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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 71 KB, 924x572, 1395563335211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7547295 No.7547295 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a skincare thread? Didn't see one and the makeup general is old.

>> No.7547320

That picture is a miles way off. So damn inaccurate. It's called vanity, and those who focus on the external tend to forget about the internal.

>> No.7547335

I have mediocre skin. I used to have a really nice glow. Because I take necessary precaution to take care of my face, but [I'm guessing due to prescription medication since it started around when I started taking it] my skin has gotten worse. Side of my nose is always greasy, skin looks uneven and kinda bumpy, and I get some spots when I used to have none.
I wash my face at least once a day, twice if necessary, use a face lotion compatible for my skin, do not eat much junk, and keep my hands off my face.
Can you give me any suggestions on how to better my skin?
[Sorry if this sounds awful, I am half asleep. Thank you.]

>> No.7547338

>yfw that's genuinely how the Japanese think.

If you want to be liked but don't put in the effort to completely change yourself for others, it's your fault.

>> No.7547341
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's called vanity
It's called not being a filthy, unwashed neckbeard.

Anywho... I started using pic related about a week ago, because I started breaking out horribly. This shit's miraculous.

>> No.7547343

nah, if you assume people should just like you when you make no effort to do so then that is pretty self-centered
things aren't just handed to you, nobody's going to want to be your friend if you smell and have greasy hair

>> No.7547344
File: 701 KB, 837x483, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have red acne scars.
The only advice I seem to find is for brown scars..
How do I get rid of these things?

Preferably in a few months.

>> No.7547349

You realize there's more to offer the world than looks right
By this logic, all old people or people with burn scars or unattractive birthmarks or big noses must be evil.

>> No.7547350

What prescription medicine are you using? If your skin is greasy there are oil absorbing sheets you could buy. I usually use Neutrogeana's since I'm too afraid to try others and haven't heard about others.
I haven't heard much about washing your face once a day to prevent acne, I thought it was twice. But everybody's different I guess.

>> No.7547354

I'm suddenly getting cystic acne all the damn time. I'm looking up the potential causes, and it seems like I'm eating the right things and taking proper care of myself. It's weird, I had pretty much no acne throughout adolescence, and am suddenly getting the worst acne in my 20s.

Anyone have any good products that will tell my cystic acne to fuck off?

>> No.7547355
File: 37 KB, 344x517, 1395016391983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely change yourself for others
>start grooming properly, don't eat junk every day, exercise... ie what everyone should normally do

Why so sandy?

No, you fucking idiot. It doesn't matter if you have a square jaw or burn scars or a fivehead. You can't help shit like that.
What matters is if you don't wash your greasy face, don't shampoo+condition your oily hair, don't wear deodorant, etcetc.

>> No.7547356
File: 30 KB, 320x240, 4101158_orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clear up acne
>become shredded ottermode
>get nice hair cut
>manscape all body hair
And so I thought I had finally made it, but then all of a sudden motherfucking keratosis pilaris out of nowhere all up my arms.

God damn it, why? It has a bit on my back too. I was finally ready to take my shirt off and have everyone be mirin or do some topless cosplays and have everyone be mirin, but now I'm afraid to wear anything that won't cover down to at least my elbows. I've been wearing these nigger t-shirts because of this shit.

What the fuck, how do I get rid of this shit? Nothing seems to even phase it. Scrub that shit, scrape that shit, pop it, 10% benzoyl peroxide, 10% sacylic acid, glycolic acid, and even sulfur scrub with a pumice stone. I've been out in the sun for a total of 14 hours between yesterday and today and even the sun won't kill these motherfucking bumps.

Maybe I was never meant to make it, and never do any cosplays that don't have long sleeves.

>> No.7547359

no, that's not "by that logic"
the logic is you don't take care of yourself, and people notice that
people can see when you're not trying a mile a fucking way

>> No.7547360

yo just use lotion...

>> No.7547361

Lotion just made me have greasy bumps. At least the benzoyl peroxide kinda made a difference, but then they were back by the end of the day.

>> No.7547362

Just how bad is it? If it's really bad, you should see a dermatologist.

Also see >>7547341 I had some bigass cystic pimples and blackheads all over my nose, cleared everything up after a couple days.

>> No.7547366

Don't be retarded, ugly is ugly. If you have an ugly face or a disorder, no amount of self-grooming will help you, short of plastic surgery.

>> No.7547367

Um, if you manscaped for the first time ever, it's probably ingrown hairs. Fact of life, man. Body hair has a purpose, so when you remove it, shit might go wrong. Laser hair removal/electrolysis is the only effective treatment aside from letting the hair grown back in.

>> No.7547368

It is by that logic because the image is just talking about taking care of yourself, it's literally about looks and looking like shit in general.
Some people are just irreparably hideous, but that doesn't mean they're bad. That's why that picture is mostly bullshit.

>> No.7547369


>> No.7547376

Scrubbing the shit out of it isn't going to do anything. Try AmLactin or any lotion with AHAs in it. All I really do though is just moisturize after my showers, it's cut down on my KP a lot.

I've seen Post Inflammatory Erythema thrown around for red spots so you might try looking into that? I'm not sure if the treatment for that is similar to brown spots, though. :\

>> No.7547377
File: 49 KB, 250x141, IMG_20140421_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like some advice
My nose and cheek area are red most of the time and idk pores are ew.
Pic attached.
I was my face twice a day and exfoliate/mask once a week.
I just have really uneven skin and I am not sure what to do.

