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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 25 KB, 300x225, 81541_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7685613 No.7685613 [Reply] [Original]

There wasn't any in the catalog and a few anons have been posting in the general so I thought I would create a thread.

I'm currently working on a blue Theresia Rose coord but was wondering if I could get some suggestions.

>> No.7685849

>was wondering if I could get some suggestions

Throw us a bone anon, what kinda direction do you want to take it in? What sort of occasion are you looking to wear it to? A bit more detail is always really useful with these kinda threads.

>> No.7686510

i'm looking for some navy shoes to wear with aatp tome of the roses jsk II and wondered about these shoes http://www.soleprovisions.com/Taos_Contessa_Navy.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwopOeBRC1ndXgnuvx8JYBEiQAq4RPt3xxWxRh6hnXhxyAgUbYxKz9Mr7PeCa2G0wOYCMDlSAaAuie8P8HAQ

are they too matronly/secretary-ish? Would the navy even work? Other options for navy classical styled shoes that go up to 25cm?

>> No.7686524

i just noticed they only have those in size of 11 anyway, so nevermind. Also, time* of the roses

>> No.7686643

Hmm I'd like to make it not too casual and not too OTT. I'd like to incorporate the rose motif in headwear and perhaps blue shoes/

>> No.7686718

http://www.myfavoriteshoestore.com/cgi-bin/myshoes/prod/160267/item_detail.html?afsrc=1&cm_mmc=PaidSearch-_-GooglePLA-_-FreeShip-_-1602674265X&media=8GOOG34A&gclid=Cj0KEQjwopOeBRC1ndXgnuvx8JYBEiQAq4RPtwpGaz3TnekuQ4lzlGwPU5vX1VI6claUihLpfmN0h_AaAodv8P8HAQ or maybe these?

>> No.7687162
File: 235 KB, 930x1123, ideas01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this perhaps? It's kinda difficult to assess the shade of the ivory/cream as well as the blue because of the lighting in your pic, but hopefully you get the idea. Owning the jsk, you probably have a better idea if these shades would actually work.

>> No.7687207

Sauce on the blue shoes?

>> No.7687273
File: 2.35 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-03-31 13.54.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this JSK (Haenuli Enchanted Fawn) and Bodyline blouse to work with. I'd like to keep it simple and casual, but I have no idea what sort of accessories to pull in with these colours.

I have a rich brown PUL offbrand (Ardene) bag and a pair of earthy beige/camel faux suede pumps that I don't have a picture of yet, but I'm willing to look at better options.

I have a large foot size, so shopping for new shoes is very difficult. I could go to Clobba or Dear Lenore.

>> No.7687288
File: 1.68 MB, 1195x1489, me_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main thing I need help with is knowing if this looks completely terrible or not...? It doesn't have to be a "wow!" coord, just not bad. (It's for the BtssB Store Opening Soiree, and this is the only dress and blouse I can work with while keeping it mostly Baby for the heat so I'm kind of freaking out.) My hair will be done with braids but a little fluffier and with less obtrusive hair ties.

>> No.7687341

Are those shoes black or brown?

>> No.7687364

Brown, sorry there was a wonky shadow. They're pretty much the same colour as my bag.

>> No.7687408

The bag looks out of place with the brown and the food theme, do you have anything in black? The rest of it looks cute and airy, it'd look more balanced if you added some more blue up top.

I think that the dress and blouse match closely enough that you should go for more contrast on the shoes and bag, like a dark rather than medium brown (or dark red, if that fits the rest of your wardrobe better: I think it would make the berries in the print pop).

>> No.7687446

Yeah! I have a pair of black shoes and a black baby purse. It's the heart purse that came with the mook a while back. The only thing is I'd have to find a wallet that's small enough to fit my wallet-stuff (ID, cash, debit card, points cards for other shops, etc.) and still fit in my purse. (The one I used to use fits but... It's really weeby, it's a Haruhi Suzumiya wallet I got when I was 10 and I really should not have anymore.)
I will try my best though! Thank you for the tips. But if I can't find anything do you think the brown shoes and bag would look horrendous? They're the same colour, but you're right the food theme is a bit off...
(Also thank you! I was hoping for an airy look.)

>> No.7687455
File: 46 KB, 250x333, 107083-1345-2014-07-03222925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on LaceMarket! I'm seriously considering bidding on it, do you think the red would work?

>> No.7687511

I bought it anyways. It's a nice purse.

>> No.7687541

I think that's a very cute coord, anon.

>> No.7687747

Don't use Dear Lenore. Ever.

>> No.7687824

Thank you anon. I really like the idea. The dress is a strange shade of beige but I feel that blouse is quite close colour wise. I love the shoes would you happen to have a link for them?

>> No.7688154
File: 570 KB, 1500x947, 3hz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the lolita general has turned into Linguistics 101 and I know this topic has been mentioned in previous coord threads I'll ask here.

If there was another fb group that did constructive coord crit, similar to the nitpick threads or as a compliment sandwich, what do you think a poster should mention.
I'd like:
-Budget (bodyline, taobao, brand)
-Style their going for (classic, gothic, sweet, babby's first outfit, OTT etc)
-Area that they'd like the most tips on

>> No.7688432

ugh fucking Leyla

>> No.7688481


Dear Lenore is good for customs sizing, I have really wide feet and my shoes turned out fine. You just have to be veryyyy patient and bug them about shipping a lot.

>> No.7688507

The plain blue shoes are 'Dance Instead of Walking' heels in 'blue' found on Modcloth.


The tan shoes are by Chelsea Crew Shoes. They actually have a lot of really nice vintage type reproduction shoes that could work with lolita. I'm afraid can't find the link to those exact ones anymore but they are probably still about.

Good luck with your co-ord anon, it's a beautiful jsk.

>> No.7688526

Holy shit that landwhale on the right. Man the harpoons!

>> No.7688550
File: 437 KB, 1195x1489, 1405476341280e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this shade would work since it's more of an earthy kinda red.

In all honesty, I'm not really digging the dark brown in your pic, I think tan would look so much better for your shoes and bag - case in point, look how nicely the 'tan' shade of the biscuit on your bag pops with the soft blue of your jsk. It's pretty much opposite on the color wheel to the blue.

I know, you're in awe of my mad paint skills. It's ok to keep the praise to yourselves though.

>> No.7688704

Thank you!

Mana on a sandwich, those paint skills must have been bestowed upon you by the Lord himself.
But, getting down to business. I have some low-heel oxfords that are pretty much that colour, and I think Target has a bag in that colour right now! If not I have a small change coin purse in the colour that I can use to carry my wallet and phone. (I just remembered a friend is coming with me, too, and since I'm lending her a dress I think it won't be too much to ask her to hold some of my stuff in her bag. So bag size is no longer an issue.) Thank you so much I didn't even think of using them!
Also I'm a bit confused about the hair option, did you mean colour, style, or both? Since it's going to be warm I planned on using my real hair, and I don't really have time to get a wig... Also it's kind of dumb, but the girl in the print of the dress has her hair in braids which is sort of the reason I wanted to.

>> No.7688823
File: 248 KB, 930x1123, 141200351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lord doth bless me indeed, for I art supesharu.

The hair idea was just for the style not color, i think a simple elegant updo with a bit of detail at the side (opposite side to your headwear) would be really lovely with this. I wouldn't recommend a wig in hot weather either, screw that noise.

The braids are ok, they just look a bit flat and lank looking. I think this could be improved though by using some slightly nicer hair ties in either white/off white or the same color as your hair. You could then try making the braids a bit looser looking but still neat.

A one-sided plait (again, opposite side to your headdress) could be really cute too. I get the copying the print thing though, it's a cute idea - more subtly nerdy than dumb I reckon(!).

>> No.7689404

Ohhh yeah that was part of my original plan
>My hair will be done with braids but a little fluffier and with less obtrusive hair ties.

I'll mess around a little before then, though, see what looks good with the headdress. Also, once again thank you for your help!

>> No.7690562
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 1381277_427058807406397_2041266978_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely new to lolita here, i impulse-bought this skirt a while back when i realised i've never worn anything as poofy and tiered in my life (good decision, me!)

does anyone know what style or jackets this could suit?

>> No.7690757
File: 1.06 MB, 900x871, JACKET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, standard lolita rules apply with this one

Aim for an hour glass shape with a defined waist area, not a traffic cone.
So look for jackets/coats/boleros that taper at the waist (or for boleros- hit just above the waist line) and have small detailing on them such as lace trim or decorative bows. If you can't find one with the trimming that you like, adding a nice brooch helps to give a more polished look.

See picture related

You can certainly wear the other jacket shapes however since you're worried about making the right impression with your outfit, stick with the safer hourglass shape.

>> No.7690784
File: 340 KB, 644x596, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Do these pink match enough to wear together,
2. Not sure where to go from here. I know I want my head accessory to be chiffony/similar to the dress, but beyond that?
I was thinking delicate, pink or white wristcuffs with maybe a gold or silver accent jewel, and I've no idea what to do when it comes to legwear. Ankle socks seem to be pretty popular with this dress, but I don't quite like the look of bare legs. Plain white otks/striped otks? The general direction is sweet, and my theme is generally pink/white. What do you think?

>> No.7690808
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-From the stock photos, yes the pinks match
2-Legwear- Ankle socks if you can pull them off, Striped otks would also look cute. If you want tights you could look at sheer white tights with prints on them. Ebay and sockdreams have some nice ones. You could even find pink/white rose tights.

