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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7568466 No.7568466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Phoenix Comic-Con 2014 thread! It's nearly here, who is going and dressed as what!! I don't have a costume yet, may just wear my cute outfits

..Also.. I'm not very good at finding a way to purchase tickets for cons, i always have assistance. If anyone knows how i can buy PCC tickets in the best manner, i would love you !!

>> No.7568514

Is there anybody here from Arizona?

>> No.7568535

I wanted to attend but I can't. I'm moving to the area in August, so I'm just missing it and I can't afford to just come down for the con and go back. This is painful.

>> No.7568595

Would you be able to help me figure out how i can buy a ticket without having to sign up as a member on the official website? Is it even possible?

>> No.7568696
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I know you know how to /cgl/

>> No.7568758

What's wrong with signing up for a membership? At the most they'll send you an email once in a while. Just click on the link to register and fill out the form.

>> No.7568783

Oh, I guess you're right. I didn't realize that the memberships WERE the tickets.

$85 is a lot for 4 days, but I mean I do live right next to the convention center. I'm going alone and don't know anything about the events, ah!!

>> No.7569035
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I'm going and plan to be dressed as Kuroneko the whole time. I may just wear some jfashion on some of the days but I love the character too much to not cosplay as her for more than one day. Phoenix Comic Con is a pretty upbeat convention, it's definitely more comic geared though and can be a bit lacking panel wise. If you spot a maid outfit Kuroneko, say hi! It's probably me.

>> No.7569345

Holy crap they're $85 now?! I thought price was supposed to peek at $80! What are they gonna be $100 at door? Hopefully the price scares away half the crowd too because the venue was way over packed last year.

>> No.7569357

They're like $70 or $75 if you buy online now but $85 at the door. I'm on my phone so you'll need to double check those numbers.

>> No.7571602

Arizonabro here. Ill be returning from my year in Spain just in time for the con. My mother got me a 4 day pass as a graduation present.

Ill be cosplaying as the Riddler on everyday except Thursday. Its my first time cosplaying at an actual convention. If you see me, say hi. Always enjoy meeting new people.

We were having a discussion about a meetup. I think we should still do it.

>> No.7571625


I'm sorry you're moving at literally the hottest time of the year.

It's a dry heat?

>> No.7571631

>dry heat
Anon pls

Also dont call yourself a "Phoenician"

>> No.7572798

Below are the ticket prices for Phoenix Comic Con. Listed first will be the online price which is available up until June 4th, followed by the door prices.

Full Weekend: $70/$85
Thursday Only: $15/$20
Friday and Sunday Only: $30/$35
Saturday Only: $40/$50

They like the growth, but it's clear they're trying to get more people into the convention on days other than Saturday.

Also, I'm going to be going as the Green Lantern/Hal Jordan. This is my second time cosplaying but my first in making a noticeable outfit (first cosplay was last year as Lucas Lee and I had my skateboard confiscated at the door by some indifferent security guards, thus everyone just thought I was some guy in a leather jacket, or a really bad Wolverine).

Just picked up the final material for my gloves, will hopefully be taking measurements tonight and begin on the outfit this weekend. Should hopefully be doing a mold of my face for my mask tomorrow.

>> No.7572868

my brother father and I are going to pcc. ill be wear full bandos armor from runescape. been working on it for a while so hopefully I can finish everything.

I had my dad buy the tickets all together and we spent 160 for three tickets, then got two free tickets, so im taking my best friend and a girl if have a crush on. itll be fun!

also to those looking to buy tickets, they might all sell out. apparently a record number of people have been buying tickets, enough that it will become a safety hazard if they dont limit tickets, so theres that.

>> No.7573121

>A girl i have a crush on

Thats adorable anon. Best of luck to you!

Man I had no idea this thing was so popular. Its gonna be quite crowded isnt it.

>> No.7573158

wooooah that's a lot i to live near the convention center but am to poor to afford even groceries so no go for me also whose going as an anime character.

