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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 533 KB, 740x493, mqragnuuruqsjmdgjszwrvfyslapgpuuhyctwcsj-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7614206 No.7614206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread autosaged >>7576337
>good/bad cosplays
>Canon colours/references
>non shitty Chihiro,Chiaki,Junko,Asahina
>wig tips, make up, critique
>try not to be mean
>Good outfits that make you moist

>> No.7614545

>try not to be mean
fuck outta here

>> No.7614571
File: 176 KB, 960x960, 3a17b87c-eb2b-4cee-b913-e86a972d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7614592

is this the girl who always shoves her gut into the front of her pants

>> No.7614616

Isn't that what all Twogami cosplayers do anyway?

>> No.7614649

I think she's great to be honest. could use some work on the tie and maybe some wig trimming on the front but I still think she's great.

>> No.7615151

Mean as in insulting people with ED, i mnow its it's cgl why wouldn't anyone be mean.

>> No.7615169

Not if they know how a stomach should work. This girl tucks her stomach into her pants and makes it look like she's got an absolutely monstrous cameltoe.

So you selfposted then?
You can't even see the tie. This isnt even a good picture.

>> No.7615237

> Selfposted

No. but I still think she's pretty good and stand by what I said.

>> No.7615254
File: 474 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n72yr9d3Hz1r6ai9ho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to have nightmares

>> No.7615285

You're not convincing me.
From that small picture, we can only see her glasses, wig, and undershirt/partial tie.
Yet you're claiming she's "great, to be honest" and then comment on the tie, which we can't even see well enough to make a comment about it. And we can hardly see how the wig falls to properly judge how it looks.
Sorry, you won't fool anyone. Post a fullbody pic and we can properly critique you, unless you'd like to continue patting yourself on the back.

>> No.7615320

So judging anything in the photo that I see can't be a thing? okay. keeps making false accusations.

from what i see it looks like you can see at least a good percentage of the tie. which is good enough to me.

don't accuse me of being this person just because I'm not a complete asshole like the rest of cgl. :D if you wanted to see one of my cosplays i'd gladly post them but i'm afraid this is not me.

>> No.7615321

also ive seen this person at a con, so yeah. that is how I can judge her cosplay accurately without seeing a full photo. she's a sweetheart.

>> No.7615324

You can judge them, but there's not enough of the cosplay for it to be accurately rated/critiqued. A cropped selfie isn't a cosplay. It's a cropped selfie of someone in a wig and glasses.

I'm not accusing you of being that person because you're not an asshole. I'm saying you're saying they're "great" from a cropped picture, where the only thing clear is their glasses and some of their wig.

But feel free post your cosplays then. I'm not out to get anyone or mock them for their costumes, I'm here to give fair critiques.

>> No.7615325

Wow, so reliable. Post a pic then so everyone can see them, since you're so confident about how they look.
I don't care if they're a sweetheart. Personality has nothing to do with costume quality.

>> No.7615326

waiting to see this shit unfold lol

>> No.7615455

Who the fuck cares, post good cosplays.

>> No.7615804
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>> No.7615805
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>> No.7615807
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>> No.7615810
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>> No.7615815

Oh, man. My heart swells for that Sayaka.

>> No.7615965

>twogami anon bailed and never posted cosplays
disappointment to the max but im not surprised

>> No.7616095

>Mean as in insulting people with ED

If you don't want to be insulted, don't self post on cgl and don't let your hot tempered exaggerating girlfriend fight your battles. I don't care if you have an ED or not, this goes for everyone.

>> No.7616097
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>mfw every dr thread is about cifera or jadespr1te

>> No.7616110

don't forget ceres.
i like all three of them and they're all talented as far as this fandom goes so i'm thinking that the amount of bitching that goes on here about them is mainly based on jealousy or vendetta. when will we get some actually terrible cosplays/people to discuss?

>> No.7616137
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>> No.7616145

I'm pretty sure there was a picture of them in the last thread, like a gathering photo at a con. But i don't know for sure.

>> No.7616156

Honestly, he's not bad but he would look more screen-accurate if he had more chub around his face/neck.
Never thought I'd say that.

>> No.7616159

>don't let your hot tempered exaggerating girlfriend fight your battles.

>> No.7616172

I agree... they're all pretty good cosplayers, I don't see where the hate comes from. Their costumes are typically well done. Sometimes they might pick a character they don't seem to fit well (personally I think cifera as Mikan was just weird) but the costumes themselves are nice.
Plus they're all pretty cute.
Conclusion: The hate they get is either because they have whiteknights who defend them even when they don't want them to or because they're decent cosplayers and other cosplayers are jealous that they get so much attention.
Just a theory though.

>> No.7616197

Why are you inquiring about your own actions? You did this on the Kill la Kill thread with your Ryuko then bitched about the criticism on your Tumblr.

>> No.7616228

>that face
>that ubstyled wig

I hope you're being sarcastic

>> No.7616229

I can't stand the looks of this twogami, he just looks way too old to be passable as a high schooler.

