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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 73 KB, 500x647, 1378959663192 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7643366 No.7643366 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post pictures of yourself in normal and lolita/cosplay

>> No.7643373
File: 2.13 MB, 2079x2127, Inandoutoflolita1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7644208

God, you are beautiful

>> No.7644224

God, you must be replying to yourself.

>> No.7645988

Thank you c:

>> No.7646018

Don't think so

>> No.7646019

I agreed. The lolita look is better but the out of lolita pic looks really bad. Especially the makeup.

>> No.7646025

I love your hair on the left, very pretty.

>> No.7646106

>such goth
>much black

>> No.7646169

I'd post if I knew people wouldn't freak out and shitpost. Sad that we can't have fun things because people gotta be rude.

>> No.7646174

A lolita making fun of a 'goth' the irony and hypocrisy is painful.

>> No.7646175

I think the anon is making fun of the "normal" look, no the lolita one.

>> No.7646193

My comment still stands. A lolita making fun of someone dressing differently is incredibly ironic.

>> No.7646196
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 1385800409623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7646205

You new here?

>> No.7646212

Dem boots on the left...where did you get them?

>> No.7646249

>Posting yourself outside of /soc/
What do you expect
Also you are probably ugly, so spare us

>> No.7646251

I rest my case.
>implying people only post themselves on /soc/
Stop being purposefully retarded just to be contrarian for shitposting purposes.

>> No.7646258
File: 85 KB, 315x473, tumblr_n7znzh0xRi1so1edbo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7646267

Is this how /cgl/ is during the day ? Nothing but bitchy NEETs?
We've have these threads before, this thread smells of summer faggotry.

>> No.7646282

>tfw no pictures of you in normal clothes

>> No.7646300

Oh gods me too. I just went through my FB looking for something to post and there are zero full-body pictures of me in normalfag getup. The most I have is a few Disneyland selfies. I guess I'll take singing when I get home, lol.

>> No.7646347

I can't pick an outside lolita outfit. Because I find it hard to stick with a style, my styles so far:
- Cute B-gyaru Hiphop clothes with snapback hats
- Mori Girl
- 50's rockabilly/pin-up/vintage style
- Extreme Normal fag with skinny jeans, shirt and blazer
- Cutsie taobao haul clothes like seifuku's, but also k-pop style fashion

My wardrobe is a mess, I almost always have the same coordination, because I can't stick with just one style.

>> No.7646463

I really hate this image. Wearing lolita to pride parades is wrong and probably an insult to the brand. Lolita isn't an expression of LGBT, it's a fucking fashion for Christ sakes.

>> No.7646486
File: 603 KB, 400x224, ANGER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be a replica please be a replica please be a replica

>> No.7646514

Speaking of wearing lolita in wholly inappropriate places once saw a very ita burlesque routine, stripping with bodyline. Gross.

>> No.7646522


>mfw I also wore lolita to the pride parade

No one gives a fuck about your fashion in the real world, get over yourself, faggot :^)

>> No.7646569
File: 133 KB, 640x640, 10422468_10152490711584827_2849023470977347735_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7646594

How unflattering....

>> No.7646613

>people can't wear fashion to social events I don't like!

>> No.7646639
File: 1.70 MB, 720x1080, tumblr_n7yd88oRa71rigp8fo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7646669

Why does she always have the most boring fucking coords?
You'd think the years of browsing /cgl/ would have given her a better aesthetic taste and an attention to detail..

>> No.7646690

soooo what you are saying is people should go to pride parades, or really any event, naked? Ban all clothing because fashion is not about whatever it is you are going to, so no reason to wear it. I mean, everybody knows that what you wear DIRECTLY influences who you are as a person as well as your thoughts and political leanings.

Movie outing = Naked. Fashion isn't an expression of film appreciation.

Fourth of July = Naked. Fashion isn't an expression of national pride.

Farmers Market = Naked. Fashion isn't an expression of your appreciation for locally grown foods.

Thanksgiving Day Parade = Naked. Fashion isn't an expression of thankfulness/genocide depending on your thoughts about the holiday.

Christian Rock Concert = Naked. Fashion isn't an expression of terrible terrible music choices.

Arbor Day = Naked. Fashion isn't an expression of trees.

I mean really, get over yourself.

>> No.7646694

That sad, wonky bow on the waist sash...

>> No.7646697

She has such a cute chubby face! I wish she'd wear sweet lolita. It'd suit her so much better.

>> No.7646699


I meant to post this in the ita thread, apologies guys. I hope you had some fun ripping it apart though.

>> No.7647645

assuming i am a lolita

>> No.7647657

Her face legit scares the shit out of me. Nightmare fuel.

