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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7539182 No.7539182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ACen is in one week! Ready!?

>> No.7539412

I've been working every day the past two weeks and I'm really getting burnt out. At least I'm most of the way done! If only I hadn't cut my hand last month I could have finished up earlier.
My goal is to not have to work on anything the day before the con. For once.

>> No.7539599

Take a brisk walk and a hot shower, anon. Put on some music that gets your blood going and get going. You can do this!

Then come cry with the rest of us at the meetup. (ohgodstillworkingheretoo.)

>> No.7539614

There's not really shit for panels Friday; luckily hardcore synergy is that day. it's not because of the rave aspect I'm actually a fan of the DJs. This is my first year cosplaying, but it's not my first time at the con so I decided to do something simple.

>> No.7539637

Where/when is the meetup going to be? I'm still working on a schedule of things to do.

>> No.7539665

The thought of ACEN and wrapping things up is distracting me from my finals....

>> No.7539667

It's usually Friday night at the Red Bar around 9. Someone confirm/deny?

And if there's no panels/gatherings you guys wanna go see, at least come check out the Cosstudio sometime over the weekend. We have costuming panels going on and are trying to get a fabric swap going. If you don't want any fabric, just come by and drop it off (within a reasonable amount) and/or take something that catches your eye. Last year, we were in the basement.. go down the escalators and as far to the right in the halls as you can go. Just listen for the sounds of costume repair.

>> No.7539755

I was there at that time last year so technically I was there without knowing it.

>> No.7540279

I'm so going to spread my grey homestuck paint all over your high voltage box.

>> No.7540424
File: 2.73 MB, 267x180, hardest rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skin problems
>rough and spotty skin
>foundation doesn't even help anymore
I'm about ready to flip a table.

>> No.7540448

At the last minute I decided I'm going to Anime Midwest instead.

ACEN has:
* No guests I want to see
* Shitty IRT everywhere
* Drunks everywhere

Anime Midwest has:
* None of the above

>> No.7540482


What makes IRT shitty? I'm unfamilliar with them.

>> No.7540485

There are only two types of IRT:
* 80% Ones that stand there doing absolutely nothing. A fight could break out and they wouldn't stop it. (I witnessed a guy going around throwing glitter on people... even IRT. They did NOTHING).
* 20%: The type who love to boss you around, yell like drill sergeants, etc

>> No.7540493

> 80% Ones that stand there doing absolutely nothing.
Good I like to deal with shit myself.
>20%: The type who love to boss you around, yell like drill sergeants
The high and mighty ones are the best to get sarcastic with it just rustles their jimmies.

>> No.7540515

inb4 "hi ryan" comments. Also inb4 you jinx this and there's drunk people partying everywhere at Anime Midwest.

I heard a story of a con goer having a medical emergency and all the IRT dude was yell at the poor girl instead of calling for EMRT or whatever the medical department of ACEN is called.

Junior Hall Monitors/Babby First Rent-a-Cop job, I swear bruh.
Anyway, just little over a week now. Jesus, time went by fast, fuck. And I'm still not ready.

>> No.7540629


>one week

panel still not done

god help me

>> No.7540632


Make some time for Hentarmageddon, you can win FABULOUS PRIZES

>> No.7540662

Anyone going to any of the 5 billion room parties that are going on that weekend? I just got invited to this one:

fagbook events/ 459311824188943/

>> No.7540669


Might go to this one. Just need to make sure my cheap ass friend don't know about this one tho sinc ethey like to try to weasel their way into getting in for free

>> No.7540863


me too
and my partner's panel too

>> No.7540926


I don't even understand the room parties. Also I've never been invited to one, but I guess I don't know to man anime people/con goers.

>> No.7540931

Room parties that charge money? Fuck that shit. Every party I've hosted has been free with a tip jar and we always make more than enough money off of tips to cover the cost of the booze. Fucking plebs.

>> No.7540942


Weeaboos don't like to spend money if they don't have to.

>> No.7540955

That's probably true. We invite people that we meet and that seem cool instead of publicly announcing the party so that helps avoid having a party full of dirty weebs. People tend to spread the word though, so there are still some undesirables. Even so, percentage of non-tippers is pretty low, and a lot of tippers are really generous about it.

Don't be afraid to bounce people at the door.

>> No.7540977

Just finished my sister's Bartz Klauser cosplay yesterday and my Faris Scherwiz cosplay today. I'm going to try my damndest get that goddamn picture of us with Uematsu

>> No.7541002

guide book is up guys

>> No.7541305


There's this one on thursday, considering stopping by, but it might be a spaghetti cookoff:


>> No.7542536


7 Days!



>> No.7542592


But anon, there are nine days until the con. Well, eight, if you count Thursday. All will be well.

hahahaha j/k I'm >>7540629 and I am mentally screaming every second of every day

>> No.7542616

well this was an interesting read http://www.acen.org/forums/index.php/topic/45641-disability-ada-access-to-areas/

>> No.7542835


This will be my first acen so I'm not entirely sure what the person is talking about, but the fact acen even has an ada policy is one the reasons I think I might enjoy it. I'm pretty reliant on a cane and I can't do stairs well. At least they give it some thought.

>> No.7542852

while I understand the point being made by the OP of that forum topic, it's just funny to watch people bitch and moan and watch staff act like asshats right back at them.

>> No.7542860


you mean it's funny to watch disabled people try to find a safe way to get places while dumbshit paper shufflers come up with excuses?

>> No.7542885

>ADA policy
It won't help. The elevators will be fucking slammed and there's nothing anybody can do about it.
Dragon*Con has one of the best ADA teams I've ever seen. You can literally get guys to roll with you and they go out in front of you and push people out of the way while shouting "MAKE A HOLE!"
Last year I went I roomed with a gal in a wheelchair and we got a room on like the third floor. It took her several HOURS to go down ONE FLOOR on an elevator when it came time to check out on Sunday.

>> No.7542889


Buddy of mine was on crutches a couple years back and he was escorted to the front of every damn thing. IRT made sure he got a wide berth coming in and out of places, too.

>The elevators will be fucking slammed and there's nothing anybody can do about it.

This, unfortunately. Fucking lazy otaku can't take the goddamn stairs. OH NO SIX FLIGHTS, BETTER SPEND FORTY MINUTES IN THE ELEVATORS.

>> No.7542969

what excuses?

First she asks to use an exit as an entrance which would be dangerous for both her and anyone else leaving. Then she asks to use fire escape doors. Both of these are not legitimate options. If she seriously has such a problem getting around then maybe she shouldn't go. They can only do so much to accommodate.

>> No.7543087

Most cons don't even have a special needs department. They can only do so much and at some point you have to take responsibility for your problems and figure it out. They suggested plenty of reasonable alternatives in the thread.

