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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7681540 No.7681540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>with love from /b/


>> No.7681564


>> No.7681606

Roflcon was meh tier and it was conceived during the surge of the internet's gigantic 'epic win' phase.

>> No.7681622

1. Who will back it with $$ ?
2. Wherever you hold it, people will gripe.

>> No.7681636

for more info go to original thread

>> No.7681639
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I can't even believe how far this shit is going.
Nonetheless, I'm strangely interested in seeing where this goes.

>> No.7681642

TriggerCon is a nicer name

>> No.7681645

A con full of underage faggots?
Sure why not

>> No.7681650


>> No.7681654
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All the way to the top, bros.

>> No.7681655
File: 619 KB, 1824x1368, Burning_Man_aerial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the dash panel someone said that we should hold a con at a small town and have the boards rent places the best fit their boards.

-I would set a budget for the con around 100k-200k just to be safe.
-each board gets it own room according to census of who belongs to what board
-have an elect group for each board to decorate and lead the room for that board
-on the floor each area selling to a specific board keep the variety, maybe some shits giggle games. A GIANT GAINTIC BALL PIT AND MOON BOUNCE!

or we pull an burning man city, have districts for each board, free roaming so on and so forth

>> No.7681663

You forgot to crossboard

1. Niggers? IDK. Pre-reg should help a bit since it should be pretty anonymous (Last name, city, and DOB being the only requirements). This is all a concept right now
2. No shit. They can get rekt. We'll (I'll*) do a live stream if possible and that might be main events only.

>> No.7681668


Currently working on the website, current is just shit I threw up there to make sure it worked.

>> No.7681679
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Obligatory banner

>> No.7681684

The badge logo better be some kind of meme because god knows we're all meme loving fucks. Anyone who denies this is full of shit.

>> No.7681689

this might be expensive in the sense of getting the badges printed, but have every board with their meme of choice on it. or we combine them all on to the badge

>> No.7681694
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I'd like to make a nomination

>> No.7681701
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I'll be watching with interest.

>> No.7681705

Panel Idea:

Finding sauce for faggots

>> No.7681706
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mfw this is really happening...

>> No.7681716

"how to troll harder"
"memes 101"
"do mods=fags?"

>> No.7681720

Triforce 101

>> No.7681721

1000% sure this is all in good fun you poor gullible thing you.

>> No.7681724

How NOT to be a newfag

>> No.7681727

"I remember when /b/ was good!: Oldfags complaining for an hour"

>> No.7681728

"Argumentation 101: Call Him a FAGGOT"

>> No.7681732

Um someone should first ask mootykins if he's okay with a convention based off of 4Chan. Since it will be a first year it should be small or we can have multiple in different countries/states/planets.

>> No.7681737
File: 15 KB, 720x200, ballpit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just post the gif nigga

>> No.7681738

A room filled with people trying to prove they're not newfags

>> No.7681748

Oh geez. Only moot could save us from the newfaggotry

>> No.7681753

SummerCon 2014

>> No.7681755
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I would actually vouch for starecat badges, since miraculously that meme didn't get played to death by media hogs and this thread is filled with 'em anyways. Then again, I unironically like helia peppercats.

>> No.7681768
File: 98 KB, 1419x589, prefect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is getting real.

>> No.7681774

why don't we just let /g/ make the website

>> No.7681778

/g/ has no idea we're doing this.

and I like my fucking website. there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7681779
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>> No.7681781

how many idiots do you think we could get to show up to a con that doesn't really exist just by making a legit looking site?

>> No.7681783

Fuck yeah, I'd go.

>> No.7681786
File: 35 KB, 390x470, 10463915_872927256069086_8390616582486153675_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7681787

it's literally just a white page with some text on it

>> No.7681788


>> No.7681790

I'm sure you do not know that people tend to get serious when there's a site being made...

>> No.7681791

If this shit gets real we have to make sure we have the budget to get this bitch of the ground

>> No.7681794

New /b/ thread

>> No.7681796

i vote for this

>> No.7681798

You should have multiple ballpits, one for each board. /cgl/ ballpit, /b/ ballpit, /k/ ballpit etc.

>> No.7681801

its quite popular these days.

also there's a gif and an image in it.

>> No.7681803

why the heck would you ever post on /b/ ever

>> No.7681807

Are you shitting me?
You should be able to run a pretty decent low-key con for 20k.
I'm absolutely appalled with that Dash has done with 20k. My local tryhard con does better than that on half as much money, and they just stepped up from "university cafeteria" to "convention center" a year or two ago.

>> No.7681808
File: 42 KB, 462x570, see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I have fucking green text effects on link hover.

>> No.7681809

Because that's where this idea started?

>> No.7681810

so far we've probably got:
> 100 tumbltards trying to ruin it
> 50 drewling minecraft players trying to get people on their dad's server
> 20 pedo's

>> No.7681812

Is this true? I know moot met some seagulls once and IIRC he thought they were okay. But then he said he wouldn't do it again for some reason, I forget what.
Anyway, a 4chan con might be the only thing possibly worse than DashCon. I'll start stocking up on popcorn.

>> No.7681832

Sorry it was meant to go to the /b/ thread. Someone said that moot once met up with /ck/ and got traumatized.

>> No.7681836

oh my god you guys are from /b/ abandon thread gulls it's not worth it

>> No.7681839

honestly if you took anno who said burning man you could have /k/ set up their own shooting range next the mountian

>> No.7681846

Uh, no, it really wouldn't. At the quantity we'd have to print them out, they'd make little to no difference.

>> No.7681849

I was just thinking go big or go home.
but then again I was thinking how big 4chan is as boards, but realistically probably one 3-4 boards there with small base of people

>> No.7681850

I nominate sadfrog.

>> No.7681866

Seriously? You didn't get that from
>with love from /b/?

But the seagulls here already had bits planned out. Not sure who originally thought of it, but they had some good points. Maybe someone from the dashcon threads will come. Too tired to remember.

>> No.7681872

It was either dash-con #2 or #3 post where the shits, giggles, and spit balling began.

>> No.7681891

"Ask a Janitor"

>> No.7681898

Janitors can't give away their identities

>> No.7681902

They could wear a mask or something?

>> No.7681913

Even then, how would they prove they're a janitor

>> No.7681916

> still totally into the idea of all the panels and events being 18+ while the underaged faggots get to mill around in the lobby

>> No.7681917

How much would bailing it out on its first night cost?

>> No.7681925

Every board could have a themed panel
/pol/: Jews did 9/11
/fa/: Peacoats 101
/an/: Take it to the vet, motherfucker
Shit, I don't really know other boards very well.

>> No.7681927

That's how it starts before someone comes in with plans and projects and actually takes it seriously.

>> No.7681930

this just in from /b/
> https://explouad.github.io/#

>> No.7681939

Step 1, panelist posts looking for janitors, drops email
step 2, janitor contacts them
step 3, panelist instructs janitor to delete a post at random to prove janitorial status
Not that I think it's actually a good idea, I just thought it would be funny.

>> No.7681940

/ck/:How to cook ramen for college students

>> No.7681943

So are you gonna bring WTNV?

>> No.7681950
File: 88 KB, 1599x820, here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand why people dont like my website.

