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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 149 KB, 600x400, AnimeMidwest_2013_36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7628225 No.7628225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's going? Less than two weeks away.

>> No.7629265

Pretty much everyone who lives in Chicago and goes to cons.

>> No.7629287

anyone hear back from BTSSB/indie modeling?

>> No.7629835

I hadn't planned on going to Viral Marketing Con, but TeamFourStar.

>> No.7629846


probably not, considering they're not even 40% sold

>> No.7629901
File: 391 KB, 542x540, 1372977212699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been looking to see if there's any other Monogatari fans/cosplayers going. Would be nice to try and get a shoot in or something.

>> No.7630133

It takes me longer to drive to work every day than it does to drive to this con and I'm probably still not going to go.

>> No.7630652

Nope. I refuse to support Kopf and his conventions.

>> No.7630764

I'm going. Probably just saturday, but I would like to see The Pillowcases on friday.

>> No.7631119

Going for the first time, agreed to judge the masq before I saw all this shit on /cgl/ about Kopf... now not so sure. Is a shitty, rapey con chair really going to affect the average congoer's experience that much? Besides being horrible in principle, how does this one terrible guy affect the convention as a whole?

>> No.7633374


he hires terribad staff
(no offense to you, you're probably not 16 and an asshole)
his rapeyness doesn't affect the con so much as his terrible organization and customer service skills. I spent most of last year running around the con trying to find panels that had been moved or I had stood in line at the wrong door for, as directed by staff. Pain in the ass.

>> No.7633377


Ooooooh! You're judging the masq? My partner and I are competing, for the first time! Does anyone know who happened to win last year? We didn't get a chance to make it to the masq, but I'd love an idea going in of what kinda costumes won.

>> No.7633393

Btssb just picked the models according to an inside source

>> No.7633437

I was pretty bored at last year's so I decided to give it a second chance and staff this time in the hopes that I'll at least have something to do. However, this is starting to look like I made a terrible decision. Going to keep faith that things will prove me wrong and this will actually be fun.

On another note, anyone doing any of the gatherings?

>> No.7633464


I'll be at the Evangelion one!

>> No.7634187

I can actually agree with you on the staff somewhat. Last year, the staff were nice but didn't seem to know where things were.

I also had a full-on panic attack on the last day of the con last year and paramedics had to be called in to check me out because con staff didn't have anyone with medical type exp nor did the hotel. The staff basically ignored me before the paramedics were even called and gave me like one cup of water to help me calm down. Their con-ops room which is where my friends and I were taken to try and help me looked like a tornado went through it.

As for the 'rapey' stuff about Kopf; I believe in innocent until proven guilty. It didn't affect my experience at all. I was only there for Steam Powered Giraffe anyway. There are honestly so many holes in the alleged rape story that went around that it's hard to know if it actually happened or not. All there is is a police report to state what happened but the girl didn't press charges or get a kit done so who knows.

I do recall at Youmacon 2012 when I first met Kopf he was kind of creepy, we sort of hanged out between a couple of late night panels together and he was nice and polite for the most part but when he pretended to bite my neck (he cosplays as Alucard btw) I told him to back off and he did so. We are no longer friends since I read about all the rumors.

Don't let one person affect your entire con experience by the way.

>> No.7634517


I heard about you, by the way. Went on an angry-ass rant in the hotel room about how it was such bullshit that you only got a cup of water to calm down. Sorry that happened to you.

>> No.7634520

So the models would have all been contacted by now? Damn.

>> No.7634526

I find it really shady that one of the girls waitressing at the BTSSB tea party, Sarena, is the same girl that got blacklisted on LM for scamming. What wonderful quality control this con has.

>> No.7634560

Normally I wouldn't go, but since they have BTSSB I feel like I have no choice.

>> No.7634566

Only reason I'm bothering to go as well. Hopefully the other lolita panels aren't crap.

What are your coord plans for the tea?

>> No.7634624

Most of the lolita panels are being run by the Midwest Collective girls, so they should be good. My coord isn't complete yet! How about you, anon?

>> No.7634688

I don't have any experience with them, but I'll take your word for it.

I'm torn between three dresses, but I have full accessories planned for each. They're all recent releases so I'm a bit worried showing up in the same thing as everyone else.

>> No.7635700

>Going for the first time, agreed to judge the masq before I saw all this shit on /cgl/ about Kopf... now not so sure. Is a shitty, rapey con chair really going to affect the average congoer's experience that much? Besides being horrible in principle, how does this one terrible guy affect the convention as a whole?

I became good friends with the con chair well after hearing about those incidents. I have a pretty hard time believing them, I've never seen Ryan be pushy with women or anything less than respectful to pretty much everyone.

Though anytime I say that, some asshole on here just says "Hi Ryan". inb4 that.

>> No.7635714

No one should ever go to his cons.

>His programming for every con is the same (that he even copies & pastes his program books from other cons)

>His inner circle run almost all of the panels which are almost entirely the same every con

>He treats his staff poorly and never has enough food for them, broke child labor laws having young teens working for him

>He's a sleeze who's tried to force dozens of girls to sleep with him

>Personally he could give two shits about his programming/cons, he just wants money which is why he keeps running more and more new ones

>Also lied about how many people attended last Midwest, said triple the amount/lies about his ticket sales on his website

>Came to Anime Central 2014, stood there handing out things for his con without buying a table and said aloud "ACEN sucks come to Anime Midwest", staff chased him down and he dropped all his promotional shit

>His guests cancelled on him last minute because he's known to treat them horribly

>Overcharges for admission to his small cons ($45 for a con with 200 people? Seriously?)

>Last year half of his staff quit because he's a rapist (police report was confirmed by an officer)

>Anyone associated with anyone who quit and accused him of being a rapist were blacklisted from his cons, JUST because they were friends with people who hate him and were thrown out of his con, even if they paid for their rooming

>> No.7635773

There's a "beyond basics" Lolita panel - I'm very curious to know what they will cover.

>> No.7635818

The "Learning about Lolita" panel will probably be worthless to anyone but weebs starting out, but I'll probably show up anyway to be supportive and scope out the comm. I'm hopeful that I can actually get something out of the "beyond basics" panel since the "affording" one doesn't really apply to me and my brandwhore ways. The lolita panels at Naka just haven't been that great, so at least there's a lot of variety at this one.

I'm mostly looking forward to the Q&A with Baby and the flea market so I can sell off some things that have been sitting around in my closet forever.

>> No.7635857

How are the raves at this con in comparison to ACEN's 2014 raves do you think?
Went to ACEN for the anime, loved it for Soap Bubble.

>> No.7635865

>>Came to Anime Central 2014, stood there handing out things for his con without buying a table and said aloud "ACEN sucks come to Anime Midwest", staff chased him down and he dropped all his promotional shit
How would this seem like a good idea to anyone who's not in 6th grade? Just what the fuck

>> No.7636461

The "affording" lolita panel isn't by Lolita Collective peeps. No idea who is doing it.

>> No.7636479


>The girl in the rape report did not press charges nor get a rape kit done, so legally he is not a rapist.

>The alleged rape story came out a few days prior to Anime Midwest last year which seems like really convenient timing to me.

>There are several rumors surrounding the story to begin with, from the girl crying rape to staff who wanted to make their own con starting the rumor to try and make staff quit.

>Kopf stated that no guests dropped out of Anime Midwest (except Ellen MClain because she had a project, and one other guy because someone close to him passed away). Staff did not leave either.

>All of his staff were of age 16+. There was another thread that stated the birth years of all head staff plus second in command. The youngest was born in '96 and her mom was working at the con with her.