>> No.7573170
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I'll be dressed as Shiro from No Game No Life with my boyfriend as Sora on Friday (Yeah, we're probably not going to be recognized once). On Saturday i'm going to re-wear Lulu from Taiyou con, with a few alterations.
Also I'll be at table AA16, sharing it with Armand Villavert, if anyone wants to drop by and say Hi.


The last justification I heard for it was that that's around the prices they should have been charging for a convention of their size, and that they've just been slightly underpriced. Now that they've evened it out, it seems ridiculous because of the huge price jump, but it's supposed to be fitting.
That's just what I've heard though. I don't attend any general pop culture cons besides PCC of that size, so.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for you guys.

They had to limit ticket sales this year, because of the fire hazard it prevents. And that's with 150% of the vendor space they had last year. There's about 30% of full event passes still remaining, but they warn that that number is only going to plummet over the next few weeks, so you might want to keep an eye on it. I wouldn't be surprised if some people got to the door to buy a full event pass later in the day and didn't get it.

>> No.7573305

Riddlerbro again
What days will you have your table? Ill probably stop by and say hi.

>> No.7573786

I'll be in several costumes throughout con, not quite sure what order they'll be in, though.
Death, of the Endless; Burlesque Snow White, Witch from l4d, and Hipster Snow White (my friends talked me into it, at least it's normal-ish clothes)

I'll be a MUA at the Dollipop table (not sure what number that is)

Did we decide if we were going to attempt a meet up?

>> No.7573946

I'm there all days?
I wasn't aware there were ever circumstances where people only had their tables on a select few days.

Dollipop cosmetics, booth 481. Is that right?
>Did we decide if we were going to attempt a meet up?
Up to you guys.

>> No.7573965

That's the one!

>> No.7577309


>> No.7581864


>> No.7581867

What's the good shit this year? I'm terrible at planning for panels, other than the SFIV tourney and the rave I have no real plans, and I don't socialize well so I don't want to walk the halls again.

>> No.7584154 [DELETED] 

Really want to go the MLP panels but the Pinkie Pie who's apart of all of them is the shittiest person ever (creepy narcisistic stalker who defends pedophiles) and I'd love to not have to interact with her at all
But other than that, looking forward to everything!
Anyone have any vendor's booths worth checking out?

>> No.7584162 [DELETED] 

Skanky-Pie? That girl needs to wear something under that tutu, tired of seeing cellulite. She tried to make my friend have sex with her in her hotel room last year. We know who we're avoiding.

>> No.7585945 [DELETED] 


>> No.7585960

bandosbrah here. anyone else stressing and pulling all nighters to finish?

>> No.7585978 [DELETED] 

Oh man, that sounds awful.

I'm right there with you, man. I finished my costumes, now I just have to do all this last minute artist alley stuff and it sucks. My procrastination is making me pay an extra $30 for shipping than usual.

>> No.7585985

Oh man, that sounds awful.

I'm right there with you, man. I finished my costumes, now I just have to do all this last minute artist alley stuff and it sucks. My procrastination is making me pay an extra $30 for shipping than usual. In retrospect, I should have done that first, then sew later...

>> No.7585992

I'm just not cosplaying this year, unless it's as CIA.

>> No.7586201 [DELETED] 

You'll know her when you see her too, just look for a short pink wig, stretch mark boobs, and cellulite.
Someone should tell her this is a family friendly con.

>> No.7586206

Speaking of family friendly, a lot of people have been talking about the whole no underboob/sideboob/butt cheeks thing. Sucks to be a Kill La Kill cosplayer. The whole slutty cosplay kinda comes with the Comicon name. I can see where they're coming from though.

>> No.7586213

Thank God they didn't make the Rave all ages this year. That was a huge mistake and cause the line to be longer than it needed to be.

Also a dangerous situation.

>> No.7586248


but sexy cosplay is best cosplay :(

>> No.7586327

I'm not dressing up but I'm going. If you guys are trying to have a meetup or something later on we can always drink at my house.