>> No.7616230

Who fucking cares just contribute to the thread

>> No.7616231

Half the time it's the white knights running around being shit. If you even read anything on the last thread

>> No.7616238

Have you been to the recent threads? I think one of their names were mentioned once?? It's not 'about them', and hasn't been recently ....

>> No.7616239
File: 146 KB, 500x362, tumblr_n76ibymUk31s8ua5so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Can we stop bringing up stupid old drama in a new DR thread?

>> No.7616243

/r/ing good komaeda

>discussing good male komaeda a few threads ago, haven't seen one yet

>> No.7616246
File: 470 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n65w68NJhF1qheh0do4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has only been up for a day but the drama is already good.

>> No.7616257
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>> No.7616272
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>> No.7616280

I feel like the only thing that really bothers me about her cosplay is the bangs on her wig and how she shaped her eyebrows. Other than that, her cosplay doesn't look bad.

>> No.7616282

She looks like she has chicken pox

>> No.7616291
File: 369 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n66bs6rRSP1s8rp5co2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7616355

I have a pet peeve for when Ibuki cosplayers don't color their eyebrows pink. I know its a hard detail to catch, but come on, at least one person has to notice.

>> No.7616379

I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't cosplay Ryuko. If you think I'm the obsessive girlfriend or whoever then sorry but you're mistaken, I was just wondering what anon meant because I don't even remember the last time Jadespr1te came here so if there was new drama I missed it.

>> No.7616381

g a r b a g e

>> No.7616387

>chihiro being the tallest in the group
>ill fitting costume and they didn't even tuck the damn shirt in
>no bow
>no petti (but the skirt is already short so I guess that's excusable but not good)
>no makeup on pretty much anyone here
>celes' wig falling off
>extra long tie???
>hoop skirt instead of proper petti it looks like
>those thin, light eyebrows that are meant to be covered by the bangs
>fukawa where'd your glasses go
>junko your wig cap looks lovely today
>all but celes dont look like they've done anything to style the wigs

They look young though. Maybe they'll improve.

>> No.7616391

would've been fine if the wig's bangs were better...

>guys thinking they dont need wigs because their hair color is approximately close to the character's
end this belief

>> No.7616410

Generally I feel like height doesn't matter as long as your costume looks proportionally okay in a photo on your own (unless you're in a massive group) but hopefully they understand that they look like shit later down the track.

>> No.7616414

On your own, sure.
But when you are the smallest character in the series aside from Monokuma/Monomi and MAYBE Kuzuryuu, it kind of helps to be small when you're in a group.

I mean, cosplay whoever you want, but when you're in a group you need to consider silhouettes.

>> No.7616415
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>> No.7616418

Maybe they weren't in groups?
I'm not the anon who replied to you, but say you were just walking in the con and you decided to pose together or something (It happened to me once when I was Monokuma)

Does anyone remember that VERY VERY VERY bad Chihiro, like when I mean bad, she was terrible I can't remember which con it was at, but it was bad and it was related to a gazebo.

>> No.7616420
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>> No.7616421

dad stop cosplaying.
Dad, there is no food in the fridge, stop.
You're not even good, just stop.

>> No.7616424

I get that. It could be purely coincidental that they took this picture together and didn't form a proper group. I just think it looks strange regardless. Like I said, they look young, so I don't fault them too much.

For planned groups though you really do have to take height into consideration.

>> No.7616427

>guys trying to be sexy when cosplaying and totally fucking it up
Laughing for days.

>> No.7616453

this person does NOT have the body for komaeda.

>> No.7616464
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to add to this

>> No.7616466
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>> No.7616469

Sometimes I wonder why people even bother posting these. Like, they're terrible, that's no debate, but at the same time they're clearly making goofy expressions. If you want to post a bad picture to actually mock someone why would you post a selfie that was clearly intended to be funny?
Post a serious picture so we can laugh at them instead of posting a personal/friend selfie that was intended to be a joke.
Sage for no contribution/dumb rant.

>> No.7616475
File: 512 KB, 1021x1920, tumblr_n6zhe7BQWa1rrjcypo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do what I want

>> No.7616478
File: 327 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n6wf63TYVa1sm7uw5o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about another

>> No.7616481

that ahoge looks like a tidal wave

>> No.7616482

That hair is so greasy looking.

>> No.7616485

What the fuck is gong on here??? Are they wearing a baby jumper??? What???
Also, gettin' real tired of this whole komaeda cosplayers sitting by/in trash bins. Like, that's nasty. You're nasty. I don't care if he said trash once in the game, why the hell would you pose by a trash bin.
(Also, the people who take pictures at conventions and say OMG LOL WHAT A GOOD KOMAEDA!! need to stop.)

>> No.7616489

Wow lots of typos.
People who take pictures OF TRASH CANS at conventions is what i meant.

>> No.7616495
File: 123 KB, 1071x800, tumblr_n6vklpgaQb1sim9vzo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from what I can tell is a monomi cosplay, either way Ill keep going.

