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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 481x117, Screenshot 2014-05-26 at 5.55.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7580798 No.7580798 [Reply] [Original]


Animazement thread, part 2

>> No.7580825 [DELETED] 

Did anyone see the LimeBarb group's new brand booth in the Dealers Room? I almost bought something from them until I realized who they worth.

>> No.7580844
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Did anyone else see that scammer LimeBarb and her new company's booth in the dealers room? They were selling hoodies and rave gear and all their merchandise had the LemonBrat logo on it. I almost bought from them until I realized who they were. Apparently they're still scamming even with the new brand because Google is giving me a ton of reports.

>> No.7580900
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I think this sums up the weekend pretty well.

>> No.7580946

Pre-reg for next year is up on eventbrite but not open yet. Looks like there's a $5 price hike.

>> No.7580972


>$5 price hike

Fucking jews. Though its understandable, since 11000 people showed up.

>> No.7580993

What was your favorite cosplay, for those who attended?

>> No.7581012
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Favorite male cosplay I took a pic of

>> No.7581067
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I liked this Kyoko, she was walkign around eating apples.

>> No.7581086
File: 1.83 MB, 2988x5312, 20140524_183242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cute.

One of my favorite female cosplayers that I photo'd (really wish I took more). Pretty sure she was the only Yuno who had a flip phone and do a pose. Also, I really like the bags under her eyes.

>> No.7581092
File: 2.75 MB, 2988x5312, 20140524_183544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also liked this Yuno, although the blood on her uniform looks too much like punch while the knife blood is much darker. Also the piercings through me off.

>> No.7581095
File: 2.58 MB, 2988x5312, 20140525_125324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoyed this Yuno-Yuki couple, wish she had a flip phone though.

>> No.7581099
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I'm pretty sure this is the same Yuno. Thought she was different when I snapped the pic though.

>> No.7581103
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>> No.7581106
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and my final Yuno. Actually, is this a Yuno? I thought it was a dark outfit Yuno with a slightly different color scheme, but I'm not even sure.

>> No.7581130 [DELETED] 

That one doesn't really look right to begin with. The dates are messed up, for one.

>Animazement 2015
>May 21 - May 24th

>> No.7581132

Yeah, looks like it'll be $60 next year. Suddenly glad I volunteered this year so I get in free in 2015.

>> No.7581148

You know I'd think with attendance raising by so much, they wouldn't need to raise the price.

>> No.7581150

That's probably Inori from Guilty Crown with an inaccurate wig.

>> No.7581158

Seems like it. Well, I got 4 Yunos and I know they was at least 5.

>> No.7581164

It could be to cover damages, again. They hiked up the price before because attendees kept breaking the escalators and the convention had to pay for that. It's no secret that people did a lot of damage this year with breaking escalators, writing on public property, etc. It's probably to cover the costs of repairs and to cover the last minute costs of having to order over 2,000 badges.

>> No.7581174

I guess. I mean I don't mind paying $5 extra, considering I never buy anything (dealer's room was as disappointing as usual) and I live <30 minutes from it.

>> No.7581198

Yeah, $5 extra isn't so bad considering that it's the largest anime convention in the state and they seem to always deliver when it comes to guests. Musical guests, not so much but they always said they didn't want to be a concert with a convention around it.

>> No.7581207

When can I prereg for 2015? It says the sales have ended.

>> No.7581220

Speaking of in NC, is anyone going to this 'Cosplay America' in Cary this August? I usually don't go to any other cons because I don't want to stay in a hotel, but this is really close.

>> No.7581239

Soon probably

>> No.7581271

I haven't heard of it. Got any details?

>> No.7581277

Not really. Cosplay focused convention, first time hosted. It's $30 for 2 days if bought before June 30, so I might just gamble on it. If I do go, it would be to take pictures and mingle I guess, I don't plan on cosplaying.


>> No.7581304
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>> No.7581560

how were the lolita events? I missed Sunday entirely.

>> No.7581577


I really wanted to go to the one that was on Sunday morning, but I overslept and made it just as the Street Fashion panel was getting ready to begin.

>> No.7581589

I saw a surprising amount of older people this year at the con as attendees. There was one really old lady there though that I felt somewhat sorry for because she appeared to be having a hard time getting from place to place with her cane + crowds.

>> No.7581610
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Really hoping my boys are back next year. Although the Kotoko concert was really amazing, so I hope she returns as well.

