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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7593341 No.7593341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For those of you that hate her. This isn't going to make you feel any better.


>> No.7593363

>out of the bedroom of her parent's home

That's really all you need to know about her 'success'

>> No.7593383

just goes to show how pathetic Arizona is when the best entertainment news they got is two losers who dress up like fictional characters badly

>> No.7593422

>10k for 10 appearances

That's... Actually lower than I expected. I'm assuming travel and con expenses were covered as well. I mean, it's a good amount of money but it isn't that much.

>> No.7593669

Lindsey is younger than Jessica? Holy shit I thought she was older.

>> No.7593778
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I may not be a cosplay celebrity but at least I don't live at my parent's at 24.

>> No.7593787

Now she gets about 8k to appear at a con .... It even says on there she quit her job at joes

>> No.7593919

One things for sure, she won't be doing porn as long as she lives with her parents.

No way she could come home and look them in the eye after a day of getting gang banged,

>> No.7594003

My parents won't let me back in, she knows exactly what the fuck she's doing

>not having to spend any of that money on rent or groceries

>> No.7594009
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>Each costume requires about $500 and 50 womanhours.

i-i can't even.... this is too good.

>> No.7594010
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>PAX East, one of the biggest comic conventions in the country

Stopped reading there.

>> No.7594012

>living below the poverty line

Is this how Americans really are? I simply can't understand how that is a sustainable "career".

>> No.7594024

My fave lines from the article.

>the bulk of Nigri's income comes from selling posters of herself, a practice she pioneered.

Maybe in the west but Japanese cosplayers have been selling roms for years before Jessica was even cosplaying. Also Yaya...

>she also changed the game in terms of timing: Most cosplayers fall in love with a game, work on a costume for six months to a year and then debut it at a convention long after it has seen its media limelight. Nigri starts working on a costume as soon as she hears word of a new game.

...JFC again with this bullshit of her doing things 'first.' People have been cosplaying shit before they have come out for years before Jnig. Used to happen a lot with the jrpgs like Final Fantasy.

>She spends 12-hour days crafting complex costumes

Ha ha...

>Nigri's workspace is off-limits because it's littered with armor and weapons that technically belong to video-game companies; because she's paid for her costumed appearances, her costumes are proprietary materials.


>> No.7594124


>She works out of a bedroom-turned-workshop in a Chandler apartment she shares with three men, one of whom is her fiance

Hmmm three men eh? :okay:

>> No.7594164

I read this in the newspaper this morning and honestly had no clue who this Lindsey person was. When did she get famous?
I've never seen her at a local con. Even JNig shows up at the shittiest conventions for like a minute. PeacockFeather should've been in the article instead.

>> No.7594220

I read Trader Joes starts full time employees at $40,000. Managers can get into the low 6 figures. They also contribute 15% of the employees salary into 401k plans and they offer medical care.

She gave up that to do Cosplay as a full time career?

She's either really dumb, or the smartest person in America.

>> No.7594226

I seriously hate the fact that shes famous for no other reason than her implants. Why do guys support her financially? Do they think they'll get laid?

>> No.7594230

>She gave up that to do Cosplay as a full time career?

Well, to be fair to her, I think she would be more passionate about Cosplay and it does give her more attention. I can't fault someone for doing that.

>> No.7594234
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How is this considered good? Not one of the diamonds is aligned with any of the others, and that trim is horrendous. Does she not know how to do mitered corners?

>> No.7594241

What the fuck? That's a huge mess. Did she seriously just stitch on satin ribbon or something? What's going on inside the collar?

And who is this girl, anyway?

>> No.7594254

Can anyone explain why people hate her? Is it just because of her ridiculous costumes or what?

>> No.7594271

I think it comes down to the fact that she's taking characters that people adore and turning them into something sexual. Pokemon cosplays are the first that come into mind. Also, a majority of cosplays display her cleavage/ass. Girls who are coming into this hobby are going to see shit like that and think it's ok to run around with their chest/ass hanging out. She's not a good role model for people starting out.

>> No.7594281

I hate her because cosplaying used to be about being a fan of your source material and enjoying praise from other fans, and she has contributed to making it about being famous and enjoying sexual attention.

>> No.7594290 [DELETED] 

big issue. lying about tits, among other things
her fanbase is horrible, and will whitenight her to the ends of the earth. if she killed a small child they would probably try to justify it because "zomg boobs"
>overly popular
she's overly popular despite having "meh" cosplay and shitty makeup, and unstyled wigs. more popular than other cosplayers that have props that move, and light up even. why this popular? T & A of course? it grinds people's gears to see someone so "meh" teir worshipped like a cosplay saint.

>> No.7594294 [DELETED] 

big issue. lying about tits, among other things
her fanbase is horrible, and will whitenight her to the ends of the earth. if she killed a small child they would probably try to justify it because "zomg boobs" they are also very quick to say that she is the most beautiful woman ever and everyone else is shit.
>overly popular
she's overly popular despite having "meh" cosplay and shitty makeup, and unstyled wigs. more popular than other cosplayers that have props that move, and light up even. why this popular? T & A of course? it grinds people's gears to see someone so "meh" teir worshipped like a cosplay saint.

>> No.7594301

In addition to what the others mentioned, her stuff isn't very well made and there's some controversy over weather she makes her own stuff or not. Also, she (until recently) never wore wigs, just used her own fried hair. And the makeup, she always wears that same high school raccoon look for every character.

>> No.7594305

big issue. lying about tits, among other things
her fanbase is horrible, and will whitenight her to the ends of the earth. if she killed a small child they would probably try to justify it because "zomg boobs" they are also very quick to say that she is the most beautiful woman ever and everyone else is shit.
>overly popular
she's overly popular despite having "meh" cosplay and shitty makeup, and unstyled wigs. more popular than other cosplayers that have props that move, and light up even. why this popular? T & A of course. it grinds people's gears to see someone so "meh" teir worshipped like a cosplay saint.
>outsiders view of cosplay has changed
thanks to girls becoming super popular after showing a bit of skin, people legitimately think this is what cosplay is about, showing off your body.
its dumb to blame Nigri, because she just panders to this crowd (which is an extremely large one)
"help how do I find cosplay sluts" questions and threads have become way to common nowadays.

>> No.7594309

>think it's ok to run around with their chest/ass hanging out
Why would it not be okay to run around with your chest/ass hanging out?

>> No.7594316

Just jumping on this point, I have to agree. At this last MCM the amount of guys you could see taking pictures of just girls tits or ass, and heard just discussing them was really bad. I mean it's been getting worse each year but this year it seemed to have just suddenly jumped.

>> No.7594318
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>2 years ago
>inherit 100% payed-off/mortgaged-off home from deceased Aunt who never had kids
>Rent it out instead of moving into it
>make $35k net a year in lease revenue by just sitting on my ass and having my property manager cousin take care of the rest
>continue to live rent free with the fam

>> No.7594338

I don't know a single damn cosplayer that doesn't sell posters of themselves. All so they don't have to pay for shit themselves. Remember when cosplayers used to just do this as a hobby and not exploit the community?

