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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 928 KB, 2550x3300, plugsuit book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7662651 No.7662651 [Reply] [Original]

how is it? reviews?
worth buying?

>> No.7663781

I was thinking of buying it tomorrow because it's only $5 so I'll report results then unless someone else has already looked at it.

>> No.7663796

Be the guy who shares it like the dude who bought the Kamui books a few weeks ago

>> No.7664440

Not sure if you wanna buy a book from someone who uses cardboard in their costumes. ~professional~. Honestly the hardest part of an eva plug suit would just be coming up with the pattern and sewing the stretch fabric. And unless she gives those with the book and its in your size tiny no boob Asian I dont see how this could be much help.

>Make cat suit mock up.
>Draw on details/seams.
>cut up mock up.
>Add seam allowance if needed and make pattern out of mock up.
>cut pattern on good fabric.
>Researching sewing stretch fabric. Practice. Sew together good fabric.

>> No.7664449

Someone will probably post it somewhere, anyway.
Plus, her plugsuits are kinda shit

>> No.7664450

>how is it?
Basically "I'm so great, you're not as great as me, but if you do what I do you can at least be ok"
So pretty shitty.
Fancy cover, shit guide
>worth buying?

>> No.7664452

this is meepy right? her other plug suits have been really crappy up close

>> No.7664455

The girl who wrote it and is trying to copy Kamui in her money making scheme doesn't actually know much about crafting, so no.

>> No.7664458

She doesn't seem to realize that, her ego is out of control

>> No.7664459


Meepygal is a 100% genuine bitch. Worst personality of any cosplayer I've ever seen.

>> No.7664460

really? stories?

>> No.7664462

was she plugging this at AX? I swear I saw her in the same plugsuit on multiple days

>> No.7664467

Not that anon but she's known for going on her personal FB and posting about how annoying all her fans from her cosplay page are and shitting all over the compliments she's given.
She also seems to have that problem where she thinks she's okay to do and say anything she wants just because she's a cute tiny Asian so she must have no flaws whatsoever.

>> No.7664470

She didn't go to AX.

>> No.7664472

She wasn't at AX, 2poor

>> No.7664473


Helpful tutorials:

http://www.stretchy.org/ - How to make cat suit.
http://preciouscosblog.blogspot.ca/2011/07/making-bodysuits.html - Making body suit + how to do raised designs.
http://www.nyunyucosplay.com/?page_id=1265 - Asuka
http://khaoskostumes.com/?p=464 - Skin tight gloves

>> No.7664476

omg you zoom in on the picture and you can see the crappy foam and sharpied details, holy shit

>> No.7664477

seriously?!? the first part, i mean. damn. i'm actually liking her page right now because i thought she seemed cool, but.. shit. any specific things? i thrive on drama

>> No.7664479

Aside from just generally being bitchy (the attitude problem is never not turned on), she's done stuff like publicly attack other cosplayers in costume contests for getting more votes than her, calling one person "Love Handles Wolverine" and went on rants that her plugsuits are superior, then when it was assured she wouldn't win she ragequit the contest and didn't speak about it again.

You can also see her on youtube and facebook being generally passive-aggressive (or just plain aggressive) and talking down to other cosplayers for not being very good.

>> No.7664480

I was never her friend so I don't have my own screencaps or memories, but one story was someone made drawings for her and she posted about them on her personal account calling them out for being awful and basically calling the fan who drew them a giant autist.

>> No.7664483

holy fuck what is wrong with this bitch

>> No.7664485

Link to her personal account?

>> No.7664487

One time she cried because she was losing an online contest for tickets to Portland comic con. The person that was beating her was some dude cosplaying as Wolverine. She called him 'love handles Wolverine' on her personal blog and screencaps got out. The Wolverine cosplayer confronted her about being rude and sending her fanboys to attack him or something like that. I just remember him being really funny in his responses to her. She tried to play the victim card, failed, cgl went in and voted up Wolverine completely demolishing her. She made a big 'ZOMG I GIVE UP!' post and that was it. Acted like a real brat. She also complained that some other cosplayer in the contest was winning even though their photos were shooped. The best part was that she was complaining about not having money to go to Portland because she was already going to Seattle comic con! Poor baby can only go to one con. *tears* Also holds meet ups at cons for her fans to meet her. Sounds like a real fun person. /sarcasm

>> No.7664493

>Also holds meet ups at cons for her fans to meet her
Holy shit that ego!
Even fucking cosplay guests at cons usually don't have meet and greet shit. They usually just host panels or do some shit for the costume contests.

>> No.7664495

Should just be the name on the book cover

>> No.7664496

I do remember the stuff that cropped up a while back with that contest, but she was pretty underage then and probably less mature. We have mutual friends so she was around a good amount last ALA. She was cool, fairly quiet. She wasn't bitchy at all, though I suppose the context is different.

>> No.7664499

>implying she's mature now

>> No.7664504

the last thing she bitched about during a contest was less than a year ago

>> No.7664507

She must've been on her best behavior. I've never not seen her act spoiled, entitled and judgmental towards others. She's not even shy about her bad personality.

>> No.7664515

Entirely possible, there were a lotta seagulls around so she would know better. Also it could be one of those cases where shes mean online and cool in person. The internet does that to people.

>> No.7664519

Heard some rumors of her acting real questionable at con raves, can anyone confirm?

>> No.7664522

So... is she going to just write part of Rufflebutts tutorial into her book? http://rufflebuttcosplay.deviantart.com/art/How-to-make-Props-with-Plastidip-and-Foam-Sheets-353947977 When you google search 'plugsuit tutorial' a fb post of Meepy linking ppl to Rufflebutts tutorial appears.

I like how she took down her old youtube video of how to make a plugsuit. At least Kamui kept all her old tutorials up.

More tutorials/helpful links so this isnt a shit post.


>> No.7664524

From what I can tell her whole book is just ripping off existing tutorials

>> No.7664535

Fabulous. Not that you can really 'reinvent the wheel' every time when making a costume. I mean sewing is pretty standard. If she released patterns complete with different sizes then I could see this being an ok investment. (I know Kamui had a couple patterns in hers.) But if its just what you can find in the nyunyu link here >>7664473 its not worth it.

>> No.7664536

shit, saw someone in that version of the suit on multiple days
my bad

>> No.7664539

heard from a friend of a friend that she fucking screamed when some guy "stained her plugsuit" with whatever and was threatening to make him pay for it. according to eyewitness there was nothing to be seen.

