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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7628561 No.7628561 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true? Or made up by people who were butthurt about their own bad cosplays?

>> No.7628568

A combo of both?
There's certainly something to be said for people just having fun. But if you're doing a shit job and proclaiming to be good, despite criticism, then it's butthurt.
Cosplay is a visual thing. /cgl/ in particular is a community of people who are here (hopefully) because we have skills or want to improve those skills.
In any case I think the amount of humility matters as to whether or not it's butthurt or just having fun.

>> No.7628589

It should be.
But it isn't.

>> No.7628599

If you're cosplaying for the craft, do it, if you're cosplaying to have fun, do it, if you're cosplaying to be a slut, do it. Just remember, someone will always bitch about you, no matter what you do. There's no 'we're all in this together' and the only people who you should complain about bitching or making fun of you are your friends. Don't give a fuck about pricks on the internet, or bitches on tumblr, do what you want, but just remember, we're not your tight-knit church group, we're a large community with varying members with varying opinions and it's going to stay that way.

I'm sick of people thinking everyone owes them compliments, people don't owe you shit, earn it.

>> No.7628605

I think this is really stupid.
If you're going to a con just to have fun and play around in your cosplay, and you're not expecting any compliments or photos, then no one cares how bad it is.
It's if you have shit cosplay and you want to seem good then you are going to get shit for it, because you're not good.

>> No.7628608

I agree so hard on this. People get so pissed about any comment that's not 100% positive and call bullying. It's like they forget that you need some kind of criticism or negativity in order to self-reflect and understand the world better.

>> No.7628614

This so fucking much

>> No.7628639

It's a nice idea that I believe in to an extent, but many people twist it and take it too far. The problem is any criticism or well-meaning comments like suggesting a chubby girl to consider a more flattering cosplay is taken as "cosplay hate." And when people want advice on what characters suit them, they're just told to cosplay whoever they want because every character is for everyone!!! Then we're left with a bunch of nice, feelgood comments, but no real help being given.

So, I think this idea is mostly perpetuated by people who can't handle criticism, who often have bad cosplays in the first place (hence the criticism). I see this A LOT in the Facebook group of my local con.

>> No.7628655

I'm about to go full retard and post my whole >opinion
on this shit.
I see cosplay foremost as a skill, not a social act. What is cosplay if not an attempt to look like a character? If that's its main objective then looking as similar as possible would be the proper way to cosplay. That means regardless of your weight/skin color/any other physical characteristic you have unlike the character does not matter, AS LONG as you can manage to mimic the characters other traits as close as possible.
The people who believe OP's images obviously see cosplay as a social act, not a skill. That's okay, but I don't fully agree with the social part being the number one aspect to cosplaying.
I think if you want to believe the skill/mimicry involved in cosplay shouldn't matter, than you need to also not care about feedback you receive, like the other anon said. You are surrounded by craftspeople who put their blood/sweat and tears into their work, you can't deny that skill is involved in this hobby.

>> No.7628683

You can do all that but you
a) will always face criticism
b) will not necessarily make yourself happy with your choice.

Everything is possible but it's also possible that something is out of your comfort zone. If you are completely and intrinsically motivated and also don't give a shit about what people say, go for it. But don't expect it from everyone!
Do not give out advice to kids that makes em feel bad about their first cosplay because it is out of their skill level, their nudity comfort zone or will have angry bitches telling them they're fat at their first con etc.
Basically: everything goes.
But don't expect it to go it well.

Also these things always give me the feeling you'd have to be super-tough and super-sassy about your cosplay cause if you ever felt bad about a costume choice it would break this happy-go-lucky logic.

Do what you want - but only if you /really/ want it.

>> No.7628737

I think if you're in it just to have fun and enjoy the character, then by all means, do so. People will still make unwarranted comments, but unfortunately, that's just how people are.

