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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7535704 No.7535704 [Reply] [Original]

Been a while since we've had one.

Post gripes, questions and horror stories about your comm, queen bee's and newbies.

>> No.7535727
File: 74 KB, 540x720, SOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Leader" of SO Lolita looks like she has downs plus could you imagine having a picture posted next to this walking disaster of a hamplanet ita. Such a turnoff to finally be close to an active comm and this is what I get.

>> No.7535729
File: 54 KB, 720x479, SOL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or with fatty so fat she can't open her eyes

>> No.7535737

Cadney is so cute in sweet

>> No.7535748

Can't stand her in Classic though it just looks very odd on her

>> No.7535770

I don't have anything against cadney, but the pose that she always makes her look like if she had a wedgie.

>> No.7535782

Lmao now I am always going to see that too anon.

I seriously though she was like 16 max first time I saw a picture of her in sweet I guess the style suits her

>> No.7535785
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Queen Bee type. The comm is quiet and doesn't like to make waves, so it's not really talked about much. Does anyone remember when she was all "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" She threw a small fit about how they wouldn't reschedule ILD just for her, then backtracked so fast to cover it up. She ended up explicitly saying that she wasn't trying to get everyone to do something special for her. The comm offered to do a second big tea meet for her, but she tried to guilt the organizer for not *including* her, even though she "did her best to organize most of the comms meet". For background, she's going to Japan, and comes back the week of ILD, and claims to be too exhausted to attend. She's a little on the entitled side, she even lives off her boyfriend's parents...but used to complain pretty publicly about how unhealthy their food supposedly is (portions, much?).

>> No.7535795

>Dem red cheeks

>> No.7535801

She looks like a pig.

>> No.7535886

I want to hear more about Brisbanes Community, I hear it's been a mess.

>> No.7535891

Seconding. Actually would like to hear about any Australian comms. They all seem welldressed and quiet. Who are the big names down there?

>> No.7535896

I'd love to hear something about the swedish community

>> No.7535967


>> No.7535968

Well a few of them have been on BtB recently so I don't know about that.

>> No.7535969

Anyone in particular you want goss on?

>> No.7536049

Vysanthe, technotropism, Xylia X, Alyssium baby, Milky fawn, Your pervert.

There are obviously others in comms. Sadly Brisbane doesn't really have any big names.

>> No.7536060

On what?

I noticed that there was one really creepy lookin' old guy at the Easter meet. Is he.. A regular?

From what I've seen of the Brisbane comm so far, everybody actually seems really nice. Maybe there's some sort of ages-old Loli blood fued happening behind the scenes, but as a whole all the interaction that I've seen has been friendly.

>> No.7536066

It took me a little while to understand who you were talking about. Oh anon don't worry about him at all, he's one of the girls partners and he is actually really nice. He comes to some meets mainly dinner meets (a few of the girls' partners do).

Everyone is really nice from my experience too. There is a little bit of behind the scenes drama but it's mostly old. Also someone from the comm was posting people here/on btb and trying to create drama but that's stopped now. No clue what that was about though.

>> No.7536071

I'd love to hear about the Irish community, apparently they're very quiet? I've only heard good things, so I'm not trying to dig up dirt per se, I'm just curious to know if it's a good quiet or a bad quiet.

>> No.7536074


>> No.7536075

Ah, okay. I just realized how terrible that sounded, but from the photos he didn't look like somebody who'd be interesed in Lolita and was sitting off by himself, so I thought that maybe somebody had just wandered over. Eep!

Hopefully I can make it to the Loving Hut meet and will probably try to drag my partner along; I'm sure plenty of people will think he's a bearded creeper.
>He totally is.

>> No.7536107

Whats going on in the NYC comm lately?

And what ever happened to that nyc/seagull comm we made a while back?

>> No.7536161

It's been pretty quiet after the Misako event, people got tired of the drama. There's been a couple events with popular lolita/jfashion people from out of state, big events like sakura matsuri/japan day coming up, but nothing's really gone down between or within groups.

NYCgulls kinda fell off the map, I was talking to Makilemore a while back and she's been pretty busy with college and no one else has planned anything, seems like it's gonna be dead for a while.

>> No.7536166

Nothing happened when I was there during Springfest NY back in March.

>> No.7536170

We're quiet alright, and pretty much drama-free. We just like to wear things and have the craic, to be honest!

>> No.7536375

Recently a part of my community has been having meetups without posting announcements. Some of the lolitas are good friends with me and I live nearby enough to make it, yet I'm never invited. I regularly go to announced meetups, though, so not a loner loli.
Does this ever happen to anyone else? Do you have any tips? I'm turning into a sadfag over here.

>> No.7536404


It's a lovely little comm. I'm a newish member, but I've never felt anything less than welcome at the comm. >>7536170 is right, we really just wear lolita and hang out. And it's very low key, so there's no pressure at all to go OTT or casual or in between, but the events are always fun as well.

>> No.7536412

Hey so, I got an internship in Atlanta this summer, would it be all right if I just swung by the Atlanta comm if anything is happening?

>> No.7536531

Most if the people who you listed have full time jobs and careers now, so their priorities aren't as lolita based as before.

The older members are stepping out of the spotlight and the new lolcows should be appearing soon
I feel Brisbane will get the spotlight this year for all the wrong reasons, that comm needs to get its new members under control.

>> No.7536544

That makes me so sad. She's really sweet besides being a bit stuck up, she never talked shit about my old ita outfits (at least that I know of).

>> No.7536549


Goss?? Don't leave me hanging, anon.

>tfw when loner oz loli and need to live vicariously through /cgl/

>> No.7536566
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What's the word on Chicago? I'm coming to Anime Midwest from out of state for the Baby the Stars Shine Bright tea party. Who is cool and who should I avoid? I can't think of any famous lolitas that live there.

>> No.7536578

I'm sorry but what is ILD?

>> No.7536580

International Lolita Day

>> No.7536582

International Lolita Day I'm guessing.

>> No.7536595

what comm are you talking about? there are two.

>> No.7536605

What is this gif from?

>> No.7536612

ashita no nadja

>> No.7536618

I'm part of a quiet but well-dressed comm down in Cork, is there any comm up in Belfast?

>> No.7536630

There's a comm in Cork? That makes three comms that I'm aware of now. Isn't that a lot for a small country?

>> No.7536735

Are those two Nebraska anons looking for a comm still around?

I made a new comm, but so far it's not going so hot. None of the girls have anything lolita, for starters. Not sure what else I expected.

>> No.7536744

Which new members anon? It'd be nice if Brisbane became in the spotlight for a good reason, there are some very well dressed girls in the community.

I sometimes think about starting a lolita blog but I'm not really known...

>> No.7536757

Are they meetups, though, or just friends hanging out?

>> No.7536873

What's going on with the Houston comm?

>> No.7536913

Anyone know how good the Ohio comm is? I'm finally getting into lolita and I'm wondering if it's worth it to join. Are they friendly, active, well dressed?

Or should I just be a lone lolita until I move in about a year+?

>> No.7536916

There hasn't been much drama for a while. Hopefully there won't be any related to Baby's model picks for Midwest (because there was some back when AP came to Acen). I don't think there's anyone you have to avoid. Our biggest dramallamas were a girl who moved to Michigan, and cancerscamchan who got run out of the community.

>> No.7536925


Well, an anon tried to stir up drama in the ita thread, and then some whiteknights took the bait, hook and all.

That was fairly entertaining from an outsider's perspective.

>> No.7536950

those knees highs on the left.
Also so embarrassed for the one in the middle. Was she homeschooled?

>> No.7536952

I actually like the bun style of the girl on the right. Her hair works well with her round face.

>> No.7536953

They all looked nice in the photo >>7533537 except for this one person on the right hence I believe why vandettachan posted it. It looked as if this lolita thought that wearing a cheaply made ballgown length dress with a Miku style wig is ok. I wouldn't call it lolita let alone an ita. Someone give this lolita some good advice.

>> No.7536958

So how is the SO/TO comm? Toronto loner here and I've been entertaining the idea of joining a comm, but a lot of what I've heard about either of them (are there two? I'm not even sure) has been a bit off-putting.

>> No.7536960


Ah, I missed this thread's ita drama. i meant the first one that popped up, where they were sitting around a table, then whiteknight chans popped up and accused vendetta chan(s?) of being sourpusses and dared them to post themselves. Or did it happen again?

>> No.7536962
File: 168 KB, 1168x1516, dokidoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Toronto loli loner here. We should make our own gang, anon.

>> No.7536967

Ahh...I remember that one.

Has the Ohio comm had any meetups more recently? Someone gib pics please.

>> No.7536972

The SO comm is pretty nice and chill. There was some drama a few years back but since then, everything has been fine. Meets are usually pretty fun and AN should be good this year with Misako and JetJ, you guys should check out some of the lolita events there to get a feel for the comm.

>> No.7536986

Do any of them dress well? I want to join the facebook group to meet people ahead of time but it's closed.

>> No.7536993


There are tons of lurkers (like me, mostly because I come back to IL every so often) just go ahead and send a request.

I think they're decently dressed. Of course this varies, but overall I don't think they're bad at all.

>> No.7537000

It's you and me against the world, penis-chan!

>> No.7537004


Ohio comm a shit.

Will provide new pics when I get home.