>He seemed to be very polite to people at the con from what I saw, was in a good mood.

Basically there's a lot of stuff we don't know and its all he said/she said it seems like unless someone can actually confirm that the incident happened. The police report is indeed real but frankly the timing of the story coming out plus Tumblr being trigger happy in general makes me really skeptical.

>> No.7636482

Aww thank you anon. It was not fun. I ended up going home and falling asleep and feeling much better.

>> No.7636718

>Came to Anime Central 2014, stood there handing out things for his con without buying a table and said aloud "ACEN sucks come to Anime Midwest", staff chased him down and he dropped all his promotional shit

I'm in the Facebook group and I've never seen anyone on Midwest staff say bad things about Anime Central. I did hear that Central wouldn't sell them a table despite Midwest offering full price.

>> No.7636905

I've never even heard of this collective. Is it just Chicago-area girls despite the "Midwest" name?

>> No.7636908

Nevermind, just googled. Severely disappointed. Maybe their panels will be better than their designs.

>> No.7636962

Designs? They are mostly indie brand resellers. They sell The Snow Field, Rouge Aerie, Baroque, etc. I think the girls that do Moss Badger and Dream Princess are in it but they are more accessory designer than dress designer.

>> No.7636966

The Victorian Angel girl is in it too. I think so is Industrial Kitty?

>> No.7636970

Well whatever they had in the etsy shops linked look rather unimpressive. Are they the ones running the indie fashion show too?

>> No.7636972

Their website says "a grouping of chicago and detroit designers"

>> No.7636974

I don't think all of them have etsy stores linked? I know a few do but some don't. But yeah they are running the fashion show afaik.

>> No.7636985

Actually their fb is more promising than what they have linked on their website. I might actually buy some of their taobao resells if the price is reasonable.

>> No.7636988

Which website are you looking at? All I am seeing is http://www.lolitacollective.com/brands.php

which is far from unimpressive to me, so I'm hoping I'm not looking at the wrong thing.

>> No.7637032

Yeah I was looking at their fb. It looks like some of these etsys haven't been updated in awhile? Yeah some are crap though I do like a few designs listed off the main page.

>> No.7637045

http://www.industrialkitty.com/mlcindex.html is what google came up with for me, which... is rather pathetic and left a rather blah impression.

Their fb showed stuff from Rococo Soul, though.

>> No.7637049

I'm in the same boat. Man, I'm a little ticked off about the metra not in operation on Independence Day. I'm coming in from out of town and I'd like to go to Chicago to see the fireworks and maybe catch an improv show. I haven't seen those in a long time.

>> No.7637056

Hm. I know the Sarena you're talking about, but I don't think it's the same girl. There was another Sarena, a Vietnamese one, whom I only know by acquaintance and I believe that was the scammer iirc. It's a bit unfortunate that they share the same name and were from the same community.

>> No.7637080
File: 838 KB, 533x300, wutdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp, I didn't read your post very well; what I replied with is old drama. Damn. I don't know if I should confront this about her or try to ignore it, considering that she's in my comm.

>> No.7637108

Serena attempted and failed badly at scamming a few years ago and now works with AP. Sarena is a recent thing on LM. The name similarity makes it confusing.

>> No.7637301

Given the URL and copyright date, and three designers vs. a bunch, I'm thinking that must be an old page or something. Their booth at Acen had a ton of stuff (arguably too much as there didn't seem to be enough room on the table for all the accessories), and it was a mix of western indie brands and a couple korean and taobao brands. They also ran the fashion show at Acen and it was kind of a mix of borderline ita and a handful of really nice designs. Midwest has less designers showing so I'm hoping it's better curated. They ran a brunch too which I thought was really cool (there was no brand guest this year so no tea party and so they filled a void). Basically I think they are just starting out and trying to do a lot, and they probably need to edit a bit but I can appreciate what they are trying to do.

>> No.7637303

You can take the CTA (Blue Line) into the city which is a short walk from where the con is, you don't need the Metra.

>> No.7637311

They are doing good things for the Midwest communities. They made sure that Acen had lolita events because the convention dropped the ball on guests. They are running the fashion show next week and hosting multiple panels. I appreciate the work they do.

>> No.7637400

Thanks, mang.

>> No.7638449

Its even more confusing since they are both part of the Kansas City comm.

>> No.7638735

How easy is it to sneak around this convention with a one day badge (say i brought a Saturday badge but use it on Friday)? korp ain't getting all of my money and the only reason why I am going to this convention is to hang out with my Chicago bros and go to another city for the 4th (and get the Pillowcases, Patton, and Sonny's autographs)

>> No.7639540

I feel like the Kansas comm in general sounds fishy... But i have met both Sarena and Serena. Sarena is kind of a slut and will do anything to get money so it doesn't surprise me that shes a scammer. Serena tries way too hard to have everyone like her...I know she was in SF recently. I just asked my friend who is a shop girl there and they said that she does NOT work for AP, but only is an intern? That to me is confusing because shes from Kansas....

>> No.7639623
File: 36 KB, 650x433, staff-response.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on safety and just saw the number of outside security officers they've hired. Basically, see the attached image if you plan to not buy a badge.

>> No.7639627

(Same poster) Not serious though. I doubt the officers will be comparing the badge day, as long as you have one. I'm told they will be trained to kick out people without badges. The reasoning being "People without badges tend to be the worst when it comes to harassment, drugs, and alcohol."

>> No.7639727

Is this a thing the Hyatt/convention center are requiring now? There seemed to be a lot of rented security at ACen too.

>> No.7640009

Kansas comm girl here. What's so fishy about us? Maybe if you took the time to actually get to know us instead of speculating...?

I don't really understand why a person trying to be friendly is such a bad thing, either. Would you rather she snub you?

>> No.7640019

They're right, she doesn't work for AP. Whoever's saying that is wrong. The Kansas comm isn't sketchy at all, and if you ACTUALLY met them (which I doubt) you'd see they're incredibly friendly.

>> No.7640038

And you anon, you're one of Serena's friends because she hasn't told many people about her involvement with AP (NOT working for them)...so you're a fucking bitch.

>> No.7640122

I don't want to get involved in all this and bring more negative attention, but the Wichita comm has always been incredibly nice and welcoming. The Kansas City comm is separate, but we all get along well. Most of the drama has come from outside the comm and separate groups, but not these girls.

I don't know Sarena, but Serena is sweet and contributes a lot to the area. Saying Serena "tries too hard" is stupid, at least she's being friendly and is a good friend unlike whoever is saying this shit behind her back. I'm sensing somebody is just jealous of how cute and popular she is. She likes to be involved, but how is that a bad thing? She's genuinely likable.

>> No.7643187

Give it to me straight, I got talked into going to this con. I'll be helping in the dealer's room, so not exploring a ton, but is it a decent con?

Of course it's not ACEN, but I'm used to East Coast cons, so I don't know what to expect.

>> No.7643723

If you're poor, it's a fabulous con. You can survive on the free food they give out.

If you're rich, it's meh, because the dealer's room isn't very big.

>> No.7645146

You only go to cons to buy stuff?

>> No.7645375


It's shit tier for partying, most of the attendees are between 14-18 years old, tons of terrible homestucks, and the organizer is a total douche


>> No.7646298

to the East Coast dude who was wondering about this con: the con is a poor man's ACEN from what I understand. The free fyod and drinks is a cool thing along with a few other things but thats just about it.

im just going to this con just because i just wanna be outta my hometown for the 4th of July and i wanna see my Chicago bros really.

