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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.22 MB, 2400x2248, tumblr_static_fluffy_chicken_for_print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7672973 No.7672973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Fucking up con management this badly
>Making verbal agreement over post-event payment rather than a written contract
>Still losing nothing of value

"Hello dashcon please help! The upper management of the hotel is threatening to shut down dashcon, unless we give them $17,000 by 10 p.m. Central Time tonight. Please go to DashCon.org and click the Donate button and give her anything you can. Unless we get this by tonight everything is cancelled. We suspect it’s due to the fact that upper management doesn’t like the people at the con.

Please please donate what you can!!!

Thank you, we have an hour!"

>> No.7672976

Haha I was just posting this but got 'duplicate file.'

Apparently people are being herding into one big room. Wow.

>> No.7672979
File: 42 KB, 298x292, 1318558249052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please give us money because we were fucking idiots!!
>Don't save or spend your hard earned cash on something useful, give it to us!!

>> No.7672981
File: 38 KB, 466x556, dashcon done fucked up son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What would the hotel even say. Besides like, I am legit here. In the room. And it is legitimate. People are crying.

Basically, what has happened is the con staff had entered into an oral agreement with he hotel that they would not charge until the end of the convention when the money had come into the accounts. Currently, they have evoked the part of the contract they had signed (despite the agreement) that they could take a portion of the money currently. So yeah. Donations are good because they will be able to get us to open tomorrow when more of the money should come in."

>> No.7672985

>oral agreement
Confirmation that tumblrs really are a ton of idiotic SJWs that don't know how the real world works

>> No.7672991
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>People praying to Misha Collins on twitter
>Posts about how it's obviously a 4chan hoax attack
>"We suspect it’s due to the fact that upper management doesn’t like the people at the con"

>> No.7672997


truly dont go into the dashcon tag right now you might have an aneurysm

>> No.7673017
File: 333 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n8kvrj0vMm1renfa0o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buncha pictures like this from people in attendance. Rumours going around saying that they're going to kick people out of rooms too. Also whispers that there's a bounced check from the con organisers.

Jesus, what a mess. Someone's trying to extort people for $17k in an hour, but who?

>> No.7673038
File: 335 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n8kvkro4qv1sw1xv5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay is pretty much limited to low quality Dr Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Welcome to Night Vale, Hannibal, Attack on Titan, Frozen etc. with huge obnoxious flower crowns on everything.

>"hipster Iron Man"
this con is not worth saving

>> No.7673045

A lot of people are saying that it's a scam and that the hotel doesn't know anything about this, if the organizer is trying to extort people she's doing a damn good job

>> No.7673049

I'm bored and in the tag and yeah people keep saying they asked the hotel and the hotel knows nothing.

>> No.7673052

Simple but fairly well done Fionna, I like the attention paid to the end of the wig.

>> No.7673054

Welp, looks like someone just pocketed a good $17k. Shitty convention is saved.

>> No.7673057
File: 407 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8koz9mYlS1s6nq4co3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped photo

>> No.7673064
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This KH Cloud looks okay too.

>> No.7673066
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Glorious. There was no way this could go well. Reminds me of this http://bronydramarecorded.tumblr.com/post/45728669070/the-unicon-that-went-wrong

>> No.7673070
File: 382 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n8klp3dQVa1rlk5dso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ask an Avenger" panel. Frankly I'm glad it's blurry

>> No.7673079
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Apparently the police are there now

>> No.7673086

where are you reading this? i'm not seeing in the dashcon tag on tumblr.

>> No.7673092

dashcon 2014 not just dashcon

>> No.7673093

twitter, though someone came along and said they've been there all along, so nevermind

>> No.7673098
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>flower crowns

>> No.7673105
File: 48 KB, 795x393, Screenshot 2014-07-11 at 11.51.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly the hotel was trying to do good and save everyone.

>> No.7673107

>unofficial tumblr convention

enough said. doomed to fail and not worth time or money.

>> No.7673109


This guy was at AMW too, the costume is really well done and well-made.

>> No.7673111
File: 226 KB, 293x502, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Directs people to donate via paypal, which takes a couple of days to clear and tends to flag your account if a whole buncha money comes in at once

seems legit to me

>> No.7673119

I wouldn't be surprised if the staff bailed tomorrow and everythings just gone.

>> No.7673124
File: 1.42 MB, 450x253, ohmyg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god why must this be a thing that exists

>> No.7673131
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>> No.7673133

I'm still surprised this convention even got past the "let's have a con!" phase of planning.

What a trainwreck HAHAHA I am not surprised AT ALL that this con is a clusterfucks.

>> No.7673136

I'm reading this, and all I can think is

I guess there really is some social justice in this world

>> No.7673141

>a con full of the worst part of tumblr

Lock the doors and burn the place to the ground.

>> No.7673142

There's a rumor going around about.
No one from hotel staff has any idea what this is.
The money was extorted and given to the chicago mob.
this is all a scam. A legal scam.

Bravo. You deserve it.

>> No.7673145
File: 45 KB, 717x284, ofcourse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate omegaverse and it's everywhere in fanfic.

>> No.7673149

I'll never understand why people pair them up and ship between movies. Like Jack and the chick from Frozen or Jack and Hiccup.

>> No.7673152

>We suspect it’s due to the fact that upper management doesn’t like the people at the con.

Yes, Tumblr. Every bad thing that ahs ever happened anywhere is just because people don't like you.

>> No.7673153
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>> No.7673154
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>Friday badge $30
>Saturday badge $45
>Sunday badge $20
>Weekend pass $65

This is a first year circlejerk con with shit tier panels and like 2 guests

>> No.7673155


live footage from the con

>> No.7673157

It's nice to see that the majority of Tumblr that knows about the issue all think it's a scam or are refusing to donate. Gives me faith.

>> No.7673160

>thinks it's a scam

or doesn't have the money to donate

>> No.7673163

Why didn't I think of this first? It's such a perfect scam.

Captcha: venthr con

>> No.7673168


Scamcon 2014

>> No.7673172

Chicagofag here. This HAS to be a rumor. The Italian Mod is pretty much DEAD.

Though this is affiliated with the con scene :/

>> No.7673173

I reckon it's a pile of mismanagement rather than a planned malicious attack but holy shit

>> No.7673178

she should've sanded the sword more, but the wig's surprisingly good for a tumblr con

>> No.7673180

They apparently made $17,000 in less than a fucking hour? Scam of the goddamn century.

>> No.7673182
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I have no words
I need to kill something

>> No.7673185


>> No.7673188

Well, it IS a tumblr con. What more do you expect?

>> No.7673189

They're still making more. From what I understand they haven't told people to donating.

>> No.7673193
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>tumblr convention

>> No.7673196
File: 69 KB, 480x640, BWdashcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note.
Guys, they're totally shutting down 4c but if we can raise 17K in the next hour we can totally fix this, here's my paypal .100% truths.

>> No.7673197




This is literally a bigger crock of shit than anything Ryan Kopf has ever done.

>> No.7673201

They took down the post about donating

>> No.7673204
File: 77 KB, 500x300, tumblr_n8kz2sM6gH1qklztwo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sounds of real gay people groaning in the background.

>> No.7673206


like i said. floating rumor. but schaumburg and rosemont have been known to have mob dealings in the past. Dead or not.

>> No.7673207

Well it's true.

Why the name dashcon?

>> No.7673208
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>> No.7673210
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This is providing a decent amount of amusement on a boring Friday night. Idiots.

I feel really bad for the hotel staff though.

>> No.7673211


Confirmed for having never been to a Chicago con before. Everyone knows that Rosemont is 100% run by the mob.