>> No.7537014
File: 135 KB, 500x375, 1386523868994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had more penis related images. Damn, why am I not more prepared for an event like this?

I have failed you, Lonewolf-chan.

>> No.7537016

I was thinking about going to the tea party, but it's an hour's commute away and I'd really rather not go on the TTC in full frill (partially because I'm a guy, but mostly because the seats are dirty as fuck). I should probably join the LJ group first or something.

>> No.7537025

I know >>7537004
Wants to dump all over Ohio but its not bad. Is everyone well dressed? Not always, but meets are generally fun and the people are nice and enjoyable for the most part. The only issues are the large influx of cosplayers and newbies that seem to be transitioning into the comm recently. A lot of the more well dressed girls all seem to have jobs or school that prevents them from attending a lot of meets. If you're looking for god tier coords at every meet all the time then Ohio isn't for you. If you're looking for friendly people and a way to explore and have fun with the fashion then it's a great community.

>> No.7537029

>Was she homeschooled?
What.. does that have to do with anything?

>> No.7537031 [DELETED] 

She's a dirty whore who fucks niggers. I can't even look at her without vomiting.

>> No.7537037

Hope you keep a bucket nearby at all times. This is cgl.

>> No.7537049

Will Misako and JetJ be at the fashion show too?

>> No.7537075

Some people think homeschooled kids are socially awkward because of it.

>> No.7537100

Hi Meranda. Nobody cares about your fat ass and batshit crazy vendettas, selling your dresses because you can't squeeze your disgusting white piggu fat rolls into them.

>> No.7537138

I'm tired of seeing 'Panda' and her shitty TX Lolitas Unite event getting posted on all the Texas groups.
She's a fat bitch with no style, and her event 2 years ago sucked dick. Who the fuck wants to drive all the way to austin just to see the capital and eat lunch? But she also refused to listen to any opinions beforehand on what she is doing for the meetup, and she doesn't even seem to go to her own comm's meets either.

Have fun attending that shithole of an event, at your own risk of course.

>> No.7537523

She made a weightloss motivational group (which helped basically everyone in it, except her) because she wanted lolicheerleaders for her progress (but stopped posting to it because there was none). She's very narcissistic, but tries to be careful because she craves e-fame. Complains about money for meets, but keeps buying lolita. She's very high and mighty, and doesn't take to criticism well.

She's not as bad as she could be, but definitely is selfish.

She pretended to be someone's friend to get to cheaper private sales from Japanese lolis, then trashed the same person publically at a later date. Scalped the dress set for $150-200 more than what she got it for then continued to speak badly of her "friend". She's fake, so I wouldn't be surprised if she trash talks you behind your back.

>> No.7537540

Thanks for your thoughts, anon. Since there's a lot of newbies, it sounds like I won't be totally alone. Glad to hear that people are friendly. I'll consider joining when I get tights to finish my first coord.

>> No.7537751

Those bangs look butchered to hell though.

Neither of the girls in the middle seems socially awkward and they both look fine to me

>> No.7537758

How to tell my comm I don't think babies are totally kawaii and appropriate for lolita meet ups without coming across as a BITCH. Our comm is in the middle of drama right now so I am worried I will get banned.

>> No.7537829

Let me know when you work that one out. I fear I will be in the same situation in the very near future

>> No.7537835

Couch it in terms that make it clear that your concern is also for the babies, and not just for everyone else. It's unfair to bring children to adult events, because they get bored and restless. They act out because they are bored and restless, not because they're bad kids. Even good kids don't want to sit for 2-4 hours in the company of a bunch of overfrilled grown ups.

>> No.7537873

I don't think my lolita comm is for me. I have only been to a few meet ups and some of the girls were really nice but we have nothing in common and have very different approaches and values in life... Even the well dressed girls embarrass me as they squeal out kawaii and memes or are such a hug box that they will ignore legitimate call outs and would rather a comm go to shit of over enthusiastic itas in millanoo posting non stop than to tell them to stop. Maybe there are a few potential good friends amongst the hundred or so but I have no idea how to get to them and sift through them as we rarely have big meets and what's the chance of sitting next to them at a teaparty.

>> No.7537875

Perhaps bring it up with a mod in private and get them to make a post about it in the group to gauge everyone's opinion on the matter.

>> No.7537877

The more I think about it the more weird it seems that comms even exist. I want a group of girls to talk about jfashion and be a fierce girl gang with but like why bother with the comm model when half are yet to learn how to apply make up and style their hair. I know I'm a total bitch to feel this way but it's embarrassing to be seen with them and I really question why they are in a niche alternative fashion community to begin with.


>> No.7537879

only allow them in if they're part of a dreamy baby room coord

>> No.7537880

I know right?
This is a young women's fashion appreciation get together not a LOOK WHAT I MADE session. I bet you 10 bucks that same mother would piss her bloomers in fury if you showed up with in a Cinderella carriage.
Don't hold your breath when the entitled BUT HOW AM I MEANT TO TAKE O MY BABBY!!? rant.
There's a time and a place. Bitches should take their kids out with other mothers.

>> No.7537881

Our comm was posted on btb this week for a not petty and legit reason, the post got several comments of people agreeing with the op and expressing concern over the state of our comm. It was fairly civil and not vendettachans and calling out uglyBITCHWHORES etc like btb sometimes does. This resulted in a straight away ban for anyone talking about or posting btb or saying anything negative or non supportive. I can understand the general idea but I think in this case others and I were echoing a serious concern and honest feelings and not being ugly petty bitches. I don't know how to express anything without others thinking I'm a big ol bitch straight away as our comm has such a hug box mentality.

>> No.7537885

The Melbourne community in generally is pretty well dressed. A few really need to learn to to make up and wig or hair properly though. It's a bit segregated however people are still nice.

>> No.7537890

From all the photos I've seen and the few girls from the melbourne comm I've met, I have thought that almost everyone looked fantastic and the people generally lovely. It's nice to know it's true. Hmm is it a Melbourne thing in general? I've never been to Melbourne but often get told I should go...maybe I will one day.

>> No.7537896

I believe we are in the same comm. While I understand that the admin's job is to protect the integrity of the group, how can they police the "no BtB" rule since it is posted anonymously? How will they know 100% who posted what?

Anyway, the members who commented on the BtB did so in a way that didn't disparage anyone, call them names or put them down so I am glad to be amongst sane, normal ladies. The newbies will learn (eventually) how to act appropriately, but what worries me is that they won't know what they are doing wrong until someone gently tells them.

Just take comfort in knowing you are not alone in what you are thinking.

>> No.7537897

Yeah I am really happy to have such a functional community after all the horror stories I've heard about others. Melbourne is a reasonably nice place, we have quite a few homeless, if you dress nicely they are more likely to address you personally asking for a dollar or two. There are a few rude teenager/early twenties kids around occasionally. Mostly it's very nice, people will always help if you need help with directions and all of that stuff. I hope you like cafes.

>> No.7537905

I'm glad you are in a functional comm. Most Australian comms seem pretty functional though. I wonder if you've heard horror stories about mine? Thank you for telling me about Melbourne, it was really kind. I'm glad it's quite nice. That is similair to most places in my experience, and the same with the rude teenagers although there are quite a lot here. Oh that's lovely. I do love cafes, and I have heard there is a fairly big alternative subculture scene in Melbourne is that true?

>> No.7537907

I think what irks me is how we were being rational and kind in our complaints on BtB and several people spoke up, yet it was straight away swept under the rug as evil nasty btb gossip rather than addressing the problem?

I don't think we have any real bitches or negativity in our comm, at least not that I have come across, for example there have been no posts about the new girls in the comm which I'm sure cgl and btb would have a field day with, only legit serious complaints and wrong doings. I know a few months back we got heavily posted on btb but as far as I'm aware that person and issue was removed. I feel like I'm being treated like a kindergarden student?

>> No.7537913

Girl complaining about the babies here, I think I'm in the same comm as well oooooooops.

>> No.7537918

I think it is mainly America I have heard bad things about. We used to, and still do, have a lot of indie/hippie types, although they are hardly counted as "alternative" any more, especially getting out closer to St Kilda. Goth/scene is daily popular and there as quite a few stores in the cbd that supports it, there is a dangerfeild right across the road from Flinders street station so a lot of them gather their. Also we have a lot of Asians so you see j-fashion on occasion if that counts.

>> No.7537921

Yes I didn't like the way we were basically told, "stop being mean bitches" because really, there wasn't that much being said that was mean or bitchy.

Up until now people have just been turning a blind eye to it. I know I have, because I don't want to rock the boat or to come across as a big ol bitch like you said. Also, since I am not an admin, I don't think it is my place to police the page for appropriate behaviour.

The girls have never been posted here, so the admins should have faith that we aren't out to make fun or upset any of the members. But the hugbox mentality will not encourage any growth, it just reinforces the "oh, everything I do is awesome" mentality, meaning they will continue to stay at that level and never improve.

>> No.7537923

Who brings babies/kids to a meet? Like SERIOUSLY? I would ahve thought that the parent would like some time to themselves to do adult things and have a break.

>> No.7537932

Legit discouraging me from the comm as I don't have any established friends in the comm and my view of it currently is a blind hugbox or over enthusiastic newbs and I don't feel like I fit in.

