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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7584598 No.7584598 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a link for the first Episode of Season 2?

>> No.7584683


>> No.7586451
File: 209 KB, 900x591, yveltal_by_drphantom24-d5r5lss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO! We talked about how in general everything so "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh." but how come the two girls, who are soooo amazing at making detailed Madd Effect armors, totally fuck up Yvetal? The hell was the fur...neck..carpet thing? Why no foam cut outs of the eyebrow ridges/horn things and glued to her face? Why was it so messed up? I could think of a million different ways to go about it then what they did.

>> No.7586490

Wtf? Is that Meg Turney?
I really liked her on Source Fed. Damn. I have a feeling like that won't last long now.

>> No.7586632

nah, it's chloe dykstra, the gretchen wieners of cosplay (her dad invented light sabers, and she trades on that for geek cred)

>> No.7586642
File: 21 KB, 513x95, foamtweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are lazy fucks? Its the only really reason I can see for why they dont pump out more good costumes since their Mass Effect ones. They claim they have a company but when you go to the site they have nothing to show on their site blog beyond "Lol I saw a movie today!" What do they do all day? Jessica works for Bioware but Holly seems to just sit around living on her husbands youtube money. Oh and making videos teaching people how to cosplay... Though should someone really teach something they rarely do without pre-buying everything?

Its kinda mind boggling that she has all these connections with actual Hollywood movie FX ppl and doesnt do anything with them. Besides their Mass Effect armor and the first Krogan (2nd one was terrible) they havent done anything. Their most recent costumes were all made by someone else because they cant sew.

Here have some irony. Holly when she first was cosplaying used to bitch about people who used only foam to make things and that seems to be all she does herself now.

>> No.7586644

That had to make in five days... for drama.

Jesse was pretty cool back in Season 1. I don't know what he was thinking with the megaman costume though. Seemed like such a downgrade for his skill level.

Got 2 more guys this season. Don't know who they are. Feels like there should be a crossplay done on the show. Guess you can't have that when you're making fake drama to pad the show more.

>> No.7586661

Carl I know from the Texas scene, was actually really surprised when he said he was going to be on the show, because he really didn't seem like the type. Creatures, props and makeup are his forte, because he sculpts so well. I've always known him to be a really nice and talented guy, but then again I don't know him well, so who knows. I know his sister much better.

>> No.7586664

>... for drama.

I wish TV would stop with this shit. I don't care about fake drama and bitching. I want to like the people I'm watching and I want to see what they can create without ridiculous limits.

>> No.7586678
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Carl and April are really nice people! I'm both excited and nervous that he's going to be on the show, but it seeems like they've cut down on editing people to look like assholes.

>> No.7586699

i thought the arm wings were cool but everything else worn wasn't good at all. Fennekin's design was so god damn slutty and plain! Entering a competition with some hooker boots and short dress? Why not the magical girl versions?! they look so much better and give more wow

>> No.7586788

They didn't even make the other costumes. Shitty satin gloves and mismatching yellows? Please.

>> No.7586813

No, it shows in the opening scene the name "Meg" and a girl that either coincidentally looks like or is her.

>> No.7587350

cause Chloe nor any of the crab cats can sew. So everything is bought.

>> No.7587372

She only said that because she has a beef with Volpin, because he is actually successful and she allied herself with a dying company who is going to be dissolved by EA within the next year.

Holly, Jessica, and Chloe are all retards.

>> No.7587438

So I stumbled upon this panel video on youtube with a bunch of the HoC cast. I haven't finished watching the whole thing yet but is it just me or can you feel the general undertone of the cast being sick of being on the show already? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIxVfeZR5WY

The tidbit about cons canceling on them and the cast having to rush to a different con and make a whole new outfit made me lol though.

>> No.7587619

Is it just me, or has the show changed somehow? The heroes actually congratulated one of the winners, there was slightly more goofing around (at least when compared to the last season), professional costumer's work was shown in detail... Of course, Yaya-glorification never changes and I'm already getting tired of the "let's start our elaborate costumes a week before the con, yaaay", but some changes have happened.

>> No.7587662

Each episode makes it seem like these conventions are all back to back, forcing the cosplayers to make new costumes every week. When in reality they are months apart and either spend longer making the costumes then the show lets on or procrastinated like lazy bitches.

>> No.7587834


Apparently in some cases it is only a few days.

>> No.7587902

Meg is new in the show.

>> No.7587970

The only problem I have with this excuse is they shouldnt be surprised after the first season about having to make new costumes so fast. If they were smart they would plan ahead with a couple of costumes they could make for different cons and start planning and patterning right away.

They could leave if they wanted too considering Monika did. Sounds like Yaya and Riddle are probably the only ones under a longer contract considering they almost called the show Yaya's World and they were the cosplayers who first signed up. They just like the attention and the special treatment they are getting. Which they should just admit and drop the poor us act.

>> No.7588111

Am I the only one that caught that she had to spray paint her sunglasses? Like how hard is it to find white sunglasses?

I thought Yvetal was going to be epic, but the lack of horns made this whole thing awkward. No wonder they didn't place.

>> No.7588113

>XY female trainer
>"no one's done her before!"
It's not like people have literally been cosplaying her since the day she was revealed or anything...

>> No.7588227 [DELETED] 

Does anyone know who the cute pinkie pie cosplayer in the beginning is? She flashes on screen for a few seconds, I love good MLP cosplayers they're so rare

>> No.7588464
File: 50 KB, 960x574, 10301542_875959672420140_2218589866467633873_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else expect. I dont know. A better cosplay from Indra/Fantasy ninja? The armor isnt cut out good so the lines are uneven and wobbly, and the headpiece is so flat and boring. The bodice fit badly and was made from hideous material you could see in the close ups. I thought I liked her costumes but looking at her gallery now, its all sloppy details and tons of blur in photoshop.

>> No.7588673

Not the only one. Compared to the reference picture she was using, I expected it to look better and a lot more detailed.

>> No.7589267

i've just started watching this show, and my main question is why did they choose the people they've selected to follow, when overall their cosplays are rushed or lackluster, or don't make sense with the con? especially freaking "cats: memesical".

>> No.7589276

I thought it was too flat and too dark. In some shots it looked totally brown. I know she was going for weathered bronze but it should still look shiny since it is She-Ra

>> No.7589486

because everyone who's been chosen was hand picked by Yaya, has been kissing her ass to get more *~*exposure*~* or is doing cosplay as a professional thing, which is the angle Yaya seems to be trying to take with cosplay as a whole for everyone. It's no longer a hobby guys, it's srs work that will pay your bills.

>> No.7589494

I don't know about you guys but I'm super psyched Holly is back this season. last season she walked in as Ross (her husband) was streaming while he worked on an animation and started bitching about how the show was being torn apart on tumblr while he just nodded and replied with single word answers. Lookin' forward to whatever off-screen drama she might bring forward.

