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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 537 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mt8xm0Ff5B1qe1lg6o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7531950 No.7531950 [Reply] [Original]


Let's discuss:
> Are there any HS cosplays you're working on right now?
> Has anyone met any of the BNFs, current or former, in person? What are they like?

>> No.7531971
File: 542 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n4tnfbXAj41r0bscuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other half to >>7531714

>> No.7531973
File: 255 KB, 854x1280, tumblr_n4w6icwAbB1rif4uao3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7531976


>> No.7531977

I've met Ceriene (spelling??), Cifera, and Rikala (if she even counts).
Ceriene and Cifera are total sweethearts, though I only met Cifera briefly.
Ceriene was cool and we talked about Final Fantasy as opposed to homestuck (she seems to have moved out of the fandom).
Rikala is. Something. She's friends with Durrscurr and I know him irl. He's cool and fun to talk to, but she's a total cunt. She seems to get angry if people talk to him and ignore her. Also, when I said "you seem familiar, have we met?" completely innocently before I knew who she was thanks to 4chan/tumblr, she looked like she wanted to slit my throat.

>> No.7531981

Oh.... oh no.

The only thing that's even remotely interesting is the GHB's Warhammer of Zillyhoo, but I have no idea why he'd have it in the first place. Just 'cause Gamzee once held it? Also, that "Darkleer", holy shit.

>> No.7532029
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>> No.7532036
File: 80 KB, 500x334, tumblr_n169pmdhHT1qhju1eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7532196

Why do NO John cosplayers bother styling bangs? They're all sideswept biebercuts.

>> No.7532225
File: 132 KB, 400x599, tumblr_n3ms89RxcL1rif4uao2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her other cosplay is pretty good though??

>> No.7532235
File: 127 KB, 500x667, 1382411528957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly most John cosplayers don't bother styling their wigs period. Pyropi never did. Mur's John has always been strange-looking though, even when he has spiked his wig up. Personally I've always loved the styling on pic related. The tips could be cleaner but I love the texture.

That's because she didn't make it, she commissioned it from dei-sandvich.

>> No.7532245

Oh, I really like this wig a lot. A lot. Source?

>> No.7532272


great wig but doesnt look nearly male enough

>> No.7532275


>> No.7532277

Agreed, but there's only like one or two good guy johns and this one's wig trumps theirs, so I'm alright with it personally.

>> No.7532280

Thirteen year old boys aren't exactly the pinnacle of manliness. I think they look fine.

>> No.7532292


no, but the also don't look overtly female.

>> No.7532298

It's not even that they made an effort to look female, though. They're not wearing any eyeliner. And considering John is 13, I can understand the decision not to contour.

>> No.7532303

see but that argument is so dumb
john may have been thirteen at the start and hey if you look like a thirteen year old kid go for it
but this person is clearly very late teens-early twenties and looks nothing like a 13 year old so the least they could do is TRY to look male

>> No.7532318

I don't think they look overtly female. Granted, they definitely don't look overtly male either. But I think they're in that androgynous zone that is acceptable for crossplay.

You sound really mad.

>> No.7532323

Idk, I think there was some effort? The decision not to wear eyeliner, lightened lips...

>> No.7532334

do i? i thought i was calm but ok

sure but they didnt contour at all. im not saying its a bad cosplay, because theyre certainly good looking and have a nice wig, just that they dont strike me as male.

>> No.7532358

I think they did contour, since it's obvious they're wearing foundation at least, and contouring is such a basic step after that. It's probably just very light. Your suggestion for them to age themselves up to look more male is...objectively bad though. Most thirteen year old boys don't have the facial structure that would require noticeable contouring to imitate. If the cosplayer made themselves appear definitively more masculine the way you're talking about, it would have required heavier makeup and would have looked way too mature for a barely-teenage boy. I'd rather have a boyish looking, slightly effeminate cosplayer than Man John all over again.

Tl;dr - Cosplayers should always try to make themselves look the age of the character they're cosplaying, as much as they can. If there's a big difference in age or facial features, there's obviously going to be some incongruity, but I think this cosplayer hit all the right bases. Anything heavier would have been too old for the character.

>> No.7532362

I agree it may just be very light and more noticeable in person. I know when I've tried contouring, it always washes out in photos.

>> No.7532365
File: 44 KB, 960x640, 10258256_10202540593333622_5703474796459515801_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Are there any HS cosplays you're working on right now?

I'm working on Eridan as of now, I've almost finished the wig and was done with the rings yesterday.
I'm still trying to look for fabric for the cape that won't be too shiny and look cheap.

>> No.7532582

the rest of the rings look nice but the one with his sign doesn't look like the aquarius symbol at all

>> No.7532600

Same for me. I would either put on what I think is enough and then have it not show up in pictures, or put on so much that I ended up looking like I'd rubbed dirt across my cheekbones. I could never strike a balance.

>> No.7532636
File: 119 KB, 500x735, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for bright red pants that don't suck for a male!kanaya. I'm thinking I should go full hardgay and get skinny jeans. I /had/ a nice looking pair that I got on a killer sale for 6 bucks down from 80, but I soon found the reason for their ridiculously low price when I washed it and the color faded to a nasty looking cumstain pink on red in random spots after a single wash :/
I'm going to attempt something like pic related. So essentially looking as gay as all hell would be okay, I need to get ny hairstyle down pat though. Also is there a better way to do horns than clay? My con-buddy keeps telling me it's the best but I wore her horns once and I don't think I can go three days with 10 extra pounds on my head. Plus they look shitty.

>> No.7532645

John is 18 now. I don't think the "they have to look 13!!" argument is very valid anymore.

>> No.7532653


>> No.7532665

Wait, is Rikala STILL overly possessive about him? Doesn't he have a girlfriend now?

>> No.7532716

Mohawkdandy's horn tutorial is what I used, but I have to say expanding foam works too for smaller horns.

