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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7659314 No.7659314 [Reply] [Original]

New feels thread since other is auto sage
cosplay; lolita and etc related feels

>> No.7659317

>> cosplaying at AX
>> going to a friends hotel room to get wig fixed
>> take wig off in the hall to walk to their hotel
>> we get stopped and interviewed by NHK
>> I have no wig on and it's in my hand we interviewed anyway
>> idunnowhatotfeel

>> No.7659353

>Going to Otakuthon with a bunch of friends
>We got two rooms
>I'm staying with my friends, and their friends are in another room
>Suddenly I'm switched to the other room with a bunch of yaoi weirdos who I don't like very much
>Somewhat know them, know that they're messy as fuck
>Really don't want to stay with them but have nowhere else to stay

>> No.7659385

>dad having an affair
>me and my mum are forced into moving to scotland where her family resides
>worried about the cosplay, lolita and j-fashion scene and if there's as much events or if it's as acceptable (beyond other worries, of course)

>> No.7659399

>con next weekend
>skin tight costume
>still haven't lost the weight I want

I've hit a plateau, and it sucks. I'm not fat, sort of athletic-average (5'7" and 140lbs, but I work out a lot and look slimmer than friends who weigh less), and no matter what, I'm always right around this area and not quite skinny enough for my liking. My broad build doesn't help anything; even at my low weight of 110, I still looked bigger thanks to my wide hips and shoulders. Oh well. Sorry in advance for ruining super slim fourteen year old anime aesthetics.

>> No.7659441 [DELETED] 

>kinda introvert, don't like going out much
>end up not meeting enough people and having problems getting a relationship
>decide to join a dating website
>make a nice profile about me and my hobbies, even add some cosplay pictures
>actually get a lot of attention, over a hundred messages
>read them, lose hope in humanity

It's always the same
>the guys who can only say "hey sup??"
>the 40yo who don't know anything about the stuff I put on my profile but thinks we'd be great together for some reason
>the 45yo who wants to dominate me
>the otaku guy who seems nice but ends up being a virgin at 26
>the guy who wants to meet up even before I reply to him
>the guy who sends me copy-paste wall of texts
>the fat cunt who wants a threesome with her ugly boyfriend
>the guy who's 5'4"

>> No.7659453
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I view myself as an extremly boring person, I dont enjoy watching movies, listening to music and I dont really have any other hobbies then cosplay..

The thing is that I cant tell people about my hobby, Im too embarassed about it since every person Ive ever told has been drawing to conclusion that Im a gigantic weeb, when I dont even cosplay from anime.

I have never had a best friend my entire life, never any really close friends. All friendships and relationships Ive ever had usually ends after one year since people thinks im weird for cosplaying. And I have never been to a con.. I just sew and build my cosplays at home since it makes me happy, the only thing I want is friends that might be into cosplay.. Ive put up my information several times on the cgl-friends searches but noone has ever contacted me

Why is it so hard to meet people with the same hobbies..

>> No.7659456 [DELETED] 

free dating websites attract the worst kind of people and are pretty much used to get laid
dating websites you have to pay for are more lax though and less creeps

>> No.7659513
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I have a prominent pelvic bone so it sticks out and makes me look like I have a bulge whenever I wear something tight in the crotch area. Or even shorts. Even if I lose weight, it's not going to go away because I've had it even when I was only a little over 100 pounds. I have so many cosplays I want to do but because of it, I don't do it.

>> No.7659525 [DELETED] 

>friend dealing with a lot of shit
>want to help and support her
>nothing i can do but say "I hope things work out" online

I am a useless friend.

>> No.7659529
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>be a lonely loser betafag with no friends that lives in a hoarder's house
>prepared to spend another summer alone
>my only company is my dog
>my only entertainment is the internet and my collection of 5 antiques
>suddenly get a call from a classmate from two semesters ago
>"hey I haven't heard from you in a while, how have you been?"
>mfw we made plans for me to teach her how to use a basic sewing pattern

>> No.7659537 [DELETED] 

Short guys need love too, just saying. Would you you actually reject someone who was a match in every other way, shared your hobbies and everything, except he was short?

