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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7547528 No.7547528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you say to people who ask you what you're wearing when outside in lolita, seagulls?
Do you ignore them? Just say 'its a fashion' and move on? Or are you neurotic enough to carry around a pamphlet and illustrated billboard that explains what it is?
I've noticed I get more questions alone than when I'm with a group - I usually say it's a 'street style called EGL' and keep moving, or say 'I always dress like this', which for some reason always satisfies curious normalfags.

>> No.7547591

I just say it's a Japanese fashion, I don't tell people it's called Lolita. Most of the time they will then attempt to pronounce "Harajuku" and ask if that's what it is and I say, yes, something like that. They walk away happy and I walk away with a positive interaction. If they want to know more or get into the fashion themselves I explain it all.

>> No.7547595

Depends on how they ask
>bitchy "What are you wearing?" with clearly disgusted facial expression
>say "Clothes" and flounce

>> No.7547602

>carrying around pamphlets

That's...that's sure something.
I can see it being both useful and very pretentious
I doubt most normfags want to read a pamphlet

>> No.7547609

Whether they're being shitty or polite I usually just shrug and say "Stuff that I like."

Most people generally think about it for a second and go "Oh.. Yeah. That makes sense!" and everybody is happy.

>> No.7547651

I saw this and thought if people who wear Lollitia feel like this. Do you guys feel like this?


>> No.7547687

I usually just say it's street fashion, and only tell them it's Japanese when they ask further. If the outfit it mostly handmade then I tell them that. I never use the word lolita because people always respond the wrong way.
Or if they're clearly not interested and just want to pick a fight, this: >>7547595

I'm sorry but I couldn't watch more than five seconds of that.

>> No.7547809

>say "Clothes" and flounce
my nigga.

>> No.7548066

my comm has business cards

>> No.7548072

>What do you say to people who ask you what you're wearing when outside in lolita, seagulls?
I smile and tell them that it's actually a Japanese street fashion called "Gothic Lolita" and inform them that a lot of the aesthetic influences come from Victorian fashion.

They tend to leave me alone after that, usually the people who approach me want to admire it anyway. I've rarely gotten people who've asked me just to be patronizing and rude.

>> No.7548085

What the fuck is this? This chick's entire persona is so grating and disgusting

>> No.7548092

She's like a white, snowflakey Nicki Minaj.

>> No.7548105

Like everyone else, I say it's a Japanese street fashion.

I had one woman who knew what it was 'cause she liked whatever that Harajuku book was. Fruits or something? I don't know, been a while since I've seen it. But she started hounding me about how it was a fetish and such. Ended up stating like it's seen as still really weird in Japan.

I really should have brought up how everything could be a fetish, too. Like "Oh, you're wearing shoes? Those are a fetish," or something like that. I'm slow at comebacks.

>> No.7548140

The people I know from my comm also say "it's a Japanese street fashion" to avoid saying "lolita". I think at some point we got tired of explaining to everyone asking and would rather move on with what we are doing.
>hair flip "and what are YOU wearing?"

>> No.7548144


>say "Clothes" and flounce

Such an appropriate fashion for such an appropriate gesture.

>> No.7548407

>"Are you going to a party?"
No, just out and about. I just dress like this.
>"Are you in a play?"
Nah, I just dress like this.
>"Are you advertising something?"
Nope! Just how I dress
>"I like your clothes, where are they from?"
Its a japanese street fashion, so mostly from Japan

>> No.7549206

Me. I've actually explained it to a group of people once; we had a museum meet and I spent a portion of it educating the masses. Older people love it.

>> No.7549318

Why do so many people go to so much effort? Very few of the people who ask us even care that much. Even if they ask where it's from, I just say "Internet"

>> No.7549359

>Its an old victorian style dress decorated with cute prints.

>> No.7549373

Just be honest and tell them you have Autism while not looking in their eyes.

>> No.7549381

I tell them I'm going to a funeral and look at them like they're being really disrespectful for asking.

On a more serious note (although I have done that a couple times), I usually either humor them and tell them it's Japanese fashion and carefully omitting mentioning that it's called lolita or if they ask me a question along the line of "are you in a play?" I just say "nope" and leave it at that.

>> No.7549818

I literally cringed every time she called herself "kawaii bitch". No.

>> No.7549819

That's embarassing

>> No.7549822

Not that anon, but our comm has like little cards with a brief FAQ for those who appear particularly interested/annoying.
Our members got sick of having to answer 501 questions from overly curious normalfags.

>> No.7549828

It's still kind of odd, you're people, not walking information desks.