>> No.7594342


Even my favourite cosplayers who usually don't flaunt the chest or ass and have highly detailed godly made costumes have gone down the prints route. It's nothing but a business these days. Cosplay has changed beyond our control, a money making opportunity to exploit until it dries out.

>> No.7594362

a race to debut cosplays for their online fan base and merch, instead of just being a fan and supporting your favorite series for yourself. I hate feeling pressured to buy my friends own posters.
> No I don't want you on my damn walls!

>> No.7594413
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are they some how different from manhours?

>> No.7594414

>itt jealous cosplayers

>> No.7594421

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7594432

Yes. 1 hour of time but only 45 minutes of actual work.

>> No.7594447

I love how people hate on young adults who still live with they're parents. If you get along great with your parents, have enough living space to not be in each others faces all the time and it saves you a but load of money. WHY THE HELL NOT?

>> No.7594450

because you're a burden.
years can go by quickly.
if you are 30 years old and living with your parents with no intent to change, you are either poor as dirt, retarded, lazy as fuck, or some combination.

>> No.7594474

Is this just an American thing? I thought it was pretty common to live with your parents until your mid or late twenties in Europe.

>> No.7594476

It's more the whole thing with sexy cosplay that is becoming more popular these days.
Girls have discovered how easy it is to get popular by dressing up in a sexy halloween costume of a famous character.
But what annoys me is how cosplay is used as a stepping stone to become (e-)famous.
Always wanted to be a model or actress but just wasn't good enough to become one?
Just become a cosplayer.
By something cheap form ebay or maybe pick something out of your closet.
As long as you are not fat and not afraid to show some tits you can get enough attention almost af if you're a real celebrity.

>> No.7594478

yes it's mostly just an american thing. living with your parents into adulthood is commonplace in many other areas.

>> No.7594520

They have to manufacture news here. Once you get away from a major population area, this state may as well be in the 19'th century.

There are so many transplants and with the proximity of California, the local news feels like it has to blow everything out of proportion.

It is kind of pathetic, and it used to not be that way.

>> No.7594534

But anon if you dont move out at the age of 18 you're a loser permavirgin!

>> No.7594591

It's becoming more common in America I guess.
I was out at 22. But I have a friend reaching 30 who has a good job and just enjoys helping his parents out. I have another friend who lives with his parents. I think he's 20 but his mom never wants him to leave. A big ol' mix of kick outs and keep-ins

>> No.7594607

I think she's hot glued the corners of the collar down...

>> No.7594863

I knew Jessica in high school. She attended Xavier College Prep and was on the crew team. (Rowing). She had a fairly sizable yaoi collection that she openly talked about.

She never thought about making cosplay her job or anything, just sort of happened.

>> No.7594881


Makes grills mad jelly. And fat girls are all "FAT IS BEAUTIFUL, LET ME WEAR SKIMPY CLOTHING HEALTHY AT ANY WEIGHT"

>> No.7594915

EUUUGGGH!!!! I've never made a loud sound about someone's shitty construction until now. This is horrendous.

>> No.7595040

So, you saying she ain't one of em "fake nerd girls"

>> No.7595060

It depends on where you live and what sort of shit is going on in your life and your family's life.

I know people from affluent upper middle class neighborhoods with parents who got them cushy $15/hr jobs right out of high school who were able to move into their own place right away..

I also know people who did college full time and racked up tons of debt getting some impressive degree who were only able to move out at 27 years old after struggling for years to get a decent job in the field they spent all that time at college to get into.

It would be nice is there was a nice, easy lifepath for everyone where you could be out and comfortably on your own by the time you turn 21, but the fact of the matter is that the world was never so ideal and never will be. If anything it will get worse before it gets better.

>> No.7595061

Worse. She's secretly a filthy fujoshi... Which might explain her terrible skin and receding hairline.

>> No.7595062

no, it is still 1 hour but only 60% pay, oh wait -

>> No.7595070

for normal fags it seems so though

>> No.7595075

This article didn't really make me mad though.
Like they are trying to market themselves with cosplay and I"m just trying to have a hobby.
Different perspectives on the same thing you know?

>> No.7595077

Comics are practically non-existent at PAX, though.. League of Legends, Microsoft, and Sony make up like 60% of the show floor, and the remaining 40% is other publishers, indies, and Magic the Gathering making up most of the /tg/ stuff.

>> No.7595082

>>Nigri's workspace is off-limits because it's littered with armor and weapons that technically belong to video-game companies; because she's paid for her costumed appearances, her costumes are proprietary materials.

I can honestly believe this,could you imagine? Companies do this shit all the time. That is how copyright works especially if youre as world famous as jnig.

>> No.7595091
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>implying fucking comic books are more popular than LOL, play station, xbox, wii, and even MtG

its DC and Marvel FILMS that are popular..not the fucking comic BOOKS you fucking autistic neck beard, go outside of your mom's basement for once and look around

>> No.7595097

Men hate her because she looks like a whore and how dare she get attention like that (same men who give her said attention)

Women hate her because it associates their hobby with looking sexy and getting attention.

>> No.7595100

And yet, that shit is still not represented at PAX, at all, and it still doesn't make any sense to call any PAX a comic book convention, you cockwaffle.

>> No.7595103

>be 21
>already moved out twice already
>mom lives alone
>begs me to come back each time
>"anon you dont even need to pay! Ill take you to eat too! Just little chores to help me! Please I miss you!"
>fucking hell hole of humiliation
>constantly picking up moms messes
>constant nagging
>"haha anons lives with mom still"
>secretly planning to move out next month again.

>> No.7595105

cosplay is about attention though..

>> No.7595111


Well yeah, cosplay is all about getting attention

>> No.7595123

Wait..in the article it said that she made the daggers on her hands light up with her dads help...but wasn't that a commissioned prop...?

>> No.7595144

>wear cosplay
>don't get recognized
>still a good day
yeah, no

>> No.7595163
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>Girls have discovered how easy it is to get popular by dressing up in a sexy halloween costume of a famous character.

heres the thing though...you need to actually be sexy yourself

it doesnt work if your average or even 7/10
you need to be 8/10 or higher to get Jnigs fame

....and fucking accept it, jnig with her looks in the beginning were at least 8/10 to majority of normal fags...and now with the implants... even with her aging skin and dying hair, her fame wont lower at this point, only sky rocket.

pic related 2009
no matter what /cgl/ thinks how ugly she is normal fags think this is close to 10/10

>> No.7595167

keep lying

>> No.7595210

What i was pointing out was that young girls (under 18) would think that T&A would be more ok. I mean, granted it still happens without nigri there, but i feel like it happens more because young girls do look up to her as a role model. How many people did "sexy pickachu" after nigri did it? I'm sure we probably had a few before but i really do think there was an explosion of cosplayers after that wanted to be just like her after the fact. Which brings me back to >>7594305 's last post: thanks to girls becoming super popular after showing a bit of skin, people legitimately think this is what cosplay is about, showing off your body.

>> No.7595305

In America, it's a measure of how successful you are. If you can't even move out and be independent, you're not seen as a very mature or successful person. That's pretty much all it boils down to.

