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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 117 KB, 469x434, disneyazn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7574998 No.7574998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This kid already looks like he's wearing a bad wig so it'll be easy for tumblrfags to FIRSUTO all over him. Which they already have.

Firsutos just prove they are the cosplayers in it solely for attention and not construction or experience.

>> No.7575015

Hiro is the new Onceler/Jack Frost.
Be ready for all the stupid AU cosplays, that is if you can even tell it's supposed to be him through all the flower crowns and "gore" makeup.

>> No.7575016
File: 432 KB, 223x245, 1369099468836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiro is the new Onceler/Jack Frost.

>> No.7575062

No one even gets popular for being the first cosplayer of anything anymore, do they?

>> No.7575066

if its good, then yes.

>> No.7575067

I don't even know what movie this is for or who this character is but I'm pretty sure tumblr has made porn of him already.

>> No.7575075

A quick google search told me this is a disney film about a japanese kid who builds robots. Tumblr is going to have a field day with this one.

>> No.7575078

probably gay porn shipped with Jack Frost or something

>> No.7575081

I can't wait to see Disney fuck up how they show Japan. The kid itself doesn't even look Asian at all

>> No.7575087
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x768, tumblr_n61nw5XLIY1r3q42lo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and done

>> No.7575088

Yeah, I thought he was Hispanic when I first saw him.

>> No.7575090


>> No.7575100

it's like they didn't even try, weird black hair? Dark eyes? OKAY HE"S TOTES ASIAN YOU GUYS

>> No.7575103

Maybe they're trying to copy anime by just having a generic cute male?

>> No.7575109

They should have gone all out then with the hair for example. Like then give him bright blue hair with huge spikes if you want to make him look anime. This design is just.. so bland

>> No.7575131

Can't we make tumblr hate him by arguing that he's fat shaming or that the movie appropriates culture?

>> No.7575148

I look like him, hmmm to bad i'm not a disney faggot

>> No.7575269

Disney's trying to make something Japanese ? Hoo boy

>> No.7575276


Shhh Anon, it's Disney. 80% of tumblr tends to forgive them everything because muh childhood!! and nostalgia.

The rest of tumblr will go nuts for appropriating/racism anyway, because the protagonist is no queer trans fat disabled non-neurotypical WOC. Think about all the Racsims!!1-cries when Frozen came out.

>> No.7575279
File: 712 KB, 800x800, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, it's not like the original character design is that much more elaborate...

>> No.7575286

oh I didn't know that, still even with the glasses he looks more like a nerdy asian kid then what Disney put out

>> No.7575290

I seriously am surprised that no one's gone on any "OMG THIS TRAILER IS FAT-SHAMING" rants yet since the joke in the trailer kind amounted to the robot being fat.

>> No.7575294
File: 131 KB, 764x600, 764px-Shrek_Your_Privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would Disney make the characte look more Asian?
Their main target group are white middle class families (with tons of money to spend on brand products/trips to disney land for their children) and white nostalgic teenagers/young adults (willing to spend tons of money because muh nostalgia) anyway, so of course they try to make a character as white as possible to cash in - inspired by something "foreign" so you feel smart and politically correct, yet white enough to identify with and to buy products with the character's face on it. That's why Frozen charakters where white too.
I don't like Disney very much, but I can see why they decided to make him look the way he does. That is why I avoid all these tumblr-tard discussion about muh racism!! too. It's shitty, but it's Disney, what do you expect?

>> No.7575296

He looks at least vaguely oriental in that.

>> No.7575327

> Shrek your privilege

while I understand your point and agree with it I gotta admit I laughed at that

>> No.7575349

It's kind of weird that he doesn't look that Asian when Russel from Up was pretty distinctly Asian looking (I know that's Pixar but still)

This kid is pretty ugly looking IMO but I'm assuming they want him to look like a normie/average MC

>> No.7575378
File: 134 KB, 500x555, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incoming white fattie robot gijinka cosplays

>> No.7575382

Oddly enough, he looks a HELL of a lot like a half japanese/white kid I went to high school with.

People bitching about that if that ends up being the case would be hilarious though considering all the ridiculously contrived explanations for characters being half-Japanese in anime.

>> No.7575389

While I agree the kid doesn't look asian in the slightest (although all the bs comments on the trailer on youtube say otherwise) the movie doesn't take place in Japan. It's in "San Fransokyo" so it's a mix of San Fran and Tokyo, so making him look more white with I guess a bit of asian-ness suits the setting.
It does surprise me though that Tumblr was all over hating Frozen before it came out and then exploded with love for it. I thought Frozen was shit.

Regardless, the movie looks cute and I'm going to see it anyway because I'm a Disney faggot.

>> No.7575392

Mmm glasses. I would of stuck with that design.

>> No.7575395

but glasses are for nerds

>> No.7575404

I'm pretty sure glasses are for people who need them to see.

>> No.7575406

Like nerds

>> No.7575417
File: 17 KB, 226x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7575487

I saw exactly zero tumblr posts calling Pacific Rim "appropriative" for using giant robots so probably not.
Lots of tumblr things are terrible but idk white girls with bindis or dreads are pretty universally obnoxious so I'm ok with the general concept of cultural appropriation being bad.

