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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7619206 No.7619206 [Reply] [Original]

Time for a new room thread!
Show off your rooms/houses/workspaces, all that good stuff. Share organization tips and your favorite places to shop!

>> No.7619218
File: 83 KB, 500x375, 1366523717859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm upgrading finally from a tiny bedroom with my family to a nice two bedroom house of my own and i have no idea where to even start with all the extra space im gonna have

>> No.7619246

>a fucking kotatsu
all my jelly

>> No.7619307

>your knees crack and pop when you try to kneel down because of an old injury
>they will never heal
>exercise does nothing
>that feel when getting down low enough to use a kotatsu would be actively painful
all my tears, more like.

>> No.7619317

I am moving from a crappy apt with a very big closet to one that might not have one or it will be very small- its not re-modeled yet so I don't have specifics. I own a lot of clothes both lolita and normal that need to be hung up and are pretty heavy. Got any recommendations for garment racks or the like?

>> No.7619324

cute room anon, I have 'window boxes' like that, so cute, awesome shelves.

>> No.7619334
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x627, 1377500035942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that anon was just contributing to the thread and that is not their room, guys.

I love rooms like this in photographs, but clutter actually really stresses me out, and I have no idea how you keep it all looking nice rather than spilled randomly over the table/floor.
Not to mention my cat loves knocking things over.

>> No.7619364

Yeah. I have a lot of rooms saved that are more for inspiration then anything. They're cute show rooms, but to cluttery in real life.

I'm planning to order these prints in the future to hang above the fireplace. The artist has the 11x17 version of them as one print, then a set of four larger individual prints.

>> No.7619371
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And I forgot the image.

Also one of my friends recently posted an updated section of his apartment. Guy is a major Nintendo collector and really needs a bigger place.

>> No.7619634
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My weeb oasis

>> No.7619946
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post cat!

Love the figure display anon, I hope to have something like that in the future

>> No.7620278

Good lord....

>> No.7620282
File: 220 KB, 960x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of having poster's cornering walls, but I agree, I really like the clean look of the figure display. I hate seeing really crowded displays. I'd rather store and rotate.

Pic related, buddy recently updated with two new detolf cases for his Nintendo collection(and before you ask, he has a site dedicated to his Nintendo collection) this is just part of it in his studio apartment.

>> No.7620286

DEER LORD. The claustrophobia, I can feel it.

>> No.7620295

My fav so far.

I have once dreamed of an entirely black room with baroque furnitures.

>> No.7620297

And then an earthquake hits.

>> No.7620299

Chris-chan is that you?

>> No.7620305

It's funny. He's a total bro. Works a decent job. Even shares his place with his girlfriend. But just collects so much stuff. They're planning too be into a bigger place soon. He wants one dedicated collectors room and the rest of the place more normal looking. Right now he's just got way to much stuff for the space he has.

>> No.7620320

Rotating would be such a hassle. It's hard enough just dusting weekly. I'm really quite fortunate to have the amount of space I do though. I have a nice big 20 sq ft room so plenty of shelf space if I ever need more.

>> No.7620326
File: 1.70 MB, 900x2400, bedroomaskfasdfas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just painted the walls in grey, working on repainting the ceiling white, and getting new hardwood flooring sometime in the next 3-4 weeks.

My office is under the same construction but it's going to take longer to do since I'm doing it one room at a time by myself.

>> No.7620334
File: 147 KB, 960x960, 1005553_10203705151127419_1204691188684642397_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved but starting to redecorate/organize my itty bitty room

>> No.7620347

How did you manage. Have you another room to move all of your furnitures into ?

I live in a tiny tiny flat, and even if I have the money, the lack of space makes it nearly impossible to just repaint the walls.

>> No.7620351

I squeezed everything to the center of the room and covered them in as many drop cloths as I could. I also used an air painter (spray painter? aerosal sprayer?) to get it done faster without excess paint getting every other place beyond my walls.

>> No.7620402

Does anyone have a remedy for a dimly lit room? I have relatively small windows in comparison to my room so I only get good lighting on sunny days/not winter. The overhead lighting is a singular hanging light with a shade but it's dim, and I have high ceilings. I have lamps around the place but they don't add much... I'm wanting to make the place lighter rather than creating an atmosphere if that makes sense.

>> No.7620429

Wall sconces, if you've got studs in the right place. Or swapping out your ceiling fixture for a domed one with multiple bulbs.

>> No.7620430

Switch the bulbs your using! They're probably low wattage, dim yellow ones. Go poke around a hardware store and find a lighting that you like and some lamps that can support it.

>> No.7620453

Does anyone have any room photos/ideas for rooms with slopping ceilings? I'm moving into one and part of the room is slopped and I want to make the most of the space.

>> No.7620457
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I have a couple pictures saved.

>> No.7620459
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>> No.7620463
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Also for you anon, have you considered adding some fairy lights?

>> No.7621210
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>> No.7621633

Those storage cubes are great!
I have one under my desk and it hides away quite a large amount of stuff.

>> No.7621641

yay, I love these threads. I love room threads more than any other.

>> No.7621696

geez did you guys clean your rooms before taking and posting these pictures, or are they always this well organized?

My room is a battle ground of my laziness and cosplay.

>> No.7621723

Whenever I've posted my room/apt before, I would do it when it's clean. Otherwise, it gets messy before cons because of cosplay.

I try to keep it clean most of the time though.

>> No.7621788

I always keep my room clean. I used to be a sloppy person as far as my room went, but now I can't stand to see things at all on the floor or cluttered up on the surfaces of other things.

>> No.7621809

this makes me feel better but also makes me want to clean my room

>> No.7621871
File: 1.23 MB, 990x990, roomcompilation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad I can finally post in here! I used these threads as inspiration when I designed my new room.

Still moving in, so my desktop isn't on my desk, but most everything is up. My mom gave me some lovely illustration prints with dark wooden frames, but I'm not sure how to put them up when I worked so hard to keep everything in the pastel color scheme.

>> No.7621898

Does your room have two doors? I'm just curious since the bit behind your large dresser looks like an entry-way.

>> No.7621900

oh my god your vanity is beautiful

>> No.7621901
File: 94 KB, 404x539, closet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It theoretically had three. The entryway behind the dresser was long-shut off, but the perfect size to nestle my dresser in.

This is the entryway to my closet.

>> No.7621904
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Thank you!
I found it like this for $30. Lot of repair and repainting, but it had good bones.

>> No.7621905

Yeah. Nobody really wants to show off a sloppy room. I need to clean my place some more. I was cleaning the bathroom last night while browsing CGL.

>> No.7621906
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>> No.7621908


It's probably a crawl space, a lot of older houses have them in the walls.

>> No.7621935

That's kawaii as fuck

>> No.7622029

That's really interesting! Was it originally designed to be a sitting room or something?
Your room is cute btw, nicely personalized but not overly cluttered.

>> No.7622070

What is that cat plush on the shelf? It's really cute looking.

Have you considered reprinting the frames? Or switching them to different ones?

>> No.7622269

Seconding >>7620463
Get the bright white led fairy lights, preferably the icicle/net ones. I have a dim energy saver bulb in the main part of my flat which I can't change out, about 300 Leds in the appropriate distribution will brighten it up significantly.

>> No.7622281
File: 9 KB, 596x137, tumblr_n6zyg38ga21rrr05co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so jelly of peoples big rooms. mine is 9x11 i think, and even though i have relatively new furniture its so cramped and ugly. i just want a kawaii room guize.
>sorry 4 the mess
>sorry 4 the cousin in bed

>> No.7622296

You gotta build up to make the most of your space.
I suggest buying some floating shelves. They make for good storage and aren't as visually dominating.

>> No.7622298

i actually have them! theyre the box peeking in the bottom right near the mirror. i have a long one and a shorter one, just havent put them up yet. i really want a fashionable room though ;_; (and more space!) id love cute chairs/rugs/a kotatsu but its impossible for now.

