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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 650x366, satsuki_ryuko_clash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7629192 No.7629192 [Reply] [Original]

old thread is autosaging

>> No.7629220
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>> No.7629226
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>> No.7629232
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>> No.7629242
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>> No.7629248
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>> No.7629261

What a weird Mako..

>> No.7629262

That's... a very, very bad Nui.

>> No.7629267
File: 360 KB, 850x653, tumblr_n6pd2tKliz1qchdmzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629268

What KLK cosplay are you working on right now, /cgl/?

>> No.7629270

Nonon's Finale Regalia. No, I'm not a land whale

>> No.7629272

>competes in advanced division
how do I scallops

>> No.7629275
File: 63 KB, 428x640, 713b5ef7-57c1-4bd3-8369-61c5d7d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped pic

>> No.7629320
File: 120 KB, 683x1024, 26e581a0-8ce8-4d5c-b63e-9ecf9390efbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629331
File: 77 KB, 633x960, 10422464_861268157221358_1003524995099398732_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629372
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>> No.7629379


That looks like a pretty glorious Ragyō cosplay.

>> No.7629384
File: 223 KB, 800x534, 1f442e66-9f65-4fec-877a-8d9c0f72cd15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cowbuttcrunchies on tumblr

>> No.7629386

and the hair actually lights up.

>> No.7629406
File: 50 KB, 685x499, 10385313_578640405566849_6175051821488566983_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629447

Ugh, fabric. Anyone have any good fabric suggestions for Ryuko's kamui?

>> No.7629455
File: 81 KB, 640x960, 10426901_763028437073749_2519727891277568148_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629483

thick leatherette if you can find it? leatherette looks good but I don't remember ever encountering one that was a good weight...

>> No.7629702
File: 180 KB, 740x677, hxdarpfziqjtoriopbatptflelfmrtqjqgktajfj-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629727

Nui. The pics here are making me feel wayy better about how mine will look.

The only good part of this is the wig. Scissor blade is meh and everything else is nightmare.
>grocery bags on her feet????

>> No.7629735

Are you going to go for a more realistic wig or more like the anime?

>> No.7629791
File: 488 KB, 960x1280, 0524142124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629796

Also aiming for a Nui cosplay, going to do her anime-style hair. so far working on her scissor blade.

>> No.7629799

Probably going for a more realistic interpretation.
I don't want to do the foam core wigs I see others doing because it usually looks stringy and it's rarely done well. I think I might double up clips on each side and really fluff/tease them, then thin out the bottom to make one larger curl, unless anyone has any better suggestions?

>> No.7629806

Nonon's Grave/'skeleton' outfit

>> No.7629810
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>> No.7629813
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The duct tape though

And that's finale, anon! You know that!
I'm talking this shit here

>> No.7629815

ass shot when

>> No.7629848

She isn't wearing a thong

>> No.7629850
File: 498 KB, 1280x960, 0524133040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tsugumu on the far left was the best one I've seen in all of Fanime. He really got into the character during the Kill la Kill cosplay meet-up on Sunday.

>> No.7629859

Isn't he on 4chan as we speak?
I'm not sure if it's him, but I see someone posting in the progress thread.

>> No.7629862

The Ryuko looks crossed-eyes too.

>> No.7629872
File: 518 KB, 1280x960, 0524133033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry m8 about the blurry as fuck photo. Here's a better pic with a bonus Mikisugi w/ purple L.E.D. nipples & crotch.

>> No.7629877

He will probably appear at any moment now


>> No.7629878


That Nonon is impressively lazy.

>> No.7629886

already asked him in the Progress Thread. Now waiting for a reply.

>> No.7629888

Ok that's adorable

I want you to have a large tank-like airship composed of band instruments.

4 threads ago, it's just like a bikini bottom

>> No.7629895
File: 542 KB, 1280x960, 0524142051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably post pictures I took from the Kill la Kill meet-up at Fanime.

>> No.7629898


If I could have all that on her Grave suit, you know I would.
But apparently there's such thing as "too big of costumes" at conventions.
Especially if it's the size of the convention center front.

>> No.7629903
File: 507 KB, 960x1280, 0525101951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See no dosh king cosplays
my time to shine

>> No.7629921

Would discipline

>> No.7629927
File: 510 KB, 1280x960, 0525152303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Ira & Mako cosplayers were called up, everyone chanted, "OTP! OTP! OTP!"
The far right explains things.

>> No.7629939

All these KLK...

>> No.7629943


>hiding the good parts

anon pls.

>> No.7629944
File: 430 KB, 1280x960, 0525151711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does AoT have their own motorcycle?

>> No.7629946

Would buy....

>> No.7629947


finally a good gamagori!

>> No.7629948
File: 517 KB, 1280x960, 0525153244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Senketsu cosplayer?

>> No.7629950


why can't it be mine

>> No.7629959
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>> No.7629963
File: 34 KB, 375x381, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629983

This guy has been posted a lot but people always tear him down for his stretch marks and "man boobs". I think he's great personally.

There's one other, and I'm sorry to say his is better than yours. Not to say yours isn't good, it just could be better.

>> No.7630015

I wish this was my cosplay. The guy was awesome, though.

>> No.7630374
File: 333 KB, 683x1024, 40111245_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630423

10/10 for both of them, super cute girls and super cute gif

that boob patch and senketsu's (shiny) eye are a little weird but their minor things that could be fixed easily, so still 10/10

>> No.7630509
File: 172 KB, 960x720, 10440876_10154274623565416_3362506126941601051_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is apparently Gamagoori

>> No.7630512
File: 130 KB, 800x531, 81ff58fb4a003abe99e66f8394d15b56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630525
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 10390293_604633769635795_6146155703278550473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is even going on here..

>> No.7630532

goddamn that's the best Gamagoori I've ever seen.

(also dat Mako backfat unf)

>> No.7630622

Is that a motorcycle with Senketsu's design on it?

>> No.7630634

That ryuko's darts look like angry nipples.


