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File: 7 KB, 352x720, eyebrow shapes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7573044 No.7573044 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for advice for what to do with my eyebrows, having trouble deciding for myself. I've had them done before but have never had a direction I wanted to go in. I was thinking about doing a #12 in the brow chart, since I've really liked them for a while. I was wondering if anyone had any tips, suggestions, or would be able to maybe shop the photo to give me an idea of what they would look like? Thanks~

>> No.7573050
File: 108 KB, 852x1136, 10379897_536717563105684_2940903699170107710_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a recent photo of me that shows my eyebrows as they are now.

>> No.7573097
File: 87 KB, 500x341, son ga in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God no! That's awful! Unless you want people looking at you like some sort of freakshow. Since your brows are straight you could do the Korean eyebrow thing that's currently big nowadays

>> No.7573116

Any advice for thinly growing eyebrows? I've been afraid to shape them for fear of taking too much. I don't want them to look patchy

>> No.7573129
File: 125 KB, 1600x928, khuôn kẻ mày etude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get one of these. It's called Eyebrow Class from Etude House. You can buy cheap knock offs from Ebay which looks and works exactly like the original. This will help you out.

>> No.7573131

It's one thing to have a design and just remove the excess on your own, but your eyebrows right now are shapeless and you should attempt to mess with them considering you clearly have no practice.
For this one time, do consider getting a pro to design them, specially because and a pro will also be able to tell what better suits your face shape. On your own, you chance picking a bad design or ending up with asymmetrical brows.

After it's done, you can go on removing the growing hairs with no trouble!

>> No.7573134

Jesus, I'm so sleepy I don't even know what I'm typing anymore.
>don't do it on your own

>> No.7573164

Are straight eyebrows really bad ?

Mine are pretty straight and I don't think forcing a rather artificial arch on them makes me look better

>> No.7573203

Just go with whatever shape they have naturally and just clean them up a bit so they look groomed. I think that full, straight eyebrows make you look younger than arched ones.

>> No.7573240

shave that moustache

>> No.7573457

How necessary is it to fill in/shape your eyebrows with makeup? I have dark eyebrows that I try to keep as trim as possible.

>> No.7573480

you already have that thick, straight brow that is very popular in Korea. If you just cleaned up the edges, they'd give you a cute, youthful look.

>> No.7573482

Why on earth would you think #12 would look good irl

Just play around with your face and eyebrows in ps to find the shape that suits it best

>> No.7573536
File: 46 KB, 428x728, subtleshaping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the 'korean look' - it would only mean a very minor tidy up of the browns you have, with no radical re-shaping. It's far better to take away less hair and see how you feel about it, than completely re-shape them. Eyebrow hair can be a bitch to grow back and you're actually very lucky to have so much brow hair as a starting point.

Something along the lines of the attached would be 'korean' sort of style, I've not really done anything but remove the excess stray hair. I'm sure this would still be too 'bushy' for some but hey, it's at least tidier.

Apologies for the lulzy abomination paint-job.

>> No.7573583

Go to a professional and get them done.
You WILL fuck them up on your own, trust me.

>> No.7573631

I'm always worried my brows are too 'heavy' since I tend to have a naturally angered look, I feel my brows have always made that more intensified, and if I could shape them a different way that may help?

>> No.7573640

How does one even begin to change eyebrow colour for a cosplay. I see people do it, but when I try I can't do it. Thick black eyebrows into Orange or pink is really hard to conseal.

My friend said to use a glue stick?

>> No.7573686

how do i get these eyebrows without looking dumb as fuck?
pic related

>> No.7573690
File: 114 KB, 287x271, Screen Shot 2014-04-21 at 1.21.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit sorry. these eyebrows.

>> No.7573692

theres tons of youtub videos if you bothered looking...

>> No.7573731
File: 67 KB, 600x481, Photo on 5-23-14 at 12.39 PM #2 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some advice on how to shape my brows? I've pretty much left them to do their own thing, but I'd like to give them a more definite shape or perhaps lighten them up a bit since they're rather dark and thick.

I apologize for the shitty webcam pic.

