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File: 26 KB, 438x584, dream_of_lolita_wonder_cookie_jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7538560 No.7538560 [Reply] [Original]

Post pictures of bad replicas.
Wonky, smudgy, scratchy or just a clusterfuck?
Post them here!

>> No.7538593
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>> No.7538606

looks like every other dress laid out on a surface, though sugary carnival replicas are detestable. what's the list of grievances?

>> No.7538618

The bow is wonky, and the print looks see-trought.

>> No.7538836

Does actually one care if you're wearing a replica? it's about the fun, no?

>> No.7538845

There's no fun in lolita what the fuck are you talking about?

Also I think that non-print replicas are fine, just not print.

>> No.7538965

>no fun in lolita
>only hatred

>> No.7539334

>looks like every other dress laid out on a surface

anon pls
the seams and sizing are so damn awful

how bout you just join a penny collecting hobby and show up with a bunch of fake pennies
its about the fun, no?????????????????????????????????

>> No.7539359

If it's a print replica, I'm judging you hard. Particularly if you're one of those people who complains about brand being too expensive but willingly shells out money for loads and loads of replicas (I'm looking at you, Peachie)

>> No.7539386

asked about this a couple threads back, since I like to cite legality in this discussion:

can anyone link me the laws stating it is Illegal to purchase counterfeits? Other than in Italy and France I mean.

I have the laws citing that is illegal to sell and produce (for the intent of sale) copyrighted/trademarked material but not the ones stating the legality of purchasing. There is a bill attempting to be passed for New York for fines for purchasing, but it did not pass in 2013, and i'm not sure if it's stalled for 2014.


I do not condone purchasing counterfeits (under the assumption you do in fact know it is one) but I'd like the legal side for backup in arguments.

>> No.7540476


There's a big debate about the legalities of owning counterfeits within the BJD hobby.

You might find this of interest. Although it discusses BJDs, I imagine the same principles could be extended to print replicas.


(from 'BJD Community and Artists Against Recasts' on FB. I tried to link there but 4chan's being a dick)

My unprofessional understanding is that owning print replicas would be copyright infringement due to:

Violating the part saying importing counterfeits is an offence
Contributing to the purchase of counterfeits
Contributing to trafficking, even for personal use

And other parts I cannot be arsed to quote. Reading that letter about BJD, it certainly sounds like it's illegal to own recasts. Prints would easily fall under the same jurisdiction, I imagine.

>> No.7540745

It will never be illegal to own a counterfeit as an individual. It's more "you own all of these counterfeits and appear to have intent to sell and distribute". So anyone just walking around with fake channel isn't going to get busted because of the fact that you can just say "oh I didn't know!" and they really couldn't prove it+ it would be a waste of time.

Unless you live in Japan, no one knows or gives a fuck about lolita so you could open up a store carrying replicas and no one would bother you. copyright infringement would have a really weak case especially outside of Asia. AP, Btssb, IW etc aren't Disney, they more than likely don't have the power/influence/millions to bother with anyone who isn't a large scale producer(not talking oojia, I mean factory large). At most they'd send angry emails.

The specific laws depend on your area, but in the case of lolita you're likely fine outside of Asia.

>> No.7540878

THIIIIS, every newbie that comes into my comm is ALWAYS trying to justify wanting replicas with "but not everyone can afford a $300 dress, guise!!! What am I supposed to wear then??!!" Even though we have a Taobao news thread, second hand shopping guides and an active marketplace. You know, lots of things that are actual cheaper than a $100 Oo Jia, but lazy entitled pricks are far too fixated on kawaii prints, as if they were the enire point of lolita.
Though I'm not too hard on long-time members who bought replicas of their dream dresses, especially if they buy from brands directly now and then. It usually ends up with them being disappointed in quality and hunting down the real deal instead anyway...

>> No.7541262

ok this really does help! The language unfortunately is very hard to directly relate to the purchase of a counterfeit. Yes they do go into detail about the facilitation (production, promotion in regards to distribution of sales, importing) but nothing concrete in actually owning for personal and buying the item itself. But, this is great info and I really am glad you shared it with me as you can definitely use the points to cite the law as an indirect breach maybe, though the 'facilitating' part would mostly be in reference to the shipping/production/advertising side of it.
Well that's unfortunate that there isn't something out there like the law stating the selling/production is illegal, but who knows, maybe this bill to fine buyers in New York will pass and other states will follow. And of course, it IS illegal to purchase in France and Italy, so some countries do have rules put in place.

>> No.7541275

yes it's illegal to purchase, but unless you're caught by a police officer during the transaction they won't bother you for having fake brand.

But yeah, no one cares about obscure japanese fashion and they aren't "luxury" items either.

>> No.7541279

Can you link me the law about purchasing? My whole comment string is about trying to find the purchasing law, since I already have the selling/production laws saved. The above letter from the lawyer does not go over purchasing, only facilitation, production, advertising, and sales.

This will help me out a lot, thanks for your time!

>> No.7541294

Bad replica of an ugly dress with a disgusting pastel print on an unfitting black background.

>> No.7541302

which city are you talking about specifically?

>> No.7541306

I'm in the US, in Texas. The only state specific things I've been able to find is the New York bill in regards to fines for purchasing, which has not been passed yet.





>> No.7541311

and an article from a tx rep for possible solutions


>> No.7541316

and this is always as close as I can find, I guess, in the end, there really isn't a law against purchase, unless they can prove the intent behind the purchase is to sell. I guess that's good enough for a discussion against counterfeits considering a lot of lolitas do advertise and sell their replicas?

>The language of U.S. Code, chapter 113, §2320 for the current trafficking in counterfeit goods, which applies only to sellers of counterfeit goods, provides:
>In general—whoever intentionally sells, purchases or attempts to sell goods or services that employ a known counterfeit mark on or in connection with such goods or services, or intentionally sells or purchases medications, products, labels, patches, stickers, wrappers, badges, emblems, medallions, charms, boxes, containers, cans, cases, hangtags, documentation, or packaging of any type or nature, knowing that a counterfeit mark has been applied to a corresponding product, the use of which is likely to cause confusion, or possible bodily harm or injury, or to deceive, shall if an individual be fined not more than $2,000,000.”85

Unfortunately the 'purchasing' statement above still only holds true with the intent to sell, as the forward mentions.

Well, sorry for the wild goose chase, this is good enough I think though.

>> No.7541324

which is what I said earlier. It's only illegal if you intend to sell. They don't care about your fake LV wallet, it's meant to put more and harsher charges on the people selling and producing on large scales.

>> No.7541348

ah sorry, I've been going back and forth with a few anons, when you said 'it's illegal to purchase' without any other description, I thought you meant you had found a direct law against purchasing. Thanks, hopefully this NY bill goes through.

>> No.7541350

since a police officer won't be able to arrest you on the spot for witnessing a purchase without a law in place to outline that offense.

>> No.7542307

I love sugary carnival, but would never go with a replica

>> No.7542331

I can't wait for someone to post Voldie and a fight ensue.

>> No.7542333

I like Voldie, there's way more horrid looking replicas out there too

>> No.7542334

Fashion is a statement of yourself, if you want your community to see you as a heartless sleeze go ahead but you know there are ways to show that for free! :)

>> No.7542336
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>> No.7542338
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>> No.7542344
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>> No.7542353
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>> No.7542360
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I feel physically distressed.

