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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 169 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mxwhrl2ULg1r98n2bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7589823 No.7589823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see any so let's do this

>> No.7589838
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>> No.7590868
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>> No.7590875
File: 58 KB, 531x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why, OP? If you're fat you shouldn't be cosplaying attractive and skinny characters, fact.

What is it with hambeasts and Harley Quinn? I guess the manchildren they hope to attract tend to like comics.

>> No.7590883

Why do fat women wear corsets that shove their tits up around their necks?

This is not an attractive silhouette.

That said...I don't get why skinny women wear corsets that are too big for them either.

Corsets are not innately sexy. They have to be worn right imo.

>> No.7590924
File: 169 KB, 498x747, tumblr_mt1vyhDcf91r3d7oko1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're fat you shouldn't be cosplaying attractive and skinny characters, fact.

If you're fat, you can cosplay whatever the fuck you want because cosplay is about fun and not about being eyecandy, fact

>> No.7590991

U ok tumblr
You *can* do it by all means, but you'll embarass yourself, make other people feel uncomfortable, and quite frankly look awful. It's ridiculous to spend hours on a cosplay when that time needs to be spent in the gym. There's no excuse for being obese if you're otherwise healthy.

>> No.7590994
File: 157 KB, 428x570, tumblr_lm78n2MMAs1qhcp3yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do u even care?

>> No.7591004
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>> No.7591006
File: 119 KB, 536x808, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Because it looks hideous
2) i've never met a fat cosplayer who wasnt an attention-seeking 'wahhhhh dont u far shame me!1!1!1! I'm beautiful how i am!1!!1!1!' hambeast
3) i like to see characters represented accurately - it's cool to feel like you're around the real thing
4) it feels like these girls are making a bullshit political statement by choosing to cosplay as 'hot' characters like Harley - they could have chosen a character more in line with their appearance but no, they just HAVE to sexualise themselves at everyone else's expense. B-bcuz big=beautiful rite guiz?!?!?

>> No.7591007
File: 57 KB, 682x1024, pt_am I sexy yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7591009
File: 275 KB, 779x313, fucking nailed it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unintentionally this good.

>> No.7591011

because u know, cosplayers totally do it to make what you see wank-worthy

>> No.7591014
File: 59 KB, 500x667, naked nia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't be lumpy and do this. Ever. That janitor has now seen some shit.

>> No.7591027

Oh sure, because that's the only reason why someone would want to see an attractive person cosplay an attractive character. Same for guys to be honest; if you're fat or ugly, you shouldn't be cosplaying an attractive or athletic guy. Cosplay as Gimli or Jabba the Hutt or something; everyone likes them.

>> No.7591037
File: 213 KB, 515x620, Fat-Blog_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing here is that people have the concept that fat = unattractive. and that is not always the case, same reason why thin =/= attractive

example, go tell me this woman is unattractive

>> No.7591043

I personally find her extremely unattractive. Pendulous breasts make me feel ill.
Being fat is neither healthy nor normal. It demonstrates a massive lack of self-control and warps the body in such a way that most people find it unattractive by default - humans simply aren't meant to look like that. Same goes for super-skinny people although in most cases they look less different to 'normal' people than fatsoes do. An attractive person is a healthy person.

>> No.7591048

sure, well, I am sure you know a lot of super skinny people that moan they can't put on weight no matter what, yet they're healthy.
same way can go for fat people, believe it or not.

anyway who the fuck cares if a cosplayer matches a body type or not? it should be about fun, SHOULD. then people like you ruin the fun.

>> No.7591060

Oh fuck off already.

>> No.7591070
File: 57 KB, 537x592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can do what they want in public but fatties in 'sexy' outfits in public should be hung
It isn't even that hard to get down to a healthy weight for fuck's sake.

>> No.7591080
File: 34 KB, 479x720, 996494_610378892330404_53452721_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn't even that hard to get down to a healthy weight for fuck's sake.
You sound like back then when people would bitch at black people for, well, being black

Let's ignore the trolls and try to make this a positive thread

>> No.7591091

fatties teaching their children to be fatties. that poor kid.

>> No.7591099

Isn't the problem people who over sexualize characters that don't exist and then whine about people who cosplay?

Anyone notice its never fat guys posted in these threads? Like an E. Honda would be nice for a change, but no. People are still going apeshit over the fact fat girls are ballsy enough to do what they want.

>> No.7591113
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>> No.7591144
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All four of them look like Bobby Hill.

>> No.7591227
File: 379 KB, 635x466, 1394478703487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some of us, fat IS beautiful/sexy
i'd rather fuck a pillow than a stick
so thank you, big ladies, for making muh dick hard
you're doing god's work

>> No.7591294

>degenerate fetishes

>> No.7591328

>calling it a fetish cause you actually dislike it

>> No.7591350

>implying you probably don't have shit fetishes yourself

>> No.7591373

'Whaaaa, help these people won't stop being different from me, whaaa' go back under your bridge, troll

>> No.7591387

There is nothing that an obese/overweight person can do that someone of a healthy weight can't.

Thus there is no pro-overweight argument that will stick.

Everyone is entitled to cosplay what they want. Whether the majority thinks they look good or not. Everyone is entitled to make a cosplay sexier if they want to. Because everyone deserves to feel sexy and to find sexy whatever they find sexy. If that be overweight well....each to their own.

And it's tactless to point out to people that you find them ugly. Whether it be because of their weight or even something as mundane as their eye colour. But people still do it and will continue to do it.

>> No.7591431

I agree with most of that. Only exception being
> i like to see characters represented accurately - it's cool to feel like you're around the real thing

That is not a legit reason, you are not in Disneyland therefore they don't own you shit.

>> No.7591441

>It isn't even that hard to get down to a healthy weight for fuck's sake.

Oh honey, you must be kidding or you are just really lucky with your body type.
I personally only managed to go from 56kg to slightly above 53 within 3 months and I felt constantly hungry. (I wasn't starving myself though.) So no, it is not easy at all, so fuck off.

>> No.7591446


All the awards to that.

>> No.7591449

the fuck anon
black people can't help that they're black. they were fucking born that way

you think a hambeast is fucking born a hambeast? you have the god damned option of being healthy and exercising. and don't even give me the shit about "but muh thyroids." the fact of the matter is, most fat people are fat because of poor lifestyle choices.

that was the most retarded argument I've ever seen. fat, delusional tumblr fucks need to go back to tumblr

>> No.7591455

what sort of exercise were you doing? what were you eating?