>> No.7586387

How far away do you live from the convention center, anon?
I thought we were looking at the starbucks down the street from PCC.

>> No.7587266


jesus christ give it a fucking rest already

>> No.7587751
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>that feel when no qt Shiro gf

>> No.7587886

Arizona fag here, me and a buddy are going as Finn and Jake from adventure time.

Do people wear their costumes all 4 days generally? Never been to a con before, dont want to look out of place if i wear regular clothes for a day or two.

>> No.7588093 [DELETED] 

Some people do, I know I am. But you don't have to, no one really cares. You're there to have fun! Plus Phoenix is going to be hot as balls and I know I'm going to be dying in my cosplays.
Plus I assure you there are going to hundreds of people who aren't dressing up at all during the con.

>> No.7588249

Don't worry, I don't have a Shiro GF either.

This is a pretty common misconception, but A LOT of people don't cosplay. That's true enough for more niche conventions, but for one as casual as PCC? Definitely. They're just not as noticed because... well... they're dressed normally. They're a huge majority, beyond cosplayers. You won't stick out one bit. If you don't believe me, go look up a video of a con, preferrably interviewing a cosplayer, and look at all the casuals walking behind them. Hell, I'll save you the trouble and calm your nerves with a video from last year's PCC.

>hundreds of people
I think you're two digits off.

>> No.7588359 [DELETED] 

damn lifting is going to be so easy at this con.

>> No.7588466

That works.

I live in Tempe. As long as no-one is too weird I don't mind having a party at my place or something.

>> No.7588650

I'll be there [with an AA table, but can't remember what my table number is at the mo']. Still have stuff to finish cosplay and table-wise, but I'm looking forward to it all [even if I'll be sitting/selling for the most part].

>> No.7588748

Hey, everyone that's interested in the meetup! Would you prefer to head over to Tempe for a few drinks at anon's place (>>7588466), or head down to the starbucks down the street? I personally prefer the starbucks, because I can't be away from my table for very long, but it's up to you guys.

Give me your studio name that you signed up with and I'll get your table number and locatiion.
>[even if I'll be sitting/selling for the most part].
B-b-b-but that's the best part!
Seriously, I can't enjoy conventions unless I'm selling anymore. It's actually kind of sad.

>> No.7588756

I feel the same about meeting at Starbucks, I can't be away from the convention center for too terribly long. What day would work best for everyone, Friday, Saturday?

>> No.7588976

Saturday works best for me.

>> No.7589266

Let's meet at Starbucks. Friday or Saturday works, I should be there both days. We need to figure out a time that's good for everyone. I know I'm in the fashion show Friday, I forget what time I'll figure it out eventually. I should be free other than that.

Tempe-Anon, do I know you? You don't have to reveal yourself to me here, just message me on fb if we're already friends. If not, what part of Tempe do you live at?

>> No.7589274

Saturday works best for me, around 2ish?

>> No.7589296

Saturday for me as well.

>> No.7589974

I'm not a big fan of Saturday, but I can try if that's more convenient for everyone else. I can probably stop by for a bit.

>> No.7590231

2ish is too early.
Can we do 3:30ish?

And what is the exact address of the Starbucks we are meeting at?

>> No.7590344

3:30 works for me

>> No.7590495

Starbucks, 455 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85004. It's a 4 minute walk from the convention center.

>> No.7591806

I doubt you know me. I don't know anyone that trips on 4chan, unless they've been keeping secrets.

>> No.7593414

Dis gon b gud

Is it cool if I bring non-anon friends. As in, dont visit 4chan?

>> No.7593423

How's Thursday at PCC? It starts a 4pm which is awkward and has few programs.

>> No.7593498

Sure, someone brings his 13 year old brother every time anyways.

>> No.7594824

Sounds bothersome

>> No.7595790

3 more days. Who's ready, and who's still cramming?
Don't worry, he doesn't talk.

>> No.7596352
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Still cramming, got my Burlesque Snow White almost done. Just need to do the final embellishments. Of course...most of the rest of my group is dragging ass, but here's to them trying.