>> No.7673212

the main page of tumblr is called the "dashboard"

>> No.7673213


>> No.7673217

Man, they look like they are at a nazi rally the way they keep raising their arms up and down lol
Someone who doesn't know the context could really get confused

>> No.7673220

But they haven't taken down their donate button either. http://www.dashcon.org/

>> No.7673221

Probably because your page on Tumblr is called your dash.

Also before anon gets confused because I realized how confusing this could be >>7673208 is for >>7673204 's panel description, not their comment because I agree with it.

I thought I'd stay up to see Dashcon's big explanation but I'm too tired and I know someone's going to screencap it. I hope.

>> No.7673223

Some calmer accounts coming out now

>"The hotel had never seen a fan convention before, and they were freaking out over the costumed guests and the general hubub. They were demanding money they would have received later on during the weekend, namely the money the second and largest day of the con would have brought anyway."
>"I do not believe we were scammed. If solid evidence comes otherwise, then I’ll change my views. But from what I saw, there was a hotel that didn’t know what they were getting into and tried to pull the rug out from us under contract. This is the first dashcon and I don’t think there’s been another fan convention at this hotel. I understand, imagining something akin to a business convention and getting a bunch of people in costumes probably freaked out the higher ups, especially since there’s a wedding planned for tomorrow in the hotel, but I think the hotel acted rashly and unprofessionally if what I hear and have observed is true."

>"4. Confirmed no booze. There’s water. :| Will later learn we need it."
>"12. MOCKINGJAY SIGNAL apparently this starts to mean be quiet like when you’re in elementary and you hold up two fingers and shhhh."
>14. “people are literally running into other people in an attempt to give money.”
>"Mockingjay signal again. Overhear, “is this cultural appropriation if it’s from a book that’s not real” and AM NOT SURE IF SERIOUS OR NOT???"
>"17. People have been locked out of their rooms. Counted 5 people in swimsuits shivering who apparently are unable to get into their rooms again. Super shitty, hotel."
>"19. Evidently staff is used to people attending for MODEL TRAIN CONVENTIONS?"
>"30c. People are being dicks to hotel security/staff. Uh, not how to endear them to us, guys."

>> No.7673229

Ah, thanks.

>> No.7673232

Have you seen the way the dealer's/artist's room is laid out? http://static.squarespace.com/static/5154acd7e4b07dda442e5ddc/t/53bc3583e4b0f9fe5b57a0cf/1404843395665/?format=750w (For the lazy)

It heavily favours the artists instead of just putting the two in different sections like every other convention does it.

>> No.7673233

My friend and I live in the area and are going to this tomorrow just to take pics of and witness in person what a beautiful disaster it is.

>> No.7673236


Shit is getting fucking real. I'm going to bust a nut if the people getting locked out came AFTER the money was raised.

>> No.7673241

>So essentially what happened—now this is only from what I’ve gathered and the connections I can make, so if someone with official information wants to correct me, they can—is the hotel and the convention had a venue contract that essentially meant that a certain fee would be paid after the convention, when DashCon’s assets would be liquid again and all of the invested money would come back from the con. Not unlike how when you pay for a hotel room, you don’t pay until you leave.
>What happened was, this evening, the company, hotel, whoever was in charge of the convention center got in contact and demanded the fee, $20,000, upfront. Panels were stopped in their tracks and all the congoers were brought into the main hall and explained what was going on. I was in the middle of running a panel and had to stop. There was no “official” (as in straight from the hotel’s mouth) explanation given, but according to what the admins believe, it was likely the convention had “buyer’s remorse” after seeing the cosplayers and such at the convention...I think the type of business that the Renassiance Schaumburg and Convention Center USUALLY gets, is more along the lines of business expos and trade shows, not conventions similar to ACEN, Comic-Con, what have you.
>Furthermore there are two weddings happening in the convention center at the same time, so I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the guests were unhappy with who their company were just on appearance alone. So, I would venture it was an attempt to get rid of the Con. Instead, a group of people bonded together to put money into something that they’d like to see continue... Even now shit’s not sorted out as I was just at the staff office and admins, vendors, and others are still locked out of the room because the hotel has rescinded room comps from many of the staff and others.

>> No.7673242
File: 132 KB, 310x563, TJVKoLn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking dying, this is beautiful.

"We are DashCon. We are tumblr. We are fandom. We are the champions, we will stand as one, and we will NOT be crushed."

Look at all the awful cosplays. The horrible planning. I feel like a horrible person for laughing at this, but this is quality entertainment.

>> No.7673246

That looks like a mess when you want to get through to some of the tables.

>> No.7673248
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x960, tumblr_n8kk4cPVQE1qb4opuo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winners of the Cosplay Contest Group category, apparently

>> No.7673253


>> No.7673257

I feel so sorry for the people having their weddings at the same hotel.
The people attending this "con" have zero decency if they're disturbing other guests.

>> No.7673258


>> No.7673259

resize your pictures you fucking idiot

>> No.7673260
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>> No.7673265
File: 49 KB, 156x141, totally spies derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the admin for the con is 17

>> No.7673271

The one in the middle looks like JupiterEyed, who actually makes a great Sherlock. But this...I don't know...

>> No.7673283


>> No.7673285
File: 91 KB, 839x627, dashcon drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From that 17 year old admin

>> No.7673286
File: 66 KB, 840x535, dashcon dramu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7673288

>What is crossplay
Not saying they're incredible but really.

>> No.7673291

Wow. I went to look up model train conventions. This must be what cosplay looks like to outsiders, because this is a whole new world to me.

Glad I'm not the only one! I had absolutely no idea this con was even a thing until I saw backlash on my dash. I'm bringing the fancy camera over for this one.

>> No.7673292
File: 16 KB, 829x211, kill it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17k for quality panels like this

>> No.7673298

Would suggest waiting until Sunday, moneywise.
I mean, I'd love to see more pictures of this absolute trainwreck, but let's not have more money wasted on this.

>> No.7673302

what the hell is that logo supposed to be?

>> No.7673304
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1331104411165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"So the Dashcon story thus far is this, according to on-site witnesses:

A bunch of Tumblr kiddies all got rooms in the same pre-booked hotel, which the Dashcon staff supposedly had a verbal agreement with the staff of to pay them after the con, but the hotel contract said before. Thus, the Dashcon attendees and other various Tumblr sundries scraped seventeen thousand dollars together in like an hour (without any verification of whether or not the Dashcon staff actually needed the money or whether they were just scamming a bunch of kids), donated it to the hotel’s PayPal (which confused the fuck out of the hotel staff), and are currently protesting in the hotel’s lobby by singing Les Miserables songs to a bunch of underpaid and exhausted hotel employees with no control over the situation.

Leave it to Tumblr users to conduct the single most embarrassing fan convention in world history"

This is fucking fascinating oh my god.

>> No.7673305

I don't really know how hotels work as far as management, but I feel like someone would have heard of a convention where people dress up. The Renaissance hotels are owned by the Marriott, after all. Most cons have a Marriott near by, at least.

>> No.7673306

a fluffy chicken that tumblr allegedly helped someone get.

>> No.7673309

But clicking the donate link seems to send it to DashCon, not the hotel. This con seems to be misinformation galore.

>> No.7673311
File: 84 KB, 480x640, 555111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please just set the building on fire or something? Take one for the team?

>> No.7673312

what hotel has a paypal donation?

