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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 53 KB, 238x211, confess your sins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7576478 No.7576478 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have another confessions and secrets thread. Lolita and cosplay confessions both welcome.

My confession is, I am wary of getting involved with lolita communities because I don't want to risk making friend that are prettier than me. I'm decently attractive myself - not stunning, but I receive more than my fair share of compliments. I was kind of dumpy looking back in my school days though, not to mention a huge follower type and doormat. I have rather low self esteem as a result, so I don't think I could handle having a friend take up more attention than me. I'm aware it's stupid and vain, and I know there are more important things than looks, but I guess this is still an area I'm immature in and something I need to get passed.

I also hate it when I'm not chosen for something judged primarily by looks, like voluntary modeling positions or best-dressed contests.

>> No.7576501

I'm not involved with the lolita community.
I wear whatever the fuck I want.
I don't call my outfits lolita, or upload them.
I wear oshare-kei I suppose
which is pretty much "I don't give a shit" kei
my outfits are all mitchy matchy, but nothing special, and I fucking love how plain they are.

also, another confession
I want to punch american people that use the word "selca" seriously

>> No.7576504

I want to be Lolita but it's too damn expensive and most of you look horrible. I come here to stare at pretty dresses. I don't know how you guys afford it.

Also I got into cosplay, at first, for the fetish factor. I get to do my boyfriend in all sorts of costumes, but now I have fun just dressing up.

I've peed on an innocent world dress.

>> No.7576532
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Ha. Oh god. The rest of 4chan I right. I try going her for once to see what its like and this is the first thread I see.

>> No.7576536

>I've peed on an innocent world dress.
story plz?

>> No.7576537
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I don't think I can call myself a Lolita. I have one brand dress and the rest well my grandma makes me. She makes dresses for antique dolls and when she saw me looking at /cgl/ she looked up what I was looking at and made me a replica of this dress and it's the same shape with a different color print. I wear only what she makes me and we have fun choosing patterns and stuff. I don't like brand most of the time anyway.

>> No.7576543

I was at a con dressed up and all and the local loli community was there as per usual. Now the community in my area is absolutely horrible. They act as if they were rich colorblind hippos and go out in public as such. Of course my boyfriend and I were doing a couples cosplay and the tumbler Lolita were excited since this was a popular couple at the time, I'm sure you can guess. They were getting handsy and stuff and I had to pee super bad. I wasn't about to leave my man candy alone with them though and so I was putting up with their weird web speak until a huge one came up behind me. I'm very short so when she encircled her sausage arms around me my butt sorta sat on top of her knees. She had grabbed me so hard my bladder just let go and I peed on her brand dress, one I had admired at one time. She let go and then I ran for it pulling my boy toy along. I got changed and still stayed at the con.

>> No.7576544

It took me a while, but I'm now on an exercise plan to drop the last 20-25lbs and be able to fit back into my AP again. I don't know how I got so out of control but now all I can think about is exercising and eating the least amount I can. I can't fucking wait to fit back into brand skirts!

>> No.7576554

holy shit dude how are AP skirts long enough for you?

>> No.7576563

I fuck in my lolita dresses one last time before selling them. No one suspects a thing.

>> No.7576564
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>> No.7576584

Bro, this attempt at trolling/sounding ~edgy~ has been stale for years.
Try harder next time.

>> No.7576637

Short people exist and AP doesn't exclusively make short skirts

I hope you recover from this earth shattering revelation

>> No.7576664
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>All my lolita friends dumped me when they heard I liked anime.
>Started calling me a weeb and everything behind my back.
>Started hanging out with my "weeb" friends more having a great time
Fuck those sour bitches. Though it pisses me off how they still go to cons and talk shit about everyone and get mad when people ask if they're cosplaying.

>> No.7576680
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Whilst you might not get a lot of 'lolita credit' depending where you are, but I adore making my own dresses from the Otome and lolita sewing guides that are put out.
They fit my frame and they're long enough for me.
Plain in color and print but that's what accessorizing and fun sock/tights prints are for.
You should post some of your dresses in the next lolita sewing thread, I'd love to see them

>> No.7576686

Holy shit. This cannot be real but it's so entertaining that i dont even care, good story anon.

>> No.7576692

I was in the middle of washing clothes and was wearing pyjamas but then had a strong craving for crackers. So I wore an IW op over my pyjamas (singlet top and knee length pants rolled up) and no one expected a thing and I got my crackers! Success. Please tell me others have done something similar.

>> No.7576707
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This story is PURE GOLD.
Need to know their faces and reactions once they found out you peed on her, please deliver anon chan.
>"I will pee on your brand beyotch"

>> No.7576709
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Oh anon kun you are sooo edgy desu and special...

>> No.7576713

Sorry for you anon. What a bunch of dumb hypocritical sandy cunts...I hope someone will pee on their brand,that their packages will always get taxed or lost,their auctions always lost and their brand stained with shit.

>> No.7576715

That's fucking adorable!

>> No.7576760

Kind of similar. I had showered and finished drying my hair and doing my makeup when my boyfriend walks in asking if I could pick up some pizza he ordered. I hadn't dressed yet, and had received a dress in the mail a little earlier. So I thought, "fuck it" and went out to pick up some pizza for lunch at Domino's in a new coord. It was... delicious.

>> No.7576766

After my best friend passed away, I just don't have any motivation to dress up in frills anymore. I also can't sell them because whenever I try I start remembering all the times together, all the meets. She left me some of her frills but they just hang in my wardrobe reminding me of her. I'm so depressed cgl.

>> No.7576768

I met my first lolita at a dominos pizza place, were you wearing AP?

>> No.7576778

One day I want to get surgery so I can finally look beautiful and not be such an ugly person anymore. Mostly so I can feel better wearing lolita and so I might actually not hate myself so much... it depends on whether or not I try to kill myself again though(it's happened before..hospitals suck guys, don't get caught if you're gonna do it)

>> No.7576785

I'm a fattychan and I struggle to lose weight. I'm miserable where I live as there's no jobs and what friend's I had moved to the Capital city(where there is work). I eat because I am sad and lonely not because I'm hungry. I tried recently to lose weight and I lost a bit, but I got sad again and regained what I lost. I own one Lolita piece, a Jsk and I just about fit into it. However when I wear it I feel happy(sort of) but most of all I feel pretty, which I have never felt in my life. When I wear my one piece of burando I want to go out and walk for 3 hours straight in it(I can't of course since there are no other lolita's in my locality and it's a fairly out there print also I don't want to get attacked for being "different").

I'm glad to get this off my chest actually, I might go out for a walk later.

>> No.7576794

I really want to die... I hate feeling so fat and ugly... even if I was skinnier I'd still be really ugly. I wish I wasn't such a chicken to kill myself in a way like with a gun... I wish someone could torture me and kill me while laughing at how ugly I am, I deserve it! Because I'm so sickening to look at and even be around, my mind is fucked up my body is fucked up. There's no helping me in this life, someone please come kill me!

>> No.7576799

just join the peace core do something be some one don't kill yourself

>> No.7576805


You ladies just need to learn how to style yourself well, learn how to be really good at makeup, and work on your self-acceptance. Anyone can look like a 6 with some effort.
Sometimes you just need to try different makeup styles, different clothes, hair color, or whatever. Exercise makes you look good and helps manage depression too! You can do it!

>> No.7576806

I've just spent the last few minutes throwing out any bad food in the apartment and printing out pictures of ita landwhales and chokelate to put up in the kitchen to show me that if I continue to eat, I'll look like a whale, but if I just stop fucking eating I can be thin and beautiful like her, or a butterface at least because I'm not very pretty.

I would be so much happier if I was thin.

>> No.7576809

I should be studying for my finals right now but I can't focus, my brain won't work. I had a big psychotic epsiode yesterday in the evening and cried for 3 hours straight. I tried to message my familly and friend and nobody wanted to come over so I wouldn't be alone. I've seen my own face and hands melt in the mirror and horrible monsters and I was so panicked. Then I realised that I wasn't important for anyone, nobody actually tried to come and help me when I just asked to not be alone. They were all too buzzy. I called a crisis line but they couldn't do much for me. I just need someone to share a lunch with, to laught with, maybe even watch a movie or something. I just need to get those horrendeous things outside of my mind for a bit.
So I'm about to fail at my last exams, if I can even go because I'm so tired I can barely walk, not even talking about my confused mind. My 'friends' looked at me funny last week when I said exams weren't my priorities, and started to mock me and jokingly say that I would deserve it if I failed. The fact is that I worry a lot more for my mental health than for any exam on this fucking planet, but I can't say that out loud.
I wish I wasn't so alone. At least, I wish that those people who sworn to help me actually did something.

>> No.7576823
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Hey anon; something like this happened to me my first quarter of school in college (was away from the fam,g-pop died among other things) oddly enough even though I failed I found comfort in a big place the school advisor that I had to talk to for failing. She understood how stressful and a burden everything felt. I cried the entire bus and ferry ride home, but I felt as if a huge weight was lifted.

You may not be a Catholic or Christian but why don't you find a church and talk to the priest there? Even if you're not religious, they'll at least lend you their ears and maybe you won't feel so lonely.

>> No.7576824

That's super nice of you, I'm happy for you that you got over it.
I had some pretty bad experience with monotheist religions, so I'd rather not, but the idea is nice.
I think their is a walk-in psychatric hospital not that far from my place, I might go there if I can bring myself to shower and dress up.

>> No.7576826
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If anything ask if your school has leave of absences you can take. I honestly believe that straightening out your personal biz and feelings are more important than school. As you can always go back to school later.

