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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 291 KB, 500x474, 1399957265734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7556007 No.7556007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Here's to hoping I don't get banned for this.
>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
>other info
Helpful tips:
>post a picture of something you are interested in (or screenshot your tumblr archive and post that)
>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
>know that if you are male, stating that you are a single male is not going to get you many friends-it makes you seem desperate. keep it casual
This is a thread for active community members who cosplay or dress in lolita/j-fashion only, not a "find a qt lolita or cosplayer gf" thread.
Have fun, and good luck meeting other seagulls!

>> No.7556023


>> No.7556027

because /soc/ is full of seagulls who wouldn't patronize us, right?

>> No.7556034
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, brettyfishy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fish, anon.
this is related to /cgl/ in everyway, better than those shitposting threads.

>> No.7556041
File: 94 KB, 524x541, Carley Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay and starter lolita
>other interests/hobbies?
Sewing, drawing, video games, reading
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
skype and tumblr: believeintheheartofthecards
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
make awkward conversation, ask for cosplay tips, maybe meet up for sewing parties if they're in my area
>other info
not single, not looking for a seagull boyfriendu

>> No.7556063


>> No.7556070
File: 1.44 MB, 1201x851, stupidshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Sweet Lolita, admire cosplay
Female, 22, Vegas
>other interests/hobbies?
I'm on the computer a lot, I'm really introverted and act younger than my age.
I love cutesy shit, bad puns
email in field
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Lolita mentor sounds cool, and a restaurant buddy.

>other info
I'm sorry if I don't get back right away, I get anxious easily

>> No.7556085
File: 232 KB, 850x850, 1398174504736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
cosplay, jfashion
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
talk about cosplay or just be friends (cosplaying 2gether is nice too)
>other info
2hu is nice.

>> No.7556165

Fellow Quebecfag, might you be going to AN?

>> No.7556185

No ride and no money.
Have fun though.

>> No.7556199

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay and lolita!
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
I enjoy acting a lot. I'm taking acting classes here and I'm in school. Other than that, I'm kind of a hermit. I like playing the vidiya.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email in field! Will give out other things if I get any bites.
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Well, I wouldn't mind meeting people from all over, so if anyone who's not from the Seattle area wants to email me, let me know! I made one of my good friends on /cgl/ and we ended up rooming at a con one time and it was fun!
I would like someone to help me with coordinates 'cause while I've been into lolita for a while, my coords are kinda boring. Maybe someone to sew with me if they're more into the cosplays if they live close. I've never done a sewing party but they seem fun!
I'm trying to get out of my hermit stage so I'd really like talking to people who live nearby!
>other info
I'm a little shy and awkward, but I'll try to be all outgoing through email/skype/whatever. I don't really use my Tumblr that much anymore, however.

>> No.7556217

butting in to ask if you're going to the meetup?

>> No.7556244
File: 61 KB, 260x311, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ interests
Jfashion/cosplay newbie
20/F/Lacey, WA
>Other Interests
art, sci fi, video games, creepypasta
>Contact info
skype: judiestar77
hang out, be inspired by them for artwork, get help on beginner sewing/cosplay/jfashion
>Other stuff
I'm married. I'm kinda bad at making small talk, but maybe if we can find shows/games we like in common we can talk about that?
>Favorite Games
Dragon Age 2, KH series, Skyrim, Bioshock 1-Infinite, Injustice, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Beyond: Two Souls, Heavy Rain, AssCreed
>Favorite Animu/Mango
Hellsing, SnK, Log Horizon, Kill la Kill, PMMM, Dogs: Bullets and Carnage, Usagi Drop.
>It's not done, but it's my most recent SFW piece.

>> No.7556323
File: 101 KB, 600x450, 36394646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplayed twice, been into lolita since August
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
24 (it was my birthday yesterday, hooray!), female, Virginia (coastal aka Hampton/Newport News/Poquoson/Yorktown)
>other interests/hobbies?
Anime and manga fag. I enjoy collecting figs and also like watching things like Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey and random shit like Rupauls Drag Race and Ghost Adventures. Also, Animal Crossing & Minecraft is my jam.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
tumblr: leeleekins.tumblr.com, skype: leeleekins_2006@hotmail.com, email same as skype
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Honestly I'm looking for another weeb to geek out with, I've joined my local comm but I'm having a hard time connecting with the girls. Most the friends I have out here are male so I'd really like a girl friend who might share the same hobbies I do, the sausagefest can get old sometimes.
>other info
I'm originally from southern California (from a place you've never heard of) and I'm currently in a ltr. But honestly even if you aren't from either of my areas and you share similar hobbies I'd love to talk to you!

>> No.7556328

>Age 20
Uh... what?

>> No.7556334


Not that anon but another quebecfag, I'll be going or at least walk by very slowly trying not to seem too anxious.

>> No.7556339

Happy Birthday !

>> No.7556340

Dragon Age 2 is one of your favorite games? You have shit taste.
>hamburger hepler, pls go

>> No.7556342

Yeah. I know that seems irrational to most people. We'd have taken it slower if he wasn't in the military. Still, we've been together for almost 4 years.

>> No.7556346
File: 26 KB, 431x415, high ferret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much!

>> No.7556347

None of your business, anon.

>> No.7556352

You need to chill. It's one game.

>> No.7556358


Don't worry, I wish I was in your position, its better than being single at 24...

