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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 171x152, 1397536483734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7635105 No.7635105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok ok. I decided to do a thread just for fun,to relax. But it's related to /cgl/ and j-fashion and all.
Let's sims-ify (or something else?) stuff. It can be a lolita,a cosplayer,real or not,or even famous faces like Kota/PT/Yukapon/Venus/Kiki/... (we could put all the wannabe-living dorru/aidorus together and make them fight for fame?)
I lost my Sims game atm so I can't contribute right now. Let the fun begin!

>> No.7635129

> (we could put all the wannabe-living dorru/aidorus together and make them fight for fame?)
OP you're a genius

>> No.7635176
File: 502 KB, 1293x703, m2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, sounds fun. I'm working on some j-fashion clothes atm... could perhaps try making some popular /cgl/ characters. Who should I make first?

pic semi-related i guess

>> No.7635196

>saving a thumbnail
>actually purchasing the sims instead of getting the whole thing off a torrent
Grandma get off 4chan

>> No.7635200

Put in Mr. Yan.

>> No.7635217

Aw shit dude I don't even know why did I saved the thumbnail...but I have two similar files,one is the big image and the other one a thumbnail.
I didn't purchased it I got it as a gift for my bday but I would really like some torrents link though in case I don't find it anymore.

Aw yiss.

We also need Momma Palermo and Momma Cathy and make them besto tomodachi

>> No.7635231

i'm on phone but hell yeah count me in.
i really want to see all of them fighting for fame in a house...then accidentally setting it on fire

>> No.7635245

I have some sims who dress lolita or fairy kei, i do the recolors of the clothing by myself! Maybe someone has already seen my sims 2 stuff.

>> No.7635247
File: 54 KB, 960x639, 1363233515484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sims 2

>> No.7635248
File: 78 KB, 600x450, snapshot_5ad62a42_7d618017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops i forgot to upload a picture.
This is one of my sims (Miu-ki) but i can try to do other characters.

>> No.7635254

I burst out laughing because of your image pretty sure my roomate is awake now
Which sims is the best to download for you? I am confused ; _ ;

It reminds me of Weenus Angelic because of the polka dot dress

>> No.7635262

Free will and how the sims look fucking sucks in Sims 3 compared to sims 2.

>> No.7635275

My sister and I just laughed at this fucking horse for five minutes.

>> No.7635277
File: 89 KB, 600x450, snapshot_faad4dd0_1bfc2224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yes!! Maybe she would be a Penus Angelic super fan trying to imitate her?
Here i posted some fairy kei/pop kei girls, i'm not sure who look like.
So lol that horse.

>> No.7635291
File: 71 KB, 600x450, snapshot_5ad62a42_7d61808b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my sims look sorta like Tavuchi from Spank! clothing brand (or she was owner of another fairy kei brand?), i saw some pics of her in acid green hair and glasses as my sim

>> No.7635318

>seeing this thread
>now I have to buy sims 4

I JUST bought 3 a few months ago, anons. Come on.

>> No.7635330

How do you get your noses so cute? I can't seem to get mine to look right in TS3.

>> No.7635336

Let's make PT the Queen of the house!
Any torrent links? i so want to play it now but i'm poor and don't know shit about torrents

>> No.7635344

I have also sims 3 but my sims don't look that good graphically and i have a good laptop.
This is sims 2! But you can download the right skintones or get some premade cute sims, i don't have nose masks on sims 3 so i'm not sure.

>> No.7635358

Sims 3 is pudding central. The faces look awful

>> No.7635368

She probably used TS2 bodyshop. You could probably achieve the same effect with custom sliders you find around the internet.

>> No.7635372

>download utorrent
>go to kick ass torrents
>search for the game
>click on the magnet icon

>> No.7635392

Thanks m8

I found this while browsing PULL a while ago: http://prettyuglylittleliar.freeforums.org/pretty-ugly-little-lying-sims-t302.html

>> No.7635416

>mfw my computer is shit
>mfw it will barely handle The Sims 2 and not all the CC i want to download
>; _ ;
I-I will make some chara on IMVU

>> No.7635695

Anyone have pics of Mr. Yan? I'd make a sim of him. He can be a judge for the aidoru contest.

>> No.7635716
File: 86 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n5466aP3Qn1tqki3ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He usually wears a black wizard's hat and cape but I figured this would be more useful for sim-making

>> No.7635747
File: 105 KB, 665x465, ptsim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. PT sim is in the making, Mr Yan is next.

>> No.7635758
File: 42 KB, 528x454, mryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giving the fuck up on mr yan.

>> No.7635760

needs more yellow and lines like pt

>> No.7635850

For anyone looking. Rosechanis dead. PT drama moved to lolcow.mt

>> No.7635861

I always make the noses as defined as possible and slide the nose tip and nostril sliders (almost) all the way down.
>tfw all my sims have the same noses because that's the only shape that doesn't look fugly to me

>> No.7635884

Let's spread the word.
as said Rosechan is dead and PT drama moved to lolcow.mt so if any of you Rosechanners see this,well now you know

My PC is complete shit so I'll maybe do shit with IMVU as well.Can someone fulfill my dream and REALLY make a house with all the relevant lolcows and make them fight for fame.
One ticket to grorious fame to rule them all

>> No.7635890

let's make a youtube/web serie out of this!!

>> No.7635891

Aw shit! Yeah! Make the lower half of her face bigger, and maybe the corners of her mouth a little farther down. Other than that it's perfect!

>> No.7635899 [DELETED] 

She looks like Penus...