>> No.7673315

Aww, model train conventions look really cute. Wonder if I could get in with a Thomas cosplay

>> No.7673319


"today at dashcon the hotel we’re at decided the 1000 teens (around 1000, this is one of the smallest cons I’ve ever been to) was just too much and decided that we needed to pay extra to keep the con open. The people at the renaissance charged a group of kids, teens, 17,000$ to keep their con open."

"Honestly no one took the news seriously at first, it was too outlandish, too disney villain ish, and we all thought it was a joke or a 4chan hack."

"During this time I struggled to keep from having an anxiety attack. I DROVE from FLORIDA to go to this con, to see wtnv live and they were going to cancel it just like that?!"

>> No.7673327

>"Mockingjay signal again. Overhear, “is this cultural appropriation if it’s from a book that’s not real”

Nope. I feel heartbroken that the two fingers in the air thing is now called the mockingjay signal, and a number of people don't seem to know that it's been used to request quiet for ages. And we can now appropriate fantasy cultures?

And these kids will think that they are heroes for saving this wreck and they've sure shown the oppressors of their free thinking ways. This entire thing is kinda hilarious to imagine.

>> No.7673330




We called the hotel to ask and @ddyyuu went and talked to the head manager of the hotel and they know nothing about this. Last I heard the hotel is trying to contact dashcon to figure out what the actual fuck is going on.

If you really want to throw money I won’t stop you but there is an EXTREMELY LARGE chance that this is a scam.



>> No.7673331

>1000 teens
>17k dollars in an hour

so you're telling me it would have been at the very least 7k per kid donating?

>> No.7673333
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>> No.7673334

This legit feels like watching a cult video. Especially when they do the Hunger Games salute. Holy shit.

>> No.7673335
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>> No.7673336

$17, anon

>> No.7673337

fucking knew it

>> No.7673339
File: 117 KB, 400x400, 1331352066002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7673342

Holy shit, it's Atsuicon all over again...

>> No.7673343

When will cons stop being a thing?

>> No.7673348

Wow this is amazing, I don't think I've ever seen a thread like this.

>> No.7673369


ACEN, Midwest, Kollission, and UChiCon say lol no

>> No.7673371
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>> No.7673372
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>> No.7673373

They don't and it always takes 2-3 days to transfer anything out of paypal so if the hotel needed money right away that wouldn't even work.

>> No.7673381

the fuck is this supposed to be?

>> No.7673382
File: 2.00 MB, 500x300, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7673385

'#mishapocalypse #tumblr #dashcon"

>> No.7673389
File: 65 KB, 729x694, 131680433658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cringe

I can't breathe

>> No.7673393

All this bullshit makes me want to delete my tumblr just so I'm not associated with this cancer.

>> No.7673399

I'm on my phone, so I can't ctrl+f. There's a tumblr called 17000dollars now and my sides are in orbit here.

>> No.7673405

Wait she isn't even wearing a radio? This convention looks so bad if the staff doesnt have the proper equipment.

>> No.7673406

>people who were there acting like this was some big Les Mis Hunger Games rebellion of union and solidarity
>actually feeling proud that people raised $17,000 in an hour to keep a convention going
>those same people would probably balk if they were all raised to raise $17,000 to donate to a charity

>> No.7673412

No fucking shit the hotel won't tell you. You aren't staff. You aren't authorized access to any of that confidential paperwork. If there's truth to any of this, you will not be told about this at all. If you're being kicked out of your room for being associated with the con, then yes, you have grounds for discrimination. If there's other seedy shit going on that's found out later, congratulations, you've given $20 to a scam. You're out of your gas money home.

>> No.7673417
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>> No.7673418

I legit started to cry because of how bad this is. Dear god, this needs to not happen ever again....

>> No.7673419

are they going to put on their listen ears on?

>> No.7673420

depending on the account dont they forward you stuff

>> No.7673425

Yeah, with a business account you can get a debit mastercard that has funds available immediately.

>> No.7673431

Management pretty much handle everything like a business professional. They might not be use to cons that deal with teen to adults that dress up in costume. biggest mistake to do in any business negotiation is to not get in paper work. verbal agreements do not hold up unless on record. you must understand that hotels can start to lose patience with a con if it isn't holding up to the establishments codes of conducts. long time lurker on here, but honestly every thing that involves tumbler, cons, or a cosplayer always seems to be scam or something scandalous.

>> No.7673432




>> No.7673434

See here's where the problem with your argument lies:
The hotel can't talk about a problem like this with anyone outside of the contract holders. That much is true, but that is not what is being said. They hotel cannot talk about any problems with the account, but if they are going on record publicly saying that they don't know what the fuck is going on, then they do not know what the fuck is going on. If there were a problem, they would say they cannot discuss anything. The fact that they are saying they don't know is different from saying they can't say.

>> No.7673436

>20 dollars

>> No.7673438

How would a Chancon go?

What would it be called?

Would things be separated by board?

What kind of panels/events would there be?

While I know that it'd probably be just as embarrassing and cringy, I genuinely want to know how you guys think it would wind up in theory.

>> No.7673441

It would end up exactly like dashcon. The specifics don't matter; it would be an epicenter of secondhand embarrassment that would be felt around the world.

>> No.7673443

That reminds me of post where a father got a huge settlement of 500k+ and the settlement had a closure agreement. later that day the daughter goes on a media outlet either facebook or tumblr something like that and post everything about it, which lead to the contract being void.

>> No.7673444

I've worked with many hotels in that past and at least one have always work in conventions like these so they know the run down. It funny for these kids to blame them when the contract was probably followed and it was their attendees that have probably broken property. But lets be real they were not going to make that 17K after the weekend was over. if they actually knew what they were doing they would of made back their investment with all of the prereg badges and Dealers room.

>> No.7673448

What's the fucking deal with the flower crown shit? Been seeing it a lot lately

>> No.7673451

As a convention director I feel sick over this whole situation....

>> No.7673454

Well if they do another hopefully they learn from it and do better

>> No.7673456


I doubt that they will be allowed to host this in that area. Word spreads fast.

>> No.7673457

Do tell

>> No.7673459

ALA is the cglcon.

>> No.7673462


To be completely honest DashCon or any other convention should never have to go through anything like this. They should have more than enough money to cover the hotel and other fee’s that come the convention’s way months before the convention ever happens, if you do not have enough money to cover your hotel or convention center rental then you should either postpone your convention for another year so you know you have enough to cover it or just flat out cancel it. This looks extremely bad/unprofessional on the convention staff and organizers. plus this ruins what ever relationship that they have with their host hotel. If people want to plan events like this they should know the financial costs for the space rental and their limits well before hand and plan accordingly! This should of never happened in the first place.

>> No.7673468

As staff for a convention that had to postpone a year because we were low on funds and had to sacrifice a year to get our financial situation organized, this is embarrassing. I actually have mutual friends with aformentioned 17 yr old admin and she is HIGHLY unstable if I remember correctly. But then again so is every tumblrfag it seems.

From what I understand they already have tickets for sale in regards to next year. Lets pray this dies out and it dies out fast.

>> No.7673471
File: 83 KB, 274x237, 1402455645936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw this is Las Pegasus 2.0
Amazing. Simply amazing.

>> No.7673472

When I got involved in planning a first year con, I ended up getting brought into hotel negotiations (because I got made head of the con's "security but not security", mainly due to my 7 years of experience doing it at other cons.) mainly so we can have a constant communication with the hotel so they knew what we expected and we could calm any fears they had.

We also told them what to expect, that the hotel was going to be packed, but we would have enough staff to keep order. (They were burned by another fan convention that had a staff of only 5 people that the con got out of control.)