I have seen a few posts from girls complaining how men are picky about looks but I think a lot of women are worse.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.7659540

>tfw my local con is incredibly late in sending out AA confirmations
>tfw was worried about making the table because I know I didn't update my portfolio as much as I would have liked this year
>just got e-mail that I got in
>never felt so relieved

Things are looking up!

>> No.7659545 [DELETED] 

Yes I would, sorry but height is important for me. And I don't deny girls are more picky than guys.

>> No.7659552 [DELETED] 
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I'll be your friend anon! Email in field. And honestly, i know it's easier said than done but don't be afraid of what other people think. Not everyone is going to like the same things but just take their social cues if they really look disinterested.

This happened at work
>be me with two boys, one 18(joe) one 20 (Bob)
>20 year old flunked who had a full ride through milwaukee school of engineering
>he flunked out from not showing up to class, coming in late, or sleeping through class
>had a car, old and shitty, transmission went out on it
>turns out it was a car his mom bought for him
>had no job prior to this
>occasionally comes into work with a distinct odor, usually smells like piss
>he's not overweight but i'd consider him chubby
>sitting at table with bob and joe
>bob starts off lunch conversation about virgin neckbeards
>Joe and i start snickering
>bob: What?
>Us: Nothing nothing..continue
>talks about what a virgin neckbeard is and about things like smelling, having a beard, being socially awkward, wearing fedoras, and then talks about something related to ponies
>says he's worn a fedora in hs with all his buddies, a huge group of them used to do it.
>he's huge into ponies
>he smells
>he's super socially awkward
>he looks at both of us and says: It's amazing because i only have two of those things, i wear a fedora and having a beard.
Gg...this is just too glorious.

>> No.7659555 [DELETED] 

>>the otaku guy who seems nice but ends up being a virgin at 26
That doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad person, anon. I'd just date him anyway and see if things work out.
Hanging around /r9k/ has made me feel less judgmental of people like that, though a lot of them are complete knobs.

>> No.7659557 [DELETED] 


I think we should just accept that everyone has preferences, and the sooner we accept that the easier it will be on everyone to realise we're really kind of petty.

Human relationships are complex and already depend on a number of arbitrary standards, so it shouldn't be surprising that a number of them are on very superficial characteristics.

>> No.7659560 [DELETED] 

This is actually a "thing" called "quiet talking". I didn't know it was real, but you just proved it.
Thanks, I'm going to be paranoid forever and never be friends with anyone.

>> No.7659580

It's not like she's saying 6ft+ men only

5'4" is super-manlet status

>> No.7659585

I'm 5'2 and even I wouldn't date a 5'4 dude. not saying ya'll aint perfectly nice people, but I don't want to put the curse of midgetry upon my children.
>tfw 6'3 bf

>> No.7659588
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>dating people based on what your children will look like

>> No.7659624

Being with friends who obsess over being original like being the first to cosplay a certain version/costume of a character or doing some sort of twist with a character to be original. They are doing it to try and get cos-famous.

>> No.7659625
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>be super into cosplay and lolita
>get out of highschool and finally have time to work on projects
>cant get scholarships because too average
>threatened to be kicked out of house due to terminal faggotry
>join the military
>no time to work on projects
>no space to store materials
>nearest con is in the next state over

hey... at least i have money now, right? as long as i dont get shot before i can spend it

>> No.7659628

I'd kill for anyone that's 5'4 right now
>tfw 5'2 and older so I only attract jailbait with them assuming I'm only 18
>tfw I just want a cosplay partner to do couple cosplays with and it not be awkward with friends
>tfw the community here is so small everyone has pretty much dyes everyone and I'd feel bad dating the ex of a friend; which is 85% now.
>tfw I've also been so our of the dating loop I don't know how to approach people anymore without seeming like a "friends only" type

I suck so hard.

>> No.7659631


>not finding solutions for perfectly fixable problems
Just give them growth hormones when they hit adolescence. It's controversial but so far I've heard family friends who've found doctors who did it.

>> No.7659634

*date and *out. Thanks autocorrect for telling me those words aren't right.
Safe for no contribution

>> No.7659638


>> No.7659642

I know, I'm 5'1" myself. My favorite male height is 5'11", not even 6+

>> No.7659643
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>not wanting beautiful mini yous
i assume you were never an ugly little kid, anon friend.