Last year I was at acen with a blown out knee. I rented a wheelchair because I knew that going to a place with a lot of walking when you can't walk was going to be bad time.

>> No.7543122


Anyone who pays to go to the con should be able to get around the damn con without endangering their own health. Period. The entrance to and from the dealer's halls in the expoteria has been open MANY years in the past and there was NO problem because most con attendees didn't even know it was there.

>> No.7543129


The elevators shouldn't even be an issue. The hotel ought to make accommodations for the disabled to have rooms on the ground floor. I've gotten this every year I've attended this con.

>> No.7543131


ADA is worded "reasonable accommodation," I disagree that opening up fire escapes is "reasonable."

I fully expect to have difficulty with some things at acen and nothing is going to fix that.

>> No.7543132

Yes, and if you are incapable getting around then you shouldn't pay to go and find something else easier for you to manage.

They suggested she get a cart, but WHA WHA 90 bucks is just too expensive.

>> No.7543136


90 bucks for a garbage fucking rental is ridiculous on top of the cost of the hotel room and food.

>> No.7543138


I'm not sure what you're so upset about. Does sharing space with people different from you make you uncomfortable or something?

>> No.7543143


glad we'll be in the company of such brilliant lawyers at acen this year

>> No.7543149

Looks like the weather might suck. Just as long as it doesn't rain. Just wish it was around 65 for the whole con.

>> No.7543159 [DELETED] 

I think locusts should explode and do splash damage when they die or expire but they also do friendly splash damage

>> No.7543167


I used to work in public transportation, so ADA is something I dealt with a lot.

For myself, just attempting a trip to a convention is kind of ambitious. I want to do as much as I can while I'm there, but I'm not likely to pitch a fit if I can only hit a couple panels and end up spending the rest of the weekend hanging out with random people.

>> No.7543170


>70s this weekend
>low 60s and high 50s next weekend

Fucking Chicago, I hate this place when I don't love it

>> No.7543176

So you can save enough to afford a hotel, badge, and food but you can't be bothered to save the extra $90 so you can get around? Ok.

No, assholes who can't understand that their request is putting out hundreds of other people piss me off, disabled or not.

>> No.7543205


Maybe you should stay home with a glass of champagne, a bubble bath, and a book and leave the event planning to more compassionate people.

>> No.7543221

What would you do then anon, what's your solution? Keep in mind any decision you make to accommodate this one individual has the potential to inconvenience hundreds. At what point is that sacrifice worth it? I don't think you have an event planning experience at all.

>> No.7543241


Many solutions are already on this thread had you bothered to read them instead of throwing a bigoted, ableist fit because someone dared to criticize a notoriously poorly run con.

Disabled people get rooms on the ground floor. No need to bother with the elevators except to get to the lower floor in the Hyatt. The door in the expoteria to the dealers room and artist alley remains open to allow disabled people to avoid the hamster tunnel, except maybe to get to the other hotels if it's raining. Just a few ideas. All the while drinking and bathing in the tears of the hundreds of inconvenienced able-bodied people.

>> No.7543268

>able bodied

you can go back to tumblr now.
Also want to point out most hotels don't have rooms on the first floor, and on top of that they need to be in a handicapped room so they are restricted to the availability of those. I hope you are not suggesting the doors they've already stated are fire escapes again.

>> No.7543301


Dude, no one is reveling in your physical differences, and no one is deliberately oppressing you. But there are few if any ground floor rooms, those doors you're referring to are fire exits, etc etc etc. ACen's full of morons but in this case there's not much to be done.

>> No.7543323


I would suggest you two actually learn about the hotel acen happens at before you jump to idiotic conclusions about there not being rooms on the ground floor. There are. There are entire separate wings of the hotel that have their own elevators too.

>> No.7543439

Do I need to point out again that regardless of whether or not there are rooms on a ground floor, the person in question needs a handicapped room. There is no guarantee there is one on that floor and on top of that there are probably more than one handicapped person staying over the weekend. A disabled person is going to have to use the elevator.

>> No.7543586

I think it's funny seeing all of these posts about how bad the elevators are but I've literally never had any real trouble using the elevators. Maybe they take a little bit long but it's same shit as being at school.

>> No.7544015

IRTbro here again to shut this elevator shit down right now:

Anyone with a Medical Badge gets first dibs on the elevator. So while getting on the elevator can be pants on head retarded at time (all the time), no one on crutches or in a wheelchair is going to have to deal with that.

That thread was embarrassing on both ends though.

>> No.7544033

That's my biggest worry about Anime Midwest this year. The elevators were almost bad on Friday, but they lightened up after they let more people on. But I'm worried it'll just turn into another elevatorlinefest.


Might cost a couple million dollars, but it would be paid for in less than 5 years of anime cons.

>> No.7544038

Speaking of elevators, what's up with when the elevator is supposed to go up but just bounces and then doesn't? Is that like a weight capacity thing? Because it's horrifying.

>> No.7544254


Man why you gotta be so realityist IRTbro

>> No.7544257

>Waiting for the elevator
>Doors opens
>The elevator is stuffed to the gills
>The next dozen elevators are stuffed to the gills
>Going down AND up
This is what happened to my handicapped friend at D*C.
Your thoughts?

>> No.7544259

>it would be paid for
I didn't know pay-per-use elevators existed

>> No.7544326


I don't know what he's talking about, saying "first dibs." Not at ACen, anyway. Short of IRT clearing out the elevator--which, okay, I have seen, but only once--how is that enforced?

Maybe they just need to station a couple elderly people and someone in a wheelchair, just riding the elevator up and down, glaring daggers at any able-bodied people who decide to skip the stairs.

>but I'm on the fifth floor and my cosplay is heeeaaavvvyyyy

so are you, fatty. Get some exercise.

>> No.7544397


IRT are actually stationed INSIDE the elevator for a majority of the con, and after the first time we "politely recommend" someone get their fat ass off the elevator so the handicapped person can get on. This WILL NOT happen 12 times to ANYONE for ANY REASON. The only people we can't tell to GTFO the elevator are hotel guests who aren't with the convention.


As I stated above, IRT have been stationed INSIDE the elevators for the past couple of years and we've seen a serious decrease in elevator breakage and general dumbfuckery.

>> No.7544453
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What if it rains. What calamity will ensue. Pic VERY related.

>> No.7544467
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>always room at the Embassy
>never have to put up with this elevator bullshit

Seriously, why do people book at the hotel the con is at if there are skywalks leading to other ones nearby?

>> No.7544481


>Homestuck meeting in a goddamn lobby


>> No.7544482

And you get free breakfast and booze. Embassy is the superior hotel.

>> No.7544540


>Homestuck meeting anywhere

Always a bad idea.

Why couldn't Problem Sleuth be the one that blew up?

