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File: 97 KB, 324x420, volo rhymes with yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7625974 No.7625974 [Reply] [Original]

New Indie thread, continued

>> No.7626173

Dang, son. Pepfox's Gentle Fox reserves opened and while I was trying to decide between the dress and skirt 2, the dress sold out. Looks like only the milk colourway was put up though.

>> No.7626178
File: 113 KB, 600x800, PC050002_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this dress from Mystery Garden? It looks perfect and gorgeous and comfortable to boot, but I know how stock photos can be misleading. Reviews are a bit scant, I'd love to hear seagull thoughts.

Was there talk of a second color? I love the design, but I'm afraid the cream color would wash me right out.

>> No.7626190
File: 62 KB, 600x419, pepfox gentle fox test colourways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there was also this chocolate colourway with blue accents

>> No.7626208

Sauce on that skirt, OP?

>> No.7626260

Is that a replica of a MM dress?

>> No.7626264

I was asleep and was only interested in the cream colorway. Thanks, time zones, thanks.

>> No.7626279

Il Sangue, this is an old piece - not sure how active they are at the minute but they've recently put an update up so hopefully there will be more to come soon!

>> No.7626291

All gone! I lucked out to wake up when I did. Don't normally go for skirts but I think I might be able to work with this one.

Given the speed of the pre-order selling out and the quality/scarcity of the garments thanks to their production methods, I reckon they deserve to increase the prices a bit for their next release. Better that than bowing to demands for a bigger production run and ending up sacrificing timeliness/quality/new collections.

>> No.7626293

I don't think they should increase prices any more unless their next pieces are more intricate. They've already had some construction/fabric issues and their patterns are fairly simple.
Then again, think they could use with increasing production a bit.

>> No.7626522
File: 488 KB, 1366x2047, 1531619_10152320147486696_2482237880868800871_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one chick in CoF who seems to be the queen of indie brand. She always looks really nice in her coordinates too!

>> No.7626726


It's similar, but not quite a replica, I don't think.

>> No.7626734


Yep, il Sangue. I talked to her recently, and she's been doing some behind the scenes stuff and is hoping to put some items out for the summer. Either one offs, or limited orders.

She's also going to be posting that skirt up for sale soon once it's repaired -- she sent it to Frill last year, and someone ripped a huge hole through the lining and broke the zipper without anyone telling her.

>> No.7626741
File: 191 KB, 400x543, 1312499233869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More il Sangue, because I miss them.

>> No.7626799
File: 55 KB, 326x265, tumblr_maiwnepOf81rvjavv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it turns out not to suit you, I'll buy it off you with interest. I was up early for work and saw it, but hadn't quite talked myself into it. I check back a few hours later to buy it and everything is gone.

I imagine there's no plans to do a second round, either.

>> No.7626802
File: 36 KB, 400x542, 1312479095874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7626859

Wow I would love that skirt, the fabric is stunning. I wonder if she has any more of it? I have so many ideas for stuff to make with it!

>> No.7626881

Ignore me anons, as it turns out that fabric is really easy to find on ebay and etsy (first page when you search hot air balloon fabric)

>> No.7626946
File: 277 KB, 642x960, tumblr_n7bmqkea3J1rbd67fo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albino Accord reserves are open, anyone else jump on it? I got a JSK1 and headbow in red, hope it comes out nicely.

>> No.7626951

I'd buy it, but the tassles are really making it hard for me to do so; I can't decide if I hate them and they're tacky, or if I love them and they're innovative and well incorporated into the design.

>> No.7626955

link? I don't see it

>> No.7626965

I have to skip this one in favor of garden berries unfortunately. Hopefully it comes up in anything but red in secondhand market.
$220 I think is a bit much for her stuff right now

>> No.7626969
File: 61 KB, 500x375, thousands_of_tear_later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No money, so many tears.

>> No.7626977

This was my problem. I ultimately decided they were tacky and I know they'd annoy the shit out of me.

>> No.7626980

Those look tragically retarded.

>> No.7626992

Ausfag here who also did the 'should I, shouldn't I?' waiting period and now regret it. I didnt realise they were so popular!

>> No.7627002

I was going to order it today because I couldn't find the link for the skirt

>> No.7627003

I guess I'm alone in this, but I really like the tassels.

>> No.7627014

you could always just cut them off if you grow not to like them

>> No.7627019

I bought bought JSk1 in grey and that rabbit rosette

>> No.7627022

As pretty as this is, the tassels on the chest are ill placed and look like weird nipple tassels.

>> No.7627023

those tassels are on the bows for the neck tie. It comes off

>> No.7627027

Isn't there a skirt kind of like this by F+F?
Was it a replica or...?

>> No.7627050

I'd like them if they were more tastefully done. There are some serious balance issues here.

The tassels need to be smaller on the hem of the skirt, and placed closer together. Same with the sleeves. The tassels on the bows look a little silly. I would have put the skirt bow to the back, kept those tassels, removed the tassels on the blouse bow since there's that larger third tassel already, and the head-bow would be fine then.

>> No.7627074
File: 121 KB, 645x1056, aajsk1white8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah youre right its too much with the whole set. With just the headbow and this JSK I think they're nice though.

>> No.7627123

The construction of the skirts are generic, and the fabric isnt unique. So not really a thing you replicate since it isnt new.

I think most of her stuff was made for herself or friends. I dont think she ever actually sold any of the clothes she made.

>> No.7627187
File: 282 KB, 525x785, tumblr_m7c1j9Cwhc1qc7ng7o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


F+F ended up using the same fabric after she made this. It's commercially available and pretty easy to find, so that's not surprising.


She sells almost everything that she makes, and has sold through the Frill boutiques & pop up shops. She also did a fashion show last year, and I think sold some things there. It seems like all of her commissions go to the same few people, though (like that girl that runs Rouge Aerie, and lilacambience).

>> No.7627208

Awesome, can't wait to see her stuff. Dick move on Frill's part though.

>> No.7627243


She used to sell things all the time before she started grad school.

>> No.7627252
File: 97 KB, 258x400, ask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's the right place to ask, but have you ever order from Magic tea Party?
I'm almost buying this skirt, but I can't find a decent review.

>> No.7627255
File: 27 KB, 800x473, 1402758255806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she does payment plans - I'm really tempted to put my 30% down for the grey jsk even though I really shouldn't get the dress. The detachable flutter sleeves are too tempting.

>> No.7627258


I bought blouses from magic tea party. They were decent, not amazing quality, but for the price they had nice detail and all right construction. I heard that their velvet stuff is quite nice as well, but that's about it from them.

I know some people are selling their magic tea party dresses on Lacemarket, so if you want to check out the photos there, it might be helpful.