If you're in it for the skills and you want to get better, then that's good too. Just acknowledge your skill level and try not to take critique as personal attacks, unless said "critique" is just some asshole trying to pick on you for things you can't really change about yourself so easily. For instance, you can get a different color of fabric, but you can't really change your height or weight so easily.

In the end, people do this for all sorts of reasons. Just be the best that you can be and enjoy it.

>> No.7628760
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You can most certainly look like and feel like shit in a bad, poorly made newbie costume. It's not a matter of attitude or self-confidence.. If your costume is bad no amount of personal ass-patting will solve that problem.

However, if you are a sensible, positive-minded person, you will look at your failure and see what you can do to improve it. Examine which parts need to be rebuilt or changed or thrown out.

I've made a couple shitty costumes and been ignored. I know that look on peoples' faces as they walk by, like they are saying, "You didn't even try. I'm not getting my camera out for you." So you work harder and you do better because cosplay is all about the attention and the positive reinforcement.

When you do a good job and everyone at the con can't stop taking your fucking picture, then you can stop caring about cosplay hate or whatever the fuck else you had to deal with. No one is in the wrong for judging you for your actions and your appearance in a hobby that is all about skill and quality of appearance. If you don't fucking like it, then don't cosplay.

>> No.7628770
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Entitlement bullshit. Yes, you can cosplay whatever you want and express your fandom however you want to have fun, but that doesn't mean that your cosplay is going to be GOOD.

If you go out in public looking like shit, people will make fun of you and say you look bad. Because you do. Cosplay is a presentation hobby and how well you present means everything.You either have to make the choice to not care and do what makes you happy or make the effort to do a good job and cosplay a character suitable to how you look.

There is just-for-fun cosplay and hobby cosplay. You want cosplay to be your hobby and receive praises from others? Then you need to take appearance into consideration.

This isn't preschool. Not everyone is a winner.

>> No.7628800

Unless they enter into a contest or something, I agree with that macro.

People need to fuck off when it comes to casual/non-competitive cosplayers who just want to have a good time at conventions and post on their tumblrs. Nobody deserves to feel like shit in their hobbies when they didn't ask for it.

>> No.7628821 [DELETED] 
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I saw this in my facebook feed earlier(AN hugbox at it again). No matter who you are there are always going to be people will will say your cosplay is shit or judge you for doing it.

SJW's will always tell you to do it if you want to and tell you how great you are if you ask for it. But people who look better doing it or do it better will always get more likes/favorites/reblogs/whatever. And normal fags will judge fairly harshly if you cosplay outside your body type. Just don't say you like someones cosplay more than someone else s or you'll get a load of social justice bullshit thrown at you.

>> No.7628822
File: 102 KB, 250x250, 1290470264495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this in my facebook feed earlier(AN hugbox at it again). No matter who you are there are always going to be people will will say your cosplay is shit or judge you for doing it.

SJW's will always tell you to do it if you want to and tell you how great you are if you ask for it. But people who look better doing it or do it better will always get more likes/favorites/reblogs/whatever. And normal fags will judge fairly harshly if you cosplay outside your body type. Just don't say you like someones cosplay more than someone else s or you'll get a load of social justice bullshit thrown at you.

>> No.7628829

So let's say you see some people cosplaying something you like, but they're not cosplaying it well. Would you tell them?

>> No.7628846

I want to add the tagline of "As long as you're not an asshole." Because I agree that all of these are fine in cosplay as long as you have a good attitude, don't try to bring others down for having a better/worse costume than you, don't lie about making something and are generally nice and humble.

>> No.7628902

These same cosplayers are the ones who bitch about photographers not wanting to shoot with them, that no one recgonized who they were or wanted their picture, that there were so many other people cosplaying as the same thing, that the half naked girl over there is getting more attention to them, or trying to keep up with the latest con drama.

If people who were casual/non-competitive/hobbyist actually acted as they claimed, we wouldn't have as many problems.

They don't. Many of the act entitled as if everyone IS equal and that everyone should get compliments and fair treatment.