Does anyone know of any parties going down. i know there's one that somebody posted on FB thats ten dollars to get in though (which i kinda sorta understand charging but they could had just ask for donations or something.)

Also any cosplay plans finalized yet?

>> No.7646350


I'm thinking about throwing a party, but I don't think I'd advertise on /cgl/.
Or facebook, honestly. And I wouldn't charge to get in. Shit's dumb.

>> No.7646435

I would love to see them try.

>> No.7646470

throw one anon. it'll be nice to party it up and not have to pay. tips, byob, and donations are cool but cover charges aint unless its like $3-5 bucks.

$10 just for a party i may or may not like or stay long? na son. (i still going to that party cuz a few people i know are

anyways, were would be a great spot in rosemont or chicago to view the fireworks? also any green connects?

>> No.7648245
File: 1.30 MB, 2200x1370, Oshino.Meme.full.1427686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing Oshino Meme for Friday and Space Dandy for Saturday. More or less just using this as a gap filler between ACEN and Otakon

>> No.7648782

Hey, I'm going. I'm 20/f/nyc
If anyone wants to hang out or talk my skype is bloopewpew
be cool to talk to some people before I head out there

>> No.7648864

Woah dude, same asl as you. May contact you if I can remember my Skype login....

>> No.7649212

yeah. i have a kik and gmail if thats easier.

>> No.7649320


if I do, I'll advertise when/room number on this thread. Keep an eye out.

I won't even say if, I'll say when. I'm thinking saturday night, in lieu of the rave. I'm too old for that shit.

>> No.7649332

Hey, I've never been. Whats up with these raves? All the convention parties I've gone to have been weird

>> No.7649342
File: 482 KB, 500x268, tumblr_lq3i1fndPM1qbvovho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking to see if there's any Monogatari fans going

>> No.7649537


I mean raves at conventions are usually pretty cool, but since the target audience for this con is like, 14-19 it's kind of awkward if you're any older.
Last year my partner and I went and we were blocked from the water table by a pair of homestucks SQUATTING on the floor making out. Grey paint everywhere. It was horrible. I'd rather drink and party with people my age.

>> No.7649880

That sounds pretty gross. I'm 20 so I guess I'm passed that age range. Maybe I'll check it out for a bit or just skip it all together if I can go to a party.

>> No.7650662

Oh. Ew. I was thinking about going to the rave for shits n giggles but maybe Im better off partying with a few friends. Hotel bars are a total wallet drain but it would be nice to chill there with some seagulls. I wonder how the karaoke will be.

>> No.7650665

Man. I'm a bit disappointed that the Japanese horror panel is during the fashion shows. It would have been perfect on a Saturday night

>> No.7652811


I'm thinking about chilling at the hyatt bar for a while. Seagull meetup?

>> No.7652831


I'm down. The one at ACEN got taken over by Fetlife, but with such a young crowd I don't see that happening this time.

>> No.7653520 [DELETED] 

Oh, yes, please. What time? Should there be any indication of said seagulls?

>> No.7653567

Oh, yes, please. What time? Should there be any indication of said seagulls?

Chicago area's weather is looking pretty good - comfortable, even for lolita.

>> No.7654912

Tip for any lolitas attending:

- Someone is going to be carrying around a Btssb banner for lolitas to sign throughout the convention (she'll probably be at the lolita panels) and then give it to Isobe & Kano at the end of the convention.
- If you stop by the tea party room (O'hare Ballroom) from 1-2:30pm tomorrow, someone will be taking polaroids of lolita coords to be included in the Btssb scrapbook

>> No.7655157
File: 410 KB, 450x388, muhfreedomdesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah....nothing more patriotic this Independence Day weekend than attending a Japanese pop-culture convention.

Ooh, I saw that. Damn, I guess I'll have to change my outfits for the weekend. I actually won't be able to attend AM until tomorrow, so I guess I can do that.
Ngl, if the bar at the Hyatt is airing the World Cup games tomorrow and there's downtime, I would not mind catching the Arg/Belgium or Holland/C.Rica game(s). When are you thinking about going, anon?

>> No.7655698

Judging from the photos I have seen, it seems the BTSSB tea party was successful with everyone's coordinates looking great. I'm not holding out hope on the quality of food served. Probably on the same tier to last year's Chantilly and Atelier Pierrot tea party at ACen.

>> No.7655830

this anon here

I'm probably not gonna go tonight, but tomorrow after the masq? My partner and I have a huuuge cosplay that isn't even done yet so I'm not gonna get out much tonight
how are we gonna indicate seagulls?

>> No.7655890

This con fucking blows. My group and I left after 7 because it was so mismanaged.

>> No.7655898

Going as Coach for the rest of the night. Feel free to say hi.

>> No.7655928


Con staff was so fucking rude to me today. Was told by registration to go to the concert hall area tomorrow morning for pre-judging, but I saw that there was a separate "cosplay judging" room so I went to ask to be safe
bitch was like "WELL, what did they tell you? duh."

>> No.7655963

I'll be there mostly Saturday as Aiden Pearce from Watch_Dogs.

>> No.7656039

I have to ask: have any of you seen somebody cooking their ramen in Mountain Dew at the con? I read about the ConSweet, and now I'm scared that someone will try it.

>> No.7656064

That's disgusting.

>> No.7656358

Thinking of going saturday. Just how young does it skew? Do they at least have a game room? What should I expect compared to acen?

>> No.7656407


It's all ages. The stuff after like 10pm is 18+.

Yes, they have a game room.

It's like ACEN except way smaller.

>> No.7656414


Worth the $55 the site says it would cost to register for one day?

Anything you can recommend I check out while there? Any tips, etc?

>> No.7656428


Ehh not really. Unless you REALLY want to see people from TGWTG or Team Four Star.

Not really recommending anything if you've already been at ACEN, it's pretty much the same.

>> No.7656521

Are there still badges available? The counter isn't online anymore.

>> No.7656533


That's what I was wondering. I would ASSume you could just physically go there & buy a badge, but you never know...some clarification would be nice.

>> No.7656539

I mean, I don't think they're going to sell out any time soon, and I could probably just hand off my badge with a friend.

>> No.7656628

It was more than I was expecting. Mix of sandwiches and small desserts. Everyone got about 3-4 of each.

>> No.7656641

It was fun.

>> No.7656859

>Worth the $55 the site says it would cost to register for one day?

It's just $40 for one day

>> No.7657190

Yeah much better than Chantilly/AtPi food. Selection of sandwiches (tuna salad and ham) and actually decent selection of desserts (tiny mousse cups, cream puffs, lemon bars, custard tart thing, chocolate covered strawberries, cannolis). Not enough for each person at the table to eat one of everything but a good enough selection. No scones and they weren't great about refilling the water (tea was teabag, Tazo and some other normal brand) but definitely better than last year. I guess the cafe maids were supposed to waitress it but it didn't happen cause their uniforms are Bodyline. Instead a couple of them were there to help take photos with peoples phones, which was cute. No raffle but Designer-san have each of us a necklace. They gave best dressed prize to a girl from Milwaukee who wore one f those special expensive dresses that Designer-chan designed, Isobe cried when they gave them the scrapbook the comm made, it was really endearing.

>> No.7657191

Wow my phone autocorrects san to chan

>> No.7657212

Sounds like I missed a good tea party with better food. If I came, I would have worn my Versailles Rose Bouquet JSK. I know BTSSB will be coming to AWA later this year.

Hopefully I'll get to see a number of Chicago and Milwaukee lolis at the megameet next month.

