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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 47 KB, 644x930, 10255501_711483392223152_6705445529061585278_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7616523 No.7616523 [Reply] [Original]


i had a hearty chuckle when she said cosplay models.

She also calls herself a pro. and compares herself to nigri

>> No.7616525

I want her to be my gf

>> No.7616526

you mean hole you put it in?

>> No.7616529

No, girlfriend so we can cuddle and watch animu together.

>> No.7616530

thinking she watches any of that shit

>> No.7616548

Well we can just cuddle while I watch it. She looks very soft.

>> No.7616563
File: 89 KB, 1037x574, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her without make up
Ultra qt

>> No.7616564


>tfw no gf to cuddle and watch puro with
>tfw girls just don't understand fightan spirito

>> No.7616570
File: 172 KB, 1265x493, 13697886445286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he literally thinks theres actually no makeup

>> No.7616573

It's called good lighting.

>> No.7616575

If you don't think she's wearing base makeup and eyeliner you're actually blind.

>> No.7616579

I'm sure she looks incredible even without those.

>> No.7616588

Yeah, when theres good lighting and angels maybe.

>> No.7616591

Well, yeah, I only said no makeup because he said theres none. But even when they say "no makeup" theres: lighting, angles(maybe light makeup) and other stuff that makes it look better than in reality.

Its just another case of men preferring light makeup>no makeup at all then preaching about how all naturale is da bess!!

>> No.7616592

No, she's a 9/10 easily.

>> No.7616595

In your desperate world, maybe.

>> No.7616597

>banging body
>very cute face
>hurr durr she's ugly

>> No.7616599

Never said she's ugly, just not a 9.

Having fun defending someone who doesn't care people are talking shit about her, knight-kun?

>> No.7616600

Tried to watch but she's kind of annoying, awkward, and fake sounding. Not terrible but not charismatic enough. So are her boobs real or what?

>> No.7616606

I'm not defending her, I'm just saying she's very good looking and for some reason you have a problem with that.

>> No.7616614

She's an ex porn girl by the name of Risi Simms. Of course her boobs are fake. I'm really curious f she makes more money cosplaying now than she did in porn.

>> No.7616615

they are fake she got em during her porn days
look up risi simms

>> No.7616616

well with a 6 thousand dollar fundraiser for her princess peach lingerie shoot im sure she does

>> No.7616625
File: 110 KB, 640x960, 485546_704950459543112_7835597228909848461_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think these look natural or good then you dont know how boobs should work

>> No.7616631

Pic related somehow? Personally MY tits are natural and look like hers when pulled into that form. Full tits do that, not everyone has the same.

>> No.7616639
File: 93 KB, 400x600, 9960c1965640cfc0ee343a7605406b94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes not holding them up are you sure you have tits?

>> No.7616640
File: 1.74 MB, 2068x3132, n4feb38f9e4ef4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a better shot

>> No.7616644

christ, those tits look like she's hanging upside down

>> No.7616649

Those are highly unfortunate.
When I saw >>7616625 though, like the other anon I thought she was just holding them up. Not a great pic for demonstrating.

>> No.7616666

Oh sweet fucking christ, those aren't being held up at all. No those are NOT natural but you originally used a pic that could have passed as such.

>> No.7616682

Yes, you are defending her. Thats why you constantly reply and can't let it go.

>> No.7616685

Maybe the right tit would have passed, but the left tit definitely could not have passed.

>> No.7616722

Holy shit she sounds like a ditz

>> No.7616731

no hips, nose too large. still fairly attractive compared to your average cosplay hag

>> No.7616734
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, ardella.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with all the chicks making boob videos



>> No.7616735
File: 78 KB, 832x584, itstrashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women talking about themselves

>> No.7616740

She doesn't make more money now. This her constant attempts to start 'kickstarters' or ask people to send her money. She's completely fake and yes, is an ex porn star whose porn is actually quite boring and she looks like a horrible lay considering how many people she's slept with. She's grossly manipulative to everyone around her and has burned so many bridges in and around the community that no one will touch her with a ten foot pole hahaha. Now she pathetically self post herself on reddit and 4chan in hopes she can keep going with Cosplay and not have to return to porn to support her daughter and lame boyfriend.

>> No.7616743

And yes, she really is as dumb as she sounds, mixed in with greedy and golddiggerish. She only cares about cosplay as far as how much money she can make off of people.