>> No.7681952

I have to say, this dashcon ordeal has really made me feel a lot better about other boards and more companionship with them. I used to really dislike most of them, now I dislike them a little less.

>> No.7681953

>/a/: Is your waifu the right one?

>> No.7681962

Honestly, a facebook page would be a lot more useful than an actual website right now

>> No.7681963

I don't think any janitor would actually show up or volunteer or risk termination.


>> No.7681965

I think it's because you've used a couple of triggering words in your menu. "Home" is discriminatory toward the homeless, and "contact" implies sexual contact with is offputting to the asexual. I think if you found more PC friendly words, you'd get a better response.

>> No.7681972

no one here is capable of doing anything in the real world, that's why they're here

>> No.7681973

Because it's too simple looking.
Try to look for a background. Probably something related to different boards.

>> No.7681976

I cant put a background. I didnt even cut out the logos and shit. its all on white background.

>> No.7681979

I think a graphic of some kind would be nice. Like a rotating banne ror even just a single banner for now.

>> No.7681983

/t/: how to hide behind seven proxies

>> No.7681985

the piss thing is a flashing banner.

>> No.7681992

/fit/: Squats and Oatz

>> No.7681998

>/v/: LOL
>/vg/: waifu edition
>/ck/: child killers

>> No.7682001

>/cgl/ : weeaboo horror stories and/or pixyteri 101

>> No.7682002

/g/: Installing gentoo

>> No.7682004

/b/, why are you guys bombarding the dashcon tag with gore/porn? :( You're gonna kill the tag and scare away all the hilarious drama going on.

>> No.7682008

>/ck/: child killers

>> No.7682010

list of panels for /k/
>Firearm Safety & Maintence
>Nogunz Firearm Training
>Boating Accidents 101
>Gun Porn, Booze, And Music brought you by /k/ radio
>Is The Person Next To You A Skinwalker?
>The Art of Kebab Removal

>> No.7682011

Hmm I checked the other thread and saw the other anon who made the website with templates.
Even though they were templates, the website looks better because it's not simple looking. Even if the links in yours turn green when you hover on them, it's not enough to catch the eye of whoever's visiting the website. I understand you're doing it from scratch, but you really need to find a way to make it look more visually appealing.

>> No.7682016


>> No.7682017

this is visually appealing..
it has a professional look.

>> No.7682018

Huh, I never knew this was a board. Cool!

>> No.7682020


Anon on the /b/ thread posted this poll

Vote guys

>> No.7682021

> a professional look when ignoring the 'ballpit' banner

>> No.7682025

We need to set up a Kickstarter page for this, with a goal of 289,004 US Dollars (17,000 x 17), a list of guests (Moot, WT Snacks, Redwood) and some random hotel in a random city and random convention center. I vote for Honolulu, Hawaii or Tokyo, Japan.

>> No.7682028

vote, niggers!

>> No.7682029

If you guys actually pull this off I might even go to Chicago or wherever for it.
Of course I will cosplay something with a mask so that I'm never fucking associated with it, but it could be fun

>> No.7682032

Would a 4con have sponsors and real, established vendors?

>> No.7682035

/a/: You have shit taste
/ic/: why your art needs more loomis

>> No.7682038

Moot can't even get sponsors, what on earth makes you think we could?

>> No.7682041

its there


>> No.7682042

The one that looks like 4chan is clever, but I think the website should have a different look and feel to differentiate itself somewhat.

>> No.7682044

We actually show them that it won't be a shit thing.

>> No.7682045

That'd be hard since 4chan has like the worst reputation.

>> No.7682048

> The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)
> The International Cat Association (TICA)

>> No.7682050

no real, established vendors/sponsors will want to associate with 4chan.

>> No.7682055

Is mountain dew over the whole Hitler thing yet?

>> No.7682056

Someone will bite the bullet. I'm sure hentai and bodypillow vendors will be all over it, as well as people selling shitty meme tshirts. I wonder if maybe ads on 4chan just aren't profitable enough or something

>> No.7682057

First off,
Normalfags only looked at /b/ and /pol/ ebin stories on facebook/9gag.

Thinking its all gore and horsedicks

>> No.7682059
File: 45 KB, 540x722, ad8e4574-894c-44ce-bfb1-ee5eba8ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it in SLC, the mormons wont know what hit them

>captcha: defined gastsby

>> No.7682061

There are a few things:
>What does the background have to do with the convention and the theme?
>It's a 4chan convention, the last thing you want is for it to look "professional"
>You're going with dark colors, and having the .gif is hurtful to the eyes.
>Think of something that encompasses 4chan, you have plenty of source material.

>> No.7682066

would love to see their reply when we ask for sponsorship

>> No.7682071

>ammo can arts and crafts
>how to operate like an operator operating operationally during operations
>philosophy:are we all squid

>> No.7682075

I'd go through this whole convention thing just to so we could ask them to sponsor,
Even more if they actually accept and we ask if they are ok with the hitler thing

>> No.7682076

>"I think it should look more professional"

>> No.7682080


thinking you can attract vendors with a fucking roll-over green effect or free template that took 2 seconds to google.

inb4: thinking we'd have vendors

>> No.7682082

that's exactly what I've been saying for 2 hours now.

>> No.7682083

There's nothing damn wrong with it looking professional
There's a reason professionals use it
Cause it fucking looks good

>> No.7682086

1. Test background, suggest a background and I can easily add it to the CSS
2. Still needs to be appealing to the eye, and to the eye of potential sponsors
3. Yeah, changing that to just black
4. Definitely, this is just something I threw up there

>> No.7682088

In 3 months, all 4chan Convention threads will be banned by mods for being not on-topic, no panels will be formed for the different boards, and it'll all be organized via tumblr.

>> No.7682090

Conventions are on topic for /cgl/.

>> No.7682093

>tfw bring your sister to fourcon because its not going to be cumfaggots from /v/ and /b/
>everyone sees you as a rapist and ask for lewds
damn what do

>> No.7682102

Organizing a convention is something professional.
If you make a shitty website and a fucking facebook event, you'd have 11 year olds masturbating and a ballpit with piss in.
we want to do better than the tumbltards

>> No.7682104

We are keeping the ballpit with piss though

>> No.7682113

That can be in /b/ boards or will put in on a pedestal and call it tumblr sell it off at the end as art, to pay for part of the con

>> No.7682115


>> No.7682125

Good luck getting people from other boards to sign up for panels then.

>> No.7682129

This. Otherwise everything else is just a waste of time.

>> No.7682132

If a 4chan con actually happens people will hear about it and they will come.

>> No.7682133

Will this convention be worksafe or can we provide protection and contraceptives?

>> No.7682134

What does it matter? I think mootykins isn't okay with most of what happens on 4chan anyway. Just avoid copyright issues

>> No.7682139

Moot doesnt' have the money to sue us.

>> No.7682141

We will paint some rooms blue and some red.

>> No.7682142

Forget sponsors, would a VENUE even want to host this?
It's going to end up in some seedy roach motel.. maybe that's appropriate.

>> No.7682144

You could strawpoll each board and get a census of who would participate
I think a lot of people want it 18+ so use your best judgement on this

>> No.7682147

People say the same thing about the 4chan non-Cup nowadays, but after a peak of 3000 viewers it's down to an average of 1800 a year after Moot banned it from all boards but /vg/ and /sp/ and wordfiltered it.