3- Accessories- Chiffon headpiece and wrist cuffs would look cute. You could look out for a beret and attach a chiffon bow to it, even a white sailor cap and add some pink ribbon to match it.

Check out the sailor lolita thread >>7683069, I know all that shit is in blue but use your imagination and visualize it in pink to get some more styling ideas ideas

>> No.7690816
File: 198 KB, 500x600, ap_fairypearlbarrette_2014 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since your dress is already all pink, having a pink crossbody bag will pretty much have it blend in with your dress. I would probably go with a white bag, maybe with pink or even gold accents? For head accessories, since it's a sailor dress you could go with a boater hat and make your own ribbon/bow to make it match. Or you can just go with your original idea, something like pic related. Legwear II would go with whatever looks best on you. Tights are an option too. They should have a pattern though since your dress is plainer.

>> No.7690886

Thank you both! I really like the tights idea, so I'll probably go with that.
I was hoping the white bit on the bag would distinguish it from the dress, but I suppose you're right. I really love the headbow you attatched!

>> No.7690932
File: 49 KB, 400x200, 0h_theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New group on fb for people looking for outfit critique and advice. The Critical Closet is for people who want to improve their outifts and receive honest.


>> No.7691776

Great news! Target had the perfect loliable bag... In the same exact colour as my oxfords. Your vision shall come to life. Bless you, anon-chan, and bless Target for cute purses right when I need them.
Bonus: It's big enough to hold all my shit.

>> No.7691853

Can you post a pic of the bag?

>> No.7691876

Daaaw, I love happy endings like this, so glad everything turned out well (I mean, yeah bitch you better be grateful, good job you don't look like some shit tier ita).

>> No.7691922

I will once I get my phone out of my car, I left it in there after I went shopping by accident, oops.

>> No.7692130

okay you gulls, marine fairy anon here
I picked out some super cute sheer polkadot tights, and I wanted to ask: I got some chiffon, and is there anything I can do besides a rectangle headbow? (meaning headpiece wise). I only have half a yard, by the way.

>> No.7692155
File: 86 KB, 593x559, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to plan a coord that might happen for an AP tea party. My closet is really small still so I don't have much. It's going to be in august so fuck full socks or tights. I also have a bunch of bracelets that match but couldn't find any pictures. All the pinks match irl just btw
>would the fluffy bow look off? I'm not sure
>also polka dot bow is a necklace

>> No.7692161

That bag seriously doesnt look like it'll match, but I'll take your word for it.
Seems like a pretty boring coord. The fluffy bow doesnt match imo, and the silver sparkly necklace looks a bit cheap. I suggest the white socks if you MUST wear ankle socks.

>> No.7692164

depends on your skill level.
You could do a round headpiece with a smaller bow inside of it, or if you're tight on time, find a hat

>> No.7692174

-Lose the fluffy bow, unless you've got fluffy bows elsewhere.
-Either of the socks look fine
-I'd keep the neck area simple as it's already busy with the shirring and bodice bows, do you have any other necklaces? You've posted the clear heart w/ stars, so if thats the other necklace choice I'd go with that

>> No.7692176
File: 433 KB, 1599x1199, Outfit so far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas of what could go with this? I have a beret, cardigan, and bow to match but don't know what other color I would want with this besides white or wine.

>> No.7692179

White blouse & gold + pearl accessories?

>> No.7692197

gentle shades of pink, that dont call too much attention (small bows, rings, a necklace)

>> No.7692214

Yeah I thought the fluffy bow didn't really match but it's like my only other pink hair accessory and I thought just the 1 bow would be kinda meh. I know the bag looks like it's totally the wrong colour, but trust me it matches.
I'll ditch the fluffy bow and polka dot necklace. idk what else to add to it to make it less boring without breaking the bank since this con is burning a hole in my wallet

>> No.7692270

That works. Better than what I had honestly. I'm planning on making some of my accessories to go with it as well. What should I do for socks then? I have just a plain white. Would it be better to us those or something else? Also, I have first world big boob problems where some of my blouses don't fit anymore so what is a good place to find great affordable blouses?

>> No.7692392
File: 1.98 MB, 2592x1936, purse and bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both a little more reddish brown in real life, but the lighting sucks in my kitchen, soooo... This is the result. But you can see how close in colour they are! The bag will comfortably fit everything I wanted to bring with extra space, too! So pumped.

>> No.7692395

Ok I just realized in that photo they don't look very close at all... I'll try and take a picture in the sunlight tomorrow, if you guys still care.
(btw thanks again anon-chan <3 )

>> No.7692452

bunnyhouse and floral notebook on facebook for blouses.
I'm not sure on legwear, maybe cream knit tights?

>> No.7692550

Nice! At my Target they have in stock a black and white polka dot umbrella with a ruffle on the edge and it's pretty cute. Wish I bought the completely white one last year. Target does have nice things from time to time.

>> No.7692623
File: 94 KB, 500x600, CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking lost on socks for this shitlord. Thoughts?

>> No.7692631

Tights are probably a better route for this. It's a bit too embellished for socks to look right.

>> No.7692644
File: 20 KB, 278x380, laceupotk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these would be cute and not too overwhelming for the dress

>> No.7692662

white sheer patterned tights, or white with subtle gold accents

>> No.7692690

you should make a white daisy clip for your hair to match the print. super cute.

white polka dot pattern tights from ebay would be cute too

>> No.7692779
File: 37 KB, 250x333, HildegardJSK-navyxcafeaulait_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought this JSK, but as a sweet lolita, I'm a little lost.
I have a pair of navy mary jane heels, and I think I want to pair this with a stiff-brimmed navy bonnet (but no idea where to buy one), but I'm not sure on a blouse, legwear, and other accessories.

I guess I could just use some inspiration from people more used to coordinating classic style pieces so I can find my own way a little easier?

>> No.7692785

What dress is that anon? It's super cute!

>> No.7692792
File: 87 KB, 480x640, 137259-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for coordinating this? Anything I come up with seems a bit boring.

>> No.7692824
File: 114 KB, 333x250, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen this coordinated without a sweater covering it or just...always see bad coords for these. It's gorgeous, but is it an awkward fit on most people to make it look so bad? I'm thinking of going simple and just going for brown with this. I'm older so I want to lean a little away from sweet with this.

>> No.7692828

It's casual lolita, it's not going to get a good coord.
Most of us who own such things know this and have the sense not to post them online.

>> No.7692829

I think it's probably best to go a little simpler even if that might seem boring to you. Maybe some nice natural looking hair accessories? That green is really foresty and lovely. If it still seems boring how about some patterned tights?

>> No.7692832
File: 19 KB, 300x300, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own the matching tights with this dress but I'm not sure what to do with everything else. I was thinking about bringing out the gold? I'm not sure how to dress up a salopette in general.

>> No.7692863

What do you mean by dressed up?

Like 'make it fun for a convention' or 'make elegant for a high tea'?

>> No.7692872


>> No.7692875
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, jail6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it anon, do it for halloween and post your glorious outfit here

>> No.7692881

Like make it cute? Cardigans? Things like that? The shape is different from a dress that is tight at the waist, so I'm not sure if there's certain things that absolutely don't look well. I got the salopette because it fits my body type.

>> No.7692914
File: 811 KB, 546x1000, APchesschoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are ya go!
I think if you want to do a more classic style outfit, try and find a nice beret or felt ladies hat on taobao.

Next time you get stuck with a piece you can't find worn. Go to lolibrary and the find the product name, underneath it will be the Japanese name/code, Google search with that and you'll find all the Japanese fashion blog posts about it.

>> No.7692971
File: 69 KB, 960x720, monochromance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have this coord for an upcoming monochrome meetup, but I'm unsure as to what style of skirt to pair with this vest and it's driving me insane. Please help.

Also, is it just me, or are basic white lolita skirts incredibly hard to come by?

>> No.7692976
File: 1.06 MB, 659x800, AP salopette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll give you some help since these threads are like crack for me.

I found a heap of worn pictures of AP salopette, most of the outer wear that looks good, ends around the 'drop' waist line area (no shit Sherlock).
The problem being that when you have your standard bolero or lolita brand cardigan they make them to hit just above your natural waistline so it give a smoother hour glass shape.See the green box for example. This would be fine for a normal JSK, but not salopette.

My recommendation would be to go with a jacket that hits just above your hips or a bolero that finishes just under your bust area. See the yellow boxes for the example.

>> No.7692979

and if you wanted to bring out the gold, easiest way is through gold accessories and a nice gold hand bag

>> No.7692990
File: 341 KB, 750x900, V00002_06__20141.1403289096.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's hard to find plain white brand skirt.

So, for your skirt I would personally go with something tiered or ruffly as you've got a lot of volume and detailing in the blouse and vest.

If you've got the time there are some nice skirts that you could have custom made in white on Fanplusfriend.

if you don't have time, this one picture comes in white and can be shipped straight away

>> No.7693008

That's a nice skirt, but do you think the tails of the vest would look strange over the bustle back? That was one of my fears, since I usually love bustle backs.

>> No.7693027

I'm not sure, maybe try the vest on with a bustle skirt you already own or a friends and see how they fall. If not, a plain circle skirt w/ ruffle on the bottom is fairly easy to make

>> No.7693118

There's also KL's Flora.