>> No.7556373

You should definitely come say hi. We tend to give off a cliquey air, but we're actually pretty friendly and welcoming to new people. We'll probably end up going to dinner somewhere but if you don't want you don't have to join us!

>> No.7556401


Okay, I'll force myself to at least say hi. Is there a time and place for the meeting? I know another anon from the AN thread wanted a second get-together to play cards late at night but I haven't seen anything about an earlier meeting time.

>> No.7556429
File: 211 KB, 1000x862, 053c4c2d337db26ff1081a0da3a194ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay. Lolita is interesting too, I guess.
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
23/M/New Jersey, Central area
>other interests/hobbies?
/v/, /tg/, /co/, etc. Jack of all nerdshit, master of none.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
ManOnTheTower@aim.com Skype - yggofsinestrocorps
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Cosplay talk/maybe group cosplay. My 'rl' friends tend to ditch out on plans and stuff.
>other info
I'm going to AnimeNEXT, Connecticon, Otakon, and MAYBE(very big maybe) NYCC.
Katsu next year is dependent on cash.
>Favorite animu/mango
JOJO, Kengo Hanazawa's stuff, Junji Ito's stuff, Satoshi Kon's stuff, assorted seinen (Himizu, Hito Hitori Futari to note.) And Kill La Kill as of recently.
Don't even know where to start with video-games. I'm single, and too much of a picky bitch, so don't worry about it.

Pic related is next two cosplay.

>> No.7556438
File: 100 KB, 500x750, 26a0cbf87e05248856abbbb87b0795fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Sweet classic lolita but I dabble in cosplay and other j-fash
>other interests/hobbies?
Table top gaming, larp, WoW, reading, sewing
In field
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Meet up at larger conventions, chat online, have days out if they're in close proximity
>other info
In a long term relationship, studying full time but free over the summer, have a volunteer job. Looking for loli or other j-fash friend.

>> No.7556587
File: 209 KB, 720x720, 1395037628039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
mostly lolita but I'm starting to cosplay
18/f/vancouver canada
>other interests/hobbies?
Anime, Tera Online, BJD's, and kpop
In email field.
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I'm hoping for local people so we can hang out and go for good food and hang out and talk about cosplay or lolita. I'm lacking friends with the same interests that live close by so it'd be nice to meet some people
>other info
I'd prefer female friends but I'm not opposed to dates

>> No.7556654
File: 57 KB, 225x225, untitled (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or Lolita
Cosplay and casual Lolita
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
18, female, San Antonio Texas
>other interests/hobbies?
Reading, video games, actually going to school
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Dress up, go shopping, play vidya, do group cosplay
>other info
I am in a relationship with my complaint boyfriend, but the more the merrier! Also I love Pokemon and silly manga.

I make plushies similar to pic related, flat plushes are the best.

>> No.7556670
File: 210 KB, 561x561, uzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
that there cosplay man
Dude, 24, Jersey
>other interests/hobbies?
typical anime/vidya/drawing response
skype in field, tumblr: http://gqh.tumblr.com/
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
become online bros
i barely talk to anyone with cosplay interests
possibly meet up at a con
>other info
Next con i have planned is doing a kill la kill group with a few others at otakon

>> No.7556692
File: 309 KB, 1600x1200, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
Jfashion, I mostly dress fairy kei and I also like other Jfashion styles but haven't had a chance to try some of them. Also I would like to get a bit more into cosplay!
18, female, South New Jersey
>other interests/hobbies?
I love to dance, I like making things, love making cute bento lunches, love Pokemon, and lately I have been obsessed with Yokai Watch.
My email is longcatrocks@yahoo.com and my Skype is longcatrocks!
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I would like to go to conventions, hang out, watch anime, and talk about Jfashion!
>other info
I'd really love to have a loli or Jfashion friend, I've never had a friend who was really that interested in Jfashion.
Also I'd prefer to make female friends here if possible.

>> No.7556698
File: 180 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mp7vzxx4FM1r9n816o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Lolita & some jfash
20/f/south houston tx.
>other interests/hobbies?
Video game & video game memorabilia collecting
In field
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Dress up, hangout, drink on weekends, play video games, plan coords, etc
>other info
I am happily taken & I don't have much freetime on weekdays.

>> No.7556746
File: 30 KB, 225x350, 48457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
cosplay, but I also love window shopping for lolits and jfash clothes!

18/f/Boston, MA

>other interests/hobbies?
Ballet, idol culture, animu&mango, singing, reading scary stories, learning about the paranormal, etc.

Email: ClaudieRenee@gmail.com
Skype: xxClaudie
Tumblr: nemuritaidoru

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk and work on cosplay together, maybe go to cons, watch anime, talk about idols, watch scary movies, summon ghosts, lots of fun stuff!

>other info
I like making friends so don't be shy~ とにかく、一年から日本語を勉強しています。日本語も勉強していますと練習したいなら、私にメールをしてください。よろしくお願いします。

>> No.7556792
File: 96 KB, 365x346, tumblr_mq66odj2mC1svc4ffo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay first and foremost, but I love lolita and want to start wearing it once I lose some more weight.
19/F/ Sonoma County California, but moving to Anaheim for a semester in August.
>other interests/hobbies?
Theatre costuming, cult movies, crafting, a little bit of drawing. I also love to shop.
Skype: ratchettherouge
Tumblr: captainbackfat
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I'd love to have someone to sew with, it seems like nobody around here makes their own stuff anymore. I'm also down with just hanging around and getting coffee or going to the city and things like that. I live in a small town full of old people so I'm a little starved for company.
>other info
I go to Fanime and Anime Expo every year, occasionally I'll go to SacAnime if I've got the time to waste. Single, but not really interested in changing that.