>> No.7589589

It would be a lot better if they showcased maybe different stages of cosplayers; hobbyists and people spinning it into careers (or using it as practice, like some of the contestants on face off), and watching them balance budgeting and work and fabrication. The whole season would just be one con (pick the major ones around the US like otakon, sakuracon, ACen) and it would walk us through maybe 4 or so people as they go from idea to finalized project.
But of course then Yaya wouldn't get to whine about everything onscreen all the time so

>> No.7589690

while i like this idea, i think the average person would find it boring as hell....reality tv tends to be all about the drama, whether real or fabricated, so that's what they're rolling with.

>> No.7589818

>It's not like people have literally been cosplaying her since the day she was revealed or anything...
I thought the exact same thing.

>> No.7589832


>> No.7589862

Yeah that's Meg Turney.

>> No.7589869

>this same joker

This is a cosplay show on a board about cosplay. Fuck off.

>> No.7589939


Please tell me there's an archive of this stream somewhere

>> No.7589999

you could wring a lot of drama from stuff not turning out right, con plans falling through due to loss of transportation/etc, stuff not coming in... basically a lot of the other stuff on heroes of cosplay that isn't 'omg becky doesnt want to work with me what a bitch"

>> No.7590283

10 minutes in and they already called Yaya cosplay queen.

>> No.7590347

>dat MGR group
>dat Seiya

>> No.7591275

Hate to be that guy, but does anyone have a link for a torrent or a good stream? I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but google gives me nothing.

>> No.7591773

You're having a hard time because it's not really Season 2 it's Season 1 episode 7

>> No.7592205

that had me laughing, since she's pitched a fit in the past when people have called her that.

>> No.7592410

That explains it. Thanks !

>> No.7592448

If you can use a Canadian proxy, Space.ca puts up the new episodes usually a day or two after they air.

>> No.7592460

My understanding was that their SUPER AWESOME PRO AWARD WINNING Mass Effect cosplay group was largely done by other people. Despite their whole crab cat studio thing, they don't really seem to do much, cosplay-wise, and in that little Pacific Rim tribute they did with the Game Grump, they kind of showed their hand, so to speak, when they revealed all their professional costume and prop making friends from Hollywood, who did all their work for them.

>> No.7592466

This. This. This.

The show is about Yaya furthering her career as a non-productive star of the cosplay community. She's not trying to make cosplay cooler or more professional or push for bigger more professional competitions with better prizes. She's pushing for more Yaya time because Yaya time means more money.. She wants to be famous and wealthy and loved for being Yaya, and nothing else.

>> No.7592495
File: 113 KB, 338x309, Screen Shot 2014-06-01 at 4.52.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It bugs me a lot that they don't give you names of the cosplayers. I'd follow the hell out of that Raiden cosplayer from the MGR group. Please tell me someone knows his name or something?

>> No.7592594

Indra/Fantasyninja is fake as hell, and a big source of drama in Florida.

She was fucking another cosplayer's boyfriend secretly for many months, sometimes at cons and then swore other cosplayers to secrecy. When she got caught, she didn't apologize for betraying her friend and only wanted to know who "ratted her out."

She says she hasn't competed for years, but lost miserably in her diablo armor a year and a half ago and threw the winners, including her own friends who won, on 4chan.

She and John are already slated to be the next stars, and when they air the Megacon episode, it will be edited to make them appear to win everything but in reality they were placed in a separate category with only two other contestants previously screened and selected, with Yaya being the deciding factor.

>> No.7593161


Whoa, and Indra was looking like the normal one on the show this time around.

Anything else?

>> No.7593258

I love how these are supposed to be the cream of the crop with the production team trying to market them as the greatest cosplayers of all time and yet they constantly have their "Heroes" beaten out around every single turn.

>> No.7593288

Are they supposed to be the best cosplayers ever? Or does it seem like they picked people with some sort of 'pull' to be on their show? I dont remember that girls name who is dating chris hardwick but she seems far from an AMAZING cosplayer, but it seems like she's got connections in the biz. Yaya is sort of the same way.

More or less when i watched the first season (I have yet to watch the new episodes yet) I was interested in their process a bit. That was cool. Most of their personalities were interesting enough so that when they were talking it wasn't just a complete asperger bore-fest. They all seem to live in the same area too, right? That makes everything easier.

Seeing them lose in competitions is great too. If you saw them win all the time you'd suspect that there was some foul play since they are on ~tv~. But no, it comes down to the costumes and their competition.

>> No.7593297

>I was interested in their process a bit

I wouldn't be taking any tips from the show, just about everything they were doing last season was wrong or the stupidest possible way to go about something.

>> No.7593315

well yeah, i've learned that now. but seeing whatever they did being done was still interesting. It made for a good tv show. People on this board will nitpick it completely apart but from a TV watcher perspective it had it's interesting points.

>> No.7593316

I think it was a poor choice of title. Nothing they're doing is remotely heroic.

>> No.7593318

I think you can get some footage of them actually explaining stuff on SyFy's website but I've never looked into that section. From that panel interview it sounds like they hated trying to make stuff with films crews around because they would constantly ask them to dumb down their explanations to the point where they couldn't explain anything and would just make most of their costumes when the crew left.

>> No.7593323

I was talking to my friend about this show. He called it titties of cosplay. Truth.

>> No.7593381

yeah i was never really very impressed with anything i saw her in (back when i was in FL). i know people who sew better and make much nicer, cleaner armor pieces.

more notes on the megacon china trip thing that she won...anon already mentioned that there were only 3 entries. also, the contest was announced maybe a month before the con. the megacon anime contest has become pretty bad in the last 5 years or so...so people already were less likely to enter. plus you had to be a duo.

>> No.7593663

The special trip to China was presented during the costume contest as if it were the same thing, but it was totally separate. Groups had to be approved to enter, so Heroes of Cosplay producers could approve the competition. Again, there were only three groups approved. The prize was a trip to compete at the chinese knock off WCS where Heroes of Cosplay will film Yaya Han acting as a "manager" for the duo. Yaya, Indra and John all signed their contracts BEFORE Megacon happened. It was already decided they would go. The show will air edited to make it seem like they won the entire masquerade and got a great prize, when in truth it was a rigged contest entirely separate from the actual costume contest. I feel terrible for the poor saps who thought they had a chance.

>> No.7593678

yup. i remember when the anime folks from mega announced the contest like it wasn't a rigged thing. people got ecited for about 5 seconds, then saw it was a "yaya approved" thing and passed on it entirely.

TBH the megacon anime contest isn't THAT great...then again, easier for HoC to sandbag it i guess.

>> No.7593700

True. And the anime sushi contest is only one of many costume contests at Megacon. In fact, the other contests announced publically that they were not affiliated with Heroes of Cosplay, and the audiences went wild with applause.

>> No.7593730

Wait. Other than the Universal Costume Contest what other contests are there a Megacon? Last time I went they only had that one and the anime costume contest.