Honestly though there's about a billion ways to make horns just google it.

>> No.7532746
File: 69 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mw7ppq6YL81rdmzm8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to re-dye your pants red or not? In addition to that I think a couple of anons have mentioned not using skinnies if you're AFAB because it would emphasise your hips too much, but I think that was directed more at girls cosplaying Striders in skinny jeans. So if you're doing rainbowdrinker!Kanaya you should probably be okay if you sit the sash low on your hips.
Clay horns would be lighter if you make them with an aluminium foil core, and if you have access to insulation foam or expanding foam that would be a lot lighter than clay as well.

>> No.7532793

Dang that's well sewn pleather

>> No.7532804

It should be, considering Dei made it.

>> No.7532822

/r/ing good cosplays of Slime Suit John. I don't see that one done nearly enough and it's my favorite John outfit.

>> No.7533027

tbh, I thought she was his girlfriend.

>> No.7533158
File: 65 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mmqv9kJGen1rhhsjzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533164

I have no idea if he has a girlfriend, I think she's more possessive about him as a cosplay partner.

>> No.7533165
File: 532 KB, 750x1125, tumblr_n4pjvq4ZSp1r6853uo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533168

Your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.7533174

Anyone have any good stories about her? She sounds like an egotistical trainwreck.

>> No.7533180

man, I've only heard bad things on here, but I've only ever had pleasant experiences? She's been very friendly to me, and we've chitchatted more than once.

>> No.7533197

Horns made with paper clay don't look shitty if they're regularly shaped and sanded smooth. You can use a chunk of expanding foam wrapped in aluminum foil as a core (solid clay horns will be HEAVY). Then install a screw anchor, and screw to headband. This is how I make my horns, and even the larger ones are very light.

I do not suggest making horns out of only insulation foam. It's brittle, is hard to smooth out, hard to paint, and overall just sucks.

>> No.7533296
File: 86 KB, 960x576, 10268541_699307103464988_6413704567997901980_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across this on a FB sales page today.

>> No.7533351

This is probably the best example of how accuracy does not always mean a good cosplay

That wig is just ridiculous.

>> No.7533354

As far as ultra-canon wigs go it's pretty good, but I am still not a fan of the super stylized interpretation. They obviously had the skill to style something heavily, so they could have gone with a less DBZ look and it would have turned out fine.

>> No.7533504

Yeah, I was thinking that it did look like a DBZ character's hairstyle, so hey, if that cosplayer plans to cosplay from DBZ they should be fine.

It's like... it's not bad in that it's styled nicely, but it's not good in that it just doesn't look right for Karkat. Reminds me off a John cosplayer who did the same thing and tried to go really canon.

>> No.7533517

As someone who is friends with Rika(la) offline, I can definitely see how she can come across that way.
Rika doesn't put up with people's shit, and she doesn't make an effort to be personable if you don't approach her that way to begin with- so if you happened to come across as rude (or she thought you did) then that would be why she responded that way.
I've only ever known Rika to be really great to be around, but she is openly a... bitch?? Though that isn't really the word I would use??
As for Durrscurr I dunno he's a great guy even if he isn't the best cosplayer

>> No.7533579

Oh jesus christ no that is horrifying

>> No.7534230
File: 88 KB, 500x667, holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this in the convention's tags

>> No.7534238
File: 86 KB, 640x424, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem braces
its all about the shirtless striders

>> No.7534378

and not one of them even half decent.

>> No.7534413

The face is more bothersome than the wig. I can't get over how fuck ugly Twinzik's faces are.

>> No.7534474
File: 353 KB, 857x1200, tumblr_mz71lkAFiB1qil7u3o8_r1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534518

it never ceases to amaze me how hideous this cosplayer is

>> No.7534522

/r/ing decent dave cosplayers

>> No.7534525

have there been any other decent Damara cosplays (other than miwafwakes)?

>> No.7534532

>implying miwa is better than cifera

dude what are you smoking?
also wasn't miwa the howling meulin from that one awful video?

>> No.7534535

man, idk, she's kind of cute in a dorky way.

>> No.7534539

oh wow, seriously anon? If the costumes or wigs were good I could cut her some slack but jesus she has like zero redeeming qualities and her face is creepy as fuck

>> No.7534541

If I knew her URL, I'd post one of her disgusting humanstuck Meenah gifs. Congrats on your shit taste.

>> No.7534558

ahahahaha no she didn't! Meenah? Of all characters? If she did proper eye makep she could almost work Jade but Meenah?

>> No.7534576

/r/ing good feferis

>> No.7534609
File: 926 KB, 300x200, tumblr_mzhbotkwAl1qil7u3o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7534615


>> No.7534616
File: 263 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n28p63SAsb1t0awb8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO this recent photo actually looks pretty good. It's a shame she always wears oversized wigs and holds her mouth in such a stupid way when she's clearly capable of better cosplays.

>> No.7534618

that cracked makeup though.

>> No.7534622

>no contouring
>no mascara
>no lip definition
>no makeup of any kind besides the paint
No, it really doesn't look like she's capable of better cosplays. Smooth horns are the only redeeming thing about this photo. Does she not wear fangs because her teeth are so huge?

>> No.7534651
File: 520 KB, 500x655, tumblr_n4b13kPF3t1rgui4lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that the lips and eyes need work but there's obviously contouring here. I also think this wig is 100 times better than her normal Captor one.

>> No.7534653
File: 493 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mowxu5YvcK1qil7u3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you the dork-fish

>> No.7534655

The very same. I remember it from a few threads back when it was posted for the first time.

I didn't think it was possible for her to look any more like a rat than she does when she cosplays John, but I stand corrected.

>> No.7534657

Agreed on the wig, it's good.
But the makeup just...isn't.