What ended up happening is that we had a con with about 1500 in attendance, not including staff/guests/dealers/artists (about 2000 badges including them) that went off with no issues whatsoever and the hotel was completely pleased.

What this sounds like is that they rented the space, and did absolutely no communication whatsoever with the hotel.

>> No.7673473

If this is true, did this hotel not learn anything from the Westin bullshit back in January with Chi-Fi?

>> No.7673478

How many fucking flower crowns can you shove in one picture sweet jesus

>> No.7673479

I've only been going to cons for 5 years and not even all that many but are shitty scammy cons getting more and more common? I mean there was one shitty minecraft con in march that everyone was upset about and another that was supposed to happen this weekend that was "postponed" on tuesday when it was far too late for people to cancel their hotel reservations.

>> No.7673480
File: 95 KB, 817x546, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone let a emotionally unstable 17 year old run this? Oh God this story just keeps getting better and better.

>> No.7673483

I used to be staff for a convention that had to do that as well, I told them either get a backer or postpone a year because they couldn't afford the down deposit that was contracted to them. So instead of listening to me and not contracting guest and not selling tickets they went full speed a head and guess what, they couldn't meet the down deposit and had to postpone convention anyways. What I meant was while it is embarrassing to postpone a convention for a year, its necessary in-order to keep something like this to happen. If you postpone for a year your image can always be fixed but if something like happens then this kills everything.

>> No.7673485

/cgl/ would probably run a better con than this chick

>> No.7673488

lets do it

>> No.7673490


Our con chair paid for most of it out of pocket, but it helps that we caught the attention of bigger cons (and ended up partnering up with one of them and the owners of the two cons made a new company) so that helped with assets.

That's another big thing that I think first year cons should do, is branch out to other cons, just to see what'll happen. You'd be surprised at how many are willing to help.

>> No.7673492

It depends on the area as well because i know some conventions don't like the idea of new conventions popping up because it will take away from what they already have established.

>> No.7673494

So can we start liquidating cons already? I feel we have a bit too many crappy ones.

>> No.7673496


From what I experienced (I'm in the Hampton Roads area and we have no shortage of cons) it all depends on the -type- of con that's being brought up.

We have 2 big (well, 1 big and 1 that claims to be big) anime cons, a horror con (that actually draws in decent guests, but is more of a "party" than a con), and now a "dragon-con like" convention that combines all of the fandoms into one. (That is the one that I helped organize).

Most cons will be happy to help (again, from my experience) if you aren't really a competitor, and are bringing in a whole different fanbase.

>> No.7673497

That's how it should naturally be as well I'm not a fan of new convention using crowd funding to get funds for their convention. That to me show me that no offence to them but the convention won't probably do so well or probably never happen.

Though I'm super happy that it seem like the year extra was the thing that you needed to get your convention going! I hope it does really well networking really is key in this industry both with other conventions and the host cities that they are in.

>> No.7673499

Our convention started out as a 1 day event that we eventually grew into a full weekend con. In the transition from 1 day to 3 days, we took a year off to hire more staff, get more financial stability, and advertise.

It seems like these people thought because it was tumblr related, they could jump headfirst into whatever they wanted to do, and people would give them the money for it. Its a miracle they made it this far, actually.

>> No.7673500

I know /cgl/ could do better but usually when it comes to start up something like a con, maid café, or some convention event. it always comes down to financing and im pretty sure we all lack it.

>> No.7673501

This is just the first day of the con.
What if the hotel just randomly decides they want an extra 15k on the side, just for their troubles, tomorrow night?
I salivate at the thought.

>> No.7673506


It really is going well, and we're excited about our potential growth. We've already outgrown the host hotel after the first year (it was a small hotel, but it worked.) but we have 1 more year on the contract until we can move. Only can go up from here.

>> No.7673508


I'm guessing someone at this convention missed a down payment and told them that they will give it as the convention starts because no body thinks its take 30k + to start a convention and everything that they need for it.

>> No.7673509

Eww...please don't lump the rest of us rosemont con's in with Kopf

You should bring up this dashcon trainwreck to the wrac/wrc

>> No.7673511
File: 16 KB, 592x79, misha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this, you retards.

>> No.7673512

I know the exact felling because we just moved venues for the first time to a really nice location. What convention are you with if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.7673513

How long until all the White Cishet piggus are rounded up and killed?

>> No.7673515


It's a con in Virginia Beach called Ring of Fire Convention. (Typically referred to as ROFcon.) It's generally billed as a "sci-fi convention", but we are literally shooting to be a "everything" con. We had sci-fi, anime, gaming, the works.

>> No.7673516

you know I've been debating all night to put it on there or not but I'm pretty sure someone is going to put it on there at some point.

>> No.7673521

Please tell me their also tweeting Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Please.

>> No.7673524

Inter-con relations are a bit touchy in IL, much less rosemont; so we won't be posting about it, as much as I'd like to.

We actually looked into booking the hotel dash-con is at a few years back.

>> No.7673526
File: 186 KB, 618x295, uncannysimilarity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is that you, Fio?

>> No.7673529

>"We are DashCon. We are tumblr. We are fandom. We are the champions, we will stand as one, and we will NOT be crushed."

huh, that sounds awfully familiar to "we are legion" and weird coming from a group that hates 4chan sooo much.

>> No.7673552

How many days do we have to wait until Tumblr makes an article accusing the hotel staff as homophobic cishet pigs who tried to kill their convention because it was pro-LGBTIQISHYGDDT?

>> No.7673554

I don't even think it's the same group. It's like
> fandom group
> SJW group
> hipster group

Sometimes they interlap, but they also seem largely annoyed with each other all the time.

>> No.7673558

That's what I was thinking.
The parallels between /b/ and tumblr's hivemind are hilarious. Maybe all of this hate between them is actually high school anime-style sexual tension.

>> No.7673560
File: 440 KB, 604x358, dashcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only /cgl/....if only ....

>> No.7673561

>The hammer has a fucking flower crown

I just fucking lost it right there.

>> No.7673563

some highlights:

>For 17,000$ you could buy 11 doses of frozen equine semen.
>With 17,000 dollars, I could buy 3400 copies of Space Jam off of Amazon (with Amazon Prime).
>for 17,000 dollars you could buy about 12,070 bees.
>With 17000 dollar I can buy 850 Princess Kenny figurines from the official South Park shop online (excluding shipping)
>For 17k, you could buy a 1,133 month subscription to World of Warcraft.
>For 17,000 dollars, you could buy 1668 gerbils.
>For 17,000 dollars, you could buy 85 extra large-sized Chance the Stallion Flared dildos from Bad Dragon.
>for 17,000 dollars, you could buy 161 single-day tickets to Disneyworld’s Magic Kingdom park. you could also buy 26 annual passes
>for 17,000 dollars, you could buy 2,127 spooky plastic skeletons
>With 17K, you could by 4 genuine human skeletons.

i dont think i've laughed this hard at anything online in months

>> No.7673565
File: 11 KB, 261x209, 10254043_1415501038712064_6570072898311702973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want CGLcon to be a thing just to see the trainwreck.

>> No.7673567

It's a ship at this point. I can even see Tumblr being all tsundere.

>B-b-baka 4chan, stop raping me!

>> No.7673568

do you think it's on the shipping panel?

>> No.7673575

It -is- actually pretty spot-on, besides the fact they're not dudes. But what is crossplay etc. etc.

>> No.7673578

>scamming 101
>people are falling for it
sausage tumblerites

>> No.7673581


>> No.7673583
File: 42 KB, 528x358, 1352176105234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tumblr users trying organizing a convention
Literally the worst thing you could ever imagine

>> No.7673589
File: 30 KB, 640x153, tumblr_n8lavy9hIq1rfnn9go3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea.