Thinking about just going to a dermatologist.
For some reason or another I get bad cystic acne by my ears too.

>> No.7547378

said someone who never had KP

vitamin D supplements can help, I use the salux exfolitaing body towel and it helps

>> No.7547383

Birth control was the start, despite birth control normally helping people's skin, as well as antidepressants.
I wash my face twice if needed, I'd only ever /had/ to wash it once a day before.

>> No.7547391

I actually have fairly good skin but my biggest problem is dandruff, no matter what I try it never seems to go away.

>> No.7547401

I've got chicken skin on my legs, arms, and on my cheek and jaw. Anything I can do for that, or am I fucked? I try to cover up at least the part on my jaws with makeup, but the bumpiness of course stays.
Do I have to talk to a doctor for something like that, or is there something I can just buy to help?

>> No.7547407

If the acne is by your ears, it could be related to hair in some way. Do you tend to get it on the side you sleep on more?
Change around your shampoo, conditioner, and hair products. Maybe also try washing your hair and pillow case more often?

>> No.7547409

I have moderate dandruff and I do a vinegar rinse before I wash my hair. I put it in a spray bottle and it seems to really work. It also makes my hair texture softer.

>> No.7547410

>tfw you're more worried about your skin being clear for a con than you are about finishing your cosplay.

>> No.7547416

I never learned how to do makeup, but I just graduated and want to get into it. I want to do the whole "go to a makeup store and listen to recommendations and maybe buy what works" thing, what stores are most willing to work with you and tend to be the most helpful with makeup in your experience cgl?
Sephora? A normal department store like JC Penny? Beauty Brands?

>> No.7547419

I have kp fuckwad and I use lotion with coco butter and I haven't had a problem since.

>> No.7547420


Thanks I'll try that out.


Unless you're wearing a mask that's a perfectly valid remark. I always worry over getting a cold sore, any picture taken of me looks horrible every time I get one. And its not something you can cover up with make-up like a minor outbreak.

>> No.7547464

Yeah it's on the sides and behind my ears... sometimes It goes down my chin.

I try to switch up my shampoo and stuff. But I know kinda sensitive to shampoos.
I am just at a loss.

>> No.7547474


In my experience, the department store beauty counters are more saleswomen than makeup artists- not by their choice, usually. A lot of them I've met are actually very nice and talented, but the store management really breathes down their neck to push product so they try to get you to buy lots of stuff.

The Sephora I went to was pretty helpful, but I've only been to one so I can't speak for all Sephoras.

As far as brands go, different brands are good for different things, and different brands work for different people.

If you're just starting out, I don't know if you want to dump a whole lot of money on higher-end brands unless you just have lots of cash to burn. I'd watch some makeup tutorials on youtube, honestly, just to get a feel for stuff. My favourite is Jungsaemmool's channel, but a lot of people also recommend Goss and Lisa Eldridge. If you want to follow their product recommendations, go for it.

>> No.7547482

If it's actually KP then there's not a whole lot you can do. Suck it up and accept it.

but if it's because you manscaped...then you are an idiot and need to not jump to conclusions.

>> No.7547491

Yeah... But no one cares about things that you can't help, like burn scars or an unfortunately shaped jawline. And if they do care, then THAT is being a vain, shallow cunt.

As for the things you can help - greasy hair/skin, overgrown nails, toe jam, bushy eyebrows, waaay too much body hair - if you have any of these, they're easily fixed and you should fucking do it. If you don't, you'll come off as a lazy slob. Simple as that.

>> No.7547503

it's nice you didn't have a serious case and was able to go away so easily, the same treatments don't work for everyone though

>> No.7547507

Has anyone here dealt with dermatillomania/skin picking? I have an awful habit of picking at my face and it makes my skin look fucking awful, and it can't be covered with makeup or anything. So does anyone have any tips for stopping?

>> No.7547571

I've had three in the past couple of weeks. The one I'm nursing now is huge and very painful. I'm actually not sure if that's considered bad, as far as breakouts go, but it really is a pain, and far more than I'm used to. It's really deep.

I'll try that scrub, thanks!

>> No.7547589

r/SkincareAddiction has some useful guides and information.

>inb4 hurr durr leddit
There are some discussions where reputation is more important than anonymity, and I think skincare, being scientifically based, is one of them.

>> No.7547694

Same. Exfoliating in the shower and slathering it with coconut oil doesn't make it go away, but it makes it much less noticeable.

>> No.7550736

EOS or Baby Lips lip balm?

>> No.7550739

Not to mention smell it...

>> No.7550743

that is normal. I see no redness.

>> No.7550746

is it normal to occasionally get really mild acne even with a proper routine that works?

>> No.7550758

Yes, acne like this is mainly because of hormonal changed due to stress, seasons changing, etc.

>> No.7550759

There's probably a trigger if it happens every now and then. Might happen, for example,when you PMS, even with a tight routine.

>> No.7550762

That's not true at all. Physical + chemical exfoliation and moisturizing will get rid of it completely, as long as you keep up the routine.

I use a salux cloth in the shower and skin brushes after showering or with dry skin, and then either coconut oil or Paula's Choice BHA lotion.

If I keep up a routine I have zero visible kp. Also I can really tell when my skin starts to get "thick." There's really no other way to describe it, but it's how I really know to buckle down if I've skipped like a week or so.