>> No.7664548

Fucking anon twits are on a roll tonight, time for white knight mode. She can come off as a little mean bitch online, but she's really chill if you meet her in person.


That's right, cosplay guest at cons don't hold meet and greet shit. This just rent a booth and sell prints. And you're still meet-and-greeting them individually, but now, you'll feel pressured to buying a fucking autographed print.

Even the "cosplay senpai" at AX were selling prints. Way to go, nickel-and-dime your kouhai.


If you follow Meepy-gal or is friends with her on Facebook, you'll know she hasn't said much of this juvenile shit in about a year. Cuz people don't change amirite? Are you like some kind of vendetta fag?

>> No.7664552

Oh yeah that was one of the stories I heard. Couldn't remember details. This doesn't surprise me at all, she acts like everyone is out to get her.

>> No.7664555

Meep pls go

>> No.7664558

Confirmed for Meepy, nice FB post.

>> No.7664560

lol hi Meepy.

>> No.7664561

>Fucking anon twits are on a roll tonight, time for white knight mode. She can come off as a little mean bitch online, but she's really chill if you meet her in person.

Then she needs to adjust her fucking attitude online. Holy hell. If she wants to be 'cosplay famous' then she needs to work on it because people will judge her based on all the screencaps people have as it's more solid proof then, 'Shes nice in person!! LOL.'

>> No.7664564

I think she's just a mean bitch.

She straight up basically just posted that everyone's jealous of her

>> No.7664566
File: 301 KB, 1421x914, 1338989469371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She can come off as a little mean bitch online, but she's really chill if you meet her in person.

One of the absolute worse excuses ever. You need to be fine with it to dish out that behaviour.

>> No.7664580

How sad.

Girl if your reading this you need to clean up your act completely. 'Cold ass bitch,' isnt a personality trait people usually like to work with. Yaya and Jnig for example have skeletons in their closet where they have had online outbursts of anger but its in their past. Now that they have entered into the spotlight they just shut up and take any comments flung at them and remain sugary sweet in order to maintain a likable personal. So clean up or forever be known as a brat.

>> No.7664581

>tfw you realize she made this thread herself to advertise

>> No.7664583

Fucking amen. More popular cosplayers need to realize this shit.

>> No.7664588

>hat's right, cosplay guest at cons don't hold meet and greet shit. This just rent a booth and sell prints

okay so first off, I never said that they never do meet and greet things, just that it is not the usual thing for them.
And if they bought a table then they are not cosplay guests, they are cosplayers who purchased booths and are selling prints. See the difference here is a cosplay guest would be invited by the con to appear and wouldn't be sitting in artist's alley selling half naked pics of themselves to every greasy neckbeard that stops by.

>Way to go, nickel-and-dime your kouhai.
I honestly have no idea what you're even saying here.

>> No.7664594

Anon was just calling out the "cosplay senpai," whatever that is.

>> No.7664600

I think the honesty is kind of admirable in a way. People like Yaya Han who are kind of bitchy/egotistical will make every effort to hide their narcissism and seem like Miss America. Meepygal, on the other hand, just pukes her venom right out. "I am popular and awesome. Other people are shit. Deal with it, nerds."

After all, she's a kinda-cute asian girl with a hot bf and has most of her needs catered to. She doesn't NEED to be nice to anyone. So she doesn't. Brat pride FTW.

>> No.7664605

Meepy we told you to leave already

>> No.7664612

>Implying meepy would be humble enough to evaluate her own behavior

>> No.7664613

Are you still stuck in 2012??? Screen caps? Of shit she said when she was what, 16, 17?

No, she doesn't have to be a perfect person. She doesn't even have to be the nicest person you'll meet. She just knows when to move on, which some anons can't seem to get over.

>> No.7664615

Well if that's the road she wants to take she will never work up to anything past local con guest because a reputation of being difficult to work with will be created. Lots of girls like Jnig and Monika are building reputations within the anime and video game industry as reliable cosplayers and good spokes-models for peoples brands. Most companies arent going to trust their image in the hands of some spoiled bitch who might act against a potential customer.

But hey if that isnt her goal then she can continue on her path. 'Being real' only goes so far. Also she doesnt have to lie or fake being nice. She could just take the stick out her ass...

>> No.7664621

Yeah, true. Random whiteknight then

Oh yeah did she actually steal from a booth or was that just another rumor
Just remembered hearing that and thought it was funny/ironic/karma?? considering someone's just gonna share her book with the Internet anyway

>> No.7664624

You speak as though her bad personality was some kind of isolated incident and she's since cocooned into a beautiful butterfly found god and changed her ways. She's still the same person as always. She's just learned not to put down other people during contest events. Probably because she's a "cosplay ambassador" for crunchyroll.

>> No.7664643

>I think the honesty is kind of admirable in a way.
There's a difference between being real and having a shitty personality. I admire honesty as well but that doesn't justify acting like a spoiled child and doing things like >>7664487.

>> No.7664668

I wouldn't say the costum on the cover look like shit, but it doesn't look super good either.

Noty good enough to justify that person selling a book about teaching craft.

>> No.7664858
File: 113 KB, 535x300, 1312398606655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know her a little - mostly through others, though. Honestly if she matured up, or knew when it was appropriate to talk shit about people (Read: Not publicly), she'd be just fine.
Hanging out with her in small groups is one thing, but cons or parties can get ugly at times.

Off the top of my head:
>Got in trouble by Crunchyroll for a FB post (or Tweet, I think). Don't remember if fired or not.
>"Love Handles Wolverine" episode.
>Lost a number of friends due to drama.
>Got kicked out of a house party month or two ago.
>Removed as a guest from a con for reaction to being kicked out of said house party.

Think she eventually just made the book because of the sheer number of people that've messaged her and asked her about it for the last couple years. Not sure how detailed it is, or if it has any tips that aren't already out on the internet somewhere, so no idea if it's really worth $5 or not.

Speaking of which, she posted a huge rant on her private FB about this thread about 3 hours ago. Prime example of what I mentioned earlier - should've just ignored it and moved on.

And that's my 2 cents. Don't plan on completely throwing her under the bus and going into detail about anything else.
She's still someone I don't mind hanging out with, but I can't help but facepalm when she lets her temper take control.
She's gotten better in the time I've known her, but still has a couple things to work out in herself, and in her life.