>> No.7575491


that's because they were too busy hating Mako and Hannibal for bullshit reasons.

>> No.7575492

I agree that Frozen was shit. Piss-poor characterization and the plot was an afterthought/riddled with holes, even for a disney film.
Honestly the people who complained abt Frozen beforehand for various readons and the people who loved it afterwards seem like two distinct groups, because I have friends from both and literally know nobody who complained about it looking stupid/being racist beforehand and then loved it afterwards. But god it's embarrassing how many college girls are obsessed w it

>> No.7575494

That's pretty unfortunate, then. Every actual Asian girl I follow who watched the film was happy that Mako had her own backstory and wasn't wankbait.

It actually surprises me that 90% of the Pacific Rim cosplay you see is Newts with ugly sleeves rather than Mako, who seems somewhat easier.

>> No.7575548

There's tons of bitches who think that saying the word "kawaii" is offensive since it appropriates Japanese culture.

>> No.7575566

Wow. I can't. It's a word.

>> No.7575572

There's probably way more people who just think it's offensive because it's weeb as fuck.

>> No.7575604

Yeah, I thought frozen was a piece of shit during the peak of the hype. Watched it at home and hate it even more. Elsa is vacant and bland, and Anna is a recolor of Rapunzel.

>> No.7575612

Mako is my favorite female character in Pacific Rim. I appreciate she wasn't there as an object or pointless love interest for the male protagonist. Great movie all around IMO

>> No.7575679

The kid is half-japanese right? Because chinks dont usually look like that. He looks more hispanic

>> No.7575697

I mean, he's CGI and all.
And he does look vaguely Asian or half bc of the way they did the inner corner of his eyes

>> No.7575737

> tfw Asian
> tfw I have all the stuff needed to closet-cosplay this


>> No.7575773

This is Ho Chi Minh's son right? Ho Chi Minh was the first Emperor of Japan for those who don't know. He succeeded Jackie Chan after the Airbender Wars.

I am a proud chink so I know these things

>> No.7576028

He looks like a younger Hiccup

>> No.7576050

glad someone else saw him like that. Seriously he really does look like Hiccup and the kid from Lorax. Pretty sure he's the next Jack Frost especially since Dragons 2 will be coming on dvd by the time this comes out so all the Hiccup fans will just go over to this as their next boy to fawn over.

I'm waiting to see more of a general story or plot before I decide if I like it or not. I think it's cute, but like a Disney direct to video cute.

>> No.7576053

Eh, kinda because I hope we were past the days of "I can't relate to this character's struggles and pain, he's not even white" thing. I mean Christ, everybody loved Mulan and Lilo and Stitch, right? Also, Frozen's characters were white because they were Nordic. And what do we expect? It's Disney, an incredibly powerful empire. I think they're capable of better. Is not sjwing to think that.

You'd think I would have learned my lesson with the hunger games

>> No.7576058

I mean we are past those days and most people are def not racist or whatever but a lot of the people in charge of funding and greenlighting films are old rich people with an older way of thinking. It will change eventually, and especially if we look to other content creators.

Lilo and Stitch was great tho. Disney did so much right with that film.

>> No.7576063

Do you really expect white people not to identify more with white characters when the whole SJW arguments is basically that they can't relate to white protags?

I can't relate to this mini zipperhead, so I'm not interested. It works both ways, SJW trash.

>> No.7576074

Er. Anon, considering the content of the posts you're replying to -- are you trying to tell us Lilo and Stitch/Mulan/Pocahontas/Frog Princess didn't make money?
Or are you just saying that you, personally, find those characters as weird and unwatchable as a mini zipperhead?

go calm down and work on your cosplay

>> No.7576076

I'm telling you, you gook-loving tard, that there's nothing wrong with white people preferring other white people and relating more with other white people, whether on screen or in real life.

Ask yourself how many other races are subjected to this inquisitorial style "do you have any racial consciousness whatsoever" nonsense.

>> No.7576084

anon srsly calm down and work on your cosplay.
/cgl/ doesn't want SJ wank but it doesnt whatever you're doing either anon

>> No.7576135
File: 124 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n5zxlrCSQa1t0n6gpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right.

>> No.7576162


>> No.7576240


>> No.7577612

sad thing is he doesn't look half bad

>> No.7577632
File: 110 KB, 509x490, look-of-disapproval-lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why the eyeliner?

>> No.7577658

fuck off /pol/, you're just as bad as Tumblr

>> No.7577890

It looks like a really shitty L cosplay

>> No.7577916

looks like they even used the same 3d model for all of them

>> No.7579225

That's actually adorable.

>> No.7579298
File: 254 KB, 1016x1740, the-croods-ryan-reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like the dude from The Croods.

>> No.7579543

This made me lol.

>> No.7579578

Didn't we have non-white main characters practically non-stop through the nineties? Yet somehow people still bought that.