I always get skeptical about posts like this because I have quite a few friends who wanted to turn their life around and attempted to eat/exercise right. a lot of them used to be extremely overweight but now they're either only slightly overweight or are at a healthy weight for their height.

>> No.7591481

I did classical and modern ballet 4x1,5 hours a week and ditched sweets, cheese and red meat almost completely, ate bread really rarely, ate lots of fruits and vegs and fish. I also did some workout at home. It is true that I could not stop myself from eating often but then I ate like avocado or a banana or a rice cake (is it called that?), and you should eat often, but small, healthy meals when trying to lose weight.

>> No.7591483


There is more than just thyroids as a reason why someone can't lose weight. And I am not even talking health reasons (which there are, and many, and not only thyroids). Some people just WANT to be fat. Let them be.

>> No.7591485


If you're not losing weight and don't have any health issues that would cause weight gain(ex: hormonal imbalances, un-medicated thyroid issues etc) you're really just not doing it as correctly as you think/thought you are/were.

While I wasn't obese, I lost 40lbs. 30 of those was creating and maintaining to a healthy diet with some calorie counting(1500 a day) and about 30 minutes of at home exercise.

The people in my family and my life that I know who "can never manage to lose weight or keep it off" are always doing something wrong.
One or more of:
-over estimate how much energy they used up and under estimate how much they ate

-don't stick to their meal plans properly. Usually they don't write down what they ate, or get "food amnesia" and write it off as "cheating", but then it happens again.

-don't actually know the nutritional info of food (ex: that nuts are good for you, but are calorie dense so you shouldn't eat a fuckton, especially salted)

-If they do manage to lose weight, they don't know how to maintain it or they feel like now they they lost some it's ok to eat shitty food more often.

-starve themselves and then binge when they can't take it anymore.

-If they gain ANY weight back they go into a despair and gain weight by comfort eating

-Follow fad diets, take pills, or take Dr.Oz as all knowing god.

People on the opposite end tend to have similar issues but in their case they always under eat what their body is burning(I know SO many who'll eat just junk for 2 days of the week, and skip meals throughout the rest of the week and bitch how they can't gain weight)

The person in this thread talking about "ITS JUST MUH BODEH" is either in denial, very ignorant, and did one or more of the things on the list.

>> No.7591490

If someone is fat, and happy with being that way, that is fine. But personally, I am not going to applaud them, or make them feel special because the managed to squeeze into a spandex unitard and try to act like a "sexy Harley Quinn" when there are better, more accurate portrayals of her out there.

If you're big, and happy that way, then find cosplays that work with your body type, instead of against it.

>> No.7591494

If you are eating things that are energy dense like banana and avocados maybe your calorie intake was too high, energy dense foods often won't make you feel that full for the amount you eat. Avos can be 300-400 calories depending on size which can be quite a lot for a snack

>> No.7591508

>ITT people playing nutritionist and judging you in the meantime

>> No.7591519

Yeah, that's why I never ate more than a half of them. Truth is that I ate half the amount I ate before (and yeah, I even counted calories, though it was horrible), and I exercised more than ever before, and still. Maybe it's bc I gained lots of muscle? Or I'm just not strong enough for this shit. Plus I know I don't have a fortunate body type.

>> No.7591526

You may well have gained a fair amount of muscle, did you find your body measurements changed disproportionately compared to the numbers on the scale?

>> No.7591533

well some people are born into families where everyone is fat or get fed tons of unhealthy shit as a kid. This causes kids to start off unhealthy while also being used to diets they should have. While yes at some point one can start doing all sorts of stuff to have themselves lose weight, having to do that with lifelong habits of bad eating and maybe still being in a situation where it's harder to be in control, absolutely makes it more difficult.

>> No.7591534

Can I just very honestly ask you guys why you don't like fat people?

Like say you pass one on the street. Not a land whale, but moderately chubby. They're polite to you and just make small talk. Or maybe you just work with one.

Do you inherently hate them? Is there a reason behind the hatred? And does it make you feel better?

I honestly don't mean this condescendingly. Former fatty trying to learn

>> No.7591541

Doubtful. I was in a boot camp type program in my last year of highschool and I only gained about 5-6lbs after the 7 months and I was eating a lot of protien for every meal and usually going up weights about once every two weeks or so(everything but biceps because I have noodle arms). Women don't build muscle as fast or as much as men. If you gained any, it wouldn't have been much more than that.

Your diet and exercise regime was probably just lacking more than you thought. What helped for me in getting started was finding homemade substitutes for things I liked. Ex: potatoe chips->seaweed or apple chips; ice cream->sorbet or smoothie made with frozen fruit and honey; apple pie->microwave/bake apple slices with some cinnamon sprinkled on top(the apple already has enough natural sugars to make sure it's not bitter) etc. That way you can count the calories efficiently and still have a tasty treat everyday.

>> No.7591542

That's just an excuse to not take responsibility for yourself once you're out of the house/old enough to cook for yourself and exercise.

It boils my blood when I see parents/grandparents feeding their kids tons of shit.

>> No.7591550

It's less to do with liking fat people and more to do with disliking people who make terrible excuses or are obectively wrong/ignorant about the information they spew to others.

Hate is also a strong word to be using. The only time I hate fat people is when they feed their children terrible things and allow them to get fat.

It's more like mild-annoyance again, when people talk about shit they don't actually know about inorder to make excuses for themselves and others.
Like when a person has no health issues that would lead to them gaining/maintaing their over weightness and claims they "tried dieting and exercising and it didn't work so I must be big boned/naturally like this" etc

>> No.7591551

to add, it's just as annoying when people who are very underweight do the same thing.

>> No.7591554

glad someone agrees with that, because I would give less shit about all this hate against people having trouble losing weight whether it's their own fault or not if the underweight ones didn't get constant pats on the back like fucking reverse tumblr

>> No.7591714

Put it in da booty

>> No.7592213

But this just proves the point, it's not as fucking easy as >>7591070 said, it is harder than retards who have never tired it think it is.

>> No.7592225

first I read "fart cosplay thread"


>> No.7592226

this is really beautiful, I love all the details... who is she cosplaying?