>> No.7622304
File: 14 KB, 500x500, ikea-ps-lovas-sofa-bed__0108342_PE258088_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh geez I feel ya, my room is about 10x10' with a 3' wide closet.

I make do with having a lot of shelves installed into the walls to take up that valuable vertical space, and sleeping on pic related with very low storage bins underneath.

>> No.7622305

That's a great start!
Have you thought about putting your bed against the wall? It'll give you a much more floor space.

I love kotatsu and stuff as well, but I don't have enough space either. Someday we'll have one anon!

>> No.7622307
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I'll try posting a bit of my inspo stuff.

>> No.7622311
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>> No.7622314
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>> No.7622319

I feel the same, plus I have two angora cats so the level of dust is incredible.

Your room is too cute anon ! I'm sad I couldn't redecorate mine when I was still living with my parents, I had to move out to get a job.

>want a cute room
>living with bf
>he doesn't want anything too feminine
>my living room will be basic as fuck

>> No.7622323

Haha yeah. My husband's the same way. He likes me wearing feminine things, the apartment itself? Not so much.

>> No.7622325

i had my last bed (a twin, i now have a full) against the wall, it was very difficult to put sheets on it besides me already being terrible at making the bed! im not sure if i could move everything now though, i was so determined to have my bed facing out and having a nightstand actually by my head. i almost got a daybed (which probably would have been a better option) instead of that one. i chose this particular set because i wanted white furniture and this was the only one that came with a desk/vanity.

>> No.7622328

Any chance you could have a nook to yourself? We've got a guest room in our place that I've turned into my Lolita and Sewing Sanctuary. It's not decorated super frilly, but it's where I keep all of my girlier stuff (mostly because our own cat would knock shit over if left out) and I'm planning on painting it and hanging a couple of paintings and postcards next month.

>> No.7622329

That little dresser thing in the last pic is absolutely darling. Also how is the quality of the Evillive bag? I've been eyeing it but it looks bulky and it's pretty expensive for PU.

>> No.7622332

which kind of lights would you recommend anon? i see a ton on amazon but most are "warm"/yellow, and i want cooler lights, i hate warm ones. (meanwhile my room has warm bulbs because the cool looking ones are more expensive)

>> No.7622376

I have the opposite problem. I have intense photophobia, so I try to keep the lighting as soft and dim as possible (I use low-watt energy saving bulbs with a paper lampshade that dims the light even further), but I have a huge window and it faces in such a way that I get tons of sunlight, especially in the mornings. I have UV blocking curtains that I never open to compensate.

>> No.7622378

Not sure if you quoted the wrong person, but you mentioned the Evil Live bag so I am assuming you're talking about the one on the mannequin.

It's not terribly bulky and it fits a ton of stuff. The construction is pretty sturdy so it's a tiny bit pricey but I'd take the leap of faith again for another color.

>> No.7622382
File: 59 KB, 800x600, Bedroom-Furniture-Ideas-for-Small-Bedrooms-with-floor-lamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give me a floor lay-out and any specific colors/theme/style?
Other than the white furniture

I'm bored an enjoy playing real life tetris

>> No.7622387

I have their latest bag and the quality is great.
It also arrives well packed, in a printed cloth bag protector and a small note from the owner.

I would order from them again if they do another classic bag

>> No.7622396
File: 1.32 MB, 997x644, fairylights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7622408
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Bumping with some small rooms

>> No.7622411
File: 32 KB, 800x600, Beauteous-Cute-Teen-Kids-Room-Decor-Ideas-For-A-Small-Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7622413
File: 107 KB, 800x600, Bedroom-Fairy-Lights-Argos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7622433
File: 133 KB, 667x500, bedroom-for-girls-designsarchitecture--colorful-tween-bedroom-ideas-for-girls-design-with-s4qmgnnw-e1397239206927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7622434
File: 80 KB, 550x550, Bedroom-with-floral-quilt-and-pictures--Country-Homes-and-Interiors--Housetohome.co.uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7622436
File: 51 KB, 600x600, brilliant-teenage-bedroom-ideas-with-minimalist-femininie-decor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7622438
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>> No.7622443

Any tips for keeping a room cool? This past week my room's been heating up to ridiculous temperatures and the fan isn't keeping it cool enough, not several until hours after I've come home. I keep my curtains shut all day to keep the sun from heating it up but it's just not working out here.

>> No.7622460
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Does anyone know, if this Anon ever posted the rest of her room.

>> No.7622478

That comma is unnecessary and that makes me upset.

>> No.7622494
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posting some from a previous thread

>> No.7622498
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>> No.7622500
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>> No.7622501
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>> No.7622503
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>> No.7622508
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>> No.7622511
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>> No.7622516 [DELETED] 

Oooh, recent pics I took for diff boards.
Top is battlestation pic for /g/.
Middle is arsenal pic for /k/, which includes most of my room. Was cleaning out my closet; why the fuck not.
Bottom is workshop pic for coscom.

>> No.7622519
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x4095, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, recent pics I took for diff boards.
Top is battlestation pic for /g/.
Middle is arsenal pic for /k/, which includes most of my room. Was cleaning out my closet; why the fuck not.
Bottom is workshop pic.

>> No.7622568

Aww, neat-o!

I always get super excited when I see rooms displaying different hobbies!
I may not understand it or even like it, but, dang, it's all so cool!!

>> No.7622574
File: 1.05 MB, 990x990, livingroomcompilation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope! It was definitely the bedroom. Here's the sitting room for funsies. I attempted normalfag but it didn't quite work.

The kitty plush is a Tentakitty! I got mine at a con, but they've apparently hit Thinkgeek now.

Also, you know, I lived with the frames up overnight. They actually don't look bad. The wood is beautiful, the same color as the hardwood floor. I think I'll just move the other prints somewhere else. I like having a lot of art on the walls. Gives it sort of the boudoir look.

Also, people speaking of small rooms, mine is something like 10x14, and it's carved in a funky way. The bed takes up easily half the room. The way I dealt with it is that I just determined to myself absolutely nothing goes in that isn't A)cute and B)practical. So things like the storage cubes, cute furniture, etc.

I thrifted/hunted for furniture for probably five years before I moved out, while I was still in High School and college, and only bought things I loved, or had really great shapes I could repaint. The most expensive item was the bed, and it was still $200 on craigslist. Most of my furniture was under $50, and some of my favorite finds were under $20. Stalk peddler's malls and vintage/thrift stores. (Antique stores usually overcharge.) and Craigslist.

>> No.7622581

This is so cute. Nice and airy and light. The flowers on the sill are a nice touch too.

>> No.7622624
File: 2.87 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3760[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse me but does anyone know that little rabbit fella with the flower on its ear? I picked up these stickers when I was visiting my aunt's place in Korea so I'm guessing it's a character of some sort?

Also my room is too messy now so I'll post later. ; ~;

>> No.7622651

I googled it and it has something to do with this:

And its name is Ruby.

>> No.7622658

Idk but I stole that background when she posted it. Now I get to look at cute girls whenever I open my macbook.

How do you all like to store your frills? Right now mine have to share my half of the closet with my normalfag clothes, but in the future, I would like to buy a standing wardrobe and a dress form for to house and display my clothing.

>> No.7622673
File: 20 KB, 600x428, 10486593_10202312602641910_378760817_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well can't blame them !

Currently we're moving to a new flat and there's only one bedroom + one livingroom (plus kitchen, bathroom etc). My bedroom is rather small but I'll try to get a neat bed with hanging drapes. I convinced bf to add little touch of lavender + other color on the living room wall instead of just white so it won't be girly but not too bland. (pic sorta related, it inspired me)

I don't want kids though so I know when I'll build a house, I'll definitely get a work related room and a big dressing.