>> No.7648816

wtf is with that poor bow?

>> No.7648914

Am I the only one who thinks she looks about 45 years old? Like somebody's weird mom

>> No.7649324

Yeah I see that too.

>> No.7649334

holy shit your tattoo, or what I can see of it, is cute

>> No.7649339
File: 8 KB, 407x482, 1310463042896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7649355

Thank you C:

They're transmuters, they're pretty expensive new but I was lucky and found them on eBay.

Thanks, it's my favourite piece from Don't Ken (pic related)

>> No.7649359
File: 83 KB, 427x700, 6b89175a-1ae2-44d1-ab3e-a09f5619a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pictures.

>> No.7649368

I don't get the hate for her. I mean yeah, it's a super plain coord, but she just started out. And she's pretty cute too.

>> No.7649371

I don't take back what I said of it being cute

>> No.7649384
File: 296 KB, 904x948, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was harder to pick the out of lolita picture, huh.

>> No.7649386

She looks like an old person that looks good for her age. Still cute imo.

>> No.7649392

Her face is still really youthful looking so I don't think she looks that old. Not 20, but definitely not 45.

>> No.7649398

I love your tattoo! John Kenn is great.

>> No.7649405

Thanks c:
It's cool when other people recognise it.

>> No.7649408

Something about your outfit in lolita just looks... off.
Like your body proportions look so weird there. You normal look is really cute though.

>> No.7649412

I wouldn't really call that lolita, looks more otome. That jacket is cute.

>> No.7649423
File: 544 KB, 1021x705, Note_070114_215140_0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty derpy in photos but I'll bite.

>> No.7649424

I think it's just the picture

always found her to be very cute and youthful but this picture makes her look odd

>> No.7649426

now that you mention it, maybe it's because of the fur collar, and the fact that my skirt wasnt puffy enough. Petticoat is kinda shit, but I fixed it already.
I don't really get the otome vibe from it, but okay anon.

>> No.7649824 [DELETED] 

It doesn't look otome, but it doesn't look lolita either. It just looks like some generic sundress and a whole lot of items that clash.

>> No.7649835

I don't think it looks lolita at all though.

>> No.7650007

Youre really cute! It looks like you push your head forward too much though, could be a case of very slender shoulders, though. Love those shoes!

>> No.7650009
File: 221 KB, 1648x700, everythingisawesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My posing is really bad. I'm sorry.

>> No.7650021

Have you ever considered, I don't know, the fact some people wear Lolita to events because it's their fashion choice?

I would totally have given you more credit if the prints or the theme of their coords was inspired by the LGBT pride parade, but you went full retard so no.

>> No.7650065

Cute in both outfits! Love the ahcahcum bag!

>> No.7650109

I really dig your style in normalfag clothing

It really compliments you! You're very pretty

>> No.7650116

MtF? Sorry to ask, but how long have you been taking hormones for? Have you had your GRS done yet?

I'm sort of starting to process myself and noticed you seem to be too.

>> No.7650193
File: 1019 KB, 500x281, shhhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that treating you? It can be a rough process for anyone.

>> No.7650642

I like more your lolita look even it's more otome to me
Cute both looks!

>> No.7650686

>Fashion isn't an expression of trees
What the fuck are you on about, bitch? Sounds like you're just jelly of treelitas. Stay fleshy, heterotroph.

>> No.7650749
File: 46 KB, 192x171, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7650776

I agree, Anti-Treelitas is really barking up the wrong tree here

>> No.7650946

Fucking shit, I feel like I'm the only one here who only wears jeans and a t-shirt when I'm not in lolita.

>> No.7650951

I was actually joking about that part, I just wanted to say you looked like a tranny in the nicest way possible.

>> No.7650970
File: 992 KB, 389x259, are you sure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh- I didn't catch that!

>> No.7650971

You're not alone, anon.

>> No.7650987
File: 375 KB, 491x452, Screen Shot 2014-07-02 at 2.38.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. This thread made me realize I have like no pictures of myself that aren't selfies.

>> No.7650999

This board really harshly nitpicks outfits yet this is the level of lolita this board can offer? I am embarrassed for /cgl/.

>> No.7651007

Guuuuurl fix yo brows.

>> No.7651011

Most of these girls are probably new as shit judging by the lack of accessories. Though, I sincerely doubt most seagulls are as good as they claim to be.

>> No.7651012
File: 130 KB, 680x511, 1371015194321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be a gourmet chef to know that a steak is cooked badly. But yeah I agree. I always take cgl with a few grains of salt because I know the majority of gulls aren't beauty queens themselves.