>> No.7693157


Oh yeah I saw the all white one last year! I was going to get it, but I already have rain/shine one from BtSSB, so I decided not to. I might get the black and white one, though. It matches the raincoat I bought for university.

It's the Alice Bruges JSK by Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. It came out... Two years ago, I think? The head piece is from the same series.

>> No.7693226
File: 24 KB, 570x427, il_570xN.575274283_3mdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the girl in the largest image has definitely got the right idea and it looks great - it's not a boring co-ord at all. The reason it works so well in my opinion is because she's used a cropped waistcoat that doesn't obscure that nice gold button detail. I would recommend looking for a cropped waistcoat as well, to do this skirt the most justice.

Brown cropped waistcoats aren't that easy to come by so if you're still struggling you could always try looking for something in white or cream in cotton that you could dye the appropriate shade of brown, and then replace the buttons if necessary. Replacing buttons in general is a pretty straightforward procedure.

>> No.7693242

Their quality isn't that great though. Some girl wrote a review on them and the shoes were pretty shit for how long she waited and how much she had to big them. Scratches and dings galore right out of the box

>> No.7693275

Oh this is so helpful! Thanks so much!!

>> No.7693289

Yea, that might be best, I'll try to find some nice patterned tights to go with it.

I see what I can do!

>> No.7693449
File: 154 KB, 850x567, perfumebottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the general thread before this was here but I'd love some more advice. Working on my first coord with MM Perfume Bottle JSK in mint. The MM rosette would be perfect but if I can't find it I might put something similar together using taobao pieces.

Where I'm struggling the most is finding a blouse - because of the yoke on the dress I was hoping for a fairly plain peter pan collar blouse in a creamy colour but I'm struggling to find one that's plain enough.

>> No.7693658

I considered that blouse, but I feel like a high-collar blouse would work better with the cut of the vest. Do you think one less detailed, like Dear Celine's bow tie blouse, might work better instead of the one I have pictured?

>> No.7693685

I can't really help because I haven't seen perfume bottle IRL to tell if the colours match. I would prefer the design of the dear celine blouse but maybe without the gigantic bow (it's detachable, so if you buy it just see what works better for you?)

my only gripe is with the socks, i feel that they look a bit too...cosplayish...i duno, they would work so great with an old school outfit but i wouldn't for perfume bottle. i'm not helpful don't even have a better suggestion sorry.

>> No.7693924

Thank you for your response! I'm not sure what Dear Celine blouse you're referring to though, in the general thread I had a Pumpkin Cat blouse with it as well but I think it only comes in white, not cream. The socks are there more as placeholders for cream otks, they were just the first ones on google, I didn't even notice the bows on them till right now, whoops!

>> No.7694005

Sorry, I actually meant the Flora skirt as an alternative white skirt. I forgot there was also the blouse of the same name.

>> No.7694107
File: 174 KB, 450x675, infanta-rose-navy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't have blue stuff in my wardrobe


>> No.7694137

What do you have, then?

>> No.7694139
File: 174 KB, 917x868, mintgoldcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con-crit? Help? Thanks.

>> No.7694140

Basically, Black (lots) and Red

I'm able to buy blue stuff to, but...

>> No.7694147

Good luck on finding it. Baby only has the pink in stock.
I regret not getting this specific pair.

>> No.7694148

Do you own that DC blouse, anon?
I was thinking of getting it but not sure if it's more offwhite than pure white.

>> No.7694149

Mu-fish is selling replicas right now if you don't give a shit.

>> No.7694197

I like the dear celine blouse better, but I would want to see them both in similar photo quality before I completely wrote off the chess story blouse.
The chess story one looks a little too beige. But it also depends on what the dress looks like IRL. The dear celine one might be too white, if it isn't as ivory as it looks.
What do you plan to do with your hair?
I normally really don't like solid colored tights, but in this case, I do. I like the sheerness, and considering there is so little blue elsewhere, it won't be overwhelming.
I think something you might want to consider is if you want to go with the light blue of the middle stripe or the green-blue of the bodice bows. Your tights are the light blue and your roses are the green-blue. You could do both, but I'm not sure how best to make it look deliberate.
The dress kind of reminds me of ballerinas. I think shoes with ribbons on them or lace up your calf would look cute.

Would it be too obnoxious to ask for an overview of your wardrobe? Since if you wanted to buy the whole coord from scratch, it wouldn't matter if you had blue. But if you want to incorporate what you have, knowing what you're working with could really spark some imagination.

>> No.7694210
File: 42 KB, 800x532, 28411-1771-2014-03-26125194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my picture, my camera is absolutely awful, but this is the dress I need help with. Every time I try making a coord /cgl/ tell me it looks boring. I need some help!

>> No.7694298

Hello, anons.

So, I have pic related. I wanted to keep my coord simple, so what I have currently planned are black tights and black oxfords.

The issue I have is headwear. I'm not sure what I should wear with this.

I looked at examples of lolita coords with religious/nun inspired themes, but most of them had veils, flower crowns, and some hats. I wasn't really feeling any of them.

Do you think this dress would look appropriate with just a regular black headbow? I see anons saying not to mix motifs and stuff, just didn't know if a headbow was too sweet or wouldn't look right.

I'm still new to lolita, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.7694307
File: 134 KB, 750x450, T2HzA9Xq8XXXXXXXXX_!!93746821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic like an idiot.

>> No.7694316

Bows are very neutral and will work with almost anything.
There are "sweet" bows though, such as those huge ones that sit right at the top and eats your head. Stick with a more subtle one, but I'm sure you're thinking of something like that alerady.

>> No.7694329
File: 85 KB, 480x640, 25495-1719-2014-03-21285586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good! I have the headbow that came with this aatp set. This wouldn't be considered too sweet, correct? It doesn't seem too big/floppy, so I'm guessing it works.

>> No.7694396

I don't... That's actually a concern of mine. I'm hoping it leans toward offwhite.

I'm going for an ivory or cream blouse, and I'd even do gold if I could find it. I want bell sleeves, but I'm having a hell of a time finding a blouse. But yeah, I'm trying to find pictures of the DC blouse worn to tell what color it actually is.
As for hair... I usually just wear long curls because they go well with most everything imo. But I'm up for suggestions.
Yeah, the different shades of mint have been an issue but I figured it would be alright? Since they're both on the bodice? But yeah thanks for the input.

>> No.7694457

Oh I think I saw you wearing a coord like this at fanime?

>> No.7694521

I'm sorry I'm not terribly helpful, but I would check Y!J or mbok for the MM rosette if you haven't already, I see them come up a lot in various colours. Also, I was wondering where those shoes are from? I've been looking for a pair in that shade of brown and I can only find them in that horrible tan colour.
(I think you're in my comm, by the way, hello!)

>> No.7695017

Thanks, I'll get searching over there. It's such a lovely piece. The shoes I found on eBay but they only seem to ship to Australia, although I guess you could ask them.

>> No.7695741

how do you wear the ribbon?

>> No.7695959
File: 82 KB, 480x640, TwinkDollJSK-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this dress recently and I'd love some help with a coord for it. I'm more used to AP but I've always admired Baby. Can anyone help?

>> No.7696037

I think this would look so gorgeous with a gold blouse and gold/black diamond tights.

>> No.7696043

Nope, I've never worn this out, and I'm in Alberta, Canada!

>> No.7696069

I don't really like the shoes with this coord. I prefer the dear Celine blouse too. Otherwise, it's fine.

>> No.7696162

Around the waist with a small bow in the back.

>> No.7696431
File: 946 KB, 948x1258, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I know that buying Bodyline is considered sacrilege to many lolitas but I'm hoping this can be looked beyond and I can get some help. I'm just starting a coord and I included the blouse that I bought as well as two skirts that I've had my eye on. Do you think these work together? If not any suggestions? The shirt is L474 from Bodyline and the skirts are Lady In Darkness and Cathedral Gothic from Surface Spell. If you have any other suggestions I'm trying to stay away from anything too expensive (trying not to stray too far over 100). Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

>> No.7697151

Yes thank you

>> No.7697166

Buying from Bodyline is fine. Some of their stuff is actually nice.

I think they work fine imo. I've heard good things about their blouses.

>> No.7697536
File: 553 KB, 564x422, bodyline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got Bodyline's Heart Chocolate Sweet Biscuit skirt, but have no idea how to coord it
I'm so new to this, help a baby out

>> No.7697544
File: 365 KB, 458x517, hhbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to work a coord around this dress for a while and I feel like this is close to what I want to do with it. The only items I actually own so far are the blouse and the JSK itself.

I want to do a sort of marching band theme, hence the jacket/gloves/boots, and I'm hoping that the grey tights balance the colors enough--I feel that cream would be too light and black would be too overwhelming with both the jacket and the boots.

Beret is obviously the wrong color, I need a black one but the picture represents the kind of style I want, also the headgear that best fits the marching band theme as berets are staple to some actual uniforms. The wig the beret is being modeled on is also the color/style I want to go with this coord.

Please give me any feedback you can, again I only own the blouse and the dress so far so the coord is very up to modification and suggestion.

>> No.7697551
File: 987 KB, 914x619, Coord macarons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not very good at coording if I don't have a set of actual items to pick from. However just a general idea. I would really bring out the black/pink of the skirt and for accessories stick with the cookie/macron theme. Maybe some Black/Pink OTK's with a macron print (Not sure if those exist, my google fu was failing me there)

>> No.7697556

>tfw have been looking for that beret for forever

>> No.7697570

I love this, I would have never even thought of using a black blouse!
Thank you so much!

