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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 49 KB, 500x560, loligroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7544364 No.7544364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New thread, old one >>7534041 is in autosage.

>> No.7544418

Does anyone know how Chibi Tenshi handles reservations? Do you pay up front or after you reserve? Does she do it in-store or online? I'm debating whether to use her or just try my luck online.

>> No.7544421

Can someone help me figure out which color option is the pink and white? Is it the deep x qian powder?

>> No.7544431

Do you mean release or reservation? Most reservations have a set time frame in which you place your order. There is no 'luck' involved, only placing an order before the closing date.
If you mean release, then Chibi takes payment only after she has secured the item and prepared to ship.
Most of the time for releases she will go in-store. Her odds would be the same as yours trying online.
Hope that helps!

>> No.7544465

A lot of Baby and AatP's reservations are limited, though, which is what I'm hoping to go for. The site can crash/be buggy when there are so many people going for it, too, hence the "luck."

>> No.7544498
File: 410 KB, 720x960, 9_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everyone think about this dress? Lady Sloth's designs always look meh or off (especially with prints), but I'm digging this cut.

>> No.7544502

I like it but I think the bow should be slightly smaller as right now it totally cuts the bodice off from the rest of the dress and makes it unbalanced looking.

>> No.7544509

How often does the Alchemy print go up for sale? I just discovered it's my size and now I'm dying for it.

>> No.7544528

Now that you pointed it out, it bothers me a little. At the same time I kinda like it.

>> No.7544551

It might look fine from another angle, it just bugs me from head-on. Is it a sash or a pin on bow? As a sash with a smaller bow tied I think it'd be nicer.

>> No.7544603

It's pretty common. It went on sale on moitie's website so a lot of people impulse bought it.

>> No.7544609

on the topic of Lady Sloth's stuff seeming a bit off, has anyone bought her Starry Night skirt or seen a review from someone who has? The shape looks a bit strange, and I'm wondering what it actually looks like.

>> No.7544617

Really?! Oh man, that's great to hear! There's one for sale right now and I highly doubt I'd be able to get up the money in less than 6 days.

>> No.7544632

Are you trying for the Ave Maria re-release?

>> No.7544643

So how popular is Silent Moon at the moment? I really want to try and get my hands on a JSK.

>> No.7544804

I want to, but it seems like a few SS are full/the girl in my comm who is also going for it said there was some sort of reservation lottery?
I've no clue. I just collect dresses with religious themes and really want something from this release.

>> No.7544862
File: 95 KB, 480x640, B38JS230-piv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently saw this on Baby's site and I kinda love it. I don't usually like that chiffon rose fabric, but I've never seen it used on a lolita dress before and the effect is neat. The pearls on the bodice and waist area are cute too.

>> No.7544982

My first coord came in the mail! Aside from my skirt's dire need for a date with an iron and that I need to shave my stubble, do I at least pass as a lolita girl? And can anyone recommend some styles for the bangs on my wig that would flatter my face shape? I don't want to cut it and find out it doesn't look good.

>> No.7544984
File: 439 KB, 600x800, DSC06928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It totally would have helped if I attached the picture.

>> No.7544985

About how big on average are head bows?

>> No.7544988

Yeah, you pass (I'd ditch the crown though).

>> No.7544993

I wouldn't have known you are male if you hadn't said it, very passing. Ignore that anon, the crown looks nice but you should add more silver accents to you outfit to make it more cohesive and fitting.

>> No.7545012
File: 19 KB, 436x812, _6190__black_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with >>7544993
You look great I didn't even know you were male.
Maybe some tights with silver accents?
Something like this but nicer, man this is hard to find,

>> No.7545014

You pass, I wish my local brolita looked like you. He just looks lake a man in a walolita dress with cat ears.

>> No.7545017

I am so sorry for you. Brolitas are really hit or miss I think. And when they miss, they miss by miles...

>> No.7545038

I'm Asian American and I'm... A Living Doll

Are your bodies readied, seagulls?

>> No.7545047

Watching now, oh god.

>> No.7545055

Her specifically calling out the lolita community and trying to say that those who make comments against her or her fashion are racists, lel.

>> No.7545178

They didn't even change the racist shit with that poor Indian girl. I was hoping that was just to stir up controversy in the trailer.
And we have a transethnic girl now? topkek

>> No.7545370 [DELETED] 

If anyone has this blouse in a size L, how does it accommodate a 91cm bust? Everything I've ever gotten from Bodyline has been oversized, so, I'm not sure if getting a 2L is a good idea.

>> No.7545374
File: 132 KB, 700x1200, l527-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has this blouse in a size L, how does it accommodate a 91cm bust? Everything I've ever gotten from Bodyline has been oversized, so, I'm not sure if getting a 2L is a good idea.

>> No.7545384

If only it didn't have those weird wavy lines, I'd be all over it too.

>> No.7545387

I like the cut too but the fabric looks cheap.

>> No.7545398

Non-American seagulls ; how do you deal with the "not shipping outside America" girls ?
There's an item I really really want and the seller is completely refusing to ship it internationnally. It's just a pair of shoes.
I found some forwarding services from USA to Europe, have you ever used any ? Thanks !

>> No.7545400

The reservation lottery is instore and it's over. You can only buy online now through the webshop. They keep track of your name so people who bought during the first time around can't buy the second time, so you wouldn't be able to use a shopping service if they already got it before.

>> No.7545406

On a similar note, has anyone bought/reviewed this?

>> No.7545417

So I've got a situation I'm kind of unsure of how to deal with. This isn't lolita related, but maybe someone else has dealt with something simlar and can give some advice:

>december '13 participate in gofundme for custom plush prototypes
>goal reached, payment comes out of account on jan 14 '14
>two months go by without update from designer
>send message asking for updates end of Feb
>'oh anon, no updates yet, just waiting on the prototypes from the factory! Will post pictures as soon as they arrive!'
>two months later, now is May, no updates, designer posts on tumblr constantly about other things in life, new pets, etc, w/e, she is obviously active and online
>Ok, w/e, send message to manufacterer, asking about the project, how many prototypes had been sent, etc
>'Anon, we haven't even received payment for those prototypes... and the invoice wasn't requested until March, for half the cost of the gofundme. And we haven't been able to get in touch with the designer either.'

Well ok, at this point, she's stopped updating her tumblr (4 days now), curiously on the same day that I started talking to the factory (maybe they let her know I was asking?). I sent her a final, polite, message asking for clarification and noting that the factory would like her to return their messages as well.

tldr - funded a project, didn't get updates, talked to factory, found out price was wildly off and invoice hasn't been paid

do I make a big post on the gofundme page for other contributors to see? this girl is a big sjw type and pretty defensive in a lot of tumblr posts i've seen and I kind of don't want the wrath of her fans to come down on me, but I want to dispute the charge and let other people know...

>> No.7545430

Okay, good to know for future purchases. Looks like I'm waking up at 3 am tomorrow morning.