I wish you the best of luck anon, and I'm glad that you have some idea of what you might do to get help and everything.

>> No.7576953

Like the other anon said, your mental health is more important than any sort of school!
I'm so sorry that your friends aren't recognizing your cries for help...you deserve better friends. I really hope everything works out for you. Stay strong.

I'm so sorry for your loss anon. I can't even imagine what you are going through. Celebrate her memory, celebrate her and her frills.
I guess my confession would be that I no longer feel any sexual desire whatsoever. I don't even find other people attractive anymore. I get pleasure from buying dresses and wearing them. Not a sexual pleasure but a satisfaction. I feel terrible because me and my boyfriend haven't had sex in weeks. I just give so many blowjobs now its ridiculous. Lolita took away my ability to feel excitement for anything but lolita.

>> No.7577027

OP here, thanks a ton. It was real but horrifying.
Well tubby-tan didn't feel it when I peed at first but once it hit her she looked like he was going to cry. Maybe she thought she peed. The other itas knew what happened and all looked disgusted. They posted about it on their page later. I was proud.

>> No.7577256

Right? Shit's retarded.

Also the less common tagging their pics ulzzang

>> No.7577273
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>> No.7577285

>I feel terrible because me and my boyfriend haven't had sex in weeks.

My boyfriend and I haven't had sex since Halloween...

>> No.7577307 [DELETED] 

Contact your school's dean of students right away. They can probably help you find help for the moment, coordinate retaking exams, etc. I went through a really tough semester my last year of college and had something similar happen; if it weren't for a kind and helpful professor who helped me contact the right people, I would've been fucked.

My confession is that I honestly hate my community despite hardly being a part of it. I don't care if everyone is fairly nice and we only have one or two easily avoidable drama mongers. You all look like shit and post the most boring, annoying shit on the comm page. I'm not incredibly exciting or anything, but at least I have the decency to not spam our group with my ita-ass bullshit.
The more I think about it the more I want to just leave the comm and never look back. Too bad I have to stay at my job for another year and a half.

>> No.7577338

It's not been that long, but I'm in the same boat, anon.
I haven't been able to "get in the mood" with my boyfriend since last summer.The few times we have tried to have sex, it's been pretty obvious that it's not working out on my end, which upset him.
It had gotten so bad that last fall we both decided to take a break to make sure that we were together because we genuinely still liked one another and not merely because we were so comfortable in the relationship. While it became clear to me that I did still love him/want to be with him, I also realized that I was still sexually attracted to other people, so it wasn't just that something was wrong with me.
I don't know what to do at this point. I'll be leaving soon for over a year, and we're planning on staying together. I guess at least then I won't feel bad for not being able to sleep with him.

>> No.7577383

I have the opposite problem...
>super sexually attracted to bf, whenever we see each other we do it 2-4 times
>i like him, he's pretty funny and cute
>but i have no idea what to say to him whenever we're alone
>long silences while hanging out
I think he's great and the sex is amazing, but I don't know if we're actually compatible besides that since we have about nothing in common...

>> No.7577393

Not really a confession, but I need to get this off my chest, and I don't have anyone to share this with in my local comm. they all suck
In Feb a member of our comm left lolita and sold everything. She told everyone she hated the comm (I don't blame her we have a lot of drama mongering idiots), but I secretly wonder if its because she got into too much debt and HAD to sell everything. I don't think she had a job or if she did she didn't make much. She always complained about affording food and struggling with rent, but she always had brand new Brand dresses arriving every week that she loved showing off to everyone. You don't have to be in a comm to wear lolita so it doesn't make sense

I've heard of other girls doing the same things in other communities too. I just don't understand how you can be in your mid-20s and still be that irresponsible.

>> No.7577404

We used to have a ton of sex when we first got together.
I think school probably killed our sex life, to be honest. His last semester was really awful, and he was so busy that at most we'd get to see one another when I came over at night just to actually sleep. He would always be so tired/stressed that he couldn't do anything with me, and that was basically when we stopped having sex.
I was pretty depressed and felt neglected. I probably still harbor feelings of resentment despite my best efforts to get over it.

>> No.7578026

You don't have to stop eating anon, just eat well. Not eating will fuck your body up eventually anyway. You can still enjoy delicious food, just not crap food and not too much of it.

>> No.7578035

If you stop eating you'll end up looking hideous. Just saying.

>> No.7578052

I've started talking to some of the older, estranged members of my comm and it feels so good. Girls that will actually spend money on brand and seem truly dedicated to the fashion. I feel like making a small, secret comm page for us, but I don't want to start drama in our small town. I'm just really excited to have some frilly friends that are at similar, more mature points in their lives. The other girls are sweet, but young and spend their money of offbrand "loliable" things that they shoehorn into coordinates, rather than having less pieces that are specific to the fashion.

>> No.7578957

post them or you're a monster

>> No.7579094

what is selca?

>> No.7579111

It's the term Asians use instead of "selfie", it's short for "self capture" or "self camera" I'm pretty sure? Either way, the only people who get mad about white people using it are the people who have yellow fever so bad they're actually furious that they can't browse 'selca' tags and see exclusively Asians anymore.

>> No.7579119

Oh, and Koreaboos seem to be the worst offenders about hating white people that use the term. I mean, non-Asians tagging their selcas as "ulzzang" is a pretty reasonable thing to get agitated about considering that term refers to a pretty well-defined look that most Westerners just don't fit, but "selca" is literally just another term for "selfie".

>> No.7579142

is it weird if when i really like a guy i cant have actual sex with him cuz i feel really dirty afterwards (and the other way around)?

>> No.7579146

But ulzzang already evolved into meaning, perfect face in other cultures. Get over it, anon.

>> No.7579168

I didn't mean it to say that it agitates -me-, persay...just that it's a more reasonable thing to resent. I use selca and selfie interchangably but I'm just not attractive enough to use 'ulzzang' lol.

>> No.7579170
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I can afford Brand sometimes, but I love sewing my own dresses. I hate this fat-lazy girls who are always complaining about how Lolita is expensive, but don't look for taobao shops, indie brands or try sew something.

This >>7576537 is lovely.

>> No.7579177

>My sides

>> No.7579180

But that's it, Westerners have the word selfie. Selca is what koreaboos use. Why use one over the other when the only difference is "omg korea!!!"?

>> No.7579186
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I feel you so bad OP, altho I don't really even have the confidence to call myself remotely attractive.

People call me pretty more often than not, but I can't help but feeling like a disgusting piece of shit. I know it's not important, but I can't help but obsess over an unreachable goal. I'm even starting to save for facial surgery in hopes to get some confidence/peace of mind.

(I never do this but...) Captcha: unacceptable

>> No.7579195

Why does anyone use tags at all? For more exposure, obviously.

>> No.7579206

Yeah but why one that specifically targets a group of people (Koreans)? Do they think by using selca real-life Koreans or even *~oppa~* will notice them?

It's not something to be angry about but...it's koreaboo no matter how you slice it.

>> No.7579227

A couple of years ago it was a much more exclusive and "targeting" tag, but a lot of non-Koreans use it now.

>> No.7579233

I keep buying Lolita things and related items, I don't have any full coords, just a mish-mash of stuff.
Then I tell myself that I'm ugly and fat anyway so there's no point in even trying. (I don't even know if I am fat, probably just skinnyfat you feel. I don't think anything could fix my face though)
I may have also been stupid and denied a free sewing machine because I thought I would seem lame for making my own clothes.
I need to stop caring what other people think.

>> No.7579280
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>I need to stop caring what other people think.
Your first step towards true happiness is to keep uttering this. Whenever you feel down, tell yourself this.
Making your own clothes can be super fun, and sometimes can lead to great possibilities or even just learning how to do something conventional (like hemming your pants because they're so long).
Also with the whole thing about buying miss-mash of stuff, you like what you like. I have some stuff in my closet that doesn't fit lolita fashion but that's what dressing up and doing your own thing is for. "Aomoji-kei"

>> No.7579286

I used to sew as a kid but gave up when I was 9 because I fucked up making a robin plushie (I used half of the example pattern and half of the real pattern, the beak was enormous.) I think I'm scarred for life.
But it's not even like people would know that things are handmade, unless they really asked about it anyway I don't know why I worry so much. Maybe I'll ask my grandma if she still has it or if she already threw it out.
See, I like all of these things but I have a hard time thinking that the graphic tees I have a soft spot for will go with a pretty frilly skirt, haha. Who knows.

>> No.7579309

Hang on anon. If you fit into brand you're not that fat so you can lose weight fairly quickly. Try to substitute your food with a low calorie version you still like so when you feel like binging eat this instead. I get that feeling because I mostly eat out of habit, like "it's dinner time so gotta eat" and don't even know if I'm hungry or not.

>> No.7579317

Oh anon I feel the same :( I always thought I had a low sex drive anyway, but it kind of hurt everytime we do it so I guess my brain anticipate sex everytime with red warnings and kill my desire. We can't have spontaneous sex without it hurting like a bitch and I feel bad when all my friends share their normal sex lifes, I can't even do it doggy style.
I hope I'll get over it one day.

>> No.7579319

I've never been to a meet but I know of this girl from my comm. I think most of /cgl/ hates her but I don't really care, this is the one time I disagree with you guys. I think she can do no wrong, she is flawless, she is a lolita goddess I aspire to be one day. She seems really friendly and maybe a bit of a brandwhore but she looks amazing and posts pictures all the time. I saw her at a con and I think she noticed me (I was wearing my first coord ever) and I wish I knew what she thought of me.

TL;DR I wish sempai would notice me and I want to be a true lolita like her someday.