>> No.7542432

What do you guys think of Lolitas who as newbies bought an oojia replica? My first dress was a chess chocolate replica bought from a lolita who was the same size as me and was reselling it. I don't want to resell it and its my first dress so I still want to cherish it. Not sure how I can still wear it though.

I'll post pics of it if you want. The girl made really shitty wrist cuffs to go along with it too but I appreciated the effort.

>> No.7542438

Same here. My first dress was a replica.

I'm a bit of a brandwhore now and I just don't feel the desire to own replicas any longer. I don't judge others for owning them though. I just don't feel right owning them.

>> No.7542441

Can this be a replica general thread?
I'm considering buying the Chocolate Rosette one on taobao and the Claudia rip off from Infanta. I'd like to know if you guys have EVER bought a decent replica.
inb4: I already know replicas will always be inferior to the original brand. I don't really mind it. I'm very ok with taobao quality.

>> No.7542453

I know a lot of people hate replica dresses, but what's the stigma regarding replica bags?

>> No.7542456

link to the taobao chocolate rosette?

I do like to buy the occasional replica but not really for lolita...I like to have cheaper versions of some of my dresses to wear casually to work, that way I dont have to worry about damaging my brand at work

>> No.7542457

Infanta generally has good quality nowadays. I have a few of their dresses which I ironically bought after my closet was already full of burando.
I didn't realize til after the fact that this one is probably a MMM ripoff: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Jacqueminot-bronzier-lolita-cotton-chiffon-cover-skirt-op4/823096_1490072826.html
But whatever Mana can go fuck himself. My most expensive dress is MMM, and I would say it's cheaper quality than some of my taobao shit.
I've noticed a lot of burando companies are starting to cut corners
>dresses aren't fully lined
>100% polyester
>made in china
Come the fuck on with that shit

>> No.7542460

I had a loris bag, which is a replica of the AP heart bag. After getting a couple of real AP bags I sold the replica bag. It's sturdy and all but the material is really different from AP's soft pleather. I still think they are a good deal though, especially if you want bags in many colors to match outfits.

>> No.7542472

This. Plus, I plan on getting the real Chocolate Rosette one day.Right now I do my own laundry and my wardrobe is so tiny it'd be always smashed in a corner somehow. Such a nice dress doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
The replica is up for reservation. I'm still deciding if it's a good idea or not. Link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w6759278-4883624274.3.mBihZ1&id=38149225346

>> No.7542558

You niggers killed this thread with your bullshit about the legality of replicas.
I don't even buy replicas, but saying "hurr durr it's against the law" is so fucking stupid. Nobody cares.

>> No.7542657

It isn't a MMM ripoff. It uses similar themes to MMM but is its own creature.

>> No.7542876

No fucking hugging replicas thread.
This was suppose to show what you might end up when buying a replica.
Not Oh where can I get this replica and I wanna have this replica.
Not cool.

>> No.7542896


>> No.7542898

Yes a bunch of squares for you too 🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩

>> No.7542910

It's as if replicas were drugs or something... "See kids, this is what you might end up with if you buy replicas!"

>> No.7542956

I really don't like replicas, and i hate when people go 'oh can we turn this into a ___thread?' No make your own thread.
This was obviously about the poor quality of replicas and showing some prime examples.
Not replica lovemaking. Sorry, so annoyed.

>> No.7542971

So I really want this:

Plus the Chocolate Rosette replica now. How bad are taobao replicas? Does anyone know?

>> No.7542973
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Innocent world on the left, Dream of Lolita on the right. That ugly bow.

>> No.7542978

That fabric looks like a trashbag

>> No.7542983

No one cares

>> No.7542990
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>> No.7542992
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somewhat replica-related, how do replica makers like Oo Jia replicate prints? Do they steal the fabric somehow?
Sorry for the newfaggy question I'm just genuinely curious

>> No.7542995

They get ahold of a dress, sometimes by buying and sometimes by borrowing

>> No.7542997


Oo Jia had a thing going where anyone who lent her a dress got a free replica in return.

>> No.7543003

I can't blame people buying a replica of their dream dress.
I'm not a fan of people who buy and wear nothing but replicas.

Then again, AP has pissed me off badly lately, so I have no sympathy for them in that regard.

>> No.7543011

What? I care? And having a firm backup of legality and citing actual laws can help change someone's mind (sometimes) when it comes to counterfeits. I'll do everything I can to have a solid defense when I'm speaking with someone on the fence about the issue.

>> No.7543012

How do you deal with unlabeled replicas? I know that Bodyline has a few replicas, but none of them are explicitly marketed as such. I'm kind of worried about buying an offbrand dress and having it end up being a replica.

>> No.7543013

You mean with their new site? if so I get it.
But I still hate replicas, and I would never buy a replica of a dreamdress, I feel like that would spoil it so badly.

>> No.7543043

you sound like those people who take the "you wouldn't download a car would you?" anti-piracy PSAs way to seriously

>> No.7543044

I did the same thing, my first two dresses were oo jia

I ended up getting the real deal for one of the dresses and have more brand now, sold both replicas

>> No.7543048

Once she has the fabric, how does she produce more printed fabric? I literally know nothing about the design side of clothing

>> No.7543063

she probably scans it in and draws over it

>> No.7543064
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My favorite replica.

>> No.7543082

there are...no words

>> No.7543083

>You mean with their new site? if so I get it.
I purchased one of their dresses second-hand, the tights are still available in their shop, only not for overseas costumers, because we can only order stuff that is still in stock at the online store apparently. So I write them and how I really really want to purchase those tights, and after one week I get a one sentence reply saying: Nope, you can't order it from overseas. Thanks for using our service.
This is really really poor costumer service, especially compared to other brands. People at IW and Meta are fucking sweet.

>> No.7543105

I would download a car actually. Yeah, I'm a hypocritical bitch.

>> No.7543114

If I could make copies of my car and upload them for poorfags to download I might do that.

>> No.7543166

What's wrong with it? It looks fine, other than the shinny dark brown fabric bit on the bottom.

>> No.7543220

It looks fine if you want to cosplay as chocolat.

>> No.7543396

If you're keeping it for sentimental reasons and are no longer buying replicas or directing people on how to buy replicas (ex. when someone asks how you got your dress), then I don't see a problem.

>> No.7543409

Stuff and thaaaaaaaaaaangs

>> No.7543411


burandofags in a nutshell

>> No.7543421

"hello officer, this bitch was wearing an AP replica. That shit ain't kawaii arrest her ass"

>> No.7543686

I would really advise against buying a Loris bag unless you intend to use it only once in a while.
I bought a Loris AP replica bag for everyday / school use and after a year it fell the fuck apart. I didn't keep anything heavy in there, just a pencil case, cell phone, etc. and the strap is about one use away from snapping in half.
Can post pics of damage if you'd like.

>> No.7543741


..............no one is bothered by the little scalloped on the (viewer's) left side going a different direction than everything else on the dress? It's giving me a headache argh.

>> No.7543818

Now that you mention it, that does bother the hell out of me. The fabric on the right is the right direction. The left is not...

>> No.7544036

You are dumb. There's a real reason to not support replicas. What isn't a real reason to buy one is the entitlement to own it. You don't have to buy a dress. You don't have buy the dress right now.

>> No.7544041

Were you kicking it around or something? I've had a Loris bag for about two years now and it's almost like new, and it gets used quite a bit. There literally isn't so much as a scuff on it, and I'm not particularly careful with it.

>> No.7544060

That sucks..