>> No.7556804

What's your tumblr, anon? I'd like to get to follow you, if the picture you posted is your archive

>> No.7556806
File: 153 KB, 600x900, 1298683176403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay, Jfash, Lolita

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
23/female/Virginia - central area, round Harrisonburg

>other interests/hobbies?
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
superlolita.tumblr.com is the best way to contact me

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Cosplay groups, loli meetups, swaps, animu marathons, late night drinks if applicable, general hangout stuff

>other info
I live with a girlfriend and two cats and I love to bake, so if you visit we will probably bake, and then I will leave you to take home the goods.
Also I can drive to places.

>> No.7556808

I'm a huge paranormal geek, and even though I'm nowhere near Boston I'd love to just chat with you?

>> No.7556811


>> No.7556813

you two can be lovers

>> No.7556821
File: 202 KB, 480x480, 1393199511250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm in San Antonio too!

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
cosplay, jfashion

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
20/f San Antonio Tx
>other interests/hobbies?
cartoons, I really like anime and cartoons, drawing
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Group cosplay, work on cosplay, looking at cute stuff, exchanging doodles.
>other info
I;m really shy around girls, but I want to make a lot of female friends who also like anime and j-fashion
Helpful tips:
I may not talk to you often, but that isn't because I don't like you! I just always assume you're busy and don't want to bother you

>> No.7556825
File: 124 KB, 130x145, tumblr_static_3nx56o8pboowo080g4g0kcwg8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, go right ahead!!

>> No.7556834

How is anyone supposed to contact you if you don't leave any info?

>> No.7556856

Woah! Neat! What part are you from? Are you going to college?
I was going to wait to see if I got any bites, no need to post it if no one wants it

>> No.7556858
File: 508 KB, 2448x1836, 4chanmeans10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay, but I adore lolita
21/male/Southern CA
>other interests/hobbies?
Mainly video games, scant anime. I go to tons of movies, too
E-mail in field, Skype is stelzare
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Hopefully cosplay. Cosplay is more fun when you have a friend(s) to act stuff out with. Being Hoxton and yelling "Shield!" isn't as fun when you're the only heister
>other info
Single, but I'd rather get muh friends. Just looking for like-minded or interesting people who share interests with me.

>> No.7556892
File: 6 KB, 191x264, takamina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, jfashion, lolita
all of the above
24/f/central pennsylvania
i'm also a kandi kid, beginner with poi, fanatical jpop fan and youtuber.
skype: murakamikuroi (excuse the name it was my old dubbing name)
group cosplay or lolita meets, erm general hanging out?
other info:
i'm engaged.
picture is my favorite jpop idol

>> No.7556896
File: 850 KB, 519x293, lhgMint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7556899

added you on skype!

>> No.7556907

Often people don't respond to your post here but will go ahead and add or e-mail you, or at least that's how it's gone for me before.

>> No.7556912
File: 656 KB, 726x616, 1393358478507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repostin' from an old deleted thread!

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita?
I dabble in all of them.


>other interests/hobbies?
I get obsessed with casual games really easily (my boyfriend had to delete Candy Crush of my tablet after a while). My favorite anime right now is Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita. I can draw, but haven't been motivated in a year. I love to window shop and just to look at things in life. I get excited easily. I also like music similar to Lily Allen and electroswing.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
See email field!

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Gossip, shop together, etc. Whatever girls do in real life. QuQ Maybe we can cosplay, wear lolita together, or gush about our jfash clothes? We can be workout buddies too~

>other info
I'm just looking for an IRL girl friend, no guys. I study computers. My life is pretty much overtaken by kawaii.

>> No.7556970
File: 302 KB, 1600x1600, google-Plus-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were still around
Join us


literally the best people from this board

>> No.7556972

adding you on skype.

no homo

>> No.7556986
File: 102 KB, 423x636, takarazukarose2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay! Also, theatrical costuming.
23/female/DFW Metroplex, Texas
>other interests/hobbies?
Anime/manga nerd. Also into Japanese stage musicals+plays and some visual novels. I like point-and-click adventure and platformer vidya. I work in theatre doing costuming!
skype: musicalmafia
tumblr: clockblockd (main) or suchsweetalarms (BL anime/manga and fashion)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Group cosplays and CONVENTION SKITS GOSH PLEASE, or just hanging out in general! Having cosplay-work-days would be fun, too. I'm not really a party-going person so don't invite me to a bar or club...
>other info
Happily taken; really just looking for more friends in the area of my age group to hang out with that aren't my boyfriend, hahaha.
>Favorite anime/manga/series
I'm REALLY into idol series: iDOLM@STER, Love Live!, UtaPri, Wake Up Girls!, etc. Also big into sports animes and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Other random favorites: Mushishi, Kuchu Buranko, Tiger & Bunny, Ristorante Paradiso, Eyeshield 21, Kamen Rider OOOs and Fourze.

My dream in my next life time is to become a Takarazuka otokoyaku...