>> No.7697571


That's the store it's from

>> No.7697575

I know, I have the matching JSK.

>> No.7698335

I have this JSK and I coordinate it boringly as fuck but I still love it to pieces.

>> No.7699063
File: 85 KB, 500x600, apcdc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help with this?

>> No.7699348

It's such a beautiful dress.

>> No.7699366

If you're already shopping from Surface Spell, it maybe be cheaper to taobao a blouse than bodyline (or cheaper to bodyline your skirt and blouse) because you're essentially paying for shipping twice from two different shops. only mentioning because your budget seems so tight. actually is 100 for just the blouse+skirt or for the entire co-ord? do you already have shoes and accessories in mind?

the 3 pieces you have picked are fine. where did you even hear or read that bodyline is sacrilege to lolitas? i'm very interested in knowing this.

>> No.7700387

The 100 is my budget for the skirt alone. I do not have shoes or accessories in mind, so any help with that as well would be appreciated. I was also looking for an opinion on which skirt to go with that would match the blouse best.
Also I posted on another coord help board with this exact question and got yelled at for buying bodyline because it was trash garbage or something similar to that.

>> No.7700400

Ignore the stupid people and take crit with a grain of salt, especially on 4chan. I do agree that you should stick to taobao if you are already buying from there. But the blouse is fine.

>>7696431 I like the lower skirt better, but it is a lot of purple so if you are starting out it may be harder to cord with. Purple isnt common so you will likely pair it with black mostly anyways.

>> No.7700794
File: 1.20 MB, 687x902, lotta 2.0 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't decide between these two blouses. Any concrit would be super helpful.

>> No.7700831
File: 200 KB, 1024x744, shit____color____saber_rkx07_by_rkx07-d62rlfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I like the one of the left.

The one on the right doesn't have enough contrasting colors to it and therefore doesn't 'pop' enough.

But the one on the left also reminds me of this character, and I'm not sure how it would look on someone with darker hair.

>> No.7700917

Okay, so I have a AP LBC salopette. Even though I'm pretty short (155 cm) it's still reealllyyy short on me, a little too short for me to use in any lolita coord. I dunno if this is the right thread for this, but does anyone have any suggestions on making some sort of j-fash coord with this instead? I still really like this piece and I got a really good deal on it, so I don't really wanna give it up. I'm just stumped on how to make a different kind of outfit for it (that isn't a casual lolita coord cause like I said, just plain too short)

>> No.7700930

Source on the beret, please? I was thinking it's Dear Celine, but that last letter doesn't look much like a C.

>> No.7700935

It's r-series, from the Dear Little Friends series (same as the boot covers)

>> No.7700942
File: 2.84 MB, 1490x1122, purplesurfacespell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean you posted the same outfit to somewhere outside of /cgl/ right? where did you post? i want to see where the anti-bodyline-chans are all coming from.

I would pick cathedral over the purple motif. The floral skirt is also pretty, but here are some issues you may -or may not face. If you have a muffin top, the high waist may be unflattering. The motif fabric is used for the entire skirt, so if you don't have the right figure, you might end up looking a bit shapeless.

The bodyline blouse you chose is perfectly fine (I have the same one in another colour) However the swallowtail back is completely covered up if you wear a high-waist skirt.

Some accessories that may get your thought-train going. Not sure if the purples match IRL though.

>> No.7700943

A plain blouse is a real snooze, anon. Try adding a bolero or some interesting jewelry. Also make sure the blouse you pick is offwhite to match the bag and tights, those both look pretty white but it could be my monitor. I love the R-series shoes and beret, great choices. Though personally I would go with a slightly darker wig since this is already a very light coord, it needs balance.
Another thing, is the skirt warm pink irl? It looks like it might contrast with the shoes and beret, make sure everything matches.

>> No.7701679

I need tights help.

Does anyone know how much burando tights will stretch, on average? I'm not even close to being a landwhale, but I do have a fairly large rear, and regular off brand tights tend to slip down after a while.
And speaking of slipping, how does one keep their tights up? I'm thinking safety pins or a garter, but I don't want to damage my tights, and I'm not sure a garter would work on something that's at my hips.

>> No.7701695

I have heard of the suggestion of wearing a second pair of underwear on top of the tights

>> No.7701745
File: 114 KB, 480x640, meltin&#039;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help with Guilty Meltin' Sweets Town? I have the Navy x Brown colourway Jsk II and LOVEE it. I am just at a stump what to do up top since I don't want to cover the lapels.

>> No.7701804
File: 110 KB, 500x500, yea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First coord help please!
So my first Bodyline order arrived today (pic related) and I'm really happy with both of the pieces. I'm just not entirely sure how to coord them. What I have in mind is:
-Black heeled Oxfords
-Black stripey lace tights
-Some sort of chunky ring
And I'm completely stumped as far as hair accessories go. I'm currently donning a mid-growing-out-slightly-unruly-pixie-cut. I thought maybe a thick headand with a subtle bow might work? Or possibly a beret?

All help appreciated guyz

>> No.7702153

A small side veil or a hat would be nice. Maybe not a beret

>> No.7702164
File: 181 KB, 500x570, 1403815883185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems awfully boring, anon. Look at other gothic coords for inspiration. You should also think about neck jewelry and a bag.

>> No.7702309

I thought it might be but I'd rather that than an ita mess tbh, would an interesting necklace make it less boring?

>> No.7702354

I would go in one of two directions:
'smart' with a cloche hat, black blazer, heeled oxfords, charm bracelet jewellery and a ring with a small black stone.
'victorian doll' with cameo jewellery, chunky mary janes, and veiled fascinator

>> No.7702500
File: 1.41 MB, 1110x854, rando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sloshed a bunch of stuff together, but I think it should get my point across. Because you're choosing all black it sometimes helps to make an outfit based on a theme or accent colour, like bordeaux.

>> No.7702850

ooh I hadn't thought of a veil before. that's a very good idea imo!

The doll idea here really appeals to me, would it be better with stockings or OTKs?

Accent colours are something I really want to use in future coords but I thought I should play it safe first time round. I like the idea of integrating a theme with my accessories though!

Thanks everyone

>> No.7702859
File: 58 KB, 1218x705, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a coord for Tulle Rose op and I was wondering if I could get some feedback/suggestions. Thank yo very much.

>> No.7703436

I think the bonnet could work better than the hat.

>> No.7703504

I do not like those shoes at all

>> No.7703614
File: 338 KB, 622x362, jcrewmonadeepnavymjs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time of the roses anon from before...what does cgl think of these shoes? They look like a closer color match, but they're a bit on the expensive side, and i'm not a fan of wearing heels taller than 2 inches

>> No.7703759

I'd go OTKs with wide lace trim, innocent world has nice ones

>> No.7703838

Classy choice my friend.

>> No.7703947

I love them.

>> No.7704106

well, decision made then, thanks anons

>> No.7704315
File: 79 KB, 601x407, sailorsetproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my IW order from the sales in - a matching sailor blouse and pants set. As cute as the set is, I have never coorded anything with pants before. Also, the accent color is way more tan/beige than they are in the stock picture - even my camera makes it way too light, so I included a swatch of what I think the color looks like in the corner. Would white or offwhite socks still be okay? I am planning on wearing black oxfords like Model-san.

Second, what kind of head accessories would work with this? I am planning a boyish outfit with a bob wig, so should I get some sort of hat? I was also thinking a more girly coord with more bows - would a simple headbow work?

Any and all suggestions are welcome. I really don't know what I am doing buying pants!

>> No.7704323

gorgeous shoes, anon.

>> No.7704371
File: 55 KB, 480x640, MeltyMermaidPrincessOP-Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble figuring out accessories and leg wear that would look good with black Melty Mermaid. Any suggestions?

>> No.7704940

Sparkly black tights/tights with dark purple sparkles maybe? Maybe you should incorporate white pearls, like on some black wristcuffs.

>> No.7705781
File: 99 KB, 502x654, uggggh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no matching bag, but I was wondering what improvements or suggestions that could be made for this coord?

>> No.7705798
File: 308 KB, 700x1000, tfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the edge if I want this dress or not! Do you mind posting some pics of the design? I heard it's a lot nicer irl.
As for the top, I suggest a high-neck blouse with a necklace? That way you still are decorated, but you don't cover the lapels.

>> No.7705801

frilly ankle socks might look really cute
some more jewelry too
maybe more petti? though I kind of like the soft look of less petti
very cute, anon

>> No.7705806

Do you think pearls would work or should I stick with the flower theme? I'm actually thinking of placing an AP order for some nice frilly socks and a white bag. Thanks anon!

>> No.7705819
File: 2.11 MB, 1500x667, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these are near complete, but does what I've got put together so far look alright?

>will replace the headpiece on the rococo rose border jsk
>obviously my polaroid and ds aren't part of the delft lotta coord

>> No.7705854

I think these make really nice coords already, you just need some leg wear and you're ready to go.

