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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 154 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_muj8p42qrU1stlj6uo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7604393 No.7604393 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a cross-dress thread?
Talk anything cross-dressing here guys/girls.

>> No.7604398 [DELETED] 

Get out of here faggot!

>> No.7604400 [DELETED] 


>> No.7604403
File: 74 KB, 640x960, crossplay_by_paperloid-d57iyot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on /cgl/

>> No.7604404 [DELETED] 

Stfu faggot.

>> No.7604406 [DELETED] 

Get this sick queer shit out of here.

>> No.7604407
File: 120 KB, 900x1200, men_in_lingerie_by_mikaelgravelle-d4kxswc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a troll I hope?

>> No.7604408

That shit needs to stop. It's always been unfunny and it will never stop being unfunny.
At this point it's just cringeworthy.

>> No.7604411 [DELETED] 

I agree this fag shit belongs on reddit or our fag board. Cgl is for normal people.

>> No.7604413
File: 1.33 MB, 2280x3500, 1401143398491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not doing it to be funny, I actually like cross-dressing for myself.
I feel pretty, confident and I don't have to act like a man for once.

I don't see why you anyone should hate it, it takes guts to do that outside.

>> No.7604419 [DELETED] 

Behold! The correct opinion!

Crossdressing in cosplays is fucking obnoxious and is only used to get a cheap, easy laugh.

If OP wants to have a crossdressing thread go to the appropriate fucking board!

>> No.7604426
File: 110 KB, 423x881, 1395470550904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And which should that be to you?

>> No.7604429

>>/lgbt nigga!

or /b if you want to camwhore and be jerked off to

>> No.7604436 [DELETED] 


Amen to that brother. Get this fucking faggot out of our board.

LBGT is where you belnog you stupid faggot.

>> No.7604439 [DELETED] 

If you do go to the right board please delete this thread on your way out.

>> No.7604441
File: 470 KB, 959x639, 1400862369502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to /lgbt/ and the thread went about the same way as it is going here.

And I'm not a camwhore, I don't do it for that purpose.

>> No.7604446 [DELETED] 

You're posting yourself in lingerie, if any of the pics in this thread is you, camwhoring is literally what you are doing.

If /lgbt didn't want it boo fucking hoo, either go to /b or try /lgbt again some other time, don't just come to the wrong board.

>> No.7604448 [DELETED] 

Well why come and shit up our board with your disgusting homo shit? Go away!

>> No.7604453 [DELETED] 

look at this sick queer shit. Go to hell you flaming faggot.

>> No.7604455
File: 93 KB, 720x960, 1400246668335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those pics are me, I already said that I'm not a camwhore.
I expected /lgbt/ to be more understanding, guess I was wrong.

>> No.7604462 [DELETED] 

Tbh, I've never seen 4chan be this homophobic, I think it's just exaggerating but I think it just shows how much your thread really doesn't belong here. Delete it, move along, once again, try another board.

>> No.7604463 [DELETED] 


>> No.7604464 [DELETED] 


>> No.7604469
File: 983 KB, 285x285, 1372991864504.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might just be the troll from /lgbt/ who followed me here.

I-I'm somewhat girly I guess?

>> No.7604471 [DELETED] 

Nope, you need to go away, you stupid faggot. This isn't a fag board. you fags have your own board. LGBT. Now go away.

>> No.7604473 [DELETED] 

Stop it, stop it and listen.

Go in your own board, delete this thread, stop trying to be cute, and go.

>> No.7604478 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 238x360, 4373763636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm gonna bump this thread so everyone can see how homophobic /cgl/ can be, how about that?

>> No.7604483 [DELETED] 

We like being homophobic you dumb queer. We gave you fags a board. Now you're out of the Castro District and shitting up good straight people boards. Go back to your board. Stop being a 4chan Mexican.

>> No.7604487 [DELETED] 


>> No.7604497 [DELETED] 

Stupid faggot, go die in a fire you flaming fairy!

>> No.7604502


Its fine if you want to actually do it properly and be a trap or whatever, but the LOL LOOK IM COSPLAYING GIRL BUT IM A GUY XDD cosplays are fucking cancer.

>> No.7604504

I'd bet money on all those replies being one person. They're all written identically.

babbies first troll

>> No.7604508

It's sad to see you think that's why I cross-dress.

Why do you cosplay Anon?
Just answer that simple question for me.

>> No.7604509
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 1357062554818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all just report, then ignore and move on?

I think that'd be great.


>> No.7604534

When exactly did I say that? I said crossdressing is fine, but the people who do it for "LOL LOOK IM A GUY AM I FUNNI SWAG YOLOO XD" are cancerous

>> No.7604537

Oh well I'm sorry then, I can defenitely see why you'd hate that.

>> No.7604736

I can't tell if this thread is super meta or cgl is actually this homophobic I haven't been here long enough

>> No.7604760

You picked the wrong guy to use as a picture. Thats about the only thing wrong you did op. His autistic friends will pretty much spam this thread to death now.

>> No.7604765

>good straight people boards

>> No.7604874

The amount of samefag in this thread is delicious.

Don't feed the trolls, friends.

Polite sage.

>> No.7604976


>> No.7608328

nathan and his friend are chuckold pedophiles

>> No.7608350
File: 88 KB, 225x225, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do about boobs and cleavage if my character has large breasts? Would buying fake boobs be an option?
Teach me.

>> No.7608378
File: 17 KB, 365x371, Oranges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a girl, fake boobs is not a topic I know much about but looking for tutorials warrants this

It seems there are some different options for fake boobs, although cleavage seems more difficult. Convincing cleavage with the fake boobs seems like it would rely a lot on makeup skills/practice.

Hopefully that's a good start. I want to help you entirely because you posted Momokan. I kind of assume you're not cosplaying Momokan, since most of her outfits don't have cleavage, but if you are, you're my hero. Good luck!

>> No.7608414

Sup Nathan

>> No.7608441

I want to do a Madotsuki cosplay for MCM London this year, not completely set on it though.

>> No.7608456

this video is old as fuck but its still an excellent tutorial.

>> No.7610401


>> No.7612237
File: 492 KB, 700x781, yohane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So today I tried applying makeup and boy did I get my ass kicked.

Now, a little background. I'm a guy who wants to look passable as a girl for a crossplay I'm doing. As for now, I believe my biggest giveaway is my eyebrows, but I can only fix that to a certain degree. I decided that I should focus on my eyes instead. Maybe cover up any imperfections on my face with foundation. My goal is to only appear passable, as if I'm not wearing any makeup.

