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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 169 KB, 276x296, oh lawd romeo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7657412 No.7657412 [Reply] [Original]

I've been cosplaying for 6+ years and never had an issue before. This seller, though, has been an absolutely nightmare. First time I've ever had to file a Paypal claim.
>order item
>address is misprinted and refused by my apt office
>send proper address to sender and ask to reship
>sender waits a week to tell me package arrived
>demands another $10 shipping
>claims I didn't send her the shipping fee
>June 13
>send her a screenshot of the paypal transaction for it
>seller then claims the package shipped out on the 20th
>tell me this on the 30th
>package says "delivered" but neither post office or apt office has seen it
>ask her to fully refund me when the item returns to her
>seller claims because the tracking said "delivered" she can't do any refunds
>remind her that the first package said "delivered" but ended up back with her
>says i can open up a paypal dispute if i have to
>immediately responds "no refunds" to dispute message

I don't know what to say, cgl. I have proof that her dates don't match up and at least 2 different people were contacting me from the same shipper address, but I'm worried Paypal will side with her. Is there anything I can do?

>> No.7657429

1. File paypal complaint and inform bank
2. Give us a name so we don't buy from them

>> No.7657431

Unfortunately, anon, you may be screwed. Paypal will often just look at the tracking info, see something that says "delivered" and tell you to take it up with the post office. It's one of the many ways the postal service can really fuck you over, even when "tracking" is paid for (I had the same thing happen with an item from China that was returned to sender). I'd really recommend opening a case with the post office. I've had to do this before, and the package mysteriously arrived soon after.

>> No.7657433

Name, shame and drama, even if paypal in the end agrees to refund you, she at least deserves the bad rep for awful customer service.

>> No.7657441

I already spoke to my postmaster who said to open a paypal claim.

>> No.7657447

Linda's Stuff on ebay, mostly clothing and accessories.

>> No.7657460


>_> upon searching "linda's stuff ebay" google literally tried to fill in "fake scam reviews" for me

im sorry that this happened to you, it truly sucks, but there were piss poor reviews of this place calling it a scam in 2010. why did you buy from this person

>> No.7657464
File: 285 KB, 863x573, Screen Shot 2014-07-05 at 00.05.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one seems pretty sketchy

>> No.7657469

OP, what tracking number do you have? Did you tell your post office the number? They should be able to tell you where its at.

>> No.7657471
File: 255 KB, 469x454, hatred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who scam others on sites like ebay, storenvy, etc
Literal human garbage, I swear.

>> No.7657505

She was the only one selling this item in the last 6 months.
All my post office said was "it's delivered, there's nothing we can do now"

>> No.7657515

not true. you havent recieved the item. email/contact customer service. what did they use? fedex? USPS? UPS?
When I didnt recieve an item, I contacted CS and they got right on it. Dont talk to the people at the actual office if all theyll do is "hurr sorry bro" you talk to the acting manager or take it up with CS/HR/who ever you need to.

>> No.7657531

I'm now noticing that she's telling paypal the item was shipped UPS when, in fact, the tracking is USPS.
I am beyond infuriated, especially when there's a possiblilty that what >>7657431 says is true.
Surely Paypal would have an automatic flag for people who've been brought up in claims enough.

>> No.7657582

Open dispute, hope for the best. Escalate it immediately, as soon as you can. Don't wait around. Just do it. They'll likely side with you if you explain what's been going on. Give a detailed description in the dispute messages thing, because the mod who works it out will see it. "No refunds" doesn't work if you're using Paypal. A seller must adhere by the ToS before their own selling rules.

>> No.7657583

>Christmas time
>Parents' have ordered a cosplay for me from a private seller on eBay
>Am a young weaboo at this point in time, excitement is in the air
>Wait a few weeks
>Weeks turn to a month
>Month turns to two months
>Message seller
>No response
>Message again
>User has been deleted from eBay
>5 years later, still isn't here
And that was the only present I got that year

T-thanks eBay person

>> No.7657586

Wow and your parents didn't even offer you something else instead when that happens?