>> No.7534735
File: 262 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mw4go2xsP51qcltrio2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>badly fitted shirt
>oversized Party City horns
>lol whats a pleated skirt

Miwafawkes gained a reputation here as someone who rushes her cosplays and won her following on churning out costumes, not good craftsmanship.

>> No.7534739
File: 780 KB, 1000x667, adebimpe damara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some Damaras, starting with top babe.

>> No.7534740
File: 1.08 MB, 681x1024, striderian nice damara but needs bigger horns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534742
File: 185 KB, 900x600, better horns damara and then i'll like you (cgl).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534745
File: 630 KB, 669x1000, i kind of like freckuccino damara horns and then you have mostflogged porrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534747
File: 810 KB, 669x1000, hoopzbarkley damara ohayocon 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534753
File: 138 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n50cm029jz1ryw2kwo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Aries trolls, this floated to the top of the HS cosplay tag.

>> No.7534754

>dat natural black

>> No.7534755
File: 54 KB, 426x640, tumblr_n50kr0rfcQ1rofwxwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those shoes make me think of Mafia-sponsored long walks off of short piers.

>> No.7534763

Is that wood

>> No.7534771

Gomugomugodhead, crowmunist, and abessinier are really the only good dave cosplayers left. GGG doesn't cosplay Homestuck anymore though, so I guess that's moot.

>> No.7534774

It kinda looks like they tried to take a regular Sailor Moon wig and dye it black (badly)...

>> No.7534775
File: 622 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_n4e4m04C1L1rdmzm8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7535133

Source on these two?

>> No.7535309

avieem and princelingcat.

>> No.7536099

Jesus, she looks like a 30 year old man. That's so creepy.

>> No.7536110

Are any BNFs working on cosplays for ACEN? Someone said a while ago that Yaexrae might be working on a condesce for it, has she posted any progress?

>> No.7536139

I actually think this looks cool in a "creepy creature from the depths of the ocean" kind of way

>> No.7536401 [DELETED] 

It would have been neat if they were intentionally going for that look. But it's pretty clear from their other photos and other cosplays that they were not and that they thought they looked this genuinely looked good.

>> No.7536421

It would have been neat if they were intentionally going for that look. But it's pretty clear from their other photos and other cosplays that they were not and that they thought this genuinely looked good.

>> No.7536475

What video are you talking about?
I don't think that's her, though; haven't heard of her being in any videos

>> No.7536506
File: 36 KB, 960x685, 1533518_1474883092739734_1932860374_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this daves props.

>> No.7536512

His props are good but his cosplays aren't.

>> No.7536525

Any more shots of this? I've never seen some lit up iShades, so this might look cool.

>> No.7536551


maybe if he used a wig ever

and didn't look 25

>> No.7536557


>> No.7536560
File: 532 KB, 1600x1200, 140322_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not any in cosplay i dont think. they look like a ***** to actually have in your face tho.

>> No.7536564

They're waaaay too strong, really. It just looks ridiculous.

>> No.7536572

Dat butt chin tho.

>> No.7536910

>censoring words
>on 4chan

>> No.7537569

That... does not look good, and that'd probably really hurt your eyes.

What a shame, too, since you don't really see anyone try to do iShades that light up. Or... has any other cosplayer tried to do so?

>> No.7537666

iv seen some elwire ones. tbh the posted one looks better imo, atleast in that first pic. second one looks like it was taken with a phone camera so i wouldnt expect it to look good.
depends what they look like in daylight or at least a well lit con center. you cant even tell if elwire is on or off in daylight.

>> No.7537987

some cosplay monologues thing. She was the Meulin and she did this horrid shrill fake crying all the way through and it was so fucking painful. It was a few years ago IIRC and cgl made fun of the video and in the end I think she showed up here to defend herself and yeah.

>> No.7538011

I remember that video/monologue (and the thread) but that definitely wasn't miwafwakes. Wasn't the character nepeta, rather than Meulin, as well?

>> No.7538026

I thought it was the Disciple, or was that another bad cosplay monologue? There are too many of them to keep track off.

>> No.7538080

then it was someone else with a really similar name. Miwa something.

>> No.7538162
File: 8 KB, 500x346, tumblr_m5mtspjVJe1qkzo6g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean anon? If you're talking about that it's upside down it's because when you look at it when my hand is down it's turned the right way.

Pic related

>> No.7538168

Random anon passing by.

How did the person in OP pic do their wings? What materials? I'm interested in the purple ones since I have to make wings similarly angled.

>> No.7538205


It was a Disciple coslayer named Mira, who then showed up and there a fit on HSG for criticizing her. Fucking Floridastucks.

>> No.7538215


>> No.7538396

Thanks anon!

>> No.7538479

Speaking of BNFs, it looks like Pyropi is going to be MIA for a bit? From her Tumblr, "Sorry for the lack of cosplay lately- I've been traveling!! >:D"

>> No.7538486

Do we care when people go on vacation now?

>> No.7538503

I was only making note because we haven't seen many new costumes from her lately...

>> No.7538586

She did something for Katsucon a few months ago. No one can continuously churn out new material without time in between cosplays to make the new ones. Lay off the stalk.

>> No.7539094

If she hasn't posted progress pics yet it probably isn't happening. Does anyone know if she's planning anything new for the summer? I don't want to write her off as inactive, but it's been a while.

>> No.7539107

It looks like she's organizing the Homestuck photoshoot for Acen, so even if she hasn't posted progress pics, that doesn't mean she isn't working on something new. It doesn't mean that she is either, but let's see what happens. If nothing else, it's a notch for community involvement.

>> No.7539249

>> Has anyone met any of the BNFs, current or former, in person? What are they like?

Met Kisbe and Dei at a con, and they seemed kind of stand-offish. Maybe not intentionally rude, but just sort of snooty and reserved. You can tell they think they're the best cosplayers within a 5 mile radius at all times. (Often they are, but there's no need for them to act like we should be so honored to be in their presence.)

