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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 173 KB, 400x711, BAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7666808 No.7666808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

Pic related someone was fishing for people in the halls on Day 4

Any other good con moments?

>> No.7666819

What's going on in that picture?

>> No.7666823

I was watching the cosplay contest at the Crunchyroll booth on day 2 but had to duck out early. Really curious as to who won and what the prize even was, anybody happen to know?

>> No.7666836

>Person on top section with fishing pole connected to dollar bill.
>Person below almost gets it but fails

Guy before him actually got one btw just at this point the fishing people were being stingy bitches and pulled it away right before he had it.

>> No.7666851

did anyone go to the angela panel? I wanted to see if anyone asked about their work on Valvrave/Knights of Sidonia

>> No.7666866

I didnt see who won but I think the prices were figures

>> No.7666898
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Image being posted as it is being worked on.

>> No.7666904

Damn, thanks though. I wish I had stayed, I was so curious.

>> No.7666914
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>> No.7666919
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Are there any upcoming cons in the LA area?

Post con depression is hitting hard

>> No.7666920
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>> No.7666922

Anime California(Anaheim though, so technically OC) in August. PMX in November.

>> No.7666928

Long Beach comic con in September and Comikaze in November. Also Powermorphicon is in August, same weekend as Anime California.

One thing SoCal has, is a bunch of available cons to go to.

>> No.7666930

Why is everyone using that terrible wig for Sora I don't fucking get it.
I saw two cosplayers at Supercon with that same wig.

>> No.7666932


I'll be at artist alley at Anime California.

Maybe i'll have some freebees to hand out if people mention seagulls are best bird or something.

>> No.7666947

Is there a list of cons in so cal somewhere? I'm in SD. Missed AX this year though.

>> No.7666954

Just had a look at their website. What is up with those guests? And there's no programming schedule either. It's in OC and I'm in LA, wondering if I should go or what.

I guess I'll ask if my friends are going. Last time I went to a con alone was in '09 and I'm kinda afraid to do it again.

>> No.7666957

YES NICE!!!!!!!

>> No.7666982

I think a death note won but i'm not sure if that was day 2 or not. Like a guy actually cosplayed as the book which opened up with a bunch of names

>> No.7666989

Is it safe to go solo when going to anime cons? Been thinking of doing it. I assume it's only doable if you cosplay something popular though?

>> No.7666991

Ahh that must have been a different one, I feel like I would have remembered seeing a giant Death note. The one I saw, one of the contestants was a Junko with a TV head.

>> No.7667023

what do you mean safe? I've gone to cons alone many times

>> No.7667030

Got a creeper story for you guys
> Be friends with a famous cosplayer
> Begin dating her sister
> 8 months later
> Learn about some guy who is always being a creeper to cosplayer friend
> Find out that at the past few cons he had asked how her sister was doing, if she was single, etc.
> Laugh about it when they describe how he looks (Think quentin terantino (?) Mixed with Tom Hanks, balding, fat, and borderline autistic)
>Fast forward to AE
> We are walking around the floor before going to the JoJo panel
> cosplayer friend calls us and lets us know the creeper is there and that he asked if my gf was there too
>Pisses me the fuck off
> No more than five minutes later we happen to run into him
> Hes even uglier than I imagined
> Gf grabs my arm and is slightly shaking so I pull her close to me
> He begins following us so I tell gf to stay directly in front of me and that everything is gunna be alright
> He keeps trying to talk to her and I tell him to fuck off
> The fat fuck keeps following us around
> We cant lose him in the crowd because it was crowded as shit and cant move very well through it
> Get free of it as we get near the JoJo line but hes right behind us
> I tell her to keep walking to the line and I turn to face him
> He tries to walk past me towards her and I block his way and yank him to the side
> Tell him he had better fuck off and stay away from my girlfriend or I'd kick his ass right there
> He gets this scowl on his face and I tell him that if I find out that he tries to talk to my girlfriend or asks about her again I'd kick his fucking teeth in and put him in the hospital
> He is just standing there like the fat autist he is
> Push him away and walk back to my girlfriend and let her know he wont bother her again
> She begins to hug me
> Turn around and hes still standing there with that scowl on his face
>Grab her ass and begin to kiss her while he watches
> He walks away before I'm done
Got a bit more if anyone wants, not a lot though.

>> No.7667032

I just can't picture myself venturing out solo. I wouldn't know what to do. I'm not socially awkward at all but I find it much easier to have a friend or two to tag along with me.

>> No.7667038

a real hero, and a real human bean

>> No.7667039

You became the true man, anon.

>> No.7667040

When you go solo you can do what you want. Nobodys gonna complain or whine that they're tired or whatever.

>> No.7667041

What if you plan to stay overnight though who would you hang with?

>> No.7667045

Go on.

>> No.7667046

I feel like it's worse with a friend sometimes because you can't really do all the things you want with them along.

>> No.7667047

what do you mean by overnight?

>> No.7667051

>Going to an out of town con alone
Sounds pretty sketchy, anon. I've been to local cons on my own, but those are in driving distance, like PMX, ALA and AX but I don't think I could manage Famine or AFest solo.

>> No.7667052

Basically lodging and etc. I've heard so many horror stories with rooming with strangers but there are also a few success stories as well.

I'm sure I can handle myself. I just wouldn't know what to do once all the con festivities are done in the daytime. I wouldn't know where to go during the night.

>> No.7667054
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May as well post the end of the story

>Fast forward to Sunday
> End of the con and the gf and I had done our last bit of shopping
> We had a great time and got some cool stuff
> Head back to her sister's booth
> Put our stuff down and begin joking with her about "What if the creeper were there too"
> Turn around and hes there
> "AH FUCK HAHAHA" is the first thing that comes out of our mouths
> I sit down with her and kiss her a bit as he tries to steal glances at her
> Something comes up and I have to leave for a few minutes
> Her sister tells me not to worry, that her friends arent going to let him near her let alone talk to her and I thank them
> As I exit the booth I kick the fat fucks foot as he tries to do what I assumed to be the Matrix Backlean but it came out as more of a retarded backwards lean
> Come back and he is still there
> Cuddle up next to gf and watch some anime on my phone with her
> He is staring the entire time
> Mfw reaching around and holding her close for that extra salt

>> No.7667058

Some may question your methods, but there's really no better way to show someone there place in society.

>> No.7667062

Depends on how much hotels are. I have enough money laying around to afford a room.

>> No.7667068

>Watching anime on your phone
I'll give you that you're a cool dude, but that sounds awful.

>> No.7667074
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I've always despised creepers and learned that the best way to deter them was to flaunt something they want but they will never have.

The best part is my girlfriend is everything I want in a girl.
>Nice tits, wide hips, and a nice big ass
>Skinny with just a little chub
>Loves anime/manga and enjoys collecting figures
>Mfw I'm her first boyfriend, was her first kiss, and is madly in love with me to the point where her sister says I'm all she talks about
It's such a rush too, almost like NTR except I'm not the guy being NTR'd.

Well it was just for a little bit and mostly to check out some anime we saw there like Hitsugi no Chaika

>> No.7667099

Kind of a Dick move tho...

>> No.7667102

See >>7667030

Especially not so if you're a grill and are cosplaying.

>> No.7667106
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Everyone's taken a picture of this Nonon, but here's mine anyway.