>> No.7550843

>very painful
Guuurl, go to a dermatologist and get that shit lanced if it's too painful.

>> No.7552149

Has anyone ever tried to do a glycolic peel? If so what was your experience like and would you do it again?

>> No.7552161


>> No.7552169

I used to be a really bad germaphobe, now not so much. My hands are slightly darker than my hands and I was wondering if there is any whitening cream anyone would recommend? All answers are highly appreciated.

>> No.7552183

Fuck I had this so bad, I still do it sometimes and have scars on my arms. I noticed Id do it when I was stressed or bored. Figure out what made you do it and do something to calm or distract yourself ect.

>> No.7552222

I've got acne all over my face but my skin is also dry. What do? I was on erythromycin for a while which helped a little (though my skin never completely cleared up) but made me sick, I'm on the pill and it barely seems to be helping, and all over-the-counter products for acne just dry the living shit out of my skin and make things worse.

>> No.7552225

It's from an NTR ero manga. The woman in the picture cheats on her husband with the protagonist whose a guy she refused in the past because he wasn't hot enough. The reader isn't supposed to sympathise with her.

>> No.7552237

>My hands are slightly darker than my hands
Might want to re-write that.

>> No.7552248
File: 1.39 MB, 2100x2800, effaclar duo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What moisturiser are you using? It could be that you're over drying your skin. Simple do a spot range that has a moisturiser in it, and there are some others though I can't think of any more off the top of my head. A gel moisturiser might help.

You might want to look into spot care for sensitive skin anyway because it'll be less drying. I'm using La Roche Posay's effaclar duo atm and it's great on my skin, but I have an oily type. You should be able to get samples, though, so see if you can get something like that before you shell out on a full sized one.

>> No.7552250

Moisturize with a less watery moisturizer. I'm on accutane (6th and final month!) and I use Aquaphor, my skin is soft and smooth and flake free. Before I started usign it I was using basic neutrogena daily moisturizer and it did nothing, I was so flaky I would rub my cheek and it would snow.

>> No.7552257

Oh my god, arms, I meant arms.

>> No.7552260

The vinegar rinse supposedly makes your hair softer/smoother because the mild acidity closes your hairs' cuticles (the scale like 'plates' on the outside of hair) Human hair is meant to be somewhat over to the acidic side of the pH scale.

I love apple cider vinegar rinses after using hair dye. It smoothes it out and makes me smell like an Easter egg (the happiest smell ever) for an hour or so!

>> No.7552273

Does anyone have any experience with tamanu oil for scar treatment?

>> No.7552282

I've dealt with this since I was a kid, face and legs get the most abuse.

Stress, specifically the kind I get when I have to do something I don't want to do (will pick like crazy during the procrastination, like I'm trying to punish myself for being lazy and avoidant or something) and the sucky braindead morning hours when I can't sleep are triggers for me.

I haven't gotten better overall, but I've gotten better by distracting myself when I get in those states or as a last ditch, starting a pick on my legs and limiting myself to there, where it can be hidden.

This biggest thing I did to stop picking at my face was to change the way the mirrors in my house were so I didn't have the combo of bright light/ability to easily see my skin up close. Found that if I couldn't see all the tiny blackheads and whatevers, it wouldn't trigger.

Find your triggers if you can, and avoid them.

>> No.7552315

Had anyone ever used retinol? I am only 24 but I'm already getting worry lines in my forehead. I did some reading and it said retinol is one if the best wrinkle treatments but I wanted to know if anyone on here has personally used it?

>> No.7552388

Hi anons I have ingrown hairs on my arms and legs that appear as dark spots...does anyone else have this problem? Is there a way to get rid of it?

>> No.7552399


If you help your skin get rid of the excess skin that is trapping the hair you will have less ingrown hairs.

Try that sugar, lemon, oil exfoliate mix that gets passed around tumblr and pinterest.

>> No.7552454


Actually, can you tell us more about your skin and your skincare routine? Do you have very small to invisible pores? What do you put on your face and what do you wash your face with and how often? What kind of acne do you get? Blackheads? Whiteheads? Cystic? Just plain little red bumps with no heads?

And also, this might be a weird question, but do you have naturally light yellowish-toned skin? I've noticed a trend with people with this type of skin having similar problems- being dry but acne-prone.

>> No.7552461

Thanks so much! Ill give it a go~

>> No.7552502

You don't need retinol (fillers), you need botox. Botox will relax those worry lines and make them smooth. Retinol is more for like deep nasolabial lines around your mouth (laugh lines)

>> No.7552506

Misread your post as restylane...whoops

>> No.7552533

I'm on accutane too(Fourth month) I've been using CeraVe and on the really dry days Curel. Did you ever try those?

>> No.7552832

To everyone dealing with dry skin/backne.

>Buy a water softener+filter for your shower.
>Exfoliate your entire body at least 2/week
>Use oil-free body/skin washes.
>Don't over-wash or over-exfoliate your skin, if your skin becomes irritated, or breaks out, then you are over-exfoliating, or over-washing, messing up the balance of the bacteria on your skin.
>Ensure your skin is completely free of any residual soap.
>Regardless of is you've exfoliated or used soap or did nothing, wipe your body down with a warm, damp, clean washcloth, paying gentle attention to areas prone to acne. Removing surface oils is the key in this step.
>Consider buying soap or body creme with salycyllic acid in it.
>Consider getting genuine antibiotic soap to remove harmful skin-borne bacteria.