>> No.7651022

You guys are being stupid if you think this is the best the /cgl/ can offer.
It's more the fact that the seagulls with great coords, are smart enough to not outright associate themselves with a board notorious for it's bitchy nature.

It's obvious that the people who post in these kind of threads are either noobs wanting con-crit on their coords or attention seekers.

>> No.7651023

I haven't been posted on here negatively in a long time (so it probably was a completely different set of people on here then anyway) but this makes me feel way better. Step it up guys, geez.

>> No.7651029

I dont think you look like a tranny at all i actually thought you were a girl. I like your normal clothing too.

>> No.7651052

You kind of look like you fell through a thrift store?

>> No.7651058

I thought the same thing also

>> No.7651348

Wait is this the ita thread?

>> No.7651369

Same. I don't even particularly like jeans or t-shirts but lolita has warped my standards to a point where I can't wear a normal skirt or dress without feeling like a filthy casual wearing cheap low quality crap. I realize this could be helped if I shelled out some money for nice normalfag stuff but hey, that money could go towards burando~

>> No.7651376

Man, not a single pretty face in this thread. I only come to /cgl/ for dramu and greentext threads, but damn, i really lost faith in you guys.

>> No.7651475

Why don't you post your face then?

>> No.7651686

I'm a little confused, the pictures that people post supposed to be like the epitome of our lolita style and super quality photos or we just having a in/out thread? Cause all this seems fine to me (except the weird gay parade girls, what was that?); I mean, it's just a share thing thread isn't?

>> No.7651706

There are cute seagulls in the drawthreads sometimes at least.

>> No.7651711

I agree, if you told me she was 45 I believe you and think the lighting was just making her wrinkles un apparent or she got botox or something

>> No.7651723

how do you do the side by side pictures or collage thing? i don't have a program for that.

>> No.7651727


If you have an iPhone I use the app Diptic.

>> No.7651766

Yep. The only time you'll really see well dressed girls selfposting is in draw threads, and that's only because we're all greedy whores that want shit for being pretty. These girls want the attention, but they (hopefully) know they'd be laughed out of the draw threads with these coords.

>> No.7651816
File: 365 KB, 568x850, before&after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heck, i'll bite.
staples of personal taste include floral patterns, asymmetrical details and a lot of chiffon.
both of these are kind of old outfits, but my wardrobe hasn't changed enough to warrant taking new pictures.
my casual outfits might turn out way more over-the-top if I didn't have a job which involved interacting with the general public.

>> No.7651839

You are pretty anon

>> No.7651844

Why don't you give some constructive criticism? Impart some of your wisdom on these poor girls because you seem very knowledgeable about what looks right and wrong.

I'm following the thread in hopes to see what most lolitas look like out of the fashion. It could have been interesting, but it seems most seagulls don't appreciate it when people start to self post.

>> No.7651849

damn, both of these posters sound bitter.
look, lolita's a niche hobby, and most of us are pretty spread out. there's a lot of girls in small towns whose only access to any type of 'community' is through internet forums, & /cgl/ is definitely one of the most active and easily accessible. it's all in good fun; besides, it's not like anyone ITT is throwing around their tumblrs and shit in a desperate bid for followers. a selfpost thread doesn't necessarily have to degenerate into the cesspool of attention whores you seem to think it'll become.

>> No.7651857

that dress would look a lot better without that patterned paneling.

>> No.7651858

I agree with you anon.
>posting lolita on cgl = attention-seeking
>posting lolita on facebook = attention-seeking
>posting lolita on tumblr = attention seeking
>posting yourself on the internet anywhere = attention seeking
>allowing your picture to be taken = attention seeking
>wearing lolita or cosplay at all = attention seeking
>wearing any nice clothes at all = attention seeking
>not wearing a burlap sack all the time = attention seeking
>leaving your house at all = attention seeking

>> No.7651863

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated it too lol

>> No.7651881
File: 2.28 MB, 1625x691, regvjfash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted in one of these before, so why not.
I'm pretty boring in and out of lolita. In autumn/winter, I generally stick to sweaters+scarf+black jeans or trousers, and in spring/summer I wear a lot of dresses, skirts, and rompers.
Honey Cake coord was my second real coord last October, and the other two are from January/February. I don't have anything more recent to show. I'm still a noob and know my coords aren't the best, so I'm totally open to constructive criticism/nitpicking.
Also, I know I look super haggard/old lady-like in the face of my lolita snaps. Blame it on bad lighting and my inability to photoshop.

>> No.7651921

You're super cute anon, especially when you have your hair up like in your 2nd lolita pic. You could try wearing a wig as well and makeup to brighten your eyes a bit more.

