Punk Joker...Fire Away (this was for Barnes And Noble's PopCultured costume contest)

>> No.7698771
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>> No.7698773
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>> No.7698785

I think your girlfriend should consider stuffing a revolver into her mouth rather than another hotdog.

>> No.7698786

If you love your girlfriend, don't be Harley and Joker. Like damn did you read any of the comics with Harley? He beats her, always tries to kill her, and treats her like shit.
But hey, if that's how you act towards your gf, to each their own.

>> No.7698792

here's some tips
>4chan is a judgemental place
yes, correct, esp if you make threads dedicated to yourself. never do this ever.
mostly people are a lot more honest with anonymity enabled.

don't put an email in the email field, or a name in the email box.

now, what do I think?

its shit, you're girfriend is a hamplanet, none of you wore wigs or greasepaint.

your girlfriend looks like a fat weeaboo tryhard, while you like like a tryhard neckbeard.

if you lost the contest, I can see why.
if you won, you must of been the only cosplayers there.

>> No.7698795

I'm pretty sure people who cosplay them like this have never read any of the comics. So tired of JokerxHarley.

>> No.7698796

yes we understand joker is abusive...its just a stepping stone for me...this is my first cosplay...
and to the greasepaint or wigs...eh again its my first one done...dont have the money to do so

>> No.7698798
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This whole thread...

>> No.7698800

please do not make excuses.
please do not cosplay something where you do not know the source.
cosplay is not for the poor.

>> No.7698803

If you want a cosplay to be good, you have to be willing to spend money, know how to put things together, and know the fucking series it's from (and know what the characters are like).
This whole thing was a fucking trainwreck. You and your girlfriend/pet whale look like something I would see wearing tripp pants in hot topic.

>> No.7698804

we know source...we know origins...we know sotories...and wanted to take that and put it to our own subject matter (punk and metal music)
mashing the 2 together...i know its not for the poor....we had this planned out for WizardWorld Nashville but due to job issues (leaving) i took a major pay cut...and never thought i would be able to do this...the opportunity arose and i decided to take a chance...

>> No.7698807

if you want to have fun cosplaying don't come to /cgl/ for advice, it's full of angry jealous fatties with unrealistic standards

>> No.7698808

that's not even anywhere close to being Harley's hair color for fuck's sake

>> No.7698809

agreed on the haircolor...it was spur of the moment on this

>> No.7698810

stop making excuses. up and leave the thread, it will just cause you stress.

>> No.7698811
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>punk and metal music
don't try to create some bullshit AU to justify your shitty costume
you look like a white trash juggalo

>> No.7698812

My girlfriend and I were Joker and Harley because she likes me to hit her when we fuck.

>> No.7698814

^ for reals just leave. /cgl/ does have fairly high standards because it IS a cosplay/lolita board. Not a shitty halloween-standard costume board Next time, go into the help thread and ask what you could do to improve on it.

>> No.7698815


>> No.7698816

Has to be at this point, it shouldn't be possible for a human being to be this pathetic.

>> No.7698818

ok i must admit.....this is my 1st post in the large site that is 4chan...so personally i had no clue where to go...go ahead call me names and shit oh well...life will go on

>> No.7698830

Assuming this is genuine, then. Lurk more. You are obviously very new, and you are not helping your case at all. But know this:

A good cosplay will take a bite out of your wallet, and 90% of the time it will stay true to the canon source material. You have displayed neither of this. If you either cannot pay the money or act efficiently, then this is not for you, if you want to be good.

And if you do not want to be good and you just want to have fun while dressed as a character, then do whatever the fuck you want. But do not expect anyone to like your cosplays or even respect them. Though, if your aim is just to have fun, that should not matter too much.

>> No.7698831

jesus fucking christ your gf is hideous, though youre not much better

>> No.7698832

As long as you had fun doing it, then good job. As far as first costumes go, like you said, it's a stepping stone and it seems like you managed what you set out to do, so that's good.

First advice I'd really give is to put a touch more effort into the hair-dye and make sure to get all the spots around the edge too.

The only other useful tidbit I can offer to somone looking to get into cosplay, is if you're looking for cheap fabric and you're not too picky, Costume-shops might have something that can help. When I first got into cosplay, I managed to pick up a butt-load of red fabric when I was a poor student, that our local costume-shop which they ordered to do repairs with and had loads left over in storage, for £30 I got enough fabric to make four head-to-toe length robes, two shoulder to knee cloaks, an assortment of odds and ends, and I still have like, three yards of untouched cloth left in a box somewhere. So it's always good to look around for undesired offcuts and the like.

Dudebro/sis, it's a costume, not their otherkin-fursona-alter-ego.

>> No.7698834

thank you (student) for the advice...it proves to me that there are some kind people still on the internet

>> No.7698836

you know how retarded this whole thing was, right?

>hmm, I heard 4chan is a horrible place, and I don't know much about it..
>aww, they're being rude, why? ;_;

>> No.7698855

Nah bro, I'm as much of a douche-bag as everyone else on the internet.

But yeah, as people said, Real cosplay is expensive, there are ways to make it cheaper on the wallet, but with that in mind, you get what you pay for. It doesn't matter how good you are at sewing and costume crafting, cheap materials will give you a cheap looking cosplay.

That said, the best time to come to /cgl/ is in October, when it's Halloween season, the entire board becomes Costume 101 as everyone is looking for or dispensing costume advice on the "For dummies" level, due to the natural influx of people wanting to do something for Halloween. This is a the best time to learn a lot of the basics here.

>> No.7698868

It's also the time where a lot of board regulars lay low for a month because most of us can't take the influx of "do I need to bleach my jet black hair if I want to dye it pastel pink for a costume"-tier retardation.

Also OP and his girlfriend look like juggalos. Please don't invite juggalos to /cgl/.

>> No.7698878

10/10 post I laughed whole heartedly

Never change ceeg

>> No.7698883

OP I have the worlds tiniest violin for you.

Your cosplay's are both shitty fan-fiction tier hot topic closet cosplay.

I don't know what else to tell you. If you though it was good you're probably blind.

Sure maybe you had "fun" or whatever, but these are awful and you pretty much got what you expected out of it I'm sure.

>> No.7698885

Exactly my point, it's the time of year where the people who are interested in costume 101 are active, and those who aren't up for it know to keep clear and relax. It's a win-win-win as they say.

>> No.7698893

Better than Homestuck.

>> No.7699237
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>> No.7699300

>never cosplay a villain because they kill people

>> No.7699301

meant to quote >>7698786

>> No.7699395
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>> No.7699399
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>> No.7699401

>tfw your dad will never be cool enough to cosplay

>> No.7699459
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/v/ here, i bet she sucks a golf ball through a garden hose.

>> No.7699464

Even her eyes are fat.

>> No.7702574

joker/harley couples are usually the fucking worst humans you could possibly meet. every time, you think for a minute maybe they're okay... nope fucking freaks. with DEEP emotional scars and dependency to their relationship/drugs/ and cheating.

idk what attracts them to the characters, to top it off they usually don't know shit about the source material outside of the movies and a vague concept of the characters.

>> No.7702603


shut the fuck up self entitled prick.
You sound like one of those rich white girls or lolitas that get desperate men or family to buy them their brandos

Yes I am mad.

>> No.7702612




>> No.7702766
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That anon isn't wrong at least. The OP seems a little dense. Need to be blunt or it won't get trough.

>> No.7702772

I can't breathe!

>> No.7705605



I fucking lold so hard I farted assburgers!

>> No.7709563

You make me think of this guy (and if this guy had a gf)

If that's what you're going for, then GJ

but seriously, a solid shave would work wonders