>> No.7544589

I'm staying at the Sheraton. They have decent prices, and it's only like a mile away. I need to check out the Embassy next year.
We cannot allow the Homestuck cosplayers to mesh with the other con-goers; it would be a catastrophe.

>> No.7544608

Because people are fucking stupid and too lazy to walk an extra 3-5 minutes to the convention center.

>> No.7544628


If they're keeping the bulk of panels in the CC from now on, I'm never staying in the Hyatt again. Only reason I kept a room there was for convenient access to and from the big panels.

Still, aren't the prices the same at every hotel?

>> No.7544631

I've had it in mind to cosplay Godhead Pickle Inspector for some time now but am intimidated by the task

>> No.7544645
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>> No.7544775

I stayed at the Sheraton last year. Great rooms. Had more space than anticipated and nothing to do with it. You could easily fit 10 people in what I had.

>> No.7544945

I've never been and I'm booked at the Westin. How is that commute? I'm assuming there are no skybridges.

>> No.7544976

Doubletree is pretty legit, and I heard that the Embassy is good, but I'm at Aloft this year.

>not too far from main convention areas
>far enough that there is no fuckery

I'm set.

>> No.7545040

I guess I see no reason to move farther from the convention if the rooms aren't any cheaper.

>> No.7545080
File: 142 KB, 553x186, homestuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they tried to section them off from everyone else

>> No.7545102

>Acen 2013
>Friday morning
>using the skybridge from the Hyatt to the con center
>see a smashed bottle of marshmallow flavored vodka on the floor
>first thought is you guys
Stay classy.

>> No.7545130


I almost feel for them. They've become a symbol of everything everyone dislikes about cons. Like furries before them.

>> No.7545135

Oh come on, Acen, it's only Friday morning!

>> No.7545229

Worst part?
It was half finished. I could tell by the sticky residue that was probably the flavoring.

>> No.7545275

So is anyone going to that meet up thing? I'm considering it, but I want to be one of the first souls at the center Friday. It's the best time to take pictures because there's no one else to share with and no one has anything to do.

>> No.7545277


Hey, it's a three day weekend for most attendees.

>> No.7545282
File: 89 KB, 1366x768, 892649_10151580596217238_1789778579_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got no room yet, how screwed am I?

>> No.7545284

I'm going to stop by but the friends I'm with aren't seagulls so I may not stay long.

>> No.7545293


>> No.7545300

>post ad on Acen forums
>scared I'll get a secret snake
I'll have my ex with me, so I wont be alone in the room with strangers. But I'm still worried. Also no idea how to act upon meeting. Don't know if I should be strict and professional, or just laid back.

>> No.7545340

I probably could, but I probably won't for reasons.

>> No.7545395


I'm also staying at the Westin. Its close to the blue line and about a 5min walk to the con. However, note to self parking is 25 a day. I said 25 a day.

>> No.7545416

What a vague answer..

Is there any places in particular I should be looking at?

>> No.7545426


Pretty screwed if you want to room inside the con area. Try the forums. Or use Kayak and search nearby.

>> No.7545428

If you have any, contact friends/relatives who are going. Or try out the Acen forums. If you book now you'll only get farther off places and will just have to take a cab or hitch a ride from another con go-er.

I think from the Sheraton I paid $7-$11 for a cab before I got a free ride from some cosplayers.

>> No.7545433

I think i have a friend with extra space in his room if you wanna give that a shot.

>> No.7545456

God I hope I can get extra people in my room though. I don't want to dish out $200 all alone (400 if my 1 roomate doesn't show). I'm dead set on getting one of those $100 corsets from Timeless Trends.

Ever since I felt that amazing constriction I've been craving to feel it again.

>> No.7545479

I'm trying to get this done for four people at most, or at the very least my boyfriend and I.

>> No.7545482

my friend has two extra spots because they bailed, so i guess your boyfriend and you can fit.

>> No.7545500

I'm room-less as well. Girlfriend and her friends want to just sleep in the car. How horrible will that be?

>> No.7545502

How much and where?

>> No.7545525

turns out they've only got space for friday night and only enough space for one more. also he doesn't remember where it is and its $50 just for the one night which is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.7545531

I don't see why anyone would go for that, honestly, but thank you so much for the hookup.

>> No.7545722

How go the cosplays? Anyone fully prepared?

>> No.7545745

Both my sister and I have been in the basement for two days now trying to finish shit. We shorted out the circuit breaking because we used two heat guns at the same time and had to go reset it.

>> No.7545766

Friday's: 85%
Sat: 99%
Sun: 90%

I'm waiting on a friend to bring me a cosplay I was gonna let her borrow (she already had one to wear so she didn't mind) just to take its assets and fix the one I got for Friday. Then there's the matter of this wig that just wont stay straight. If I can't get it I'll just pout, cry, and wear my Sat. cosplay twice.

>> No.7545804

My Saturday and Sunday outfits are done but I still have a staff for Friday that I need to finish sanding, paint, and attach the top to. If I can get 100% of the sanding done tomorrow and slap a base coat on it I think things will be okay.
I was thinking about making little trinkets to pass out at the seagull meetup. I usually do this for one gathering or another but never actually get around to it until it's crunch time and I'm dying.

>> No.7546011

I'm staying at the Sheraton, and a lot of people who were going to go ditched. The decision however is not mine to make.

>> No.7546256

Did it a couple years ago. It's not terrible, but can get rank quickly. Bring wet wipes and lots of deodorant. And pillows.

And be prepared to wake up early unless you block your windows.

>> No.7546495
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>tfw I reserved a room in the Hilton two days ago

Do you even procrastinate?

>> No.7546571
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OH my god my sisters stupid Wendigo mask is sitting right in front of me when I work because she just added another layer of gesso. It's freaking me the fuck out because it looks like Mads Mikkelsen's detached face just sitting there on the table.

>> No.7546848
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1380918905125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the cheapest creeper shoes ever for rave
>look ready to fall apart if I walked a street block
>use neon tape for design
>tacky and patchy looking
I don't even care anymore. I'm gonna have fun regardless. Those drugged up kids wont even notice. Same with these stupid Ansem belts. No idea how I'm gonna stick them on the jacket, but it'll work.

>> No.7546860

I know the raves have a bad reputation due to some of the crowd it attracts, but I have a lot of fun at them. They usually have cool music, and it's very lively.

>> No.7546862

i dont even want to go to the rave (its not my kind of thing) but jakazid and shimamura are really great.

>> No.7546866

Yeah, I'm basically going because of Shimamura and Noriken

>> No.7546879

What kind of music do they play at the rave? (Please assume I am an idiot about music, because I am, so names of musical artists are more helpful than names of genres.)

>> No.7546886


Hardcore Synergy (on Friday) plays weeby J-Core DDR type shit.

Soap Bubble (on Saturday) plays dubstep, trip-hop, top 40 garbage.

Go with Synergy, bruh.