>> No.7705855

You could do with some rings on your fingers.
If you want to add pearl jewelry, you will need to add a little pearl everywhere - some on your hat/hair, some on your hands, some on your blouse/dress etc. but not too much also.
your petti works just fine
Topping your shoes with lace is a good idea, I agree, otherwise, if you have the same shoes in the same colour as the white/beige on your dress it would be even better

Left to right.
1. Your shoes aren't absolute shit, but I don't like them very much either. There's just nothing particularly lolita about them.
2. Same thing about the shoes for number 1. Are you able to remove the bow from the shirt collar? I feel that a black bow would be better.
3. Cute so far. Since you decided to go the fawn fur route, you could top your shoes with fawn fur too. Not sure how the fawn collar will look with the high-collar of the blouse though.

Also what do you intend to do for your legs? Haven't you any socks or tights in mind?

>> No.7705873

Okay I'm thinking some shoes in teal for the cadre du chat coord to match the bow on the cat, and maybe throw in teal accents (like a teal bow on the collar for instance). And the fawn collar in the delft lotta coord is actually just two boot covers tied together, my fawn collar is on the way, so that works! I'm not entirely sure what to do for tights/socks with the middle coord, but I've ordered white lace tights for coord 1 and want to buy matching delft lotta OTKs for coord 3. Otherwise I'd just use my white lace tights for coord 3 to match the blouse and tie the white into the coord better.

I've also got the rose lace pochette in white on the way so I'll wear that with coord 3.

>> No.7705875

The pink looks really out of place in the third coordinate and none of the shades match. The accessories in all 3 look really cheap. You should invest in good basic items such as blouses and headpieces instead of just buying dresses.

>> No.7705881

Yeah, I learned the hard way not to buy all main pieces (I've had 4 main pieces just sitting in my room staring at me for months) and have been slowly purchasing blouses and bags. Now I'm gonna focus on headpieces and OTKs, and then I'll work on shoes. And point taken about the pinks, I figured they were close enough but I guess not.

>> No.7705911

They both work! You can stick more flowers onto the hat or incorporate them into your jewelry or go with more pearls for accessories. You can do both at the same time for a fancier look.

>> No.7705990


You kind of have an issue with matching colours, first off, I'm pretty sure the tulle on the dress is white, while both the bonnet and hat look to be offwhite? Could be a lighting issue, but I'd doublecheck before making a purchase.

Second, the light blue on the hat doesn't seem to match the dress. I can see light blue in the roses, but they seem to be a cooler blue while the hat seems to be more towards cyan or mintier blue.

If you can make sure that the bonnet is actually white, you could take the waist ribbon into a craft store and use that to either find matching blue roses, or find fabric spray paint in a matching blue and spray paint some white roses the right shade of blue.

>> No.7705997
File: 213 KB, 500x600, 05151411_53744c7a8fdc6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas on blouses and cutsews that suit this dress, other than the one AP paired it with? I have this dress on preorder but not the cutsew, and anyhow I would like to have more options than always wearing this jsk and the matching cutsew as a pair.

>> No.7706021

Thank you anon for your suggestion. I have the bonnet already and it's white, it just was bad lighting. That's a very clever idea. I was wondering if you would recommend different footwear or not and whether it would look best worn with a blouse underneath or as is?

>> No.7706027

Wow, this is terrible. So many people want this dress and yet someone who can't even make a decent basic coordinate has it.

>> No.7706034

What would you do anon?

>> No.7706078

Tough shit, either you fork out the money or cry more.

I think the shoes are too meh for such a cool dress. I would at the least put giant rose shoe clips on them. This would be one dress I would actually like to see white mesh lace gloves and lace tights tried with because I think it could look quite elegant in an old school manaesque way, you could keep the shoes and bonnet and also add a blue tulle choker

>> No.7706125

That sounds like a great idea. Would you recommend other shoes?

>> No.7706304

Well if you own the shoes already then by all means go for them, otherwise I'd consider Mary Jane platforms (might require a change of colour scheme, maybe coording with more white) or checking out irregular choice

>> No.7707298
File: 3.89 MB, 3508x2480, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back to torture myself again.

This is what I have so far, the JSK, blouse, and red bag. I've also decided that maybe I'll go with the Secret Shop VM replicas, since they can be made in my size. I own the brown shoes, are they bad?

If someone wants to steal this and throw some items at me that can fit a 108cm chest and 26.5 feet, I'd be eternally grateful.

>> No.7707391
File: 389 KB, 500x753, TB2YjcAXVXXXXaEXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!199340297[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've never coordinated a white dress before, but I'm absolutely in love with this one. Any and all help would be appreciated.

I'd like to try something with white/gold with sort of a royal look to it. Or something foresty/mori inspired.

All the coord ideas I'm getting just seem too bride-esque.

>> No.7707482
File: 180 KB, 917x866, mintgoldcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon that posted the original coord. Found some more shoes and wanted some opinions on them. I'm worried about the gold mary-janes looking too childish. Of the three which do you think work best? Or do any of them work lol

>> No.7707514

How I like to handle JSKs that already have a collar is to wear blouses with square or scoop necks. Basically, aim at adding sleeves to the dress. I'm pretty sure they had an add with this JSK with a dark chiffon scoop blouse. If I'm wrong, it would look good.

>> No.7707530

I have those shoes in the middle and I don't think they are too childish. Especially not compared to normal lolita shoes! I think the ones on the left are too normal fashion, but the ones on the right look good
I would ditch the solid mint tights, I don't think they will look good at all. Get some patterned tights or socks with mint or gold accents. Its not a bias against solid tights I just don't think these will work. Ankle socks would work better than these but I think patterened tights or socks are best.

>> No.7707537
File: 48 KB, 536x800, 724905282_543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, something like pic related instead
they are beige tho
white floral patterened tights would look nice as well

>> No.7707539
File: 36 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.7707656

Yes, the JSK turned out a lot nicer in person. I figured it would be this way since Baby, imo, is kinda notorious for bad stock photos and I love Halloween prints so I didn't want it to get away. I will take photos tomorrow.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not sure color since I want it to flow and I want it to match whatever shoes I get. I'd love black but it would't make sense. Maybe brown? Thanks!

>> No.7707749

Please do! I'm so anxious. Honestly, I'm not sure either. I use a lot of black in my wardrobe so I'm wondering if a black blouse against the brown lapels would look bad.

>> No.7708059
File: 138 KB, 600x684, chicken bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a print that would work with this purse? Maybe a country lolita coord?

>> No.7708074


>> No.7708083

god, no

>> No.7708117
File: 412 KB, 600x847, dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a loss on how to coord this. I'm a sweet lolita and I got this because I sort of fell in love with it, but I know color isn't what makes the style, and this is very classic to me. I have a pink heart purse, pink teaparties and some pink platforms, pink knee socks, white knee socks and some white ankle socks, white polkadot sheer tights. I think some chiffony ruffly ankle socks, and some classy small heeled round toe shoes? Maybe mary janes? Lace otks? and what for the headdress?

>> No.7708131

could this be coorded in a sweet way?

>> No.7708134

Don't listen to them, anon. I believe in you and your chicken purse.

>> No.7708152

If you want it to be more sweet, then go with OTKs or ankle socks with the pink tea parties. The pink purse should work, although a white purse would help add some contrast. I think adding wristcuffs would help sweeten the look too.

You can go with a more toned-down look with the tights, the classy shoes, maybe a handbag instead of the heart purse, and some simple jewelry (gold looks really good with pink!).

What kind of hair accessories are you going to go with this dress?

>> No.7708168

At the moment I have a ton of differently sized pink hair bows, and then a medium sized white chiffon bow. (fairly lacking in the accessory department, I know.) I actually need more accesories...
Maybe it would look good with a hat? I feel like the dress is a bit airy and chiffony, so I want the accesories to be of the same look, you know?

>> No.7708171

cute dress anon

Would look cute with a simple sweet coord. Do you have any black mary jane like shoes? Like tea parties or just a mary jane heel? That would look good with white lace topped ankle socks or white lace topped knee socks. Also a black bow

>> No.7708178

Bows are very versatile so you can definitely do a lot of different things! You can do twin tails and clip in bows at the hairband for sweet. If you have a lot of bows you can go with a crazier hairstyle and just clip them all over.

For toned down I like to just grab some hair from either side, pin them back, and add a bow where they meet. A hat would look good too, and it would be cute if you could clip the bows onto it.

>> No.7708180

I actually have white lace topped knee socks! A lot of my sweet is old school
But pairing black with pink?

>> No.7708181

I think of it as an Alice-y sort of deal. Light blue looks great with black shoes and bows, pink usually does, too!

Just be sure to balance out the black with a black bow up top!

>> No.7708186

Thanks! I love doing the twintail thing.

>> No.7708227

I own the DC blouse and even though they say it's off-white, it's almost pure white. I don't think that it will match this dress....I'm sorry, anon!
(BTW, this is a dream dress of mine...lucky you!)

>> No.7709602

Thank you, Anon <3
I bet there's a barnyard print out there.

>> No.7709626

Isn't there that one JetJ barnyard print?
With a bunch of barn animals standing on each other

>> No.7709635

The cock pussy bitch ass dress? I'll have to check out its color scheme, I can't remember it.

>> No.7710037
File: 76 KB, 960x541, true color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one pic. I hope this isn't so bad. This is the color of the navy and one detail. I have more pics too.

>> No.7710118

I'm pretty sure it's just a black dress. not really any great colors to speak of it.