>> No.7635900

This is fucking glorious but you should do like >>7635891 said for the face and mouth? Any way to make her body fat?

>> No.7635901

Venus has a more chubby face blue circle lenses/blue eyes but other than that it really does look like her
captcha: preposterous moerage

>> No.7635905
File: 331 KB, 800x459, kiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took this screenshot 2 years ago because I somehow ended up with Kiki

>> No.7635907

Myeh let's just stick to Penus?
(I'm in love with the little brown kitty plushie on the shelf it's adorable I want one IRL and call im Chocolat)

>One ticket to grorious fame to rule them all

>> No.7635909

Aw shit bruh...it looks like her a lot Though I think scene Kiki is better it would put more diversion instead of just living dorrus the house

>> No.7635911

>little brown kitty plushie on the shelf
I'm pretty sure that's Chococat, the Sanrio character. Your dreams of having one IRL are reality, my friend.

>> No.7635967
File: 4 KB, 261x195, 1390353321429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it exists
>today is a good day
A-Anon kun...

>> No.7636046
File: 16 KB, 352x280, Kooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Kotex shooped version with IMVU.Working on the real one now and I'll do Weenus later

>> No.7636130

put a fuck ugly fat weeaboo in

>> No.7636150

If I find a fat avatar I can try to do one on IMVU?
I want to do PT too

>> No.7636207

i suggest making a YT serie about /cgl/

>> No.7636307

Could you post a selfie for reference?

>> No.7636326


I haven't played sims in forever, and I was never really into it because I found the characters kinda ugly. How do you guys make such pretty ones?

>> No.7636338

mods and effort.

>> No.7636354
File: 9 KB, 225x225, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7636471

I do myself some of the clothing or hair recolors, but lots of stuff is found at Garden of Shadows, Sims Cave (just go on the WCIF part and the asian sites), peggy sims, newsea. At Garden of Shadows there is a section about premade sims, so you can have pretty sims in your game without struggling on body shop to create them.

>> No.7636476

Maybe also some funny sims video too.
It's so weird my character look like her!
Yes infact.

>> No.7636496

Anyone have more pictures of j-fash sims, links to downloads for clothing, or cute rooms?

>> No.7636499
File: 320 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://jinglestartk.blogspot.ca/ more kfashion but still top quality CC. I'm always on the hunt for jfash sims3 stuff but there's not a whole lot.

Here's a WIP sim I'm making

>> No.7636505 [DELETED] 

Omg, I love it. Will you upload it when it's done?

>> No.7636507

like the sim to download or just the finished screenshot?

>> No.7636895

If I still had a way to play on my old desktop I had a scene-Kiki sim. =(

>> No.7636991 [DELETED] 

You should be able to adjust the body fat amount if you have the Sims 3 (the recent updates go further with bust size as well); otherwise, make her eat and sit around a lot?

>> No.7637008

I have a bunch of those bitch-comm dress up dolls from a different thread saved. I think I might do the same thing with sims, ie. make stereotypical comm girls and see how they interact.

>> No.7637148

By anychance are you neko-tron?

>> No.7637392

Oh god that Pullip in the background! Where did you download it from? (Or did you make it yourself?!)

>> No.7637399
File: 563 KB, 1700x957, CAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for Sims 4 to come out so I can use the new CAS to make a /cgl/ house. I'd love to chronicle their lives into some sort of legacy-esque tumblr, especially with the new personality and emotions system.
I was thinking of making typical archetypes (brandwhore, imouto aidoru, etc.) but would you guys like it better if it were direct clones from RL people like has been suggested in this thread?

>> No.7637406

Do a mix.

>> No.7640056
File: 538 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make Kooter and failing miserably. Anyone have suggestions for hair and shoes? I don't have many shoes.

>> No.7640065

Can we make another /cgl/ artificial academy now that the 2nd game is out(complete with sex by blackmail)

>> No.7640205

I once had a seagull family. Stick skinny bad hair otherkin ita, super fat sexy seifuku girl with a bad Miku dye job, cute but insane kandi kid, and all the men they would date, bring home, and then trap in their basement and force to dress as traps.

>> No.7640223 [DELETED] 

For some reason I just can't get the custom content to work in TS3. It worked fine in TS2.

>> No.7640258

Anon, where did you download the medical eyepatch? I'd been looking around for one a while, a few months ago.

>> No.7640277
File: 1001 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mxkl4huk2t1ryibbro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more of a :3 mouth

>> No.7640445

can you give tips on how to make AA2 work new to H-games and I got windows 8

>> No.7641695

http://meng1121.pixnet.net/blog/post/29857337 here you go!! i like google "sims 3 eye patch" and followed a few links from a modthesims forum post and found that!

>> No.7641984

Yes haha!! I love going to lurk cgl being a lolita/fairy kei entusiast.
I found it here (the site has closed but you can find on sims cave)
I'm not sure if the Pullip package is here but i hope they have included it because since the site has closed the files are hard to find. In case, you can do a WCIF thread on sims cave to get some help to find that object.

>> No.7641997
File: 90 KB, 600x450, snapshot_9da8b6f6_8065ea76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sim Miwi has an ita side, i know...these cyber boots don't match! I need to make her as a "special alternative lolita snowflake" character??

>> No.7642009

Link to that dress/skirt?

>> No.7642186
File: 56 KB, 500x631, tumblr_n7rqmwv6SR1tfresyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I just found this, nothing released yet but this is the best lolita stuff I've seen yet

>> No.7642701

Do you have a few mods you could recommend? I have Sims 3 installed and I figure I should finally play it.