>> No.7657291

That isn't even that rude anon. You were told exactly where to go for pre-judge. She was asking you if you were told to go to the right place or not - though her response was rather blunt.

>> No.7657995


Having been told "exactly" where to go for other stuff at this con before and missing stuff because it was the wrong place, I was just looking to clarify. The friend I was checking for ended up no showing like a jackass anyway.
Did anyone go to the masquerade?

>> No.7658039

What the hell is with all the cops here?

>> No.7658056

What about them?

>> No.7658080

meanwhile anime midwest was going on, there was a con for some rich arabian people and it felt more like anime middle east

>> No.7658215

room 2006 Hyatt
all u can drink for ten bucks

>> No.7658463

Was wondering what went through their heads as they saw all these people dressed up in cosplay.

>> No.7658465

There was an Indian convention going on at the same time? I guess it works for most of them since they don't celebrate 4th of July.

All the lolitas were very cute! The Btssb staff are very nice and Isobe-san and Kano-san were very nice and allowed people who asked to take a picture with them. We had a very cute translator/guest too. It is definitely a nicer small convention and I appreciate that the prereg badges line only took 5 minutes to get on Friday! I don't think any other con has done that.

>> No.7658564
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, a meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a /cgl/er or convention goer here, just browsing to see what attendees thought. I, by random chance, ended up eating at one of the expensive restaurants around the block for a family thing. When I got to Rosemont, I saw all the cosplayers on the sidewalk and had to explain to my tipsy father and elderly grandmother what all the people were doing. I saw the brightly colored Indian women as well...

I had assumed it was Anime Central as that's the only con I knew of (back in college a cute classmate used to invite me to go, I always turned her down, now I kind of regret it as I've lost contact with her over the years). Looking at the roster of events and guests, this one didn't look too interesting. Is the general consensus that Acen is better?

>> No.7659263

CurryCon 2014

>> No.7659310

I think the problem is that not all staff of the con are told everything to do with all the locations of things at the con. I think they only deal with whatever area they are assigned. Her response was rude, I'll grant you that - but at least she attempted to try and direct you somewhat. I do get you were just clarifying though, sorry your friend didn't show.

I'm just curious how they handled Steam Powered Giraffe - related events this year. Last year I remember it was an absolute nightmare to get into the photo ops and they split the massive line into six mini lines to try and gain control.

>> No.7659391

My sides

>> No.7659675


There was some sort of issue backstage at the masq where they were looking for their props but they weren't there, but that's all I heard

>> No.7660396

There was definitely not 10,000 people there this weekend.

>> No.7660435

I'd be surprised if there were 2,000

>> No.7660490

And most of those were between the ages of 15-18 due to Steam Powered Giraffe and an influx of homostucks. Was my first Midwest and while I still managed to have fun (thank you based alcohol) it was a bit of a let down. More of a stop gap between ACEN and Otakon than anything.

>> No.7660497
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Daily Lives of Highschool Boys cosplay

>> No.7660561
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The only monogatari cosplayers

>> No.7660590
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I'd say my con experience with AM this year was pretty similar. I mostly went solo which was fine considering how small this con was. I'm glad that I was able to share a room with friends and that I was able to party with them later on (and yes, thank you based alcohol).

I'm a little sad I missed out on the maid cafe since I've always been a bit curious of those (plus, they never have those at ACen, iirc) and my friend was in it. In spite of how tiny the dealers/artist alley was, I found it to be ok and I think that if I weren't into lolita, I'd be a lot more disappointed. The Midwest Lolita Collective was comparatively impressive to Baby's booth (or lack thereof).

>> No.7660598
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I went to the maid cafe it, it was...alright. I went with two friends and had one random at our table so things were actually kind of awkward. Wish they would have made filled our table out seeing as there were plenty of people there. Will say the maids were adorable, the cake was tasty, and the music was nice.

>> No.7660928


I know that due! He had a wicked Baja blast and vodka combo for a drink going.

>> No.7661846

It was the only way I was going to make it through the weekend with all those homestuck fans crowding up the place

>> No.7661871
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It was a great con for lolitas. Almost everyone from all the surrounding cities came because Baby was there as a guest. It was a good chance to see lolitas that don't come to Chicago meetups. The Lolita Collective girls ran good panels and had a good booth. It was a great weekend to be a lolita.

>> No.7661951

Seconding. Amazed there's not any pictures from the tea party or the fashion show in this thread.

>> No.7662249

anyone get any cosplays that were worth while?

>> No.7662258


I saw an Asuka with a deliciously fat ass and her bf in a 10-foot Unit 02 outfit.

>> No.7662266

saw that guy at the Masq, him and the Cloud were the only things that really impressed me, the rest was just so bad...

>> No.7662267

did anyone see the shitty Asuka cosplayer with a Ramiel shirt and plugsuit leggings? She seemed super high or drunk and talking super loudly, she was annoying a bunch of us having a quiet drawmeet near the hotel elevators late saturday night.

>> No.7662273

Because someone will start drama. Find a friend who went to the Con and you can get pictures there.

Come to the Midwest Megameet on August 9th if you can! I'm skipping Otakon for a weekend in Chicago instead.

>> No.7662335

This. If you were meant to see pictures, you'd see them on facebook. They're everywhere. Here is the picture Baby posted on twitter: https://twitter.com/BABY_THE_STARS/status/485655700173901825

>> No.7662415

I worked for Safety at AM, we were understaffed and there was a shitload of drunks, probably had to pull 40 badges from attendees because of public intoxication. My favorite story was when Ops dropped the ball and somehow didn't notice two ghoster DJs set up their gear in the hallway and start playing until after the fact.

The owner really needs to do better quality control for the people he hires to runs his cons.

>> No.7662427


She was drunk, and it was kind of irritating. I was with the group of people on the benches behind her and she was sitting and talking very loudly.

>> No.7662437

heard about that. what the fuck.
AM is so disorganized and that makes staffers jobs even harder. got sass from two members of staff this weekend for trying to go sideways through registration lines to the elevators, got accused of cutting when I already picked up my badge the day before, and from trying to pick up my badge when they almost didn't give me my tea party ticket and had no idea what i was talking about when i asked.

at least the consweet people were super nice. love those staffers.

>> No.7662442

I managed to get away walking around the hotel drinking both firday and saturday night with out so much as a weird glance lol

>> No.7662460


I'll contribute with another positive staff story just because I feel like the handful of staff that were super amazing deserve props for it.

I was the Asuka accompanying the Unit 02 mentioned >>7662266
and the staff working the masq were absolutely incredible, especially the stage manager. She was super nice about our huge cosplay and even helped us get my boyfriend into it without throwing the masquerade off too much.

>> No.7662473

The moment you give people any authority and they haven't been used to it, they'll act like assholes and abuse their power. Shit happens with any con that doesn't have a professional security force.

>> No.7662482

You can walk around the hotel proper with an open drink. Moment you go into a convention area, any staffer who's brain is semi functional would bust your ass.

>> No.7662483


Didn't they have rosemont auxiliary all over the place though?
There were definitely officers directing traffic at the elevators, which was something that IRT did at ACen and made a mess of. Was the security not at other places in the con?

>> No.7662508

Half of the people who were supposed to be on safety didn't show. We had Rosemont police and security pick up the slack in the convention center itself along with anyone who volunteered. Last year Safety watched the elevators as well, and that was a giant clusterfuck, so that was turned over to the hotel and police which was one of the smarter moves.