>> No.7710173

that jetj one that has a rooster, a cat, a dog, and a donkey standing on top of one another

>> No.7710179

boy i was late to the party


>> No.7710210

Sauce on gold strapped heels please?

>> No.7710212
File: 210 KB, 805x879, rosterlolitaafd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want that chicken purse to work but I don't know how. I like country lolita but the chicken itself is not white so it doesn't work well with gingham which is often white with another color.

So I searched "rooster lolita" and found that russian folk art lolita someone posted to DA. Also included that jetj dress.

>> No.7710245

>rooster lolita

>> No.7710266
File: 119 KB, 480x640, 103759-305-2014-06-29669035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That purse would be amazing for the Cock, Pussy, Bitch, Ass dress

You might also like AatP's Porz Kerchief

>> No.7710680

I absolutely love this. Pet chickens are really cute.

>> No.7710682

I want a dress (other than PK, already own it) like the ones in the bottom right.
Anyone know where to buy Russian folk dresses?

>> No.7711482


>> No.7712183

Thank you.

>> No.7712220

Furry Murine

I don't usually do things in this sweet a palette so I don't have any lavender accessories but I have pearl, gold, silver, whites... I'm also willing to buy some stuff.

>> No.7712221
File: 149 KB, 500x600, tumblr_n8y09yskYO1t0y2cqo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how i mine for 4chan

>> No.7712228 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure I saw it on lacemarket today (second release)

>> No.7712233 [DELETED] 


someone is also selling the skirt in pink

>> No.7712239

Those are darling. Since this is an image board and sometimes it doesn't like links (spamming protection purposes), would it be ok if you posted images in the future (or use tinylink at the least)?

I think that the first shoe appears more visually striking, however, I can't help thinking that the blue shoes are a tad brighter than the jsk's navy colorway. I don't have much time at the moment, but you should try putting the images along with the jsk and see for yourself.

>> No.7712248

Ok? Thanks for your... contribution I guess. This is the coord help thread though, not the dream dress thread. I already own this OP.

>> No.7712250

Wow fuck, I'm stupid. Sorry about that

>> No.7712260

I think that having a pair of chocolate brown shoes and red or burgundy, black, and even gold shoes would also be wonderful to wear with this, along with off-white legwear (as in any style, have a variety of styles - ankle length socks for a sweeter touch, plain and patterned tights and otks). I can try to post links later, but I'm sure that they're easier to find.

Blouses shouldn't be a huge problem. You can still sweeten it up with a large peterpan collar blouse or if you do want to invest in more classic pieces, I'm sure any high neckline blouses or cutsews would be fine. Cardigans and boleros would be nice too. As someone who does own a similar IW jsk, I think that the only issue may be figuring out how to make blouses look right with it since their dresses tend to have stupidly made bodices.

Are you on some kind of budget?

Anyway, don't try to overwhelm this jsk with more navy. Like in the suggestions with shoe colors, treat it as a base color like you would with your sweeter dresses/skirts.

>> No.7712268
File: 139 KB, 400x435, il_570xN.584128312_sgtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also surprised that it yielded results when I searched for it.

I don't know how legit this site is but they have some stunning shawls. http://www.rusclothing.com
Making an outfit with or even a skirt/dress from a shawl would be stunning. Etsy has a lot of them.

>> No.7712269

Just got my paws on the Radiant Candlelight halter JSK in wine (attached isn't my photo), and I'm wondering how I should go about accessorizing. I already have a long-sleeved cream/offwhite blouse that works well with the halter portion, as well as the matching OTKs, but my biggest concern for now is the headwear, from wig to accessory. I've worn almost exclusively sweet up until now, so I'm not quite confident enough to dive into any one avenue quite yet. Thankfully I've got a few months before the weather/season will be appropriate, but I'd like to get a head start.

>> No.7712270

We know

>> No.7712271
File: 76 KB, 1024x826, dmY4rxR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic like a dunce.

>> No.7712272
File: 186 KB, 500x600, 05231137_537eb481e0afc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, the matching blouse is pic related, but it's already sold out in sax. I'm hoping they will restock it when the preorders go out next month, but in case they don't, I'm looking at options.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for other bouses with square or scoop necks. Thanks!

>> No.7712273

cut that shit out. she was trying to help, don't be an asshat.

>> No.7712406
File: 232 KB, 864x1043, fairymarineideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I came up with - hope it gives you some good ideas! Personally I like pink or even a pale yellow with lavender but since you don't have much sweet stuff I tried to stick to silver. Maybe try mixing in some stuff from the Cosmic series and/or Misty Sky since Fairy Maine does have the stars on the bow?

>> No.7712409

*Marine. Wow.

>> No.7712432

Do you want to wear a wig? I would go with a hime style one and a round headdress in red with gold trim

>> No.7712462

2nding yellow w lav, they are opposite colors or something so it works
Also bright blue ala dream sky works for some reason
Pink is also good, and any metallics

>> No.7713304
File: 77 KB, 280x373, TwinEtoileBustierJSK-pink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions for Etoile Twins? I'm getting just the main piece in pink, no matching headbow or socks. I'd like to play up the ballerina theme but haven't gotten further than getting ballet flats or ballet rhs to wear with it.

>> No.7713332

I'm definitely not opposed to wigs at all. Could I see an example of the kind of headdress you mentioned? Thank you!

>> No.7713339

Ballet costumes are usually very open across the shoulders, so I'd go with a scoop-neck blouse. Jewelry-wise, something like a ribbon choker.

>> No.7713513
File: 869 KB, 1014x753, abc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd appreciate some help. I somewhat copied lostnatsu's coord (picture on the right) because I love it and I'm a lone lolita anyway so no one will think I'm lame. And also because I normally wear gothic and have no idea what I'm doing.
I'll figure something out for the shoes, but I have no idea what kind of accessories I should get. I don't think I'll be wearing a blouse because I got this JSK especially for super casual wear. Also, is the hat ok?

>> No.7713556
File: 46 KB, 500x332, Konservatoriet-72-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be really cute if this dress had matching arm puff sleeve things like pic related. You could also play up the swan element in the dress with a feather headpiece. Part of me also wants to see a ballet bun with a tiara for this dress to echo the ballerina in the print.

>> No.7713557

The hat looks country, so doesn't really fit the theme. I'd go with a black bowler or felt boater. The bag also looks a bit disjointed, lostnatsu's is a different shape and has more detailing which fits with the sweet aesthetic. The tights look a little odd to me, I'd stick with the ankle socks (especially since this seems to be a very warm weather coord). If you're wearing it casually, though, you don't need to follow lolita guidelines. I'd honestly just wear a sheer puff sleeved blouse or a short sleeved black bolero. For accessories, you want something on your wrists. A bracelet would work nicely, wristcuffs seem a little frilly for this dress. Wear a few rings with related themes, sticking to all gold or all silver. Keep in mind I usually wear gothic-y classic, so this is probably more toned down than a sweet lolita would come up with.

>> No.7713589
File: 189 KB, 271x405, adsfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, this is really helpful. I'll drop the hat. Not sure about the replacement yet, because I just thought of the fact that it would probably be uncomfortable to wear a hat with warm weather. Would pic related be a decent bag? The zippers are a bit awkward but I can easily replace them with simple, gold ones.
I feel like a noob all over again.

>> No.7713984

That bag looks cute, I like how the circle shape echoes the moon shape in the print. To be honest, I like hats in warmer weather, they can keep the sun off your neck. A felt boater with a bow on it would be cute. However, I think a headbow would be a great option with this as well. I'd avoid things like hair flowers because they don't really fit the feel of the print. On the other end of the spectrum, you could go for a sailor theme working with the collar. In that case, the hat would be fine. A puff sleeve blouse, a striped ribbon on the hat, mary janes, short gloves, and sailor-y motifs in with the star ones (anchors, etc) would be really cute. Either way, I like the bag.

>> No.7714000
File: 569 KB, 599x800, 14543558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently got this dress, excuse the messy pigtails bc couldn't be bothered to curl and style properly for a try-on photo.

Anyways not super sure what to do for leg and footwear. Kinda wanted to make use of the bag even though it's black and was thinking black shoes with either brown and/or cream tights? In particular I was thing either solid textured cream tights or brown with a cream print tights.
Or should I just go and get dark brown shoes + bag?

Any other crits + suggestions would be great.

>> No.7714078
File: 199 KB, 800x600, etoile-ballerina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I might need to make or commission one of those gypsy blouses with a shirred neckline, so it can be pulled down and hidden behind the dress, leaving only the puff sleeves outside, or if that looks weird then I'll pull it up as a scoop neckline. (the black blouse in the pic is an Atelier Pierrot blouse, but it doesn't come in pink). Good combination of both suggestions?

Here's the rest of what I've put together.

>> No.7714128

Chess Story actually has a blouse that comes in white, ivory and another color...pink(?) that you can wear either off the shoulder or as a scoop neck if you're interested.

>> No.7714151

The headband looks a little tacky and the shoes look cheap. honestly none of what you have there matches the aesthetic of the dress at all. I'm not trying to be mean anon, but nothing really fits. Even the necklace looks really out of place.

>> No.7714165
File: 49 KB, 500x724, T2V2j.XJtXXXXXXXXX-199340297[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found it, thanks for the heads-up! I'll put it in with my next taobao order.


Can you try and suggest a few things that fit?

Telling me it all looks bad doesn't help me coord the dress better, whatever your intentions are.