>> No.7595883

Maybe the costumes she makes and props she commissions for booth appearances are, but most of what she makes isn't done for that so...I call bullshit.

>> No.7596008


I blame cons "bringing" cosplayer guests to panels...that just feeds their egos into thinking they're the shit...

>> No.7596030

i don't get all the hate

jnig is a kind girl, skilled cosplayer and enjoys doing it

but it seems that's all you need to be hated

>> No.7596037

try reading this or researching the girl you're a fan of.
she's not that skilled. her cosplays are average at best. which isn't bad, but nothing to go ga-ga over/

>> No.7596052

Yeah, it's not just looking sexy.
Attentionwhoring requires a lot of effort.
Just wearing a pink bikini with jigglypuff ears won't be enough.
You'll have to promote yourself.
Even if you're 7/10 at best, in the cosplay community you are the biggest fish in the pound.

>> No.7596059

>all that bitching in this thread

must be 90% females here

>> No.7596088

It's /cgl/ what do you expect?

>> No.7596155

At least where I'm from, people view it as whoever doing so doesn't want to grow up, can't handle life on their own and/or are too broke to move out.

>> No.7596182

Kinda depends on your ethnic group, too. If you're Italian-American or Hispanic it's much more normal to live at home until you're married

>> No.7596188

haha only losers do that

what's wrong with moving out with 18? grow up, sheesh

>> No.7596194
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>> No.7596401

Italian- American here.
This is true. I was lucky that my parents let me even go to college 2 hours away from them and then let me move to LA after.
Most of my cousins went to a local college graduated and still live at home.

>> No.7596416

Are you retarded?

>> No.7596423

I think she seems nice. She's pretty (not drop-dead gorgeous, but attractive for sure), and pulls off most costumes well. I don't understand why she gets so much hate because she sexualizes characters/sells prints - a shitload of female cosplayers do it these days.

>> No.7596447

Sometimes its not about money. Sure money is important to live and survive but she's doing something she really loves.

>> No.7596554

getting facebook likes and all the attention from virgin beta losers? because it doesn't seem like she loves the source materials she cosplays.

>> No.7596571

And those cosplayers get hate as well. They're just not as well known or prominent. It's easier for people to unite in hating on her because they are mutually aware that she exists.

>> No.7596886

>because it doesn't seem like she loves the source materials she cosplays.
>because it doesn't seem

So obviously, you've met her and quizzed her on Attack on Titans and she didn't know the basic plot?? I'm so sick of the bullshit "she pretends to love the shit she cosplays!!" as if it's UNFEASIBLE that an attractive woman can appreciate or even love nerdy shit.


>> No.7596896

Trader Joe's pays about $11-$13 an hour. You're supposed to get more if you work there longer, but that shit would take years. They also recently cut health case benefits, so I'd quit that shit too.

>> No.7597091


>Twilight Princess Link:wrong sword,Navi cosplay partner instead of Midna
>Dragonball:scouter had the wrong color

Don't get me wrong.I think she's hot but also a sham.

>> No.7597097

She knew the sword was the wrong color though.

>> No.7597099

it's not like she was lacking in funds or time. she had ample time to get a right sword, or at least paint it so it looks close to right color

>> No.7597104

Look, this just shows how fugly Americans are. Remember, in most EU countries, Jessica is *not even a 6/10*. But in Burgerland/USA, she is your goddess. You are really pathetic.

>> No.7597171

and gay men, you forgot that tidbit, mate

>> No.7597290

Actually she's pretty ugly in American standards as well. It just depends on where you live. Here in Vegas she looks like your average washed up cocktail waitress.

>> No.7597293

10/10 I'm responding.
In the US the general hot standard is being tan, fit, blonde, looking around mid-20's, and being at least a C cup. She fits it to a T. It's like how looking like a little girl is standard beauty in Korea. Different strokes.

>> No.7597300

You basically said that in America, ugly people are hot. You literally left out the most important part - having a nice face.

>> No.7597307

Well let's be honest, nobody is looking at Jnig's face.

>> No.7597312

Because she's fugly as fuck. I mean, seriously. What's wrong with you, face is the most important part of body. Every thing you mentioned in your post can be achieved by anyone.

>> No.7597314

A Japanese girl would have done that cosplay much better than Jnigri


>> No.7597317


>Jnig still lives at home with mom and dad.

Suddenly this gives her a very sad and pathetic new context.

I mean what's the fucking point of all this plastic surgery, costume making, photo shoots, prints, etc etc if you can't even make enough to support yourself independently.

>> No.7597324

To be honest, if she can make enough to keep doing it, she's doing as well or better than a lot of recent college grads. I lived at home for two years even working a full-time job and a weekend part-time job after graduating, because the pay was so shit at entry-level and I had loans to pay off, a car to pay off, and insurance to keep up with.

Not defending her particular choice, but living at home even with a full-time job isn't that uncommon.

>> No.7597329

>everyone gets buttmad when people live with their parents
Its not a big deal.

This isn't the 1940's anymore, where you can make a comfortable living working in a grocery store your entire life. You'd honestly be insane to move out and start renting an apartment right out of college with student bills, car payments, insurance, etc.

It makes a lot of sense to stay at home, get more established financially, then go into get a mortgage on a place, instead of renting.

>> No.7597330

a "full timer" is Trader Joe's lingo for a sort of mini manager who works obscene hours but gets a pretty hefty salary. I worked there full time (but not a full timer) as an hourly crew member and made about 13k a year after 2 years. So it's actually quite the trade up if a few appearances can make you what you would otherwise earn in a year of full time grunt work.

>> No.7597344

On the topic of popular cosplays and why the fuck they got popular? Why is Ivydoomkitty a thing? Her name alone makes me cringe. Its like a screen name from 2000

>> No.7597369


>> No.7597710

Reading the article it said she got paid 10 grand for 10 appearances to cosplay as Juliet Starling. I don't hater her, but Isn't that enough cash to move out of your parents place and rent some apartment? I'm just saying that, and she is starting to get orders of her cosplay photos from American and British military bases.

>> No.7597728

I've always wondered the same thing... Her photos are awful, her costumes are storebought or shit, and she looks like a fat Mexican transvestite... Her boobs are fake, but her ass is real, so maybe it was just that there were THAT many fanboys desperate for a giant-assed cosplay goddess to worship? Precious isn't endowed enough for the true chubby-chasers.

>> No.7597803

Moving out when you're 18 is a retarded American idea. I'm 20 and still at home. It's damn near impossible to get a well enough paying job right out of high school to move on your own, and people who DO move out at 18 often end up moving back in a year or two later.

And, if you go to school, you're 22 or maybe even older by the time you've finished?

It's pretty unreasonable to expect people to move out at 18.

>> No.7597868

F-u-c-king thank you Anon.
Its unfortunate that 'successful' cosplays/cosplayers are the result of getting fake boobs

>> No.7598024

I do sometimes feel like I'm the only guy who dislikes JNig. Must really suck to be a burger eating American virgin (aka all of her fans).

Never seen a guy who wasn't a loser to be into her. Makes me glad I'm from Yurop.