>> No.7651963

shucks, thank you~
I have to warn you, though, it's only in selfies. ordinarily I have a bad case of derpface.

classical puppets has kind of questionable designs sometimes, I'll admit, but I thought the construction was cool. plus I'm a sucker for wallpaper florals, haha.

>> No.7651970 [DELETED] 

You know what? Why not. You guys have been pretty helpful lately when I was looking a buying a new blouse. And I'm a bit bored.

- Lolita Mode - Dressy Mode - School Mode - Sport Mode -

The lolita pic is admittedly a bit old, but everything else is from this year. I honestly don't give a shit about makeup, unless I'm wearing lolita, due to ridiculous skin allergies and sucking at it in general. I should probably lurk the makeup threads on here a bit more. This summer I swear I've also spent half my life hanging out in workout clothes around the house because a) I don't give a shit and b) I'm in the process of training for a half-marathon. But anyways. I'm thinking about buying a wig. I cut off all my hair to donate it a while ago, and I miss having the length.

Girl, you do not look haggardly. There's a difference between looking like a normal person without airbrushing and haggardly. I like your hair!

>> No.7651976

You're like the more attractive version of me
Nice taste

>> No.7651977
File: 1.58 MB, 2393x801, Celtic'sFashionShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Why not. You guys have been pretty helpful lately when I was looking a buying a new blouse. And I'm a bit bored.

- Lolita Mode - Dressy Mode - School Mode - Sport Mode -

The lolita pic is admittedly a bit old, but everything else is from this year. I honestly don't give a shit about makeup, unless I'm wearing lolita, due to ridiculous skin allergies and sucking at it in general. I should probably lurk the makeup threads on here a bit more. This summer I swear I've also spent half my life hanging out in workout clothes around the house because a) I don't give a shit and b) I'm in the process of training for a half-marathon. But anyways. I'm thinking about buying a wig. I cut off all my hair to donate it a while ago, and I miss having the length.

Girl, you do not look haggardly. There's a difference between looking like a normal person without airbrushing and haggardly. I like your hair!

>> No.7652663

Thank you, anon! I agree with needing more makeup. I've realized that it rarely shows up as well in photos as it does irl, so I've been trying to apply more to compensate.
As for wigs, I have a hard time fitting my hair under caps/wigs without it looking lumpy. I want to be able to wear them, though, so I need to figure something out.

Hey, you're in my comm, Thank you! My hair is the one thing about which I almost always feel good (if a little bored). I really like your "Dressy Mode" and think the bangs in your first pic suit you rather well. Good luck with your training!

>> No.7654165

Oh hey! Thanks, lol. Sorry, I'm terrible with face recognition if we haven't met in person several times. Are you going to any meets this month? Might see you!

>> No.7654363

Cute anon!

>> No.7654373

>jeans under a dress
the black and white skirt is really cute

>> No.7654392

wearing lolita to pride is fine. wearing ita to pride however, is not.

>> No.7655091

Do you have a tumblr, anon? You're so cute!
Also this is a bit random, but how tall are you?

>> No.7655093

Top qt in both styles!

>> No.7655112

We haven't met in person, so no worries! I am hoping to make it to the swap meet so long as my transportation situation holds.

Thank you! I'm ohmarjorie on tumblr, but my blog isn't very focused. I also don't post outfit photos/coords that frequently, but this will probably change in the next few months.
I'm 5'1.5"/156cm. My legs look stumpier in the photos on the right because my taller friends can't into cameras and didn't adjust the camera level for their height.

>> No.7655142

Omg we're the same height but your legs look so much longer! Do you mind if I ask how much you weigh? Im okay with my weight (110lbs) but my legs look really stumpy because I carry most of my weight on my thighs.

>> No.7655173

I'm weight fluctuates quite a bit, but I'm generally 113-117. I have a rectangular body and work out semi-regularly, though, so some of that is muscle and my fat is distributed fairly evenly.

Sage for OT.

>> No.7658866
File: 142 KB, 946x619, babe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine is so drastic, ghetto qurl to lolita.

ignore the file name.

>> No.7658880

Forgot your nudes

>> No.7659127
File: 62 KB, 528x346, mememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so me normal and me in lolita, uhh, yeah.

>> No.7659130

>putting an email in the field
>putting a name in the field
Neither of you should be posting here considering you appear to not know how to use 4chan.

>> No.7659132

i'm sorry i'm really new to all of this >.<
if it helps it isn't like, my real name.

>> No.7659138
File: 101 KB, 800x732, 1389272539604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting and lurk more.
Also, stop it with the
> >.<
Emoticons are frowned upon here. It's an image board; if you want to express your emotion, do it through an image.