>> No.7627282
File: 461 KB, 1224x816, 9457399241_8a398f21fc_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got pointed over to this thread. il Sangue owner here.

As others have mentioned, I am a full time graduate student, and I haven't been particularly active with selling lately-- at least not through the main comms. il Sangue did have a fashion show of 6 looks through RAW natural born artists last year, and I sent a number of items to Frill/Affrilliation for their convention boutiques and various pop up shops over the past few years. Other than that, I have been doing a lot of private tailoring, researching new fabric suppliers & production options, and taking workshops on things like intellectual property law, so that I can hopefully expand the label in the future. And yes, I do hope to have some items available this summer, including the repaired Volo skirt set.

If anyone has any specific questions about the label, feel free to ask.

>> No.7627296

I just bought this skirt last month. I love it. Great construction

>> No.7627421 [DELETED] 

Yes. It's so dodgy when people/companies sell replicas and don't specify.

>> No.7628058

What body proportions is this skirt for...? It looks like you need a 18 inch waist and really long legs for it. And a lot of MTP's skirts look like that.

>> No.7628354
File: 22 KB, 500x750, 1383717_699833613360172_248096743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Seagulls with experience from The Floral Notebook?

I am considering buying two or three blouses since Mystery Garden is not available for a longer time. Is it worth the price?

>> No.7628396

Ive bought from them before and I really love their blouses; really nice quality imo

>> No.7628400

diff anon, i've always felt they look so plain in their stock photos. show us some photos of yours? (if you have any outfit shots too!)

>> No.7628471 [DELETED] 

Oops, didn't see there's a new thread, I'll reply here.

I have the normal waisted skirt. It's probably around Bodyline tier? I haven't had a non cotton piece from them in a long time but from what I can recall, I'd say it's similar to the polyester that L119 is printed on, which I had years back. Not quite is gross shiny though.

The fabric itself doesn't, but it's got back quarter shirring, no corset lacing. According to their site, medium is 72~90CM waist.

I'm sort of similar, in this case I wasn't expecting anything amazing because it's a new taobao indie brand and there was already a few complaints from the first round that was sent out. I didn't spend enough on it that I feel a refund would do me any more good than just getting a new one because I really do love the design of this print, it's just the execution wasn't very good. But I'm so thirsty for a good, not horribly boring Mucha piece in a colorway I actually like, I just decided to keep it anyway.

And yeah the shipping I was probably more annoyed about since I paid for EMS and got DHL without even any tracking. I wouldn't have even known it was on its way to me if DHL hadn't texted me that it was to be delivered the next day.

Saving your email! I'll message you once my new skirt comes in.

>> No.7628478 [DELETED] 

Agreed. I'm already iffy on paying that much for a simple printed fabric skirt with a waistband, honestly, I wouldn't shell out more unless there was some more details like lace, pintucks etc.

I really love them too...

>> No.7628484

How much do they cost? I'd like to buy some but she doesn't list prices.

>> No.7628541 [DELETED] 

I can't stand her hair, she looks like a middle aged woman with a receding hairline stuck in the 70's-80's with that perm. It's a shame because her coords ARE good.

>> No.7628577

What is googling for reviews?

I have one, great fit, very nice, wonderful person running the place. Same price point as Bodyline, infinitely better.

>> No.7628716

They answered on their tumblr that they produce as many pieces they can manage. I'd rather that than have them bite off more than they can chew. You snooze, you lose, basically.

>> No.7628724

I have this exact one, it's ace. I recommend adding a few cms to the sleeves, as the end of the frilly part of the sleeve ends just above my wrist bone instead of like, the beginning of my thumb, if that makes sense.

>> No.7628747
File: 130 KB, 487x576, marie1_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where I could find something similar to this Moss Badger brooch? I'm looking for something with Marie Antoinette, especially accessories

>> No.7629618

Got my Lief OP yesterday, anyone else get theirs?

>> No.7629760

Sort of a general (and stupid) question brought up by the discussion about the Gardenberries re-release and the Pep Fox reserve, but I'm new to lolita and was wondering how reserves actually work - do you just fill out a form and email it in? Is it common for reserves to sell out so fast for indie brands? Gardenberries was what got me into lolita in the first place and if I miss it this time I will be devastated.

>> No.7630515
File: 54 KB, 360x504, tumblr_n7i14rmpaX1rne83to3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuckup Monet's "Lilies" this bad? He's one of my favorite painters, and his paintings of lilies are probably my favorite pieces of art in existence, but goddamn is this one ugly series.

>> No.7630658

I think its pretty anon. sorry it's not your taste, but I wouldn't call it ugly.

>> No.7630662

It's not so common for indie brands to sell out that fast. Gardenberries probably will go quick, though. People have been dying for a rerelease even after they DID a rerelease way back when.

And heaven help us if she does another Aster Cafe run.

>> No.7630663

I guess I don't see why they would name it after Monet if it looks nothing like his series. The borders around the images in the print (as in, in the white area) look bad, and in general I think the color scheme is off. Maybe it is just me, but this was really disappointing.

>> No.7630706

Well the arts there, but it is definitely not the main part of the print which i could see would be disappointing. Its pretty but not super focused on the paintings.

>> No.7630742

wow, i didn't realise how huge that border print is, there's a lot of empty space. i also think it's a little disappointing because monet's paintings had a lot of pops of color, and this just looks really muddy, like a cheap calico fabric.

>> No.7630746

I saw it in person this weekend. The print is really nice, but the actual dress cut is a bit wonky. The tassels look fine on the bottom of the dress, but they look super weird on the sleeves so I would stick with the JSK.

>> No.7630870

was that skirt even at Frill? I don't remember seeing it.

>> No.7630918 [DELETED] 

I think it's quite pretty. Just not a fan of green/blue color pallets myself so passing on it. Only thing that concerns me is that tiny boob window, that never looks good on anyone but flat, small-ribcaged girls.

>> No.7631132


It was there, but it eventually got pulled after it was damaged. I don't think the person who busted it up told anyone, they just put it back on the rack until someone else noticed.

>> No.7631726
File: 21 KB, 553x320, haenuliillness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case people who ordered her recent releases are noticing a delay, Haenuli seems to be ill right now. Here's a message from her page about the general situation from a few days ago, and now she's in the hospital it seems from a recent picture.

>> No.7631732

She'll remake sold out ones if you contact her on facebook.

>> No.7631733

Does Haenuli hand-make her own stuff, or employ tailors?

>> No.7631749

Pretty sure she gets them made at a factory.

>> No.7631799

I think she uses a contractor but she handles all the shipping and communication.

>> No.7631817

Bullshit I want hospital documentation and a letter from her doctor as proof but even then I won't believe it and will swear she is blowing her doctor so he will lie for her!