>> No.7673591

>forgive and forget
>expecto patronus

>> No.7673595

My friend went since her sister lives near so she had a place to stay. And she didn't see one non-white person. Some Asians could have gotta mixed in but it was all white people.

>> No.7673600
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>> No.7673607
File: 17 KB, 325x436, 1315253970745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naming your Karaoke like this

Really faggots? You couldn't have just named it "Karaoke"? You couldn't have done "Karaoke: Tumblr Style"? You could just say "My Little Karaoke" or "SuperWhoLockaraoke" or whatever little in-joke you have? You really had to bust out the doge?

>> No.7673608

This is the best worst thing ever. You've got all of the worst idiots together in one building and it's pretty much every 'con horror story' ever.
http://17000dollars.tumblr.com/ if you are interested

>> No.7673610

Gonna drop off my input, thank you.

>> No.7673615
File: 49 KB, 444x287, question mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first started hearing about this, I thought this was a pony con and I didn't really expect anything less. When I started reading more and more, I started to wish it was a pony con.
Some of the pictures coming out of the con are just embarrassing. The schedule is just retarded. "Feminism in modern times"? "BDSM 101"? "Ball Pit/Bounce House"? Did 12 year olds organize this con?
You've got most of the undesirables under one roof, people crying and running to go donate, lest their precious con fall under.

Looking deeper, there is actually one brony panel. At least you've got the full spectrum.

>> No.7673616

>Did 12 year olds organize this con?
A 17 year old Brony from Tumblr organized it. So I'm certain there are many 12 year olds who could have organized it better.

>> No.7673622
File: 85 KB, 720x793, Screenshot_2014-07-12-04-55-08-1026739893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets better

>makes a commotion about the $17k
>people fall for it because tumblr users are gullible aspies
>people with common sense doubt this due to its sketchy as fuck nature

I think someone learned the definition of extortion for the first time in their 17 years of living.

>> No.7673623
File: 407 KB, 500x500, BCO2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this be the new champion?

>> No.7673624

Actually she's "~*~*~not a brony~*~*~", which is dipshit for "im a snowflake feminist brony"

>> No.7673627


What if this person is otherkin

>> No.7673630

>Otherkin Brony teenaer running a fucking hotel convention

Recipe for absolute success right there. I can't wait for 2015's!

>> No.7673631

Oh, I know. "I like ponies but I'm not one of those gross bronies" thing is bullshit

Going through each little donation and refunding each one would take a fuck ton of time.

>> No.7673634

Actually I think this might be the next Las Pegasus Unicon
At least there hasn't been any celebrities that were invited and not paid in the end

>> No.7673635

>a fuck ton of time

That's an understatement. You'll need to make sure to verify each and every individual transaction to make sure that everybody is getting back precisely what they paid. There were a LOT of people paying with cash, so a good deal of this will wind up being word of mouth, which isn't trustworthy. Tons of people will ask for more than they put in, so tons more will not be able to get what they gave. After the legal battle inevitably fails, they will be even further in the hole, as you will now not only have to pay off your pissed off patrons who paid their hard-earned cash for your fuckup of a convention, but also your lawyer for your fuckup of a lawsuit.

Not to mention saying "We're giving everybody a fraction of this divided evenly" will immediately wind up with people who paid $200+ being fucked over as they receive $20 as compensation, and people who threw in a quarter suddenly getting free money.

This was a terrible idea all around, and holy shit is the end reaction going to be good.

>> No.7673637

Unrelated to the post but I'm looking at her sidebar and kinda annoyed since she should've used Octavia for the flag (more accurate colour scheme)

Or not have a pony there

>> No.7673638

but anon you don't understand
that would trigger her in some sort of way causing her social anxieties and that's your fault! how dare you have an opinion!

>> No.7673641
File: 32 KB, 627x682, 1384762631537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British Men With...Cheekbones
>BDSM 101
>Homoerotic Subtext
>Shipping 101


>Feminism in Modern Times
>Sexuality in Genre TV
>Gender in Marketing

>Immediately sexualizing men in television and in your little slashfic heacanon fantasies
>Along with ways that you cannot sexualize women because that is wrong and that is oppressive


>> No.7673643

Wow you're right!
I need to check my privilege and kill myself now, thanks!

>> No.7673647
File: 872 KB, 640x1080, 1395577521247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be disappointed? It wouldn't be the perfect Tumblr convention if not for the blatant and comical hypocrisy behind everything, all the way down to the simple events behind it.

>> No.7673650
File: 923 KB, 1920x1080, enjoying the ride.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now you know Anon!
Make sure you go up the river instead of crossing it!

>> No.7673651

I think I just got about 33% more autistic from watching this.

>> No.7673656
File: 922 KB, 1296x656, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7673658

>kill la kill is 18+
>BDSM 101 has no age limit

>> No.7673661

Btw, you can't see it but her Vriska cosplay has shitty blue freckles that would even make Morgan Freeman cry.

>> No.7673667

>Some Asians could have gotta mixed in

I'd rather be dead than to step one foot in that place.

Fun for the whole family!

>> No.7673670

Anon we have to make sure that everyone is comfortable with their sexuality.
Feeling uncomfortable? What are you, from the 60's? Why don't you check your fucking privilege your [tumblr word] scum?

>> No.7673672

i found like one black person who went in the tags. But like really those panels.
Tumblr could have a con, and it could have went way smoother if they did it with Yahoo!'s permission.

>> No.7673674
File: 251 KB, 463x624, tumblr ''daddy''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says 18+ if you scroll over to see the description but I'm calling it now that someone will bring this up as an example at BDSM 101.

>> No.7673679

>I'm panromantic
>asexual banner


>> No.7673685
File: 428 KB, 200x183, 114030-might-morphin-power-rangers-sh-Qr5l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7673693

>And she didn't see one non-white person
if it's all white
then its all right

>> No.7673694

>Translation: I am desperate because my looks and personality repel so many people so I'll date anyone, but I'm picky enough to want you to do all the work of the relationship and we will never fuck

People who use "demisexual" seriously also apply to this.

>> No.7673699

Maud Pie would be better.

>> No.7673706

I still can't believe that these are the same people who hates on MLP because the fandom draws porn of it.

>> No.7673707

BDSM 101 at a con ? I'm not getting why would anyone do that. If you want to have a BDSM 101 there's already a lot of video/books about it, ondage classes and nice clubs. Why bringing that at con ?

>> No.7673710

silly anon, it's like you think this is actual bdsm we're talking about.

no no, think of two obese teenagers crossplaying hetalia, and one of them is having the other one in a leash, then you'll get a closer picture

>> No.7673712

see >>7673624 and >>7673631

Because a good section of tumblr is purely gaudy indie porn. They apply rules 1 and 2 to it just like if it was /b/.

>> No.7673713
File: 17 KB, 521x101, well that's just lazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on now we are just too tired to take the 3.5 seconds to copy and paste a link into twitter oh nooooo

>> No.7673715
File: 321 KB, 516x1408, mmm whacha say mm that you only meant well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



So, after all the night’s confusion and misinformation we want to give everyone the full explanation of the events surrounding 7-11-2014.

First, we did owe the hotel money, and that is nothing I can get around. It’s extremely common to owe a hotel money for an event at the door, and we made our prepayments beforehand. We have an extremely good track record when it comes to making the appropriate payments for the appropriate things, and doing so in a timely fashion.