>> No.7628906

>Would you tell them?
No. It's not my business.
Would you go to a Halloween party and tell them their costume is shit?
Of course you wouldn't, because everyone would write you off as a neurotic cunt.
>These same cosplayers
Um, no.
Not every casual cosplayer who ever got harassed complains about not being recognized enough, how someone else did their costume better, or how someone else got more attention than them.
This is a shitty way to validate the way you treat other people by painting them all with the same brush.

>> No.7628914

You know, if this just dropped the "and look AMAZING doing it!" I think nobody would have any problems. Nobody really cares about the factors listed as long as people are trying to look their best, but sometimes you end up with the halloween wig, hotglue and safetypin disaster and everyone knows it is bad except the person wearing it.

>> No.7628922

If people post their "cosplay" and tag it with a public tag on tumblr they are open for critique, simple as that. There will never be a world free of assholes or critics. The question isn't whether people can or cannot critique someone's shit cosplay, it's whether or not they're justified by doing so . Also halloween costumes definitely ARE NOT cosplay. Why would you bother critiquing everyone's 20 dollar slutty ketchup bottle costume? It's not the same shit.

>> No.7628924

>These same cosplayers are the ones who bitch about photographers not wanting to shoot with them, that no one recgonized who they were or wanted their picture, that there were so many other people cosplaying as the same thing, that the half naked girl over there is getting more attention to them, or trying to keep up with the latest con drama.
Not really. I know quite a lot of people who actually cosplay for fun and a few of them have gotten zero or just one or two pictures taken and are pretty happy with it and excited if anyone recognizes them or takes their picture at all, even if noone takes a photo of them or compliments their outfit, they like to go to meet other fans and don't really care about how much attention they're getting and don't think that everyone in the con should get the same treatment because they know that some people work really hard and are really skilled and they aren’t those people. That doesn't bother any of them though because they know that they made their costumes to hang out and have fun, not to be the best and most recognized outfit.
I know there are a lot more cosplayers who are like them too, there are a lot of people who go to conventions truly just to have fun and don't care at all about the things you mentioned.

>> No.7628928

>open for critique
Sure, but they're not asking for your opinion.
You're taking advantage of the fact that you're an anonymous person on the internet and someone posted their picture with an opportunity for you to bash it.

I repeat: If they're not competing or asking for critique then you are imposing your critique on them just because you can.
Honestly, you can't justify it as anything else. You are being rude.

>> No.7628934

You can't stop them, though. If they're not competing or asking for a critique, that's not stopping you from giving it.

>> No.7628941

I agree with this to an extent. I firmly believe that anyone can cosplay whatever they want however they want, BUT no one is obligated to like or respect you for it. I do cosplay because I love sewing, costuming and competing. Because of that, I strongly dislike bought or lazy cosplay. Cosplay what you want, but don't be surprised if someone else doesn't like it

>> No.7628957
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The biggest problem with trying to make cosplay a casual hobby is that there's already a rather competitive culture involved with cosplay, and cosplayers themselves are always comparing to see who did it first, who did it better, who had all the little details right, who had the best group, who looked most like the character, who had the best photos, and so on.

And it's not like there's a whole lot of advantage anyone can claim in cosplay. Everyone starts someone and everyone who has access to the internet has a wealth of tutorials, forums, communities, more experienced cosplayers, and other resources to use and exploit to become better cosplayers, seeing as a good amount of making cosplay needs to be self taught anyways.

So anyone who makes a shitty costume and makes no effort to un-shit it has only themselves to blame.

>> No.7629000

totally agree with this
And I would add that I don't mind at all if I see someone with fake tans and shit like that, in order to look closer to the character, as long as it looks well done, and not like you painted your face with cheap paint and yout fingers. It's part of the effort, and crafting skills after all.
Most japanese cosplayers cake up their faces in make up (and photoshop) to make their skin lighter after all.

>> No.7629010

This is eerily and embarrassingly similar to my own hand writing, right down to the "fancy" script on the skill level one. I stopped the curvy capital E's about 3-5 years ago, though.