Today that I tried applying mascara, I kept poking my eye with the brush and got some of it on my eyelid and wasn't able to reach the inner lashes close to the middle of my face. Maybe I should use an eyelash curler first and then try applying mascara, perhaps it'll be easier.

As for applying eye shadow, a challenge I noticed immediately is that I can't keep the eyelid closed enough, I had to use a finger to hold it down and brush a lighter color, followed by a slightly darker one right after.

A question, would CC cream help hide imperfections on my face or would I definitely have to look for a foundation that works with my skin tone instead?

>> No.7612263
File: 36 KB, 720x480, Oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there

>> No.7612287

Poor soul. So beautiful.

>> No.7612426

>My goal is to only appear passable, as if I'm not wearing any makeup.

That's not going to work for a crossplay. If you look at female cosplayers cosplaying female characters they all wear obvious makeup (black eyeliner, falsies, circle lenses etc) even if their character doesn't wear noticeable makeup.

Applying makeup isn't rocket science, it just takes practice. By the 100th time you do your eyemakeup you will have no problem keeping your eyes closed, and you probably won't stab yourself in the eye.

CC cream will help hide imperfections, but not as well as foundation, because CC cream is more sheer and has less coverage.

>> No.7612830
File: 111 KB, 684x1167, zone_tan_by_delucat-d74rjno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, so I'm going to be crossplaying ZONE, do you guys know what kind of sweater she's wearing?

>> No.7612845

I don't know, but "off-shoulder" and "wool-knit" seem like good words to use in the search bar.

Does anyone else have better information? I would love me some Zone cosplay. Zone is hella kyoot. Post some progress pics when you can, please!

>> No.7615196

Too soon

>> No.7615213

That is usually called a "marilyn" sweater or "off shoulder"

>> No.7615257

That could be impossible to pull off well if you weren't lucky with the genes. Coming from someone MtF who deals with this every day, bone structure is one of the things you can't hide no matter you do, and nowhere does it show more obviously than with the shoulders. Do you have a wide frame?

>> No.7615279

Agreeing with this. I've seen way too many crossplayers that end up looking like a man in a dress as opposed to androgynous/female because of broad as fuck shoulders. Cover em up if they're not feminine, else they're a dead giveaway.

>> No.7615445

Just a reminder GARticuno and friends filmed a girls bare ass and got banned from otakon

>> No.7615475
File: 44 KB, 502x779, 10314000_274162562756513_1393168059971572979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7615492
File: 111 KB, 640x480, 1400570577066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cross dressing thread. Wearing what zone-tan is and having manly shoulders is what this thread is about you fucking tards.

>> No.7615523

Damn that looks bad.

I thought the whole idea was to look as passable as possible as a female.

>> No.7615529

Sup Nathan.

Pics of girls bare ass plz.

>> No.7615561

That's a Trap or Transvestite. Crossdressing is using the other gender's clothes.

>> No.7616064

why so specific? to be a trap or a transvestite you generally need to crossdress as well innit

>> No.7616456

You upset they look better than you do ?

>> No.7616513

these >>7616092 costumes are fantastic even thought its a joke

>> No.7616516

Then look like a man in women's clothes? I don't much care. I thought the whole point of crossdressing was actually looking like a girl instead of a drag queen.

>> No.7616521

>You upset they look better than you do?

Yeah, I'm so jealous of someone wearing shutter shades, shitty gold chains, and ill fitting costumes/wigs who runs around cons yelling "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT" or other nonsense. You saw right through me.

>> No.7616677
File: 54 KB, 540x960, IMG_490553498364818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to wear it to a con for laughs but noticed a lot of other people doing the same thing, mostly wear it when I get fucked up now.

>> No.7616812


This is now a autism thread
BGG represents yolo breakfsst nuggas

>> No.7617218



>> No.7618198

Don't die on me! Kenny needs to shiiiiiiiiiine

>> No.7618208

god, what a fucking waste. somebody could have used that costume for cosplay but you had to make a joke out of it that's been done 100 times.

>> No.7618225

yeah someone fat who has no business cosplaying madoka anyway. it suits him better

>> No.7618229

Absolute garbage

>> No.7618269
File: 59 KB, 405x720, IMG_51763878344270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be a group thing but like you stated, it's been done to many times. I still use it, just not for cons.

>> No.7618420

This thread reaks of autistic rumchata samfags

>> No.7618628

this guy went to another image board i used to go to. he would post pictures of his girlfriend and pretend it was him and that she was a trap. garticuno

>> No.7620138
File: 611 KB, 761x720, 1399822790031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a nice, sheer foundation that seems to go very well with my skin and after application, appears as if there's nothing there. It's UD's Naked Skin 3.0, wondering if anyone's got experiences to share with it.

I also bought MUFE's Kohl Pencil Black 1k and am wondering if it's a good choice for beginner/easy to apply.
>mfw $20 for a pencil

Aside from that I did find some bronze eye shadow that I should try out first with caution before deciding to stick with it. With this, I think I should be pretty fine, as I'm not overdoing it but at the same time it's obvious I've done some work on my face.

When applying makeup, should I do foundation, eyelash curler, eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner in that order? Thanks again, seagulls.

>> No.7620201

Nathan.....pls go and just fuck your ugly fake loli girlfriend.

>> No.7620265

it suits a wigless hairy tall man better? holy shit.

>> No.7620379

That sounds about right. Although I always maintain you get better results using falsies. The final test to see if makeup is photo ready is to get a dSLR with a flash gun to see how the makeup looks under flash. The prob with some foundations is that the light ones end up looking somewhat translucent under high powered lighting, so some of the darker spots end up showing. Using some concealer before or after foundation on dark spots will help, provided you blend it in well.

On the note of contouring and eyeshadow etc, you might want to note that a choice has to be made between looking nice in person, and looking nice in photos (particularly when better equipment is brought into the picture) For cons I tend to go for less dramatic eyeshadow and less contrast in the contouring, cause it looks kinda clownish in person. Feel free to go nuts during a photoshoot though

>> No.7620382
File: 81 KB, 372x375, 1268187984978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's... surprisingly cute... hot?... both?
either way, I like it a lot, any more pictures?

Because madoka cosplays are in SUCH short demmand and not printed out more often than their bought. clearly someone paying their own money to do with it as they please is a fucking tragedy. I believe you lost a stick up your ass and I advise you go retrieve it.