>> No.7545431

No matter what you're out of money. That's the risk of crowdfunding. But if you have solid proof she's not doing anything by all means you can inform other people who crowdfunded as well/

>> No.7545438

Well I have the emails from the manufacturer saying they hadn't received payment (as well as voicemails with the invoice date/price, but I don't think I can share those recordings legally). And I'm going to ask if it's possible that he scan and send me the invoice, so there's proof that the price quoted is completely different than the amount she put on the page. Also, I think I can still refute the CC charge, I have the option on my account. It just seemed so weird, since she's pretty active in a lot of different communities, she actually did request an invoice from the factory, etc. But I'm probably just trying to make myself feel like I didn't get scammed in my head, heh

>> No.7545805

Ask to pay for it by gift as well as the extra shipping charges

>> No.7545833

Does anyone know how long it takes to get an invoice from Alice Fururun?

>> No.7545838

/cgl/ this is going to sound stupid, but I'm about to send out my first expensive loli item to a buyer and I'm really scared of messing it up.
Do you mark the package at the post office as a gift or goods? Is there any way the buyer would be charged customs?

>> No.7545847

As one of the non international shippers; my local post office is an absolute horror to deal with, so my personal reason that I don't ship internationally is that you couldn't pay me enough to have to go through filling out customs forms and international tracking and such with them. It's not always just the cost.

A lolita forwarder would be great though, both for Americans who don't want to deal with the customs paperwork and for international buyers who want American-sold items....

Depends on what country they're in.

>> No.7545859

God I hate those people. I refuse to sell to people who, themselves, won't sell overseas.

>> No.7545873

Just to let you know, you can print labels from the USPS website so you don't have to deal with your post office directly for all that.

You just put in the weight of the parcel and choose your service. So long as its under the maximum measurements, you're set. Add insurance or tracking, fill out your customs forms, pay and print. Then you just drop it off. They've really made it quite simple. I think that the shipping is actually cheaper online than in the post office, too.

>> No.7545879

I feel like sending out international packages in the US is such a hassle. Like, unless I go in the wee morning, line are always so long.

Anon, I'm legitimately curious, what country do you live in and how easy (or not) is it to send out international packages? Like, do you have to go to the post office and wait in line too? Or are we Americans just really whiny?

>> No.7545884

Ok, why do you have to go to the post office for int'l packages but not others? Standard USPS m.o. is to not ship packages deposited in mailboxes over 13 ounces unless you take them to the post office. If you get USPS pickups, they take int'l packages when they pick up along with everything else. What's your reason for having to take only int'l packages to the post office, but nothing else?

>> No.7545887

I'm sure you're very proud of yourself.

>> No.7545891

Also, is it just me, or is writing international addresses really difficult? I'm always worried about fucking up addresses and it really frustrates me especially when they give me an address with no spacing.

>> No.7545893

Yeah, international addresses rarely make any sense. Also they are usually way too long for the customs form. Why do so many international people have like five names?

>> No.7545906

I always mark as a gift and write "used clothing" after the item description on the customs form. If you're getting insurance, remember that the marked value for customs is how much you can get insurance for. Insurance is to protect YOU, the seller. If the package is lost or damaged, the buyer can just file a Paypal claim, Paypal will refund them out of your account, and you'll be screwed out of the money. If you marked a $400 dress as value $50, you can only be reimbursed $50 through the insurance claim process. I always mark and insure for full value (the total amount the buyer paid via Paypal).
If the buyer will be hit with customs charges and for how much differs by country.

>> No.7545911

Not everybody has a good scale, and the weight being off by a gram or the size/type of parcel not being input directly can make a big difference in price. If the postage isn't right, enjoy having it spend forever in "return to sender" limbo

>> No.7545914

I don't know about that anon, but I don't have a mailbox for the postman to pick up from, and I work all day, so I can't hand it off to the, either. The only times I get to go ship packages is on Saturday, when the lines are long already.

>> No.7545918

Good scales are really cheap. And if you are unsure, overestimate by 2-3 ounces. It doesn't actually make that much of a difference in the price and it's still cheaper than the post office price.

>> No.7545923

>the weight being off by a gram
They don't measure it in grams retard
>size/type of parcel not being input directly
It's not hard to input it it's literally a drop down menu with like 5 options, most of which are flat rate boxes that you should know if you are using or not.

>> No.7545926

I suppose it's just me not investing in a good scale tbh. Domestic packages I more than often can just stick in a flat rate envelope/box and have everything done and paid online because there's no need to weigh it I guess.

>> No.7545927

ehh so how is international hard? if it's filling out the customs form, just ask for extra customs forms when you go. They will be happy to hand you a stack and you can fill it out before you go.
Protip: On the small customs form, the address section that tears off on the right you keep. So you don't actually have to fill out every bit of info correctly.

>> No.7545929

protip: priority flat rate envelope for expensive lolita skirts and items. yes it's more expensive than first class, but comes with actual insurance and gets there very quickly.

>> No.7545934

Ounce, w/e. I moved to a different country and it's done in grams here. You're right, I am clearly the biggest idiot on the planet.

What kind of wizard are you that you can fit a skirt inside an A4 thin cardboard envelope?

>> No.7545941

It's not wizardry, I've done it multiple times.
Maybe not a super thick frilly skirt but yeah actually they do fit.
Whatever, keep whining about how shipping is sooo hard because you can't be arsed to learn a system they've made incredibly simple. You're probably the person at the post office who spends an hour holding up the line because you had ~no~ idea what express boxes are and that you actually have to tape your own packages and not do it at the fucking window

>> No.7545991
File: 45 KB, 803x602, 10172714_676626345712347_5392501714980117660_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ordered from Lenore/Dear Lenore lately? I was wondering if they're stepped up their game with communication/shipping. Their shoes look so nice including their upcoming design and it's really nice how customizable they are but not sure if I want to wait forever for them.

Pic related is their upcoming design

>> No.7546004

There is someone posting on their FB like every day saying to reply to their messages. Search for Dear Lenore and it will come up.

>> No.7546013

I don't know why people like this site over BL/Antaina/SS. Their shoes are so ugly, like their TPs have a really flat, normalfag flats type look. It's really lacking in the bubble toe cute factor that AP and SS's have. Those shoes are just a rip-off of the IW lace shoes + brogues. They also have terrible communication and timing issues, plus quality and delivery problems. Like that girl who waited ages and was promised free shoes but never got them.

The only upside I can possibly think of is people in the US would get them quicker since it ships from Mexico, but with their production issues that's not even possible.

>> No.7546028

I have a 90cm bust, I bought L thinking my boobs wouldn't fit into M... and it's soooo loose. Like literally sags on me, even when laced to the max, and I'm no petite asian. Also the front ruffles stick out like crazy, so be prepared to either iron them heavily or remove completely.

It's nicely made though and very comfy.

>> No.7546030 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 756x877, 5-9-2014 2-02-16 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOES THIS MEAN I GOT IT? This is the first time I've reserved something. My heart is pounding.

>> No.7546072

Anyone else get Ave Maria? The site said it would be in stock at the end of August but my confirmation email says middle of May?