Damn, I need to practice.

>> No.7629024

Sorry, we're not in primary school, so you're a grown ass adult, handle some critique if it comes your way. Stop expecting 24/7 asspatting.

>> No.7629032
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>mfw I know it's actually "whomever" not "whoever"

I never get that right, but I did today. I am great. As for amazing? Ehh, people abuse that word regardless.

Also, yeah, of course it's true. Nobody can stop you from cosplaying whatever the fuck you want. I'm not breaking down your door and beating the shit out of you because I'm tired of gen1 Pokemon cosplay.

>> No.7629038

Yes now fuck off

>> No.7629039

How can you end the hate from people who aren't even in the hobby. More like Ignore Cosplay Hate.

>> No.7629054

No, just posting a picture is not opening it up to critique. It's a social construct. When you leave the house every day, you don't get people commenting freely on your dress and hygiene to their personal tastes. And you don't do that online either. You seem to think that Internet interactions just aren't real life.

I bet you glomp people at cons, too.

>> No.7629062

I think what we should focus on is the "can" and not the "amazing". I agree with this anon >>7628599
People can cosplay for many reasons, and if they're happy, that's cool. But that doesn't mean they're going to look amazing. A highly skilled cosplayer will look amazing. A cosplayer who uses staplers and glue because they don't know how to sew, they will look like they're wearing clothes that were stapled and glued together. But that's okay. When I see how much fun they're having, I'll smile back at them. If they try and say that they're just as talented as the first cosplayer, I'll roll my eyes.

My thoughts on this are a bit in the middle. When someone posts their cosplay on their blog and tags it as 'cosplay', people will see it, and it is possible that someone will critique it. However, when the cosplayer hasn't asked for it, a real rip-apart "your cosplay is shit" comment is just rude. Posting online doesn't mean harsh critique won't happen, but that also doesn't mean it isn't rude. On the other side, if someone gives a polite critique, "I really like your cosplay! You fit the character very well. Though I noticed that you used this stitch on your seams. It would probably look cleaner if you used this stitch. I can see you becoming really good someday!"- if the cosplayer responds by screaming their faces off, now it's the cosplayer who is the rude one.
It's a balance. It isn't wrong to condemn someone for being an ass, whether they're an overreacting critic or an overreacting cosplayer.

>> No.7629081

>if the cosplayer responds by screaming their faces off, now it's the cosplayer who is the rude one.
>It's a balance. It isn't wrong to condemn someone for being an ass, whether they're an overreacting critic or an overreacting cosplayer.
Things like this really rustle me. On a related note, I followed an artist on Tumblr and she's such a huge SJW bitch. Someone commented something on her DeviantArt along the lines of "I like it a lot! I think it'd be nice if you maybe tried ____!" but a little engrishy, and she threw the hugest fucking fit. Even though the commenter's first language clearly wasn't English, I find it really hard to take anything the person said the wrong way.
"Wow, thanks asshole. Don't fucking tell me how to draw my art, I don't care what you have to say, FUCK OFF"
She took screenshots and posted them on her Tumblr just to go "Look at this fucking asshole, I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR OPINION THX"
Like, wow. The sad thing is, she's a really good artist, but all of her non-art posts were just so nasty.

>> No.7629089

>And you don't do that online either
Well... then what the hell do people do on this board?

>> No.7629092

Reminds me of this one cosplayer I follow.

She was commended for her cosplay, and was told that she's pretty cool, but her makeup could've been done better. The cosplayer threw an absolute fit and acted as if it was a personal attack against her.

The cosplay overall was... okay. Could've been worse. But the cosplayer's attitude certainly did not help at all, and because of it, I don't really think much of the cosplay now. Though I suppose a cosplayer's attitude shouldn't affect the actual cosplay and construction itself.

>> No.7629100

As someone who was also into art, if you can't take a criticism, you shouldn't be posting your art in a public place. I can't stand people like that, so self-entitled and will never really improve.