>> No.7659645


>wanting kids

i grew up poor as hell, I'm not spending 40k a year on a fucking kid

>> No.7659665
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Pic related, it's F, the red russian looking one. I'm going to modify it so it's knee-length and it'll be green velvet instead of red. The faux fur I got for it it a cream color. I just need to decide if I'm going to make an underskirt for it, or build the underskirt into it.

>> No.7659669

Ah, 4chan ate my post.
It should say that I'm making my first lolita dress with a good seamstress friend.
I'm pretty excited, but I know it's hard work.

>> No.7659677

Yes. I'm 5'9". Fuck that shit.

>> No.7659687

>tfw it's like my husband and I switched ears
he has teeny tiny babbu ears on a huge head and I have a tiny head with hobbit ears.
Good on you, mother nature!

>> No.7659693

>always be the chubby friend
>lose bunch of weight
>am now happy with my size but look at myself naked and see flab and cellulite errywhere
>think I need to tone badly
>refuse to wear revealing clothes, instead opt for skintight things to show off figure

>go to the beach with friends
>that skinny tall blonde beautiful friend I've always envied is wearing bikinis
>realize she has a flabby tummy and butt too
>realize she has cellulite too
>realize she looks fabulous
>realize my body is pretty much just like hers

I think I spend too much time on the internet looking at photoshopped pictures of thin ass girls, it has warped my perception of human bodies. People have flaws, even the tall skinny beautiful ones. I just gotta learn to accept mine.

>> No.7659708

>be introvert
>like people, but they wear me out quickly and I get all "leave me alone hissssssssss" and they really don't share my hobbies
>post in friends thread
>get two lovely and unique penpals that I actively enjoy emailing
>emailing doesn't stress me out
>this now my ideal form of socialization

Feels good.

>first AA is coming up in September

Feels freaked out.

>> No.7659736

That's retarded, you've probably already passed up on the nicest, sweetest, most perfect guy for you because "lol he's too short."

Stop being such a shallow cunt.

>> No.7659739

Please don't turn this feels thread into a height thread, even if you are a raging manlet.

>> No.7659742

I'm a chick. That's just fucking stupid.

Her feels, my feels. I feel that rejecting a guy solely because he's short is fucking stupid and shallow

>> No.7659762


At this rate, she won't get a dude it seems, so you can rest assured her asshole genes won't pass on.

>> No.7659767

I'm sorry, maybe I was shallow, but height is something I care about. I'm gonna reply to the virgin otaku guy though.
Maybe I'll have a good experience.

>> No.7659786

My boyfriend was a 25-year-old unkissed virgin when I met him. He was just a socially awkward and never had much of a sex drive. It doesn't necessarily have to be a bad sign. He might be a diamond in the rough!

Although I get why you'd be hesitant - guys like that can often be bitter and misogynistic. Some of my bf's friends from uni were like that. I felt uncomfortable just being in the same room as them. I guess if it's online you could just block him if he turns out to be a weirdo?

>> No.7659793

>shared hobbies and everything
It's like you want a relationshit.

As for hate on shorter people... something something freud something something you hate something about yourself so compensating. Trust me, I'm an armchair psychiatrist.

On a serious note, void of any other outstanding deformities, not picking a shorter guy (talking 5'7" at the shortest) is usually pretty indicative you are displeased with something about yourself and refuse to come to terms with it/recognize it exists.
Hating on blatant deformities and refusing to keep them as a life partner (midgets/gimpy things) is merely healthy. Doesn't mean you can't be friends though, fuckin' ass holes.

>> No.7659832

>be decent-tier cosplayer
>friends either wear normal clothes to cons, buy cheap costumes, or closet cosplay
>i'm the only one who sews my own outfits, or even wears wigs for that matter
>want to get better and do group/pair cosplays
>friends act enthusiastic but never follow through whenever i bring up group cosplay ideas
>would kill for a cosplay friend that lives nearby and would come hang out and sew/make props/share tips with me
>intense jealousy whenever i see those ideal friendships between cosplayers
>tfw too introverted and anxious to actively seek out more con friends

>> No.7659866
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r u me.