>> No.7546082

Does anyone have a link to that cat food dress?
.. I kind of want it now it's so ridiculous

>> No.7546110

The emily temple cute one? Just google emily temple cute, it's still up in the webshop (under one piece).

>> No.7546113

You look great! Though you might need to shape your eyebrows better, they look kind of messy in the photo.

>> No.7546117
File: 170 KB, 592x1200, Sleeping Garden MMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it sad that even with it on sale, as much as I like Sleeping Garden, it just... Isn't worth the price? I really like it and want it, but sweet Jesus, MMM has a knack for pricing things high, and from what I've heard, their quality hasn't been up to par recently. Unless anyone else wants to tell me otherwise?

I also really wanted the alchemy print, but in the OP, which does not seem to be on the sales page anymore. :0

>> No.7546120

Yesss thank you I couldn't remember who made it.

>> No.7546123

in the US you cannot use a small customs form for tracking, at least, that's what my post office told me. my post office also told me that there is not a tracked international shipping option (when there is) and seemed completely confused when I told them there is a tracked option... also, to be fully under the paypal tos, it's something like 40-50 USD for a medium package (like a dress)

I personally don't mind doing international packages, but it's frustrating for a lot of people not really (in my experience) because of the paperwork, since that's pretty easy, but because of the ignorance of the post office staff.

>> No.7546125

uh yeah... agreeing, I fit dresses into those priority padded envelope mailers, you just have to roll it tightly and shove it in, never had anyone complain, skirts are even less bulky

>> No.7546264

I haven't ordered from them since last fall, but I remember it taking like 5 days.
Did you receive an email about having placed your order?

I did! Medaille in green! What cut/colourway did you get, anon? I was really confused about that as well, but I'll happily take the dress earlier.

>> No.7546267

I just hate shipping international because no one wants to pay for it.
I'm so sick of buyers whinging about how they got cheaper shipping from someone else. I state everywhere that tracked shipping is going to be 30-40 dollars, and yet people still try to argue with me about it every time.
Also, fuck the USPS for generally being a pos.

You and >>7545941 are talking about different envelopes, I think. Most post offices only carry the cardboard, unpadded flate rate envelopes, which are very stiff and thin. If you're talking about the soft, padded flat rate envelopes, yeah, they're amazing, but many post offices don't carry them.
I should really just invest in some (you can order them from the USPS website but have to pay for shipping), but I'll be leaving the country for 13 months, so it seems sort of pointless now.

>> No.7546290

Well. I am willing to pay for it. I won't whine about it, even if shipping is more than the price of my $40 item. If I want small items with cheaper shipping (like not $50 shipping for a necklace) I ask for first class and send gift payments.
Please don't call us all whiny buyers who will whine about customs and shipping, I assure you, this is not the case about everyone.
I have missed dream items several times because "yeah no I won't ship to you because you're not in the US"

They also look like Naya Jada replicas. And Lenore's quality is terrible.

I'm in Europe. And I have to go to the post office for every single package, even domestic. The shipping is horribly expensive, we get hit by customs pretty often (and here customs are 20% of package value + 20 euros + 5% in customs fees if big value).

I'm thinking about doing the same too.

I think I'm just going to go with HopShopGo. They used to be gateway something and rebranded because the credit cards associated with the website were compromised. But HopShopGo is safer because they accept PayPal and the 'service' reviews are nice.

>> No.7546294

Oh. No. The reviews are not nice. I found others. Don't use them.

>> No.7546311

Don't get me wrong, I ship out of the US, as I'd be stupid to limit my buyer base by not doing so. I just hate having to deal with a lot of non-US buyers who want me to ship their $200 dress with tracking to Australia for $20 or less. It's not going to happen.

Also, with LM allowing people to buy without talking to the seller at all, I've had like three people either try to get me to cover the shipping cost, back out of the sale, or really fucking whine about it and attempt to push me to use cheaper options.

I think most of the people who are "US/Canada only" are likely either sick of dealing with people like this or are ignorant/inexperienced when it comes to shipping internationally.

>> No.7546358

Yeah I used the cardboard ones for skirts. They work fine.

>> No.7546360

is this a replica

>> No.7546377

I have no idea how you've done it, then. I've used those for GLBs and blouses, but most skirts (at least by AP) are too big thanks to the built in petti and whatnot.

Yes, Oojia just started producing these. It sucks, because I own this dress and really hate owning prints that are replicated or frequently worn as replicas.

>> No.7546384

Fucking Australians. It's not even like they have to pay customs ever, they should suck it up

>> No.7546446

that does suck, I wish you could filter out all the replicas on sites like this, I have no interest in buying one.

>> No.7546462

Are there good sports bra-type bras that minimize/keep boobs in place without turning them into a flat uniboob?
I prefer to wear sports bras with lolita as I have a pretty large cupsize despite a small bust and the straps of normal bras tend to slip a lot, but my sports bras all give me awful uniboob.

>> No.7546468

Has anyone bought a blouse from Floral Notebook? I'm debating it since the blouse I wanted isn't being put into stock yet, but I'm not sure of the quality on these

>> No.7546482

Yes. They're really nice for the price. Don't expect brand quality though.

>> No.7546488

If you don't want to pluck your eyebrows or anything, you could wear longer bangs. Either way, you look great!

>> No.7546494

Please help I dont want to end up with a red or purple bag

>> No.7546498

what is the original link?

>> No.7546499

nevermind, theres only 4 color choices the quain color is probably the pink. white = white, black = black and the pinkxchoco is self explainitory

>> No.7546505

Sigh, I'm the Alchemy OP...and it's on lacemarket right now. If I can't have it, might as well help someone else who wants it.

>> No.7546640
File: 503 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-05-09-12-19-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know lots of people wanted theming dick bag a long time ago. It's being made again.

>> No.7546642

Good lord i hate auto correct. *moby dick

>> No.7546658

This, so much!

>> No.7546686


They are ok, but I wouldn't buy another one. Too many small annoying details. I'd rather save up for something else. For example the thread they used was completely different color from the fabric, they had forgotten to do one button hole, sleeves are super awkward length, the serging inside the blouse is good enough but not really as good as I hoped . Also the sizing generally is a bit off, weird since they had my measurements. Everything is a bit too big. I might have had some other complaints as well but can't remember them anymore. I have worn the blouse only once.

But the fabric quality is nice! And shipping was fast.

>> No.7546689

I'd be happier if they finally released/started preorders for that occult hand print dress

>> No.7546713

I remember that print. Wished there would be a re-release with the selling of the Moby Dick purse.

>> No.7546807 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 700x1200, l277-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting to see this worn

Thinking of buying this until I find a better blouse to purchase. Plan to wear under Cherry Parade in black.

>> No.7546810
File: 196 KB, 700x1200, l327-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting to see this worn

Thinking of buying this until I find a better blouse to purchase. Plan to wear under Cherry Parade in black.