Meepy, if you're still reading this TL;DR post, please take this as constructive criticism.

>> No.7665433

Do you remember any details of the Crunchyroll thing or house party story?

>> No.7665759

the house party she just wasnt 21

>> No.7665798

I'll give her an opportunity, I'll purchase the guide to take a look ^^. Posting an opinion later.

>> No.7665891

You're gonna regret it, shit's a total ripoff

>> No.7665899

I go to parties with her. She was such a bitch last party that she isn't invited to the next. Her boyfriend is awesome though.

>> No.7665913

The crunchy roll thing was she complained about the delays on kill la kill and advertised piracy.
The party is she was invited but was asked her age by one of the people living at the house because police were over and they were trying no to get any underage people drinking. The day after she complained about being asked and not being treated mature enough.

>> No.7665938
File: 71 KB, 243x947, cap_cosplay_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After taking a peek into the book, here's al short review:
19 pages (minus two: one table of contents and another for autor/thanks)
It's not a complete guide to do plugsuits (it hasn't sewing "patrones"), but gives a a couple of directions and recommendations about materials, sewing technics and tips obviously based on her current experience. For a person who wants to start making a plugsuit costume, the book gives useful tips about certain details about the costume, things like the cuffs or the shoes for example. Sure you can find the info at some sites or guides, but this document is like a starting point and will help you to focus in the good direction (I specially liked the resin clips tutorial).
Also in the last pages gives a couple of useful advices.

Verdict: Not a complete guide, but a valid "starting guide" nice purchase for only 5$, saves a couple of hours lost searching info scattered through internet and it's first hand because it's based on her experience.

If I was you, I'll give it a shoot:)

*Sorry if it hard to understand my "engrish", I'm european, not american or british.

>> No.7665951

upload the pdf

>> No.7665985


mighhht be a bit helpful, and might piss her off which is even better

>> No.7665991

People saying she's "gotten better", just look at her facebook or twitter and you'll see it's not true. Such as:

-Saying she'll go to a con, suddenly canceling, and then saying "HAHA I BET IT SUCKS ANYWAY EVERYONE WHOS GOING IS A LOSER" see: Fanime, AX.
-Talking about life is so hard as a naturally skinny girl, that she gets "skinnyshamed", etc, and then turning around and talking about how much she hates fat people.
-Similarly, complains about slut-shaming (since she cosplays half-naked girls or skin-tight bodysuits), but then calls girls sluts and hates feminists? I still don't get this one.
-Promised to make her friend a Satsuki costume for ALA and then totally half-assed it, it then got posted on /cgl/ and her friend got made fun of.

My personal favorite; it's a few years old so not really relevant but a good example of her behavior:
She told Shaynii they were invited to an "industry party" or whatever for a Portland comic con (not sure which one); had Shaynii come all the way to downtown Portland at like midnight, and then told her "actually they only want me to come" and left her by herself in downtown Portland with an almost dead cell phone in the middle of the night.
Basically Cristina is the main reason why Shay disappeared from the cosplay community. With friends like those, who needs enemies?

>> No.7665995

>she posted a huge rant on her private FB about this thread about 3 hours ago
holy shit really?
also i can't see the post, screenshot pls?

>> No.7666004

>hates feminists

I guess nobody's ALL bad.

>> No.7666007
File: 686 KB, 508x851, meepylol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go

>> No.7666012

That suit looks so poorly fitted even in that pic.

>> No.7666013

Sorry but I wont. :P
I support the cosplay world even with little initiatives.

>> No.7666019

>hates feminists
>complains about being slut-shamed
you missed the point

>> No.7666022

what is this bitch on

also, don't know who shaynii is, but jesus christ that is horrible. hope this dickwad gives up cosplay soon, she's making the rest of us look bad. and with a reputation like this, she won't ever go far, regardless of how much ripoff shit she tries to sell.
>4.5k facebook likes
>acts like she's jnigs popular

>> No.7666023

She's mad as fuck, wow.
What does she want us to do, discuss her book on her Facebook wall? Put our full names in the name field?

>> No.7666040

thanks! boy, that was entertaining.

>things are so much better if you just focus on yourself
yeah, okay
>Don't get me wrong I love to bitch about people

this whole thing is so cringeworthy. sidenote
>that sharpie plugsuit and not even close to fitting glove

>> No.7666041

For reference, this is when both her and Shaynii were like, 17.
She left her underage friend in downtown Portland in the middle of the night without transportation and with a nearly dead cell phone. And she still feels no remorse for it.

Oh, another story I have involving Shaynii:
The two of them were going to a concert in Portland, but Shay cancelled and sent her both of their physical tickets via snailmail. The envelope got lost (which happens), and Cristina responded by calling Shay a bitch and/or asshole on her facebook, and said she was ruining her plans.
Of course Cristina managed to go anyways, and Shay deleted her facebook.

>> No.7666043

>I've been moving away from cosplay in the last year
Good. Go. We don't want you.

>> No.7666045

hahaha I remember that. Good memories

>> No.7666048


in a perfect world, a bitch like this would get dragged by her hair out of her house and beaten in the street in two seconds.

>> No.7666050

holy shit, that poor girl... and they were "friends"?
they still friends?

>> No.7666051
File: 42 KB, 504x257, Screen shot 2014-07-08 at 5.31.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source. Notice the deleted comments, and her (then) boyfriend whiteknighting.

>> No.7666055

They're not friends, Shay cut off contact with her and all of her friends. Cristina likes to pretend they're still friends though, and acts like she did nothing wrong.

>> No.7666062

You also can toss your $5 to the chimney and get the same results

>> No.7666068
File: 67 KB, 432x768, 315637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I got to knew Shay before she kind of vanished from the face of the Earth. Met her a couple times, and she seems really nice, but at the same time, a bit distant.

Pic related is Shaynii. Used to trip around here a few years ago.
Think pic is from 2010-11 or so with their partially finished first attempt at plug suits.

Don't think so. Or at least they aren't as close as they used to be, by any rate.

>> No.7666082

Since this is not an official guide neither a free tutorial, I'm wondering if GAINAX can sue her for using their copyrighted stuff for profit?

>> No.7666086
File: 40 KB, 600x338, psew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With friends like Meepy, I can see why she'd be distant.