So excited for con!!

inb4 hurr durr boobs.
I have big boobs. Camera angle makes them look ridiculous.

>> No.7596374

I'm going as Erwin Smith from SnK, my brother is Levi, and my sister is going as Hanji.
Hyped as hell mane.

>> No.7596623


im freaking out here. painting armor and I fun goofed on the paints. cuz acrylic paints total works on a primed surface. fuck me. ill end to going to buy some silver spray paint and hope that I can weather with the acrylics.

>> No.7596636


nice! that looks great!

>> No.7596643


wow. I apologize for my grammar. I am not awake . anywho, does anyone have any tips on using acrylic on plastic surfaces? the paint isnt adhering to the surface, so it comes off quite easily

>> No.7596652


Nice boob job.

My wife just got hers done.

>> No.7596687

XD I'll take that as a compliment, as my boobs are real.

Thank you! I am happy to see how it turned out.

>> No.7596729

>boob job.

Pick one

>> No.7598086

I decided to skip out this year to save money, and of course, this year there's a lot of programming that looks exciting to me. Trying to be less disappointed by telling myself that since I'm taking a year off from it, I'll do an amazing cosplay for next year!

>> No.7598154

Is there any programming to look out for? I won't be cosplaying this year due to reasons so I need some stuff to do to make up for my lack of socialization.

>> No.7598362

>burlesque snow white

>> No.7598509

Burlesque is it's own reason. Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.7598639

Thank you, kind stranger. I believe that there need be no more reason for a costume than "Because I wanted to.".

>> No.7598702


>> No.7599996

So 3:30 at Starbucks on Saturday, right?

>> No.7600009

I'll be there

>> No.7600105
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>tacky, terrible fabric
>my group sucks but lol at least they try! I'll be the best
>practically shoved camera in tits

>> No.7600120

also cheese curd thighs and bewb veins

>> No.7600127
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AZ native here.

I'll be the tall guy in my green-man suite with a black suite jacket / red tie.

>> No.7600130

Olay I can see why someone would want to do this, but why would you wear it to a con and why for the love of god would you post it here. It looks like a shit cheap leg avenue costume, in fact I'm 99% sure that's where the tights are from.

>> No.7600138

lmao watch her get kicked out by staff, they're being super strict on the dress code this year. 50% of boobs and butt must be covered. this is a family friendly con for fuck's sake. be a little decent and don't ruin a little girl's favorite disney princess.

>> No.7600147

yeah I'm on staff this year, it's a wreck tbh.
And about the costume, you are reeeally pushing it. I'm not going to say anything about it, but there is a very high chance of you being kicked out because this is not appropriate.

>> No.7600185

im pretty sure most people in this thread are AZ

>> No.7600188

not really though

like this is an horrndous costume don't get me wrong

>> No.7600545 [DELETED] 

Well yeah
it's an AZ con, what are you expecting?

>> No.7600609

Ok, lets see what you people look like. Im interested whether to see the elitism that permeates on this board is genuine or just a byproduct of the anonymity.

>> No.7600611

So! Its Day 1. What stuff are you guys going to?

>> No.7600670

Yes, I do an AZ from pokemon cosplay...? :P

>> No.7601371

It's more of a Day 0
Or Prologue

>> No.7601378

SoCal Native coming to check out something different, because the SoCal cons are growing stale for me.

/cgl/ gathering when?

>> No.7601392

Saturday 3:30 at Starbucks

>> No.7601395

Thanks much!

>> No.7601737

I'll be going tomorrow and Saturday. I'll be in a rather closet-y cosplay of twilight sparkle tomorrow. Probably just casual clothes on Saturday though.

So how was Day 0 for everyone who went?

>> No.7601768

It was alright. Seeing the guy talk about Jurassic Park and how he built the Trex was fun. Some interesting cosplays as well. Tomorrow Im putting my costume as well

>> No.7601870

I hope you have a good time and maybe we'll run into each other on Friday. I know I'll be in the J-fashion show so we can meet there too. I'm only going to be there Friday and Saturday because I have work on Sunday.