>> No.7598027

Is jnig even cosplay anymore? I dunno, I think costuming and professional modelling merging like this makes it something different. Or it needs to be totally recategorized as glam cosplay or something.

>> No.7598075

Guess said person needs to find another job. Her boss doesn't think she's worth as much pay. If she wants more money then maybe move on. Supply and demand. If the employer thinks she is worth it he'll pay.

>> No.7598161

You're not the only one, Anon. My boyfriend is from Europe and when he randomly came across JNig on some gaming website, the look on his face said it all. She's not everyone's cup of tea, but her more insane fanboys think if you don't like her you're either gay or jealous. They don't understand what it means to have a different preference...

>> No.7598239

I think what makes doomkitty popular is size. You have chubby chasers that idolize her and then you have all the "curvy" female cosplayers that look up to her because they think "if she can do it, I can do it!" So she's the poster child of fat acceptance I think ..... So her fan base is totally different from someone like Jessica

>> No.7598252


>> No.7598281

As someone who does have issues with the way Nigri makes her body the focus of a lot of her cosplays (a gripe I also have with several other cosplays, one of which duct taped me when I called her out on it), I must say this:

You motherfuckers are some mighty catty folks. Damn, is y'all vicious with how you regard Jessica.

With that said, I still think that despite the trend, the craft of cosplay will ultimately be what draws people time and again. You can only make your body the focus of your cosplay for so long before things start to give way, and your skills at the craft become more important than how good you look in the costume. It is my belief that without these skills, people like Nigri will soon be replaced by the next good looking piece of personable eye candy lucky enough to get their break in the biz

>> No.7598290

Aha... Man. I remember before Jnig came along, we had another lying blonde skank that was the "world's hottest cosplayer." Francesca Dani ended up having to get a real job. Lol

>> No.7598293

you sound black.

>> No.7598295

*tips fedora*

>> No.7598370

Black? I would hardly consider brown black. I'm just a ghetto kid lucky enough to get the kind of learning most folks around are either too scared or too lazy to go for.

As for >>7598295, nice to see you, too. I'll remember to toss water in your face if I ever see you

>> No.7598372

new to 4chan?

>> No.7598374

Relatively. This is the my first serious trip to /cgl/, though. I've been doing research on the cosplay world for a personal project, and happened to find this place through Implying Rigged

Your team needs a lot of work, by the way

>> No.7598376

all of /cgl/= hivemind
you should lurk before posting, or you make yourself look like a fool.

>> No.7598410

I call bullshit. Seasoned voice actors don't even get paid that much per con.

Captcha: Portions ryludent

>> No.7598416

>ended up having to get a real job. Lol

They all have to in the end. Looks don't last forever.
You got like 8-10 really nice looking years and then your body matures.
After that you have to have gotten good at something that doesn't hinge on beauty.

That's why I cringe a little at people like Riddle, Jnig, and Precious.
What are they gonna do when they don't have what it takes anymore?

>> No.7598417

I'd say it boils down to

THREE MAIN REASONS why people hate JNig:

a) It is a known fact that she doesn't care literally about anything she ever cosplayed. She's not even a "fake gamer girl" because even those girls occasionally play vidya games for money. Everything about her persona was forged by her ex-boyfriend who suggested that she do it in the first place (and helped her become what she is now).

b) Her costumes are pretty fucking shit in comparison to the actual talented people who've been doing this for years and yet she gets way more attention than all of them combined.

c) Her fans. They post her everywhere and think that she's a goddess or something. Think that she's the best cosplayer in the world because they're the stereotypical MLP watching neckbeard permavirgins and that's the only cosplayer they get to know of from the security of their mom's basement. Not that her female fans are any less obnoxious ('sup Dill). And, the most offensive thing about them & her for me is the fact that they got the audacity to pretend that she is some sort of epitome of attractiveness when in most parts of the world, she's literal nothing.

>> No.7598419

>are they some how different from manhours?
Yes, they're different in the way that some beta friendzoned guy does most the work for her while she occasionally poses to take pictures with the unfinished work to make neckbeards think she's legit.

>> No.7598511

If they're good their craft, they'll end up on the craft side of things like Yaya Han. If they aren't, they're done

>> No.7598756

Exactly but her fans are jerking off to her tits, not her face, that's the point. Anyone can be tan and have implants, look at Courtney Stodden and everyone else like her.

>> No.7598781

to most people her costumes look great and they consider her attractive

you can come up with whatever complaint you like, but the fact is she's more popular than you'll ever be and not nearly as ugly

>> No.7598783

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7598800

>Be 25
>Have nice job
>Parents are getting old
>Live at home because when parents pass, house will be inherited by me

>> No.7598811

Beaner anon here, she looks like a busted model from Lowrider magazine and seconding what >>7597728 said. Only reason she got any attention was because she has ties to that retarded Comikaze con with Stan Lee's name on it.

There's another beaner cosplayer named Mariedoll that's a step up from Ivydoomkitty, but she still has that Mexican almost unibrow look.

She's trying to be a singer at the same time that she's trying to eke out cosplay fame; her character choices aren't out of line for someone into nerd/geek shit, but they both try way too hard to show off a body type and facial features that have very limited appeal.

>> No.7598833


Why are Anons so slow on the uptake when it comes to twitter drama? I was wanting to discuss this at 9AM GMT when it happened but there hasn't been any mention of it at all.

JNIG was streaming her LoL matches and tweeting about it, someone tweets a reply the standard "stop showing your tits, it's unfair on male streamers" or something like that, and she replied all mad like.

Whether or not it was a "hurrdurr I'm just pretending to be retarded" reply or genuine I don't entirely know, but the way she thanks her "fans" for their support makes me think either she was being genuine. This is a shame as JNIG has always seemed to skirt these sort of "controversial" topics, despite literally being the poster-child for a lot of them.

>> No.7598835

*either she was being genuine
or this is a cold, hard, calculated move to maintain fans by taking their "support" seriously.

>> No.7598849
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Honestly the only men I have talked to that actually mention they know jnig tell me how much they dislike her or even hate her.

mfw I know they do it to try to impress me somehow to make me feel good or make me think he respects women somehow
mfw I actually am a secret huge fan of jnig
mfw Im secretly a lesbian

>> No.7598928

You have the typical beaner guy mentality of hating any woman that's not blonde,tan, blue eyes. If Ivy really is busted she wouldn't have all that fame and all those drooling fan boys

>> No.7598988

>Paid $10k for Lollipop Chainsaw appearances
>Sold about 1k posters for $15 each = 15k before costs

Not sure how she claims to have maid over $100k last year.

>> No.7599041
File: 34 KB, 390x355, 1378608291867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering how fake and vapid she comes off at times, I'd say she's genuine.

Also, in case anyone bitches like 'you don't know her like I do, even though I only met her for total of 2 minutes': pic related

>> No.7599074

i honestly feel like she sells way more than 1k posters.
especially when she's at cons. lines for days.

>> No.7599115


Eh, most of those fanboys are just staring at her tits because they don't know any better and are just looking for fap material. She'd be another fatass Mexican chola on welfare with 5 kids if she didn't pull the nerd/geek card for "e-fame".