>> No.7666093

>and all her friends
what happened? is she completely gone from the cosplay scene?

>> No.7666101

Cristina ran her out of the cosplay community. That's what happened.

>> No.7666117

Well, her and her sister both deleted their FB accounts.
Never hear of Shay hanging out with people, never see pictures of her with friends. Don't think I've seen her at a con and in cosplay since 2011 or so.
Never really knew her before all that, so for all I know she's just been with another friend group that doesn't associate with cons.

Didn't creepers or stalkers from /cgl/ also have something to do with it?
Honestly don't know much about what happened, but /cgl/ has a habit of running people off

>> No.7666119

Send it to them and find out if they think it's worth the trouble.

>> No.7666130


It's...possible, but it's so grey their legal team would choke on it and die. Of course, she can't copyright the content of the book either in the States, because it's a set of instructions. It's the kind of thing no one intelligent would bother taking to court, because all it would do is waste everyone's time and money until someone settled.

>> No.7666138

Agreed that they wouldn't bother. It's shitty that she basically put together a bunch of other tutorials, especially when her plugsuits really aren't that great. Her Shinji one was just so awful and bunchy and did not look right...

>> No.7666145
File: 288 KB, 476x547, Screen shot 2014-07-08 at 6.02.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Saying she'll go to a con, suddenly canceling, and then saying "HAHA I BET IT SUCKS ANYWAY EVERYONE WHOS GOING IS A LOSER" see: Fanime, AX.
is this what you're talking about or

>> No.7666177
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Anyone who can say "bitching about other people" is a huge part of their personality is a horrible person. Even people who lie to themselves at least know not to say it out loud.

>> No.7666194
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 10411228_636930103065234_7090405233839659946_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shay in the book? Wtf is up with the random pics of her face?? Someone please deliver.

>> No.7666200

>you guys are wasting your time and energy trash talking people. Only I am allowed to do that. btw I am still a special snowflake.

>> No.7666224

So the "book" is just one of those deviantart graphic tutorials but put behind a pay wall. Awesome.

>> No.7666262 [DELETED] 

painfully accurtae

>> No.7666293

I met her at the same party Christina bitched about. I didn't recognize her at first. She is doing fine and is trying to focus on modeling I guess. I know her sister real well.

>> No.7666361

Wait which party was this?

>> No.7666393


I'm afraid she has bitchidus. The only known cure is for someone to put her in her place.

>> No.7666412

Oh, someone told her to eat a burger I bet.
Boo fucking hoo.

>hates feminists
Know what this is?

>> No.7666416


here, that's 100% what she does
her entire "cosplay image" is getting boys to fap to her.

Even Crunchyroll was just keeping her around a pedobait, not even Chola Brows likes her.

>> No.7666431

kill yourself

>> No.7666440
File: 381 KB, 260x317, lel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of eyebrows... what's up with fuglygal's caterpillars?

>> No.7666442

fuck you

>> No.7666455

Oh, god. I thought I was the only one who noticed.

>> No.7666475

It's pretty bad, worse when she insults others' appearances and says she has "strong eyebrow game"

>> No.7666519

It was a party our friend circle threw about a month 4 weeks ago

>> No.7666662

>Finish your seams.
>Inside joining seam is frayed and stringy as fuck.

>> No.7666674

Hold on now. What's a "strong eyebrow game"?

>> No.7666684

In general, having attractive eyebrows.
In Tumblr terminology, having thick anime eyebrows.

>> No.7666686

but her eyebrows are atrocious?

>> No.7666688

It's when you can lift with your eyebrows.
Whoever lifts the most just with their brows has the strongest eyebrow game.

>> No.7666964

Maybe she thinks they're on the same level as thick-browed anime girls because she couldn't possibly have any flaws?

>> No.7667439

the things I could post about her. it is interesting being a nobody in the portland cosplay group and seeing the drama from within. cristina has caused a lot of drama but without her things would be boring.

her book is a rehash of information she got from other Eva cosplay girls when asking them questions about their plug suit builds so for her to sell the information like this it is really shady and dishonest. she complains about people asking her how she made things and will never tell them and just reply with 'magic' or tell them to use 'google' or something but then she writes and book about it and expects people to pay for the information she got from others? what the fuck.

>> No.7667867

>the things I could post about her
Go on...

>> No.7668277

Wait hold on, why are people still defending her after this? Weren't they BFFs?

>> No.7668302

Yeah they were.
The whole thing is so sad, Shay was a sweetie.

>> No.7668572

does she still even have friends left?

>> No.7668596

the people I know just ignore her existence

>> No.7668640

just her boyfriend who seems really uninterested in anime and cosplay.

>> No.7668692

Yes, but they're just "friends" who follow her around because of her Internet popularity and nothing else.

>> No.7668907

Sachie probably...? They recently sent each other gifts while she was in England and then made a video about it.

>> No.7670167

Oh wait do we know who

>> No.7670173

I was just talking about whiteknight FB friends and whatever

>> No.7670311

Does she really have internet popularity? I've never even heard of her until this thread.

>> No.7670323
File: 1.54 MB, 2480x3508, 1404853064542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the material should be like.

>> No.7670325

I love how she actually believes telling people to "finish seams" and "read directions" is actually imparting some sort of sage wisdom.

Also note the extreme passive aggressiveness towards other cosplayers.

>> No.7670326


>> No.7670336
File: 490 KB, 450x253, tumblr_lqjiwdCkW91qf9wd7o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the latest movie Asuka's plugsuit is damaged and taped up

>> No.7670344
File: 2.67 MB, 2805x4102, asukas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what it looks like?

>> No.7670371

Somewhat. She's a Crunchyroll Ambassador (or was?) with 4,553 likes on FB, her YouTube is somewhat popular and people make gifsets of her on Tumblr, where I think she has quite a few followers.
She's nowhere near JNig or Yaya or whoever level, but she thinks she is.

>> No.7670490

I heard she wasn't an ambassador anymore. Rumor is she got fired for some shitty youtube video she posted bashing others. Also the reason she is no long a guest at one of her local cons.

>> No.7670515

No sorry, she was telling people on a youtube video where they could stream anime for free and then Crunchyroll got rid of her.

>> No.7670521

her latest video from july 1 still has her vanity link up im p sure shes still with them

>> No.7670850

She also got in trouble for shit-talking cons that CrunchyRoll sponsors (like Sakuracon).

