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File: 317 KB, 810x400, 10411810_715729808468176_179015491483734502_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7616882 No.7616882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prospective Kawaii Leader new contest just began, thoughts ?

Do you have a favourite ? Not even sure I'm going to vote anyway but is Kawaii.i going to choose only regarding number of votes ?

>> No.7616884

i hope not but i suppose this is just gonna end up being a popularity contest.

>> No.7616895

It's completely a popularity contest which sucks because I am not popular at all.

>> No.7616897

Also I think it's only the clothes that are determined by the voting. The actually leader bit is up to kawaii.i.

>> No.7616901

I wanted to enter if I had the time. But I know eventually unless you are already amazingly popular or campaign bothering every single fb friends for votes you are not going to win.

>> No.7616951

I noticed pastelbat is trying to win this. I wonder if she's popular enough.

>> No.7616960

Should we decide to vote on someone so that neither Pastelbat, Choke nor Cadney etc. wins?

>> No.7616961

would be nice for a change

>> No.7616962

i mean they always fucking win because they have followers.

>> No.7616971


I voted for Sapphira. She's probably popular as well but she's not quite like the other three. She's more classic, sometimes otome and doesn't seem to go after the newest trends as much. She's very elegant. Choke, I must say it's tempting to vote for her, she's just so photo-genetic.

>> No.7616972

We could always vote for that girl in the blue dress that seems to have a lot of votes already. But I get the feeling that she dresses in "lolita" so I really don't want to vote for het.

>> No.7616989
File: 148 KB, 682x1024, 810_53873d416f008-7EiY-66Gm3Y1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this?

>> No.7617015

I was really confused by the popularity of Lunie's entry until I realized it was Lunie.

>> No.7617250

No idea but she's so pretty!

>> No.7617264

I voted for Mila, but I have had a huge internet crush on her for a while. She's gaining popularity but not someone already super big like PB or Choke.

A lot of Sapphira's coords are really off. I like her, but she's not that cute most of the time.

>> No.7617616
File: 162 KB, 810x1050, 810_5390aae4a1aaa-normal_Tekko_2014_-_Friday_151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this person lost? Why the fuck did a cosplayer enter? This makes me more mad than seeing all the famous attention whores who entered using old photos.

>> No.7617638

Already sick of 3/4 my FB feed being people begging for votes.
I suspect they'll end up picking Mila as they seem to have a big France boner (that last girl, Marie, did several segments for them)

>> No.7617659

i voted for the gosurori with the hair-horn thing, i thought she was really pretty and it was creative.

>> No.7617691

how new

>> No.7617707
File: 263 KB, 498x750, inspo-emily-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm voting for Fae-Emily, mainly just because she is so sweet. And I have major hair envy.

>> No.7617722


Found her, http://someonefromrussia.tumblr.com, she is pretty stinkin cute.

>> No.7617735

Falling for that obvious bait and calling the troll a newfag. Lol, anon. Take some time to rethink all your posts now.

>> No.7617737

I'll vote for Mila!!! I love her too!!! Give me a link!
>inb4: stop selfposting, Mila
For the 10th time, I'm not her.

>> No.7617741

I am completely down for this.

>> No.7617987

get out, summer

>> No.7618497


Her hair is to die for. She's really cute too.

>> No.7618502

I really like Choke (whatever whatever I'll like who I want) but she's hardly what I think of then I hear the word "kawaii". Gorgeous, nicely dressed, etc. but kawaii? No.
I'll probably vote for Mila or this girl >>7616989.

Does everyone from Russia who isn't super fabulous just get censored online or something? Damn.

>> No.7618503


>dedFun Why
yes captcha thank you for your input

>> No.7618511

I think people can vote for several applications ? At least I voted for 3 or 4 girls, so it should be possible

>> No.7618714
File: 1.28 MB, 1312x3520, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My votes. It seems as though you can vote as much as you like.

I was ambivalent about the girl that looks kind of like Ushijima but I ended up voting for her since she really seems like the most suited for the clothing prizes.

>> No.7618743

im kinda getting my popcorn ready for another choke/pastelbat drama to start again over a stuipid facebook competition

>> No.7618752

No doubt Pastelcunt will start pitching a fit and will try to get everyone to forfeit when she starts losing.

>> No.7619002

So which are the worst contestants.

>> No.7619003

What exactly is this?

>> No.7619109

Really wish facebook voting contests would fucking die already. Just choose who you want to represent you.

Likes only count for one portion but they're probably cricual for the whole thing, because kawaii.i is looking for proof of social media presence in their winners.