>> No.7616755

I am shocked, I say shocked at these slanderous attempts to besmirch such fair lady.
*tips fedora*

>> No.7616759
File: 202 KB, 1051x768, liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7616903

of course you would white knight her

>> No.7616930

>not getting the joke

>> No.7616959
File: 160 KB, 346x604, soft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7616988

And I even added the tips fedora. For shame, anon, for shame.

>> No.7617205

>what is ad money

>> No.7617930

idk why shes still posting after everyone got pissed off was

>> No.7617949

Whats with her bangs completely covering her eye???

>> No.7618763

she thinks one eye is hot or she could have a lazy eye who knows?

>> No.7618793

"I'm not just a Cosplayer I'm a Cosplay Vixen - we're a whole different category, me, Jessica Nigri, Ivy Doomkitty"

Is this a thing now?

>> No.7618824


Has the definition of "vixen" changed to "pandering cunt who only wants attention and will do anything in order to get it?"

>> No.7620189

i didnt know cosplay vixen was a thing

>> No.7620302
File: 31 KB, 615x456, 1360863085989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a daughter

>> No.7620367

How do other girls mentioned in that statement feel about being group with her?

>> No.7620389

It's still weird that after all those years and money poured into it they can't still make natural looking fake titties.

Unless the unatural balloon like perkiness is what those women are after.

>> No.7620392

Still looks better than me. ;_;

>> No.7620393

Welcome back whiteknight.

>> No.7620399

No. Just a random ugly anon.

>> No.7620421

I'm barack obama because I said so.

>> No.7620571

Bahahaha I know them both and they would die to be lumped with her. No one in cosplay likes or respects her. They all stay away from her likes she's an STD. Even most companies/websites/photographers she's worked with won't touch her because of her growing horrible reputation and that she's not even really a cosplayer except for making money off of people

>> No.7620730

its a son but yeah hahaha

>> No.7621408

>Unless the unatural balloon like perkiness is what those women are after.

Honestly, I think that's what people who buy tits want. Probably some form of over compensation.

>> No.7622437



That's ironic considering she probably picked up herpes while doing porn.

I actually personally know a few people that did porn. The horror stories of the stds they contracted was pretty unsettling. One girl said told me she got herpes only after a month of starting porn and nobody in the industry tests for that shit either. It's so normal in the porn industry nobody cares about spreading it around.

>> No.7622980

SOME do look natural, but the women who have them tend to be discreet about them because well, why parade around telling everyone your tits are fake if you can slide by knowing most people wont suspect them?
A lot of people like the obvious fake ones too, which is why they're still done. It just seems like most are a bad job because you don't notice the good ones. After all, that's the point of good ones, you shouldn't be able to notice.

>> No.7623054

'cosplay vixen'

I cringed...

>> No.7623176

I couldn't make it through half the video. It's excruciating listening to her talk.

>> No.7623901


She's a tryhard with no class. Cosplay is just a business to her, nothing more.

>> No.7624481

That is the main thing I miss about Cosplay before it became main stream. I wouldn't mind how popular it became if it weren't for all of the new cosplayers that don't even like cosplay, don't know or like the characters they cosplay, or just want to exploit cosplay in a tryhard attempt to become famous. Back in the 90's to early 2000's people really loved what they cosplayed, they were real fans, and people dressed up for fun. Now it has shifted to some sort of bitchy beauty contest. And we have people who were too shity to succeed in porn, who now are using cosplay as a last ditch effort to grab some fame.

>> No.7624519

>Back in the 90's to early 2000's
Everyone who uses the argument that cosplay wasn't just as much of a back stabbing dramu party back then obviously weren't in the right (or wrong I guess) circles. If you didn't know someone close to the 'famous' cosplayers back then you didn't know how much of the same shit was still going on, because no social media meant it didn't get flung far and wide to the corners of the internet.

It was almost worse back then since there were less big names and they mostly were all huge drama whores (and half of them still cosplayed shit they didn't know or weren't fans of), but then they were bigger targets because of it and the leaked nudes and insane stories were waaay more of a big deal lol

>> No.7624534

I've watched some of her porn videos. She's not that bad.

I guess porn whores don't make much money nowadays.

>> No.7624547


have you seen her bj vid?
fucking terrible, she just sucks the tip for 10 minutes

should be deepthroating it

>> No.7624558

I watched some 3some video of her.

Now that I've noticed that her video was watched almost 50 thousand times. I guess that's not too bad.