My attitude comes from living and dealing with Latina women, so I'm sure you being offended means I struck some sort of nerve, but I just generally dislike "sexy cosplayers" that make no effort to learn how to make a costume and are just in it for the attention.

>> No.7599144

Well yeah basically it's an obeservation from being around Hispanics. I notice that Hispanic men seem to despise their own women for being brown skinned. Almost like the Korean obsession with pale skin. What is even more amusing to me is the fact that they prefer tan blondes over anything. While you have black men chasing Latina women all day long

>> No.7599151

Also I think at the end of the day a lot of these "e-famous" cosplayers are genuinely nerdy. It's just that at some point they get desperate to be At the level of Jessica that they start doing anything and everything in attempt to climb that e fame ladder. That's when the Cosplay scene turns ugly and you have the "fake nerd" girl dilemma. So yes I guess Jessica is to blame because she's the leader of the pack and everyone is just learning from her tactics

>> No.7599191

God, her makeup is such shit. It looks like she glued a bunch of spider legs to her eyelashes and then rubbed lumps of coal into her eyelids. How does she think this looks okay?

>> No.7599248


>> No.7599268
File: 192 KB, 900x900, rogaine-women-1month_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Jessica been sponsored by Rogaine for Women yet? I think that would make her a lot of money, and really get her name out there.

>> No.7599368
File: 123 KB, 900x1349, bubble-tea-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, please do something about these mods and janitors. I'm not sure why a shit-talking thread, although against the rules, is allowed. It was stupid to abolish them in the first place, but if you make it a rule, can it please apply to all cosplayers? IE, talk shit about mostflogged or jnig, and the thread lives. A thread shit-talking jessie "microsoft" pridemore gets deleted instantly.

Look, Moot, I have a delicious bubble tea for you ;-; Plz respond.

>> No.7599431
File: 94 KB, 640x640, 10268458_10152515239502533_8380548786098768981_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so much nicer without makeup. Of course her photo comment is all LOL IGNORE MY HORRIBLE NO MAKEUP FACE <3

>> No.7599453
File: 80 KB, 640x673, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I think the reason she wears so much makeup is to hide how poorly she's aging

>> No.7599454

Yep. I called Titneto.

>> No.7599463

What are those creases that go from her nose to the side of her lips? I'm older than her and I don't have those.

>> No.7599465

I think light makeup is good, but going full raccon is bad.
I really liked her makeup from those overly shooped images of her in lingerie.
that was great.
anything like it would be fine.

>> No.7599469

aka smile lines

>> No.7599476

>wow she's looking old
>wait how old is she even I've never cared to find out or remember.

WHAT. What. Holy fuck wow.
She's aging HARD. I'm only a year younger than her and I don't look like that yet wow.

>> No.7599478

What >>7599469 said. Some people have them naturally since they're children.

>> No.7599481

In fairness, every fully/mostly Italian girl I know have had smile lines p much their whole life.
Though, since they've obviously been getting worse over the years, I'm sure all that tanning and caked makeup doesn't help the situation.

>> No.7599482

I've seen older pictures of her from like 2006/2007 and she didn't have them then though...

>> No.7599487

>what is photoshop, lighting and angles

>> No.7599495

>Some people have them naturally since they're children.
i am one of those people, have baby pictures of me with them, sigh

>> No.7599808
File: 279 KB, 660x440, obama_laughing_rectangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people hate her and have to insult her at every opportunity because she is attractive, where as most of them aren't

Everyone in this is partially in it for attention or admiration. People are upset because she is getting it instead of them.

Let that soak in for a bit.

>but muh costume quality
>but muh hairline
>but muh sexuality

If you guys could pull it off as well as she could, you'd be doing it as well. Sour grapes.

>> No.7599858

why not reading the thread and not making assumptions.
try making decisions with your brain instead of your dick, and maybe we will take you seriously.

>> No.7600140

I'm 4 years older than her and I look younger. Then again I don't live in a tanning bed, and I don't wear pounds of makeup every day

>> No.7600142


So basically mommy and daddy spent well over 60 grand to make sure she has a reasonable chance to get into a pretty decent college, probably got into some so and so college... and now reduced to this? Must be awesome having parents as enablers.

>> No.7600150

....you're seriously pissed that her parents sent her to college? that's like... what most people do. I'm sorry your parents are deadbeats that didn't love you enough to actually save money instead of spending it on booze and gambling, but that's not a reason to hate her.

>> No.7600153

you're not sorry at all you cunt

>> No.7600157

yeah you got me, I'm not. Sounds like I hit a nerve though

>> No.7600164

Ugh! Seriously, I have pretty yucky nasalabial folds from the italian side of my family. Not quite Nigri tier but still...

>> No.7600195

It actually does hit a nerve for me. My parents like to ask about me going back to college whenever I visit, usually I ask who's paying for it and then they shut the fuck up because they think I'M supposed to pay for it when I have to fucking support them on top of taking care of myself.

>> No.7600387

Not that anon, but my parent's aren't dead beats. They just got married right after high school after my mother had my older brother. So right after high school, they've basically been working to buy a new house to soon house the five of us. And then move us to this shit state Florida. But I degress. I don't really believe that it's always up to parents to pay for college.
I mean lucky for Jnig to have that opportunity. But I don't blame my parents for not doing the same. I don't really mind paying for my own education, just means i'll take it more seriously because it all comes directly from my pocket.

>> No.7600434

It's a very stupid concept here, honestly. I have one friend who has been able to live alone since she was nineteen due to inheritance, but she's barely worked a day since getting that money and honestly hardly tries to find work. I have another friend who got a job straight out of college and lives at home, supporting her very poor parents and taking care of her sick father on her weekends. I think it's absolutely terrible that the former might be viewed as more mature or stable just because she can afford to live on her own.

>> No.7600446

Yes, idiots fall for the capitalist ploy of getting to buy even more shit for a new home.

>> No.7600468

The vast majority of the world expects children to live with elders until either they have a stable job that supports both them and the extended family or until children decide to get married and start their own life and family,

The American mentality of living at home until 18 is actually quite unrealistic given that the prevailing minimum wage can no longer sustain a single male or female, let alone pay for college.

The Baby Boomers and Gen Xers actually forgot that until the 1950's it was more common than not that parents and children lived under the same roof for the majority of adulthood, which is why you see a lot of those older houses that are either built upwards or extended.

>> No.7600508

LOL I'm doing the same.

>> No.7600528

Tbh I find the whole paying for college thing absurd. I mean, if you're spending half your life working to pay for it, you're 99% likely to consider college as a monetary investment rather than, you know, education. You have the responsibility to choose a major that will give you a prosperous career and that's a lot.

Not to mention - how do poor people climb the social ladder and stop being poor?

It boggles my mind.