>> No.7619120

When are organizations going to realize that you can actually pay people to win these shitty contests for you? There's no way unnamed Milky Planet in a tree girl got all those votes without help.

>> No.7619191

Voting for these also.

>> No.7619333

I was in the shitstorm that was the last pastelbat versus chokelate in a fb contests. Pastelbitch threw screencaps of my comment (my comment was on chokelate's entry) on her tumblr and whined about it/was really rude so I ended up deleting it since she didn't even censor the profile picture on the comment.

I was just like "wow Chokelate I think you might win this since your outfit seems a lot more original unlike that other girl who seems like a kyary-clone." Or something.

>> No.7619343
File: 147 KB, 652x960, 810_537e382112da5-mizkai1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for Mizkai because I stalk this girl so hard on facebook. See seems really great personality-wise, does her own thing fashion-wise, great at drawing and makes chiptune music as well. Aka I look up to her so hard haha. I wish she picked a more flattering facial-expression for her entry though.

>> No.7619355

Thank you for starting something epic. Even thought you would know she would flip her shit like that.

>> No.7619368

I didn't know who she was until I checked her out afterward because someone alerted me to the tumblr post. It was just close running between her and chokelate so I made the comparison. It might have been chokelate that let me know about the tumblr post, I forgot. But it's funny because that's how I first had an excuse to PM chokelate, was that shitstorm. Now I just awkwardly message her about questions regarding her lockshop contests and stuff.

>> No.7619422

That outfit is a mess

>> No.7619468

Same but with tumblr posts, anyone I see entering in this I have totally lost any respect for (good thing I already had little since they're all such blatant attention whores).

>> No.7619595

unfortunately im not a damn troll, thanks. is she some dramu whore or something? i saw it on tumblr once, saw the voting thing, voted for her. thought the horns were cute, thats it.

>> No.7619609

I saw a few posts begging for votes come across my feed but the ones that really caught my attention were the posts from people offering entry into contests for gifts to those who voted for them.

>> No.7619768

To be honest, when I saw that PB was running, I just kind of thought "Well screw this" because it's obvious she's gonna win with the amount of followers she has.
She annoys me and I don't know why because she seems so nice

>> No.7619774

you fucking serious? you should lurk a bit more before you post, anon

>> No.7619846

"Thanks for all your support! Please share with your friends and family if they have facebook accounts and have them vote for me too!"

Good to see that Batty is still the most shameless.

>> No.7620388

what the fuck are you even on about
>lol lurk more
ive been here round 2 years now, i can't possibly know every bitch on the internet

>> No.7620401

Oh ew I thought that was Yuka for a moment.

>> No.7620543

Why are there so many fat black girls?

>> No.7620547
File: 925 KB, 500x750, 810_53610896476fc-tumblr_n48gapzMxD1soqvooo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my loaf

>> No.7620880

I think shes kinda cute

>> No.7620911

You must be visually impaired.

>> No.7620921

woke up to a fb invite page for hello batty begging for votes

>I am so sorry to do this I know facebook events asking for votes are really annoying but I needed to get your attention somehow cause this means the world to me!

>40 people clicked
>2,000 people invited

god she is so thirsty

>> No.7620924

Nah son. She just has boobloaf. and bad makeup. The coord is fine.

>> No.7621058

>wakes up to event for voting for someone for this contest
>ignores it because I'm not about that life
>host starts begging me through PM

>> No.7621068


>> No.7621216

I know right? I was like holy shit, you are desperate

damn you win I didn't get PMed yet

>> No.7621221

I haven't had someone PM me for this contest, but I have had a cosplayer friend PM me for contests in the past. I just never bothered to read them after seeing the preview was "Hi! As you know, I've entered ..."

Fuck. That.

>> No.7621237

it's kinda hilarious that she has boobloaf considering that Lady Sloth does custom size everything? So either the tailoring of the shop is bad or she just needs a better bra. PS she's one of the egl mods I think?

>> No.7621249

I follow 2nd on the left on fb! She's the designer of Bunny House (I think, or The Floral Notebook). Also, Mila has it in the bag since she's French and cute~ PB is good for other jfashions though, so they could pick her too.

>> No.7623239

Still don't understand why the two girls wearing Sugar Pansy and Milky Planet are in top 5

>> No.7623257

Meh,Mila as a rat face imo

>> No.7623260

And PB is such a huge attention whore. Always whining about how fat and ugly and manfaced she is to her billion fans while posting a shitton of pictures. Boohoo. I can't fucking stand her I just want to slap her in the face

>> No.7623265

dunno if i'm the only one not finding Mila super cute? I don't even hate her i just find her face unfortunate
by the way how does she afford so much brand clothing?