We worked out a plan with the hotel to give them money slowly for the entire course of the weekend, which was more than 100% feasible for us. However, 12 hours later one of our admins was unexpectedly pulled into a meeting with higher-level hotel staff, at which point they were informed that convention management had to procure $20,000 by the end of the night. It was an extremely sudden change, especially since we had sent them a number of payments before and a considerable sum the night before.

We could not have been reasonably expected to prepare for the plan to change so suddenly. This sudden change put us in a place where we would not be allowed to open on the morning of 7/12, unless we had the full amount for them the night of 7/11. Unfortunately, the money we needed to pay that amount would not have been coming in until 7/12 in the form of walk-in attendees, as is customary for conventions. Saturday is always the biggest day.

While the hotel was aware of this, they still required the money to be provided by 10 PM CST. I know that many people believed this to be false, but this was largely due to a miscommunication within hotel staff.

The alternative to the route we perused was to allow the convention to be shut down. Below, is an official letter from the hotel proving that this money was indeed owed, and we had no other route to pursue.

>> No.7673717


Those who donated VIA paypal, we will be refunding you guys after the convention as soon as possible, starting with the largest amounts, and moving down from there. We can’t thank you enough for the quick response, and we really would have been closed down without the drastic measures which were taken.

The hotel it’s self was great and they worked with us extremely well, and they are looking forward to having everyone here this weekend!

Please please please do not give the hotel staff any crap, this change came down from the heavens above.

For those panels which were rearranged, they will be rescheduled to the best of our ability and will be happening tomorrow!

Looking forward to this weekend!

~DashCon Staff

>> No.7673720

But muh artistic shibari performance ;.;
Nah seriously, that hurt my BDSM beginner feelings. Bondage can be such a wonderfully pleasing thing and can produce some great pieces of arts, why would anyone go to a panel to see some greasy fujoshis gridding on each other while wearing leather pants ?

>> No.7673721

The fact that most of that letter is blanked out seems suspicious. There's no mention of "you must pay us right now, within an hour, or you will not be allowed to open" just that they owe them a certain amount on a certain date. The letter is also dated the day after the money is due, so it is entirely possible that they weren't suddenly told about this huge sum of money, but that they hadn't paid an agreed sum of money by the agreed date.

>> No.7673728

man I sure hope all those people on tumblr who beg for help on medical bills and stuff are happy that the website got so much money in such a short time for a tumblrcon

>> No.7673730

They're also being extremely dodgy by only refunding the money AFTER the con is over, as well as saying they'll do it in order of biggest amounts first. Something tells me they're going to pocket the smaller donations.

Regardless, they handled this as poorly as possible.

>> No.7673731

where's that drawing when I need it? you know, the one with a white person putting her hands on a black person's mouth and saying "I'll fight and speak for you, you oppressed minority" or some shit like that

>> No.7673733

A lot of them are acting like jealous sjw shut-ins by saying "u guise could've given hte moneys to trans* ppl!" and making comparisons to the potato salad kickstarter.

>> No.7673737

>BDSM beginner
dom/sub? DD/lg? how far you've gone? limits?

>> No.7673738

>Those who donated VIA paypal, we will be refunding you guys after the convention as soon as possible, starting with the largest amounts, and moving down from there. We can’t thank you enough for the quick response, and we really would have been closed down without the drastic measures which were taken.
didn't a bunch of people give cash at the con

>> No.7673743
File: 272 KB, 640x1136, http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2F8367e4232514ff1b940605a798c082e8%2Ftumblr_n7hqy9Gyfg1qbyb7mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this one?

>> No.7673747

Did you expect the same people who made verbal agreements involving large amounts of money with a fucking hotel to think of a way to give everyone who paid, specially in cash, any form of receipt?

I mean sure those who paid in traceable online transaction will probably get their dues, but those that didn't will be very very sorry

Also they really expect walk-ins to make up for their little mishap? fucking walk-ins?

>> No.7673749
File: 437 KB, 400x400, 770024818_2037277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get what the hell is up with that kickstarter. Did people really find it that funny?

>> No.7673751

Well they certainly aren't going to pay for it now.
>Lots of Tumblr mockery over this silliness
>Few people willing to go to the con anyways
>Lots of people decide against it
>Many people spreading jokes about how bad they handled this shit
>The goddamn schedule lineup only appealing to the most retarded of "fandoms"

Even if walk-ins would have paid for it in the past, they will sure as hell not pay for it now.

>> No.7673752

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is an omegaverse?

>> No.7673754

Sub, I just started to dive into shibari with my sex partner so we're going slowly shoud I say. I got into it because of bondage performances in goth clubs we both frequent.

sage for OT

>> No.7673757

sure but only if you can give me $17000 dollars like right now

>> No.7673758

skimming through google's first few results makes me think it's better to just not know

>> No.7673761

My dad used to take me to model train conventions. Sage for no contribution to the tread.

>> No.7673764

neat, I'm a dom and shibari is right next on our list as soon as the wife comes back from her internship. I do wish there were goth clubs here that weren't nests of underaged "hardcore" kids and 25 year old man/women child weebs.
good luck in all your kink endeavors

>> No.7673765

>goth club that isn't exactly what you just said
You're lookin for the Holy Grail son

>> No.7673771

people will be able to get their money back by contacting paypal so.

>> No.7673773

My 'usual' goth club is full of old fag, at 19 I'm from far the youngest of the club and they didn't like it at first. But yep, alternative fashion attract manchild and strange persons, so goth club are often an hit or miss. As a lolita I tend to get along with romantic goth the best, so we just end up drinking wine in our corner. An friend of mine was actually thinking of opening a goth wine bar, something classier, I hope they get to do it one day.

Good luck too, it's nice that your wife share your kinks.

>> No.7673778

I mean it's a bunch of sjws, what did you expect? They're all white teenagers who end up being more racist than any non-sjw could be.

>> No.7673783

well you're right
I went to that same club back in '07 , before the weebs invaded, and it was a much different ambient.
It's what got me and my wife, then gf, started on this whole kink thing.
Hell they even tried that whole fetish day event and it lasted 2 nights until a bunch of underaged kids almost got the management in trouble.
Then 2010 happened

model train conventions sound neat. From what I've seen people go to great length to be as accurate as they can and put a lot of love into it. They're also mostly older people so it's about 1000% more relaxed setting than your usual animu convention

>> No.7673788

lmao she's trying to be aegyolk

>> No.7673815
File: 21 KB, 589x375, 1312060214209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no no, think of two obese teenagers crossplaying hetalia, and one of them is having the other one in a leash, then you'll get a closer picture
I've seen that shit at a con, don't joke about that.

>> No.7673826 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 600x717, tumblr_mtbeu0oFQo1r7du26o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I Googled it and apparently it's this.

>Alpha/Beta/Omega or Alpha/Omega (occasionally Alpha/Beta) is a kink trope where some or all people have defined biological roles based on a hierarchical system, with the terms originating from animal behaviour research. There may be werewolf, knotting, or other animalistic elements involved, or the characters may be otherwise purely human.

>The trope was popularized in Supernatural fandom as a natural extension of its popular werewolf and knotting kinks

>> No.7673829

yoooo this is a sfw board

>> No.7673832

I feel ashamed that I can explain it.
Basically, instead of simple "male, female" for sexes, there's alpha, beta, and omega (I mean people still have a penis or vagina, but sex is kind of different). Betas are pretty much what we are now, alphas and omegas are more animalistic about mating, so there's heats and knotting and other things.
Omegas can get pregnant regardless if they're male or female, that's the bit that Tumblr likes.

