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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 33 KB, 849x316, hoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7555409 No.7555409 [Reply] [Original]

Okay gulls, what do we think of the two new cast members Syfy announced on the HOC facebook page?

>> No.7555470

I feel they just added Meg for her existing fanbase and I have no idea who the fuck the other chick is.

>> No.7555490

I always judge the legitimacy of cosplayers by whether or not they have an ACP account: http://www.acparadise.com/acp/display.php?a=44026

FantasyNinja is a florida cosplayer.

>> No.7555769

>Fennekin posing like a disney princess

am I the only one who hates her Fennekin design? nothing about it except the ears makes sense.

>> No.7555864
File: 100 KB, 960x639, tumblr_mzi3wzzLfU1sgt59wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worst... Look at what Holly made for that skit.

>> No.7555917
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>> No.7555935

Someone already did a panel about how much HoC sucked at Nebraskon 2013. Theres a video of it on Youtube if anyone is interested. Becky should be happy they didnt ask her back.

>> No.7555961

>We need to stand behind everyone in the cosplay community no matter who it is

Sorry, but no. Some people deserve to get called out on their bullshit. Especially when such TV shows give the "community" a bad image and just promote/glamorize attention whoring.

>I should be flown down
Yeah... heaven forbid you actually pay for your OWN convention travel.

>> No.7555966

Is that fucking Chloe Dykstra again? She's been popping up everywhere lately and she can't cosplay for shit, plus she's painfully unfunny.

>> No.7555970

umm, she doesn't even really look like a cosplayer to me. Seems more like she just "dresses up" versus actually cosplaying and being involved with the community... but I 've never heard about her until now

>> No.7555971

I think the person running the panel should try and skype her into the panel if shes so keen on debating. But then again that wont get her a free trip so I doubt she would be interested then.

>> No.7555972

She gets by with her geek audience only because she's so RANDUMLOL and good looking. The only real character cosplays she has were made by her friends without credit.

>> No.7555982
File: 16 KB, 250x425, chloe-dykstra-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and blowing Chris Hardwick. It wasnt until his fame and with the nerdist network started taking off that she started to get any attention. Wearing signs talking about how daddy invented the lightsaber at a con didnt get her any attention.

>> No.7555984

>Skyping on panels
>Panels with debates contradicting the panel

>> No.7555988


Didn't her dad also work on making props or something for the star wars franchise?

Anyways, she was the only one I really liked at the beginning of the first season, but after her tumblr post she really fucked up.

>> No.7556107

Tumblr post? What tumblr post?

>> No.7556119


They're probably referring to the doctor who HOC drama, she made a bunch of posts about it on her tumblr. She should have just stfu about it all tbh because she was just fanning the flames.

You can still read them on her tumblr.


>> No.7559542

I don't get what the big deal is about her response. It was a pretty human response to the original Doctor Who girl's blog post, and overall, it was pretty tame and not incendiary at all.

>> No.7559563

Honestly, I didn't notice the ears, and from the thumbnail, it looked like a fawn cosplay version of I don't know what.
So, no, you're not alone.

>> No.7559569
File: 35 KB, 600x600, hoverboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So chloe is in this now


Wearing a bunny suit with a labcoat makes you a scientist. For science. And reasons.

>> No.7559572

More like Hoesincheapcorsetsandlabcoatsgivinggifts.com

>> No.7559573

>I should be flown down

bitch who do you think you are?

>> No.7559576

>mfw I work in a lab and we don't usually wear lab coats

>> No.7559584
File: 242 KB, 421x837, hoe vs ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7559619

Everything about this hurts. All the shoop and what is the point? A calender of fake nerd girls? Also did anybody else notice that it said Chloe Dykstra's film credits are for "train passenger" and "young couple at dinner"? Bitch those don't count.

>> No.7559623

who fucking cares

>> No.7562170

Jessie straight up looks like a dude in a wig. She is definitely not on the same hotness level as the rest of those chicks

>> No.7562173
File: 651 KB, 1734x774, wtfface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg the horror. Skin is blurred to infinity and yet you can't be bothered to remove the undereye bags and nasolabial lines??

>> No.7562208

I think its just a thing they do to sell to the science kids at university to make mad dosh.

>> No.7562212

that quote makes me so angry

>> No.7562273

>>We need to stand behind everyone in the cosplay community no matter who it is

>Sorry, but no. Some people deserve to get called out on their bullshit. Especially when such TV shows give the "community" a bad image and just promote/glamorize attention whoring.

Triple cosigned.
We don't stand behind people who like walking all over people to get where they are. How hard is that to understand?
Fucking attention whores changed this hobby and I will never forgive them for it.

>> No.7562339

amen. sandbaggers need to get called on their shit.

dropping into a con in the middle of east bumblefuck with ginormo super fancy costumes just to sandbag contests is ridiculous.

>> No.7562342

Sure, fuck the attention whores, but even more than that, fuck the network/producers for exploiting our least favorite members of the community in a televised and scripted zoo. I can live with the, "tee hee, don't look at me silly Internet," people; they exist in every community, making them the face of the community though? That shit is far worse.

>> No.7562365

No, they agreed to it. Stop acting like they don't have a choice and that they were forced into it. They're famewhores, but they're hiding behind "they mayyde me doooo it! ><"

>> No.7562379

>mfw i work in a lab where we do wear coats to PROTECT OUR BODIES FROM HARMFUL CHEMICALS and yet stock photos or female scientist costumes are always wearing flimsy sexy un-protective clothing underneath, and god forbid one see a closed-toe shoe
I know, I know, but It's dumb as shit and it makes me so mad

>> No.7562382

I think you're reading too much into their word choice and they just meant "using".

>> No.7562415

They still agreed to do it. If no one agreed to it, there would be nothing, this is logical, don't you think?

>> No.7562418

the only attention she got was of pictures of her playing with dicks

>> No.7562821

this anon. SO MUCH this. geochemist anon here. counting all the safety violations in staged photos of femal scientists has kind of become a hobby at this point.