>> No.7622674
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be a stretch, but does anyone know what I could do to my dorm? Here's a pic of it in it's bare bones.

>> No.7622681
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other side. Me and my roommate are both lofting our beds. Keep in mind it's a dorm, so I can't really paint any furniture or do any other wacky stuff.

>> No.7622691

Splitting the room with somebody? You should consider investing in a captain's bed.

>> No.7622693

I'm splitting the room with my sister, and she doesn't mind. She likes lolita and cute stuff too. A captain's bed doesn't seem too bad.

>> No.7622699

I'm not sure what sort of style you want, so I'll offer general advice.
Get a big rug in a lighter, neutral colour to cover the floor and add some warmth/comfiness to the room.
Invest in posters, tapestries, etc. to add colour and hide the bare walls. That brick wall is going to be a bitch to work with, especially if you want to go for a cuter, pastel room. You might be able to cover it with a full-wall curtain sort of thing that separates in the middle, but it might be difficult if there is any pipework around there.
I would add fairy lights to both improve and soften the lighting since it seems rather dim and yellow.

>> No.7622716

Now that I can see the other side, switch out the curtains covering the closet thing if possible.
I really hate that type/colour of wood and had to deal with it in my own dorm a couple of years ago. I dealt with it by getting this white, stick-on covering that I could just peel off when I moved out, but you have a lot more woodwork to deal with than I did.

>> No.7622840
File: 624 KB, 1200x2400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can express how deeply sorry I am about the state of my room, but I don't have anywhere to store half my shit.

I'm going to try and get an open wardrobe because my current one can't store even 1/5 of my clothes and is almost bursting open, an entertainment centre for my consoles, display cases for my merch, and get rid of the bit of desk under the window. I'm also thinking of corner shelves and such, or potentially building a platform desk type thing to put my double bed under as my house is victorian so I have ridiculously high ceilings.

does anyone have any other ideas (except to tidy up)?

>> No.7622848


Dang Anon as messy as your room is, the bed looks hella comfy and convenient to all the things nearby.

My room isn't any better in terms organization but I am tidying up today and some advice I have is to invest in some plastic boxes for storage and little cheaper boxes for stuff that you can organize together. (Like little dolls, or pills & sprays (I have allergy meds and spray my room with scents) and other little things.) Shelves sound great, if it's gonna be like a bookshelf, make sure that it doesn't make dents or scratches on the floor. My bed is super heavy so I put little foam pads on the corner bottom edges.

>> No.7622859

jelly of that fireplace in your room, anon. Even if it doesn't work, it's still a cool piece to the room.

1. Get some nice frames for your posters--they don't have to be expensive, but right now they're tacked onto the walls pretty poorly.

2. Beds on the floor can be really cool! But I'd suggest moving it somewhere else--it looks like there's a lot of dead storage space in your desk thing.

3. Get a new pillow. That one on the bottom looks gross.

4. Really, if you worked with the victorian theme of the house it'd look really cool. You could use modern, victorian-inspired pieces instead of true vintage/victorian looking pieces so that your more modern stuff (the figs, stuffed animals, computer, wii) don't look out of place.

Hope that helps! If you have a budget in mind I might be able to help you find some cute pieces to alleviate your space issues.

>> No.7622908

How long as that Dr Pepper been there? Seriously anon gross... Why do you need the bottle in your room?

>> No.7622923

They usually get described as bright white or clear white

>> No.7622943

its been there for a day anon calm down.

I like my fireplace too - original victorian, tiles and all. the previous owners boarded over it. I'm looking at some frames to match my floor for my posters and any future ones.
my bed is on wheels so i can get to that storage under my monitor really easily, and the other chest of drawers is full of stuff I don't use often.
the pillows are not for head sleeping on. I have a special memory foam one for that, but for propping up injured limbs, those ones work fine. (they're usually covered up or in pillowcases too, but theyre in the wash rn)

yeah, my bed used to be where that little nook is by the posters, but I moved it so i could access my electronics easier. if i get shelves, they'd be in the walls instead of a full bookcase.

I can't actually do anything right now thanks to a nice hole in my roof tiles leading to a huge patch of gross water stained plaster in the top corner of my room by the window, but once i get that fixed, I'll definitely look into the things you guys suggested!

>> No.7623298
File: 71 KB, 500x376, tumblr_mjrjpuyGYT1s6vvgio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7623342


Aww man, so sorry to hear about the leak Anon, that must be a goddamn pain in the ass to deal with.

I got my storage boxes, big and small, from Target because they were relatively cheap and hold up surprisingly well. If you're interested I can link you the ones I bought so you can find similar ones on Amazon or maybe other places that might offer similar products for cheaper. (I'm this >>7622848 Anon btw) ^^

>> No.7623344


Oops, meant to reply to this post >>7622943
my bad!

>> No.7623349

Also look for tips.

>smallest room in the house
>faces the sun constantly
>tiny AC vent in the wall
>top floor so it's also the hottest room (coldest in the winter)

Meanwhile my boyfriend lives in his cold basement and loves it.

>> No.7623365

for my room or my dream room, anon?

>> No.7623378

No no no, why do you need a whole BOTTLE for any amount of time?

>> No.7623403

cute storage suggestions for lolita? right now ive got my dresses hanging on my wall but idk if I want to keep them like that

>> No.7623423

Since dresses are pretty expensive Id suggest clear vacuum bags. You'll still see the thing perfectly fine, and they'll be completely protected in the bag.

>> No.7623682

Does anyone have suggestions on how to make a room with pet cages look cute? I have three small animals and my room looks so poopy compared to how cute it was before I got them.
Like, should I somehow decorate them, or use attention drawing objects/colors for the rest of my room?
Where'd you get your bedspread? I need it for reasons.
I have that same uke and have been dying to get a heart shaped pink makeup mirror- where'd you get yours?? I can only find them on amazon and it says 'color may vary' but I definitely want pink! Same for your blanket, I love soft colored florals. [Sorry for the rambling reply anon! I'm really excited to see such cute stuff!]

>> No.7623751
File: 999 KB, 1070x478, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about hacking some ikea pieces?
You could get some cube furniture and add in the clothing rail and then to personalise it you could cover the little cupboard doors with cute paper. Or get two really tall units and add the rail in between, then add hat boxes for extra storage on top.
You'd just have to make sure that the furniture is stable and that the clothing rod is strong enough for the job.

If you do cosplay I strongly recommend getting some wheelie storage drawers. I honestly feel 10 times more productive when I know that everything is (sort of) stored in the one place and I can move it around my house.

>> No.7623763

Aw, I love my Uke! I bought it overseas, I know it's not a fancy instrument like a Lanikai, but it's cute and nice to travel with. and the pink is fun.

My mirror was actually just Forever 21! It came in a bunch of colors, though. and the duvet cover was actually Pottery Barn Kids. I loved it to pieces and stalked the store till it went on sale. the Mermaid pillows are PBK too.

>> No.7623765

What kind of animals? What color metal is the cage? You can always work the metal in somehow. If they're a fuzzy like a ferret or a sugar-glider that has hammocks and toys, you can make them out of color-coordinated fleece very easily.

>> No.7623766
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I was really confused for a couple minutes.

>> No.7623791

Seeing this makes me miss my old poster bed from when I was a kid, I pine for a poster bed once more.

>> No.7624021

Yeah it's a pain, but it's summer right now so hopefully it'll dry out and get fixed before autumn comes along. I've got a few storage boxes in my ebay watch list already, but finding some more won't hurt, so links would be lovely, thank you.

because stairs are hell for me and i don't have a stairlift tnx.

>> No.7624150

Ah thank you!! Yeah! Mine's diamondhead, which is what I assumed yours is since that's the only brand that sells them in pink! Mine never stays strung correctly but it's so damn cute!
I have a rabbit, hamster, and rat. Their cage bars are all white with the bottom/secondary color of green, blue, and blue respectively. Thanks for the tip!
Aha, sorry anon! I was referring to little ukuleles, not yaoi (I assume that's what you were confused with?)