>> No.7631841
File: 98 KB, 720x960, 1907354_258684524336402_3476925908663811777_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure if sandy cunt or being poorly sarcastic
Either way, not really funny. Attached pic her sister posted of her in the hospital.

>> No.7631850
File: 47 KB, 191x206, heartbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in lying hospital
>but still have kawaiiness sitting by my side

not making fun of her condition or anything but this is all i can see

>> No.7631874

I have an indie brand and I hope if I'm ever sick/in hospital, nobody posts an unflattering photo of me to FB. I hope she gets well soon though.

>> No.7631879

Bullshit she took this off google images!!1

>> No.7634340
File: 146 KB, 567x850, 186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen this in person yet? I really like it but I'm worried about it because its taobao and its polyester.

>> No.7634366
File: 67 KB, 440x659, 54d791c7gw1ehgzv3yqsuj20to18g0zs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not seem jsk in this colour being worn, but I can show you a couple of pics i saved?

>> No.7634368
File: 53 KB, 440x660, 7f8616e0gw1ehhf9rc20cj20p011i45i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7634370

KL is generally very high quality. I am sad that I missed this in green.

>> No.7634373
File: 78 KB, 407x700, 6772a939gw1ehm1c6l876j20bb0jgacp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7634374

i'm not a fan of her designs but you're very mean for saying that

>> No.7634420

Excited for this umbrella from LESE, my dream of black umbrella with gold prints can finally come truuuueeeeee

>> No.7634428

I seriously regret updating my phone. Android updates you suck. Pic:https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10511622_1437166363212718_2169750296812029154_o.jpg

>> No.7634430

I need that dress...

>> No.7634435

damn, my op is ready to ship but i'm waiting to collate more items before mailing everything to me.

i don't think you missed much imo, there is hardly any difference between the green and blue.

>> No.7634449

The difference is noticeable enough for me. I much prefer the green. I just didn't have money for it at the time (and really shouldn't be buying anything now), so I'll be stuck hunting for it secondhand, wah waah.

>> No.7634452
File: 73 KB, 580x580, ebc4b74543a98226080429f68882b9014b90eb1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's some reviews on baidu floating around. I can post a few pics from the thread.

>dat fabric hnnnngh

>> No.7634454
File: 23 KB, 580x580, 6b600c338744ebf8081c69eedbf9d72a6159a7f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worn (without petti)


I feel ya. The green had something about it, probably the unusual and pale color. I'm going more for the lavender myself, but it was a very unique color nonetheless.

>> No.7634456

>worried about Krad's quality


>> No.7634459
File: 67 KB, 580x580, 78f0f736afc37931cae58bf8e9c4b74542a91155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More filtered to hell shots.

>> No.7634462
File: 44 KB, 580x580, 728b4710b912c8fc53aafb1cfe039245d7882181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7634481

But anon, I just checked their facebook and the prices are always listed.

>> No.7634488
File: 402 KB, 400x300, 1377371071689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop, I'm in tears.
Lily of the Valleys are one of my favorite flowers, I love KL and had been waiting for this release but ended up not being able to afford it.
I pray to the lolita gods that enough people in the West bought the green jsk in M so that I can buy one at some point.

>> No.7634513

Thanks eveeyone. I haven't seen anything by them and the polyester worried me. Guess it shouldn't have though. Gonna order the white or blue jsk tonight!

>> No.7634586

Don't discriminate against polyester or TB. There are some absolutely beautiful polyester fabrics and many people vouch for KL's quality.

>> No.7634679

That dress is gorgeous! I neeeeeeeeed it.

>> No.7634731

Shut the fuck up, you're not as funny as you think you are.

>> No.7634761

Don't think she's trying to discriminate against TB, idk it sounds like taobao is just foreign to her and she doesn't know what indies on taobao are like. It is true that taobao is a wild jungle...

>> No.7634885

I was discriminating against polyester since I haven't felt a nice polyester dress yet, but it seems like everyone is vouching for the quality so that's good. And I know there are some nice indie brands on taobao but there's also a lot of crap too. I hadn't heard much about krad before but I'm glad they're popular. I just ordered the jsk and head bow in blue ^^ I'm sad that I missed the round headdress though.

>> No.7634895

I'm guessing they've never owned brand polyester before? Innocent World has some really nice polyester and Baby too, with their interesting textures

>> No.7635048 [DELETED] 

>people still complain about polyester in broad strokes as if they have a clue about fabrics

>> No.7635127

Is it just me or do the tassles have them looking a little I don't know upholstery-ish? Like I feel like they are wearing pillow covers from their parents living room

>> No.7635162

You could make this yourself for under $10. It's not even cut out in an even circle.

>> No.7635335

It's not a cutout piece of paper, it's stuffed fabric.

>> No.7635940 [DELETED] 

Seriously, polyester has varying levels of quality and brands use them all the time. Moitie is polyester more often than not.

>> No.7635946

Where were you when this was said about someone else who had the same proofs? Probably the ones saying it.

>> No.7635965

the tassles on their shirts look like nipples

>> No.7635990

how many nipples have u seen

>> No.7636212

For those of you who partook in Elegy's new release, how did you determine how long you wanted the skirt of your dress to be?

>> No.7636227

I'm tall so longest possible! If you're short and don't want long dress then you probably choose shorter. Take measurements of your old dress that you like.

This was discussed somewhere else too if I remember right. I just wonder why is it so difficult to measure yourself/dress/decide if you like longer or shorter?

>> No.7636233

Are trying to defend Marie from ODiP right now?

>> No.7636256

Yeah, I'm the same anon from the general; I came here because I figured someone would have ordered it already.
I discussed my concerns with basing it on another dress, i.e. that elegy's has a "high waist" of indeterminable length, so I've no idea where to begin measuring from.
It would be easier if I had a bodice measurement, so I'm just going to contact her and hope for the best. Sage for clogging up two threads with this.

>> No.7636429

I think that's about the troll trying to say Haenuli is faking her hospital stay, nothing to do with crazy Marie.

>> No.7636438

I saw that JSK I had a slightly higher waist, so I took a measuring tape, moved it slightly above my natural waist (about 1 or 2in) and measured the tape down to my knees. I ended up picking 23in for the skirt length.

>> No.7636444
File: 176 KB, 537x703, elegy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so back and forth on that Elegy print. I really hate the text. Not the fact that it says the brand name/print so much, but that font. It's really weird and 80s.

>> No.7636447

May I ask how tall you are/what your inseam is, anon?

>> No.7636477

I like the font but the way it's used is so bad. It makes it look like the print is an advertisement.

>> No.7636494

Yeah that post is the troll defending their bullshit, but
>this was said about someone else who had the same proofs
suggests to me that they're comparing the situation to some other seller who went AWOL and was accusing of lying.