>> No.7600537

Americans bitching about college

>mfw I couldn't afford college ever and Americans have cheaper tuition and real student aid

Fucking Amerifats don't know what to do if they're not complaining about how good they have it

>> No.7600542

Yeah, we have real aid alright. Where a girl coming from a fsnily where her brother and father are in the military, she gets a full ride off grants and federal aid despite her household incoming being in the six digits.
Whereas I know people like myself who came from households in poverty level at 25k and under that don't get shit in grants despite barely living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.7600553

By working fucking really hard for it.
My parents are deadbeats and don't have shit all to give me because they spend it all on weed.
So I work 6/7 days a week and long hours at hard jobs. Saving up everything. Looks like I'll be able to go to school finally in the fall though.

At the age of fucking 24.

>> No.7600555

I don't like her because she's fake and pandering. It's smart, but I don't have to like it. She knows her audience (lonely losers who want to jerk off to someone with the "same interests as them") and caters to it.

Yes, there are a lot of people I hate that do it.

>> No.7600562


My family is mainly from Europe except for my mother and I and she hasn't kicked me out since I will get this house when she dies. We get on pretty well and it's a decent symbiotic relationship. I don't really see the point in moving out with the current situation.

>> No.7600593

I hope you don't feel proud because of that. Nobody should be forced to work almost slave labor (that only serves to give money to the most powerful people and keep capitalism's cogs running) in order to have a decent life.

>> No.7600627

Good luck anon, I know your feels.
I have deadbeat, trailer park parents and 36k in debt for school and I'm 21.

Just work hard and bust your ass.
sucks a lot of people don't have to, but what can you do?

>> No.7600654

So she did sexy versions of the movie X-men? How expected.

>> No.7600720

>implying you wouldn't if you could

>> No.7600727

You're either a really immature adult that was coddled by your parents or your summer is showing. Assuming you've never been homeless, there's so many more reasons for somebody to not have money wasting it alcohol/drugs/etc, and just because they're not ruining their quality of life so their child can get an education, especially if they have more than one child to support, doesn't mean they love their child less. You sound like you have no sense of doing anything on your own, so don't be such an ass when there are a lot more people are struggling than sitting comfortably on their parent's money. I hate that tumblr has ruined the meaning or credibility of anyone using this word, but you are definition of privilege.

>> No.7600912

I always get a little irritated by this attitude. Plenty of people keep living at home to support their family.

>> No.7600927

Jesus christ, you think rather than arguing about how beautiful the women in your country are you'd go out and fuck a few before sharia law is instituted and they're all wearing burqas.

>> No.7600972


That's not healthy either. If you family is so fucked up that they need your support at 24 you need to just cut ties so you can develop a life for yourself.

Unless your parents has cancer or something and no one else to care for them I suppose.

I had junkie parents so I just split and never talked to them again.

>> No.7600976


>it's unhealthy to live somewhere with other people


>> No.7600994

This is a super American mind-set. It makes a lot more economic sense to live with others, if bad shit goes down you aren't nearly as bad off/alone, and you don't have to keep up a whole living space by yourself. The downsides are obvious, but living with your family until you get married/having an ancestral or familial house to share saves a ton of money and is pretty necessary in a lot of places/cultures.

>> No.7600995

anon was saying it's unhealthy to have codependency with your parents for your whole life and it is. It's why there are so many manchildren that look for another mother to move in with and not a fucking wife

>> No.7601010

Brother's a quadriplegic. I moved out for awhile and the rest of the family couldn't handle it, I really regret that. They had really tough years over that time and I ended up doing nothing worthwhile. Now I'm back and everyone is happy.

Surprisingly I'm perfectly happy devoting a lot of time to helping him and ignoring the various trying to get self validation by telling me to pick the same choices as them(you're not the first).

Don't project your troubles on okcupid into my life, lady.

>> No.7601013

*various people

>> No.7601019
File: 1.62 MB, 412x317, 1401770264597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has junkie parents and cut contact to them
>tells people what's healthy and what's not

>> No.7601101

Now that we're all talking about living with parents I would like to give out my two cents.

Personally I'm 22 years old that still lives with my parents although i do have a part time job for the first time and planning to continue going to school in the fall to achieve my Bachelors and it'll be my second year studying at a university after graduating from Community College. At the moment my part time pay sucks badly although I do want more hours to work during the summer since I barely get any hours a week. (although it can be helpful during semesters) Even though I could get a part time job at an earlier age but the thing was that since my grandmother passed away when I was almost 20 somebody have to watch my little sister since she was 7 at the time and nobody else could take care of her since my parents work alot and I'm the only person who is able to do so since I go to school nearby. Now that my sister is in her double digits she can take care of herself for a little while as she have a cell phone, etc. and its now its easier for me to both work and go to school. At the moment I'm trying to find places with low rent, but even with the money I'm earning a month (8 bucks an hour & not even minimum wage!) I still can't be able to afford for groceries and I don't even own a car. Even though I have Autism (I know...) I still have to depend for myself to get a new home even though it can be very overwhelming to move out for the first time and dealing with real world stuff.

Personally It depends on the person's background if they move out early or not. There are some people who have parents who gave them independence at an earlier age while there are some parents who rather keep their kids a little longer for some reason. Just because we live with our parents doesn't mean we enjoy the free things as some people would love to be independent but there are things that stands in the way. To those who had to depend on themselves to pay for everything then big kudos!

>> No.7601109

Another thing is for the people who live independently at an earlier age: Just don't be douches towards the people who had it easily since even though there are some people who takes advantages of being privileged but there are some people who are trying the best as they can to be independently and there are some people who need more time to adjust.

>> No.7601121

I moved out at 17 to go to university in another city and never looked back really. The last time I spent any meaningful length of time actually living with my parents was a good 5 years ago. Despite this, they still topped me up for rent and bills all through university - I legit had a card connected to their account. Point is, moving out isn't always a huge declaration of independence just as staying at home doesn't mean you're useless at real life, it's more to do with your relationship with your family, financial circumstances etc

>> No.7601363
File: 7 KB, 251x251, tumblr_lo3k4qrxxa1qajqgw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was officially kicked out of my parents house for good when I was 18 because I came out of the closet. My best friend's parents were kind enough to let me move in with them temporarily while I sought out a job and now I pay $400 a month to live in somebody's bug-ridden basement. I'm going to hopefully get a place with my s/o soon though.

People like Jessica are in a very lucky situation and more power to them I guess. If I could live with my parents at 24 (right now I'm 21 years old) I would in a heartbeat.

It's a shame - my parents are paying thousands and thousands of dollars on my sister to live in her own cozy apartment and go to a nice school. If only I had kept my mouth shut I may have been in the same situation.

>> No.7601396

That's terrible, that happened to a friend of mine in highschool and he I think had quite an inheritance coming as well before he was disowned.

I'm really lucky in that as fucked up as my family is they are not fundamentally bad people, just irritating.

>> No.7601801

I'm sorry you have such arcane and asshole parents, anon. Sheesh do they call or anything or did they really just disown you or what?

>> No.7601805
File: 8 KB, 330x247, 1304189131715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true, my heart goes to you my friend. I hope things work out for you in the long run and can at least find some happiness.

>> No.7601965

Here's a news video to go along with the article:


>> No.7601984

if I were you I would of told all of my family's friends that were known to be accepting of LGBTs
so they would be side eyeing the shit out of them.