>> No.7630649

That disgusting Aikurou...why do people with not even average bodies think they should show literally all of it in public like that...

>> No.7630651

Cutie ryuuko laying on the side.

>> No.7630655

I've seen a pic of her from behind; pretty nice but it's covered up

A search for malicious marionette is where you'll find more of her

>> No.7630672
File: 115 KB, 640x806, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like she's improving the costume. That caption though...

>> No.7630732

Still looks bad

>> No.7630737

I don't understand why you'd make it light up. It's a cool touch I guess, but nothing really suggests they light up at all? There's so much other stuff she could be improving instead of making the stars light up.

>> No.7630786

mako love handgles unf daddy

>> No.7630789

>doge meme

>> No.7630793

Nonon's Nudist Beach.

Also not a landwhale.

>> No.7630801

Inumuta Nudist Beach

On a side note: Also not ot a landwhale.

>> No.7630805

>no makeup

You're fucking kidding me.

Why would you put THAT much effort into those tails, and then not wear any makeup?

>> No.7630897
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 3501545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a nui with a better wig

>> No.7630901


but, i'd hate to say it, but they look like a man.

>> No.7630904

And yet somehow a worse face

Is that a guy?

>> No.7630906

She's clearly wearing lipstick at least.

>> No.7630949

The face is the only thing I wish they could fix. The face does kinda look like a man... maybe make up would fix it? It's a shame, that's the only thing that's detracting from this. That wig looks pretty damn good, and everything else, not so bad.

>> No.7630952
File: 788 KB, 1000x1510, taka4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takarada bros?
Takarada bros!

>> No.7630974
File: 381 KB, 467x700, 369e94aed41da85e29fbcc3edc767f7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl? >>7629331
What Fabric did she use?

>> No.7630975

Vinyl I think. Not bad, but the Blade needs to be re-done.

>> No.7631000

Kill la Kill cosplay seems like it'd lead to a lot of ass shot photos but I rarely ever see any.

>> No.7631006

Best wig yet methinks. The bases of the twintails aren't humongous balls and stupid-looking.

>> No.7631009

wtf is wrong with the blade? It's the one thing she should keep since everything else is ruined by trashbag fabric.

>> No.7631012

Amazing wig, best I have seen
The first picture looked better

>> No.7631014

great wig (could use more fringe though), pretty good everything else. except scissorblade, what the fuck is that

>> No.7631015

heh. 3dsxl selfie.

>> No.7631183

Is he seriously using mustaches as eyebrows

>> No.7631185


With that dress? The wig can only make up for so much, a wrinkly melted ice cream dress is not 10/10

>> No.7631419
File: 136 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_n7ab97x2Yd1ryk4hro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7631442

No no

>> No.7631452

God, this is literally the genderswap of landwhales who think "oh I can cosplay the fanservice girl because I have big tits."
It's "I can cosplay the super-ripped muscle dudebro because I'm a pretty big guy."

>> No.7631486

nudist beached whale

>> No.7631495

What up?? Yeah that's me from Fanime :)

>> No.7631649
File: 346 KB, 500x555, tumblr_mzic3gDZze1r3rdh2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best wig to use for Ryuko? There are hundreds of them out there. I'm planning on doing her track suit for Otakon.

>> No.7631689

Blue/black. Be careful where you order it from, I ordered a blue/black wig and it was a LOT lighter than I wanted.

>> No.7631820

Arda's "Raven" is a good color, or some other blue-black blend. But like the other Anon said, try to get something with more black than blue, or it will look too bright.

>> No.7631882
File: 142 KB, 720x757, Kill la Kill - 14 - Large 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, also doing this outfit. Any suggestions for the shoes? They're different than her normal ones. To me they look like Pumas, but don't match any of their color schemes. I'd hate to buy $80 athletic shoes and attempt to paint the blue on...

>> No.7631953
File: 44 KB, 640x480, uwabaki-01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't they just those shoes Japanese students wear in schools? Could be wrong, though. Apparently they're called uwabaki

>> No.7632000

I just snagged a pair from Ebay for like $25. However, they are a size too big. Will stuffing them with tissue paper/adding a huge insole actually work?

>> No.7632001

Considering that the outfit is made of scavenged clothing from a Japanese school, you're probably right.

>> No.7632003

>tfw size 42
You guys are lucky.

>> No.7632029

Oh I see. Thought they were sneakers with a velcro strap, but it does look like those shoes + white socks.

Can you recommend the seller? I always like a few good reviews before I buy something off ebay.

>> No.7632033

I haven't received them yet. I just ordered them actually. But for $25 and a money back guarantee it was worth a shot. If I don't get them, or they're bad quality, I'll probably be on here ranting about it later anyway.

>> No.7632049

Ok, thanks! I still have a few months so I'll keep nosing around until it's time to buy them

>> No.7632224
File: 162 KB, 400x550, Cosplaywig_WF_TBZ900_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a good wig for Ryuko? mine came out more blue than I'd hoped from a diferent seller as well as the red streak not being able to go up.

>> No.7632238

You're probably not going to get the streak to go up without product, sorry to say

>> No.7632244

Trust me, I used very strong products. There were weird wefts in the way so that when it was up, it clumped.

>> No.7632367
File: 209 KB, 1117x898, supersaiyanRyuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was messing around with the ideas of an alternative version of Ryuko's final form since I like the form but it's just not very possible to recreate well so I drew up some rough sketches of possible alternatives. Is cosplaying from your own art looked down on?

>> No.7632423

Dat grannypeko

>> No.7632435

Depends how well the design is done, depends how well the costume is done. If you look good you'll be fine.

>> No.7632458

Like >>7632435 said, it basically had to be super awesome, or it won't really fly.

>> No.7632652
File: 546 KB, 916x834, 10446461_665476593521544_3073054389987257999_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh my god eyebrow perf"

>> No.7632671

Shit this is good except for the eyebrows. Why do ragyo cosplayers keep doing this? I don't even remener her eyebrows being that intense

>> No.7632674

everything else about this is perfect
why would you not just... color them in...