>> No.7549854

that anon, I think they're more for when we're at conventions or for people who know about lolita but don't know about the comm

but yeah, they are

>> No.7549863

I'm some kind of autist, so my immediate response is always, "A dress/clothing," even when I'm not trying to be an ass. Usually they just laugh it off, and if they ask for more info, just something like, "Oh, yeah, it's Japanese/Asian fashion."
I've found most people don't really want to know what you're wearing, it's just that they see someone wearing something unusual, and their brain to mouth filter temporarily shuts down, so they blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

Jesus, this is so embarrassing. She's trying so hard.

>> No.7549912

This one time I actually told a guy I was part of a cult and we were required to dress like this.

>> No.7549998

While her persona is grating, tryhard and unfunny, she's has a point.

Lolita is just clothes. It's still the same kind of self-expression as any other outfit.
There's no need to act is if it were a cult and we need to spread the gospel to every slightly curious person. I feel like girls who every single time give a great speech about the roots, significance and how it's not related to Nabokov are actually doing a huge disservice, making all of us look creepy and obsessive.
If I act as if my frills are this big cultural statement, of course they're not gonna be ever treated as "just clothes".

Though to be honest, I've never actually met a person persistent enough to keep asking me any questions after "why are you so dressed up?" or "the fuck are you wearing?" let alone be GENUINELY curious about the style.

>> No.7550037

Which is why cards are useful, so you don't have to stand there being harassed. If the questioner is genuinely interested, they have all their information there, and don't have to commit it to memory.
If they're just asking to make fun, then it's a quick dismissal.

>> No.7550073

I normally say "Oh, it's a Japanese designer'. Tone varies according to occasion and who is asking, from nice and cheerful to completely arrogant.

>> No.7550084
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>> No.7550110

Dang it, I never thought of that response! Also, one time where people asked where we got our dresses from, the auto reply of Japan didn't apply for once (China, Korea, Poland, USA)

>> No.7552328
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>> No.7552344

Usually I say either "Japanese street fashion" or the name of the brand like, "oh, it's this japanese brand called baby the stars shine bright!"
If they're expecially rude I'll just say "A dress"

>> No.7552365


>> No.7552521 [DELETED] 
File: 950 KB, 320x240, rhonj-teresa-table-flip-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can handle normal fags any day of the week whether they are twats or just curious.. its the fucking weeb's and anime stereo types that annoy 10 shit's out of me.

> That feeling when you are out on a normal day and your approached by weebs.
> That feel when smelly hambeast's touch you and your clothes with greasy KFC hands.
> That feel when they ask if you got your dress from ebay or millannoo.
> That feel when they ask if you starve to fit in your dresses because being a size 12 uk is apparently tiny for their own size 16 fat.
> That feel when they ask your ask and you reply 20+ and they assume you were 14 being peado bait.
> That feel when they ask "What cosplay are you wearing?"
> That feel when they ask if you wear lolita in bed AKA to fuck in it.
> That feel when they ask to wear your wig and proceed to reach for your head even before you've had a chance to answer.
> That feel when you discover an anime convention is in town and the one sunny saturday you design to go out in your frills you get stalks by peado-camera-men who ask you to do kawaii yet sexy poses.
> That feel when they ask if you like anime ____ and the look of confusion when you reply "I don't watch anime"
> That feel when they try to speak in awful bad broken Japanese because your friend with you happens to be Asian, who is actually Chinese.
> That feel when one of the greasy fat guys ask if your single and when you say no, push towards you as if they'd be your MR YAN OH SO DREAMY NEW HUSBANDO to take you away from all your kowai sorrows because your bf is clearly not as man-ry as them.
> That feel when you leave/escape and can still smell their sweat on you after forcing hugs onto you that you previously declined but no fucks were given to your wishes so FREE SWEATY HUGS FRILLY BITCHES.

All my fuck's, all of them.

>> No.7552527
File: 950 KB, 320x240, rhonj-teresa-table-flip-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can handle normal fags any day of the week whether they are twats or just curious.. its the fucking weeb's and anime stereo types that annoy 10 shit's out of me.