>> No.7546825

Can someone from the US explain what exactly "Registered" First Class international mail is? It's different than tracking, right?

>> No.7546827

Yeah if it is actually the middle of May that makes me super happy. I got the ivory Medaille, I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. Is there a picture of the green out? I haven't seen it and green usually isn't a hit so I was surprised it's so popular.

>> No.7546832
File: 127 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n5abyveZWa1qfcwz5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been able to find photos of the skirt in green. I loved the way the green looked in the print samples, and I also love the green of FRM, so I went for it.
I'm excited to see it in person, though, because I feel like a lot of Baby's shitty store photos don't show the print or the shape of pieces very well.

>> No.7546835

Oh okay, that's a lot more minty than I was expecting, looks pretty. I'm super excited even though I probably shouldn't have dropped the money on it (trying to save!)

>> No.7546838

I bought it in ivory. It's a terrible blouse, the company photos don't show how awful and 'crunchy' the blouse is. I threw it in multiple washes with fabric softener and it did nothing. Very uncomfortable to wear.

>> No.7546842

Does it lay under a JSK well, though? I'm thinking of just getting it as a cheap first blouse (Yeah, I'm really new.) until I find one I REALLY like. I really like a lot of atelier pierrot's blouses, but I can't find any up for sale secondhand OR on their webshop that I like.

>> No.7546845

I'm thinking it will be about the same colour of FMR, since they're both called "bright green."
I really shouldn't have dropped the money on it either, but with releases like this I feel like it's better to reserve and be safe than pine after it later and be sorry.

>> No.7546854

Entitled shitheads like you are why I don't ship internationally. If you have this much of an attitude about it and cannot possibly see why people might have reasons to streamline their selling by not shipping internationally, then you're probably a horrible buyer anyway.

>> No.7546864

I don't blame them to be honest. It's not 'just a pair of shoes', as shoes are both heavy and large, so not only is weight a concern, so is volume, in regards to shipping costs.

>> No.7546996

It's a sash.

>> No.7547041

look at my-lolita-dress, they have quite a few relatively cheap ones. and some of the companies they ship from actually ship internationally so it would be cheaper for you to get it from their taobao

>> No.7547049

I think it will go up in value too, although probably less so with the rerelease. I actually like it just as much or more than FRM but initially the similarity is what drew me in, which was probably their intention. I know the religious imagery throws some people off but the pattern looks so beautiful and cohesive to me. Not 100% in love with the straps/bodice trim on their own but they can be made nice with the right blouse.

>> No.7547236
File: 172 KB, 400x600, 467463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toy prints always make me think of Ludibrium. So much nostalgia. I wish I could pull them off.

>> No.7547249

I offer to sell overseas, but it's like $20 minimum for shipping and that's only if I can manage to jam your shit into a 12x9 envelope.

Shoes could cost upwards of $40-$80 to ship internationally from the US.

Nobody will pay that, so it's pointless to even offer.

>> No.7547255

You actually don't pay for shipping on flat rate shipping supplies. They just drop em off on your porch.

That said, a medium flat rate box (if you can fit it in the envelope) is $80 to ship.

>> No.7547308

Well, my PayPal is banned, and the person who's making purchases for me won't buy through TaoBao for me.. So I'm just using US-based, more simple shopping sites. Thanks though!

>> No.7547311

There are taobao agents that use credit cards.

I'm the anon in the taobao threads who's trying out transbao.
They take visa/mastercard, westernunion, moneygram, etc. So far I really like their service.
You can definitely look up other taobao agents who take credit card too!

>> No.7547334

bodyline is in japan faggot

>> No.7547342

This. North American shipping is fucking RIDICULOUS. It's much cheaper to go between Euroep/Asia/Australia.

>> No.7547353

Their communication is still shit, and their quality isn't too great either. This girl posted a pretty detailed review on them recently

>> No.7547388

>bodyline is in japan faggot
Fuck, I meant sites that don't use a shopping service, basically.

I actually got an account there, but all my spare cash is locked up in PayPal. Fun fun, right? The person doing the purchases for me is giving me the cash, long story, not a prostitute, don't worry.

>> No.7547430

Funny, when I ordered them, I had to pay for the shipping.
A medium flat rate box is actually more like $60.
Which is still sad, really, considering it was more like $48 less than 4 years ago when I was frequently sending my boyfriend packages while he was in England. I feel like USPS has been jacking up the prices rather frequently as of late.

>> No.7547459

HOw the hell do you get your paypal banned?

>> No.7547479

NSFW artist. Didn't know that PayPal doesn't allow you to get donations for being an NSFW artist, but apparently, they do (Creepy guy put "sexy" in the comments, that's what tipped them off)

>> No.7547513

I live in Australia, and yes we have to go down to the post office and wait in line.
Perhaps I'm being to harsh on Americans, but I've sent packages from here and Japan. It's not hard, fill out customs form, hand to postman, pay selected shipping level ( sea, air, pack and track, priority ect).

Deal with it.

I have considered just using a forwarding service. I might check them out, thanks!

Entitled because I I'm doing the same as you? Please. You sound idiotic.
I never said I didn't see people's reasons. Like Canadians for example. Their international shipping is ridiculous, but it's not their fault.
Americans though, it's just being lazy.
Perhaps you got a few bad international buyers. But no need to lump the rest of us in with them.
If you have had such a bad experience with international buyers, why don't you just state that you will only send international with tracking and insurance. More expensive that way, and will keep away those flakey buyers.
I'm paying for shipping, so I fail to see how difficult it is to go to a posts office, ask for a customs form and fill it out.
I know how expensive it can be shipping from America. I don't complain about the costs, I know how much it is going to be before I bid/buy.

>> No.7547551

They definitely have. Haven't stamps alone risen in price 2-3 times in the past year or two?

>> No.7547554

No loss, then, your shipping is just as insane so I purposely don't buy from you either, LOL.

>> No.7547586

Shipping may be insane but our customs charges aren't.

Also, whose economy set off the GFC? And whose economy is now doing the best?

>gawd, I am arguing with someone on 4chan, my life is shit

>> No.7547626

We don't have customs charges and I'm not sure why you're now trying to start completely unrelated politics dickwaving out of this but yes, you are shit, congratulations.

>> No.7547698

What to wear to a Babymetal concert?.. and is anyone else going?

>> No.7547703
File: 105 KB, 960x960, 1235428_638102959546529_353714376_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7547760

I'm going for lolita punk (pretty obvious). Would love to cosplay their armour outfit but not going to have time to make it.

This made laugh

>> No.7548214

Thinking of buying a CP petti from here. Is My Lolita Dress an OK site to buy through?

>> No.7548349

Yeah, they're fine, just a taobao reseller with an unfortunately shady name

>> No.7548716

They are really nice and polite, I can recommend them.

>> No.7548762

I haven't compared prices but just make sure that it's not cheaper elsewhere, I know they also have them on Clobba and AliExpress

>> No.7548877
File: 468 KB, 1055x1536, tumblr_n44i8iSaVL1qj1wzpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is this going to be released?