>> No.7616496
File: 103 KB, 493x740, tumblr_n6qub0BAEF1s9c8aio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill break up the shitty komaeda with this, not perfect but the person seems to have the right body shape.

That naegi wig though.

>> No.7616497

i like komaeda but naegi looks like a girl in a bad wig

>> No.7616538

Oh hey this is me and a friend. This was a joke cosplay (we're on a cruise in boatish attire - I don't know how many of you have seen the "do you like boats" comic by sol--lux, but that's the joke).

>> No.7616565
File: 162 KB, 2048x1356, 10339198_563287053789636_5329641286797914465_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw this on tumblr

>> No.7616567

>Togamis tie thing is the wrong colour
>Fukawa's wig is the wrong colour
>so is her uniform?


>> No.7616568

the....colors.......are so off...... how

>> No.7616593
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>> No.7616659

That pus color doesn't go well with ger skin tone at all

>> No.7616710
File: 130 KB, 640x480, tumblr_n5p0x9ozqV1r6kgiwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7616714

But Fukawa's uniform is purple though.

>> No.7616728

But it's the wrong pruple, hers is very red/purple and fukawa's is a very dark plum purple.

Probably me being nitpicky but when I look at it I do not see fukawa and in assuming the anon that commented after me sees the same?

>> No.7616733

I still give her props for not doing the uniform in blue/black like most Fukawas do.

>> No.7616736


I guess so, but still the wrong colour, either way the wig is also the wrong colour.

Which also reminds me

/r/ing good fukawa/genocider

>> No.7616843
File: 326 KB, 740x493, ggczbxtbocussctorakzreaclwtpeelpjhwejepb-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7616885
File: 377 KB, 1079x1920, tumblr_n63m0kNQUp1qloj4do6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>> No.7616891

How is the wig the wrong color? Too light brown?

>> No.7616894
File: 21 KB, 480x280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too light, also wrong shade. Fukawa has purple/brown hair like image related

>> No.7617232

I really like that Togami's expression.

>> No.7617503


>> No.7617525

>"hey naggy"
>asahina's voice

>> No.7617797

I know these guys, the middle guy was forced into the cosplay by his girlfriend ( the Monomi) I seen their pictures on tumblr, they are shit

>> No.7617943
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>asahina's laugh

>> No.7618187
File: 464 KB, 960x1280, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and some fun drama to boot

>> No.7618266

Looking at hteir blog you can tell they put them on as self harm scars but BAHA it was a good read.

I don't think Junko would pride herself in some thing so disgusting as with the design they came up with anyway

>> No.7618829
File: 98 KB, 500x667, 10247251_254807378044961_2654398468021109857_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fem souda?

>> No.7618840

> not wearing a jumpsuit


>> No.7618853

I dislike this fem souda, shit he's a mechanic, mechanics do not wear jumpers.
She could have found a better way to make this female.

>> No.7618861

There are a lot of nice fem!souda fanarts lying around and all of them still keep the jumpsuit.

>> No.7618868

Yeah, that's what I meant... Suspender shorts are called jumpers.. right? I can't remember.
But I was just agreeing with this>>7618840
anon here.

>> No.7618873

I think they're called play suits??
Either way I've never seen a good DR genderbend (except that one junko)

>> No.7618972
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>> No.7618975


she's wearing dungarees son

>> No.7619629
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 10345757_856022454412747_4435815591668544937_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this probably has to be my favourite Junko, too bad she lost the other bear on her way to the convention.

>> No.7619645

I'm guessing you're talking about the one in the middle? The wig is that arda one I see which doesn't work so well I recon (personal preference though) the colour however isn't all thy accurate and non-canon plaid. She has a nice figure though.

>> No.7619716

Oh god. These two... They ran the A-kon "in-character" DR ask panel. It was just shit. The only one in-character was Mondo and only a few of them had good cosplays and they almost had the whole cast.
This is like the only outside the panel picture I've seen of any of the group because NONE OF THEM came to the DR photoshoot that was literally right after the panel

>> No.7619885
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>> No.7619887
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>> No.7619951
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Wonder how much of it is truth.

>I still have photos I want to put up

>> No.7619985

kuzuryuu "skeletor" fuyuhiko
komaeda "i picked the worst shirt possible for this cosplay" nagito

>> No.7619989

>monobear wouldve done it
monobear doesnt give a fuck why the fuck would he cut himself

>> No.7619994

The only ones that look okay are Tsumiki and Hinata but both have the wrong shoes.

>> No.7620079
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>> No.7620082
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>> No.7620113

The stimuli has a lot of the costume down just...why would you use the wrong colours?!??

Don't get me ducking started on this.

>> No.7620116

Ibuki** thank you phone.

>> No.7620142
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>> No.7620173

They didn't even get the bangs right how is that possible.

>> No.7620180

thanks jvnko

>> No.7620296

That smile though.