>> No.7667116

Anon's girlfriend seemed to be genuinely afraid of the creeper though. I'm honestly surprised he didn't beat the shit out of him and just stuck with making him feel impotent.

>> No.7667118

I would have done the same thing, besides being a general creeper he didn't do anything (yet) to warrant an asskicking and it isn't worth causing trouble at conventions for something like that.

Now if he had touched or tried to touch her then it's fair game, but since he didn't a mental and emotional lashing is much more effective.

>> No.7667120

I think he was fair.

>> No.7667363

Were there any Hisokas?

>> No.7667375
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If you know how to avoid freaks of nature, yes. Otherwise you're better off bringing a friend or a slightly trustworthy person so you can have an asshole step in if the person gets too close.

Also, someone mention wanting one of pic related. I'm dropping my info. Give me a message and let's see if we can work it out. Dat phone quality tho

>> No.7667378

Dropped e-mail.

>> No.7667411

I want it as well, but a good scan of it is good as well. Too bad yours is a little crumpled.

>> No.7667412

I salute you

>> No.7667421

I wanted one but a friend has said they'll pass one of theirs onto me

>> No.7667443
File: 272 KB, 600x450, poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one that has only a slight crumple in the far left corner, want it?

I like it but because it has 'ANIME EXPO 2014' smack dab on it, no way am I ever gonna put it up, so it's kinda just more shit that I don't need.

Email's in the appropriate field, anyone feel free to message me if they want it and we'll see what I can do.

>> No.7667463
File: 639 KB, 1366x552, acp_sailormoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what did you guys think of ACP's 'Takeuchi hand-picked' official sailor moon cosplayers?

>> No.7667487

They look like average girls, which is how the Sailor Moon is supposed to look. It's refreshing.

>> No.7667494

Wondered why a lot better cosplayers didn't get picked for this.

>> No.7667496

I'm surprised they had time to get together and sew stuff, considering the contest started about month before Anime Expo.

>> No.7667500

Easy: They were already working on costumes beforehand.

>> No.7667504

Moon and Venus were pretty good, Jupiter was okay, and Mercury and Mars were questionable. I saw them in person at the booth, and both times something just seemed really off to me about Mars' wig and Mercury's fuku.

Also, it seems kinda fishy to me that SparklePipsi's group would all get picked together... Sounds rigged.

I didn't apply because I cosplay one of the outers, but now I'm not sure that I would have wanted to, anyway.

>> No.7667506

wait wait... so, they were working on these costumes TOGETHER before the contest even began and ACP just happens to pick all of them for the event, despite the fact that they made the contest sound like it's gonna be fair game?

I'm surprise no one's raising pitchfork over this. One of my friend entered and she told me how she had to write an essay (yes, essay) about why she should be chosen.

>> No.7667514

My thoughts exactly. If they had wanted a group that matched, then they should have made that the application, not as individuals. There are plenty of cosplay groups that coordinate like that, and it would have seemed a hell of a lot more fair if that was the point from the beginning.

>> No.7667522

From what I've heard from several different friends that entered there were different requirements for each person that applied. Really strange for a contest that is supposed to be fair. Although people should have been more suspect of this coming from ACP I mean they really only use people they are buddy buddy with for the important stuff.

>> No.7667524

why bother even hosting a contest then, right?

>> No.7667533

You should have seen the Tuxedo Mask, just garbage.

>> No.7667541

Sorry, I'm not saying that everything was rigged and that there was a conspiracy.

I'm literally just theorizing that maybe they were already working on a group regardless of whether they were chosen or not, and that's why they were able to get everything together so quickly.

>> No.7667545

How is anime California. AX was my first and really liked it and want to explore more cons.

>> No.7667551

but when you really think about it, the fact that all 5 were chosen at once, doesn't that seem weird to you?

>> No.7667587

if that's the case, shouldn't at least 1 of them NOT be chosen as official? From what this sparkle person is saying, they ALL worked on their costume together. Which can only mean they were foretold that they'd be chosen.

>> No.7667594

Yeah... The only other reasonable thing I can think of is that maybe Moon was chosen, she said, "hey, I have matching friends", and then they chose to ignore the other applicants in favor of a matching group. Either way, doesn't exactly seem fair.

>> No.7667598

its going to be the first year for it. they are only expecting like 4000 people or something like that. as oppose to AX's 80k+.

Dont expect much out of it.

>> No.7667609

Sounds real fishy to me. I think Sparkle may have just pushed for her group and ACP was alright with it. Why have a contest when you had a group already?

>> No.7667611

You must enjoy conspiracy theories.

>> No.7667614

The event selections they do aren't actually contests, they're more like a casting call, and if this was "official" and "approved by the creator" that probably means the japanese companies and viz had a lot of say in the selection process, probably even more than ACP did.

>> No.7667617

for publicity, of course.

I know for fact that Wayne and Henry only like to work with people they're well-acquainted with. All these 'official cosplayer' application they send out, most of them will be tossed out no matter how accurate they look because they either think you're not popular enough or don't know you well enough.

It's all a sham, in the end. I had to tell my friend not to even bother with sailor moon contest, because I knew what was going to happen anyways.

>> No.7667667

How was the fashion show?

>> No.7667676

There's the nisei festival and parade in little tokyo around aug 9 I think. Always lots of cosplay events.

>> No.7667689

Skirts too long.

>> No.7667808

Here are the pics i took on days 1 - 4

>> No.7667824

I'm ok with the length, but I would prefer if they had more poof and bounce? The pleats look fine, but kinda dead.

>> No.7667877

>All these 'official cosplayer' application they send out, most of them will be tossed out no matter how accurate they look because they either think you're not popular enough or don't know you well enough.

with a high profile event like Sailor Moon, it makes a lot more sense to work with people who have either done previous smaller events with ACP or had someone vouch for their reliability. It's not just making or buying a good costume and knowing how to pull off the character look, wig, makeup, it's also being reliable with the logistics and stress of early call times, planning your own breaks, endurance and working well in a team, keep social media in check (such as if you take photo with guests and said guests request you do not post it) and other things.

There were brand new people on the other teams throughout the convention, but not necessarily Sailor Moon. Eveyone starts somewhere, I would never discourage applying for an open casting call because even if you dont work that specific event you really wanted, you never know what will be promoted in the future and having a good experience in the past such as showing up on time and not leaving early, working well with other cosplayers you never met until that day etc. all that goes way farther than a billion likes on a facebook page.

>> No.7667902
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Must be Ebay popular for some reason.

Saw her walking around with a board. Wig could use some more spikes.

>> No.7667910
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holy shit! I can't believe I missed seeing this cosplay ;_;

>> No.7667927 [DELETED] 

Still looking for any pics of Bride Ryuko. Anything would be much appreciated.

>> No.7667948
File: 629 KB, 980x1474, DSC09908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey nigger, not sure if this or someone else.
I'm still looking for more Tomokos.
Specifically one.

>> No.7667952

As someone who has worked ACP events before, this anon has it right. They pick people they know are reliable and work well in a booth situation. It was questionable how they advertised this as a contest and there was a lot of butthurt around social media. Did Usagi Kou try out for this?

>> No.7668006

I can give you guys my not so great creeper story?