>> No.7624306
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Oh my gosh, loving those lights in that closet. I only have a single bulb lol.

Also for this Anon, >>7624021

You can browse these for small storage:



And stuff online for bigger storage:


(These are the kind of storage cubes and baskets I was talking about. If you keep poking around, I'm sure you'll find cheaper ones and more styles/colors to your liking. ^^ If you're willing to spend more, I can look up some cuter styles but most the people on here have budgets so I only included Target and Walmart links.)

>> No.7624309
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Thank you Anon!

>mfw I didn't catch the "JewelPet" written in English at the top corner.

>> No.7624327

Sounds a little obvious but did you try buying a standing fan? Those have always been a godsend for me. Portable swamp coolers also work great for small spaces. Just remember to dump out the water in the tray or your room will smell like mildew

>> No.7624334

Your room is gorgeous anon! I really like how the colours really work and its so neat!

>> No.7624955

where did you get them from?

>> No.7624987
File: 61 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but I love hunting around goodwill. I've been able to find sets of baskets there. I have a pair I use in my nightstands to hold smaller things. Also even dollar tree has smaller baskets, I use those to help organize stuff in my bathroom. They have a lot of plastic ones and wicker too.

>> No.7625010

holy shit i love how you displayed the sailor moon wand and such

also super sonico! i love that, i love her, and i love your wonderful room!

>> No.7625015

For UK anons The Works have really cute storage boxes for cheap (like £6 I believe) and they look nice. If you have a membership card you get points, so cha-ching.


>> No.7625023

Is it just me or does your cat have white eyebrows

>> No.7625036

Man I wish I had the money to do cute stuff with my apartment. I've all but given up because I would just always rather spend it on Sailor Moon stuff, or lolita or cosplay or anything else. I guess I should look more for cheap furniture and stuff? I have a bunch of sailor moon toys but they're always displayed so poorly. feelsbadman
sage for pointless whining

>> No.7625069

I love thrift shopping when I can. Ikea has the good ol' detolf case for displaying figures/toys. I've been finding a lot of wall shelves at goodwill. It'd be easy enough to mix and match different sizes and just repaint them to match.

I'm actually in the process of figuring out a way to display my Monster high dolls. They're on my nightstand ATM, but I'd rather build some shelving for them.

>> No.7625075
File: 130 KB, 960x717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my friends cat and it's probably that slightly bare patch above the eyes some cats have. Here's another pic of the cat.

>> No.7625088
File: 142 KB, 720x960, 1660469_10151992102101964_1003034612_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your friend's cat kind of looks like my cat except not quite as cute.

Does anyone else have the problem where their cat for some reason loves their lolita? I swear whenever I get a dress or a petticoat out she comes running, and she's always walking around my legs when I get ready. I think it has something to do with the swishing sound of my petticoats or the dangling waist ties.
I always keep my closet shut and try to keep her out of the room if I'm handling/moving my dresses and whatnot, but damn, can it be challenging.

>> No.7625150
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none of y'all niggers got shit on MACHO

cutest motherfucker this side of EARTH

>> No.7625173
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Are we showing off our pets now? Good.

>> No.7625190
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My cat was pretty good about not bugging my closet. She liked sleeping on folded ones though. She looked kind of like yours. I miss her.

Now I just have my dog. Thankfully since she's a poodle, I don't have a problem with shedding. She's really good about not chewing on stuff either.

>> No.7625192
File: 590 KB, 523x785, daprincess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, man. My cat's pretty perf.

>> No.7625202
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall ain't got shit on my puppy triumvirate.
Apologies for the dark picture, these weenies hate cameras.
They're much, much bigger now too, this photo is a couple weeks old.

>> No.7625203
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>> No.7625209
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My fat cat has to be the cutest! Look at her in her pirate costume!

>> No.7625210
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This is now a pet thread
>those sleepy buns
my heart

>> No.7625224

Since it's a room thread originally, we should have pictures of them in our rooms.

>> No.7625227

Hng an under-bite dog.
Every time I see a small dog with an under-bite I make an under-bite face right back at them, I can't help it.
I look like an idiot, but they always look so happy.

>> No.7625236
File: 72 KB, 539x960, 10157347_10202366375335581_3780950836839686776_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine loves dangling corset lacing. And likes to shed in proportion to how difficult an item is to clean. She is the reason I have never participated in a wardrobe theme. I moved overseas though so now I miss her...

I want to cuddle them all

>> No.7625241

No, christ you guys are as bad as the people posting their ugly ass bald babies on facebook. Nobody cares about your pets as much as you do. Especially pitbull owners, for some reason pitbull fanatics love posting their stupid slobbering mutts everywhere. I actually love animals and all but your adult animals standing around looking confused and doing fucking nothing are really not that cute.

>> No.7625243

It also has absolutely no relevancy to cosplay, unless you are going to post your cat in a Sailor Moon outfit or something. Just stop.

>> No.7625245

Chill, anon. Chill. I dunno about the others, but I posted as a joke because it's a room thread and people were talking pets like accessories/room decor.

>> No.7625254


Pitbulls are adorable wtf are you smoking.

>> No.7625256

>why doesn't everyone love my preferred breed!
delusional pitbull owner detected

>> No.7625262

Okay, to get back on track from the fuzzy deviation. How do you guys store your wigs. I have most stored away in a storage stool. But it's kind of full and there's a few wigs that are styled heavier and shouldn't really be squished.

>> No.7625264

so... what's your deal? you seem pretty obsessed. hide the thread if it bothers you so much.

>> No.7625268


Heh, too poor to own pets. I actually prefer cats. But pitbulls have a charm to them. They're super affectionate too. I don't see what's your deal with them.

>> No.7625269

My problem is I want to see room threads in a fucking thread about rooms, not your vacantly staring dogs and cats. And in general, people who love self promoting boring shit with zero consideration for others annoy me. Like I said, you're up there with the facebook baby fetus crowd. Start your own thread if you want to do this so badly or go to /an/

>> No.7625270

Still struggling with that myself. Right now, I keep them in their nets in pretty hat boxes. But that seems far from ideal. I've seen a few rooms where wigs were kept on heads to display, but that also seems far from ideal, since they would get dusty pretty quickly. Even rotating them out now and then.

>> No.7625271

Someone doesn't have pets to make cosplays with/for.

On the topic of animal things in the room, does anyone have a recommended type of carpet thats easy to clean/looks cute in a room?
That and cute giant pet beds.
I have a purple carpet, but they found out how to tear it up by pulling like, one thread. They've since stopped, but the damage is done.

Pitbulls are kawaii as fuck with dem big grins.

I picked up a few styrofoam heads and have my wigs sit on them, most of my wigs are short though. The long ones are either on little wooden mannequin heads on sticks, or just in the bag they came in.
Honestly, wooden mannequin parts work wonders. I have mannequin hands holding rings and my headphones, and two mannequin bodies wearing a cosplay and set of armor.

>> No.7625274


Yeah well, /cgl/ is a bunch of self obsessed unemployed cat/dog ladies so that's going to be a problem. Hide the fucking thread.

>> No.7625276

I just think they are ugly, it's called an opinion. Why does that bother you so much?

>> No.7625277

I didn't post any pictures of my pets, nice assumption. It's just that even by /cgl/ standards you are one angry cunt. Chill the fuck out.

>> No.7625281

You're posting irrelevant things in a thread where they don't belong, here or on /cgl/. Yes it's annoying. I have pets, I'm not inconsiderate enough to hijack random threads and shove them in peoples faces. It's really not that hard, surely you have a facebook where you can post this, or you can go to /an/, there are just so many options. Can we please get back on track?