>> No.7579520

Thanks you really boosted up my mood. I tend to lose weight really quickly when I am in the mood to, I think a lot of my problems stem from the fact that I comfort eat that and I have been unemployed for 3 years(not because I wanted to but because I am living in an area where the only jobs available require x years of experience and they won't give people like me a look in).

I can't fit into most brand, like I can fit into some skirts and JSK's. My problem is my bust, it prevents me from fitting into a lot of things.

>> No.7579828

umm it shouldn't hurt go to a doctor!!!! D:

>> No.7579832

Go back to your middle school health class.

>> No.7579844

God this was me with the only partner I ever had (broke up a while ago). Always stung going in, always got sore early on. No spontaneous sex there. I had the same killed drive because of it.

I hope it was just because his dick was 6.5" around and not me because I wanna do it more and faster next guy I get.

>> No.7579846

Are you using lube? I find that with a condom it tends to kill my girly juices pretty much immediately, no matter how turned on I am and then it will hurt a bit. Throw some lube down there and go to town!

>> No.7579862

don't birth control pills kill lady juices too?

>> No.7580068

Some can. It's all about finding the right one for you and your body

>> No.7580161

Yes I know I went to a few gyneco. but they never found anything. It was mostly "relax" when relaxing is not the cause, I'm not relaxed because it hurt.

We don't use any condoms and it hurt when I wasn't on the pill, when I was on it and when I'm on my current implant. I read about stuff from women who had to use dildos of varying sizes. Fun times :/

Yes, at least we're not alone (true that not a lot of women admit it). I felt nothing at some times and other it was unbearable. We use different lubes but it helps a little, though I feel if I force myself to be vocal it helps a bit too, but it feels like simulation.
Be brave anon.

>> No.7580432 [DELETED] 

My boyfriend has erectile dysfunction, longest time he's lasted was about 10 seconds. God I love him so much, but this is really starting to put a strain on things.

>> No.7580450
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Build up your wardrobe, join the comm, be nice, open to concrit, talk to her, tell her you really like her coords and want advice from her.
Good luck Anon!

>mfw Senpai lives on a different continent
>mfw Senpai will never notice me
M-maybe one day she will like one of my coords on tumblr ;_;

>> No.7580781

A couple of my cosplay friends have put on weight while I've lost a lot of it. One of them it's not so noticeable on, but the other it really is. I'm not sure if it was because he was underweight before, but we're probably close to the same weight now and I'm still overweight.

Problem is, I've always been the fat one of the group and being this close to losing that role feels great, and that makes me feel like an asshole.

>> No.7581005

I don't take off my glasses when cosplaying because I look worse without them and feel kind of exposed I guess. I feel kind of bad though because most of those characters don't wear glasses and I'm scared someone will ask me to take them off. I'm really just not satisfied with how I look in general and it really shouldn't matter but it does.

>> No.7581166

you dont need people like that in your life.

>> No.7581183

Doggy style is probably the worst way to have sex if it's hurting you, just saying. It allows too much penetration at the wrong kind of angle.

>> No.7581503
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Certain people just have hideous faces that will always make me cringe when I seem them.

>pic related, I feel grossed out every time I see her posts
Why does she feel the need to take a close up from an angle that emphasizes her already huge nose? She looks like a troll doll, and I've always had this irrational fear of/disgust for troll dolls.
Also, no one in the daily lolita group cares about how you're knocked up. Stop talking about it and just post your goddamn outfit.

>> No.7581519

I've decided to become a lone lolita.

My community once was a lot of fun, and I had a lot of friends there. However, they've all moved away, and now it is full of petty in-fighting, and entitled whining (over the price of brand, over brand not fitting, over a meet up more than 20 minutes away being too far away, over not being e-famous enough, over somebody else needing to eat a sandwich, blahblahblah. Basically anything you can think of, they'll bitch about it).

I'm also fed up with the little divisions in the main group, because it means that smaller meets turn into bitchy gossip sessions about the girls who aren't present. I'm going to retreat without saying a word, but I wish like hell I could tell them all to grow the fuck up.

>> No.7581524

>Also, no one in the daily lolita group cares about how you're knocked up. Stop talking about it and just post your goddamn outfit.

This x9000

>> No.7581530

I love lolita a lot. But lately I've been eyeing Liz Lisa and thinking about how much cheaper it is and how cute it is. I wish there was a gyaru community that I could research like I did with lolita and see if I truly want to be gyaru or if I just want to wear cute clothes.

>> No.7581553
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>> No.7581564


She looks like one of the Olsen twins circa early 2000's but worse...

>> No.7581567

I don't know. It's really logical to choose both. I guess I just didn't know if I would be able to- but yeah. You're right, anon. Both is definitely right. Fuck I sound like a barking mad lunatic.

>> No.7581574


Dear god this dress is gorgeous... perfect.


>> No.7581585

You could always just try it and see how it goes, too
You don't sound like a lunatic, you sound like someone that doesn't want to get in over their head and/or waste their money

>> No.7581814
File: 504 KB, 960x698, sonic-i-don-amp-039-t-even-know_o_1891761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been living entirely on money I make selling my crafts for a month or two, and doing well enough to break even (which I'm super happy about).
My problem is, I sincerely do it because I like the things I make and I think they are cool.
I see people every day on Etsy with some huge, over the top message of feminism or environmental stuff, or who knows what, and it just outrages me because I automatically believe they're doing it to get sales. It's even worse on Tumblr and Pintarest.
Here is my shamefu confession: I keep considering joining in. I'm really, really good at making up artistic bullshit, but I don't do it because I truly want to be honest but I can't help but feel I'm being beaten out by the girls that go all *~*such artistic feels*~* on it.

I'm trying hard, Seagulls, I'm trying hard. I will stay strong.

>> No.7581841

Theres a girl i had a crush on and I confessed to her last year, she never gave me a straight answer. But we've been good friends since. I tell her how much I like her all the time but some days I feel like I should really give up because its not going to work out. But then a part of me tells me maybe one day she'll say yes.

>> No.7581845

You sound kind of desperate and really pathetic.
If you've said it to her countless times and she's not replied, take a hint: she isn't into you that way.
Be glad you're friends and deal with it.

>> No.7581875

i agree with the other anon. she's not interested and even worse you're probably making her feel terrible. if you care about her at all then knock it off.

>> No.7581886

I'm a mean, bitter and horribly jealous person who has no friends and it's entirely my fault.

No matter how much I try to change, nothing ever does.

>> No.7581890

Thank you I know I'm pretty pathetic, being attracted to the same gender never ends well anyway.

I just wanted to get it off my chest, that's all.

>> No.7581910
File: 83 KB, 480x640, P10OJ209-g-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared to let my girlfriend get into lolita/ouji.

I love her so, so much but I never want to see her get posted anywhere because of her acne and sort of unfortunate face. It may not bother me at all, but I don't want to see her appearance get torn apart and have her scared away from the fashion forever.

It's just kind of a really harsh place and I just want her to look cute and be happy. She's been eyeing the green Flim Flam JSK at the Baby store in Kyoto and I know it'd look great on her(albeit really hard to coord) but I just kind of want to shield her away from any mean things people would have to say about her.

Dressing in lolita together would be so fun, but I'm just so paranoid people are going to be dicks to her and break her spirit.

>> No.7581919

Not giving a shit is not oshare kei, oshare means fashionable, which implies you keep up to date with the latest and greatest trends

>> No.7581921

sounds like you have some problems you need to work on then. If your gf is confident and happy no matter what she looks like, then you should also be happy. Letting other people's opinion affect you like that makes it seem like you have some self confidence issues of your own. Don't hide behind 'trying to defend mah gurl!' when in fact you are the one who's going to be the most hurt if people criticize her.

>> No.7581929

Oh, I have really shit self-esteem, too. She's a little worse off than I am, though, to the point of being afraid of lolita but still interested. I just don't want people to make things worse for her and scare her off completely.

We both have horrible issues with confidence and I just honestly don't want things to make them any worse, but I still want to find something we can both do together without worrying about how people are going to judge how either of us look.

>> No.7581935

>without worrying about how people are going to judge how either of us look.
then lolita isn't the thing for you. You're going to get weird looks and negative attention no matter what country you're in (albeit in Japan they are more whispered about it). Here's my suggestion: you don't need to post photos online to be happy wearing lolita, so don't. If you're living in Japan, then it's a bit harder to have public photos show up in the west if someone snaps a random picture of you on the street. You're going to need to work on your confidence, don't compromise yourself by not trying out something fun because you're afraid of how other people will react, that's basically like letting someone else live your life for you, it'll never make you happy.

>> No.7581940

I really appreciate the advice. I guess I really need to work on my own self esteem otherwise I'm just going to end up being buried under the anxiety of feeling like I'm always being judged- but more importantly, it really isn't fair of me to drag her down with me.

She always dresses in very plain clothes because she's afraid to stand out, but I want her to know that standing out can be kind of a nice feeling as long as you're having fun.

>> No.7581956
File: 538 KB, 494x762, bitchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her whole group of friends is fucking obnoxious. Especially the one in attached pic. I wish they weren't in my fucking comm.

>> No.7582141

It's sad how sex can ruin a lot of things, hopefully maybe it's an issue that can be cured ?

On the other hand, I feel like my libido is no way on par with my boyfriend's, who could do it a several times a day. It's like he only think about this so I'm a bit sad I can't satisfy him all he wants with that.

>> No.7582275

Where do I even begin

>> No.7582299

I don't like having sex.
I think years of hormonal contraception killed my sex drive. I stopped it but it didn't really recover.