>> No.7539264

They only really hang out with their group, but then again they're in their mid-20s and most of the other cosplayers are really young.

>> No.7539273

I've met angryjaeger and dersedreamer and they were polite enough, but there was something stiff and awkward about them. It wasn't ego so much as it felt like them having underdeveloped social skills. In person they're really...boring.

>> No.7539279


Cosplayers are awkward? Who woulda thunk.

>> No.7539286

Cosplaying =/= being socially retarded, shockingly enough.

>> No.7539287
File: 82 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n5337ksuiu1qlspr9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of cosplayers have been posted here who are super friendly or fun to be around. Some people just aren't as social.

>> No.7539291

They're probably just more introverted than other BNFs.

>> No.7539329

Could be, or maybe it was a long day at the convention. In >>7539249 's case though, introversion doesn't excuse coming off like a tool. You can find ways to make smalltalk with people and still be nice about it.

>> No.7540356


unless you're tired and don't feel like making small talk with random people.

>> No.7540449

>"being a dick isn't okay unless you feel like being a dick"

>> No.7540462

If you're chilling around at a con and you know there are people who are fans of you and are interested to just have a chat then yeah it is kind of rude to not take the time for small talk.
That said, who knows they might have been social all through the day or something of the like, anon didn't stalk after them all day so who knows.

>inb4 anon did stalk after them all day

>> No.7540474

Is this meant to look as white trash as possible?

>> No.7540914

Plus, it might just be awkward for them? Like, "Oh... you're a fan of my work. Thanks...?" and they just might not be used to that or something and just see themselves as any regular cosplayer.

>> No.7540948

Dei especially has a rotten personality. If you get to know her well enough you'd be shocked by how nasty and mean spirited she is.

>> No.7540973

Details, anon?

>> No.7540993

Have you never had a conversation with another human before? It is not at all as pained as you're making it sound.

>> No.7540995

I want details, to be honest is she worse than some of the assholes on this board?

>> No.7541107

In my experience Dei has just been kind of bitter and sarcastic, Kisbe is really nice though.

>> No.7541293

Ugh, all this talk about rude cosplayers makes me worry I come off as rude. I'm not shy, I'm just quiet and more of a listener than a talker, and I'm worried people mistake that for bitchiness.

>> No.7541432

Wow I just realized that this was styled by one of Arda's Iron Wig finalists. This makes me sad.

>> No.7541474

Can I /r/ Jade cosplayers with good looking wigs that don't have the sprite spike styled in?

>> No.7541498

The styling itself doesn't look bad on a technical level, it just doesn't look good, if that makes sense. I can't seem to word it right, but i think someone else in the thread described it well.

But this is just imo i guess.

>> No.7541528
File: 1.20 MB, 825x1238, tumblr_n3uk5wSozB1rvl9umo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I agree, it looks more like a dragonball z wig than a homestuck wig.

>> No.7541563

Ah okay, sorry i can't seem to word things the way i want to, in a way i feel like i'm "losing my words" (?)

But yeah it definitely looks like DBZ, do you know their username? I'm just wondering if all of their work is like this.

>> No.7541682
File: 251 KB, 467x700, tumblr_n4gy1eq4Bs1rgrgzio2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7542287

Requesting Amporas (esp. Cronus and Dualscar) and Bloodswaps?

>> No.7542375

any shitty FIRST!cosplays of the three unnamed lowbloods yet?

>> No.7542383

I want to see someone cosplay Critical Wh8le and go up to Eridan cosplayers and tell them exactly how badly their violets clash.

>> No.7542414

I would kill to have this happen to me when I cosplay Eridan, ngl.

>> No.7542419 [DELETED] 

Well, honestly yes. And if you ever get posted here I will point out every flaw. I'm not mean, I just hate it when people don't make their costumes as accurate as they could.

>> No.7542421

Me too. Especially if they weren't mean at all, just super nitpicky.

Critical Wh8le is pretty much cgl at it's best

>> No.7542868

Three unnamed lowbloods?

>> No.7542873

Eridan's slaves from Critical Miss

>> No.7543147
File: 995 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n4wy94YDNK1r0bscuo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7543223

this is like one belt and scarf away from becoming a final fantasy character.

>> No.7543326

10/10 and accurate as fuck.

>> No.7543464
File: 128 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mnbmeqo8ta1r9ypbio1_500_by_nennaenna-d66sm3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7543472
File: 202 KB, 640x749, ironic_lolita_dave_and_dirk_by_xosierrabearzox-d6d6cqm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7543480

Fucking disgusting

>> No.7543483
File: 226 KB, 250x188, tumblr_n08ri4ByR41s2c2zio2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7543599
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>> No.7544173

Has anyone got any pictures of god-tier trolls? Preferably Karkat?

>> No.7544175

I kind of want to see how the Strider in a Dress anon is doing, the one who actually came here to ask for opinions. If they actually modded the dress and figured out the poses like they were told, Id be interested in seeing the results

>> No.7544203

you've posted this before and you're still the only one who cares about that dumbshit idea

>> No.7544206

I haven't actually. I'm the anon who originally gave them the crit. That's why I'm interested.

>> No.7544407

I'm still deeply bitter about what my ex did to me so i'm going to be a petty bitch for a while

>> No.7544410

...Wrong thread?

>> No.7544411
File: 34 KB, 480x640, surely a better fit for an emotionally abuse and manipulative cunt is vriska but apparently not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7544424
File: 132 KB, 500x667, look at this shit this is someone in their goddamn twenties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7544435


Then if it's relevant to mspa share the deets

>> No.7544446
File: 37 KB, 720x405, look at this goddamn facepaint like holy fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more general weeb, and I've posted it before, but I can dig it up and post it again in the weeaboo stories thread if you want.

I can't find any more photos but I did find their gaia which they still use, but again, thats more for the weeb thread.