>finish watching fireworks on Friday
>18+ Section of the dance about to start
>Line up, eventually get in
>Trying to work my way to the front this guy asks if he can dance with me
>Try to be nice so I allow it
>He keeps trying to grind up on me and it's just please nope
>Someone else asks if I want to join their group and he's like "No man, she's with me." before I can say anything like he's my boyfriend or something
>Asks if we want to take a break and talk
>sure that'd be an improvement
>talk a little after sitting down and out of fucking nowhere he tries to french kiss me
> I don't reciprocate at all fuck that shit screw him
> He's all like "my first kiss this AX tehe"
> All of my nope.jpg
> we go back to dance, someone just tries to tell me they like my outfit as I lag behind a little bit
> He pulls the same possessive shit again
> we're on the edge of the front row now
> I accidentally kick him while dancing how I normally dance so he backs off a little
> waiting for a chance to escape
> Meishi Smile the DJ being the cool dude that he is throws some stickers out
> I make like I'm trying to grab some
> Keep going through the crowd instead
> run out of the dance, don't stop running until I'm all the way in the girl's bathroom on the top floor a good ways away from the dance
> feels
> Find my boyfriend in the panel he's in and we leave

Dance on Saturday I got in early and nobody messed with me/people generally left me alone so that was good. I also wasn't wearing the same wig as the day before so I didn't have to worry about that guy since he only saw me in the dark anyway.
Screw people like that.

>> No.7668024

Op what was she coslpaying as if i may ask or was she just in casual animu cloths this is insane i mean i thought i was bad enof that creepers took pictures but really i know when i was at AX walking behind every guy i could hear them talking about how they would do sexual things to a lot of the girl they saw and that they wouldn't care if they had Boyfriends and that just creeped me out.

>> No.7668027
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>first con ever
>mfw I went around being super polite asking permission to take photos and promptly thanked the person as I rushed off to my next target
I'm not used to it and it was the best I could do to keep my spaghetti contained.
How do you guys do it?

>> No.7668038


go back to work

>> No.7668045

Some of the local seagull crew want to go, I think I am gonna check it out.

>> No.7668049
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Not sure what's going on here.

>> No.7668057

See I'm cool with them picking people they know and understand why. It's the same reason why videographers shoot the same cosplayers over and over again for scenes. However if they wanted people they know then they should have just kept the details private. Only reason why I can see this happening is that ACP had a group they wanted to use, made an open casting call to see if anyone was better then went back to their old choices

>> No.7668060

Dude you did it exactly the way you're supposed to. Don't sweat it.

>> No.7668068
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No friends, m8? Is it fun being alone in a con? Expensive room?

I always wanted to go alone to a con, but i dunno sis.

>> No.7668079

How do I fuck at a con

>> No.7668082
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I for one will probably go alone to my AX. Friends are nice, but sometimes it feels cumbersome with a group.

>> No.7668085

Bring a suitable mate.
Go to hotel room.
Get yourself aroused.
Stick it in the hole until maximum velocity is reached.

It's not that hard.

>> No.7668102


>> No.7668109


Anime California is having its first con this year, it's going to be like ALA, but with more focus on getting the closet otaku/MMO crowd out of their basements and into a convention to mingle with people. I think it'll be pretty fun, not for the mediocre guests or shit panels, more for the fact that this con has EXTREMELY high chances of becoming an awesome partycon. Indoor venue, attached hotel, bars and restaurants surrounding the place, etc.

Anyone else going?

>> No.7668117

Give me some cash to pay for a hotel and I will

>> No.7668118

Sounds like AM2 to me. Which went to instant shit.

>> No.7668121

Maybe I will. It's a drive away but I might. Just need to work on my cosplay for that one. If not, just wait till PME and ALA.

>> No.7668142

so basically this is ACP's way of saying 'I know you put a lot of work on your applications, but none of you are better than the group we already have, so fuck you'

The contest should have never been a thing to begin with, now it just makes ACP look like elitist pricks

>> No.7668159

i room with people who don't need to travel in a large group constantly so you can still split hotel costs, but also not have to be stuck with 5 people whining about staying together.

ngl, i'm mostly going in hopes that it'll be a partycon. its also near disneyland, so even if the con sucks i'll probably just head there.

>> No.7668160

it's a lot like Crunchyroll promoting their cosplay ambassador program at panels and cons and saying they constantly accept new cosplayers and so on, but dont mention that if you have less than 3000 likes on a your facebook page (and you must have a facebook page) then you will never get a response from them.

It's for exposure and brand promotion, basically to create an event buzz, and not for the cosplayers ego exclusively. If you haven't figured this out already and adapted accordingly, then theres no real need for you to be a cosplay attache or escort at events. That is what promotion work is, whether it's handiny oug flyers for a night club or announving that you'll be so and so character for this panel or this event.

If it's not for you or your style, then just cosplay on your own time, do your own thing, enjoy the con your own way and dont worry about meeting some company's regs like early check in times, blocks of work shifts and all that-- Some people love it, some people don't come back to it after their first try. it 's not for everyone.

But personally I think people should apply for something they really care for if they can, because you dont really know if you're that type until you try it out.

>> No.7668163

Even in real life stuff like this is a norm. If a company has an opening and already have a strong recommendation from someone in the company they'll still do open interviews to see if they can find someone better.

>> No.7668166

>but dont mention that if you have less than 3000 likes on a your facebook page (and you must have a facebook page) then you will never get a response from them.

Half of the cosplayers that are chosen for their events have barely broken 500. You sound bitter anon.

>> No.7668169

not talking about their events though

>> No.7668191


So you had a bf and another man kissed you?!

>> No.7668196
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1920, CAM00142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing it right
Its way more fun if you drink and get involved with the photos though

>> No.7668202

Yeah. Just because I didn't have my boyfriend on me 24/7 apparently. Not my fault he isn't into dances.

>> No.7668210

Any photog/creeper dramu?

There was a lot of them this con.

>> No.7668225

Mostly just really awkward guys telling me how much they like my cosplay and yelling "step on me Satsuki-sama!" One guy did follow me around for a while apparently getting to tell me his life story or something, but my friends managed to help me shake him off.

No creepy photographers this year, thank goodness, though I did find out that one of the guys that really weirded me out last year is actually pretty well-known as a good photographer. His work is admittedly really great, but he made me super uncomfortable...

>> No.7668230

Then what are you talking about?

>> No.7668237

You're still speculating though. We don't know their reasons.

>> No.7668242

I doubt Facebook likes and pages have nothing to do with ACP events or casting calls, you dont need a Facebook page to be in their events, many cosplayers who are part of their events dont even have a separate FB page for themselves. But More or less to be a Crunchyroll ambassador, it's the bare minimum requirement, because Crunchyroll's product, and thus it's marketing machine, is 98% online content and relies on social media to grow it's brand

>> No.7668243

>I doubt Facebook likes and pages have nothing to do with ACP events or casting calls

>have anything to do
I meant to say. single negative, not double.

>> No.7668281

Were there any good SNK cosplayers at AX that actually had accurate costumes and made an effort to look like the character?
I swear every single one I saw was some kind of flower crown/tumblr/genderbent meme bullshit. What is the deal with the flower crowns and why is it only that show?

>> No.7668282
File: 57 KB, 540x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these threads are mostly for the cosplay and the meetups, but I'd like to know if anyone here attended the AMV Contest and what they thought of it.

>> No.7668292

Sheesh, its comforting to know there will always be people creepier than me. Doesyour bf know about it?

>> No.7668294

I saw a good attack on toaster Levi with full toaster gear. But that's memesical oops.