Low libido anons. Be careful with it even if your BFs push for it because they don't like the rubber.
Non hormonal sterilets can be good alternatives IMO.

>> No.7582313

shit like this is why I'm not on the pill couldn't imagine not getting laid daily I would claw my hubbys eyes out probably

>> No.7582331
File: 80 KB, 958x639, 1357866373675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not? Use it for what it is- a marketing strategy. The sad truth is, integrity and honesty don't count for much anymore. If your products are good, people will buy them, but they can't buy what they don't know about. Exploit Tumblr bullshit to signal boost your stuff!

And if bitches wanna hate, well then let 'em hate because they got no skills.

BTW, what do you make/sell?

>> No.7582333

Just wear the clothes and don't post photos online. It's that simple. No-one will post either of you here if there's nothing to post. Then you can have fun, be cute together, and avoid drama.

>> No.7582337


Yeah, estrogen BC is pretty much pure evil, I don't know why anyone still bothers with it when we have much easier, much more convenient and safer options.

>on depo provera for 5 years
>regularly horny like a beast, haven't had a period in 4.5 years, lost 30 pounds and haven't gained it back since
>literally no other side effects other than the amenorrhea

This shit is gold. But be careful, it can cause bleeding problems, depression, migraines, significant weight gain, and bone problems.

>> No.7582349

So if I'm already bi-polar with depression will they give me depo? I don't need it but hoping to get the weight loss and no periods benefit.

>> No.7582365

>bone problems
Welp, never mind then.

>> No.7582367

> Can cause
as in very rare

>> No.7582384

Because not everyone has the same experiences. I was on depo for a year and I had constant spotting, horrible acne and no libido, and had the same issues with two different progesterone only pills. On COC pills my acne is manageable, I can skip periods, and I have a sex drive. The only reason I went on birth control was to stop the goddamn cramps, so in a way both were successful, but I can tell you definitely that I prefer the latter.

>> No.7582399

I would recommend avoiding hormonal contraception unless you need it to solve problems beyond mere contraception.

>> No.7582405

It's a common problem, but you need to work on that.

>> No.7582409

More like I would feel like dirtying them.
To me the ideal romantic relationship is platonic, but I feel like most men wouldn't agree.

I like masturbation more than sex. I guess I'm too self-concious to enjoy it. It feels degrading even if done with care and love but it's way way worse when no feelings are involved.

casual sex a shit.
I hate the current porny mindset.

>> No.7582412

This stuff is terrifying, I hate how every person reacts to each birth control differently, I wish there was just a one-size answer.
> Was on Microgynon for 6+ years, possibly affected my mood but helped acne/cramps
> Scared to go back onto it for fear of mood swings loss of libido
> Have no basis for these fears since it was fine before
> Scared to go onto any other method for same reasons
> Terrified of getting preggers

Endless cycle of fear.

>> No.7582421


The weight loss isn't common- actually the most common side effect of depo is weight GAIN, by an average of 20 pounds. And you could still have a period on depo, it depends how you react to it. As for the bipolar/depression, talk to whoever is treating you for it as well as your OBGYN, they'll give you their opinion and then monitor you if you decide to do it.

>>7582367 is right

When I hit year 2 on depo I started asking about implanon and they asked why I wanted to switch since the depo was working so well for me, I said because the sheet they gave me when I first got depo said to discontinue use after 2 years to prevent bone and bleeding problems. My OBGYN said "oh, that's only on there for legal reasons. Unless you have a family history of bone issues or bleeding problems you'll be fine.".

>> No.7582433

> I guess I'm too self-concious to enjoy it
Oh anon, I feel your pain. It doesn't help that I don't feel sexual attraction, either. Sex is just a hassle to me.

>why can't I be normal

>> No.7582434
File: 31 KB, 250x350, hatemyselfwanttodie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tend to avoid sex, but not because it feels dirty. For me no matter how good it is, it's still not as satisfying as doing something proactive like building something or figuring something out that I was previously stuck on- something I can step back from and look at and go "YES! Look at that! I fixed/built/solved that!". I like to be productive, it's such a rush.

But sex is just like "That was amazing!... and now it's over. Okay. Let's... watch a movie?" Just doesn't last, and the effort just doesn't seem worth the payout when you're over it almost immediately. I have to be really horny to even bother anymore. Even though the sex is great and we connect super well on a nonsexual level, idk. I hear less intelligent people have more sex because they don't think about it as much, maybe I should quit my job and smoke weed all day and try that out. I'm not trying to imply I think I'm a genius or anything, just that maybe I would like sex better if I were dumber.

>inb4 but Einstein had a very active sex life!

And Tesla was abstinent and kicked so much more ass.

>> No.7582439

I don't think it's anormal anon.
Society is trying to push promiscuity and over-the-top sexuality up everyone's throat,and make us (low libido/romantic anons) feel inadequate, but in reality, sexual performance on par with those porn actresses isn't for everyone.

>> No.7582466
File: 2.41 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_1347 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auuugggg... I'll try it. It just feels so scummy.
I'm Monster Anon, I hang out in the artist alley threads a lot, pic related.

>> No.7582486

I think you have shit sex, as when it is good you dont just go well okay lets do somethign else. Have you ever orgasmed?

>> No.7582500

Anon, some people don't like sex much, there is nothing wrong with it. Stop trying to make them feel bad about it.

>> No.7582502


>would like sex better if I was dumber

The reason a lot of "geniuses" didn't have sex is because they had a lot of trouble with interpersonal relationships. Tesla didn't have a lot of friends either.

Most geniuses of our time not only had sex, but they had a ton of it (looking at you Feynman). Don't use your supposed intellect as a basis for why you don't enjoy sex. Buy a rabbit and come back after you've used it, I'm sure you'll have a different outlook

>> No.7582535

Thanks anon. Your situation is a lot worse! I hope she does notice you someday. It will be okay!

>> No.7582617

I just created an SA account, but I doubt anything will ever come of it, since I live in a very small city.
I just want extra money for burando.

>> No.7582658

Also, i can add there are some people who are asexual. I think one or two of my friends are like this.
I rarely get sexually and romantically attracted by someone so it's really hard to find someone for a relationship i can like and like me back.
I hate also I the casual sex and too sexual culture we have, it's like if you don't have an active sexual life with someone you are a loser. They also never mention masturbation or it's degraded, especially if performed by a woman. They even say if a woman has pleasure only with masturbation and not sexual intercourse is "selfish". Wish this world was more healthy relationship doesn't matter if romantic or not than this sexual animalistic drive shit.
I way prefer masturbation than doing casual sex or sex in a bad/boring relationship, because self love is safer, you know your body and you don't get pregnant or STDs.

>> No.7582683

I'm asexual. I don't dislike sex per se, but I feel that it's a colossal waste of time for me and I'm terrified of getting pregnant. I'd rather be doing anything else with my partner. Very rarely I'm romantically attracted by someone and never sexually, so until a few months ago I had given up completely on relationships because they weren't worth the stress.
>tfw met someone wonderful and develop feelings for them
>tfw no hope
>tfw they like me back
>tfw they are weird like me and think sex isn't worth the trouble either
There is hope for all of you, seagulls.

>> No.7582687

i don't get why there's so many poor people in lolita. get a nice job or gtfo.

>> No.7582695

Anon I think you're making valid points and I agree with a lot of them. But your attitude towards sex and people that have sex is very condescending and I think that's why people are getting snippy with you.

>> No.7582719 [DELETED] 

I got into lolita fashion two years ago and also became anorexic. I cant tell you or dare to explain how much jfashion stops my eating. I am half chinese but I gain weight super fast from a slow metabolism. I am finally 98 lbs which is so close to be 95 lbs, the sad part is no one on my blog or real life realizes ive lost roughly 25 lbs since february. My dresses dont show a slimmer figure sigh.
I dont even care anymore, its just a part of me the same way lolita is now.

>> No.7582726

Aw, anon this is so sweet! Please post your dresses! I'd love to see them!

>> No.7582748

My college graduation and birthday are coming up, so as a gift my boyfriend's offered to buy me a OP after years of wanting to put together a coord. The thing is, I'm not happy with my body right now, and I feel like if I go through with it and then try it on, I'll just be disappointed in myself, because I think my body's disgusting in its current state. I'm not sure if I should just put it off until I lose enough weight so that I feel comfortable, or if I should go for it.

He thinks seeing myself in lolita would make me feel more comfortable with my body while I lose weight, but I worry about wasting his money if it doesn't work out.

>> No.7582754

Lucky anon.
I'm happy for you.

I used to feel pressure on having an active sex life. It ended with 20 years old virgin me not saying no to a pushy douchebag ..Just to fit in and not being the weirdo from another time anymore. That and all that propaganda about sex being easy and amazing... A disastrous degrading first time that left a very sour taste in my mouth and that probably damaged my sex life and trust in men.

Now, I know better, and I wouldn't give shit about virgin-shaming, but it's too late. ;_;

>> No.7582768
File: 91 KB, 675x720, 1371572682415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying not feeling like a dirty whore isn't the best part
I don't understand how people can have vanilla sex.. its so.. dull

>> No.7582779

To each their own. I don't judge. It does suck when you're into more kinky things and your partner isn't.

>> No.7582840

The problem with the waiting until you loose weight is that what if that doesnt happen? You should be okay with your body as is too, even if you have a goal weight you want to go for. I do agree that seeing yourself looking fab does help self esteem.

>> No.7582851

I haven't been horny like I used to be/even had an orgasm (let alone tried to masturbate) in ages (like, at least five months). Now all this talk about BC is scaring me ugh I hope I'm not fucked up what do I do?