>> No.7544635

This is some pretty pathetic vendetta posting, and it sounds like you're pretty pathetic for going out with this loser in the first place.

>> No.7544641

I sat there and said "lol imma be vendetta bitch k" and found thread-relevant pics what more do you fucking want.

>> No.7544647

Well, details. It's kinda boring if you just go, "I hate this person, here's some bad pictures of them" and not explain what happened.

>> No.7544650

Like I said, it's not thread appropriate. I'll go post in in the weeb stories thread for you.

>> No.7544653
File: 9 KB, 251x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7544662

Maybe for you to not be a vendetta bitch in the first place. You're probably just as gross and weebish as he is, and dramu is really only fun when it applies to a big name cosplayer or a psycho lolcow. This isn't either.

>i posted thread relevant pics for my vendetta what more do you want!!!!
I think you're severely overestimating how much people care about this.

>> No.7544667

I'm literally posting them right now over here
don't get your knickers in a twist.

>> No.7544713

There are no knickers to twist. Your personal drama is boring, and trying to make us mob rally against your big bad ex because he's a shitty person who happens to be a Homestuck fan isn't doing you any favors. If he slept with MF or had to be restrained by security at a con to keep him away from Hussie, we'd all want to hear it. As is, I don't think anyone does. Where's Janny-chan when you need them.

>> No.7544723
File: 144 KB, 500x704, tumblr_n58h99wPPK1ryx32co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 i'm just venting calm down,

>> No.7544726
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>> No.7544730
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>> No.7544732

This isn't what I was looking for when I was requesting Amporas.

>> No.7544734
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>> No.7544736
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>> No.7544737
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>> No.7544741
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>> No.7544743
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>> No.7544746
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>> No.7544749
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>> No.7544750
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>> No.7544752
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>> No.7544754
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>> No.7544755
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>> No.7544758
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>> No.7544825

what the fuck even is this

>> No.7544830


>> No.7544876
File: 576 KB, 853x480, tumblr_mmrj5dPVmM1s0ufsdo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says theyre going to vendetta post with the intention of deliberately starting drama
>"wah im just venting!"

>> No.7545036

dude come on just gives us their tumblr

>> No.7545963
File: 278 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n58piy3Ewv1t7g19ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duct tape

I'm ...impressed?..but at once I'm also

>> No.7545965
File: 161 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n56z8xYOdm1re460qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goat Gamzee

>> No.7545968

why do fursuits never fucking look like the animal they're supposed to be?

>> No.7546017

I will never understand why put so much time and effort to make a outfit out of duct tape instead of putting that same amount of into making something out of fabric and the end result doesn't look like duct tape and crap

>> No.7546088

They probably used a cookie cutter tutorial for a dog or something. The best fursuit goats tend to go realistic.

>> No.7546153

I'll be honest, that really isn't the first question that comes to mind

>> No.7546464

Can I get a source on this?

>> No.7546467

The makeup on these are mediocre. I don't understand people who think they can get away with little or no makeup on female cosplays.

>> No.7546507
File: 246 KB, 857x1280, tumblr_ly5ws7EysL1qg63kgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversely, the makeup on >>7544755 is too much. Dat animu eyeliner and overdrawn lipstick. You can use heavy eye makeup for Rose without looking like you hopped on the kawaii desoo express train to sparkleville.

>> No.7546559


>> No.7546639
File: 408 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mvgozxrPt61r9jq27o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John and Rose dressing up as Tombo and Kiki for Halloween.

>> No.7546646

Cute idea. Mediocre execution.

>> No.7546933

wig looks alright and points for in character shot but its not a cosplay
its a slut in a bikini and with a cat

>> No.7546958

Does /cgl/ have any suggestions for Dave cosplayers? I've been cosplaying Dave for about 3 years now I think? I can post pictures if you'd like, but I recognize that I'm not that great. Most of the people in my area, and those who I've talked to about cosplay aren't very good (child of SDstuck here, sorry on their behalf but I left awhile ago) so it's difficult to gauge my actual skill. I'm aware that the outfit itself isn't much, being that it's just black jeans, shades, the shirt from the store, and red converse, so I try to go for props to set me apart from others. I have a scarlet ribbitar that's not very good and a caledscratch with a fairly simple design that I like quite a bit actually. I also have timetables that I don't use too often anymore because of the swords, and a backpack I painted to look like the bladekind strife specibus. None of it is all too special, but compared to many of the people I'm around who cosplay it's pretty good. (I have pictures of all but the timetables if requested.) I like to do little things just to spice it up, like the last con I went to I took a bottle of applejuice with a label I made that says "fruity rumpus apple factory" and has the clip art apple. The only thing I do pride myself on as far as cosplay goes is being in character, but that can only get you so far. I'm also a plus size cosplayer which I realize is definitely working against me as Dave.

I guess I'm just wondering what tips people have to make myself look better/stand out among the sea of Daves at every convention.

>> No.7546975

You should probably post yourself, we can't really help you out if we can't see what your cosplay looks like.

>> No.7547128

>If you're tired of looking like all of the other Daves, why not try out a lesser cosplayed outfit of his? Obv the record shirt is the most popular, so try out an outfit that he wears rarely or is seen less frequently in.

As long as you're cosplaying the same generic Dave, you're honestly never going to stand out that much.

>> No.7547131

the most common ways to fuck up Dave are
- (womens) skinny jeans
- shitty/unstyled wig
- inaccurate glasses+taking them off all the time/touching them in pictures
- visible piercings
- shitty makeup, this includes horrid, inaccurate freckles, eyeliner, shitty contouring
- something retarded like a rainbow belt or a yaoi flag
- acting like a tool
- shitty posing
- shitty binding

If you do none of the above, I can't see why you wouldn't be a good Dave

>> No.7547157

the skinny jeans thing seems like a consistent thing among anyone cross playing male characters. like, really, it's not helping you look any less feminine.