>> No.7557000

How long have you been on /cgl/
How have you missed the group of DFW shitposters who get together often to drink, karaoke, and hate life.
Are you an awful person who we outcast?
Do you go to con meet ups. if not you should you will make friends.

>> No.7557006

I've been on /cgl/ for yeaaaaaars, son/daughter. Back during the JJ and Pixyteri era, if that gives you an idea. I've always just been an anon, though.
And I don't think I'm an outcast?? I was away at a different college for the past 4 years and just moved back to the area this year.
I have not been to any /cgl/ con meetups, no! But shiiiit I TOTALLY want people to karaoke with!

>> No.7557008

if you remember the great trip war and the pixyteri fanfic where they rape the japanese man that's the only time /cgl/ was good you don't need to worry about before that,.

>> No.7557010

>that fanfic

ohhhh god the memories, why would you even bring that up

>> No.7557015

I'd pay to see the homo.
all the homo

>> No.7557019
File: 18 KB, 266x190, 345675643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying you can ever forget.

>> No.7557032

oh my GOD I had erased that fanfic from my memory. why did you do this, anon.

>> No.7557038

Watashi wa Pikushiteridesu.

>> No.7557046

Anyone in San Francisco?
I see a couple of lolitas at my university and they always hang out in the center of the most populated building.

>> No.7557049

>cali lolitas wanting attention

>> No.7557052

I will admit that I am in the bay area, and I do know 2 lolitas from SF. One of which definitely used to go on cgl, not sure if she still does. I'm not actually going to offer any details because I fear the pecking of the gulls. But yes, there are cgl lolitas in SF.

>> No.7557067

eyy you're that person with 5k tumblr followers, i remember your phraseology

>> No.7557084
File: 240 KB, 1215x717, Lee_Sin_MuayThaiSkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
N-none, but I plan on cosplaying at some point after I get in good enough shape (Pic related)
20/M/Central Virginia for the summer, but NW part of VA at UVA
>other interests/hobbies?
anime/manga, lifting, but most of my time is taken with school during the school year
Skype: tommy.k211
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I'd hope we could be friends outside of /cgl/ related stuff, but I'd appreciate a friend that I could cosplay with just as well
>other info

>> No.7557094

No one cares anyways. Only one of them dress lolita every single day as though its a lifestyle and she is decent at it. I just think its funny the girls to boys ratio of their group is 1:1 which I assume the dudes are beta orbiters.

>> No.7557097
File: 1016 KB, 220x220, youwon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7557103

sherlock holmes pls go

>> No.7557118
File: 78 KB, 355x345, 34859349573666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
i don't dress in lolita, but i've been lurking /cgl/ and egl communities forever and may someday try it. :)
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
animu, video games, etc
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
skype: supjocelyn. have a tumblr but it's p normalfag.
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
um they can send me pics of their cosplays? play and talk about video games, talk about animu, talk about lolita stuff.

>> No.7557127

Serious question for all you in this thread:

Do you not have any friends who are into cosplay/egl? Or do you just want more? Do you live in small towns? Are you the type to keep to yourself? I've never had problems making friends with these interests. I live in a bedroom community of a major metropolitan area in the US. There's always events to go to and I meet decent people at my uni through enough sorting (very little of the sorting takes effort, I just talk to most people at least once).

>> No.7557129

Yeah, I missed last year's so I want to come this time. Is there going give more than one?

>> No.7557130

To be**
Sorry, I'm on mobile.

>> No.7557131
File: 175 KB, 231x423, 1121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Mainly cosplay, but also do jfash and lolita
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
Anime and Manga, Medieval fantasy books, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, etc. Starting to play League, but I'm casual as fuck so
I'm usually caught up with the anime flavor of the year, along with a couple other ongoing animes.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
skype in field
blog is robestpierre.tumblr.com but it's fujoshit as hell
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
It'd be nice to meet other people to cosplay with, or just hanging out.
>other info
I usually go to ALA, AX, Wondercon, PMX every year, also going to Ninjacon this year. Moving to NY in the fall for college so I'll probably check out some cons over there.

>> No.7557165
File: 16 KB, 300x343, tumblr_inline_mpwl6kloiD1r6iz1t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
cosplay, and some jfashion
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
teenaged/f or m/ western 'murrica
>other interests/hobbies?
sewing, <___< >____>.... yaoi, drawing, singing, crafting, vidya
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
tumblr: Itsforschool.tumblr.com (fujoshit from time to time)
email: kurokotetsunyan@yahoo.com
Skype: rather not give it out willy nilly, you can message me on tumblr and ask for it
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Mainly being skype pals? Bounce cosplay ideas off each other? I go to ax, and a few other cons in so cal every year and so I'm always open to group cosplays/ con meetups. I always like having rp buddies if you do that. Or just nerding out in general.
>other info
Asexual, aromantic, huge kurobasu fag, i like iwatobi a whole lot, I really like rping :DD, guy friends are nice, pokemon is cool...pls respond. We'll do cool stuff I promise

>> No.7557186
File: 481 KB, 500x321, 770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f or m
>those emotes
>pls respond

>> No.7557192
File: 36 KB, 193x219, 1393219993544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rp buddies

You know you're not supposed to be saying you're underaged here, right? You can get banned.

>> No.7557194

Please let this be bait.