>> No.7546890

Is the Touhou orgy real? My partner and I are considering going, mostly for free booze.

>> No.7546901

If I decided I want to go now, would I basically be fucked for a hotel room within a 20 mile radius?

>> No.7546912

I'd have to agree Synergy is better, and has less fucktards present.

>> No.7546918

If you're going to get a room now without any connections then probably, but there are a lot of people with vacancies in their rooms.

>> No.7547008


Try the Westin or the Regency across the street from it. They still had rooms last time I checked.

>> No.7547013


You are the cancer killing ACEN.
Well, the #2 cancer that is.

>> No.7547032

i still need to style my wig. why do i always procrastinate like this? anyone else in the same boat?

>> No.7547111


>> No.7547123

yeah because two events are preventing the acen staff from getting any other guests to show up

>> No.7547144

Other than the Touhou orgy, I do know several lolitas from Chicago comm and other comms will be having a lolita fashion orgy at ACen this year.

>> No.7547178

Still trying to get this dumb hairstyle. Nomura and his stupid spikes man. Also, in a bad situation since a wig I got came in a different color than the photo and there's no time to get a replacement.

>> No.7547306


Can I get the deets on this?

>> No.7547331

>tfw can't go
I'll see you nerds at that Indy Popcon shit.

>> No.7547337

We talking a real orgy?
Because if so, I'm in.

>> No.7547534

Calm down, I just asked what kind of music was played. I've never been to the rave, not planning to go to the rave (remember how I said I was a music idiot - it's not my thing) but I was wondering what the appeal was. Fuck off.

>> No.7547540
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I'm in, but only if kinky shit is allowed. I've got rope and a paddle in Baby pink.

>> No.7547581

>If they're keeping the bulk of panels in the CC from now on, I'm never staying in the Hyatt again. Only reason I kept a room there was for convenient access to and from the big panels.
>Still, aren't the prices the same at every hotel?

Yeah they're all a fortune. Short reason I'm going to Anime Midwest from now on.

>> No.7547601


inb4 "hi Ryan"

>> No.7547653


>Yeah they're all a fortune. Short reason I'm going to Anime Midwest from now on.

I know this feeling. Can't believe I'm considering not going to ACen.

>> No.7547696

One week till acen, my friends are just now thinking of cosplay ideas
How the hell do we pull something off in a week?

>> No.7547697

>No REDALiCE for Hardcore Synergy
not even gonna bother lining up early.

>> No.7547875
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Motel 6, which is a mile away from the con, is $50 a night.

>> No.7547926

Is it wrong of me to be far more interested in taking photos of ladies of a larger size cosplaying than "attractive" women?

This is what I'll be doing next weekend.

>> No.7548068

if you (or anyone here) still needs a room I have room for one more person in my room since my friend bailed. 70 bucks for the whole weekend. email in the field. first come first serve.

>> No.7548073

Which hotel are you staying at, anon? I'm still trying to decide if it's worth it to go.

>> No.7548152

I'm at the Hyatt in a king bed room. Everyone in the room is bringing food/water too so we don't get slammed with food costs. It'll be a tight squeeze, but if you just need a place to crash not too bad

>> No.7548787

I can only go Saturday and Sunday, but I'm all set on my cosplays! It does help that I'm rewearing some stuff though.

>> No.7548805

>Heroes of Cosplay Sucked

Alright, which one of you is running this?

>> No.7548953


Nah, go for what you want to go for. Take those photos and have a great time! Even if we were to judge you there are plenty of other things that you would be condemned for doing at a con before that.

>> No.7548982
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>try gluing on pieces of outfit
>realize a huge piece is in the wrong place
I am just a ball of screw ups today. Thanks to my job I've gained weight and have no way of taking it off. Also sliced my finger trying to put on a prop. At least the bleeding stopped but it still hurts.

>> No.7549046


Well, I hope everything goes well enough in time for the con. The most important thing is that you have fun! I'm sewing like a madman because I lost half of the last three consecutive weekends, but I should be done by sometime early Monday morning. I hope

>> No.7549080

>lolita fashion orgy


>> No.7549088

I don't see that listed in panel programming so it can't possibly be real

>> No.7549104

hey, anyone want to split a night at the best western sunday? Or anyone have a room sunday night?

>> No.7549136 [DELETED] 

message the coordinator for details about the touhou orgy. Name is Brianna Howd on fb, wearing a fuck yolo outfit

>> No.7549142

Your positivity will not lighten my mood as much as I want it too. Ended up knocking over the glue on said already messed up cosplay and I quit for the night. I hope this scar heals fast or else I wont be able to remove my nail polish.

>> No.7549220
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Well, I still hope that it works out for you the best that it can. Taking the night off if you're feeling wonky is probably for the best.

>> No.7549267
File: 654 KB, 1936x2592, 20140510_IMG_0909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a bunch. This is my progress so far. Gotta fix the bomb, and knife, so it doesn't jut out, add the other, and cut the wig because the hair's too long.

Hope I'm not missing anything else. Face censor because no make up or eyebrow arch. Also didn't realize gun was in wrong at the time.

Do your worst. I am ready.

>> No.7549273

Almost thought I wouldn't be able to make it to ACEN this year because of finals, but it looks like I'll be able to make it on Saturday.

Can't wait! Cosplay will be a mess but it'll be fun.

>> No.7549296

It's a private event going on at the Hilton. This will happen following the indie fashion show and swap meet.

>> No.7549323


Looks good to me! Also, fuck anyone who says anything about the gun being the wrong model, everything is better with an M14!


That's the spirit!

>> No.7549580 [DELETED] 

Lol you think it's private. Lolita rape fest 2014 in one week baby. I can't wait to cum over some drugged out bitches brand

>> No.7549584

What do you think?

>> No.7549736

Yeah it's on Friday. You should go, anon.

>> No.7549757

>Motel 6
I'm staying there this year. Anyone else staying there or stayed in the past?

>> No.7549843

I'm staying there. It's perfectly fine and you can't beat the price. Plus, nobody's super loud so you can get adequate sleep, parking's free, and it's really not that far to walk to the con center.

>> No.7550029

she is the perfect example of an ugly girl trying to be kawaii

>> No.7550382

One mutual friend.


>> No.7550393

Man, this is one hip orgy!

>> No.7550411

For the few who are actually considering this orgy thing, it's a running joke that floats from con to con. As far as anyone can tell, it's never actually gone down...although, I guess, there's no reason this year can't be the year if you're motivated and organized enough.
Keep us posted.

>> No.7550962
File: 599 KB, 2000x1424, Safari Desktop Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any 1 wanna hangout and drink and talk 2 ppl & maybe wanna unite forces hmu ? !

kik : beenghazi


>> No.7550967
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, tfw ink on your face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. So, make up or no?