>> No.7581624

I hope JAM Project comes next year. My friend saw them at a local convention he went to and I was super jealous.

>> No.7581642


Absolutely terrible. You missed nothing.

>> No.7581975
File: 844 KB, 750x750, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone snap a picture of the Izanagi/Yu pair on saturday? I was the Yu in that pair and my partner has been wanting some shots. We went with the people who did the Thanatos/Minato pair too.

That is absolutely brilliant. I wish I saw that in person.

>> No.7582228

I'd like to go but I don't have anyone to go with and I wouldn't want to cosplay with all the "professionals" around.

>> No.7582229
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I'll post some of the one piece photo group shoot.
Too bad lady croc didn't make it this year :(

>> No.7582231
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>> No.7582232
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Baby zoro in every picture

>> No.7582233
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Last and most favorite. That Barto was really awesome.

>> No.7582351

The Saturday one was pretty good, but it would have been better if people weren't stopping the panel every two minutes to ask newbie questions. Especially since the panel wasn't supposed to be an intro panel...

>> No.7582437
File: 116 KB, 960x720, thanatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We went with the people who did the Thanatos/Minato pair too.

>> No.7582465

There is lods a shet at tumblr searches. Does anyone know how to search for two tags at once?

>> No.7582661

oh my god that chick in the red F+F dress would NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.7582703

>random bitches coming up to hug me because i'm cosplaying their favorite character
>without asking

I don't wanna be a dick a say no, but come on. At least ask first.

>> No.7582727

Yeah... I don't understand why girls who are obviously extremely new to the fashion don't just google their questions, or wait and ask after the panel has ended, rather than interrupting an entire panel over and over to ask newbie questions that don't necessarily contribute to the conversation. It honestly wouldn't have bothered me so much if it wasn't for the fact that the panel seemed to have been designed for people who already had a good grasp on the style.

Still, at least they got good advice this way, I guess.

>> No.7582826

Pre-reg is open nerds

>> No.7582940


Don't pre-reg. It took my friends almost 3 hours to get through the pre-reg line. It took me less than an hour in the walk-in. Both lines were the same length.

>> No.7582953

Depends on when you get there. I got there like 10 am on Friday and there was only 5 people in front of me.

>> No.7582955

Also it's just cheaper to pre-reg. I know I'm going, no reason not to.

>> No.7583004


We got there thursday, so maybe that's why.


Fair enough.

>> No.7583196 [DELETED] 

I was the Yuki. I got pictures with 10 Yunos and I know I missed at least one.

>> No.7583206

Damn 10? I was trying to collect them all but I guess I missed a lot.

>> No.7583213
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Accidentally deleted my post...

Yeah I made it my goal to take a selfie with all the Yunos I saw.

>> No.7583217
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>> No.7583223
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>> No.7583226
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>> No.7583231
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>> No.7583236
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>> No.7583242
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>> No.7583246
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>> No.7583249
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>> No.7583250

God damn, I saw that but completely forgot that part in Mirai Nikki. But nice pics with all the Yunos, I wanted to go as Yuki but I figured a fat Yuki wouldn't be nice.

>> No.7583252

These are all extremely adorable

>> No.7583254
File: 2.16 MB, 1944x2592, DSC01109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all of em. I missed one in white and I think one in purple. Hung out with 3 of em. Everyone was very nice and happy to see a Yuki.

>> No.7583302

The walk-in line was only short on Thursday. Every other day it was multiple hours worth of wait time, believe me. I was out there for 4+ hours watching the line on Friday and Saturday. Both days it was wrapped around to the back of the convention center.

>> No.7583443

It's being run by the people who for all intents and purposes ran Animazement back when it was at the Sheraton. It'll be a good con; they know what they're doing and everything will be legit. My only regret is that it's the same weekend as DragonCon.

>> No.7583445

Part of what annoyed me so badly about her, though, was she spouted "facts," too. I cringed so hard when she tried to interject that the major Japanese brands did custom sizing.

>> No.7583485

Sounds horrible, glad I didn't go to that one

>> No.7583537

She came to the fashion show, too, and wasn't quite as bad but still kept spouting bullshit despite her constant requests for affirmation so she didn't tell the friend she dragged with her "the wrong thing."

>> No.7583924

I wasn't able to attend so I missed all the lolita events. Were there any really stellar outfits?

>> No.7583959
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>> No.7584009

Wow you are seriously obsessed with this girl. It's super creepy. There's no way she would be a seagull and even if she was I don't she would care to know you.