They're stupid for not opening a dispute, and they're fucking mean for saying, "Oh well lol" when it didn't arrive.

>> No.7657597

My parents are poor as fuck and we were all eBay newbies back then. All we knew was "1 - 2 months delivery or demand a refund". Looking back any of us obviously should have acted quicker but we didn't really know better. Some sellers thrive on that.

I'm not really too bothered about presents during christmas since my birthday is 10 days after christmas, I am, and was, bothered about my parents wasting a ton of money they didn't have on a present for their daughter and instead the seller took the money and ran off.
But oh well, we've learned from our mistakes and fortunately none of us have had any problems since.

>> No.7657598

In the early days of ebay a lot of people didn't dispute because they wanted to give the seller the benefit of the doubt
Also, once the account is deleted there is no one to hold accountable. Ebay has not always been so good about refunding money out of pocket.

>> No.7657641

>linda's stuff ebay
you could always write a review on yelp as well. search 'linda's stuff inc' in Horseham, PA.

>> No.7657682

>Tired of my dark hair
>I don't want to bleach it
>Buy a wig on E-bay , decent prize
>Very light brown (almost gold), curly and with straigh bangs
>VERY dark brown, super-cheap looking, messed curly bangs impossible to flattern
>I opened a PayPal complaint
>Seller wants to take it down, he will send a good article
>btw today it's the last day I can make a PayPal claim about this product
>Yeah I totally believe in you
>Tell him the article it's 100% different from the photo
>He says it's the camera angle and ilumination
>Fuck you

I received it today, I'm still... damn fuck

>> No.7657694

Buying wigs on ebay is a crapshoot

Most of the time they steal stock images from korean wig shops like gabalnara and will send you something that is sort of close but not really.

>> No.7657695

Did you buy it on ebay? Sellers aren't supposed to demand extra money like that. Copy and paste her messages in the paypal dispute thing.
Also, what date does it say it was delivered? My post office used to do this thing where occasionally they would scan incoming packaging as delivered

>> No.7657735
File: 87 KB, 696x1368, Dear Lenore CAPS 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered some shoes from Dear Lenore/Lenore in April.

Said they would be shipped by the end of April.
Still not here.
It's July.

I feel silly for not looking up reveiws for them, but I saw the banner on LM and thought it was reputable. Plus, she was selling her shoes via LM for a quick minute.

I still can't complete my coords because I don't have those shoes.
Feels bad.

Don't buy from her. Ever. Save yourself the grief.

>> No.7657756

>oh lol you didn't even tell us your name ^_^
as if that's on the buyer to give and not the seller to ask for
as if it wasn't on your paypal address
as if they're going to start making shoes with no name to put them to

I heard that the people who actually did get their shoes found them mediocre, as well. I'm sorry you weren't able to put that coord together but maybe it's for the better that you didn't contaminate what could be a great coord with shitty cheap looking shoes. WTG Mexico.

>> No.7657759


That's really too bad! I was thinking of ordering shoes from them but I guess I'll just stick with Bodyline for those.

>> No.7657762

Oooh I want pics
like what it was supposed to be and what you got
You always have to be careful on ebay/amazon
I've had amazing luck with Amazon and have managed to find great wigs
*knocks on wood*

>> No.7657828

Thanks, anon.

The strange this is, I did fill out my name, but my browser did an autofill on my first name and replaced it with a letter, so she had my last name and the first letter of my first like [ie. J. Smith], which has NEVER been a problem with any other transaction.

It's all sketchy excuses.

I expect them to be shoddy-mediocre quality upon delivery, but with this wait, I can't help but expect the buckles to be made of pure gold and the insoles be lined with mink fur.

>> No.7658294

Rosarie made a new mBoK account. www.mbok.jp/_u?u=9148420