>> No.7544063

This wasn't supposed to be a replica general! if you want one make one, don't turn a thread that was never suppose to be condoning replicas into one.

>> No.7544079

>I can't blame people buying a replica of their dream dress.
That kills the point of it being a dream dress. Have you heard of self deceit

Mine could hold a lot of shit, then I took it for granted and stuffed a huge hard cover file in it. Now its starting to tear around the top. I'll just stop abusing my Loris bag.

Had it 3 years.

>> No.7544176
File: 69 KB, 280x373, RoyalChocolateDoubleButtonSalopette-brown[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh, actually, I can see too many things wrong with it. To start with, this has to be one of the more obvious replicas because the original has specialty fabric where the design is woven into it so that it's raised, like embossing.

The scale is completely off, too. So if you look at the waistband, you can enjoy seeing bits of chocolate being mutated because the waistband has to curve to meet the skirt, so they cut the chocolate squares into halves without matching the print. The same thing happens again where the waistband meets the top half of the salopette. The original doesn't have this problem somehow.

Then there's the colour. I have to admit, if you actually like this, you might be colourblind... the main body colour is an orange brown that doesn't go well with the dark brown ruffles. The white lace, on top of that combo, is just bad. There's two seperate colours of metal -- the buckles are silver and the buttons are gold. Altogether five colours that don't match each other. Practically nothing you put together with this salopette is going to look good, because the mix of silver buckles and gold buttons alone is pretty much a headache, add the white lace and brown ruffles, you're pretty much doomed to never look cohesive because your main piece is such a mess.

The original salopette only has three colours -- the main body colour (the ruffles are the same colour), the trims are a contrasting colour, and all of the metal stuff (both buckles and buttons) are gold.

I'm not against replicas, but on top of everything, there's the sideways fabric that >>7543741 pointed out -- someone has to have noticed that at some point, at least when they sewed down the gold buttons or took the picture. It really just seems like the replica maker does not care about quality issues since it's just a replica after all.

>> No.7544301

What difference does it even make? It's a fucking slow board. Threads stay around forever. Why should we have 2 different threads just to talk about replicas?

How I feel about replicas: I just don't fucking care!!! It's like abortion or gay marriage. If you don't like it, don't do it. You people keep flipping your shit over something that just doesn't concern you.

>> No.7544436

Yes say that when one of the brands shuts down due to losing to much money.
It's not like gay marrige or abortion, owning a dress or whatever is not a human right.
And if this doesn't concern me i wouldn't be in the fashion, I wouldn't care about the basic needs of people that sew the replicas. The people doing the labor but not getting paid. there's so much that replicas concern and to shut your eyes and pretend it's not an issue says more about you then me.
This is not a thread for finding and buying replicas.
Feel free to discuss the legality and such as, but leave your fucking 'b-but i want it anon'' out of it.

>> No.7544438

Both are fugly fuggo tier.

>> No.7544443
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>> No.7544445

atleast the real deal is constructed nicely

>> No.7544455

I'm guilty of buying replicas in the past.
To be honest, I quite regret buying them.
Not that they look that bad but I never got around to actually wearing them cause I feel guilty.
These days I rather just save up to buy the things I like, that is better for me than ordering something monthly that is mediocre or a knock-off.
The worst replicas have got to be DoL's though, that canvas fabric they used for the VR replica was horrible.

>> No.7544456

well said.

>> No.7544468
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>> No.7544479

Is that a replica too? I actually think it's cute
If not for the shitty bows and pink boob pearls that's be cute actually

>> No.7544483

The real ones are cuter, this one >>7538560 is pretty cheap since it isn't that popular, you could probably get it for below $100
The other one is more expensive but you could find it for $200 sometimes.

They might look nice at first, but the quality is crap. It's not even worth what you pay.

>> No.7544491
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The replica looks silly

>> No.7544493

Same here, my Loris letter bag has been kicking around for 3 years now and still looks great.

>> No.7544505

Yeah I wouldn't expect them to be very great quality, it sucks though because I do like the replica in the OP pic!
What's funny is I actually like the replica more because I think the color scheme is cuter, too bad it'd be terrible quality.

>> No.7544513
File: 45 KB, 250x333, WonderCookieJSK-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there's a white one too!

>> No.7544533

Maybe the rep was made for taller people? Which is by the torso is longer?

>> No.7544539

They all look off in some way tho

>> No.7544545
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>> No.7544555

>That sucks..
Totally, especially when other brands are so nice and have great service. It makes me want to order there again, while I dread ordering from AP again.

>That kills the point of it being a dream dress. Have you heard of self deceit
Not if they're still pursuing it. You can have a replica and still search for the real deal.
I bet lots of newcomers/coslolis don't even know they purchase a replica. So I blame the companies making money off of this.

>> No.7544563

Is that a tampon in the bottom right corner?

>> No.7544568

If it happens again, you should seriously complain. Other than that you can only really hope it was just a one time thing, a tired staff member or something

>> No.7544571

wow it is, I didn't see that haha!

>> No.7544572

I think it's a spool of thread? I had to really think about it though.

>> No.7544578

by closer inspection it might be a roll of thread tho

>> No.7544697

I think the system is just faulty and very unfriendly to overseas costumers. I mean, if Meta and IW can go and investigate for me, why can't AP?

Could be, yeah.. Why is there no tampon and pad print out there? Along with a cranky girl and some chocolate and painkillers, I'd buy it. Girl power!

>> No.7546214

It's crazy she couldn't even bother to use the same buttons as the real one has. They're literally just little conversation heart buttons you can get off eBay. Ribbons and lace I can understand replacing, but AP didn't use any special buttons for this one. You can see it's a replica front and center.

This was one of my dream dresses and I bought the OP NWT from comm sales, but a replica might be good to have in a different color and for daily wear when I don't wanna mess up my expensive (and white) dress.

>> No.7546745
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lol we don't care, be buttfrustrated all you want, you can't stop people from posting, you don't own the thread
>mfw watching enraged antireplicafags post

>> No.7546753

The fact that it's still not a replica general is surpassing you I guess?
Just know that there are more people here against replicas, and less of you idiots and this thread is not going to change. You will forever be shitposting because you don't have the brain to grasp why replicas are wrong.

>> No.7546760
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These bags look so derpy

>> No.7546773

I believe this was a custom design the customer choose all the bows/buttons etc.

>> No.7546774

>a replica might be good to have in a different color and for daily wear when I don't wanna mess up my expensive (and white) dress.
That's what I did. I got my Dream Sky salopette and it's my favorite article of clothing (casual wear, not lolita), but that makes me paranoid about wearing it too often. In an Aliexpress thread way back when, someone posted a listing for Dream Sky salopette replicas and I wear that one with no fear because it's just a cheap replica. All the while the real thing sits in my room pretty much as a burando badge.

>> No.7546778
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not sure why the print looks like it's a winter wonder land instead of candy

>> No.7546794
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>you don't own the thread

Are you 12?

As stated earlier, just create your own thread for support of replicas and then bitch at anyone who raises a stink there.

>> No.7546795

Has anyone ever received a replica believing that they bought the real thing? Whenever I buy an item with existing replicas I get super nervous that I am maybe getting scammed.

>> No.7547274

Maybe we want to wear it when we're cute and not when we're 80.

>> No.7547553

Are you serious
If you own more than 3 replicas you can afford brand, it's not that expensive

>> No.7547567
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and yet they are continuing to post, wow, looks like you're not stopping them!