>> No.7659141

'pastelvampire666' GB2TUMBLR FAGGET

>> No.7659144 [DELETED] 

is that better?

>> No.7659149

lol you're that pastel batty chick ? get that pastel goth shit out of here

>> No.7659152

the fuck is pastel batty? I don't wear pastel goth son

>> No.7659160

Your hair looks really adorable when it's down and up. You have a pretty and unique face that goes with every style.

Unrelated but if you ever want to cosplay Taiga from Toradora! you totally should. I don't even watch that show and think you're the spitting image of her with your hair down.

>> No.7659164

very qt
in and out of lolita
diggin' the eyelashes

>> No.7659165
File: 351 KB, 1196x805, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have a regular outfit so I just took one, considering that's what I am wearing its regular.

>> No.7659169

aha thank you!, i'm not wearing falsies tho so i think you may be reffering to my eyeliner wings? they kinda look like big lashes so..

>> No.7659177

you look ghetto as fuck in lolita too, don't worry.

>> No.7659178

You're so cute! Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.7659182

Yes! Its LadyLaelae is you would like to go look at it.
I just spent 4 hours of my life digging through lolibrary to make lists of my dream items on there.

>> No.7659185

If* and also thank you for your compliment.

>> No.7659186

ah yes, eyeliner wings. learn something new everyday

>> No.7659195

I want to slip my dick inside you.

>> No.7659202

>tfw you look like a basement dweller outside of lolita

>> No.7659203

I think you look cute as shit in Lolita, screw everyone else.

>> No.7659211

That is nice.
To bad for you I don't like dick much.

>> No.7659213

Shit anon I do too and I don't even have a di-

>> No.7659215

That's cute, made me smile.
But I am taken.

>> No.7659225

lolita pretending to be a lesbian on the internet. Imagine that.

>> No.7659231

Never said I was a lesbian. I am bi sexual and prefer women because they are more romantically involved usually.
sage for offtopic.

>> No.7659236

Hi, I'm Anon. I'll be your friendly guide to 4chan.

Ignore the flying vagina fluids and try not to trip on the sand. Watch your frills and keep your hands inside at all times.

In the reply box, you will see a "Name" and "Email" field. You don't have to fill those out if you don't want to because they're optional. A lot of people prefer to remain anonymous. Some people like a name, though. Those people are called trips. You can become one of those, but prepare for instant backlash as /cgl/ seems to have a hate-boner for tripfags, which explains why they attacked your picture so suddenly. Also, like >>7659138 mentioned, they hate emoticons. You're probably used to using them, and that's not a bad thing, but using them on here is very bad. 4chan, the website most known for being full of immature faggots, does this to encourage you to learn to express yourself using words and images. Avoid using emoticons here at all costs if you want people to actually read anything you post. That wasn't me being saucy, that's actually how it is here. If there's a single hint of a happy asian face, your post won't even be read.
Also... anything Tumblr related goes in Tumblr threads. Always. 4chan hates Tumblr with a burning passion. Don't ask why, because you'll learn why soon enough if you continue to lurk.

You have to be careful around these creatures; they're wild animals and throw bitch fits at the slightest and dumbest provocation, and you don't want to be anywhere near them when they do.

Welp, That's it for my tour at the moment. Someone else take over the welcoming fleet, I gotta go.

>> No.7659248

i know 4chan hates tumblr, and tumblr vice versa. but thats cause tumblr seems to be full of delicate little shitlords so

>> No.7659255

I was joking anyways, I am too. You're a qt tho

>> No.7659261

Well Thank you very much.
Have any concrit on what I can do for my hair? Its shower hair in the picture but I had pink hair for 4 years and dried/killed the shit out of it and now its barely manageable for lolita.

>> No.7659264

It looks a little fried in the picture but not Venus-level fucked, I'd give you some care advice but I don't want to derail this thread when we have a hair thread already

>> No.7659425

That lolita outfit looks really adorable, anon!

>> No.7659491


My God you're beautiful

>> No.7659570
File: 197 KB, 527x499, Bjzhl8mIQAAjLID copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only difference is really that I wear make-up and have pretty hair when I cosplay.

>> No.7659897
File: 326 KB, 500x743, excusethederpface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised how big a difference a wig and petticoat makes

>> No.7659923

Ah shit son, you be kawaii as fuck.

>> No.7659925

10/10 you are my favourite lolita now

>> No.7659948
File: 651 KB, 1134x838, lolino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time when I'm anything lower than "dressed up" is when I'm bummin around the house. Then I usually put on whatevers laying around.