>> No.7670952

anyone see her most recent yt video? holy shit

>> No.7670991

summarize it for those of us who don't want to give her views.

>> No.7671068

Nice advertising, Cristina.

>> No.7671092

It's a makeup tutorial. What am I supposed to be pissed off about again?

>> No.7671104

Curious to know what do you guys think makes a tutorial worth 5$?

>> No.7671113

probably needs to be completely original
I've burned $5 in much worse ways. Even if it's a glorified tutorial compilation you can think of the $5 as a convenience charge for gathering it together.

People were hating on the Kamui book for being a $5 compilation too. The fact Christina has way more hate may be another factor.

>> No.7671143

Say what you will about Kamui, she makes some cool shit. I think we can all agree in one way or another that even if she does the same thing over and over again, her armor looks good. She makes legitimate tutorials too, even outside her books.
Meepy, however, just copy&pasted a bunch of other people's tutorials and considers her shit to be the best shit when it's really clearly not. She has sharpie marks on her plugsuits.

Also read above, I wouldn't want to support someone who treats everyone around them (including her best friend) like garbage.

>> No.7671152

Yeah, I laughed when she was part of my circle of friends and I didn't even know it. Apparently we pretend she doesn't exist which explains that.

>> No.7671159

Whos in your circle of friends?

>> No.7671174

I'm going to plead the 5th for obvious reasons.

>> No.7671181
File: 40 KB, 480x373, nazo-no-kanojo-mysterious-girlfriend-x-oka-interested-look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon anon-chan, be as vague as possible! What community? Where?

>> No.7671379

I'm pretty sure she's only "popular" on YouTube and Instagram because her ex boyfriend from California sent all his followers her way. She flips out if anyone asked her if she was still together with Cyr.

>> No.7671384

4.5k likes on facebook is chump change. Even deviantart retards can get 50k+

>> No.7671388

I laughed so hard when I looked her up on Tumblr and only found gifsets of her making out with him with people saying what a cute couple they are

>> No.7671389

He was way out of her league anyway.

>> No.7671401
File: 59 KB, 576x315, CYMERA_20140710_233530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's really quiet full of herself.

>> No.7671414

no... it was just really impressive. she shouldn't get hate

>> No.7671419

Go back to bed, Sachie.

>> No.7671420

>shouldn't of

>> No.7671422

this has to be sarcastic right

but what's the second part I wonder, she must have done something to not be a con guest if she's equating it with the cocaine bit from RDJ

>> No.7671423

HOLY SHIT is this bitch serious?

>> No.7671425

I'm all for giving people second chances but she's definitely going to have to keep her nose clean and do something positive. Even then people's memories are long lived in the cosplay community.

>> No.7671428

Giving her a second chance to do what? Get a personality transplant?

>> No.7671459

She does that all the fucking time. Bugs me so much.

>> No.7671501

To stop being an idiot, if only while in public or posting publicly. Maybe she'll mature and figure out "gee, I was really retarded in the last few years." Maybe she'll keep doing stupid shit.

>> No.7671504
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>> No.7671573
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Bitch is serious.

>> No.7671957
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>> No.7672036

Kamui isn't bad. She's just a drama queen. She kicks and screams when someone insults her or something negative happens concerning her cosplays and breaks into tears of joys when someone compliments her. I wouldn't be surprised if she is bipolar.

>> No.7672042
File: 37 KB, 450x425, 1368178470724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you just become a hypocrite?
>Yup I fucking did

>> No.7672050

What is she even on about?

Fatties get told to put down their McD's and go on a jog all the fucking time. When the FUCK does a skinny person ever get told the same except by other anorexic, insecure bitches who are all in competition with each other?
If that's the case then she shouldn't be trying to make her hobby competitive if she can't handle the modeling aspect.
What a fucking victim.
How does such a cunt have friends?
Yo bitch, if you're here reading this I'm giving you the biggest middle finger possible and I wish you could see it because I'm doing it as hard as I can.

>> No.7672075

Fatty detected.

Tumblr has turned all girls against each other, skinny girls get told to eat a burger all the time. And the "you're not attractive unless you've got meat" sentiment has skinny people being shamed just as much as fatties ...

>> No.7672130

>skinny people being shamed just as much as fatties ...

>> No.7672137

Gee, maybe it's because it's tumblr and everyone is ALWAYS fighting on there.
I've never heard a thin girl get shamed irl.
It's always been fatties and uggos who've had it the worst, and if you think otherwise you need to stop being delusional and deactivate your tumblr 'blog.'

>> No.7672140

Have you ever been anywhere? There is shit like shirts for fatties that say "men don't like bones" skinny girls get made fun of for having small boobs or no ass or something similar all the time. Skinny girls who eat more get called bulimic or passive aggressively made fun of for being unable to put on weight.

Tumblr may be an extreme example, but society has always pinned people who are opposite against eachother. Ugly vs pretty, men vs women, black vs white, fat vs skinny. It's disgusting and needs to stop. All of it.

>> No.7672150
File: 33 KB, 300x300, cry harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"men don't like bones"
Ever seen pic related?
Ever been in high school?
>b-b-but small boobs or no ass
And fatties can't have small boobs and no asses somehow? That has to do with fat distribution, not weight you massive retard.
>skinny girls get called bulimic
And overweight girls get called hamplanets and get accused of eating twinkies and having a secret stash of McDonald's hidden someplace in their fat rolls.

It's been proven that fat people are discriminated against on a widespread scale. Are people seriously this deluded?
Why can't you accept that some people are shamed more than others?

>> No.7672163

>Skinny girls who eat more get called bulimic or passive aggressively made fun of for being unable to put on weight

I've never been called bulimic before, but maybe because I'm a nice person. The only girls I remember getting called names like that were being bitchy to overweight girls and probably deserved it back.

My gram used to say "put some meat on those bones!" when I'd come over for dinner, but she didn't intend that as a shame. It was an endearment and an invitation to eat more. She wasn't saying it to imply I'm undesirable, because it would have been bullshit.

When someone tells a fat person to not eat and go for a walk they're not saying for any other reason other than to put that person down and imply they're flawed in some way.