>> No.7682148

I feel sad for mootles a lot.

>> No.7682151

I'm just thinking, what if we get Trojan to provide free condoms for con goodiebags so that people from /soc/ and the other nswf boards can do things?

>> No.7682153

Yeah but a 4chan con would probably be covered by actual media.

>> No.7682154

>implying there won't be hordes of edgy lejunz epin 14 year olds trying to get in
On second thought that's a great idea, imagine the $$ coming in from le epik maymay merch sales.

>> No.7682155

Me too anon.
I just want to hug him and tell him that everything is going to be okay and then fuck his cute little butt with a strapon.

>> No.7682157

Me too except not the strapon stuff.

>> No.7682158



Join it

>> No.7682160

Depends on what you're trying to convey.
There's professional looking sites that do not look as serious. It is a 4chan convention ffs, just look at the banner.

>> No.7682163

Surely, a 4chan con has been proposed before.
Surely, there is some reason why it never happen. Probably many some reasons.

>> No.7682164

I think theirs companies that provide free condoms, probably could get them to sponser but don't know if its regional or statewide

>> No.7682168

but anon, its not the right /shade/ of green

>> No.7682171

They're NGO non-profits, a mix of liberal religious and secular extinctionist/anti-human groups. I'm sure they would provide free condoms, but they'd be non-branded generic condoms. At least with free Trojans people could compare the different types of Trojans they got and share stories about them. Did that at my college.

>> No.7682174

/r9k/: tfw no gf

>> No.7682178

As awful as it sounds, there are enough seagulls who have experience running cons that it could be done, at least better than dashcon. However, that wouldn't address the issues of sponsorship and finding a venue that would host such a con and be accessible to lot of us to get to.

>> No.7682181
File: 1.00 MB, 3000x570, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furrycon is in Pittsburgh at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, so some places will book more alternative types of events...

>> No.7682185

How would tumblr feel 4chan created a successful con?

>> No.7682186

Honolulu, Hawaii. We're desperate for people to use our $200 million convention center, and for more tourists to come. Get enough people, the state would probably be willing to work with you to cover some of the cost of flying, and use their leverage to get deals with airlines.

>> No.7682187

I'd say look at hotels and venues that have hosted bdsm or furry cons...

>> No.7682189

>How would tumblr feel if 4chan created a successful con?

>> No.7682192

They would probably lose all faith in humanity kind of deal

>> No.7682196

After the raid that happened they prolly felt like shit, now if 1 week later we planned a convention and successfully execute it, now that would destroy them

>> No.7682201
File: 64 KB, 512x512, 3a60b801-01ef-4e2b-a215-10c41382a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have hosted a couple conventions myself, I usually stay on /s4s/ and /tv/

I wanted to come laugh at dash con, but found this quality thread, if you guy need any help just ask.

also you should have a poll for location, I personally am with Team Florida

>> No.7682210

There are a lot of active congoing seagull on the west coast, or west coast accessible. Also,
>Lil B as the special musical guest
Financing even a small con would be a lot however, gotta fly out guest like moot etc, venue, logistics, etc. How much are start ups usually?

>> No.7682211

Well we are on the cryptocat chat, join us

join "4con"

>> No.7682217

We are still planning some stuff and if you are legit we might need your help.

>> No.7682232

>Lil B as the special musical guest
Please based god please.

>> No.7682234

Very smooth, but change the color scheme of the website to be similar to the Yotsuba boards on 4chan.

>> No.7682246

/x/: how to do tarot readings and pretend you're a wizard
/toy/: expert hotgluing
/d/: does she have a penis? trivia game
/n/: how to find a good bicycle on craigslist
/f/: how to be fashionable, featuring our favorite cigarettes
/b/: how to not be a furry, a faggot, or a beta piece of shit
/lgbt/: do i pass or not?

>> No.7682258

/mu/: I hate music and you can too!
/r9k/: The wizarding world of Hairy Neckbeard
/fit/: Zyzz- the last olympian

>> No.7682260

This is an embarrassing and horrible idea and it has been an embarrassing and horrible idea any other time it's been taken up for discussion. I might just be growing really old but even talking and joking about it is making me cringe.

Nevertheless, /cgl/ should be hosting a "worst cosplay" competition as the only cosplay competition at the con.

>> No.7682268

>/cgl/ should be hosting a "worst cosplay" competition as the only cosplay competition at the con.
See, these are the good ideas that make people think this con is a good idea.

>> No.7682269
File: 45 KB, 500x295, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make the background pictures of killer whales
>pic very related

>> No.7682273

Creepers of Cosplay competition.

>> No.7682276

>full of normal people

>> No.7682286


unfortunately seagulls are idiots. They somehow use 4chan and are total cunts themselves, but they think /b/ is full of sexist fuckwads or whatever. Which it kinda is, but I love you fuckers

However, /b/rothers, you have my love.

>> No.7682290

Fuck that bullshit island, it's full of military faggots

>> No.7682296

You need someone with local connections, but most colleges/universities will rent space to students/student groups.
Also consider looking into renting out space at a strip mall, I know a local con that does it and it works out pretty well for them for a 300-500 person convention.

>> No.7682304
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 640px-Airporthilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The airport Hilton will host it, they'll host anything

>> No.7682319

No need for intraboard fighting, we are finally coming together and something beautiful might come from it. Just let it be.

>> No.7682499
File: 104 KB, 393x393, 1397950523611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanging out with a bunch of underage fedoras from /b/
Why would anyone want to do that?

>> No.7682639

let's not

>> No.7682758

we have to get /x/ in it!
> tinfoil hats 101. How to protect the ones you love

>> No.7682771

This is a stupid idea. 4chan is anonymous. Nobody wants to be associated with cgl in real life (except the raging itas)

What will you do at a cgl con? Go up to itas and concrit their co-ords? lel

>> No.7682880

With a good amount of users using adblock, I wouldn't be surprised.

Yes, and Funding issues

>4con 2016, funded by our love of tumblr's tears

That'd be unique and successful

We're still trying to keep it as anonymous as possible. Masks recommended (maybe give out paper bags with holes in them for those who can't afford masks?), and minimal pre-registration requirements (Last Name, City, and DOB only).

>> No.7683080

Come to Ohio guys! We have the Republican National Convention so I need your crazy to balance out our crazy

>> No.7683085

I have a feeling we'd all get into fights with each other

And that there'd be a lot of shouting and yelling and hurt feelings, but like, in real life.

I don't think it's a good idea...

>> No.7683103

Nah, 4chinners are all beta as shit in real life. No one would be able to speak to anyone, and if they did, it'd all be shy whispering.

And then we'd come home and bitch about one another.

>> No.7683113

If you dont give me 17000 in bitcoins, mods will shut down the thread

>> No.7683135
File: 62 KB, 604x453, BaltimoreCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4con - The 4chan Convention

When: mid-July
Where: Baltimore Convention Center
Who: All guests must be 18+. All IDs will be checked at the door by the mods and janitors.
Fee: $9001 for a weekend badge

Musical guests - Nullsleep, Anamanaguchi, Andrew WK, Deadmau5, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Taylor Swift, Rick Astley
Rave - DJing by WT Snacks both Friday and Saturday
Guests - moot, WTSnacks, Dakota Koti, Bailey Jay, Pixyteri, ZUN, Kiyohiko Azuma, Hideaki Anno, Gabe Newell, Ben Huh, Lauren Faust, Timothy Burke, Christian Weston Chandler, Tom Green


>> No.7683145

>Masks recommended (maybe give out paper bags with holes in them for those who can't afford masks?), and minimal pre-registration requirements (Last Name, City, and DOB only).