>> No.7573803
File: 54 KB, 621x959, Picture122222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so lucky to have such think, full brows, you're hella cute too with amazing eyes. I'd be tempted to go for the audrey hepburn type look, which you kinda have going on anyway. It would mean only a subtle bit of trimming and shaping, allowing you to keep most of the thickness.

>> No.7573824

I was hoping for personal tips and experience.

>> No.7573935
File: 182 KB, 900x1128, Jennifer-Connelly-jennifer-connelly-204157_900_1128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too have "resting bitch face" with dark full eyebrows. I love my full brows, though they take some work to maintain. Every 4-6 weeks I get them threaded, and I do minor maintenance in the mean time (trimming and plucking the stray hairs).

It is absolutely worth the money to have professional do your brows. The place that does mine is $9 for brows (plus I throw in a $3 tip). You can totally afford $12 once a month. Talk to the professionals about different shapes, they'll be able to advise you better than we can.

Check out >>7573803 or pic related for girls who rock thick eyebrows. I've always loved Jennifer Connely's eyebrows...

>> No.7574586

What are some natural ways to thicken your brows? I have gross straight eyebrows and barely any hair close to my t zone. I pretty much have the same eyebrows as >>7573129

>> No.7574611
File: 8 KB, 409x94, webcam-toy-photo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons, please help, my brows are chubby but dont grow in properly. theyre straight-ish and i have a round face, and when i tried filling them in with an eyebrow pencil it looked way too dark, i dont know what to do. i have a youthful face and i feel like an arch might be too much (if i could even have these damn things arched) but right now they just look ugly.

>> No.7574618

If you want a lighter look use powder and not a pencil.

>> No.7574621

thanks anon, ill try that. my brows always wriggle their way into threads like this before im told "pluck bitch"
>b-but i do anons
>they just look this shitty
i might be heading to sephora tomorrow, so ill try looking there

>> No.7574636
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, eyebrows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean Mugi's regular thick pickle brows, or do you mean when they stylize her brows to look like little circles that are half her actual width? (my picture vs your picture)
To compare to the OP's picture >>7573044
Mugi's actual eyebros are more like #5. Stylized, they look like #12.
I've never seen the itty bitty circle brows look good on a girl unless she was already an alt girl with piercings, tattoos, and/or crazy hair. It's definitely not a normalfag look, and could easily go the way of a terrible anime-inspired hime cut or pointy bangs.

That's funny, since that's almost the kind of eyebrows that I'm striving for. I don't like having brows that point too far down inward. I don't like looking angry. Your eyebrows look so sweet. But I would understand if it wasn't the type of look you were going for. What would you like them to do? What kind of eyebrows inspire you?

>> No.7574646

i love super dark, dramatic arched brows like those ~*tumblr grrlz*~ do, but they could never work on my face. i normally raise my brows for photos so they dont look so straight and lifeless (i tried not to in that photo), and theyre dark compared to my skin so filling them in makes it worse. (but i will try looking for a powder!) i just feel like they make my face look rounder and fatter, i got chubby brows, chubby cheeks and face. i just wish the ends would grow back so i could try new shapes without worrying about them ending up too thin or short.

>> No.7574656

Ah, I can see that now. My face can look kind of gaunt, so cutie chubby grows actually balance my face. My eyebrows as they are are just too angular for my angular face. Want to trade?
It sounds like you should just try plucking from underneath, curving it in a bit, and thinning your brows. Even just the lightest curve will look like an improvement, I'd bet. I'd suggest going in to get them threaded (be sure to specify what you'd like!), but in the meantime, that's something you can do to make you feel better.

>> No.7574658

A few years ago I went to Benefit and got my brows threaded. It was painful as fuck but they did an excellent job - I had virgin brows and the technician was able to talk me through it and gave me perfect "retro but not overplucked" shape I wanted. I have just tweezed myself ever since - once the pro did it, it was easy to just remove strays.

>> No.7574665

I'll also put in my 2 cents to say that the first time I got my eyebrows threaded, it wasn't really painful at all. My eyes teared up a little bit (the cute Indian woman who was doing the threading got all flustered. "Oh no!! I gave you eye water! Tissue, tissue, here."), but that was mostly a knee-jerk reaction to having objects around my eyes, not due to the pain. For me, I would rank it below ripping off a particularly bad band-aid. I hate band-aids.

