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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 284 KB, 640x480, bgGwVCXIq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7597664 No.7597664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /cgl/. I want to go to a convention soon, but I hear it is a safer and more fun experience if you bring a friend. Only issue is, my one friend is a little stiff and emotionally flimsy, He gets offended very easily, and it doesn't take a lot to make him tear up. He also gets fairly bored, but can be a real card if he's having a good time.

He doesn't really want to go to the con, but I think he might have a fun time. Should I keep trying to get him on board, or should I just give up and fold, and stop trying to convince him.

Pic related, it's me and my best friend. I am on the right.

Also cosplay suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

>> No.7597668
File: 926 KB, 480x270, oh wait.. aww youu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7597677


Just so everyone knows the type of person op is, if they weren't sure from his pic.
>an idiot

>> No.7597678
File: 81 KB, 968x720, Washed_off_plank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should cosplay together?

>> No.7597681
File: 276 KB, 640x480, the real Vyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we need another ugly face tripsperg at our convention scene
No thanks

>> No.7597683 [DELETED] 

>Not knowing Vyro is a turbotroll
please don't fall for his shirt

>> No.7597689

>Not knowing Vyro is a turbotroll
please don't fall for his shit

>> No.7597694

You should make new friends, that guy sounds like a real square

>> No.7597699

>not an idiot
Pick one. He's not funny.

>> No.7597701
File: 264 KB, 640x480, 9e78d950-d970-4523-8e50-36394ce6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a vyrostalker, that's a bad pic, he looks fine here

>> No.7597711

His glasses help hide his crooked face.
He reminds me of that lolita girl that has to wear those obnoxious thick frames to conceal her horseface.

>> No.7597712

He's pretty funny.

I'd put him up with MJ as my favorite trip

>> No.7597713

His eyes are too close together and too far up on his face. What happened to his proportions? Fuck..

>> No.7597877
File: 486 KB, 1080x1612, 1399935336903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to your mind? Fuck..

Even if you don't care for the guy, you have to admit he has good proportions.

His glasses help him see. Glasses like that wouldn't hide a horseface.

>> No.7597900

>that hair

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7597911
File: 322 KB, 1080x1503, 1401390320844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His hair is fine.

>> No.7597912

>whiteknighting yourself this hard
Wow. It's like you use fat girl angles for ugly people-btw.

>> No.7597921
File: 248 KB, 640x480, 1400191420590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty sure he was going for a questioning look, friendo.

Look here, no angles, and the guy still looks the same.

>> No.7597930

His face suddenly got longer and wider compared to
Keep using those angles you ugly tripshit.

>> No.7597956


You have a shitty opinion, that refuses to be swayed.

>> No.7597969

That's a damn good joke.

>> No.7598013
File: 16 KB, 900x900, i dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

I... I just wanted to make a joke guys about the fact that my "friend" was a box


>> No.7598070

>matted and greasy mess
>scene kid hitler bangs
>"his hair is fine!!!1 :<"

Did you even look at the picture I answered to?

>> No.7598112

I did. His hair looks a bit disheveled. Okay.

>> No.7598122

Eh. Will fuck if he keeps his glasses on 8/10.

>> No.7598127

I'd kiss your forehead tenderly at night.
Lookin' like a qt at this angle; keep the glasses on and we're dandy.

>> No.7598183

What if he was a manlet

>> No.7599042

He would be smaller, I suppose.

>> No.7599098

This is /cgl/, what did you expect?

>> No.7599148

All this hate, you guys can't even bother to come up with a better excuse than to use his looks?
Also he's a cutie and I like seing him here ngl

>> No.7599174

>makes joke
>4/10 he tried

You guys make him out to look like a monster. He seems like a pretty average goy. Also as far as trips go he isn't one of the bad ones.

Maguma farted right next to me at ALA and I don't dislike the guy, maybe I'm too lenient on these things.

>> No.7599185

>Also as far as trips go he isn't one of the bad ones.
Wasn't he the guy that spammed /cgl/ with some of his tripfag friends because some seagull he was internet dating blocked him and he was sperg raging? Or am I thinking of another /r9k/ tripfag that should leave and stay there?

>> No.7599214


Probably /r9k/

>> No.7599234

He's from /r9k/ and has a real thing about wanting someone to stalk him. I'll wager he's also samefagged 80% of the posts talking about him in this thread, too.

>> No.7599237


oh man I gotta see these caps, this sounds hilarious. Gonna agree with you on him samefagging.

>came for puns
>watching thread
>Board stiff

>> No.7599274
File: 20 KB, 532x525, 2055cc26-df3f-46c1-ab62-f247106ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be Samson.

Yes okay I'm into the idea of a yandere stalker chick. I don't see why that's a particular issue to you personally. Also I've like never samefagged

>tfw will never be able to convince people you aren't samefagging.

Fucking christ if my box puns sucked that much just tell me already instead of turning this into Vyro Hate General

>> No.7599283


make good puns. I'll forgive you

>> No.7599651

>tfw you will never be able to convince people you aren't samefagging

This is why we need IDs. By the way, does this board even HAVE a janitor/mod?

>> No.7600392

We do but apparently they haven't caught on yet that all Vyro ever does is shit post the same boring, unfunny crap.