I got kicked out, got invited to move back in, and found my house very hostile, then moved back on on my own.
this girl from my old community would stalk my blog and make fun of me for being poor and only being able to eat ramen, or shopping at thrift stores.

Its best not to live in a hostile environment. get yourself some roach hotels and move on.

its an interesting direction the thread has turned.

>> No.7601986

>implying you're not just being a speshul snowflake so you can be accepted somewhere in your shitty life, and that is in an online community with online people who are online

>> No.7602253

Do other female cosplayers hate Jessica because she focuses on her cleavage so much?

>> No.7602295

I'm 25 and still live with my parents, I only make minimum wage so it would be difficult to support myself so its just easier on me to stay here, its not like they care so why should I? Don't get this ridiculous pride some of you people have which means basically nothing, so cool to live paycheck to paycheck barely able to survive just to claim "independence".

>> No.7602306

Man, your scenario is the exact reason I've said jack shit about my sexuality and (lack of) religion. I know full well what will happen, and I'm nowhere near in a situation where I could carry myself. Good luck to you.

>> No.7602347

JNig is what I call cosplay hot.

Outside of cosplaying she can't compete with actual real models so she uses cosplay as a launching pad to set herself apart from the other models.

What she does that bothers me is that she has no respect for the characters and source material she's cosplaying. She just uses them as an excuse to show off her cleavage to her pleb following.

It's very rarely that she just cosplays a character to celebrate the character and not make the character about herself.

>> No.7602368


>coming out of closet at 18.

You dun goofed.

You don't do that shit when you're still at home with mom and dad especially when you know they aren't the types to take kindly to your gayness.

You come out when you've left home and gone to college for a few years. Don't give your parents the leverage to fuck you over by coming out while living under their roof.

Use your think box...

>> No.7602387

Nah, I'm just a guy who thinks she's kind of ugly and doesn't get what the huge deal is.

>> No.7602471

Do journalists not do their research? Seriously.

>> No.7602484

Whatever happened to the /cgl/ - if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.

>> No.7602491

>> Arizona journalism


>> No.7602498

Fucking this. Around when I was 17-18 my various atheist/agnostic friends all started coming out to their parents and invariably got treated like absolute shit. One even got forced to go to a Christian college freshman year. I was like what the fuck is wrong with you? Is it really THAT important to tell them? It's a little different if you're gay I imagine, but that really blew my mind, it's not even a religious conversion, you're not even religious anymore. It's really not a big deal. Heck I have still never told my parents and I am 26, because there is no fucking point. It would just upset them anyway.

>> No.7602500

Journalism these days is limited to public radio and the BBC. Everything else is entertainment and PR disguised as news.

>> No.7602543

Did you read the article. She "makes" the costumes as soon as a game or show is announced. She doesn't know anything about the characters because she spends all of her time racing to be the first one to wear it.

>> No.7603076


in other words "shes more attractive than us!"

silly bitches

>> No.7603077

That's... quilt binding. Jesus christ.

>> No.7603204

The new 20-something generation is too poorly equipped both emotionally and economically to support themselves. So they're like America's version of NEET/Hikkikomori

>> No.7603209

>they'll end up on the craft side of things like Yaya Han

But Yaya doesn't even make her own shit, her fiance' does all her costumes for her.

>> No.7603223


Please tell me you want your BA in ANYTHING other than English... Because goddamn, those runons.

>> No.7603226


Just like how JNig's mom makes all of her costumes.

>> No.7603248

>presents logical argument
"she's more attractive than u"

you have no idea what I look like anon. for all you know, I could be a supermodel, or a trap with a 9 inch dick.
appearance has nothing to do with it. your strawman arguments are horrible.
now try responding in a way that
>doesn't insult an anon's appearance
>doesn't imply that an anon is jelly

protip: you can't.
if you could, you would have by now.

>> No.7603273

Yes, I do agree that it's a little different if you're gay.
I don't really think you can make a blanket statement saying, "You should never make a risky come out while living under your parent's roof." There are situations where people would want to tell their parents. Someone could hype themselves up thinking their parents will accept them, maybe lying to the parents is really tearing them up, maybe the parents are making hints that they already knew. Most of all, if someone already has a boyfriend/girlfriend, that's really fucking hard to hide and feels like shit for everyone involved. Being gay involves actions and interactions, it's not as simple to hide as a controversial opinion. Atheist-Anon, you've hid your lack of religion up until the age of 26. How do you hide a wife?
You could argue "don't get into a relationship until you're somewhere safe", but it's not as easy as that. If you and another kid start getting attracted to each other, it doesn't matter if you actually date. You could get confronted for just how you look at each other. Or even for how you don't look at the opposite gender. How often have we heard the joke, "You don't like that girl? What are you, gay or something?" It isn't too big of a jump to imagine homophobic parents confronting their kid for not making enough of an effort to get into a hetero relationship.

Someone could bank that it's safer to come out than for the parents to find out on their own. Gay-Anon unfortunately didn't have as welcoming parents as she may have hoped.
Gay-Anon even mentioned an S/O that they're close enough with to plan on moving in together. It's not like they came out after ogling their own gender for a month. Calling them an idiot is ridiculous and inconsiderate.

>> No.7603299

I always hear the "i knew her in high school" stories, and they're never the same.

>> No.7603462

Good lord. She's so ugly and plain in person, I guess she's popular due to Photoshop and implants.

>> No.7603478

I was thinking the same thing. I consider all "I knew her in high school" stories to be complete and utter made up bullshit.

>> No.7603498

Europeans are a pretty immature people. They have a spoiled rich kid attitude, which is probably why they live with their parents, despite not needing to. They don't want the responsibility of having your own family or providing for yourself.

>> No.7603501

haha this

if you don't move out as soon as you can you fail at life

>> No.7603516

>>public radio
I hope you don't mean PBS.

>> No.7603518


>> No.7603529

I don't believe anyone who claims to have known a person irl. Including the whole "JNig cheated on her boyfriend with some other guy" or whatever infographic pops up from time to time.

>> No.7603546

I am confused now. This thread has two topics going on..."JNig assault" and the whole "living with your parents or not"


>> No.7604082


Everyone's situation is different. I'm a full time student and employee, paying 50k a year for school. I can only afford to pay half of my tuition out of pocket while the other half goes into loans.
After I graduate, I'll be moving back home for a year while working two jobs (which are already lined up). Without any rental payments, I should have everything paid off in that year.

Parents are expected to help you through college, which is why every university you ever go to will have "expected family contribution" estimated in your financial need.
Most that disagree haven't ever been to college, got married young, begrudgingly accepted help from their rich parents, have miles of debt, or only have their bachelors. They may have also went to a really shitty college or have some "certificate" pasted onto their wall.

I'll never understand why paying your college tuition three times over (because interest) is more preferable to wiping it out in the beginning.

>> No.7604085

My college education hasn't helped me with my mouse pointing skills. Didn't mean to reply to you.

>> No.7604418

It's nice to respond to dipshits.

I think the best thing about the people on this site in general and especially CGL is that they give themselves up as fucking miserable so quickly. No one happy would be so intensely focused on if someone else's life was a failure or not, it's probably why this site is so easy to troll, it's just a bunch of miserable people trying to feel better about themselves.

