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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 159 KB, 560x560, 2526367_autumnmelody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7577539 No.7577539 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a decent looking Bodyline coord thread going. (I miss the old one)

>> No.7577544
File: 168 KB, 483x750, 1398089546437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the last thread.

>> No.7577550

>starting with a shit coord

>> No.7577555
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>> No.7577558
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>> No.7577565
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Not everyone is gonna like the same thing I think it's cute.

>> No.7577572
File: 112 KB, 560x534, 2996816_open-uri20130426-12907-14q6d5w (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ignore the hideous orange hair and large amount of facial piercing this coord is pretty nice. It's hard to find a good looking antique clock in any other color besides the black/grey.

>> No.7577578
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>> No.7577580
File: 225 KB, 1275x1920, 6668835525_268cb3315e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at first I liked only the skirt down. but the more I look at it the more I hate it. idk

>> No.7577581

>socks on tights
>awkward mismatching coat
>mini hat
>nothing done with her hair

ok hun

>> No.7577582
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>> No.7577584
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>> No.7577589
File: 125 KB, 500x669, 1391207719766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of bitchin' about OPs pic why not contribute with better cords.

>> No.7577594
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>> No.7577624
File: 170 KB, 500x375, Bodyline Coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there is any pics of this worn? I want to see if it looks good on, haha.

>> No.7577640

she just looks fat.

>> No.7577665


>> No.7577668

there's two pictured, you tryhard asstwat

>> No.7577670


>> No.7577676

no one cares

>> No.7577678

> Being this mad

That's almost the kind of unnecessary anger that makes up a meme. It won't be, but I can still laugh at it.

>> No.7577679

Literally nobody cares and if you're bothered that easily by an item of clothing you've got some serious issues

>> No.7577683

Where's her other leg?

>> No.7577753

you must be from anorexia-land 'cause she is in no way fat.

>> No.7577771

Is socks over tights bad?

I often wear a pair of white tights under my OTKs (to deal with the cold weather as well as making me feel more comfortable)

I see that the black tights looks bad but I never thought about it in my own coords

>> No.7577782

I think it's ok to wear socks and tights once the tights don't have a strong print

>> No.7577787

Can you find anything on Bodyline right now that you would wear /cgl/? What would you coord it with?


>> No.7577829

Those aren't unicorns you twat.

>> No.7577847

or if the colors match

I feel like pastel otks over white tights looks better than grey socks over black tights

I think it just looks better if the tights are lighter than the socks, because then the socks are the focal point instead of the tights

I'm kind of talking out of my ass here, though

>> No.7577919

That is so bad though...
>unstyled hair
>jacket that doesn't fit in with anything and makes her look 2x times fatter
>fur capelet that makes it look like she has a hunchback

>> No.7577941

Well, OP must have been thrown off by the half way decent photography.

>tfw have decent coords, but shit photography/photographers

>> No.7577957

I have a feeling OP self-posted. No photography could make anyone think that's good. It's ok, OP. There's a lot of good inspiration in this thread. Sorry you can't afford brand.

>> No.7578013

This is >>7577558 in the blue colorway. I've seen modded versions of this where the shit lace/ruffles are removed.

>> No.7578127
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>> No.7578137

A lot of the plainer dresses look really cute, but these threads always seem to be full of shitty prints like clock OP. Then again I don't really have any plain dress pics to contribute either.

>> No.7578142

I'm laughing. I share your hatred for this dress, but I actually did see this coorded well once, it was a black girl at katsucon in the lavender colorway and it went really well with her skin and somehow didn't have a hideous shape on her. But I don't have her pic and probably wouldn't post it if I did anyway

>> No.7578169
File: 75 KB, 640x640, b6cd236ca3bd11e3b9b512e182729fb1_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7578173

Damn, she makes that dress look good.

>> No.7578177

I really like whatever blouse she's paired this with.

>> No.7578182
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>> No.7578213
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>> No.7578234
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>> No.7578345

This thread is a testament to how necessary things like appropriate bags and other accessories are. The problem with most people who wear bodyline is that they don't spend the extra money to put together a proper coordinate. It doesn't matter how cheap your dress is if you have the other things to go with it.