It's rather short notice, but I'm not sure. I'm not even sure what I should use for it since I'm not accustom to costume make up, and I don't know how it would look on my face. So just leave it? Or go the distance?

>> No.7550970


I thought you looked fine in that /v/ thread as is, but if you wanna go all out, that's up to you!

>> No.7550974

um yeah she's wearing makeup obviously, and i don't just mean the black spots on her eyes. Foundation/concealer, lipstick, mascara, at least. You should do the black shit, though.

>> No.7551002

to each their own
and it's kinda nice because it'll be a self esteem boost for them

>> No.7551004


Something that might not seem immediately obvious is her inner eyeliner, she's got some tightlining and waterline makeup going on.

>> No.7551008


I'd hate for them to feel like they are just being made fun of, though. That isn't really the point.

>> No.7551010

Alright. But I'm not sure what to use for the splotches. Thick eye shadow? Face paint? (which I think may be too thick)

>> No.7551055


as long as you're not doing it to be a fucking dick

>> No.7551081

maybe mix a light gray loose powder with water?

>> No.7551093

As a fatty going, I'd deny any photos just because of this reason.

>> No.7551192


I would really like to just chill and have a good time with people, what do you drink?

>> No.7551295

I'm a college student who can't drink.
Life is suffering, but I am still pretty fucking hyped.

>> No.7551304

>intended on having roomates
>no sex
>myself included just to be fair
This is worse than not drinking. If I can't get anyone else, and it's just me and my ex, I may just change the rules. He'll have his own bed if it's just the 2 of us since we were originally gonna share if more than 1 person roomed. But it looks like it's just us. Though I'm quite uncomfortable with the idea of coming to my room and it smells like spunk and vag sweat.

>> No.7551310

Three of my friends have had one night stands at Acen, but luckily they always go to the other persons' room.

>> No.7551451

Just cancelled my room in the Mariott Suites just north of the CTA station. If anyone still needs a room, one just opened up for ya.

>> No.7551452


That's a shame. The outfits take a lot of effort, especially ones that look good and fit right on a larger frame.

>> No.7551530

Maybe some people wouldnt care, but I'm pretty active on tumblr/4chan and related site so I would feel really bummed out to see all the "lol fatty" comments. Which happen regardless of whether or not you've done a great job on your costume. Yeah those comments can happen in person too, but it's a bit more annoying seeing it plastered on websites you visit often

>> No.7551536

>realize your first-day costume isn't ready
>you're only doing it because your friend wants to do a complementary costume
>can't back out now
>will just have to wear a shitty costume all day


>> No.7551539


I'll just walk past every bedroom listening for choruses of moans.

>> No.7551540

back out because its apparently supposed to thunder storm friday. I remember spending a lot of time walking outside during the weekend, so I'm going to potentially cut out an outfit

>> No.7551544


...hmm. Both involve leather, too. Might be an out, thanks anon!

>> No.7551547

Damn straight

>> No.7551549

I love the bad cosplay/people don't naturally fit their character pictures as much as the next guy, but I think it's mainly the spirit of getting into costume and such.

>> No.7551552
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>> No.7551556



that leather trench is half a size too small, too

>> No.7551560

eh weird. my phone said there were thunderstorms!

>> No.7551579

I think everyone is trying to cover their ass by saying it's possible it will rain just in case.

>> No.7551601


To me it's more that I appreciate the work that goes into making it "good" even if the body type isn't perfect, because I prefer that body type.

You can be waifishly thin and still make hilariously bad cosplay. I don't think I'm interested in taking photos of bad cosplay, but I hope some larger women will appreciate my interest in the work they've done and not think it's just "weird." I hope to take good quality photos that flatter their figure and effort, not phone snaps of "lol fatty".

Hopefully I'm able to get this across in person, I don't want people to misunderstand.

>> No.7551606

I get what you mean, and I assume as long as you come across as having good intentions you shouldn't have a problem.

>> No.7551644

I don't drink, or shit like that; is there any reason to go to the /cgl/ meet-up? It appears to be the only 4chan meet-up during the convention.

>> No.7551646


To make friends?

Also can we possibly reschedule the meet up? It goes on during both Anime Hell, the bad anime panel, AND Oregon Trail.

>> No.7551655

Seems like a good enough reason I suppose; this is going to be confusing as shit.

>> No.7551693

You can take my picture, anon.

>> No.7551694

Getting revved for the Con, in the final stretch of work for my costume (delayed, as usual)

Already posted images in the progress page;

It also helps if you contour your hairline a little bit so it's not such a harsh line from the wig to your skin c:

On a side-note, anyone want some tips on how to pose w/ a gun? I'll trade for tips on how to make liquid eyeliner more rub-resistant; it keeps rubbing off of my nose when I accidentally scratch it.

>> No.7551696

theres a pose thread somewhere on this board, im on mobile so i cant find it. look at drawing poses with guns as well!

>> No.7551721

The injector pump in my house failed and now my workroom is flooded. My sisters heat gun is full of water and the worbla was floating on the water when I got down there. At least I'm done with my worbla work so she can use my heat gun but WTF right before ACEN when we're trying to get shit done. Not cool.

>> No.7551730

I guess this supports the idea that shit always happens when you procrastinate. I procrastinate all the time, and get fucked.

>> No.7551823

I'm fat and I don't usually get asked for photos unless I'm with a group, but if someone asks I'll cross my fingers it's you or someone else with good intentions.

>> No.7551835

Oh, no I was going to give tips (as a /k/omrade) for people who want to look a bit snappier/more realistic/trained with their guns.

Action Poses for Characters that have Military/Expert Firearm Training
>DO Keep your elbows in.
>DO Push your torso forward.
>DO Point your trailing toe at the target.
>DO Keep your feet at least shoulder width apart.
>DO Keep your cheek pressed against the buttstock, if possible.
>DO Grasp the gun firmly.
>DON'T Lean back/away from the muzzle of the gun.
>DON'T Teacup the gun; this means do not rest your hand on the bottom of the grip, for pistols.
>DO Use a pistol with both hands, by using the Weaver Grip.
>DON'T Gangsta-grip/aim the gun.

Relaxed Poses for above
>DO Keep your finger off the trigger.
>DO Point the gun either at the ground or the sky, away from people.
>DO turn your torso towards where you are looking, don't just turn your head.

I can take a few pictures later if I have time to make it more apparent what I mean; it may seem silly, but this sort of thing really buttons up a military cosplay. I'll also see if I can grab a few notes on sword-wielding for those who are interested.

>> No.7551854

Got any picture guides for sniper rifles? I'll take any recommendation I can get since I don't even know how to properly hold it.

>> No.7551943
File: 507 KB, 997x1080, Export (1 of 6) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the pretty standard method of holding a rifle upright.

>> No.7551944
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Other side.