Acne is the product of bacterial infection as much as it is anything else, hard water/scale/soap scum can build up on your skin and give the bacteria a layer on which to propogate. Exfoliation and oil free soaps tend to reduce this surface roughness, reducing the amount of purchase that bacteria has on your skin, as does removing hard mineral salts and impurities in your water.

>> No.7552838

Nooope don't ever put lemon on your face. I think anon is just getting advice from Michelle Phan. The pH is too low

>> No.7553097

It's thick and green and stanky, but has definitely helped reduce (fresh) acne scarring for me. Not sure how it works on older scars, though.
Just... use it at night or dilute it.

>> No.7553421

I've heard that olive oil, contrary to popular belief, can get ride of acne. I found a post somewhere about a girl who used it on her problem area [not face] and had it clear up completely in about 2 weeks.
She left it on for about 20 minutes before she showered, then rinsed it off with no soap, then reapplied a thin layer of it, covered it, and went about her day. She reapplied it twice a day and showered everyday.

However, I have also heard about a girl who got cystic acne on her face from using it.

I dunno. Does anyone have any insight on olive oil? I really want to use it on my shoulders/back, but now I'm super paranoid about.
Any firsthand experience?

>> No.7553522

I had some pretty bad acne on my chin and forehead since the end of 2013. I had tried a lot of things (I even started using moisturiser, better late than never I guess) but nothing worked. About three weeks ago I started using a mild antiseptic before moisturising and I avoided touching my face with my bare hands as much as possible (even after cleaning them). Now my acne almost cleared and my nude skin looks nice, it seems like it even took care of its unevenness.

>> No.7553548

Olive and coconut oil are generally considered comedogenic. It mostly depends on the skin type and the type of acne. Maybe the girl whose acne disappeared had really dry skin, or maybe the acne was caused by a reaction to the products she used before and replaced with olive oil.
There's also a big difference between facial skin and skin on the body - your face is more likely to react negatively to products and stress. Personally I can't even get coconut oil near my face, neck or décolletage without breaking out horribly but it's wonderful on my arms and legs. I've never tried it on my back and shoulders.

Do you have bacne? Read >>7552832 and don't shower too hot. Bacne can be a result of dry, damaged skin. Being more gentle with it and moisturizing well could help. You can try olive oil but I'd recommend something like jojoba - not quite as cheap but with a better track record.

>> No.7553582

Can anybody point me in the right direction for choosing a good skin whitener cream/soap?

>> No.7554237

Any advice for people with blackheads? Most are on my cheeks and nose, but I have lots on the rest of my face and other places on my body, too. I'm mostly worried about the face ones since they are most problematic. I've had them since I was 13 or so and many seem rather deep, and they are close together. I'm trying a charcoal and sugar face mask, but the bottle I bought is almost out and I'm not seeing much improvement. I also sleep with a towel I change everyday and rinse my face with water multiple times a day. I also don't use makeup because I'm afraid of making it worse.

>> No.7554268
File: 89 KB, 610x813, Queen-Helene-Mint-Julep-Masque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have intense blackheads. When they get too noticeable I use a blackhead remover (needle tip and ring) and/or the Queen Helene Mint Masque. They're both miracle workers!

>> No.7554270

Daily reminder that skinacea.com is a wonderful website with answers to most questions asked ITT.

>> No.7554279

can you buy this anywhere? I get bad blackheads on my nose and my facial scrub isn't helping much .I've also tried baking soda with minimal success.

>> No.7554282

I'll look for that product. And the ring + needle is to 'pop' them, right?

>> No.7554289

The masque? You can get them pretty much at any drug store or supermarket (Walmart, etc.) Facial scrubs don't work so well on me-- this is the only thing that helps!

The needle is to gently scrap the ones already on the surface (DO NOT POKE YOURSELF WITH IT) and the ring is to squeeze deep ones out. You can search videos on youtube for a general idea! They're disgusting but oddly fascinating.

>> No.7554293

Try Daiso's charcoal face peel. I've got super bad blackheads on my nose that are really deep and I just got this the other day and tried it and I'm already seeing results. You just apply it, let it dry, and then peel it off. I'd reccommend scrubbing your face good to get any dead skin off and using it right after a shower to make sure your pores are open. May take a few times to get them all but it's worked great for me so far.


>> No.7554324

I would assume not to poke myself. I don't want to replace blackheads with scabs. But still, thanks.

Thank you for the recommendation. I'll try the other anon's product first because I won't have to wait for delivery, but if that doesn't work I'll try it.

>> No.7557104
File: 73 KB, 704x528, 1349900589752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epicbeautyguide.com is a great too.

>> No.7558314

I have this problem too. When I feel like I look like shit I start cleaning out my skin by picking at every single blackhead, ingrowth, impacted pore, or keratinized pore. My chest gets a good amount of impacted pores because I sleep on my stomach, so I always have broken skin and red puffy patches.

I try to combat picking my face and chest for hours on end by yelling to my boyfriend that I'm picking myself, and usually he comes in and drags me away from my perch on the sink, greasy nose on the mirror so I can take all the filth out of my disgusting face.

I'm not so good when I'm home alone. Anyone have a good way to avoid picking, or a way to pick and not turn out red, puffy, and disgusting?