>> No.7578359

It usually looks bad and makes you look like a beginner. Even outside of Lolita, socks on tights looks silly.

>> No.7578364

If it's the winter, and the socks are so high only a bit of tights shows at a certain angle, I think it's fine

>> No.7578365

wait is socks on nude/sheer tights okay?

>> No.7578373

If it doesn't actually look like you're wearing tights, it'll probably be fine

If it's the winter, just wear a damn pair of tights.

>> No.7578382

idk what pussy winters you've breezed through, but here it gets super fucking cold
no way in hell would just wearing tights keep you warm

>> No.7578389

sorry for not having the same climate as you anon. Still, if it's that cold I'm pretty sure a pair of knee socks aren't going to make that much of a difference.

>> No.7578436
File: 169 KB, 451x750, tumblr_n36pu23wpv1scf8loo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of people don't like Peachie,but I like what she does with Bodyline.

>> No.7578440

it makes a difference

>> No.7578443
File: 58 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n32jhxEPC51twnuq0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7578450

if one pair of socks makes a difference it can't be as cold as you're suggesting. Wear thicker tights, or look ita, whichever I guess.

>> No.7578455

She's been wearing Lolita for how long now, and she wears waist bows/brooches as headbows?

>> No.7578461

anything makes a difference in the cold

>> No.7578494

does that really bother people? bodyline doesnt exactly make headbows with printed fabric that works with their dresses, its a decent way to compromise without looking terrible. Also bodylines waist bows always look fucking weird.

>> No.7578510

This is barely a coord. If she wasn't Asian it would be in this thread.

>> No.7578512


It's more the wind! I live in a city with lots of cold winds so tights are nice to have as a thin extra layer to cut the wind off.

Enough people have said it looks bad though so I'll have to rethink myself

Winter gets two pairs of layered wool tights and high boots and nothing will stop that. Yay -40 weather.

>> No.7578519


>> No.7578527

The bow on your head doesn't have to have the same print as your dress. You're better off wearing a plain-color bow/hair accessory that actually looks nice than putting a sad-looking thing like that up on your head.

>> No.7578588

agreed, it doesn't have to have the same print, but it's really just a style choice. I've seen worse plain headbows from brands, so taking off the awkwardly pinned on waist bows to work them into something that doesn't look so bad is a good idea imo if you want a printed bow.

>> No.7578629

That's probably a cute jacket, but it doesn't work with the fullness of a petticoated skirt

>> No.7578876

I am so fucking tired of seeing this coord...

>> No.7578881

She lost it in nam

>> No.7578887

I don't like it either. There is absolutely no burgundy or ivory in that jsk, in fact there is white in the jsk so it looks so off. I think the only reason people think it's good is because the pieces themselves are all nice. (other than the jsk)

>> No.7578893

>Not everyone is gonna like the same thing
Then why the fuck would you start a thread based on people's opinions. You're right, not everyone is going to like the same thing, that anon doesn't like it, deal.

>> No.7578896

This is an AP replica you twat.
>wearing a waistbow as headbow
>wearing head accessories/brooches on waist
>random moons and stars with cake print

>> No.7578903

>Squirrel Party
>AP Replica
top kek

>> No.7578931
File: 75 KB, 300x360, 518674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7579248

Awkward face though.

>> No.7579270

Yup, I totally agree

>> No.7579299

I think so, as long as it's not noticeble that is

>> No.7579327 [DELETED] 

OP here and I actually do think this is cute. I'm plus sized so I wouldn't be able to fit into brand anyway I just get custom pieces made by indie designers. I have yet to buy from bodyline. but i've been thinking about it so that's why I started the thread, I need good inspiration.

>> No.7579328

OP here and I actually do think this is cute, it's not me. I'm plus sized so I wouldn't be able to fit into most brand anyway. I just get custom pieces made by indie designers. I have yet to buy from bodyline. but i've been thinking about it so that's why I started the thread, I need good inspiration.

>> No.7579333
File: 225 KB, 1006x1280, tumblr_n380lv0j1x1shtvz5o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a coord/worn pic of this dress? Never seen it before, or at least not in this colorway, but it looks really nice in these pictures.