>> No.7584014

Is there a backstory behind this pic?

>> No.7584032

This person just posted it in the last thread, asking if this girl was a seagull. Since they posted it again I'm assuming they're hoping someone recognizes her giving them some way of figuring out who she is.

>> No.7584102

>post picture twice in unrelated contexts
>seriously obsessed

I posted the picture the first time as I was curious to who she was, Kallen is not cosplayed often and I had not seen the girl before.

In this thread I posted because the Zero and the Kallen were my favorite cosplays. Code Geass is my favorite series, these might not have been the best cosplays of the con, but they were my favorite to see. Zero/C.C. duos are too common, but Zero/Kallen is a pairing I've seen only once.

By making assumptions with little basis, you make yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.7584106

I see. To be fair I want to post a pic to find out if someone is a seagull, too embarrassed to.

>> No.7584133

So how the hell does Animazement get such awesome guests every year if it's just 8k-11k people? I figured it must be on par with Fanime (20k+) or bigger since you guys get better guests. Is Raleigh really fucking cool for Japanese people or something? Just jealous curiosity here.

>> No.7584134

A better question is, how does Animazement get away with such shit panels with 8-11k people?

>> No.7584182

The con is run by a company that works directly with Japanese people moving to America and Americans learning Japanese. In particular, the person in charge of guest relations has been inviting over minor Japanese guests for years and they've been slowly working their way up the guest food chain. Animazement has been going on for 17 years, so after nearly two decades of playing the Japanese celebrity social game they can pull some really heavy hitters.

>> No.7584869

Does anyone have the gif of that yoko girl cosplayer bouncing her boobs?

>> No.7584992

Probably because that's all people suggest?

>> No.7585301

Well I have an amazing idea for an 18+ panel. Sort of like a lewd theatre. People (self selected or chosen) pick out roles and read out manga/doujins while audience does sfx and sounds.

>> No.7585346


I can just see the spaghetti now.

>> No.7585354

>Suichi Ikeda and Toru Furuya are guests

Seriously? It's not my fault you don't watch any anime series made before 2007.

>> No.7585528

I've done lewd trials over skype and sfw manga trials in real life, is usually pretty funny.

>> No.7585535

Huh? I'm saying, for so many guests, we should have more/better panels.

>> No.7586405

Sounds good, I guess I'll go
I doubt it'll be just "professionals".

>> No.7586450

How does the amount/quality of guests have anything to do with the amount/quality of fan panels? The guests aren't running the panels, the attendees are.

>> No.7586899

tbh I'm still surprised no gunpla panel and I'm still surprised with the amount of hetalia panels.

>> No.7586905

Where the fuck are they posting the pictures from the photo booth? They told me they'd be on the website and I know it takes a little bit of time but I didn't even see a section on their site for it.

>> No.7586957

More attendees -> more people willing to do panels -> more people who want to do panels that have experience or a unique idea -> better panels

>> No.7587330

More people doesn't always mean those people will have experience and their products good.

>> No.7587334

This. We've been getting more attendees every year and overall the quality of the panels haven't increased.

>> No.7587512

The amount of singles topics in the Animazement facebook groups is ridiculous. I feel like making a drinking game for how many 'nice guy' posts I've seen.

>> No.7587547

That feel when you meet a girl but you don't know how to react.

I ended up pushing her away, and kept following her. I feel beta as fuck.

>> No.7587552

You're not beta, you're pretty much a creep. Which is what AZ seems to be to be made of judging by a lot of these posts.

>> No.7587582

No, but every new person who comes has a chance of having experience. If you keep growing, eventually you should get in some decent panel runners. I've gone to AZ since 2011 and we've grown by 4k since then but the panels have gotten worse. I'm just upset there's nothing worth going to other than the main events.

>> No.7587637

You could host some yourself? It's never going to get better until you try to change it.

>> No.7587669

she came onto me in the first place.

>> No.7587887

And? You pushed her away, said no. You should have walked away, not follow her around. That makes you creepy.

>> No.7587897

Do you think i was just silently following her? No, we were hanging out (After a couple of hours of silently following her (in character of cosplay)), i just her stopped advances for some reason. in retrospect, probably shouldn't have done that. still talk to her a bit.

>> No.7588167

Creepy behavior that's in character just means that you're a creeper who found a tenuous excuse that no one is going to actually buy.