>> No.7537936

>Adult things.
>Dressing like a cupcake that was dropped behind a fridge in a house predominantly filled with glitter and small pastel knicknacks.

>> No.7537942

I was just thinking the same thing. I kinda feel on the outer at the meets. I don't have any friends in the comm, there is no one to buddy up with at the meets as they have already established friendships, I don't know how I'll be received by accepting the lunch date offers they put out and the hugbox sometimes feels a bit... forced? I know that this is just my insecurities talking, that the girls are nice & welcoming, but sometimes it's hard when there are in jokes and established relationships and you don't know how to fit into that.

>> No.7537945
File: 665 KB, 2048x1367, 10286998_693379007369974_7743357118799319474_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd stay well away from our alt scene, to be honest. They're more dramalicious than the lolitas. I left when the goth comm started harbouring a paedophile.

>> No.7537947

Don't be discouraged, anons. I've been in the same situation in the same comm and the longer you come along, the easier it gets to join in. They're a nice bunch of people, just make sure you speak up.

>> No.7537950

I think the mods are on a power trip. Did they even read the btb thread?

I think we need a mod election.

>> No.7537963

I don't think it needs to go that far. By the replies on the thread I'd say that they have read it. Probably what's going to happen is we all just smile and try to get along, like the good lolis that we are. Move past the posts you don't like and interact politely with each other at meets. Agree to disagree to keep the peace.

(However I will be giving people the side-eye at meets, trying to figure out who the like minded seagulls are)

>> No.7537966

I dont think we need a mod re election, just try and remove the fake hug box mentallity omg kawaii so cutee!!! mentality and try and act like normal critical adults rather than going lalalala btb and cgl don't exist and just for evil witches.

>> No.7537968

There's a very small, newish one in Cork, I'm a member myself but I haven't met many of the girls yet because I'm mainly up in Dublin for school, and I'm in such a nowhere town that's pretty far from the city when I'm in Cork, but everyone I've met is lovely and everyone else seems lovely. I'm part of one of the bigger ones up in Dublin as well at that's great too, of course! But I don't think it's really too much to have a Dublin comm and a Cork comm, I know myself it's a terrible bother to get up to Dublin from Cork and the surrounding counties, especially when it's only for the day. And the reason for the two Dublin comms is that one group is a little more into cosplay than lolita.

>> No.7537969

AND* that's great, whoops.

>> No.7537970

I share your opinion, but the same thing is happening in my comm. Someone in my comm even organized a lolita meet for her newborn child. She want to take the child to nearly every meet otherwise she gets mad.

>> No.7537976

Ugh. I can totally understand bringing an older child (4+?) to a casual meet once in a while to see the pretty fluffy princess ladies, but babies really have no place in.. Almost all social situations outside of those specifically intended for babies.

>Not buying teeny tiny Bodyline dresses for young siblings/nieces so that they can feel included.
>You monster, you.

>> No.7537977

Shitty parent.

>> No.7537982

I am so tired of the lack of construction criticism in our community or even just the absence of any discussions about outfits other than squealing over the print or how kaiwaii they look

>> No.7537983

Mom here. I would never bring my baby to a damn meet. That's not the place for them. Plus a baby would not enjoy that at all and I would just be a burden for everyone else. For fucks sake these women can't ask their boyfriend/husband/parents/even a BABYSITTER to watch their babies for a couple hours while they are gone?
I would just try to enforce an adults only rule. Or maybe bring it up with the mods so they can.

These women are just trying to show off the tiny humans they made. Some day they will realize that no one cares

>> No.7537984

I get that's what will happen but I think this is really where I feel like the comm isn't for me. Maybe it isn't just our comm and just the idea of a comm in general. I don't know how to get a feel of people as everything is such a forced hug box or make friends I can relate with as everything is fake sugar smiles sunshine. I'm really anxious and don't get along with too many people well, not because I am rude and dislike them, just that it takes a lot to feel like its worth making a genuine connection as I am a heavy introvert and I find most people draining.

>> No.7537986

Very ironic that an effort to be so including is making most people feel isolated except for the itas and the albeit well dressed, but massive weeb girls.

>> No.7537989
File: 10 KB, 175x176, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should try and get a tally of people disenchanted with perth comm and posting/agreeing with the comments here and on cgl so we can at least try and say that we aren't manic bitches and deserve to be instant banned and to sort their shit out.

Lol @ not even being able to talk about btb and going straight to a mod. Our comm is constable care kindegarden for the most kawaii ^___^ ever.

>> No.7537991

Me too, they seem to get a bad rap. That's great. Indie's/hippies are still nice. I do understand that. Is there a lot in st.kilda or is that more so where the other alternatives are? Oh wow, I heard goth was popular but I didn't realise it was that popular, I rarely see goths around, scene is more common. That's cool. I've always found it funny that people hang outside stores. That's fantastic, I think it makes a really nice mix.

Oh really? I'm not melbourne based just curious. That's a bit disturbing...why would they?

>> No.7537992

...I think the new strict rules is going to make someone act out and post several secrets to try and prove a point. I'm tempted to just post the rule change with TRY AND FIND ME but I feel it defeats the point of showing there is some ground between massive bitch vendetta posting and hug box comm page.

>> No.7537995

Who was the SS, Rosaire?

>> No.7537998

message the mods and tell them what you think?

>> No.7538003

Yeah. It was disgusting to see her sucking up and pretending to be her friend while shit talking her behind her back. Her last name is so fitting because that's just what she is: a big fat leech.

>> No.7538004

My thoughts were to post a whole bunch of relatively nice secrets, and then see what they do.

>> No.7538005

Can't message the mods without feeling like I'll be 'outed' for being a bitch. If they thought there were issues with the comm, they would've changed it, rather than going in the reverse direction of stifling honest conversation further and further cementing the hug box mentality and making everyone too afraid to be honest and give concrit or be a normal person beyond kawaii love n sunshine patrol.

They will probably read this or get it relayed to them anyway. Considering one of the mods is a proud member of the SO KAWAII patrol and didn't see the issue with what the behind the bows person mentioned, what hope do we have?

>> No.7538006

Can someone explain the whole perth comm issue I have seen secrets about your mod, but I don't fully understand what's going on.

>> No.7538009

Most of the bitching about feeling like the comm isn't right for someone, about babies, about ita's invading and no one doing anything, 0 constructive criticism, mods having a ban policy on mentions of btb, people feeling like they are left out and don't fit into the comm are about Perth.

This stemmed from the Btb secret which is I think is no 45 and was heavily explained in the comments.

>> No.7538010


No fucking idea, to be honest. He was openly posting about ordering lolicon magazines and expressing a preference for young girls on on the forum and everyone just... ignored it.

>> No.7538013

Loving how Perth comm says we must keep language polite and safe and pg13+ but then says no SHIT posting allowed.

I've never posted anything rude or bitched about anyone behind their backs but fuck our comm and its nanny state attitude.

>> No.7538016

That's really strange actually...it's weird no one reported it or said anything. It makes sense that you left. Are you enjoying the lolita comm beter? Also anon what music do you like?

>> No.7538018

Yes, that's us unfortunately.

>> No.7538020

I can understand how all of this would be an issue. It also seems very strange that your mods are so strict. Or maybe it's just my comm, that's really easy going...I mean the majority of the group couldn't tell who the mod was. Is there people in the perth comm who are happy? Are you happy anon?

>> No.7538021

All this talk about oz comms. Is there anything about Sydney ones?

>> No.7538024

The mods weren't strict, the ridiculous ban on negativity was a sudden decision, and an overblown response to someone calling a girl out for being very rude.

And I was with the comm up until now, it had it's problems but now I see how much of a mess it really it.

>> No.7538025

There used to be drama about all the seperate groups. There are multiple comms.

>> No.7538027


The loli comm's all right I guess. Lots of eye rolling moments, but less direct conflict.

Goff shit: The Birthday Massacre, The Cure, Depeche Mode, L'Ame Immortelle.

Weeb shit: Gacharic Spin, DOLL$BOXX, Malice Mizer, The Eccentric Opera, exist†trace, Versailles.

>> No.7538030

Thank you! I wish more mothers were like you.

>> No.7538032

Dumbest thing about Perth comm is that the blowing up about btb was a serious post calling out someone being atrocious, everyone was polite and friendly on btb discussing the post, and in the original post on facebook, one of the mods utterly missed the point of the issue and defended and cheered on the girl being rightfully called out on.

More or less just the current hyper hug box mentality blowing up and really showing how dumb it is in one act.

>> No.7538034

Same mod is also heavily pushing a newborn baby to attend meetings like what the.

>> No.7538036

I'm glad they are alright and that there is much less conflict. It's a shame it's not wonderful though.

Oh anon you've just listed two of my all time favourite bands in your goff shit section!

May I ask what style of lolita you wear?

I probably sound weird, I just don't come across many lolitas with similair taste...or people in general.

>> No.7538039

She is a nice girl and dresses fine but certainly the leader of the hug box and weeb patrol so I feel bad to ever say anything...

>> No.7538040


The mod was the one who first called the other girl a a brandwhore

>> No.7538044

That mod has been the centre of past dramas back when the comm was smaller. I like to think the older mods balance out her immaturity though.