>> No.7624563

GROSS she has a piss video and she has fisted herself and fucked herself with a heel. GROOSSSS

>> No.7624578

She laid there like a cold fish. Her porn is some of the most boring shit I've ever seen. I feel bad for whoever fucks her because she's about as fun to sleep with as a flashlight.

>> No.7624586


Everyone should watch her video on "cosplay nazis"

>> No.7624591

Well you gotta admit being a cosplay "model" is better than pissing yourself on camera. At least she made a good decision switching careers.

>> No.7625078

I never said that it was drama free, I just avoided hanging with the wrong groups. What I said was that people back then were actual fans, not the fake nerd shit that we get today. Learn 2 reading comprehension. I never said drama free.

>> No.7625248

she sounds like shes trying to talk with a dick in her mouth

>> No.7625253

God, I saw that threesome video too, it was some of the most awkward porn I've ever seen in my life. She's terrible.

>> No.7625317

That is funny since she sucks at giving head. I watched the blowjob video that other anon was talking about. It's so bad that it's funny.

>> No.7625727

How sad is your porn career when your intro on the porn is a couple meeting you outside a pawn shop in LA?

>> No.7625831

>What I said was that people back then were actual fans
yeah ok, sure, you're entire post wasn't some huge whine fest about how it's SOOOO different now, lol. Like i said, plenty of people did it for attention whoring back then, just like now. If you're saying that other people's motivations have personally changed why YOU cosplay (because you're a fan) then that sounds like your problem.

>> No.7625838

my big fat non fan fingers, lol

>> No.7625879

>Almost $5,000 just for a "sexy Princess Peach" cosplay
>Assuming you'd need $650 for one to begin with

Looking at the rewards makes it a little bit better, seeing as how a lot of the people probably think they're paying for porn-y/pin-up photos.

>Two people payed $500 for a 15 min Skype convo with her

>> No.7625884

>$2,200 for a "full endorsement and photoshoot" for a company

...Who the fuck else would want a person in a "Sexy Princess Peach" costume endorsing their company besides *maybe* a somewhat sleazy photography company?

>> No.7626506

No I'm saying that the amount of attention whores has more than tripled. Also back then it was very easy to spot the attention whore, now it takes some time to figure out who is the real fan and who is not. Back then there was no Wikipedia, so if someone was faking it they would slip up rather quickly if you had a conversation with them about the source material. And I am not saying that I quizzed them on this shit, but I would just talk to them excited that I think I found another fan of the show only to be let down. Now people just fake their way through it for some reason. Why do this if you don't even like it? Shit makes no sense. People like Adella and Usagi Kou were easy to avoid, and would get called out on their bullshit and drama very quickly. You just sound like you are angry whenever an oldfag like me waxes nostalgic.

>> No.7627809


I use to work in the porn industry as a photographer. I'd show up on set and take solo pictures and more while the actors are performing. I've never personally worked with Liz Katz but I've seen departures from the porn industry just like hers. Just looking at her porn twitter page she had a meltdown of some sort.

Most likely a family member found out she was doing porn or she caught a certain STD which everyone in porn catches.

>> No.7627819

I'm obviously an oldfag too? I agree that things are worse now in that sense, I was simply disagreeing that those things and types of cosplayers didn't exist back then. I always am amused when people try and say it was so much better back then. No one is stopping you from actually liking what you cosplay, if you're upset that you can't walk up to a random and start fangirl/boying out immediately I can understand that frustration but I think it's extremely exaggerated the amount of casuals. Especially considering how many people complain about fake/casuals all over the place.

>> No.7627821

Also lol at the shit storm when adellas nudes were leaked

>> No.7628013

That was hilarious. I miss old /cgl/ the drama was delicious.

>> No.7628071

I wasn't even on /cgl/ back then (was it even a board yet? Don't remember). Just happened to be friends with someone who was actually talented and trying to get in with the cool kids so he could market and get access to photogs etc and he would just feed me all this info from behind the scenes about the shit storms that were constantly blowing up lol.

>> No.7628168

TFW you remember that Prince Peach pic she did where her tampon string was hanging out. People paid $6k for that shit

>> No.7628182

I don't know why this comes as a surprise to anyone. She is very open about having breast implants

>> No.7628223

you didnt read the part about anon complaining that she didnt have fake boobs

>> No.7628715

They are not surprised that they are fake, but at how bad they look.