>> No.7672182

Two of my friends are skeleton mode skinny and they get constantly made fun of. Real women have curves, eat a sandwich etc. Friend posts a picture online with a burger in the background? There are at least two people going "lol are you gonna throw up after xDDDddd". People muttering "anorexia" under their breath when they pass by.
The whole "skinny people are beloved and envied by everybody and never get made fun of IRL" is bullshit for gullible people who never leave the house

Fat people have it WAY worse though, full stop

>> No.7672185

Oh yeah. I remember that.

Same girl, huh?

>> No.7672188

>Two of my friends are skeleton mode skinny and they get constantly made fun of.
>skeleton mode
Okay, so you're talking about an extreme and not an average looking thin girl?
It would be like me saying I have two morbidly obese friends who get made fun constantly.
I mean no offense, I agree with you otherwise, but...duh?

>> No.7672270

I've never understood why people want to fat accept. I get a person with natural healthy weight, that's fine and great. I get that normal weight isn't what is portrayed as conventionally "attractive" in the media.

But I don't understand why people seem to want fat acceptance.

I don't mean to be rude I just don't fully understand.
To be fat/overweight is a choice (I know sometimes it's not but for the most part) and being fat or overweight by definition means that you are unhealthy.

If you were to go to a doctor and you smoked, the doctor would tell you to stop because it's bad for your health, isn't obesity the same in that aspect?

So of course wouldn't we as a collective prefer someone who isn't "unhealthy" ?

Sorry that this is choppy on my phone at work on break

>> No.7672284

Because muh feels and muh freedums and shit like that. There came a time in the western world when people stopped actually caring about what mattered and started caring about feelings only, disregarding logic and getting angry at people for trying to bring it into emotional situations.

>> No.7672292

>Why can't you accept that some people are shamed more than others?

No one is disagreeing with that, however, you are disagreeing with the fact that it matters when anyone at all is shamed for anything. Don't group people up like that and act like they've all been through the same thing, you have no right to judge them and positive discrimination is still discrimination. Everyone who is shamed regardless of their gender, weight, race, height, whatever, is still being shamed, and you need to accept that it doesn't matter who is shamed more because it doesn't hurt less just because 'statistically your group is fine'.

Would it be okay for you to tell a skinny white boy that it doesn't matter that he was bullied by black kids because 'statistically he's more privileged' or some shit? No, then don't do it here.

Accept that everyone is shamed, discriminated against and bullied and it does matter.

>> No.7672327

>I've never heard a thin girl get shamed irl.
Oh, I have.
>"haha i could just break you if we fucked!"
Thanks, that's not uncomfortable at all, person I barely know
>"You'd be so hot if you gained 10 pounds!"
>"Guys don't really like skinny girls, you should eat more"
>"Your knees are too knobby, you should eat more"
>"Are you sure you aren't going to throw this up later?"
>"No offense, but... (you need to gain weight) (you look kind of gross) (you remind me of a skeleton lol)
I could go on

>> No.7672340

I want this to be /cgl/'s "What the fuck did you say about me, you little bitch?"

>> No.7672385

The girl she was referring to having "copious amounts of fat on their legs" isn't even fat. She's an extreme pear shape.

>> No.7672391
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>> No.7672406

>"Ew, look at your hands, you look like skeletor"
>"You probably go home and tell yourself you're so fat! *mock voice* omg you're so fat! Hahaha!"
>family acts like looking at you is physically painful
Shit sucks.

Buuut >>7672292 this anon's got it. It's so shitty to make it a competition to see who's shamed more instead of just recognizing that it happens to everyone and stop.

>> No.7672468

She actually has a point though. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.7672692

Well seeing that Meepy's from the Portland area, I'm guessing Anon's from the same NW community / circle of friends as I am.
Weird to think that I probably know so many people in this thread..

>> No.7672700

She's probably referring to the fact that it's considered bullying to tell someone that's overweight to "put down the burger and go exercise," but it isn't considered bullying to tell someone that's underweight to "go eat a burger," as it were.
It's something I became well aware of thanks to an anorexic ex of mine.

>> No.7672741

My own mother calls me a holocaust victim, and is always telling me I need to gain wait. Had people say I look anorexic as well when I'm not. Can't hardly talk about wanting to work out to get more healthy without loser comments about not needing exercise.

>> No.7672807

Aw I wish I knew you guys. I didn't know there were many seagulls in Portland because it never comes up in the lolita threads. I just moved to Portland so I don't know anybody here yet, maybe with luck I will meet some of you at Kumoricon?

>> No.7672865

Who was it?

>> No.7672890

I heard she got a girl shunned from the Oregon cosplay community and banned from Portland-area parties run by the same group, anyone got sauce on that?

>> No.7673021

I still dont understand why the fuck they did changed Asuka surname.

>> No.7673031

Because that's technically a different Asuka. If you notice, her hair is darker too.

>> No.7673040

When Kumo gets closer, look for the Kumo thread.
I, or someone else will probably schedule a meetup.

Going by the trips I can name off the top of my head I've seen at Kumo in the past, there's PiggyNukka, Meepygal, Phelps, The Warden, Ka-San, Shannon.
No idea which ones actually live in/near Portland, though.

>> No.7673055

Because the Ikari and the Ayanami were WWII battleships while the Sohyru was an aircraft carrier. They changed it to Shikinami, another battleship, to fit the theme.

>> No.7673138

>this thread
anon pls spill

>> No.7673146

All I'm spilling about her is what I already said in this post: >>7664858

>> No.7673158

There's a very active lolita group in Portland, just fyi.
>a PDX lolita lurking this thread because I know some of these cosplayers

>> No.7673164

You spilled plenty, anon. We all thank you.

General consensus seems to be that's she's a cute girl with sub-par costumes who has an awful ego and treats everyone around her like garbage

>> No.7673170


thank you guys

>> No.7673175


>Because that's technically a different Asuka.

Think about the episode where Shinji finds out there are a bunch of Reis floating in LCL and how she can show up to school wrapped in bandages after blowing up both herself and Unit 0 with an N2 mine.

Also think about Asuka's final battle in End of Evangelion and imagine trying to come back from that. A different Asuka makes sense.


And because Ayanami-Shikinami-Makinami sounds better than Ayanami-Soryu-Makinami.

>> No.7673216

But...but...Rebuild is a retelling, not a continuation...

>> No.7673282

Actually that's not quite it. If you want to be real techinical, it's a bit of both.

>> No.7673464
File: 364 KB, 432x2127, meepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

Any leaks of the guide yet?