>> No.7538047

I mean, it's good to have a comm that is a 'safe' place, as in there will be no snark or bitching each other out, but we never had that problem. We still don't have that problem. Reprimanding the entire comm over perceived 'shitposting' and 'slander' is a massive knee-jerk reaction to a problem that was never there. The secret pointed out something that couldn't be said on the comm page which in my opinion is what BtB for.

She has only ever been nice and welcoming to me. I think she is a lovely girl, I really do. I would have liked it if she could have taken a balanced view of what was going on in BtB.

>> No.7538049

What past drama?

>> No.7538050
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details please

>> No.7538052

This sounds like Rosaire.

>> No.7538053

I think Perth comm needs also for people to stop pushing their sense of humour on others. Regarding the stickers, one girl didn't like the word whore and took offence to it which I view as fine as obviously she is from a more conservative background and doesn't follow dumb lolita memes and jokes. I found the jokes gross not because I was offended but because fuck dumb meme comic sans jokes. They were awful and not funny and legit made me uncomfortable.

>> No.7538054

The comm seemed fine until the influx happened. I don't know where they all came from. Suddenly I log into FB and the page has nearly 150 members. Some of the younger ones are really giving it a good go, asking the right questions and showing a fantastic attitude. And then there are the others posting random bizarre things that no-one wants to comment on. Seriously, if you post something and it gets no comments/likes it should tell you something.

>> No.7538055

>because fuck dumb meme comic sans jokes
I'm with you. All the way.

>> No.7538057


> I think she is a lovely girl

She was the first to call someone a brandwhore. She was also commenting on a passive aggressive facebook status with the sticker maker.

It was poor behavior from a mod. A member of the community felt hurt by the comment that was made and all she did was brush it off.

>> No.7538061

Wasn't huge, drama may not even be the right word it was just immature

The story goes when she first joinned the comm she and another new girl became loli bffs, then they had a pretty big falling out over something stupid, I think it was a replicas vs. Brand thing. Her friend was big on brand and didn't like replicas but the mod only wore replicas at the time and took offense and lashed out. Anyway the other girl dropped out of the comm to avoid too much shit stirring. Then awhile later some dumb and mean secrets were posted and mods deleted a few people all of which were close friends of the girl who left. Being friends of girl who left and her friends who were deleted myself I know they didn't make the secrets as they didn't know about it till they were deleted from the comm.

>> No.7538062

I have heard her call herself a brandwhore. I don't think she is evil, I think she just tries to avoid conflict (this is just my opinion).

I have missed the post where the other girl said she was hurt and if the mod did just brush it off then that's not good. I expect more from a mod of the comm.

>> No.7538064

Granted I have only been to about five meets and I know she often posts about anxiety so I feel for her at times but given the new context I am okay to view her more harshly.

I can honestly understand her being confused with someone taking offence to brandwhore as she does seem not that smart in regards to critical reading and well yeah as mentioned, the leader of the kawaii weeb patrol. It's inconsistent however they are so against cgl and btb but don't see the contradiction with brandwhore.

While I can get the offence, I was hurt by the obvious shameful sucking up, the girl even said they were for her ' favourite super lolita cute friends' or something to that manner, and the mod in question loved that and ate the attention up, even gloating about being the only one to get two stickers.

Overall it is dumb and weird they are such a hug box and still so dumb to see how this was an issue, I guess the moment its positive attention towards them they lose the ability to think critically and about others.

I'd like an apology and for them to recognise the btb was about an honest call out and not us being petty bitches and perhaps remove a certain mod so maybe she can become more humble.

>> No.7538067

I agree she just tries to avoid conflict but I don't think that does much good for anyone when she is clearly an idiot. You can see it was HER posting in btb and she still utterly misses the point of the issue and is too deeply rooted in sticking up for her tacky sticker making friend because she sucked up to her.

>> No.7538070

This completely. I would really like to see some new mods into the group. Many of the mods are heavily biased/ignore things when convenient or due to other reason aren't really overly effective.

>> No.7538073

But who?

>> No.7538082

I think that if Bree was willing then she would be a really good choice. I think that even though she hasn't been around as long as some of the older members that she is very knowledgeable, respectful but knows when to say something, kind/considerate and friendly to all.

>> No.7538086

I don't go to meets often enough to know but this thread has shown that there are plenty of like minded people which if they were ever discovered, they could probably do the job fine. Someone that is okay with being disliked and strict in a way against noobs would be ideal, rather than strict against girls calling out legit issues. Also no hug box weebs.

>> No.7538095

Do we even need multiple mods? Like what do they even do. Surely if we somehow slowly eraded the hugbox mentality we could pretty much mod ourselves if we weren't so afraid to be called a bitch...

Like at the 4+++ mod stage, are you doing any work rather than circle jerking over 'important decisions' to be made like BAN BAN BAN FOR BTB.

>> No.7538096

My comm doesn't have a clear/controlling mod, and people normally post up meet ideas and if it get's enough response then they organise it and it becomes a meet.

>> No.7538101

The mods don't really do much at all. They seem more than happy to let people do what they please even if it is sometimes embarrassing for the comm. One example is like milanoo lacemonster pictures where nobody says anything. It's not even lolita at all!?!?! Rather not have people that are like la di da lolita but have absolutely no idea what they are doing.

>> No.7538102

We are now told if we something that is upsetting about us on I guess cgl or btb we CAN NOT POST OR DISCUSS IT, THAT WILL BE DELETED, instead we are to tell one of the several (???) mods who will discuss the best line of action. Kindergarten lolita pretty much. We are NOT TO BE TRUSTED to discuss issues amongst ourselves as it might not be all sunshine and happiness and it might involve calling out a mod and ita weebs who are being very rude.

>> No.7538109

That's a really strange situation to be in anon, I feel sorry for you I never realised perth comm had so many issues.

Again that's also strange, as if something isn't lolita you should feel free to correct someone.

>> No.7538110
File: 37 KB, 384x640, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit. We can always make an underground /cgl/ group to hang with when the Super Kawaii Weeb Patrol gets out of hand. We can have meets at bars and steak houses. It will be like Freemasonry but with nicer dresses.

OK serious now, I don't think we are going to be able to upset the status quo of the comm without being kicked out and I don't think anyone else wants the actual mod job of policing what is appropriate on the FB page. The page isn't policed because people don't want to be the bad guy. They want to be everyone's friend and for no one's feelings to be hurt.

>> No.7538115

I am just interested to know who some of the people that have been annoyed by the comm as of late are. I thought that I was overly bitchy but I guess that I wasn't the only one. Comm has really gone downhill since it went over the 100 people mark. Some of the newbies are great while others are *shudders*. I don't even think that I am the most amazing lolita but some of the stuff recently has just been BAAAADD.

>> No.7538124

How many 'before 100 members' Perthlolis are actually here?

>> No.7538128

I'm another I've been lurking this thread for the last 2 hours >>

>> No.7538131

Yeah I had to stop to go watch MasterChef.

>> No.7538132

Somewhat older loli.

>> No.7538138

Older as in 'been with the comm longer'?
>don't out yourself

>> No.7538140

Why don't you just ask them? Asking here makes it look as if you are trying to dig up dirt

>> No.7538142

Something like that

>> No.7538147

Another Perth seagull checking in here, just want to put on the record that I also largely agree with everything everyone is saying here.

I don't really know how the mods were chosen and am annoyed by that fact. I often find myself wanting to say something about things that have been posted group page inappropriately but don't find it is my place to not being a mod myself, and cringe when mods don't seem to do anything about it. I don't want to message the mods myself as I feel I might come off as bossy or mean.

From the last time we were posted on btb I absolutely hated how it was handled, I can't believe some people were so offended and defensive about the whole thing, it's like they've never been on the internet before. Haters gonna hate, brush it off and move on.

The mod we've been talking about, she's a lovely girl that makes meets lively and fun, but I don't think she has the right attitude to be a mod.

I'm so glad that I seem to at least be amongst a number of like-minded people.

>> No.7538150

Pre fifty and a main poster here and would kill for a bar meet up or shows. Fancy cocktails and good conversation. Anything new, teaparties and picnics are fun but cmon. I guess this is what I get from being from an alternative background rather than cons and weeb stuff.

>> No.7538153

Doesn't help that a lot of the under 18's would feel excluded. I don't really think that alcohol and lolita is a fantastic mix tbh.

>> No.7538155

+1 was thinking exactly the same thing
I think any one of us here seems suitable for the job if they were up to it really
Aren't the majority of people who come to meets pre 100 anyway? We just have so many new members.

>> No.7538157

I was well before 100 members.

>> No.7538161

I think that a lot of the group consists of lurkers. Another thing that the mods don't want to touch for fear of seeming mean.

>> No.7538163

I think a lot of us are actually pre 50. I wouldnt want to mod though, I'm curious to see how the place would look without any mods

>> No.7538164

I find it hard to attend most meets because they fall during times I work. But then again, most seem to be impromptu shopping trips or last minute lunch dates.

>> No.7538165

I really wish they had a Q and A for people to fill out before their membership is approved. It would help cut out lurkers and help mods know who might need a helping hand in the group.

>> No.7538167

I also don't get how some of my comm mods have been chosen, I have never seen two fo them in a full lolita coord. I'm pretty sure they just made the facebook page.

>> No.7538171

I know, I was having a look at the member's page an noticed one of the new girls isn't a lolita, has never had any interest in lolita and is now a member? Like, why are you here?