>> No.7593743

Stars Wars costume contest, Comic book character costume contest, Cosmos costume contest, and more small fandom-specific costume contests.

>> No.7593769

Oh cool. I'll have to look out for these next time I go. Thanks.

>> No.7593809

I guess the anime sushi contest allows western video game cosplay in it because I could have sworn Indra won in a LoL costume. Hilarious considering it was an anime cosplay contest.

>> No.7594197

I don't like Yaya but I like Yaya's hair (the purple is her actual hair, right?) It's clearly had a lot done to it etc but it looks surprisingly healthy.

>> No.7594213

Why can't they just ask for people's names or handles when they film them and then flash them on the show when their image is shown?
This show just gives zero shits

>> No.7594228

If you watch the Morgan Spurlock Comic Con documentary you get to see the other people they worked on the costumes with. (which included a fairly large girl and guy, iirc) I have a feeling once Holly and Jessica started getting more exposure they dropped them asap.

>> No.7594229

I think (?) I've been following this Raiden on FB for quite some time. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.

4chan won't let me add the link, but add /andrewscosplay on to the end of facebook.com.

I totally freaked when I saw the MGR group, especially since I actually recognised the cosplayers in it, hahah.

>> No.7594232

Thanks anon, I actually JUST found him and was about to link but thanks!

>> No.7594347

Monika didn't leave on her own accord. She had the lowest ratings on the show and was cut.

>> No.7594355

They picked them for drama, catty arguments, and previous popularity and exposure on the internet that might lead to higher ratings, not for their skill..

>> No.7594514
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She was worst character anyway

>> No.7594555

I hate it when people describe themselves at ''Super crazy and geeky'' it really makes my speshiul snowflake radar go off.

>> No.7594557

Also sorry, that was me ending a rant before explaining whom it was about. That was literally Indra's introduction.

>> No.7594579

I noticed a lot of their stuff sort of starting to look the same.Or at least made with the same material/lazy craftsmanship (foam and paint). Maybe their just running out of steam.

I sort of feel like they told him to do the MM cosplay, It didn't seem like something a guy like that would do.

>> No.7594589

Yeah. I think they said something like that with one of the cosplays from the first season (I don't remember exactly), but when I heard that line, I just stared at my gf and we were like "how much bull shit."

>> No.7594594

is - is there video of this somewhere?

>> No.7594648

that made me cringe too. Whenever I see people introduce themselves on a reality show, I always try to imagine how I'd go about doing it. I'm not very good at talking about myself.

>> No.7594664

This is what I'd like to see. I've seen some costumes that certainly easily look better than what I've seen on the show. I watch because it gets me into the crafting mode but I'd like to see more focus on the actual construction aspect.

I think the girls with CrabCat could do much more although I did like the wing-arms as well. I also hope Jesse ups his game. Can't wait to see the other new cast since it's nice to see different faces, especially guys!

>> No.7594686
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Jesse wins on the New Orleans comic con episode.

>> No.7594687

Sadly this is all true. I can back anon up.

>> No.7594693


I saw that one and I liked his past costumes as well. Megaman, although fun, was just a lot...less than his usual stuff. He probably did it for more of a fun costume but I just love seeing cosplayers constantly raise or pass their own bars.

>> No.7594728

You mean he found a costume where his facial hair actually helped?

>> No.7594735

that's because she has extensions put in it to make it more full and has professionals to style it for her.

>> No.7594737

sauce? I thought Victoria had the lowest ratings. Monika is claiming she isn't on the show this time around because they weren't willing to accommodate her school schedule.

I think it has something to do with her being part of Atomic Hype now.

>> No.7594749

I don't get the school part. I watched the video o the HoC panel and where one of the crabcats was talking about how they never mentioend in the show how one of them was a full time student which is why they always seemed to be rushing. It's like it's hard enough to be a full time student, be a regular cosplayer and run a "business." Why did they think it was a good idea to add a reality show on top of that.

>> No.7594756

Maybe she's decided to stop slacking off, since she only has a couple of semesters left and is going to be busy doing another Blizzard internship this summer. And she might have been at risk of losing that internship if she didn't keep a certain gpa.

>> No.7594826

Crabcat is trying to make a "business" out of their cosplay and commissions. So they probably saw the show as exposure for their brand.

>> No.7594832
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So obviously the show was filmed a while ago so they'll still look huge.. but am I the only one who thinks it looks like Yaya recently got her implants reduced? They look so much smaller in her recent fanime photos

>> No.7594841

She used the school as an excuse. Smart of her. A few of the cosplayers dont actually want to be involved anymore, after they saw how Sci-Fi made them come off. There's a reason Sci-Fi called it "season 1.5" instead of 2; So that everyone is still under their original contracts. If they were asked to sign on for season 2, most of them would have said no.

>> No.7594844

Her boobs look a lot better. I hope she did get them reduced, they suit her better.

>> No.7594847

I've noticed that too. They still look huge in some recent costumes, but I think part of that at least is because of the pushup bras she wears. When she takes photos out of cosplay, her boobs look a lot more natural.

>> No.7594849
File: 676 KB, 616x613, Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 1.12.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if they have been reduced, I think they look soo much nicer. Still kind of big, but not implantballoon levels.

Yeah I actually saw her C.C at Fanime and they looked pretty big, but that costume also looks like it might have a crap ton of padding

>> No.7594860

She's really starting to show her age more than she used to.

>> No.7594868

Yaya's face looks so aged in that photo...she looks at least 43 years old.
I'm also envious of that dress.

>> No.7595006

>tfw you're the same age pretty much as yaya
>tfw your face looks way younger and everyone thinks you're still in college
oh yeah, man.


>> No.7595161
File: 52 KB, 559x480, Edna_mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might have already been said but I think I caught wind of something. I think they are doing easy costumes on purpose.

Do you remember the finale of last year how they had super-mega overkill on the rest of the competition? No other team had smoke machines, special lights or a huge-ass dragon with volunteers to help. At that skill level I'd be kind of embarrassed to compete. It's like Voplin bringing his Big Daddy Costume to your local shitcon with his own lighting crew. It's just ... overkill. Imagine competing in a contest and then finding out Yaya was a competitor?

So I don't think the Pokemon thing was to win, it was just for TV seeing as they are probably required to compete by contract. Yaya seems to grab a Guest Judge seat a lot so I guess that's her loop hole out of it.

>> No.7595182

If they just want to do some sort of speed cosplay competition, then they should do it in Face/off format, or whatever.

Each episode, they are given a workshop, a theme, and a time limit, and expected to churn out a costume quickly to compete for a panel of judges, which can include Yaya and any other wanna-be cosplay celebrities.

Doing this whole traveling to every con and constantly struggling to get a costume done in a few hours before the contest is fucking stupid and makes everyone look like a zero talent retard.