>> No.7620670

>could and would have done this to himself
Did dis bitch play the fucking games.
Although her changing it to SCARY!Monobear made me fucking snort.

>> No.7620697

I think the Chiaki's cute. What's wrong with her?

>> No.7620819


A little late to the party buuut..
Hi there, i'm the junko there haha
I just wanna say, thank you for the compliments (i was actually feeling kinda iffy about my figure today but gosh, thanks for the confidence boost, wow wow!)

Anyway, I just wanted to clear up that before my next con, I wanna improve my cosplay a LOT.
I'm gonna get some canon black and red material (no white or green, that was laziness on my part not gonna lie) for the skirt and also, I'm looking into buying a new wig too, I thought this wig was gonna be waaay lighter from how it seemed on arda's photo.
Also getting a new wig means I can buy more wefts and stuff and get more volume, because that's another thing, the wig really isn't big enough for my liking.

But yeah, I just wanted to say it's not a final version haha, not trying to make excuses or anything.

>> No.7621297
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>> No.7621330

is that supposed to be a genderswap souda or not the boobs throw me off

>> No.7621343

probably normal souda but....
Bad binding.

>> No.7621629
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>> No.7621707

The only thing I can see Erin is the black shirt collar and missing emblem on the chest (but might be becuase her hand is covering it)

>> No.7621760


>> No.7622209
File: 32 KB, 500x695, 10347239_680443292029534_8410579602214562162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those thighs, oh damn.

>> No.7623586

is that cifera

>> No.7623589
File: 925 KB, 320x240, nyehehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7623695

That's just gross to look at.

>> No.7623747


>> No.7624015


>> No.7624181
File: 1.18 MB, 1580x2279, Leon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ I'm totally lost on what to search to get the right shoes for Leon, the cosplays I've seen of him all seem to have the right shoes I was wondering if anyone here could help.

>> No.7624215

That particular shoe style is called creeper if that helps

>> No.7624219

It does a lot, thanks anon. I was calling them platform loafers ;-;.

>> No.7624235

t.u.k creepers

>> No.7624276

Thank you!

>> No.7626789


>> No.7626857

There is no hope for Britbong DR fans.

>> No.7626866

What is even with her voice. She is so boring. It's not even natural.

>> No.7626952
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tumblr dump

>> No.7626960
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>> No.7626961


>> No.7626964
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>> No.7626968
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>> No.7626971
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>> No.7626972

Bruh, I am so glad I left the fandom.

>> No.7626974

that's the skirt, not a baby belly

>> No.7626978

dear god whats going on with the right girl's foot

>> No.7627192


>> No.7627209

she's in ballet 4th(?) position? photo is taken from the side so that her right foot in front of the left appears to be on her left, when it is really in front.

>> No.7627279

holy shit celestia would be a perfect midousuji

>> No.7627300

It looks more like 5th position to me, 4th would have more space inbetween

>> No.7627337

oh my
At least the Junko's makeup looks nice

>> No.7627495

oh shit you're right hahaha

fukawa without glasses more like if you can afford to go to a con and buy/make the cosplay why can't you get the glasses too? if you got them at the same time as when you started making or buying the cosplay you would have them...

>> No.7627547

I swear someone says she's pregnant every time that exact picture is put up.

>> No.7627796
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>> No.7627799
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>> No.7627801
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>> No.7628234

Too bad, she had potential too.
I really think she's cute.
Are her eyes cross-eyed? No offence to people with cross eyes but this looks bad....

>> No.7628251

she has a lazy eye apparently

>> No.7628256

She's partially blind. Look up Purblind Cosplay

>> No.7628418

>Red contacts
But why

>> No.7628426

Even if she does have a lazy eye, her cosplay looks good, and I think it kind of works since Dangan Ronpa character sprites look slightly cross eyed too.

>> No.7628429

/r/ing nidai's

>> No.7628508

I like her make up a lot, as well as her non shiny tie, but i think her wig is a bit too purple, also not to mention the red contacts, wtf is up with that, like her eyes are no where near red in colour.

>> No.7628640

Personally to nitpick neck ribbon isn't even ribbon (looks strange?) and her hair clip is on the wrong side. Plus the red contacts everyone has mentioned.

The horrible editing doesn't really help but I think it's a solid effort.

>> No.7628645

Too bad the Junko has a bratty personality (hi yes vendetta), she doesn't give a rats ass about accuracy it's hilarious.

>> No.7628651

I believe she used bias tape. That's what it looks like at least.

>> No.7629066
File: 174 KB, 700x1200, costume694-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat shiny ass bow

besides that it looks okay and the embroidery is nice.

>> No.7629101

>Front zipper.
Bodyline, stop this shit right now.

>> No.7629123

I find that for bigger boobs the zipper is REALLY obvious, its okay if youre flat as fuck, but how hard is it to do a side zip?

>> No.7629143

Is she Canadian? I know that location.. It's just a dirty walkway connecting the train station to the CN Tower in Toronto. Odd place to be pretending to play video games.

