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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7698515 No.7698515 [Reply] [Original]

KIMONO THREAD. Compiled a master OP of resource links!


• Ichiroya
• eBay
• Etsy
>Choutama: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Choutama
>Yamatoku Classic: https://www.etsy.com/shop/YamatokuClassic
>Kyotomylove: https://www.etsy.com/shop/kyotomylove
>Togei: https://www.etsy.com/shop/togei
• Rakuten
>Kimono category:
>Use categories on the left to sort out what you want, keywords don't work that well because of the wonky Engrish translations


• Wearing kimono
>Part 1:
>Part 2:

• Other
>Putting on kendo Keikogi and Hakama:

• Tying Obi
>Obi Musubi (knot) Dictionary (in Japanese)
>Otaiko Musubi (with Fukuro obi):
>Otaiko Musubi (with Nagoya obi):
>Otaiko Musubi (pre-tied/tsuke):
>Bunko Musubi (with Hanhaba obi):
>Tateya Musubi (with Fukuro obi):
>Tsunodashi Musubi (with Hanhaba?):
>Unknown Furisode Musubi (fukuro obi?):
>Unknown Furisode Musubi (fukuro obi?):
>Tie obiage:

>> No.7698516
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• Kimono Tutorial & Pattern
• Kosode Indepth Tutorial
• Hitatare and Hakama Patterns
• Another Hakama Guide
• Yukata Indepth Tutorial
• Haori Pattern (also has Kimono and Yukata, a Haori is basically a short kimono)

• Kimono
>Silk (not shiny)
>High grade cotton
>Nice synthetics
• Hakama
>Heavy Linen and linen blends
>Popular linen for DIY Hakama: http://www.fabrics-store.com/first.php?goto=big_fabric&menu=f&menu=f&fabric_id=568
>Polyester/Cotton blends
• Yukata


• Immortal Geisha forums
• Tousando forums
>Note: Has more info on male wafuku, like hitatare, hakama, samurai armor, etc.
• Men’s Wafuku Guide

>> No.7698520

Still working on formatting the master posts for better readability, hopefully it all makes sense.

Also do want to note that for first-time buyers, Ichiroya is the most reliable resource to buy from. Its got the highest reviews from people in the US buying kimono and whatnot. eBay and Etsy are more buy at your own risk and can be a crapshoot.

>> No.7698552

This is a lot of (really interesting) information, enough to make my head spin a bit just trying to go through it all.

Do both males and females have to wear the Nagajuban and does ichiroya sell it?

>> No.7698572

Also I'm a bit confused as to the differences between the kimono and what look like undergarments and accessories. For instance, the "Firemen's Jacket"? And Happi? I've been doing some google searches, but do you have a resource I can use that can basically tell me what those things are?

>> No.7698789
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I don't think men wear nagajuban, but I might need to do more research!

Yeah ichiroya sells them, but you could be fine getting one from ebay, just make sure in the photos the collar isn't stained since that is the only part that will show!

Ah, right!
So a nagajuban is a long undergarment that you wear under the kimono to prevent it from getting it stained from sweat. A lot of people wear han-eri (half collar) over the nagajuban collar to prevent sweat stains/fashion reasons. The way you can tell if something is a nagajuban is that the collar will be (usually) white color and the rest of the juban a plain color like pink or white (though patterned ones exist). It is also can be shorter than a kimono. I hope this image helps!

Happi jackets are strictly cotton and only worn at festivals or at company events that have identifying symbols on them (like a team jacket). They can be identified by being shorter than a Haori, cotton, and the sleeves are short and attached completely to the body (while haori have that opening on the sleeve next to the body).

Not sure what a Firemen's Jacket is haha.

>> No.7698790
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And here is a clear pic of a nagajuban with the identifiable white collar!

>> No.7698876
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I've compiled a clearer image with pictures of every step of the kimono-wearing process! Hope it helps, gonna make one about obi types too.

Note: Things like koshihimo and obi makura can be subbed with ties and rolled towels.

>> No.7698990

Don't know how useful it would be people but I could always put together some related words/phrases when kimono-hunting if people wanted? The japanese would feature both kana and kanji.

>> No.7699166
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>> No.7699345

What is the appropriate way to clean and store a kimono? If it matters, I'm talking about a male kimono.