Paper masks with muh burando? No fucking way. With minimal registration you're begging to attract persons of dubious identities.

Anyway the moment you step into your 4chan con you are no longer anonymous. And you know it. Go have your own /b/ con, you're just inviting us because you're worried there won't be females around.

>> No.7683147


NO NO FUCKING NO. Dear god no. And I hope you guys realize that we'd have to appeal not just to the people on 4chins but also to people in general, right?

Also we need at LEAST 2 game rooms, one for vidya and tournaments, and another for card and board games. We need another, separate room for the containment of /mlp/, a congressional-style board for /pol/, a split room for /cgl/ (for cosplay and lolita).... should I start drawing a map?

We also need to run the numbers for how many people need to come and how much to charge them.

If you guys are honestly serious about this, there should be several drawings and computations.

>> No.7683157

A map would be good we're working on location currently. All boards are going to be invited to this.

>> No.7683158

That's way too big. We'd be expecting too many guests. You have to scale it a bit lower and expect 500 or so guests before expanding. The best plan would be to get the con all figured out, estimate that 500-1000 people would go, calculate pricing, and have people pre-register. Then based on the amount we make from pre-registration, we can then figure out whether we can at least put a down payment to cover all costs (at least 30% of expected monies) before we consider sizing up.

>> No.7683163

I don't get how you have this much autism. It's seriously a lot.

>> No.7683171

Okay let's assume that we charged a ticket price of $40 and at least 500 people pre-registered.

Let's assume a budget of $20,000 with an allowance of $5,000 for extra people that might come in.

We need to figure out what we can do with $20,000. First, we need to shop around for the different convention centers that can hold over 3,000 people (we have to say 3,000 because items inside will be taking space. We need to assume that the actual convention space will be over 3 acres).

Skill. I'm also not entirely certain what autism is anymore, but I'm pretty damn sure you're using that term incorrectly.

>> No.7683189

Wow you really don't get that >>7683135 isn't serious? What a sperg.

>> No.7683201

Well no, I realized that it was fake, I'm not familiar with that convention center but one look at the fee made it obviously ludicrous. But that being said, the when could actually work, and the 18+ rule would probably have to be in place. I'd also assume there'd be a rave or some sort of musical guests, and there'd have to be other guests in general for there to be any attraction.

I take ideas from anywhere I can get them from. That's part of the creative process.

>> No.7683296

Die Antwoord has to go, too. how the fuck could you forget die fokken antwoord, nigga?

>> No.7683337
File: 12 KB, 222x300, maihusbando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot /cgl/'s prince

>> No.7683343

Considering the very real chance there are legit pedophiles that would probably try to get away with funny shit at a 4chan convention. This

>> No.7683349

How much do you think he would charge for a personal appearance?

>> No.7683353

Only if we didn't mention it's a 4chan con

>> No.7683355

Probably nothing. Just give him a free space in the exhibit hall and some kawaii white waifus to run the booth.

>> No.7683361

We need a sign that says "Check your privilege at the door" posted on all entrances.

>> No.7683362

Event security will be checking all privileges at the door.

>> No.7683365

This is why we need someone dressed as a power ranger esque mod at the front door who checks ids and stamps under age banned on them.

>> No.7683380

Just throwing that out there. Rehoboth also has a convention center and I have a feeling we'd be able to get into Rehomo's more that OC's.

>> No.7683389

Cmon just kickstart this shit

>> No.7683397


>> No.7683401

This takes a lot of planning so far we only have we're using Las Vegas to host at, All boards are going and some staff assigned positions.

>> No.7683457

Las Vegas? What made you decide on Vegas? And when was this decided?

We need some sort of central thread so we can spitball ideas and figure out what was decided.

If there's profit to make, I'm in.

>> No.7683478

Most people suggested Nevada in the /b/ thread so there could be hookers at the convention.

>> No.7683486

But sex outside of marriage is wrong and immoral

>> No.7683491

Bruh, this is a 4chan convention we're talking about.
We need to give the lonely /b/tards some prostitutes.

>> No.7683496

Who the fuck cares what they suggested. Do you not realize how retarded of an idea that is? If we did that, then undoubtedly we'd have to deal with the police and stupid drunk people on a constant basis. And also, you have to consider transportation to get there. Better to do it at a location with a larger, international airport like Atlanta, GA.

And they already have multiple convention centers there with PLENTY of space (The Americasmart one has over 500,000 sqft of space ffs). Have you ever been to Las Vegas? Bad idea, man.

Also, this guy: >>7683486 is an asshole trying to shitpost with my name in hopes of getting me banned. Fuck that guy.

>> No.7683532

i think those are the sleeper accounts going off

>> No.7683543

i can see fights happens it'll be more crazy then an anime con

source: three people i knew fought over a single girl at Anime Midwest top lel

>> No.7683545

>>a congressional-style board for /pol/,

So /pol/ will have a Model UN Tournament or model government?

God i want in - ive never gone to one and i know they can be crazy. Imagine Model UN with drunk ambassadors of countries

>> No.7683548

fuck off neurotypical

>> No.7683549

>Fighting over women.
>Not nutting into socks.

>> No.7683551

im a legit pedophile and i love young girls


>> No.7683555

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard of. Fuck off back to /b/ you 12 year old retards

>> No.7683590

Northeast is the most population dense. That's where I recommend hosting it.

>> No.7683591

How many cats will be available at this? What do I have to do to get an extra hour in the cat pit?

>> No.7683650

Wow, you know how to multiply. Go back to /adv/

>> No.7683674

I was making a stupid retort to the person calling me autistic.

I recommended Atlanta because it has the largest international airport in the U.S., making it easier for people from different states to get there (as well as internationally). They also have multiple convention centers that are rather large. We want to bring in as many people as possible as cost-effectively as possible. Or, at least, that's how the logic follows. Also, is there another board that this is on? I'm pretty certain this thread will be deleted for not really being related to /cgl/

>> No.7683692

Atlanta sounds good

>> No.7683702 [DELETED] 

Please, someone find another board for this so this /adv/fag can fuck off.

>> No.7683729

You make a great point anon.

>> No.7683738

You trigger, you lose
Epic battle of the boards with inflatable weapons-- battle royale: 4chan edition
/soc/ speed dating
Iron Ramen Chef

>> No.7683739

Cons are on topic for /cgl/ it's in the sticky

>> No.7683751
File: 1.66 MB, 320x180, ef0e209b-93ff-44ed-a5db-5df27d356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something else we could do is have 2 separate conventions, east and west, and I am going to say this now, it is not recommended spend lots of money on a gigantic venue like dashcon, that is one of the many things that killed it.

>> No.7683768

This convention will need a Dealer's Room just like other conventions to pull in people interested in selling. I'm taking a stab in the dark and saying it should be about 750 sqft with about 500-600 square feet of rentable area at $30/sqft.