>> No.7601878

How do you guys socialize at cons? I spend most of my time in the game room sharing Street Fighter tips so all of my people skills revolve around video games?

>> No.7601897


i'm a horrible monster irl

>> No.7601957

Horrible monster by normal people standards or by Arizona standards? Both very different things

>> No.7601964

What's the difference? Now I'm curious.

>> No.7602908

/fit/izen who works downtown here. I saw a shit ton of people today and even some cute grills in their cosplay who smiled at me.

kind of makes me want to go but I've never been to a con before. also I'm pleb as fuck when it comes to anime and comics but it seems fun.

>> No.7603224


just go dude. shits fun! cool stuff to buy! awesome people to meet

>> No.7603243

Honestly, it's fine to go for the people, but be warned that they are mostly there to celebrate comics and anime and stuff like that.

If you have a passing interest, but it's not super you're thing, it's fine and you could meet some awesome people.

But, if it's just not really something you're into, there won't be much there for you.

>> No.7603306

I'm not going. Phx comic con is run by jews that gouge prices, last time I went they made me censor my hellsing cosplay.

>> No.7603440

Tempe fag here, i went today and will be going tomorrow as dmc4 dante (uncle dante)

>> No.7603445

Don't tell me you're the fuckhead who was crying about getting told to cover the swastika. I still remember that.

>> No.7603451

In previous years, they've actually been pretty good price wise, and even know it's no as bad as it seems unless you were stupid and didn't get a full event until the last minute.

And, honestly, no on really cares if one person doesn't go. They have enough attendees that it doesn't really matter.

And, seriously, they could have just pulled your badge, you got off lucky if they just asked you to "censor" it.

>> No.7603485

So my friend just bought two full event passes for $7 each from a sketchy "staff" member in the parking lot a little bit near US Airways.

Anyone know anything about that?

>> No.7603506

Yet people aren't told to cover hammer and sickle shit. Karel Marx was a jew after all, so that makes sense.

>> No.7603515

I was in the fashion show, too. Which one were you? Were you one of the itas?

>> No.7603528

>Hates soviet russia
>thinks nazis are ok

You're the reason this country sucks

>> No.7603536
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Are people really this stupid? History is told by the winners, it amazes me how many people tend to forget this. Hitler lost the war, thus, he is demonized in the media.

>> No.7603539

fatpita, that well known reliable source.
Did you randomly forget that Russia and China were also enemies at the end?

My point still stands

>> No.7603544

Im gonna be Kamina with my gf as Yoko today, look for me and lets shoot shit, discuss taste and whatnot

>> No.7603553

So they're pumping up the air conditioning so hard that it's blown my display three times and I've had to staple it to my table. And it's just going to be worse today.

Anywho, i'll see you guys later today. Make sure you get to the right starbucks. (>>7590495)

>Anyone know anything about that?
What's there to know? Your friend got a fake knockoff badge. Good for her if she doesn't get caught, I guess? They're not really checking super hard.
People are pedaling off legitimate badges for $60+ easy outside; I can't imagine $7 being worth it to take the time to replicate them and then try to sell them off, but to each their own.

>> No.7603571
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Having a bad relationship with a nation =/= war, you dumb shit. How can you be so ignorant as to not know the casualties on both sides? I though that was just common knowledge. The soviets killed far more people than the Nazis, but no one cares about that. Jews weren't involved.

>> No.7603575

I just watched 1-9 of NGNL yesterday, I'm thinking it's going to be the biggest animu of the summer.

After I watched it though, I sat down and realized there are no really distinguishing characters that are cosplay-able. Maybe Tet or the old werewolf grandpa/lol werewolf, but all the others are rather normal.

>> No.7603576

Just shut the fuck up. I know this is a red state and all but take your "m-muh Jews" to a board that fucking cares.