>> No.7629147

her wig is a sheryl nome wig tied up, lol

>> No.7629150

with all the requests mr yan has been fulfilling these days someone ought to tell him to stop making front zips

>> No.7629298
File: 461 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n5w1pprruS1r9czfio8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont understand at all

>> No.7629318

I know right hahaha

>> No.7629321
File: 89 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n7in9jRICf1s5dxrpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was PT for a second.

That aside why did this person draw spots all over their face.

>> No.7629329

Because freckles are kawaiii, anon!

>> No.7629361

I never knew beauty spots all over your face was kawaii.

>> No.7629369
File: 81 KB, 523x598, T23VOQXBNaXXXXXXXX_!!65842075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this will be as good irl as it looks

>> No.7629373

it might be kinda flattened out so it looks like it has more volume? But the colour looks good

>> No.7629430

Maizono does have a front zipper though
so it's accurate

>> No.7629485
File: 76 KB, 640x449, 891b73a060d562824a06533a59b540121368192023_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, you're right. Could be just a front seam though. Not that it really makes much more sense...

>> No.7629615
File: 95 KB, 512x449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game version is no different....
I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.7630380

If I had to nitpick, besides the gross bow I'd say that the cuffs are off but the rest looks pretty decent. Good skirt print although I always pictured it looking more turquoisey over mostly blue and the blue on the collar and cuffs in my head should be lighter - but these are subjective I guess.

/r/ing good Maizonos while I'm at it

>> No.7630389


Maizono shops at bodyline for seifukus...
It figures.

>> No.7630714

NOOOO my idol can't do this to me!!!

>> No.7630794
File: 242 KB, 740x493, fbkbwxkvfykccognvkxsgrnntxtjphngzmkmfooi-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah youre right, the blue us also navy blue and her is a light dusty blue...its a decent effort though, I do personally like the plaid.

Kinda pic related? Not even a canon outfit but I think shes cute

>> No.7630809
File: 169 KB, 587x391, 7151906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the BL uniforms is a navy blue*** oh god english

>> No.7630930


I'm also struggling with Leon rn tbh, mostly just jacket-wise and because I don't want to spend $7359834 on a fucking wig. Ugh.

>> No.7631278

that's her school uniform though... her school buys their uniforms wholesale from bodyline... oh god

>> No.7631312
File: 48 KB, 500x722, tumblr_n1hzkdkXBc1qc5jioo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone posted this before? I think it's cute.

>> No.7631365

Yeah a few threads back discussing monomi. She won an award or something from it and I think she deserves it. It's looks really nice and well thought out

>> No.7631472
File: 85 KB, 498x750, tumblr_msprwx5Sae1r7ql9wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hagakure's wig is like the hardest thing to get right but i think this guy did a good job

>> No.7631565

if he has like 100x more stick things it would look great. Right now it just looks really awkward.

>> No.7631693

Its a nice costume but i really want to nit pic on the fact that shes cosplaying "usami's outfit" and usami was an all white rabit, so why have half white half pink hair when that would indicate monomi..

>> No.7632337
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n7musxFO4o1rifdf9o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Professional Cosplayer"

>> No.7632495
File: 2.60 MB, 2976x3968, 12328187.gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7632598
File: 257 KB, 480x272, group03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But.. That isn't her school uniform. The school uniforms are brown.

>> No.7632682

all dat puffpaint

>> No.7632715

Those clips look like they're crying for help.

>> No.7632716

Even worse she buys her casual wear from bodyline.

>> No.7632744

Her blue/white uniform is from Nekuro High (her former school).

>> No.7632837
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_n7lvtvMtD71rqy080o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crinkly lampshade

>> No.7632839
File: 343 KB, 1280x851, tumblr_n7kjc2ZIS91rnsolfo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7632842
File: 192 KB, 960x720, tumblr_n7l5qvVDKP1rrvc9mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she was pretty cute

>> No.7632880

i have to ask why these girls think that Junko has fucking pink hair. In the game shes clearly blonde, if not VERY VERY SLIGHTLY light strawberry blonde.

>> No.7632923
File: 110 KB, 954x299, hair colour junko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DR hair and eye colours generally change from image to image but if you had to base it on the sprites it is pretty much dusty strawberry blonde.

however I think people are just lazy when they use luka pink wigs or full on blonde wigs

>> No.7633285

make up is a little...much, but overall i think its pretty good

>> No.7633292

Would Arda's Lightning Pink be a good color to use or nah?

>> No.7633326

The lace looks very scratchy, I wish she would've used a better quality lace.

>> No.7633480

Her tie is kinda too short. and her make up reminds me of a clown...

>> No.7634752
File: 120 KB, 500x707, 8h6rxry1sn0440o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, the wig's color is really close to Junko's dusty strawberry blond! I hope it looks as good irl as it does in the picture.