>> No.7582860

I like orgasms, whether I do it all by myself, with the help of a toy, or with a partner. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure not everyone is as into them as I am. I don't really care whether people have/don't have sex as long as you're doing what you want, no one's getting hurt and there's no coercion either way, but unfortunately it sounds like that hasn't been the case for a lot of people in this thread, or people feel like they have to meet (real or imagined) certain expectations of how their "sex life" should be.

>> No.7582868


You could try different methods. Have you looked into something like a coil? I heard it doesn't interfere with libido as much. Anecdotal stories from my friends say they're ecstatic about it - great sex life blah blah blah. And you have much less chance of getting pregnant on it, and you can take it out whenever you're planning for pregnancy. It might be an option if it's available to you.

Most hormonal effects of BC wear off after a month, so you're not 'fucked up' in that sense. Thankfully, the effects only last as long as you're taking the pill for the most part.

>> No.7582870

I haven't been regularly taking it for about a month now. Hopefully things will go back to normal. I've been on the pill for about two years now, though. My best friend just got an IUD and says it's amazing. I've been thinking about switching methods for a while.
Thanks for the encouragement

>> No.7582879

This happened to me too anon. I have no solutions.

>> No.7583143

Hey anon, my boyfriend and me have been together for five years and last month or so was the first time that we actually got close to having sex. We're not there yet, but it's improving. I had the same, I got scared of it because it hurt so bad and all my friends saying it would go away fast didn't really help (because it didn't). Combine that with a tendency to panic attacks and you've got a wonderful combination. I don't know how my bf put up with it.

That said, if you think it's a mental issue causing you to always tense up your muscles, you can see a doctor / physiotherapist / sexologist for that. They will give you therapy to learn how to relax your muscles and associate contact with pleasure. Good luck!

>> No.7583194

Well certainly NOT relying on one method is dangerous (condom can break, etc). One of my friend who is older than me managed to get pregnant because she didn't want any hormone yet didn't like condoms and would rely on her cycles. I was really ashamed for her.

I'm on the implant and not having your period is nice. Honestly I don't think I could go back to smelly pads, having my periods come up when they feel like it (better when I don't have any pads or tampons left) and cramps. I don't think I had any side effect but made the mistake of searching for side effects on the web and scared myself by comments about women who put on 30lbs.

Really it depends on your body, one of my friend finally managed to get one that fit her but also made her gain a few sizes, it was shocking to see her when I always knew her really thin.

>> No.7583239
File: 112 KB, 576x507, 1393864876324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh birth control
>boyfriend doesn't like condoms because "i can't feel anything on muh dick :("
>go on bc
>crazy depression (sex drive was not there to begin with, I was actually kinda hoping this would increase it but lel nope)
>see gyno
>"oh well I guess no hormonal bc for you"
>suggests paragard
>hurts like a bitch to put in
>hurts like a bitch when I have my period
>my vagina is constantly leaking blood
>still no sex drive
>hormones are fine though
>boyfriend whines because muh sex
>get paragard taken out

fuck that shit. fuck it all. it's just not worth it. sex is one of those things I don't even care about but force myself to be a human guinea pig to please others who think I'm "supposed to" be a certain way
no way, fuck it all to hell, i'm becoming a nun

>> No.7583244

oh yeah
>pay out the ass to have a medieval torture device shoved into my uterus
forgot about that

>> No.7583259

Did it hurt to get the Paragard out? I've had mine in for six months and haven't even gotten a checkup for it because I actually thought I was dying when it was inserted and am not itching to experience that level of pain again.

>> No.7583263

It hurt less, but it still hurt. Is yours doing a good job?

>> No.7583268

My secret is that I enjoy reading other peoples confessions

>Mfw this whole thread is muh asexuality

>Crying because I'm not alone

Thanks a lot cgl

>> No.7583270

It is in the sense that I can barely walk the first couple of days of my period and everything I own is covered in blood. Other than that it's fine. Fortunately my boyfriend is gracious about it.

Which is good for him, because his ass would have been tossed to the curb so fast if he wasn't. Not that I don't love him, but I have no sympathy for guys who have shit to say about female birth control.

>> No.7583279

Do you know if you have endometriosis, anon? I have it so I can't even use tampons and IUDs irritate the fuck out of it.

>> No.7583287

not endometriosis, it's a frequent issue with copper-based IUDs. Heavy flow and horrible pain.

>> No.7583290

Oof, that's rough. I don't believe I do, no. I've always had irregular periods and used to miss them frequently but I believe that may have been due to body weight/malnourishment issues. Before the IUD my periods were rarely painful and I've never had issues with tampons, fortunately enough. The IUD just makes periods a lot crampier - though they do respond pretty well to standard painkillers.

>pill sucks
>implant is okay but does weird hormonal shit to me
>IUD turns me into the walking wounded every month

Can't win.

>> No.7583300

"abloobloobloo I don't like it"
>hear news of male birth control pill
"b-but muh sperm, I might become infertile"
suck it up bitch nigga

>> No.7583307

As a nympho, condoms fucking suck for me too not just my bf. That shit feels so good raw man!

>tfw bf getting vasectomy soon

>> No.7583308

If you've only had it for six months, don't give up just yet! I've had mine for 2+ years, and it took about eight months for my periods to even out. Now they are regular, the flow is no worse than before I got the Paragard, and my moods/hormones have stabilized. Of course, everyone's body is different, but I think it's worth giving more time for your body to adjust.

>> No.7583309

>but I don't like condoms
Yes, because I so enjoy getting shanked in the organs. If I hear one more guy start with this shit I will strangle somebody to death.
>i'm done, nice chatting with you anons

>> No.7583316

My confession is that I feel bad for all of you bitches who are apparently only having sex to please your boyfriends.

My other confession is that I am tall, pear-shaped(hips and thighs) and keep buying AP even though it's too short for me. Dammit AP stop being so fucking cute!

>> No.7583321

break up with your boyfriend, he's an asshole. condoms do numb sensation a little, but he's just being a little bitch about it, and it's not fair to you.
"i want sex but i dont wanna wear condoms, wah!"

>> No.7583324

I'm not a nympho but I can't stand condoms, I hope girls don't think they'll feel like sluts if they admit it. To me it feels like having sex with a plastic wrapper, it's all cold and idk, just not my boyfriend.

I'm happy to see we're not so alone in our low libido, it's terrible how much of a taboo it is. I get the feeling that the guy/girl who has the most sex sessions wins the prize of ... happiness ? Sometimes it's like the world revolves solely around sex.

>> No.7583328

I just saw in my boyfriend's search history that he has been watching porn pretty much everyday this month and that he searched for one night stands last month. I didn't even feel anything when I saw it, just blank and numb. God knows what else he searched for when he wasn't signed in to his Google account.

>> No.7583341

Break up. Porn is whatever but looking for hook ups is going to the cheating part. Leave before he gets you an std

>> No.7583343

I'm kind of over the whole "a healthy sex life means having sex every day/twice a week/idk" mentality, it's individual for everyone.

It's really annoying when you say you don't like having sex often and they say "well then maybe it's just not with the right person/they don't know how to have sex/you're just shy" etc.

>> No.7583345

porn is understandable, but one night stands? guuurl

>> No.7583349

You should kick him to the curb solely for being stupid enough to not have private browsing on when looking for one night stands.

>> No.7583352

I confess that I want to be a sugar daddy at some bimbo in a con, or even jailbait if I could get away with it. I earn serious money for my age, but I chicken out because I might end up being kicked out at best, in jail at worst.

Would be happy as shit if some jailbait sat on my lap for a while.

>> No.7583381

Man, I would totally be your jailbait. I'd love to earn money just for sitting on some guy's lap.

>> No.7583386

If you're not ugly, then hey.

>> No.7583392

I'd pay you, honestly, given you were cute and all.
Would even pay you some expensive figure or whatever thing you wanted in the con.

>> No.7583395

I'm average, that's it. Wide build, but kinda pudgy. I'm not hideous, but not a looker either. One of the reasons I wouldn't do it, at least I'd get fit enough so the girl can feel better sitting on some buff dude's lap.

>> No.7583397

Post a photo, need to see if you are ugly or not.

>> No.7583412

I'm in a meeting, can't post one right now, sorry.
I'm also very nervous about posting my average face on internet. Plus I'm a spic.

>> No.7583447

I'm a small asian girl. 104 pounds, 5'3, sorta cute face? As long as you dont radiate BO and sweat a lot, I'd totally be alright with sitting in your lap.
I'm mostly curious whether people would actually pay me to sit on their lap or not, given that we probably live on opposite sides of the world.

>> No.7583456

I'm not a looker, but that doesn't mean it gives me permission to reek of BO. I do take a good bath and pick fresh clothes when going to cons, plus a good perfume with a mild smell, not some LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME strong smell.

You make an interestinf point, there are always girls in cons asking for money if they do X or Y for you, but they'd prolly squeeze good money from dweebs if they sat on their laps or something like that, instead of just hugs or posing.

>> No.7583482

Shit sign me up, doesn't matter if you're a 0/10, just get me 7th Dragon 2020 Miku and RAH Shingekis

>> No.7583489

I like the cut of your jib, hahaha.

>> No.7583551


I have had orgasms from sex and I have used vibrators. I enjoy sex DURING sex but when it's over, I'm over it.

Fuckin 3rd grade reading comprehension on this board. One thing I miss about all the dram whores is that they could pay attention to shit.

>> No.7583577

>Sometimes it's like the world revolves solely around sex.

Well, it kind of does.