>> No.7714175

what will you be wearing as legware?
I like everything, but maybe switch out the head piece for one of those feathery things the main girl wears in swan lake. Switch the shoes out for tougher version, (those look weak and flimsy) some big brand like vw or kors or something came out with some pointe inspired shoes recently

>> No.7714176

I realize I wasn't really being helpful. To be honest I only wear sweet-classic (and it seems like you might be going for that, but the sweetness of the dress just won't really work with classic elements) and I don't know much about co-ording sweet. I do like that blouse a lot better.

I would go with simple tea parties rather than ballet flats. If you could find sax to match the sax in the dress that could be cute, or stick with pink if that matches more of your wardrobe. White would be cute too, depending on your legwear. Look at more sweet model photos for hair ideas if you don't want to wear a wig. As for headwear, I hate to suggest a bow, but they really do go best with sweet. That or something matching the theme of the dress.

>> No.7714181
File: 24 KB, 600x450, access972002-img600x450-1387715812svf0ug73124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh I get what you were going for now, my apologies. Something like these would be cute, and maybe some of those simple shoes that have ribbons for laces (or buy plain ones you can put your own ribbons in). The Swan Lake theme is cute but I wouldn't adhere to it too strictly, I think you might be limiting yourself with it.

>> No.7714187

Also Cheval de Bois taobao has some swan lake tights but they come in purple and mint with pink so you'd have to tie one of those colors in somehow, they're super cute though,

>> No.7714194

My suggestions for improvements:
Wear sheer tights with a subtle pattern.
Use a sheer blouse instead of the gypsy idea.
Wear RHS instead of the Melissa ballet flats.
Use silver jewelry in a matching theme. You're on track with pearls, but I'd go for classic white pearls and a different charm.
Use an elegant updo (use fannyrosie for inspiration) instead of the braid thing.

>> No.7714199

Whoops. I take back the silver thing, I didn't look at the print closely.

>> No.7714214
File: 102 KB, 480x640, FRoseHeadBow-ofw-side[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had pic related in mind, but it seemed like too much white. Would it work if I added pink bow or rose clips to tie it back to the dress? At worst I could commission someone for it in pink, I suppose.

For legwear I had in mind a particular pair of sheer tights that had tiny bows on them, I saw them in white on taobao (I got the cream), but I can't seem to find the white ones again. If I can't find them I'll probably go with patterned white semi sheer tights.


Seems like the shoes get a lot of hate. In person the plastic looks much nicer and the ribbons can actually be swapped out, which is good, because I'll agree that they look cheap and were the main reason I didn't buy them when I saw them.

I think I'll switch to pink rocking horse shoes with long straps instead, though, and save the flats for non lolita coords.

I just looked them up, and yeah, they're cute, but they don't quite match since the dress is more pink x sax than mint.


Already have that planned for the tights, I just can't seem to find the right pair right now.

I'm planning to use the blouse in >>7714165, the sleeves can be pulled down for the sleeve puff look >>7713556 suggested. What do you think of it?

I'll look up more updos styles and pearl jewellery.
Thank you all for the suggestions. They help a lot.

>> No.7714222


There's no glitter in the print, the "gold" is actually an ochre colour. Would it be okay to match it with silver? Or should I just stick to pearls x gold (I'm mainly going for pearls, but the charm or the setting would probably be metal)

>> No.7714226

I think with the adjustments it sounds great, and I love the blouse with it even as is. Great job taking and improving from feedback without being an asshole, something that seems hard for most people to do. What were you thinking about for a bag?

>> No.7714227

Since the blouse has gold buttons, stick with gold. I just intinctively tend to pair pastel pink and sax blue with silver (watched too much cinderella as a kid, maybe).

>> No.7714230
File: 6 KB, 256x197, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this would work better. maybe add a tiny tiara if you like?
And the legware seems fine, then. Maybe polka dot tights?

>> No.7714232

why do I always fucking save the damn thumbnail? Christ
also, what will you be doing hair wise?

>> No.7714247

Seconding this. Tiny gold tiara, delicate updo like another anon suggested.

>> No.7714267
File: 135 KB, 379x400, Tiara%20Gallery%20Swan%20Lake%20White%20Swan%20Odette%20Custom%20Headpiece[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


....oh I completely forgot I need a bag lol. I have a heart-shaped pink bag from AP's lucky pack this year, the pinks probably match. Alternatively, if I'm going with feathers and bows, there's a bow-shaped AP bag that I could hunt down on secondhand auctions?

I'm open to suggestions for more ballet-themed ideas.

It's probably easier for me to take the advice as nothing except the dress has been bought yet, so all this great advice is saving me from spending money to look cheap. Once again, thanks to everyone for helping me out!

Ah, I didn't even notice the buttons had gold on them. Thanks, I'll stick to pearls and gold for jewellery.


That's been a problem for me. I saw that, but I also saw someone in the nitpick thread who had her hair done up so close to her head, her head looked too small to balance out the lolita silhoutte. I initially picked the crown braid as I figured I could puff out the braid with fake braids so it doesn't stick too closely to my head. I also tried to stick to headbands so that, if my updo did look too small for the dress, I'll give up doing an updo and just go for thick curls to balance out the dress.

Pic is the other headdress I had my eye on, but I definitely don't like the colour and materials -- I'd just use the way it's constructed as a blueprint, but go with mini pearl tiara and pink and white feathers instead.

>> No.7714322

I like that headwear! Pink clips in your hair could be cute with it, yeah. I don't necessarily think it's too much white if you have white elsewhere in your co-ord.

>> No.7714351

Love the shape of this headpiece, anon.

>> No.7714405


>> No.7714531

It has ballet slippers on it so maybe try working around that as a theme or inspiration? I think a ballerina coord would look nice with it

>> No.7714748
File: 69 KB, 747x315, 3bc19380-b517-4f38-a9ef-5e28de1cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to decide which blouse would go better with IW CC. Other blouse suggestions appreciated.

>> No.7714751

I like the one on the left more because the ruffles seem like they'll follow the shape of the neckline better

>> No.7714757

Go with the jabot, the ruffles will make the left one lie weirdly. Can I have the names of the blouses?

>> No.7714766

I'd go for the left one, too.

>> No.7714772

Thanks. They're new releases from IW, logo embroidered ribbon blouse and drape jabot blouse.

>> No.7715178
File: 124 KB, 286x328, i guess you could say my coording skills can be................. dim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got snagged my dream print so of course I'm struggling to make a nice coord for it. I've got everything from blouse to headwear to accessories down, but I just do not know what to do as far as legwear goes. Do I go for white tights and navy shoes so my tights won't blend into the lower ruffles, or vice versa? Should I instead try to incorporate different color present in the print? Maybe go with silver shoes instead to bounce off of my accessories? I just can't decide. Anyone else got any input?

>> No.7715199

just that I want to murder you and steal this dress.

>> No.7715223
File: 580 KB, 583x608, timeoftherosescollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I thought about that as soon as I saw how the post looked. Sorry, and thanks for the advice anon!
Also I'm back to ask for more advice...this is what I have so far (though my tights are a slightly different pattern). I'm commissioning a headpiece so i can't show that at the moment. I haven't bought the bag, because i'm not sure how well it works... Not sure if it's metallic gold or just a golden yellow/brown color. I was also considering Btssb Clockwork tea party otks in the ivory/navy colorway but I'm not sure about it...Any advice is welcome.

>> No.7715268

Can you post blouse & headwear & accessories so we know how you're distributing colours in the rest of the outfit? I would lean towards navy lace tights and silver shoes

>> No.7715315

Thanks, the jabot blouse is lovely.

>> No.7715321
File: 53 KB, 294x172, yeaaaahloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat filename

>> No.7715322

I'd go with sheer patterned white tights and navy shoes. I'd stick to silver in the accessories, but personally I dislike metallic shoes.

>> No.7715571
File: 142 KB, 660x631, AliceNanamiStarDressCoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting a little late in this thread but I was hoping to get a second opinion on this coord! I just got an invoice for my order which includes the dress, matching head bow and wrist cuffs (which I wish I got in white but the black ones are already on their way). It's not particularly exciting but does everything look ok so far? Any suggestions welcome! (Also probably not including those tattoo tights - I was hoping to find some with subtle gold stars but nothing's come up)

>> No.7715596

White socks might be little bit off. Wonderful coord anyway. Link to the dress?

>> No.7715619

To be honest I'm going for the look in the stock photo since it's baby's first real coord. Haha. I got the dress from Alice Garden. http://shop67752482.taobao.com

>> No.7715673

Oh, I take it back, you are right! Go for it!

>> No.7715778
File: 117 KB, 496x428, 10585678_10154410157585144_1828324627_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got a blouse from Taobao but I just ordered it based on a swatch. I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for blouses that will match the ribbon I have in this photo instead of the colour underneath. It's just a little bit too pink for what I need, I was hoping for something a bit lighter and airier, maybe a transparent blouse. I photoshopped this to be more correct but it might be a bit more saturated than real life. Hopefully it gives an idea though.

I have found a few blouses, I'm just worried about TB stock photos being off. (This is the pink Little Dipper blouse for anyone who is wondering)

>> No.7716025
File: 72 KB, 427x499, 1406499825086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this in the ita thread and thought of you anon

>> No.7716765

The stars on the wristcuffs look cheap, but other than that this is a great coord.