>> No.7662524


I totally agree. I can't really remember much of last year in terms of the elevator situation since we stayed back in the executive wing, but at ACen this year we were in the main block that overlooks the lobby and the elevators were so poorly managed it was insane.
Maybe conventions should just leave that to professional security staff from now on?

>> No.7662529

I did actually manage to walk around the con center with a flask and didn't have any issues either. Even managed to get a discount at one of the tables in return for a swig

>> No.7662533

I am, my feed is blowing up, which is why I'm surprised.

>> No.7662613
File: 60 KB, 543x960, 10456019_10203973720490665_7670687257932014849_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty pic.

>> No.7662697
File: 72 KB, 488x865, IMAG0218[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see them getting busted a bit in the background of this photo.

>> No.7662745

lol I have a good story
>thursday at prereg
>line went by quickly
>split our 1 large line into 3 smaller ones, we ended up in about the same spot in a different line w/e
>right before we got our badges, a group of 12 people cut in front of us and register
>not pick up their badges for prereg but legit registering
>takes like...20 min for them to go register 12 people

gets worse

>finally my turn
>get badge
>"oh hey what about my tea party ticket?"
>"youre not in our records for having one"
>I was like one of the first people to buy one
>"yeah well youre going to have to show us confirmation or else youre just trying to scam us"
>wtf did you just say that to my face?
>had to waste like 10-15 min looking for my confirmation email among my 2000 other emails

they didn't even check names or tickets at the tea party.
I could have walked in and no one would have said anything.

>> No.7662754

They didn't put the tea party ticket on my badge either. Good thing they didn't check names at the party!

>> No.7662757

>not having your email printed out
you deserved this.

>> No.7662764

sorry, I figured they would actually be decently organized and not accusing me of scamming.

They gave me 2 badges, some people only got one, and then some people didn't get any because they said "there would be a list". There was no list.

>> No.7662788

That supposed to be Sailor Whore?

>> No.7662809

In the name of the skank, she will punish you.

>> No.7662858

Oops, I didn't realize that my post dropped.

Cosplays were not as bad as I had expected. I liked the two Madoka girl groups - the younger girls did a good job in spite of being less experienced. I didn't stay for the Masquerade for long. The rave was decent (minus a few bungholes, but can't be helped since they were guests). I liked the music and there was room to dance, so there wasn't any overwhelming l'eau de confunk. Sometimes the energy was a little lacking. I can't tell if it was it was a Saturday when I went or because the crowd was younger.

This was definitely a smart move.

Oh yeah, I ran into some amazing staffers. I went to the Inconvenient Romances panel, but then the guest couldn't arrive, so staffers Paul and Tobey (they were baby sitting the room) turned it into an open forum. The staff members for the swap meet did an excellent job getting the room set up on the last minute, and they were good about getting us informed about the fashion show's delay.

I did notice a little power-laden folks, but I'd say that it wasn't as bad as some folks at ACen, and I think it was partially due to having hotel staff take care of business.

>> No.7662927

>I did notice a little power-laden folks, but I'd say that it wasn't as bad as some folks at ACen
ACEN is just full of staffers who do it for their own ego and not for the attendees or the con.

>> No.7662939

What did you guys think of the panels? I went to the Lolita 2.0 and J-fashion panels and was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.7662964

I know it's not a lolita panel but the only one I attended all weekend was one of the most cringe worthy things I've seen in a while. It was a Watamote panel and the panelist didn't show. Two people jumped up to try and run it and one was actually pretty cool. He worked on the translations for the manga and was pretty well versed. The other guy though. Literally spaghetti personified. Very lound, very rude, swore constantly and just oozed pasta. 2/10

>> No.7662974

I went to the Lolita 2.0 one. Most panels with that name are awful but they talked about actual Lolita 2.0 topics like trends and how to dress for your size.

>> No.7662988

They were much better than lolita panela at other cons I went to. I wish the lolita 2.0 had more time to cover more topics. Both panels were well researched and had a lot of good commentary. Jfashion was hilarious and really informative.

>> No.7663297

They kicked out one girl who wasn't wearing brand at all (I think she was in normal clothes at the back of the line). And it was weird that they didn't have a list, but the main girl in charge of lolita events was there to be a quality checker? Still doesn't make sense that they didn't double check. Everyone who was there for the tea showed up though.

look on closet of frills for coords & the lolita collective had pics of their booth up

>> No.7663348
File: 153 KB, 1136x630, 10534184_10152292385800345_1254663182834098361_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the Baby tea party... anybody notice the girl in the front row wearing a captain america "lolita" outfit? how did this get in? any body have full body pics of this chick?

>> No.7663378

If there was a quality checker, why was >>7663348 allowed lmao

>> No.7663400

Anyone get any pictures of the Ahri cosplayer on friday? The costume was meh, but the girl was a looker.

>> No.7663694

I thought you were supposed to wear Baby to the teaparty. It seemed really disrespectful. Why would you wear a cosplay to a brand event?

>> No.7663790

technically you only needed one baby item, with a lolita-esque outfit.

>> No.7663894

Then what Baby is she wearing? Socks? It's still tacky to do that at a brand event.

>> No.7663901

this year i didnt like them too much. too much trap/house and not enough chiptune/j-core

>> No.7663938

my mother doesnt have any fireworks so bleh


>Racist imperialist holiday

>> No.7663955

one consuite girl was a bitch with 'go out using the exit' snarky BS

>> No.7664064

So my friend was telling me how someone's mom went to the Free! panel on Saturday and flipped her shit. Anyone got the full story?

>> No.7664135


>quiet drawmeet
>hotel lobby

Seriously, you were expecting anything different?

>> No.7664163

Hey is that Uncle Phil in the background?

>> No.7664186

> Went expecting mini-ACen.

> Realized they weren't bullshitting on the free ramen and pop

> New annual con

Srsly where was all the shit that was supposed to go down? I didn't meet one rude staff... but I didn't really interact with staff anyway

>> No.7664208
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i spent 2 hours looking for a con store before having to get an administrator to tell me that there wasnt one

>> No.7664213

I'm not defending her, I totally agree with you, but the rules didn't state "You must be head to toe in BTSSB", just that you needed 1 baby item and supporting coord.

>> No.7664266


hotel lobby on saturday night during the peak of the rave, no less
like meet up in someone's room or on the lower levels. It was dead silent in the basement at that time of night and there were plenty of people just chilling in the hallways.

>> No.7664394

>spent 2 hours looking for a con store

Didn't the website say something about not having a con merch booth unless they reached some goal? That "con store"??

Also the con is barely a day over and they already have updated the website for 2015... with fucking guests already WTF.

>> No.7664412

have you seen the way that website is designed?
you can barely find fucking anything it looks so horrible.

>> No.7664454

the people doing the in-out control in the consweet were usually pretty rude but the people making all the rice were totally awesome

disappointed by the "advanced" lolita panel, didn't tell me anything new about trends. one girl talked the whole time and the other panelists hardly got a word in. the "beyond lolita" jfashion panel was great though.

>> No.7664491


Sup dude. I'm the guy with the NERV flag.

Also the Homestuck fans don't really bother me as I can go whole find and barely notice them

>> No.7664494

Which trends would you have discussed instead?

>> No.7664506


Hey there Asuka. You may or may not know who this is. Still really proud of you and Unit 02 on the win. We'll get another UCC coffee at Ramencon if I go.

Also to everyone complaining about the Ramiel t-shirt Asuka, get over yourselves.

>> No.7664798

Anyone know what happened at the end of the samurai dan madlibs panel saturday night? My friend & I won & we decided to head home since it was getting late, & we're waiting at the elevator & samurai dan comes along with a guy under one of his arms & a police officer. Did someone get really drunk at that panel or something?