>> No.7699390

I'm currently hunting through all the links, but does anyone know offhand of a fairly plain, light blue furisode? I've found a few that are similar to what I want, but either the wrong color or too busy.

>> No.7700165

I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but go for it!

>> No.7700171

There are sources online for folding kimono and hakama, my silk nagajuban that my tutor brought me from Japan is folded up in a thick paper envelope. I would definitely put the folded clothing in some sort of wrapping, plastic bags, paper, etc and then in a bin or box.

Also related, to get rid of musty old kimono smell, hang the item outside with a fan blowing on it.

>> No.7700211

It's literally a fireman's coat. They were made of heavy quilted layers, frequently wool and silk or cotton, as to absorb and hold lots of water to protect the wearer from the flames. They generally were solid on the outside (usually blue or black from what I've seen), had crests on the outside shoulders, back and collar, with embroidered or printed linings. Apparently, they would reverse the jacket to show the lining after the fire was out, as a mix of bragging about their bravery, and a way of informing the normal citizens that everything was safe again.

They also wore hoods, gloves and special hakama (I can't remember the name, the loose kind that can be tied tight to the calfs; construction crews still wear them) of the same materials.

They aren't made any more because obviously modern firefighting suits are much safer, but you can find them in second hand kimono shops pretty regularly.

>> No.7700228

The paper used is traditionally "tatoshi" for kimono. You can find other types, so long as they're acid-free and undyed.

These can be used to separate the layers of a kimono when folded up, to prevent dye transfer, and to absorb any moisture that might be trapped in the garment (to prevent mold from forming in the fibres; people now use silicon desiccants for this purpose), but also to wrap the garment and protect it from dust or sun damage.

Kimono used to be stored in special drawers made of a particular wood (can't remember, sorry), but as long as you have something to absorb moisture, you can really store them folded in any drawer or flat container.

>> No.7700265

This is great anon, many thanks!

>> No.7700303
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I got an antique kimono and nagajuban on ebay for pretty cheap back in 2012. There's a small stain on the kimono shoulder, but it kind of blends in with the pattern a bit. I have an obi too, but I can't find a photo of it. these are the ebay photos.

>> No.7700314

I have mine hanging up on the curtain rod in front of my closet...

>> No.7700339

I did a look for you but couldn't find anything either, but wasn't surprised. Its very difficult to find iromuji (one-color) furisode kimono, since being just one color or "plain" is an attribute of casual "komon" kimono. Since furisode are meant for special events they always will have patterns and designs on them. Your best bet is to make one yourself, Ichiroya and some other places sell silk kimono bolts (or just buy silk from a regular store like Dharma Trading)

>> No.7700368
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I really like that, have you ever worn it/created a co-ord with it? I reckon you could create something super chic/ 'iki' with a bold geometric or modern character type obi. What does your obi look like?

>> No.7700440

This is an 'old lady' kimono (look at that color, if you are under 60 it's definitely not something you should wear) so traditionnal style is a little bit out of question for you, but as >>7700368 said, something more modern could be really nice.
According to IG's color chart black and white goes with everything, so it's your best bet to try it out. If you are a little bit more experienced with color coordination you may want to add some more bright colors in it for a funky style, maybe with a haori-obi accessories-funny tabi combo. I often use modern scarf or shawls as obi age myself so I can have some non-traditionnal patterns easily mixed in.

>> No.7700449

Do you want to be burned at a stake for your sins?

Or would you rather be crucified?

>> No.7700465

So happy that the kimono thread became a real thing ! I hope it will help newbies into the kimono world.
I'm curious, where are you all from ?
I'm from Europe and apart from a few Milanoo level 'geisha cosplay' I didn't see more than three persons in a correct kitsuke in all my life, much less in a creative modern outfit.
>tfw I just want a kimono geek friend to take nihon-buyo classes with.

On another note, any good irl shops for kimono shopping ? I guess you can find a bunch of things in Nihonbashi and Asakusa as well as in Kyoto, but any address ?

>> No.7700621

Burned, I guess. Seems quicker.

>> No.7700702

I was wondering if there are extra extra long feminine kimonos for a tall female at about 5'11 or 182 cm. I'm vaguely aware that kimonos are relatively long and are rolled up for your height but I'm pretty sure I'm way out of that range.
I'd prefer not to resort to men's wear (were it even possible?) so are there any options for giant Westerners?