>> No.7603580

That's actually the reason I gave up on the outfit today. My boyfriend couldn't finish some last minute stuff, and I really didn't want to cosplay alone, so I skipped the discomfort and just wore the uniform all day today. I still really hope to do it some time in the future, with a few more friends that have expressed interest, but for now, I guess I'll just have Lulu for this weekend and that's fine.

>> No.7603582

>find a new anime
>love it
>non of the characters are cosplayable

Is this the feels thread
because I feel you

>> No.7603585

1. You're the one who started bitching first.
2. The Nazis were a lot more progressive than fucking conservatives. You obviously know nothing about them or what they believe, you just think nazi ideology is everything you don't like without actually looking into their ideology.
3. You're really fucking ignorant about history. Durrr gomunism was good cuz tv sed so.

>> No.7603591

I just told you to shut the fuck up with your Nazi tears. I don't care whatever the other person is saying and I don't care about you fucking crying about some cosplay.
Grow the fuck up and move on.

>> No.7603602

There's been at least 2 anons telling you to shut the fuck up

shut the fuck up

>> No.7603605

>>X tears
I'm calling someone a retard a retard, make dealings. The other person is being retarded, while I'm correcting them.

>> No.7603608

Anyone else see Jnigger?

>> No.7603612

You have no idea what you're talking about
You need to shut the fuck up with your whining

>> No.7603613

If this is the person I think it is, they've been whining about being censored for years now. Why stop when you can keep shitposting?

>> No.7603617

dude how old are they

>> No.7603618

My guess is this is the guy who always wears the shitty Nazi type stuff to all the events. Don't know him personally, but, honestly, even if it wasn't for him wearing that sort of thing, his outfits all suck pretty hard.

I wish I had pictures to share or something, but for someone who seems to be idolizing the Nazi movement, you'd think they'd also idolize the fact that they tried to look regal and imposing, not like a 12 year old in ill fitting and completely mismatched military garb.

>> No.7603619

I'm not >>7603306 I've never cosplayed before, I only wear lolita to cons.
It's hard to grasp that more than one person thinks the swastika taboo is stupid, huh?

>> No.7603632

I think the swastika taboo is stupid yet here I am not supporting some fuckhead who is still complaining about one incident at a con years ago. Hard to believe, huh?

>> No.7603909

Seriously? He should be embarrassed, not just for the Nazi idolization. The only thing the Nazis had going for them was those Hugo Boss uniforms. Dressing up a a Nazi is fucking inexcusable, dressing up as a poorly dressed Nazi is fucking retarded.

>> No.7604093

>come to PCC thread to see how everyone's doing
>nazis everywhere

>> No.7604124

lol what did you expect from an AZ thread

>> No.7604154

Well, the first day was pretty interesting. The bag checks are a completely new thing to me, and I kinda did the entire exhibit hall in a few hours. Aside from the programming, which a vast majority isn't interesting to me, is the con about wondering around to see and do things that just happen to be "in the moment"?

Hope to see you guys at Sbux!

>> No.7604157

No tax when you pay with cash has probably been my favorite thing thus far, however. So glad I always bring enough cash to cons. No fucking change to carry around either, it's great!

>> No.7604291

Saw a bunch of fags on the metro.
A shit-stuck even.

Should I go.
I really want to.
But is so pricey.

>> No.7604304

The con programming has always been pretty hit or miss imo. I've walked out of two panels already because they have just been fandom circlejerking

The therimin demonstration was pretty cool, and my buddy said he went to one of Crispin Freeman's panels, said it was honestly pretty engaging

>> No.7604420

I'm outside the Starbucks on 2nd and Adams. It's packed inside there.

>> No.7604423

Never taken the rail. I'm 2spooked to get on and go to the meeting from the hotel

>> No.7604459
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>> No.7604481

>exit only
If I had a nickel...

>> No.7604485

Im here at Starbucks. Wearing blue flannel long sleeved shirt and tan shorts. No idea how im to identity anyone else

>> No.7604488 [DELETED] 
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this is over 60% boob

>> No.7604492
File: 41 KB, 813x846, 10440831_713113795416697_6770059135435805743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you need 60% boob cover

>> No.7604506

i'm here with my asuka pillow outside

>> No.7604522

Wow sexist much? Men can go shoeless.