>> No.7595264

yup, the "bring an amazing awesome high level costume to a con in east bumblefuck" is what is known as sandbagging. i feel like most of the cons they go to are like this, since most of the shit i've seen on HoC couldn't win anything in a good contest. example, none of this shit would win anything at d*con or worldcon.

>> No.7595307

I heard Miggy was at some small con this past weekend, anyone got photos?

>> No.7595327

Would also be nice if they stopped implying that every con in existence is giving out massive cash prizes, or whatever.

>> No.7595332

From memory, I think that was referring to Tank Girl - so surprise surprise, the same person.

>> No.7595369

oh my god yes, this. i mean, some do....but most you might get $50 and a trophy or someweird animu shit form 5 years ago. i can't tell you how many random season 2 DVD boxsets i have laying around due to this.

>> No.7595373

And yet they still produce shot tier costumes that even newbie cosplayers could make better. Christ for people wanting to push their brand they sure as hell aren't making a good impression. Just wait for Hollys Dark Crystal costume tomorrow. Looks like it's made out of a trash bag.

>> No.7595403
File: 74 KB, 1111x2254, 1389488417292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants some pre drama for tomorrows ep where the cast goes to Ottawa Pop Expo?? One of the cosplay contest hosts came into a thread last year and talked about the filming.

Cant wait to seem them try to spin this 3rd (2nd?) year con into some huge Canadian event.

>> No.7595518

>Monika and Jessica have a booth
>a booth near Yaya

Oh the delicious drama this will cause. I wasn't much of a fan of Monika but I love how irrationally pissed off Yaya was about her 'protege' (booth slave) becoming friends with basically her rival.

Why did Monika leave anyway? Or did she get booted?

>> No.7595548

There are a couple theories.

>She rated low among viewers.
>Didnt want to do it anymore.

I think it was all 3. Why wouldnt someone who didnt like the show in their final year of college not want to leave the show? She has gotten all the publicity she needed from it as well as her internship with Blizzard what more can she squeeze from it? If you watch the panel posted earlier in the thread she admits the show was the reason she was even able to get to the Blizzard interview because the show paid for her to go. She probably just asked to get out of the show and they didnt really care and let her go.

>> No.7595578

>Looks over to the boxed set of Macross Frontier I won.
>That truth is so truth it hurts

>> No.7595588

Sorry, meant to say "is the most valuable thing I've ever won."

>> No.7595683

yeah, i know that feel. once i actually got something awesome: $500 in joann's giftcards kept me from paying for most of my supplies for almost 2 years.

>> No.7595737

Seriously this. at best you might get $100-$500 cash but if it's a big costume you won with that will pretty much just cover part of the costs of your winning costume. If you're in cosplay contests looking for them to be lucrative, then you're in hte wrong hobby.

>> No.7595749

For the longest time I thought US cons and everything non-ICG had stupid cash prizes so I was weirded out when I heard about them coming to Ottawa to film...

>> No.7595867

best to worst personalities on the show from the perspective of someone who only knows these people from the show (aside from yaya)

seems chill overall, does cool shit (the dragon boat and the pacific rim stuff specifically, but then that yvetal...), has a good attitude most of the time
seems experienced and doesn't throw a fit if something goes wrong, nice construction
really nice craftsmanship but man just ditch the facial hair for things you need to show your face for... doesn't whine, seems able to adapt to the situation and think realistically
decent construction, but seems TOO confident in her work (i thought it was unimpressive, honestly), gives an air of bitchiness i cant quite describe
can be annoying, seems less experienced but tries to make things work, though its clear why she's second string to holly
seems annoying and dependent on her beta as fuck roommate, but isn't a total dramaqueen and tries to get along with the others

Monika, Yaya, Chloe, and Victoria are all massive drama queens who are annoying as all fuck and i could give less of a shit what they do

>> No.7595892

Becky, Monika and Victoria aren't back this season. They were "replaced" with Indra, some chick from Venezuela and 2 dudes.

>> No.7595896

And Katie George. Fucking help us all, she's going to spout about WCS all the time

>> No.7596217

What is wrong with Chloe? I don't find her a drama queen at all tbh. I think she is pretty mellow just like Holly and Jessica. She can be a bit ''Look at all my geek cred!!11'' sometimes. But nothing drama worthy in particular. Yaya, Monika and Victoria however were annoying the crap out of me and act like huge bitches. Glad that two of them won't return. Can't really remember Riki though. For some vague reason I remember her as a bit of a bitch too..

I hate how this is the big Yaya show however. I love her costumes, but her personality is so rotten.

>> No.7596223

Isn't Chloe the one with all the porn pictures ? Like her lining up behind another girl to give some dude a blow job

Pretty sure just googling her full name+nude brings them all up

And something else I remember about her living off her Dad's money or something

>> No.7596234

I found some topless pics of her. And a Pic of a dude holding another dude's cock and her fully dressed behind them giving a thumbs up with some other people in the room too.

I don't really find that drama worthy tbh. It is her body and if she isn't bothered by it, then I am also not bothered by it. I rather have her make nudes then be a huge arrogant bitch like Yaya

>> No.7596239

I got some random 3rd or 4th disc from some anime I've never heard of for getting a judge's choice award.

>> No.7596281

I got nothing against Chloe, but it must be easy to have a good attitude when you don't have the stress of making any costumes or even a real job. I rather see a bitch on tv with good crafting techniques, then a nice girl who's biggest asset is Amazon Prime.

>> No.7596292

Is your safe search on? I found her getting fucked as well as tons of full nudes that are not some kind of leaked cell phone pictures but photo shoots. I don't care either what she does but it's funny she actually had a career in porn before.

>> No.7596345

This. She's probably my favourite personality-wise. She makes average costume but brughtens up the show for me.

>> No.7596370

>I hate how this is the big Yaya show however. I love her costumes, but her personality is so rotten.

That's because it was suppose to be her show. The original title of HoC was Yaya's World.

>> No.7596399

Oh yeah that could be it. Oh well I don't mind her porn career at all. Porn Stars are usually pretty cool people. At least I know here in The Netherlands there are some chicks who rocked the porn industry and have a really good sense of humor and self knowledge.

She is so bubbly and positive all the time. I love her personality. Her costumes are meh, but she is one of the few how just competes and cosplays for fun instead of ''I NEED THE PRIZE MONEY SO BAD''

Oh gross. If they called it that, then I would never watch

>> No.7596443

First year actually, it'll be hilarious to watch.

>> No.7596558

But she doesn't make her costumes at all.

>> No.7596564

Whatever, at least she actually appears to have fun.

>> No.7596680

She does doesn't she? I remember her working on her costumes earlier in the season. They wouldn't choose someone with zero experience in making their costumes IN A SHOW ABOUT MAKING COSPLAYS. I also remember hearing her in a podcast saying that not making your costume is lame and takes all the fun out of it. Everyone is laughing at her Fennekin cosplay but when Holly and Jessica asked her to join their Pokemon group it was pretty evident that she was very not keen so obviously she wouldn't put as much effort in.