>> No.7547582

It's about value for money. That's three dresses in lieu of one, anon, and the point that you're trying to make is irrelevant.

>> No.7547610

Please tell me this was a custom size for a fattychan.

>> No.7547749

You shouldn't be in this fashion tbh

>> No.7547752

Having one brand dress does not a lolita make.

At least three replicas can be cosnidered 'a wardrobe'.

>> No.7547753

There's like 3 of you and you are the most vocal one, you got shot down and instead of taking the high road and create your own thread you act butthurt and still try to change this thread. It's really stupid.
I can obviously not stop idiots from posting but you my friend are the one trying to change this in the first place. Just leave instead.

>> No.7547755

A shitty wardrobe, buy indie instead. Or bodyline.

>> No.7547773

Places to buy brand cheap and/or secondhand;

You can fucking afford brand.

>> No.7547792

there's also miss-harajuku.com

>> No.7547793


Bodyline is 90% shit too though.

>> No.7547797

It's great for shoes

>> No.7547821

>It's about value for money. That's three dresses in lieu of one, anon, and the point that you're trying to make is irrelevant.
Yeah but its one extremely high quality dress that is well made in lieu of 3 terrible quality dresses, anon, ripped off of beautiful designs but instead of being high quality they have terrible colors, terrible print quality, a terrible sewing job, and terrible smells and stains sewn by an underpaid chinese worker

>> No.7547825

Anon have probably never held brand in their hands, even my parents (who thought lolita was a waste of money) agree that they are indeed worth what you pay.

>> No.7547834

For the same price as a replica, you could buy a used brand piece, possibly even more than one. It won't be the latest print, but at least it'll be well-made with decent fabrics and not some hiddy wrinkled sack with faded colors and a skirt that isn't poofy enough. You could also for the same price get something nice from Taobao, a lot of Taobao stores have even started making their own prints, and some can do custom sizing.

>> No.7547837

I have some brand(no replicas, some taobao indie brand though), and I can't say they're worth hundreds new. Some dresses yes, but from what I've seen there are plently of dresses that you're really only paying for the brand name. Especially with prints(and some of baby and ap's more simple non-prints excluding velvet dresses). The majority are "nice mall brand tier", especially when you get to the more simplistic designs. The materials generally aren't something to write home about, and niether is complexity. Though VM and MM seem to be really consistant in terms of complexity and quality.

Quality varies a lot, brand=/=well made lolita or not. Generally they're made decent or better, but hardly always.

Same with ETC stuff. It's all very cute, but I haven't seen many dresses that look like they should be priced so high, especially used. They're usually unlined and the materials and tailoring are standard.

>> No.7547842

You don't pay for the name.You pay for the custom print/lace and you pay the workers what they should have.

>> No.7547843

I wouldn't consider custom lace and a cute print to be the majority of something "being worth what you pay"
Also the prints are a way of showing off the brandname. Not strictly the label.

A truly luxurious/well made item would focus on the materials and construction.

>> No.7547850

Brand lolita, like all high fashion garments, is still made by sweatshot workers who get a dollar a day.

Misako sleeps on a 6-foot deep bed of manwhores.

>> No.7547851

I never said it was a luxurious item, if every shop would actually way their workers etc, prices would go up alot.
And with a closet full of brand, I do think the prints and the lace is worth the money.
You don't get the same syuff from regular places.
And angelic pretty do constuct their dresses in a beautiful manner.

>> No.7547853


>> No.7547856

If that were the case they would have a poor constuction, and a cheap price.
Lolita isn't 'high fashion' they are all rather smal companies in a niche fashion.

>> No.7547862
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It recently occurred to me that most print replicas are AP replicas. Is there a reason for this beyond the fact that AP's particular style is most hyped by (newbie) sweet lolitas? Is it the easiest to replicate?
I've seen so many bad replicas of classic AP prints that I could never own/wear any of them.

>> No.7547872

There's actually a short documentary from Baby that shows where some of their dresses are made by middle aged ladies in a little factory in Japan. So I'm pretty sure that most people involved in production are at least getting minimum wage.

>> No.7547876


Eh. You're all slowly deviating the topic. The argument is that although replicas are 1/3 the price of the original dress, the replica is usually badly sewn, low quality fabric, has print issues, and other shortcomings, so they're not even worth the 1/3 price. Looks at the replicas in this thread, if these were mall dresses, would you pay 100usd for them?

As to whether original burando is worth the original price, that's a wholly different debate.

It's the hype. I post a bunch of different things on my tumblr, and I've noticed that the latest AP prints always get the most reblogs, a hurriedly photographed box opening post of a fairly hyped up recent AP print will get hundreds of notes almost overnight whereas a carefully composed outfit shot with other brands gets a lot less.

>> No.7547878
File: 31 KB, 660x940, 2a7f8a9d-c2be-4fca-bcf7-c76507072fa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow girl, where are you shopping where there's low-priced new clothing that has as many construction details and custom fabrics/laces as lolita? What do you consider "nice mall brand tier"? Like J Crew?
When I compare clothing of similar price points to lolita we..... for example, this T by Alexander Wang basic-ass polyester dress is $300. IMO a $300 lolita dress is a lot better value.
In addition, of course you're not paying just for the construction and materials of the clothing, there's also overhead like advertising, paying staff, paying rent for office space & stores, utilities, insurance, events, novelty items, and so on.

>> No.7547882
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>I wouldn't consider custom lace and a cute print to be the majority of something "being worth what you pay"

Do you even know how much this shit costs?

>Also the prints are a way of showing off the
brandname. Not strictly the label.

Often the name is so small you cannot even read it from a shorter distance. Not to mention it doesn't even matter. Who the hell cares if there is an "Angelic Pretty" logo all over my clothes? Maybe a small amount who know the fashion, otherwise it is pretty irrelevant.

>A truly luxurious/well made item would focus on the materials and construction.

Most high end brands also focus on showing off the brandname or signature features (thing ablut Louboutins red sole, or the Burberry tartan), and/or the exclusivity reflected in a high price, low production numbers or long waiting lists for an item. And often produce in sweatshops too.

You do not seem to understand much about economy, especially that of such a small niche market like Lolita anyway and you are also probably one of the persons who think it's completly normal and okay to pay 10$ for a T-shirt without thinking why most clothes today can be so incredible cheap. Maybe sit down for five minutes and try to think about some basic stuff before spouting such nonsense.

>> No.7547889
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>> No.7547994

I actually was referring to dresses that are rare/hard to get a hold of. Not everyone buys dresses to sell them.

>I'm never going to find my dream dress.

>> No.7548006

What's your dream dress?
I have gotten a hold of two of them, because I waited.

>> No.7548009

>all this elitism
What if you don't actually want to be a cunty lolita and just think a replica is cute and buy it? I just think some lolita dresses are cute but am not a lolita, so I have 3 brand dresses and 2 replicas and honestly I don't see why lolitas are so shitty about it all, if someone wants to buy a lower quality replica why not just let them get it?
The original dress is already sold out anyways so it's not hurting the original brand's profits from that dress and not everyone can even find the original dress if they wanted it secondhand.
As long as people aren't saying replicas are better than the original dresses or the same quality, who cares?

>> No.7548013
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>> No.7548015

>not understanding art theft
>not understanding these people make money on someone elses art
>thinking it's elitist to have a brain

>> No.7548020

You should wait, if you get that in a replica you will be so dissapointed

>> No.7548026

I'm just saying if I have to option for replica, I'll buy it and still buy the real thing if I ever find it. I'm not going to wait forever.