>> No.7604529


no this is the men one

>> No.7604571
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>> No.7604574

So its done or we inside?

>> No.7604741

Well I got lost and missed the meetup But I did get to see Snow White so I guess all you coverup anons got btfo.
Didn't see Pixel's booth or the AsukaBro, which is too bad since those two are the only ones who consistently go to meetups

>> No.7604746

All the Snow White being in means that PCC claimed they had a new policy and then didn't enforce it.

Sorry you missed the meetup, anon. I hope the rest of the con is fun anyway.

>> No.7604768
File: 84 KB, 736x960, 1401778508855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went. Was nice to put a trip to a face.

>> No.7604774

Or, you know, it could mean that the costume fell within the guidelines. 60% on a girl with J cups would look like a lot more skin is exposed than 60% of a B cup.

>> No.7604841

Any one going to the party tonight?

>> No.7604894

Party? Cgl party? Or did I miss some event?

>> No.7604992
File: 121 KB, 720x960, 10414924_529896967122133_6380358104515423376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a corgi I caught yawning

>> No.7605116

I was there. Who are dressed as

>> No.7605165

I ended up not going cause my friends were too tired. How was it? I feel like I missed out.

I really haven't done anything this con. Just bought some figures and went to the game room. Watched my friend badly try to cold approach a girl. Maybe I should start coin to these things alone.

>> No.7605222

is this fucking tidus my friend and I are trying to figure it out

>> No.7605711

Anyone go to the masquerade, how was it?

>> No.7605859

Is there a game today in addition to the con? Holy no fucking parking. ..

>> No.7605950

Stan Lee is here today so it's fucking nuts

>> No.7605961
File: 1.97 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad because I expected more NUDIST BEACH. But finding a Ryuko was nice.

>> No.7606189
File: 63 KB, 353x1051, 1111111 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7606209

I am not familiar with CGL but shit, i must be old, whenever i see a girl like this my head only gets a quick ringtone of daddy issues.

>> No.7606212
File: 75 KB, 454x1091, 11111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one?

>> No.7606249

So I went to a beginner cosplay panel at my first con ever.

Which one of your seagulls did I meet?

>> No.7606324

Are you one of these girls?

>> No.7606335
File: 645 KB, 718x587, Screen Shot 2014-06-08 at 9.18.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Photo Op with Bruce Campbell
>Friend is running late
>Almost miss the scheduled time
>Pose with a book he wrote
>We do, picture is taken
>Photographers start laughing for some reason
>Turn around
>Fucking Nathan Fillion is behind us
>He just photobombed us

Pic very related.

>> No.7606371

That's so cool. Pretty sure I saw one of you dudes today.

>> No.7606521
File: 186 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I think that's the same Ryuko I took a picture of!

>> No.7606529
File: 108 KB, 480x640, jitsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Turn around
rad creep shot, friend

>> No.7606637


>> No.7606718

Yeah probably me. I was in a Riddler outfit, hence the green. But I took off the glasses, gloves and staff because I wanted to look somewhat normal in the photo.

>> No.7606770

I wore a uniform from Sora no Woto and people kept asking me if I was either A. Hetalia or B. Hitler. Sucked.

Also PCC is weird because it does not cater to weeaboos at all, even though they probably make up more than half of the total attendees.

>> No.7606864

the staff was shit. Whenever I needed help finding something the answer was always "Oh well... I don't know where that is... Maybe you should ask someone else, I'm just doing this for the free ticket... Good luck though I guess"
And they kept letting people in the vendors hall after the announcement of it being closed for the day, they wouldn't kick anyone out until we said something about it.
If you're going to sign up for staff, do your damn job

>> No.7606865

PCC caters to comic book and science fiction fans.