>> No.7701192

Custom made kimono or 'tall' kimono, even thought the last ones tend to be around 175cm. Your kimono should be at least as long as you are or you will have trouble creating the ohashori fold. Custom made kimono would be perfect for you, I know that kimono-poncho on etsy do some of them, you can message her for special orders too.

>> No.7701655

I'm from the U.S. and hadn't really thought about wearing/using kimonos until this thread. It does appeal to me, but I don't know of any physical shops that sell Kimono, so I imagine I'd have to sort of guess how it'd end up looking on me.

It's interesting both as an art and as a fashion choice, but I'm not sure if I'd wear it anywhere outside of the house, unless it won't shrivel up and can be used as a sort of sauna robe or bathrobe post-sauna. How comfortable are they? And are they breathable enough that you're not constantly sweating with them on in the spring/summer?

>> No.7701659
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I think 'old lady'/plain and simple kimono can look great with a bold and/or color popping obi and it seems to be something of a not quite trend, but style that appears as part of the chic kimono revival phenomenon that's been happening in the last decade or so.

Top left and to a lesser extent, top right is probably the best example I have on my computer.

I do agree though anon, a kimono generally suited to an older lady paired with a similarly plain and subdued obi is not going to look right and would also be off the mark for so called 'granny chic' or whatever.

>> No.7701667

I was afraid of that. I found a few that were perfect other than being too dark than what I want, or being the wrong color, all the light blue ones seem to have everything all over them.

Thanks anyway though, anon. I'll have to try my hand at making one.

>> No.7701778
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>> No.7701892

Any photos of non-Japanese people in kimono and actually looking good? Seems like a fair amount of people collect, but I rarely see them worn.

>> No.7702135
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I get the impression that many feel there are not so many opportunities to wear kimono and that simply wearing them out and about or to general functions would bring forth the wrath of the sjw 'cultural appropriation'!!! Type crowd. The girls that use the immortal geisha forums don't strike me as the sort that thrive on followers and drama etc and would probably rather keep their life choices relatively low-key.

Also i think part of the 'problem' if you can call it that, is that a lot of the women of IG forums are actually very good at kitsuke but because they're not really trying to impress in the tumblr sense, they often take very amateurish snaps of their outfits and don't tend to care so much about the setting or having 'perfect hair and make-up' etc.

>> No.7702145
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>> No.7702157

>cultural appropriation

>> No.7702158
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>> No.7702161
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>> No.7702352

bumping these questions

>> No.7703882

I often wear kimono outside of the house, and a correct kitsuke is as uncomfortable as let's say a corseted dress, but you can loosen it if you go for a more casual style with a komon or a yukata and wear an hanhaba or nice heko obi instead of a stiffer Nagoya obi.
They are breathable depending of how you handle the temperature, personally I sweat like a pig so it goes thought all the three layers and touch my obi (yes it's disgusting). Remember that apart from yukata, everything is made of silk. Yukata are basically sauna/bath robe so you can use them as it, but painted kimono would be totally destroyed if they touched hot water.

>> No.7703923

I'm fat and I sweat like a pig. How do I into kimono and yukata? Maybe just a yukata because I sweat like a swine. I heard that yukata are supposed to be very comfortable and cooling for summer, but I really doubt that because you're covering all your skin in fabric that...keeps..you warm...I also heard that kimonos only work if you have a straight body, but I muffin top and bulge out in places that shouldn't. Will I just look ugly?

>> No.7703925
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>mfw there may be actual people on /cgl/ who wear a kimono (or yukata) and choose to go out in public in it on a daily basis

>> No.7704018

Actually covering your skin can help you cooling down if it's a lightweight fabric by protecting you from the sun. Anyway, if you sweat a lot, you should stick with yukata or buy full cotton under-kimono garnment for easy wash.
I'm pear shaped and I fit into kimono, so your body shape is not a problem as long as you know how to pad. Properly padding is the basis for having a nice kimono suitable tubular shape, but be aware that it will make you look fattier.

>> No.7704020

We already dress in lolita/goth/various j-fashion on a daily basis, kimono isn't very different. Clothes are clothes.

>> No.7704022

woah people on /cgl/ wanting to dress strangely? i never! thanks for bringing this to light anon!

what >>7704020 said.

lolita is already a modernized stylization of archaic clothing, same with kimono.

you don't go around judging people who wear rockabilly, which is entirely the same idea.