>> No.7659956

ur coords are always so perf.. i love u

>> No.7659963

Marry me

>> No.7659978
File: 11 KB, 217x232, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7660039

I'm pretty sure I had thermals on under the pants? I live in Michigan, it's fucking cold here, lol. We had snow in April; hell, I had to turn on the heat this week because it dropped down to fifty degrees. If you don't want frostbite, you wear some pants under that shit if it's not some kind of formal event.

>> No.7660044

You have the perfect hips/legs

>> No.7660045

Aww, you're so cute. I love your coord too, although it could use probably a bit more poof.

>> No.7660048

Agreed. I'm pretty sure he selfposts here all the time.
Oh my god its like you walked out of the 90s but better. I love it. Do you dress like that a lot?

>> No.7660118

>>7659897 here. I'm in the draw threads a lot, but that's about it.

>> No.7660140

I never knew you were a dude.
You're probably the only good brolita I've ever seen.

I know this isn't the nitpick thread, but those shoes really do not work in your lolita coord.

>> No.7660163

Long abandoned email like i give a shit.
I guess now i know how to 4chan I'll be joining the rest of you bitches.

>> No.7660165

Awww thanks anon! I pretty much wear 80's/90's inspired styles all the time, the only time when I don't is when it's not appropriate to wear it. (Like meeting conservative people or doing messy things, don't wanna ruin that vintage!)

Yeah I know they don't work with it, I was going to put a disclaimer in my post but I remembered just as I posted it. I don't have any pink shoes that are traditional style that would match so I decided fuck it, Japanese girls don't have perfectly matching shoes all the time, I can get away with it for today.

>> No.7660219
File: 185 KB, 650x868, Sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured why not. Disclaimer: I don't know how to coordinate.

>> No.7660306

use better concealer to cope with tear troughs
tease/curl your pigtails next time, right now they are kind of limp-looking.
you have a nice bod tho

>> No.7660315
File: 61 KB, 550x558, fa?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bejeweled/beaded/sequined clothing
well, i like your tights, just not with this outfit.
Your lolita outfit is superior.
I would throw in more red as an accent color next time, though. Maybe try something with shoes or a different headdress? This one kind of looks like you're wearing a necklace on top of your wig.

>> No.7660329
File: 478 KB, 500x274, Uhoh3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...it might be a necklace.

I do like the idea of maybe red or coloured shoes with it. Thanks for the tip! (And of course changing the..."headdress".)

>> No.7660332

not you faggot
would love tenderly
your eyes freak me out
too tall but nice face
oompa loompa
would ravage
probably has fucked up teeth she's ashamed of

>> No.7660347

This isn't a r8 me thread, /soc/, crawl back down the hole from whence you came

>> No.7660351


If you post your picture you will be judged irregardless of whether or not this is a rate me thread.

>> No.7660356

you dumb fuck.

>> No.7660491
File: 78 KB, 1024x445, 543te543tre354tre_zps61d84b44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dress like a piece of shit hipster. I'm sorry.

>> No.7660510


>> No.7661624

I hate your coord and normal outfit. You have good eyes though.
Not Lolita, and a denim jacket really? Nice face tho
You need a better camera. From what I can tell, your outfits suck.
Your eyebrows are scary. Don't like either outfit
I like your normal outfit better, your eyes are stunning, please work on your lolita look you have potential.
Finally, I like all you have going on. Love your normal clothes almost as much as your coords. Congratulations you did good.
I really hate the sandals your wearing in the third picture. Your lolita is pretty boring, but good face.
your pictures are shit quality. I like your outfits though
something about your face bothers me.
You are cute as fuck. Good coord too, another congratulations.
ew. No
Both of your outfits suck, your right you don't know how to coord. Your face in the first picture looks busted
Love the lolita, regular is eh. You pass

>> No.7661649

Lol this bitch posted on craigslist looking for a boyfriend. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.7661677

Shes ugly as fuck

>> No.7661683


lol i didn't know tina tamashiro posted on this board

>> No.7661687

Oh hey a girl from my comm! You're a qt but girl learn to 4chan.

>> No.7661714


Wow. Talk about high standards.

>> No.7661776
File: 109 KB, 591x540, Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love seeing the contrast between normal fag and jfash. I'd like to think mine's pretty funny

>> No.7661782

Hey I know you! You look fantastic in both lolita and out.

>> No.7661797


I dont really care what anyone else said. u cute. you remind me of snow white in your normal pic. you go glen coco.

>> No.7661801

you look like skrillex in your first pic.
but nice hair in the second.