I look like shit after a good 2 hours of straight picking, but I feel so light and clean. Time goes so fast when I pick...

>> No.7558321

Have you thought about using face masks/clay masks instead when you get the urge? You have to leave them on and let them dry, and you get a nice clean feeling afterwards. Pretty sure they'd be safe to use on your chest too...

>> No.7558365
File: 1.64 MB, 2592x1936, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright seagulls, I wonder if you can help me with this. Kind of an awkward place to have this problem, but for the last few months I've had this weird dark spot between my breasts. I'm probably going to shell out the money for a dermatologist appt soon if I can't fix it, because it looks really awkward in real life. I generally wear the same few bras, but I don't wear a lot of pushups so in theory they shouldn't be affecting the cleavage area. The spots aren't anywhere else on my body. I have KP, freckles, and some moles that need checking out but other than that, my skin is pretty normal.

Any ideas? (sorry for pic.)

>> No.7558375

Do you exfoliate between your breasts?
It could be dead skin or a fungus since between the breasts gets hot,clammy, and damp if your breasts touch.
I've gotten a brown spot there before and just exfoliated better and it went away.

>> No.7558381

What is people's favorite exfoliating scrub? I've used the St. Ives Apricot Scrub, but it's pretty harsh.

>> No.7558419
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Sorry for the low quality pic, my phone's camera is pretty temperamental. Anyways, I've always had these spots, for lack of a better word. I have very sensitive skin and I wash/scrub/tone(?)/moisturize regularly and they haven't went away at all. Please help me.

>> No.7558445

You have large pores. There's not really much that I know of that can shrink pores properly. Try using a pore strip once in a while to get rid of the gunk, but those are normal, if annoying.

>> No.7558461

Aveeno has one now that makes my skin feel super soft after. It's Clear Complexion Cream Cleanser I think

>> No.7558484

Thank you! I had a feeling they were just big pores.
I haven't tried one of those before and I have sensitive skin, should I still use one?

>> No.7558592

You can go natural if you are scared.
Gelatin mixed with warm milk to make a spread, and let it dry and peel it off. it's not as harsh as a strip.

>> No.7558600

Alright, you could be my guinea pig.

Try that certain dry roll-on on your face, because like that other anon said you have big pores. That shit's supposed to shrink pores until they're so small that sweat can't get out.

>> No.7558645

I'm personally a Lush addict (dat smell and natural feel) because their products actually work well for my skin.
What are everyone's favorite Lush products? I like their Coal Face facial soap, BB Seaweed mask and that purple shampoo bar.
How is their hair mask? How are their moisturizers? I was thinking of picking one up because I just ran out of my old one, but theirs are like $30 each so I wanna know if it's worth it.

>> No.7558721
File: 11 KB, 261x195, 1533743_383726698439108_885778718_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls. I have really shitty skin, but I think currently my biggest problem is acne scarring. I have that shit everywhere around the sides of my face and I hate it so much. Do you guys have any personal experiences with getting rid of them? Any tips? I've thought about dermarolling but wanted some input from anyone that could have anything helpful to say. I've tried using things like tea tree oil because I've heard good things about it but it hasn't done shit to me. I stopped using it after a couple weeks because I couldn't handle the smell anymore due to my sensitive nose. Thanks in general! I would provide pics but I don't think anyone wants to see my disgusting acne ridden face.

>pic related
>it's how I feel about doing anything in public or when someone looks at my face.

>> No.7558775

The way antiperspirant works is by making little plugs that block the sweat, it doesn't shrink pores

>> No.7558784

Have you tried chemical exfoliants like AHA or BHA? Regular use of them can help with scarring. St. Ives exfoliating pads (not the apricot scrub, which is awful for skin) or Stridex are some cheap options that are good for beginners to chemical exfoliation.

Make sure application of upon AHA/BHA to let it sit alone 15-20 minutes. THEN put on moisturizer.

For more info, look at the beginner's guide to the right sidebar of reddit's /r/skincareaddiction

>> No.7558791

It's called the oil cleansing method. It works for some people, others not so much. The trick is to massage the oil on your face, then cover your face with a hot steaming cloth.

>> No.7558797

Don't use the apricot scrub, or any physical exfoliants in general. They produce micro-tears in skin, which make it more suspectible to infection (and thus zits). It is generally better to use chemical exfoliants like AHA and BHA. Lactic acid is a type of AHA and is a good start for people who haven't tried chemical exfoliation before. (St. Ives exfoliating pads has lactic acid as an AHA. I started using it once every three nights, between washing and moisturizing. My face feels amazing.)

>> No.7558808

diff anon but can i buy these St. Ives exfoliating pads at a drug store or something? I'm trying to move away from scrubs or grainy exfoliates

>> No.7558822

Thank you! I'll try that tomorrow and report back if anyone's interested
A-anon I would love to be your skincare guinea pig but I have really sensitive skin so I'm going to take the more natural approach. But thank you for your help.

>> No.7558862

I haven't, but I'm definitely look into them. Thanks so much anon! I'm super excited to try these out. Being extremely insecure about my shitty face was getting old.

>> No.7559405

You could also try professional chemical peel, laser treatment or microdermabrasion. A more pricey option but then you're not fucking around with chemicals by yourself. Also Groupon/Living Social has lots of deals for those so you can get one for like $40 or less sometimes.