>> No.7547160
File: 67 KB, 960x717, 1000429_532879873415835_356899985_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the hair, I don't think I have any pictures with the wig I'm using right now. I also will bleach my hair over the summer and try to get it as light as possible because if I can, I prefer to not wear wigs. Should I just always stick to wigs, or is dying my hair alright?
Thanks, I've been thinking about doing the action pajamas, it's just hard finding a red suit (especially in my size)

>> No.7547161

If you have to ask, the answer is always wear a damn wig.

>> No.7547163
File: 46 KB, 717x960, 1001810_545939382109884_1761293510_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the sword in the holster I was talking about, I don't use that CD anymore, I swapped to one with Dave's logo on it.
I don't take that many pictures of my cosplay stuff so the only ones I have are ones someone else has taken

>> No.7547165

Just use a wig. It'll be easier in the long run, will require that you do less potentially damaging things to your hair, and will look way better, even if you barely know how to style them.

You're hair is gonna get gross and out of style over the course of the day, but a wig won't unless you do something weird to it. It's just the best option.

>> No.7547167

Cool, thank you

>> No.7547183

The holster is actually really cool even if your Caledscratch isn't the best, but to answer your question, even if your prop work is clean and you do a less cosplayed outfit (and do it well, mind you - the very fact that you have to ask whether or not to wear a wig makes me seriously doubt your abilities right from the get go), you won't ever be a well-noticed Dave because you're overweight and not conventionally attractive. That's the sad truth in cosplay. It's half craftsmanship and half looks, and sometimes even *more* than half looks. And you aren't necessarily ugly, mind you. You just aren't the thin, slender-faced go-to this fandom likes for Dave cosplayers, and it definitely works against you. I'd like to see a picture of your wig though, because wigs are very telling when it comes to immediate improvement.

My advice right now is to work on improving your technique when it comes to your props, and to lose some weight. Like I said, cold hard truth. There's not really any way to sugarcoat it. Homestuck may not give its characters canon body types, but larger cosplayers are disadvantaged anyway.

>> No.7547191

I really do appreciate your honesty, and I am aware that as an overweight cosplayer I'm at a disadvantage. The only reason I don't know that much about the actual cosplaying part is that Dave really is the only character I cosplay. I'm considering doing Amethyst from Steven Universe, but I would have to find someone to help me with the outfit. Props and ideas are what I'm a lot better at.
But yeah, I appreciate the advice. (The fact that I only really cosplay Dave is the reason I don't know jack shit about basic stuff like wigs or whatever)

>> No.7547221
File: 200 KB, 729x1096, dave_strider__scarlet_ribbitar___ishades__by_thebunni-d63k3pe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to what >>7547183 said, you might want to consider getting a shirt that fits your neck area better (ie, the collar doesn't sag loosely) and then screenprinting a larger symbol onto it. One of the most awkward things to look at with the larger shirts is how the symbols aren't scaled to fit the shirt's proportions, and that throws off the look of an outfit for me.

That said, your idea of a bladekind holster is pretty neat. If props are your thing, you could also try Dave's other swords (like the Caledfwch and the Scarlet Ribbitar) and do a shoot with your holster filled to bursting with a bunch of swords.

>can't hold all these sords bro

>> No.7547224

Didn't you come in here like 6 months ago with the exact same stuff and the exact same questions? This is deja vu all over again.

>> No.7547225


wasn't the OP the one throwing a fit that all the BNFs are women? claiming men don't get any attention in fandom?

not looking like that and refusing to wear wigs or learn to sew, they don't, bro.

>> No.7547230

Pretty but I can't not see the Statue of liberty

>> No.7547231

If I remember correctly he was also throwing a fit over why his unique prop didn't get a lot of attention in his local community because crossplayer girls stole the fame. I could be mixing anons up though.

>> No.7547237

...This is actually starting to ring a bell for me too.

>> No.7547243

DING. That was it, thank you. Thought I was going crazy.

>> No.7547333
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>> No.7547339
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>> No.7547550


That sounds really familiar. And then he went on about nobody caring about male cosplayers like >>7547225 said. Ah, good times.

>> No.7547574

What materials did you use to make these props?

>> No.7547839
File: 35 KB, 640x560, 1398124795468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A event organizer from NYCstuck is moving back to California, and is going to arrange comms in LA. Anyone familiar with her management? http://paradoxspac3.tumblr.com/post/85278314444/ayy-socal-stuckers

>> No.7548074

I am from that area and don't even know who they are or have heard of any events they organized. So no idea.

>> No.7548216

They don't appear to be an organizer from NYCstuck, just a former member.

>> No.7548723
File: 566 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n5doqeMyy01s3ng6to1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplay of one of the slaves from critical miss

>> No.7548765
File: 57 KB, 500x438, 1399374742163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, then.

>> No.7548778
File: 65 KB, 750x376, ss13 captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of all the places I never expected to see that reference.

>> No.7548789

Well im glad that its not as shitty as it could've been.

>> No.7548822

All dat shoop tho. Is their hair purple?

>> No.7548843

I'm looking to do the mayor.
I already have a black zentai suit, but I'm trying to figure out what to do for the robe/helmet.

Any advice?

>> No.7549999

im wanting to make terezis cane but im totally stuck on the dragons head. i was thinking of making it out of expanding foam.

>> No.7550090
File: 883 KB, 778x990, The mayor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I feel bad for going to anime cons in homestuck cosplay
I mean I know a lot of other people do it, I'm just wondering what the consensus is
Pic related, although it's an awful picture

>> No.7550127
File: 1.01 MB, 815x1200, tumblr_m2ljo0mlhP1qeesqno3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Neckbeards who cry about western series ruining their precious animu cons are crybabies who don't realize how much their numbers would drop if western fans didn't attend. Anime cosplayers go to sci fi conventions too so who cares?