>> No.7664992

yeah Abby sure likes to do the thing where she talks about herself for an hour

>> No.7665010

I wanted to go, but Acen drained me too much. I only have enough for a badge, that's it. Useless if I can't get anything at the con or my own hotel.

>> No.7665049

I went and thought it was alright, didn't see as much cosplay that I was really interested in, which was kinda sad for me. Although I wish that I had caught those -monogatari cosplayers. Maid cafe was nice, our maid was kinda nervous the entire time, which was pretty cute.

I don't know if i'd go back though, although it does have potential to be a nice slightly bigger con than my usual romp, Detour's hotel layout is much better for taking pictures. There was no good centralized area that I could find for finding folks.

Also, maybe it's because i live with someone who bakes cake an' shit a lot, but the cake at the maid cafe was only so-so, I don't get why everyone thought it was so good.

>> No.7665144

I'm surprised you didn't see either me or the Senjo, we did happen to stand out a bit lol TBH I was surprised at how relatively unnoticed we went all weekend, though I guess that's expected with the younger crowd.

>> No.7665179

I could have just been at the wrong place at the wrong time.
It probably didn't help that for the vast majority of friday and saturday i was in my Hunk cosplay, the mask fogs up pretty damn fast and the fan stopped working. That and me having to wear glasses probably weren't doing me any favors

>> No.7665225

I spent most of my time hanging around the Hyatt escalators. Though I'm glad we had more room with the con center I feel that it really thinned out the crowds and there wasn't a good place to just stand and people watch. At least at ACEN you could just stand in the concenter and see tons of people.

>> No.7665248

I felt sorry for the panelists that barely got to contribute anything.

>> No.7665304

I'm friends with all the panelists - Abby was the only one of the four who finished her powerpoint presentation so they agreed to let her take the bulk of the panel. The two girls who didn't talk much were mainly there to answer audience questions, so while they ran out of time for that part, it's not true that Abby "didn't let the other girls contribute".

>> No.7665324

ahh, i was mostly just walking around all over the place. Yeah, i really felt the lack of any centralized location for people watching. It would have been nice if there was one big gathering spot/ a courtyard of some sort.

>> No.7665325

It just seemed awkward they were up there but not doing much.

>> No.7665473

Dude, it covered a lot though for people who aren't as internet savvy and tumblr/4chan all the time. It wasn't anything new to me either, but it was nice to see the topics discussed in a panel. I totally would have liked for the other sweet lolitas to have talked more too ngl

>> No.7665484

Yes, it was expected that they would have more time for Q&A which was mostly what the sweet lolitas were there to contribute to - things just ran longer than planned, as is typical with the first time doing a panel.

>> No.7665498

ok, yeah. the filipino woman was kawaii

>> No.7665499

I could think of a dozen or so more trends, but I think they highlighted the most important ones for the time constraints. Obviously they're going to be ones that more in-the-know girls already know about, because they're trends. They can't just pull new ones out of their ass. It is a shame that the Q&A portion was cut so short and there was little sweet contribution other than "sweet isn't trendy anymore."

I cringed that AP Misty Sky coordinated with a black underskirt was displayed for being "trendy" when it looked super tacky. I'm all for sack dresses, but the color combo was just bad.

I started tallying up how many "trends" some girls there could squeeze into one coordinate, and it seemed the more they had the worse it looked.

Kate looked like a hot mess the entire con.

>> No.7665622

didn't someone at con coord Misty Sky this way?
I thought she looked cute

Kate looked really cute IMO...

>> No.7665669

Two girls wearing Misty Sky stood up to demonstrate the dress shape. Anon must be referring to them.

I thought she looked lovely every day. What were you wearing that was so great?

>> No.7665727
File: 127 KB, 720x960, howisthiscute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a nice girl, but this outfit is just bad. The underskirt doesn't even follow the line of the dress, it just hangs under limply.


I wasn't wearing every accessory that I owned piled onto my ratty wig.

>> No.7665881

she stood up because she was following the trends discussed in the slide show (sack dresses, underskirts)
how is the color combo bad? it's black x sax, looks well-balanced to me. I liked it. Underskirt is a bit long, though.

>> No.7665960
File: 311 KB, 1781x1244, 10540590_10152297336615345_236729819554013072_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this girl at Matsuri and now at Midwest... her outfits are really cute by why does she always wear hipster glasses? I'm just nitpicking..... but she would be soooo much cuter without the glasses........

>> No.7665984

I agree, I meet her once she likes to go by the name hoot. Shes nice enough... though I think shes going for an Owl look with the glasses (gurl got a crazy thing for owls)

>> No.7665989

Because she ~troll us~. Not even kidding.

>> No.7665990

So much salt in this post, you think you could have ran that panel better anon? I thought it was informative and interesting.

Also Kate looked fine, I don't see why she gets so much shit, she was a very nice girl

>> No.7666001

Her makeup is so unflattering too. Somehow she makes otherwise cute outfits look stupid.

>> No.7666006

Bonnet looks sad, underskirt looks bad, blouse (particularly neckline) doesn't work with the dress, and personally, I think the sax x black combo doesn't work here.

Her outfits are always off in ways more than just the glasses, and her creating a public figure page for herself is just ridiculous. What's with all of these mediocre lolitas trying so goddamn hard to be facebook famous?

>> No.7666029

I was defending the content of the panel saying that people already know about the trends because trends are obviously popular things that most people in the fashion already are aware of. So people saying they didn't learn anything, well, they can't invent new stuff out of nowhere, and they can't list everything because it already went long enough. I just wished the Q&A portion was longer and a bit more sweet was discussed.

>> No.7666039

It was hilarious that she claimed the designer was so impressed with her coordinate when all Kano did was use it as an example of a dress that sold out so quickly that it was rereleased and that she was lucky to own it.

>> No.7666091
File: 24 KB, 500x348, tumblr_inline_mkjxeubMp31qiw26m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMg Kano Senpai noticed me..... give me a break thats all she talked about after the baby panel

>> No.7666099

yeah she noticed you bought a dress that got rereleased, lol

>> No.7666105

It was a wonder anyone could recognize what dress she was actually wearing under that ugly overskirt.

>> No.7666108

Meowwww. Were there any outfits you ~did~ like?

>> No.7666127

So many great coordinates, but a lot of girls I didn't know their names and I don't want anybody accused of self posting if I mention them specifically. Must say that Abby was gorgeous in her Carnivale dresses.

>> No.7666136

Such bitchery in this thread. She was perfectly friendly to everyone this weekend. Why do you begrudge her feeling happy that Kano noticed her dress? There's no need to be cruel about a girl you met in person, even if you didn't like her outfits.

>> No.7666140

Forget where you are, little girl?

>> No.7666146

Seconded. You guys are really sad.

>> No.7666175 [DELETED] 

Being misinformed and posting about how a designer ~loved~ your coord and requested a photo with you when you're not dressed to a T rubs some people the wrong way and comes off pretty pathetic, imo.
She could have easily said something like "Got a photo with Kano at AM!" like everyone does when they snap a photo with Misako. I don't begrudge her, I just don't think she's that well dressed. Also, she needs to work on her makeup. Her face/eyebrows look weird in the photo with Kano.

>> No.7666188

Exactly. She's trying to come off as some ~public figure~ and exaggerating and bragging left and right about how special she is when overall she's mediocre at best. Her ego can stand to be taken down a couple notches.

>> No.7666205

wow there's a lot of vendetta in here

>> No.7666214



>> No.7666226
File: 57 KB, 625x417, ajdufah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on the fashion show?