>> No.7592266

Ashe from FF12's wedding gown

>> No.7592269

me too anon, me too

>> No.7592654
File: 294 KB, 457x375, this shit again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either pictures while you rant or >>gtf/out/ Regardless of the reason why (body positive or to laugh) people are coming to the fat thread for pictures of fat people cosplaying. There's 2 other threads for discussing this shit already >>7589217 and >>7590939

>> No.7592662
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>> No.7592669
File: 207 KB, 1024x1565, super_sonico_cosplay_by_izumi_lee-d642mf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7592672

You're a jackass

That's what you have to say about a child dressing up in a costume with her mother, just because she happens to be chubby?

>> No.7592674
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>> No.7592676
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>> No.7592683
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>> No.7592688

>most people find it unattractive by default
That's completelly cultural, I'm sorry. Just remember how many fertility goddess were much bigger if compared to what we consider "beautifull" nowadays.

>> No.7592694
File: 86 KB, 1024x681, hirano___hotd___cosplay___m110_aka_sr25_by_jpoc-d6e8tpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7592704

>It's bigger on the outside!

>> No.7592706


Fat people should only be doing one thing.. ONE FUCKING THING!

Lose that fucking blubber, fatso.

Really, it's gonna make everything better for everyone. You get to enjoy a nice body (fuck you, NO, your fat body is NOT nice) and people don't have to feel disgusted by looking at you.

Let the feminist fat cunts of the internet throw their rage at me - I'm ready

>> No.7592707

Did you ever consider, some people like being whatever weight? Wow! No way?! Some people feel beautiful being curvy? Who knew?! Did you know some people like to be thin as a fucking stick?! You're just jealous so fuck off.

>> No.7592710

She's pretty cute, dang. Source?

>> No.7592717

Wow that's actually a fantastic idea. I'm assuming it wasn't her idea, but if it was, awesome! I'm assuming she uses velcro to keep it together, then? I wonder how she keeps that top headpiece on too.

Overall, great cosplay.

>> No.7592731


Landwhale detected

Jealous? Who the fuck wants to be a fat sack of shit?

>> No.7592740

No idea why I keep allowing myself into these arguments, but..

>1) Because it looks hideous
Aside from this being entirely a matter of opinion, if we're going to nitpick on every little detail, then 95% of people are getting the cosplay that they're doing incorrectly, regardless of body size. Different people find different sizes/body types sexy. For instance, my cousin prefers a flat ass while I prefer a rounder one.

>2) i've never met a fat cosplayer who wasnt an attention-seeking 'wahhhhh dont u far shame me!1!1!1! I'm beautiful how i am!1!!1!1!' hambeast
Typical. You're using a case study in order to define all people. Similarly, if I said that I haven't met a single Japanese person that wasn't a weeaboo and have only met 2 Japanese people in my life that happened to be weeaboos and yet classified all Japanese as weeaboos, that'd be a huge generalization.

>3) i like to see characters represented accurately - it's cool to feel like you're around the real thing
Similar to the nitpicking comment I made earlier. Besides, considering that the actual personalities and how a person would react is based off of how the writers portray the character, you'd NEVER get an accurate representation unless the writers themselves cosplay the character.

>4) it feels like these girls are making a bullshit political statement by choosing to cosplay as 'hot' characters like Harley - they could have chosen a character more in line with their appearance but no, they just HAVE to sexualise themselves at everyone else's expense. B-bcuz big=beautiful rite guiz?!?!?
This means you're also against crossplay. And, considering that not everyone has the same opinion of "hot", you're also implying that only the characters that you're into should be effected. But why the fuck should anyone care what you think?

>> No.7592744

If I were overweight the facts that I stated wouldn't be true? I'm 110 pounds, and you even jumped to the conclusion. You're a sad being.

>> No.7592746


People have asked me for diet advice before and they always end up doing those things and ending up back where they started. I guess counting calories is just "too hard" and it "takes all the fun out of eating". It's easier to just eat something that's labeled as healthy and pat yourself on the back.

I don't care if someone wants to be fat, but all the whining and bullshitting about diets is really grating.

>> No.7592760


>Implying I'm jealous
>Implying I'm sad

I wonder who is jumping to conclusions here, lard-o.

>> No.7592766

It's difficult to get buff or end up as a size 2 if you were fairly big, but not to lose enough weight to be at a healthy weight since you can lose quiet a bit through diet and 30 min of basic exercise. just because it takes time doesn't mean it's difficult.

Another thing people tend to get wrong as well; fatter people have higher metabolisms than thinner people who have a similar lifestyle ( as in how much they move or exercise in a day)

>> No.7592770

Woah he picked a good character I like this a lot!

>> No.7592782

No, it's easy, and this is coming from someone who struggles with weight loss and has for years. Weight loss itself is simple. Eat better/eat less/move around more. That's all anyone ever has to do in order to lose weight. It's the easiest thing one can do.
The only reason I've "struggled" is because of lack of self control/accepting fat acceptance/accepting the tumblr "I'm a piece of shit so fuck it" attitude. All my fault, but none of them can stunt my weight loss unless I allow them to. Weight loss is simple, weight loss is easy. It's a two step process. It can always be done unless you get in your own way, which just makes yourself a difficulty and not the weight loss.
Currently I've kept 20-30 pounds off for the past 4 months. I know I want to continue with my goals, so I've recently picked up the better habits again. It's simple to do. If you want to, you will. If you don't want to, you won't.
It's easy to know right from wrong, and that's all you need to know when it comes to weight loss. It's not brain surgery.
Weight loss is not the challenge.
Lethargy is the challenge.
Lack of self control is the challenge.
Getting in your way is the challenge.

>> No.7592784
File: 33 KB, 640x360, 317163126_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fattie-chan and this thread is stupid and embarrassing. You will never accomplish anything arguing with people on cgl, stop wasting your time, you just look stupid. If you want a thread like this just post pictures and ignore it. This isn't tumblr.

>> No.7592796

20-30 pounds off in the last 4 months? damn. good on you, anon.