>> No.7538172

They did do this on the original lj page. Why not make it a thing again?

>> No.7538178

Probably not that different? The mods don't seem to do much, apart from the couple times btb drama has arisen and been thrown under the rug. Though I suppose the presence of mods is what discourages me to comment on something I believe is inappropriate for the group.

Would also appreciate a bit of variety in meets, though I'm not that great with ideas myself. Anyone can set up a meet though, I don't see why this has to be an issue. Just pitch your meet idea to the page and organise it for when is most suitable.

>> No.7538181

Just in general I think having moderators for meetups is stupid as fuck. It just gives people a false sense of power.

>> No.7538189

I think we should be able to have occasional meet ups without worrying about people feeling excluded. A nice fancy upperclass bar would be great, it's a shame pretty much every lolita I have encountered tends to rarely drink.

I'm pretty much a lone loli in the Perth comm and wear casual lolita pretty often and have eaten mdma in loli pretty often at parties with no issue, I just don't think I really fit in with most the girls at our comm as I often go out and party and going out is viewed as top 40 music and blonde tanned tacky girls and no one is aware of our great alternative scene.

I love drinking and I think it would be a great way to make new friends, especially for girls that feel like they are on the outsides.

>> No.7538192

I think that some of the newbs have a bit of a power complex too.
>>7538189 Would not want to take MDMA in lolita. AT ALL.

>> No.7538195

I think they're talking about how active the mods are irl. There's only one who I see regularly, the rest don't go to many meets.

>> No.7538209

I think we should message the mods and just tell them all this. Its not like theres just one or two of us, so they should listen.

Did all the mods decide to make the ban? Two of them are away.

>> No.7538218

Two are away. Sa*** isn't really that able to mod, S*****n isn't back for a while, A*** is really too isolated from the comm to mod either.

>> No.7538226

I think its because I don't view lolita as a very rare 'wow so beautiful dress' type thing. Most my clothes are of similar price as I mainly by second hand closet child dresses and I don't think spending around $100-$200 for a good clothing piece is that big of a deal and I normally wear pretty extravagant alternative fashion every day and I eat drugs pretty often casually, I've had acid a bunch of times, eat dexies most weekend, and tried pretty much everything at least once but you wouldn't be able to tell as lolita's are still hung up over drinking, let alone realise lots of people casually eat drugs and it isn't a big deal in any way.

I'm real happy though to see this thread turn out this way and hope it won't just continue to be hushed over and a change can be reached.

>> No.7538229

I just moved to Portland. What should I expect? I'm coming from a pretty active, but relaxed, although not drama-adverse group I like very much.

>> No.7538235

Continue on....

I live in a social circle where I don't know anyone that doesn't have pills at events at least monthly and it's very rare to know someone who doesn't do drugs or against them.

Different backgrounds I guess, very jarring though entering the lolita community and trying to always hide and censor myself to weeb hugbox mentality however.

I would kill for a bitching loli friend who has great alternative taste in music and wants to dress up not necessarily in lolita for silly hipster music events however so much but I don't think that's going to happen in Perth.

>> No.7538238

I love Sa*** she is an angel and honestly gold.

>> No.7538239

Malice Mizer and Versailles are amazing thank you very much. The Birthday Massacre sucks though, I liked them when I was 13 or 14.

>> No.7538240

Most of my wardrobe is lolita/alternative. Being a mostly lone loli inside the Perth comm lends to wearing lolita out whenever I can or feel like it. I don't wait for a meet to wear my dresses. I would like a lolita drinking meet down at Devilles or the Hula Bula Bar or some other fun place. I'm not into drugs and if I am caught anywhere near them it will probably cost me my job though.

>> No.7538246

I don't have anything against her, if anything I do rather respect and like her a lot as a lolita. I just don't think that in her current situation that it's high priority.

>> No.7538247

I am very fine with that view towards drugs and certainly never push them towards others, I was just using it as an example as to why I think drinking meetings would be no issue at all providing everyone is fine with alcohol and regualr normal drinkers or even non drinkers. Just be aware that there are some risks by going into a night venue but thats life.

I love Devilles and often there and that would be an ideal meet up, especially karaoke on Thursdays as just watching the karaoke is enough of a conversation starter to remove any awkwardness.

>> No.7538250

For example I have been in the Perth Community for years and never mentioned drugs to anyone and don't think anyone suspects a think.

Hula Bula is most likely too small and crowded though unless we booked a back room.

>> No.7538256
File: 429 KB, 2048x1165, 884586_430686757014424_1876940802_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our current community in Athens, Greece.
We used to have a nice, bigger one with lots of well dressed people, and also the occasional itas and newbies. Our old Queen bees were kind of stuck up, but polite and dressed nicely and would help a lot those that were interested in improving, like me.

Now everyone from back then has either grown out of it or gone solo. The new community is itas only and the new "Queen Bee" (middle in the pic), is Bodyline OTT sweet level, so it is like the blind leading the blind.
I'd like to offer some help if I could but honestly I'd be too embarrassed to go anywhere with them.

>> No.7538262

That's cool on the drug thing. For some reason I have an image of you in Miracle Candy popping some coloured pills and telling people it was sherbert.

>> No.7538292

Wow, that's unfortunate.

>> No.7538309

Has anyone in Perth messaged this to modds? THey have to be reading this right? Whats the chances of everything staying the same?

>> No.7538317

What the fuck is the leftmost girl even wearing? It looks like a 50's nightie.

>> No.7538322

I need help you guys. My comm is BS. I have a group of like 4 friends, the only decent Lolis in my country (I'm from a "poor" country). I dont' want to start drama, but I think it's about time we form our own group because we really don't get along well with the orthers: they are cheap, support replicas, post BS on the Facebook page (stealing images/no crediting, poor grammar and aweful spelling mistakes, they only feature the "leaders" and are selfentitled as fuck).
How should I proceed? They also believe me and my friends are brandwhores because we are the only ones who own some decent amount of brand. The truth is, we are kinda older (20's) and we work, so we can afford our own stuff.
Please, help me with your advise and thougts seagulls!

>> No.7538324

I think that most people are probably too scared to be outed as a meanie/bitch/secret stirrer.

>> No.7538329


>> No.7538335

The mods in my comm (Chicago) made this rule a long time ago. It surprised me but the ban on discussing secrets has been a very good thing. Whenever a secret was posted about someone in the community, they would post on the community facebook page threatening the secret maker. After discussion got banned, people stopped making secrets because they were not getting the attention they wanted. It may seem annoying now but it worked well for us and I am glad it happened.

>> No.7538340

Just start having your own meets. What are they going to do, call the meanie police on you?

>> No.7538342

That would be fine if our secret wasn't attention seeking and not someone calling out a mod and another girl over something sincere and it being swept under the rug and ignored and any complaints about the comm viewed as rude bitches. You know something is bad when there are this many girls in a small isolated comm gathering to complain.

>> No.7538346

meant WAS ATTENTION SEEKING woops *****

>> No.7538347

If you really wanna avoid drama, since you're so few, you could always just have it as "we're a few friends who like to do things together" thing outwards rather than "we're a different comm". And do meets like a "we're going out in lolita together today!" thing rather than "we're having a lolita meet-up today". And if people start going "WHY WASN'T I INVITED????!!!!" you can say something like "it wasn't an official meet or anything, we just wanted to go out and have tea!". I don't know how well it'd work with Lolita communities, but me and a few friends did a similar thing with a different larger group once.

>> No.7538348
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I honestly have no clue what she was going for, it has a corset thingie and a mini skirt that is sort of pencil?

>> No.7538350

Any real, honest info on the MI comm?

It all looks hit or miss, and all the MI comm members I've seen posting on CGL are here simply to whiteknight/defend their fellow members who get posted in ita threads.

Other than that, I don't know much about them.

Thoughts? Insider info?

>> No.7538352
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She seems to like it a lot though because she wears it to all meets

>> No.7538368

S*****n from Perth lolita here, I agree that this situation has really not gone over well and we need to rethink. Please message me directly and let me know your thoughts, what you want to see done, and any other suggestions, and I am more than happy to work with these/tell the other mods. Thanks.

>> No.7538375

Our thoughts are laid out here, the current mentality of Perth Lolita is too encouraging of hugbox for any of us to speak out as we are terrified to upset what appears to be the status quo . I don't think there is much difference between expressing our issues here and over private message. None of us have been overly harsh or evil here. Please take our views seriously.

>> No.7538378

How's Arizona's comm?

>> No.7538386

I think you should message her, if we know who are all on the same page about the problems in the comm them we might be able to fix it.

>> No.7538387

Thank you. Just want to say I'm happy to put my trust in you.

>> No.7538388

>being in Athens
>not doing work for Golden Dawn above everything else
I'm disappointed in you /cgl/.

>> No.7538391


>How is AZ?

A nightmare actually

>Tuscon lolitas attacking Dominique Brony Queen
>Phoenix lolitas going after some girl who is no longer active in the comm
>Older, more experienced lolitas gone leaving ita meets
>Mods have abandoned the comm except for Candice who lets everyone in
>Game of Thrones type deceit coming from one girl who everyone thinks is nice but posts everyone to cgl and btb

It's like Westeros here, stay out.