>> No.7557198
File: 5 KB, 90x159, mic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
admire cosplay/ has cosplayed twice
Male, 20, Lubbock Texas
>other interests/hobbies?
Musician, Music Producer, vocalist. I like Anime, Movies, collecting vinyl stuff like that
email in field
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
someone to just be a friend to, or help me out with any future cosplay, skype with

>other info
Single, going to A-Kon
In a fraternity (music)

>> No.7557206
File: 43 KB, 318x338, Vgown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Classic lolita mainly and sometimes j-fashion
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
Historical costume, theatre and cinema, arts, music, japanese traditionnal culture and kimono, high fashion, cooking, sewing.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
in the fiels
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Basically skyping. I would like a foreigner lolita friend so I could practice my english while speaking about things I love.
>other info
Not looking for any romantic relationship. I'm also nerdy, I love rp, larping etc, I'm not too lost when it comes to video games.

Messaging you fellow larper.

>> No.7557215

>mfw accidentally put it in the name field
ah, well...

>> No.7557279


I haven't gotten your email, drop me a line I'd love a larp buddy.

>> No.7557304


>> No.7557414
File: 87 KB, 720x486, 1398161006326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
I like to take pictures of cosplayers.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
25/M/Stillwater, Oklahoma

>other interests/hobbies?
I am very outdoorsy and extroverted type actually and I have a lot of friends. I am a strong supporter of Communism (not kidding, you can look me up on the Internet) and I identify as a feminist as well. I like reading and sports. Also, video games.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
h-holding hands?

>post a picture of something you are interested in (or screenshot your tumblr archive and post that)
Picture related, me and my crew. You'll never guess which one I am, hehe.

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
I have a cute girlfriend, so don't worry about me! Just looking for friends!

>> No.7557415

Oops, forgot to put my address in the e-mail field.

>> No.7557422
File: 427 KB, 160x163, tumblr_midogw87ze1rpcp44o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
I love asian fashion, but I'm too shy to dress like I want outside
I'm cosplaying for the first time this august

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)

>other interests/hobbies?
Anime/manga, Games, animals, youtube, dream reading, cute merch like San-x, sanrio and such

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
I prefer skype

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk about cute fashion and good anime. And girly stuff in general

>other info
I'm in a relationship

>> No.7557425

If you're still here I'd love to make a /cgl/ friend!
For anyone else in San Antonio, or one of the bordering towns, I'd love to talk to you guys. That's my profile, hope to hear from some

>> No.7557426

It dropped my email, oops

>> No.7557428

Holy crackers.

>> No.7557429

..It never dropped your email, I can see it quite clearly on your posts.

>> No.7557436

I'm on my phone and my name is still green despite having the email field filled. I just gave up and posted it in the name field.

>> No.7557451

Sorry my thowaway mail don't work anymore, I'm gonna make a new one and message you asap.

>> No.7557473
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, gj-bu_07-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
jfashion, lolita (crossplay)
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
18/M/Northern Chicago
>other interests/hobbies?
music, manga/anime, video games (mostly from the 80s-90s)
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
lydiabadinerie@gmail.com (I have a Skype, but e-mail first)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Ask for and provide feedback, talk casually about whatever
>other info
I'm just starting out. Also, I'm going to ACEN all weekend, so replies might be slow!

>> No.7557490
File: 668 KB, 1024x768, del.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Im more into cosplay but i want to be a QT lolita (boy here so im not likely to pursue without tons of help.)

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
21, Male, California near LA

>other interests/hobbies?
Drawing,Gaming anime,TV, probably what most people on this board are into

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
My tumblr works for now (its pictured with my archive)

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I've been trying harder to make friends at cons and frankly its not as easy as you'd think this seems like a easier way to do that.

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
Single gay male, its not super important and not looking for dating right now

>> No.7557622
File: 459 KB, 480x270, T1scr8d9o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
All of the above
25/F/NYC (Bumblefuck Queens)
>other interests/hobbies?
Anime, vidya, sewing, crafting, cooking, karaoke, Nendoroid collecting
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Skype: r0yalmilktea
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Chat, hang out, exchange crafts and drawings, and go on huge cheap/free food excursions (I brought my other /cgl/ friend to get crepes, awesome fries, curry, takoyaki, and cake in one day)
>other info
I'm in a relationship. I also tend to get really shy.

>> No.7557623
File: 808 KB, 1127x583, 4nPb8ls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
newbie cosplay, admire lolita
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
19/M/NY (long island)
>other interests/hobbies?
vidja, disney movies, animation in general, nintendo
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
tumblr: http://zeltallica.tumblr.com/
skype: zeltallica
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
hang out? meet ups at cons
>other info
i like disney waay too much. I mostly lurk cgl i don't really post on other boards too much anymore. i'm INFJ too

>> No.7557913

Alright, I'll give this a shot.
>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
lolita (mostly sweet, some classic)
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
20/F/USA (North Carolina)
>other interests/hobbies?
I like horror, sci-fi, and kaiju movies, comic books, and playing vidya. I love to paint and draw, and I'm majoring in Industrial Design. I also do Taekwondo.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
email in field!
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
I don't really expect to find anyone on here who lives near me, but I'd like a penpal, at least!
>other info
I'm in a relationship.

>> No.7557938

I too live in NC and do martial arts, we can be friends! Goin to animazement next week, I think it's next week?