>> No.7625283


Hey, I just asked a question. I wasn't the one writing an entire rant about a dog breed.

>> No.7625287

>writing an entire rant
>one sentence is an entire rant
welcome to cgl

>> No.7625290


I was referring to >>7625241, which I believe has more than one sentence and a lot of swear words. I haven't majored in English, but I'm guessing the tone is fairly angry.

>> No.7625292 [DELETED] 

I'm posting irrelevant things? I literally just said I didn't post any pictures.

Your ranting and raving about took the thread way further off track than a few anons posting their pets.

>> No.7625294

I'm posting irrelevant things? I literally just said I didn't post any pictures. Your ranting and raving took the thread way further off course than a few anons posting their pets.

>> No.7625302

You said "entire rant about a dog breed," there is clearly only one sentence about a dog breed and predictably people jumped all over it. The rest is about how horribly offtopic this thread has gotten, but people just need to post their pets SO BADLY in a completely irrelevant forum that they can't handle that, apparently
>angry tone
>on /cgl/
Sorry I didn't fill it with emoticons ^_^;;; ~<3 is that better?

>> No.7625303
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You'll probably want an area rug with a short pile that's easy to vacuum. Maybe even look at the kind that can be used outdoors. It'd probably be easy to ask some flooring shop employee for suggestions.

I was thinking of picking up a couple hat boxes from DD's or Ross for my wigs. Those stores have some super cute boxes. I ended up putting a friend's gift in a chocolate themed one and she uses the box to store doll clothing.

>> No.7625305

Where did you get your furniture set, anon? It's girly yet classy, so I could probably convince my fiance to go for it.

>> No.7625308

Why do you want a carpet? Just curious.

I don't understand the American obsession with carpets.

>> No.7625311

Carpets feel nice on your feet...?
Hardwood floors accumulate weird bits of dirt and objects, unless you sweep every day. Yeah you could wear slippers but bare feet feels nice for some people. If you wear socks, they get less dirty with carpet too.

>> No.7625313

Not American, but. Cold tiles on a winter morning are sorta shitty. Especially if you're not in a region where it's cold enough to merit heated floors (though some people do it anyway because whythefucknot).

They also tend to look nicer with less maintenance. Vacuuming with the occasional shampoo job is a lot faster/easier than mopping, which has to be done more regularly.

>> No.7625314
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>> No.7625316 [DELETED] 

>where it's not cold enough*

Because if it were cold enough here to have heated floors. Baby, my whole house would be wired up.

>> No.7625321
File: 1.38 MB, 1232x605, 1372481396102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so fucking pissed and aren't contributing to the thread either. If anything, you derailed the thread worse than those people. Either hide the thread and gtfo or contribute.

This anon's room inspired my tiny ass college bedroom (8x11) last year. Using the Ikea draws/shelf as a desk was really smart.

>> No.7625331

I thought carpets were more difficult to clean. I mean... Bugs can live in them. And unless you have an amazing vacuum they just never clean up 100%. Unless you get the super flat kind of carpet like office buildings have. I just think tile and polyurethaned wood is easier to keep clean because you can quickly sweep as opposed to lugging around a vacuum that may not make enough of a difference.

But I am biased. My mother has wall to wall carpet and it is so disgusting and ill maintained. They bother my asthma and I get bug bites when I sit on it. So... this was a rant post. I am sorry. Saging it.

>> No.7625335

Your mother sounds disgusting. No wonder you have carpet issues.

>> No.7625338

Wood with rugs is sooo much nicer than carpet. Rugs are easier to clean and replace, and you can find ones with nice colours/designs.

>> No.7625353

I have 3 large dogs and their claws scratch the hell out of the wood flooring. That and they shed like hell and track in dirt all the time. It's easier to just vacuum once a week to get the hair and dirt than it is to sweep daily. Also, I'm in ohio and it gets pretty cold, but not cold enough for heated flooring.

>> No.7625364

How'd you adhere the shelf to the wall and is it sturdy?

>> No.7625389
File: 285 KB, 627x768, roomandstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these cute rooms are to die for. I hope to one day have a cute ass room like them, even if it's not my bedroom. If husbands/roomates/whatever can have mancaves then we should totally be allowed to have a cute ass room for ourselves.

My room is pretty crappy. I wish I had more room for more shelves for my dolls/figures.

>> No.7625396

The shelf is advertised to go with two triangle shaped bracing things that screw into the wall. The shelf sits on these and was pretty sturdy.

>> No.7625429

>clutter fags

>> No.7625435

I feel disgusting, I can't even keep my room clean, let alone decorate it.
Have you guys always been able to keep a clean room? How long ago did you decide to decorate it like that?
Also, do you share that room? Live with your parents?

>> No.7625441

I have a strong dislike of carpet after growing up in a house with to many pets and hoarder level amounts of stuff. Now the places I live have wooden flooring. If I want carpet, I have area rugs. The one major benefit is it's so much easier to find small things that fall(like sewing needles, fuck sewing needles in carpet) and easier to move furniture around.

>> No.7625478

just wondering, if any if you do your makeup in your bedroom, what's your setup like? I'm trying to move all my makeup into my room and maybe just get a table and a mirror, but I need some inspo

>> No.7625503

Oh god I love Disney and I love DC I want these so much.

>> No.7625508

There originally was a rug in my room and took it out but the wooden floor underneath looks terrible. I tried to clean it but it's all scuffed and dirty looking, I don't know what to do to make it look better aside from putting a new floor in or just covering it with a rug again.

>> No.7625511

Just hang your clothes up after washing them and dust occasionally, seriously not hard to keep a room clean

>> No.7625517
File: 32 KB, 194x259, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist has an etsy. It's 110 for the four large set. My friend gave us the art based off Gotham public works. I need to frame up some of my other posters. I have this one signed by Alex and a bunch of the game va's. I try to be picky about my fandom art. I've got a rocketeer one and a LoZ hanging in the bathroom.

>> No.7625522
File: 48 KB, 458x481, tumblr_m5lgvrHmSq1rrl3q9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah is that your college bedroom? its awesome

i really want to post in one of these threads one day, but my room is always dirty when these threads happen, i have cosplay shit all over the floor

>> No.7625528
File: 615 KB, 1000x2206, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost done with my room, I'm thinking of getting a large beanbag chair or something to sit on and play video games. Suggestions would also be nice too!

>> No.7625551

2nd picture, far right shelf: What character is the one on the pole on the the top? And is the dark one in the middle Naoto?

Your room is awesome. I wish I could keep mine that clean.

>> No.7625555

I love all your Persona stuff! Such a cute room, too.

>> No.7625565

>dark one in the middle Naoto
naoto is on the left, middle looks like figuarts zero MC with the figuarts Thanatos

>> No.7625576

A-are you from Singapore? I recognise those standard window grills from anywhere.

>> No.7625577

The one on the pole is http://myfigurecollection.net/item/3587 and the one in the middle is what >>7625565 said.

>> No.7625584

Oh snap, good job. I'm from Singapore.

>> No.7625800

Do you have a hard time keeping Metly de Granite on her ice cream cone? I did until I rotated the cone to have her sitting more on top. I only ask because it looks like yours is coming off the cone.

Ross is great for those kinds of things~!

>> No.7625817

Is that a king sized bed?

I have a queen, and I've always been envious of my parents' king, because I need fucking SPACE when I sleep.


>TFW most cute normalfag sheets are for singles because kids

>> No.7625819

I used to not really care that much about organization until I moved in with my bf and his brother.

This gives me a lady boner because our linen closet is a disaster and makes all the towels smell weird.

>> No.7625822

I went to Ross earlier and saw several boxes. Though oddly enough I didn't find any over the door shoe organizer. I also like Ross for their fake book boxes. They also always have jewelry tray organizers.

You sound like my husband. The man is a bed hog. I have to push him off me at night because he always puts his leg over me.