>> No.7606954

I appreciate that, but if you're going to go to the trouble of having anime guests then you should probably try and pull some more in instead of taking on Danny Glover. What sci-fi has Danny Glover done? Predator 2? Angels in the Outfield?

>> No.7607273

There were so many cute girls this year...


Also what were the best panels? I didn't go to a single one due to lack of planning.

>> No.7607279

Personally the My Little Ponies were the best, and had an amazingly cute cast. Especially the Pinkie Pie. Wish I could've caught her name, anyone know?

>> No.7607302


>> No.7607312

Most were shit to be honest. Bruce Campbell's was funny as fuck.

>> No.7607324

I had to miss his panel and was really upset about it, never even got to meet him :( any idea if he'll be coming again next year? I love that guy so much

>> No.7607381

The only one I really liked was the cute Mako but I never got a good creep shot of her.

>> No.7607397
File: 2.93 MB, 4128x2322, 20140607_193607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can live with that

>> No.7607663

no u

>> No.7607685

did anyone go the eroge panel?

>> No.7607695

I can't wait to get ripped and go next year. I really want to do a shirtless cosplay.

>> No.7607962
File: 205 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have this one.

>> No.7608531

youre a fucking creep

>> No.7608788

oh man, all the cgl meetup photos that I can't post because of the arbitrary 'file embedded' that is enforced

>> No.7608827

Why does she have a bra on under her bought bathing suit.

>> No.7608830
File: 198 KB, 850x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, did anyone ever catch these three together? I know they were there for a while but I missed them

>> No.7609081

I went to the pannel on Saturday evening and it was booorrriing. All Mike did was talk and they never played and eroge. Massive disappointment.

>> No.7609179

How the hell should I know? Push-up maybe?

Well... yeah. That's kind of implied.

>> No.7609187

the boobs

>> No.7609191

>left: bought clothes
>center: bought clothes
>right: commissioned armor
>all: huge tits
Talented would not be the word I would use.

>> No.7609192

>huge tits

>cosplaying the past 10 years

they are doing it right

>> No.7609293

Probably because the swimsuit doesn't cover enough to be permissible by the con's standards.

>> No.7609320

i bet they got paid for it?

>> No.7613652
File: 20 KB, 320x240, talent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh they are all have a great deal of "talent" indeed.

I didn't see the other two, but I ran into Nigri on Friday and got a picture with her. She wasn't wearing anything, just a Luigi hat.

>> No.7613662
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x750, image11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7613675
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x750, boop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She wasn't wearing anything, just a Luigi hat.
If this was the case, a lot more people would be talking about it.

>> No.7613707

>heels on lulu
why? she's a fucking yordle.

>> No.7613876
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, beep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My crippling insecurities.

Also I was at an engagement party that morning and showed up to con without a lot of things, including proper tights and bag

>> No.7613878

*also including

>> No.7614873

that's cute

>> No.7614901

why is that dude on the left shooped in??

>> No.7614907


>> No.7614925

that is in no way an answer to that question

>> No.7615161
File: 3.03 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to respond questioning what you meant by that then realized the error in my ways.

She did have CLOTHES on god damnit. Context! This is a cosplay board! Context!

>> No.7615267

Our meetup actually had a lot more people, those were just a congregation of them that found my table later on. The guy on the left had just left prior to the picture being taken, so I promised I'd badly shoop him in later.

>> No.7615333

I met a couple people later on (they recognized my costume). I wanted to go to the meet up, but apparently my body decided it needed a nap when I went up to my room to change

>> No.7617561

My sides.

>> No.7619472

dat hoverhand

>> No.7619491

Oof these are bad like I'm feeling major secondhand embarrassment right now, especially for the panty...

>> No.7619504

but why?

>> No.7619613

Why do I think they're bad? Are you one of them?
Both of their wigs are shit, pantys fringe is god awful as is stockings makeup and seriously... I know it's for a lingerie party but could've at least ironed the damn red robe.

>> No.7619619

You mean other than the fact that Khama looks like what just came out of my ass? In that picture even more so than every other moment of her life?