>> No.7642771

A mix of the two would be better. Like be inspired by Yukapon for the fake imouto aidoru

>> No.7642773

We can make an elitist brandwhore now?<3

>> No.7642827

Yes,yes we can anon chan.
Can anyone make a YT serie or something about it? I would seriously pay to see happen what OP mentionned

>> No.7642860
File: 821 KB, 1923x1080, desktopwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow guys, that's my tumblr! I'm so shocked and surprise! I frequent cgl but in the last couple of days I've been fiddling with this so much I haven't had the time.This has been a WIP for years but I'm pretty much finished so I'm going to upload it next week.

I'm actually working on this as we speak, if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to share them. I'd love your input.The plan is to release more blouses, skirts, jsks, ops and accessories so you can mix and match.

>> No.7642909
File: 323 KB, 794x523, imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the sims 2

I tried to do an imouto

>> No.7642910
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>> No.7642912
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>> No.7642915
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>> No.7642918
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>> No.7642920
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>> No.7642923
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>> No.7642925
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>> No.7642928
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>> No.7642931
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>> No.7642934
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>> No.7642937


>> No.7642939
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>> No.7642940
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>dat sarcasm

>> No.7642942
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>> No.7642943

I was being honest

>> No.7642944
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>> No.7642945


>> No.7642946
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>> No.7642950
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>> No.7642951
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>> No.7642952
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>> No.7642955
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>> No.7642956
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>> No.7642958
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>> No.7642959
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>> No.7642960
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Saved thumbnail. oops.

>> No.7642963
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>> No.7642964
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>> No.7642966
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>> No.7642967
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>> No.7642969
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>> No.7642970
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>> No.7642971
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>> No.7642972
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>> No.7642973
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>> No.7642976
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>> No.7642979
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>> No.7642983
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>> No.7642984
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>> No.7642986
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>> No.7642987
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I'm done.

>> No.7643097

where exactly?

>> No.7643638

Will you be releasing content for Sims 4 when it comes out, or at least converting what you've already finished by then? I seriously love your work!

>> No.7643639

Than you Anon. I needed a good laugh today.

>> No.7643641

these are sims 2 sims

>> No.7643645

The lolita dress is here
Where i can find this???It's so perfect!

>> No.7643646
File: 85 KB, 600x450, snapshot_5ad62a42_7d5453b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did also Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog in human form

>> No.7643735

What programs do you use to create CC? Do you have any guides that you could share?

>> No.7644029

The link is literally right there. They haven't released it yet.

>> No.7644033

I made a /cgl/ house. Will put up pics later.

>> No.7644164

Not all of them. Not even most of the thread

>> No.7644181

The ones you linked the ARE all Sims 2

>> No.7644182
File: 52 KB, 600x450, snapshot_be634898_de70c547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all cgl related, but I couldn't let a Sims thread pass

>> No.7644183
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>> No.7644187
File: 114 KB, 600x450, snapshot_7937bab6_5af185f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.
My selfsim with all of her kids and grandkids. I tend to go a bit overboard with breeding

>> No.7644235

I'm not >>7644164 but thanks for letting me know.

>> No.7644255
File: 575 KB, 500x281, regret.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sims 2 looks so much cuter then Sims 3 and its hurting me that I went out of my way to get 3 instead of 2

>> No.7644285

There's something really odd in TS3's graphics that makes everything look like shiny balloons

Some people prefer TS2 for modding and making pretty sims/houses and then have TS3 for the gameplay

>> No.7644289

what is lolcow.mt?

>> No.7644318
File: 481 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing with some screenshots. This Oni sim is forever lost, because my game crashed before I could save her

>> No.7644320

lolcow.ml = where to talk about PT, Kooter etc. without getting banhammered from /cgl/. Staminarose was baleeted by its admin.

>> No.7644321
File: 442 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like using cosplay items, like this Warlock gown to create some unique Sims.

>> No.7644322
File: 583 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one, who is also lost thanks to that terrible bug where you can't save. Tried to make a mori girl faun like creature, but sadly I don't have a lot of cute mori girl clothes

>> No.7644325
File: 419 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fuck it, I also post her sister, even though she isn't all that /cgl/ related. Saved this one too the Bin, so she luckily isn't lost.

Also are there some more links for cute J-fashion? I want some cute tutu's and stuff for fairy kei. I mostly have Lady Gaga outfits now and high end fashion.

>> No.7644335

With bigger uguu eyes it would be perfect.

>> No.7644338

Please continue,I'm dying. I don't even go on /pol/ but it's hilarious.

>> No.7644341

ilu anon chan

>> No.7644370


>> No.7644384

http://springbunnysims.tumblr.com for updates but I will upload it to modthesims.

Yes, I plan to. It usually takes a while for people to come out with tools to make content and methods so I'll do it as soon as possible which can take quite some time. I'm glad you like it!

There's so much to say about this so I'll keep it short and focus on clothing:

>http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=CAS_Creation_With_Daluved1:_From_Start-To-Finish is probably the guide that explains it completely.
>That tutorial shows how to use CTU but I use TSRW instead (pictured in my last post). They have similiar functions - you import textures, meshes etc to them to create a package.
>For textures I use Photoshop with DDS plug-ins.
>For meshes I use Milkshape. 3D is pretty hard, imo but when you get the hang of it you can create so much.
>Generally you must be comfortable with your image editing program and I would start texturing before meshing.
>I recommend checking out modthesims in general, they have a lot of tutorials.

>> No.7644920

Lol. I love how the neck beard is on the computer in the background.

