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7643006 No.7643006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a cult party kei coord for a local upcoming convention. I am really interested in the Japanese interpretation of the fashion. Has anyone else tried this fashion? How did you make your coord interesting, but still a unified look? I feel as if a lot of cult party kei coords I see westerners makers are more fairy kei. I don't want to go that direction. I want to make something more like the picture.

>> No.7643009

the one in your picture looks like mori but with pink..

is that what cpk is? I honestly know NOTHING about what this fashion is supposed to look like. I see some people running around with white and red combos, usually involving crosses or something, But then I see things like this that are flowery or something. I genuinely don't understand what the aesthetic is

>> No.7643013
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I have some pictures saved but that's really all I can give.

Anyone know of any magazines that cater to this style?

>> No.7643018
File: 301 KB, 853x1280, TK-2011-12-13-013-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, It is hard to describe the fashion in words (kind of like otome.) I just know it when I see it. It is kind of a vintage inspired look, with a very shabby chic element to it.

Yes, this is leaning more on the mori girl side of it.

>> No.7643019
File: 109 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n6zgt0znnW1qmd8two1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this outfit to be a decent Cult Party kei look. I think the use of red instead of pastels give it more of ancult Party kei feeling.

>> No.7643025
File: 123 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkjkhrhq831s0j42go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wear it but can dump the photos I have.
In general I would avoid using pastels or relying on peignors, since they're overused and end up looking a bit too fairy like in most western coords. Layer and use fabrics with varying thicknesses/textures, not just a bunch of airy, flowy fabrics like chiffon. I think flannel works well, and quilted jackets/bags are always a nice touch.
Moreover, I think one of the issues with western coords are the accessories. A lot of Japanese cpk looks incorporate something kind of creepy, weird, or religious whereas many western coords stick to the basic "cute" accessories.

Mori should have more of a foresty feel, whereas cpk is a softer, sort of "bedroom" feel. The two share a similar aesthetic w/r/t layering, incorporating a lot of light fabric, and handmade pieces, but mori should look less done up and more earthy, imo. For example, you shouldn't wear makeup like this with mori, and those shoes wouldn't be good, either.

>> No.7643027
File: 219 KB, 400x605, z1_7vq20100927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always see the aesthetic as a "ragdoll"

Honestly I feel like that Western girls have completely taken cpk and made it into something else. Japanese cpk for the most part isn't light and airy like Western cpk is. It has layers, usually heavy ones. There are whites, creams, dusty pinks, reds, dusty blues, etc not just white.

I follow these two blogs for inspo http://cultparty-kei.tumblr.com/ and http://classicdollyandcultparty.tumblr.com/

Also find old pictures of The Virgin Mary and Cult Party shops. The girl in your pic is called Manapyon, her pics (esp older ones) are gorgeous.

>> No.7643028
File: 204 KB, 460x690, tumblr_mh6g96kUwN1s0j42go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate those shoes in this outfit, but otherwise it's decent, yeah.

Ahh, I posted my image too late.

>> No.7643030
File: 778 KB, 851x514, Cult_Party_Kei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. CPK should include thicker, heavier fabrics and involves other colours.
I think the problem is that CPK in the west was popularized by people like >>7643019 and Pastelbat, who basically just turned it into peignors, light/pastel colours, and blushed cheeks.

>> No.7643037

The second girl from the right always looks so cute in CPK

>> No.7643041
File: 128 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mwojrkibVu1rd9v0do1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incomplete alchemist makes(made?) CKP accessories.
I have no idea if they are still open though.

>> No.7643043

That's not CPK

>> No.7643045
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>> No.7643046
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They sell their stuff through The Virgin Mary and Mad Tea Party. The girl behind it is called Yukuti (pic related)

>> No.7643051

How old are these girls? I want to dress up while I'm in Japan, but I've also been told by (older) Japanese friends that Harajuku and alt fashions are for the under twenty crowd.

>> No.7643054

Op here. How different is dolly kei from cult party? Can I add stuff/elements from dolly kei? It seems the common factor for some of the outfits is Grimoire.

>> No.7643061

Mid 20s I think.

Dolly kei can be seen as similar and many things can crossover. e.g. a lot of the Grimoire tights can be used and in old Cult Party shop/ Virgin Mary shop pics they used peach/light oddfellows collars and tassels.

Dolly kei tends to be more fairytale and eastern European influenced with dark and rich jewel like colours and patterns like paisley. Cpk patterns are more like gingham and use things like suffolk puffs and quilting.