>> No.7596708


Do you not remember the episode where she starts out sitting in front of a sewing machine literally struggling to thread it
and then is later shown in a finished, very polished Gaige cosplay?
She's a fucking fake. And a liar. I don't care if you commission your cosplays, it doesn't make you any less of a cosplayer, but don't pass someone else's work off as your own.

>> No.7596798

Her dad made her prop and she doesn't make any of her costume pieces. She commissions them from Creature Habits and other friends. Her Fennekin costume was a store bought yellow dress and hooker boots.

The show isn't about making costumes. We all hoped it would be but obviously it's only about drama and Yaya,

>> No.7596822

I think it was "no one's tried to do a bald-cap Tank Girl", which might actually be true.

>> No.7596836

I agree, Chloe's one of my favorites on there.
It was actually sort of heartwarming in one of the first few episodes where she was like "well of course it's ok when novices do it, cosplay is about having fun!" and pretty much every other person when they were out to dinner or something were like, nooo, it's about being professional and whatever, all that Yaya propaganda type shit. She just seems really sweet. I don't think having some porn of her exist makes her less sweet.

>> No.7596859

Yes this so much. And they were all laughing about fat people cosplaying one time and once again it was Chloe who called them out, about how it was about having fun and not your size or skill set.

>> No.7597044

This. She wears an elf costume later in this season and it's a sweater she's cut up and burberry leggings she paints over. It's not terrible but definitely shouldn't be winning awards over people who make things from scratch.

>> No.7597070

Adella made that Gaige costume for her. Chloe is full of shit

>> No.7597072

Except Jia was a baller and actually shaved her head when she did Tank Girl like 4 years ago

>> No.7597112

She's friends with Adella?

>> No.7597187

Keep in mind that not all contests care about craftsmanship. Comic conventions tend to lean towards who had the coolest stuff where anime cons will have standards from craftsmanship and care more about who made what.

Speaking of which I love how in the last episode of last season the judges outright refused to inspect Yaya's costume up close. She then makes a stink about how proper judging requires looking at a costume from every angle and up close. Even though you could tell the judges were basically saying "You're Yaya we believe you."

>> No.7597291

Yep. A lot of them were friends in the So Cal scene in the early 2000s so they all know one another.

>> No.7597304

>implying Chloe was around the scene in early 2000s
I doubt that.

captcha: usevemys concluding

>> No.7597318

No she wasnt but she knows ppl who were. Her first con she always talks about in interviews was in 2009 at NYCC where she wore the sign about her 'Daddy inventing the lightsaber'. Theres actually an article where someone interviewed her at the con. (http://www.pinkraygun.com/nycc-interview-chloe-dykstra/))

BUT shes friends with people who were big in the early So Cal 2000s scene and they all still hang out so ya she knows Adella. Creature Habits owner who made Chloe's Skyrim costume knows Adella and has done collabs with her. If you look at the Creature Habits etsy page they both model her flower crowns.

Also Chloe was in 'There Will be Brawl' web series as Malon. And a lot of the So Cal ppl were apart of that. So ppl get around.

>> No.7597319

Based host

so who's ready for the drama that is today?

>> No.7597326
File: 56 KB, 400x600, 1389427192372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ME. Here have some spoilers from tonight ep. Holly' s skeksie costume from Dark Crystal. Nice to see her continue with her theme of 'cant sew so just drape random fabric.'

Apparently she didnt win a award at the contest but they announced it the next day. Another anon came into a older thread and said that they were friends with a judge who commented that the costume didn't win any proper awards because of how messy the interior of it looked.

>> No.7597331

tell me about it. i may be at a disadvantage by never having SEEN dark crystal, but where the fuck is her head? i see a hand or two. its looks like the walmart fabric aisles threw up on her as she walked through

>> No.7597335

really wish the mod would do the weekly sticky.

>> No.7597336

Those creatures are kind of like hunchbacked vultures (you can google image if you're confused), so that's not surprising; I believe her head is near the upper left of the costume.

>> No.7597342

OK i see it now, but still, what on fucking EARTH

>> No.7597349

Anyone have a stream link that works? The scyfy stream kept dropping for me last week for some reason.

>> No.7597352


>> No.7597355
File: 797 KB, 2448x2448, img_20130831_170832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit what a clusterfuck. i was at dcon last year where a GREAT skeksis actually won the friday night contest. pic related....what a good skeksis costume should look like.

>> No.7597360


Might work.

>> No.7597362
File: 147 KB, 500x333, 13541376764_35541253ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hilarious when you look at it up against others who have done skeksie costumes... Pic related from ECCC this year.

In the season preview they showed last ep Holly is going to be visiting the Jim Henson studio... I hope she fucking shows them that hot mess and they give her a polite "Oh... thats nice dear..."

>> No.7597361

I'm babysitting right now but I've hijacked the television because I'm not missing this.

>> No.7597367

you see, THESE i can at least understand in an aesthetic sense. unless i squint all i can see with hollys is a dirty laundry pile

>> No.7597371

Queen within a minute.

>> No.7597373

At least they admit that the pop expo isnt a huge con in Canada. And that they follow the ICG rules.


>> No.7597375

'I have to build my fan base.'

Just fucking shut up...

>> No.7597376

The hell is the "International Cosplayer's Guild" and how are they adhering to their standards?

>> No.7597377

>oh mah gawd I have to wear my glasses
You can take them off for photos, Yaya.

>> No.7597378

>i cant wear glasses because the character doesnt


>> No.7597379


>> No.7597381
File: 192 KB, 650x400, 10308132_466002386866478_165814333479270167_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha: bosoms

>> No.7597384

>that pleb as fuck dress

>> No.7597386
File: 483 KB, 500x293, tumblr_inline_mnahcoPfht1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing full armor to get sketched by random guys in a comic book store

>> No.7597387

... So Holly makes the costume and Jessica wears it!? Dafuq Ottawa cosplay judges.

>> No.7597389

I'm pretty sure they said International Costumer's Guild. Which is very much a real thing and semi-serious thing.


>> No.7597392

Hey Riddle is a sweetheart!
Buhh... I'm going to be sad seeing her get torn apart here.

>> No.7597394

Actually wearing a costume that he can use his facial hair for.. Jesse must be learning.

>> No.7597395

Wtf... that ring is huge...

>> No.7597396


>> No.7597397

She's a bitch. She talks shit about everyone behind their back. She was once making fun of her 'best friend' saying she stuffed her bra.

>> No.7597398

Have to give her props for doing her own embroidery but using PVC.. why.

>> No.7597399

Met her several times. Always a delight to talk to as is her husband.

>> No.7597400


>> No.7597401

>only the most overdone, pleb characters
True to form. I thought she was gonna do Vayne for a minute and got excited, but no.