>> No.7645596
File: 485 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My game crashed, rebuilding now (they live in a castle) but heres some low-quality shots. They're all stereotypes rather than based on individual people.

>> No.7645600
File: 621 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7645603
File: 595 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheated a bit with this, didn't wanna convert everything to be male-wearable so I just used a body slider to give a woman a man body.

>> No.7645610

You've gotta download the torrent and get the hongfire patch then it will work perfectly(with engrish translation)

PT incoming.

>> No.7645620


>> No.7645637
File: 80 KB, 200x300, PT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As PT as animu will let me make her.

Any requests?

>> No.7645649
File: 90 KB, 200x300, jnig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't make her boobs float high enough, but I tried, they're up there.

>> No.7645668
File: 84 KB, 200x300, kotiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a perfect flaxen doll with flaxen breasts etc.

>> No.7645684

Anon, this is kind of creepy.
Putting complete strangers into an eroge, even if they're "internet celebrities", is just weird.

>> No.7645703

It was done a few years back. This is more than just an eroge, there's violence and rumors and drama.

>> No.7645713


Anon go back to /b.

>> No.7645851

why bawleeted?
did they talk about her?

>> No.7645953


>not having the unlocked maker
>not having AA
>being this bad at matching character personalities

I know you're a neckbeard, but come on...

>> No.7646225
File: 55 KB, 600x450, gaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had the most adorable lolita ever in sims
>Cutest face
>Cutest skin
>Most perfect dolly lips
>perfect everything

>only two pics I have are from behind and in her worst dress

If I had a SATA to USB, I might be able to retrieve all my downloads and sims from my old laptop, but alas...

>> No.7646235

These are for sims 2, right?

...the hell? Is my captcha potatos?

>> No.7646239

Looks like Sims 3 to me

>> No.7646567
File: 210 KB, 521x696, skirt3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are for Sims 3, sorry. I want to create something for sims 2 but with sims 4 coming I doubt it.

>> No.7646765

Heres some cute TS3 downloads I found if anyones interested



>> No.7646994

>I tend to go a bit overboard with breeding
I don't know why but I cracked up at that line.

>> No.7647798
File: 670 KB, 840x769, simfun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see who gets it

>> No.7648979

I'm dying because of her face but I have no idea of who it may be...i'm a newfag so yeah

>> No.7648985

this thread is gold plz moar

>> No.7649003

her nose isn't piggy enough

>> No.7649056
File: 61 KB, 600x450, snapshot_7937bab6_3937bae6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, glad I could provide a laugh
It's true though, the Sims to me is basically one big breeding simulator. The only rule I have is: every sim must reproduce at least once in their lifetime. I just love seeing how certain genetics can suddenly pop up again after disappearing for a generation. For maximum variety I also tend to have many babies born out of wedlock, resulting in horribly complicated family trees. Occaisionally when a neigbourhood is about to explode I'll enforce the one-child policy, China style, for a generation, but I have a hard time sticking to it.

>> No.7649108


>> No.7649151

Sims 3 is absolute horseshit for making sims/actually playing. Not only do stuff look terrible (they look OK on the CAS but as soon as you're in living mode everything is BLURRY AS FUCK, COLORS ARE OFF AND THE WHITES OF THE EYES ARE DARK GRAY ALMOST BLACK) but the whole fucking freewill thing is terrible.

It's fucking great for building and decorating, though, even if the almost limitless possibilities of CAST make it all very tiring.

TL; DR: Don't play sims 3

>> No.7649152

Modthesims is the basis

>> No.7649157 [DELETED] 

I only have TS3 on my computer now and I miss TS2 so much. I had all the expansions and packs on my old computer before it died. I tried to install it all but I can't get the goddamn crack to work and I no longer have a boyfriend who can help me with it.

On another note, this thread made me want to try TS3 again and I have downloaded around 1000 custom content items. I think at least 300 of which are hair.

>> No.7649161 [DELETED] 

Is it just me or does MTS have pretty much nothing for TS3?

>> No.7649162

Oh and also: sims 3 sims look terrible. The whole face looked better at sims 2, it would've been so much better to stick with it rather then using the new shapeless faces (those fucking jaws, man, those fucking shapeless ugly jaws)

>> No.7649166

I used to crack my sims 2 with images that simulated the CD on your drive but they don't work anymore so I had to purchase the last ep (mansions and gardens), which worked (you only need the last ep disc).

Also: how can you have so much CC without blowing up your game? Mine would take forever to load at around 300 files, even if I merged them all.

>> No.7649179 [DELETED] 

The download I have should work but I just can't figure it out, even with Daemon Tools. Thanks for the tip though!

Right now I have only put half of it into my game as it's been taking awhile to decompress all of the files individually and to open/load the SIMS3PACK files into the game. I have a few .package items in the right folder and everything but they aren't working, not sure if I missed a step. So currently I only have around 350 items actually in the game, maybe 400. It took awhile to load but only a couple of minutes extra. I deleted a whole lot of movies though so that I had a lot of space leftover/my computer wouldn't be so overrun.

Does anyone find that they often make the same type of sim over and over? I always make artistic or scientist sims, or slutty vampires, lol.

>> No.7649297

I'm really hoping Sims 4 is better in this aspect. The sims themselves look a lot more like TS2 / TS1 sims which is relieving. Buuut they removed toddlers so who knows how this game is going to go quality-wise.

