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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 480 KB, 474x632, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7547895 No.7547895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a con coming up, I wanna do a brony cosplay. I have most of it planned out, a fedora, neckbeard, shirt with cringeworthy brony shit. Do you have suggestions for what else I could do? Also, do you think this would be good to make a neckbeard out of? And how should I go about doing it? I saw long beard tutorials on youtube, but would making a neckbeard be the same?


>> No.7547899

Pro tip(s):

>Don't shower between now and the con.
>Wash your face with fried chicken.
>You can make a good neckbeard with shaved pubes. Try yo make sure it's a patchy neckbeard.
>Run butter through your hair to give it that greasy look.

>> No.7547910

they'll think you're one of them and accept you into the herd.
its suicide

>> No.7547915


B-but I'm a grill

>> No.7547916

Read /r/atheism to really emerge yourself in fedora culture.

>> No.7547917

accuse every female there of friend-zoning you

>> No.7547919

You gotta exaggerate everything if you want this to be a successful parody. If you try to look like a neckbeard you'll just look like a neckbeard and no one will get the joke. I'm saying don't go literal. Go big or go home. Make the fedora out of pony toys from mcdonalds or some shit. Have a really fake tumblr esk shirt on that is blatantly obvious you aren't being serious.

>> No.7547921

Put dirt, cheetos, mountain dew can fragments in your dusty ass neckbeard. etc etc

>> No.7547924


Would gluing pony meme faces to my fedora and putting super cringe worthy shit on my shirt suffice? Also ideas on what to put on my shirt.

>> No.7547929

may god help your soul

>> No.7547933

>Also, do you think this would be good to make a neckbeard out of?

Just grow it yourself.

>> No.7547935



>> No.7547941

>privileged female trying to cosplay as a neckbeard

Cultural Appropriation!

>> No.7547944

Get a bunch of autistic hot topic cartoon buttons to put on your hat.

>> No.7547945
File: 7 KB, 252x200, sperg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear this.

>> No.7547954

Acquaint yourself with your people.

>> No.7547956

If you're gonna do this then go above and beyond or else you'll just end up looking silly. You could layer multiple fedoras and have each one with different kinds of memes, stickers, sayings etc.

>> No.7547979


I think you mean immerse

>> No.7547997

I think what you meant (and I'm surprised no one in this thread has said this yet) is ">>>/r9k/"

>> No.7548129

I hate bronies, I cannot tolerate them.
But I will help you, for I am a forgiving mans man.
Horsemask, paint to favorite horse.
Suite, have black suit and inner colors match pony, have a small metallic or plastic(go all out not some cheap plastic shit) emblem above left your left manbreast. No tail, all work you put into it will be in vain if you put gross tail.
This way you won't need to face people who look down on you OR shave!

>> No.7548160

Speaking seriously, you're going to need something that will make it clear you're not one of them. No one's going to know it's cosplay unless you have some type or prop(s).
I recommend something like a sign that says *TIPS FEDORA* or something that will show that it's only a joke.

>> No.7548162


I figured me being a girl with a beard would make it obvious, but I was gonna call everyone m'lady and tip my fedora at people.

>> No.7548171

>I wanna do a brony cosplay

>> No.7548187
File: 174 KB, 1224x653, bronycon_2013_hsving_funfunfunfunfunfunfunfun___by_that1andonly-d6j40nb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does acting like an internet atheist have to do with bronies?
Why not wear one of the actual horsefucker costumes?

>> No.7548201


I had something else in mind but didn't have time to put it together. And if I did anything other than a stereotype it would seem like I'm serious.

>> No.7548213

But you're applying the wrong stereotype?

>> No.7548215

If you really want to go the extra mile incorporate spaghetti somewhere into your costume. Ringing the fedora might be nice, and if you made a neckbeard out of pasta you'd be my personal hero.

For the t-shirt I'd recommend something referencing the #SaveDerpy campaign. It's a now two years outdated campaign to restore the original voice acting for a character on the show that referenced the brony fandom. Could also do something "protesting" Twilight Sparkle getting wings.

>> No.7548219

Am I really the only one that finds this in poor taste?