>> No.7588309
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>Do you think i was just silently following her?
>After a couple of hours of silently following her (in character of cosplay)

You're a moron and a creep.

>> No.7588580
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that whole place is starting to really annoy me. Soooo much whining. anyone know what that yoko cosplayer was bitching about?

>> No.7588611

>Still using tumblr.


>> No.7588667

As a 10 year AZ vet, the panels have worse and more neckberdy each year since the move to the convention center.

Some shit over in a /s/ cosplay thread. >>15061194

>> No.7588671


>> No.7589045
File: 107 KB, 534x472, Screenshot 2014-05-30 at 10.59.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got posted on /s/ and as basically raging over someone posting her.

And the FB group is just getting worse. And I thought the three creeps from pre-con were bad. Now the AZ creep count is up to five.

>> No.7589116

3 creeps from pre-con? Do tell

>> No.7589163

I was thinking about hosting an emulation panel next year. Talking about notable fan translation projects they may have missed, the importance of romhacks, teaching Let's Players how to up the internal resolution for Wii/Gamecube/PS2/DS games so they look nicer and why filters on 2D sprite games are bad.

Think it would work out well enough?

>> No.7589169

Except for that, well you know, emulation technically isn't legal

>> No.7589201

Anyone else remember when all of the shows in the video rooms had fansub credits?

Times change.

>> No.7589204

I can't remember their names right now because they haven't posted since the convention happened but they spent the whole month prior to circling around this one single girl trying to date her, though she was just as bad by posting several times about being single and emotionally fragile and wanting a date to the masquerade.

One made a post after said girl ditched him for the pre-con masquerade saying how he needed a new date and how she had blocked him on Facebook and he'd already bought her roses and basically he wanted a replacement girl instead of showing up by himself.

Another made a post asking if any single girls going wanted to meet Captain America.

The last one, I can't even remember what he did at this point aside from follow that girl around and like/comment on every single one of her posts trying to get her attention.

>> No.7589207

Forgot to mention they ended up making their own singles group called Convention Singles.

>> No.7589261

cringe - thread worthy story.

>> No.7589396
File: 716 KB, 245x187, Tony-Stark-Eyeroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ray Baldwin Like I said, I "could" get any girl on my street. That's because they are sluts. Literally. I live in an area that's devoid of decency. The house beside me was a brothel a year ago. I'm working on getting the hell out if here and moving to a "clean" neighborhood. 1 hr - Like

>> No.7591919
File: 53 KB, 588x540, Dallas-man-ordered-a-54-cup-of-coffee-at-Starbucks-sets-new-record.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Starbucks Barista
>Work at Marriott
>Frappuccinos Frappuccinoseverywhere
What the fucks guys seriously. We have other crap on our menus. Do you really need 6!!! Venti Mocha Cookie Crumbles????
I digress , you guys as "Clients" are a lot better than those dicks over at Red Hat, AT&T, Bank of America, and Wells Fargos. Also last question where the hell are you guys getting all this money from???? Our tip jar was filled to the brim and our crew all left that week with +85 dollars for Friday, +85 for Saturday and +40 for Sunday and to top all of payday was Friday.

>> No.7591932

Otakus are either dirt poor or have tons of money to spend on weebshit/etc. Also I can't stand straight coffee, but I like frappuccinos.

>> No.7592622

Because frappuccinos are delicious and we love to tip people who actually make us feel welcome. I've always had nice experiences in that Starbucks even if I'm down there in my pajamas as soon as they open. Also, if you do some kind of weeby 'Which Anime is better?' or pop culture 'Star Wars vs Star Trek' sort of thing for your tip jar, you can expect to have a shitton of tips in there.

>> No.7593777

How was the fashon show anyway?

>> No.7593808

It's a cool drink on a hot day, gives you just enough caffeine, and it replaces a whole meal. Though I personally prefer a simple white mocha on most days, you can't argue with the general benefits. Congrats on the tips though, means you have an awesome team!

>> No.7593812

Idk, man, hobbies like anime and comics sort of attract a slightly more generous person sometimes. What's highly involved in most manga? Friendship and crap. Would Superman tip you? Handsomely. Because he's handsome.

It helps that they're young--a lot of them probably work food or retail jobs too, so on a weekend where they're splurging, of course they're going to tip you the way they wish they could tip service people on the regular.

>> No.7594346

Did anybody else really appreciate the lolita vendors this year? How do we get more? I feel like the lolitas have been kind of jilted because nothing is ever carried in the dealer's room or artist's alley.