>> No.7620639 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 405x720, IMG_51773996477816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many. [spoiler] why are people on 4chan gay for me? [spoiler]

>> No.7620644
File: 47 KB, 405x720, IMG_51776390429232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many and they're all the same pose, but thanks

>> No.7622320

Except it's not his own money, it's GARticuno parents money

>> No.7622367
File: 966 KB, 672x896, top kek m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors

>> No.7623561

Good, that autistic fuck and his cringey gay dick mingling friends deserves it. His music is ok at most tho but hasn't made any in months.

>> No.7625169

Still looking for this bare ass video

>> No.7629279

Not allowed to die

>> No.7629283

Dat ass tho

>> No.7629288

OMG make moar

>> No.7629429

Posting in here again to say thanks for your advice. I'd post a wip but this thread is getting shit on to high hell. I get better each time I try, but I feel like something is... off. Maybe my lashes don't look long enough? Maybe I should use a darker eye shadow? Maybe I should make a thicker line with the eye pencil? I'll probably just show up in another thread instead.

>> No.7629688
File: 671 KB, 837x1427, 2014-06-21 12.30.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other brolitas here? Coord I wore yesterday to a meetup.

>> No.7629715

I heard there in hell. You should go there.

>> No.7629722

1/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.7629736
File: 350 KB, 579x1024, c2d2e245d2b940bc9d44d7877e4ac290880bc513-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound incredibly upset or internally conflicted.. I honestly don't see the issue with girls wearing a male costume or guys wearing a female costume. Cosplaying is for fun, not for sexual gratification

And people who participate in cosplay generally want to be seen by others, so despite the underlying reasoning, you're still dealing with people who want to be seen

>> No.7629797
File: 500 KB, 1280x960, 0524141624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7629858

Do not want to be mean but really your headdress is shit m8
That and your necklace looks like some christmas decoration. And is your blouse from a thrift store or something?...

>> No.7630030

You can't be this retarded

>> No.7630674

I'm thinking of getting some light FFS (maybe a nose job) before bothering. I'm just going to look ugly if I did it now.

>> No.7630841

Not a big fan of the headdress, but I think you're super cute!

>> No.7630857

Oh, so cute! Maybe if you use more toned down accessories would be better in my opinion.

>> No.7630968

#1 That's specifically trapping.
#2 Crossdressing is the generic term for wearing clothes meant for the opposite gender (for any reason).
#3 Transvestism is a more technical term for #2.

I hope that clears it up.

>> No.7630987
File: 27 KB, 400x225, tumblr_ml5tvc3J1p1rnkncxo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more mandokas.

>> No.7631013

Holy shit those guns

>> No.7631018
File: 733 KB, 500x500, eeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631027

I've never had these feelings before, anon.

>> No.7631258
File: 218 KB, 1200x677, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to post WIP anyway, I'm >>7629429. What can I do to make this better, aside from working on my eyebrows of course. I can't afford to make changes to those at this time.

My hair is a mess, I know, but I will fix that nicely for the occasion. Pardon for the shitty camera, it's the front facing one on my phone.

>> No.7631436

He only likes sluts that like to get bashed over the head and raped while she is dying.

Exact words, sorry girl.

>> No.7631454
File: 62 KB, 960x635, Nuttedinherbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's okay bro. It doesn't matter to me. I just fucked this slut in her ass. She's crying I took her anal virginity for the fifth time so hard her dad impounded her car. Do you think people being retarded matters to me?

>> No.7631561

Nigger when did I ever say that

>> No.7631757

In my opinion you dhould pluck your eyebrows a bit and look for a different hairstyle.
Everything else looks quite promising.

>> No.7631765

You make a really cute girl, anon. I think you should smile a little more, though. Not a giant horse smile, but just a nice little faint turning up of the lip corners. Don't even have to show your teeth.

I add in all that extra stuff because I need braces and I'm self conscious about my smile.

>> No.7631818

Someones mad.
What don't you guys like about the headdress? Anything specific? I like it :(
Also, I agree with the accessories, this was put together on super short notice, like 1 day before the meet.
Thanks, I took one smiling too but it came out blurry :(

>> No.7632130
File: 389 KB, 1024x1365, awa__13__utsuho_reiuji_by_naturesrose-d6oz9h7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brokuu :3

>> No.7633502

Stop calling yourself a nigger, nigger.

>> No.7633509

Isn't that the sperg from yellow zebra or something?

>> No.7633521

Nathan when are you going to make new songs or post more con vids you flying faggot

>> No.7633995
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1399941684166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7634080
File: 35 KB, 390x578, 10462707_494829710662043_505161979548566433_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later on he changed into a Ichigo cosplay from Tokyo Mew Mew.

>> No.7634335
File: 476 KB, 700x1238, d6c774b7d9a85f9795445c5e164928e8def3bbb6-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yellow zebra
that indeed is the boss of the defunct Yellow Zebra

this is another Brokuu

>> No.7634336

This one is way sexier.

>> No.7634342

>be mtf
>wanna get into lolita fashion
>ahahahah nope.jpg

>> No.7634485


the thing with any type of fashion is that having an alternate body type from the norm gives you a chance to break out of the ranks of the clone army and do your own thing.

learn basics, like how to flatter the figure you have, then maybe how to create the illusion of a more feminine figure. learn what is required in lolita and apply what you've leaned about flattering your actual body to it. maybe you won't fit into brand but there's companies that sell shit for bigger lolitas so keep an eye out.

but DO NOT attempt lolita until you can master the basics of feminine fashion that suits your body, hair, and skin/face type...

>> No.7634514
File: 377 KB, 579x1024, 30a45d3f5154d67222bb4ec1265fab5baf238824-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7634530

Thanks for the encouragement, anon, but male bodies just don't do well with lolita from what I've seen. Even with a skillfully put together coord, it will always look off.

Like >>7615257 said,
>bone structure is one of the things you can't hide no matter you do, and nowhere does it show more obviously than with the shoulders.

Just gotta accept that this isn't really the thing for me.

>> No.7634546

Meh I went to a meetup and they couldn't even tell I was a brolita until I talked. If you're a mtf I'm sure you pass better than me too.

>> No.7634582

I've seen a ton of cismales with much more passable features than me.
It seems trans individuals are always the ones with the least suitable features to transition, meanwhile cis people can enjoy crossdressing and not looking ridiculous while doing so.

But I'm just biased and venting.

>> No.7634713

Why don't you post a pic of face/body. You might be being too hard on yourself. Frills are too fun to give up on that easily.

>> No.7634852

Post pics and we can try to give you advice.

>> No.7635181


>> No.7635395

don't carve up your face just for the sake of cosplaying

>> No.7635751
File: 1.21 MB, 1324x2048, 2013-10-26_12-37-13_68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most I'm willing to share right now and had to blur part of my shoulder
Honestly I probably didn't need to since I don't know many people who frequent 4chan, and practically nobody I know comes to this board, but I digress.