>> No.7548883

probably june

>> No.7549215

Non-American here : USA doesn't have customs charges ? Really ?!

>> No.7549228

Very rarely.

>> No.7549235

Yeah, the joy of being American? However, my friend got hit with customs from a clobbaonline package and has held a "grudge" against them since.

>> No.7549246

... I want to be American.

>> No.7549255
File: 88 KB, 960x720, 1399478768520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you could put together some armor pieces from craft foam pretty quickly. It's the paint job that'll make it look nice.

>> No.7549293

Unless you're ordering thousands of dollars of stuff or using a courier like DHL, no.

>> No.7549312
File: 75 KB, 960x889, 1507039_766652773359089_685296246596906526_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Little Dipper's quality? this print is awfully cute

>> No.7549333

I'm going, anon, and I am so fucking lost on what to wear.

Usually for gigs, I go for wearing as little as possible so I don't overheat. I always wear the same pair of sturdy boots to protect my feet from being stomped on though. I don't usually care much about appearance, so it's normally shorts of some sort and a crop top or vest, hair tied back in a ponytail.

This gig, however, I get the feeling people will be dressed to the nines and I might regret it if I don't dress up. But I know I will also enjoy it way less if I am overheating and unable to move under layers of clothes. I also don't want to sweat all over my burando.

I'm thinking of putting in a bodyline order for some of their punk items and making something vaguely visual kei inspired.

>> No.7549377

you know, my post office guy who is generally a nice guy/small town knows my name told me the same thing about tracking. He's always confused when I ask for tracking then will ask if I mean I want to change my method. It's really annoying

>> No.7549401


>Dat shoop
>can't tell if skirt too short for knees or just dat shoop

Anyway, I have little dipper's long chiffon underskirts. They're not mind blowingly high end couture, but they are solidly made, everything serged, nothing falling apart. Regular taobao quality, in other words.

Some anon has said that their underskirt was too loose and kept sliding down, mine was all right, I even wore mine for a day out. I'm usually a size L in taobao terms, the other anon is size S or something like that, so that might have been why.

Hope that helps.

>> No.7549421

Do people generally prefer items be serged, or enclosed french seams?

Until recently I french-seamed literally everything and never thought about serging.

>> No.7549437

Are you asking because you're thinking of selling handmade items?

Personally speaking, I don't care how it's finished as long as it's finished; ie if the choice is pay more for french seams or just have it serged, I'd definitely choose serged. I'm not expecting nor looking for my lolita items to last me decades; it's honestly not really necessary like it might be with very high end garments that you might be buying to use frequently and have for life like a really nice evening dress or a sturdy coat.

Sure it's nice to have, but it isn't needed, and can unnecessarily raise your labor costs and therefore your pricepoint.

(If you're not asking to sell things, then ignore the tl;dr and I guess 'I don't cosmetically prefer one or the other either way' would be my short answer.)

>> No.7549496

Quick question, I'm thinking about buying some Grimoire tights (the real ones, not some replicas), but I am 168 cm (5"5) and 130 pounds with chubby legs. Will they fit me without looking stupid and stretched out?

>> No.7549497

What happened to the ILD thread? Did it get deleted or am I seriously blind as fuck?

>> No.7549509



>> No.7549529

wow I am blind as fuck. I legit checked the catalog like 3 times and even used page find.

>> No.7549533

I'm 5'1/105 with slightly big calves for my size and I own a pair that's black based, and they already look stretched out as fuck on me. I can't even imagine how bad they'd look on anyone taller or thicker than me, honestly, they're no good for anyone that doesn't have serious stick legs.

>> No.7549562

What will happen to the items in Closet Child's sale once the sale finishes? Will they just go back up to regular price, or will they be removed from sale?

>> No.7549563


I'm 163cm, about 60kg (so, shorter than you but heavier), and like >>7549533 says, the black ones get quite grey around my calves.

Maybe the lighter ones are a better idea, the green ones I got also got stretched out, but they didn't look as lame as the greyed out black pair.

>> No.7549570


Thanks for the answer! I guess I will have to find an alternative, not going to spend $35+shipping on a pair of tights that doesn't really fit me.

>> No.7549678

This. I'm about the same height/weight and have short legs, but I was still pretty damn disappointed with how faded/stretched grimoire tights looked on me. Mine also ran really quickly (after 2 wears). I love their designs, but I can't afford to throw $40 at tights that won't last for more than a few wears.

>> No.7550202
File: 960 KB, 840x575, delete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an A-line or bell-shaped jsk? it looks different in each photo and idk :S

>> No.7550203
File: 112 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n5e9t6mcYk1r18bi7o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose looks similar to this and it makes me feel so fucking ugly. Should I get a nose job?

>> No.7550207


>> No.7550294

Aside from Lady Sloth, what are some other indie or taobao brands that make painting dresses? I'm an art teacher looking for dresses to wear to school related events, and don't want to shell out for brand since that flavor of classic isn't really my thing.

>> No.7550296


>> No.7550306
File: 70 KB, 563x517, il_570xN.546910891_ox2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you looked at PurpleFishBowl on etsy? Their clothes have paintings on them but are a bit more normalfag, which sounds more up your alley. They have some unique designs, like that Great Wave dress going all around tumblr.

If you still don't want to shell out that much money, you can also try searching 油画裙子 (oil painting skirt) on taobao for more affordable options. Pic related is replicated quite a bit on taobao you'll find.

>> No.7550339

Oh, I don't need them to be normalfag, I wouldn't be coordinating it in an elaborate way anyway. I'd still be interested in wearing a petti.

Thanks by the way, I'll use the search term you provided.

>> No.7550478

Depends on the rest of your face

>> No.7550514
File: 77 KB, 500x500, btssbalicemirage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an a-line is straight the whole way and flares out at the bottom, that's bell-shaped.

>> No.7550535

I want that dress so bad and it's so unpopular like the rest of ETC.

>> No.7550579
File: 63 KB, 480x640, B38BL418-w-480x640-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it to reserve this blouse? Or do you think it will come up for sale later? I own several dresses it would suit well, but for some reason Baby's blouses have a bad habit of not fitting me well, even when they should according to my measurements.
I'm worried that the style/religious iconography will deter people if I have to sell it.

>> No.7550844
File: 201 KB, 480x640, carnaval-np.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Starlight Carnaval?

>> No.7550856

How do you girls know when lucky/happy bags are going to be stocked?

>> No.7550886

Hideous and impossible to coord. Ugliest dress I've seen in a while

>> No.7550901

The people walking about remind me of Gaia Online avatars. Not great on an OTT print. Or anywhere, really.

>> No.7550906

Stalk brand blogs and websites. Do some research.

>> No.7550909

I love it to death! It's the prettiest print AatP has released in ages, imo. Lucky no one likes it! I'll buy it after the release, then.

>> No.7550916

Chinese lolitas will eat it up, Westerners will find it too technicolor. I think the print is very pretty but I wouldn't wear it.