Sage for being disgusted with myself

>> No.7673833

damnit, i thought i knew about every shitty fetish on the internet, but this seems somehow worse than people fucking dolphins

>> No.7673841


Wait no actually I don't want to know this is gonna end up with some bestiality shit or something isn't it

>> No.7673842

Is that where the whole mpreg thing comes from? I remember reading something about it years ago, and for some reason it was with Harry Potter back when the first few movies came out and the books were all the rage

>> No.7673847

I thick mpreg's been around much much longer, omegaverse is a relatively recent pile of garbage

>> No.7673849

Shit like this makes me wants to start scamming
People can't be this stupid, right

>> No.7673852

It's not beastiality, at least not the stuff I've run into, but the idea comes from that.

It's like MPreg 2.0. Deeper, harder, uncut.

>> No.7673863

so is it more like the "beast" inside someone?
isn't there a kink kinda like that?

>> No.7673872

Pretty much.
There's probably a kink like that, Omegaverse is a bunch of kinks put together so they relate to each other.

>> No.7673877

No but really, as an amateur linguist in study the way tumblr culture has developed a slang language of it's own is pretty interesting. This might be the most legit panel posted in this thread.

>> No.7673879

not like they'll run it properly

>> No.7673880
File: 127 KB, 650x404, C_309_A-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the sjws tend to be fandom people as well. It's usually what brought them on to Tumblr in the first place.

Source: I was a Tumblr sjw.

>> No.7673887

Congrats on the recovery

>> No.7673905

Fandoms are like a gateway drug, and some people fall way too hard into it that they begin thinking fiction overtakes all. Then they bring that into their minds once they start learning more about society, and it's scary.

>> No.7673915
File: 220 KB, 700x700, 1404870232776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The hotel is shutning to threat the con down"

>> No.7673920

that eridan getting escorted out by security though

>> No.7673936
File: 943 KB, 500x346, 656307-tumblrm7fbl34nvo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm majoring in linguistics too, and it really isn't all that interesting or profound. Their "slang" is limited to a bunch of extremely fucking stupid memes (many of which stolen from other sites) and a ton of fandom jargon. It isn't simply what happens when you get people together and let their language evolve; it's what happens when you put a ton of people together that all try way, way too hard to be cool and edgy and let the shit build up in how they talk.

Note how the examples they gave in the description don't come from Tumblr at all.

>> No.7673940
File: 25 KB, 557x216, Screenshot 2014-07-12 at 10.47.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they planned on refunding everyone, wouldn't they have at least written down names and how much people donated?
I really don't think they planned on refunding anyone who paid cash and they're only refunding paypal people because everyone there will just contact paypal about it to get their money back.

>> No.7673943

well I think we found the mistake

>> No.7673945 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7673947
File: 34 KB, 705x326, dashcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just sounds like one big shady clusterfuck.

>> No.7673951

I'd donate to something like that.

>> No.7673953

>send me your money



>> No.7673954

>people are assuming it was 4chan

>> No.7673957
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, Silver Service.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Model train conventions are much more low key due to the clientele, but there's still some cattiness. There's a few guys who cry about undying love for their favorite railroads and bitch everything else, and others who obsessively follow railroad codes and rulebooks to the most neurotically ''spergtastic detail.

However, most of the hobby is pretty chilled out. The largest part of the con is generally the dealer's room with part of the floor dedicated to modular layouts and then a few seminars. There are also individual clubs who do their own thing with some pretty detailed layouts.

It's a nice, relaxing hobby when I need a change up from cosplay and anime cons.

Sage for train tangents.

>> No.7673959
File: 27 KB, 680x606, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inevitable DashCon orgy

>> No.7673965
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>Every room is a con horror story room

>> No.7673967

Wait a second, if she's 17 how can she be doing any of this? Isn't it illegal for a minor to sign/enter into a contract?

>> No.7673970

>"Call me... Sherlock-san.."

>> No.7673976

Probably not the con's sole organiser. I don't think a 17 year old can even legit set up a paypal account

>> No.7673977
File: 15 KB, 324x390, 093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hambeast scissoring
>Emofags and Neckbeards making out with Halitosis

>> No.7673978
File: 27 KB, 443x193, swayze express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god damn Patrick Swayze express

>> No.7673980
File: 14 KB, 316x116, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can orgy do if all are 14 yr olds

>> No.7673981

Nope, you have to be 18 for that.

>> No.7673982


Tumblr is full of teens who think they're adults and adults who think they're teens. It will happen,there will be drama about it posted on Tumblr and someone will probably get arrested.

>> No.7673983
File: 27 KB, 267x280, 83902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any males present are immediately pegged
>flower crown collars
>a hambeast interrupts two other hambeasts because they aren't cosplaying her OTP

>> No.7673987

Couldn't hear the second video very well but jfc the hugging and singing

>> No.7673988
File: 24 KB, 346x132, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7673991

Remember lulzcon which Encyclopedia Dramatically members had? And the 4chan panels ar ACEN and Otakon? Like that

>> No.7673994

>my next con has an /a/ meetup
>I am so tempted to go to it

>> No.7674004
File: 27 KB, 652x311, tumblrdashcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674018

>Your censoring is worthless if you don't black out the source

>> No.7674025

ran out of ink

>> No.7674027

you could have cut it out dude, or torn it if you didn't have scissors

>> No.7674032

And today is a whole new day. I wonder what the Saturday will bring.

From what I've seen yes. there's a huge thing about going into heat and smelling each other's hormones to cause crazy lust. Alphas gotta fuck. Omegas gotta get fucked. They will fuck for days on end. I don't really get it.

>> No.7674033

It's like Las Pegasus Unicon, tumblr version

Dear God

>> No.7674035
File: 7 KB, 200x186, tumblr_inline_n7mjn1GXqH1rc3zjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.7674039

How much money does it typically cost to simply host a hotel convention? I"m certain it varies a lot by venue, but assuming we're talking something the size of #Scamcon #17K, is $17,000 enough to house everything, or are these just the frosting on the cake? Because that honestly doesn't sound too hard to pull together with a dedicated enough group of individuals.

>> No.7674047
File: 889 KB, 500x396, mockingjay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nope. I feel heartbroken that the two fingers in the air thing is now called the mockingjay signal

The mockingjay salute is three fingers.
But it's not like kids can count.

>> No.7674056


the point wasnt the amount of money, it was the fact that even without regard to the specific event at hand, booking all or a good portion of a hotel for something like a convention isn't ever done without a contract. the admins' posts about the situation last night didn't sound like anything that could have happened had they paid attention to the contract they signed.

like >>7673462 said, this just shouldn't have happened regardless of literal amount of money. crowdfunding shouldn't have been the sole moneymaker for this convention, ESPECIALLY if they are charging as much for tickets as noted elsewhere in this thread, because out of pocket expenses should have been used to cover whatever the remainder was after the prereg total

but of course theyd all probably say something like how it's classist to imply they should have to pay out of pocket at all for something as beautiful as tumblrcon to bring everyone together like this. or how it's classist to imply they should have read the fucking contract they signed because how would anyone be expected to cmpletely comprehend those terms

>> No.7674058


For that specific venue, the base bill would be about 15k-20k. I'm not sure, but, if it's union, you would have to pay union fees for them to set up electricity and everything, that would add on another 2000ish. Then you add on rental fees for radios, projectors/projector screens, lighting, sound, etc. You've got around another 10k if you're renting cheap lights and sound. most hotels rent tables for the vendor/artist booths for $30 each so that's another 1-2k. Then there's printing fees for program books and badges, probably another 1-2k. Then guest appearance fees, transport, hotel rooms, food, etc. A good budget for a first year con for guests is about 5-10k is they want to bring in anyone especially notable.