>> No.7704024

kimono holds cultural significance, if anyone gives a fuck. it isn't really a fashion than it is a tradition.

>> No.7704028

>it isn't really a fashion than it is a tradition.

Are 18th century robe francaise gowns tradition instead of fashion?

What's funny is that it's always white and/or Western people who get into a tizzy about someone who isn't Japanese wearing kimono. Yet if you go into a Japanese forum for people who wear kimono and come across the occasional thread about non-Japanese wearing it, it's always positive, usually with comments about loving that the fashion is appreciated around the world and that other people recognize its beauty. Same with hanfu in China.

>> No.7704031

Not really. Especially not modernized versions. Honestly the cultural significance is held much higher by westerners for some reason. It's important to Japanese culture but not on such a weird sacred pedestal.
I think much of the reason for this is because westerners attribute the existence of rules for extreme importance, when that has little to no bearing on that.

>> No.7704036

Kimono old no freaking more significance than our western clothing. It's a really coded world as our high class clothing would be. As long as you don't wear a religious outfit and don't do something offending (bad maiko henshin, wearing a really attention grabbing kimono at funerals etc), you can wear what ever the fuck you want to.

>> No.7704040
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right? Though i'd love to see someone getting historical over Western clothing recreations.

>the chemise a la reine is CULTURAL you JACKASSES

>> No.7704041
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>she thinks kimono are more than just clothing
oh whitey

>> No.7704042

I feel anon is hinting at
>muh cultural appropriation

>> No.7704043


The worst part about it is that they're trying to defend something Japan is actually against. They want to share all of their traditional things with the world because of the ego boost. Japan is such a narcissistic country, but tumblrtards like this just bitch because they think they're right and ~cultural appropriation~ which yeah, no, it barely even exists in modern days because cultures are mixing so much anyways. Even so, it's not a bad thing, we're all human and cultures will mix and grow, that's how they were formed anyways, besides, kimono are highly highly based on chinese clothing.

>> No.7704045

fly in the punch bowl

>> No.7704046

It could be pretty funny yes. As a French, I can assure you that nobody cares about chemise a la reine, it's just an outdated style from 200 years ago.
It literally ask for ten minutes of research on the Internet before finding out that Japanese people don't care/are ok/actually like gaijin in a well-done kimono outfit.

>> No.7704051

Are you stupid? That's like complaining about people wearing cowboy hats or Utilikilts. It's not like people are going around wearing priests' robes over jeans, or in wedding dress for everyday wear, or similarly taking things out of context. Kimono aren't 'muh cultural heritage!' shit, you can buy them in modern department stores and see them in commercial fashion magazines.
Here, have an anthropology paper: https://ida.mtholyoke.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10166/993/Ragalye, Rachael Ann Thesis 2012.pdf

>> No.7704054

>Japanese people don't care/are ok/actually like gaijin in a well-done kimono outfit.
They get particularly happy if they can charge to dress you up and do your make up, I'd think. At least in every Japanese immigration festival where I live there's a group of happy old ladies ready to dress everyone up and pose for pictures and do the tea ceremony later!

>> No.7704057

It'll probably take a few hours before I begin to understand any of this, it's quite confusing at first.

>> No.7704058

You don't even need an anthology paper to understand it. SJWs just gonna SJW.

>> No.7704061

They always are pretty happy to share their culture and find people interested in it. I had some nice chat with random Japanese grandmas in the street thanks to my kimono, they told me how they use to wear it when younger, told me about Japanese countryside, childhood memories and homemade kimono etc. They're proud of their culture and always happy to see a gaijin appreciating it.

>> No.7704066

Sorry, I think you can use op's post for information and google the various things I mentioned. Check Immortal Geisha's forum if you want to get started, they are really helpful for padding tutorials.

>> No.7704168

Except wearing formal clothing from another country constantly is full PT-mode, and makes you look like a femdora.
Street fashion and subcultures are completely different.

>> No.7704274
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I think the non-Japanese kimono enthusiasts that wear kimono on a regular basis for non-formal or everyday occasions are a tiny minority within a minority. Most people just collect, wear kimono around the house and perhaps very occasionally, wear their kimono out to some sort of Japanese cultural event ( mostly for the reasons already highlighted here>>7702135 ).