Also, this was a whiiile back, like before my current state of being on hormones for ~5 months on and off, but the bone structure and everything is still the same.
I'm also not as skinny anymore but I'm trying to get back to that point. unu

totally doing this because I want to wear lolita and be able to cosplay female characters comfortably but it's definitely not my main incentive.

>> No.7635767


have you considered Aristocrat style? the more mature cuts might flatter your body more if you are tall/broader shouldered.

also see here: http://lolita-tips.tumblr.com/post/13984798683/a-lolitas-guide-to-dressing-to-flatter-your-body-type

i'm not good at this but you look inverted triangle, so maybe try those tips?

>> No.7635778

Yeah you're right about the inverted triangle body shape.
The crappy thing is that I really like how cute sweet is but gothic and aristrocrat are probably the only styles that would really be suitable. And I also like gothic a lot so I guess that's worth a shot.
Another issue is money though, brand is expensive and I don't like to cheap out on things.

>> No.7635792


yeah money is many a loli's concern. so is body type (though usually it's a weight issue). if that helps any.

i was looking for other helpful stuff for you and got distracted by images of Mana-sama (nostalgia'd like whoa) and need to sleep now so good luck

>> No.7635800

The body's rockin

You need to work on posing your head and face better for pictures.

>> No.7635835
File: 3.64 MB, 8862x4104, 434324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to be brolita
>tfw no loli gf to teach me how 2 b loli
>tfw no gf

life is suffering

>> No.7636670
File: 17 KB, 130x130, 1402511578860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BGG the enemy of /cgl/
You just need to respect THE kenny betz @ fb

>> No.7637133

We stopped talking about you spergstine, you are small time

>> No.7638141

Popping in here to say thank you, and to the previous anons who have helped me. I think I have achieved satisfactory results. As for my hair, I'll be straightening it out and wearing it on the sides. I can't do too much about my eyebrows because reasons, but I'll see if I can pluck a bit starting from the middle of my face.

My main concern was simply learning to apply makeup correctly without looking like a drag queen and I think I've covered that fine. With time, I'll be able to experiment more and work on my face differently.

>> No.7638331

Aww, you look so nice! I wish I could help, but I'm only just now getting into lolita myself, and I need a mentor myself.

>> No.7638405

youre so cute oh god

>> No.7638452

>be not passable male
>want to dress up as favorite female characters
>not even trans
>just like a lot of female characters
>not creative enough to design rule 63
>will just look like crap trying to dress as regular female

>> No.7638608

I don't think the person in that pic is the anon who made the post.

>> No.7638615

I know the opposite feel. I don't really have any favorite female characters and I wouldn't enjoy crossplaying as any of my overly manly husbandos. I'd rather see a guy do it justice than me do a shit version.

>> No.7638616

Well there's lots of fanart for genderbends, why not cosplay fanart?

>> No.7638951

I know those feels. My gf knows nothing about Lolita so I had to learn the hard way. Being a brolita is definitely tough. I ended up reading everything I could on tumblr resources like fyeahlolita and lolita-tips.

I've been doing it for about a year now and I still feel lost. But holy shot my coords are 10000% better now than when I first started!

>> No.7638977

>TFW Female Touhou Cosplayer just starting to get into lolita

W-we could be friends anon

>> No.7638997

No homo r-right?

>tfw no gf to go shopping with

>> No.7639039

>tfw no crossdressing bf who will dress as cute loli animu characters for me

Why even live ;_;

>> No.7639695
File: 2.78 MB, 5456x3632, DSC01057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is me tho

A-are you going to AX?

>tfw no gf who wants me to be loli

>> No.7639990


Nigga, that doesn't hold me back.

You just have to take all the fucks you have, and then don't give any when you get flak.

But do try to look your best. It's amazing what makeup can do when you learn how to do it proper. And wearing the right clothes can help too. And hair. You can even conceal your face a bit with the some hairstyles.

>> No.7640008

holy shit you're beautiful time to kms

>> No.7640101 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 160x224, 1345276820247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, except it isn't just confined to Lolita but general female fashion as well.

Are those falsies or your natural lashes? Still learning to tell them apart.
Uber jelly of your wall scrolls and dakis. We should meet at AX and get some girlfriends.

>> No.7640112
File: 125 KB, 168x225, 1370164502642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, except it isn't just confined to Lolita but general female fashion as well.

Are those falsies or your natural lashes? Still learning to tell them apart.
Uber jelly of your wall scrolls and dakis. We should meet at AX and get some girlfriends.

Is that your natural hair, by the way?

>> No.7640158



Its a wig but my real hair is literally just ~5 inches shorter, and much thicker.

I can't wait until it grows out - gonna be kawaii as HELL

>> No.7640203

Very nice! I had to have my hair cut for work, it was terrible. However it's still pretty long now, but I'm considering getting bangs to maybe hide my thick eyebrows a bit. You have an excellent face, and for that I'm a little envious! Will you be going to the crossplay gathering at AX this year?

>> No.7640238


Idk, maybe? When is it

>> No.7640329

Sorry for the late reply, it'll be on Day 3, 11 AM at Site 2.
Details of the various sites on the LACC: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4aCNgD2wqoZQzAwMG9FdlJIdmc/edit
List of the cosplay gatherings! http://community.anime-expo.org/topic/17532-anime-expo-2014-cosplay-gathering-list/

>> No.7640815
File: 799 KB, 1936x2592, IMG_20130517_182814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been posting on different chans since 2007, and my Mandoka picture is the only one to make it around the world...
If you're look carefully, you can see me crossplaying in his shades.

Please enjoy my other Mandoka picture from Avenue 2013

>> No.7640826
File: 875 KB, 1936x2592, IMG_20130517_175403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acen 2013 dammit!

Also, from Acen 2013, the pink one is the crossplayer.
Please enjoy.

>> No.7640841

holy shit what a qt

never would have guessed you weren't female

>> No.7640882
File: 928 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_20130519_161813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One just for you...

>> No.7640907


Aside from eyebrows and hair (I think a side bang would look nice on you), I'd define your upper lip more with a lip liner to make your lips look fuller.
Also contour the sides of your nose just a tad to make it smaller. Other than that, looks good!

Also, smile! You don't have to make any large grins, learn to do an ethereal smile that tugs slightly both corners of your lips. It instantly gives your eyes an extra sparkle.