So, all told, you're looking at like 40-50k at least as a base if you're generally smart with your money. I figure they probably didn't hit the number of rooms booked that most hotels require so that's anywhere from a couple thousand to 10k at least.

So yeah, overall, 17k is just the base and it's a lot harder to gather than you would think, especially for a first year con as small as dash con.

>> No.7674059

lmfao bullshit. you can't suddenly change the terms of a legally agreed upon contract. either they're idiots who didn't read the contract or they're scamming the fuck out of everyone.

>> No.7674062

>you're very own
so far this thread this is what has upset me the most
is this a joke

>> No.7674064

It's not unheard of. Most people starting cons aren't experienced enough to think about bringing the contract to a lawyer. Every other con that I've seen with this same problem hasn't gone to the public for money though, they just find a relative or something and essentially take out a loan from them that they pay at the end of the weekend.

>> No.7674065

Thank you for this pure ball of info. Rare that I get people who seem decently knowledgeable on the subject.

>> No.7674071

I've worked at varying levels in the con scene for the better part of the last decade so I've seen some shit and learned a couple of things. I think this may honestly be the biggest mess I've seen though.

>> No.7674078

this post just reminds me how I much hated how somehow every other person on tumblr had an abusive household they needed to move out from or something similar while either begging for donations or for trying to get people to commission their really bad art

actually that perfectly fits in how the money raised for Dashcon went

>> No.7674081

Feel like I am late to the party here. But a few things...As someone who has ran a con and been on a few board of directors for conventions...

1) What kind of hotel doesn't have a stipulation on payment written into their contract? This is typically section 1.A. Payment. I don't buy for a second that payment schedule wasn't put into this contract.

2) A first year convention, ran by a 17 year old child, and a bunch of kids, managed to get a 3K down payment and a 17K "due at time of completion" stipulation on their payment? No. If this whole thing...room block + venue space cost them 20K then they would have easily owed 10K at the time of contract signing, and 10K before the event started. It takes contacts, good standings with brand, prior business dealings, etc to get net1, net 15, net 30 payments for the rest of your shows venue fees.

3) Who the hell gets on Tumblr and pleads for money to go to a PAYPAL account to get to the hotel asap? I would have called my board, my attorney, the hotels regional manager, CEO, etc first and foremost and worked out something because I was too STUPID to put payment schedules into my contract.

4) Number 3 is irrelevant, because this whole thing reeks of scam.

>> No.7674082

Autosaging, new thread >>7674079

>> No.7674083

>Hay Brony! Panel
>basics on why the fandom began and what it's all about

Part of me feels concerned and afraid, another part feels like there's some necessity to it since "brony" is practically a bogeyman term on tumblr; but it'll be a shitfest either way

Actually, /mlp/ might be bothered to get streams of it

>> No.7674097

Well that's why I said one of the options was that they were idiots for not getting a lawyer to review it. there's no way this was sprung on them. it must have been in the contract that the hotel was allowed to ask for money upfront under some circumstance and not the hotel being mean because of cosplayers. Getting these agreements for hotels aren't done lightly.

>> No.7674116

/pol/ and /b/ have been raiding tumblr remember?

>> No.7674117

Con lyfe

>> No.7674201

>Taking legal action over the hotel not following the "verbal contract" when Dashcon already signed a legal contract saying they will pay before the con like every other organization in existence.

They're going to toss that law suit right into the garbage once they pick themselves off the floor from laughing.

>> No.7674260

I had some friends that went to that con, they said they had a good time, I might go next time.

>> No.7674281

>read thread
>see your post

Please, kill me, baby.

>> No.7674626

>this post just reminds me how I much hated how somehow every other person on tumblr had an abusive household

When your definition of an 'abusive household' is that your parents set you boundaries and tell you to clean up your disgusting monkey cave from time to time its no surprise that all of them claim they were abused.

>> No.7674684

Being on tumblr embarrasses me more than being on 4chan

>> No.7674697
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>> No.7674783

Isn't that the girl scout sign??

>> No.7674871

I saw this
I thought it was a joke

>> No.7675007

WOW HOW DARE YOU BODYSHAME THEM I HOPE UR OTP IS NEVAR CANON -sincerely, a trans demiboy otherkin asexual (my pronouns are squeak/squeaks/squeakself, please respect them you cis scum)

>> No.7675080



I'm a brony, AND before that a freakin' furry. I've written AND drawn porn for both fandoms. I am down with the horsecock and the doggy dick and I thought I'd seen it all but this alpha/beta/omega/preg thing is a new one on me.

Congratulations, tumblr. I thought I couldn't be disgusted at this point.

>> No.7675122

I love how most of the shitty cons out there amount to someone with an ego basically looking at their local convention scene and thinking:
>A geekier version of two drunken friends insisting that they should open a bar

>> No.7675214


Jesus have mercy, I am dying of laughter.

>> No.7675246
File: 56 KB, 382x392, 1387085211784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>should of never happened in the first place

Should've, Mr. President.

>> No.7675422

>Homoerotic subtext

>> No.7675440

I know three fingers with your right arm at a 90 degree angle (roughly) is what we did back when I was in Boy Scouts

>> No.7675477

posts like that amuse the fuck out of me since my therapist has been telling me for roughly a month to get the fuck out of my household and I'm broke due to my university's shenanigans gobbling up most of my weekly paychecks. All this and I'm still not begging people for money like them.

>> No.7675816

that is one fat ariel

>> No.7676436
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>> No.7676501

She better return to sea before someone harpoons her

>> No.7676819
File: 23 KB, 500x493, q36wb48jx540807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right hand, pinkie down

>> No.7677151

>Kill LA kill +18
>2000% Mad
On phone.

>> No.7677308

Tumblr users confirmed for 5 year old landwhales

>> No.7677457
File: 10 KB, 329x281, why and or how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even a proper ball pit

>> No.7677728

Tumblr thinks 4chan did it.

>> No.7677743

And then we all must meet at the, yo know what forget it, that shit is just wroooong mm-m.

>> No.7677837
File: 582 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n8mzfpq6ev1r44c0wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great cameltoe of dashcon 2014

>> No.7678376

I really don't get this. Why trans people? Why not the poor or homeless? For fuck's sake why does tumblr treat transgenders as their morality pet?

>> No.7678427

No idea, they just seem to wrap up being trans with also being poor and homeless/the potential of becoming poor and homeless rather than paying attention to the actual poor and homeless people.

>> No.7679143


A large portion of homeless people are lgbt youth.

>> No.7679210
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>> No.7679826 [DELETED] 

YFW all the rape stories to appear on tumblr the next day.

>> No.7680329
File: 206 KB, 1280x1707, camel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean,i didn't see any . . . .oh. . .ow

>> No.7680793
File: 12 KB, 528x124, 3ea91df5b95b62c6f021379dc3ea7717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a list of Dashcon's bullshit that's being updated and holy SHIT I didn't think it could get any worse.

>> No.7680864

on top of that, there's actual footage of some of that BDSM panel this is just gone too far.

>> No.7681264

I must see this footage.

For research purposes of course.

>> No.7682114


>> No.7682315


I think I am now officially going to find a way to scam people. Like legit if people are this fucking retarded in the world and willing to give money away so easily like that then they deserve to get scammed.

>> No.7682326
File: 131 KB, 1284x1057, 1378106728797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also people have been reporting itchiness and bumps in their genitalia so please if you attended the BDSM panel see a doctor immediately.


>> No.7682328


I must see this video someone please find it