>> No.7583687

Sorry for the late reply, but you're right. I should definitely go for it. I guess I just worry because I think if I'm disgusted with myself, imagine what others feel about me. Thank you for the advice <3

>> No.7583702
File: 1.10 MB, 1024x600, nononono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw almost 20 years old and steadily leaving jailbait territory

>> No.7583715

Too old, anon.

>> No.7583766
File: 942 KB, 480x360, uiuiuiuiuiuiui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cute! I'm little! I'm 98 pounds. I can fake it!

>> No.7583831


>> No.7583929

Omg those are both adorable and terrifying

>> No.7583946

it revolves around pregnancy and childbirth.

>> No.7583970


Well, the stork doesn't get women pregnant.

>> No.7584444

They are cute anon, you seem butthurt over nothing

>> No.7584468

I talked to him about it and he got really mad and said that I was violating his privacy. I only found out because I searched "online calculator" and after the first two letters a recommended search for one night stands came up. Then he said he didn't actually want to have one, just that he was curious because he suspected that I was cheating?! Eh, it sounds like a lot of excuses but I don't think he'd cheat. We definitely have a lot of issues though and I have been giving him the cold shoulder because of depression and anxiety so I know he feels really lonely as it's only us in the house and I stay in my bedroom on my own a lot. I guess I need to re-evaluate our relationship but I am so bad at this stuff.

>> No.7584482

Damn, that girl is beautiful ^_^

>> No.7584492
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>> No.7584526

Yeah, there's a group of them that are super hugbox-y, and it gets old fast. Very sweet people, but damn does it get annoying. Not that I think people should be bitchy to each other, but some honest discussion and con-crit would be nice. It's not just the daily coord group, either, it gets pretty bad in the local group, too.

>> No.7584556
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>> No.7584557

It sounds like you're upset of their friendship. Why are you annoyed with someone who cares about other people in the community and is friendl? I guess you're just so bitter that you have to be upset over something as ridiculous as this. You should focus on your own happiness and if you don't like them then just ignore them and focus on yourself and not other people.

>> No.7584563

hugbox comm detected

>> No.7584569

not even in this comm but its stupid how they are on someone for hugging and being friendly. Calm down cold cold bitch.

>> No.7584570

you seem upset

>> No.7584581

>"Not that people should be bitchy to eachother, but some honest discussion and concrit would be nice"

Yeah that's totally "on someone", don't start crying or anything.

>> No.7584592
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>> No.7584616
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>> No.7584619

Camming pays for all of my burando. Honestly, I love it and it's really fun. Guys like me because I'm "not like other girls" and it's great. It's the one place where I can genuinely be myself and people actually like me for it.

I've met some really great people, have tons of fun just talking(and having a huge kink for being an exhibitionist), made a lot of money, and it's really improved my self esteem by like a billion percent. I mean, I will always hate my body but I guess now I hate it a little less.

I quit my real job to do it full time.

>> No.7584641

I am secretly jealous when girls come on here saying they cam. Like I want to do it, it sounds so damn easy and fun but 1) i don't know where to start/who to contact at all, and 2) I don't wanna shlick on camera, like that image grosses me out.

Help plz anon? You said your hate your image too, how were you not embrassed at all?

>> No.7584644

Do you really make enough camming to support yourself comfortably? I've heard horror stories about chargebacks and guys stiffing cam girls

>> No.7584646

If he's pissed I don't think it's a good sign. A lot of guys revert to aggresivity to defend themselves, I feel if he had a clear conscience he'd be more intereted in clearing the misunderstanding.

>> No.7584651

If you have reservations about it, it's probably not the job for you. You pretty much operate based on what other people tell you to do. When I started, I didn't have high expectations of myself.

Yup. I make at least 1.2k every two weeks s opposed to the 300 I made every two weeks at my previous job.

>> No.7584652

Wow, are you like thin and very attractive though?
Does your money just go into like a paypal account?

>> No.7584657

I have a gut and saggy titties+big nips but a relatively cute face. Guys like that it's not the usual. Most of the thin and pretty girls on the site don't actually get much attention.

The money actually goes into a bank account if you choose, or a paper check. It's essentially just a real job.

>> No.7584658

I have been thinking about trying to get into it for a while.

Where do you think is the best place to start? And you were talking about how you could be yourself, but with how much you make, I assume you're a nude model? Just wanted to see.

>> No.7584660

Believe it or not, very little of it is actually getting naked. However, that's just how it is for me and I have a feeling a job like this is very, very subjective. I talk to the guys for awhile(usually about animu or vidya) and eventually we work out a goal(usually like schlicking or just nudity or something) and that's the night.

I'd rather not disclose the site because I'm super paranoid, but it's one of the most popular.

>> No.7584665

Thanks for the info anon. It's something I have always thought about because I don't do well at normal jobs but I have exp camming for ex bfs. Definitely something I am going to consider now.

>> No.7584668

Definitely give it a try! The most important rule of it is to have fun!

To be totally honest, the money isn't the most important part of it for me. It's just so fun.

>> No.7584677

That's good to hear, that's honestly all I ever wanted in a job was to have fun but making decent money is a great bonus!

>> No.7584681

do you ever get worried that it'll come back to bite you? Like, that you might get fired from a future job if people found out that you cammed?
That's my biggest fear about it. right now I'm a broke-ass college grad but I'm worried it could sabotage my future professional goals

>> No.7584685

But if the employer knew wouldn't that make them a customer? (Not camming anon here)

>> No.7584688

Do what I do and go out of your way to make yourself look absolutely nothing like your real self. I wear a wig, lenses, different makeup- everything.

That way, it's impossible to trace it back.

>> No.7584690

It's fun for you because you're an exhibitionnist.
That sort of thing is not for everyone.

I would personnally hate it.

I guess you actually liking it instead of doing it reluctantly only to pay the bills probably contributes to your popularity...

>> No.7584694

Of course the more your into it and enjoying it the more the other party will as well.

Many people are surprised to realize that they actually enjoy being an exhibitionist when it can't harm them in any way.

>> No.7584695

I don't really see why it's such a problem. It's definitely not for everybody, but if you're really backed up into a corner you might as well try to look at it as something positive.

>> No.7584696


idk, I can foresee something like either a jealous ex (bf or client) keeping some vids, and turning you in via an email to your boss, or a(n ex) client quietly mentions it to his gf and she gossips, thereby spreading the info until someone tells your boss.

Better to take precautions like >>7584688 suggests

>> No.7584701

My exs would be too scared and are too poor :P

But to be fair my field of work probably wouldn't care so I could see this being a worry for people who hope to get into big money corporate jobs but then again if you can do that why would you need to cam.

Plus never forget plausible deniability unless your banging your boss he has never seen you naked so he can't prove anything lol

But this is going way crazy into what if world.
If you worry about such things it's probably not for you. If you are looking for something new and different then it might be. Never know until you try.

>> No.7584715

>My exs would be too scared and are too poor

No, I said:
>ex (bf OR CLIENT)

It's entirely possible for you to go into an interview and meet some of your not-so-nice clients face-to-face. Since your address is most likely on your resume they now know where you live, and although you can expose them for being your client, their exposing you for being a camgirl may or may not have worse consequences for you.

You're right that I wouldn't go into camming, I'm not comfortable with it. I just don't think you should throw caution to the wind entirely, particularly if you're giving advice in this thread to other girls whose field of work may not be as accepting as yours.

>> No.7584722

As much fun as I think camming is, it doesn't stop me from going into identity lockdown.

You definitely can't go into something like this without actually thinking about the repercussions first.

>> No.7584726


Exactly. Even if you're really backed into a corner and you really need the money, you've gotta take precautions to protect yourself, rather than jumping headfirst into the first camming site you come across.

>> No.7584734

>Putting your address on your resume
Maybe that's just me but no I do not send my address to every job I apply to

I understand what you are saying but it is just as easy to get up and walk out from that situation if they were a not so nice client, wouldn't want to work for them anyways.
What are they going to do make a web page about how I cam?
What would they do with my address anyways? Harass me? Black mail?
All they would be doing is harming their own character.

>> No.7584735

I'm at 120 and just want to lose 15lbs but for the last two years no mater how much I work out or cut back my diet my weight won't budge. It's gotten to the point where I fear the scale. I buy pretty brand dresses but I feel like such a fat pig I hide in sweatpants and my bfs shirts because I'm too scared to go out and be judged. The anxiety of not being able to lose any more weight is so bad my bf worries about me....

I used to be 100lbs in hs and I wasn't terrible at my worst, I got up to 140... But getting back to where I was is so hard.

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.7584738

It's not all about cutting cals it's also about workouts and toning are you doing lots of that as well?
Also have you checked that its not just muscle instead of fat which is not a bad thing

>> No.7584741

I just want to be thin again. I feel like I used to be tiny and cute... I don't want this to be how I am forever.

I work on my feet a lot in a hospital and I do a lot of hiking and climbing on the weekends. But I feel like I still look terrible and I can't lose weight.

>> No.7584742

I've been putting off sewing because I'm scared I'm not as good as I should be. I make excuses for not working and I haven't touched my machines in over a month. I've got patterns drafted and cut, but haven't been able to convince myself to put them to work, not even for muslins.

I've lost my confidence and I don't know where it went.

>> No.7584743

You may need to get into lifting a few times a week. /fit/ has a good primer that is worth a read in their pinned post

>> No.7584745

Do you have a con coming up that you need to be sewing for?
Sometime I look at my old work to motivate myself where I need to get better and so I can show off how much I have improved. Watching new animes/shows/movies also helps me with motivation sometimes because I want to start new projects but can't until I clear my current one. I hope you get your confidence and motivation back anon!