>> No.7548226

>silent mind
>that's literally the opposite of how autists work
>if anything it should
U-nanymously T-roubled
I-mmersed in S-pecific

>> No.7548234

Yes. Yes you are. Brony

>> No.7548235

this is a good idea

also instead of a neckbeard, make a yarn bierd

bonus points for rainbow dash-y rainbow yarn beard.

>> No.7548239
File: 86 KB, 894x894, mlp_tan_by_dzone16-d5492zn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want, just cosplay /mlp/-tan. Not everyone would get the reference, it beats having to wear a fake neck-beard, and all you'd have to do is go full on beta around men and act like no one loves you.

>> No.7548303

I like this idea as well.

Maybe you can use light yellow craft thread for the spaghetti and keep it in your pockets for when someone tries to talk to you?

>> No.7548328

>talk to any MLP cosplayer
>spill spaghetti everywhere
It's perfect.

>> No.7548483

Make the yarn into a wig-weft almost, sew it down to the inside of your pockets. Sew some large meatball-like pom poms to random points on yarn bits.
>try to talk to a grill at convention
>reached inside pockets
>pulled spaghetti out
>then tucked it back in afterwards
>tfw no pony gf

>> No.7548500
File: 82 KB, 500x501, 1wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually taking this seriously

>> No.7548794

>What does acting like an internet atheist have to do with bronies?

What does acting like a rich, moist, heavy heavy chocolate traybake have to do with brownies?

>> No.7548820

make a homemade trollface shirt, but make it as awful as possible and write "u mad bro" under it

>> No.7548824

also make it with sharpie, and carry around a liter of mountain dew

>> No.7548944


I'm fat (not like a hamplanet, pretty much chubby)and won't cosplay outside of my body type.


I'll use real spaghetti, boil it before I leave for the con.


I'll throw that in, just going to make a hodgepodge of memes and brony shit on my shirt.

>> No.7548965
File: 21 KB, 200x176, 50g_bag_x_3D_New_Orange_Flocking_Velvet_Powder_Villus_Powder_for_Nail_Art_Free_Shipping_Wholesale.jpg_200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, yes. Take orange flocking powder and make a greasy hand print down the shirt, pants.

>> No.7548989

I love everything about this cosplay, but I would not use actual boiled spaghetti if I were you.

>> No.7549003

Yeahh... I'm pretty sure there's kid's toy spaghetti you can use.
Actually, I have some plastic tube-wire meant for beading necklaces. If you cut it into segments and paint it a cream color, it can pass for noodles.

>> No.7549011
File: 1.22 MB, 400x189, tumblr_my8o8uwWRr1qkzb67o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do us proud, OP. Do us proud.

>> No.7549023

>tumblr esk

>> No.7549030

anon i literally almost puked i was laughing so hard at that analogy

>> No.7549042

Don't forget your ill-fitting trenchcoat and the most worn tennis shoes you can find, preferably a pair with velcro straps.

>> No.7549048
File: 73 KB, 720x481, ohgodwhywhywhywhywhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so, pony shit and memes on the fedora and shirt, neckbeard with some cheetos in it, fake spaghetti coming out of my pockets, and I have to study up to play the part. Sound good, or am I missing something?

>> No.7549050


I'll see if I can find a trench coat, and I have a habit of wearing the same tennis shoes for a long time, so no problem there.

>> No.7549067
File: 151 KB, 1047x1265, yaaaaaaaaaaaas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing this.

>> No.7549356

>pretending to be retarded
This is super retarded.

>> No.7549366

flame shirt
cargo pants
white socks
sneakers of some kind
fedora (multiple, if possible)
messenger bag of MLP shit or animu shit with added meme pins/stickers/etc
full on neckbeard
pimples if possible
carry around mt dew and a bag of cheetos (preferably empty)
pony toys
sonichu necklace

>> No.7549486

Ahaha... Please nobody go there. It makes you physically ill and disgusted with existence.

>> No.7549662
File: 12 KB, 167x225, mswmgSwNFKDjEMGE3UXeMyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See if you can find something like this and wear it over the shirt, hanging open.

>> No.7549664

But then there would be no trench coat. :/

>> No.7549690

I've totally seen people at conventions do both.