>> No.7557949
File: 553 KB, 1280x1678, skeletor_saves_by_gnargleboy-d3e9abx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Little bit of everything, mostly cosplay and jfash, slowly working on lolita but I don't have a whole lot of cash right now.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
20/F/Berks County, PA, USA

>other interests/hobbies?
Vidya, drawing, animo, sewing, painting, cooking, pets, amusement parks.

I really want friends who will go to amusement / water parks with me. I love them so much.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email : broberheim@gmail.com
Skype: broberheim
Steam : broberheim
Line : broberheim

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Go to amusement parks, shopping, play vidya, just generally hang out.

>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
Dis cosplay booty is off-limits.

I don't have any other pics.

>> No.7557952

Ill try this again when I get home. Watch out for another virginia seagull.
>I love weebs
>I m 23/f/va (springfield)
All I want is a friend who'll just weeb with me. Whether you're a lolita or not is fine, id gladly take interest/go to meets with you (so long as you aid in finding a suitable outfit..)
Ill do the whole shabang after work

>> No.7557970


may I propose a threesome between you?
or perhaps one lonely masturbation session if samfag

>> No.7557992
File: 1.56 MB, 294x301, 1399507802666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay, but not hyper serious about it
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
22, m, North/Central NJ
>other interests/hobbies?
Martial arts, guns, comics, vidya, cartoons
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Skype: That.guy052
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Hang out at cons, shoot the shit, watch bad movies, whatever.
>other info
Leaving for basic training in July, so I'll be gone for a couple months afterwards.

>> No.7558008
File: 19 KB, 652x996, imcpsdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
jfash - mori kei is mostly my fav atm

22/f/central california

>other interests/hobbies?
drawing, going on adventures, cooking, exercise, thrifting etc

skype = kimkimmington email in field

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
idk i moved recently and i have no friends now, so i'd like to talk online or something maybe if i'm lucky meet a new friend to goof with

>other info
i like cats, also im dealing with the very recent loss of a friend so if you're interested in taking and i get antisocial sometimes i'm just having a moment and its not personal

>> No.7558013
File: 156 KB, 1203x605, tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplaying, interest in Jfashion.
>other interests/hobbies?
Reading, Sewing, photography
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Cosplay ideas/chat/sewing tips etc.
>other info
In a Long-term Relationship, working full-time

>> No.7558016

What the hell is happening in that gif

>> No.7558018

I want to know the same thing

>> No.7558020

You're the fat one.

>> No.7558031

Don't be alarm. Is only Runnie's replace

>> No.7558053

Awesome! I am going, but only on Saturday. Shoot me an email! It would be fun to meet up if possible!

>> No.7558058
File: 428 KB, 650x975, manneken-pis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay (just recently started to take it more serious)
>other interests/hobbies?
Working/student/cosplay, keeps me quit busy
http://indiananotjones.tumblr.com/ (mostly reblogging bioshock/pretty things and sometimes cosplay)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Uhm to exchange tips and stuff, lol randumXD, and maybe motivation or something, idunno
>other info
Anyone else from Europe ?
Anyone ?

>> No.7558061

He's the car.

>> No.7558075


>> No.7558078

OK I understand now ty

>> No.7558082
File: 28 KB, 900x670, neetgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone in this thread uses IRC I made the channel #neetgirls for anyone who's interested...

>> No.7558086

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Lolita looking to get into cosplay
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)
21/F/Land of the Dutch
>other interests/hobbies?
Music, tea, cooking, kimono, JoJo, bunch of other stuff I'm probs forgetting
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email is in the field
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Dunno go for coffee/tea, have fun irl, go to cons together, weeb out
>other info
I can be kinda shy and nervous about answering emails if someone actually decides to shoot me one but if you don't mind waiting a few days before I get my shit together and want do to stuff irl hit me up. I do have some mental issues but I'm dealing with it and I couldd really use someone to stuff with instead of sitting in my room behind my laptop all the time. Oh and I like booze

>> No.7558087
File: 33 KB, 440x660, 1393937079119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup anon, I'm from Finland!
If ya wanna be internet buddies I'm game, 21/f and into traveling, camping innawoods and general nurdyXD stuff

pic unrelated

>> No.7558089

I find these threads interesting as a general survey of who visits cgl. I wonder what proportion of the cgl population responds, and how many of those are mostly truthful.

>> No.7558093
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention that the channel is on Rizon, let's chat for a bit and idle for a few hours!

>> No.7558106
File: 59 KB, 540x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into cosplay, lolita is nice too


Hobbies? Typical Vidya/Animu/Mango, enjoy playing the guitar and bass, going to cafes on open mic nights/acoustic nights, drinking and smoking, actually going out and not being a shut in.

I use steam more than Skype but they're both "thatsotoguy"
Fuck tumblr

All the weeb things.
Watch some animu, or drive out to Little Tokyo and just chill, grab some ramen at Orochons, and just walk around/shop.