>> No.7632685

Who would spend that much time making a kick ass rainbow, glowing wig and then just stick fucking feathers to their face for eyebrows?? You can still see her actual brows anyway...

>> No.7632699

I feel the same way about most Satsuki cosplayers. They should be dark, yes, but not Groucho Marx.

>> No.7632726

Is it just me or does that wig look shopped? Did she just blur out the light spots?

>> No.7632789
File: 52 KB, 615x820, Nonon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7632792


Im sure that chick is just about as fat as much as you are skinny.

But realisticly no she shouldn't be cosplaying Nonon

>> No.7632829

It's the photographer posting this, not her.

>> No.7632833
File: 586 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n7j9yfMTHw1qkd06po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7632846

I'm legitimately pissed she did the eyebrows this way. A halfway decent Ragyo and that shit?!
And you can SEE HER OTHER EYEBROWS, holy fuck. Wat is covering eyebrows? It's not like there are ten billion tutorials for how to do that.

>> No.7633031

love how they only enlarged the other eye

>> No.7633789

For those wanting uwabaki, I bought mine from miccostumes and they were pretty good. Also really cheap. http://www.miccostumes.com/Japanese_Uwabaki_Slippers_37510p.html

>> No.7634206

The satsuki reminds me of a guy I was friends with in middle school.
Glad to see he's out there.

>> No.7634212

I'm really tired of seeing this Ragyo.

The main issue I'm seeing with a lot of cosplayers is that they lack Ragyo's... aura? The only one I've seen nail it is that hyper-Photoshopped one.

>> No.7634284


I don't mind her at all but I agree, they all have too young and cute looking faces

>> No.7635674

They're a couple. If you see my previous photos, they actually kiss in the Ira/Mako group.

>> No.7635686
File: 231 KB, 1414x2048, 10296164_810937278916295_4567901139377295362_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I wanna hear what /cgl/ has to say about these two.

Here's Satsuki's blog: http://azumarrill.tumblr.com/tagged/mycosplay

And here's Nonon's blog: http://achievement-hunter.tumblr.com/tagged/kill-la-Kill-cosplay

I just hope this won't lead to them getting random anon hate.

>> No.7635696

So, I'm the anon who talked about doing Maiko Ōgure(sp) some threads ago, but I needed advice. I remember deciding upon doing fake broken arm Maiko, but would that be less memorable than doing Senketsu Maiko? Also, how would I go about doing that fucking hair? It's not complicated but it's shaped weird.

>> No.7635699

Satsuki is really great

The Nonon looks like she's about to puke though

>> No.7635702

best mako I've seen, though I'd fix that wig

>> No.7635706

I've posted links to their blogs, you should check them out if you liked it.

>> No.7635708


>> No.7635711

I don't know why you posted their blogs...? Vendetta or selfpromo I suppose. But whatever, I'll bite.
Satsuki: I think the eyebrows are really well done, and she has a great face for Satsuki. However, where are the V-bangs...? Really messy-looking neck-shoulder piece thing. Shoulder things look good. Junketsu's eyes look messy, is that felt or something? Gold detailing is ok. Blue armband thing is fabric which never looks that good, but basically everyone does it anyway. Boots look like shit. Katana (I think?) is missing details. Dang, did she use ribbon for the dark blue details or what?
Nonon. Shako is pretty impressive. Except for the skull, should be bigger, but at least she didn't cut it out, or something. Her face is far to mature for Nonon imo. At least from that standpoint, she'd make a better Satsuki than Nonon. Gold fabric for tie etc. is too cheap looking, I think, and would have looked better if she had matched it closer to the shako's gold. But none of those compare to how absurd the skirt poof looks. Starts way too low, looks like it's about too burst... That's a real piece of work.
"Boots" look like shit, from what I can see.

>> No.7635713

>dat samefag tho
christ at least post good cosplays

>> No.7635715

Posted their blogs for more photos for you lot to look through

>> No.7635718
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>> No.7635721
File: 601 KB, 1280x1919, tumblr_n78qig60RX1qhe6qvo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635722

As much as I'd adore to do Senketsu Maiko, I'm not sure how well that'd work out for me as I'm entry level at sewing. I'd have to commission someone, or embarrass myself as that outfit seems complicated for a beginner such as myself.

>> No.7635724

Aw yeah let's expose and bloom everything so we can only see your face and not the costume

Cosplay is more than a face, azn cosplayers.

>> No.7635725
File: 244 KB, 1280x1765, tumblr_n79xpv121g1qhe1rqo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635729

Satsuki has a great face but her collar, skirt, and armband are really messy.

Nonon's skirt is entirely the wrong shape and it looks like her boots are falling apart but she's cute.

>> No.7635730
File: 76 KB, 500x749, tumblr_n7ncz7nBIw1r42xqqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635732
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>> No.7635733
File: 133 KB, 960x640, tumblr_n7i43nKPFY1rqmws0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635734

>Better act imposing for this cosplay picture.
>... Anyday now...

>> No.7635735
File: 410 KB, 900x1351, tumblr_n7lwukWFFg1qfwru8o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Finished short tag dump, please carry on.

>> No.7635741

overall pretty good (in love with the gold details), but she looks like she's in pain. i'd recommend a bit of shoop (or at least closer to Satsuki-tier expressiveness).

>> No.7635982
File: 894 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n7lf49bZb21qihf85o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635983
File: 90 KB, 480x720, tumblr_n7limhnRqP1sdc3mno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635985
File: 30 KB, 425x351, Ryuko4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7635989
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 213500c4200a6e68d256cbb4608a05f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7636009
File: 617 KB, 700x464, tumblr_n7dnsoCsFO1tedxa7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7636010
File: 615 KB, 700x464, tumblr_n7dnsoCsFO1tedxa7o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7636011

That is one skinny ass Gamagori. Also I'm tired of seeing unstyled Uzu wigs but damn those spikes are nice.