>> No.7548029

>The original dress is already sold out anyways

Except that's often not the case. Replicas have even been released before the official brand release.

>it's not hurting the original brand's profits from that dress

Except it does as it takes sales away from the dress when it hasn't sold out. It also taints the brand's name and the print. I hate many prints and cuts now after seeing so many shitty replicas.

>not everyone can even find the original dress if they wanted it secondhand

The dresses that are most commonly replicated are the ones that are easiest to find for the most part.

It sure feels like summer has come early this year.

>> No.7548031

Don't try, anon. The antireplica-chans on here are SJW levels of stagnant, because they're such good people and you're not so you should just kill yourself.

>> No.7548033

>missing the point this hard

>> No.7548051

I really don't understand buying a replica of your dream dress. If it's really your dream dress, don't you want the real thing? I thought the whole point of a DD was that it was something you could long, search, and save for.
Wouldn't having a likely shitty replica spoil the dress for you?

>> No.7548063
File: 1.51 MB, 360x202, cryingggif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's art theft and they're obviously making money off of someone else's art, but they're going to make fake dresses and you won't be able to get everyone to stop buying replicas so it will always continue.
It's like how a lot of vegetarians don't eat meat because they think it's wrong and they want places to stop hurting the animals to make meats. The companies will keep killing animals and treating them like shit to make the food and you won't be able to stop everyone from eating meats so the companies will keep making them, you can be a vegitarian or you can be a brandwhore but the problem will still be there and won't change. It's wrong but it won't stop.
Yeah but ~pure lolitas~ like yourselves buy them and there are only about 50 dresses made in each color per release so they sell anyhow.
>It sure feels like summer has come early this year.
Oh hurr hurr it's so summer, someone who has been on /cgl/ for 3 years is a complete summerfag because they don't agree with me. Pic related

>> No.7548069

>it's wrong but other people do it so whatevs it doesn't matter if I do too

Nice job skimming over the fact that all your "arguments" were wrong. This has already been discussed many times and you sound like a total noob. If you weren't you would know that everything you said is actually wrong. You can wear your shitty replicas, but there are a lot of other options are they are indeed harmful to the brands.

>> No.7548071

*and they are

>> No.7548075

I don't save for my dresses. I just buy them if I like them. It's a dream dress because I can't buy it easily. Not everyone has the same definition of dream dress. A replica won't ruin that for me because I still won't own it.

>> No.7548076

Wow. You are dense.

>> No.7548079

>it's wrong but other people do it so whatevs it doesn't matter if I do too
Yeah exactly. It won't stop, so stop bitching about it.
I buy brand and replicas and it's just because the dresses are cute, this isn't some crazy or deep issue and the brands still do well. And there are only a few of the brand dresses, people can get a shitty replica if they want the dress because not everyone can have the real one and the real one will always be more valuable then the fake one. For people who don't care about flashing around that they're wearing precious burando it doesn't matter.

>> No.7548080
File: 59 KB, 319x640, s640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has no one posted the really horrible and sad Vampire Requiem replicas? The long ivory one that came out yellow/brown was one of the worst replicas ever made and that's saying something.

I found a few pictures but there was an even worse one...

>> No.7548083
File: 24 KB, 293x500, s5l9o4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sold for 75 pounds. Wow.

>> No.7548084

What was so dense about it? The fakes will keep coming and the actual brand always sells and all you can do is call me dense or a summerfag.
You sound pretty dense.

>> No.7548086
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It looks almost orange...

>> No.7548089
File: 85 KB, 640x425, dsc3591q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone willingly wear this?

>> No.7548090

The brands don't still do well, they are impacted by this.

>> No.7548091
File: 48 KB, 782x464, dream_of_lolita_vampire_requiem_corset_jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even lots of photoshop couldn't save this. Ew.

>> No.7548093
File: 125 KB, 500x375, 8377957065_353d92830c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sugoi

Just ignore it, she's obviously 12.

>> No.7548095

You contradict yourself, that's dense.
You say it's wrong but it's ok because everyone else does it.
That's dense.
Just because you can't stop it doesn't mean you should do it too. You can make the issue smaller.

>> No.7548096

That's like saying you don't have the right to free speech just because you want it. You don't have a right to anything just because you're living.

>> No.7548113

But moral this and theft that, anon. It's not like this entire board is full of rude things and people, it's only the theft of ART that matters. Movies and music don't count because they're not my special little niche fashion.

The biggest issues I see are that the replicas would devalue the real things on the resale market. But Dream Sky still goes for well over retail last I checked, and there are shitty replicas of it galore.
Also, I don't personally care if you can't sell your popular burando for the large price you want to because there are replicas of it floating around, sorry. It's probably not even the doing of replicas, but blame it on but whatever.

>I hate it when my burando is mistaken for a replica and that's why replicas are bad
That doesn't hit me in the kokoro and make me feel like I murdered a puppy either, so I still don't care.

>> No.7548116

Not the same. We are still talking about something illegal.

>> No.7548120

Who said we don't care about other illegal things to? this is a REPLICA thread, not a thread about the illegality of downloading music.

>> No.7548122
File: 92 KB, 1000x667, 1278098_562969620407361_2072423777_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aka everything Oo Jia has ever made you mean?

>> No.7548125
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>> No.7548131
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>> No.7548136

Freedom of speech also isn't legal in every country.

Reverse engineering isn't illegal. History is filled with people improving other designs when they sell it unreasonably high. Just look at the technology industry (APPLE).

If they fail at making a cheaper version (replicas are pretty crappy), then they get unhappy buyers and no returning customers.

>> No.7548139
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so faded, faded faded

>> No.7548141
File: 56 KB, 390x567, 600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets get some KStar up in here too

>> No.7548142

It's not the same still, how can you not get that?

>> No.7548146
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>> No.7548147

What is not the same? Explain yourself.

>> No.7548153
File: 90 KB, 500x753, DLJ0039-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't paying attention to most of the argument, but just base level ideas.
reverse engineering is like if you went and figured out a pattern for sewing a dress by taking one apart. That's totally legal.

Printing fake fabric is like photocopying and selling a book. Totally not legit. It's double-bad because brands are really small businesses.

>> No.7548154

It's theft! You can't compare it to something that isn't relative to that.
They are stealing from someone else and making money on it.
Stop trying to make it sound ok.

>> No.7548165

That's if they found the digital format of the print. Which I'm guessing they don't just post around online. If they do, they are asking for it. Copying the print is reverse engineering a design. What makes a drawing any different then putting textiles together. Work goes into each, and to recreate it, you do the same. You think it costs them a lot for the lace? They make the design once and machines take over after that. It costs them very little to make more. Yet they don't.

I don't think photocopying a book is bad either. Most of what you pay goes to the publisher. If the author wanted you to pay for the content, they'd make ebooks themselves and upcharge for marketing. Copyright is all ludicrous to me. If you can make it better, then you should be able to.

>> No.7548167

I was referring to your exclamation that people don't have the right to own something just because they want it. Your exclamation is irrelevant because humans don't have the right to anything.

>> No.7548172

They totally just scan the fabric of the actual garment. Hence why some of the earlier replicas had backwards words on them.

>> No.7548175

I'm not talkig about everything. This is still a replica thread and that is what i'm arguing against.

>> No.7548176
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>> No.7548178

And the result is crappy. So few people will buy it. I don't see the problem here.