Some of the models picked for Baby had no idea how to pose, but that didn't compare to the nightmare of weirdos from the indie show. It was clear they got stuck with the leftovers. Yikes.

>> No.7666258

I don't see vendetta. I see people honestly critiquing outfits, panels, and behaviour. Sorry we're not the hugfest or circle jerk like you expected.

The lighting was really weird and made most of the photos I've seen from it come out strangely. I agree that most of the models didn't know how to model. Some of the coords were meh, too, but I'm really not a big fan of a few of the pieces that were shown.
I've seen worse and better.

>> No.7666287
File: 34 KB, 625x417, 10452325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is so pretty, but her poses made me laugh.

I liked seeing a lot of the Baby clothes modeled since they looked a lot better than the online pics.

The only collections I liked from the indie designers were the first and last.

>> No.7666304
File: 103 KB, 960x640, 10488233_10202493134226676_4053362723474028682_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Model from the Indie show.... Idk if its just this pic but she scared me....not kawaii

>> No.7666310

lol its looks like those flowers on her hair is covering her tits

>> No.7666322

I like her coords whenever they get posted on here. I don't understand the nitpicking over her glasses. I think wearing glasses makes her stand out from a lot of other lolitas and she seems to be a popular lolita, imo. Some people can't wear contacts and have to wear glasses.

>> No.7666336

I understand having to wear glasses... but really do you need huge hipster glasses that cover up the majority of your face?

>> No.7666368

I know her and she has really sensitive eyes. She can only wear certain types of mascara and can't wear contacts because there's something wrong with her corneas where they get infected/scratched easily.

>> No.7666377

So do her really sensitive eyes prevent her from picking out decent looking glasses?

>> No.7666380

This. I have horrible fucking astigmatism in both eyes and am terribly near sighted yet still manage to find decent glasses.
The fact that she's been like "lololol i troll yuuu!!!1!" only makes it worse.

>> No.7666403

>So do her really sensitive eyes prevent her from picking out decent looking glasses?

Normies would be complaining that "does wearing lolita fashion prevent him/her from picking out decent looking clothes?"

I see no problem of her choices of wearing glasses especially that this fashion is considered odd by most people outside of this board. At least they're not from Bodyline.

>> No.7666407

I know this girl and she is honestly the most unfortunate looking lolita I've ever met.

>> No.7666422

I've seen way worse.

>> No.7666457

Jesus fucking christ stop posting about yourself. It's so painfully obvious.
There weren't *really* any shitty coords that I saw other than the capt America girl but then again I was only there one day

>> No.7666492

If you know her, why are you insulting her here?

>> No.7666506

Not even that anon, but I saw plenty of really bad fucking coords.
I'll upload some once I get ahold of my bf's camera.

>> No.7666542

yes, photographic evidence!

>> No.7666549

But they're still shit.

>> No.7666560

I only came for the tea party so I must've missed em. Do post anon.

>> No.7666798

Let me tell you, a lot of it is on the spot.
Fuck her outfits. She had a foul air about her and definitely snubbed anything she felt to be beneath her. She was not pleasant to be around, and was not friendly either.

>> No.7666807

are you new to /cgl/
you definitely are

>> No.7666842

girl's got a lot of health issues, you probably just caught her at bad times

From what I heard the models weren't instructed in any way, and had to do their own hair, makeup, and come up with like 20 poses off the bat

>> No.7666846

>From what I heard the models weren't instructed in any way, and had to do their own hair, makeup, and come up with like 20 poses off the bat
That's pretty typical for a con fashion show

>> No.7666853

for an indie show, yeah, but from a brand that does it all the time? Guess all the hair/mua ditched/didn't show up

>> No.7666867

>>He seemed to be very polite to people at the con from what I saw, was in a good mood.
I dont like Ryan, but everything you said in that post was correct except for that one
Hes nice to pretty girls and people that he could use to get him more money
He's a bastard to his staff and has a short temper with everything
Have you ever actually worked with the man or are you just white knighting, anon?

>> No.7666868

I''ve been in a few con fashion shows, both established brands and indie (only one time) and this is usually how it goes
>they ask you to bring your own shoes as well as hairpieces/wigs/makeup
>they tell you they have professional people to do hair and makeup
>the professional people take too much time on individual models so roughly 50% of models end up doing their own hair and/or makeup or each others
>you do one trial run
>they tell you to make up kawaii poses
>they give you brief feedback on the poses you tried
>the real thing happens
so yeah it's normal.

>> No.7666881

One of the models for baby showed up 2 hours late and threw a fit, it was pretty funny. They were nice enough to give her a spare outfit since they replaced her and then she complained about it.

>> No.7666889

I dont even lolita and thats a fucking eyesore

>> No.7667424


Link to album? Some of the indie models weren't too bad. The Baby show was more tedious imo, each model did two circuits and looked like they wanted to die. It was actually pretty awkward.

>> No.7667451

I heard they barely had time to do a run through because Baby was running so behind schedule. The Baby fashion show started an hour late.

>> No.7667470

I just saw the email saying 8000 attendees. Is that really true?? It felt sooo small and low-attendance.

>> No.7667520

Probably closer to 5000 imo

>> No.7667535

Which model was that?

>> No.7667544

AM's small feeling is nice after ACEN. There's room to breathe.

>> No.7667580

I kinda liked the bigger feel of ACEN, there was just more to do and more chances to people watch. AM was nice but just lacked a certain pomp and circumstance about it.

>> No.7667607
File: 60 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n8dl11dKZV1qjz83no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this off of tumblr.

I can only imagine what Kano and Isobe were thinking...

>> No.7667613

well it was the 4th of july...
what baby item is she wearing here exactly? the parasol, wristcuffs? rules should have been main piece must be BTSSB

>> No.7667684

The wristcuffs and parasol are the only thing that look remotely brand, so that must be. It hardly seems enough to qualify. Didn't the rules say no cosplay? I just don't understand why she thought it was a good idea to wear to the tea party.

The girls she was hanging out with seemed decently dressed, I wonder if any of them tried to talk her out of it or were embarrassed to be seated with her.

>> No.7667740

I'm plus size so I've been to a couple brand parties where it was hard for me to find a main piece that fit, and I went out of my way to load up my coordinate with accessories and small pieces from the brand to try to make up for it. So I think it's possible to be appropriate at a brand party without a main piece, but this isn't how to do it.

>> No.7667816

I thought the point of a brand tea party was coming together to appreciate that brand and showing love of the products to the designers. What you did sounds fine to me, but clearly this girl has no fit issues as an excuse. The wristcuffs just seemed slapped on to meet the one Baby item rule. If she had nothing else Baby to wear, it seems like she wasn't there for the right reasons.

It just seems really rude. I'm glad I didn't have to sit with her and have her in my group photo with Isobe and Kano. Luckily everyone at my table was really well dressed.

>> No.7667890
File: 58 KB, 640x960, 10513428_10203164248641904_8217693439694762040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. She was supposed to be in a gothic dress at first, and then because she was late, she was put in this pink dress. You could tell she was SO uncomfortable.

>> No.7667908

If she showed up so late, why was she still allowed to model?

That dress is WAY short on her. I remember thinking she looked angry on the runway, though.

>> No.7667963

because they probably brought extra dresses for the on-call/extra models, but since some models dropped out all the on-call models got to wear the main fashion show stuff and the extra dresses weren't going to be used.

All she did was complain about it, too. It was really rude. Maybe you shouldn't have shown up two hours late, bitch?