>> No.7538394

I mean I guess if you get all your news from cgl and not by actually going to meets and talking to people, >>7538391 might seem believable. But the reality is that it's pretty much drama-free except for little, minor bubbles here and there that really don't even last that long in people's minds. The only truth to that post is that there's a lot of newbies and itas and very few of the well-dressed girls left to balance them out, but hey, at least we're not Ohio.

>> No.7538395

It's really mature of you to step forward like this. Thank you.

>> No.7538397

>at least we're not Ohio
wth is even going on in Ohio. I keep hearing, "THANK GOD we're not Ohio!1!" but why?

>> No.7538402

If she is reading this thread then I don't think it's worth one person being known as a bitch, especially when we express fear that not all mods are on the same page and one seems super hug boxy and defensive. I hope you come back and read this or someone at least alerts you of this but here is a rough run down of suggestions.

STOP THE BAN. We are mature adults, please treat us as such. You can tell none of us are overly hurtful as we haven't posted about some obvious ita's and only got upset over what we viewed as a genuine injustice that was ignored and had no other platform to discuss it. Sweeping things under the rug may keep the peace but it leaves what this thread proves, A LOT of us isolated and biting our tongues. If a secret or bitching is obvious attention seeking, mean spirited, or vendetta, say that, but this secret wasn't the case, and this rule is very nanny state and not trusting of us or allowing us to organically talk through issues like normal adults.

Which leads into STOP THE HUG BOX mentality. This will be a lot tougher as it's so heavily ingrained and no one really knows where to start as we are terrified with being branded as a bitch and a meanie. I think the best way would be for mods to lead by example. Perhaps start a thread just for concrit? Next time someone posts a co ord, suggest the compliment sandwich method, ie two compliments with a suggestion in the middle. If someone just says 'look cute!!!!' or 'super kawaii' view that as not the best.

Try and tame the newbies. This is going to have to be tough love but maybe make a post to not treat our page as their diary or only 'photoshoot' posts will be accepted if they are seeking concrit. A mod will need to usher in a new atmosphere of calling a spade a spade, or in this case, an ita milanoo disaster an ita milanoo disaster. If a few mods and higher ups can make helpful suggestions to new members rather than ignore to keep the peace, hopefully the general vibe can change.

>> No.7538406

I am not sure what you mean exactly Anon. Honestly, most people in Athens wouldn't touch Golden Dawn with a ten foot pole. These guys are criminals.

>> No.7538409

continuing on

Try and encourage more posts from older members to try and lead the way. Maybe a review thread of indie and taobao brands or fun dress up mini challenges to include a large variety of people. A big complaint here were many people saying they don't feel like this community is for them and I think this wold be a fun way to break the ice.

MEET UP VARIETIES. When was the last time we had a big meet beyond a teaparty or picnic. I also know I have been scared to go to teaparties due to the high presence of new comers. A few here suggested a fancy cocktail meet up. I think that might go down well and worth a shot. A lot of those feeling isolated will be discouraged to suggest meets they feel they will find engaging as they don't have any friends in the comm. Again, if one of our several mods leads the way and tries out a variety of different meet up ideas, I am sure we can find something that will stick.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I think a lot of feathers have been deeply ruffled by this issue. I am sure it wasn't all how the secret was dealt with but the secret was very much a blow up of a lot of feelings and previous issues that should have been nipped in the bud. I think a certain mod should be stripped of her position, I don't think she is bad and I honestly think she has no idea she even offended someone, but that alone shows she isn't cut for the job. Several people other than me have elaborated on how poorly she dealt with this issue and very much turned a blind eye to an obvious issue as attention was being paid to her. In return perhaps mod up someone of a different background and isn't as hugboxxy and can try and inject some new life in our comm and encourage the lone lolitas to come out the wood works and feel like they have something to relate to. An apology would also be great from the mod's as a whole for perhaps not dealing with the issue the best but I am not sure how well that will go down as we still are very much hugbox.

>> No.7538413

Thanks for this summary, I appreciate your taking the time to condense everyone's views. I've forwarded it to the other mods. Thanks as well to the lolitas who have already messaged me directly.

>> No.7538420

What ISN'T going on in Houston? The HLC is always a mess.

>> No.7538421

going on still...

I am sure it isn't an issue unique to our comm but western lolita's as a whole but we need to try and stop the black and white thinking in regards to cgl and btb being bad and evil and our local comm being a magic sunshine pit. The way some girls so violently react to btb and cgl just make me think they post here all the time and are trying to cover their tracks by being so 'OMG ME NEVER I WOULDNT ITS A BLACK PIT OF NEGATIVITY'. This thread has shown several of us read this and are able to coherently express our concerns without being petty and evil and mean, we go here as we feel there is not space for us in our community to have honest and frank discussions. I'm sick of these sites being the elephant in the room but I really don't know how to address that and that's an issue I guess the lolita comm as a whole needs to slowly try and address.

Most importantly I just want to try and address realising we all stumble upon lolita in different ways and have different backgrounds and I think a lot of us are very discouraged when the main view presented is that of a as previously mentioned, constable care super kawaii forever hug box. Having meet ups and discussions which extend outside of this frame of mind, perhaps encouraged and started by mods to begin with, I am sure will make a lot of us a lot happier.

Alas I guess this is why I am more of a gothic girl than a sweet girl aha.

We don't mean harm and at the end of the day just want to make friends and I feel bad knowing people in our comm mentioned in this thread are probably feeling awful right now but we just want a comm to be proud of and you really need to question what being so non confrontational and sweeping things under the rug will do to our comm.

There, that's all my suggestions I think. I am sorry I can't send these to you as a message but as previously mentioned, we are pretty shit scared of being called out because look what you did over a fairly legit secret.

>> No.7538424

Lots of lovely ladies who have great coords, some good meets, some...odd choices regarding meet location occasionally, and a handful of 'what the ever loving fuck' with a small but noticeable part of the group. Overall its pretty good though. I'm kind of hoping there's gonna be another crafting meet this year, I missed the last one.

>> No.7538432

That is really goddamn short. Is it her only dress?

>> No.7538433

Definitely meetups, about 20 minutes away from where we usually have meetups so it's not like our community has a city-folk and suburb-folk break. The locations are easily accessible via public transportation. Supposedly these events are announced but I have yet to find out where. I don't think I'm the only one having this issue.

>> No.7538437

I'm sorry but you do know she is in the UK right? And considering the time difference, there is pretty much no chance that she could of had anything to do with the creation of the ridiculous ban.

>> No.7538439

I have no idea what personally is going on with the lolita comm but its bizarre that every hobby I've been in that involves a community has had some kind of intense drama coming out of Ohio. Is it a vortex of fuckery or something?

>> No.7538440

Stylish fascist uniforms. That is all.
Spoken like an immigrant.

>> No.7538444

Haha, well... I was afraid they would kinda "start war": say mean things, sabotage meetings, spread rumors and divide the whole lolita scene here. I don't want fights, it should be okay to have more than one comm based on interests/who you like or dislike. But thank you for the advice.

>> No.7538445

I've only just noticed that the meetups for my own community are not being announced, and instead being sent via facebook invite to people who already have attended meetups. Its rather weird. Not sure for your comm (unless we are the same one) but its possible there was a creeper who was following the announcements? It seems to be the case for mine.

>> No.7538446

Thank you, that sounds like the smartest thing to do. I'm going in this direction :)

>> No.7538450

A recent one (a week or so ago) was announced to everyone in the group but there have been two that have not been announced in the span of the last month, with the most recent being this past weekend.

>> No.7538451

Mod aren't the ones who create meetups, if there is a type of meet you like to see suggest it on the comm. People suggest teaparties and picnics so we get a lot of teaparties and picnics.

>> No.7538457

I explained in my post the fear people have and barriers they feel exist of suggesting meet ups. I don't see the harm in mods leading the way.

>> No.7538461

But how will they know what people want, if they don't suggest it?

>> No.7538465

Why should the mods take over suggesting meet ups? They don't do it now, so I don't see why they should start. If anyone wants a meet up, they can suggest it and it's always been like that. We've had lots of different types of meets and no one has been unpleasant about any suggestions. We've had some unofficial lolita meets at Neko Nation, so we're not exactly against drinking, if that's what you're worried about.

>> No.7538469

It wasn't a take over but an 'as well as' to try and introduce some variety and combat the fear the lone loli's have.

>> No.7538498

Don't reply to this person. It is the same person posting in every comm thread trying to stir up drama. They even posted the same gif last time.

>> No.7538623
File: 878 KB, 1944x2592, crest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like these are members of my comm, the older one.
We're in the Street Fashion Europe group if you're looking for us.

>> No.7538641

Damn. Just out of curiosity, do you know of anyone she's talked shit about behind their backs? Now I'm worried, damn.

>> No.7538738


I wear gothic aristocrat and ouji. Which two brands are your favourites?

>> No.7538773

Anything new going on in HLC?

>> No.7538802

How's Houston?

What new bullshit is going on in the HLC?

>> No.7538805

Oh hey, hi, lol.

Sorry for making you look like a samefag.

But yeah, what goes on in the hierarchy?

>> No.7538952

I personally haven't suggested a night meetup of dinner & drinks for fear of the 'but what about the under 18 members' question. Some times an old loli just wsnts to hang with other old lolis.