>> No.7642776
File: 109 KB, 900x506, sam_1558_by_ayatonyaa-d6g9e0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Just a question anon-kun.. but is the guy playing as Madoka here really a guy? And if so, is he 18+? How I'm seeing it, it looks like a 12-14 year old kid that still has his child-like androgynous nature. Sorry if I insulted you, that wasn't my intention, just want to know a bit more

>> No.7642795

Judging from the pics, it shows him/her wearing a Kit's Kids badge which I'm pretty sure is what 12 and under receive.

>> No.7642804

this guy looks like a fucking faggot shit talker

>> No.7642812

I'm going to second other anon and say maybe to start off with EGA or kodona, using it as a way in to practice making it more and more feminine as you go until you can push it into lolita.
There are lots of pieces that would work in both more feminine ouji as well as lolita, so that you can build up your wardrobe withe cute blouses etc, whilst the boyish part of the style will excuse you from worrying about 'passing' until you've mastered enough to switch your pumpkin shorts to a jsk.
You look, from what I can see, very similar to someone I know in build so you already have a great foundarion and I don't think you're going to have any problem apart from needing to balance things with extra petti.

>> No.7643150
File: 338 KB, 1080x1920, C360_2014-06-27-15-32-13-832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be cosplaying Nagisa but I'm not sure on the make up.
I tried doing a test make up yesterday but I'd really like some constructive criticism, thank you !
(Excuse my eyebrows , I havent finished bleaching them yet)

>> No.7643306

My sister is a box shape and still wears lolita fine. I think you'll be okay, so don't give up! Try feminine ouji style if you need to get used to coordinating outfits.

>> No.7643945

That's Misha Collins I believe.

>> No.7644082

Nah, that's not Misha Collins. That nose is way too big.
I forget who it actually is, but word around the office is, he's a pretty big jerk

>> No.7644093

Hnnngghhh your lips

>> No.7644122

In my honest opinion that isn't actually bad. Looks pretty good. You should probably thin out those eyebrows though.

>> No.7644296

Someone is salty.

>> No.7644324

Or hit the nail on the head

>> No.7644374

Aww thank you anon
Thanks, it means a lot. I'll try your suggestion !~

>> No.7644625

capturing the lonely male otaku hearts of /jp/ wasn't enough for you huh. now you must capture the heart of seagulls with your girliness. some guys have all the luck.

>> No.7644893

Is this OP in the picture?
I swear I saw you in Florida Supercon last year.

>> No.7644904

I would let you put your penis in my bum

>> No.7644907 [DELETED] 

You're adorable! I personally think that the headpiece and necklace cute but that they're a bit much for this dress. Something a bit lighter and simpler would work a bit bitter. I hope you keep on being fabulous!

>> No.7644974


But I haven't captured any lolita hearts, that's why I'm here

tbh I'm more surprised that someone from jaypee would actually ever step foot in cgl

>> No.7645093

Different anon but I did add you on Skype after that jp thread! I just haven't had access to my PC since. And I only want to be your tomodachi, yo.

>> No.7645718
File: 18 KB, 228x350, Sailoruranus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh perhaps cosplaying someone with an inverted triangle shape rather then these hyper femme pieces o crap. I mean come on if your so worried about looking good just cosplay more andro women

>> No.7645721
File: 392 KB, 450x702, Android18SemiPerfectCellSaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

andro women you say

>> No.7645735

Sadly andro women seem to be non existent in most anime now a days. I think the only place left is the remements of real yuri that hasent yet been shit on by the cute parade

>> No.7645736

Curling your eyelashes will make it a lot easier. If you keep blinkin while using eyeshadow or eyeliner pull the side of your eye out a bit so the surface of the eyelid is straighter. Your application should also look neater. Browse the makeup threads, they're pretty helpful.

>> No.7645738

Please be in London.

>> No.7645907

the one in the middle has to be a girl. if not shes the only one passing

>> No.7645925

guess which one is the crossplay?

pro-tip: both are

>> No.7645927
File: 82 KB, 720x960, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7645949

no fucking way
i demand proof
for science

>> No.7645959
File: 99 KB, 774x1032, i_dyed_my_hair_by_paperloid-d5lndc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This >>7604403 is actually the same girl (to the left)

and pic related without crossplaying

>> No.7645960
File: 62 KB, 720x960, mami_tomoe_crossplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7645964

That first picture definitely looks a lot more boyish.

Do you know who's on the right? "She" is super cute.

>> No.7650024

Bump for interest

>> No.7650256

Apologies for the late reply again. Thank you, I have considered your advice and I think I'm ready now. We'll see how it all goes when the con starts in two days.

>> No.7650736
File: 524 KB, 1920x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do the typical Mandoka among other female outfits, but I'm starting to get into "regular gender illusionry", and I'll be having friends teach me the basics of makeup and contouring soon.

>> No.7650752

Sik m8te

>> No.7653445

does anyone have any experience with asking a chinese cosplay maker for custom sizing?

I requested a longer skirt, but not sure how it's going to turn out

>> No.7653709

Id post myself but im too chicken shit because of my weight

>> No.7653739

Just do it, don't be a pussy.

>> No.7653764
File: 45 KB, 540x720, candy plx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINE. This was me at a con recently, and this was my first time attempting to make a dress, but I think it turned out ok for a first time crossplaying. Don't be too judgemental k

>> No.7653804

> day 26

How the fuck is this thread still alive?

>> No.7653815

>and this was my first time attempting to make a dress
If I were you, I would use that time and effort you used to make that dress to exercise and lose some weight.

>> No.7653819

Not too bad, youd probably be really cute if you lost some weight (sorry I really don't mean that in a mean way I promise) Also a petticoat would probably make the skirt look a lot better.
cause crossdressing is awesome

>> No.7653846

ya sadly the petticoat I used under it did not poof as much as I hoped it would, and I have been trying to lose the weight I gained a lot because I fell into a bad depression a few months back
Like is that even needed when I'm already self-concious about crossplaying and crossdressing as a whole?

>> No.7653860

You've gotta just spend a good amount on a nice petti, its well worth it. Depression sucks, don't give up though, losing weight is hard but it is sooo worth it, especially as a crossdresser/crossplayer. I used to be ~290 lbs and I'm down to 155 now and it made such a huge difference. Just count your calories and keep at it you'll get there.

>> No.7653866

Ya this was a rush job, because my ex was like you have no skill sewing so I said fuck it let's do this ya know, but I will keep at it thanks for the encouragement anon

>> No.7653961

Omg awesome!