>> No.7579337

The bow peachie is wearing doesn't look sad though. so I don't understand your point.

>> No.7579339

I'm with you, as long as it's not hugely obvious that the bow isn't made to fit heads it's nbd.
Actually it's hard to think of how it would be "too obviously for a waist" to the point of looking silly on a head.

>> No.7579343

thus everyone can post what THEY think is "good bodyline" others might agree, others might not. deal with either.

>> No.7579345

...anon. Anon, come on, it's clearly Skwerl Party. I don't think you should be going around calling other people twats if you can look at the BL-est BL dress and mistake it for something intended to look like AP.

>> No.7579354

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the number for this dress. but I found the original poster's tumblr. http://cheapieclassic.tumblr.com/

>> No.7579360

Yeah, but her pictures are pretty limited.
I originally saved this pic a few weeks ago and subsequently was able to find the dress on BL's site, but I don't remember the number and it doesn't seem to be there now...

>> No.7579364

It's just easier to search for nonprint coords if you have the item number.

>> No.7579371
File: 126 KB, 640x960, 1364170141927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been staring at their website for the last 20min and finally found it, looks like it's l348 beige. The main pic was the silly black-and-white colorway, which camouflaged it pretty well.

Only really basic coords are coming up which is too bad since it's a p cute dress.

>> No.7579400

oh yes. I've heard good things about this dress because it has front and back shirring it can fit larger sizes. I really do like the beige.

>> No.7579401
File: 97 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mv65x0UwFW1r5hvroo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is adorable

>> No.7579402

Seconded, very cute.
Although I'd like that dress a lot more without the blue elements (leaving aside that those are what this particular coord relies on.)

>> No.7579407
File: 73 KB, 480x413, 1391229703215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I've seen this skirt worn.

>> No.7579431
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>> No.7579475
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>> No.7579653
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>> No.7579656
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>> No.7579675
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>> No.7579813
File: 107 KB, 600x803, IMG_1619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this girl coord some Bodyline stuff on tumblr and I wish she'd do more. Her coords are simple but they look lovely. She's done a few nice coords with the carousel jsk in black (at least I think it's the same girl, don't have the photos on hand)

Anyway, contributing with a different carousel coord from Vanillablitz

>> No.7579845

Peachy is just never going to be cute.

>> No.7579861

its infantas creamy cat blouse

>> No.7580350

there are stars in the print..'twat'

>> No.7580460

Awww I just think Peachie is cute and sweet. She seems like a child stuck in an adult's body though? Idk She's charming though and all her lil 80s stuff is cute, just... why is she so obsessed with any 80s toy? She looks like she's a 90s girl? I understand carebears, polly pockets, and My little pony(because they were part of mine and were stemmed from the 80s) but so many are really obscure? Also the lil doll houses are kinda strange to me and the plastic jewelry isn't to my taste. In the end it's just each to their own(I want to jack all her mlponies tho)

>> No.7580484

She's an age player.

>> No.7580500

Is that what people are making her out to be or is she REALLY into being/acting younger (like confirmed)?

>> No.7580575

...the little doll houses are polly pockets...?

>capcha crudities hatesrs

>> No.7580597


I know her irl, she's not ageplayer, anons are just shit stirrers.

>> No.7580715

Makes sense to me. She has an obscure collector's hobby. Just like how lolita is a collector's hobby for a lot of girls. We like lolita because it's cute, she likes 80's stuff because she thinks it's cute. Doesn't seem that complicated.

>> No.7580933

I actually have the dress, and modded it haha.. I bought it for babys first coord. I posted in the coord help thread earlier.

>> No.7581809
File: 101 KB, 987x835, bodyline-ring-sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick question.

When ordering rings from bodyline, the numbers above the add to cart button are ring sizes, right? Just asking since 10 13 and 16 seem rather large, and there doesn't seem to be size options for rings that feature different colours.

>> No.7581827

why...why would you buy that ugly thing though...

>> No.7581834

lol not that one, I just used it as an example.

>> No.7581836

It looks like some sort of oozing wound.

>> No.7581837

It looks like one of those dollar rings you can get downtown.