>> No.7550919

Is it possible to make an account for btssb/aatp without initially purchasing something?

>> No.7551220

Did anybody else get an e-mail/invoice from IW about blouse oddment packs?

>> No.7551233

I got my invoice a few years ago and paid, I'm waiting for their reply with the tracking number, it's been a few days already.

>> No.7551235

days* obviously. It's been nearly a week, I hope Iwill get my package before my finals.

>> No.7551252

I'm pretty sure this website is a Milanoo storefront

>> No.7551254

No it's not; this was disproven ages ago...

>> No.7551258

I think last time they went back to being regular price. Which is dumb. They should just have a clearance page.

>> No.7551261

I still find them on lists of "suspicious shops," but I wondered if they were out of date.

How did their name get cleared, if I may ask

>> No.7551266

I believe they just resell stuff from taobao

>> No.7551352

Am I the only one that is getting very annoyed by Lolibrary being filled with Jane Marple? I used to check their a few times a week for new releases of the big brands/some famous indie brands. But now I have to scroll through so much Jane Marple that it isn't even fun any more. Most of it isn't even lolita or loliable.

Any good alternetives to keep in check with the new releases? I already follow thinklolita and yetanotherjfashionblog. But they post mostly taobao (Which is fine, I also like updates on that) but no big brand names or indie.

>> No.7551369

Seconding this. I would love to just have a blog dedicated to stalking new brand news or releases.
Like the Perez Hilton of Lolita.
>candid photos of misako leaving her apartment with no make-up and normalfag clothes
>ITA and UGGU-CHAN scrawled all over in pink glittery text

>> No.7551379

10/10 would totes follow

>> No.7551380

Maybe http://lolitafashionupdates.blogspot.jp/ ? It's relatively new and I just started following it after finding out about it from the FB lolita updates group.

>> No.7551381

I would love to follow that.

Thanks. I am gonna stalk that site.

>> No.7551387
File: 106 KB, 501x337, tumblr_n48bws02KV1rnv9mto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture with this head piece showed up on my tumblr today, and I'm curious where it is from. The post said that the 'crown' was from BTSSB. However I've checked both Lolibrary, and hello lace and I can't seem to find the mask/rose combo head piece. Does anyone know what it is called?

>> No.7551391

Only the crown sticking weirdly out if the side of her head is BTSSB. The other shit is offbrand.

>> No.7551392

The mask rose part looks handmade.

>> No.7551414

what are your thoughts about ero lolita?

>> No.7551418

I love it in purple/black and I think I may get it. Though I'm wondering if I should wait to after the release to buy it second hand?

>> No.7551423

The Chinese will scalp if you wait too long.

>> No.7551429

Why do I keep seeing people write "Today's code" when they post their outfits? Are they really so stupid as to not realize it's "coord"?

>> No.7551435
File: 201 KB, 400x533, moitieop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to know the sizing of this moitie op? I couldn't find the information anywhere. Thanks.

>> No.7551449

Like most of their OPs of that cut, it should be pretty generous and would go up to at least a 90 CM bust. Did you want to buy the one on Mbok?

>> No.7551454

I was thinking about it, thanks anon well it looks like it will fit my bust so that's good to know.

>> No.7551580
File: 2.04 MB, 1676x696, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita, but I'm thinking of wearing a petticoat under one of my normal dresses. It looks cute with a bit of flare, but the only problem is the length of the dress and length of the petticoat. I plan on wearing bloomers or a pair of black shorts, but the issue is my petti being visible. I know showing petti is tacky with lolita, but is it considered tacky when worn outside of lolita? Not sure what to do.

>> No.7551585

I would just get a casual, short BL petticoat. It looks pretty bad, to be honest. If you have a petticoat with a trim, though, that might work, or at least a black petticoat would look better (but I assume you don't have one since you went with white).

>> No.7551587

Yeah, I have a very short petti I bought ages ago, but I can't find it. My other petticoats are all white and the wrong shape.

>> No.7551588

Oh, seconding this question. I've discovered how much cuter some of my regular clothing looks when there's a petti underneath but I also have and issue with petti-peeking. I pretty much have to sit the petticoat underneath my boobs so it doesn't peek from under my skirts, and it's pretty uncomfortable.

>> No.7551593

eh I think the peeking petti looks cute

>> No.7551734

it's kowai, faggot

>> No.7551737

codenote. also code is the romanization of the japanese pronunciation of co-ord.

>> No.7551739

It will fine, especially to normalfags

>> No.7551776

God, that's idiotic.
It's one thing to use the Japanese terms for things that don't really exist in English (cutsew, for example). It's another to use the shortened form of the romanization of an English word when there is already an equivalent in English.
Should we start saying "open car" instead of convertible, too?

>> No.7551790

dumb question but how long should a petticoat be?

>> No.7551846

An inch or so shorter than the skirt. Too short and the skirt will drape over awkwardly.

>> No.7551850

I've ordered dresses with up to $300 declared price and yeah, no customs fees were leveraged. I've been into lolita for 4 years and haven't had to pay any customs yet.

>> No.7552102

about how big are angelic pretty's tights? (or brand tights in general)

>> No.7552124
File: 111 KB, 480x640, P10OP320-np1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, nice. I want the OP.
I like the way the sky looks in the navy/pink colorway but the blue ruffle sticks out too much so I'm leaning toward the purple/black since it'll have a black ruffle.

>> No.7552168

I always assumed it was phone autocorrect. That's really dumb if it's just a romanization.

>> No.7552184

Love the print, HATE the colours. Way too garish for me. It's a shame because they print really is very cute.

>> No.7552202

This is painful for me to look at. The cut looks off, the colours are very garish, and the print is so busy.
The print could have been decent if they'd toned down the rest of the dress, but right now it's overwhelmed by the rest of the shit going on.

>> No.7552229
File: 91 KB, 480x480, P10SK509-bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some of the colourways are fine, especially the black/purple. The pink/purple/blue is perhaps a bit much.

>> No.7552261

I'd say it's more akin to saying gyaru rather than gal, in a way. People who put "code" on their pictures usually do so because they put it on Codenote initally, which is mostly Japanese, and it's just kind of a thing on it. They probably don't use it outside of that

>> No.7552270

looks the same as Merrymaking to me, both are fugly. baby is my favourite brand but some of the shit they put out is absolutely awful. and the browns in this print just look muddy and clusterfuck-y with the rest of the print colours. the lace and details are hideous too. just my opinion though, I like my traditional classic

>> No.7552276

Merry Making in The Ghost Town is gorgeous anon please don't slander it, it's perfect.

>> No.7552277

It's not even "codenote," though. It's something more like "coudineito," which is just the romanization of "coordinate."

Gyaru is something different from gal as it's used in the West, so I get that. Coordinate in Japanese and in English in this fashion mean the same damn thing.

Idk, the closet of frills is bursting at the seams with entry level weebs, so I shouldn't be surprised by this.

>> No.7552279
File: 131 KB, 700x950, l160-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have this blouse? The lace looks cotton, and the design seems comfortable and less wonky than a lot of the other cotton type blouses they carry. The removable sleeves I can see being awkward, though.