>> No.7636495

I'm 5'10 so I said fuck it and went with the longest. Should work out fine.

>> No.7636942

Is there a list somewhere that has all the generally accepted "high quality" indie brands? Would be nice to have an easy way to check them all out without searching around and trying to find reviews.

>> No.7636967

because every print with a brands name on the design isn't advertising.

>> No.7637111

Well, there's a difference between subtle and not so subtle advertising depending on how it ties into the design of the piece.

>> No.7639801

>tfw didn't snatch Catherine's Tears in green

>> No.7639890

If I'm guessing right, it starts with R and derails all threads. She posted hospital records there were suspected to be fake due to weird dates and things not lining up right.

Marie has provided no proof of a stay in hospital that I'm aware of. She hasn't even told people why she was there to begin with.

>> No.7640012
File: 607 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_n7opsja2A01spnou3o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else reserving the new Gardenberries on the 4th?
I've reserved anything from Lief before how does it usually work?

>> No.7640018

I will! I want to get the black. From what I understand you e-mail them the reservation? that's what I was told.

>> No.7640024

I'm torn between black and "carrot". The orange is really different.

>> No.7640042
File: 114 KB, 333x500, lief gardenberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really interested in the black, but I hadn't seen the original release until recently, and I didn't realise the print was so big. It's really gorgeous, but I would personally have preferred it with a far smaller print, so I don't think I'll get it.

>> No.7640050

I like the orange too, but I figured it would be hard to match.

>> No.7640079

oh wow that is large, still want though. I know the jsk design itself is different from the first release

>> No.7640161
File: 35 KB, 490x780, 379683_594699863916659_2143236584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot wait for Rouge Aerie's next jsk design to come out. I've been hanging out for it since the designer put a preview of the dress up. Need!.

The chokers that came out recently were fab to.

< jsk

>> No.7640280

goddamn that's ugly

>> No.7640495


Huh. I like it in theory, but the execution looks really frumpy and off. The proportions with the collar and the bottom chiffon ruffle are wrong. The collar would be a better 1-2cm smaller, and waaaay better if this was an OP. The faux-cage skirt detailing is too puckered, and not because of ironing. It needs either a different fabric for the dress, or different type of ribbon (I assume) to help reduce that. Something more structured. Petersham would work, or very carefully done velvet ribbon, or a faux leather ribbon.

>> No.7640498


Good luck. With all of the ODIP drama, I'm not sure when we'll actually see her next line of stuff go into production.
Speaking of, did everyone finally get taken care of for the Nightmare Rising order?

>> No.7640534

i've searched taobao faq stuff but couldn't find the answer - with this brand in particular on taobao, in the pricing they have some crazy number like 99999999999.9999 - what are you supposed to do on these occasions when you intend to use a shopping agent to acquire your shit?

apologies if this has appeared in the faq and i've been too much of a dumb ass it see it.

>> No.7640538

those kind of listings are for when the item is there just for gallery purposes and not for sale.

>> No.7640574
File: 245 KB, 650x975, 1399970595918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit. This changes my potential taobao order significantly, thanks for the heads up.

Any more info on this pic related brand? I know some of the reviews floating around weren't exactly favorable.

>> No.7640662

Apparently, Rouge Aerie and Ergi refunded people out of pocket. My bet is that's money they'll never see again.

>> No.7640735

Mine is currently waiting at the post office, otherwise I could fill you in.

>> No.7640737

I was hoping for a re-run of the Caroskel JSK. I am hoping RA isn't in the toilet thanks to Marie.

>> No.7640743

Isn't Rogue Aerie going to redo Carouskel? I really want to get my hands on a JSK. Heck, I'd buy one of the ones people made from the fabric

>> No.7640918

I could have sworn she said she would make the fabric available again on Spoonflower. Meanwhile I skipped Carouskel in hopes of the mermaid print that was supposed to come after, and I worry it will never happen. Fucking Marie.

>> No.7640939
File: 185 KB, 308x308, marie troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't resist!

>> No.7641523 [DELETED] 

See my review in the archive on S7594497#p>>7625186 and answers here >>7628471

Still waiting to hear from them about whether the new skirt has shipped, 2 weeks later, btw... Just sent them an email asking (politely) where the hell it is.

Prepare to be disappointed.

>> No.7643515

I got Nightmare Rising at ACEN last month. The proportions are a little weird and the construction isn't the best, but I like it a lot.

>> No.7644040

I guess this is the place to ask.
What are..
>The average price ranges for indie pieces (jsks, skirts, OPs, etc)
>Your preferred price range for indie pieces?

I'm going to offer up some made-to-order pieces soon and even though I'll betaking offers, I'd like to have some idea of what to ask for first.

>> No.7644121

Not counting taobao
skirts: $40-$80 depending on the simplicity or complexity and if it has a print or is made of luxury fabric
again it really depends on the design and what not.

Especially if you aren't established, you should start in the lower ranges. Personally I prefer indie brand things to be >$150
simple designs and especially basic skirts should be kept cheap.

Be realistic with the pricing and your abilities

>> No.7644300

Okay, thanks a lot! I'm leaning towards the lower end of profit margin anyway, because I want to take into account the potentially high international shipping from Australia.

>> No.7644330

Where about in Australia are you? Hoping your local, would love a local indie brand to support!

>> No.7644333

Brisbane! I'm not really in the comm, though.

>> No.7644376

I don't really have specific figures, but I think that as long as your prices are reasonable compared to the quality and complexity of your products, I'm happy to pay for it (if I can afford it). I personally feel that the prices in >>7644121 are quite low, but I think that's because I'm in the UK and everything's more expensive here anyway ($80 is about ~£50, and you can easily pay that for a normalfag pencil skirt in a mid-range high street shop. If I made a basic skirt for $40 I'd probably lose money on the materials unless I made it out of the cheapest available quilting cotton, which I wouldn't). I don't know that I would necessarily pay a premium for a print, since I'm not that wild about them anyway, but I understand why they cost so much because, unless you go with Spoonflower, getting small runs of printed fabric is expensive.

If you want numbers, let's say the items in question are similar style, quality and fabric to the average printed AP release, but with a commercially available print/non-printed, I would probably pay;
Skirt: £40
JSK: £60
OP: £80
although I should add that I would only buy such an item if I liked the print, since if it was plain I could make it myself (I'm too lazy to track down commercial prints myself, so I would just buy in that case).

>> No.7644401

I plan on getting the black version, probably a skirt.

Always thought garden berries was adorable, but I never even bother to put it on my wish list because I almost never saw it come up and the price was always so high for an indie piece. I nearly bought Haenuli's fawn series as a substitute, and now I'm glad I didn't.