So some people might find it painful, others might think it's okay, like me. I figured I'd speak up to give the full picture.

>> No.7574747

Your brows are already a pretty nice shape, but I think you should thin them out more towards the arch

>> No.7574973

The straight brows look cutest on you anon. I hear that your natural shape is often the most flattering out of all the other shapes. I haven't changed mine since, and it's one of the best brow tips I've ever had.

>> No.7574975

seconding 2nd anon's reply

>> No.7574983

I wouldn't force an arch if that's not your natural brow shape. You have cute and sweet upturned ones that a lot of korean girls would love to have. If you have a round face, all the better for the cute/sweet look. Have a professional do em and get eyebrow scissors and tweezers to maintain them in between sessions until you know how to maintain them on your own.

>> No.7575135

>grow out eyebrows for the first time in a while
> one grows out pointy while the other is sort of straight
what do?

>> No.7575157

I have never for the life if me understood why people always insist that everybody must have a professional attend to them where their eyebrows are concerned.

Undoubtedly you might screw up a little initially, but eyebrows grow back and that's how you learn to do it yourself in the first place.
Learning to pluck and shape your own will be better in the long run because a. money, and b. you can try out a new style whenever you want without having to run off to a salon.

I have been plucking mine since I was 15 and I have maximum eyebrow game.

>> No.7575158


Pencil the one wonky eyebrow in correctly with a matching eyebrow pencil and from then on whenever you go to pluck only do so "after" pencilling in so you don't accidentally remove the desired hairs.

Also bear in mind, the direction in which you pluck decides on the direction that the new hair grow in.

>> No.7575244

There's nothing wrong with straight brows, but op's are just... She needs a trim. Stat. They're just messy looking, and not cute. Like Eugene Levy's eyebrows ate shaped better.
What are you asking? Yes, shaping your eyebrows will change your look.

>> No.7575321

What is the the best way to paint your eyebrows? Because when I try to use pencils my hair ends up full of lumps

>> No.7577513
File: 33 KB, 592x208, eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to give me a recommendation? I have a chubby face with soft features.. My eyebrows have grown pretty wild though.

>> No.7577519

No one ever said you have to do it professionally, it's just a useful resource if you have no idea what you're doing and don't want to fuck up then have to wait for them to grow back.

>> No.7577566


fill in your eyebrows more at the inner portions, that's probably all you need to do!

>> No.7577616

Your brows are gorgeously full. Please do see a professional, but also make sure they won't give you a mexican sharpie look which seems to be popular right now aswell. Just a little tidying up can be enough, use your natural characteristics for your advantage :3

>> No.7578716


>> No.7578852

As a guy should I pluck my eyebrows besides just preventing a unibrow from forming?

>> No.7578907

Are you saying that you already pluck the center but want to know if you should do more?
I think guys should get into shaping or at least getting an arch in there, since most male eyebrows are just a straight patch of fuzz.
Tiny arch though, too much will make you look feminine or like a drag queen.

>> No.7578912

I only do the center up to where the bridge of my nose begins and i try to get the ones that start growing too close to the eyelids.

I like #5 in the op picture

>> No.7581408

Is there an eyebrow shape that matures your face? I look 11 and I'm sick of looking funny with makeup on.

>> No.7582017


Brow powder, brow mascara and that Anastasia brow wax thing

>> No.7582066

some people might be afraid to do their own brows. i got mine waxed at 13-ish and they never fully grew back in, so i can understand the hesitation to try and fix the brows yourself.

>> No.7582237

That sounds fine to me, honestly. Although if you also have very long hairs there you might want to trim your brows to 'tame' them a bit. I know several men who have super long eyebrow hairs that are so long they start to curl and it looks like they have little moustaches above their eyes, it's terrible.

>> No.7582391
File: 138 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless that list of different shapes of eyebrows. I've been meaning to try different ones for different characters....
Anywho, these are my eyebrows. The shape slightly varies day to day but I loooooove sharp arches even if it gives me chronic bitch face a lot.