The video game room should probably be equal in size. The card and board game room can be smaller. We have to consider how we would be able to bring in gaming systems for the video game room. Dining can be provided by local vendors and caterers (I've already contacted a few and am waiting for a response).

They didn't itemize expenses and see if they'd be able to handle them all. That's the difference we're trying to make here. We're figuring out now what expenses we'll have, where they will go to, and how much we can save.

I highly recommend a pre-registration that ends a month before the convention so that we know if we have the base amount needed to run the convention for at least 2 days. If we don't, we'll refund everyone's money immediately so that the entire convention doesn't end up a disaster like dashcon. Remember that we'd also be appealing to the locals and bringing them in because we want as many people as we can get.

The more people, the more money. The more money, the more we can provide. We need to consider guest appearances and how much they'd cost us. Sponsorship will be considered once we discuss which events would be in place and where.

>> No.7683772

Would it be reasonable to just ban cameras to protect people's privacy? Or is that a stupid idea?

>> No.7683777

Atlanta can be sketchy at places and in July will be hotter than Satan's taint.

We will need a place with heavy duty AC. An orgy of sweaty nerds isn't my cuppa tea.

>> No.7683780

Impossible. It's a convention for a fucking image board.
Plus you'd have to ban cellphones too since they all have cameras now.

>> No.7683787

Which is why you get a very well ventilated convention center with air conditioning. And just in case, we can bring in bonus air conditioning. We just have to factor in those expenses.

That place has hosted conventions for groups of 25,000 and more and has a connected hotel with plenty of nearby hotels. I'm waiting to get word back from them as to cost, air conditioning, and available space for the time requested.

Thanks for mentioning that, it's important. Any small nuances should be addressed. If we make this work (and yes, it's 100% possible and has a chance to be greatly successful), then we need to figure out all the small details too.

>> No.7683794

I know it's impossible to completely ban cameras, but it would significantly cut down on the number of photographs taken. If cameras are allowed, pretty much every single attendee is going to end up with their face on the internet a couple of times. If they're not allowed, maybe 20% if people are really desperate to film, and they'll have to be surreptitious about it or get kicked out.

>> No.7683805

There's no way you could possibly enforce that. You'd just end up pissing people off and motivating them to be even bigger assholes with their phone cameras.
People who wanted to stay anonymous or whatever wouldn't be going to a convention in the first place.

>> No.7683827

>finding a venue for a website whose reputation is so bad no one wants to advertise here
>everyone going will have COMPLETELY different interests
>what kind of panels and guests will you have

>> No.7683830

>There's no way you could possibly enforce that.
What. Plenty of places enforce no cameras.

>> No.7683834

Cameras can be legitimately restricted at events such as panels and raves and etc. But it's a convention, you can't expect people not to bring cameras. It'll be allowed but restricted at events.

Also, people can come up to con staff to report if they feel harassed which will end with being kicked out after said camera is confiscated. Similarly, if someone is discourteously blocking the hallways with photos, their cameras are liable to be taken too.

Venues will probably have not heard of 4chan or not care once the money is presented up front. Especially after being shown the plans so they can be assured that they won't be screwed over. And YES there ARE a lot of different interests, which is why you have separate rooms with different things going on. Common interests will be central, more niche interests (like politics and lolita and cars) will be on the outskirts in large rooms and spaces of their own. You have multiple panels going on about different things in different sections at the same time.

Gaming room will always have games, main hall will have (if we can fund them) raves and concerts and whatnot.

>> No.7683835

I view it kind of like a learning experience. That's part of why I suggested every board gets a panel upthread.. it'd be a chance to learn about the culture of the other boards, what they do, and maybe even get some useful knowledge from them.
I'm sure everybody on 4chan likes internet culture, that's the common theme.

>> No.7683840

Do you even css
>representing /g/

>> No.7683852

>every board gets a panel upthread


>> No.7683860

Yeah based on some other things they said I don't think they do.

>> No.7683894

I have to say, if this happened, I'd come to the US to see it.
(In year 2, because I'm not flying for a ballpit just yet)

>> No.7683897

but what is the incentive to go to this con?

If I wanted to learn about the "culture" of other boards and what they do I would just type in the boards URL

>> No.7683901

To meet people and learn more about chan? To have fun? Why go to any convention?

>> No.7683903

But if you're travelling from abroad, you an be guaranteed an extra hour in the ballpit.

>> No.7683912
File: 34 KB, 600x338, ada4be84-7325-4eb3-867d-1aeac87a5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guests dealing with 4chan should not cost much, maybe an average 750 per guest, also my kickstarter will bring in a minimum of 15000 and max of 28000 so you should plan to receive about 22000.

also Alex, just curious do you have any convention background, you doing like you know what your doing.

>> No.7683914

The incentive is to have a fucking kickass time, just like at any other convention. It'd be awesome if we could find a convention center with a waterpark just like the Kalahari resort. There'll be a rave and panels and shit. It's all just to have a kickass time, dude.

To meet people and talk and drink and get wasted and listen to loud music and watch movies and shit. And to explore their interests with others and share their interests and crafts and ideas.

>> No.7683930

is a great tool for managing panels, volunteers, and tickets

>> No.7683931

Can we have speed dating? So we can laugh at the neckbeards later in the seagull-containment zone?

>> No.7683934


And have an orgy in the ball pit

>> No.7683935

The convention needs free WiFi. Even Led monitors on walls and shelves that display 4chan discussion threads. The idea is to have instant access and convenience all around.

If its going to be a con about 4chan, it should have a theme where technology plays a role in our lives.

>> No.7683936

I went to this years megacon and watched them all. It was Memetic

>> No.7683937


Nerf gun battles too.

>> No.7683938

We need a maid cafe, where the maids are board themed or something

>> No.7683948

No, I have absolutely no convention background, and I want to make that clear. All I'm doing now is promoting organization and taking a look at numbers and finding out how to save money and make it profitable.

I find opportunity in this, and that's why I'm willing to put forth time and effort to get it figured out. That being said, a TEAM is always put together to set up a convention, not some shitty 17 year old leader like in dashcon, and in no way am I trying to be any sort of leader, just trying to get things organized and figured out.

I've contacted a few places about vending, catering, and prices on their convention center. If we think this through logically, we've really got something here.

Also I want to shit all over tumblr because although I've never been on it, I honestly think there's no such fucking thing as a "pansexual polygendered furry otherkin who is both a mermaid and a popular anime character" (>>7668154)
That is some god damn bullshit and you know it. I refuse to allow them to spread their retardery.

>> No.7683954

The LED monitors would be fun, especially when they inevitably get hacked and start showing dong and/or gore

>> No.7683960

/jp/ or /a/ should have actual waifu fight in that chivalry game, with waifus being the teams and moded into being the banners/flags

>> No.7683965
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>/k/, a bunch of gun nuts, would probably be the most organized and informative series of panels

>> No.7683968


That would be a good idea. I could imagine a hallway full of monitors displaying meatspin at record timing and speakers blasting. It could be called "the hallway of triggers".

>> No.7683978

IRL mods should not join this con without any armpower.