>> No.7550152

Oh, I should also mention
The only reason I ask is because that cosplay drew the ire of some people

>> No.7550154

Seriously, the only important thing is that you don't act abrasive, but I'm sure you'll be fine. I mean, I've seen cosplays from video games, comic books, and even live action shows done to anime cons.

At worst, you'll just have people bitch about it online (on this board in another thread most likely) going, "ugh so many Homestucks, they're bad", but aside from that you shouldn't face any issues. Just don't be an asshole, basically.

>> No.7550474
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>> No.7550596
File: 66 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mrqvgrLPtY1qe8uxoo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they're kind of old news but has anyone ever met these two in person? I recall seeing them at a con and wanting a picture but they didn't look too happy/friendly.
I mean their HS cosplays are pretty okay, but their anime related ones aren't as great

>> No.7550599
File: 534 KB, 797x1200, tumblr_n5e469W2bU1r0gjd6o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea who these people are. Have they been out of the fandom for a long time?

>> No.7550620
File: 110 KB, 718x960, 538643_467506199951140_772941412_n_by_yonejiro-d60q9ja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda? I don't think they're completely out of the fandom yet

>> No.7550621

While it's certainly not true of many of the BNFs (and many more are catching up really quickly), a lot of anime cosplay is a big step up in difficulty from Homestuck and so some of the really good Homestuck cosplayers aren't doing as well with harder stuff.

>> No.7550631

It's totally fine.
I always see whining on /cgl/ about how anime cons should be for anime only, but any con is just a gathering of nerds who want to enjoy their interests with other nerds while they have a chance to do so in person, and sometimes the particular nerdy interest they're engaged in at that moment won't be the same as the designated theme of the con.

>> No.7550633

This is ok. Looks well done, not really firstfaggy, if they put this on just for a one-off fun shoot it's fine. It would be kind of lame to cosplay them to a con.

>> No.7550640

Even if this interest is... Homestuck, it's okay?

>> No.7550653

People might regard you with cautious distaste (stuckaboo until proven otherwise, essentially), but I doubt you'll encounter any kind of obvious/overt rudeness unless you're acting in a way that deserves it.

>> No.7550738
File: 85 KB, 640x960, aradiyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they actually broke up. made me kinda sad, i thought they were a great couple.

>> No.7550752
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>> No.7550755
File: 27 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lw6a17Ln3p1qep3j1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever happened to Burrenbari? met her once briefly at a con, she seemed pretty alright, she wasn't in homestuck cosplay but she asked to take a picture of my Rose and recognized her, had very forced humility about her popularity but i didn't really mind.

>> No.7550771

I didn't think burrenbari was ever popular enough to need to be humble about it.

>> No.7550792

Brenda is now a "he" or "they/them/their" whatever the fuck pronouns are popular to claim on tumblr. Also goes by the name Satoshi and her tumblr is artislikeafart.

>> No.7550922
File: 407 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n4lk2rf7KJ1qlspr9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7550938

just fucking cosplay kikis delivery service??? i dont understand this

>> No.7550991

There really are a ton now and days. I use Mohawkdandy's tutorial too since it uses comparatively inexpensive materials and is explained well. I've made Tavros, Gamzee, and Eridan horns using his tutorial and nond have broken or gave me problems.

>> No.7550993

what are ways are there to attach horns other than headband underneath a wig, ive tried that and it hurts my head.

>> No.7551020

Just figured out that I cant use a white cane or anything that looks alike where I live. Im lost at what prop to use for her. Except a lemonsnout and all the poses I think of are awkward as hell.

>> No.7551021

I've done snaps in the horns and on a piece of poster board underneath the wig and it works really well! It just snaps through the wefts.

>> No.7551022

I meant scalemate**

>> No.7551023

I've met them before; they're nice enough but they seem to keep to themselves more, rather than being the outgoing type.

I think one of them said something about not planning to do any more homestuck cosplays, but I may be wrong.

>> No.7551026

She changed her url; I forget to what but I know I was following her for a while after she did and couldn't remember why I was following her. I don't think she does homestuck cosplay anymore; all her recent stuff is dmmd and other anime

>> No.7551049

Got any worbla/wonderflex on you? That also works.

>> No.7551071

Is that who that is? She got a lot better! Looks great.

>> No.7551368
File: 2.48 MB, 3088x2056, IMG_1656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7552379
File: 118 KB, 427x640, tumblr_n36t37O63r1rd1879o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7552453

Ugh, I hate when people do genderbend cosplays and put no effort into the wig/hairstyle of the genderbent character. It's always some long, unstyled wig or ponytail. Like, is it really that hard to take into account the style and personality of a character and consider what their hairsyle might be if they were the opposite gender? Is it really that hard to then style a wig in that way?

If I see one more female Dave with long curly ringlets and sideswept bangs I'm gonna puke. Dave is constantly on the lookout for attacks from Bro and he's also constantly training in swordfighting. Long hair and bangs in the face would just get in the way of that. Not to mention that Bro (or I guess Sis?) would probably end up chopping most of those ringlets off in a fight, and Dave's hair is obviously straight so ringlets don't even make sense on him because that motherfucker would not take time to curl his hair.

Or like this picture. That's nothing close to Dirk's hairstyle. Dirk has pointy anime hair, so why did this bitch just put a wig in a shitty side ponytail? Wouldn't it make more sense to give her hair like Panty or some other ridiculous anime girl hairstyle? But nooo then it wouldn't look ~purdy~ and that's obviously the only thing cosplayers care about in a genderbend.

>> No.7552599
File: 630 KB, 502x1000, ya_by_daetsni-d5fak77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the shoes/general outfit choices.
>hurr durr I'm living in a dystopian future at the top of a burned-out apartment building in flooded Texas
>lemme go pop on some studded heels to battle those imperial drones

>hot damn I live with a psycho older sibling who's prone to randomly assaulting me with a very pointy sword and the only way to ensure I do not get sliced into ribbons is to fight back
>crop tops and miniskirts it is

That said, I could totally dig a genderbent Dirk with Panty hair.