>> No.7644472

WHAT HOW DID I MISS THIS? HOLY SHIT I JUST I HAVE BEEN DREAMING OF OWNING IT FOR SO LONG! Hopefully I'll have the funds I'm expecting by then and then the motivation to loose enough to fit it.

>> No.7644489

their facebook says they're only have a jsk for the rerelase.

>> No.7644836

Anon isn't from the UK so it wouldn't make sense to price in GBP or charge that much
it's also a different cut, but I know if people don't buy it now, you won't ever get it.

Do they do only a certain number of reservations?

>> No.7645110
File: 10 KB, 243x251, 1359550015957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can totally understand what UKanon means, though. What really shits me is going into the valley/to expos and fairs and seeing the same handful of cheap, unlined poplin Hell Bunny dresses sold for $100+.

>And knowing that if I were to exhibit right next to them I still couldn't bring myself to raise prices.
>There is no justice.

>> No.7645899

Yeah I saw that after I posted this. The new jsk design looks a little young for my tastes. Maybe with enough people asking they'll decide to do a skirt too.

>> No.7645905

It's annoying, but people over charge all the time.

>> No.7646750 [DELETED] 


This girl seems so happy with the quality of the items she ordered from Souffle Song, but the material looks so thin yet hard and plasticy, and the construction is terrible. Looks like they skimped on fabrics too. What I hate about lolita today is how much the standards of quality have decreased. Even the major brands have been guilty of this. It's really embarrassing. Just throwing on a print of whatever is trendy and not paying attention to detail seems to be a common mindset now.

>> No.7646753 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 675x900, 24491_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my picture. Without the print this would look like utter shit. The quality is worse than that of Forever 21.

>> No.7646768

I wouldn't say she sounds 'so happy' since she says she wouldn't order their printed pieces again and points out some things she doesn't like on the mucha dresses. I think the jewelry though is the worst out of the entire order. Looks like hobby lobby crap hot glued together.

>> No.7646784
File: 115 KB, 675x900, 33113_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean seriously, the swan looks like it'a cut out of one of those thin foam sheets they sell in craft stores

>> No.7646809

Oh wow, I almost ordered that exact dress too, but something in my gut told me not to. I'm really glad I didn't, but I did spend the money on another indie dress (the one that Long Ears and Sharp Ears released) so hopefully that comes in looking nice.

>> No.7646813
File: 110 KB, 499x752, T204Z9XQFXXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get this blouse from DC?

They sold out in my size & the colour I want before I could snatch it.

Anyone know a reseller that carries it?

>> No.7646814

I don't think people who haven't owned brand realize what 'good quality' means. Not that every brand piece is 100% quality, but at least knowing that give you an idea.

shit I remember when I first started out and used to get things hand made if it was wearable I thought it was 'nice quality'

>> No.7646818

you can tell its pleather, not foam. but yeah not very elegant.

>> No.7646829

I can't tell, looks exactly like those thin foam sheets in the matte black to me. But maybe my monitor is off.

>> No.7646836

Yeah like 90% of the reviews on egl are babbys first purchases. They don't have anything to compare it to except their normalfag tshirts, so it's all great quality.

>> No.7646842
File: 68 KB, 564x960, IMG_46298831833195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really torn about which colourway to get

>> No.7646848

I'm having that debate too, anon. What were you thinking so far?

>> No.7646857

no debate for me. I'm going to buy black.

>> No.7646859
File: 9 KB, 493x402, 1283524552513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seams on the bodice cutting right through the pattern


>> No.7646861

beige or nothing for me

>> No.7646864

didn't realize they changed the cut. Well now I might have to get it... I really love that peach color.

>> No.7646865

Black or beige. As gorgeous as carrot is, it's way too out there for me personally. I wish they were releasing the old JSK but beggars can't be choosers. I'm so glad they decided to rerelease this.

>> No.7646866

I think the people asking them to change the design is a little much. It's like please you wouldn't ask Angelic Pretty to change their design. Sure it's an indie brand, but it's not custom order.

>> No.7646872

I didn't get that impression from anon at all. You have to admit that the cut off does not look good though

>> No.7646882

I'm getting black. I already have the skirt in beige, and the JSK in... well, it's technically beige but it's yellow because it's one of the faulty beige. But that black colorway is just too perfect.

>> No.7646884
File: 39 KB, 375x500, 520_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they were doing the original JSK cut. It's so much nicer. But I'm just happy that Gardenberries is back.

>> No.7646885

Wait, yellow? What do you mean by faulty beige?

>> No.7646891

When Gardenberries was released the first time there were two runs of the material. The first one was a cream color, the second run ended up being yellow. If you check out the Lief tag on EGL you'll see the reviews.

>> No.7646894

I actually like the new design more. the buttons aren't my thing.

>> No.7646897

I love this cute but I'm glad it's a different one. The original cut would never ever stand a chance of sitting on my busy right.

I do hope the pattern isn't cut off like in their stock photos though.

>> No.7646898

not that anon but there were a couple of original gardenberries releases. The first one had a creamy beige, the second one somehow got messed and had a yellow tint. it's less desirable because of it.

>> No.7646899

I own the original and I have to say it is SO high waisted it's a bit ridiculous. I would have preferred them to do the original cut but... drop the waist at least 2 or 3 inches. it would still be high waist, I promise you, but it wouldn't be such a pain for anyone over an a or b cup to wear

>> No.7646900
File: 93 KB, 640x480, IMG_0863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As >>7646891 explained, it was a really problematic run for Lief. They basically made a cock up with how much fabric they'd need and ended up with a second batch of yellow dresses instead of cream. Pretty weird and understandably some pretty upset girls. I like the yellow though, it's not an uneven yellowing and the rabbits are still creamy (I have no idea why the factory got the base color so wrong but the rabbits are fine). Pic related but not mine.

>> No.7646902

If they'd have been doing the original cut, I'd have gotten two JSKs. But as it stands, I'm just getting one.

>> No.7646903

the FB page made a point of saying the top will be randomly placed.

More that now someone wants them to add lace to the bottom..like girl add it yourself.

>> No.7646906

Thanks for the information guys! I had no idea. Hope it doesn't happen again for this run.

>> No.7646910

They yellow looks kind of cute. Obviously I'd be pissed if I'd ordered a cream dress and got one that's so obviously yellow but it does look kind of cute.

>> No.7646912

is there a comparison between the two beige runs?

>> No.7646913

I doubt it will. From what I've seen, Lief waits until the reserve is over before sending the fabric order to the printers. Quality control also seems to be a big deal (Which is great considering prior problems).