>> No.7584747

I'll do that... Thanks anon

>> No.7584748

Good luck I hope you start to feel better!

>> No.7584755

I only want a job so I can expand my Lolita wardrobe and go to more cons and cosplay but I am a highschool drop out and only have skills in cooking privately. Thinking of doctoring my resume so I can get out of this apartment and depression I've had since having to leave the Lolita and cosplay scene.

>> No.7584757

Hiking and climbing aren't exactly the best thing for losing weight if your body is used to them. If you're quite fit already try HIIT like Insanity (if you have space indoors) or things like sprint training, plyometrics etc

>> No.7584784

Well just get him to eat you out, or give you a warm oil massage all over your body and your froo froo. Get him to spend hours just pleasuring you while you rest your pvc heels on his back. (Like a koala cubling) Take turns alternating between partners etc, try different sex games, challenges etc. It isn't all about the penetration the other things are the best to me! :D

>> No.7584850

you're a moron gtfo

>> No.7584955
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if you post your tumblr I'll help signal boost you on tumblr anon! I've seen your stuff before on the craft threads, it's really cute!

>> No.7584994

oftentimes cheaters accuse their significant others of cheating to throw off suspicion.

>> No.7585024

Again, just end it. Thinking that you were cheating isnt a good excuse for him to do it, and that tends to be a bullshit justification anyways. If you have a lot of issues on top of that, you have no reason to stay. Get out.

>> No.7585034

Problem I have with camming is that all the girls seem to have no clue about later on. You cant live on it forever and no one seems to have a good plan. Same thing with quitting jobs for it, like wont that come back to haunt you? How do you explain what you did for the last 5 years or wahtever?

What is your height? Like just because you were 100 in highschool doesnt mean you should be. Your goal may be too much.

>> No.7585048

I worked from home. BAM
Why do so many thirsty gulls live in a world of delusion and paranoia thinking people actually give enough fucks to ask beyond that.

>> No.7585064

Nope, nothing against their friendship, I just think that they are enabling itas and bad fashion sense in general. Being a nice person doesn't prevent you from dressing poorly.

>> No.7585069

You probably hit your "skinnyfat" low, sounds like it would probably be better to focus on measurements rather than weight, and start working out more.

Also, high school weight is probably not realistic for a grown woman--body composition is different in your teens, and may not be an attainable goal at all.

Like another anon said, how tall are you? That makes a huge difference when setting healthy weight goals.

>> No.7585157

Well, some girls become curvier and grow up a lot after teen age while some not really much. Me for example i have the same weight, height and bra size as i was 15-16 and i'm almost in my middle 20s. It depends maybe on genetics and hormones, i don't know. Maybe also bone structure growing up.

>> No.7585166

Of course, everyone has different bodies. But I think it's a pretty safe generalization for many women. I'm the same weight I was in high school, but my curve composition is noticeably different than it was back then. There will always be exceptions, but it would probably be something worth thinking about for the OP.

>> No.7585678

I like to smell my farts

>> No.7585854

Her response in the picture seems so arrogant... I hate when people talk like that.

>> No.7585860


Never mind about her bangs, this chick's literacy is terrible.

>> No.7586098

I'm a really skinny girl but i often wear big and baggy clothes because nicknames like skelator and the looks i get from bigger women make me feel bad. If i dress to my appropriate size it must be to impress someone, and not just liking to look nice. weight issues are a 2 way road.

>> No.7586161
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Aww! I hope you post your dresses sometime. Just an FYI, good handmade is generally considered to be superior to brand. (Lizchen of Russia is considered the high queen)

>> No.7586167

Wow, what bitches. You don't need people like that in your life. Keep being fabulous.

>> No.7586182

Oh honey, I'm sorry you feel that awful. Please, please reach out to someone to get help if you think you're depressed. If a person brushes you off, look for someone else. Look for a professional. Schools offer counseling, there's even free therapy services at universities.

Depression is not just being sad. It's the inability to feel happy AT ALL.

Please, please look into getting help.

>> No.7586190

>unfortunate face

>> No.7586200

I have this too! I had to jump around doctors, but finally I found a nice female doctor who prescribed me some cream with hormones to stretch out the area. I definitely began to feel better in piv intercourse when I used it as prescribed. But there are long periods of time when I forget to do so because my husband and I prefer mutual masturbation and oral more.

>> No.7586409

I have a huge problem with selling to or buying from itas.

I look through the profile pictures of the person I'm selling to or buying from, and it makes me really uncomfortable if they're ita.

Buying, because I feel like they didn't take care of the dress at all and it may come with issues they didn't tell me about, and selling because I only buy dresses I really like, and I NEVER want to see a dress that I love fucked up by some dumb bitch who can't dress herself.

>> No.7586412

Oops. Sorry, didn't mean to link post.

>> No.7586436

That's worse than death! Lol

>> No.7586455
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>Come on confession thread
>Whine about having to whine to get followers
>Get followers
>Whining is clearly the solution
Thank you, anons. You boost my confidence. I will happily follow you back.
monsterhatemporium (dot) tumblr (dot) com

>> No.7587248

I noticed the same thing, for this i said that before. Being in a relationship where your partner doesn't listen to your sexual needs or respect you when you don't want to do sex is really awful. I have my ideas of how my sexual life should be but i value also how non sexually
intimate would be the relationship, i mean mutual understanding, having also similar interests, etc... I just hope one day to find the right partner for me and not to be coerced to do something i don't want, because usually a girl has to please the boy and not viceversa, because women's sexual or also asexual needs are most of the time ignored.

>> No.7587360

After seeing so many anons talk about being a sugar baby, I joined a website to do so. Despite living in a relatively remote/lowly populated city, within 24 hours I've already had 150+ profile views, and ~15 guys have messaged me. I might meet up at a coffee shop with someone later tonight, but I'm a bit nervous. It's a lot of work weeding through the salt, but I'm hoping it all works out.

>> No.7587444

Good luck!

>> No.7587485

Good luck, anon! Let us know how it goes!

Just out of curiosity- and wanting to become a sugar baby myself- which site did you join? (I swear, I don't want to stalk you. I'm really interested in the sugar bowl for brand and college, etc.)

>> No.7587489

Just be wary that new profiles get a lot more interest than old ones, so it won't be this way forever, and sometimes people will target new girls because they think they can talk them into sleeping with them for free because they're new.

Also, I've heard that some sites have false accounts to make the site seem more active and so nothing ever comes of talking to these fake accounts (?) but that was more to do with fake female accounts on dating sites.

But now that you've exposed that you've thought about bandwaggoning, aren't you scared that people will highlight that on tumblr?

>> No.7587493


That's what I always think when I want to post some of my own shit up. It's almost as bad as tripfagging and you won't believe some of the elephants' memories these seagulls (bored, unemployed, and thirsty for drama) have.

>> No.7587504

Thanks, anons.
I joined the biggest/most well-known one.You can google this pretty easily, so I don't really want to post it.

Yeah, I know. I've already had to deal with a few people who obviously were using it to find a regular fwb or a cheap escort. Also, is it normal for guys to want you to do the hosting? I guess I can see why I wouldn't go back to a married man's house, but I feel like only a cheapass would prefer to come back to my lame student apartment than go to a decent hotel (which aren't too pricey in my area).

I just want someone to help fund my burando and lingerie collections.

>> No.7587524
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>> No.7587531

Or, you know, get out of a fashion you can't fucking afford. Dumb hoes be wasting they rent money on a damn cupcake dress.

>affords yearsnot

>> No.7587537

Not really. I've thought about it, but in the end it would piss me off too much to lie about what I believe in.
I'm not going to say that revealing myself *at all* on 4chan doesn't scare me, and the fact that people recognize my work cross-threads is both flattering and terrifying.
I thought about it hard, and I'm super happy that I'm being able to pursue doing the thing I love, but not everyone gets that opportunity, and if it comes down to "Spewing crazy stupid shit for advertising" or "Getting a real job like a normal person" I'll pick getting a real job like a normal person.
I'm not going to lie and say that it isn't tempting to make shit up for likes, but I think I'm a better person than that. I was just temporarily overcome with the frustration of it all.

>> No.7590124

I'm ditching lolita to religiously fan Axes Femme. Their dresses have all the same adorable feminine details (pretty lace, cute prints, corset lacing) but are classier and better for daily wear. A lot of them can accommodate pettis too so they're basically toned down lolita dresses that cost 20 bucks a piece secondhand.

>> No.7590136

Me either anon, and I've thought the same thing.

I went off my BC, Yaz, a few years ago. My face exploded in acne - absolutely covered. So I went back on it and my skin went back to normal. I feel badly since my sex drive is practically nonexistent, but I love my boyfriend so much and I'm attracted to him. But I don't want to have sex at all, and recently it hurts when we do.

>> No.7590585

>talk shit about everyone and get mad when people ask if they're cosplaying

Thanks Anon now I have to tell every lolita group at a con that their cosplays are wonderful

>> No.7590593

you sound like an intj
look into mbti

>> No.7590642


It's like you think that doesn't already happen.

>> No.7590651

I used to hate Dakota when there were constant threads about her and shitposting up and down the board, but I'm using the Dakota skin from tsg right now and it's actually really cute.

>> No.7591188

Let me vent about my comm real quick.

The main mod is a great woman. She hosts great events, knows her shit, and is consistently well-dressed. However she feels the need to make a post to the fb page every time a member is posted on btb or even /cgl/. Last time our girls were posted here every image had tumblr filenames, but for some reason she felt the need to remind the fb comm that posting other members to these drama mongering sites is not tolerated. It was obviously not other members. Most members I know personally are cool as fuck and will give loads of advice if you ask.