>> No.7653966

You look really cute.
Love it!!
You capture the heart of cgl girls too, as me.
>loved that touhou cosplay of yours

>> No.7653970

Me! i wouldn't mind a brolita bf even if i'm still a lolita in progress.
I want to cosplay as Flandre, she is my favourite character and maybe also as Medicine too, no one likes her i know.

>> No.7653974
File: 9 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issue is not all girls like men who crossdress, worse if in lolita fashion or crossplay. And the girls who like men like this as me have no luck to find a bf like that.
I know these feels, anon. I know the pain.

>> No.7653988

>tfw every girl you've met/dated hates the fact that you're a brolita
I still don't believe girls like you actually exist.

>> No.7654000
File: 53 KB, 547x511, 1392704612526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even those anons but I'd love a cute crossdressing bf. Different people are different.

>> No.7654003

>tfw want brolita bf
>tfw male

It's hard enough to find a qtpie bf, I'll never find a qt brolita bf

>> No.7654007

tfw single gay brolita

a-anon can this be fate?

>> No.7654010

They just hate the ones that are ugly, as any person would.

>> No.7654015

I don't think I'm ugly. 95% of girls just don't want a boyfriend who crossdresses.

>> No.7654028

Not those anons so I can't speak for them but they like myself could have a case of the not exactly straight. I'd be interested in a girl, I'd be interested in a guy. Why wouldn't I be interested in a pretty girly guy?

I've always loved traps. Qts with dicks.

>> No.7654038
File: 751 KB, 500x500, 1387860446287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is right. Traps really do represent the best of both worlds. You crossdressing anons will find somebody who appreciates you someday, especially if you pass well.

>> No.7654048

Do you live in Florida?

>> No.7654053

Nope, Canada

>> No.7654172

>tfw brolita
>tfw live in Florida
>tfw not gay

>> No.7654181

You know I am the same granted I am limited to only crossplay, but oh boy the explanation I had to give when my mom found pics of it.

>> No.7654207

oh boy, that sounds terrible

my parents don't know but would be understanding since my brother is gay, but I would have to convince them I'm not

>> No.7654249

I had to convince them and my grandmother I was not and it's just a hobby because I look semi-decent in dresses and makeup

>> No.7654268

>tfw girlfriend likes it and helped me make a Rui cosplay because I remind her of the character

It's a shame I'm ugly as shit so it doesn't really look good on me, but I consider myself really lucky to have found a girl like her.

>> No.7654305

Are there any pics of female crossdressing? I want to eventually.

>> No.7654601
File: 501 KB, 826x600, 2dc4dd36a16fbf84e7dafd77f6eeeaa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I'm so afraid of this. For a really long time it was the reason I didn't attend cons, my dad would be super pissed if he found out what I like to dress up in
>tfw old judgemental homophobic parents

>> No.7654607

well thankfully my parents are supportive and well I don't live at home anyways so I have that advantage about my hobbies

>> No.7656958


>> No.7656982

lel butthurt legbeard mad because you are to fat to look good

>> No.7656996

>implying these men not putting effort into looking like women 'look good'

>> No.7657047

Yes, because a cheap bought cosplay + sunglasses and plastic bling just looks so amazing.

>> No.7660019
File: 213 KB, 700x700, 140360624812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have, though.
I legitimately have feelings for you and want to date you, if you'd actually let me. I don't even mind driving from Eugene.

>> No.7660410


Canada, you say?

Which province?

>> No.7660461
File: 209 KB, 375x500, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> seagulls, teach me how to stubble

>> No.7663594

Mother fucker, stop being a beta piece of shit. who cares if your mom doesn't like it? You're fucking with her feelings and its not cool

>> No.7663599

glue+ cat litter

>> No.7667070

Yo Bra, i herd you wanted shit postin

>> No.7667072
File: 985 KB, 500x334, 1399954289585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please add me at kenny betz @ facebook com/pleaseineedagf

>> No.7667073
File: 206 KB, 2048x1365, me and kenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenny will and shall always be the reason /cgl/ exists

>> No.7667075
File: 195 KB, 1224x918, Ebony And Ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BGG will always have more fun at cons than the butt herrtt cucks.

>> No.7667077
File: 28 KB, 205x222, 2347910-1897161_persona_2_hitler_sunglasses1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm Klaus!

>> No.7667078
File: 28 KB, 625x417, black and yello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have I not been banned yet. The world famous Kenny threads should always have the top tier mods

>> No.7667083

No they won't. For the most part they are thought of as glorified masturbatory aids by neckbeards who wet themselves in fright whenever a female passes within 10 feet. Like anons over yonder on /v.

>> No.7667085

what the fuck do you think you are doing...not talking about teh great and powerful KENNY

>> No.7667087
File: 123 KB, 643x960, Legz n azz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is actually a BGG legend, totally thought he was a girl from the back, dude had a booty goin up to his back and legz dat reach to hiz azz!

>> No.7667089
File: 71 KB, 768x1024, wow art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking goyim trying to slide the BGG Kenz Benz thread. NO!
p.s what should I try to crossplay as with this tattoo?

>> No.7667104

Klaus in 4 years

>> No.7667111

who the fuck posted this

>> No.7667112

it was me

>> No.7668148

You look hideous and manly. Please give up on Lolita before you do any more harm.

>> No.7668762

thats not very nice

>> No.7668871
File: 81 KB, 640x960, 1379913_592360017471874_412126758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is on some of the banners or advertisments around here

>> No.7669493

he doesn't have friends, though, anon.

>> No.7669545
File: 18 KB, 800x473, 1402697249950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn anon I would so be your gf. But tfw I blow all my money on figures and other anime shit to have a nice lolita wardrobe. Nice Kancolle stuff.

>> No.7669576

It's true though. Most cross-dressing brolitas look bad. I don't accept them unless actual mtf in transition. Otherwise too much just like some kind of 21st century sissy.

>> No.7669838

awww yeshhhh more touhou cosplayers going good

being a mtf and looking good are two entirely different things i think.

>> No.7670130

Went to a meetup with a new comm right after I took that pic and nobody could even tell i was a guy until I spoke so w/e

>> No.7670688
File: 122 KB, 525x700, Maria_Holic ALIVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a Maria cosplay for Otakon, any tips for makeup? Also is it considered crossplay if the character your cosplaying is a dude crossdressing?

>> No.7670716

Just a natural makeup look with some bold eyeliner would work for her. You will definitely want to clean up your eyebrows and you should get some nice fake eyelashes. Just find some good makeup tutorials on youtube and practice a lot.

>> No.7670817
File: 600 KB, 2048x1361, DSC05080-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670855
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140705_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brodokas are the best

>> No.7671200
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x2560, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AX was great if not tiring as fuck, and I actually legitimately fooled some people until I started talking or they noticed my jawline.