>> No.7668299

Started an hour late, with 15 minute+ delays between brand presentations.
Kimura U sang a song which was cute. There was also a short Q&A with the Ghost of Harlem designers while they were stalling for time.
In the middle there was long portion about that Kawaii Leader contest with the 5 finalists being presented. It ran on way too long and nobody gives a fuck about some stupid FB contest except the contestants themselves. I nearly fell asleep during this part.
Due to the delays there was a max exodus partway through, most likely of people going to the KLK event. The room started out packed to the max with all seats filled and several hundred standing, and by the time Kokokim started a quarter of the seats were empty.

The clothes and models looked great, and it would have been a good show without the delays and the contest junk, but it was really poorly organized and far too long.
Here's the Kokokim part.


>> No.7668304

There was a massive activity log that a former AX Director wrote out about how terrible the President/CEO and general management is. Anyone happen to have a link to that?

>> No.7668309

I wanted to buy those black kokokim thigh highs at 3:06 so hard but their booth wasn't selling any socks at all. I was going to give them all my money since the socks were sold out on Rakuten. Was going to try to ask her what's up with that but missed her autograph session.

>> No.7668326

This was the first year I ever had a run in with a creeper but it was mild.
Some guy asked to take a picture with my two friends and me and got way too handsy. Pretty much just felt up my friend and me. Glad at least one of us was spared. I would have said something but he seemed not all there so we just got away as soon as he snapped the pic.

>> No.7668331


I've gone to AX solo for the past three years. It's not bad. I usually start conversations with people who are sitting by themselves.

Also get a lot of awkward teenage girl groups asking me to hang out with them. #gayguyproblems

>> No.7668355

When I got to him he was surprised I left so early and was curious why so I ended up going into full feels mode and told him everything. Cute hug time in the elevator though~

>> No.7668360

that's a common trick, even if you're not in cosplay and just taking photos with groups of people-- but guys (and gals) do get 'handsy' during photos sometimes. I suggest that if you really do want them refrain from doing so, just grab their arm before they swing it around your waist or something, and pretty much force it back to their side. or use your arm and block theirs: gotta do what you gotta do. if they call you a bitch, don't sweat it.

usually shoulders and stuff are fine, but each person's comfort level is different and it's better to just be super clear about your comfort level. for both yourself, the other person, and anyone else watching.

I know that using the "pic please?" trick to cop a feel on waist, lower back, and ass is way too common.

>> No.7668363

I went alone all 4 days this year commuting to and from on public transit no less and nobody gave me any shit. I cosplayed as a Sailor Moon character on Saturday and the whole way there I was treated like a celebrity. Everybody said my costume was awesome and wanted their kids to take pictures with me.
Closest thing to a "creeper" I saw was some crazy guy wandering around Union Station yelling "I HAVE A HARD ON!" and various lewd phrases but he wasn't targeting me. Those guys are so nuts they don't even know what they're doing and everybody just ignores them.

It can be a little boring at times if you don't have a constant buddy with you, but I usually spend most of my time in the dealer's hall steadily handing out all my money or in line for things where I can chit-chat with the people next to me.

>> No.7668385
File: 1.43 MB, 480x270, 1382051369369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty cool, pissed that snowball genocide won an award, but most of the ones I liked won. That one dude got most of the awards anyways, though.

>> No.7668428

I'm wondering if it's going to be worth price of admission + hotel for several days

>> No.7668484

I just pull their arm up to my shoulder if they feel they must have an arm/hand somewhere. I can't stand that shit though

>> No.7668526

Thanks for the tip. I'm pretty much a casual and my cosplays aren't very good so I'm not used to being asked for pictures. The few times I have, people have been super cool for the most part, hover hand, or simple shoulder.

>> No.7668561

yeah, that's how it should be. but you know, few bad apples and all that. I hope you continue to have fun, just be safe and so on. There's paranoid, and there's prepared. once you see someone's going for a low 'hug' you can just swipe their arm aside or aside and up. usually they just go for shoulder instead.

>> No.7668570

It's pretty fucking fun to ask for a pic, and just as its ending grab their ass or tits or something then walk away

>> No.7668573

nice shot

>> No.7668576
File: 379 KB, 3072x1728, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The part that got me was that an AMV Hell-esque video not only got into the finals and not ONLY won best of comedy over all of the other superior videos, but actually tied for best in show, too. When I heard that Family Guy clip I wanted to punch a face.

Voted for that Rubber Duck one, myself.

>> No.7668582 [DELETED] 


I take it from the pic that you liked that Fun Kill la Kill vid? If so, thanks. I made that one.

>> No.7668587


I take it from the pic that you liked that Fun Kill la Kill vid?

If so, thanks. I made that one.

>> No.7668592

I want to read this.

>> No.7668602 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 2100x1950, DSC_1638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lens flare y/n? Kinda experimenting with them for a bit for a non-obstructive look.
Thank you!

>> No.7668604

if it's photoshop lensflare, NEVER

>> No.7668605

The lens flare looks like shit in my opinion

>> No.7668610 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 2100x1950, DSC_1638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lens flare y/n? Kinda experimenting with them for a bit for a non-obstructive look.
Thank you!

>> No.7668615 [DELETED] 
File: 563 KB, 2100x1950, DSC_1679 NO FLARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your feedback. The plugin is one I used in AE but also have a PS version.

>> No.7668626
File: 563 KB, 2100x1950, DSC_1679 NO FLARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your feedback. The plugin is one I used in AE but also have a PS version.

>> No.7668636

why are girls so hands off?

I wouldn't mind a girl touching my bicep, even if she was an ugo. And not not let anyone touch if you're weraing something really showy seems really mean imo.

>be hot guy
>walk around half naked
>girls everywhere wanna touch
>don't let any of them

>> No.7668638

You are the problem.

>> No.7668641

Is anyone here going to Japan Expo next month?

>> No.7668645

Yeah, shit sucks. I really like cosplaying despite my average appearance, so when someone asks me for a picture I get really happy. It's just unfortunate that I have to be cautious just because of a handful of assholes.

>> No.7668647

yes. it's closer to home this year so I can commute, yay

>> No.7668655

I don't really mind being touched as long as it's appropriate. I wasn't wearing anything revealing at all, and hey if you want to hug me or put your arm around my shoulder, go for it. But as soon as you start feeling my tits we're going to have a serious problem. Would you want an ugly fujoshit land whale grabbing your junk?

>> No.7668657

Idk what it's like to be a guy, but as a girl at a con, even in modest clothing, we sometimes deal with creeps that make us feel unsafe or uncomfortable, so having a bunch touch us is even worse

I'm not speaking for all chicks though, cause I know some people just probably don't want to have gross greasy weebs touch them

>> No.7668661

ive started watching anime in my phone too and its actually better on my phone than my craptop.

Galaxy S5 can suport 1080p IIRC

>> No.7668666

I haven't seen anyone talking about the jojo panel. It was so fucking hype, especially when Stand Proud played and at the end when everyone sang Walk Like an Egyptian together. I just moved to LA and this is like my 2nd con ive ever been to, and that was one of the funnest moments of my life. And during the afterpanel at the crunchyroll stage, if youre on here, thank you to the guy who lifted me onto his shoulders so I could ask a question and get those boss ass towels

>> No.7668671


>> No.7668674

Yes! Excited for their guest announcements, since Japan Expo gets good guests.

>> No.7668681

There are guys that don't like to be touched as well, anon.

I like to show off my /fit/ness at cons, but I definitely expect people to respect my agency and not grab me just because I'm showing skin.

>> No.7668683
File: 40 KB, 599x1020, menma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a photographer from AX sent me this so here's a full(er) picture of my menma cosplay from the previous thread. shopped a bit hope u dont mind (the dress was a large, which made my midsection a bit boxy. i ordered a large because i hoped it would be longer than the picture, but i think they're all the same length and they just widen the arms, neck and midsection. whoops... i'll take it in before my next con.) hope u like ;-;

>> No.7668687

That photo looks really dark. Do you have the original image?

>> No.7668693

i didn't edit the colors- meitu xiu xiu's default makes the picture a bit brighter though. i'm very pale, and since the picture was taken in low light with so many greys that's how it turned out.

>> No.7668698

The photo is too dark for Menma, I think it would be cuter if it was lighter and happier like her. You do make a very cute Menma though

>> No.7668711

thank you so much :) i was worried about pulling off such a simple costume without looking lazy. i actually agree! the photographer was making me do all kinds of poses to get the "doll" look. i don't think he knew the character of menma. i went along because he was nice and had a great camera lmao... and the pictures came out really nice.

>> No.7668712

I actually liked the Snowball Genocide one ;_;

That pissed me off too. I don't know how that qualified as a music video. Plus, his face your fear video was so disjointed and felt like two separate videos.

I also voted for the Rubber Duck video

>> No.7668714

1080 on a device that's the size of a postcard.

>> No.7668719

This is why i wear full coverage cosplays. Not a big fan of skin on skin. Everything else is fine, just no hojos or butt touching.

>> No.7668737
File: 203 KB, 600x828, bb-cosplay_goblinqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, waists aren't okay anymore?

When did this happen?

>> No.7668740

What if you're getting carried though?

>> No.7668741

That's rape

>> No.7668752
File: 172 KB, 400x400, 1396136333719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've raped over 100 women and men at AX this year

>> No.7668754

>when did the arm around the waist become a problem

Around the time >>7668570 and other shitstains like him figured it was okay to molest people as long as they're in costume.

>> No.7668756

Was it worth it?

>> No.7668764

Do you feel like a hero yet?

>> No.7668795

Do it anyway

What are they gonna do? Call you a creep on /cgl/?

>> No.7668800


>> No.7668816

I'm so bummed I didn't go. I went to the Missing Kings premiere instead. It was great fun, aside from the fujoshit. In hind sight I should have gone to Jojo instead, but I opted out because I really was not interested in the dub at all.

>> No.7668817

I make it a point to get them kicked out of cons.

Failing that, I usually track them down and steal their badge, THEN report them.

>> No.7668819

Jesus fuck you are batshit insane. Kill yourself tumblr

>> No.7668821

I'm not tumblr, I fucking hate tumblr users.

I also hate it when my fucking sister can't go to a con and enjoy herself without some faggot trying to grab her ass.

>> No.7668822

This nigga. Youre my kind of nigga. I went around copping feels all over anime north. So much fun to get a nice handful and give it a squeeze as I walk away.

>> No.7668824

>some guy not hoverhanding or putting his arm around a half naked girl means he is at fault
Fuck off tumblr

>> No.7668826
File: 521 KB, 2100x1370, DSC_1743 PP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a good solution to fixing a shaky shot? Currently using Topaz' InFocus and all it seems to do is add on a textured layer to make the image appear as if it's in focus but it doesn't restore any details. Edit: the key I got for it doesn't even work.

This was taken near the /cgl/ meetup on Day 2 and taking a good pic of this guy was tough.

I just have to accept it's a crappy shot. Sorry, Mr. Houka.

>> No.7668830

If someone isn't okay with having a stranger's hands all over them, its well within their rights to deny that person contact.

Proceeding when you've been told no or have made the other person obviously uncomfortable makes you a creeper.

>> No.7668834

>I usually track them down and steal their badge
You stalk them down
Steal their badge that they PAID for
All because they touched your waist

>> No.7668836

Anon, I'm a guy, and I was also referring to unwanted physical contact in general.

>> No.7668839

>I wouldn't mind a girl touching my bicep, even if she was an ugo. And not not let anyone touch if you're wearing something really showy seems really mean imo.

you're supposed to ask first and respect their answer, that is all. Asking is the bare minimum for being a decent human being.

>> No.7668840

But he's the hero anon. The good guy.

>> No.7668842

>how he looks (Think quentin terantino (?) Mixed with Tom Hanks, balding, fat, and borderline autistic)

that sounds like chris-chan

>> No.7668843

So I'm a fedorafag because I don't like creepers?

I'm all for grabbing some ass, provided the grab was cleared with the owner of said ass.

Just because you've got a body like roadkill that's been out for a week and no woman will touch you, it doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want.

>> No.7668845

its not because you didn't have your boyfriend on you.
someone shouldnt kiss another without asking in general lmfao what a creep.

>> No.7668846

there's no solution. If the base shot is out of focus there's really nothing you can do short of re-drawing details manually. you either incorporate the blur or just call it a loss. With a character like Inumuta, you can probably CG pixel blurs in some ares to make it look kinda of techie in some areas and sharpen others, but that's a cheap trick.

>> No.7668849

Calm your tits senor white knight. what's next? Upskirt photos are wrong? Cant enjoy a con with these fags around.

>> No.7668851

oh u

>> No.7668853

is it just me or does his hands seem really small?
pretty good houka.

>> No.7668855

Vigilantes are faggots.
That is all.

>> No.7668858

Pretty much this. Hell, I'm a bit of creep, but even I have respect for the other person. Who the fuck just kisses someone like they know each other? That's weird even for me. Along with touching places one shouldn't without it being sexy time.

>> No.7668864

>taking a good pic of this guy was tough.

that's because the ambient light (aka your topdown street lamp there) has to be a lower frequency than his own EL wire accents, otherwise you lose the whole effect. But good try. I one of the Inumutas trying to get selfies with other Inumutas. I got up to 13-14, but I dont think I got him. damn.

>> No.7668865

oh, also tripod would have helped that shot immensely. Or next time if you dont have a tripod, set the camera up on something steady and use a countdown timer and step away after focusing, rather than just pushing the shutter button. Your finger will still shake the camera that one small mm to the side and you'll get that blur.

>> No.7668870

I had a fairly older dude come up to me when I was booth working, he was all "Wow, you're gorgeous!" and was close enough that I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He shook my hand and introduced himself, then gave me the look up and down before smiling creepily and going "Yeah... I'm gonna come talk to you more later..." Compliments are fine and all, but I just felt so creeped out by the way he acted about it.

>> No.7668875

I dunno man. I asked if I could take a picture with this Homura cosplayer, and she happily said yes, but when I put my arm around her shoulder she said "no, stop" and walked off really quickly.

I didn't come close to touching her breats. Made me feel like shit for a while. I'm not even a neckbeard or obscenely ugly. Am I really supposed to ask them if I'm allowed to touch them in a picture? I honestly thought that would have been more creepy.

>> No.7668877

>when I put my arm around her shoulder she said "no, stop" and walked off really quickly.

Please tell me this is a lie

>> No.7668878

Next time, just ask "is it okay if I put my arm around your shoulder for the shot?".

>> No.7668879

Some people are just uncomfortable with touching. If that had been me, I would not have walked off, but I would have asked you to stop touching. A lot of girls have very distinct personal bubbles, whether due to past negative experiences or personality, and you should always ask before going in for a hug or arm around the shoulder. It's just the polite thing to do.

>> No.7668881

> tfw 2015 hotels are already packed.

I knew it would be stupid to gamble on waiting but goddamn.

>> No.7668884

no, it was pretty fucking embarrassing. All my buddies wouldn't stop giving me shit about it that whole day.

>> No.7668888

Asking to take a picture with them is one thing, but you what you meant to ask if you could put your arm around them in the picture as well.

what the hell is this NEED to touch though? What happened to just standing by someone and smiling, peace sign, throwing up gang sign, do the casual salute, all that and more is so much better alternative. Look, a person has no way of know whether or not you have bad intentions, so it's always safer to err on the side of caution.

would you have done the same if it was teacher on a class trip and you were all taking a group photo? Or if this was a cafeteria worker or security dude who hooked you up? an official Disney character at Disneyland? I would hope not.

Asking first is not creepy. Asking first is being respectful.

>> No.7668890


Fuck, I was hoping I'd be able to save up a bit before reserving a room near the con.

>> No.7668893

well your buddies are shit in that regard, but you should still ask strangers first.

For one person, the worst case scenario is being humiliated and ribbed by his friends.

for the other, the worst case scenario is being surprised or forcefully grabbed, groped or felt up.

that's just what the situation is.

>> No.7668894
File: 40 KB, 500x371, 1332815018432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A quick ass grab
>Muh molestation

>> No.7668896

I almost feel like postponing first AX to 2016 again.
Traveling out of state for these is suffering.

I REALLY wished they announced the dates earlier.

>> No.7668898

top fucking lel. its probably cause you're ugly m8 sorry. i was able to even go so far as to grope cosplayers and they didn't give me shit, some of them liked it. guess its just the luck of the draw

>> No.7668900

>mo·lest·ed, mo·lest·ing, mo·lests
1. To disturb, interfere with, or annoy.
2. To subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity.

By definition, yes.

Not that anon, btw.

>> No.7668901

All this "muh rape"

>> No.7668917

Isn't the hotel rooms reserved by SPJA automatically so they can run their discounted hotel blocks?

>> No.7668924

Some of these were fun reads. I'll just leave this here.


>> No.7668926

Troll responses aside, people will do what they do. You can accept it, or you can adapt accordingly.

>> No.7668931


>> No.7668934

>would you have done the same if it was teacher on a class trip and you were all taking a group photo? Or if this was a cafeteria worker or security dude who hooked you up? an official Disney character at Disneyland? I would hope not.

Yes. It's a fucking arm around the shoulder posing for a photograph. It's a friendly gesture that people do literally every day. Do you not use Instagram? If anything standing awkwardly next to each other just makes for a terrible photo. I don't think I even have a picture of myself with someone else where our arms aren't around each other.

>Asking first is not creepy. Asking first is being respectful.

>Can I touch you?

Yeah. Not creepy at all.

>> No.7668936

I don't know if you've ever been to Disneyland, but kids hug/touch the characters all the fucking time.
And putting your arm around someone as a teacher would be completely normal pre-2000 before everyone went batshit fucking insane.

>> No.7668940

>kids hug/touch the characters all the fucking time.

kids aren't exactly known for groping people though

>> No.7668945

Maybe not the dumb ones.

Little Timmy knows what he wants though.

>> No.7668946

His hands are pretty small. He was part of our AX group, thanks!
Thanks for your advice, unfortunately the only really crisp shots we got of him were taken with flash and it completely destroys the effects of his EL wiring.

>> No.7668962
File: 408 KB, 824x792, epic dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a male cosplayer and pretty much everyone puts their hands all over me evensomethings rubbing my exposed nipples or something... I never minded, though.

Of course you'd never see anyone doing that to a girl, when I take pictures with a girl I'm either doing my own pose or she's grabbing me by the shoulder / waist and I'm kind of mimicking that.

I've never seen something like >>7668875 happen. I mean, if you ask someone "can I have a picture WITH you?" it's kind of implied, right? I mean, the implications.

>> No.7668969

Anyone going to the upcoming Anaheim convention? I'd be willing to go if I had other people to go with.

I literally live in Anaheim, well at the edge of it.

>> No.7668973

Nice fucking whiteknight.

>> No.7668978

Thinking about it. Leaning towards going, though it may have to be alone.

Won't mind it though. Some time alone at hotel would be nice, and it's rumored to be a "partycon" so who knows what may happen.

>> No.7668979

Simply euphoric.

>> No.7668981
File: 601 KB, 849x464, what implication.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7668983

Are you actually autistic? As in legitimately autistic.

>> No.7668987
File: 123 KB, 774x894, the implication.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7668989

Shit I'll go with you. If only I knew how you were like. The previous group I went with to AX literally killed the whole experience for me.

I was unprepared to just split and venture out solo. I might just find some new buddies for future cons or just wing it solo.

>> No.7669003
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1920, CAM00134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it all depends on the person, you can sorta tell just by looking at em. Some people take cosplay too serious to the point where they don't even seem to have fun which are the worst kind of cosplayers. Like, the whole point is to have fun and shit.
People with shitty cosplays are actually way cool, just cause they probably never get their pics taken.

I fucking miss Anaheim/Fullerton
I'm probably going for one day with a couple of friends if you're down to just tag along. All we really do is just take pics and drink and stuff, dunno if that's you're thing, kinda seems like it isn't since you said your buddies ruined your con experience. Alcohol usually either makes things better or worse lol

>> No.7669007

I love you guys

>> No.7669018

Well the alcohol was unrelated when it came to the con. My buddies were just inactive this year and nobody really wanted to do anything.

Also, I'll go shot for shot with anyone. It doesn't help that I'm lightweight though and I can usually handle myself. Haven't threw up in a couple months. I like to keep it at a good level but yeah I'd be down. If the con is boring there's other stuff to do like bar hopping in downtown Fullerton.

>> No.7669019

I remember last year when i went as a maid for AX. Everything was fun and games until another guy went on to grab and squeeze my ass. It's not like I pass for a trap. Last time I dress up as a maid. What a waste of yhe stockings, shave and striped panties.

>> No.7669022

Was he cute?

>> No.7669024


iawtc. Also, if you find you're stressing out over cosplay and it's not as fun anymore...just don't for a con. Or if you do, deliberately half ass it with a cheap halloween costume and don't bother going to any photo events. That's what I did when I found myself stressing out too much. I said fuck it, shoved my in progress stuff into storage for a while, and went to Youmacon in a spirit halloween Fionna costume. My husband got the LSP costume, wore it over jeans and was Lumpy Space Prince. We got wasted and had a blast - and I actually had a bunch of people who wanted to get photos with me, just because my attitude had changed.

>> No.7669027

I'm laughing really hard right now. I actually went as a maid for AX this year and I passed. Several people were fooled, especially the normal folks. Nobody grabbed my rear end and on the contrary, I made a friend who went as a maid and she was a genuine grill. I spent most of the con hanging out with her, occasionally poking her and falling asleep on her lap.

However my dress wasn't short. Was yours short?
>Striped panties
Keep those, and let's hang out next year! Let's have a harem full of maids, both trap and real grills.

>> No.7669031
File: 75 KB, 730x548, 1403479002119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rooms at the Hyatt for that Anaheim con are only $109

This is a steal, right?

>> No.7669034

>not staying for free in your car

ayy lmao

>> No.7669035
File: 25 KB, 289x287, 1369721926155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trap that also gets hit on by dudes here, shoulda just kicked him in the nuts, if anyone asked why they fall to their knees in pain just say you groped them with your foot

>> No.7669038

No. Not really. I appreciate the compliment, but was just surprising. Also I'm not into guys very much. Unless they are willing to wear a dress, at least with me as well. Not like that in public would have been good. Excuse the blog.

>> No.7669044
File: 6 KB, 275x183, NO TOUCHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in summary

>> No.7669052

I want to touch him.

>> No.7669053

Of course I kept them! I'm not a crossdresser but damn these stockings are soft.
Not really in me to do such a thing. I can defend myself well enough. It was just odd. I yelled at him, and told him I was a guy and he just shruged as he walked into a crowd. Just new to me.

>> No.7669054

If I touch will I get an elbow to the gut? It's my fetish.

>> No.7669071

>Thanks for your advice, unfortunately the only really crisp shots we got of him were taken with flash and it completely destroys the effects of his EL wiring.

if he does the cos again, tell him to invest in higher intensity inverter. I had the 12 volt for each 2 wires on my arms and it was visible in normal convention lighting, semi visible under really strong spotlighting. I didn't want to pay for more than 12v though, but I think there are more intense out there for under $10 an inverter.

flash will kill anything though. Enough ambient light and even an iphone will be good.

>> No.7669073


Yes, and if you split it, it's even cheaper. totally worth it.

>> No.7669084 [DELETED] 
File: 729 KB, 2100x1400, DSC_1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gallery preview now on our FB Page. However I believe the ones posted in this thread are higher quality, since FB tends to compress the images anyway.

Does anyone know the character/franchise pic related is cosplaying?

>> No.7669085

I'll split it with you anon.

>> No.7669087
File: 729 KB, 2100x1400, DSC_1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gallery preview now on our FB Page. However I believe the ones posted in this thread are higher quality, since FB tends to compress the images anyway.

Does anyone know the character/franchise pic related is cosplaying?

>> No.7669089

Not OP, but really? Yes, you put your arm around people you know for photos. Strangers? Not so much. And, unfortunately, girls have good reason to feel creeped by guys they don't know automatically assuming that they can touch them (even just an arm around the shoulder). Is it really that hard to ask "Would you mind if I put my arm around your shoulder?" It's not that difficult.

>> No.7669095

>sharing a room with random anons from /cgl/
That's kinda cute. It's like people here are sonewhat trusting.
Really though, I can think of possible trap/crossdresser sex.

>> No.7669097

I like grabbing roommates that I hardly know so that the room is cheaper and just splitting when we get to the con. Shit's way fun that way. This year I managed to get a pretty chill roommate, but I only saw him at the con twice.

>> No.7669099

No, anon, you don't understand!

Poor creeper-kun can't possibly ask for permission! His spaghetti would just erupt like a fountain out of his three piece suit!

>> No.7669102


Final Fantasy X-2
Rikku's Berserker Dress Sphere.

>> No.7669104
File: 70 KB, 600x800, gama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I found an amazing Gamagoori at AX, just thought I would share...

>> No.7669108

Anime California is only a month away

>> No.7669109

not so much on the mako

>> No.7669111

more like fatko amirite

>> No.7669114

I'm thinking of going. Mostly cause I live three miles down the street. I guess it depends on whether the mouse has me scheduled or not.

>> No.7669115 [DELETED] 
File: 747 KB, 2100x1400, DSC_1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon.

>> No.7669116

..Just a thought but I wouldn't watermark your photos just yet....

I would also say clear your photos with the subject model if you can.

>> No.7669119

I'm not really ready for ACA. Would live to since I live nearby. Would be fine to get a roomie or something. Maybe for ALA, or even PCM.

>> No.7669120

>I would also say clear your photos with the subject model if you can.
here we go

>> No.7669125
File: 747 KB, 2100x1400, DSC_1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon.

>mfw I fucked up the spelling for our site for the longest
Maybe someday I'll be able to work on it without being sleep deprived.
I have the original unedited images as well as a PSD of the edited image in full-res without watermark should I ever need to go back to it.

>> No.7669126

>Strangers? Not so much.
This is /cgl/, since when are people this socially awkward around here?

>> No.7669131


somehow we went from no kissing to no waist touching to no shoulder touching

soon it'll be no photos

it's dark times for a seagull

>> No.7669134

>asking cosplayers for pictures
>taking pictures with cosplayers

Jesus Christ, really?

>> No.7669136

why do people even own cameras?

>> No.7669138


Maybe I'm just not comfortable with your greasy neckbeard eyes all over me. Go be a creeper somewhere else.

>> No.7669143

Baby your resistance only makes you more attractive

>> No.7669149

I went solo to cons until some random group of people called out to me, started hanging with them and met a whole bunch more that are always at cons.

Solo dolo yolo aint so bad.

>> No.7669152

Its easier to get some fuk when you are alone.
I am excited for Anime California. Hopefully I can pick up a guy or two.

>> No.7669153
File: 1.60 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20140705_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man that sucks
Yeah, we all get pretty shitfaced, but we look out for each other, just drink at your pace.
I'd definitely be down for some barhopping downtown too
You got a steam?

It's all about enjoying yourself, you know?

>> No.7669162

>going to a con alone

Jesus Christ, really?

>> No.7669174

Did you ask her to bite you or did she do that on her own?

Either way, that's hot.

>> No.7669210


I'm still mad jelly.

>> No.7669213

I know some of the people involved with the fashion show. Apparently there was interference on the part of someone representing the brands when it came to the show, which led to an avalanche of clusterfuckery. Very unfortunate. I was planning on seeing the show but alcohol.
There is a good chance of a venue change for that year, so that may be a good choice. Or you could just go to fanime.
The venue looks nice. Are you cool? Theres always room for one more in the circlejerk

>> No.7669221

Venue change for next AX?

>> No.7669225

Staffer in one of the last AX threads said probably two years, since they're contracted with LACC for one more year, and LACC is supposed to be starting some major construction in the next year or so. I'm guessing location change in 2016, so it might be worth waiting until then, >>7668896 anon.

>> No.7669226

Their contract goes through 2015. They have been hitting attendance caps as well as there not being enough hotels for attendees, so they will need to change at some point.

>> No.7669234

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Xlegendaria if you guys need to contact me.

It helps that I'm not socially awkward and I'm the type that can be chill be it drunk or sober. Contact info above if you have room for one more.

>> No.7669243

Also forgot to add that AC will be starting on Friday so it'll be perfect some barhopping if things get to dull there.

>> No.7669246

Hopefully back to Anaheim

>> No.7669250

I guess Anaheim is technically bigger at this point, but not much. If they really need more space they'll have to look at either San Diego or Vegas. Most people seem pretty opposed to San Diego, but I think Vegas might be a worse decision.

>> No.7669252

A photographer that is creepy as shit, but actually talented. Fuck that!!

>> No.7669255

San Diego wouldn't actually be too bad, but they would have to change the dates so it wasn't so close to Comic Con, and I'm not sure they would be willing to do that.