>> No.7551946
File: 528 KB, 1080x1057, Export (3 of 6) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a more traditional grip; I'm stupid and like using an AFG whenever possible so I default to gripping the magazine.

>> No.7551948
File: 313 KB, 1080x720, Export (4 of 6) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weaver grip for pistols

>> No.7551951
File: 344 KB, 634x1080, Export (5 of 6) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low idle hold. I don't have a sling for this gun, but if I were using a 3-point sling, this is where it would naturally fall.

>> No.7551955
File: 349 KB, 591x1080, Export (6 of 6) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a more "dynamic" pose for rifle shooting.

>> No.7551966

Wow thanks so much! This will really help. I had someone who served in the army show me once, but I just couldn't get the proper grip on it. Need to practice my poses now.

>> No.7551972

you're awesome and this is super helpful. Post it in the pose thread too!

>> No.7551995
File: 94 KB, 676x581, 1364977964322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to work on cosplay
>rain finally stops enough to spraypaint outside
>city sirens go off
>it's a fucking tornado warning

>> No.7552001

How it feels to live in the fucking Midwest.

>> No.7552009
File: 752 KB, 800x800, putin face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trigger discipline

I'm not alone in this strange land of frills and lace

>> No.7552133

Jesus, those arms. What do you do for a living?

>> No.7552426
File: 43 KB, 492x447, FB3LOMGHPRIE604.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Injector pump is fix and now the water is drying up in the basement. What a fucking mess.

>DO Grasp the gun firmly.

Mental image

>> No.7552578
File: 731 KB, 500x200, tumblr_meb5qjOuJx1rybdj6o3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have shit I need to spraypaint but the rain won't stop.

>> No.7552645


the rain isn't supposed to stop until like sunday

>> No.7552680

Oh my god I thought I could wait for a little break in the weather to throw down a quick coat but I left my tarp on the patio and it was pooling water. It's hanging on a shower rod drying now.
I have everything but this scepter done and it's causing me nothing but problems. After the con I'm throwing it in the trash. I swear.

>> No.7552693


do you have a garage? you could maybe keep the door open and spray, that'd give you enough ventilation

>> No.7552704

No, I live in an apartment. Hopefully in the morning I can get at least an hour of workable weather.

>> No.7552740

It rained like for a minute here; I'm like an hour from Chicago.

>> No.7552741

Hilariously enough, I wasn't even thinking about it while doing it. It's so ingrained in me that I literally have to force/overthink myself into putting my finger in the trigger guard, and even then, it's iffy.

No problem; if I had more time I'd have taken pics for sword poses and bow poses, too.

I sit in front of a computer and design things. I just have physically demanding hobbies.

When using a pistol, 60% of your grip is on your off hand, and only 40% is on your trigger/main hand. reason being, less internal muscle pressure means less possible tremor and thereby a smoother trigger pull.
To paraphrase everyone's favorite gun granpappy, hickock45; "I grip the gun as hard as the gun will let me"

Also, side note, when aiming at a camera, aim the sights at the bottom rim of the lens, or a bit lower, and look dead at the lens. It gives the ILLUSION that you are aiming down the sights, but still has that stark, powerful eyes-wide-open shot.

You could always string a tarp along, make sure it's angled downward, and aim the downward angle at the prevailing wind gusts; this will lessen the annoying FLAPPAFLAPPA. Or you could open the bathroom window(s), run the defogger/fart fan and spray into a cardboard box, in thin, light coats. If you aren't primering, consider getting/renting a airbrush; it doesn't use aerosol propellant so the smell is negligable, even indoors.

>> No.7552850

>the rain isn't supposed to stop until like sunday

It's better than Anime-ZAP! where there was a blizzard on Sunday.

>> No.7554050
File: 18 KB, 417x500, 1375459438108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything bad have to happen when you're so close? I've had a broken tooth for like 2 years now and it decided to finally reach its limit. Was gonna go to the mall, buy make up, go to an eye exam for contacts, and finish everything up. But nope. So pain stricken I had to take 2 Anicin pills which left me too tired and dizzy to move (cried on my mom's shoulder for like 10 minutes). No insurance and can't even afford a doctor. Unless I get some form of treatment I wont even be able to go outside my hotel room without being stricken with tear inducing pain. Couldn't even work on my cosplays at home.

Looks like I'll be wearing Quiet twice because there's no way I can finish my other. If I go to Anime Midwest I'll wear it there.

>> No.7554147



have you tried green? A couple puffs might ease the pain without reducing you to a zombie.

>> No.7554168

Nope. Nor do I want to. My mom said she'd try to get something worked out because if I felt the way I did at 4am today there's no way I could survive Acen.

And I was so looking forward to 3 cosplays. Is it abnormal to just wear 1-2 cosplays for an entire weekend? I still have my rave clothes, but I'll only wear that an hour prior to them both.

Also does anyone know what people generally wear to either specifically? I went to the one on Friday last time, but not Saturday's. Does everyone put on their neon Batman panties for just Saturday or are Friday and Saturday relatively equal?

>> No.7554173

Hey something good came of the rain. My plants have all sprouted!
And also now it's nice outside so I'm just about to finish all my shit!

>> No.7554182

I wish there were underground walkways in the area. I don't want to have to lug an umbrella around or get wet from rain in the wind or a cold. It'd be useless to get a taxi since the hotel's just a 10 minute walk away.

And I don't think Rosemont has a coat check that I could store a jacket in.

>> No.7554208

Maybe a cheap poncho you can fold up/throw away at some point?
My Saturday cosplay is Leif from Animal Crossing. If it rains nbd I got wellies.

>> No.7554221


Ah. I know too many stoners, I just assume everyone's game to give it a try.

I hear oil of cloves is a decent topical analgesic for tooth problems, but it sounds like you might have to go nuclear--real painkillers or something.

>Is it abnormal to just wear 1-2 cosplays for an entire weekend?

For /cgl/, maybe. I can't be arsed to do more than one, ever. I just treat the con like Halloween.

>> No.7554230

Yeah, I like that idea. Just get 2-3 to keep in my pockets or bag. Thanks.

>> No.7554238

Why not take 10 and sell the extras to people you see huddled under doorways ;)

>> No.7554248

Oh my god, that sounds adorable. I hope I see you!

>> No.7554253

2 seems pretty normal to me. thursday isnt really a dress up day because thats the day most people start showing up, and neither is sunday since most people leave fairly early.

I found it outstanding when i see people dressing up those days

>> No.7554264

>Ichigo's dad cosplay
>had to shave beard for sketch shoot
>had to cut hair for work
>will now just be a douche in a hawaiian shirt and lab coat

ah well, still works

>> No.7554284

Would Sunday be the best day for autographs? I wanna get Crispin's , Laura's , and Travis' autographs and the have them all almost back to back Sunday.