>> No.7704331

I couldn't find any good information or tutorials on padding for yukata. Is the padding like hot and sweaty? I'm top heavy, big shoulders big arms wide torso.

>> No.7704339

Id totally wear one around the house

>> No.7704467
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I get the impression that when people think of westerners and non-Japanese wearing kimono they think of horrific Halloween costumes, when in fact a lot of kimono enthusiasts have absolute respect for kimono conventions, traditions and the artistry involved in their making.

I was given a kimono in Japan many years ago by a complete stranger and wore it for the New Year celebrations, I've been pretty much hooked ever since. I wore kimono in Kyoto last year on holiday (pic related), I found people were very enthusiastic about it and I didn't get any sense of animosity at all. At one point a group of young Japanese women also dressed in kimono came up to me and we all started talking about our love of kimono and took pictures of each other - it was awesome!

Kimono might also be one of the few types of clothing where my body shape doesn't feel like the worst possible and finally my broad shoulders, short torso and really narrow hips don't seem so bad - hell, I don't even have to use padding, score!

>> No.7704516


But kimono aren't considered inherently formal clothing in Japan, numbnut. Yes, the majority of Japan's population would rather wear something more comfortable on a day to day basis but there are plenty of women - usually housewives - who go about their day in kimono. They go shopping, they take their kids to school, they meet other women for lunch and no one points and laughs at them for wearing formal clothing. They probably think the women in question are old fashioned but theres nothing wrong with it in and of itself because there are different kinds of kimono. The every day sort, which is what these women in question wear, the formal sort and the bridal sort. There is a distinction here, bro.

>> No.7704877

You don't have to pad for yukata, that's why they are considered as easy to wear and cooling.

>> No.7704882
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>And are they breathable enough that you're not constantly sweating with them on in the spring/summer?

For spring/summer you want to wear a Ro kimono, these are much much lighter breezy kimono made of fabric meant for the hot weather in Japan (if you didn't know before, Tokyo and other areas in Japan are notorious for heat and humidity). Pic related, and you'll want to wear a juban with it obviously since its quite translucent!

>> No.7704886

Again, ten minutes on the Internet will show you that komon and iromuji kimonos are specially made for everyday life, running errands, going out with friends on a casual setting etc. there is plenty of TPO chart on there, why won't you go and see them instead of typing out of your ass ? Some kimono (furisode, tomesode) are formal kimono and are as fragile as a formal dress, obviously not meant for everyday wear, but your regular unpainted kimono is just what they used to wear before jeans or cute sundresses.

>> No.7704891

See >>7704882
There is hope! And yeah definitely want to wear a light juban as well that you can wash to keep the sweat off the outer kimono.

>> No.7704900

Agreeing with all the other anons about Japanese natives loving when people get interested in their culture.

I studied Japanese for 5 years with a private tutor and since then every time I met a Japanese person and talked about knowing this or that about their culture would make them really happy. I wore a kimono coord once and every time I show it to a Japanese person they are stunned and very flattered that a foreigner appreciates a part of their history. Obviously wearing shitty Halloween-level geisha outfits will not be liked that much (since its more like mocking).

Hell, I was even chatting to a Japanese woman I shared an apartment with once about Gaki no Tsukai and Mane no Tora and she was super excited to have someone to talk to about it.

TL;DR Japanese people really do like it when foreigners take time to learn about/wear/appreciate parts of their country's history, as long as its in a tasteful and respectful way.

>> No.7705004

This. My Japanese professor loved that I already knew about history, mythology and clothing and not just Japanimes and sushi.

Other problem with "cultural appropriation" is it's a paradox.

>white people can't wear clothes from other nationalities because that's racist

>> No.7705041

Why is it called a chemise if that's a robe?
Or is that a skirt with it?

>> No.7705110

I recall stumbling across a website that sold premade yukata sets that came with geta, tabi, and folding fans for not a lot of money. The obi was all one piece that closed with velcro in the back and they had some bright, pretty colors like yellow, pink, soft purple, and light blue. Can't for the life of me remember it, but it looked like it was aimed more at teens/the younger crowd. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? I'm sure it was a Japanese website but I remember reading it all in English.

>> No.7705118


Beetlejuice kimono.

I like.