>> No.7667979


'she' looks like she's rocking a five o'clock shadow

>> No.7668050

>I just saw the email saying 8000 attendees. Is that really true?? It felt sooo small and low-attendance.

Every panel room was packed, and even across the street it wasn't empty anywhere. I kept expecting nobody to come to the main panel room in the convention center, but it was always full.

>> No.7668054

>>Hes nice to pretty girls and people that he could use to get him more money
> people that he could use to get him more money

Wouldn't this include basically everyone though?

>> No.7668104


Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing when you have the Baby staff calling you and leaving you a message saying that the call time was 8AM @ 9:15AM.

>> No.7668108

Any photos of the good coords you saw?

>> No.7668114


Replaced her with a shop girl nevertheless! I don't know how she even got in. She was so tall.

>> No.7668139

Skinny and western-looking. She certainly stood out in the lineup.

>> No.7668144

lol it's like the opposite of real runways.

Was she supposed to wear one of the longer ones originally?

>> No.7668164
File: 45 KB, 960x640, 10526113_10202493023423906_7621989496673028588_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She was supposed to be in this one.

>> No.7668233

Wouldn't surprise me, guy was groping some girls, I'm assuming friends or people who he's bank rolling. Plus everyone on his main staff are younger girls. I don't think any of them are over the age of 21.

>> No.7668241

Large and small cons have their pros and cons.

Large cons like ACEN allow you to people watch better. Smaller cons like AM allow you actually meet people.

>> No.7668260

While I do agree with the later about small cons I wasn't particularly interested in meeting a bunch of homestuck/SPG fans. Thus why I wasn't such a huge fan of AM. Still had fun and talked with a few people but I met WAY more people at ACEN

>> No.7668651
File: 33 KB, 488x750, tumblr_n8gfhopsaL1qewdlxo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was actually supposed to be in this.

>> No.7668738

The Baby fashion show ran late because of technical issues. The music and visuals were on a Japanese DVD and the con didn't have a universal player. They eventually found something to get it to play. Usually this stuff is handled while the models are getting ready if not the day before, but the tech people weren't prepared until rehearsals. The models, except for the girl that was late, where ready early.

>> No.7669040

Fun fact, Ryan is monitoring this thread. Is he posting here? Who knows?

>> No.7669155

not a joe shmo attendee, and definitely not a part of his staff, no.
i mean people that that are important/have a higher standing among other cons/have fans that would influence his sales if they say 'wow that was a good time' on social media

>> No.7669157

Seems like most of the thread is about lolita, which im sure he knows 0 about.
Maybe you're Ryan
Maybe we're all Ryan

>> No.7669415

>Maybe you're Ryan
>Maybe we're all Ryan

I'm Ryan!

Hi Ryan!

>> No.7669426

>>Maybe you're Ryan
>>Maybe we're all Ryan
>I'm Ryan!
>Hi Ryan!

Fuck. Am... am I Ryan?

>> No.7669764

Never actually worked with him, but I met him at Youmacon 2012 and hanged out with his group a bit. We aren't friends anymore since all the rumors about him started up last year. The only "creepy" thing he did to me was pretend to bite my neck vampire style but he stopped when I told him to stop. I am definitely not a white knight anon, but I do want to make sure that proper facts are going around.

Though he did block me on FB after I politely told him I didn't want to be friends anymore and got blocked from Anime Midwest's FB page for making a joke about staff (Literally what I wrote was "How about getting staff that aren't 14?" and meant it entirely sarcastically). I did want to go again this year (SPG ftw) but not enough money.

>> No.7671050

One of these shitposters is Ryan.

This post >>7636479 was definitely Ryan in damage control.

>> No.7672105

so many ham arms
god, my country is fat

>> No.7672111

I like the ideas of the comic book patches (I've seen that fabric at Joanns), but it would have looked better on a creme/neutral colored dress. I think these theme dresses can work but not with the gaudy colors she chose.

>> No.7672120

Is this what the average American lolita looks like when they're at their best (as I would assume they would be considering it was a brand tea party)?
If so, I'm doing a lot better than I'd thought, at least on the genetics and basic styling side of things

>> No.7672125

talk shit post fit

>> No.7672146

It's the Midwest. These girls are much thinner than their regional average.

>> No.7672215
File: 167 KB, 701x936, 10550864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average fat midwestern ita.

>> No.7672221

wonder queen how

>> No.7672226

Is that facepaint? Good lord. Also she needs to be wearing a better bra. What a waste, all that brand should be confiscated.

>> No.7672257
File: 145 KB, 315x342, suchyomowf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, that's not facepaint and if you want to know how, ask her. She knows that she's a plus sized lolita, but in being a talented seamstress, she's probably worked around it in one way or another.

She also happened to be poorly photographed (seriously, no one looks good in that angle and inside a dealer hall - a lot of my cell phone pics inside the con were blurry).

I know it's cgl and all, but godfuckingdammit, I'm a little tired of the bullshit that people are trying to stir up about the Chicago comm; we've already had to deal with folks like cancer-chan, so we don't need something unnecessary added to it especially among/to people who are genuinely nice people.

2/10 for making me reply.

>> No.7672259

No, she just doesn't know how to use contrast and saturation to make her pictures look light and fluffy. Look how dark and shitty her WQ looks.

>> No.7672309

She didn't take that photo and it might have been taken by a stranger - she just posted herself to CoF and the picture is much clearer, better color, and not a horribly unflattering angle. Tempted to post it as she looks a million times better but friends don't post friends to 4chan.

>> No.7672322

The girl who took this photo took terrible photos of everyone. Someone just is targeting this girl because she's fat. I saw her in person and the dress fit her fine except the straps were too short so she haltered it. I think it's just slipping down on her. This cut of WQ goes up to something like 115cm bust so if you've got a problem with a larger girl wearing it, then go complain to AP.

>> No.7672357

I cringed when I saw her picture of me. What the hell is wrong with her camera?

>> No.7672377

Do you think she was the one who posted >>7672215 ? I know she posts on here and it's a poor attempt at being Anonymous.

>> No.7672456
File: 77 KB, 720x960, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not know what is wrong with her camera but I really wish she wasn't the one that was in charge of pictures.
This is her by the way.

>> No.7672470

She would have to be pretty stupid to post a picture from her own camera here.

>> No.7672489

good lord, what an ita

>> No.7672514
File: 44 KB, 618x960, 10527556_2779685410021_6588881795498091_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the baby fashion show

i think she is cute

(be prepared for pic spam)

>> No.7672517
File: 47 KB, 611x960, 10429437_2779683329969_4348496866829955609_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another girl from the baby fashion show

>> No.7672519
File: 241 KB, 1201x1800, 10506724_323992864436720_940523643203637608_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet again another girl from the baby fashion show

>> No.7672522
File: 148 KB, 915x644, 10401482_321457844690222_6432063378094847794_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from tea party

>> No.7672528
File: 252 KB, 2000x1500, 10517321_10203453431669803_6939585544291140960_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic from the tea party

>> No.7672535
File: 287 KB, 1500x2000, 10498377_10203458695161387_1849765844836657045_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic i found just floating around facebook

>> No.7672591

That last post you are referring to is not Ryan, its just me, an anon. I was just saying facts that I recall from last year's Anime Midwest when all the rumors broke out.

>> No.7672785


How is this ita?

>> No.7673599

old school, not ita.
your summer is showing.

>> No.7676298

There was another girl in WQ at anime midwest that was plusized that looked nice. I think she had blue or purple hair, I saw her in the lobby.

This co-ord is just bad.