>> No.7683979


>> No.7683980

Good idea, except that we need the money for all of this. We still need to receive word back from the convention centers that were contacted and catering services to know how much money we need for both of those before we figure out what else we can spend on.

>> No.7683985

I think a good part of the theme should be doing stuff the opposite of Dashcon. Instead of avoiding triggering anybody, 4con triggers everybody. WTNV actually shows up. We give away cash prizes instead of pandering for donations. And it's actually well run and everybody has fun.

>> No.7683986
File: 64 KB, 500x449, 1404356603118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Most embarrassing shit ever.

Unless all the maids are men or something equally hilarious, we'll be dealing with attention-whore fatties who can't dance.

Source: Maid cafe at local uni which causes me second-hand embarrassment because I still talk to those people.

>> No.7683994

/a/ panel should be 'Meet the tripfags' where famous tripfags are there answering questions

>> No.7684001

Where is it gonna be? Denver?

>> No.7684005

Free wifi for all is a damn hard task and costs a fucking bunch of money. I was on the 30c3 in germany, a big congress for nerds, hackers and related people. >9000 guests (srsly) and >5000wifi connections.

>> No.7684012


This is how you do an event website

>> No.7684013

Maybe not maids but it'd be really nice if /ck/ was able to set up a little cafe. We should get the Pokemen, Mandoka and the like to be the "maids."

>> No.7684024

We'll let the boards figure out what the boards want to do. Put up threads along the boards and have them figure it out.

Our main concern at the moment isn't content, it is where it's going to be and how much it's going to cost. If we can get that all figured out, we can figure out content later.

Focus, guys.

>> No.7684031

Is anybody interested in this that has actually planned a convention before? That's pretty important...

>> No.7684034
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can't fucking wait for the /tv/ panel

>> No.7684056

I have, and am currently planning my next year's con

>> No.7684060

Put a number on it. I wouldn't dare expect anything beyond 2k. If it sells out, it sells, but let's not worry about it.

>> No.7684070

No part of that could possibly be successful. It would either be people who probably don't even go on boards besides /b/ talking about shit that hasn't been relevant or funny for like 7 years or extremely awkward people. /r9k/ and /fit/ would hit on everything female or pseudofemale in the strangest ways possible, /a/, /v/, /mu/, and /tv/ would shit talk any media that anyone brought up, no one would be able to tell if /jp/ was autistic or not, and /cgl/ and /co/ would bring more hurt feelings and drama than a theater summer camp to the mix. Also a couple boards openly dislike cons and social events.

>> No.7684082

Apparently this Mr. Memer guy has planned conventions before. Perhaps some others have.

Everyone has to start somewhere, though. This may be the first con I or any of the other staff (we need to figure out a staff btw) have planned, but we're giving ourselves plenty of time to get it done and are going to be thorough with how we do it.

So check it out: That convention center I talked about before is connected to a Westin Peachtree Plaza hotel with over 1,000 rooms. I checked the rate for a 3 night stay at the place for a single person and it's $390. We could get a discounted hotel rate but that would have to be based on the amount of people we get preregistered.

Put a number on what? Attendance? Cost?

You basically just said that 4chan will be 4chan. Also, that's what there are seperate rooms for, just like separate boards. Instead of admin we'll have con staff. Also, why should we worry about those that openly dislike cons? That's like saying "Some people don't like bottled water. How about no one ever drinks bottled water ever again."

>> No.7684083
File: 173 KB, 640x480, 1283203214181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/m/ panel: What is and not /m/, a comprehensive study of what is and what is not /m/.

>> No.7684097

>Put a number on what? Attendance? Cost?
Attendance first. After a maximum number is determined is easier to calculate the rest.

>> No.7684098 [DELETED] 

>Unless all the maids are men

trap cafe

>> No.7684111

When is this happening again?

>> No.7684115

You do know /cgl/ has meetups at most major cons, right? And they somehow don't devolve into petty catfights?

>> No.7684116
File: 54 KB, 780x475, 1371006828759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless all the maids are men

trap cafe when

>> No.7684120

I, for one, would love to be part of this trainwreck.

>> No.7684134

This is a really bad idea.

>> No.7684145

I want to start out with early rough estimates. We'll underestimate on purpose to put ourselves on a stricter budget when talking about how much money we can spend, and when considering accomodations, we'll bump that number up. For instance, we'll assume that 750 people come to the convention and they'll be charged $40 to enter the convention, but we'll make sure to have enough food and space for 1500 to 2000 people.

I suggest we have a dealer's room where things related to 4chan will be sold (obviously making sure that they're legal) to bring in more revenue and charge per square foot to vendors who sell things there. Similarly, we should have a buffet there that is administered by staff but the food comes at a charge, thus saving us money to spend on other things to make the con better.

Let's guesstimate on the amount of people that show up and just say 750.

And we'll throw in that we're charging them $40 each to attend the convention (no discounts except to con staff and special guests).

?We're hereby working with $30,000.

What can we do with $30,000? I'm contacting vendors and catering and convention centers in Atlanta (where I think it's best to host it considering that it's the easiest place to reach due to a lot of flights going through there), so let's look around Atlanta, GA first.

No it's not. It's a great idea. Just wait until we iron out the details. You'll see, damn it.

>> No.7684149

if we are using our money then we require funds from not only from pre registering but from crowd funding, no first year con will get enough money from pre registering alone

>> No.7684159

Holy hell you are autistic

>> No.7684161

Is there any actual group forming to try to get this together? Threads on an anonymous image board will never get anywhere. If people don't take command and start properly assembling it, it'll never happen.

>> No.7684167

/d/enizen here
If they will host fetish and kink cons and events, they will host us

>> No.7684178

how about a bad dragon stand? Im pretty sure they would earn a bunch of money there. they could par a good rent for this >>7684145

>> No.7684180

>I'm contacting vendors and catering and convention centers in Atlanta
Damn, mane. Tons of props for trying to get shit done, but we need to start a tad bit slower. I mean, this is only the second day that the idea has been alive.

>> No.7684184

Good point. I still want pre-registration numbers to give us an indication for how many people will arrive. Of course, Kickstarter would give us those numbers....

Anyways, I got this message:
>Greetings Alexander!

I would be delighted to give you a quote. Our packages start at $8 per person depending on your food choices. I would need further information to give you a more accurate quote. We create menus based on your desires and food budget. We will offer you delicious food, with the freshest ingredients, and at an economical price. We treat every client the same, with respect, great service, and exceptional food.

So that's one of the choices for catering if we go with the Atlanta location. We would estimate the catering to be $8,000 if we go with that choice. I am getting more and more responses throughout the day as for catering. I'm still waiting for a call back about the convention center pricing and amenities, though. Also, the pricing I got for the hotel was for July 3-6 2015.

>> No.7684194

Not alex but settling on a location ASAP seems pretty important right? People are already clamoring to work on panels and we don't even know how many panels there will be until there's a location.

>> No.7684196


The first step is to get some kind of a proper way of communication for organizing this. IRC, some forums, anything with usernames and more credibility than on 4chan.

>> No.7684200

As someone who makes it down to Atlanta a lot for other conventions, I support your choice of venue

>> No.7684203


>> No.7684206



>> No.7684208



>> No.7684212

Alternately, we could use the least populated and least-bumped board on this site.

Probably /po/?