>> No.7554459

how funny I'm going as Isabelle on saturday. hope to see ya

>> No.7554506

The best day would probably be Saturday, especially if their signing is during some big event like the FF concert, Rave line, etc.

>> No.7554751

I'll keep an eye out for you!

>> No.7554852


That sucks! Well, I can't really recommend it for the WHOLE weekend, but alcohol is pretty suited to numbing pain. As far as the rain thing, like >>7554208 suggested, a poncho is pretty ideal.


It's always nice to see the foliage sprouting, but the rain is making me mad because I won't be here to mow this weekend. My lawn is gonna look like a bonafide prarie.

>> No.7554864


>mfw I don't have to sweat in my hotel during game 7

Oh it's going to be fun.

>> No.7555269

Gah, im gonna be doing a bunch of shit saturday. I'll have to look at to see what's going on when they have their autograph sessions thanks.

>> No.7555271

I work at a school and have to do any outside work like shoveling snow around entrances (when we had it) and now its weeding/mowing the lawn/trimming. It's not a large area by any means but it still takes me about a god damn hour or more. I was getting jumpy about it raining up where i live since it looked like it was gonna rain each day until friday when i had off from work this week. Was super worried that i'd come back to a fucking forest. People who cover our employees when they're off don't do jack, they do bare necessities. Luckily i got a majority done yesterday.

>> No.7555317

I hope I can get my new Vash coat done by ACen otherwise I have to premier it at Anime Midwest.

>> No.7555789

Hey since there are a lack of food options around ACen, what are some good Snacks I should buy from the grocery store?

>> No.7555793

I would recommend granola bars, chips, energy bars, water/Gatorade, basically anything grab and go. Also there's a food court in a high end mall that has like 16 different options. Its a 5 min walk southwest of the crowne plaza. Just another option.

>> No.7555801

Mac and cheese and ramen or anything you can make using hot water, soup etc. because even though not all hotel rooms have a microwave, pretty much all of them have a coffee maker you can use to make hot water. And having a hot meal helps alleviate some of that poorfag feel.

>> No.7555949


There's no end of food options nearby, actually (food court >>7555793 mentioned), but if you're trying to save scratch, I always go with sandwiches. Bring a small cooler (styro is fine if you don't have a reusable one) and fill it with cold cuts, condiments, veg, bread, maybe some PB&J.

Whatever you do, don't just buy a bunch of jerky and salty shit. Your head will explode by the end of the weekend.

>> No.7556366
File: 673 KB, 700x480, 1380557120076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from my mouth surgery that took a chunk out of my Acen funds because no insurance. Tooth causing me problems is out but oh god that procedure. Can't even eat but I think I've had a full meal just from involuntary swallowing blood and medicine.

Still got my eyebrows done and still intend on going to my hotel tomorrow. Hopefully Aloft has microwaves I can use because it's all soup for me. And pills.

>> No.7556664

finally got all my shit done! kinda bummed because i wanted to have some drinks and hang with people late at night but it seems like everyone im going with is super not interested in that this year. late night will be boring as shit.

>> No.7556793

so...got invited to an orgy...

well, damn.

>> No.7556803
File: 21 KB, 311x423, .........................jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw teeth situation
>tfw can't do anything
I think I'd rather have stayed in pain for the next 3 days.

>> No.7556820

> Chris Ayres a guest
> No mock combat

Dammit again. That's one panel I actually want to try.

>> No.7556832
File: 406 KB, 1365x2048, 10256481_637970176277231_656003106046989277_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're here.

>> No.7556884

^catching flies...in his mouth...

>> No.7556887

tasting freedom...while he dares...

>> No.7556931

ketchup fries*

>> No.7556936

I don't get it.

>> No.7556974

WWE thing

>> No.7556980

No that I get. Why change the lyrics to ketchup fries?

>> No.7556992
File: 66 KB, 556x350, 2manylimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's commonly misheard that way so its become something of a joke.

Same with Sheamus theme's "lobster head" and "too many limes" and John Cena's "apple dough"

>> No.7557003

Looking for hook-ups of the various kind.

>> No.7557004

Ugh the weather is gonna suck. I was hoping at least 70 degrees.

>> No.7557018

Meet me in the Denny's bathroom at 10pm on Friday.

>> No.7557072

My friends and me are going to drink and make fun of MM Rebellion one night. I've been looking forward to this after last year when we marathoned the entirely of PMMM and shittalked the whole thing.

>> No.7557224

FINALLY done with my costume. Sure, it's pretty basic and amateurish, but for my first time making a costume mostly from scratch and with only about a month and a half's worth of prep time I'm pretty pleased! I do know that I've learned a lot of lessons along the way, so next time I can do even better. I'm pretty durn proud of it. I'll see you goons on Friday!

>> No.7557244
File: 285 KB, 1215x717, Darius_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who is finishing my cosplay of Darius is finishing up with the details all day tomorrow...
the loop thing on the bottom of it wont be finished on time.... thats the only thing to worry about left and white hair spray... fuck

>> No.7557447

>wanting the con to be any hotter than it needs to be
what ARE you

>> No.7557524
File: 1.75 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to be at hotel extra early. Bored until check in.

>> No.7557528


>League of Legends

Good, you deserve to suffer faggot.

>> No.7557577

I'm just going to head tomorrow. This fucking sucks though that it will probably rain during Friday, and Saturday.

>> No.7557588

Thanks for advice. Snacks will be coming to ACen.

>> No.7557611

Is the meet up still on?

>> No.7557707


I'll recommend we reschedule it again though. Too much shit going on at 10 PM Friday night.

>> No.7557711

There will always be shit going on.

>> No.7557767

You've got a point

>> No.7557788


When/where is it currently scheduled for now?

>> No.7557795

The smoke detectors are laser sights. Vaping in your room will set them off apparently. Thanks vapecon from last week!

>> No.7557820


A big complaint last year for the ACen meetups were the meetup wasn't organized enough and someone didn't make a big-ass sign. I will not be at ACen this year so here are some suggestions.

1. Someone needs to take charge and make a big-ass sign.
2. Find a hotel to make the meetup more intimate. With the Hyatt it's way too crowded and too loud. Find a hotel nearby the Hyatt that will allow for people to talk with one another. The Hilton, Embassy Suites, and Doubletree are better options imo. I decided to move our Ohayocon seagull meetup earlier this year from the Hyatt bar where it was too crowded and loud over to the Crowne Plaza bar where it was quite and more intimate.

>> No.7557828

I hate myself for only recently deciding to attend the brunch... They stopped selling tickets 4 hours ago, gahh

>> No.7557843

The sign idea is fucking perfect

>> No.7557870

Let's get something definitive here with a list.

Roll call! What are you cosplaying as?

>> No.7557891

steampunk genderbent naruyasha

>> No.7557905
File: 142 KB, 810x540, kane celebrates by himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackhawks fan.