Going to AX this year with a couple of friends (lol gonna be like 13 of us)
We're going to be walking around enjoying the con and probs be drinking a bit, we're all pretty chill and if you don't have anyone to hang out with you can chill with us. It be cool meeting new people, especially any seagulls

>> No.7558142
File: 1.50 MB, 1600x1200, 1393715547055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
All three. More into lolita and cosplay but I do branch out.
>other interests/hobbies?
I'm a terrible hardcore fujoshi and /a/nime fiend. I'm also interested in video games and films.
skype: hernameiskoko
tumblr: http://deer-ree-shee.tumblr.com/
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Chat and stuff? If in London/near, I'm always looking to make some friends to hang out with.
>other info
I judge shit taste. I'm always online though and normally down for chatting. Also if anyone who has reserved from Babys website before answer a couple of questions I have, I'd be grateful.

>> No.7558158

>All of those SJW tumblrs

Jesus, this board is full of terrible people.

>> No.7558163 [DELETED] 

Have a better one


>> No.7558165

Have a better one, if I can remember how to link things properly.


>> No.7558167

That's why they insist on having these threads here, and not on /soc/. People like them would be eviscerated on any other board on 4chan.

>> No.7558168

>Asexual, aromantic, huge kurobasu fag, i like iwatobi a whole lot, I really like rping :DD, guy friends are nice, pokemon is cool...pls respond. We'll do cool stuff I promise
10/10 baito-chan

>> No.7558169

Almost none of the tumblr posted here are SJW tumblr, what are you talking about? Or are you just assuming every tumblr is that.

>> No.7558172

Are you seriously not paying attention? How can you miss them?

>> No.7558173

It's actually because most of /cgl/ is into, you know, cosplay and/or lolita, while very little of /soc/ is.

>> No.7558174

Why not point them out, if you're going to be so critical.

>> No.7558176

What the hell is an asexual aromantic person?

>> No.7558179

>know that if you are male, stating that you are a single male is not going to get you many friends-it makes you seem desperate. keep it casual

Dats sexist mane

>> No.7558181
File: 770 KB, 750x1000, 1399934716527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Mostly cosplay but interested in lolita
>other interests/hobbies?
Guns, anime, video games, DIY, airsoft(don't laugh).
Skype: Mentalarmy
Tumblr: operatingwizard.tumblr.com
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk, watch anime, an airsofting buddy if they're close, complain about things, gush over pretty clothes
>other info
I'm really fucking shy it took me forever just to type this shit much less post.
also I'm Viet

>> No.7558182

Please point them out so I can follow them.

>> No.7558184

A person that is neither sexually nor romantically attracted to people of either gender? It's not really that hard to understand...

>> No.7558186

Why do you insist on using 4chan to spread your vile views?

>> No.7558188

It seems like they do not exist, because there is no naming and shaming happening.

>> No.7558189

Sounds like a dumb reason to label yourself.

>> No.7558194


Don't bother joining, I was banned instantly. Unless you're part of some elite inner-circle they don't want you there.

>> No.7558195

You came in and told us we're all shit.

>> No.7558198


I was congratulating the poster on her bait. Man, anon, you really are a special little flower...

>> No.7558200

Diff anon but I'd like to know that kind of information before thinking about dating someone. Kind of just takes that option away so I can decide to pursue a friendship instead

>> No.7558205

>look at all these SJW blogs!
>oh, where?
>they're awful!
>but where?
>why are you forcing your opinions on me?!?!
>where are they

I'd bet every dollar in my bank account you didn't open a single tumblr link and just came here to soapbox.

>> No.7558206

I don't think it's bait. Who goes through that much effort for a 4chan post?

It's a way of achieving special snowflake status, nothing more.

>> No.7558208

What the hell are you talking about?m

>> No.7558212
File: 29 KB, 667x93, screenshotsexist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558213

Literally the second tumblr posted has feminist posts on it. Are you blind?

>> No.7558214

A bad bait.

There's no such thing as an asexual girl.

>> No.7558219

well I wouldn't want to date that kind of person either lol, so either way, good information to have

>> No.7558221


What exactly is sexist about calling a person a piece of shit? Jesus, you have a persecution complex.

>> No.7558223


>> No.7558226

Not that person but I'm asexual (not aromantic though, straight and everything regular outside of the fact that I never want or have wanted sex)
and it is a huge hassle when you start dating someone. Most of the time they go "oh... nevermind then" (not those words, but in a nutshell). I can totally understand why someone would want to bring that up.

Plus, it's not like they said demisexual genderqueer femme neutrois shman or something.

>> No.7558228

"You think someone would do this, just go onto the internet and LIE?"

>> No.7558230

I didn't post that, so I have no idea what you're talking about,

>> No.7558234

Create a whole tumblr just to make one post in /cgl/? There are much easier ways to troll.

And it's not tumblr isn't naturally full of people using those labels anyway.

>> No.7558236

Stop shitting up the thread I want to make friends

>> No.7558239

Go make some real life friends you anti-social autist.

>> No.7558240

Ohgod I can't believe I'm responding to this, but just in case you're genuine, here goes:
"Girl" = The person's gender.
"Asexual" = The person does not have any interest in sex.

I think you were thinking "Agender", because then you'd be right, an agender girl would be nonsense.

>> No.7558244

>Asexual = the person is not capable of having sex because no one wants to fuck them


>> No.7558246

Post the link or stop shitting up the thread.
Unless you just saw literally one tame post about feminism somewhere and equated that to SJW

>> No.7558247
File: 39 KB, 591x647, 1392308472431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558251

they were trolling
every time asexual is mentioned on 4chan someone will always imply it's just because they can't get laid, don't bothe responding

>> No.7558252

That person never posted a direct link to their tumblr, but it is easily findable because they posted a screenshot of their archive.