> That feeling when you are out on a normal day and your approached by weebs.
> That feel when smelly hambeast's touch you and your clothes with greasy KFC hands.
> That feel when they ask if you got your dress from ebay or millannoo.
> That feel when they ask if you starve to fit in your dresses because being a size 12 uk is apparently tiny for their own size 20 fat.
> That feel when they ask your age and you reply 20+ and they assume you were 14 being peado bait.
> That feel when they ask "What cosplay are you wearing?"
> That feel when they ask if you wear lolita in bed AKA to fuck in it.
> That feel when they ask to wear your wig and proceed to reach for your head even before you've had a chance to answer.
> That feel when you discover an anime convention is in town and the one sunny saturday you design to go out in your frills you get stalks by peado-camera-men who ask you to do kawaii yet sexy poses.
> That feel when they ask if you like anime ____ and the look of confusion when you reply "I don't watch anime"
> That feel when they try to speak in awful bad broken Japanese because your friend with you happens to be Asian, who is actually Chinese.
> That feel when one of the greasy fat guys ask if your single and when you say no, push towards you as if they'd be your MR YAN OH SO DREAMY NEW HUSBANDO to take you away from all your kowai sorrows because your bf is clearly not as man-ry as them.
> That feel when you leave/escape and can still smell their sweat on you after forcing hugs onto you that you previously declined but no fucks were given to your wishes so FREE SWEATY HUGS FRILLY BITCHES.

All my fuck's, all of them.

>> No.7552537

I just tell people that it's a Japanese street fashion ("like the girls that dress up in Harajuku" People tend to relate to that) that's gaining popularity around the world. I tell them that I don't wear it everyday, but I do occasionally because it's fun to get dressed up. When people ask about where I get it, I just tell them I buy the stuff off the internet. I usually point to brands or say Ebay for generic stuff. Try to point them away from Bodyline if I'm wearing it (usually my shoes or my coat) since people ask about those the most and just say Ebay. Bodyline sounds a little pervy to your average person. I try to keep it generic and relateable to normies. When people want to get into more detail I explain further, but that doesn't happen as much.

>> No.7552546

>That feel when literally all of this is called confident and assertive when done by a rich or attractive person

im not even chunky or ugly but damn people are shallow

>> No.7552598


No, it wouldn't be. I've had hot guys try to hug me, touch me, grab me, or corner me and talk to me while I'm in lolita, and it's just as unpleasant and disturbing as when ugly people do it.

Not to mention: attractive/confident people do things like bathe. If you're fucking stinking and sweating in filthy, stained clothes, the problem is you, not me.

>> No.7553224

Ooh, I'm going to start using the term 'designer' as well. I bet people will me more accepting of weird stuff when they think it's ~couture~.

Most of my brand clothes are from IW and for some reason people think 'Innocent World' is even weirder than Angelic Pretty or BtSSB. Ive even been asked if it's a fetish or a cult, and this was in response to the brand name.

>> No.7553276

>> That feel when you discover an anime convention is in town and the one sunny saturday you design to go out in your frills you get stalks by peado-camera-men who ask you to do kawaii yet sexy poses.
Explain yourself.

>> No.7553280


>I've had hot guys try to hug me, touch me, grab me, or corner me and talk to me while I'm in lolita, and it's just as unpleasant and disturbing as when ugly people do it.
What do you mean when you say talking to you while you're in lolita is unpleasant and disturbing?

>tfw I cannot hug a girl in lolita without it being unpleasant and disturbing
Why God, why?

>> No.7553292

You can't hug ANYONE without their permission without being unpleasant and disturbing. And by talking anon probably meant unwelcome conversation. Have you never been bothered by strangers who keep trying to talk to you while you just want to mind your own business? It's not the end of the world but it's annoying, especially so when they feel entitled to your attention because you're dressed unusually.

>> No.7553297

Well, naturally, but the permission part was kind of left out of that post, and normally I'd assume it, but she also included "talking" in that list, so I thought she might just be very anti-social. A little more detail would have done me.

P.S., when I imagine creepy, I think of an unattractive guy asking permission for a hug when he knows he's too unattractive for it. Even though he gets turned down and leaves, he was creepy for asking. Am I wrong?

>> No.7553353

This may just be me but I think any stranger asking for a hug from someone they just met is creepy. Why would you want to be that intimate with someone you don't even know? Why would you assume anyone wants to be that intimate with you right off the bat? I might hug and pose with excitable little kids who think I'm a Disney princess but adults? Ech. It also reeks of "you're dressed up weird so you must be here for my entertainment", like they think I'm a mascot character for a theme park. I'm not paid for this shit, yo.

Besides, she said
>corner me and talk to me
which is obviously not ok and
>try to hug me, touch me, grab me
where "try" suggests, at least to me, that they made a grab at her without asking. Those things are creepy no matter who does it.

>> No.7553366

Touching or hugging strangers is creepy in general, regardless of looks. Same goes for unwanted conversation. Hot guys can be just as creepy.

>> No.7553400

I want a copy. link?

>> No.7553406

I'm so sick of the "it isn't halloween" comment.
you aren't funny. you aren't clever.
you are far from original.

every time you say this to my face, I'll be just as unamused and snarky back.

"if it isn't halloween, then why are you wearing that ugly mask?"
"oh my god I'm so sorry that's your face"
"you should get some help for that"