>> No.7717568
File: 623 KB, 1000x800, cdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is better: white blouse or navy? Also, can anyone suggest accessories that would help make this outfit super OTT? I'd like to wear it to Rufflecon, and everyone will be completely decked out.

>> No.7717585

I like the navy better unless you add more white somewhere else.

>> No.7717631
File: 1.21 MB, 720x1080, delft lotta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made a super boring coord. No clue what to do for jewellery, and I want to incorporate more dark brown into it to match the shoes.
>using stock images to cover up my messy room

>> No.7717632

It looks better with the navy.

>> No.7717648

That sounds really kitschy and cute!

>> No.7717682

I prefer the white, since it balances with the white horses

>> No.7717688

I like navy more because it looks more lavish and royal

>> No.7717694


Some thoughts for super OTT:

- The blouses are fine -- but you asked for OTT, and right now they're the plainest things in the coord. Try to pick out something fancier, maybe gold trim (as per the matching blouses from AP) on the front bows would be good, or a fancy lacy jabot, or more lace on the sleeves, or something.

- The hair is also fine for non OTT, but it could be bigger if you want to go OTT, eg a hime bump, or fluffy twin tails. If you feel up to it you can get some fake hair things (hair buns, hair bows, fake braids, maybe even a dozen clip-in hair in matching navy, etc), add them to your wig to give more interest.

- You can add star clips or strings of pearls to your wig too.

- It's currently lacking bling, such as bracelets, necklace, etc. I'd go for chunky things so it doesn't get lost, but be careful it's not so big that it dwarfs you.

- If you really want to add more drama, sew some navy lace to a bit of tulle or chiffon, then tie it into your waist bow so that it hangs down behind your skirt like a train.

- For bonus points, especially if you're meeting fellow lolitas, do your nails (and maybe your eyelashes) -- get a set of fake nails in a matching design, or do/get someone to do nail art in gold on navy. Eyelashes -- you know how some lolitas put glitter stickers on their face? If you want to try something different and subtler, look for blue or navy-coloured fake eyelashes. Pick the smaller ones, so that it gives your eyes a moving touch of colour rather than overpowers your face.

Make sure your choices are high quality. The line between over-the--top and tacky is pretty fine. Some lolitas already consider the dress alone tacky, though, so I imagine being a little on the tacky side doesn't really bother you.

>> No.7717701

Adding on to OTTifying the blouse, accessories like wristcuffs, bracelets, or a brooch will help bling it up
These are all good suggestions

>> No.7717716

Looks fairly solid for a casual style, though I do suggest that you focus on your silhouette as well. Invest in a corset or body shaper to smooth out those distracting puckers in the bodice? That's the first thing I noticed, and that usually means that that detail ought to be addressed.
I adore Delft Lotta. Do you have any natural light pictures?

>> No.7717727
File: 819 KB, 658x719, Photo on 2014-07-29 at 4.22 PM #2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm planning on getting a body shaper before Otakuthon (so that I don't have to size up all my brand while I lose weight). And here anon, I took this for you.

>> No.7717894

don't feel too bad, i've heard that delft lotta runs waaaay small. the re-release of lotta also runs very small.

>> No.7717910
File: 67 KB, 884x573, PcGg-UgU7Mw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to coord this that doesn't look awful? The blues match nothing besides sweet items that look stupid with the print, and the rose detail in pink, not red.

>> No.7718032
File: 15 KB, 320x400, tender-dream-sweet-white-lolita-shirt-hm-96_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What direction do you want to take with this? Long sleeves or short? Hat or no? Hair colour?

I'm immediately thinking white blouse with sailor collar, boater hat, bright teaparties or maryjane kitten heels, printed white tights. Nautical bag in that pink/red you have there.

Image related, I'd swap the bow for a blue one. It's HMHM (taobao) but the image is from a shady reseller, sorry about the watermark!

>> No.7718035


I'm posting for my girlfriend, so I'm not sure of the details of what she wants, but I think she wants a more mature look.

>> No.7718057
File: 71 KB, 375x500, 45354a25c240efe56aebb017eb991a6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might get picked apart for this but I think that Navy, or if you have the right complexion (dark), all white, pic related
I know you usually want to match the other pieces with something in the print but with not a lot to work with here, I think Navy might just work. Gold, white or coral/pink details (pick one, keep it simple) used VERY sparingly.

>> No.7718073 [DELETED] 

What's a good SS to use for small (~$100) orders?

>> No.7718284

Would http://innocent-w.jp/onlineshop/en/142951.html and http://innocent-w.jp/onlineshop/en/131703.html coord well?

>> No.7718316

I think you can go more mature with some white tights and heeled shoes (oxfords are my go-to). For the blouse you can find something maybe 3/4 sleeve or full sleeve made of chiffon or some other flowy material. As for hair and accessories you can bring out the roses detail in the skirt with some clip in roses for the hair and maybe a floral bracelet or necklace. If she wants an even more mature look she can use a belt instead of waistties.

You can always bring in some other color too. You can try a dark brown or a black?

>> No.7719054
File: 33 KB, 604x628, fd660da0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this outfit any good? I'm planning to wear this for the local Lolita convention, so is there a way to spice it up a bit? I'm planning to add a black-golden bracelet. Also, the jsk and the blouse are the same shade of black IRL.

>> No.7719112

Can anyone help me find some bordeaux/wine red heels? I'm having trouble finding a size 11/jp 27.5 pair of shoes. I'd prefer faux-suede or a non-shiny leather, if possible! Loliable boots are cool too.

>> No.7719187

I don't really like the gloves but I guess they would probably look fine with a hime co-ord as long as they're decent quality. It's a bit plain for hime but it looks nice. What's the collar like? A pretty black and gold filigree brooch or some kinda princess-y necklace would be nice, and maybe a gold charm on the bag, and some kind of shoe clips. Also if you can put together anything to dress up the waist a bit, like a nice simple loli-suitable belt, or a waist bow, or even a chiffon overskirt that's open in the front (they're really easy to make: http://chiiyo-rin.tumblr.com/post/46342139690/hi-i-saw-posts-about-your-twinkle-carnival).).

>> No.7719198

Add some gold roses here and there
Hair, shoe clips, maybe even as a bag charm or wrist corsage

>> No.7719242
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x768, Fotor0730111923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is how the collar looks. Also I have a Chocomint star clip. Will it work with the coord? If so, should I add some pearls, so it wouldn't look out of place? I love the belt and overskirt ideas, will definitely think about them!

Roses are a great suggestion, will try to find some!

Thank you very much for the advice, kind anons!

>> No.7719319

I feel like the stars might be a little out of place, but you could try it all together and see if it looks nice in person. I think some white pearls here and there could be cute, but not sure about stars since they're a little too cutesy while your co-ord is pretty elegant.

I guess a brooch or necklack wouldn't really work, maybe a choker but that might end up being tacky. I think just a few little decorations here and there that were already mention would spice it up enough, it looks pretty cute as is.

>> No.7719357

Are you sure you're size 11? I'm 26.5 and an 11, sometimes 11s are even too small...

>> No.7719453

Thank you!

>> No.7719496
File: 404 KB, 674x251, ap_snt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blouse suggestions? I don't want to go with white since it seems too plain compared to the rather busy print but pink would be a bit too sweet for my taste and I'm afraid that black could be overwhelming.

I'd appreciate suggestions for accessories as well.

>> No.7719546

I honestly don't like the bag at all. It looks way too cartoony compared to what you have put together. Looking at the print and the shoes I would stick to relatively realistic looking accessories.
I would also keep the patterned tights if I were you, I don't think the otks would look good with this.

>> No.7719659

I would suggest red cardigan with a white blouse. I have the same skirt in pink and I'm using angelic pretty's star rider jacket in red with it.
You could also try something sort of cream or gold for your top.

>> No.7720112

I depends on the style and who made it, I suppose. I like to err on the cautious side, but if it's a heel, the maker usually makes allowances and adds extra room, so I could go with a 26.5.

I wanted to hold out for the VM replicas, but I might have to wait months for preorders to open or for a used pair to show up in a 4L eugh.

>> No.7720165
File: 29 KB, 480x383, custom_house_shoes_model_70831_-_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7720112 here again.

I have this bag.

I'm wondering if the shoes I've picked would work, and how I would be able to pick the best matching swatch from the Custom House PU selection? Do I just send them a picture of the bag like Lenore does?

>> No.7720351
File: 100 KB, 286x294, goldbowpurseBJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon, i was kind of feeling the same way about the bag. Do you think a gold purse along the lines of pic related would look out of place? Should i try to find a dark pink/rose colored purse instead?

>> No.7721078
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>> No.7721821

Not sure if the star riders jacket would be my style but a red cardigan over a white blouse is a really good idea.
I could look for a white blouse with some gold trim, maybe.

>> No.7721888
File: 181 KB, 260x342, Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 1.32.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas? Everything I've come up with is super lame and super ugly

>> No.7722873
File: 538 KB, 734x1049, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for this dress? I'm pretty new to the lolita community so I'd love to be satisfied with my first coord

>> No.7723527

Although the dress claims to be navy, I thought it looked very purple. I would hold off on buying up navy accessories until you get the dress itself. You never know how the final product will turn out.
>I'm looking at you Nameless Poem with your weird white & cream combo

>> No.7723848

Yeah that's something I'm concerned about. When I asked it was described as "navy but also more purple I think"