>> No.7635355
File: 63 KB, 800x600, tumblr_n7jbk4D6T41qekf90o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tag dumping

>> No.7635361
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>> No.7635363
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>> No.7635367
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>> No.7635373
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>> No.7635377
File: 681 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n7nsiyXp6T1szdgb0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7635719

non canon outfits and fishing for tumblr notes. those wigs are so gross.

not even sure what she did there good lord.

>> No.7635752

The only character I like here is Monokuma

>> No.7635828
File: 78 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a Sonia costest? Thoughts?

>> No.7635869

cut your wig. Also would be great if we saw the whole costume instead of just your face.

>> No.7636095

is it me, or does that monokuma look like a 10 year old girl with the most weirdly shaped legs ever

>> No.7636132

i want to see that monokuma cosplay hinata shouyou from haikyuu

>> No.7636364
File: 1.76 MB, 2448x3264, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi anon, i'm this junko >>7619629
(the one in the middle)

I used a chibi in lightning pink with extra wefts added in, here it is in natural light.

IMO it's actually quite a dark shade and i'm looking into buying a new one soon because i'm not happy with it, it seems more brown than strawberry blonde

oh, and sorry for the bad phone camera quality and the state it's in now, i haven't really re-styled it properly since the last time i used it but you can get the idea of the colour from this.

>> No.7636626

Was was considering that color for nanami chiaki. Does it look like a match in person?

>> No.7636743
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh i'm not sure it'd be a good match for chiaki, it's too blonde i think

also now it's later for me, pic related is how it looks with a slightly dimmer room/lamp

>> No.7636747

oops, didn't notice the picture was rotated, sorry about that haha

>> No.7636836

What? what's wrong with that junko?
She looks fine to me, not a perfect outfit but not awful by any means

>> No.7636855

>wig is too pink
> top to short
>skirt too long

The monobears are cute though!

>> No.7637038

Now taking bets for how long it will take for cosplays of the new kids from DR:AE to appear.

>> No.7637044
File: 68 KB, 500x695, tumblr_n7c7tgNIp71soc2y6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7637046
File: 39 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mqbyg4oTXU1soc2y6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7637126

Isn't there a girl in a wheelchair? Do you think anyone would actually get a wheelchair for this purpose or just cosplay her without the wheelchair?

>> No.7637131

I want to be crushed in between Cifera's gorgeous thighs

>> No.7637169


yup there is, and I imagine that some people will get a wheelchair if they have access although most people won't

I don't really like the designs of any of the new characters

>> No.7637196

People have already been doing it for years for Tavros.

>> No.7637198
File: 25 KB, 212x350, L_53aaae37c4e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're kinda cute and interesting. I think the most boring out of all is (in my opinion) is Masaru Daimon.

I think my favourite of them is Kotoko Utsugi, her design seems really fun, and i'm interested to see how she and the other will be, personality wise etc.

>> No.7637200

new kids? Pics?

>> No.7637218

Different anon but this is where i got >>7637198


(hopefully the link works)

>> No.7637259
File: 22 KB, 188x350, Danganronpa_Fami-shots_06-25_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad the wheelchair girl is still cute, i can't wait for all the ableist drama on tumblr.

>> No.7637263
File: 16 KB, 115x350, Danganronpa_Fami-shots_06-25_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the sake of having them all in the actual thread,

>> No.7637265
File: 16 KB, 114x350, Danganronpa_Fami-shots_06-25_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7637267
File: 16 KB, 122x350, Danganronpa_Fami-shots_06-25_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7637268
File: 18 KB, 168x350, Danganronpa_Fami-shots_06-25_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AE fukawa

>> No.7637340


its already begun

>> No.7637394

I know one of my friends in had her Naegi Komaru cos ready since last year for the game release.

even then I saw people cosplaying her and syo tbhh

>> No.7637395

This girl looks like someones DR OC hahaha

>> No.7637431

leon's offspring?? is it male or female?? what is this

>> No.7637435

"Hero" Masaru Daimon: (CV Megumi Han)
He’s the Soldier of Hope Leader, in charge of the Hero class. In elementary school, he was known as “Super Elementary School Student Level P.E. Period*”, as exercise is his forte. He’s cheerful, and naughty in nature.

>> No.7637437

here's everyone else's profiles,

>> No.7637798

People on my Facebook feed are already getting into arguments about cosplaying the new character with a wheelchair and how it's one of the most awful things you could ever do ever if you aren't a disabled person. Can I get other viewpoints on the subject?

>> No.7637921

imo you really shouldn't because it's making disability out like a novel thing like costumes and actual disabled people do get a lot of shit for cosplaying with their wheelchairs

>> No.7637926

Dangan Ronpa characters are never what they seem. I'm going to have a hearty laugh at all this drama if it turns out that the wheelchair girl just uses it as an accessory and can actually walk after all. I wouldn't put it past the writers to pull something like that an all the whiny SJWs will have to eat their own assholes.