>> No.7559420

Wait what dry roll?

>> No.7559435

Everyone says the SI Apricot Scrub is shit, but what about the green tea exfoliant?

>> No.7559438

Anyone have any tips on an oily t-zone? Everything else is pretty clear, but my nose/chin/forehead are always so oily. I had a stepmom who used to use rubbing alcohol on hers but that just seems so dangerous.
Sorry if this has already been asked, I ctrl+f for oil and it didn't look like anyone brought this up yet.

>> No.7559446

Have you been to the doc's?

>> No.7559453

I'm interested in your report! I have the same thing

>> No.7559554


The green tea one is pretty awesome. Way less harsh than the apricot, though the new apricot scrub formula is weaksauce compared to the old one. You could use the old one to scrub feet...

>> No.7559636

Alcohol will exacerbate the problem cos it's so drying, it makes you produce more oil overall. Try a non comedogenic moisturiser (basically, anything "for oily skin"), clay/charcoal face masks, and mattifying primer if needed (a lot of them are very chalky so use moisturiser first!)

I used to use the old one specifically for foot calluses...

>> No.7559707

Are there any Asian BB creams that will match an NC30? I was thinking maybe Missha's 23 or 27, but I'm not sure.

>> No.7559806

I'm NC30-35 depending on season and find Etude House Precious Minerals in honey beige is a pretty good match but can be a bit too dark for me in winter. I haven't tried the Missha one but my mom is NC35-37 and says the Missha 27/honey beige is fine on her in summer but the Etude house honey beige too light, she preferred sand beige for summer. Bb creams oxidize and blend more than most foundations imo so it's not as exact as foundation matching.

>> No.7561027

I'll check those out, thank you!

>> No.7561058

still dealing with this myself. honestly, one of the best pieces of advice I can give you would be to stop looking at your face in one of those hi-def mirrors, if you do that. it just makes tiny imperfections look huge, which is what started me on picking my skin. other than that, self-discipline will go a long way. hope that helps!

>> No.7561061


>St. Ives Apricot for feet

Seriously? I was looking for something so I could start taking care of my feet more. I might have to investigate this.

>> No.7561063 [DELETED] 

anyone got any experience with Panoxyl? I just started using it for localized acne on my forehead and was wondering if people had advice.

>> No.7561067

Anyone got experience with Panoxyl? Advice on using it?

>> No.7561096

Advice on nail biting? I bite my nails and cuticles religiously and I just want cute, nice looking nails and nailbeds.

>> No.7561152

It's amazing used with one of those callus remover things (not a porous one like a pumice though, the more solid ones) although this was with the old formula

>> No.7561165

I had the same problem anon (and now trying to beat my skin biting). I know it can be hard, but try not to! Look at nail pics for inspiration, and if you get the urge to bite, nibble VERY softly, but don't tear/break them! To speed up the growth process use a nail strengthener/grower, I like the Kiss X-Treme one. For me, it was something I just had to force myself not to do.

>> No.7561223 [DELETED] 
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dat female logic.. people who aren't materialistic or vane are bad people... lol..

>> No.7561231

I have an issue I have no clue how to fix. Okay, so I have combination skin. My forehead and nose are usually dry and flaky, while the rest of my face is oily. I have tried many products, including stuff from the aveeno line and I am at a stand still. Anyone know anything that would work well for my skin?

>> No.7561249
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30/m ... mostly single python developer. The extent of taking care of my self is trying to make sure people can't smell me from more than 1 foot away at work.

I can only barely tolerate the neurotypicals and their noise / lack of focus / over concern with personal issues / drama... so I only make an effort to be barely tolerable.

Strangely enough I do manage to keep a few on and off again girl friends. I think they mostly fuck me because they want me as a financial cushion for whenever who is putting up with the bulk of their bull shit right now gets tired of it.

>> No.7561314

Do you think the old one's still being made? Is it just the ones with the normal packaging?

>> No.7561320

I tried this once and it broke me out, but it's possible I was just purging... anyone have experiences with charcoal masks/washes?

Nice blog. What does this have to do with skincare?

>> No.7561325

I found it funny how he complained about people having too much concern over personal issues.. while posting his off topic personal issues. oh autists.

>> No.7561339


Consider SPF, a low dose of retinol, and those frownie things that attach to your face. People swear by them.

>> No.7561848

I use Biore's Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser, and I really like it.

I don't know if it will help with your breakouts because I don't get those often, but it does make my face feel fresh.

>> No.7561899

i used to use the lush moisturizer with SPF (they don't sell itanymore) and it was AWESOME. i got a sample of the gorgeous moisturizer (if you go into the store, you can get little samples to try things out) which was also really light yet very moisturizing for my dry cheeks.

>> No.7561928

There's a middle-ground between being completely vain and not caring about yourself at all.

That being said, it is Japanese and it probably IS talking about completely changing yourself for the sake of other people.

>> No.7561939

There's no such thing as purging.

>> No.7564208
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>recommending lemon
>recommending that shitty ass olive oil sugar scrub

oh my god stop

do not do this anon disregard

>> No.7564263

what's a good product for scars and stretchmarks? either fading them or covering them up.
Any tips for cellulite?

>> No.7564282

Is using ground oatmeal once per day on your face too often? I'm not sure if it counts as a cleanser or as a exfoliator.

>> No.7564296

>Nooope don't ever put lemon on your face.