>> No.7649301

powerISO is free and does the same thing, eyyy

>> No.7649434

Yes yes yes!!! I have also a good laptop and my sims 2 sims look awesome and perfect, instead in sims 3 they look also unrealistic even with the best downloads and they do weird faces, especially my male sims. No pretty animu asian husbandos in sims 3 for me. The only thing i like about CAS is the body type but their pudding faces don't help. So i returned to sims 2!

>> No.7649509
File: 10 KB, 327x388, BuzzLightyearhasahat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clip coupon

>> No.7649584

Agree, sims 2 sims are way better. The jaws/chin waddles in sims 3 were the worst

>> No.7649618

>they removed toddlers
But the best part of the sims(2) was watching people play with toddlers. ;~;

>> No.7649651

Yeah, people are pissed and rightly so. There are two petitions going on right now. They also decided to remove pools as well.
Apparently they've stated that they'll be bringing toddlers back in a later patch, but I haven't been able to find the source.

>> No.7649673

>They also decided to remove pools as well.
Those monsters

>> No.7649676 [DELETED] 

Didn't they say that they're removing the option to make custom content? If so, I don't think I will play. I was really excited for it too.

>> No.7649684
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1400889612509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing custom content
>game people obsess over mainly due to the high amount of custom content

when is a good time to sell your stock in EA?
this company is shit this stock was a gift

>> No.7649688

No, they said they're "doing nothing to stop the creation of custom content and modding". It's difficult to keep up with all of their corporate jargon because they literally vanished from the face of the Earth for over a year after the initial launch trailers.
Basically, they're not giving you the tools to do it like Sims 2's bodyshop program, but they're not going to block it either. They vaguely said it would be better than the Sims 3 method, but since they're pushing the Gallery so much, ehh... who knows.

>> No.7649721

Are they both picking their nose in the background?

>> No.7649759


>> No.7649887

This looks perfect for a /cgl/ house imo

>> No.7649898
File: 29 KB, 305x320, idek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw EA confirmed that simpoints can't be used towards Sims 4 purchases

>> No.7649941

hated this scene
she is such a bitch

>> No.7650036

The wierdest I eved fot was made stepsiblinfs get married and have kids.

>> No.7650048

B-but now I cant continue my trasirion of the flaminfo cult that drowns and burns everyone to death...

>> No.7650326

>Th-thank you Elmo!

>> No.7650337

This is literally all I do in the Sims 3. I got Supernatural just so I had more hereditary traits to add to my breeding shenanigans (I have a neighbourhood full of vampires that were all bred from the same 8 progenitor vamps) and when Seasons brought back aliens I had to have it. Alien genetics are my favourite thing and whether or not I get Sims 4 depends almost entirely on the availability of aliens.

I hate toddlers. This is good news for me. I usually make the baby/toddler/child stages as short as possible, anyway. Who needs potty training? Not my sims.

>no pools
Can I at least drown people in the bathtub?

>> No.7650341
File: 59 KB, 600x338, 64587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, but you can make them laugh to death.

>> No.7650435

Oh my. I can't really see myself using that often but more types of death is always good.

>> No.7650537

Apparently most emotional states will have a related death, save for depression. I hope angry sims explode with rage.

>> No.7650557

That's weird, why not depression? Probably because of the association with suicide but still

>> No.7650559
File: 66 KB, 600x450, snapshot_5b41ec42_fb41ec56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me any sims that don't have the 'family' icon in their relationship are fair game for having babies. So basically anybody who isn't directly a blood relation

>> No.7650692

If they remove custom content, Maxis can fuck off for me.

>> No.7650721

yeah i would expect just because it's such a real issue it would be in pretty poor taste

>> No.7650906

I dunno, I guess you could consider sims burning to death in pretty poor taste as well. Maybe death from depression could be something like a Sims staying in bed longer and longer until finally not waking up at all? It wouldn't bother me, even if in the passed I had severe depression and had suicidal thoughts.

But really, the Sims is always aiming for the comical, and there's just nothing fun about depression

>> No.7651019
File: 69 KB, 391x641, fattychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7651109

>buys sims 3 disc
>Plays for a long time
>Stops for some reason
>want to play again
>can't find disc
Will I be able to keep my downloads if I torrent it? And where can I download the game without getting a virus?

>> No.7651118

You'll just have to check piratebay and read that comments.

Just make sure you copy all your character and download files somewhere else so it doesn't accidentally delete them

>> No.7651202

How long should that take to download?

>> No.7651211

Well, it takes a 1.2gig movie 5-6 hours for ME to download, but my internet is shit.

The base game for sims 3 is 5 and a half gigs... so I know that would take me... two days to download.

Maybe overnight for you if your internet is decent.

>> No.7651226

Thanks anon! I found it in non-torrent form, but I'll do that if it doesn't work!

>> No.7651364
File: 690 KB, 913x680, 435432123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you seagulls, I haven't played The Sims 3 in 6 months and now I had to install it.

Picture related, just created this sim.

>> No.7651551
File: 673 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Dad invented the light saber

>> No.7651554

I keep getting the urge to go play, but I don't even know who to make.

>> No.7651555
File: 793 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7651562
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT gracefully getting up

>> No.7651569

Oh God, I immediately thought about that Vinesauce video.


Me too! Make J-nig

>> No.7651585

Pls share PT I want to add to the shenanigans

>> No.7652074

I decided to continue on my trend of making poorly done animo families, since I'm too cheap to buy expansions and my internet blows too much to torrent them, and I made a really terrible Kinomoto family.

JNig sounds easier.

Except how sims don't get cleavage, their tits just inflate outwards.

>> No.7652098
File: 829 KB, 500x562, tumblr_n40wlq0yn51rdmvr5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this anon and I decided to try and open my game to work on this girl again but it keeps crashing and taking about 45 minutes to load (before it crashes) so now I have spent a good few hours trying to get it to work. I hate cc sometimes
>tfw you have to figure out what cc file is corrupt

>> No.7652410
File: 2.22 MB, 926x1961, wee aboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The troll offers free passage of the bridge, but for a price. How will Wee and her merry band get across?"

>Pay the Toll
>Slay the Troll

I let you seagulls decide.

>> No.7652436

Pay the troll. Violence is so not kawaii!

>> No.7652441

Does anyone have a solution to the launcher error? I already tried reinstalling origin. I can't manually patch, because I have a piratebay download. I can probably start the game via the bin (not sure) but all my new .sims3pack downloads won't be installed then, which is sad.

>> No.7652447

Download Delphy's Dashboard. It will find the corrupt files for you. It saved my life so many times.

>> No.7652501
File: 2.38 MB, 850x2085, 5452101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7652519

Anyone know some places to get cute j-fashion for teens? I downloaded a lot of clothes from JS sims only to realize that only one thing is also for teens.

>> No.7653029

i peed myself

>> No.7653050
File: 556 KB, 1311x695, seagullsims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made these 3, who all have hair far too luscious compared to their real life counterparts.

>> No.7653128

Your PT is perfect oh god

>> No.7653134


>> No.7653138

Your Venus is so...venus. It's TOTALLY looking like her oh god.
PT should have her normal hair,bigger nose,fatter,...
Hair down would be better for Kooter but it's perf.
ilu anon

>> No.7653147

Is the one on the right supposed to be Dakota?

>> No.7653234
File: 409 KB, 450x590, tumblr_lqqgfakGDT1qlzjkq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh I tried that and I've gone through the crashing checklist on the wiki and it still crashes. When I removed all the cc, it ran fine but it won't work even after I removed all the corrupt/conflicting files. can someone help??

>> No.7653554

Too torpedo-y. Get the body slider mod, you can make insane push up fake boobs with it (along with being able to change waist, hips, butt, shoulders, basically make more body types)

>> No.7654170

nvm I found the problem was an awesomemod package file. I got rid of corrupt files and ohmygod it's so fast!!! It use to take like 40 minutes just to get to my town and then each category in CAS would take 20-30 minutes to load. this is amazing

>> No.7655294


>> No.7655328

Looks a bit like Emma Stone

>> No.7655332
File: 60 KB, 645x523, Screenshot-13EDIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for spamming this thread so much but here is my finished girl. Also sorry for shit quality, I forgot to up the specs in the game before taking photos

>> No.7655435
File: 370 KB, 478x713, Screen shot 2014-07-04 at 4.29.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready to shine!

>> No.7657038

Oh man this is great.

>> No.7657523

For those of you who still play Sims 2. I know Gabihime replicated a lot of real life Lolita dresses for sims 2, like this one: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=283181

Wish there were more Lolita's/J-fashion people active in the Sims 3 community.

>> No.7657549

Oh I also found Iron Gate for Sims 2:

Still searching for Sims 3 stuff, but can't really find anything besides what is already posted.

>> No.7657557

Where did you get that cute hairstyle?

>> No.7657563

source on those horns?

>> No.7657590

She is wearing two sets of horns. I know one of them is:

But can't remember the other one. I have honestly to much CC that was scattered on multiple simblrs/sites

>> No.7657594

Not that anon, but it is by Kijiko called Panda Lan-Lan:

>> No.7657952

I'm glad you used my lolita dress for your Penus sim!

>> No.7660284

Oh my gosh, I love you. I have been obsessing over your sims creations for ages!

>> No.7661517
File: 1.93 MB, 1012x1361, 453435121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The adventures of Wee Aboo continues!

>> No.7661832
File: 603 KB, 1380x1024, skirtandblouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can download the lolita blouse and skirt set on mts now: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=527923
Also check out the tumblr post: http://springbunnysims.tumblr.com/post/90951733108/

Hope you like it, I can't wait to see your sims wear them.

>> No.7661841


>> No.7661845

This is awesome.

>> No.7661879

And on this day Christmas came earlier

>> No.7663465
File: 426 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest WIP. My sliders weren't working (I don't fucking know) so I hate her face pretty much and all my good CC is gone when I was debugging my game

>> No.7667612

this just confirms the fact chloe is a lena heady clone

>> No.7667858


It looks like a franken mesh from those awful store set. This is totally cute though!

>> No.7668053

>Torrenting game since last night
>At about 80%
>Probably won't be done tonight
>Going to warped tour tomorrow
>cleaning all day friday
>At gfs until sunday morning
Why can't I just play my game now?

>> No.7668132


>> No.7668179

I'm so sorry for being such a nub. I would like help with this issue that I'm encountering:

I've downloaded the files for the skirt and blouse. I also extracted them to the "downloads" folder in my EA folder. However, when I opened the launcher and clicked on the "Downloads" button, the files weren't there.

My game is up to date. I followed the instructions provided for the download. I don't know what I'm doing or not doing. Could somebody give me some advice or suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated.

I'll do my best to follow any instructions given.

>> No.7668183


>> No.7668187

Thank you, anon. Hopefully I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm grateful for your help.

If anybody has any other ideas as to what my problem with the downloads is, please don't hesitate to inform me.

>> No.7668200

Problems anon here.

I'm using WinRAR to extract. Should I not be doing that?