>> No.7581888

Not those microscopic things, but the other ones she has that you see in the background sometimes. The solid pink ones.

>> No.7581908


Dunno where that anon is from, and I'm just a lurker, but coming from a cold ass climate- I wore leggings under my jeans with knee socks this winter on my commute, and I was still cold as hell to the point my legs would go from numb to being utterly and terrifyingly unable to feel them after a 20 minute walk.

Layers are so important some seasons.

>> No.7581944

They're probably trying to get it to $50 for the free shipping

>> No.7581973

Does anyone have recommendations for blouses from Bodyline? Some reviews describe the lace as cheap, or the blouses being too thin. I'm not sure what to choose.

>> No.7582487 [DELETED] 

Hey when ordering from Bodyline, specifically to Canada, do they require a signature or do they simply drop it off at the front door?

>> No.7582493

Hey when ordering from Bodyline, specifically to Canada, do they require a signature or does UPS simply drop it off at the front door?

>> No.7584633

Its well know Mr Ching Chong Ping Pong Ding Dong hated Monterrey Mexico. Those litas were fat. The ass was fat.

>> No.7584671

>Ching Chong Ping Pong Ding Dong
His name is Mr. Yan. Three letters, tryhard-chan.

>> No.7584674


Your Ass is Fat

>> No.7584679


Bodyline blouses aren't likely to be cheaper than just finding a nice, loliable offbrand blouse. Very few have tasteful construction imo. Not worth it

>> No.7584680

Nope. Nope. Still Fat.

>> No.7584686

I got one in the mail yesterday, L015. The material and lace are okay, but the collar is freaking huge, it's just awkward. And it looked like one of the nicest ones on the site too...I have a blouse from F21, it cost half and is way cuter. Not worth it.

>> No.7584728
File: 96 KB, 261x234, theass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7584756
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>ap replica

>> No.7584824
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Although in the closeup you can really see how the pink in the skirt and the pink bolero clash.

>> No.7585769

Worn pics of this dress please?

>> No.7585772
File: 906 KB, 249x239, tumblr_medjfzdGLi1rxe34r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ap replica
>squirrel party

>> No.7585775

Calling other people twats while making a dumb mistake yourself.
Top honk anon. How new are you to lolita exactly?

>> No.7585778
File: 5 KB, 200x185, 1391718821421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cannot unsee now...fucking disgusting

>> No.7585788
File: 133 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mpw2esX7Co1szzq1fo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Squirrel Party OP
I hope you're joking

>> No.7585810

Bitches on cgl are just drama stirrer in general because their lives are so boring and sad

>> No.7585950

Wow my thread went to shit fast.
This was supposed to be a coord thread, not a general.
inb4 "this is 4chan, what did you expect"

>> No.7586023

i was thinking of getting it in black and white. would black be better?

>> No.7586058

I know my experience has been that if you ship EMS, you have to sign. Airmail comes to your door/mail box. I'm in the US though, so it could be different for Canada.

>> No.7586237

I had three Bodyline packages recently through airmail. Two wanted me to sign for them and the last one was crammed into my mailbox but a different mail carrier that day.

>> No.7586261

I really love this dress, I have it in black and I really want to get it in blackxwhite and beige.

>> No.7586422

or they could actually know what ageplay means and you can stop trying to whitenight her?
ageplay doesn't always mean sexual acting like a baby in bed

its something as simple as playing with toys, enjoying certain children's activities, coloring in coloring books, so on.

>> No.7586939

Bodyline is for ita,poorfags and weebs
Brand is better.

>> No.7587065


No shit Sherlock.

>> No.7587084

lmao look, the average human being uses ageplay to mean the sexual kind and that was what was being discussed (and what lolis are usually asked about). Otherwise everyone on this board who wears lolita, buys Pusheen and Rilakuma goods or gets a ball-joint doll is also an "ageplayer"

>> No.7587120

>its something as simple as playing with toys, enjoying certain children's activities, coloring in coloring books, so on.
No it's not though. You have to actually be pretending to be another age. The way you're describing it means everyone who owns a stuffed animal as an adult is an age player. It has to be 'playing' a role as a different age, not just liking things made for kids.