>> No.7636035
File: 33 KB, 590x590, 1970530_834557633237177_746298753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god why

>> No.7636058

>Perfect idea for KLK genderbend
>Have the money to have outfit tailored
>Woodworking skills to make props
>Idea for a guitar and performance
>But need to lose weight
>Work 2pm to 7am every day
No fair

>> No.7636092

This is something that should have never been allowed to happen.

>> No.7636286

I think I've seen that Satsuki before. Her face is good, but the wig is mediocre. The bodice detailing is meh, the skirt is tolerable, and the collar is legitimately bad. The boots are shit.

The Nonon is a bit better, but the skirt isn't flared enough.

>> No.7636316

I remember seeing a thread or 2 ago talking about Nui cosplays, some anons expressed that they didn't like the 'X's people put on the sides of her dress, and that they should be more realistic.
Planning on doing Nui soon, and was wondering if anyone wanted to clarify? What should they look like/how should it be set up/what materials should they be made from?

>> No.7636330

What's the problem with that? You have plenty of time to go to the gym.

>> No.7636342

That gold detailing... I also like that the armband looks like it's made out of something rigid, not fabric. The sword is kinda meh, though.

>> No.7636420
File: 231 KB, 383x368, fsgrhtdjgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up after work
>have 1 hour before work
I start 2pm and finish 7 am the next day then start at 2pm again
This is 6 days a week, on the 7th day I still work over night from 9 pm

>> No.7636425

Apart from being a terrible concept, that wig looks fucking greasy

>> No.7636573

Do some fucking exercise in your hour then. Fair enough you might not get to the gym, but there are decent short hiit workouts on YouTube. Also, try not to eat so much; weight loss isn't just exercise

>> No.7636669
File: 520 KB, 900x1373, 87381-5d0da8f563fdf3c4b471812c89720c6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's on ACP, found a picture of the back there. Hnngh those details.

>> No.7636744

One of the better Satsuki's I've seen! My only nitpicks are her bootcovers (near the heel it's a little messy) and her wig just doesn't seem right to me. Fix those and teach her to look fierce and she's golden.

>> No.7636785


weight loss is more about diet than exercise

>> No.7636885

That's so messy it's embarrassing.

>> No.7637054
File: 131 KB, 573x764, http%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2F3d9cd2acade09323772e12e6f973f51d%2Ftumblr_n7n4wqbeFS1tc2dr0o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did she get 6k notes on this? It looks so ill fitted.

>> No.7637061

It looks so poorly made too. All that puckering. I wondered how too til I saw she's black

>> No.7637062

Hint: it's tumblr and she's a POC

>> No.7637074

6k, though. Even for a poc seems a bit much. She's not even very well known and had more notes than cosplayers that are actually popular

>> No.7637085

You don't understand the power of POC

>> No.7637089
File: 342 KB, 956x1218, http%3A%2F%2F37.media.tumblr.com%2Feed82c9f2c8340182a504c562cffead5%2Ftumblr_n7n4wqbeFS1tc2dr0o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also the moderator of ask-black-satsuki

>> No.7637120

That seems like it should be considered racist....I know if someone made a Ask-White-Yoruichi or something like that, they'd probably be labeled racist.

>> No.7637125

This shit has been floating on my dash at least 3 times and it's a terrible cosplay.
The only reason why she's getting so many notes is because she's black.

>> No.7637130

Wow, yeah, there is so much wrong with that. The collar and Junketsu's eyes are too small, the gold detailing is mediocre at best, and wtf is up with that terrible yellow fringe? Being a POC cosplayer is not an easy case to half-ass things.

>> No.7637137


>ask black satsuki

All tumblr faggotry aside, she's really cute, and I think she has a good face type for Satsuki.


*~Tumblr~* But really, character ask blogs are retarded anyway.

>> No.7637141

She has a good face for Satsuki but the mid part is way too long and the skirt is too short proportionally. Not even mentioning the mess that is the rest of the costume.

>> No.7637163

Why does anyone think ribbon for trim is a good idea? Isn't this one of the bought ones, anyway?

>> No.7637166

Now that you mention it, it does look like one of the Taobao/eBay ones. Sad.

>> No.7637175


lol isn't that the taobao costume?

someone in a thread a week or so ago posted their when they received it and it looked essentially identical

>> No.7637185

NGL that's even on the low side. I regularly see POC cosplayers with shitty costumes hit over 10k if they're attractive.

>> No.7637221

As expected of tumblr, I guess. Still sucks for people with better cosplays, though, getting drowned out by shit like that.

>> No.7637256
File: 101 KB, 466x1280, http%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2Fd9c1182064bb064449e3092ed8953966%2Ftumblr_n7102yMkm91s4ptuao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7637270

Wait is this the same black nudist beach Satsuki that selfposts all over the KlK and WIP threads?

>> No.7637273

Oh please god don't have a shitty wig, this is a nice start.

>> No.7637274

The one that samefags compliments to herself?
It's hard to tell without the belly button showing, but it's possible.

>> No.7637286

It is

>> No.7637294

>all these Ragyos with bulky as fuck chokers

this is really beginning to be a pet peeve of mine

>> No.7637384

I want to see her wig. So far she's been wearing a random long blond one to fill in and I'm getting owrried....

>> No.7637410
File: 230 KB, 716x1280, http%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2F6dbf73177f4f995e7365ad44d9542856%2Ftumblr_n7102yMkm91s4ptuao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7637422

>those weakass epaulettes
>that shitty armband
>that shiny trim
I don't know how she got 6k notes aside from her skin color. The costume aside, she isn't terribly cute either, she looks plain imo.
But tumblr will always give black cosplayers notes, so I guess it's a universal constant at this point.

>> No.7637537

I haven't seen any pictures of her in a long blonde wig.

>> No.7637542

Yup, I have that costume and I can confirm it is. You can always tell that they're the bought ones because they all have fucked up colors for the eyes. Blue>gold>orange instead if blue>orange>red

>> No.7637569

Are you literally a slave?