>> No.7668215
File: 303 KB, 888x718, Screenshot-23EDIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the finished product!! I'm in love with her tbh

>> No.7668264

Looking back at early Sims 2 cc is just awful now, I can't believe people thought that stuff was good. Gabi's aren't so bad (at least the mesh is better) but wow, that Iron Gate. Ughhh.

>> No.7668405

I'm having the same problem and I followed everything at the link the other anon posted earlier too. Only SIMS3PACK files want to work in my game.

>> No.7668416

If it's a Sims3pack file, double click it and it will install into the launch.
If it's a Package file, follow the instructions in the >>7668183 link. It's not going to show up in your launcher because it's not a Sims3pack file.

>> No.7668452

I know that, that's how I've been getting them to work. I followed the instructions in that link for the package files and they aren't in my game either.

>> No.7668467

Calm down anon. Most of that response was for >>7668179 who was saying they weren't seeing their .Package files in their launcher. I was explaining why.
If it's still not working for you, double-check everything.
>Is the file you're trying to install a .Package or a .Sims3pack?
>Is your launcher up to date?
>Did you extract the Framework.zip to My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 rather than Program Files?
>Does your Mods folder, which you extracted from Framework.zip, contain the Resource.cfg?
>Are you placing your .Package files into Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages instead of just the Mods folder?

>> No.7668472

I am calm though... I know that they won't be in my launcher, I just don't know why they're not in my game. I've followed all of the steps you listed now. Maybe my Resource.cfg file is corrupt, that's the only thing I can think of now. Thanks though.

>> No.7668947

I'm sorry for asking the same question again.

It's been a while and nobody's replied...

>> No.7669359

That is what you should be doing. I'm sorry anon, but if you followed all the directions on http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files and moved all the clothing downloads to the Packages folder, you should be seeing them in game. You did move the package files out of Downloads and into Packages, right? Just double checking.

>> No.7669557

Thanks! Glad you like it!

Happy to inform that nothing from that store set is used, I don't even have it. If you see the meshes from that set, even the lolita ones the shapes are just all wrong and it has lots of weird details (like pockets on the outside). I like the word play on their description though!

It is frankensteined from a base game dress mesh that i modified the skirt (up-scaled it and changed proportions), ruffles that i took from a late night corset and edit heavily and bows from some other base game dress.

Problems anon, maybe take a screen shot of your mods folder? Make sure everything is in the right place and restart the game.

>> No.7669565
File: 81 KB, 355x450, lolita-base-mesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is was supposed to be an almost finished mesh, from 2011. At least it's different now.

>> No.7669720


Oh how I wish I was good at meshing. There are pretty nice meshes from the store and games to frankenmesh (not neccesarily as lolita meshes). But I can't even mesh a conversion of the gorgeous s3 medieval gowns.
The only person that converted them messed up the necks and I dislike inperfections like that when they can't be covered up. I feel like an overly critical bitch fopr saying that though.

Will you be making more meshes?

>> No.7670038
File: 356 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7670046
File: 481 KB, 697x528, Screenshot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to do Margaret and Venus. I'm sorry I probably didn't do them much justice- I only just installed The Sims 3 on this computer, so I don't have much of any custom content or expansion packs.

>> No.7670052
File: 451 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7670061
File: 456 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7670094 [DELETED] 

I need to rebuild your whole huge folder in CC magic and really want to play, but it´s taking hours grrr.
Also, everyone with CC, get this program if you are not using it already. Save your load times yo.

>> No.7670107

Thank you!! I wish i can create sims 3 stuff but still i can't manage how to use TSR Workshop, maybe i should make more sims 2 stuff because rarely i see good japanese fashion for sims, so i did it myself.

>> No.7670217

I will be making more meshes for sure! It's quite fun, and frustrating, working in 3D. Don't worry I agree with you, some people just convert shit without even fixing them which is possible. I think it's really annoying and a bit lazy too honestly. I think learning how to mesh/create in 3D is pretty hard, it's a huge threshold from 2D to 3D but you should keep trying! Personally I've only used Milkshape but I want to try 3ds max, because i think ms is so limiting and everything is a big hassle.

>> No.7670909

Your Marg is spot on omfg, even the chipmunk teeth

>> No.7670914
File: 563 KB, 1600x900, CAS_TS4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had gotten a code from EA for the Sims 4 CAS demo. :( I'd have made so many lolcows by now. Guess we'll all have to wait until August 12th.

>> No.7670943
File: 175 KB, 1089x607, 1332913764638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After years finally get Sims 3
>Better meshes, more customizable furniture, sims that you can actually make look like people
>Omg omg omg let's install it
>Half the content is paywalled (despite buying the game??)
>Sims look like shit during gameplay
>Everything looks like shit during gameplay
>Game crashes every 5 minutes
>"Yeah TS3 just doesn't work for Mac lol"

>> No.7670956

I was able to play it alright on my mac. but then the pets disc tells me it's an illegal copy or some shit. So now I have to play it on my ancient desktop.