>> No.7552287

>the romanization of an english word is not the english word

That's just how they pronounce it in Japan, it's not the "romanization."

They use the english word, the romanization is the English word. The Japanese just have a lot of trouble pronouncing English words.

>> No.7552294

I have it in white. Decent for under jsks but looks strange on its own. The lace is good. The removable sleeves are massive, they fit really strangely so they're bad if you have thin arms.

>> No.7552303

I had it. The lace is nice, the fabric is kind of stiff. The detachable sleeves are okay once you get them on. I found it looks best under a jsk. I sold mine, because I find most brand blouses more comfortable than bodylines crappy papery fabric, but as far as bodyline blouses go it's alright.

>> No.7552306

DHL is actually pretty safe. My biggest order was about 2500USD through DHL and I've done several smaller orders through them and no customs.

FedEX is the one you have to be careful with when it comes to customs charges. UPS too on a smaller scale. But I've been ordering EMS (which goes through USPS) and DHL for years from taobao with packages marked at full value and never paid customs.

Yes, customs charges do happen rarely. And I'm sure they sometimes happen with DHL so if someone asks me about customs charges I always tell them to just go through SAL or EMS since USPS is the safest when it comes to customs.

Personally I love DHL if I have a large order (they do their charges based off of volume instead of size plus weight, and a lot of taobao sellers/SS have good DHL discounts) because it arrives within about 3 business days from China, and they actually call your cell phone when they are on the way to deliver it.

>> No.7552322

Does the stiffness of the fabric ever wash out? Like, if I washed it several times and doused it in fabric softener, would it improve?

>> No.7552369
File: 64 KB, 480x640, 137710-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a bust/waist measurement on this Baby cut-sew?

>> No.7552392

I've never done a reservation before, can you reserve two of the same type/same series?

>> No.7552397

It depends on the release. Generally the brand will say how much of what you can order. What release are you going for?

>> No.7552405

It could also be that they're using a deco app for there photos, where the stickers / photo frames say "code" and can't be changed.

>> No.7552432

No, everything I've seen has just been text, either in the body of a tumblr post or the "status" portion of a fb post.

>> No.7552439

The new Venice one. I have my way to work around customs and I've offered it to my friend, I'm just wondering in case she wants the same one I pick.

>> No.7552616

Not anymore. Baby's new rules don't even allow you to buy two different colors of the same item. You're only allowed one per stock number.

>> No.7552914

Anonymous 05/13/14(Tue)01:34:10 No.7552802▶
Anyone else seeing the lulzy dramu on David's facebook over this release? He called Rosarie out for being an obese slob which is why the dress won't fit and she is throwing a fit.

>> No.7552964

>Anonymous 05/13/14(Tue)01:34:10 No.7552802▶

You are so fucking new that it hurts. Confirmed for Rosarie shitposting troll.

>> No.7553042


>> No.7553049

Holy shit you're right, those little ones! Brb tektek

>> No.7553054
File: 244 KB, 557x2134, tsukihanayuuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7553060

So does Milanoo, though. I guess if it's a Milanoo storefront they just ONLY resell Taobao and don't make shitty replicas themselves anymore.

>> No.7553070

I normally love brown but in this case it just makes the skirt look dirty.

>> No.7553073

Oh god, this Akira girl is so agressive, what's her problem ?

>> No.7553075

Akira is a man.

>> No.7553079

No way, it would be the bitchiest flamboyant gay ever.

>> No.7553086

>I love pissing off Misako lmao ^_^
I hate them both.

>> No.7553091

>brand doesn't change for no one!
Except the fucking bust is longer than the dress. How does that make sense?

>> No.7553092

Poor fat Rosarie got owned because she is a hambeast that looks bad in lolita, by someone who looks great in it. Top lel

>> No.7553199


>> No.7553245
File: 103 KB, 480x640, P10OJ216-sxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colors really are awful. IMO though the sax jsk is the best out of all the color ways. I don't like the dramatic dark to light ombres in all the other ones.

>> No.7553246 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 600x675, HYKT6bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just a general head's up: Harajuku Closet Child got the brown (or maybe bordeaux?) Lotta JSK last week. I don't know if it's still there, but if you've been looking for it, maybe contact a Tokyo SS to get it.


>> No.7553250
File: 637 KB, 607x613, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP's done this before, sorry for the shit picture but check out Tartan Doll's fit. The max bust size is 89 cm and it's 82 cm long including the tulle layer. I'm 160 cm tall and the tulle ruffles hit right at mid-thigh on me (but since they're tulle it shows even more leg than that, so the dress is really only covering about 76 cm). I can't imagine wearing a dress this short with no defined waist though, one good gust of wind and everyone will know what brand your bloomers are.

>> No.7553251
File: 36 KB, 220x293, t02200293_0480064012934496073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a general head's up: Harajuku Closet Child got the brown (or maybe bordeaux?) Lotta JSK last week. I don't know if it's still there, but if you've been looking for it, maybe contact a Tokyo SS to get it.


>> No.7553265

On the one hand, of course no brand has to cater to larger sizes if it isn't going to be ultimately profitable for them. AP caters flexible sizing but I understand why it probably wouldn't be profitable for them to release multiple sizes, given that some prints go crazy while others aren't popular at all and might not sell. That said, I don't think that means no one can complain. I'm bummed sometimes when dresses don't fit me, and I can be sad that they don't and bitch a little about my disappointment, but that's not the same as demanding that a brand provide clothing that fits me. I get that brands do what they gotta do, but I still receiver the right to self-pity every once and a while.

>> No.7553266


>> No.7553277

I think I found the post that triggered Akira's ragepost. Unless there is another, wow.


>> No.7553281
File: 180 KB, 1105x417, ss (2014-05-13 at 10.28.29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it common for this dress to reach that price? especially with 5 days left

>> No.7553284

that's the starting price. there are no bids

>> No.7553286

yeah i just noticed that, but still- as a starting price, isn't it a bit much?

>> No.7553288

Resellers are greedy. That's why it has no bids

>> No.7553308

I don't know what the going rate is, but it seems like too much. If you want to know though, just wait and see if people bid on it.

>> No.7553309

I suggest looking around in places. I bought a sports bra that is moreso between a sports bra and regular bra with a front-close, but it does possibly even better than my regular sports bras at flattening my boobs while still having a bit of shape to it.

Something similar:



Literally just like. Walk around Walmart, and you could probably find something like the one I have in your own size.

>> No.7553310


I have this blouse in white.
The lace is cotton and quite nice and the fit is good.
Definitely better than most of their blouses.

>> No.7553648

His post about not putting others down to validate himself after putting down anyone who isn't built like him was lulzworthy. How can someone be so ignorant?

>> No.7553662

AP has said before they don't catering to people of unhealthy sizes. I applaud them for marketing their brand to those that can fit their clothes. They're not on the same level as Dior, but seriously has anyone seen an obese person wearing Dior? I don't think so. It's very sad to see obese people such as PT trying to fit in AP.