>> No.7637595

Is this that same Satsuki cosplayer who kept posting her Nudist Beach cosplay and was also complimenting herself under anonymous? That phone case looked familiar.

>> No.7637599

Whoops nevermind. Didn't see the rest of the post in the thread- looks like it is.

>> No.7637639


>> No.7637669

I believe they said it's supposed to look like stitching?

>> No.7637692

cosplay mako's dad

>> No.7637696

we have reached terminal samefag

>> No.7637705


actually lol'd, thanks anon

>> No.7637711

That Nonon's face is freaking me out.

>> No.7637712

Oh shit >>7637669 was supposed to be in reply to >>7636316


>> No.7637932
File: 629 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n7or4ohYpm1rcmr3xo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7637937
File: 303 KB, 534x800, linen-medieval-dress-lady-of-the-lake-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you mean lacing? Kind of like in the picture I think.

>> No.7637938
File: 190 KB, 420x570, Nui_Harime_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many drills, and too uniform... looks kind of weird.

>> No.7637941

Sorry, I meant curls.

>> No.7637954

Oh hey, this is me! I've posted here before for feedback in past KLK threads.

I tried making various angry faces, but they all turned out really derpy looking on camera. I'll keep practicing for AX!

The armband is craft foam! And the sword was basically my first attempt at a real prop, so there's a lot I would fix if I were doing it again.

Any suggestions on getting the backs of the boot covers to lay flat? I can't for the life of me get it to cooperate with the zipper over the back of the shoes. It's a bit late to fix before AX, but I'd like to do something about it later in the summer.

Also, I'm cool with con-crit for the wig and makeup, what about it seems weird to you?

>> No.7637990


Is that an altered taobao costume?

>> No.7637992


nvm I just looked at the back, idk why something about the front gave me that impression sorry ><

>> No.7637993

Looks really bad. I mean, a lot of technically-skilled work went into it obviously, but it's ugly, Nui's hair is loose and irregular spiralsnot orderly equal sized stiff spirals.

>> No.7638009
File: 78 KB, 469x700, 1337328992208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god this is so fucking awful i love it

>> No.7638012
File: 179 KB, 1158x690, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, she used that pattern from DA

I was wondering how it looked made
I'm glad it looks pretty good for being some random free pattern

>> No.7638014

That girl's face is different and I think she's only done/is doing nudist beach.

I'm not a big fan of her cosplay, but I think it's because she's very Satsuki-y looking. That aside, a big reason non-white cosplayers get attention is for the same reason genderbend cosplays get attention -- people aren't used to seeing it.

>> No.7638349

I've never actually done bootcovers before, sorry I couldn't be more help!
And as for the wig, I'm not sure exactly what's throwing me off about it, because it looks perfectly fine in the second shot? Maybe it was the way the lighting hit the bangs in the first shot, it makes them look a little poofy? Idk, you can probably just ignore my comment about it.
Congrats on the cosplay though, it looks really good!

>> No.7638350

Yeah, that's where I'm seeing a lot of Nuis fuck up. The drills are poofy and get smaller as they go down. Everyone keeps doing perfect, flat, uniform curls.

>> No.7638351

That makes more sense to me. I was afraid they were suggesting punching grommets in the dress to get the lacing in. In some of the screencaps the 'x's look pretty large, but if I do this interpretation I'll be making them skinnier (though not as skinny as in the pic). Overall it should be a good middle ground between the anime and a more passably realistic design.Thanks guys!

>> No.7638473
File: 75 KB, 423x750, tumblr_n7r9voK4aC1qcyewmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold me, seagulls.

>> No.7638640

Still better then most I have seen. Least it looks somewhat clean and drills are actually thicker then just what looks like hair glued to tape that a lot of people do. Want to see it actually done.

>> No.7638646

It looks like you cut the bangs all in one go, and didn't angle your scissors/used dull ones. What you should do next time is cut maybe two "layers" or rows of wefting at a time, with your scissors angled diagonally or upward. This will not only give you more of a natural cut, but also prevent it from poofing. I don't know how to remedy the poof that comes from going at it all at once, but may I suggest thinning it out, either with proper sharp scissors, or a thinning razor? It may help a bit. A lot of cosplayers don't realize that usually any type of bangs should be thinned out somehow, and this holds true whether they're spiked or a simple hime cut.
Good luck! Your cosplay is excellent and I hate to see a botched wig throw it off.

>> No.7638800

How does one translate these patterns to paper?

>> No.7638809

Those scallops are so nice looking, I'm jelly.

>> No.7638830

This is so perfectly cartoony looking I love it. On something like this, the laces should definitely stay as Xs.

I'll tell you at least one of those remarks wasn't samefagging, I was genuinely happy to see a fit Satsuki cosplayer.

>> No.7638933

It is just an image. There isn't an actual pattern.

>> No.7638981

Nonon's gold skirt fabric is disgusting

>> No.7639046
File: 75 KB, 611x960, 10417615_1413893175560807_2674776585112029531_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure how to feel about this one

>> No.7639066

Don't like, the skirt is what bothers me the most...it's so inaccurate.

>> No.7639195
File: 155 KB, 1158x690, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She has these, with instructions posted, on her page and DA. It's still kind of weird.

>> No.7639283
File: 54 KB, 400x533, tumblr_n7sjk2W7zP1rozzm3o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost thought she had a monobrow. It seriously gives the impression that the two eyebrows are connected underneath the bangs.

Apparently though it's just a WIP so here's still hoping it could improve.

>> No.7639288
File: 475 KB, 1600x1248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks link a pretty bad turn out. This is the dress the pattern maker made.

>> No.7639302
File: 212 KB, 1068x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639308
File: 118 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639333

Okay, even if the cosplays aren't that great, I think the idea behind the pose and Mako's expression is kinda cute.

>> No.7639443

Not great. But could be worse. I mean, it's not very accurate, but at least it's not a mess like most Nuis.
(those armbands tho)

>> No.7639448

oh my gosh I am with you on that 100000%

>> No.7639499

what a comparison
i feel bad for uzu on the right even though uzu on the left isn't terribly good looking either (what is going on with his chest??)

>> No.7639501

i think you have your characters mixed up friend

>> No.7639503

that makeup is horrendous for satsuki... the contouring looks like it almost could've been good but that eye makeup is so OTT... and the badly cut bangs are killing me.
maybe she'll be able to fix it..?

>> No.7639506

i just looked back and wow yeah i need to sleep what the hell was i thinking
uzu and inu are what i mixed up. whoops

>> No.7639534

She won't improve. She prides herself on her makeup and gets super pissy if anyone even tries to concrit. There was a big drama blowup about her ace attorney cosplay makeup a week or 2 ago
>glued fake eyelashes to cheeks
>colored in skin white
>anon politely asked why she chose to do that
>she flips out
>friends white knight her
>she claims anon and cosplay scene are 'toxic'

>> No.7639542

I know her through cons and I wanna nicely tell her that her bangs are really off and she should at least cut them down a little but I'm afraid she'd snap at me haha.

>> No.7639546

Hopefully it's an old version?

Also this is her wig, i haven't seen anything on it for a while now, at least not in her tags.

Also the description says,"Nearly finished one half of my nui wig"

>> No.7639549
File: 70 KB, 377x750, tumblr_n31te6H0fG1rqqh20o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oopse, i didn't post the picture, i guess it's like a dramatic reveal..?

>> No.7639552

Do it anyway. We'll see if a shitstorm commences after.

>> No.7639568

I know her too through some mutual friends and yeah she would call you 'toxic' and go on a tirade. Probably not worth it, let her do her 'on point' cosplays and see her flop on here

>> No.7639570

The curls look like she shaved a golden retriever... I hope they're not done.

>> No.7639578
File: 27 KB, 605x341, 7762-uc4vvr4ou9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glued fake eyelashes to cheeks

sounds like some michelle phan shit

>> No.7639582
File: 682 KB, 552x828, 10408643_1471754063063582_5071391376330025562_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes that Miku look decent by comparison

>> No.7639587

I don't think so, she has a youtube and already did a beta test on the costume;

when she brought out the drills i was actually appalled. It sucks that she has done horribly with this, she's a pretty girl with a great body, but it doesn't really look like she spends much time on her cosplays...

>> No.7639597

That's honestly frightening. Is that supposed to be April May from Ace Attorney?

Sage for not contributing

>> No.7639602

That is supposed to be April May, yes.

>> No.7639606

That legitimately looks like a man.

>> No.7639670

she was posted in homestuck gen a little bit ago, she prides herself on being popular and canon or some shit in the fandom, but she's just a raging bitch.
she said that she wanted her eye's to take up 1/4th of her face like April May's lol

>> No.7639700

Oh Jesus Christ kill it with fire. Who could honestly think that looks good?

>> No.7639769

I want to say from the neck down it's decent but that suit isn't fitted at all...
Are her lashes supposed to be falling off at the ends there?
Off topic sage.

>> No.7639809

I am sad now

>> No.7640128
File: 80 KB, 480x640, IMG_20140626_214341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrit on Satsuki makeup? Brows too strong/not strong enough, fake lashes, contour/no contour, etc etc.

>> No.7640141

This is Satsuki makeup? Brows should definitely be stronger.

>> No.7640163

.....This is the shitty taobao dress.

>> No.7640179


much stronger brows, more eyeliner

contouring wouldn't hurt

>> No.7640208

You've got a good shape for the brows, darkening them would help, but just don't overdo it!
Yes to contouring, and I'd say a hint of eyeliner on the bottom lids to accentuate your eyes a bit
You've got a pretty good expression too, definitely a good start!

>> No.7640210
File: 77 KB, 480x640, IMG_20140626_223253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anything to contour with at the moment, but is this better? Also do you happen to have any suggestions for what else to do with the liner? Thank you!

>> No.7640225

Ah sorry anon I didn't see your reply until I after I posted the updated look, but thanks, having a resting bitch face probably helps with that. I'll try putting a little more eyeliner on my bottom lids (I actually already have a hint on). Would you say the current brows are fine or too strong this time?

>> No.7640347
File: 243 KB, 643x960, 1926729_882552865104020_3267183750565186234_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

costume was literally falling apart during the shoot due to the last-minute hot glue melting in the heat. At least I got one decent shot before it fell apart.

>> No.7640358

are your boobs painted in

>> No.7640368

>hot glue
I know that feel from experience. Use an epoxy next time.

>> No.7640384

>hot glue melting in the heat
oh god... now I'm worried, my AX cosplay is pretty much 50% hot glue...

>> No.7640389


much better, make facial expression more taught so a little less of the downturn smile

>> No.7640397

You'll be fine as long as you don't go outside for too long.
I was at Otakon when a shoot got too big and it got moved from the fountains down to the harbor. 45 minutes in direct sunlight and 90 degree weather absolutely fucked my costume. I switched almost exclusively to two-part epoxy after that.

>> No.7640407

No the eyebrows look great! I more or less meant the satsukis who fill theirs in with like liquid eyeliner or whatever they do haha
I think it looks good, and I think you'll make a great satsuki!

>> No.7640409

Oh god having been to both AX and Otakon, I can say Otakon is way worse in terms of weather. AX is hot, but Otakon is like... you plan the weekend to avoid going outside the entire time.

Sage for off topic.

>> No.7640412

have favorites happened yet?
I'm still looking for a non meh-tier junketsu satsuki in this thread

>> No.7640414

Thanks, I'll be sure to keep that in mind, especially for photos.

Thanks anon!

>> No.7640425

I don't pay bills or rent in 4 star motel

>> No.7640436

Also $700 pay weekly

>> No.7640442

is that chris lilley

>> No.7640769

Is your entire torso made of shoop?