>> No.7625839

It's like my dream to have a four-poster bed with cute sheer curtains hanging all around (and I like sleeping in sort of a nest) but the ceilings in my room are too low. It makes me really upset, but I dream of having one when I move out.

And the loft beds. I love lofts.
This feel. I have christmas lights strung up around my desk and a hanging lamp above my bed in addition to the center cieling light.

Taking photos in my room is a nightmare though.

I also can't sleep if there's ANY sunlight in the window, and have been too lazy to get blackout curtains, so I currently have two sets of full curtains plus a blanket plus an extra fitted sheet covering my entire window.... so no light from there.

TFW you're a slob so you can never post in room threads

I'm cleaning right now, moving in some new furniture. But my room is also an in-cohesive mess of furniture that my dad built for me over the years, so it's not really kawaii or anything anyway.

>2 liter of Dr. Pepper
My nigga.

It's more convenient to keep the bottle where you're going to be drinking it (you can see she has a cup right there) and I know I personally prefer Dr. Pepper at room temp instead of cold, so the no fridge thing doesn't matter at all. It's also cheaper to buy the bottle than a case of cans or w/e.

>> No.7625850

I'm so claustrophobic. When I move out with the SO we're going to have to upsize to a king, because I can't handle sharing my space.

Really sucks when I sleep over at his place, because he has a single bed for us to share, and I"m used to a double all to myself.

I've been piling extra cushions and shit on half the bed to try to limit myself, but I just can't do it. I feel like I'm falling out.

>> No.7625852
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>hanging lamp

I have lanterns hanging in my room. The hooks were already there when we moved in. They hold tea lights and hang just above our bed, so they're nice for mood lighting.

>> No.7625861

I used to have this really cute star lampshade that cast little moons onto the walls, but it ripped.

I was really upset when I found it like that, it was a gift when I was maybe 12? and I cried for like an hour. My own stupid fault for storing it like a dumbass, but I have hoarder-type tendencies and give everything sentimental value, especially when it's something I like so much.

Lucky it's just with my belongings and not actual garbage, but I tried so desperately to fix it.

>> No.7625877
File: 41 KB, 550x550, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had something similar happen recently with a doll that was my grandma's. It broke my heart when I realized the doll had gotten broken because of my mistake.

Also I'm thinking of hanging some star shaped fairy lights along that beam where the lanterns are hanging.

>> No.7625883

I feel so stupid about it now, though, because it was just a paper lantern cover, and I could buy another one really cheap if I wanted to.

It's just remind me of the gift that I ruined, so I won't, even though it was maybe $5.

>> No.7625901

dumb question,ow do you call those mannequin-like things?

>> No.7625912
File: 56 KB, 630x355, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called a dress form.

>> No.7626206

Aaah, I need that background on that laptop! Anybody know where its from?

>> No.7626210
File: 438 KB, 1252x882, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved it on my phone after the last room thread.

>> No.7626222

Thanks, anon!

>> No.7626225
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>> No.7626226
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>> No.7626238

I'm having a similar issue here and it's affecting my figure collection so I researched and will try several things at once:
- look for Solar Heat Control Film (or something simmilar). You basically apply this to your window and it reduces the heat passing through it by ~60-80% depending on the stuff used. It's not expensive and relatively easy to apply yourself. You can invest in either mirror (one sided) one, or fully transparent one depending on your tastes. This worked rather well at my studio - reduced the inside temp from 34'C to 27'C when the space was fully in the sun with external temps around 27'C
- Installing AC. Possibly easy for the US people, as it's relatively cheap and common to do so. In my case (eurofagia), and living in a flat in the actual downtown, I need to buy an AC standalone unit and somehow make room in the window for the heat exhaust pipe. It's the thing in >>7620326, on the first top frame in the right upper corner.

Well, that were the biger cannons that should hopefully eliminate the issue fully. I've dealt with the heat in minor ways as well, that helped to some extent:
- full window rollets (white), that reflected the light back. Helped a lot when used throughout the day, yet I missed the daylight after some time.
- ventilation (fan, plus I've discovered ways of forcing the airflow through the house by drafts)

Hope that helps.

>> No.7626244


Apart from dress forms, what kind of device would you use to display the clothes you love? I'm really into school uniforms and would love to somehow imbed them into the room, but lack ideas on how to, without damaging them due to exposure to the elements.

I was thinking of pressing them into glass frames on the wall (it's like an open box with ~10-15cm depth and picture frame with glass framing at front as a cover), but that would need to be custom made and expensive as hell. Then the dress form idea came, yet it would mean to expose them to dust and sunlight, so it's unacceptable as it would affect their quality.


>> No.7626246

>Histoire naturelle des Paris
Anon, this box is cute, but there's a glaring French mistake on it.
It should be "de" instead of "des".

>> No.7626321
File: 704 KB, 250x141, tumblr_mzup7kk1no1ssv2l9o3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question : i'm moving out soon and can't decide between a shabby chic style room or uguu kawaii style which do you prefer?

>> No.7626374

I say think about 10~20 years from now. Buy things that will last in the long run.

>> No.7626424

I prefer the uguu kawaii style. But then again I'm quite young and don't need to worry about moving out of my parents house just yet.
I'd say go for a more mature shabby chic style room with cute, neat elements that tie it all neatly together rather than letting a desu desu bomb off in your room if you have an apartment / house.
But it's your decision, so choose whatever makes you feel the happiest.

>> No.7626439
File: 74 KB, 616x821, RMS-vintage-rose-collection_shabby-chic-pink-roses-chair-ottoman_s3x4_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like others, I'd say shabby chic. My aunt always told me something along the lines of: have a place that you wouldn't mind showing someone you're bringing home for a one night stand. Kind of a weird criteria, but if you want to have a partner and spend time in your place, you probably don't want dolls and plush staring at you while you're fucking. This might just be a weird thing on my part, though...

Who says shabby chic can't be a little kawaii, anyways? Pic related is just form a google image search of shabby chic and it looks very lolita, too.

>> No.7626461

Thank you kind anon!
I'm so excited about moving to a bigger space than my dorm, even if it's a small mobile home, I love the way lolitas make coords on these awesome suckersand would love to buy one for myself. However, I have no idea where I could buy one, any lolis have commets about reliable stores?

>> No.7626469

I basically chose my linens, curtain and furniture based on the Shabby Chic style, which, while sweet, doesn't read as immature. Then I have the Kawaii UGUU in accessories, plushes, etc, some of the framed art, so that when I move and decide I'd rather lose the Kawaii shit, I don't have to start from scratch.

>> No.7626483

I would put them inside a nice suit bag with a clear front that would act as a frame.

>> No.7626492

I've actually seen them on amazon. Try searching display dress form. You can probably find one closer to your size. Otherwise I found this one for about $50.


>> No.7626509
File: 83 KB, 483x640, 106026_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever requesting dolly kei room inspo. I'm happy 'cause I found a big LJ post about someone's dolly kei/mori apartment, but aside from that and Grimoire's shop, I need moooore.

>> No.7626526

This thread has encouraged me to clean my room.

>> No.7626527

Sounds like a good idea, thank you very much!

>> No.7626541
File: 40 KB, 356x245, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started to just before the thread started. I admit they are kind of a fun motivation and great for idea. Room threads are my guilty pleasure and I love seeing what fellow seagulls do with their living spaces, giving ideas, talking about places to shop, and sharing inspo rooms.

>> No.7626550

Yeah, I normally just clean out trash and leave everything unorganised and messy but I've actually been making my living environment look a lot nicer since seeing this thread.
There's inspiration everywhere.

>> No.7626616

Weird question but how does it feel to live with your bf and their sibling? Do they just do their own thing and is there enough space?