>> No.7673517
File: 177 KB, 383x384, 1330518901961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, is she 13?

>> No.7673523

Not too far off.

>> No.7673538

I think she was 17 or 18 when the "love handles Wolverine" bit happened. She's turning 20 this year though.

>> No.7673545

For time reference according to the archive this happened in January 2013.

>> No.7673553

Shit, I thought she was 18 *now*
Shows how far off I am

>> No.7673562

I would marry this girl

>> No.7673569

Have a thing for small, asian tsundere's, or something?

>> No.7673570

Meep pls go again

>> No.7673573

any PDFs yet? I wanna see what's actually in this book.

>> No.7673716

I bought a costume from her and the make was just atrocious.

>> No.7673729

I would take her to pound town

right after a nice dinner of course

>> No.7673952

What costume? Was it because you're not a tiny azn girl and it actually needed tailoring?

>> No.7674288

weird, i came across this girl's okcupid profile about 6 months ago, only because I searched for profiles with the keyword 'cosplay'. I didn't message her because her profile description sounded pretentious, but she did mention about vlogging and cons and food and such. She also mentioned that she's only into white guys(it could of been those personality questionaire quiz things). I didn't know she was some sort of "big deal" in the cosplay community, nor did I care to click her youtube link that she had on her profile. I just happen to see OP's photo and she looked really damn familiar, then found out she lives around Portland. I ended up finding someone else and so far were still together.

>> No.7674303


I remember when this went down. Since she was young, I thought that she would have matured up by now. Looks like I was wrong.

>> No.7674305

Why does she hold plugsuits in such high regard? They're just suits made from stretchy fabric, not the pinnacle of costume making.

>> No.7674396

She thinks a plugsuit is more difficult to make than a wolverine costume and that making a difficult costume automatically means her sewing and constructing skills are more impressive. What she doesn't realize is that her plugsuit looks like shit because her sewing skills are shit.

>> No.7674437


the asian girl white guy stereotype

>> No.7674519

>Why does everyone hold plugsuits in such high regard?

Fixed it for you.

>> No.7675350
File: 337 KB, 1365x2048, 10294988_609385672486344_7295217871573375561_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there so little Meepy fap material in this thread? It's pretty much all she's good for.

>> No.7675401

She's a terrible Ryuuko and her fabric choice is bad. She puts so much pride in muh plugsuits but she picks this trash bag crap?

>> No.7675427

I don't even get how she manages to get the "zomg asian girl" people when she's not even a cute asian girl. I didn't even think she was at all asian before reading this thread.

>> No.7675436

photo is kind of meh too
Harrison I am disappoint

>> No.7675459
File: 181 KB, 1365x2048, 471671_303905806367667_84210646_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing her mention once that she wasn't wearing anything under this except nipple stickers

>> No.7675465
File: 526 KB, 983x897, 291465_10151086663947720_1036595197_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those cute lil boobles

>> No.7675471
File: 112 KB, 640x640, 7493f76a4b8311e38a6912c3b1f19609_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A+ gap tho

>> No.7675476
File: 256 KB, 1271x2048, 478022_498408506847335_1118201587_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind actually, I think I see a band-aid down there

>> No.7675482
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>> No.7675505
File: 74 KB, 612x612, c8a38e4e5e1a11e29b0e22000a9f12cb_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I stop? I don't even know why I have so much of her saved to be honest, I'm not usually into tiny flat-chested types.

>> No.7675513

Holy shit she's such a butterface

>> No.7675542

how the fuck does she sleep at night? i know she has this whole "i'm an asshole haha!!!1!!1 but it's ok because i'm better than you" attitude, but even then, how the hell does she justify this bullshit to herself?
anyway, anyone have a screenshot of when she called this wolvie guy fat?

>> No.7675544
File: 91 KB, 612x612, e5909bd8ba9e11e2af4522000a1f8f13_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... don't think you know what that word means? Whatever flaws she may have, she's at least somewhat cute. She wouldn't have developed an ego like that if she wasn't.

>> No.7675545

Oh, I'd certainly like to pound her.

>> No.7675551

>Meepy fap material
>sees her face
>boner instantly dead
also that construction/accuracy. kek

>> No.7675558
File: 95 KB, 294x380, 10471958_671269029610184_1215754332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saddest part is that Shay is doing way cooler (non-cosplay, fashion related) stuff these days and only has like 20 followers.

>> No.7675565

Meepy go away.
Also, have you ever heard of a narcissist?

>> No.7675568

Honestly I'm not getting why people are so turned off by her face? I think she's cute. Kind of a cunt, but a cute cunt.

>> No.7675572

link to her page(s)? i'd be happy to like/follow the poor thing

>> No.7675575

meep pls go

>> No.7675583

what's wrong with the suit? I think it's perfect?

>> No.7675589

Not her, fap dump anon. I think she's a bitch for the record.

>> No.7675598

i think it's safe to say at least one of these is cristina. so cristina, if you're reading this, please take an old rake of average size, preferably rusty, and shove it slowly up your ass until it is all the way inside. then think about what a walking piece of shit you are.
on another note, any leaks of this shitty pamphlet?

>> No.7675609
File: 181 KB, 1600x1067, 10476554_771085716256468_4189778522017577573_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her blog's ennuimode.com, it has some links to her various social medias.

>> No.7675625

Ahhh she's always so cute and seems like a sweetie. I'm glad she's moved on to better friend circles,

>> No.7675636

Damn, look at all this attention she's getting. The only way to put a girl with an ego in her place is to ignore her, she's probably eating this up.

>> No.7675647

So be it. More ego=her doing more stupid bullshit=more entertainment. Keep it comin' Meepy.

>> No.7675659

It's not as bad as some anons are making it out to be, but the way that material wrinkles looks pretty bad.

>> No.7675709
File: 184 KB, 2048x1366, 1150498_10151591099733016_1785922132_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can look cute, but that pic is a really, really bad example.

>> No.7675729
File: 205 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n7rhzxXtgs1stxttuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Shay always had dat ass? Dang.

>> No.7675732

Oops, meant to quote >>7675609

>> No.7675752
File: 104 KB, 675x900, 1486736_626493994108845_1653871537942348434_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplays dynamic main character with tons of personality and emotion
>dead sameface in every pic

>> No.7676173

She wasn't even legal here

>> No.7676318


>> No.7676336

Lmfao what a load of cray cray.