Then form an argument.

>> No.7548180

Is that made out of a towel?

>> No.7548183

Let me help you here. Basically, people who make replicas sit down and go "well shit, I can't draw. I can't make anything decent that people will buy on my own merits.". So they go and steal the artwork (which has a following based on the skill of the artist they are ripping off), and make a shoddy copy. They then pitch the shoddy copy at people who don't know better to realize that the shoddy copy is really shitty for how much they are paying for it.

Replica makers aren't improving on the product. They are selling a dollar store knock off to suckers.

>> No.7548185

Just because you want a print doesn't mean you have the right to buy a replica. Since a replica is stolen art, illegal.
It's difficult for me to explain further since i'm not a native english speaker.

>> No.7548190
File: 132 KB, 1000x1333, 976821_580054198698903_828879723_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you underestimate human stupidity.

>> No.7548191

And this is a problem why? Cheap people will buy cheap things. Brand isn't marketing to cheap people. Getting rid of replicas isn't going to sell them more dresses. They already make a fixed amount.

>> No.7548196

You don't have the right to anything so right's are irrelevant. People can do what they like with their money, you can't tell them what to do.

You can't steal something that is digital. Stealing is taking something that tangibly exists, digital items like art can be replicated with no original loss.

>> No.7548197

It's a problem because it's stolen fucking art! can you get that this year or is that so difficult? STOLEN ART. S-T-O-L-E-N A-R-T

>> No.7548200


>> No.7548202

Okay you are stupid lol

>> No.7548204


why... what are those scribblings on the wall?

>> No.7548205


Except, they don't. Cheap people spend about $100 on something from Oo Jia. Brands typically end of season clearance out their less popular stock around that price. Fewer customers helping pick up their overstock means more caution when making new lines in the future.

It also impacts the resale market, which generates money to potential customers who are buying the items firsthand.

It also impacts the indie market, which has less advertising power than the major brands (which is what the replica makers are piggybacking on).

You are operating under the idea that everything every brand makes sells out. This isn't the case... AP sells out of their popular prints, but not their less popular ones. Innocent World sells out less than half of their stuff. Baby has a lot of stuff that also doesn't sell out. Meta too rarely sells out. consistently higher sales would also result in it being safer to make larger quantities of products, resulting in more inventory that could possibly be sold. In other words, it's not fixed.

>> No.7548208

Why are you in an expensive, niche fashion if you're a cheapass bitch? People like this are one of the things that makes the community look like shit.
This whole fashion is about luxury and beauty, and if you don't understand that and understand how that relates to buying cheap, poorly crafted, and illegal replica dresses, then I really don't think you should be here.

>> No.7548211
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>> No.7548217

I thought you wanted to argue? I'm willing to listen. Calling me stupid isn't an argument.

You think the people buying from OJ will buy items new? They'll always buy from the secondhand market, because they are cheap and don't think the original has the high cost value.

The resale market is inflated. I can see why the brand cares about the resale value so their customers will continue to have money to spend at their company yes. But I don't see how replicas impact the resale value. If it's a perfect replica, then brand obviously priced too high.

How does it effect the indie market? The people buying replicas are after certain prints.

If it wasn't popular, then it won't sell. Companies aren't going to make replicas of items that don't sell.

Why are you assuming I can't afford brand. I'm saying brand isn't worth the price they place on it. Just because most replicas are a piece of crap doesn't mean they don't have potential to be the same quality.

>> No.7548223
File: 283 KB, 960x1280, oojia-twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those bows. Those jabots.

>> No.7548236

Oh my fucking god, I never thought I'd see the day that they were posted on /cgl/.

>> No.7548238

If I have coordinates that I want to do involving a dress or skirt that I'm looking for for a very long time, I could get the replica in the meantime.
Also, when I go to meetups I don't always want to wear expensive brand.
To me, a replica is a nice extra, not a substitute.

>> No.7548245
File: 6 KB, 106x160, T1_fxWXhhBXXciDqoU_013546.jpg_160x160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think the people buying from OJ will buy items new? They'll always buy from the secondhand market, because they are cheap and don't think the original has the high cost value.

Not true, girls in my local comm who buy from Oo Jia also sometimes buy cheap brand

> If it's a perfect replica, then brand obviously priced too high.
There have not been any "perfect" replicas. Most of them are really bad quality. Bodyline items that sell at about $40 are usually nicer than OoJia's $100 ones

> How does it effect the indie market? The people buying replicas are after certain prints.
Not always. They are usually after a certain look and a certain size. Something that legitimate indie brands often cater to.

> Companies aren't going to make replicas of items that don't sell.
LOL. Oh that's cute. You have no idea. There are so many replicas of unpopular items, it's not even funny. I'm too lazy to look for a better example, so here, baby dress that is really easy to find second hand.

>> No.7548247


>brand isn't worth the price
>replicas have the potential to be the same quality

Yes, because its totally possible for a replica maker to put forth the time and money (!!) needed to find the exact same lace, the exact same ribbons and get the exact same print in the proper colors rather than a faded piece of shit. Replica makers don't even try to match brand, they're just looking for a quick buck with as little effort put into the product as possible which they know dumb bitches will still buy. I don't know if you've seen the video that took a look into Baby and what goes in to making their items, but they use quite a bit more patterns in their garments than is common AND they have custom lace up the wazoo. Brand is expensive because a lot goes into making it. Replicas and Bodyline are cheap because not much effort was put into their creation. End of story.

>> No.7548255

I never said you couldn't afford brand, merely pointed out that you're a cheapass if you're going to spend money on cheaper replicas that not only look bad but also involve art theft.
You think brand isn't worth the price? Support indie brands.
By buying replicas, you're just saying that you don't want to pay the company that made the art that you want. Part of the reason replica producers can charge less is that they didn't have to spend hours designing the prints that they use.

Also, for the cost of a new (or even used) replica, you can buy brand, as has already been said. Aside from new, super hyped prints and a few very old pieces (i.e. Puppet Circus), very few pieces are really *that* expensive. The only AP dress I've paid more than $200 for is Honey Cake, and my wardrobe has a few decently popular prints. I have three or four non-print pieces from AP, Baby, and Meta that all cost me less than $80.

>> No.7548259
File: 406 KB, 1280x960, oojia-bad-lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oo Jia

>> No.7548265
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All of her skirts look super awkward to me

>> No.7548270
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>> No.7548281
File: 358 KB, 954x1337, oojia-50inches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also really sucks at understanding how to make plus size garments. This has a 50inch bust and waist. A girl that size has got a booty. This needs to be longer.

>> No.7548282

I really don't understand people who own/buy this replica. The actual dress frequently sells for dirt cheap.

>> No.7548289

So she would buy the same pieces brand new? Anyways irrelevant because others like >>7548238 will buy both which is still helping the brand with stock issues. I was referring to the people who only buy replicas.

Exactly. Notice I said if. I didn't say they existed.

Then those people aren't doing their research. That's not something you can prevent.

So they make items that don't sell. Why is that a problem if no one is buying it.

What's your point? It is possible for replicas to be the same quality. I realize Brand should be high priced, I don't think the prices they charge are what they are worth however.

You're assuming I own replicas. You're also assuming I don't buy indie.

You can't make that choice for people. If they don't want to pay the company that made the art, then they won't. People will spend their money how they like. Spending hours on a design doesn't make it better. If you have no talent for design, you'll be known for copying other people's work. Why does it matter?

