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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7557921 No.7557921 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /cgl/!
I'm writing about cosplay for my school project and I have a few questions for you. Hope that maybe some of you will answer. I'll be very glad.
1. What was your first impression? How did you find out about it?
2. Do you spend a lot of money on cosplay? From where you get money?
3. Do you have some unpleasant experience with cosplay?
4. What your parents/friends think about your hobby? Do they like it? Do they support you?
5. Do you think that cosplay has a dark side? (e. g. sex videos/photos)
6. Share a funny/sad/happy/scary story about cosplay.

>> No.7558051

>1. What was your first impression? How did you find out about it?
found out through a girlfriend, thought it sounded fun, but not something i'd discuss around my family (imagine a family of glenn becks)
>2. Do you spend a lot of money on cosplay? From where you get money?
i have yet to spend a single dollar on cosplay
>3. Do you have some unpleasant experience with cosplay?
i got food thrown at me when i was at my first con 'cuz i took my shirt off for like 5 minutes to take some pics with a friend (i'm a guy, and i was going as battle-worn goku; i kept my gi top on most of the day)
>4. What your parents/friends think about your hobby? Do they like it? Do they support you?
i have a few friends that are into it. family doesn't know, because reasons.
>5. Do you think that cosplay has a dark side? (e. g. sex videos/photos)
yup. there are a bunch of famewhores, strippers/hookers, and fetishests (not to mention plain old assholes) who go to cons and interact within the cosplaying community where i live)
>6. Share a funny/sad/happy/scary story about cosplay.
the only memorable experience i've had i already mentioned

>> No.7558057
File: 42 KB, 384x288, 45667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558135


Source on the pic?

>> No.7558171

not op, but

>> No.7558348

thanks for the answer!

>> No.7558417

>1. What was your first impression? How did you find out about it?
I knew about it beforehand, but the first time I experienced it was at my first con. I found it really cool and later on went to do it myself.

>2. Do you spend a lot of money on cosplay? From where you get money?
Define "a lot". I know some people who spend hundreds of dollars and say it's nothing and some people who spend $60 and say it's too much. The most I spent was probably getting initial tools to make stuff. Money source: Part-time job and doing photoshoots

>3. Do you have some unpleasant experience with cosplay?
As of yet, no.

>4. What your parents/friends think about your hobby? Do they like it? Do they support you?
My friends all cosplay and enjoy it. My parents don't really understand it, but they don't mind because I enjoy it.

>5. Do you think that cosplay has a dark side? (e. g. sex videos/photos)

>6. Share a funny/sad/happy/scary story about cosplay.
>Cosplaying at con
>Sitting around tired from walking
>See a random guy walk up to me saying
>"Yo gurl, can I get a picture with'chu"
>mfw I'm a guy
>mfw I'm not even doing a good crossplay

>> No.7559537

thanks for sharing that story!

>> No.7559637

>1. What was your first impression? How did you find out about it?
I didn't really think I had much of an impression, I just thought it was something all people who were into anime did. I just decided that I wanted to cosplay by myself, but I was later reintroduced to cosplay more actively by a school friend.
>2. Do you spend a lot of money on cosplay? From where you get money?
I make most of my stuff (and I don't do armor), so it doesn't take all that much money. I use whatever income I generate from buying and selling lolita dresses or bday money.
>3. Do you have some unpleasant experience with cosplay?
Not really, but I've only been cosplay actively for a year and a half, so
>4. What your parents/friends think about your hobby? Do they like it? Do they support you?
I converted all my friends who weren't into cosplay before, so I'm assuming they like it. My parents thought it was weird and tried to prevent me from doing it at first, but started leaving me alone about it after I kept brushing their opinions off
>5. Do you think that cosplay has a dark side? (e. g. sex videos/photos)
I think the dark side is more all the drama that goes on due to wanting more popularity and stuff
>6. Share a funny/sad/happy/scary story about cosplay.
>dressed in skimpy cosplay
>oldish man asks me to sit down next to him for a pic
>puts his arm around me
>"so how old are you anon?"
>"oh haha"
>he removes hand

>> No.7559647
File: 100 KB, 267x315, 1399521600067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. What was your first impression? How did you find out about it?
Looking for fanart on Photobucket, come across random cosplayers. I thought it was the coolest shit.
>2. Do you spend a lot of money on cosplay? From where you get money?
I spend more than I'd like, yeah. I've never dropped more than $500 on a single costume, though. I get my money from what's leftover of my financial aid for college, since I usually have about $1000 leftover after textbooks and budgeting food.
>3. Do you have some unpleasant experience with cosplay?
I've been glomped and hugged by unhygienic or drunk people, but that's about it.
>4. What your parents/friends think about your hobby? Do they like it? Do they support you?
My parents are scifi nerds who apparently took me to Star Trek conventions when I was an infant, so they're completely fine with it. If anything, my dad says I don't dress up enough. A lot of friends I have were met through cosplay in some way or another.
>5. Do you think that cosplay has a dark side? (e. g. sex videos/photos)
People incorporate sex into anything, there's no helping it. That doesn't mean cosplay is all about sex or every cosplayer is fine doing porn or any assumptive crap like that.
>6. Share a funny/sad/happy/scary story about cosplay.
Well I'm currently trying to draft a dress out of construction paper. It's a colorful tacky mess but weirdly fun.