>> No.7597402

Oh no mah fabric is too heavy for my wire. No such thing as stronger wire exists.

>> No.7597403

Riki ends up doing Elizabeth tho from persona I thought. Or at least the con photos show that.

>> No.7597404

Oh look, Yaya busting out a costume she's already worn before.

>> No.7597406

Ha ha! "Busting out" I see what you did there.

>> No.7597407

SHE DIDNT REMAKE HER SUIT FOR OTTAWA. She remade it is like... 3 years ago.

>> No.7597408


>> No.7597411

>Holly and I decided

I'm gonna stop you right there.

>> No.7597413

>>Holly and I decided that because we cant sew and dont wanna have to worry about being accurate that we would just come up with our own.

>> No.7597415

Why do Holly and friend insist on designing their cosplays first. Especially when they suck at design I mean just look at that poor yveltal concept. Most cons won't touch your OC shit in a competition.

>> No.7597416

Yeah, she married him to get her green card, and in return he bought her a boob job that took her from C to double Ds.

>> No.7597417

Basically this. Their last 'original' idea for a Memesical failed, why are they going down this road again? Just make the original version of the damn costume.

>> No.7597419

Could she not attach some of the tails to the back of the outfit, so when she wore it she could bear some of the load? that what I'd do if I cosplayed

>> No.7597421

LOL I love Indra's big drama this week. "Tails are heavy gais!!!!"

I also love how Jesse instead of worrying about the main costume is focusing so much on making rings he could buy at a dollar store. Because pewter rings that are 10% of a costume are the most important part!!

>> No.7597422

WTF is the girl at Henson wearing?

>> No.7597423
File: 71 KB, 900x900, 1383518999734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7597424

>>Landed a meeting... because Syfy was doing another show with them.

>> No.7597425

The dude clearly enjoys crafting things over sewing. Unfortunately he can't see the forest for the trees when that happens

>> No.7597432

i'm a persona fan. She better not fuck up.

>> No.7597434

Those terrible rings...

>> No.7597436

Packing peanuts? Really? Y u no plush toy stuffing?

>> No.7597438

oh shut the fuck up

>> No.7597441

No shit your dress form fell over when you hung heavy stuff on the back of it. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WEIGH AS MUCH AS A FUCKING HUMAN, YOU RETARDED BARGLEWAGON

also jfc there are 90 different gauges and types of wire you could be using that would not be PVC

>> No.7597442

Why do Holly and Jessica always look like they havent washed their hair?

>> No.7597443

She already look like a fuckin skeksis. No need for a mask.

>> No.7597444

Jesse's rings look like they're big enough to fit two fingers and he's basically making his wife make the ENTIRE costume while he fucks around with some crappy rings.

>> No.7597447

Why the hell would you make an entire pvc set up for some tails? The harness is heavier than the tails!

>> No.7597448

"I feel presentation is really important when you go to Ottawa"

Yes, the 2 year old con commands that sort of reputation.

Unless you mean the city itself, which I can assure, honey it don't give no fucks

>> No.7597450

Because they're thots

>> No.7597454

Hey! The whole point of this thread is to make fun of these nitwits who want to be on TV and are in over their heads. YOU shut the fuck up.

>> No.7597456

Found a good reliable link with only three ads that you can click out of fast for anyone who needs it



>> No.7597460


>> No.7597464

Those tarot cards are cool

>> No.7597465


Calm your tits anon. He's an idiot in his choices every ep. Last week he forgot his paint this week hes focused on something thats not important and his robes are terrible as a result. You can see thread hanging from them. Yes its nice that he is passionate about crafting but he needs to focus his shit more or no one will ever take him serious as a fabricator nor would they consider hiring him. And since that is ultimately his goal with HoC and cosplay he needs to work hard with the opportunity hes been given.

>> No.7597467

Not styling on your own head.

>> No.7597468

ok, come on you didn't even color those rings in any way? A decent idea and then half assed execution. I'm so fucking done with your shit.

>> No.7597469

she probably wrecked those necomimi already

>> No.7597470

>spend all that money to get to con
>sit in the hotel room finishing costume for one event

Why even bother?

>> No.7597472

some people go just for the competing.
Im with you though, id make sure everything is done, i likely wouldn't compete, and go enjoy the freaking con itself

>> No.7597474

And let the fake applause and cheering begin!

>> No.7597475

wasting valuable drinking time

priorities people

>> No.7597476

If it wasn't for the TV series paying for it, I doubt they could afford to go themselves.

>> No.7597479

Yaya's frizzy-ass wig. Did you even run a comb through that thing?

>> No.7597480

LOL this.

>> No.7597481


not to mention that's like a holiday inn
where's the con, the breakfast room?

>> No.7597482

>there's just too much weight to distribute on pvc

I wonder where all that weight is coming from considering it's fabric and packing peanuts.

Oh wait..

>> No.7597483

Yah know, Yaya makes a pretty good Baroness, if the Baroness was short, squat and Asian.

>> No.7597485

The fuck is that tail harness?

Somewhere in Vegas the Blue Man Group is missing their second act.

>> No.7597486

These costumes are ass. The metal gear rising team needs a show.

>> No.7597490
File: 954 KB, 285x235, mr_chang_senor_chang_laugh_spits_milk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7597493

This dude looks like abraham lincoln

>> No.7597494

Why exactly does she have black ears and white tails?

>> No.7597497

Did he wash his hair before Jessica touched it?

>> No.7597498

Impressed by that Liz.

>> No.7597499

i hate to admit it but that elizabeth costume is all right.

>> No.7597501

>no yellow contacts for elizabeth
God dammit

>> No.7597502

That filming inconsistancy.

>top knot
>hair down
>suddenly top knot again

>> No.7597504

>that satin

This fabric needs to be burned

>> No.7597505

I'm pretty sure his hair just repels water at this point. Probably find less grease in deep water horizon wreckage.

>> No.7597506
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, ahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause...that's the design?

I'm not even watching right now but I'm sure they've shown the reference 17 times already.

>> No.7597507

>mfw Crabcat onl gets photos and comments because the costume is huge

If I saw it, I wouldn't know what the fuck it was but I'd still take a picture because it's so bulky and odd to look at.

>> No.7597511

I thought the same thing, but at least the costume itself looks fine

>> No.7597513

That skullgirls cosplay was actually really good.

>> No.7597514

That's what I'm saying though. Why on Earth are the ears one color and the tails another?

>> No.7597516

Is that Nigri in the front row cosplaying as a homeless person?

>> No.7597519

He always gives the appearance that his last shower was when he was in High School

>> No.7597520

Im in tears off that deathstroke. also
>elizabeth from persona 4
Monicas in the audience too.

>> No.7597521

Wow look at all those people in the audience! You'd find a bigger crowd at a WNBA game.

>> No.7597522
File: 73 KB, 500x750, hispter ahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause matching ears and tails are so mainstream.