>> No.7637931


I think it depends. If you make it apparent you aren't actually disabled and aren't a douche about it, its fine with me. It's just when people focus so heavily on the aspect that a character is disabled or have people treat them like a disabled person when they are not is when things get sketchy

>> No.7637989

I personally wouldn't suggest doing it if you're not disabled. I'm also wondering how anyone could get away with it, anyway. Like, let's say you try to check into your hotel and bring it. Would they allow you to just to bring it and you just go, "oh it's just an accessory for a cosplay" and think that'd pass? I feel like they'd need some sort of proof or whatever that whoever is using it is disabled. I don't know. However...

There's also this possibility. She could just be fucking with the other characters and just uses it to stroll around while sitting down, even if she's not really disabled. And thus, if she could actually walk, then it's fair game to cosplay as her. Either way, we wouldn't know until the game actually comes out.

So, we'll wait and see. There's definitely, undoubtedly going to be at least one person who will attempt to do the cosplay before the game comes out, wheelchair or not. And if it's with a wheelchair, well, wheel see how it goes.

>> No.7638018


this was honestly my first thought too

I don't like any of them either

>> No.7638140

I think that it's fine if you aren't trying to come off as an actual handicapped person and really only use it for photos.

>> No.7638306

Hope suckers have fun with the 3 wheeled wheelchair. looks like a lot of work to me when you can just rip up your shitty Fukawa cosplay and do her instead.

>> No.7638486

I think if you're in a con situation it would be best to just use a chair *strictly* for shoots. Don't use them around the con. As for the "ablism" drama, there's plenty of actors/actresses that have fiend a disability for their art, I don't really see cosplay any differently as long as you do it tastefully. I don't think wheel-chair bound people really give two shits if you dress up as a green-haired anime girl from a game called dingle ronpaul a day or two out of the year.

>> No.7639127
File: 222 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl

>> No.7639239

I too love her badly cut bangs, horribly styled pigtails, wrong coloured wig, terrible gaudy red lipstick, and ski jump nose.

>> No.7639251

hi, jvnko

>> No.7639259

>horribly styled wig
Not ratty enough for you?

>wrong color wig
Obviously the lighting here effects the color

>> No.7639263


>> No.7639265


those bangs look really awful but it's not bad otherwise, I'm hoping it's just supposed to be a wip shot and not some OC outfit

>> No.7639277

She uses the same unflattering lipstick in every cosplay.

>> No.7639317
File: 112 KB, 643x960, 533895_483419748392292_177755100_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still wrong wig color

>> No.7639324

She kind of looks like Kirigiri and Ibuki's offspring

>> No.7639508

Isn't this the same person?

>> No.7639514

Not the whiteknighting anon but that is obviously a different wig.

>> No.7639551

Well at least they're not AS cottonball-y as they were before, though her attitude still ruins her cosplays.

>> No.7639580

Literally the whole panel was Togami yelling very loudly into the mic that people where poor then throwing those big paper bills everywhere. Fukawa dropping her SKIRT and trying to hug up on him. And Hagakure and Junko taking the bills Togami threw and turning them into joints

>> No.7639685

she said she has bang extensions she's not wearing in these pictures.

>> No.7640516

who cares

>> No.7640789

she relies way too much on being "hot" (i actually think she's kinda fugly" and not actually making her cosplays good. 90% of the shit she does is bikinis or casual outfits, too.

>> No.7640925
File: 546 KB, 580x924, junko2_by_ekiholic-d7hpz7j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7642359
File: 236 KB, 510x740, ce42b3a670a9f87442dce80e6068915ef9fa7097-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7642405
File: 84 KB, 480x280, 20130615061903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing any form of Hagakure wig help? Really not sure where to start, at all.

One of my friends is talking about sewing together Spirit Halloweens "Beach Bum" wigs, (OH GOD, however, if someone could find me a similar styled better quality wig, fuck yeah) and another is talking about dreading a massive afro wig, and I'm just sitting here both horrified and intimidated.

>> No.7644046
File: 226 KB, 1280x1024, tumblr_muqy8aOxFp1r4n9yho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7644061

So sick of photos of togami and money. I hate how Tumblr reduced him to to "I'm so fucking rich stfu".

>> No.7644406
File: 410 KB, 504x623, 06063b2333bcb3b691144315fa4f0926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that poor wig....

>> No.7647113

At least they admit they need help.

>> No.7647129

What about a Captain Jack Sparrow wig?

>> No.7647201

Doing genderbent Komaeda soon, would like three pieces of design advice if that's okay- I want it to be the best it can be.

1. Giant thick hair, or thinner hair with some stringiness to it? (Really can't decide between these two)
2. Keep the jacket its original length, or shorten it for a more "feminine" style?
(Currently leaning towards feminine and shorter)
3. Black jeans like his male version, or a black knee length skirt? All I know with this is I don't want the black booty shorts most people draw her with.

Also gonna be my first time meeting the DR fandom at cons in any way shape or form. What are they like? Probably won't be going to main photoshoot due to scheduling stuff but I expect I'll need to meet some anyway.

>> No.7647298
File: 338 KB, 618x726, tumblr_mpw65dEjL51sokmtxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My honest opinion is to either stick with the shorts or lower the length of the skirt. Keeping the skirt knee-length just doesn't balance well with a parka imo. Not sure what you mean by "super thick" as opposed to his normal hair? I think it would be really cute to do something like pic, keep his hair the same style but add some of junko's clips? I guess the main thing to keep in mind is that there's a ton of shitty komaeda's out there. You don't want your genderbend to be misconstrued as just inaccurate.

>> No.7647302

inb4 "genderbends are awful blah blah blah", you're posting on cgl so I'm assuming you won't make stupid mistakes.

1. I'd go for big hair. Big and wavy will look better.
2. For length, personally, I'd stay long, but make it slightly more tailored around the waist.
3. I'd go with a black pleated skirt, or a black denim skirt. Pants might not look right for a genderbend, there's a weird line between making it too obviously a genderbend and not trying hard enough. A knee-length (or slightly shorter) skirt would work best.

>> No.7647309

To be fair, the majority of DR characters have a very generic trope they sit behind. Be it donuts for asahina or money for togami. I don't see the reason to get salty because people use a prop that makes sense to try and make their 5/10 cosplays acceptable.

>> No.7647320
File: 1.27 MB, 933x818, Komaeda genderswap stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, here's what I meant with thick vs thin. Sorry for shitty MSPaint. Top two are thick hair, bottom is thin. Also gives an example of a shorter jacket and a knee length skirt to give a visualization.

I really, really hope it's not made inaccurate. There needs to be more good Komaedas out there so I'm trying to help that out. Gonna be gradient dying the hair and all that, so.

>> No.7647324

Oooo, I really like the idea of making the skirt denim fabric. Thank you so much!

>> No.7647330

those genderbends are actually pretty nice

>> No.7647335

Well Togami doesn't give a shit about money, it's ooc for him to be holding it out when he's not paying for anything.

>> No.7647506
File: 165 KB, 743x1000, 34800343_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I like the short shorts with the thigh high socks cobo, its cute and sexy, which I think komaeda legs are pretty nice (flaunt it ).with maybe ankle length boots if you manage to modify them.

Keeping the jacket the same length would be best.

Image related.

>> No.7647509


exactly my point.

At least Asahina expresses her love for donuts and its pretty obvious. Togami owns a massive company. But doesnt mean hes obsessed with money.

>> No.7648005
File: 359 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n7zy8iZ8zZ1r1pdo5o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wig.
>that expression.

capacha: Oomdat accuracy

>> No.7648007
File: 641 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n7zy8iZ8zZ1r1pdo5o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7648008
File: 767 KB, 1280x1910, tumblr_n7vn2d2bgr1qloj4do2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7648057

Hmmm...I dunno, braj. Volume wise it seems kinda iffy, probably worth exploring though!

>> No.7648109

>the way that green trim is sewn onto the collar

>> No.7648791

I actually really like this ishimaru

>> No.7648961
File: 83 KB, 480x280, tumblr_mvhqcu7TXk1sxvlmgo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever ordered a premade Souda jumpsuit? Sewn their own? Dyed a white one?

I've been wanting to cosplay him for a while but it's between spending $100 on something that'll possibly be absolute shit, or buying a jumpsuit in the wrong color, or frustrating myself with fabric dye. Tips, anyone? (I've Googled the shit outta this, I've never really come up with anything that helpful, and I'm pretty intimidated by trying to make it without any guidance)

>> No.7649237

I find the jumpsuit in the sprites is a very mustard yellow? But the store bought ones are either fluro yellow or some weird yellow/green colours, or just too orangey yellow.

Either way if you want to be accurate its best to either dye or make your own I recon. for the dye you can try acrylic dying (depending on the material)

>> No.7649259

I've seen 100 percent cotton jumpsuits so I figure that should be easy enough.

Idk if I'm color blind or what but in the sprites it goes between yellowgreen and darkergrossyellow for me.

HOWEVER I just found someone reselling their jumpsuit and I'm super fuckin tempted, (aka after I posted this while I was just poking around for references) mostly because I go back to my stupidly labor intensive job next week until October, and then two weeks into October I have the con I wanna wear him to (AND I have the burden of making Leon & helping my friend with her Mondo & Hagakure, please kill me) so I'm like...should I take the easy way out?? Just this once??? (I can't decide how much time/money/effort it'll save me, all I'd need is a new wig, I have everything else sans jumpsuit)

BUT even if I did buy a premade one I'm guessing by next summer for my home con I'd piece together my own. Idk, man.

>> No.7649733

I ended up ordering it. It was "affordable enough" and I guess I'll have to see how this goes. If anything, I can just steal the patches off of it and use it as a pattern for sewing a jumpsuit.

(But I'll probably suck it up for my October/November con plans, then make/dye a new one before March)

>> No.7650392

It has five wheels.

>> No.7650669

Hello I cannot count.

>> No.7651651

hahaha...the pun made me laugh