>> No.7629111
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As a half darkie 6' here I just cosplay for shits and giggles because I like dressing up in stupid stuff.

Only faggots and those that are too self conscious get this buttflustered by shit.

>> No.7629120

accept for the look "amazing doing it" bit, i agree. anyone can cosplay whoever they want, and we all are dorks in costumes. just some us are dorks in better costumes, but that's no reason to hate on less skilled cosplayers.

>> No.7629783

Thank you for posting this.

I don't understand why this is a big movement. It's IMPOSSIBLE to control how others think and feel toward you. You can however control how you behave and react in these situations.

>> No.7629811

Who's got that fat wonder woman cosplayer comic that was written by someone who hasn't even ever been to a convention?

>> No.7631163
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>> No.7631168
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>> No.7631169
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>> No.7631184

>The biggest problem with trying to make cosplay a casual hobby is that there's already a rather competitive culture involved with cosplay, and cosplayers themselves are always comparing to see who did it first, who did it better, who had all the little details right, who had the best group, who looked most like the character, who had the best photos, and so on.
I think those people are a vocal minority though; but since you see them always pop up because they're vocal you assume that everyone cares about the same thing.

>> No.7631197

Funny thing is she does go to a shit ton of conventions and brags about how she's the queen of the midwest and east coast cosplay circuit.

>> No.7631241

do what you want who cares

in the end all cosplayers are laughed at by the rest of society so nobody is immune

>> No.7631281

This comic bugs the shit out of me because no one actually stands there insulting cosplayers at a convention. Maybe the "I bet you don't' read the comic" comment for some really hot chicks, but it's not usually from people ho's opinion you would care about anyway. Otherwise they might say stuff behind their back or on the internet but not to their face. Also it then turns it back on DC but is it the DC people who are insulting them?

>> No.7631289 [DELETED] 

I've never witnessed this myself, but I'm sure it happens. People are dicks, and I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly how people react to a bad cosplayer's face.

>> No.7633189


>weary instead of wary


>> No.7633248

I think people who purposely go looking for someone to tell them how much their cosplay sucks or insult someone in real life is a sandy asshole. There are plenty of casual cosplays that are done just for fun.

However, some people (on Tumblr) interpret this graphic to mean, if you even have a poor opinion of someone else's cosplay, you're a bully and possibly a racist/fat-shamer/etc. I will not asspat someone with compliments if their costume is terribly made or doesn't fit. But I'm also not going to rain on their parade by insulting them. There is a middle ground.

>> No.7633267


>> No.7633334

Yeah that bitch

>> No.7633347

>Also it then turns it back on DC but is it the DC people who are insulting them?
Obviously DC is insulting fatties by creating humanly impossible fantasy girls only MEN like. But no seriously, the creator of this seems bitter as fuck about not being attractive and blaming everyone else for their personal preferences under the guise of fat acceptance(which is still fucking dumb in it's own right) when she should really just say she's a man-hating idiot.

All these people getting pissed off at the lack of 'realistic' characters in anime/manga/comics etc are pissing me the fuck off. We have tons of realistic in real life and I want to look at pretty fantasy things.

>> No.7633458

Fat acceptance, fine whatever I get it, it's "fat shaming" that's pretty dumb. Most of my friends are fat and we were having dinner at someone's apartment with ESPN going in the background. Some of the hosts of te show that was on brought up a picture of another host with his face photoshopped onto a fat black woman's body wearing a skimpy glittery dress and they laughed about it. But then my fat friends we sitting there mouths agape, turned to each other and we're like "Are they fat shaming?" "They're totally fat shaming" "Change the channel."

As the only remotely thin girl in the group I couldn't ask how this was fat shaming and not just a joke at the expense of a slightly chunky guy.

That being said they still cosplay a bunch of stuff that doesn't suit them but they still have a lot of fun doing it. If they've gotten any negative comments then no one's said anything about it.