>> No.7670966
File: 23 KB, 454x340, chloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it's like that on PC too.
I honestly have nothing good to say about Sims 3. It's fucking shit. Even moreso when you start adding expansion packs, because each one introduces even more game-breaking bugs and glitches.
>Installed University and after finally getting my sims through college, they completely fucking disappeared from their game after their graduation ceremony
>Look it up online: "Oh Anon that glitch happens when you invite family members to the ceremony. Next time just don't do that! Hehe"
>Mfw a fucking simple feature breaks your game and deletes your sims permanently

>> No.7670983

I have a MacBook Pro as my laptop and a Mac Mini as my desktop... Film student problems.
>inb4 hurr windows is better
I think all operating systems have their pros and cons, I just don't know why a company as big as EA can't program for anything besides Windows (and barely even do that).
I even have a torrented version of TS2 (because all my disks are for Windows and don't work on my laptop) and for some reason Aspyr, the company that ported it to iOS, removed the options for high quality video settings??
Pirated TS2+expansions still runs better than legal TS3 base game.

tl;dr: EA sucks

>> No.7670995

I swear EA is having nighttime trysts with Microsoft or something.
They've flat-out stated this time around for TS4 they're not even releasing it for Mac.

>> No.7671000
File: 395 KB, 695x715, 1324600216831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for TS4 they're not even releasing it for Mac
>not even releasing it for Mac
>not releasing it
>for Mac
>I have a MacBook Pro as my laptop and a Mac Mini as my desktop

>> No.7671720


I use milkshape too, but it's such a pain!
I'll try again though, but clothing conversions don't seem to be my thing. Objects are fine, quite easy to do imo.
Might also try some hair meshes, they were pretty cute too.

>> No.7672728
File: 841 KB, 1036x800, AA 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi related, has anyone played Artificial Academy? I'd love to see some textures and things for clothing. It's got a really cute character editor!

>> No.7672889


>> No.7673014

>Start torrenting (lost disc anon)
>super excited
>plan out a big house with different lolitas and some goths and random scene kids for some added fun
>Torrent finishes
I can't do computer shit.

>> No.7673039

This is the best thing I've ever seen.
Don't stop.

Tfw scene kids don't even exist irl now

>> No.7673069
File: 164 KB, 600x799, scene_kids_tribute35_by_kittycrunk-d3dop6z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a few. Not as crazy as they used to be though.

>> No.7673536

Download and install daemon tools. Take usual precautions not to install ask toolbar etc. Run daemon tools. Drag iso file to the programming and drop. Double click on it. Daemon tools will mount the iso and your computer will run it as if it were a disc.

I am a skimreading yard. Sorry and thanks!

>> No.7673580


Just download the ones by games4theworld. No iso bullshit.

>> No.7673587

i got the sims 3 on my wii a few months after it came out.
>lag city
boring game. just doesnt feel right. i have more fun with 2 and 2pets on my wii

>> No.7677548

My sims 3 game is still crashing in the loading screen. I made it past it once, but I couldn't save. Already tried without CC, but didn't work either. I just want to make lolcolws with my mods :(

>> No.7677716


Still sounds like it might be bad cc. Do you install cc with the launcher or use packages (located in the mods folder)?
Both perhaps? Some things install better in the launcher like counters so I use both.
It could be a corrupt sim or house installed in the launcher.
Do you have a lot of mods (package files that aren't combined)? You might want to try cc magic, it will also help you sort it and speed up loading times and gameplay.
Do you have collection files installed? My sims 3 game crashed a couple of times and I thought it was cc but turned out to be a collection file.
You might also want to try a complete new clean install of the Sims itself. Could be a corrupted file or save in there.

You can also try deleting your cache packages:
Try cleaning out your DCBackup folder. Do NOT DELETE the ccmerged file!

>> No.7677740

I use both. But when disabled all CC, it still didn´t work. I don´t have any saves after a corrupted game fucked up my game, so I removed all of them. All my packages are combined with S3PE. What are collection files? As for the caches, already tried that. Not to keen on reinstalling everything, as I already had to do that after another annoying bug.

>> No.7677794


You have to take the mods file out completely, put it on your desktop and then disable cc in your launcher, otherwise it doesn't work.
Maybe something went wrong when you combined your packages in s3pe. By all mean cc magic is much more efficient.
Do you have the package uncombined in a back-up folder?
Since you don't know what the collection folder is, you probably don't have any custom collections so I think you can ignore that bit.

>> No.7677802


I meant mods folder, take that out. Launcher only disables the files installed in launcher, not the ones in you mods folder.
If you have sliders or core mods, make sure they are up to date, they are often cause of crashes.

>> No.7677805

Yes that is what I did. Sorry I didn´t specify that. I do have the packages uncombined, I always back up my mods just in case. However before my initial reinstall these combined mods were running just fine. And all the new things added were not combined/launcher mods.

>> No.7677961
File: 146 KB, 557x1080, shiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I haven't done much objects at all and hair seems like a nightmare to me haha! I would love to talk to you more about creating, it's not often cgl/lolita collide with creating sims. If you want to, send me a message on mts or on tumblr.

>> No.7678201

It worked fine on my Mac once I got rid of all custom content and stopped trying to play Bridgeport altogether. Everything is mostly safe now but I still save every half hour or so and make backups just in case.

My babies kept disappearing, especially in Bridgeport. I could not leave a family with a baby because it would be gone as soon as I went back to it. It would still be in the family tree but nobody would have a relationship with it or memories of the social worker taking it away. Other families couldn't adopt it. It would just stay on that family tree forever, alive but unaging...

>not even releasing it for Mac
Well fuck them then.

>> No.7678391


I've never done hair either but sims medieval has some cool styles I'd love to have.
If it ever gets done though, I don't know, maybe if I ever have some luck with those dresses.
As for creating, I'm not an actual creator.
Converting objects isn't too hard, but I haven't done it very often. I've only converted some sims 2 meshes other people made, that's not something I can take credit for tbh.

>> No.7680559

Thanks anon, will do!
I just spent forever downloading this, so I might as well use it, but next time I'll do that!