>> No.7643062
File: 167 KB, 600x903, TK-11-23-09-04-001-Harajuku-600x903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolly kei is (generally) darker and relies on different sorts of patterns. It's hard to differentiate the two, since they are similar and some items cross over between the two, but if you look at pictures of them both, I think you can tell the difference. I think accessories are the easiest pieces to use in both.

Pic is pretty standard dolly kei.

>> No.7643065

Dolly is more about a porcelain doll look with I guess a dark "arabesque" almost feel to it?
Cult party is to me kind of like a fantastical representation of a maiden on her sick bed, very frumpy and light but with weird motifs and very shabby chic

or something

>> No.7643070

I'm interested in this fashion but have no idea how to even start

>> No.7643073

Dolly Kei is kind of bohemian with classic, vintage, etc elements. Cult Party can have the antique feel, but usually has sweeter colors and feel.

>> No.7643078

so like, the difference between grimms bros fairy tales and disneys versions of those fairy tales?

>> No.7643086

pretty on point actually, yeah.

>> No.7643088

I think it's best to start by looking at a lot of pictures and curating a folder of inspiration. Then begin slowly thrifting stuff for an outfit, crafting small accessories, etc.
I would really try to have an idea of the outfit you want before you go buying a bunch of stuff, as otherwise you'll likely end up with holes in your wardrobe/an incomplete outfit like me.

>> No.7643094

Is cult party just sweet mori?

>> No.7643103

I never heard of it described that way, but I think it is more than that. A lot of cult party kei incorporates accessories that I wouldn't picture mori girls wearing such as religious paraphernalia. This may sound weird, but I want to say that cult party kei is also a more rebellious style than mori girl. In other words, you could wear most mori girl coords, and although you would be dressed differently, most people wouldn't notice to much. While if you went out in cult party kei, people would notice you a lot more.

>> No.7643106


>> No.7643107
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No. This was already discussed upthread.

>> No.7643112
File: 102 KB, 480x640, tumblr_msj9sf9MsZ1rd6g61o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Usagi Kanae, she makes the heavy knitted stuff you see at The Virgin Mary


>> No.7643115

Has anyone been to The Virgin Mary? If so, what sort of price range are the items at?

>> No.7643119

I haven't been there but they usually post prices on their twitter


If you go to a picture of an item it should say the price somewhere in the description.

>> No.7643120

I am sort of disappointed. Definitely could find a lot of the stuff they posted at my local thrift store for 10 times less then what they are asking me to pay for.

>> No.7643124

Yeah I know. For the majority their clothes are not worth buying at all. But for rurumu and Incomplete Alchemist where the items are original then I consider. Same with Grimoire. Their clothes are not worth it but their tights and accessories are. I think that is kinda a good thing tbh in these fashions. You don't need to "buy brand" so to speak to have the clothes.

>> No.7643185

As far as I know:

Mori: Ethereal, forest-inspired
Natural Kei: "Hobo" style (similar to mori but less ethereal and more village-outside-of-a-forest-esque)
Dolly Kei: Antique, Worldly, Ethnic
Cult Party: Have no idea... all I know is that there's religious paraphenilia and flower crowns.

>> No.7643191
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Flower crowns are more of a western thing, though. I wouldn't say they were a staple of Japanese CPK.

>> No.7643192

To me CPK is just billion layers of vintage bedroom stuff, from the sheer dresses to the creepy handmade dolls.

Apolia would be another popular CPK brand but it got a magical girl theme so it is sometimes more on the Fairy Kei side.

>> No.7643194

There isn't really many Japanese cpk outfits that use flower crowns tbh

>> No.7643557

I think part of what makes CPK, and to an extent, Dolly & Mori, difficult fashions to just pick up is that they're layered just perfectly to create a lovely outfit, but to someone looking to start buying pieces, it's hard to just look at some photos and dissect what makes up the outfit.

Does anyone make collages for these fashions, or are collages used mostly by the lolita crowd? I'd love to see some examples of what exactly goes into these looks. (Especially since I'm moving from the Southwest to a place with a colder climate at the end of the year and will have to ditch my Gal/Western CPK wardrobe for a large portion of the year due to weather.)

>> No.7643569

There is a girl I follow on tumblr that makes polyvore collages of dolly and mori http://thesakuradoll.polyvore.com/ noidea from cpk tho

>> No.7643570

I mean *no idea about cpk tho

>> No.7643752

i feel like CPK should always have a run-down look to it, a lot of beige with a few touches of whatever color you want to give it a "theme"

i like your definition, its pretty spot on to me