Did you see that anon mention their arms and legs?

How do I reading comprehend?

>> No.7564300

Seconding. I have bad skin and it keep stretching and breaking even when my weight don't change and I moisturize it frequently.

>> No.7564302

I use oatmeal as a cleanser everyday, I soak it until is soft and massage my face with it, works great for me, it also lightens the skin, you can see the different color of my face from my neck.

Sorry for the bad wording I'm about to go to bed.

>> No.7564307

Just don't use it as an exfoliator ever

>> No.7564398
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You could try something like this. It's clear nail polish with an absolutely revolting taste that should 'condition' you to stop biting. It worked for me when I was little.
Disadvantage is that the taste can transfer a little so it's probably not a good idea to cook with this stuff on.

>> No.7564401

I started taking brewer's yest pills for hair growth, it harden your nails too. That + a strong nail hardener (Herome is nice) and you nails will be so pretty you won't want to bite it anymore.

>> No.7564559

Oil/moisturiser and massage for scars. Try to rub it in at least 3x a day as the massage is as important as the product you use. Anything with vit E and A is fine, also oils formulated for scars etc

>> No.7564753

How do I find out what skin type I am? I thought I was oily so I bought products for oily skin. It makes me even more oily.

So I bought products for dry skin. I'm now finding dry patches between my eyebrows, chin, and around my nose

Someone suggested I exfoliate. I've tried ones with beads, I've tried chemical exfoliators, slathering on olive oil, and nothing's helping.

My makeup never stays on for more than 5 hours even with a primer. I'm using high end products too

>> No.7564778

I have stretchmarks something fierce on my bum from not wearing lotion until I was out of high school, and I've found that coconut oil and raw shea butter really, really lighten and fade them. I exfoliate in the shower, then put on some lotion with vitamin E on, and at night oil then butter. I've been doing this for about a year, and there's a definite difference. Some days I'll just use cocoa butter, and that seems to work, too.

>> No.7564808

could be that you have dry skin anon and you're stripping too much oil away. Could be that your skin's overproducing oil to compensate the dryness. What's your current daily routine? What do you do for moisturizer?

>> No.7564841

Morning routine
>wash face with philosophy's face cleanser
>face still damp, pat in thayers cucumber toner until dry
>thin layer of Jason age renewal vitamin e moisturizing cream
>shiseido sunscreen
>tea tree oil on pimples (rarely get them now)

>wait until moisturizer completely sets
>smashbox primer, wait 5 min
>bare escentuals original formula. cheeks look perfect, dry patches look worse. I've tried bobby brown liquid, Korean bb creams, but mineral was the only one that made it less obvious
>set with BE hydrating mineral veil
>makeup looks great for 5-6 hours
>oil slick
>makeup sliding off

>philosophy's facial cleanser
>thayers cucumber toner
>once a week use 10% glycolic cream
>thick layer of Jason vitamin e moisturizing cream
>sweet bee magic healing balm all over

My acne has improved 90%. My acne scars and my hyper pigmentation has faded immensely and my face is no longer dull looking. But these dry patches just won't go away :/

>> No.7564865

Maybe try skipping the morning wash, and just splashing some water instead? I find that washing twice a day is too drying for me.

>> No.7564874

This is just armchairing, but do you rub in your skincare stuff? The general rule is to rub in moisturizer/lotion/etc and pat on makeup.

>> No.7564891

I'll definitely try that, thank you

The only thing I pat in is the toner! I rub everything else in and my makeup (-primer) is buffed on

>> No.7565308

I tried something like that a few years ago, it was kind of weak and it tasted more like peppers than anything else, and I like peppers.

>> No.7565338

Does anyone have experience with a patch of acne on only one part of the face, that doesn't go away no matter what? Or if it does begin to fade, it comes back after a few days.

>> No.7565355


I have a patch of acne on my left cheek. It's a bunch of really small bumps. It just looks like a bruise from afar.

Whatever I do it wont go away..

>> No.7565677

That's exactly what I have and exactly where mine is too! I just want it to go away already.

>> No.7565695

I know the comment I'm replying to is really old, but I was the same way with BC! I found the only thing that helped was to go off of it. Everything started clearing up and now (about 2 weeks later) my skin is almost completely cleared up and considerably less oily.

>> No.7565861

y'all should post pics and your routine. facial skin is highly sensitive and might be responding to a product you're using. And if you're noticing that it disappears and comes back after a few days, it might be hormonal, particularly if it's cystic acne, which tends to be hormonal in nature. In that case, if you see a derm/primary care physician and they might be able to prescribe you a topical anti-acne cream or a pill, but those are normally saved for heavy, painful cystic acne. If you have that occurring on only one part of your face, def go see a doctor about it. You don't want to mess around with creams and stuff that could irritate it more.

>> No.7565872

Bacne. Bacne every time the weather warms up. Bacne for days.

Good lawd, help me. It's begun.

>> No.7566201


Well, I usually sleep on that side of mu face, and my pillow is flat, so I lay my head on my arm. I'm pretty sure that was whats causing it. It doesn't get any worse or anything, and I've changes the way I sleep, so I just need a way to remove it.

>> No.7566411
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I let my skin go to shit and am in the process of recovering it. I've got the Ponds Niacinamide Lotion and the Alpha Hydrox Glycolic Acid lotion and it helps but I'm boosting my routine.