>> No.7705151

everyone likes it, the "cultural appropriation" is just sandy lesbos queefing into thin air so they have something to complain about.
Also cultural appropriation used to mean "adoption of parts of culture into your own culture", aka what inevitably happens during interaction of two groups of different cultural background, not being super rayciss. It's a normal occurrence.

>> No.7705184


If you're fairly thin, you could try looking for a suitable hikizuri, they're kimono with a train. The top portion is proportioned like normal, hence why you need to be thin. The bottom part is longer as it's designed to trail on the ground. Some hikizuri are around 2m, so you should have enough to make an ohashori with.

The catch is that they're not easy to come by. Hikizuris are normally worn by maikos or as part of a wedding outfit. Maikos tend to wear their kimonos into the ground, and brides normally rent theirs, so hikizuris don't get resold on the secondhand market quite as often as regular kimonos. You'll also want to choose a summer hikizuri, as the winter ones have padding in their hem that would look weird when not trailing on the ground. At least both the maiko and wedding hikizuris tend to be furisodes, so the longer sleeeves would work better with your height.

>> No.7705485
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Is there a guide to names of sandals/geta types and which styles of dress go with what?

>> No.7705634


oh god those are cute as fuck.

>> No.7705646

Shouldn't want. But want anyways.

>> No.7705677

Ssssh. There is no shame in this want.

>> No.7705777

I'm laughing so hard at you trying to defend yourselves emulating Ken-sama.

>> No.7706503
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More pictures, less faggotry gosh darn it!

>> No.7706766
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The style was originally called 'gaulle' or en gaulle. It earned the nickname chemise a la reine because some people thought the simple, loose style looked like undergarment chemise, and because Marie Antoinette preferred to wear them.

>> No.7707799

I know that a lot of gyaru brand make these, you can find some on DreamV all year round and on nearly any kimono shop during summer, it's basically your ready made outfit for summer events.

>> No.7708110

I really want a kimono so bad but I can't think of an occasion to wear it.

>> No.7708205

Because it looks like an underdress which was called a chemise. Underdresses were basically long flowy non corseted white/cream/ivory dresses that you could wear at night-time too, daytime ones had ornate collars and hems to complement the overdress (Victorian Maiden do this kind of chemise in multiple colors for lolita fashion). Marie-Antoinette's dress was non corseted, white and only fitted with a colored sash, enhance the name 'chemise', people were basically thinking she was strolling around in underwear.

>> No.7708210

I know that a lot of persons pick ipup a traditionnal Japanese activity such as ikebana, dance or tea ceremony so they could get an occasion to wear their kimono. Or you could also find a kimono association, they meet together and go to exhibitions, or take a tea or make craft etc.

>> No.7709533

Same, I am getting hakama and a kimono but just gonna wear them to cons....

>> No.7709574
File: 45 KB, 600x600, tumblr_lztuxhEdj71qhsylio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the one designed by Gekidan Inu Curry? I hope they make more designs.

>> No.7709591

Wait sorry the designer is Tsumori Chisato, I fucked up

>> No.7711979

What do you think about using brocade fabric to make a kimono?

>> No.7712333

Honestly, I would be up for a nice brocade obi (kind of like odori fukuro) but a full brocade kimono might be a little bit much.

>> No.7712367
File: 372 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this still a yukata or is it am called something else?

>> No.7712371

Wa-yukatas I think?

>> No.7712536

'wa' is used to describe something as Japanese (wa-Lolita = Japanese inspired lolita), but a yukata is inherently 'wa'.

I think anon could look for Nagoya-jyô, it's the gyaru take on kimono.

>> No.7712637

so, will i still look ugly if i don't pad? i'm fat in all the wrong places for kimono-wearing...

I think it's still wa-loli. if you really must, call it yukalita. this way it even rhymes with ita!

>> No.7712665

Excuse me but most SJWs aren't lesbians, they're skinny fat, dfab, femme presenting, poly-gendered, star-gendered, demi-girls, demi-sexual skolio-romantic, otherkin( demon-kin, fae-kin, and cat-kin,) with self diagnosed autism, anxiety, and bipolar. Their pronouns are Fae/faes/faeself or kit/kits/kitself. And saying people get sand in their vaginas is cissexist and misogynistic.

>> No.7716091

Oh god these are so eye-blindingly ugly, even on Japanese gyarus.