Closet and pricing is irrelevant. The secondhand market is simply to throw money back at the people buying new.

>> No.7548295
File: 152 KB, 575x1135, oojia-awkward-fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oo Jia not understanding how armpits work

>> No.7548299
File: 126 KB, 480x640, oojiawristcuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is a wrist cuff?

>> No.7548313

It's not possible for replicas to be made that are the same quality and still find buyers. Custom fabric printing is hell of expensive. That's why DOL and Oo Jia cut so many corners with base material quality and construction. They can't afford to make things the same quality and still make a profit. They don't get bulk material discounts.

>> No.7548321
File: 45 KB, 425x283, RMJ0011-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad screen-printing FTW!

>> No.7548335
File: 124 KB, 500x742, oojia-bad ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bodice is just no all around.

>> No.7548339
File: 249 KB, 300x400, oojia-haori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know. Milky planet thin cotton-like fabric haori because... who knows why really.

>> No.7548341

That only means it's not possible with today's technology. How are you so sure anyway?

And that just makes it so brand is the only option for good quality. So they can price whatever they want.

>> No.7548344
File: 43 KB, 450x750, oojia-fails-at-bows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever noticed that Oo Jia' waist bows are always awkwardly crooked and smashed?

>> No.7548351

"You" is frequently used in English to mean "one," as in "a person." Should I use German to make it easier for you to understand?

What exactly are you arguing then? You basically seem to be arguing for replicas because people can make/buy them, so they will. You seem to fail to grasp at why others argue that they shouldn't do so.

Also, don't say closet and pricing are irrelevant if you're using price to argue against brand, and I quote, >>7548217
>Brand isn't worth the price

Also, w/r/t making choices for others, sure, I can't decide for you to not steal, but thankfully the law can punish you since it is illegal. Laws exist for a reason.

>> No.7548354

Oh god I might cry

>> No.7548358

I've talked to some indie designers who have tried to price it out with various fabric printers.

Not really? Not all indie uses custom print fabric. You can make nice indie pieces with non-custom prints at a much higher quality that Oo Jia's stuff and keep the base line price low. There are other tricks indie brands and places like bodyline use to keep the price down, like using more ruffles and less lace.

>> No.7548371
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>> No.7548388

You didn't even use "you", what are you talking about?

People think replicas shouldn't be made or bought because they think it's theft. I understand that. I'm really debating that it's not theft, but others keep going off-topic. That's why I said your closet and pricing are irrelevant.

Could you please stop making assumptions and stay on-topic.

Sorry, referring strictly to printed fabric. Non-print pieces don't fall under copyright material, only reverse engineered.

>> No.7548422

Right, but there is non-custom print fabric. Which is legally obtained fabric that has a print on it. This is waaaay cheaper than custom-print fabric. Most bodyline prints are non-custom prints.

>> No.7548433

I see. So are you saying that people could buy those instead?

>> No.7548439

>Those blue shoes...

>> No.7548440
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Yes, many still do. The end product is usually a lot nicer for the price too. A lot of lolita who buy replicas are relatively new and don't know how to tell if something is good quality or not. Oo Jia and DOL and the other replica makers prey on that lack of knowledge by using prints they have seen to tempt them into making bad choices.

>> No.7548454

Well, I don't see how that's a problem. Misinformed people make poor choices. All companies are trying to make money. Our community should work to inform those that don't know any better.

>> No.7548468

Well, yes. That's part of why so many older lolita are so anti-replica. Aside from the replica makers ripping off artists they are fans of, they are ripping off newer lolita too.

But the newer lolita often react like "OMG! YOU ELITIST BRANDWHORE BITCH!" So it's kind of hard to really say anything, because they expect this mythical judgmental brandwhore to exist, so anytime anyone comes close to appearing like they could be this mythical creature they freak out.

>> No.7548504

It seems people will jump all over you for having an opinion honestly. I guess I'm less attached to a company than other people seem to be. If someone does it better, I will go to them to buy. A company is always a company looking to make a profit.

>> No.7548529


I hope you're not implying a replica could EVER be better than the original?

>> No.7548534

Brands aren't perfect. Just because replicas aren't better now, doesn't mean they can't be. But that's only referring to quality. They'd have the additional issue of no talent required.

>> No.7548546


If you honestly think that a replica could ever be better than the original then you are point blank retarded and you do not belong here. Its not even about the brand, its the fact that the original is always better. Its literally impossible for a fake to surpass the real deal.

>> No.7548563

Quality-wise, you are always going to see some distortion and degradation of the artwork when you transfer from a fabric print to a digital file because the fabric doesn't have the same resolution as the original digital file does. Sort of like a PNG saved as a JPG will never reach the same quality the PNG was. The only way to avoid that would be if the artist transferring the artwork was more skilled than the initial artist and could touch up the artwork to make it better.

However, if the artist is better, they would likely be better off making their own artwork and selling it because they would have a much larger market available to them; replica buyers are a very small subset of lolita.

>> No.7548572

Just because I disagree with you doesn't make me retarded.

I meant if they digitally made the artwork to be the same as the original resolutionally speaking. Just because it's difficult now, doesn't mean it will be in the future.

If it costs less and is exactly the same in construction and quality, in my eyes it's better because they found a more efficient way to produce the product.

>> No.7548578
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>> No.7548583

Are you fucking stupid? Seriously see my post:
>You think brand isn't worth the price? Support indie brands.
By buying replicas, you're just saying that you don't want to pay the company that made the art that you want.

YOU repeatedly took this to mean YOU specifically instead of the "you" as in "one," in an attempt to refute my arguments. Also, replication of prints is art theft, and if you don't understand that, then you're plain pants-on-head retarded and there is nothing I can do to help you.

>> No.7548586

Drop it, girl. I agree with you in many aspects but it's just a lost cause in here. It's not like /cgl/ hates replicas because they're taking money from brands or anything like that: they just love to hate replicas. You can't fight with reason here so you're just wasting your time.

>> No.7548602

Fabric has fibers and texture. There is a maximum quality that print on fabric can be because of the physical qualities of the material you are printing on. This isn't a bad thing that technology needs to solve, it's an intrinsic quality of the material.

So what happens is that the original artwork might have a turn at exactly this certain point. That turn in a line gets printed and ever so slightly changed because of the qualities of the fabric. When you scan it back in, it's not perfect, the line wobbles a little. So someone has to correct that wobble. Even if the computer correct it as perfectly as possible, you will never get exactly the same line in the source file automatically, because the printed material lacks that degree of detail.

It's not a tech problem. It's a difference between digital and print. It's not something that will be solved. It's not something that should be solved. Texture isn't a bad quality of fabric, it gives it another degree of interest.

In other words, replicas have a maximum quality they can reach, because of how they are made.

What you actually are describing, this making it better for less, is something that an indie brand could acomplish, if they were manufacturing on the same scale as brands without having physical locations to support. But that would rely on there being a market for it, which right now, there isn't a big enough market for an indie brand to get the same sales as a big brand without having physical Japanese storefronts.

>> No.7548605

But as I'm not against buying replicas, you're also personally attacking me for no reason as it is not part of your argument. I was responding to your assumptions that everyone who wears replicas must be poor. If you're trying to get your point across, it's better to make your point clear in the first place.

I already explained why I don't think it's theft. As >>7548586 mentioned, I'll no longer comment as people have grown tired of seeing the debate on the front page.