>> No.7597523

this is my new favorite epithet, thank you anon!!

>> No.7597524

>Persona 4
That fucking made me die inside.

>> No.7597525

western vidya design team, they never get shit right

>> No.7597526

>Elizabeth from persona 4

>> No.7597527

>eventually I have to look down to see where to place my hand

You should have just looked down in the first place and saved yourself the embarrassment.

>> No.7597529

Those Madoka wings. Ugh.

>> No.7597530


>> No.7597533

Couldn't see past her tits.

>> No.7597534

Have to admit, Jesse makes a good Mandarin.

>> No.7597539

I think a post further up said Jessica and Monika had a booth there near Yaya's and she bitched about it.

>> No.7597540

The Thranduil cosplay made me laugh really hard. He was good, but so flamboyant. Fantastic.

>> No.7597542

Jesse pulled it off. " one more lesson to learn"

>> No.7597543

Wow you could tell the judges had more to say about how shitty the costumes were but they were edited.

>> No.7597544

The fucking sleeping beauty wig though.

>> No.7597545

>goddess madoka cosplay
>don't even show a picture of goddess madoka to go with it

>> No.7597547

dat rouge wig a shit

>> No.7597548

I love how they keep showing Jessica and Monika in the front row despite not even acknowledging them being there at the convention. You think Yaya would have gushed about seeing her 'protege' again.

>> No.7597549

I love how they also pick such low rez and poorly edited reference photos too. It takes 2 seconds on google with an advance search setting for larger picture size...

>> No.7597553

No she wouldnt gush because shes Yaya's greatest failure! Monika picked Jnig over her because she recognized Jnigs coattails had more to offer.

>> No.7597556

Fresh meat next week!

>> No.7597558

>dat fucking Wargreymon in the preview

>> No.7597560

>dat black war greymon

Please dont fuck it up

>> No.7597561

>You get money, here!

So professional, Yaya.

>> No.7597565

This thrandril dude has to be gay.

>> No.7597566

Of course you didn't win, Crabcats. You didn't even make an actual character.

>> No.7597567

It didnt resonate with the judges because it sucked you dumb bitch. Fuck Jessica.

>> No.7597569

i'd let him sit on my face

>> No.7597570

Such a train-wreck. Can't stop watching. :)

>> No.7597571


>> No.7597577

link to episode 2 stream?

>> No.7597580

Hate how the LotR elves have been ruined by tumblr head canon

>> No.7597582

My little brother kept asking how come the bird thing didn't win. I just... the show portrays it like it was some fancy thing when the only part that isn't shabby is the head. They don't show the reference because there isn't one.

>> No.7597583

Not much to ruin when he's flamboyant in the movie.

>> No.7597584

Anyone else think the Skeksis was just wrong? The head was too small and looked like an arm, not something attached to the spine.

>> No.7597587

OK /cgl/. Explain to me how that shitty Dany and Rogue got mentions, and that elf won, yet that Skesis got shafted.

>> No.7597589

It was totally wrong because they did their own original version.

>> No.7597590

Nah the skeksis looked disproportionate. Not to mention it just looked entirely lifeless and way too over decorated. Probably covering up a lot of anatomical errors.

>> No.7597591

Because the Skesis wasn't even an actual character. They basically called it a Skesis but it was an original design. If they had based it off an ACTUAL design then they probably would have won something.

>> No.7597592
File: 112 KB, 866x507, rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rings weren't very good compared to the source material. Doesn't matter if you cast them from ~real metal~ if they look like tinfoil

>> No.7597598

Show me.

>> No.7597599

OC means nothing in competitions. Most don't let in anything that doesn't have source material in films, video games, or comics etc.

It's not even cosplaying at that point, no better than halloween.

>> No.7597600

Also got to love they show the same reference again and again during the construction phase. That was annoying in the mega man construction. Is there some weird law where you can't show multiple reference shots on television or they'll ask for a cut of profits?

>> No.7597603

Well I bet he could have done just as good a job if he only had access to a photo like that. I guess they don't have Google in 'Port-Land'.

>> No.7597604
File: 739 KB, 320x266, 8b92a01dbdee7a5cead5b5f83b5ae33a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayer did the same thing.

>> No.7597608


I was jus' readin' the papers guys.
It did Say Persona 4 Arena on the paper. But they cut the arena part apparently.

>> No.7597618

anyone uploaded it ?

>> No.7597619

Because it was terribly made. One of the judges came out and said that when they looked at it up close everything was a hot mess when it came to the fabric parts of the costume which is about 80% of the costume. Yes the head and hands and back were casted and looked good but if the largest part of your costume is terrible your not going to win. The Dany only got a judge award which isnt anything really special and it looked like she had done some leather work and the rest of the outfit was sewn well. (Wig sucked tho.) The elf was sewn really nice with custom piping and a crown etc looked amazing. Just because something is 'big' doesnt mean its made well and sometimes outfits that look simple are just better.

>> No.7597624

>I think a post further up

You mean this one?

>> No.7597628

Yeah, that one. I think that was for this episode.

>> No.7597632
File: 417 KB, 1027x485, jesspokefb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the HoC cosplay page is kinda fun to read after they post all the images of the costumes each week. Love this 'Baw I didnt see any other ppl cosplaying her!' comment from Jessica. Stay clueless girl.

>> No.7597638

Just do a google search and show your little brother what a good skeksis (I don't think I spelled that right) looks like.

>> No.7597644

Some people don't japanese internet very well. Sure that if she had searched the characters name in japanese characters at that time some japanese cosplay would've come up.

>> No.7597645

This. Also did the skeksis only have one arm?

>> No.7597648

she may have modeled the other one, but only one arm could move due to how she had to construct the costume

>> No.7597655

It's because they dont actually engage in the community or fandoms they claim to be apart of. Heck even just having a tumblr tracking the pokemon tag and you would have seen ppl cosplaying the character. Lazy chicks be lazy.

>> No.7597662
File: 531 KB, 1213x492, jesspokefb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL its like every photo of her she comes in and has to say something. Just stop girl. Your letting it effect you too much. Your getting your fame deal with the fallout.

>> No.7597666

I only asked because I couldn't really see a second arm. The whole costume looked really misshapen and messy.

>> No.7597671

nice trips,

but nah i understand. honestly i cant even tell if she crafted another arm.
It really looks like a laundry pile with a vulture head on it

>> No.7597685

She is so annoying and not even remotely impressive.

>> No.7597686

stream is up

>> No.7597690

i misread that as Heroes of Cancer

>> No.7597700

I missed tonight's episode and stream. Is it up anywhere else yet? I want my trainwreck fix.

I'm pretty sure Yaya was smaller than a C. Or are we talking about someone else? My shit's loading funny.

>> No.7597714

Talking about Riki/Riddle

>> No.7597747

Rewatching the new episode since Syfy just repeated it.

>> No.7597752

Actually this was the first ever Pop Expo in ottawa.

Literally no reason to have good presentation here.

>> No.7597768

Still can't get over how Jesse spent all that time making rings and didn't even do the designs on them when he could have gone to fucking Claires if he had to and just buy plain silver bands and made resin jewels or something. That would have looked way better than his rough handmade rings.

>> No.7597782

does anyone have a picture of the completed blackwargreymon? Hell even a progress shot?
I need to know how angry I'll get at next week's episode before hand.

>> No.7597800

is there a link yet?

>> No.7597820

anyone who defends Jesse has to literally be Jesse himself or a pleb steam punk lover.

>> No.7597824

I'm excited to see Carl and Miguel next week. Hopefully they'll be chill and better than anyone on it now.

>> No.7597835

Im both, and so you are.

>> No.7597846

I hate this so much. Its like no one acknowledges that Japan does this first and 10x better.

>> No.7597852

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy

>> No.7597894

Jesse in a nutshell everyone

>> No.7597938

For the record, this is Lee Pace fucking around backstage and testing out being in character, it's not something that actually made it in the movie. He's tall and majestic as shit in a more fabulous way than Thorin is but he's not like tumblr portrays him.

Tumblr's turned him into the Dr. Frankenfurter of the Elves.

>> No.7598034

More or less my feelings on it. Like it's great learning a new skill but clearly you're still learning it and rushing the process and bringing such a raw product is pretty dumb.
Btw Holly and Jessica are talking about the judging process right now online and are clearly pisses.

>> No.7598038
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Holly looks like she is enjoying that wine.

>> No.7598056
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>> No.7598059

editors don't believe in continuity

>> No.7598091

Bumping this - thanks to whoever posted the recorded stream, I got off work at midnight and dont have dvr.

Nervous to see how badly Jesse fucks up dese rings I keep reading about. Shave your face you grody fuck.

>> No.7598134

She looks 40 here

>> No.7598138

>Btw Holly and Jessica are talking about the judging process right now online and are clearly pisses.

Shit where was this? I have been happy these last two eps that the judges have seem to be harder on the 'heroes.' It at least makes it seem that they attempted some legitimacy in judging so that the people who showed up without the help of the show have a chance. That Sleeping Beauty judge who put down Indra's costume for not being a laced backed when Yaya was claiming it was a corset was correct in her observation. Indra had a shitty china brand corset under a bodice top with a zipper back. Its not as impressive as if she had taken the time to make the top with boning in it.

>> No.7598141

Never mind found it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVUx-2Z609A

And shes currently defending her wool reaction.

>> No.7598142

http://www.cokeandpopcorn.info/heroes-of-cosplay-season-1-episode-8-ottawa-pop-expo/ here anon :)

>> No.7598165

Hilarious. At 1:59:15 They actually complain that the judges werent impressed with their seams even tho the actual movie costumes were like that!

Its a sewing contest you dolt. Especially one where there is ICG is involved. Seams matter. Most cosplay judges will look at someones costume and then give points if multiple materials were used and used WELL.

>> No.7598168
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>"Glasses just aren't as cute."

Fuck your shit Yaya.

>> No.7598206

ACTUALLY, she married someone else for her Green Card. It didn't work out (or she just married him for his green card, whatever you choose to believe)

Then she started dating her fiancee on the show. They've been engaged for years. Rumor is its because she's still kinda married to her previous husband or something.

Boob job I'm pretty sure was paid for by Cat Ears and Craft Foam wings. AND she got them while dating her fiancee.

If you're gonna talk shit. Know your shit.

>> No.7598207

>Dr. Frankenfurter of the Elves
that is seriously the best possible way to descirbe it.

>> No.7598335

I found Thranduil so fucking fabulous. I also feel kinda bad for Riki that her card trick stopped working on stage, I thought that was a neat way to pull it off.

Fuck Yaya though with her whining about glasses. Glasses are cute.

>> No.7598451

You're talking about 2 different people, anon.

>> No.7598591

how many toilets did this bitch clog up?

>> No.7598790

I'm really surprised Jesse didn't bother to weather his rings AT ALL even though that was such a big deal for him with the Assassin's Creed costume.

I will say with Indra's Ahri that leaving the tails down looked better than I thought it would. Certainly looked better than trying to leave them in a half-assed wiring job. I guess it helps that there are points in her animations where they're more down/relaxed but usually only when she's ulting.

Skeksis....well I guess I liked their idea. But They didn't do much to hide the fact the head was definitely an arm with a puppet hand. At the very least she should have angled her arm/body better so it wasn't so off-center.

I'm a little surprised Yaya hasn't had lasik already. But I'm with >>7598168 glasses are fucking kawaii.

>> No.7598795

>asscreed costume
top kek.
he wore it into the ocean for a couple of minutes. that aint weathering shit.

>> No.7598818


i want to smell her farts and eat her poop

>> No.7598950

baptizing is prolly more apt

>> No.7598959

yeah, baptizing a pirate costume in the sea is cute and a nice thought. but he called it weathering which set off my BS alarm hardcore

>> No.7599013

she looks alot like linetrap

>> No.7599177

As someone who doesn't live in the US but lurks here, this Green card comment always makes me laugh. While I know it happens a lot, it just seems to be what Americans first assume when a foreigner marries one of you. So typical that Americans think everyone wants to be American.

Americans can only marry Americans, otherwise its for the green card?

>> No.7599192

We only say it's for the green card when they're divorced shortly after.

>> No.7599226

It isnt an American assumption but a big issue in North America. Too many people scam someone like this as a easy way to immigrate, then ditch the person soon after.

So yes, they want to be American so much they lie and have marriage for it.

>> No.7599247
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>> No.7599689


Jesse is an idiot so that's not really surprising.

>> No.7599877


No pics, but you probably mean Hartford Comic Con. He's doing Colossalcon this weekend.

>> No.7600930
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And Riddle stuffed her actual boobs? She always shies away from the question if they're real or fake but we all know, Ricky.

>Yes, the 2 year old con commands that sort of reputation.
Oh god anon, lost my shit there lol

LOL I thought the exact same thing/

Right there with you. What is up with those packing peanuts? My face when I saw that.

>> No.7601290

While most of their "anyone who's anyone is seen at BlankCon" stuff is bullshit a lot of Canadian cons hold osme clout for their contests since they follow ICG standards. Honestly the only cons I can think of off the top of my head where winning something means something is CostumeCon and Anime North.

>> No.7601774

What supposed "best friend" was she making fun of? It could be literally anyone because there's not a decent cosplayer alive that doesn't stuff their boobs with padding or socks or whathaveyou. Shit even the ones with boobjobs are still buying and wearing bombshell bras for cosplay!

>> No.7601950

he has such a gross/shit beard. but he's so proud of it and won't shave it, like it won't grow back. it's fucking facial hair, it should be back to full length in a months time.