I'm just curious because my sister and her husband are building a house that's going to have three bedrooms and a basement they're intending to finish. She mentioned that I could move in with them for a while but I don't want to feel intrusive or like a third wheel to them, especially because I'm also a figurine/manga collector and don't want to weird them out with my stuff.

>> No.7626622

Maybe find out their hobbies and see if they collect anything. I've noticed that a lot of people seem to collect at least one type of thing. My mom collects dragons, my dad has a hot wheels collection, and even my sister-in-law collects barbies.

Maybe just keep only a smaller part of your collection out and keep the rest stored away. A friend of mine didn't have a lot of display space, so he did seasonal themes, like the swimsuit figures in summer, school uniforms in fall, etc...

>> No.7626925

Is that your room OP?

>> No.7626936

No, this was an anon's room that inspired me.

>> No.7627505

Does anyone else here get annoyed when people post pictures from their room/house and it looks really messy? I don't mean things like cosplayers showing off props with their work mess in the background but people taking photos of their outfits and you can see piles of dirty clothing and garbage behind them.

>> No.7627509

I'm cleaning my room so I can post it here, thank you ceeg.

It's been in desperate need.

>> No.7627545
File: 119 KB, 720x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it anon!
Yeah, it's like, you take pride in your cosplay work, take a little pride in your space too. At least pick up the trash and tidy a bit.

>> No.7627557


>> No.7627562

This taobao shop has a ton of vintage looking luggage stuff that could be used for storage! It's in the spreadsheet, but just as a reminder for those of you into more classic looks. Shipping would probably be a bitch, though. It might be a good alternative for those of you who don't have access to nice vintage shops or flea markets.


>> No.7627958

can we get some more interior taobao stores ? the taobao thread only has wall decals not actual items like rugs, curtains etx

>> No.7628544

Oh god this furniture set is beautiful. Does anybody know where it's from?

>> No.7628588

>paying all that shipping to get taobao home shit to your country

It'd be way cheaper to look on ebay, or just find similar items in the store, with less wait, especially with large, heavy items like rugs.

>> No.7628590
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, drawer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store your stuff away in boxes or drawers! Makeup and brushes left out in the open can collect dust, bacteria, and other gunky things which will in turn give you blemishes or alter the effectiveness of the makeup.
You can find some really nice clear plastic drawers on eBay like pic related so you can easily see what is where. Just remember to keep them out of the sunlight as well, because the UV and heat alters the effectiveness / chemical structure of makeup and skincare products!

>> No.7628611

where did you get that gorgeous heartshaped bag?

>> No.7628739

i want this

>> No.7628814

is that yours? why do you have a pic of a naked japanese girl with a water pistol on your wall?

>> No.7628839

Those floors. Do something chocolate themed. Right now. If you don't you will have wasted a golden opportunity.

>> No.7628997

Evil Live

>> No.7629055
File: 738 KB, 2000x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my office/lolita room work in progress. I still need a small table that can second as a desk, an arm chair and wall mirror.

>> No.7629072

Source on the canopy by your lolita rack, please! Or did you make it yourself? All I can find are child-sized canopies and I've wanted one for my full-sized bed for eons.

Are they easy to make?

>> No.7629083
File: 73 KB, 600x441, minimalist-teenage-bedroom-ideas-with-cream-pink-bedroom-interior-600x441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your room looks cosy, do you mind showing your desk area?

>> No.7629087

I bought it off of eBay. Just type pink canopy and it should give you a million options. I did sew the flowers separately around the top of it.

>> No.7629088

the white Vcastle Heart bag, looks exactly to the gold mik or is my idea?

>> No.7629095

I have so much shit in my room, I wish I could contribute. I have to go through my normie clothes and donate probably all of it. (I haven't grown since I was like, 12, so all my clothes still fit and I just haven't gotten around to donating the tacky shit.) Of course my lolita closet is spotless, though, haha. It's so much fun cleaning and organizing it. If only it was like that with the rest of my room.

I'm gonna try cleaning up after work/the gym tomorrow... Eh... If I'm not tired. If I do I'll post pictures.

>> No.7629096

It was intended to be a replica in the first place, although they don't have milk colours or shine.

>> No.7629099
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x2001, my-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room at present. I'll be getting a new upholstered bedframe and a new desk soon, plus need to get some legs for the white DAW chair that's just sitting on the floor. Sorry, my room isn't very kawaii...

>> No.7629103

wheres the corgi doll from?

>> No.7629106

Sage for OT but where is that gif from? Is there more of that bedroom anon?

>> No.7629110

Just stumbled across this one. Lots of cool rugs. Shipping would be expensive, like >>7628588 said.

>> No.7629112

this is gross

stop hoarding so much shit and clean up, come on.

>> No.7629115

Did you cut off the lacey parts of those IKEA lace flower pots for the tea table?

>> No.7629122

While not "kawaii", it's still very nice and neat room, I like it. Plus dem cavallini posters, good stuff, even one of their desert/tea/coffee prints might do well in your room. If their cat poster wasn't so busy looking I'd recommend that to your collection. Maybe if you ever get one, you can cut it up and frame the individual cat pics on your walls.

Sorry getting caught up with the posters, but yea all in all I like your room, I can't wait to see it redone with the pending furnishings.

>> No.7629125

No, I bought the cake stand like that. Interesting idea though!

>> No.7629129

Thanks anon, I'm glad you like it.

I have been dying to buy some pictures frames and more prints because the walls feel sparse. It's damn hard finding frames big enough for the posters I have that won't cost a fortune/need to be custom made. I was thinking I'd buy those large frames with the multi photo mattes and just cut the template. I'll just have to keep an eye out for something that'll work.

I'm going to check out this cat poster, it'd be right up my alley.

>> No.7629142

I work at a paper store that sells those posters, and I've been told that people by frames at IKEA that fits the pictures perfectly, though I'm not sure what the frames look like. I sorta assumed they are simple black metal frames, I could be wrong, but they wouldn't suit your warm looking room I think. Good luck!

>> No.7629163
File: 326 KB, 516x688, tumblr_n5i582jeRs1tqcoeoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found on tumblr

>> No.7629164
File: 66 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n5i4x2awnm1tqcoeoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629600
File: 64 KB, 400x225, tumblr_n0e36mB4jm1ssv2l9o3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its from milky-fawn on tumblr, she is my lolita crush

>> No.7629607

Anyone have cute photos of desktops and desks?
I want to either buy a new chassis and monitor or deco mine to hell, since they're big and black and not cute enough even for my shabby chic room.

>> No.7629608
File: 106 KB, 560x400, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the room! I'd paint some of that furniture too. Find something cute instead of a mix of woodgrain and white laminate

>> No.7629611
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2013-11-14-15h00m20s245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at all this inspo and while it's all cute as fuck, I cringe at the amount of dust they'll accumulate between all cute decoration. And ohh how I hate cleaning.

>ideal room would be super minimalist, monochrome colors, only necessities, no decoration, ultra fashion
>I'd have to toss cosplaying and other otaku hobbies and grow the fuck up

>> No.7629612

Oh, I love this! The way that she's got those self-adhesive wall hooks along the skirting board and then hung hangers from it. Good for >>7626244

>The only problem might be dust?

>> No.7629614

>finally able to move to my own place after finding a cool new job
>room threads are my greatest inspiration to overcome my fear of moving away from my abusive parents
>whoops Anon you're fired!
excuse me while I cry over all these beautiful pictures

>> No.7629769
File: 833 KB, 1200x925, LHN-712-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any links to some cute bookcases with scalloping or the like? I found pic related but my local Sears keeps upping the price by $20 every time I go to look at it.
I'm also in search of a white TV stand with glass doors that can accommodate my 10 consoles inside. I want to get them up off the floor for once and finally protect them from evil, evil dust.

>> No.7629849

We'll, if you can't find one, you could probably borrow some tools and add some decorative pieces. Otherwise, maybe look at some kid's furniture?