>> No.7552600
File: 448 KB, 478x720, tumblr_m3zoejf0HQ1r0js8no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7552604
File: 607 KB, 800x790, rule_63__dave_strider_by_eccentriclittlekid-d61u0bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7552631

Can I request a list of new BNFs..?

Most of the people everyone is talking about are way out of the fandom, it's fine but I'm curious to know who is still around that is going strong with Homestuck still.

>> No.7552688

The list is basically current for active BNFs, with the exception of angryjaeger, dersedreamer, and ceriene.

>> No.7552722

If anon is looking for a short list of very active BNFs, there's only going to be a handful of names. Most of midtier isn't producing a lot of new cosplays.

>> No.7553393

Off the top of my head:

Pyropi, Cowbuttcronchies, fromgilbowithaweseome, snowchildhero and seclusionsalad all frequently post about hs cosplay.

>> No.7554012

What BNFs are interesting outside of their Homestuck lives? Do any of them have interesting hobbies or careers?

>> No.7554283
File: 43 KB, 500x313, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaexrae's becoming a dentist, I'm fairly sure.

>> No.7554296

>that pic related
i fucking LOST IT

>> No.7554413
File: 309 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n5j3qmCfQI1sv2wpho6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think gothichamlet is a programmer but I can't find the tumblr post.

She is. She posted a graduation pic last week.

>> No.7554421

I really like this picture aside from their horns coming out the front of their hats.
Terezi holding the gun wrong makes up for it though.

>> No.7554512

SCH is a teacher who works with disabled kids. She also works in an animal shelter. I don't know what Pyropi does but she travels. She lived in Japan and Moscow.

>> No.7554562
File: 284 KB, 1280x1586, tumblr_n4eybnY8541qgu25fo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure neither of those had to do with her job. She was still in school when she went to Japan. Speaking of which, I think Ceriene is still in school or graduating soon.

>> No.7554961

I hate this shitty genderbend so much. Look at all that shoop.

>> No.7555056
File: 887 KB, 664x1000, tumblr_n3z6xtXhRH1qzmpk6o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Mostflogged's group still does the alpha kids, but I'm not sure about MF herself because she sells a shit ton of her costumes.

>> No.7555066
File: 730 KB, 1024x663, tumblr_n59wjzkKXr1rezerso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

petition to add krazorspoon to pretty tier

>> No.7555296
File: 791 KB, 800x575, tumblr_mwpf3fnjke1qfq0vlo3_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got any more examples they've done from this year? That's a great pic but everyone in that tier has a handful of good cosplays.

>> No.7555343

I'll check them out when I get home.

>> No.7555518


They're most known for their Equius cosplay (shown in >>7555066) and do a lot of tumblr gif-roleplay with it. They are also active in the South Park and Gorillaz fandom.

>Last Homestuck Cosplay
The aforementioned picture of their Equius, posted five days ago.

>Homestuck cosplays over the last year
Closet Cosplay Dirk
God Tier Dave?

>Additional Notes
They're really nothing special. Their equius is cute and they can style a wig but they are very lacking in actual shoots or anything higher quality than a webcam gif of their cosplays. They do a few skits it seems though.
Their blog is...really badly organized. Looking through it chronologically I found more cosplays than in their tag (which I manually had to find). They do answer questions but they're not organized. I didn't find any actual shoots of any of their cosplays aside from that Equius one.

>> No.7555678
File: 347 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mwszv15sT21re460qo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a possible add for the future if they clean their shit up

>> No.7555685
File: 782 KB, 500x359, tumblr_mdciuy9wKK1rezerso1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

props for impressively intricate wig styling though

>> No.7555715

That's not impressively intricate, that looks like shit.

>> No.7555729

Who are they?

>> No.7555745

anon doesn't know what the word intricate means

>> No.7555750

And you clearly don't know what the word "impressive" means. The ultra-canon Karkat wig from the last thread was better styled and had cleaner lines and fuller spikes (and it still looked bad). The spikes on that cosplayer's wig look like a pinwheel. It's not intricately styled at all. It just looks bad.

>> No.7555761

anyone know why? they seemed to go well together

>> No.7555767

anon is really bad at picking up the correct connotations for words
i never said it looked good please clean yourself of sand

as for taki and drew, i assume it's just because they lost romantic interest in each other. they're still friends

>> No.7555779

>compliments styling and gives props
>"lol but i never said it looked good!"
Then why give props in the first place? You are really starting to reek of selfpost.

>> No.7555791

props = proper recognition

intricate = complex and uncommon

impressive = it reflects talent and hard work, not necessarily a good looking aesthetic value. disagree with me if you want. i have no doubt that you will

crying "selfpost" = a sad last ditch effort to sound big and mighty lol

sage because this conversation is fucking dumb

>> No.7555809

You are so mad. Selfpost confirmed. But by all means, keep giving yourself "proper recognition" for being "talented" and tackling "complex" projects yet producing such poor results. You don't get points for effort in styling a wig that looks bad. Your Equius is solid but your Karkat is not. Go look for a gold star somewhere else.

>> No.7555854
File: 640 KB, 855x1120, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7555940

>because images on the internet are never edited or misleading in any way

>> No.7555967

ok anon, i like your spunk. keep believing i'm krazorspoon if you want. i'm honestly kind of flattered. in the meantime, let's stop shitting up the thread. deal?

>> No.7555973
File: 625 KB, 1280x630, tumblr_mpboxuC5jH1r0z15mo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anybody ever seen a stuffed jade cosplay? i think it has the potential to be really cool with some special liberties in design taken. pic related

>> No.7556026

New thread: