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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 705 KB, 1974x2961, 1401308697543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7665043 No.7665043 [Reply] [Original]

Fap thread.

Need sauce on that nonon.

>> No.7665048

All right, ladies, fine. She is not a whore. But she is wearing a whore's uniform.

>> No.7665052

I thought most cons had regulations about this sort of thing? At the very least she should be wearing a flesh tone body stocking.

>> No.7665055
File: 89 KB, 640x640, x10401795_648714925210781_597462823_n.jpg.pagespeed.ic.uu6LJaZvDX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maliciousmarionette on instagram.

>> No.7665058

You can see her name on her badge. She goes by Malicious Marionette.

Depends on the con.

>> No.7665061

In all honesty, its not as bad as it could be! I was worried the first person I'd see in this would have half her vagina coming out. Its the usual underboob and bikini bottom thing.

>> No.7665063

It's AX. This is also the con that brought us Tunamelt-chan and Beard-Ryuko. LA has some pretty lax public nudity laws afaik, so you can get away with a lot as long as the fun bits are covered.

>> No.7665065

>didn't notice the obvious Fanime badge
she was at AX anyways, and still Cali at least

>> No.7665067
File: 131 KB, 640x640, 926473_501469913315643_913805620_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7665073

Free! cosplayers, will there ever be perfect ones?

Bodies are always meh

>> No.7665081


>> No.7665086
File: 324 KB, 474x835, 1404693198238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any sauce on this?

>> No.7665097

kill la kill

>> No.7665098

no shit genius
I meant the person

>> No.7665125
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, x fucking d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7665134
File: 108 KB, 800x1200, 1388721008008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you Anon

>> No.7665135


>> No.7665138
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, 1404593695198.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also can repost this I guess. Another pasty white girl with no ass.

>> No.7665145

>introduce self
>get name

>later on realize there's no way I'm going to find her cosplay page with just her first name

>> No.7665146

...You followed her around to film her butt? You are creepy.

>> No.7665148

welcome to 4chan

>> No.7665150

I didn't take it, I'm just reposting it

>> No.7665152

Do you know where we are?

Either way, I didn't record that, I saved it because I know other people would have found that webm to be pretty amusing. If anything, it shows how gross she is. I would rather fuck a trap than that.

>> No.7665159

>I would rather fuck a trap than that.
Oh hi /v/

>> No.7665164

Are you the fabled "jealous /cgl/ landwhale" I've heard about?

>> No.7665173

Can someone explain to me the benefits of .webm? It requires an external viewer and it has to completely load before it plays.

>> No.7665176

60fps and higher res

>It requires an external viewer and it has to completely load before it plays.
No it doesn't

>> No.7665177

.webm is supposed to support audio as well, making it a good format for small video clips, but Moot intentionally disabled audio

which is stupid imo because /f/ does the same damn thing
so I guess we'll continue shitting out Youtube videos in terrible quality as SWFs and posting those

>> No.7665181

What he said, and also it can turn a 3 mb gif into a higher res 200kb gif

>> No.7665184

No I'm from /v/ as >>7665159 said.

>> No.7665194

This was CREEPY, like it was so close, there's a difference between far away and literally up her ass.

>> No.7665195

Literal brown nosing.

>> No.7665201

fyi this makes you gay

>> No.7665204
File: 49 KB, 640x960, gitgud.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I would demolish this.

>> No.7665206
File: 653 KB, 1345x2048, bc 1381189286388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /cgl/ still think that bellechere has pancake boobs or whatever the complaint was? something about underboob

>> No.7665207

>"I would rather have sex with a man than this woman"

sorry bro, the writing is ont he wall

>> No.7665211

girl with a nice body and ass > a good trap > girl with below average body and no ass

>> No.7665212
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fap thread?

Alright. Taken at AX

>> No.7665213

a dick is still a dick you closet gay

>> No.7665218

I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7665228


>> No.7665239

I like how you're still trying to defend yourself even though this is all anon and no one gives a shit anyways. You must be really insecure.

>> No.7665249
File: 133 KB, 640x640, x10362113_450599241710439_678410086_n.jpg.pagespeed.ic.zblBamzRV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smaller in size compared to gifs, higher framerate and better resolution.

>> No.7665268

Is anyone else bothered by how short her sleeves are? They make her look like a chimpanzee.

>> No.7665285
File: 106 KB, 797x901, google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i am, i think she should've looped some fabric/somthing around her middle finger to keep her sleeves from rising up. I can't explain it well, but kinda like pic related

>> No.7665289

That's not how any straight man thinks.

>> No.7665341

>girl with below average body and no ass
ayy lmao

let this guy fantasize about his ghetto booty gurls all he wants knowing that he'll never get to fuck one

>> No.7665382

don't forget that his hierarchy goes "girl with good ass" > "an male human being" > "girl without a good ass"

>> No.7665397

That's... pretty creepy.

But hey, I've always wondered what her ass looks like, and... there it is, I guess.

>> No.7665411
File: 2.99 MB, 1000x414, webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7665412
File: 77 KB, 639x960, 1514998_130574930446048_1538372940_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7665415
File: 815 KB, 1024x576, AV2013_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of Webm. anyone know how to basically make a slide show out of WebM?
all I have are vid converters and GIF's are too low quality to show off my 3D photos

>> No.7665450
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, its not a porn and doesnt go anywhere.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7665466

Use the fucking catalog, we already have one of these.
But more importantly fuck off to /s/.

>> No.7665483


Thats a trap?

She seems too..... Hippy/Fem

If it is as you say 10/10 would smash

>> No.7665487

you managed to decrease the quality of this webm

>> No.7665500

Did you even watch it?

>> No.7665520


Is there more?

Muh dik

>> No.7666084

Can we confirm 100% that this is a grill?

>> No.7666094
File: 105 KB, 640x640, 10362327_553350531448151_962583994_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would think so, yes.

>> No.7666727
File: 88 KB, 480x640, panty and stocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this

>> No.7666781


>> No.7666787
File: 276 KB, 931x891, daughterno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7666788
File: 208 KB, 912x930, nomomprs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7667881

Do you know her name?

>> No.7668141

thank you for that

>> No.7668145

fucking gross ass wig

>> No.7668203


Nah, she is just fat with a weird face

>> No.7670381


Spotted her at 1:05


>> No.7670962

too much mass for pancake boobs.

>> No.7671003

you filmed her for the sole purpose of getting her ass

you are fucking creepy and need to learn how to respect cosplayers

>> No.7671005

why do you people think this is ok at all

>> No.7671017
File: 678 KB, 1000x680, 3078389_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Maridah pics as Nero? I need those, for reasons.

>> No.7671044

You're an idiot. Literally, you're an idiot.
He knows it's not okay.
He knows it's violating her privacy.
He doesn't CARE.
It's not okay to steal music without paying for it but nobody cares about that, either.
He doesn't give a shit because the likelihood that he will be caught or someone will call him out is very close to zero.
You wouldn't. You wouldn't notice at all. Or are you going to beat up every person you see with a camera hanging idle on their chest? Are you going to call security on anybody who takes a phone call who MIGHT actually be surreptitiously pointing the camera at someone instead of actually taking a phone call?
News flash, the creepers you actually have to worry about are not the obvious ones.

>> No.7671052

Omfg wish.
That's mega creepy.

But dang her posture is great I wish mine was like that ugh.

>> No.7671913


If you don't want to be treated like a whore

Don't be one.

>> No.7671917
File: 19 KB, 397x271, 1014035_308765052594044_617432794_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7671985

>...You followed her around to film her butt? You are creepy.
>This was CREEPY, like it was so close, there's a difference between far away and literally up her ass.
>you filmed her for the sole purpose of getting her ass
>you are fucking creepy and need to learn how to respect cosplayers
>why do you people think this is ok at all
>I dressed like a fucking attention whore, and got attention, and NOW I MAD!
Fuck the hell off to fucksville, cunts.

>> No.7672014

if the cosplayer didn't know he was filming tho that's pretty fucking creepy
like on a scale from 1 to that one guy who attached a hidden camera to his chest and hugged cosplayers with low cut clevage he's like an nine or so.

>> No.7672089

Do you not reading comprehension?
I acknowledge that it's fucking creepy.
Photo creepers KNOW.
They don't CARE. No amount of telling them "this is creepy" or "this is not okay" will dissuade them.

>> No.7672297

This nigga understands.

On one hand the fact that /cgl/ is by far the most easily rustled board of them all, with successful trolling being as laughably simple as posting 'creepy' webms is a hilarious thing.

On the flipside, posters like >>7672014
being so naive kind of makes me sad.

No creepy dudes will give two shits about their creeper status until it becomes illegal or some shit. Deal with it

>> No.7672324

how are they whores when thats the outfit the character wears???? and both of them modified the outfits so the ass wasnt hanging out the way it shouldve

seeing as those are legit costumes and not Jnig trash, theyre not attention whores, just female cosplayers

>> No.7672325

>bottom with a heart-shaped hole in it
No, fuck off

>> No.7672345


What the hell, or who the hell is she cosplaying as?

>> No.7672348


you got boundary issues, yo

>> No.7672350
File: 1.02 MB, 1431x865, CnZ7ZbI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7672361

It's rather telling that slutty costumes are hugely over represented in the scene - Yeah it's cosplay but you can't overlook the fact that "con hot" people gravitate towards the more sexualised characters.

Or the fact that many of the "con hot" females who do such costumes tend to be insane chicks with daddy issues.

But sure, keep believing Yoko is a really cool character and a dear favourite of many young girls - All of which are massive fans of that super robot fandom known for the huge number of women in it, lol...

>> No.7672372


Which series is this?

>> No.7672379

boku no pico

>> No.7672381

That's some nice ass godamn

>> No.7672382

Bible Black

>> No.7672383
File: 346 KB, 320x240, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She may not be a whore, but she is wearing a whore's uniform

>> No.7672477
File: 243 KB, 1200x675, 1404553259053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related looking like less of a whore

it's do-able

>> No.7672481
File: 464 KB, 1000x1777, 1404552778164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without the ugly dude

>> No.7672508

>without the ugly dude

No need to slap me hard with reality, m8.

Did you even watch Kill la Kill? Did you even get its message?

Sex isn't even implied all throughout the series, it gets a nod with the innuendos(Taiyoumaru, Nudist Beach, etc) but it feels totally devoid of sex.

If you were saying that she was cosplaying a character from Tenjo Tenge, Sekirei or TLR, I'd be inclined to agree, those shows were meant to be lewd due to its target being the male teenage audience, but I honestly cannot say the same with Kill la Kill. Same argument also goes to games like Bayonetta and Lollipop Chainsaw.

>> No.7672726

>sex isn't even implied at all
0/10 too lazy to pull up Satsuki getting molested or Ragyo and Nui double-teaming Ryuko in the nude

>> No.7672730

You avid fans are all the same, you're trying as hard as possible to justify gratuitous fanservice claiming it's 'totes not the same as other shows!' when really it's exactly the same. None of the fanservice was done tastefully or with purpose, it's just a raunchy school themed Gurren Lagaan style show that you GL fucks refuse to see for what it really is.

I mean sure, it's a good show, but saying stuff about how the fanservice isn't meant to be fanservice is just ignorant.

>> No.7672743


it felt like a parody of itself, there was still fanservice shit but a lot of it was just fucking funny

i don't see why everything needs to be tasteful

>> No.7672755

>It's not okay to steal music without paying for it but nobody cares about that, either.

Thats illegal
Taking pics of someone's ass is not illegal

>> No.7672756


Honestly even the parts that were straight up fanservicey were presented in such a way as to be horrifying. It's either ridiculous, or you feel like an awful person for watching it, there is no middle ground with this show. I agree with the previous anon who said that the show "feels" devoid of sex, because even though they're naked or nearly so, it...isn't sexy. Just weird.

>> No.7672764

You clearly don't understand anything. The brilliance of KLK is that rather than adding in fanservice as a "bonus" to the plot, the fanservice IS the plot to the point that it's not fanservice at all anymore. It's genius.

>> No.7672772

Don't argue semantics. It doesn't have to be illegal, it just has to be against the "rules".
The point was that it happens because the likelihood of you getting busted and getting in trouble is very, very low unless you're extremely conspicuous.

>> No.7672782

them cutoff shorts tho

>> No.7676140

Shit la Shit.

>> No.7676169

>kill la kill threads every day
>people asking what series this is from

Some days /cgl/ I fucking swear.

>> No.7676342

>visible underboob
>tiny panties with no room to tuck
Are you fucking retarded or just trolling?

>> No.7676406

I like watching her butt erect when she spots attractive men.

>> No.7676427

She posted on the KLK thread that those pictures were taken as soon as she got to the con and didn't have the chance to take them off yet.

>> No.7684532
File: 542 KB, 800x1200, s_t_a_r_s_yoko_by_tenleid-d6ts7sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you die on me

>> No.7684676
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 10435943_750999951590003_6590087786137994382_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much jibber jabber. /cgl/ sucks at fap threads.

>> No.7684882

yeah you can see the heart bottom sticking out of the top of the shorts

>> No.7684908
File: 2.40 MB, 720x480, junko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Some delicious ass.

>> No.7685041

Videos like this make me sad for the male species.

>> No.7685069

that's really creepy.

>> No.7685070

Nice ass always means tons of celluite doesn't it?

>> No.7685073


no, not if they have good genetics and/or lift heavy weights

>> No.7685088

its called: watch more anime

>> No.7685099
File: 6 KB, 256x197, zb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, gay?

>> No.7685134

just dont wear slutty cosplay and you should be ok

>> No.7685140

calm down snickerdoodles my goodness. not everyone watches the same things

>> No.7685175

Anybody behind her on the stairs would have gotten the same view. Obviously recording it is a tad invasive but the costume is partially to blame

>> No.7685274

Doing God's work. Why did you suddenly cut it off?

>> No.7685288

Oh sorry, I didn't actually take the footage. I just have the .webm. Apparently the guy who did take it has gigs of footage but won't distribute it because he's afraid someone will recognize him. Or something. I guess he slowly leaks them out

>> No.7685290

oh god I think I know who that is too..

>> No.7685313

Oh. Shame, I'd probably be too pussy to take creepshots if I had the chance.

>> No.7685319

fuck off prude

>> No.7685323

idk howabout you ask them about their gender identity ?

>> No.7685327

Yeah, I know. I'm actually kind of amazed he got so close. He must have a tiny camera in his sleeve or something

>> No.7685355
File: 980 KB, 1066x1600, 10091562746_f530ede9ed_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Christina" is all I get. Does source exist?

>> No.7685392


so he can post it here and turn us on all

>> No.7685398

Just a question:
>has ass on view, everyone can see it anyways
This is okay
>taking a documented record of something that most people have seen
Why is this not okay

>> No.7685469

That is just a ridiculously good Triss. Props to her.

>> No.7685478

Nightmare fuel face and fatty angle? No thanks.

>> No.7685518

where do you see that happening, all i see is her walking through the halls.

>> No.7685521

it happens a lot

either way her posture is amazing. would hit

>> No.7685532

its a popular series and its costumes and merch is fucking everywhere what rock have you been living under for the last 6 months.

its kill la kill.

>> No.7685572
File: 1.70 MB, 1728x3072, 1404792187075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know her deviant art?

>> No.7685581

>implying lifting heavy weights won't give you stretch marks

>> No.7685956

for some people it won't, you spindly DYEL faggot.

>> No.7685976

top kek

I'm on gear you hungry skeleton

>> No.7685994

i hate how shittily drawn this anime is

>> No.7686066

It's not about whether they are "attention whores." It's about creeps not realizing that the kind of attention expected by any cosplayer isn't being fucking STALKED and filmed SECRETLY WITHOUT CONSENT with someone's camera up your snatch.

>> No.7686096

>No room to tuck
You know little

>> No.7686100

Yeah I'm all for ogling people with skimpy cosplays and whatnot but creepshots are way over the line, let alone creep vids up skirts
Just ask them for a goddamn picture, they aren't going to say no

>> No.7686109

that fucking sword though

>> No.7686124

haha i've been lifting for 8 years mate, i didn't need to cheat

enjoy your shriveled balls and back acne though! and also apparently your stretch marks from having shitty skin

>> No.7686184

>the fanservice IS the plot

Thanks for the review anon! Looks like i'll be skipping KLK for something better then.

>> No.7686190

>the fanservice IS the plot to the point that it's not fanservice at all anymore

>It's genius.

and you don't see how you just called your "brilliant" series a mindless fanservice shitstorm? there's been wars fought on /a/ over this, just stop posting.

>> No.7686581

If I ask them for a picture of their ass they're definitely going to say no

>> No.7686601

have none of those but stay pleb and jelly my skinny fat friend

>> No.7687314

Rape culture. Same reason why this thread is tolerated.

>> No.7687822

She's in a public space full of other people?

>> No.7687856

This. If you're wearing an outfit like that in a public place, you're practically inviting people to photograph you.

>> No.7687964


>> No.7687987

This. I hope that every /cgl/ girl who doesn't report OP's post gets raped so that she knows how the girls who are being posted ITT feel when this happened to them.

>> No.7688040

Fuck off. I would never let anyone rape Voldie, my /cgl/ waifu.

>> No.7688146

Too late for that anon.

>> No.7688351

Yoooo, just chiming in to let you know that I've had pictures taken and I've been sexually assaulted and anyone who puts them in anywhere near the same category is retarded as fuck.
Also never wish rape on someone in general you fuckin psycho.

>> No.7688521

>Some neckbeards were taking pictures of me (no problem, I love attention!) but then one of them STARTED HITTING ON ME!! SEXUAL ASSAULT!!

>> No.7688527

>taking photographs and rape are different
>if you say they're the same you're stupid



>> No.7688529

hope u get raaaped

>> No.7688609




also Voldie, because, as we know, she was RAPED by MATT because she says so even though he denies it as well as everyone else who knows them both

>> No.7688625

I'll revive her with cock-to-mouth resuscitation!

>> No.7688697
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, big black bootay 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7688706

>Cropping out the two men in the same costume, one with a beard and gut.


>> No.7688711


As a guy who has gone 'pffft' to almost every 'omg guys, respect cosplayers n_~' image, called out those who talk about creepers as chicks just hating on ugly guys and generally tried to talk down all those SJWs who are on about making cons 'safe for women'; congratulations you've completely proven me wrong you awful, awful person.

>> No.7688714

>TFW pretty well built with huge arms, chest and back, but higher body fat percentage so rock hard abs aren't completely visible.
>TFW chicks will always find twig boys like this with visible abs more attractive

Why do I even lift?

>> No.7688722 [DELETED] 

>Stop triggering me.

Holy shit is that the wrong thing to say on 4chan.


>> No.7688818 [DELETED] 


if it ain't white, it ain't right.

ottermode reigns in the cosplay con world. younger demographic.

>> No.7689523
File: 84 KB, 500x750, Asae-Ayato-cosplay9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck a cosplay bitch.

>> No.7689536

Me too. Only while they're cosplaying, of course. And from behind so I don't have to see their face.

>> No.7689574


>> No.7689670

You have to be really sewer waste -tier male if you can fap to this. I mean it probably applies to most of this thread but this is the one that stands out particularly. I guess anything with tits is good enough if you are a permanent virgin who lives off the dust inside his parents' basement.

>> No.7689712
File: 63 KB, 720x1280, 10258092_513601602079238_8830259672708393180_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7689719

If you wear an outfit like that in a public space filled with hundreds of people, what the fuck do you think is going to happen? Videotaping is preferable to something like rape or molestation

>> No.7689721

Yep - What Permavirgins Fap To = the Thread.

>> No.7689737


Be thankful someone is willing to fap to you 5/10 chicks

>> No.7689781

Wow look at that slut's tongue.
I bet her breath smells like death

>> No.7689791

Sluts. Pierced tongues are for sluts. They probably have pierced nips too

>> No.7689863

Anyone have sauce?
(I'm hoping weird yellowy wig color is just the lighting/camera.)
Also 8/10 would swim with
Yeah. Chicks like visible abs. Wipe that salt away and lose some body fat, then.

>> No.7689874

Nevermind, found it. Lilaeroplane on Deviantart if anyone's interested.
Also, more (attractive) male Free! cosplayers would be appreciated.

>> No.7690016

>implying any of the girls ITT are from /cgl/

Deluded permavirgin from /vfit9k/

>> No.7690049

She's actually pretty careful not expose her self much.

This is why I respect her

>> No.7690177

I threw up : <

>> No.7690181

I fapped :3c

>> No.7690182

she deleted the photos from the last time (maid saber)

>> No.7690183

Pretty good ass for a white girl, I must say.

>> No.7690191
File: 48 KB, 720x720, 1403166980953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fap threads never have enough fap in them....

>> No.7690197
File: 553 KB, 1280x1686, tumblr_n4026gMgrQ1qb7iyfo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they end up just being Jessica Nigri's homepage.

>> No.7690199
File: 58 KB, 960x649, 10386739_674506229264861_3025614674449555048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7690299

Reminder that this is what you deserve for laughing at the terms "patriarchy" and "rape culture" and not supporting feminism.

>> No.7690384
File: 197 KB, 570x858, poison__street_fighter_by_its_raining_neon-d7q9sqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deanna Davis as Poison tho

>> No.7690389
File: 197 KB, 570x858, poison_by_its_raining_neon-d7qqiea (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7690511


this looks a little airbrushed

>> No.7690521

going to be honest: I don't even care. Goddamn. It's glorious.

>> No.7690544

Selfpost confirmed.

>> No.7690581

>someone likes something
>automatic selfpost

>> No.7690696

These girls, aside fromCourtoon, are fucking hideous.

>> No.7690703

>aside from courtoon
Are you joking? Courtoon looks really bad in this, that whore makeup is hideous and not like Mami at all.
The only good ones are the Kyoko and Godoka, I cringed when I saw the Mami and didn't even realize it was Courtoon.

>> No.7690756

>Nonon with freckles


>> No.7690760

Damn Godoka is flat.

The galaxy print swimsuit was a cute idea.

>> No.7690786

She makes a really good Yang, just wish she had the little ahoge going on.

>> No.7690836
File: 46 KB, 600x825, 3b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting pale white flat ass. its like im looking at a guys ass.

>> No.7690858
File: 308 KB, 2048x1336, 10470174_670604229703301_643876794715650342_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7690862
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>> No.7690866
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>> No.7690946

God those bellies are aching to get pregnant.

>> No.7691074

and not by you, spergchild.

>> No.7691572
File: 65 KB, 641x960, 10014617_768048249871955_2991565218965852922_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7691741


>> No.7691864



>> No.7691978
File: 149 KB, 450x600, zuzyblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only culture didn't teach all males to take secret camera recordings up girls extremely short skirts while walking up stairs then you could feel safe walking up stairs in a short skirt.

>implying we aren't naturally going to look up your skirt because it activates pleasure centers in our brains.

>> No.7691991
File: 51 KB, 499x499, 1403532171935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find cosplay upskirt videos

>> No.7691992

if you wear a skirt like that and climb stairs, people behind you will have to deliberately look away to not see your ass

at that point the outfit is called into question

>> No.7692000

You have no right to privacy in a public place.

>> No.7692010

too bad she sounds like a man

>> No.7692030

Aww look at her trying to make her little b cup boobies big with a super padded bathing suit top!
Seriously courtoon everyone knows you barely have any chest.

>> No.7692033

That applies to any skirt though, except if you're wearing ankle-length ones. Stand far down enough and have the stairs steep enough, and you'll get a view.

> went to an all-girls catholic school for five years
> has seen more foreign panties than necessary

>> No.7692040

There's a difference. The girl in that .webm had a skirt that went to her upper thigh. A more modest knee length skirt or even a mid thigh length skirt would show a ton less. You can practically see her entire ass.

>> No.7692042

There's a difference between photographing someone's ass without their knowing, and seeing a little bit of panty. Rape culture allows you to look at women as objects, because they are objects, you don't feel remorse for the upskirt shots. Are you just stupid?
Or did you seriously think that was a decent response to the other anon

>> No.7692054

>let the creepy guys videotape your ass without your consent! It'll prevent rape
This reminds me of the time i went on r9k and saw a thread dedicated the idea that women should "pity fuck" you poor little shits so you didn't shoot up schools. sasuga 4chan

>> No.7692059

No, I'm saying that if you wear an outfit like that in a public place filled with hundreds of people, you should expect to have pictures taken of you.

>> No.7692071

If a person was standing face-to-face with her, it wouldn't be indecent (upper thigh and all, it's not like her butt would have shown). It's just because the person was recording the girl in a situation that would purposely show her ass. It's as though she could have been wearing an a super long skirt and still be accused of showing too much because the guy recording hid under the stairs.

>> No.7692072

fuck off

>> No.7692080

But if you were behind the girl on the stairs you'd have to make an intentional effort NOT to see her ass with that short of a skirt.

>> No.7692106

But you directly weighed it against being RAPED

Pictures? Those are going to happen. If you're in a public place with a bunch of cameras going off like a con, of course that's going to happen. Someone following you around taping your ass is a completely different thing and downright disgusting. You are both treated like an object (because your consent is irrelevant enough for this person to invade your space), AND violated. One doesn't "expect" upskirt shots in the way that one doesn't just "expect" to be mugged. Even if it's a common thing at cons, it doesn't make it any less of a shitty thing to do. Anon deserves to be shamed for that

>> No.7692113
File: 56 KB, 475x594, Paula+Labaredas+Dressed+Cammy+Street+Fighter+7sgjG_Gbk4dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to take candid ass shots if the ass is already exposed? (e.g. Cammy)

Thats not as bad as upskirt, surely?

>> No.7692118

She's posing. Do you see the difference here? She's giving her consent to be photographed. When in doubt, ask

>> No.7692125

The con is a public place. If you're going to be moving around in huge crowds of people you'd have to be delusional to think that someone isn't going to take a pic of your ass. Shit, people take creepshots of clothed asses in normal life, let alone flashy outfits at a con.

>> No.7692131
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, big black bootay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know but what if she didnt know but she still had her butt out "on display"


>> No.7692133

I'm not arguing that it's not going to happen, I'm arguing that it makes you a fucking douchebag if you do it. Just because it's relatively common doesn't mean it's a justified action

>> No.7692137

if you have to hide your camera from others in fear of being judged, you probably shouldnt be doing that js

>> No.7692138

You don't need consent for photos, cons and stuff need to understand.

>> No.7692141

Of course it's a scummy thing to do but the photographers are nameless and faceless. You can't stop it from happening and they don't care about being creepy or whatever. You can, however, not give them such an obvious window to film your ass

>> No.7692149

Just because someone looks fine as fuck doesn't mean they're doing it for you or "on display" as you put it. Without verbal or at least some kind of physical consent (I'm thinking about when cosplayers are posing for multiple cameras in this instance) it's generally a good rule of thumb to wait and ask. I understand there's a gray area for photography and videography which could be greatly discussed here, but I'm specifically trying to discuss upskirts/whatever this is.

>> No.7692159

What are you trying to say? I don't for a second believe that it's not worth it to argue for this kind of thing. If one person here reads this and goes "Gee, maybe that IS a shitty thing to do" and decides not to do it, it's worth it. That possibility exists if we discuss matters like this. I don't know how cynical you are, but resigning yourself to thinking that women should hide their bodies to avoid this is just silly

>> No.7692163

What kind of justification is that? Photographers and creepy shitbags need to realize that it's an asshole move to follow someone around taping their butt. Hell, if they had the courage to appear at a nerdy convention dressed like some kind of sex god/goddess, I'd think it'd be even better to ask them. They know how they want to pose, if they want to be looked at sexually (which is likely if they're in a sexy costume) they'd probably be glad to help any fapping fantasies

>> No.7692166

>if they want to be looked at sexually (which is likely if they're in a sexy costume) they'd probably be glad to help any fapping fantasies

Uhm, NO? There's a difference between being in a sexy costume and being a whore. The sexy costume is because the cosplayer likes it, not so she can get nerd dicks hard

>> No.7692172

Not sure about other men, but slutty cosplays make me feel more violent than anything else. I get the sort of rape fantasy where I just want to hurt the girl and make her feel worthless.

>> No.7692173

I'm saying that there's a possibility they could want it! I'm not talking about some kind of prostitution, I'm talking about posing. IMO people generally look better when they know they're going to be photographed. These are people who likely spent hours, days, or even weeks putting their costumes together. Chances are, they'll look better being photographed on their own terms. They've been preparing to be photographed for a while

>> No.7692177

I feel that too. I think it's a good thing I don't go to any cons in person.

>> No.7692180

>I'm saying that there's a possibility they could want it!

None of us want to be photographed for fapfuel. Full stop.

>> No.7692181

I never said anywhere that the sole purpose of sexy cosplay is for pleasing nerd boys. It would just be more likely if they're in sexy cosplay. While it isn't everyone, people like that do exist, you know it.
I know one who goes to my school, she's really sad actually ;_; but she goes to cons in ebay cosplay with the sole purpose of nerd guy romance. She doesn't like me because I'm a girl and I get in her way or something, I don't even know what's up with her

>> No.7692185

Don't say that, some girls feed off of that kind of attention. Knowing betas want to fuck her but can't gives you a real high.

>> No.7692186

Sexy cosplay is to empower the cosplayer, not to satisfy boys. Thinking that girls in sexy cosplay want to pose for photographs knowing that nerds will fap to them is a disgusting notion and never happens.

>> No.7692187

I'm saying that SOMEONE could. I'm not saying to assume it, I'm not saying to sexualize everyone in cosplay ever, I'm saying that somewhere, someone could at some point possibly want it. At that point, I'm trying to say that it would benefit upskirt-san to talk to them instead of being a shitty human being

>> No.7692188

Christ, and people wonder why these upskirt videos exist.

>> No.7692191

>Sexy cosplay is to empower the cosplayer
Stop right there, sexy cosplay is whatever the hell the cosplayer wants it to be. I literally just told you an anecdote of a girl I know who actually does exactly what you're describing. It's within her power and it's her choice to do so.

>> No.7692194

Okay, so maybe 1/100 sexy cosplayers want that to happen. Asking "hey, can I take a pic of your ass?" would disgust and repel the remaining 99. And maybe get you kicked out of the con or something. It's a creepy fucking thing to even ask for.

>> No.7692198


I think it's partly because I hate cosplayers so much but have always been attracted to the hotter ones, but I feel the same. It's not even erotic most of the time, I just want to slam her head against a concrete wall and get her to "admit" how much she likes being beaten up and that sort of shit.

I've internalized a lot of violent porn and only dated masochistic girls so I find it really really hard to believe there are women who don't want to be beaten badly, hurt, treated like shit etc.

>> No.7692201

To add on, who isn't to say that beta dick isn't empowering in some way? Cosplay is whatever that specific person wants it to be. It can be empowering in many sorts of ways. You're entitled to feel however you want about your cosplay, and other people are entitled to the same thing. If I wasn't so anxious and reluctant to spend money on cosplay instead of burando I'd seriously consider dressing up in sexy cosplay just to sprinkle social justice tidbits on any creepers.

>> No.7692202

Sorry, but your anecdote (if true) does not speak for everyone. Maybe a very small amount of sexy cosplayers do it but you can't assume that they are. I would say that the vast majority of sexy cosplayers do it because they like the outfit/it's empowering/something new to try/etc.

>> No.7692203


Stop using words that have no real meaning.

You wear them because you like attention.

I hate the fact so many of you are in your 20s and haven't even had a single child yet. Your wombs ached for fertilization back when you were 14, keep putting it off and you'll have tard babbies.

>> No.7692204

I'm not the one complaining about them. But come on, not everyone shares the same feelings as someone else.

Sexy/revealing things aren't 'empowering' or anything like that.
Not everyone has the same motivations as you.
People are always going to do what they want, even if it goes against majority, even if it's taboo or wrong. They just always will.

>> No.7692207

At least it would be upfront instead of upskirt

Granted also that most anons wouldn't have the social skills to gracefully or delicately ask to take sexy pictures of someone

>> No.7692208

this is another big part of my fantasies: getting the cosplayer pregnant after I rape her, i see it as a kind of moral lessons, because she'll have to become a mother and, as bad as it will be initially, she'll learn how to be a real woman and mature from being a womanchild cosplayer.

>> No.7692210

Okay so I need you to actually read my posts. I'm saying that the possibility exists. It is not everyone. I'm being very careful with wording it this way but you don't seem to be understanding that.

>> No.7692211


So if there really are sexy cosplayers who love the attention, how come you never hear of backroom orgies or whatever in cons

I think you guys are projecting your desires onto the cosplayers

>> No.7692213

You still don't know for sure. You're also trying to 'speak for everyone' And actually you are speaking for everyone. The anon giving the anecdote simply said that not everyone feels that sexy is empowering, you're saying that they infact do. So stop.

>> No.7692217

Okay dude listen:

If you ask for an ass shot of a cosplayer, and they're cosplaying for the attention or whatever and give it to you, fine.

But for the other 98% of them, they'd be disgusted by you even asking. Therefore, it's not safe to ask sexy cosplayers for an ass shot or whatever. Now, some CAN cosplay for the attention, and that's fine, but telling people to ask when the majority of them would say no way is unreasonable.

>> No.7692218

>how come you never hear of backroom orgies or whatever in cons



Cosplayers have a huge reputation for promiscuous sex, whatever the con. Even outside of nerdy circles girls who do it are starting to be viewed as easy lays.

>> No.7692220

I think you're projecting your own personal values onto them. I actually dress in revealing cosplay to lure in virgins and fuck them at cons. Not everyone does this, but not everyone does things just for themselves, a lot of people want to get attention from others.

>> No.7692222

I'm a cisgendered heterosexual female. I know a specific cosplayer who won't be mentioned or named who does EXACTLY what you're speaking of. She slept with a photographer and regularly cycles through a horde of pathetic nerd guys (not even 4chan pathetic or self-aware pathetic, like buys-meme-shirts-at-hot-topic pathetic)

>> No.7692223

>I actually dress in revealing cosplay to lure in virgins and fuck them at cons

R-really? Any stories?

>> No.7692226

>Women wear sexy cosplay for ourselves!

Yes, just like:

- You get breast enlargement for yourselves.
- You cosplay Yoko for yourselves.
- You wear thongs for yourselves.
- You wear yoga pants for yourselves.
- You show off your cleavage for yourselves.
- You wear lace lingerie for yourselves.
- You wear lolita for yourselves

Fuck this I'm out, /cgl/ is retarded beyond belief. Male here btw.

>> No.7692229

I'm offering an alternative to upskirt shots. I am directly comparing asking someone for lewd photos/following them around filming their butts. What is reading comprehension

>> No.7692231

ai honey?

>> No.7692233

All of those are entirely possible. I wear lolita for myself, and I shake my adorable butt in the mirror everytime i'm in the bathroom alone. Particularly when I have tights on. You're allowed to love your body, you know

>> No.7692234

men think of you girls as trash lol

>> No.7692235

Look, I understand. some cosplayers who do it for the attention will give you lewd shots. But most sexy cosplayers will not. Asking is out of the question. Now obviously you shouldn't take creepshots of their ass either but the "well they could just ask!" logic doesn't apply for most

>> No.7692237

Good. Love it. It exists for us men to enjoy.

Remember to take cum on your face too, it's good for the skin.

>> No.7692238

Men don't even like lolita.
Also, I wear lacy lingerie entirely for myself. Why is that so hard of a concept to understand? Not everyone has to wear it for themselves, but it doesn't mean that no one does

>> No.7692239

I like my body. I like to look good. I do it for myself.

PS: yoga pants are comfy as fuck

>> No.7692240

>I actually dress in revealing cosplay to lure in virgins and fuck them at cons. Not everyone does this, but not everyone does things just for themselves, a lot of people want to get attention from others.
>You will never act out your sadistic rape fantasies with this whore


>> No.7692242


Goddd yes. Now I want to actually rape and beat a cosplayer

>> No.7692247

>Tfw being this anon's dad is suffering
>Tfw kill yourself when you find her list of men she's fucked

>> No.7692248

I've never done that, I don't like getting stuff in my eyes. I can't open them in the pool either. Also, it kind of goes without saying that my body exists for me. It's impossible for it to exist for another person, I don't even know if anyone else exists outside the limits of my own tiny perception, the least I could do is love the only thing I have connecting me to the nasty physical world

>> No.7692252

There's nothing wrong with sex. You need to stop living in the Victorian age.

>> No.7692259

So what kind of alternative do you offer? The cammy pic from before is related, she's posing with her butt. Cammy is known for her butt. I think most cosplayers would prefer to be photographed as a whole instead of some disembodied ass there for fapping. But I don't think it's out of the question to ask if you can photograph someone in a sexy way. I don't think it should be done out of nowhere and I do think it should be a topic handled with care, but still not out of the question imo. What do you think?

>> No.7692260

implying i didn't already know white women have no sexual morals

implying this isnt why white men prefer asian women

>> No.7692265
File: 2.02 MB, 240x180, 1386747135882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of funny seeing this edgy rape fantasies from anons, it breeds within me a yandere hate in which I fantasize about manipulating them into actually loving me before brutally telling them they aren't worth it and their perceptions of women are wrong. I wish to own their useless souls

>> No.7692267

Oh, asking is a possibility, sure. But there's no way every sexy cosplayer in a con would be okay with it, and for those if you want a lewd shot you have to sneak it, which is scummy and awful. So even if these creepshot types ask every girl they see if they can, they'd still take plenty of ass shots unknowingly

>> No.7692268

Not only has anon managed to lazer vision through the entire internet with his razor-sharp perception to understand that you are white because you disagree with him, he also seems to be under the impression that all asian women are little toys that do a "proper woman's" work.

>> No.7692269

Oh, who says I'm white?

>> No.7692273

I'm the guy who wants to rape and hurt cosplayers (fantasy-wise).

I wish I didn't have such depraved fantasies tbh, I'd rather get off to more moderate stuff than pissing on her to wash the cum off her face.

My perceptions of women may be wrong, but I've yet to meet a woman who didn't want some really masochistic stuff done to her deep down. I hate women who share my nerdier interests because I was a low t beta who lost his virginity in her early 20s.

>> No.7692275

So what do you want the anons to do then? What solution do you offer? Because upskirt shots on the basis that "it's going to happen" is stupid. People will be made uncomfortable being asked if they can be photographed in a sexy way, but isn't it a net gain over being sexualized without your permission?

>> No.7692278

it's rape

there is no manipulation aspect involved, no conversations held

>> No.7692280

>People will be made uncomfortable being asked if they can be photographed in a sexy way, but isn't it a net gain over being sexualized without your permission?

wait, are you saying that sexy cosplayers should give lewd shots when asked as a matter of principle?

>> No.7692281

I never understand it.
Its some fucking gold standard of anything porn related.

Theres always some retard who derails it and its suddenly some battle of egos and politics.

Its a fucking fap thread.
And shut the fuck up.

>> No.7692283

hey, don't ask me, ask white dudes, they're the ones who prefer asian women

> "proper woman's" work.

who are you quoting

>> No.7692285

>implying Asian women aren't just as slutty
>implying you aren't an obese weeaboo living in his mom's basement
>implying any hot Asian babe would want your overweight, pimply ass

>> No.7692287

I've already blown 3 loads to the pics in this thread

>> No.7692288

>>implying Asian women aren't just as slutty

according to surveys on sexual behavior, they have less partners

>> No.7692291

So are all these videos filmed by the same guy? I haven't seen anything like this posted on /cgl/ before, why is this a thing all of a sudden. I mean I'm sure perverts have been taking video/pictures all along, but seeing this many being posted at once is strange.

>> No.7692294


Two here.

Shame there's no cumbucket, sorry, "cosplayer" around to deal with the mess.

>> No.7692296

> I hate women who share my nerdier interests because I was a low t beta who lost his virginity in her early 20s.
You and every other >tfw no gf
poster. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist out there and that it doesn't make me feel a delicious, deep hate towards people like you

> I was a low t beta who lost his virginity in her early 20s.

>> No.7692301

>implying you can't lie on these surveys since Asian society revolves around pedo men who want underage virgins

>> No.7692303

It doesn't mean that what doesn't exist?


Didn't work out back then, was passive etc.

I feel bitter because I always had slutty female cosplay rubbed in my face and I felt entitled to that teenage pussy earlier, because, the logic went, if I shared their interests they should have given me sex at some point. It's one of the reasons I've vowed to date a 16 year old at a con even though I'm 25. I'm not going to get fucked over by age. I need teen pussy.

>> No.7692305

I didn't and I'm not. I'm pretty sure you're the same anon I've been talking to since the asscam, and you keep reading everything I type through some kind of filter in which I'm asserting that men are deserving of something from women. I'm saying the option of asking is the only option that creepy-asscam-san has. Either he asks, or he just leaves Nonon the fuck alone. It seems as though you're essentially saying he can do neither.

>> No.7692309

>It's one of the reasons I've vowed to date a 16 year old at a con even though I'm 25. I'm not going to get fucked over by age. I need teen pussy.

Nice, go get them. 16 is legal in a lot of states so it's not like you'd get in trouble

>> No.7692311

You have the most incoherent sentence structure of any poster I've seen all day.
I'm so confused at what point, if any, you are trying to make

>> No.7692321


There's nothing wrong with wanting virgins for marriage.

We want sluts for sex and pure girls for marriage.

>> No.7692325

Logically, there's everything wrong with wanting a virgin for marriage. Ethically, there's nothing wrong. Do what you want, even if it makes no sense whatsover

>> No.7692329

>Logically, there's everything wrong with wanting a virgin for marriage.

No there isn't.


>> No.7692330

You're confusing virgin males with virgin females.

>> No.7692339


>I feel bitter because I always had slutty female cosplay rubbed in my face

Nigga you want to talk about bitter

>tfw t-rex fetish
>tfw you identify as a t-rex and you can never know physical or mental love because all other t-rexes went extinct and no one else identifies as a t-rex except faggots that did SS+GOMAD
>tfw everyone thinks you're insane because tumblr shat on everything
>tfw you were born in the wrong era

>> No.7692340
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1402304840947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7692341

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to marry a virgin.

>> No.7692347

Literally? LITERALLY?

>> No.7692354


Was baiting this hard part of your plan?

>> No.7692361
File: 499 KB, 498x286, 1403749499166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7692368


Do you have no better argument besides this shitty bait meme?

>> No.7692375

the swimsuits are cute, but why wear a wig to a pool? how are you going to swim like that?

>> No.7692376

>implying they actually swam

It's a photoshoot dude

>> No.7692379

I feel stupid anon, thanks for clarifying. I assumed they were cosplaying at a con's hotel's pool

>> No.7692381

>I need teen pussy.

I felt the same way. I got some last year and it was incredible.

>> No.7692383

Actually marrying a virgin guy is a pretty good idea. You know he doesn't have bastard children.

Now for females it doesn't matter because moms are the ones who stay with the babies so they can't hide unwanted children.

>> No.7692408

clearly an attention whore like most girls ITT
>inb4 ur a jelly uggo fatteh uguuu

>> No.7692410

>Actually marrying a virgin guy is a pretty good idea. You know he doesn't have bastard children.
I..What? Is this a worry you actually have anon? I'm hoping that you wouldn't marry a man who could potentially have secret children he's hiding from you

>> No.7692445

I wish I had your confidence
>mfw I find my body and face horribly repulsive and then i cry in the mirror

>> No.7692453

Haha I just saw this video on a porn site the other day. The guy uploaded a whole collection of creepshots.

>> No.7692464

Honestly it was a really long time coming, i had horrible self esteem for a while. It's a really difficult thing to overcome but I've found that sex and working out made me view my body in a more positive way.

>> No.7692467

Yeah, this. working out really helps. If you're not sure how to do it there are a ton of tutorials on youtube that can get you started even if you've never worked out before

>> No.7692469

Oh right! Also I forgot to mention figure drawing but it helps to look at other people's bodies. But that's mostly just if you like drawing, i understand that drawing isn't as much of a carefree activity to some people, particularly if you have bad self esteem

>> No.7692492

Sharing is caring!

>> No.7692510



1. Read the /fit/ sticky.
2. Do SS + Curls
3. Be in London.

Throw in these bad boys too http://www.startbodyweight.com/p/start-bodyweight-basic-routine.html

If only for accessory work.

Most important part- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9809N-Fnz3U

>> No.7693127

Why don't you do some fucking cardio and get a better diet instead of bitching on /cgl/ because girls don't find your fat ass attractive?

>> No.7693168
File: 101 KB, 640x640, 10177266_792336137443166_4774411868769423959_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7693170
File: 859 KB, 1000x1504, 1384841450742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7693171
File: 175 KB, 900x1350, 1172396_698574636823813_1625598492_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7693178
File: 788 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mtz9epza4d1qdlvzfo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7693179

>You wear lace lingerie for yourselves.
Nigga I like feeling sexy for myself, plus I have no one to show it too so what other reason is there than wearing it for myself?

>> No.7693181
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>> No.7693194

what if he he got the chance to fuck her with his parameter wishes, but the trade off would be that she had to be pregnant from it and he had to keep the child and bring it up.

>> No.7693198

The rest is feminism

>> No.7693979


Because you can either put on weight (muscle mass) or lose it ( fat ) but you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. My aim is currently to become bigger, but unfortunately as I work full time, care for a family member and am trying to get a degree on the side I don't have the time to cook macronutritionally perfect meals, so unfortunately I gain a bit of fat along the way.

Why don't you take a minute to clean the sand out of your vagina and stop being such a miserable fucking sow?

>> No.7694058

>you can't gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time
ayy lmao
It's called steroids.

Quit making excuses you fat fuck.
If you're not going to lose the fat cause you want to be a natty fatty then don't crawl to a female dominated board to bawwww about why girls don't find your fatceps attractive.

>not maintaining low bodyfat while making leans gainz

You're not gonna make it you low test beta faggot.

>> No.7695040

holy fuck she's gross

>> No.7695107
File: 498 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n8xzu9eX1q1qj716xo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is dying, so lets give it some jessica to either make it explode or give it life.

Good luck plastic boobs.

>> No.7695109
File: 355 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n8xzu9eX1q1qj716xo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her boobs aren't fake at all, honest, she pushes her B cup up with padding and magic, so true, like honest you guys, not lying, for real, so real sis so real.

>> No.7695121
File: 180 KB, 1472x2048, 1796963_760946910593492_2643111104754883762_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostflogged? mostflogged.

>> No.7695122


Get ovula cysts.

>> No.7695123
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>> No.7695125
File: 342 KB, 2048x1366, 1501448_384785081662774_3652318364439208465_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... you can't lose fat and make muscle?
Did you slide into the wrong reality before breakfast? how do you think working out works? You build muscle, even lean and you burn fat... did you think if you worked out you'd melt fat and then you just choice "Welp, today I'll make muscles and no fat will come off!" .. what.

>> No.7695148


When you consume protein to make muscle you need to he operating at a calorific surplus so the peotein you digest can be used to create new muscle fibres. If you are operating at a calorific surplus then you aren't burning fat because you have more caloried than you need to produce energy.

Fat loss is operating at a calorific deficit. Your body will still take protein to repair muscles, but you won't really make significant gains. Protein is calories so your body will use it, and existing fat stores to produce energy, so you'd lose fat, but not produce new muscle.

This is why bulking and cutting are two separate things.

>> No.7695152

> Expecting the land whales of /cgl/ to understand how excercise works.

>> No.7695159

That's nice.
But they believe either gain muscle and lose no fat at all, or burn off fat and gain no muscle at all. What is their workout? moving a finger up and do very slowly?

>> No.7695170
File: 14 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lvm2l6T9mK1qepwlso1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's literally either one or the other.

If you've literally just started working out you'll make fundamental gains and lose fat as your body needs to repair your muscles, but past that it's one or the other.

If you have a perfect diet you can gain muscle and minimal fat but it sounds like the guy doesn't really have time. Just because he's not losing fat doesn't mean he's not gaining muscle.

You get bigger or smaller, you can either have surplus energy and gain or deficit energy and get smaller. You literally cannot lose fat if you're building muscle.

Read the sticky.

>> No.7695321

>disgusting pale white flat ass. its like im looking at a guys ass.
Yeaaaah, nigga u gay.

>> No.7695321,1 [INTERNAL] 

gay thread http://imgur.com/a/F0Ogn

>> No.7695321,2 [INTERNAL] 

that's the op chick btw

>> No.7695321,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's not porn :(