>> No.7640854

Aside from wig issues, this one is decent >>7635735 from what I can tell, at least where construction/fit is concerned. It's one of the best I've seen, at any rate.

>> No.7640858

Oh wait, you probably meant transformed. In which case, nope, not yet. I haven't seen one I liked yet elsewhere, either.

>> No.7640951

Shot from behind please

>> No.7640994

There's so much photoshop on this it hurts. And you still look like shit.

>> No.7641139
File: 215 KB, 666x800, Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, I need some help from pros, so I thought I'd ask here.

First time doing a cosplay. I'm going as a personified Junketsu (pic related) and I need some help on how to get it done.

I was trying the kind of boots Jun is wearing, but had no luck. Then, I was able to find a pair that looked like it. Granted, it's Attack on Titan boots, but you take what you can get. (http://www.amazon.com/Attack-Shingeki-Kyojin-Jaeger-Cosplay/dp/B00HRSIFSC/ref=pd_sbs_shoe_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=0NA3VBHCF6W5J3A9Z1DZ)) Now, when I get the boots, I was thinking since I had to color them to look like pic, should I spray paint them? What should I do to make it look like pic related?

Also, I noticed he has a little bit of shark teeth. I tried looking for some like that, but the only thing I could find was Vampire teeth (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=vampire+teeth&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Avampire+teeth).). Is it ok to wear these to match the costume?

Now, my main problem. What is the shirt he's wearing called? I need to find one, preferably white so I can get some white pants to match it. I already found the things you have to attach to it (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_kk_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aepaulettes&keywords=epaulettes&ie=UTF8&qid=1401972991)), and I would just have to sew the damn things on. Plus, how would I go about getting the blue stripe on the shirt without completely messing it up?

Lastly, my hair is a proper length, so I don't feel I have to get a wig, just have to cut it to look like it. Where can I buy some white hair dye? When I went to get a haircut, my barber said I have to bleach my hair, but I don't really want to do that unless it's absolutely necessary. I would find it amazing if White hair dye wasn't actually a thing.


>> No.7641143


Oh yeah, about the contacts, those will be the only thing I don't do because I can not touch my eyeballs, it's still why I wear glasses.

You guys wouldn't also know where I can get a white sword replica for cheap? I want to get one so I can seem like Satsuki and pose in accordance.

Thanks for your help in advance, if you do try. It means a lot.

>> No.7641175

Not sure if serious... Without reading through everything I will say you will absolutely need to lighten your hair (probably bleach)--dye doesn't work like that. You can't just throw lighter colors on your darker hair and expect to see any sort of difference. The only other potential option is temporary spray but it looks like hardened, uneven shit. Just buy a wig, I don't think you seem like the kind of person to put forth the effort needed to successfully going that light of color.

I also recommend working up to contacts, you kinda just sound like a pussy. I was totally the same way about contacts and anything eye related, but then I grew a pair and practiced and now my cosplays are that much better.

Random fanart cosplays are a hard sell to begin with, do as much as you can to stand out from the trash.

>> No.7641339
File: 981 KB, 232x232, tumblr_mel4szQeLF1qzg1ox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white hair dye

>> No.7641352

White hair dye isn't actually a thing, you do have to bleach it and then you have to use a toner or just condition the fuck out of it with shimmer lights purple shampoo. It would be a lot cheaper and easier to get a wig. Also bleach doesn't always lighten enough the first time, so you might have to make a couple of trips, etc

>> No.7641353
File: 120 KB, 1061x568, not kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I fucked up. Im in the process of doing fight club mako for Otakon. I usually wear a mens medium so I ordered a womens XL to compensate for (A little chinese people sizing diffferences and B) the fact that Im not a woman. The numbers seemed correct when I measured myself but the top doesnt fit at all.

I dont feel like returning it so I figured I could modify the cosplay by cutting the shirt or ripping it and doing like a bara kind of look under the jacket. Or should I just return it?

>> No.7641364
File: 100 KB, 500x669, tumblr_n63lif6uoB1qc4739o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this have so many notes, i can't begin to point out how many things are wrong with it.

>> No.7641366

The sleeves look too small for your arms, definitely.

Were you trying to do a passable crossplay?
If not, I'd love to see a hairy buff Fight Club Mako.

>> No.7641367

In what way is it too small? Depending on where the problem is, it may be pretty easy to alter.

>> No.7641371

The gimmick it's that it's two guys. They get a free pass on accuracy/construction errors because it's "funny".

>> No.7641372

Probably because it's funny? I don't think anyone is reblogging it for their skills...

>> No.7641374

Rip off the sleeves and cut it up/fray it

>> No.7641381

Hahah no way I'm doing passable Im just going in the costume

I cant fit my shoulders and arms into at all. It gets stuck on my biceps and is pretty painful. If I pulled down It would immediately rip in half

>> No.7641385

Two men doing a cosplay aimed at girls! TOP COMEDY.
Plus one of them's black!!

I'm sick of seeing it. Nothing against it, I've just seen it everywhere.

>> No.7641388

It's amusing, like >>7641372 and the no-sense-of-humor >>7641371 point out. Some people might also find them attractive.

>> No.7641399

I just imagine this guy with 20 bottles of wite-out dutifully coloring every strand of hair.

>> No.7641403

Cut the sleeves off, then! I think that would be kind of appropriate for the Fight Club version anyway.

>> No.7641485

All right, so I was wrong. Sorry, I've seen hair dye for every color of the rainbow, you'd think there'd be some for white. So if I do get a wig, which kind should I get to match the hairstyle of the pic?

First, thanks for your help. I appreciate it. Second, I've tried putting on contacts before and it just didn't work out. I freaked the fuck out when I was trying to touch my eye. I can't do it. If that makes me a pussy, whatever.

I'm going with this because it was, quite honestly, the only personified picture of Junketsu on the internet. There's like a couple others, but they're crap in my opinion. Plus, I'm going as the opposite to my friend, since he's dressing up as a personified Senketsu. I thought it would be fun to dress up as such.