>> No.7592800

yes, because back then if you were fat it meant you were wealthy and not a poor fuck starving on the streets

>> No.7592804

It does look better when people cosplay their own body type, but you don't have to be obnoxious towards people who don't all the time. I really wish everyone would just quit whining about how they can wear whatever they want since they can't lose weight and say "it's not my fault I'm overweight", or "fat people are always eyesores!!!", it's ridiculous. Try to think of other people for a change, the world doesn't revolve around you.

>> No.7592807

I don't mind looking at fat people (unless they're morbidly obese). It's just the fact that I get appalled that they were even able to let themselves go and get that big in the first place. I personally find it pretty difficult to gain weight, but it might be because I try to make an effort to eat healthy.

>> No.7592811

people like being fat and unhealthy? damn, no wonder the landwhales just let themselves go, because they're living under the delusion that their fat lifestyle is perfectly fine.

i don't give a shit about how people spend their lives. i just get fucking annoyed when landwhales come here and say shit like "BODY POSITIVITY, IT'S OKAY TO BE 'CURVY'" when you're actually promoting someone to continue on making unhealthy choices.

and then people like you go "ur jelis of my fat rolls"

no, fuck off dude

>> No.7592866

Thank you! I actually lost that in two, but I kept off for the past 4 months (give or take healthy eating to negate unhealthy eating and blah blah). Decided I want to lose some more for good now.

>> No.7592890
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 1401567679781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of this tumblritte thin privilege butthurt
why can't you SJWs keep your stupid comments on your site

>> No.7592903

People, listen to this person. Everything about this is absolutely right.

>> No.7592944

Sure, that woman is unattractive.

>> No.7592950

>There is nothing that an obese/overweight person can do that someone of a healthy weight can't.
Eat 4k calories. For a snack.

>> No.7592953

Clearly you are.

>> No.7592970

no. You have a single curve. It goes out from your chest/neck blubber and reaches a peak around/slightly below your stomach at which point it curves back in towards your feet. Curvy women have multiple curves going in and out (in around their stomach). BBW are effectively mathematical derivatives of actual curvy women.

>> No.7592976

God get the fuck out with this. This is not the place to be spoon-fed love and acceptance.

>> No.7592982

Oh man, jumping in to defend people who have feelings who happend to be curvy and or overweight is bad? Because they can't lose that weight due to health and medical issues? I mean yeah some people do it by choice because that's what they believe is beautiful and you're pretty much just jealous they're getting more positive attention than you are.
Don't deny it you sack of shit.

>> No.7592990

oh my god just hide the fucking thread, you're all acting like bratty 9 year olds.

>> No.7592994

>j-just shut up and let us be fat sacks of shit in piece

>> No.7592995
File: 8 KB, 203x183, Fat_Wario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So thankful that since none of you shits know how to sage this thread will hopefully autosage soon and fall off a fucking cliff. This is so pointless on both sides.

>> No.7593093

she's a fashion blogger http://www.gabifresh.com/

>> No.7593124

it's their choice

if they want to be fat and have all of the health issues that come along with it then let them do it

you do your thing and let them do theirs

>> No.7593437
File: 432 KB, 1480x3916, How to Lose Weight for Retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ Reporting in. Everyone can lose weight and shed fat. We're all gonna make it brahs!

>> No.7593449
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>fat chicks

>> No.7593452
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This is now a Zyzz Thread

>> No.7593454
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>> No.7593455
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>Fat people logic

>> No.7593460
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>> No.7593462

I feel like if I did step one I'd turn into some manner of Olympian god in a week. Of course this would mandate 40 hour days.

>> No.7593463
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>> No.7593465
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>> No.7593468
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>> No.7593470
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>> No.7593472
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for all faggos here

>> No.7593481

>Implying this happened to me
>Implying my girlfriend didn't go off to college and got Tumblretarded/fat
>Implying she isn't right now on Tumblr, posting about being trans and autistic in hopes that people pay attention to her

I WISH she cheated on me, that would have at least been character building for me, instead of making arbitrarily hate an entire group of people.

>> No.7593497


Truly the sickest of all sickkunt
He died for our gains.

>> No.7593508

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.7593652

>likes people dressing as children's cartoons characters

your hypocriticism is showing m8

>> No.7593654
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>> No.7593672

Fat doesn't automatically mean unhealthy. A person can be fat and be much healthier than someone considered average or skinny, it depends on the way they eat, body type and shape, and the way their body works.
I'm fat and I've been checked by many doctors because I have health problems that trouble my weight loss, and they all told me I was fat but healthy, my fatness isn't threatening my life and I've eaten completely healthy for years now, I'm only losing weight because I want to, because of the way I want to look like.
You can find a fat person ugly, sure, it's your own personal taste, but you can't say for sure that they're unhealthy unless it's an extreme case.

>> No.7593680

you realize when a doctor tells you you have medical problems and then tell you you're healthy they're basically saying "you're healthy considering the fatness so there's nothing we can do for you"

>> No.7593691


I don't give a shit about who cosplays what but

>Complaining about attention seeking
>In a hobby that literally revolves around getting positive attention from others


>> No.7593717


These posts are funny once you realize the person they're writing about is actually themselves and this is their fantasy of picking on 'losers who used to be them' once they get /fit/(which is never).

>> No.7593721

Having fat children should be considered child abuse.

>> No.7593737

nah, i like being thin and healthy
and plus, it's easier to find clothes that will fit and look good on my body

stay mad fatty :^)

>> No.7593742


>> No.7593747

whenever I think of "curvy" women I think of women like Christina Hendricks. she's unconventionally gorgeous (at least for hollywood standards).

there's a HUGE difference between being "curvy" and being a fucking landwhale

>> No.7593754

oh fuck off with the "health and medical issues"
why do people keep spouting this shit when the percentage of people who have actual medical issues is insignificantly small?

if i was fat because of medical issues i'd be fucking livid if i kept seeing people post this fucking excuse because i don't have any choice.

stop being so delusional

>> No.7593762


>is fat
>but eats healthy

Please post weight, height and average daily caloric intake

>> No.7593767

Well, it is kind of amusing how mad you make yourselves simply because of pictures. It's not even a "haha, that's terrible", it's a full on self-righteous kind of rage where you pretend you care about a random person's health (as if you would be more interested than they would in their own health?). I honestly don't know why you do this to yourselves.

>> No.7593780

>the guy on the left's "why am i stuck with the disgusting people on the tram all the time" look

>> No.7593783

Because they're opinions, m8

CGL isn't a fucking hugbox, what did you expect?