>> No.7684215


It'd still be anonymous and wouldn't work. You need static names.

>> No.7684221

The reason why Tumblr failed is because they jumped the gun and went too fast.
>Put it a year ahead at least
>Consider several venues for different amounts of people
>Quote a number of guests
>Quote catering
>Open kickstarter
>Open pre-reg
>Close the deal with venues once a number comes clear
>Plan schedule
Don't hurry things up or it will come out of your pockets. We're not tumblr.

>> No.7684222

I second this. We need static names, and most mods ban tripfags. Tumblr is fucking brilliant. Show those trigger happy spastic fucks that a bunch of jobless politically incorrect otaku hikikamori neckbeards can do a better job.

>> No.7684226

why dont we just spam m00t for founding a constaff?

>> No.7684247

Fuck it, I'll use the cryptocat thing

We have it scheduled on July 4th 2015. That's almost a year ahead.

We are currently considering different venues and are waiting for a reply from them.

We're quoting approximately 750 guests.

Mr. Memer will open a kickstarter for us once we have some of the expenses figured out

We won't open pre-reg until we get the main expenses figured out.

We're not closing any sort of deal until we are CERTAIN we have the ACTUAL amount of CASH needed for the entire ordeal. If we find out we don't at least ONE MONTH beforehand, we'll refund everyone and just call it quits.

We're planning a schedule later on when we get the numbers ironed out.

He'll tell us to fuck off or promote his friends as con staff and god knows how dumb they are.

>> No.7684249

No, the reason tumblr failed was it was being mismanaged by people with no experience, no communication skills, and poor resource management both in financial resources and human resources (read the one committee member's account about the fandom committee)

What we need to do is actually get some organization and a proper leadership together first.

>> No.7684252

that was not me

>> No.7684256

>750 guests
stop being stupid please

>> No.7684257

We know. Or, at least, I know.

>> No.7684258

I can make a Facebook group or Skype group

>> No.7684260

I think the guy from last night made a Skype group

>> No.7684261

If I wasn't busy with legal and other stuff, I'd offer to help. Had some experience with forming groups and event planning in undergrad so I know how much planning it takes and how annoying it is to get even leadership and admins to all coordinate and meet at the same time consistently for meetings

>> No.7684262

If tumblr can pull in 500+, we can estimate 750 safely.
I have 10 on my Facebook that are excited to see this come together.

>> No.7684265

pls stop using my name, but he is right we will be lucky with around 10 guests

>> No.7684268

Kill yourself

>> No.7684271

no u

>> No.7684274

Ding ding ding
I don't have con planning experience but I don't think it's that uncommon for a first year con to come together in one year. Dashcon had RIDICULOUS expectations. They thought they were going to get 5k-7k attendees. They actually thought they were going to fly out Benedict Cumberbatch and Morgan Freeman.
Dashcon was like a case study in what not to do to run a con. All 4con has to do is not be retarded and do everything the opposite of Dashcon.
I like the idea of planning on Tumblr but Facebook is probably a better idea, no?

>> No.7684277

Why no trip?

>> No.7684278

Anon, Vegas is a terrible idea. Shit's WAY too expensive on the strip and its hard to get out of there to find cheaper amenities like food and such. I'm not saying that ultra poorfags should be the ones you should look to cater to the most, but vegas isn't even really for normal monied fags.
plus all the things >>7683496 said

>> No.7684280

as long as I can access it with a phone then yes, as my pc is broke

>> No.7684282

Get on crypto-cat. I have a few questions for you.

>> No.7684293

can't, don't have a PC,
also for anyone who wants it, a Jew book group

>> No.7684297

This sounds like the kind of thing that attracts all the wrong kinds of people and ends up being shit. What kind of people are going to attend a convention based solely around using the same website? They're just going to be meme-spewing faggots and attention whores. Not to mention the fact that people would deliberately look for ways to fuck everything up for various reasons. It would be like the VGAs only worse because it's in person.
Besides, would you really want to meet the people you associate with on whatever board you go to in person? With /cgl/ I imagine it works out fine because they're at a con and basically the whole point of /cgl/ is cons, but other boards would just devolve into shit-flinging that no one enjoys in-person. It wouldn't play out as a lovable mess like in the board-tan comics, it would just be unpleasant.

>> No.7684301

People go on multiple boards, and every board has had meetups in the past.

>> No.7684313

forgot link the link, remove the spaces

facebook com /groups/ 522647614528844

>> No.7684320

At least those meetups were an aside from the actual convention, they weren't the sole force behind it. At a regular convention you could do con things with people who happen to go to the same board as you, at this you could only do board things with people who happen to go to the same board as you because that's the only point of the con. Also every picture I have seen of con meetups has looked fucking terrible.

>> No.7684324

Anyone want to start a new /b/ thread for this? Since that's where this started and where most of the supporters came from.

>> No.7684329

There have been board meetups outside conventions. And everyone would be interacting with people of multiple boards, it's not like everyone would just be sectioned off in their own board rooms.

>> No.7684333

I disagree. Just because people argue on certain boards doesn't mean they are like that in real life or they are going to start shouting memes and calling each other faggots over their waifus. Do you even realize how ridiculous that sounds? The internet isn't real life.

>> No.7684340

>at this you could only do board things with people who happen to go to the same board as you because that's the only point of the con.

Uhh says fucking who? Why the hell would you be limited? Do you honestly believe that the people from /mu/ aren't going to go look at some cosplays or go play video games at the game room or go to any of the other panels?

This convention is just like any other convention, the only difference is that there will be a large amount of people from 4chan going. If anything, it would be better than other cons in that it's not limited to only anime, video games, and cosplay. There will also be panels on music tastes and leading healthy lifestyles and art and photography.

>> No.7684342

New thread?

>> No.7684348

>This convention is just like any other convention, the only difference is that there will be a large amount of people from 4chan going. If anything, it would be better than other cons in that it's not limited to only anime, video games, and cosplay. There will also be panels on music tastes and leading healthy lifestyles and art and photography.
This! But I don't know, I kind of think some people are going to get it and think it's a fun idea and other people are just always going to think it's terrible. Much like anything else on 4chan.

>> No.7684354



>> No.7684365

Which is why we are crystal clear with it and explain that to people.

Not only with words, but we show what we're going to be providing and the layout of the place so that they see what's going on and how it's going to be.

>> No.7684368

/mlp/: How to clop.

>> No.7684474

If /k/ is going to be at this con the we need to host this in a very gun friendly state?

South Carolina? Texas? because fuck the northeast gun restricted states.

>> No.7684537

This. I don't get why, seeing Dashcon, ANYONE could possibly think that this is a good idea.
It's like watching a guy jump off a cliff and break his legs, only to laugh and follow him off just to show him how it's done.
Why not just have an unofficial 4chan panel now and then? Less liability.

>> No.7684555

>the only difference is that there will be a large amount of people from 4chan going.
There is no way to guarantee this. As soon as word gets out to Kotaku or whoever, the whole thing gets blown and the faux nerds and fraternity bros who have no respect for 4chan's culture start pouring in.

At the VERY LEAST there needs to be an 18+ ID check at the door.

>> No.7684581

You can be ASSURED that there will be an 18+ ID check.