>> No.7557911


>more intimate

so we ARE going for an orgy, aren't we

>> No.7557917

Oh man

>> No.7557919
File: 125 KB, 600x900, poster_from_postermywall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to get glared at by everyone I hand these to.


Isshin Kurosaki.


What, seriously? Shit!

>> No.7557922

Already on site. Chilling by Red Bar.

>> No.7557927

Masato Inohara

>> No.7557931


Please be lying
but really what did you hear, was this from vaping on the balcony or what

>> No.7557933


Deets pls

>> No.7557935


It's in the Bad Ideas Hotel, in Madeup Lounge on level Spaghetti

>> No.7557936

Bring your dicks if people so desire :U

I wonder how a seagull orgy would look irl.

>> No.7557939

Colors spread everywhere; it'd be like you're on acid.

>> No.7557947

Just arrived about an hour ago. Just chilling in the Embassy until the erst of my team arrives

Feel free to say "Hi" to me. Just look for a big black guy wearing a Futurama/X-MEN Tshirt and a Chicago Bulls hat.

>> No.7558022

Nemo from Adventures in Slumberland Friday and Leif Saturday!

>> No.7558035

This on Saturday/Sunday.

Friday I'm just bumming around in street clothes.

>> No.7558055

About to be there in an hour or so. If you see a girl in a black & white dress and giant Dreamcast backpack come say hi!

>> No.7558064
File: 42 KB, 470x800, 10294462_761781537186472_2193483094272445616_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who wants to cop one of these for me?

>> No.7558073

Dreamcast backpack? That sounds cool.

>> No.7558097

anyone know a good place to smoke some green?

also FUCK waiting that long ass registratin line. ugh.

>> No.7558109

Wait a minute, isn't this where the exhibit hall is? Where is everything?

>> No.7558120

Quiet and Nami. I thonk I caught a cold from that bogus weather today. I just cant catch a break.

>> No.7558272

I'm about to head out there, got a real late start today. Excited for the stupidity and another year of Oregon Trail. See yall there, say hi if you see Okabe and Kurisu running around doing JoJo poses.

>> No.7558301

I like how everyone's tiptoeing around this orgy thing like they're, like, totally kidding guise.
Step up, niggas.

>> No.7558307

Oregon trail last year was ridiculous.

>> No.7558324


>> No.7558327

I know Charizard is bringing some bondage stuff to the seagull orgy.

>> No.7558432

Sailor Jupiter and Jounouchi.

>> No.7558540

Isabelle from Animal Crossing saturday and Asuka Soryuu Langley sunday

>> No.7558552

Thanks for reminding me. I need to clear out my HHA showcase for the massive flood of street passes incoming.

>> No.7558558

Firsttime cosplay. "Ironic" solaire bath rug shoulders.

>> No.7558563

i'm actually at 9 villagers and trying for my dear life to fill it my 10th spot with a dreamy before entering Absolute Streetpass Hell and getting a shit villager

>> No.7558566

I had Katt move in today. So I'm at 9. I have Kiki in my void for someone to snag tomorrow.

>> No.7558569

Who else is still doing last minute shopping for cosplay? Im still looking for yellow fucking pants

>> No.7558576

my friend has been trying to cycle Renee out of her town for days for me to adopt only ending in failure because Renee is the only fuckhead that won't ask to move so i'm looking in every nook 'n cranny heh for Renee or atleast Cube.

>> No.7558578

What about an ugly drunk loser
>/cgl/ standards
Let's be real here

>> No.7558599

I'm on the tenth floor this time. I still gotta style some wigs. And I forgot my 3DS.

>> No.7558641
File: 74 KB, 500x281, Legs are for bitches, horses are where it's at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Johnny Joestar

>> No.7558652
File: 88 KB, 492x700, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saitama from one punchman Friday and pic related Saturday and sunday

>> No.7558668

Where the fuck the room parties at? Its dry as duck right now.

>> No.7558836
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, JoJos-Bizarre-Adventure-Speedwagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7558845

I ordered my friend's ticket and mine. I accidentally put my name on his profile, but his name on his badge. Does that matter? Will they want to see my ID for his ticket?

>> No.7558849

They never ID for badges. Ever.

They aren't even that good about checking for them, and badge theft can be pretty rampant, not to mention that there's a ton of easy tricks for sneaking into panels (the ol' 2 badge switcheroo)

At any rate. You'll be fine. They don't have time to ID people and the volunteers won't rightfully care who the badge belongs to, because all it means to the con is that you are one person allowed to occupy one person's worth of space in the dealer's hall or at a panel or whatever.. not that they actually have enough room for all the people who show up anywho.

>> No.7558852

Damn, the con hasn't even started yet and I already regret missing a picture opportunity. I missed a Tomoko cosplayer because she was in a sea of homestucks and hidden behind an Attack on Titan cosplayer. I didn't realize who she was until she was long past. How far is too far to run after somebody?

>> No.7558853

It's never too far, anon.

Chase down that socially retarded, fujoshi waifu, Anon. Chase her to the ends of the Earth.

>> No.7558854

Sweet. Thanks for the peace of mind, anon.

How crazy are the raves, by the way? My girlfriend and her friends want to go to Hardcore Synergy on Friday. I've never been to anything like that so I'm pretty skeptical.

>> No.7558857

Haven't been to them in years, because the lines were too long, the music was terrible, and the room they held the thing in was stuffed to capacity, turning it into a giant oven full of sweaty underaged kids grinding on each other.

>> No.7558880

That sounds horrible. I guess I'll tryyy to endure.

>> No.7558952

Is there mahjong at ACEN? I've never played for real.

>> No.7559114

It's 5:30 am and waiting in line for those final fantasy tickets. At least my group got here and waiting under the covered part...

>> No.7559210

How are the registration lines?

>> No.7559213


The biggest one, that 21+ meetup thing from the forums that was supposed to last ALL WEEKEND, got shut down at midnight. Noise complaints. No longer have any idea where to party, I was gonna use that party as a jumping off point. :(

>> No.7559243

is there a WCS prelim?

>> No.7559269

My understanding is that they are holding the finals at ACen, so you're a bit late.

>> No.7559463

My hotel isnt letting me check in because im under 21, but they let me book.

What do

>> No.7559506

Oh. I got a room for you. *grabs room key*

>> No.7559522

*Sucks furiously*

I canceled it.

Might sleep in the car tonight and get a hotel for tomorrow so i can shower and shit.

>> No.7559530

Alright if i have to book out of walking distance, where the fuck do i park?

>> No.7559929

Oh my god parking has been so horrible here. I can't wait till Midwest where I can actually park.

>> No.7560046

Where DA meetup

>> No.7560151


>> No.7560163

Can't bump no more as it's autosaging. New thread: >>7560161