>> No.7661863

Do you work out? If yes, what do you do?
>tfw underweight but somehow still skinnyfat

>> No.7661869

Your normal look reminds me of Trina Echidna. You're super cute anon, in lolita and out

>> No.7661899

You look like Adelaide Kane.

>> No.7661900

wow she has gotten quite pudgy. she had a bit of a gut at anime north too

>> No.7661939

>too ink
>many tall boot
>uber edgy

>> No.7661945

your outfits are cute and you have tiny feet

>> No.7661948

> ^ = attention-seeking

>> No.7661956

Dunning-Kruger effect. The bad people are oblivious to how bad they are, so they're not afraid of posting. The good people possess self awareness so are afraid of posting because they can see the flaws they have.

>> No.7661957

IKR i lul'd so hard

>> No.7661960

You should smile more often. You look great when you smile.

>> No.7661962

I have been looking for a varsity jacket like that for ages, source?

>> No.7661990

Wow you look great in both styles! Very sexy in the first pic.

>> No.7661994

I love your wig in the picture on the left!

>> No.7661998

You look really attractive out of lolita.

>> No.7662034

It's a set by One Spo that I bought secondhand. They're pretty easy to find on rakuten/y!japan, and fururun stocks them occasionally as well. I'm sure if OS releases another series of them it would be pretty easy to get one through an SS. Also, taobao is littered with replicas, if you're into that sort of thing.

Thank you, anon. I will try to smile more in photos, since I usually avoid doing so out of fear that I'll over smile and flash my gums.

Thank you, anons.

>> No.7662049
File: 484 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really new to lolita, and this is the first jsk I've made. I know it's really boring, but I like it a lot. Any tips on normal and lolita are welcome

>> No.7662065

I don't have much to comment on your normal pic, but I can see that the fit is off on your jsk. The bodice isn't sitting right around your arms and you didn't use enough fabric for the skirt. The gold trim looks a little cheap, maybe it's the shade of gold? You can add some buttons on the bodice and make it military styled. http://lolibrary.org/apparel/fantasy-theater-gilet-jsk

or add some braided trim to the bodice to tie the details together. You need more gold or trim.


>> No.7662073

Your lolita doesn't have nearly enough skirt.

>> No.7662082

Jesus christ i only came here because i saw a post on front page of 4chan and i heard from many people how circle jerk this place is

But this, this is beyond retarded. Every female in this thread apart from MAYBE one is absolutly horribly ugly and you all compliment eachother like you are fucking 10/10.

This place is worse then tumblr

>> No.7662087


talk shit post fit nigga

>> No.7662117

You obviously haven't been to /soc/ and their rate threads

>> No.7662129

I happen to think 3 are 9-10/10
Personal preference bro

>> No.7662171


I think 4 of them are quite pretty

if you want to see true delusion then go to /soc/

>> No.7662296

You are so lovely.

>> No.7662321
File: 165 KB, 564x498, 1401327736149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your face, then, faggot.
Of course you won't and you'll probably pretend to have left this thread, but the possibility that no one would care about your opinion or even laugh at you if they knew what you looked like is telling.

>> No.7662336


Why do douchey, turbo assholes always swing by and shit up these threads like they think everything involving photos of real people is some kinda 'rate my face' or fucking tinder app(??).

There's circle jerking, and then there's these insufferable fuckwits.

>> No.7662401

I like how either /cgl/ is a massive pit of catty evil females whose sole purpose is to tear each other down, OR we're a massive circlejerk of overly kind liars who care too much about each others feelings.
I guess the second one is better but whatever.

>> No.7662618

Thankyou guys! It means a lot


All I do is run anon, I wanted to slim everything down and I do that by really low impact exercise over long periods of time. Usually an 11kmph run for 20mins then have a cool down and repeat. Sit ups and aerobics/yoga are also awesome for slimming without gaining too much muscle. By doing this I went from 58kg skinny fat to 47kg with lean muscle, I'm 5'1 for reference.

>> No.7662702
File: 216 KB, 1008x642, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still use some lolita accessories in regular clothing

>> No.7664203

thanks lol, yeah i know how to use 4chan in general but i guess its been a while, figured it out now!

>> No.7664216

derpdurrduuur it'd be great if I knew how clothes worked

>> No.7664223
File: 574 KB, 792x428, desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped image

>> No.7668847

your lolita wig and purposefully ripped tights make me sad

otherwise you look really nice uvu

>> No.7668859

man i love colored tights+colored shoes combo if it's done right it always looks so nice

your out of lolita clothes could be improved uvu

>> No.7668895

dditch the dark eyemakeup for lolita, stick to a lighter natural look

>> No.7669387
File: 99 KB, 948x580, 1000950_594879673895440_1306694724_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7669392

which one of these is supposed to be lolita

>> No.7669394

Different anon but OP clearly said lolita/cosplay

>> No.7669405

my mistake

>> No.7669780

>By doing this I went from 58kg skinny fat to 47kg
woah, seems like i have some work to do

>> No.7669992

What does /fa/ think of Lolita?

>> No.7670142

Thank you /cgl/ for helping me realize:
- I take a lot of selfies
- I have like no full body photos of myself in cosplay except for this disney bound
-I same face alot
- I need to style better.

Honestly this was a good exercise only for the sake of going through photos and noticing things that need to be changed.

>> No.7670143
File: 2.65 MB, 1436x872, I take a lot of shitty selfies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.7670148

the last picture reminds me of katy perry's tgif video

>> No.7670149


>what does /fa/ think of anything that isn't raf simons rick owens usually what I'm dressed in

>> No.7670156

I don't get the mindset of a lot of the people at these parades.
How is dressing up as a giant penis is totally going to help gays become more respected and accepted in society?

>> No.7670174

Well it was taken at a party so that's sort of fitting!

>> No.7670175

how will assless leather pants help either

it's more of a silly/fun to dress up thing. Pride parades are huge and a good amount are dressed oddly in some way, it's for the fun of standing out in a crowd while also not sanding out at all

>captcha: usedlast equation

>> No.7670184

I am digging the jelly shoes with socks, I may steal this idea

>> No.7670196

I love your non-lolita outfit, it's cool af. The jsk you made doesn't look great though, you either want less or more because it looks unfinished. I think you should lose the gold trim, other anon was right about it looking kind of cheap, or possibly add lots of gold detailing - embroidery perhaps - instead to visually bulk it up. Personally I think without the trim it would make a nice minimal velvet dress (non-lolita though).

>> No.7670215

sauce on shoes

>> No.7670224

I'd...I'd like to see more of coords from you, and you in regular clothing...if you don't mind.
*gets pen and paper*

>> No.7670268

hnng your madoka

>> No.7670270

it's not that, it's just a bad picture. Makes your hands look big and your skirt might be too high up on your waist.

>> No.7670279

not that anon, but they're all over ebay

>> No.7670283

do you have a tumblr?

>> No.7672762

Which of these is supposed to be jfashion or cosplay? The one on the left is the best bet, but that looks really bad, anon.

>> No.7673035

You're so cute, even if you can't 4chan

>> No.7673696


My tumblr is:

I post a mish mash of things I like, regular outfits and lolita. Thanks for liking my coords!

>> No.7674526

Anon said in the post above it is a Disney bound.

>> No.7674612

I'm kinda intrigued to see a before and after of your weight loss anon...

>> No.7675643

You look like a frumpy 5 year old.

>> No.7675802

you're like an adult cabbage patch kid!

>> No.7676209
File: 404 KB, 1000x900, cglcomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normalfag weeb casual -- lolita -- cosplay

>> No.7676215

Just realized I have the exact same face in all three pictures that I chose, oops.

>> No.7676242
File: 1.89 MB, 320x330, tumblr_n7hjreOc1G1r31n4zo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d'aww thanks

PFFFFT omg anon I almost spit out my drink when I actually remembered what a CPD looks like, holy shit I'm surprised this is the first time I've heard that

>> No.7676255

This is a little random, but I've seen a number of your coordinates and I can't help but ask... Why do you not style the bangs of any of the wigs you wear with lolita?

I think your coordinates would benefit greatly if you cut and styled the bangs, rather than sweeping them to the side. The side-swept bang looks so lazy. Your coordinates are lovely, your wigs just irritate me.

>> No.7676367

I'm happy to have the feedback, but unfortunately blunt bangs don't fit my face shape at all, and look really awful. It's not a matter of being lazy, it's that the one wig I did cut looked so bad I sold it. I haven't really found the perfect happy medium yet, so if you have any suggestions for alternative styles I'd love to hear/see them.

>> No.7676402

Is that Gavin Free

>> No.7676505

I love your normal outfit a lot! It has a 90's essence, but it's fashionable unlike actual 90's clothing.

>> No.7676723

I have learned to 4chan! huzzah!
i'm still a giant fag but whatever

>> No.7677608

There are other ways to cut and style bangs than just blunt bangs. Even if you cut them and side swept them in a more graceful fashion, they would look better.

>> No.7677630

A lady that is into ladies and a total cutie in and out Lolita. Will you marry me?

>> No.7677634

I think you are a total cutie, but your legs freak me out. Maybe it is the fact that I have cow legs myself, but they are so thin. As if you would snap with a gust of wind.