>> No.7684626
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You must list your privileges when you pre-register and they would be listed on the back of your badge.
The west coast has more seagulls to run the thing.
Pretty much everyone will have a phone that ca use the internet. All that stuff would be unneeded costs.
If people are actually serious about this idea, the best real application would be to host an anime/comic con with a 4chan subtheme. That way you could get vendors to come and sell their wares, and cgl to come as they attend cons anyways. Either way, merely plotting to have a convention will cause tumblr to get really mad, so it will be entertaining.
390 is a really expensive hotel. This would best be hosted at a smaller hotel with blocked room rates of 100-150 per night. Something like the Mariott that hosts ALA.
Pic is the ALA 2012 meetup, the biggest so far.
shh anon, don't ruin the ruse
Normal cons dont get catered food. What would you need that? Its not a 4chan lunch.
Thats terrible timing, same weekend as anime expo, close to evo and SDCC.

>> No.7684645

>July 4th 2015
I think having it during the summer might be a bad idea.

That's just a fraction of the problem, though. The way I see it the three major problem groups will be "kids" (people who use 4chan but will make the convention worse by coming), "normies" (people who don't know much about 4chan or the internet in general), and "redditors" (people who know about the internet but whose knowledge of 4chan is limited to funny pictures and greentexts from r/4chan).

The first group can be easily handled by a door ID check. The frat bros in the second category will probably be scared off by enough pictures of "some anime girl with green hair" plastered everywhere. The last category will be tough to filter, but site rivalries aside they'll probably be relatively harmless compared to the other two groups.

>> No.7684751

Alex, /d/enizen here
If you need any help with some organization, I know I can't give much, but I could give some input and some ideas.

>> No.7684805
File: 583 KB, 640x480, Soto kill yourself (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to invite all the /b/ tripfags

>> No.7684830
File: 206 KB, 560x800, Anzu_Futaba_140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moshi moshi

>> No.7684831
File: 48 KB, 298x474, 4a9f3cded39e643d78845d5ec8908d43492c3493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill yourself soto.

>> No.7684838
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>> No.7684841
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>> No.7684842
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Is it time already to ruin squids day?

>> No.7684846
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What.. is this ._.

>> No.7684847
File: 126 KB, 640x480, Anzu_Futaba_85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a gathering of groups under one thread

>> No.7684853
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Are we hijacking threads now?

>> No.7684854
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>> No.7684856
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I see.. ._.

>> No.7684862
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i apparently can't compound trips on this board.

>> No.7684864
File: 343 KB, 213x200, nic cage wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you really a Nymph because have sex with me

>> No.7684865
File: 116 KB, 800x1159, Anzu_Futaba_190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

achbahhh ala shiinghai
על מותו של אחי אני הרגתי אותך

>> No.7684870
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>> No.7684872
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>> No.7684874
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Forgive me /cgl/, I let the autists out of their cage

>> No.7684875
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>> No.7684876
File: 29 KB, 420x420, Nymph 133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizzadog not pizzadawg

>> No.7684877
File: 267 KB, 569x682, Anzu_Futaba_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's all over now

>> No.7684887


The fuck is /cgl/

>> No.7684888
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 129315326223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im the pizza king.

i make the pizza decisions.

>> No.7684895
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>> No.7684900


You know you thought the same thing

>> No.7684906
File: 195 KB, 500x281, 39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did


nice trips

>> No.7684909
File: 35 KB, 225x350, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats a cgl

>> No.7684911
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>> No.7684920
File: 45 KB, 704x398, Nymph 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I make the dog decisions, Johnny.

>> No.7684928
File: 11 KB, 219x230, 1401689879325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not pizzadog pizzadawg

>> No.7684948

and just like that, thread goes to shit

>> No.7684961
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>> No.7684966
File: 29 KB, 268x400, 401353804e66bd8fd660b1aa5a8419d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody knows i am also the dawg king.

and pizzadawg it is.

>> No.7684985

I don't know who any of these trips are

>> No.7684987

and yet i know who you are.

>> No.7684991
File: 122 KB, 600x600, Anzu_Futaba_176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are from the future.

there is a kid stuck in a well, and you must save him young one.

>> No.7685000


Yo, answer me bitch

i'm sorry i called you a bitch i won't do it again don't hurt me

>> No.7685003

Ugh, another fucking board where spoilers don't work?

>> No.7685022


>> No.7685173
File: 948 KB, 214x180, 56d16558-4e54-4f56-a1cd-60843cd7c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme meme ban anime 2015

>> No.7685184



Fucking lol'd

10/10 if troll
7/10 if copy pasta

>> No.7685215

make it a world wide meet up under the sea

>> No.7685301

That's just silly

>> No.7685410

I'm the guy who suggested the non-hotel, small-city-takeover plan for a 4chan convention. I have no outright proof to support my claim, but just take my word for it.

I can't believe you guys are taking it seriously. Or did you ditch the takeover idea and go for the regular convention center route?

>> No.7685413

Wait do you mean the burning man city idea?

>> No.7685422

Yeah, that one.
The idea is that by removing a central hub such as a hotel or convention center, the costs of renting rooms would be reduced dramatically. Host impromptu meetups and panels in thematically appropriate areas, such as an /x/ meetup in a cemetary, /co/ meeting up at a local comic store, /cgl/ going to a fabric store, or /b/ meeting up in a laundromat.

Everybody flies in for three days, hangs out for a while, and then leaves.

>> No.7685658

A national holiday? That's a terrible idea, no one wants to travel in that mess.

>> No.7685682

''does doing it for free pay off in the end?''

>> No.7685792

Isn't that also when AX happens?

>> No.7685810

Short for Fortune Convention.

>> No.7685975

yes, it is literally the LARGEST anime convention in the US. I find it ironic that they are planning this con on /cgl/ for the weekend of /cgl/s biggest con.

>> No.7686369


>> No.7686404

/m/ here.
Pretty stupid idea but I'd still probably go.
Have a gunpla contest for /m/ and /toy/ and hat is a good start.

>> No.7686425

Just try to get two guys cosplaying Punch & Kick Hopper to sit on the ball pit

>> No.7686432
File: 492 KB, 1920x1080, 13840428612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a suggestion for the website's background

>> No.7687003

[s4s]: Check my dubs :^)

>> No.7687012

I'll do a panel on [s4s] or /int/

>> No.7687119
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1920, CAM00175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in from work. Where the Cuties?

>> No.7687177

If we did it, I would definitely want to do a panel on the 4chan board-tans; their development and personality/history in relation to board stereotypes, and how their relationships mimic the general "culture" of that board as well as why people generally actively participate in this roleplay even when it's not directly related to their board topic,

That and post lots of pics of /x/-tan.

>> No.7687284

>/cgl/ trying to prove to everyone they are the worst board

We don't need our own con. This is an ANONYMOUS image board. You don't come her to be special snowflakes and sure as hell don't come here for attention. Do the rest of the site a favor and drop the con shit.

>> No.7687789

Your concerns are noted

>> No.7688925

>not you're

"W-we're just bulking"
Since any panel made of /fit/izens will probably just be filled with skinny/built fats, myself included.

>> No.7688975

>We need another, separate room for the containment of /mlp/
This offend me.

>> No.7689004


Also for the support of communication, because 4chan can't into organization: a wiki+blog should be fine.