>> No.7669257

Yeah, it's really disappointing. Another photographer friend of mine was talking about how much he admired this guy's work, and all I could think about was how much he squicked me out when we did a shoot last year.

>> No.7669260

Names, I want to avoid this creeper.

>> No.7669263

AX is pretty much married to the 4th of July, except for that year when Otakon booked the 4th. I'm not sure how much difference it would really make to keep the dates and be in SD since I actually know people crazy enough to do the daily commute from LA to SDCC or from SD to AX.

>> No.7669275

Staffer in previous said that the higher ups wanna keep the con in the LA or surrounding area.

>> No.7669278

Why is LA such an integral aspect for AXE again?

>> No.7669285
File: 63 KB, 960x720, LCS line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, thanks for coming to my show losers

you guys are like a neverending hate-fuck where I come to blow off some steam and then I leave like the quickie you are

see y'all next year :v

>> No.7669294

Does anyone have more pictures of the Akagi/Kaga pair that was at the meet-up? I don't think I saw anyone else dressed up as aircraft carriers.

>> No.7669295

>wants to go to AX
>ask people if they have a spare room
>no one says anything
>someone finally says they got a room for me
>has to bail out of the con a week before
>has to stay with his aunt
>buys bus tickets
>bus tickers weren't printed out right and can't get a refund
>fights for refund back
>goes on the earliest bus ride to Los Angeles
>misses first panel he wanted to see because of lines
>cosplays tuxedo mask
>people kept on stepping on his cape
>no photos
>wanted to do the sailor moon cosplay gathering
>none of the staff told him where it was after asking
>gives up and goes to the Jojo Panel
>comes at the very end
>no food
>no sleep
>goes to Keiji Inafune panel and realizes he has to go before his aunt gets worried
>gets lost in Los Angeles
>Makes it to the house 3 hours after he said he'd be back
>is injured from work
>cannot take medication because he needs to take it on a full stomach
>cannot sleep still.
>48+ hours awake
>Los Angeles heat
>panel was moved w/o him knowing that he wanted to goto sunday
>spends all day wondering around the con wondering "what is he doing with his life?"
>wants to go home
>no bus tickets
>has to stay another night with aunt.

>> No.7669299

it's a good thing he didn't stay for the inafune panel because it started 90 minutes late. yes, it started later than it was supposed to end.

>> No.7669303

thats why I HAD to leave. It wasn't question of I should or shouldn't, it was that I HAD to right at the start.

>> No.7669305

Holy shit. Why?

>> No.7669311

Anon did you greentext in third person

>> No.7669313

yes. I regret nothing.

>> No.7669325

Because guests, that's why.

sounds like you should have just packed it in. seems like you weren't prepared at all for this convention in any degree.

>> No.7669331

So then we're looking at registration caps unless LACC or Anaheim does some serious expansion in the next two years and it will be just like SDCC in terms of badges.

>> No.7669338
File: 200 KB, 500x276, mpKZg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah,but all my friends where like "no! you shouldn't give up at this point" but even I saw the writing on the wall and I knew going would be a disaster, but I still went and was still disappointed.

pic VERY related

>> No.7669340
File: 189 KB, 500x500, 1394342069708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone from AX arrives at ACA

>> No.7669343

>next two years
I'm thinking almost ten. A few years to actually plan and prepare, then a few more to actually do it.
definitely going to be caps.
because of the age group I think it'll take a while before SDCC perpetual-instant-sellout occurs.

>> No.7669345

>cons that take place in hotels

no thanks

>> No.7669348

rumors where the panels before it. I know Funimation's panel was running late too and same with the others before it. It must of been one of the ones before the Funimation panel that fucked it all up.

>> No.7669372

It was the Premier of Missing Kings prior to the Funimation Panel.

>> No.7669502

The atmosphere. The cons in anahiem are more laid back but the ones in LA are more hype and the chicks are sluttier in LA

>> No.7669787

Might check it out then, I live in La Habra so it isn't too far.

>> No.7669796

It isn't that bad actually.

>> No.7670154

you have the right cute face for her and give off a ghosty vibe but I have to agree with the others and say you couldve smiled and brightened up the pic a bit.

>> No.7670233
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That's PreyX and <?>.

>> No.7670289
File: 795 KB, 1800x2710, who is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHo is this girl cosplaying as and does anyone have more of her?

>> No.7670372

I think she's supposed to be dance version Morgiana from Magi?

>> No.7670410
File: 483 KB, 768x1024, Mor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, been looking for another dancing girl Mor. Pic related's the only one I had

>> No.7670415

same girl or nah?

>> No.7670436

I found this in the Anime Expo Facebook group. Great video, gives off some great summer vibes.

I don't quite understand the Ron Paul motif, though.

>> No.7671161

I slept at a donut shop one day and a gay pastor's house on the next just because I missed the bus after AX.

I know that feeling all too well.

>> No.7671173

I took the Metro back to the airport because I didn't want to spring $60 on a cab.
I ended up missing Union Station and rode the bus all the way out to fucking El Monte. Rode back, took the Flyaway to the airport, missed my flight by about 20 minutes and paid $125 for a flight change.
FUCK downtown LA for not having any airport shuttles, but at least next time I know to schedule a damn Super Shuttle.

>> No.7671238

that almost happened to me as well on this year's AX. ended up running straight to red line without paying and I barely made it.

>> No.7671483

You mean the might no 9 panel? He didn't miss much

>> No.7671488
File: 451 KB, 1180x2100, DSC00302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding this Kurumi was impressively difficult. I believe she was the only one. The only other time we found her was on the way to Ralph's, during Day 3, at night. A friend took a photo of her using his smartphone. We found her at a really inconvenient time, as our DSLR was out of battery and our P&P was the only thing we had on hand, aside from our phones. Regardless, I hope you enjoy what seems to be the only Kurumi this AX.

>> No.7671498

did you not have a battery grip with you?

>> No.7671535

She's gorgeous

>> No.7671577

good god that's amazing

I only saw Yoshino...and there were no Toukas or Origamis were there?

>> No.7671580
File: 469 KB, 2100x1200, DSC00339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesson here is to never take an image in the Entertainment Hall unless it's in the cosplay areas. The lighting and that compression, oh god. However, it's the only image we have of these three together. I have another one, but the white balance is completely fucked.
>dat homestuck cosplayer in the background.
Probably won't be uploading this to our gallery, to be honest. I love that Kirishima, but I have a much better shot of her.
>our DSLR was out of battery and our P&P was the only thing we had on hand
I meant Point & Shoot
We saw a few Yoshinos, I believe we have an image of swimsuit Tohka, and no Origamis to be seen.

>> No.7671581
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>> No.7671597
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>> No.7671602

Man, it kind of annoys me because I don't know much about Danganronpa 2 and I'm pretty sure there were blatant spoilers walking everywhere

>> No.7671635
File: 526 KB, 2100x1600, DSC_1637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is probably one of my favorite Nonons. She's smiling, and appears to clearly be enjoying the con. I think it fits Nonon's character well. Her expression is quite cute.

>> No.7671700
File: 47 KB, 451x485, 1373588026631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there any reason Soap went nuclear with his set this year?

>> No.7672346

Why are monkeys trying to cosplay cute girls and boys?

>> No.7672423
File: 514 KB, 1600x1070, DSC_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's our in-home maid@TW.