The post is here: >>7556070.

Will that satisfy you, or do you want a list of every blog with SJW content?

>> No.7558254

i'm laughing rn
you guys are so paranoid about "oh no the SJW" that you see things like this where they don't exist. it says 'screenshots exist'.

>> No.7558257

??? There are zero things in that screenshot that are related to feminism or SJW. Additionally, you can't find their blog from that because those are all heavily reblogged posts. Just give up anon.

>> No.7558258


Keep telling yourself that virgin.

>> No.7558262

How am I a virgin for pointing out that the fucking image says "screenshots exist", not "screenshot sexist"? lrn2read

>> No.7558263

Can we stop the troll feeding

>> No.7558264

I assumed you were >>7558251 because both posts were written terribly and in the same style.

>> No.7558267

Belgium here, and yes totally in

>> No.7558268


"I mean, I'm no feminist" picture set. The ones from the Commander in Chief show.

So you are blind.

>> No.7558347
File: 200 KB, 500x275, tumblr_mjxtxqgF9S1qaldqoo1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Jfashion (mori boy/ ouji) hopefully, cosplay eventually.

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)

>other interests/hobbies?
Anime, vidya, reading. I enjoy socialising with others in cafés and other such places. Unfortunately, I am currently living in the middle of nowhere.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
E-mail in field.

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Do things if you're near-by. Talk about anime. Exchanging friend codes would be fun.

>other info
I'm not good at this sort of thing.

>> No.7558360

Serious question: what's a good way to meet seagulls outside of these kinds of threads? I've considered wearing a tiny seagull pin to cons but I'm afraid.

>> No.7558404

>tfw male so no one likes me
>tfw no qt cosplay gf

All I want is a decent human being who isn't a landwhale.

>> No.7558418

post pic

>> No.7558447


Beggars can't be choosers anon

>> No.7558456

Post pic

>> No.7558458
File: 288 KB, 882x1400, 663678-giorno_giovanna[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
I'm mainly into cosplay of the listed 3, but the biggest reason I go to cons is to host panels and meet people!


>other interests/hobbies?
I watch a lot of anime, read a lot of Manga, love books and collect figures.

DisgruntledOtaku, email is in the email field if you're into that sort of thing.

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
IDK, chat, possibly plan group costumes. Hang out at big cons that we'd both be at and just hang out with some generally cool people.
>other info
Some of the franchises that I'm into are Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Shin Megami Tensei, Kamen Rider, One Piece and Vocaloid. I also love really Avante Garde anime as well as Iyashikei series, so if anyone wants to talk about those that'd be neat too!

>> No.7558459

time to embrace homosexuality

>> No.7558466
File: 226 KB, 416x379, just shoop it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Lolita, otome, and cosplay
>other interests/hobbies?
Drawing, painting, video games, anime & manga, movies, going to shows, and taking long walks on the beach
(email is in the field)
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull
I would like to have a frilly partner in crime. We could help each other with outfits, wigs and make-up. Even a cosplay friend would be really nice to have. I'm still learning the basics of sewing my own costumes, but having a partner would be good motivation to push myself.
>other info
Looking for a seagull to actually hang out with. Most of my friends aren't into the same hobbies, and my childhood friends often tease me for my interests, so some actual support would be nice.

>> No.7558468

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay mainly
19, M, Los Angeles CA
>other interests/hobbies?
Video Games, Anime,
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
talk but i'm up for other things too

>> No.7558535
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid] Tonari no Seki-kun - 18 [A8569725].mkv_snapshot_06.49_[2014.05.11_20.08.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita
Cosplay (and crossplay), want to get into Lolita (still)
23/M/Atlanta, GA
>other interests/hobbies?
I play music and have been really getting into /fit/ness lately. I can motivate you! I can also be pretty dirty, heh.
skype = artenori
>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Sew, play vidya, watch animu, drink, smoke, all of the above. Whatever the hell we want.
>other info
I'm really into old games so I barely use Steam or anything. PS1 and PS2 are the best.

Friends would be nice...

>> No.7558665

>cosplay, Jfashion, and/or lolita

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your country, so on)

>other interests/hobbies?
/m/, /a/, /v/, /vg/, /vp/, /tg/

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Maybe if this gets replies

>what kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Trade my nudes for pics of them in tights. Also be bros and play vidya/card gaems together.

>other info
I will disregard anyone with a Tumblr if it involves anything remotely related to social justice
Will see some of you fags at the A-Kon meetup

>> No.7558673

>cosplay, jfash, lolita, etc
All three.


>Other interests
Vidya and polidicks

email field because embarrassing name

>What kind of things would you like to do with your seagull friend?
Talk, bst, share thoughts about shit
would be cool if you're a guy because i like talking to guys more, sorry

>> No.7558683

I fear the seagulls will tear me apart.

>> No.7558692


Uh oh.

>> No.7558707

Ahh autoplay

>> No.7558736

any change you play/played Smite? Is similair to LoL.

>> No.7558738

Sorry! Hopefully your volume was up on full.

>> No.7558739

>tfw bisexual seagull but there is no way to find other girl seagulls to date, especially because this thread would become too /soc/ if people started looking for dating too
Is my best bet just asking girls at cons into loli and Jfashion to be friends and hope that one likes girls so I can ask them out?