>> No.7538970
File: 59 KB, 501x565, ss (2014-05-05 at 12.59.14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's alright anon.

I saw the facebook mr. yan thing, the mods seemed to be overstretching their powers, but otherwise it's been pretty quiet since doug passed.

>> No.7538976

Wow gothic aristocrat and ouji is so nice, I am just getting a few aristocrat my pieces myself.

I wear Gothic and Classic (mainly dark classic lolita).

Do you mean bands? The Cure and Depeche Mode.

>> No.7539007

Nova Scotia comms?

>> No.7539071
File: 89 KB, 480x640, JNIG LOLITA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best lolita from Arizona.

>> No.7539099

Mom here too, I seriously don't know why they would want to bring babies to meets in the first place. A nice break to pamper yourself with frilly dresses and tea away from your newborn for a little bit sounds pretty nice to me.

>> No.7539251

wat. deets on points 2 and 5?

From everything I have heard from Ohio friends in cosplay, gaming circles etc- yes. Ohio is just a weird depressing vortex of shit in general.

>> No.7539267

So it seems to me that someone is trying to stir up drama in the AZ comm where there is none and creating nasty little rumors online, because the only place I see any of this is on cgl, no one you talk to in person has any idea what this is all about. It appears that person really has it out for Dom and Alex for some reason. I don't know why you're so bored with your life that you feel a need to pit people against each other for no reason, but rest assured that the majority of the comm isn't taking the bait. Have fun riling up the couple of new girls who dare to ask about it on here though.

>> No.7539417

nigga we don't care if it's ~real~ or not we just wanna read drama for entertainment

>> No.7539443
File: 199 KB, 512x384, 1379898301236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating forced drama in our comm for "entertainment"

>> No.7539444

Elaine are you here? I will go to your meetup gurl

>> No.7539489

Heather/Holly, stop being so obvious about who you are when you post here. Also, there are plenty of lolitas that are into metal and goth music!

>> No.7539503

Aus loli here that wants to be your friend and trip balls with you.

>> No.7539506

Bris comm used to go to bars weekly, drinking culture was very normal there. Not now though, too many youngin's I think.

>> No.7539511
File: 68 KB, 338x506, 1374692452942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this talk about hiding who you are/being all "You know who!" when you're blatantly talking about a specific person and /cgl/ (and btb) being the lowest levels of Loli hell are baffling.
Nobody should be getting shunned from their comm for having a friendly conversation or voicing their opinions, regardless as to where they're doing it.

>If we're talking about the same Holly, I'm pretty sure I pissed her off by accident and I'm too afraid to apologize again or explain in case I make things worse so now I'll probably quietly hide for a few months and hope that she forgets about me.

>> No.7539512

Actually when it comes to lolita, nothing. Just a lot of newbs. The state is 8th in obesity and the economy is shit. Lots and lots of cons, so that explains the fat, poor, and not so well dressed ones. The nicer ones don't make it to meets often because they work. I think only a few actually document their outfits.

The real drama (all this recent shit) is just one batshit crazy seagull who feels slighted because she wrote an angry textwall against altering brand, someone made a secret about it, she started cherrypicking every picture she could find to /cgl/, got found out, booted, vandetta posted one of the better members in an ita-thread, and later bawleeted her facebook account when someone posted her pictures here and called her out for being fat after calling other people fat herself. So whenever you see someone bring it up out of the blue, it's probably her. And you are providing her a venue for her only entertainment in her sad, pitiful life.

Apparently this is the one state where fat, crazy, and financially unstable bitches run amuck, and this chick is one of them.

>7538256 Actually looks worse than an average meet in the state.

>> No.7539533

hello friend
the page kind of sucks thus far, but hopefully Mr yan will come back to the USA at the end of the month and we can convince him to come into town.

>> No.7539546

MI is nice, the only real drama we've ever had was imported from Chicago and we kicked her to curb a while ago. Friendly, welcoming, and we have a pretty active community. Not everyone can dress themselves, but we have fun.

>> No.7539556

the thread readers you dumbshit not whoever in your comm is stirring it up

>> No.7539598

damn dropped the link
tx yan thing:
facebook com/events / 626685734083059/

>> No.7539611

C-can it be a party of more than 2, anons?

>> No.7539619

1 it's spelled Tucson you idiot. And as far as I'm aware the few tucson girl that are even there don't have beef with anyone. I'm pretty sure who ever is shitting up cgl with Dominique drama isn't from there.
2. who are you talking about? If you mean sam, i've only seen her mentioned once here. She is definately active, though she rarely attends meets unless she is hosting them
3. I feel it's more so that there are a lot more noobs around then there are older veterans, which is why the good vs poorly dressed ratio is outta wack
4. as far as i am aware, all the mods except princess are still active and keeping an eye on the comm, allthough princess moved to CA, and is only still a mod because she created the comm on facebook. it's been a while so please correct me if i am wrong but that's how i remember it
5. deets. our comm is fairly bland and i rarely get any good gossip unless the rare occasion close friends piss eachother off within the group

>> No.7539622

Is she mentally ill, what the fuck.

>> No.7539645

Dominique is a girl who sends anonymous hate to other girls, and makes shitty "handmade lolita" skirts out of flannel. She's ita as hell and loves starting drama and taking over events. Also self proclaimed Brony Queen.

>> No.7539647


Aha, sorry, yeah. If you are Heather, I'm pretty sure we already follow each other on Tumblr.

>> No.7539649

eww who is that?

my selfpost senses are tingling

>> No.7539651

... it's jnig you newfag.

>> No.7539655

You are so new. You need to leave right now.

>> No.7539678

jessica nigri? i thought she was only into cosplay. if this is really arizonas best lolita then i'm scared because she's ita as fuck. gross

>> No.7539703

sorry. just because i'm new to the comm dosen't mean i don't know what ita is and isn't. if this really is the best lolita i guess i'm okay with not getting involved in the comm

>> No.7539715

2 and 5, not 1, I know about her already


>> No.7539721

It's a joke, anon. Jessica is from Arizona and she isn't a lolita one way or another; She's just wearing a stupid outfit because she's a dumb bitch.

>> No.7539731

thank god. you fucking scared me

>> No.7539733

maybe Dominique is the backstabbing bitch anon refered to? Though it dosent conform to point 1 if everyone allready hates her?

>> No.7539734

Can I join you guys? I'm so new to lolita and the TO comm scares me

>> No.7539743
File: 183 KB, 512x384, invisibleboob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we'll need bomber jackets with a loli thug crest to rep our new crew.

>> No.7539797

This shit is so dumb, and the girl hosting is getting so sassy in her defensiveness. I don't fucking get it, loving Mr Yan is(was) a funny joke but no shit most people will think it's a stupid idea to host a meetup with him.

>> No.7539818

joke or not. i don't understand why she's been posted here? this was back in 2010/2011 right? she is in no way related to any of the lolita comms or meetups. Please keep it relevant ok?

>> No.7539859

Just want to say I have the most easygoing comm ever and I love everyone in it. I'm so happy, they are all exceedingly sweet.

>> No.7539864

Hello tumblr follower. Did you only recently follow me? I should post more often. This is rather funny. I hope you are having a good day.

>> No.7539865

Dudeeeeeeeeeeee yes. It sucks that I'm not in Perth comm, I'm in a different aus comm and need more trip friends.

>> No.7539913

what sort of suggestions would you have to improve the community?

>> No.7539941

i'm really glad that a mod is here reading. although I understand completely where you were coming from with that rule, it is way too heavy-fisted. I agree with the others that there should be more focus on actual lolita things and less people posting things like 'I bought makeup! i am going to use it for lolita!' and 'here are five photos of my cross stitching!' and that more concrit would be good for members (we do have a few itas but they don't seem to come to meetups) but people should ask/check first if it is ok to give concrit.
I really love this comm and the people are really lovely. I hope we can all come together and make the comm a better place.

>> No.7540176

Ugh that girl is always rude whenever she posts this isn't the first time I saw her get salty.
Anyways she feels that meeting Mr. Yan is like a novelty and believes all the rumors about him are lies. Ha.

>> No.7540178

Does anyone have anything to say about the San Francisco comm? Just moved here for work and finally have enough disposable income to buy burando.

>> No.7540183

>her doll has a doll

>> No.7540235

Everyone I have met through the comm has been very nice and welcoming. There are a couple of "internet lolcows" that get posted here or on btb quite often, but I don't think people in the comm has actually said anything (or care? I am not sure). I don't think I have a complete perspective simply because I haven't gone to a lot of recent meets, but there are probably lots more meets in the summer and I am quite excited for them.

>> No.7540287

who the fuck is melissa?

>> No.7540295

I wish I had your enthusiasm

>> No.7540298

>ctrl + f
>0 of 0

Yeah that's cos bitches wish they were a part of our magnificent comm.

(Seriously though, never encountered a cooler one yet.)

>> No.7540304

top lel

I did this too. Midlolis best lolis.

>> No.7540308

Well, this thread that's going on right now on the page makes me want to stab my own eye balls out with a pen.

>> No.7540326

It's shocking, especially that girl who showed up from nowhere and started calling people c**ts.