>> No.7659873
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As the ancient Hawaiians used to say

Sometimes the tastiest coconut is found on the shortest tree

>> No.7660142
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>tfw finally finish costume for friend's daughter

Lesson learned: I hate chiffon and other sheer fabric. Fuck it all.

>> No.7660290

I agree.

Maybe it is because I am a lesbian, but height seems very inconsequential to me. I do not even think of it.

My friend is a few inches shy of six feet. She has dated men shorter than her. Then again she does not ever want children and also does not judge a guy based on his appearance alone. People who want a partner, companion or good match are less concerned with silly things like height, a number on a scale, race, etc... And her short bf was quite traditionally attractive too! Hobbies, personality and goals matter the most for some people.

>> No.7660314

For this i avoid dating sites, there is a lot of weirdos popping out and creeping you. I prefer fb and even also VampireFreaks even if there are lots of mad creepos as in the other dating sites (way less compared to other sites i think) but i met also awesome friends here!
Maybe going in a site where you can share similar interests and where the main thing isn't dating would be a good thing.
I admit i'm like you so only online dating works for me, i don't even go out so much and not liking clubs or other dating places.
This. But yes also a girl can be picky also like guys who likes a girl only if she blond or brunette, petite or tall, with big boobs or flat and so on. Everyone has their preferences but if a girl express a preference for a certain type of guys, the reactions are more negative.

>> No.7660328
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>cosplaying as Luigi
>Me and my buddy dressed as Shy Guy get dragged into a Smash photoshoot
>Really cute Samus there
>Hit it off, have a good time talking about random stuff
>Too beta to ask for her number or anything
>Leave with a "see you around"
>Don't see her again for the rest of the con

Why do I do these things to myself

>> No.7660336

Looks cute, anon. How old is she?

And what kind of problems did you encounter? We might be able to offer suggestions for future projects/making shit easier. Chiffon and organza can make for some beeeeautiful pieces.

>> No.7660377
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>switching to a different position at work.
>won't make more wage wise but get to go from 5-6 hours a day to 8 hours a day.
>six days a week
>get home from finding this out.
>landlords ask if my boyfriend and I would like to do general yard work and things for them and they'll decrease our rent.
>tfw maybe I'll finally be able to afford all the cosplays I want to do.
>maybe I can finally go to a decent con instead of all the shit local ones.

>> No.7660402

You're already 5'2", there's still a chance every kid you pop out will only max out just above 5', regardless of how tall your boyfriend is. You can only give your kids a chance at being tall, you can't engineer their genes.

>> No.7660411

She's 6. My main issue was when I went to finish stuff, my serger would eat/rip off the edge it just serged/ rolled hemmed. With my regular machine it was fine.

>> No.7660414

That's ... weird. And not an issue I've faced before. Maybe your tension setting was getting messed up somehow when you hit the finished edge?

>> No.7660417

Look into keto. You can drop a fair amount of water weight within a few days. You'll gain it back if you go off of it during the con, obviously, but if you're looking for a quick fix...

>> No.7660547

if it makes you feel better, my boyfriend and i have the exact opposite heads.
>i have tiny, round head with small ears and flat nose and barely a chin
>he has Pixyteri-tier chin, his head basically looks like an inverted triangle with dumbo ears slapped on
>genetics, what are they

>> No.7660602

Planning to do Ira sometime next year.

I'm 6'10 so heights good.
Costume supplies are arriving soon.
Face isn't right but it'll work.

>tfw gains aren't coming fast enough
>tfw I won't be hueg enough in time
Feels bad seagulls.

>> No.7660634

You are six feet ten inches, are you?

>> No.7660674
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>Want to go to upcoming con(Otakuthon)
>Have a room booked
>All my friends are either not going or already have a place to stay
>$193 a night, so two nights by myself will cost me $386
>Already have room booked but I can cancel it up to the day before the con without being charged
>Already in debt on my MasterCard so I don't feel like spending that much by myself
>Just moved out and dropped $765 on damage deposit and rent
>I wanna go and all but...

>> No.7660696

I feel you bro, I've done that before.

>> No.7660703

If wolfram is converting 209cm right, then yeah.

>> No.7660709
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Can't tell if bait or stuck-up bitch

>> No.7660726

Find some roomies, or room with someone else?