I also got Nitroplus' President and the creator of Madoka to notice me, and they just keep chuckling "America" over and over when they signed my stuff:

>> No.7671625
File: 94 KB, 620x930, 10442349_650320935045977_5760068189065046134_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671743
File: 572 KB, 2448x3264, 1400357352104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck that is NASTY

I would honestly ask a steward or something to tell that person to get dressed in normal clothes or leave the fuck

holy fuck, I love crossplayers from both genders, but wow excess body hair is so offending

>> No.7671759


You're kidding, right? Homeboy look smokinnn

>> No.7671997

This isn't a crossdresser.

>> No.7672619


You have got to be kidding me, if that's a dude I'm going to kill myself

>> No.7672628

Wow are you blind or just stupid? That girl is 10 out of fucking 10 hot

>> No.7672635

Dude, those shoes are tight

>> No.7672639
File: 183 KB, 960x1280, meidoselfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping in here once again to say thanks to those who helped me in this thread. I legit passed on several occasions. While at the line for the KLK panel on Day 3 for AX, a girl legit thought I was one of them until like after five minutes I started talking. I was with a group of friends, chatting, and she was looking around, trying to see where my voice was coming from.
That's awesome! I think I met you at the cgl meet for Day 2. You were dressed as Matryoshka Miku.

>> No.7672669 [DELETED] 

you may pass, but you pass as a not-so attractive girl. just saying, i mean.... and dat lace quality. yeesh.

>> No.7672895

Go with a nude/matte lip color, the shine isn't very male. Also, ditch the eyeliner. And I agree with >>7644122 on the eyebrows. Otherwise, you look very cute!

>> No.7672897

more like 10 years old anon what is wrong with you

>> No.7675452

>I'll never be able to pull off a cross dress cosplay because face is too masculine

Fuck my life!

>> No.7675508
File: 291 KB, 1440x2048, 10348902_10203781460118620_973165040652324633_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still struggling with make up so much. I always end up poking myself with mascara (like stick from it not sure what to call it) or something so I have red eyes or just create total mess on my face ;_;

Any tips appreciated.

>> No.7675523

You look like an average 14 year old girl with an unfortunately long torso. I don't know what advice to give but at least you look decently female.

>> No.7675539

Thanks. This was kind of unfortunate pose because I leaned backwards and it made me even more taller than I am. I need to work on poses.

>> No.7675549

Any tips on makeup? I tried it, but I looked like a total drag queen.

>> No.7675552

Make the tops shorter and the skirts fuller with a nice a petticoat, so you get a better silhouette. There aren't really any tips on applying mascara, except practicing until you get the hang of it. (though I must wonder how clumsy you must be to actually poke your eye with it)

>> No.7675592

Hey, someone already told me I should get petticoat that it looked kind of unflattering. I will work on that.

I meant more general tips about make up like if there is someone with good tutorials or gives good tips? And yeah I'm like manually retarded.

>> No.7675648

Keep practicing in front of a mirror until you stop poking your eye. If it helps, tilt your head a little to get a better angle.

Don't close your eyes completely just after applying mascara, you'll get it everywhere and make a mess. Let it dry for a bit and reapply if needed. If you mess something up, q-tip and a bit of jojoba oil helps clean it up quite nicely and quickly.
>tfw bought a cute pettitcoat a couple months ago and it's not as poofy anymore ;___;

>> No.7675745
File: 929 KB, 264x320, 1403738634252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675760
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x2560, P5250165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best advice I can give is take this pic as a reference.

>> No.7675770

I think I saw you as Shimakaze at the crossplay meet on Day 3. I meant to speak to you ;___; where did you go after that? On Day 1 I believe I saw you as blue Reimu. In case you're wondering who I was, it's >>7672639

Damn, I feel like doing Mariya as well now. Yuu Kobayashi voices him in the show and she can pull off a manly voice pretty well. I don't bother to change the tone of my voice when crossdressing so I would assume it'd be easier to be in character. Being honest, though, I don't think a blonde wig would suit me well.

>> No.7677442

>I don't bother to change the tone of my voice when crossdressing
Does anyone do this?

If you do a good crossdress, people will be surprised by your voice when you speak, assuming you were female, but it's just a costume, and it's for fun, so you can be yourself

>> No.7678180

I'm always have to apply mascara first (before eye liner etc) since I do lot of mess so I don't wanna fuck up rest ;_;

Also I can't really into petticoat. What kind of petticoat should I get ?

>> No.7678320
File: 37 KB, 540x720, 1524788_579811282094938_1175567878_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678341
File: 102 KB, 720x960, http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2F311c02c0b3d421789830540be74a9db6%2Ftumblr_n7915duQLg1tdiqtto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when face is good for trapping but body is hyper masculine and athletic.

>> No.7678450

that's just ridiculously feminine

Put on a big (lolita) dress with petit and frills and absolutely NO one will notice you have a dick

>> No.7678466

I might have a problem finding the right sizing but most clothes on me look really tight because of the size of my shoulders / arms / back. As a result I don't think there are any styles or lolita pieces that would fit me.

>> No.7678492

If you are really interested, check out the indie thread >>7677823
Most indie lolita brands do custom sizing, and they offer some nice budget options if you don't want too invest too much.

>> No.7679221
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>> No.7682338

Interesting. I curl my lashes before anything else and then apply eye shadow / eyeliner / mascara in that order. Reason is because mascara is the messiest step, at least before it dries. I also hold my eyelid down using a finger while I apply eyeliner. Doing it differently would leave a smudgy mess everywhere.

As for a petticoat, some may advise you to make it yourself since it's really just a poofy piece of fabric that goes under a dress or skirt and isn't meant to be seen. I bought a really nice lace one, but I'd recommend a wire hoop petticoat if you can store it properly.

>> No.7682356
File: 78 KB, 200x341, 200px-Th12Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita speaking - if you want a fluffy, full look a la Zun's renditions of Reimu, Classical Puppets makes really damn nice but still affordable petticoats. It really depends on how much poof you want.

>> No.7682703

I would try make one myself but right now I have like no time to spare and no sewing machine. So buying one is like my only option but honestly I have no experience with petticoats and have no idea how it should be long and even look. Still thanks guys.

>> No.7682742

It depends on your height and the length and style of the dress or dresses you will wear it with. Some dresses take shorter/longer, some take bell shape, some A-line.