I own the recent sailor series and it is high waisted as fuck. I have a long torso/boobs so I wasn't expecting it to sit at my natural waist, but it's almost empire waisted on me. If I get this series I will be making full use of the adjustable straps.

>> No.7646917

I can take a pic for you, one sec.

>> No.7646946
File: 315 KB, 735x980, IMG_3451(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay it's a bit tricky to take a photo with the shitty lighting in my room but I tried. It gives you a basic idea of how it compares anyways.

>> No.7646947
File: 219 KB, 980x735, IMG_3452(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7646950
File: 197 KB, 735x980, IMG_3453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, they are noticeably different colors. But the yellow is really even and honestly could have been a seperate colorway instead of an accident.

>> No.7646963

The more I'm seeing, the more I'm liking the yellow. Plus it's more unique.

>> No.7646984

How do you order from Lief? Just send them an email?

>> No.7646996

Basically. Reservations for Gardenberries starts on the 4th, they'll be updating in the next few days with the order form and email address to send it to. They'll invoice you through paypal and ask you to pay b X date.

>> No.7647024

Thanks anon! I'm excited for this release.

>> No.7647025

Do Lief bodices tend to be cut high? I only own Basilica at Night from them, but I can't even wear it because the bodice ends so high I feel like I'm wearing a maternity gown/ empire waisted dress. I also thought it would be a little longer.

I'm afraid garden berries will be the same way. Wish they would release a skirt.

>> No.7647049

Looking at past releases (since their restart) the bodices all seem to be pretty high cut. The Sailor series had bodice length measurements listed, and they're accurate as far as I can tell. Gardenberries bodice is a couple cm longer, and has adjustable straps so it might fit better.

>> No.7647058

I'm really fucking torn. I love the black colorway but that random print on the bodice looks bad on all the versions apart from the beige/milk one.

>> No.7647140

first thing i saw too. uuugh.

>> No.7647167

I really wish they were doing a skirt version, so I could just make my own solid colored bodice. As it stands, I'll just get the JSK version and swap out the bodice but it'd have been cheaper with a skirt version. Ah well, at least I get my delicious Gardenberries print.

>> No.7647210

Sorry to interrupt, but those photoshop brush looking lace ornaments with colour borders really annoy me. The rabbit part is cute but those doilies are the reason I'm not getting this print.

Not that I hate the print. Just wanted to see if anyone else thinks the same.

>> No.7647408

How much is it going to be? I feel dumb not being able to figure this out

Also why no black babushka headdress

>> No.7647410

$210 USD plus shipping.

>> No.7647418

I was deadset on getting the black colorway, but now I'm going to get all 3 colors after seeing the previews :\

>> No.7647431

Thank you. Does anyone know how the reserve is working, through email or through facebook? what time it starts? I'd like to get a skirt but I don't see it available on the reserve page.

>hunting around
>no info to be found

>> No.7647457

See >>7646996 They'll update through FB

>> No.7647468
File: 42 KB, 500x606, blesss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for being patient with me

>> No.7647667

I was able to snag it in black and white but still waiting on it being made.

>> No.7647674

They are making a black one...

>> No.7647679

They're only making jsks this time

>> No.7647774

I only like beige, but I hate the waist tie and that tacky bow, so I hope they come off, because the print is really cute. I like this new cut better too.

>> No.7647905

If it's anything like the first series, the waist ties are more than likely removable. They're just a satin ribbon.

>> No.7647906
File: 50 KB, 621x960, 10450792_584729004978646_5266626478357057011_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These look so bad... why no cute headbows?

>> No.7647920
File: 73 KB, 785x960, 10447086_584745848310295_3861199272757401990_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying this isn't cute? It's wired so you can basically shape it how you want.

>> No.7647935

I think these are way better, the wire headbows look bizarre/sloppy to me

>> No.7647937

That is one ugly bow... I just don't think I could pull off the Babushka thing. My head is really small, but the bows are so ugly. Even the pin bow looks sloppy.

>> No.7647938

I just collected mine from the post office (the same dress, the same cut, the same style). I cannot begin to say how underwhelmed I am at the damn thing.

>The material is POLYESTER
>It's BRIGHT GREEN not a muted khaki/beige/green

The construction is not awful but it's not fantastic either. The shonky print job is more down to the polyester textured material that it is on than shitty print job.

Fuck me and my 'let's give indie brands a go' idea.

>> No.7647946


Is it a thin, really soft polyester, or a thick 'Why not just use cotton?' fabric?

>> No.7647955

The babushkas are already $48, why don't you just buy a yard of the fabric at $45 and make your own accessories?

>> No.7647971

This is what I'm doing.
If they were $15 sure, but those are not $50.

>> No.7647984

No indecision here I'm going for black.

I do wish they made more in between sizes for their releases. SM is a touch too small for me. If LXL ends up being the same as Carousel Theatre size was it's going to be too big in the bust and waist.

>> No.7647988

thick, soft polyester. I can't see my hand through it. As far as polyester goes, it's not... shit?

The lining is that stiff plastic satin crap.

>> No.7647987

It's a shame there is quite a big jump between the two sizes. But at least too big is easier to alter smaller than too small.

>> No.7647996

Ah, that's what I thought looking at the stock photos. Polyester doesn't always automatically = bad. A large amount of printed Japanese fabric is that sort of softly textured poly.

I'm never sure how I feel about lining-quality in loli stuff since you can't see/feel it once you're wearing a petti anyway, but eh.. For the price they could have sprung for something decent.

>> No.7648043

Lief doesn't release skirts anymore because people never buy enough. Perhaps if enough people got in touch, it may change, otherwise awkwardly high dresses will be the norm.

>> No.7648603

I doubt she will. She gets asked about skirts with every release but I don't think enough people want them to make them worthwhile her making.

>> No.7648820


>> No.7648825

Anyone have pics of Krad Lanrete Phantom of the Opera OP coords?

>> No.7648967

I'd like to just make a point about polyester. Digital printing can only be done properly on polyester. In order to print on natural fibres, the fabric has to be coated with a thin polyester film that the dye will adhere to. The coating process costs money on top of the cost of the fabric, so that's why prints (especially from small-scale indie brands) are often to be on polyester. The reason why Spoonflower fabric isn't colourfast is because they print on natural fabrics without the coating, so it's more like staining than proper printing. This is also why their fabric is sometimes blurry or grainy, and why they can't get a good, deep black.

>> No.7649205

>blanket assumptions about polyester

And no the printing is definitely a result of low resolution images, not the fabric. The fabric is in fact the type that's quite good for digital printing.

It is pretty underwhelming materials though, I'm the anon from before who got the skirt (finally got my replacement, btw). Since I only got a skirt the construction is fine but I could tell just from the samples that the JSK's were going to be a disaster, I don't know why anyone decided to give those a shot.