You people too weak minded to realize that this is really as good as it gets and you won't ever be happier. So you need to sit around and feel superior to someone else because they made different life choices. Just try to hold on to the eventual murder/suicide that your life ends in when you and your SO separate in your late 40s, I'll be there laughing at the headline.

>> No.7604677

No one's gonna care if some random seagull kills themselves 20 something years later either.

>> No.7604682

Her obsession with her own tits is kinda weird.

>> No.7604699

My parents are the type that don't really go out and don't have many friends. Plus mine are bro tier and I like keeping them company.

We all split expenses and I get everything when they kick it, which I hope isn't for a very long time.

>> No.7604779
File: 158 KB, 1209x432, badday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sure, but we won't be hurting anyone and frankly I'd never kill myself, Sprite Remix always might come back.

Though there are plenty of people who kill their wife/husband and then themselves. Sometimes they do in the kids too. I actually knew a guy for years on a forum ... one day he took the kids camping and blew them away and them himself. How trapped and alone he must have felt. People rush out of home like they're finally free, but it's just a series of cages.

People who act like their stupid little jobs and apartments make them superior are probably the saddest of all of us. Because after all that "work" they're left just as unfulfilled as the rest of us. Anyone who was really happy wouldn't sit around posting on an Internet forum about how happy and fulfilled they are.

>> No.7604910

PBS =/= public radio, That's public TV. Public radio is NPR/PRI/PRX and the network of public radio stations around the country that purchase programming from the aforementioned distribution companies.

It's pointless to rely on commercial news organizations since they keep cutting expenses and rely more on social media and the public for basic newsgathering. Commercial news media is a fucking joke.

>> No.7604920

she sounds cute. never heard her before.
>I colelct super sonico figures
>she has blonde hair

I hope she said "long"
I really do

>> No.7605063

>>implying NPR doesn't have a bias
Last time I was listening to it, they were bitching about the cells in deportation offices being too cold. The illegals only had to stay there one night before being shipped back, yet they were bitching like their basic human rights were being violated. Bullshit it's not biased. They have to get funding somewhere, and they don't want to upset their major contributors.

>> No.7605175 [DELETED] 

Just watched it out of curiosity, nope she totally said 'blonde' hair.

Jesus fuck Jess, get your act together. Sonico doesn't even have a game or serious story, she's just a fucking mascot, and you can't even get her hair color right. Also it's not even close to 'long', like mid-length at most. Reading those youtube comments though, hahaha. I wish I could say I was jealous but these basement bottom-scum are the only type she'll ever attract with her hollow persona and inflate-a-boobs.

And hey Mod, you're a cuntface. I got banned again for calling Cadney fat, and I bet your sweet ass the other 10 people in the thread who said the exact same thing before me didn't get bans did they? /cgl/ is turning into a POS hugbox, and the nail that sticks up gets hammered down. I want my jewbucks back from Moot, what's the point of buying a 4chan pass just to get censored all the time? Fuck this trip and fuck contributing to the community. If I'm not welcome I'm certainly not coming back to get shit thrown in my face.

>> No.7605186

maybe try reaching moot about it?
I don't think you're a vendetta and find it utterly retarded you keep getting banned for being one.

I do think you hate everything.
and thats what makes you wonderful.

>> No.7605190

daaww jess is cute :3

>> No.7605193

we all agree that living with parents past 18 is a FAIL AT LIFE

>> No.7605319

>>I got banned again for calling Cadney fat

Haha, I got banned a while back for calling her an ugly whore. Someone must relate pretty hard to Cadney.

>> No.7605324
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Why do europeans keep derailing threads so they can talk about how european they are? Oh, you live with your parents and think it's normal? That's nice. You can shut up now.

>> No.7605352

>Everyone's situation is different. I'm a full time student and employee, paying 50k a year for school. I can only afford to pay half of my tuition out of pocket while the other half goes into loans.

Holy shit, did you choose to go to NYU or something?

>> No.7605359

That bait has been used already... try harder!

>> No.7605368


I beg to differ. Local cons where I live you can be a butter face and still get the attention. You can be old and still get the attention. Some people just don't care. They're so desperate to see some tits and ass they just take anything they can get which makes it all more frustrating.

>> No.7605373
File: 80 KB, 350x335, 1389475721238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncultured pleb detected.

>> No.7605512

>For those of you that hate her. This isn't going to make you feel any better.

Success breeds Jealousy.

Especially amongst the landwhale sluts of cgl.

>> No.7606473

you have no idea what we look like anon. for all you know, an anon could be a supermodel, or a trap with a 9 inch dick.
appearance has nothing to do with it. your strawman arguments are horrible.
now try responding in a way that
>doesn't insult an anon's appearance
>doesn't imply that an anon is jelly

protip: you can't.
if you could, you would have by now.

>> No.7606475

maybe you should leave then

>> No.7606481

I'm ridiculous and inconsiderate.
They're living in a bug-ridden basement and were disowned by their parents, who now lavish their sister with attention.
I know how to pick my fucking battles. I think I'm ahead.

>> No.7606673

25 yrs old here, no job and only finished highschool, living with her parents...

But that's a commom thing in my country

>> No.7610335

i went to pcc and saw her being followed by like 12 men she seriously has these morons wrapped around her probably wrinkly fingers looking at that pic of her w/o makeup on

honestly i dont see the appeal and i dont think shes attractive at all since shes so fake in and out

shes total shit at making anything and im sure she has others making props or costumes for her and they dont get any recognition not to mention she buys half of her costumes

reminds me of someone i used to know personally who scammed tons of people and had a huge amount of whiteknights just cause shes apparently hot
her cosplays were/are also shit if she makes em herself

>> No.7610432


>She's either really dumb, or the smartest person in America.

Why not both?

>> No.7610578
File: 629 KB, 742x758, Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 2.12.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really because I went to PCC and she was totally cool with me. I caught her in the lobby at the Hyatt and asked a couple quick questions and a picture. The entire time she was very sweet, nice, and I never noticed any men following her around.

>> No.7610738

>jnig threads allowed
>where are they now threads allowed
>/cgl/ meet up threads banworthy
>cg keeps getting banned for vendetta but actuall vendetta threads stay around

the fuck janitor

>> No.7611748

I tried >>7599368

>Don't bring community vendettas onto this board. Singling out individual cosplayers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated.

I really wish we could stop using the word "trolling". Someone saying Yaya looks like a thick piece of poorly aged beef isn't "trolling". You can't troll someone who isn't even present in the thread. If I went to Yaya's facebook page and wrote that, then yes, it would be Trolling. The inconsistency of the enforcement and the appearant liberty to interpret that rule as janitors and mods see fit is ridiculous. So we can post pictures of horrible cosplayers and make fun of them, and call certain well-known cosplayers disgusting whores, but NOT certain ones. /cgl/ threads have always been mostly tabloid style shit. The rule obviously isn't defined well and is clearly ignored when it causes the mod/janitor to have a giggle.

These Jessica Nigri threads are only started to ruffle feathers.