>> No.7580906

>different studio
>same 3d model
the fuck are you smoking

>> No.7581913 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 203x210, 1371192720192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

society's logic is basically:
Original Design:
>He doesnt even look asian
Make him look more asian (smaller, slanted eyes and whateve):
>Wow how racist, way to make him look like a -generic- asian boy, hwo distasteful
I can see it now

>> No.7581918
File: 3 KB, 203x210, 13711927201912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

society's logic is basically:
Original Design:
>He doesnt even look asian
Make him look more asian (smaller, slanted eyes and whatever):
>Wow how racist, way to make him look like a -generic- asian boy, how distasteful
I can see it now

>> No.7582040

There's ways to do it without going full slant-eye. Lilo and Mulan looked distinct without being racist. Little things like hair texture and and nose and eye shape. I don't think they really tried at all.

Also what plot-holes exist in Frozen? I never noticed any.

>> No.7582067

Let's make the biggest plothole list for Frozen
-Why are there icecutters in the beginning when they have no relevance to the plot?
Why is Kristoff needed in the movie when Anna could have easily climbed the mountain herself because Elsa conventiently made a staircase of ice?
What was the movie really about? Sisterlove? then why was 2/3 of the movie building up towards the love triangle of Anna, Hans and Kristoff?
Why did the trolls tell their parents in a very cryptic way about Elsa's parents, causing them to ruin their childhoods which could easily have been avoided?
Why do they call it an eternal winter when the movie is only like two days in Arendelle?
Who ruled the kingdom in the three year gap between their parents death and Esla's coronation
Why does Anna keep insisting she's had such an awful childhood being all alone, but apparently didn't bother to interact with the servants instead of the portraits?
Why are the people glad to have Anna and Elsa back on the thorne at the end of the movie? They practically destroyed the kingdom for selfish reasons, leaving a complete stranger in charge. Personally I would have preferdd Hans a ruler at least he TRIED to act like he cared for the kingdom
Why is Disney trying so hard to be funny and in your face modern contemporary in this movie, instead on focusing on telling a good story :(
Please expand the list

>> No.7582074

>Why is Disney trying so hard to be funny and in your face modern contemporary in this movie, instead on focusing on telling a good story :(
They were just pandering to overly emotional losers and femicrays, such as the poster you quoted, because being too emotional often makes one illogical, thus why that poster couldn't see any plot holes at all.

>> No.7582078

I didn't like Frozen a lot either, but I'll go with what I can
-The script was completely changed because of Let it Go. I'm serious. The song originally went with the whole "Elsa becomes evil" plot.
-Plot, also the original fairytale has a boy named Kristoff. But no Anna couldn't have, she doesn't know shit about the wilderness. She's been inside for years.
-Again they changed the script so it's messy. They wanted to get sisterly love I suppose, but it was really clumsy.
-PLOT. Seriously. I hated the trolls, they bring up too many needless questions.
-I can assume an advisor/other official
-Poor writting, just like how Anna doesn't realize she could have gone outside if she wanted to.
-Plot and clumsy wirtting. There was no actual reason why everyone accepted them back outside of perhaps "WINTER IS OVER HOORAY".

One of my problems was the point of Let it go being invalidated as soon as she sees Anna again and is told that she might have fucked things up. Also sudden ability to control her powers perfectly.

>> No.7582083

The ice dudes at the beginning kind of introduced the story with their song, granted I can see it be done by any group in the movie, but they were neat.

>> No.7582144

- I don't think the change was the reason for it all to get messy, I actually liked that Elsa became more human, it would have been very hard to pull off Elsa getting evil in such a quick time even to point of wanting to kill her own sister and destroy her own kingdom for the only reason that she had to hide her trueself (you can imagine it a bit in that youtube song 'if elsa were the villain', but you already notice in the lyrics that it's kind of unreasonable)
- The boy is called Kai and since literally the only thing they really took from the fairy tale was a queen with ice powers and completely ignored the rest of the fairy tale I don't think that's a valid reason. Also neither had Elsa and at that point she still didn't have control of her powers, so how did Elsa manage to get that far?
- yup stupid writers
- yesss someone who shares the hate for the trolls :D
- okay Disney reasons I suppose... It does sound more dramatic
- Then why on earth didn't Anna choose this random official as a replacing ruler? Nooo she had to choose a guy she just met because PLOTbullshit D:
- Yeah I wasn't sure about that one, because her father did say that they really locked the gates, so I don't think she could really go into town...but still servants are human too D: She's actually really arrogant if you look at it that way xD
- Yup

Muah that didn't bother me as much, because Elsa had only just found her selfconfidence and of course when Anna came to the castle she was reminded of everything that had made her insecure in the first place

Yeah I don't know about learning her powers.... It's just like those training sequences in movie like Karate kid, kind of lame, but acceptable

>> No.7582147


On a positive note, I did adore the colors and the design in the movie and the way they displayed snow in all it's magnificence.
And okay Olaf WAS funny and adorable ;)
The songs were okay, my favourite is actually Love is an open door and Repirse from first time in forever, because I'm a sucker for duets ;)

>> No.7582152
File: 1020 KB, 450x345, 1396239660507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you fucking not

>> No.7582157

I can and I will

Seriously I'm having the rant of a lifetime here and that's what you're bothered about?