Finding fat people ugly is subjective
Finding fat people beautiful is also subjective

But just because I find a fat person disgusting to me personally doesn't mean that you should flip your shit about it. Like I said, it's opinions, and you can't really change my mind on something like that because you can't argue objectively over a subjective topic.

Although the thing I hate about fat people isn't even the weight or how they look. It's the fact that they come on to threads like this and spout delusional shit about how "they have health problems" or "it's too hard to lose weight" when they probably haven't fucking tried properly. Just because you tried running 30 minutes once and got sooooo tired doesn't mean you fucking tried.

I used to be morbidly obese. I wanted to change myself. I dramatically changed my diet and lifestyle habits. I tried picking up healthier habits AND hobbies. And you know what, I lost the weight because I fucking tried. Hard.

Appearance is subjective, but there's NO way I can condone other people accepting unhealthy lifestyles, especially after what I went through.

Sorry, long rant over

>> No.7593786

looks like he's trying to stifle his laughter

>> No.7593791

or keep the vomit down

>> No.7593797

I don't find them attractive either, I just don't understand how can you get this mad for other people because they don't live they way you think they should live.

Good for you that you want to change yourself, but trying to change the world will be much, much harder, anon. Other people are really not worth your stress, only maybe your laughs. Focus more on yourself and less at other people.

>> No.7593802


I'll take this bait.
You're talking to a guy who went from 215 to 160 in the space of 5-6 months. I'll actually note the changes:

-How people treated me. When I was 215, people carried themselves with false politeness. They would NEVER say anything about my appearance. Now I have friends that I hadn't seen in years that are just impressed and barely recognize me. Friends that kept up with me are proud and impressed. Strangers would treat me as a normal person and not another fatass. I would actually get eye contact from girls, and have girls come up to me in clubs. Yeah, it's shallow. We're humans, we're all shallow.

-How I treated myself. I could stand to look in the mirror for one thing. I could finally appreciate myself. There are many times that I'll look in a mirror and still think "That's me? Whoa." Or I'll drive/walk around town, and see people that were just like me, and I can't help but think "If I can do it, so can they. So what's stopping them?"

-How my body reacted. I could do more things without being winded. I could actually do body weight exercises with good form and without gassing out. I could do kip ups. And since I had to diet, I figured out calorie counting, macros and micros. Furthermore, losing that weight helps with willpower and discipline. It helped me realize that I have a food addiction that needs to be carefully treated.

tl;dr- Losing weight made me feel better. Not just the massive 40 pounds of fat off my frame, but all the little things as well.

>> No.7593806

The least I can do is at least say something. I'd rather say one thing and get shit for it than say nothing at all while all these overweight people delude others into thinking that losing weight is impossible and that you should just give up and keep going about your unhealthy lifestyle.

>> No.7593816


Because I was there. I was fat. I lost the weight. I feel empathy for them and want to help. Food is a real addiction and most people don't have the willpower to do it themselves.

Now if they don't want help or relapse hard, then they're hung out to dry.

>> No.7593823

You sound as obsessed as the fat acceptance people. Congrats on the weight loss, but the diet frustration must be making you crazy. I'm out.

>> No.7593826
File: 911 KB, 171x141, 139175281524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>feel empathy for people
>want to help them out
>you're obsessed

>> No.7593829

fat people make no sense. like this one.

>> No.7593836

>trying to help people
>who want to stay fat and are not interested
>by raging and calling them unhealthy, ugly and whatever.

>> No.7593839

A little shame can go a long way.

Either fatties learn that they're being disgusting and they fix the problem, or they eat their feelings and die faster. Either way they're not assaulting everyone's senses with their nastiness anymore.

>> No.7593843

I'm always surprised I don't see myself in these threads... I am really fat, but I guess I camo it well enough in costumes that no one can tell I should be in this category.

>> No.7593847

I feel for you. I've lost 70lbs myself just by making very small changes. For the most part I've kept it off. I gained about 15lbs over the course of a year due to changes in my work (more hours and stress led to comfort eating and return to old habits, but lost it and a lot more). I'm now about 3lbs overweight (going by BMI) and about 20 or so from my goal weight.

The most important thing I could tell anyone is to make changes in your life that you can keep up with. Some people work out great cutting out all the garbage. Other people? They're around others or have families that eat a lot of crap. Knowing how to deal with that is important. Swap the fries for a salad, go with chicken rather than a cheeseburger. Eat better for other meals or the rest of the week. Find a workout regimen that works for you that you can keep up with. Keep tabs on your weight. Learn your base metabolic rate, after a day of eating too much, eat less for a day or two. Find some way that motivates you to maintain that lower weight so that you don't gain it back.

What's more, losing weight is a personal decision someone has to make for themselves. End of story.

>> No.7593973 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1366x768, Mythology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interview with the Son Of Zeus, Father Of Aesthetics:


>> No.7593994


That's not rage. It's like when you're sitting there after Indiana Jones 4. You're not mad, you're just staring at the screen. You're not disappointed either, it's some weird phantom feeling of "why."

>> No.7594152

> Fat people are just like you and me!

> There's nothing unattractive about being fat!

You people make me sick. Luckily you're going to be dead before you hit 50.

>> No.7594171
File: 86 KB, 1920x1080, 1341151690476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you guys

>> No.7594195

I feel as though there are just as many comments made about overweight male cosplayers, but they don't cry about it via internet.

just sayin.

>> No.7594377

For the most part girls attack other girls. Guys tend to be indifferent to girls they don't find attractive and turn into creepers or idiots over girls they do like.

>> No.7594443

To bring this back around to cosplay, honest and legit question to overweight cosplayers: why do you cosplay?

I have read the comments saying "I do it for fun!", and yeah, cosplaying is fun, but...well, a good portion of that fun is being around other people, having your cosplay noticed and enjoyed by others. Cosplay is (to me at least) the fun of creating a costume that culminates in having other people enjoy your costume, from taking photos to simply saying "Hey, I like your costume!"

I have never been an overweight cosplayer, but I have seen people's reactions to overweight cosplayers, which range from not commenting to the reactions in this thread. So I ask: is this fun to you? Cosplaying without people appreciating your cosplay? I really am just curious.

For the record: I'm talking about cosplaying against body type, i.e. an overweight individual cosplaying Harley Quinn or Kratos or something.

>> No.7594444

My problems are not caused by weight, but they effect my weight loss, that's the only relation between the two.

I'm 5'6 and 187lb, I eat about 1500-1700 calories a day and exercise 2 to 3 times a week at a gym. I only started losing more decent amounts of weight when I started exercising more often.
The cause of this is a thyroid disorder. A normal person would be able to lose weight much easier.

>> No.7594453

I always come to these threads, not because I particularly care for fat cosplayers/lolitas, but because I always think that half the thread will be wank about fat people.

And it always happens. I enjoy the drama though.

>> No.7594454

>The cause of this is a thyroid disorder.

Isn't that what all fat people say?

>> No.7594457


Congrats on the weight loss.

>> No.7594489

Really just for fun, and the personal challenge of creating something from nothing.

I've learned that if you put too much value (in anything, regardless of your appearance) in other people, you are bound for disappointment.

I could have one picture taken, or no compliments, but if I enjoyed making it and wearing it then I'm happy. Of course, anyone is happier with praise, but I don't expect it to be handed to me. That said, when I was heavier, (I'm just slightly chub now, but I used to be well into the obese category) I'd pick costumes that weren't revealing, flattering, and challenged my skill level. I did get a lot of praise back then, some hate, but I didn't let it bother me. I was mostly doing it for the enjoyment of doing so.

>> No.7594503

If you're being medicated properly than the weight will drop quickly.

>> No.7594528

Tyroid disorders are the lamest of excuse. I have a tyroid disorder but I keep an eye on what I eat an I exercise a lot. It's not a valid excuse for being fat.

>> No.7595098
File: 525 KB, 500x274, tumblr_m92on0adgM1r3m921o1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I really love sewing and making things! But honestly outside of cgl people aren't as uptight about overweight cosplayers/still give them praise if the cosplay is good. Of course I make sure I'm wearing things that are flattering on my body. The only times I've felt like no one "appreciated" my cosplay was when I was doing something not very recognizable. But honestly I'm happiest sewing, which is why I also make cosplays for friends and commissioners!

>> No.7595260
File: 2.62 MB, 600x338, laff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's so big she's wearing the galaxy as her swimsuit!

muh sides

>> No.7595280
File: 8 KB, 165x143, troll-doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread is 99% shitposting but it makes me so mad that
>somewhere some insecure bitch is making herself feel better by putting down other people because of their weight and hiding behind "oh but I care about your health!"
You're ugly on the inside, whores. And your insincerity is painfully obvious. Stop.

>> No.7595289


>wanting to help give resources to people to lose weight = insecurity


>> No.7595300

>typing some backhanded advice on the internet = helping
u wot

>> No.7595306

>mfw 5'2 95 pounds
>not attracted to fat people because i don't want to get crushed during sex
>fat privilege is being able to have sex with every body type

>> No.7595315

Thermodynamics would like a word with you. It's possible to absorb less than 100% of the nutrients you take in but literally impossible to absorb more than 100% of the nutrients you take in.

>> No.7595323

Both of you are stupid. First because not everyone in the thread is actually giving any advice and secondly because the point of advice is to give a person some sense of direction they're lacking which might actually help.

If the advice is accurate, that is.

>> No.7595329

So whenever there is an issue about obesity in politics do you think that they're talking about a non-issue? Are you saying that obesity is not a problem that should be solved, then? We should just ignore it and not do anything about it?

>> No.7595355

Cosplay to me is more about construction and skill rather than your body type. I think as a larger person you should consider your body when making a costume. You know, don't cosplay the characters in bikinis or half naked or whatever. I'm a big girl and I try to dress accordingly in normal life, why would I suddenly cosplay someone half naked?

Everything else I feel is fair game. But if you're going to be lazy about it - fat or thin- why even bother? Keep your shitty wigs, poorly constructed props, and terrible sewing for Halloween.

I mean if your costumes is fucking amazing it shouldnt matter if you're a twig or a whale. That's what cosplaying in general is to me.

Now if you're really interested in PROFESSIONAL HARDCORE COSPLAY yeah. diet and work out and get your shit tight for that. But if you're having fun and this is your hobby the only thing that matters is the construction and quality of your work.

>> No.7595363


>> No.7595446

The last few fat cosplay threads we had were relatively peaceful, what the hell happened here? Has the recent influx to /cgl/ of more people who want to look at sexy cosplayers, rather than make cosplay and find inspiration/help, really been that bad? Or maybe the title just didn't convey that it's a thread for good/fitting/accurate fat cosplay.

>> No.7595460


>But if you're having fun and this is your hobby the only thing that matters is the construction and quality of your work.

Then why cosplay at a convention at all? If you don't care what other people think and are only doing this for yourself, why go to a convention full of people who will judge your cosplay?

>> No.7595568

Uh. What?

>> No.7595581

>Then why cosplay at a convention at all?
Because you enjoy cosplaying (the quality and construction and time you put into the work and the final product)

> why go to a convention full of people who will judge your cosplay?
For the other reasons of going to a convention. Y'know, watching panels, dancing, having fun, partying, meeting people, etc etc.

People will judge the cosplay, but that doesn't mean that the person being judged has to care what the opinions of those doing the judging are.

>> No.7595633

Everyone should care about fat people because their lack of self-control drives up your health insurance costs to finance the plethora of health problems and complications related to obesity.

Thanks Obama.

>> No.7596451

>trying to lose weight, struggling with food addiction and work
>people keep insisting "nah babe don't do that you're beautiful just the way you are!"

Bitch I'm trying to lose because I'm 100lbs over and my joints are disintegrating when I'm only in my 20's. It's one thing to try and make sure people feel good about themselves, it's another thing to actively try to discourage someone from losing weight when they NEED to for health reasons.

I'm not saying all fat people are unhealthy, but being big enough DOES have repercussions that can affect one's skeletal frame.

I'll spend less money on fabric when I lose that weight, too.

>> No.7596455

Remember when the mayor of New York wanted to remove 'big size' soda cup in fast foods and restaurant and people went on strike for it ? It made the whole Europe laught and we still talk about it.
Obama care for your health, american citizen don't.

>> No.7596456
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What is it like to pretend you have life and people experience from your mother's basement?

>> No.7596460

Amen brodah

>> No.7596462

I've never met a fat person who liked or wanted to be fat.

>> No.7596471

As long as there is McDonalds there will be fat and ignorant Americans. Have you figured out which of the two you are?

>> No.7596484

What's it like never having dealt with people in general? Fat people tend to be prima donnas. This is usually part of why they're fat in the first place.

>> No.7596495

>Some people just WANT to be fat
LOL good one anon.
If there was a pill that had no side effects and made you skinny in a week with no saggy skin or tits, all of you would fucking take it you know you'd all take it.
You'll argue and lie and say MUH CURVES but you know it's true.

>> No.7596501

Mcdonalds never makes anyone fat. No fast food does, unless that makes up 98% of your diet.

mcdonalds and ignorance dont correlate.

>> No.7596518

Autism-chan we know your fat and uggu we have seen your pix your hypocritical attention whore

>> No.7596532

I'll take the bait this time
>Mfw I'm considered "fat" yet couldn't suffocate any lover from 95lbs to 250lbs unless I sat my cunt on their face and pushed down, but they like that. Some people are not only ugly on the inside but their stupid is showing on the outside

>> No.7596537

Not even them but I agree with them.
Skinny people are generally healthier and clothes look cuter on skinny people. I must have autism if I want to stay a skinny healthy girl who doesn't have to fight for why my fat rolls are beautiful.

>> No.7596538

It's great actually, people (yourself included) are fucking retarded in general, whether they are skinny, fat or somewhere in between. The less interaction the better.

>> No.7596639

I see the point alot of you guys are making. Personally, as a chubby guy, I don't cosplay characters that I'd just look ridiculous as (nobody wants a fat black Yugiyoh or something). The way I see it is, if you really want to cosplay, try to at least make it so your body doesn't completely ruin it. For example, I'm gonna be rockin' a TF2 Soldier cosplay this weekend. I won't look stupid fat in it, if anything, I'll just a heavier set Soldier.

>> No.7597316
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fat rolls /= thick/curvy

>> No.7597328
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I'm actually amazed this hasn't been posted yet

>> No.7597338
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>> No.7597343
File: 419 KB, 1100x650, 1341194255348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never see someone this morbidly obese AND ugly at conventions.
If they are there then they must be invisible to me, I never see someone this bad.
It's one thing to be a size 16, but it's another to be 300 pounds.
>someone slightly fat is probably thinking this image applies to them

>> No.7597358


>> No.7597363
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1367913312037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you could ask anyone on 4chan who their favorite anime character is, and NOT ONE of them would name a fat character.

just saying.

>> No.7597364

what my fav char is choji the butterfly guy from naruto

>> No.7597393


not anime but Coop from Megas XLR

>> No.7597405

tht's not anime that was just an american cartoon

>> No.7597437


read my post

>> No.7597518
File: 656 KB, 656x432, 1387332485444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much summer in this thread.

>> No.7597528

Oh look it's /cgl/ throwing around the word summer again.

>> No.7597536

cry more

>> No.7597552
File: 440 KB, 921x741, 1401143208213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this study which you can find on pubmed.org from 224 obese people that were "resistant to diets" according to themselves, 223 had no real issue other than just failing at math and overrating their caloric spending, the other one had a mild thyroid problem that was easily treatable with medication.

Chances are that you did it wrong. Not that your body is immune to diet and the principles of thermodynamics.

>> No.7597555
File: 1.35 MB, 150x113, 1374458504509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For some of us, fat IS beautiful/sexy

>> No.7597557

I eat once a week at Mc Donalds, Im fit. Other than high sodium, a burguer doesnt have bad macros.

>> No.7597568
File: 154 KB, 467x506, 1387768325967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Equating race to lifestyle, habits, and choices
Kill yourself.

>> No.7597574

That samefagging.

You fat piece of shit, no one likes you, stop pretending you are a man that likes fat whales, even if you were it would be just a fetish like necrophilia.

Also, Ive never ever seen anyone at any restaurant saying: "This steak is pure bone! bring me another with very little meat and tons of fat!".

There is a difference between bone, meat and fat. Stop using the steak analogy.

>> No.7597579

Just like how amputees are beautiful to some? Maybe we should just let people cut off their arms and legs while we're at it?

>> No.7597586
File: 17 KB, 347x287, 1380606868232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, look summer. look. moot pls ban th cancer. /b/read of da year. time 4 /r9k/ 2 git in dis.

>> No.7597588

I don't recognise the source, but she's cute and the bottom of the skirt looks cool.

White makeup is hella hard to apply smoothly, so props to the Harley for doing it well and looking good (especially the wig). It looks like she's wearing shapewear under the bodysuit, too.

Seconding anon's comment above that the details are lovely!

>> No.7597593

M8, you tried to white knight but you ended up being a huge creep. How's virginity treating you?

>> No.7597609

>Implying you aren't included.

>> No.7597649
File: 303 KB, 1000x1500, shinozaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chubby girls like pic related can be cute. Otherwise, fat acceptance preachers are just kidding themselves when they say that their bodies are attractive. Or they just don't know how great being thin feels.

I won't hate somebody just for being overweight, but if you don't respect yourself enough to take care of your body (especially if you know you're going to wear revealing cosplay), you won't have my full respect either.

>> No.7597657
File: 160 KB, 640x520, Kota_HOTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE hunnie.
Fuck you, pic related.

>> No.7597660

Nigga, that's average weight. Other than that, spot on.

>> No.7597663
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 1305225689546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This steak is pure bone! bring me another with very little meat and tons of fat!".

Authentic wagyu beef has a lot of fat and marbling, and it's very desirable and expensive.
You seem like a cunt that doesn't order steak ever.

>> No.7597667

Welp, I'm just too accustomed to Japanese weight standards.

>> No.7597670

>"I'm a weeaboo."

>> No.7597680
File: 200 KB, 750x600, fatpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplay for me, not anyone else. I like creating the costume. I do characters I admire, and that I don't often see cosplayed. At the same time, I'm not so delusional to think that it would be acceptable to walk around in a zentai suit or bikini. Fat acceptance and HAES groups are bull shit, and nothing pisses off a fatty more than a fatty in denial.

>> No.7597695
File: 641 KB, 1280x720, 1386853519585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-just a bit.

>> No.7597708

>I'm not so delusional to think that it would be acceptable to walk around in a zentai suit or bikini
Yeah, but shitposters aren't saying that. They're saying fatties should never cosplay.
Or just be confined to obese characters like Ursula. I think everyone sane agrees that as long as it covers up problem areas, it's fine for fatties to cosplay.

>> No.7597721
File: 49 KB, 460x345, 1401556232572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I dunt care what my highschool buliz say, my mommie says sum1 will love someday an ill luv dem cuz we special snowflakes
>Since when do normal people of the majority that are actually likable set the standard and hold what is or is not acceptable.

>> No.7597727

Is that cat supposed to be you? You do seem like a dumb ass shitposter that nobody wants :^)

>> No.7597731

imagine being this autistic.

>> No.7597733

literally a summerfag.
go back to 9fag

>> No.7597734

>shitposting more for effect
>hermegerd, not making fun of fats? must be summer xDDDD

>> No.7597736



>> No.7597745
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 1383184385311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling me dumb is you only response at this point? Not even going to apply any sort of logic to it, just going the middle school route of"Hur iz dat you?"

>> No.7597749

She's a tiny bit chubs for an Asian. Asian people typically gain more peripheral fat(around the organs) as opposed to ectopic fat(think beer belly). I.E fat Asians don't look as fat as they are because the fat mostly accumulates around the organs as opposed to over the muscle.

Black people tend to gain fat opposite of this and White people are somewhere inbetween but gain a bit more e fat before p fat

>> No.7597756


>not about being eyecandy

Like Hell it's not.

>> No.7597778

>flabs of fat
I can honestly say she is unnatractive

>> No.7597784

And we find you fat sacks of lard now. I suppose culture should be taken as a role model when it tries to exalt your fat asses?

>> No.7597790

>believing in body types
Tumblr pls

>> No.7597802

Unless you have a proper diet and exercise that's expected
Your story only proves that fat people are lazy excuse making shits that would rather change an entire culture than get off their fat ass and stop eating enough for an entire African village
If you eat around 2000 calories a day and are still obese you either defy the conservation of energy, have an unknown method of absorbing energy and changing it into mass or are in some kind of state of hibernation

>> No.7597807

You say that because you're hideous, everyone has a desire to mate and show themselves off as beautiful and attractive
But because you look like the Michelin man you do it by buying extravagant dresses with frills and bright colors

>> No.7597813


>> No.7597822

You even sound fat

>> No.7597831

I've always wondered how much DNP we could pump into a fat person without killing them. Since they have so much fat to burn can't we just give them 500mg and call it a day? Would they have to cycle?

>> No.7597859
File: 296 KB, 334x731, fuarken ZEEZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here

if you are fat just eat at 500cal defecit, or eat big and do endless cardio it because you don't have any gains to kill, then you can cosplay anyone you like at any time

we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.7597867

I didn't know he cos played
He's good

>> No.7597882

/fit/ here

Fuck endless cardio. Want to know the secret to metabolism? Muscle requires energy to be created and to be maintained. Significantly more energy for both those things for a pound of muscle than a pound of fat.

If you don't see where I'm going with this, just read StrongLifts 5x5 and do that. It's a simple short routine that works for beginners who want to be in and out of the gym fast.

>> No.7597886


>> No.7597890

tumblr pls go

>> No.7597893


>> No.7597897

>"for beginners"
Holy shit, my fucking back.
Stronglifts is fucking retarded and I'm never going to try and push my weight limit that hard ever again.

>> No.7597899
File: 37 KB, 480x720, cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /cgl/, Jeff here. I want to cosplay as natty. How do I make natty gains? what are the reqs for natty?

ps: i'm 5'10 btw

>> No.7597903

I reckon most cosplayers actually want to stay relatively skeleton

>> No.7597906

Goobs pls go

>> No.7597910
File: 101 KB, 350x524, natty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7597914

Please don't troll in a thread where we can help people. If you deadlift 4pl8 for reps it isn't for you. At that point madcow, texas method, PHAT, 531 are all fine transitions. Beginners are so far below the weight limit for the amount of muscle they have on their body that they can, even if they have very little muscle to start with.

You can sustain something like Stronglifts for about a year.

>> No.7597918

>starts out a fat cosplay thread with a shitty, mediocre fat person
No wonder this thread went to shit, it was shit from the beginning and probably a thinly veiled troll.

>> No.7597922

Then eat at maintenance and don't roid and your lifts will naturally stall out at the max they can be without you eating more and getting bigger.

>> No.7597944

>If you deadlift 4pl8 for reps
Not even close. I was 6 months into it, tried to squat 130, completely threw my back out. Hobbling around my house like an old man for a week. Started with Scoob's bodyweight routine a few weeks later and went from there, never looked back.

>> No.7597954

I'm actually losing weight right now and it really is that easy unless you have a medical condition. You're likely really underestimating the calories in something (which is what I was doing and couldn't understand how I was gaining weight). This is pretty common and there's an entire show in the UK about it called Secret Eaters.

I've cut out fast food, alcohol, starches, and most carbs for the time being. I eat foods high in protein and green leafy veggies. I eat 1200-1400 calories a day and am not hungry more so it's that I get bored and want to eat but I grab a glass of water in that case.

Granted I'm only trying to lose about 20 lbs to get back down to my comfort zone but it's really only hard if you're not trying at all.

>> No.7597971

>that image

fukken saved

>> No.7598037

>"They luv it, so ur just sily!"
How about they're lazy with no self-control or discipline?

>> No.7598053

Thyroids do not increase weight significant, or even mentionably, therefore you're lying

>> No.7598062

It depends on the hormonal imbalance cause by a fucked up thyroid anon. If it's really bad 30-50lbs increase isn't unheard of. However it is more than managable with meds and a tailored diet with exercise you can lose weight.

While muh thyroid isn't an excuse, it's not all bs.

>> No.7598095

>go to /fit/
>read the sticky
>do what the sticky says

I lost 70 pounds thanks to that sticky, despite having a "fat" body type. It was easy, just stop being a fat lazy fuck who makes bullshit excuses and you'll make it.

>> No.7598120

You really should stop using "Oh" to start your phrases like that. It doesn't do anything but make you seem condescending while trying to appear cool and above it all but is really quite upset