>> No.7688319
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>> No.7689893
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my half-assed heather mason
some friends wanted to do "cosplay at starbucks day" so I put together my heather cosplay for that and another con
sorry for not looking that great I didn't have any makeup or anything

>> No.7690032

the petticoat should be as long as your skirt

>> No.7691023
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Ignoring my horrible acne scarring, how's my shoulder width look? Workable? 2wide2hide? (probably not but I just really wanted to say that)

>> No.7691130
File: 275 KB, 600x899, MariaHolic_MariaShidodiyakehlgmailcom1332759191_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping I'll be able to pull it off without completely embarrassing myself, once my outfit/wig gets in I may post a pic to see what you all think. Either way I'm just going to have fun with it, Maria Holic is one of my all time favorite series and I can't wait to meet other fans of it

>> No.7691155

Your shoulders don't look that wide but the sharp angle of your traps make your frame look more masculine. Maybe fix your posture?

>> No.7691229

Theatre stores sell coarse sponges and makeup for creating stubble. Also, pick a colour slightly darker than wig/hair color and for the love of God don't touch it, blend it, etc.

>> No.7691500

hey dude, I have acne scars on that place as well. Well, my back is literally a minefield of scars. But keep your hopes up, I heard that laser therapy can fix up a lot, I'm saving up for it right now. And if you shave the moustache off, anything it possible :>

>> No.7691689
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Yeah, my default posture is kinda slouchish. Here's shoulders back. Better?

I have so much saving to do. ;_;

>> No.7691982

Who is this guy? I think I took a pic of him this year at AX dressed as Homura

>> No.7692002


I'm crossdressing as a character from NHM this weekend. What should I expect? Also, shave or wax?

>> No.7692014

Yes, I got one. Am I supposed to just dab it on or...? I'll try with a few shades darker. Also, assuming it's like any other type of facepaint, would I also need to set it?

>> No.7692027
File: 50 KB, 391x734, 423226_10151204793806569_2076917973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my friend crossplaying Mami.

I've wanted to do Homura with his help.
Tfw I know if I bought a costume my manly size and /fit/ muscles would destroy it.

>> No.7692032

Oh no he looks not as good as he theoretically could
So much harm

>> No.7692039
File: 410 KB, 406x536, MAXIMUM DOG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering doing crossplay just for the fuck of it
Think I could pull it off?
Sorry for the horrible photo, only one I have on this phone

>> No.7692485
File: 760 KB, 1936x2592, IMG_20131220_092532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this weird aversion to makeup, but I also know it's pretty impossible to trap, or even look good as a guy crossdressing, without it. Kind of depresses me.
Pic related, and sadly this is one of my better shots.

>> No.7692539

> weird aversion to makeup
Not weird. It took me a long time to be comfortable with makeup. Put on a little bit at a time, and gradually build it up. The first time you put on makeup, you get a feeling that 'IT'S TOO MUCH' when in reality, it just that you're not used to it.

>> No.7692548

Cover eyebrows, either with concealer or the drag queen gluestick method, and redraw/fill them in. Pluck stray hairs, please.
In addition, get some salmon-tint concealer for your five-o-clock shadow. It's not really noticeable in the pics you posted, but it can be a bitch irl.

>> No.7692557

That's a lot better!

>> No.7692563

This. I always got discouraged when I'd put on a full face of makeup, it never felt like me. It felt like every other girl wore it so nicely yet I look so out of place even though I knew I was applying it well. It was as if I was wearing a mask. However, I realized all the other girls in the world for the most part look just as unremarkable as I do without it.

Practice practice practice and get comfortable wearing it for a day around home. Plus, makeup can look disastrous after a day and it would be better to experiment with how to avoid it sliding off your face at home rather than outside.

>> No.7692583

You always look like a fucking drag queen, the first few times. Practice the shit out of your makeup-- watch tutorials, buy products, put it on-- just keep practicing until it feels natural. Blend with the big puffy brushes after you contour, use orangey concealer for 5-o-clock shadow, don't go overboard on eyeshadow, and remember that not all makeup works the same for everybody. Look up color combinations for warm v cool tones, and find out where you fit, and how to feminize yourself with your palette. Most importantly, get used to it all.

>> No.7692609
File: 33 KB, 330x450, elvy0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to do Elvy Hadhiyat from Rahxephon

>> No.7692639

fucking gorgeous. no way this specimen has a penis... if you do its cool, an athletic body is fine as long as you not super buff

>> No.7692823

I ended up looking like this for AX >>7672639, I think I did okay but now I'm wondering what I can do to make it better for next con. I feel like my face is a bit too long and my jawline totally gives it away. I should probably look to getting bangs and/or a wig that will cover my forehead and possibly eyebrows some more.

I'll research into covering my eyebrows, as I cannot actually modify them because reasons.

I am also looking to get different framed glasses in the future that will perhaps have a more circular frame to flaunt a more feminine look, we'll see. Thanks for your advice.

>> No.7692848


>> No.7692885

you guys are fucking fags

>> No.7692888

The fuck am I supposed to say without a full-body shot or char ref? You can't cosplay as a goddamn gender, and I have no idea whether your body is as passable as your face.

>> No.7692889

Excuse me but unlike some people I actually want a girlfriend

Who will also teach me how to into qt dresses and shit
>guaranteed replies

>> No.7692898

Sorry 'bout that, I was just really concerned with the face being a possible problem
It was more of a "can I pass at all with _any_ character" than a specific question

>> No.7693087

you too, honey :3

>> No.7693478

Poster from above, you're pretty much 100% passable. Good luck!

>> No.7693615

Shoulders aren't too big? I know my hips/ass are pretty good but I worry about my shoulders and chest

>> No.7693624

Just be careful about char designs. No halter necks, big hair, and visual interest in the lower half of your costume should help.

>> No.7693698
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I love Manmi's.

>> No.7693731
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>> No.7693735
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A classic.

>> No.7693739
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>> No.7693745
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>> No.7693759
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>> No.7694572


10/10 why isnt this my bf

>> No.7695609

Yo, just asking, did you ever try falsies? I think they make alot less mess than mascara. And yeah, abit of alteration to shorten the blouse and wear your skirt higher to give yourself a more flattering silhouette. Abit of padding on the boobs will also help! As for the petticoat... If you aren't picky, a lack of a sewing machine isn't a problem. Just plenty of tulle, some fabric and copious amounts of fabric glue/UHU glue will work. It will give you a servicable petticoat but it WILL look hideous, so hide it well under the skirts hahaha.

impressive! Good costume choice will eliminate most of your problems though. Good luck

And wow, I nearly thought I walked into the touhou thread heh

>> No.7696922

This is creepy