>> No.7600409

I always stalk the threads you start.

>> No.7600807

But why

>> No.7600844

Really simple, because you're cute.

>> No.7600865

gay crush forming

>> No.7600882

..i'm a girl

>> No.7600892

Go away Vyro, you're an annoying attentionwhore. You only look good from like one angle anyway because then you can hide your horseface and the fact that your facial proportions are weird as fuck.

>> No.7600933

Well, thanks anon. Keep doing it I guess

Oh fuck off I've taken ONE bad pic and everyone is using it as the standard apparently. Please ignore the other pictures in this very thread from no weird angle where I look fine

>> No.7600942

Totally will.

>> No.7600996

well I'm probably never going to post on here again after this thread's reception so maybe not "forever"

>> No.7600997

That would be sad

>> No.7600998

>I self post like a fag and get the proper reaction what a bad reception, I'm never coming back


>> No.7601018

Oh look another ugly ass faggot who's too entitled to look for the suggestion thread

Kill yourself

>> No.7601024

It's obvious how new you are. Just go to a /cgl/ con meetup, fuck a tripfag, and start circlejerking with the group, like every other tripfag has.

>> No.7601052

>get called out on selfposting
>on a board with shitloads of selfposting
I wasn't even trying to be the focus of the pic I was trying to make a fucking joke about cardboard

I'll still post on other boards though so if you're a good stalker you can still stalk

>fuck a tripfag
>implying I just want to pump and dump someone

come on

>> No.7601055

I'm pretty much only here, sometimes om /x/ and /toy/ tho, I could look for you if you don't pop up in a while

>> No.7601072

>>implying I just want to pump and dump someone
Then why are you tripping here? It's common knowledge that /cgl/ tripfags are high school-tier and everyone has fucked everyone, with varying degrees of drama.

>> No.7601112

Well shit.

It appears we have a problem though. Being stalked is fun but this board hates me. What do you suggest?

I only came here to make a joke

>> No.7601115

That you keep comming here or you could tell me what other boards you're on
or I could look.. but really, who cares if cgl hates you?

>> No.7601118

That horseface is worse than Sarah Jessica Parker's.

>> No.7601125

please don't go, i love you vyro

>> No.7601130


>> No.7601133

I like this, quite alot

>> No.7601142

he posts on /soc/ a lot, and i assume any post with this drawing is him

>> No.7601145

I could only hope

>> No.7601167

I mostly can be found on /r9k/ these days. Sometimes /x/.

I must. The hate is too much, man

Can confirm that's me. Mostly a joke though.

I don't post on soc that much. Only the ideal mate threads sometimes

Hope for what?

>> No.7601179

your top and bottom replies are both for me, first; alright and second; I can only hope that those drawings only get posted by you.. i guess? Probably what I meant

>> No.7601191

I am indeed the only one to ever post those drawings

>> No.7601192

That's nice

>> No.7601194

It is, although now others might start doing it just to fuck with me, which is not so nice

>> No.7601200

No.. that's true

>> No.7601201

He looks just like me, almost completely.

My nose is big and crooked just like his, my eyes are small and make my cheeks/face look too long just like his, and my chin forms an angled point in the same way his does. Also my eyes are blue, his are light so thats close enough. Also pale, and skinny enough to have the neck and collar bone definition.

Our hair is the fucking same too, and I have the same goddamn style of glasses.

No real reason why I posted this, I just find it quite remarkable, because I'd never post my face and become a tripfag on the grounds of purely being an attention-whore.

>> No.7601204

So then what do you suggest?

>> No.7601211

I.. don't know, just stay at cgl? honestly I would enjoy that

captcha: cause saveme

>> No.7601218

I don't think I can deal with the mental stress of being shat on every five seconds

>> No.7601226

Uh alright.. I could just save your email and work up some courage to talk to you.
I'm slightly hopeless in that way

>> No.7601236

That would be nice if you could.

I might still post around, who knows

>> No.7601242

I'll try
I'm here eveyday so if you appear, I'll probably spot you

>> No.7601246

his skype is posted in that ideal mate image

>> No.7601250

Maybe Robin?or klarion thewitch boy (hes been on young justice and in so dc comics )you look like Klarion thou not a hard costume to make:D help me on my friends ?>>7601206

>> No.7601256
File: 21 KB, 450x525, klarion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here kinda what he looks like

>> No.7601262

I can barely handle emailing right away, you think I could jump to skyping?
I am really horribly shy, it's not even cute.. just yeah

>> No.7601266

do you like the cosplay idea ?

>> No.7601270

What's the point? Just to exchange a few sentences, and then be forgotten the next month?

Believe me sister, it ain't worth it.

>> No.7601274

This. I hate these entitled shits.

>> No.7601277

You know, I don't even care..
There are far worse things that could happen

>> No.7601283

Okay, but don't say that no one warned you, expendable vyrostalker harem girl.

>> No.7601294

is skype so much more different than email? i was just saying you have his skype, so why do you need his email too?
more efficient than talking to him in this thread

>> No.7601305

By email you can keep a constant distant, no direct answers you know.

>> No.7602516

Since no one's actually suggested anything, I really think your friend should cosplay Strong Mad.

There we go. An on-topic post.

>> No.7602519

the whole thread was a joke tho