More recently, a secret was posted to btb about the main mod. It was taken down and I missed it because I don't usually check secrets. I also don't come to /cgl/ a lot, my main board is /a/. After the secret, main mod admitted that she knows it wasn't someone from our community, BUT REMEMBER WE DON'T TOLERATE DRAMA HERE ANYWAY. And then it turned into a hugbox and trashing people on /cgl/ and btb.

I wouldn't mind this if I wasn't known for hosting seagull meets (which isn't all seagulls, myself included). I actually feel the main mod is standoffish with me now. I met a group of our comm members at a con, and she said hi and that was it. She only sends mass messages to me, and never replied to my offer to help with a meet. I want to talk to her about it, but I don't want to be banned from the comm.

>> No.7591581

I am an INTJ, but what's MBTI?

>> No.7591673

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

That's the official name of whatever test gave you your INTJ

>> No.7591692

dis sexy

>> No.7591744

>My period only lasted for 1 day
>usually its a week long ordeal
>It was all dead old blood like at the end of my period usually.
What the fuck.
Don't fucking tell me I am pregnant we use condoms, and I don't think we have done it since my last period.
My face is also freaking the fuck out, like my skin decided that it wanted to look like snakeskin and hurt like a bitch. It is scaly and hurts, water hurts, it is not like, cracked, but it is red and has the texture of a snake what the fuck is going on with me.
I also have red splotches all over one of my arms.
What the fuck body stop it international lolita day is in a week.

>> No.7591774

It sounds like you're dehydrated and maybe having an allergic reaction to something (did you change soaps recently?)
You're probably not pregnant, but tests are like $15 so you can always make sure.

>> No.7591775

I'm the same way, but I don't know if that's because I would get cystitis all the god damn time that I was scared to have sex as a result.

I'm not scared now, and having been with my partner for 5 or so years so I'm not likely to get a UTI now, but I don't have sex very often. I don't enjoy being sexualised and have other things I'd rather do.

Weird thing is that when I was single I wanted sex all the time.

>> No.7591786

It sounds hormonal tbh

>> No.7591791

I've been on BC since I was 16, and am now 24. I think it's fucked my sex drive too. I've usually changed them now and then because it would give me mood swings, now I think I have explosive anger issues and I can't tell if it's me or the pill. I initially went on the pill to fix my skin and control my periods (I would only get them every 2-3 months and they'd last 14 days so I needed something to fix that shit).

I dunno, last time I went to the doctor she put me on a lower dosage generic pill and said it's good to stay on the pill because you're less likely to get ovarian cancer and HPV, plus the not pregnant thing.

The pill has also given me a cervical ectropian which makes me spot constantly which I may consider getting fixed. Arghhh.

>> No.7591808

1.2K doesn't seem like decent payoff.

Just wondering, has anyone here done financial domination instead of doing camming or finding sugar daddies? That shit would be easy as hell if you're into and good at being a Domm, plus it doesn't have to include sex unless that's what you want.

>> No.7591838

Different anon. Seems dangerous imo. You have to meet the guy in person and hope he's not the type of creep who tries to "convert" unorthodox women by violence.

>> No.7591893

>I don't enjoy being sexualised and have other things I'd rather do.
>Weird thing is that when I was single I wanted sex all the time.

Me too on both. I'm emotionally dysfunctional as fuck, and as for the latter statement, well I'll just never understand that because it seems to be true for about half of my friends as well.

>homo sapiens why you so strange

>> No.7591894

>1.2K doesn't seem like decent payoff.

It probably does to someone who enjoys doing it anyway. And it sure as hell beats minimum wage.

>> No.7591934
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This just happened today, and I'm beyond frustrated.
>3-4 months ago someone messages me about wanting to buy 2 cosplays and a few handmade plushies from me
>I say sure, give them prices (ended up about 180$ total)
>"Sure anon, I can do that! I'm excited to get them."
>We agree that I'll give them the things at an upcoming con, I put the outfits and plushies on hold.
>Fast forward to a week ago
>"Hey, are you still good to buy the outfits/stuff from me at the con in 2 weeks?"
>"Yes, of course."
>Pretty excited to get dosh and get rid of old stuff
>Fast forward to today, week before con
>"Hey, just to double check, I'm giving you the stuff at the con right?"
>"Oh, I can't pay for it."
What the fuck. If you can't pay for something for SURE when you message me (which they said they could), don't tell me that you can. Asshole.
I had those things on hold for months for them. I probably missed people that wanted them and passed over them because they were on hold.
I'm mad.

>> No.7591951

Are you sure you guys aren't just confusing the pill with the natural decline in sex drive after your teens? Happens to pretty much everyone.

>> No.7591973

But a lot of people do it online?

>> No.7591979

When I initially switched my sex drive literally turned off. I went from being a slip and slide at the turn of a hat to a desert in about a month with no drive what's so ever. Whenever I did feel the urge, nothing came out of it.
I'm better now, but I'm still not back to what I was.

>> No.7591991

that's why i no longer do holds without a nonrefundable 20% deposit. why should i lose sales without any recompense because some hurflord can't be arsed to budget?

>> No.7591994

I feel you anon. I hate people like that and just had a similar situation.
>Planned to meet up with someone at a con to sell a costume and a few wigs
>Tried messaging them all weekend (we exchanged cell numbers and they told me I could message them anytime during weekend)
>They never replied
>After the con was pretty much over on Sunday they texted me back saying "sorry, my phone was dead all weekend and I'm on my way home already. I don't really want the items anymore anyway so you just sell them to someone else!"
>why you

I stayed at a far-ish hotel too so I kept the costume and wigs with me all weekend since it would be too much of a hassle to go get them and I told them that. Pisses me off that some buyers don't give any consideration to sellers.

>> No.7592009
File: 467 KB, 375x212, sMJWO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flaky buyers has been an advantage for me, once.
>need white purse
>someone has super cute AP white pochette for $45 shipped
>third in line to buy, doubtful of my chances
>after a couple days, seller messages me
>"hey, everyone else dropped out, are you still interested?"

>> No.7592039

>my phone was dead all weekend
I find this doubtful. I left my charger at home during a con but I still managed to get it charged on several occasions just from socializing and saying "hey you have a phone charger for this kind of phone?" Or she could have just bought a cheap charger there, assuming any store that sells low durability products is near by.

I just don't think the situation is likely since some people will offer their chargers if you mention your phone being dead.

>> No.7592063

>I don't really want the items anymore anyway
that kind of said it all.

>> No.7592111

Sorry. I'm just a stickler for communication and I hate wasting my time on people who keep silent. Organization and planning is what keeps me sane in any business related situation no matter the scale.

>> No.7592170

>always too scared to ask friends for cosplay advice even though they have more experience than I do but don't want to come off as stupid

>> No.7592229

> Certain people just have hideous faces that will always make me cringe when I seem them.
This. There's a girl in my comm with an ugly face. Wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the fact that she also insists on smiling wide in every damn picture, so you can see her crooked, unhealthy teeth that make her look ten times worse than she actually is.

> mfw this girl looks up to me and always tells me how much she adores my coords, so each time I scream internally at her pictures, I feel guilty.

>> No.7592667

I don't think it is dehydration, I have been peeing clear for the last 2 days, was the first thing I thought of too.
I think it is an allergic reaction to something...I haven't changed soups, in fact I am at the end of my cleanser bottle. I have started taking a multi vitamin and Zyrtec right before hell started. I also got a new quilt. But the quilt is 100% cotton inside and out I'm not allergic to cotton, I did only wash it once before using it though maybe there is still some china funk on it. Stooped using it yesterday though and do not see much improvement.

I managed to get my face looking kind of normal today by exfoliating(hurt like a bitch) fallowed by my cleanser (Witch is the only thing that feels like it is really helping my skin, and all the sudden stings like a bitch? It never used to sting) Then coco-nut oil and a heavy eye cream. Almost don't look like I am half snake. The texture of my skin is still leather like. It was soft as a baby's ass a few days ago this is so frustrating.

>> No.7593833

I know how it is, anon. I've been with my bf for a few years and the pain never went away.

>> No.7594834
File: 42 KB, 403x600, 10341462_226740887534904_8886266495361826850_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so, so embarrassed by/for my comm. I try to avoid them whenever possible, but we live in a smallish state and all know one another, so wearing lolita in public is almost like a target for the stupid, ignorant (often ita as fuck) bitches that clutter my community.

Every time I remove one of them from my friendslist it's like ripping out a festering tumor and it makes me so happy that I wonder why the heck I haven't gone through and erased them all.

The few shining stars give me hope, but one by one they are all getting sick of the bullshit, too. Won't be long now until all that's left are the garbage representing our fashion to the noobs.

My point (besides REALLY needing to vent) is that comms are vastly overrated. Usually they are a pain in the ass and even at best there's only two or three people you'll actually get along with. Be better to just stay the course, wear what you want, and try to make friends like a normal human being instead of joining a spectacle (and no matter if the group is well-dressed or not it is a spectacle) and hanging out with a bunch of people you have nothing in common with except clothes.

>> No.7594952

This made me realise how horrible it is that I sometimes make nasty faces at really skinny girls.... Fuck everyone, anon, we are just jealous! If you dress in baggy clothes that is just you, again, wanting to please someone else by not wanting to make them feel fat compared to you. Tell the people who call you names to stop bc it hurts you. It is impossible to please everyone, show off your model body and don't feel bad about it.