>> No.7540332

It was quite annoying to be told to "lighten up", which I am sure was her intention.
(Outing myself here)

>> No.7540342

It's okay we got your back and wow can I just say we have some of the most level headed and calm mods for not calling a certain two girls out, especially posting nazi images, to all hell and back. I would have blown it and tell them to have fun posting memes to their facebook list rather than perth lolita comm they are banned from ages ago. Although I do agree with their method more but wow what a rude bitch.

>> No.7540344

Just wanna say: I love you girls. Even more now after this. If you figure out who I am message me and we'll have that cocktail hour.

>> No.7540350

E****a bitch got banned. This fills me with such joy.

>> No.7540351

This frills me with Joy too, I knew her from 7 years ago and the drama she brings with her has not changed one bit, you'd think people would grow up after a while...

>> No.7540353
File: 555 KB, 420x319, marilyn-monroe-bye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say she will be missed as no one even knows who she is. Here is a meme I dedicate just for her.

>> No.7540354

She just seems like of those people who are naturally horrible, I hope I never come across her again.

>> No.7540361

I know who she is, and I have drama on her too. a long time ago (talking like 5+ years ago) she broke up with her boyfriend and stole thousands of dollars worth of his stuff. She then messaged all of his friends telling them that he was making it all up.

>> No.7540362

Can't be bothered rereading the whole thread to figure out the exact wording of all her insults to find you ;_____;

>> No.7540368
File: 11 KB, 190x266, misty sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out here, am I on the right track

>> No.7540371

What? Ha ha no!

That needs to be a navy blue Cthulhu OP.

>> No.7540374

Ding ding the witch is dead.

That's horrible. And sadly I have to say I am not surprised.

>> No.7540375

That thread was something...

But, I've got to say I never expected anything even remotely like this to happen when I posted that secret.

>> No.7540381

I am glad you did. Something positive has come out of it and we are working towards a better comm. No one wanted to come forward until you did even though we were all thinking it. The trolls have been outed or put on notice that the behaviour will not be tolerated, which is a good thing for everyone. Hopefully those girls will learn what is appropriate behaviour in a social setting soon.

>> No.7540385

Thank-you, I was feeling really bad about it, but it's been good to see that people were thinking the same way and I'm very glad of all the positive changes that seem set to occur.

>> No.7540392

Houston lolis have so much sand in their cunts damn

>> No.7540410

You might be possibly thinking of me here.

>> No.7540415

So B*** is now a mod and it looks like the comm is being sorted out.
Thanks guys.

>> No.7540443

Your secret wasn't mean at all and although it may be terrifying to see what it triggered, it was very much for the greater good and I'm excited to see what this new and improved comm brings, even if it just less SO KAWAII LOOK AT MY NEW PURCHASE XD Behind the bows isn't just for bitches and anyone sane will understand that.

>> No.7540492

Notice someone missing? Her FB has been deleted.

>> No.7540496

I know ffs, what happened that the comm is like that?

Any other Texas drama?

>> No.7540500

The mod that was complained about here? I feel bad as I don't think she did that much wrong, just a bit ignorant and not that clever. Compared to the other villians that surfaced she was nothing.

>> No.7540511

Yes, and I feel absolutely horrendous about it.

>> No.7540521

Fuck, maybe link her here if someone has her number just so she realises she was caught in 'cross fire' and a needless scapegoat of a bigger issue.

>> No.7540523

I only have her on snapchat.... I know a few people called her out but really we can't altogether blame her that much as reacting so harshly to brandwhore isn't that bad and several people overlooked the issue of that post.

If you manage to read this I think you are a very friendly girl and dress well and please don't take things to heart.

>> No.7540526

How old is she? I ran into a loli at UWA that lookd similar to her saying she wasn't in the perth comm anymore and I'm curious if it was her as they look similar. She was very well dressed and mainly wore classic.

>> No.7540531

As I said before she is a lovely girl, and I am horrified that she would go to such an extreme. I don't think we were nasty here, but something must have struck her hard in order to do it. Really, all that was being asked was for it to be toned down and for people to be taken seriously and treated with respect when they say 'I have a problem with this'. As illustrated time & again in the FB thread there is a time and a place for everything and the girls need to understand which is which. I do hope that she is all right.

>> No.7540547

She is a lovely girl, but very sensitive to negativity, and if I'm remembering correctly the last time she got involved with a secret she ended up in hospital, so I'm worried.

>> No.7540549

I just double checked for new comments on btb and nothing THAT bad was really said. I guess someone with such thin skin though shouldn't really be a mod but I sincerely do hope she is okay, especially knowing her anxiety issues, and she can return to our comm. Let her know that at cgl we may be the biggest of bitches and object to some of the stuff she said but we ultimately wish no harm on her and don't view her as evil or bad, just misguided. I can relate as if I ever read about myself in such a manner from a group which I proudly called pretty much my only friends, I think I would react in a similar manner.

>> No.7540552

Hospital? Is that psych issue related or self harm? I am certainly going to try and reach out to her. Someone that has close contacts to her, please send her this thread so she may hopefully feel a bit better. I know other peoples psychological issues aren't on us but still...

>> No.7540558

She wasn't admitted or anything. Only another loli friend that was worried about her because she had some depressive thoughts or anything. Having been in hospital for things it's not that really that bad. I do worry about her though and even if she isn't the most ideal mod I still respect her as a lolita and likely friend.

>> No.7540559

I don't know and that's why I'm so worried, I just wish I had some way to contact her, to see if she's okay.

>> No.7540560

Totally same boat in regards to mod feelings and friend. I don't think I have gone a week since turning 18 which was yrs ago without once wishing I was dead...

>> No.7540584

I hope she is OK, we really didn't mean harm. Whilst she may not be suitable for a mod she is definitely a key member of the group and a friend to many.

>> No.7540603

I don't know exactly but it would be mid 20's. Also I didnt know she wore loli, I think she's more into goth..

>> No.7540611

She was in a first yr arts unit at uwa. Granted you can be in a first yr arts unit any stage of your undergrad degree but still. If she was more into goth that does ring some bells as I ran into this girl multiple times and it was certainly always classical.

How many girls aren't into perth comm though and dress very well? This girl was legit a VERY good dresser, I would have befriended her more but the moment she said she was 'no longer' in perth comm I got weary.

>> No.7540614


I think we can honestly be one of the best comms in the world with the right encouragement as we already have some incredible dressers despite the hello kitty kawaii ita comm.

>> No.7540623

Pretty sure I know who you mean. They're two different people and the UWA lolita is too young to have been around 7 years ago.

It should be good. I'm just worried that the nice girsl wont return after this drama.

>> No.7540631

I guess they must not exist....

>> No.7540638

I don't see why the nice girls wont return unless they contributed to the hug box kawaii mentality. With all the new suggestion posts we are seeing educated older girls speak up who have never expressed a view before and I think a mix up in blood will be good.

The only girl I think we have lost is the original meme poster that caused the secret and a certain mod. Is it really that heavy weight?

>> No.7540674

Not that anon but in my comm the overzealous mom IS the mod. Send help!

>> No.7540677

Both sides seem pretty sandy, hlc seems pretty boring other than this fb drama though.

>> No.7540699


>> No.7540757

There were like five lolitas at that con, for course nothing happened

>> No.7540775

Moving to MO
Any hope?

>> No.7540850

Yes. The SS was Rosaire, and she managed to get her Chess Chocolate for ~$200 for the brown set. Scalped it for like $400+

Rosaire doesn't always handle things in the best way, but I don't think it helps that people jump on the hate train over her, even if she didn't actually wrong them.

>> No.7540855

I can't say here, because I'm concerned about backlash. If you leave an email, I can tell you some deets about stuff she's said and done.

>> No.7540947

Old throwaway in the field. I don't wanna reveal who I am, since I don't want everyone to know I'm on here.

>> No.7540982

For a comm with 700+ members on the fb page it sure does seem boring

>> No.7541173

putting a throwaway here because id like to know about this too. moving to the state soon and was hoping itd be a quiet comm. is she the only drama here?

>> No.7541201

Sent you an email. You should unlink your G+ and throwaway btw.

>> No.7541207

It's pretty low drama, she's moving to MA soon. She doesn't have any real drama as far as the comm goes, just causes small waves. Most of her drama is involved with the international community.

>> No.7541461

Oh, forgot she was moving! And I agree, super low drama. We have a lot of fun I think. I can't make it to meets as much as I want to, but the ones I make it to are great.
I'm a poorfag as well as a newfag, so my outfits are nowhere near top-tier, but at least nobody tells me my outfits are shit or posts me to btb so they're great.
I can't wait to have a new member!

>> No.7541794

Why would it scare you? It's almost pathetically drama free.

>> No.7541865

Not even maritime comms?

>> No.7541999

Depends on where.

>> No.7542207

i swear i recognize her name from previous perth drama. she's been involved in shit before, right?

>> No.7542627

Not the cities
And if I did visit the cities for a convention or something I would not be in lolita

>> No.7543099

I ... well. Anon, let's put it this way. Living anywhere, any state, if you're not in or near a city, your chances are slim at finding a community of any size.

I think the smallest cities that have lolitas listed in them in Missouri are in Columbia and Jeff City. Otherwise, you'll have to go to KC or St. Louis for meets. If you're going to be in a college town, your chances of finding a lolita are slightly higher, but not exactly huge (Rolla, Kirksville,Springfield, etc.).