>> No.7549693

made a picket sign that says "she's friend zoning me" or some shit

>> No.7549701

Or have some kind of badge on your jacket that says, "Honorary Member of the Friendzone" or something

>> No.7549742

Missing fingerless gloves

>> No.7550126

This just sounds tacky as shit to be honest. Why not put efforts into an actual cosplay rather than showing you care way too much what another group of people too.

I know several bronies and they say they get the biggest laugh out of those people who mock them because they care far too much.

>> No.7550135

>Monogamy isn't a requirement here as far as I know Wink. Twilight is my special bond but I am sexually very adventerous and my pony-based sexual escapades typically involve an entire harem of mares, but beyond the hormonal cocktail I am a 1-mare guy. You'll fit in just fine.
>close tab

>> No.7550142

Yeah, the effort put into this just seems silly. Like, you're going to make yourself look awful and people will make fun of you and it'd just give honest fans of a series even more of a bad rep while giving fuel to spiteful people to continue to be spiteful. There's just no point.

>> No.7550176

What if OP enjoys this as much as she would any other cosplay, though? I know that reading through this thread has been amusing as fuck for me. She probably doesn't give a fuck what actual brony neckbeards think and neither should she.
And why would an obvious parody of shitty fans give decent fans a bad rep? The neckbeards did that already, injecting some humour into the whole thing isn't going to hurt anyone.

>> No.7550193

>She probably doesn't give a fuck what actual brony neckbeards think.

It fuels their idea that they're persecuted and continues their autistic crusade for equality as if they're somehow level with Gay and Trans people.

The best way to deal with those people is too ignore them, not do shit like this. They will honestly believe this is their version of blackface.

>> No.7550209

When you could wear socks and sandals?

>> No.7550227

And it would still, all the while, damage the already broken reputation of the fanbase even further. It's just a mess from all sides. Honest fans would still have to deal with "oh, you like THAT show, huh? Are you one of... them?" because of the awful fans. The awful fans would, as this anon stated, feel like they're a victim of an injustice for being "misrepresented", which would give more fuel to the people who hate them more to bitch about so they can hate ALL fans.

>> No.7550504

And we should care about these wastes of air, why?

Maybe if these autistic shit lords actually stopped pushing their pony fucking out into the public eye they wouldn't have to been a victim.

What do they think they are - women who get harassed for wearing a short dress or something? God no - let them feel like shit. They deserve it.

>> No.7550530
File: 495 KB, 558x744, ma'lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some fresh oc from my okc expedition. Hope it inspires.

>> No.7550536


>> No.7550538

this is so fucking funny help me

>> No.7550541

Other anon is basically saying that it amounts to feeding a troll, which is a reasonable way to feel. They're not saying "woe, the poor bronies" or anything.

Personally I disagree with them since most of this people are deadly serious and not at all trolling or anything, and thus deserve to be made fun of

>> No.7550998

>They will honestly believe this is their version of blackface.

That would be hilarious, though.

>> No.7551208


there's no way that's not fake

>> No.7551403

no, its definately in poor taste. It's also incredibly stupid. Op is cosplaying what is basically an inside joke. No one is going to get what is going on when she starts pulling yarn out of her pockets. I hope she's ready to explain what the fuck she's doing all weekend.

>> No.7551408

>implying people at a convention won't get internet memes.
take your bitter butthurt somewhere else you brony faggot

>> No.7551416

They're all fakes.

>> No.7551417

But I thought cosplaying as "memes" was widely frowned upon, especially when that effort could have been used for an actual cosplay.

Like... how is this any better than someone who "cosplays" as... I don't know, something with rage faces or doge? The end result is still something stupid.

>> No.7551502

Is that what they're called? I thought it was something more like Kansassins

>> No.7552156

I've been on 4chan for years and I still don't get exactly what it means. Spaghetti is obscure for an internet meme. If she was wearing a forever alone face or some shit people would get it. If hot topic hasn't appropriated it on a shirt its not big enough to parody yet.

Its also generally frowned upon to base an entire costume on a stereotype.

>> No.7552787

>mountain dew can fragments