Any help in finding a proper wig would be much appreciated.

>> No.7641596

oh my gosh, I'm doing Fight Club!Mako at Otakon too! If I see you at the con, be warned that I will stop you so we can take pictures together hahaha

>> No.7641604

>Lastly, my hair is a proper length, so I don't feel I have to get a wig, just have to cut it to look like

No. Get a wig and style that. Do not use your real hair. I'm not even going to list all the benefits of using a wig over real hair, so please just trust me and use a damn wig. PLEASE.

Also, learning how to sew will save you a ton of money and time hunting down exact replicas of clothes worm in anime/manga/vidya/etc.

>> No.7641712

Just look for short white wigs?

>> No.7641849

Remember in another thread when you said a lot of people have faces that don't suit Mako's haircut?
Yeah, you're one of those people.

>> No.7642085


Pics of Claudies Mako, pls

>> No.7642113
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>> No.7642164

too bad their outfits look better than most girl's outfits for these two characters.

im looking at you grannypanty satsuki.

>> No.7642203

Is it ok to get a wig and cut it short? Is it bad if you cut a wig's hair?

>> No.7642222

Cool, Im sure there will be a metric ton of KLK this year should be fun

>> No.7642235
File: 77 KB, 640x995, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like donkey
That's not a cute mako

>> No.7642239

Thread is saging. Time for a new one?

>> No.7642240

Are you kidding me, she's fucking adorable! She just needs to keep her mouth closed...

>> No.7642253

you are so summer it hurts

>> No.7642262

Can't really say anything otherwise. I've never really done this before. I don't find cspry tu be srs bzns, I just want to do this because I thought it'd be fun to dress up with my friend. Also, I was under the presumption that this place knew what they were talking about, which is why I came here to ask for help. Also
Can you stop? That phrase is stupid.

>> No.7642267

eh shes pretty cute

>> No.7642282

>keeping her mouth closed

>> No.7642289

ay yo claudie I got sometin to close your mouth over lmaaoooooo>>7642113

>> No.7642432

I had some issues with my boobs being held in place so I had to do some extensive shooping to make them not look so saggy. shit's harder than it looks.

>> No.7642433

yes because I was wearing a body suit irl and edited it out so it's more accurate.

>> No.7642435

sadly, the back of the costume was too damaged to get a shot from the back. I'll fix it up sooner or later and get more shots

>> No.7642488

your wigs fringe looks shitty from photoshop too
looks like you blurred it

>> No.7642503

We get that you're new and have no idea what you're doing, but asking common sense questions like "Can I cut a wig's hair?" or "Where do I find a wig" are such easy things to google. We're happy to help and offer concrit, but we're not big fans of holding someone's hand through Baby's first cosplay. It sounds like you're biting off more than you can chew.

>> No.7642518

Eh, it's just the first time I've done this. Just paranoid that I'll mess something up accidently. Sorry if I am coming off as annoying, I still do very much appreciate the help.

>> No.7642733

This- this is b8 right?

>> No.7642839

It's nice that you've come to ask for advice and you seem earnest enough so I'll give you a few tips:

1. Most of us got into cosplay, and then better at it, through research and teaching ourselves the skills necessary. We get a lot of newbies to this board asking for help with everything, which is a little annoying especially since Google can give you answers to almost everything without clogging up a thread with personal questions. You also learn better by doing the research, because you'll pick up knowledge applicable to several situations and also know what places to go to for answers in the future.

2. Leading on from that, lurk and google. Cosplay is big enough a hobby now that there are resources for everything. Since you're starting out, I'd suggest looking up things like "cosplay wig basics" (tried myself and there seem to be plenty of helpful hits), cosplay makeup tutorials (yes even if you're a good), guides about different types of fabric etc. It might seem like a lot, but that's because there is a lot involved in making a costume look good! Even if you have the same body and same bought costume as someone else, things like ironing the costume well, makeup, contacts, posing, wig care/proper wear will make you look like you're wearing different costumes.

3. Our sticky has some basic help, if you haven't read it yet. Lurk around and you'll see lists of wig stores etc. that you can look for things in. Again, do your research, and don't just go for the first item you see that looks passable!

As to your questions, can't remember what has already been answered but... Don't spray paint your boots! It also depends on what material you are (again, look up painting shoes and you'll soon see there's leather paint, boot covers, loads more options). For the teeth there's also a lot of options, I heard of people filing down fake nails to get the exact shape they want but not sure about adhesives. His jacket looks like a gakuran.

>> No.7642841

>even if you're a good

I meant guy.

>> No.7643121
File: 256 KB, 400x150, Saiyan Head Bob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, this is really nice of you. Really appreciate it.

>> No.7643148

Gosh I need to get me a Dosh King cosplay
Sell me your stuff Anon

>> No.7643438
File: 440 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_n6zjdnNPI01rk11epo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some refs. Apologies for the quality, they're not mine.

>> No.7643440
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>> No.7643443
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>> No.7643444
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>> No.7643773

Is he wearing a skin toned bodysuit? I don't see nipples or like... definition or pubes.

>> No.7643926

>colouring attack on titan boots
yeah no colouring dark coloured boots will not work, you're better off custom making a pair for the same price if you can't find any white boots. or make some boot covers there are tutorials everywhere

the vampire teeth should be fine, although you could make your own set of shark teeth (you can also google for tutorials on this)

the top he is wearing looks like a gakuran though i doubt you can find white gakuran since traditionally they are black/navy. you can try and look for white jackets with a nehru/mandarin collar though they usually close with buttons so it won't look 100% accurate since junketsu's looks like it closes with a zip. for the blue use bias tape.

also get a wig that would make things a lot easier and it would look better

you can just take your glasses off for photos it's no big deal

you can get swords off ebay like this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BLEACH-Rukia-Kuchiki-tsubas-zanpakuto-Cosplay-sword-Sode-no-Shirayuki-white-snow-/261059907288?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc8620ed8 did you even look yourself first?