>> No.7660777
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>Can't stay at an acquaintance's house for a convention because weird family shit
>Staying at a hotel instead
>Tell her, of course shes pissed
>We had plans, but all that's changed is the lodging, we're still in the same town, we can just meet up
>We were going to hang out at the convention anyway
>I explain to her the family issues
>She's still pissed, now trying to make me feel bad about stuff that isn't even in my control, only responding to my messages with emotes at this point
>Made a passive aggressive status update on facebook about me

This woman is a couple years older than me, I've only talked to her a handful of times and thought it was incredibly generous of her to let me stay at her house.

I just wanted to be friends, but I guess that's not happening.

>> No.7660782

god forbid people have preferences

>> No.7660806

>have been consistently posting the same wtb in a few bst threads in a row
>searching for item since a while ago
>finally found it second hand on taobao


>> No.7660810

Ask around on the con forums or the con fb or whatever social avenue the con has, get some random roomies, and report your result in a con horror story thread!

>> No.7660813

Nice. I hope your SS snaps it up in time!

>> No.7660832

I've been attracted to many men who were shorter than me, height is just one piece of the puzzle. But I might be weird.

>> No.7660839
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>> No.7660860


That's literally what attraction is at the most basic level. Finding a mate that will give you strong children.

>> No.7660865

>woman in the military
>getting shot

You work 9-5 in an office 5 days a week. I don't have sympathy for your tears. Take a day or 2 of leave and go to your con.

>> No.7660872

dating ain't making children, fuckwit.
dating is getting a regular fuckbuddy and figuring out if it's mate material.

>> No.7660908


Well, I guess we have different definitions of dating then, fuckwit.

I wouldn't date someone I know I have no future with.

>> No.7660913

Someone reads Dawkins.

>> No.7660917

Whatever, frog.
Enjoy the lack of experience.
Enjoy possibly losing your soul mate because you managed to fuck it up due to that lack of experience.
Enjoy knowing less about yourself.
Enjoy not knowing what does and doesn't make for a good mate.
Enjoy having a shitty wife and a life of strife.

>> No.7660943

all that goddamn projecting

>> No.7660981

Or maybe I've simply seen enough shit and have lost enough friends to know different.

They'd never date much. Then marry these absolute bitches probably because it's one woman they actually manage to get to stick around for a while so they hang on for dear life.
Sometimes it's the woman who clings on for dear life. They drop their entire social lives and try to get married asap. I watched as a friend was destroyed in the space of 5 years by one woman. They marry after 3 months of 'dating' because "DUDE she's the one." he's maybe dated 3 other women. They get a kid. a year after the kid she files for divorce and long story short 'takes him to the cleaners' he's now a broken person working 3 jobs and only gets to see his kid every other weekend. He's not an alchoholic or an abusive person either. Dude was a fucking scout leader who helped organize eagle projects. Now he's a zombie I say hi to on the rare occasions we pass at the grocer.

>> No.7661032
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>tfw you torn between having a closet full of witchy-gothic clothes, and having a closet full of classic, corsetted goodness
>tfw you can't afford to do both and have to pick and choose pieces so your closet is only semi-coherent at any given point in time

>> No.7661049

>if your boyfriend weren't fucking you, he wouldn't care about your fat ass either
This is funny

>> No.7661053

>tfw you have naturally thick, glossy, fast-growing hair that is the envy of all your friends
>tfw all the hair on your body grows really fast and really thickly
>like all the fucking hair
>all of it
>tfw you are a petite asian werewolf

>> No.7661099

>tfw I share your pain
Fuck my haffu genes.

>> No.7661130
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I go to cons thinking I'll make new friends that share my same interests in animu but my local con-goers have major pleb tastes (or don't even watch animu), I don't know why I try anymore.

>> No.7661143

> tfw your mom is somehow completely hairless for some reason

>> No.7661194 [DELETED] 
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/r9k/ was right again

>> No.7661198
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>same except half-indian werewolf
>tfw ftm and loving the genetic help

>> No.7661204
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/r9k/ was right!

all girls are just looking for Chad

>> No.7661219
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This fuckin guy

>> No.7661240

*tipping intensifies*