I do agree though that even brands are guilty of this. Hell, on the same subject, IW's Mucha release is literally just a print on a plain dress/skirt with zero other details, it's shameful for the amount they wanted for it. The print wasn't even that good. I'd still rather get what I did for what I paid on the soufflé song release than for that, especially the absurd secondhand prices that series goes for.

>> No.7649300

I'm pretty short. I'm 5'3.

>> No.7651467

The fabric is $70/yard. There goes my idea of making a dress myself to avoid that weird bodice motif cutoff problem, let alone accessories.

>> No.7651516

Is Gardenberries reservation open yet or not? I'm confused because she posted the form already. But then it says the 4th for reservations. If we send it in now, does it count or not?

>> No.7651549

So LIEF says that the Gardenberries reservation starts on July 4th, KST. So would it be okay or weird to send her the order form at midnight (KST) on the 4th? Or should I wait for her to post on FB and say that the reservations are open, and then send it? I just don't want to miss it...

>> No.7651552
File: 78 KB, 960x640, 10484030_1438935813035773_5180936325316887886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long ears sharp ears have their bag and parasols for reservation

>> No.7651556
File: 81 KB, 960x640, 10444656_1439641622965192_2290569969952831999_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7651561
File: 98 KB, 960x640, 10393175_1439641506298537_4782205315405065952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7651564

I don't see why that would be a problem, you're following the rules. They might just be really amused that someone is so excited about it. It's not like they would refuse you because you followed their instructions to the letter.

>> No.7651835

Yup, there are different grades of polyester. High-grade polyester mimics silk.

>> No.7651924 [DELETED] 

Oh my god, you are a moron. Polyester had varying levels of quality and the major brands use it all the time.

>> No.7651938

>Fuck me and my 'let's give indie brands a go' idea.
that's kind of harsh considering you decided to go with an untried chinese indie brand. you should have stuck with a brand that already had some backing behind it, especially if this was your one and only try at indie to see 'just how good indie can be'.

>> No.7652443

Is the bow going to be removable? It looks like it switches sides in the FB modeled pictures.

These are cute. This new brand seems to be taking their first release seriously. Hopefully it doesn't suck.

>> No.7652461

Not their first release, looking at their storenvy, but I don't know how their quality actually is. Hoping that it means there's a UK based indie that does suck though.

>> No.7652538

Sorry, I worded that wrongly and didn't convey my meaning correctly.

What I actually meant was I was giving an untried indie brand a go to see what their dresses were like. I have quite a few indie brands in my wardrobe and decided to take a gamble on a new one.

What I should have said was "Fuck me and my dumb gamble"

>> No.7652547

WTF is with all these deleted posts?

>> No.7652549

I believe that bow isn't included with the purchase of the dress. If I'm reading the sales page right the bow is an extra $18. So, if that's true then it's removable.

>> No.7652572

>18 for a length of ribbon.


>> No.7652575

they mean the little bow on the strap

>> No.7652580

It's their first lolita release.

>> No.7652581

So do I. It's like $4 of ribbon, max.

>> No.7652585

I think that's a different bow. That bow has printing on it and the strap bow looks plain. This bow is shown in all the pictures, even the line drawings, so I bet it will be on the dress automatically. Awkward looking. Hope it's removable.

>> No.7652586
File: 62 KB, 573x960, 10502254_584745768310303_6104403417470822172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does it say that? The only thing I can see is the bow pin at $18, but that's that really squiffy looking little bow

>> No.7652589

It's removable on the original release. And all the other releases that have similar waistribbons are all removable so it's a good chance it will be too.

>> No.7652601


My bad didn't see that awkward looking print bow.

>> No.7652667
File: 295 KB, 490x588, DR00065_01__70560.1402478598.490.588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The close but no cigar type stuff that indie brands tend to put out is kinda off the scale frustrating - so much 'this would be good if it wasn't for X'.

Take pic related, I love the cut of this jsk, the dark blue shades and the modern skyline print meets clean, classic old-worldly type aesthetic. Then they chuck in some red accents in the form of a cheap looking belt trim and freaking red phone boxes.

I get that it's supposed to have a doctor who thing going on and on first glance it's kinda fun, but when you can see just how stunning this would be without the gimmicks it kinda makes me want to cry.

>> No.7652670

The more I look at Gardenberries, the less I like it. It's been a dream dress of mine for so long but there's just something I don't like about this new design. I just can't decide if I get it for the print or if I just don't even bother at all.

>> No.7652672

>tfw I love everything about this and am going to order it.

..Excep those fucking buckle straps.

>> No.7652688
File: 285 KB, 990x400, T2XA9bX0BaXXXXXXXX_!!1808251735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some new Taobao indie brand:
Also made a matching parasol for this.

>> No.7652690
File: 86 KB, 392x588, DR00155_09__31022.1393830093.490.588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? Initially I thought it was gorgeous and kinda classy and understated (in lolita terms) compared to a lot of stuff and then my neurosis kicked in and I wondered if there was some sort of innuendo/comedy overtone that could be applied to the 'organ print' aspect of it.

This is why I could never touch My Lovely Glutton by R-Series because all I see when I look at it is 'eat more pussy'.

Yes I know I'm a bit mental and paranoid but do anons consider pic related generally safe from potential innuendo etc?

>> No.7652691

Ugh those colors, especially the purple...

>> No.7652695

>This is why I could never touch My Lovely Glutton by R-Series because all I see when I look at it is 'eat more pussy'.

I... what??? What's wrong with you?

>> No.7652699
File: 122 KB, 700x536, my lovely glutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know man, it ain't right. The thought popped into my head and now I can't look at it in the same way ever again. The cutlery print is so huge and sits in the crotch kinda area.

>> No.7652700


Looks like magical girl costumes imho

>> No.7652727

I have to say, I don't think it's unreasonable to think that the crotch cutlery is at the very least, slightly awkward looking; and then when you pair it with the 'to my lovely glutton' namesake..

>> No.7652728

Belle Glouton Pour le Cunni Dessert

>> No.7652785

somebody must have gotten banned (possibily for another post in another thread)

i think the shop owner is chinese but she's studying/living in UK. the bag and the parasol are all part of the same series as whatever they've sold on storenvy so far. they've had a shop on taobao for a while, but it's not a lolita shop, so i guess at least she has some experience doing online business before she opened a lolita indie brand.

and then you have shops like this that emerge out of no where and start off immediately with a print release. after looking at ESD and Souffle's Song screwing up I wonder why people are still blindly buying from these new shops?

no, i'm pretty sure you are thinking too much. i saw the skirt version of this IRL, it was lovely, i'm tempted to buy one myself...