>> No.7548624
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>> No.7548675

You are one of those people to dense to listen on what any of us say so no u'm done arguing with you. A rock listens more. A rock is probably less dense too.

>> No.7548807
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Oo Jia still can't make a bodice.

>> No.7548809
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>> No.7548826

That's a nursing gown, in case you need to whip a tit out or something.

>> No.7548942

H&M and Walmart both have workers manufacturing their clothing in Bangladesh where the buildings are unsafe (2,000 casulties so far) and they only get aprox $95/month for their work. It is likely japanese brands are doing something similar if its not made in Japan. We would be paying Jane Marple prices if majority of the japanese lolita brands didnt outsource.

>> No.7548948

yes but what % of all of Baby's dress production are done by them? It could be a relatively small % while majority is still outsourced to china. The real intention of the video would be to deceive the public about how the brand is good for Japan's economy because it provides jobs albeit few. I firmly believe the old japanese seamstresses in that video only produce Baby's limited and pricey dresses, the $1000+.

>> No.7548964

Do they have a photo of the actual replicas instead of photos of the dress they're replicating?

>> No.7548970

It looks awful, awful colours, shitty fabric, shitty print, and in no way a decent imitation of what it's supposed to be.

>> No.7548979

Except you won't even look good.

>> No.7548984

Oh god, I'm ashamed to say but I had this replica as a newbie, and it was godawful. Jesus, I can't believe people still buy replicas when the quality is so bad. Seriously, love yourselves.

>> No.7548994

I own shitloads of ETC and it's all lined. And they have more fabric and detail than anything normal I can buy around here. I also feel the designers themselves deserve the amount they're asking for.

I think you're too accustomed to the price of cheap disposable mass produced clothing when ETC and so forth really aren't expensive by any means considering the custom designed fabrics, small runs and production costs.

>> No.7549008

Agreed. I don't think people realise the amount of time it takes to construct even a basic t-shirt.

>> No.7549018

Why do you feel like you're entitled to the item even though you don't intend to buy the real thing?

Why do so many of you defend your dire need to own someones stolen intellectual property just to end up looking like a walking piece of shit?

>> No.7549021

Replicas directly impact brand, and they ask people to not partake in it. Whether it be for monetary reason or because they're pissed off that some hack is trying to profit off their own intellectual property.

Have some basic fucking ethics people and learn to appreciate people's craft and artistry instead of treating it like the latest hot to go item to be chewed up and spat out.

>> No.7549028


>for people without integrity, if doesn't matter

Fixed that for you.

>> No.7549091

You're making up a conspiracy theory.

Here's the video. Everyone should watch the whole thing, but the factory shows up at 12:30

I've worked in a designer studio and factory, roughly the same size. We worked on smaller ready to wear garments, but we also made orders for other designers and companies all at once. The video states Baby's factory produces exclusively for them and their boutique sized orders, I'd estimate the staff does a majority of their garments. Look at how fast those machines go, it takes an experienced worker to operate too. Each machine costs thousands of dollars, they show a specialty machine for ruffles. I could keep going with the cost of making these clothes, but naw.
The sundress they showed them working on (http://lolibrary.org/apparel/some-day-ranunculus-lycia-jsk)) went for an average price. You can also see AatP clock print fabric (http://lolibrary.org/apparel/clockwork-aristo-kitty-jsk-i)) that went for a normal price.

>> No.7549096


A Baby employee dropped by once and told you how you can tell a chinese made dress from a japanese made dress.

The gist is, if you see a headbow included, it's from china, that's pretty much the tell tale sign

>> No.7549248

...is that literally just two dress shaped pieces sewn down the side? No bodice/skirt or gores or anything? How do you even fuck it up like that

>> No.7549269

All of Baby's cotton printed dresses are made in Japan (except lucky pack prints). Other pieces are made in either Japan or China, you just have to look at the tag.

>> No.7549612

Just because it's made in china doesn't mean it's made in sweatshops. A smal company won't use sweatshops, since they only do smal runs of their pieces. Why they are made in china is that it's cheaper (lower minimal wage), more upscale factories and more workers. But that doesn't mean it's a sweatshop. They get atleast minimal wage.

>> No.7549698
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Saint Mephisto being one of my dream prints too own, this always makes me cringe. It's not even just the bad lace, it's the fact that that print is not meant for cheap cotton broadcloth. Half the reason I absolutely fell in love with the original is the beautiful texture to the fabric.

>> No.7549708

Eugh. Does anybody legit actually make dresses out of broadcloth? It's so crunchy and awful. Poplin would be better than fucking broadcloth.

>> No.7549709

A couple of the classic brands do for spring and summer, but it's obviously of a much nicer quality than the poly-cotton you get at Joann's.

>> No.7549712
File: 318 KB, 1600x1203, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so surprised this one hasn't been posted yet; it's one of the most hilarious I've ever seen.
> I <3 TDF

>> No.7549715

literally just saw this on Ebay

>> No.7549716

I was referring to the replica, which looks like broadcloth to me. I highly doubt shitty broadcloth is a popular choice amongst legit dressmakers.

>> No.7549718

I make a lot of my Spring/Summer stuff out of double-layered poplin..

Am I worse than loli hitler?

>> No.7550396

When AP took a shit all over me with their awful service I was ready to buy a replica of that accessory they didn't want to sell me right then and there.

>> No.7550522

Probably. A lot of seamstresses aren't as good as they think they are.

>> No.7550545

That lace is so bad

>> No.7550585

Ugh Not only the fucking dress but what the fuck is with that girls piercings?
I'll never understand why girls wear facial piercings with sweet lolita, she looks like shit and its not even because she's fat or in a replica.

>> No.7552672

How do you feel about replica shoes?
I have big feet and can't find in those bruando shoes.

>> No.7553320

I honestly feel like you could buy better shoes from bodyline then replicas. Alot of people will argue that the replicas from ss are awesome and that they are totally the exact same shoes as APs, that I won't even adress since well that's stupid.
Just go with bodyline shoes or perhaps even go to a shoemaker and get what you want.

>> No.7553395

i dislike bodyline shoes because they're uncomfortable.
also bodyline has replica shoes fyi.

>> No.7553427

I know but I didn't tell you to buy their replica shoes.
SS shoes are some of the most uncomfortable shoes I've ever owned.. perhaps custom house shoes would work for you then, you can find them at clobbaonline

>> No.7553430

oh i'm not >>7552672
my best experiences were with montreal or this shop http://shop58746168.taobao.com/
i don't care if the shoes are replica or not though. i'm sure if you looked hard enough, the burandos themselves copied their shoes from somewhere too.

>> No.7553434

Montreal shoes kill my feet. It's like China makes the soles out of cement slabs. I feel like I'm walking on rocks after 2 hours.

>> No.7553438

Really doubt that.

>> No.7553442

I do think the best is to go to a shoemaker, with sketches of what you would like. They will fit you the best and will be well made too.

>> No.7554616
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>I might need this in my life, even if it is a replica… It’s not an exact print so it’s not as bad…

>> No.7554620

oh but it is an exact replica of a special SC set

>> No.7554621

The bow and that center stripe aren't aligned. Who does this?

>> No.7554646


I think what really gets me about that is that the centre stripe on the bodice is more or less lined with the one on the skirt, so it stands out even more.

>> No.7554647

It's a replica of the special set they released one year. You can usually get it for cheap on auction, because people don't want the version that doesn't have the horses. Check around and you should find it eventually.

>> No.7555205
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This is basically how it's going to look at its best.