>> No.7594402

There were a lot, it seems. One girl in Artist Alley though was selling a lot of stuff off Taobao. It definitely wasn't made by her.

>> No.7594611

You talking about that steampunk jewelry lady? She's there every year and it's all expensive as fuck and she won't let you browse, she just talks your fucking ear off.

>> No.7594723

No, not her. The lolita who had the chocolate print skirts. No clue if the clothing was Taobao but she had a bunch of jewelry that all came from there. There was a booth in the dealer's room that sold nothing but Taobao and it's made me want to hurry up and start selling as well seeing how much business they had.

>> No.7594746

I hope it wasn't the Stationary booth with the 20 grab bags and such... I bought oodles of things from that booth.

>> No.7595043
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In the dealers room or Artist Alley? The one in Artist Alley was in the back section of tables to the right of the Art Auction area and had a rack of chocolate print lolita skits and JSKs. Trying to remember what else they were selling.. I remember lego piece earrings (I think those were actually hand made) but they had a section of rings on the front of the table and I saw a lot of rings from Taobao like pic related and a lot of their necklaces were Taobao too.

In the dealers room the biggest Taobao booth I saw was the one selling the sweatshirts with the Cheshire Cat looking faces on them and fox face purses. I asked how much the sweatshirts were and they said $35 when I know on Taobao they're around $10. So jelly of that seller, they probably made a killing that weekend.

>> No.7595099

I saw that booth at ACen too and thought about how cheap everything they were selling actually was. But I feel like for people at a con, who dont want to find those items on taobao, wait for shipping, pay an agent, all that stuff a markup to $35 isn't even that bad.

It was at least reasonable. I know better so I could just buy them myself.

I did also see a bodyline reseller booth that was selling some $35 JSK's for $100 which is just sad. Bodyline is already kinda cheap and you don't even have to wait that long for a jsk..

It does make me wish I could get into reselling. I would love so much to have a little booth for lolita/jfashion accessories that I found on taobao. But that requires more money than I have to my name

>> No.7595232

Yeah, I want to get into reselling too but to get a booth it costs hundreds of dollars and you have to have a license or something.

>> No.7595247

Sweet Mildred? She makes her clothing and accessories and some of her jewelry. There was some Taobao jewelry as well.

The markup at that booth is insane, even if you were to buy from Taobao and pay for the service + shipping. The only upside to them is the instant gratification.

>> No.7595256

No idea what their name was, sorry. I figured the clothing was selfmade but I kind of just side-eyed the booth after I saw Taobao stuff on it and didn't buy anything since it made me question whether or not they had made anything else or simply bought it all.

Don't remember seeing a stationary booth. Would that even make any profit?

>> No.7595257

Well that's totally worth things to people. I've bought rings at forever21/charming charlie for about $8. We all know they buy that shit from china for $1. But it's cute, it's an impulse buy and yes its convenient and instantly gratifying.

But that's what the dealers room is all about at conventions. You're bringing a huge selection of stuff to people who *wont* be researching and looking for those things online and figuring out how to use shopping services etc. That's what all stores are all about!

>> No.7595667

I spent most of my money at the Tasty Peach Studios booth. I know that style is generic and everyone and their mum does it, but I have a weakness for cute.

>> No.7597641

Tasty Peach is cute as shit and I'm so glad she dropped the faux-peepy voice this con and spoke normally.

>> No.7597715

I purchased loads of stationary from the booth in the Dealer's room. It was near the back and had a much of booklets with all sorts of sticker sheets and charms.

I have two penpals and I like to dazzle them with kawaii letters. My one weakness. I'm a little tryhard when it comes to that.

>> No.7600376

I wasn't a huge fan of the inclsion of "cosplay lolita"

>> No.7600625

reminds me of Otakon years back. A server at a PF Changs (1st time ever) had marvel tattoos and talked all kind of cool shit. Best service ever.

We all tipped at least 40% of our bill

>> No.7600795


Really? She sounded pretty "kawaii" to me, but it wasn't really annoying or anything.

>> No.7600908

I thought she had some kind of problem, ngl

>> No.7603939

I knew she was faking to some extent because she'd change her voice between speaking with customers and speaking with her male booth attendant/husband/whatever. Her voice is really high naturally but it's not THAT high.

>> No.7607736

Yeah I wish I had gotten some of those wrist cuffs in the artist alley.

>> No.7610660

Some people do that when they're nervous/stressed.