I started on a diy vitamin c serum and ordered the Mizon Snail Gel and the MakeupArtist's Choice 25% Mandelic Acid Chemical Peel. I kind of regret starting the Vit C serum at this time, once I start using the Snail Gel it might be difficult to tell which is having what effect. I suppose I will use either product on one side of my face so I can better compare them.

I think the DIY vitamin c serum really works but its hard to tell if its in my head or not (I really should have taken a pic beforehand for a before/after). I've never really used it very long because I got lazy about mixing it up or got fed up with the smell it would leave on my hands. So this time I am applying with a brush or cotton ball and hoping to see some good results, because so many women have had good experiences with it.

By any chance does anyone here diy their skincare with chemical actives? I was wondering if it would be worth the start up cost.

>> No.7566427

I can relate to this ;_;

I have yet to find anything that works on pores as well as squeezing them out does. I suppose it might be worth trying salycilic acid or applying retinoids to those problem spots because no amount of exfoliation, AHAs, scrubs or masks, has done anything to help/

>> No.7566441

I used to use olive oil up until my supply ran out from using it to cook food and make vinaigrettes.

I used it to remove makeup and to moisturize. It was just a little too much oil to skin that was already kind of oily but it made my skin soft and never exacerbated my skin . My skin was oily and could be problematic but it didn't get any better just because i stopped using it.

I did oil massage with it too. The Oil cleansing Method is time consuming and messy but an abbreviated version really pulls out a disgusting amount of gunk. Thing is, it doesn't work if you use the olive oil every day. Your skin gets used to it or something. Oil massage works best as a treatment than as an every day thing, once a week or every two weeks is best.

I recommend an oil of some sort because its a great multitasker. And if it doesn't work out for you you can still use it for food preparation.

>> No.7566445

no stop reaching. you still shouldn't use it. it's acceptable diluted but there are better things you could be using that are less harsh, natural doesn't always mean better

>> No.7568035

Does anyone have any quick tips? My friend wants me to be a makeup model for her this sunday. There'll be a photoshoot so I'm a bit nervous since my skin looks kind of dead and dull after some food poisoning.

>> No.7569147

Don't worry, she'll prob photoshop the pics afterwards

>> No.7569414

My graduation is in about a month and Im wearing a strapless dress, thing is my back broke out. This is probably the second time it has happend but what do I do? I shower in warm-hot water so my pores can open and I rinse well, but is there something I can do to speed up the process?

>> No.7569903

Luke-warm and short showering is better, hot water can dry out your skin which will cause it to produce more oils as it's already comensating dryness and make complaints worse. Try using some pure almond-oil for hydratation(DONT if you're allergic to nuts).
If there's any inflammation you can use raw honey, be very gentle when rinsing it off. Or mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with boiled water in the morning and drink it. But only if it's itchy, red and warm around the spots , otherwise there is no reason.

If it's only the second time it could be an allergic reaction to some sort of substance. But can't say whatever with so little info.


(not exactly proven to work, but worked wonders for some people I know)

>> No.7574480
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Well not skincare but it says makeup so i'll try:

i started wearing Kajal and being a complete noob i'm not 100% sure how to put it on.
When i make a stroke above my eye, slightly above the slashes, my eyefold goes over it sometimes, smearing it onto the eyelid.
I illustrated it in pic related (thats not me btw).

Question: how to prevent that or how to make it last longer? buy another kajal, maybe waterproof?

second thing is: the kajal got somewhat stuck in my eyeslashes, still being there 3 days after. Any tips for that or just wait until its gone by itself? I dont wanna ruin my slashes.

>> No.7574531

This is also happening to me. I'm trying to tightline with it but it just ends up looking strange and kind of sloppy.

>> No.7575102


My friend had that... Might sound stupid but do you use your cellphone often and do you use it on this side ? If so, stop, buy a hands-free kit, sanitize your phone

>> No.7575107

Vanishing Cream and Cupcake/Mask of Magnaminty for my face. I used Coal Face a lot too but don't like soap too much so I stopped.
My face usually hates 'day' moisturizers and the only one that doesn't make it overly greasy is Vanishing Cream so I fork out the cash and stick to it, but it's probably not the best one out there
I also use Rehab, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Ocean Salt, Flying Fox and Happy Hippy from time to time. I used the shampoo bars some time ago but stopped because my bathroom is too humid for that and they never dry properly.
I heard the hair mask smells horrible so I stay away from it.

>> No.7575128
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I'm a fit guy btw

>> No.7575216

The quality of your eyeliner matters. Looking at reviews, this brand smudges a lot. That might be what you want to go for, or sometimes not.

Also, try eye primer (Urban Decay's primer potion is the best and worth the higher cost, you only need a tiny dab).

I usually will take a pencil liner and tightline very carefully and slowly with a pencil liner and then go over it with a liquid liner. I do this personally because I wear glasses and I'm blind as a bat so it's easy for me to fuck up my eyeliner if my nose isn't 1" from the mirror. But this usually works for me. I was using Urban Decay's pencils for awhile but I switched to Nyx satin eyeliner because the cost is a bit better and the quality/durability is roughly the same give or take.

Just take some makeup remover on a cotton ball or q-tip? I've not ever used this, but sometimes I have issues with my eyeliner staying for awhile. So I usually dab it out a few times with makeup remover/shower and try again and that usually gets it out.