>> No.7629964

I'm sorry, but that looks like a little girls room. Even more so then the other rooms

>> No.7629969

Oh my gosh, I adore your room! It's so cozy! Where did you get that rabbit lamp?

>> No.7629999

All these rooms are so adorable :( Unfortunately my room is pretty crappy, and I can't get matching furniture or anything right now.

Anyway, does anyone have pictures of more Gothic Lolita-ish rooms? Or just sort of gothy in general, less pink and kawaii-uguu. I wanted some inspiration

>> No.7630003
File: 259 KB, 768x1024, AntiqueDresser3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a huge lady-boner for antique furniture. Not my husband's style though, so I can't have too much of it. He did agree to let me get this antique dresser for our room though :3

>> No.7630237

I'd say you're better off housing your consoles on shelves if you can find some. You'd be hard pressed to find a TV stand with glass doors big enough to hold them all.

>> No.7630283

>not noticing the forest of dicks picture or other boobs

>> No.7630363

I like it! Although I'll need to think how to protect them from dust.

>> No.7630409 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 720x540, 10168069_10200821159650491_1981426728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my bedroom (my room isn't very adorable), so sage, but here's my work table. It's a oak library table that I've had for years, an IKEA cabinet, and pegboard held away from the wall with 2x4s. I hadn't finished moving all my tools in by the time this picture was taken, the pegboard is pretty much coated with tools and I keep more fabric under the table.

>> No.7631211

It's a heico lamp. They makes lots of cute lamps. Google it!

>> No.7631251

These threads always inspire me so much! I'm in the middle of redoing my room and attempting to get it to look somewhat decent. It's proving to be more challenging than I expected, but seeing adorable end-products keeps me going. I don't think my place will look nearly as nice as the rooms in this thread, but I'm sure trying!

>> No.7631255

anon r u me

>> No.7631269

But... what about when any of you has people over?

>inb4 implying we are not all hikikomori

>> No.7631274

crown molding! It came up after a general description search. There's foam crown molding too (very cheap edit).

>> No.7631276

Holy shit this place is awesome.

>> No.7631285

Are you a booooy? Or a giiiiiiirl?

ps actual question

>> No.7631672

I am basically the incarnation of hikikomori.
My room became so messy, shoes and clothes and papers all over the floors, bags everywhere, clothes piled all over my bed. I just started sleeping on my couch. From November to June I slept on my couch and now the floor here is starting to look like the floor in my bedroom.
So I started cleaning my room. Everything is off the bed and most stuff is off the floor. I just have to organize my shoes for the most part now. And figure out what to do with accessories.

Ya'll dont know shit about messy. Trust me.
Oh and my friends all know im disorganized and a mess, they just didnt go in my room.

>> No.7631690
File: 2.54 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My whole room isn't kawaii enough for you guys but I'm rlly proud of the animal racks I made myself!

>> No.7631711

That's pretty cute, anon.

>> No.7631729

Do you least favorite necklaces go on the asses?

>> No.7631734

hehe just some shorter ones because there are drawers under them. The dolphin tail falls off though. ;c

>> No.7631772
File: 244 KB, 500x245, tumblr_n5o80ePWxk1qcrkr7o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631779
File: 120 KB, 500x636, tumblr_mtsvbctTDK1sjn50ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631814
File: 30 KB, 378x317, tumblr_mopfwfjfry1svgz44o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631834
File: 72 KB, 500x473, tumblr_muoje0BFQ31rqa91go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631847
File: 344 KB, 500x331, tumblr_lex84jr4Id1qde9q9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631870
File: 120 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n4at81mV4f1s0yaqco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631880
File: 112 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n4at81mV4f1s0yaqco3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631942

>Ya'll dont know shit about messy.
I grew up in a hoarder's house with too many pets. Oh gurl..... You have no idea the battle I fought and habits I had to break not to become my parents.

>> No.7632083

My mom is a hoarder too. She completely took over my office room with her crap. Any type of reasoning wont work, she just insists she needs everything.
I've started doing it myself, hanging onto things and having to really argue with myself that it doesnt matter if I might one day POSSIBLY need it. Im worried that as I grow older I will be just like her.

>> No.7632945

I would legit end up killing myself trying to get out of bed half-asleep in the middle of the night, this frightens me

>> No.7632950

please oh please tell me where to find those wonderful cushions

>> No.7632965

This whole room just makes me really happy anon, it looks so much more 'live in'-able than any of the cuper cutesy ones but still so lovely

>> No.7632977

I have one of those big Narnia-looking wardrobes myself, yet it's completely drawers and cubbyholes inside; I have a drawer devoted just to wigs and in-use fabrics, but they're pretty much just laid flat in their bags

>> No.7633092

Looks like kidrobot plushes

>> No.7633972

>My mom is a hoarder too. She completely took over my office room with her crap.
IKTF, my older sister moved out years ago and wanted me to turn her bedroom into a study that I could use for college and our parents could put their computer in. Instead my mother uses it as her bedroom and it's filled with holiday knickknacks, unused photo boxes and old junk from my sister that she's saved. She also has a ton of stuff from us in the basement like work folders from Sunday school classes...? I want to go down there and throw it all out one day, I already garbaged a bunch of junk from our bathroom and she made no complaint about it.

What also sucks is that my bedroom is almost closet-sized so there's only so much I can own at a time (constantly have to resell books and figurines) and my parents throw their junk around everywhere.

>> No.7634185

I can't believe I am not alone. Actually, I can't believe there are several of us children of hoarders in one topic alone. We have a two family house (meaning we essentially occupy two complete apartments) and every room is overflowing with my mother's junk. The only room that is clear of her stuff is my room, though I had to fight to keep her out. She wanted to use my closet and the space under my bed but I managed to find somewhere else to drop her junk. My poor sister's closet is still occupied by her things. And the worst part. We can't throw out our own belongings. My mom will pick them out of the garbage again and add them to her hoard.

>> No.7634453


Add me to that list anon, my mum's a hoarder too. I no longer live at home, which i'm grateful for because living with her was an absolute nightmare. She constantly tried to pile her shit in my room, and when I refused she'd pull the 'you don't love me' card or threaten to throw me out. I gave up in the end, as i'm a uni student and the option is there to live on campus, which I am now. Last time I went home, my room was quickly becoming a home for old newspapers, toilet rolls, envelopes, boxes etc.

What got me though was that she was quite happy to throw my shit away. I came home from a study placement to find my entire Doctor Who (old era, new one's shit imho) collection donated to charity because 'i'm too old for that now'. She also donated childhood books and toys I wanted to keep, yet she's got toys and books from when she was a kid and has a strong emotional attachment to them. If I chucked them out, she'd kill me.

I've tried to get her help, but the problem is that she refuses to accept she has a problem. It's so fucking frustrating.

>> No.7635579

A giiiiirl. Why? Does the room some how give off a masculine vibe?

>> No.7635661

>my countless quantity of shit is sacred but your limited, valuable items are of no importance
I feel you. I am still annoyed that she broke my BJD years ago and I had to foot the bill for repairs. She took him and threw him across the room because I was struggling in school. His arm was shattered but it was totes my fault for pissing her off. If I was a better child then she wouldn't have gotten angry and threw him!!1111

>bitches about my grandmother's (her mother) hoarding but refuses to see her own problem therefore it is always fruitless to try to have an intervention/confrontation/help
Unfortunately I really don't have the resources to go away to school so I have to live with it. Even if I did go away, I still don't know what I want to major in which is a whole 'nother can of worms. Gosh, my life is just kinda shitty right now all around.

>> No.7636483

maybe sears is just upping the price because you've been there before? try clearing your cookies and come back to the site.

>> No.7636697

Bumping so I can save some of these rooms after I get off work.

>> No.7636890

Oh my god, I did and... you're right. That's so diabolical wtf.