Any posts after she lost thanks to cgl?

>> No.7676493

More like what a slut
Probably got crabs and errythang by now

>> No.7677065
File: 31 KB, 420x432, fresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jus wide enough for my big ol' nigga dick

>> No.7678329
File: 2.56 MB, 244x250, 1386201602862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ #ana #gap #thinspo #anaismyfriend

>> No.7680020

why is this thread still alive


>> No.7680082

Such a mad little Meep.

>> No.7680458

Oh shit she's gonna do Asuka

>> No.7681005


>> No.7681084

She asked on FB if anyone in the area has an Asuka wig she can borrow, that's it so far

>> No.7681195

Well at least she can be in character since Asuka is such a bitch.

>> No.7681211
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>> No.7681514

Her face is emotionless and dead in her pics. She's a Rei.

>> No.7681518


Just like every other attentionwhore. What's new?

To be fair, Asuka's a good character despite her shitty attitude. She's not all about mindless fanservice or boycrazy. Dem mommy issues tho

>> No.7681577

So in other words she can't pull off any characters ever. She should probably work on that.

>> No.7681855
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>> No.7681875
File: 156 KB, 800x1200, 53a336047e014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked out her blog and some of her modeling work and maybe it's a good thing she left the cosplay community and moved on, damn.

>> No.7681885

Yeah, I went to my first meetup recently! It went alright and I got let in on a little drama which is always good. I've posted before asking about portland lolis and no one seemed to know much. One girl did reference /cgl/ at the meetup so I guess there are a few though.

>> No.7681924

she needs a good photographer directing her and a willingness to follow said photographers instructions

#1 is easy
#2... yeah, no clue. I'm not sure I want to even meet her to try

>> No.7682031

That's her? She doesn't look azn at all.

>> No.7682037

shit didn't read, that's the other girl. Ok.


>> No.7682043

Announcing sage is against the rules, you know.

>> No.7682117

>shouldn't of been
Retarded grammar
A failed product of the modern edumacational system

>> No.7682175

How so? I see it all the time.

>> No.7682177
File: 22 KB, 343x114, straight from the rules page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like this since they made sage invisible.

>> No.7682188

Ooh I saw that. I know that Wolverine cosplayer in real life, and he's just as psycho and whiny as she is. He constantly posts fedora-style passive aggressive shit and bitches about women, since nobody will date him.
It's pretty funny, actually. He has both a huge ego and a huge insecurity issue, so he flip flops from egotistical to insecure like a bipolar fish out of water.

>> No.7682212

Question: should we move her to the new lolcow forum?

I feel like with some good feeding she could become a great lolcow. I bet we could get ahold of nudes.

>> No.7682223

The what

>> No.7682437

She's a halfie, IIRC. Close enough, for the majority of people, though.

>> No.7683036
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>> No.7683406

Yep, she's half Japanese.

>> No.7683456

What an absolute cunt.

>> No.7683475

I would hate-fuck her so hard.


She's gonna end up with some black in her once I get in

>> No.7683843

You do not understand the purpose of this rule.

>> No.7684183

/r/-ing the pic of her with her greasy-ass pink wig and disgusting teeth holding some figure

It used to be on her deviantart but she bahleeted it.

>> No.7684244
File: 61 KB, 720x960, ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7684309
File: 83 KB, 480x720, i_fucking_love_heroman_by_bramblehomie-d54ar6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This? All her pictures can still be accessed by searching "bramblehomie" there for some reason

>> No.7684464
File: 268 KB, 605x487, 1332913378379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7684488

LOL Whoa. Good thing that she same faces now with that blank stare. This is frightening.

>> No.7684563
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 425497_218115951613320_359293117_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, the lighting is really not very flattering in that pic. Her normal smile looks fine.

>> No.7684573

That doesn't really look ana to me so much as just scrawny azn girl.

>> No.7684637
File: 199 KB, 310x474, whats going on in this threa-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean she looks good in grainy, shitty webcam photos with direct light on her face that blurs out all features?

>> No.7684649


>> No.7684656

Her caption did say she was underweight so it's around there anyway

>> No.7684683

So, in summary:

>Touts herself as hot shit
>Is selling a plugsuit guide when her's aren't very good, plus it's all rehashes of other tutorials
>Says she's skinnyshamed but hates fat people
>Says she's slutshamed but hates feminists
>Posted half-naked pics of herself before turning 18
>Oregon cosplayers don't like her (including her "friends")
>Has treated her friends like shit (including leaving her underage BFF downtown in the middle of the night)
>Says /cgl/ has no right to talk about her but admits to talking shit about others

Did I miss anything?

>> No.7684717

The possible neglect of her pet rabbit and the abuse she claims her parents do to her, and rumors of dirty con hookups, besides that bretty gud job

>> No.7684782

>the abuse she claims her parents do to her

This one is true. Her mom is a fucking crazy Japanese woman who would physically and mentally abuse her; I remember years ago seeing Cristina talk about wanting to be dead rather than stay in the house anymore; I also remember more than one occasion where they got into a fight while out and Cristina was left behind because her mom was so mad. Like I definitely remember one occasion where she was left in Vancouver, which is easily an hour drive from Portland.

Also she spent her 17th birthday in a mental hospital for attempting suicide. I told our mutual friends about it because I was concerned for her, and then she kicked me out of her life.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess.

>> No.7684800

She's never going to get on her mom's good side with the way she behaves. It's no wonder things are (apparently) still so bad. What an idiot.

>> No.7684821 [DELETED] 

New thread

>> No.7684829

That was a bad idea. You made it too dramu-looking. Shoulda made it about the book.

>> No.7684844

Fuck, you're right. Deleted it.

>> No.7684857

new thread

>> No.7685431

She also slut shames anyone that cosplays the EVA race queens on top of saying they're lazy for not making a full plugsuit instead

>> No.7685488

Seriously? Even when she herself cosplayed in only a partial plugsuit? Wow

>> No.7685960


>> No.7685998

>dat shite grammar
please somebody lock this bitch away

>> No.7687754

The Vancouver you're talking about is 5 minutes from Portland. Just so you know.

>> No.7689590

Soooo... It's worth or no? :P

>> No.7690157

yea its a good buy if you're beginner/unsure where to start and want something that'll quickly boost you to enlightenment/getting your shit together.

>> No.7690165

Nope. Better tutorials can be found for free already.