>> No.7652822

Haenuli really does look like this without all the makeup and all?!..ow
Hope she'll get better though.

>> No.7652826

Oh my frilly rococo lawd now I can only see this as well...
"If I die bury me in a frilly pastel coffin"

>> No.7652852 [DELETED] 

their a chinese taobao brand the story envy is just a 'go between' from a few different taobao brands.



soon to be jellyfish


>> No.7652918

Can't wait to make the Gardenberries reserve.

How bad would people hate me if I had a seamstress add a little lace or a ruffle at the bottom of the skirt? Literally the only part of the design I'm disappointed in. The print is gorgeous but the hem is so plain.
(It'd be good quality lace/fabric and a good seamstress so it won't be butchered in that regard...)

>> No.7652936

The other alternative I thought of is having an underskirt instead to preserve any resale value but I don't know...

>> No.7653020

I don't think that would be a huge problem, as long as it doesn't look tacky. Also, you do realize you can go ahead and send in your order, right (if you haven't done so already)?

>> No.7653178

Oh I thought it opened on July 4. Totally going to do that ASAP. (Thanks for letting me know!)

>> No.7653202

4th July KST= korean standard time

I've send my reservation. I'm curious how many people order this print.
But a huge wtf about that tablecloth Babushka...

>> No.7653239

Oh. Yes. How do I timezone? Duh.

I'm sending mine in now.
I wish the Babushka had been just a little smaller, I love Babushkas...

>> No.7653251

I'm not talking about the waist ribbon though. The random bow on the shoulder strap is what I'm talking about, and though I'm not looking at a pic of the first release to compare, I'm pretty sure it didn't have a bow just slapped on to the shoulder strap.

>> No.7653252

Janitor is going batshit banning people and mass deleting posts for no reason, it's kinda nuts

>> No.7653257 [DELETED] 

where the hell is the order form. I saw it last night and now it's somewhere in a stack of their new photos

>> No.7653272 [DELETED] 

I have a different dress from her and it's very well made, fabric is a bit thick and tough but nice, the only remark I have about it is that I had asked for the dress to be longer, but instead of it being actually longer it's mostly the straps that are larger... Making it a bit awkward. It'll probably be tailored easily, but still.
Also, she's on a hiatus atm so you won't be able to order right now!

>> No.7653276

I have a different dress from her and it's very well made, fabric is a bit thick and tough but nice, the only remark I have about it is that I had asked for the dress to be longer, but instead of it being actually longer it's mostly the straps that are larger... Making it a bit awkward. It'll probably be tailored easily, but still.
Also, she's on a hiatus atm so you won't be able to order right now!

>> No.7653444

Along a similar train of though, how inappropriate is it to completely remake the bodice for Gardenberries? It would be professionally done so quality isn't the issue, but it seems maybe a bit rude to the designer. I'm probably not going to sell it, so I don't care about resale value.

>> No.7653464

What does she look like all dressed up? I'm guessing this must be a very unflattering photo from the reactions?

>> No.7653472

For me the problem is the buckle straps and the material. The bustier top looks like it would fit off as well. I like the red phone boxes. Hate the blue ones.
I like the idea of the bodice, the print and dat ruffle need work though
yeah, you're thinking way too much. What is wrong with you?

>> No.7653527

Dont think on it for too long or you'll miss out again and regret it.

I sent my order about 15 minutes after midnight KST and received an invoice about an hour later.

>> No.7653571

It's your dress, if you pay for it with your money than you can do what you want, IMO. I don't necessarily think it's rude to the designer- you obviously love the print and the designer by extension, you just want a different bodice. But that's just my two cents.

>> No.7653588

Pretty sure Haenuli, who is a friend of Sora's (LIEF) altered her Gardenberries.

>> No.7654110

Bump for Gardenberries. Who else ordered it?

>> No.7654140

The reservation extends past the 4th....right?
I just want to check my bank account before I order, which won't be until tomorrow.

>> No.7654145

Yes, it normally goes for a few days but I would recommend sooner than later.
plus you have a few days to pay the invoice as well

>> No.7654151

Lief mentioned the numbers are limited. I think you have until the 12th to make a payment.

>> No.7654154

Okay, I'll order now then. Thank you both.

>> No.7654161

Are you supposed to order from the website or email them? Sorry, I'm just confused.

>> No.7654167

Send them an email. Info is on their facebook page.

>> No.7654171

Found the order form. I had to keep scrolling. Thanks!

>> No.7654861
File: 222 KB, 392x588, SP00146_12__47215.1393833484.490.588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is wrong with you?

A hell of a lot. I once bought a skirt with an acorn print on it, one large longer acorn in the middle and then two smaller either side, I didn't notice the effect until I saw a photo of myself and noticed the print looked like a cock and balls. Ever since that incident, I've scrutinized certain prints for potential phallic/yonic iconography. True story.

Anyway, another beautiful print from f+f. I think this would be really fun to coordinate. Anyone here bought it? I've never really seen any full reviews or coordinates of it, only people trying it on or selling it.

>> No.7654877

Fucking perverted psycho

>> No.7654895

Nah, just a bit paranoid after that incident. I think you might be taking my silly story a bit too seriously, I think my caution with certain prints is more funny than anything. I don't actually make a point of looking for 'potential phallic/yonic iconography', that's probably just my slightly off, childish, sense of humor exaggerating the whole thing.

I don't think the whole 'hurr durr, it looks like a butt/weiner' type thing is limited to the realms of the psychotic, it'is more just toilet humor.

>> No.7654948

1. That dress is adorable. I should have gotten one.
2. Who seriously looks at that and thinks oral sex?
3. Even if a few people do think of pussy eating, then fine. There needs to be more vagina licking in the world anyway.

>> No.7654951

I actually think this dress is kinda cute. I think the red phone boxes balance out all the blue quite well.

>> No.7654976

i didn't think that at all when i saw the jsk but it did actually kinda cross my mind and give me a giggle when i saw it was called 'to my lovely glutton'.

>> No.7655040

There was a girl who altered her dress into an underbust version and it looked imho better than the original design. Just google the print name.

>> No.7655301

They say the pattern placement on the bodice is random so you can end up with a full doily, a cut off one, or none at all. Luck of the draw.

>> No.7655310

I know someone already planning to have a tailor make hers into a skirt.

>> No.7655330

They aren't friends any more after Haenuli screwed Sora over with the whole Sacred Night debacle.

>> No.7655334

I always loved the BTSSB dress "cherish my juicy cherry"

>> No.7659473
File: 139 KB, 827x1169, 10383819_583506585098976_9219677433450689444_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Ode to Darwin so bad but my budget won't allow right now.

>> No.7659579
File: 69 KB, 960x731, 10457178_803324659691900_4073861405688946234_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even.