Besides, David is a cool dude and belongs in Tokyo. I'm hoping for better things to come for him in the future.

>> No.7553667

I just find it funny that everyone's like "it's supposed to be short! It's a summer dress!! lol fatties!!"

I'm fairly short (158 cm) and slim, but many of AP's newer releases piss me off. I don't want a short dress, I want something long enough to fit a petti and cover most of my upper leg.

>> No.7553672

This doesn't explain why their dresses are getting so wide that the width of them is now bigger than the length. Prepare to see more PT ass in the future.

You sound like a blind fangirl.

>> No.7553679

No one said he didn't belong in Tokyo. His behavior certainly doesn't seem cool and is more akin to a narcissistic cunt. Are you retarded?

>> No.7553687

Fine don't like AP? Take your business to a brand that will "fit" you such as BTSSB. Besides if you wear bloomers with lolita then you people won't see your panties or get pantyshots from perverts. Sounds like you hate wearing bloomers.

Maybe it won't be as bad as the salopettes she's been wearing.

>> No.7553694

Hi David!

>> No.7553704

Isn't it obvious this behavior is expected out of him? I like what comes out of his mouth on burando.

>> No.7553708

I'm not David.

>> No.7553709

Fuck off.
I never said I didn't like AP; I have a closet full of AP. The point, which you seem to fail to comprehend, is that plenty of AP's regular customers, including the smaller ones, aren't happy with the shorter releases.
I'm not even worried about my ass showing, so it's funny you jumped to that. IMO the shorter length throws off the silhouette.

>> No.7553711

I'm glad he took that pig whore down a few pegs. Bitch needs to gtfo muh lolita.

>> No.7553722

This is ecactly what swayed me away from reserving it! It's a Gaia dress, haha! Maybe if it comes up second hand for an ok price, but for now I'll put my money toward saving for something else. I love the black x purple so much, though.

>> No.7553724

If your AP dress is too short, buy an underskirt that will solve all your problems. Don't worry I'm willing to bet AP will release some longer dresses in the future with better prints. Best to save your monies for that.

Rosaire needs to buy stuff from BTSSB instead.

>> No.7553730

No she needs to burn her wardrobe and die in that fire.

>> No.7553739

Nah I think she just needs some coord inspiration. I talked to her on IRC before and enjoys looking at the coord threads on here.

>> No.7553742

>I talked to her on IRC
This still exists?

>> No.7553744

hi rosaire

>> No.7553748

I don't see how those threads would help since she's the size of a whale. None of it will fit.

>> No.7553753

Not Rosaire.

Not as big as PT though.

>> No.7553759

Rosarie have you looked in the mirror? You're like 600 pounds.

>> No.7553761

>rosaire makes comment about length and needing an underskirt
>akira makes a post aimed at her and filled with vitriol
I know everyone here hates her but that was unwarranted and Akira is a little bitch.

>> No.7553763
File: 27 KB, 400x533, Cross Cut Coffin Pendant 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here own any Moitie jewellery and has it held up well over the years? I have always wanted this one but I've never bought it as it's made out of copper so I can't justify it. Then again I just bought some $40 socks so it's not that crazy for $100.

>> No.7553767

What the hell is your problem? I just looked at her Facebook photos and she doesn't look fat all and I've seen some huge women in my life. You need to shut up you Rosarie hater.

Besides even if you think she looks fat, at least she dresses well, grooms, and knows how to apply makeup.

>> No.7553771

Rosaire you're so obvious. Everyone hates you but you.

>> No.7553772

Whoever said narcissistic cunt was accurate. I watch him pick fights with people who make valid points and now I just screen him on FB so I don't see whatever shit spews out his mouth.

There's a fine line in being outspoken and a sandy cunt and he has crossed that lines eons ago.

>> No.7553776

This. She kept saying how Japanese girls were complaining but he kept ignoring that and attacking her size and lifestyle. That's just nasty.

>> No.7553781

I think that was warranted. David is right and lucky to have a feminine figure using his assets to gain an advantage.

David is known to be a sandy cunt everywhere and I like that. He was a bitch in Washington DC comm, a bitch in the NYC comm, a bitch in the LA comm, and now a bitch in the Tokyo comm. I wonder where he will go next to and be a bitch in their comm, Melbourne? Shanghai?

Still not Rosaire.

>> No.7553782

Don't get the thread deleted please, guys. Lots of good threads have been deleted lately due to being derailed.

>> No.7553788

Going out of your way to attack someone who didn't even do anything wrong is not okay. If she had been the aggressor people would be bombing her with death threats. Just because you think someone is cool doesn't excuse their shitty attitude.

>> No.7553797

So you're saying that we should attack Rosaire instead? Look he should be excused for his shitty attitude. Rosaire deserves what she got. Truth hurts.

>> No.7553801

Isn't it sad when a man looks more dolly and feminine than you ever will, rosarie? lel

>> No.7553813
File: 72 KB, 500x667, 1395447202865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know. David turns lots of guys gay for him. <3

He's appeared on Kera a couple of times. I wonder how many time Rosaire has?

>> No.7553815

She's too wide to fit on a page.

>> No.7553818

Wasn't he scouted to be a model too? I wonder how many times Rosaire has. My bet is zero because no company wants a sweatstained fat white amazon piggu.

>> No.7553819

I've heard rumors that Angelic Pretty was interested in him becoming a model for them, but they are no longer interested after they found out about his gender.

>> No.7553823

He wrote about it happening on the street several times but he can't speak Japanese so he can't pursue it. Why is it that the disgustingly obese losers always seem to have the one thing the perfect ones need?

>> No.7553826

So many Rosaire apologists in this thread. Do you all forget how much of a bitch she is to everyone that doesn't completely kiss her fat ass? She deserves to get called out.

>> No.7553828

That sucks. I know companies in Japan such as Honda and Uniqlo are switching to English as the business language. I hoping he gets a chance or improves his proficiency in Japanese

>> No.7553835

Holy shit could you samefag harder?

Rosaire is a cunt, David is a cunt. They're both cunts. End of story. Just because one person is a cunt on the doesn't negate the fact the other person is also a cunt.

Basic reasoning but I wouldn't expect either cunts to get it.

How many times did I say cunt?

>> No.7553838

Called out for... not doing anything? Vendetta detected.

>> No.7553846

David's not a cunt, he has a dick. Get it straight.

>> No.7553852


>> No.7553865

I like how all his fangirls are in this thread doing just what he did. Throwing someone under the bus if they think they will get ahead.

>> No.7553870

That's actually really lovely. The colors aren't awful and it's a much simpler dress design to go with the just fabric.

>> No.7553874

*busy fabric Wow phone fail.

>> No.7553967

Is MmM ever going to release anything new?

>> No.7554007

friend of rosaire detected

>> No.7554008
File: 1.34 MB, 366x272, fyeahemotionchip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going up in rank on FromJapan

>> No.7554203

New thread: