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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 465 KB, 700x843, Aruan_GJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7521050 No.7521050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looks like the last one died.

Post for wig help and tips.

>> No.7521057 [DELETED] 

That wig looks pretty okay.
Just remove the flowers an put in your own, then shove some leaves in.
Use a small piece of hair to hide the rubber band.

>> No.7521058
File: 24 KB, 447x600, BMThM89CQAEt-B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostin from the last thread since I think I posted after it started autosaging.

Does anyone know of a good wig that'd work for this? I'm not experienced with wigs at all and am afraid of getting the wrong thing.

>> No.7521073
File: 78 KB, 720x960, blackp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found that black wigs have a nastier shine, especially in sunlight and with camera flashes, than most other colors. I have a black wig and want to make it look a bit more natural, could black or brown hair chalk/pastels possibly work for this?

Pic related, but not my photo. Similar shine with a camera flash.

>> No.7521104

I've heard about people getting good results by diluting a small amount of fabric softener in water, soaking the wig in the mix for a couple days and then letting it dry. Should get rid of the shinyness.

>> No.7521144

I'm in the process of doing that right now. It does help a bit (and it smells amazing), but I'd like to see if I can make it a little bit more natural looking than that. I don't see how some pastels and a little hair chalk would hurt the wig, though, so I think I'll just try it out and report the outcome, if anyone is interested.

>> No.7521149

Meant pastels and a little *hair spray, my bad.

>> No.7521168

I'm interested in buying a wig from amazon from cosplay depot. Has anyone purchased from them before? I'm used to buying wigs from epic cosplay and arda and I've seen less expensive wigs on both ebay and amazon. Are they similar quality? I just don't want to pay half price, get an unusable shitty wig and spend more money going to arda or epic cosplay in the end.

>> No.7521384

If you're looking for cheap but good wigs, try JCpunk on ebay? Looks just like and Arda or Epiccosplay wig only more tangle-prone for long ones.

>> No.7521631

if the wig is still pretty shiny after the fabric softener you can try patting chalk/baby powder in.

>> No.7521690

Any bang cutting tutorials?

>> No.7521712

Why kind of bangs are you trying for?

>> No.7521715

Front bangs. They're not straight across, they're a bit messy with those slight v's. I don't want to be an idiot and just cut the bangs straight across.

>> No.7521724

This may sound dumb, but is there a difference in female and male wigs? Or can you style any length of wig for either sex?

>> No.7521735

Trim it with the scissor vertically. It's pretty simple if you're looking to create that generic anime messy front bangs look. Be careful not to cut too short though, if you're doing it on a wig head.

>> No.7522146

I also recommend trimming vertically, and try it on with all your hair under a cap first before you put it on a wig head to see where you need to trim to. The first time I trimmed one I trimmed it on me but because I hadn't bothered putting my hair up and I have so much hair it came out a bit short when properly worn.

>> No.7522150

There's not really a difference.
Maybe some short male wigs would have more teasing so they can be spiked while female short wigs tend to be smoother, but even then, that can go both ways.

>> No.7522163
File: 2.45 MB, 800x3250, simplebangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with this, making them longer than your end goal, then trim here and there so it's not straight across.

A lot of cosplay wigs are unisex, the biggest thing to keep an eye on is the cap size. Dudes tend to have bigger heads so male-specific wigs might be larger. Wigs are adjustable but if they're significantly too big or small, they won't fit right and might look off.

>> No.7522175

Funny enough that's almost what my wig looks like. Thank you!

>> No.7522180
File: 146 KB, 720x479, tumblr_lb46mqgIfx1qbrupjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any recommendations for short, good-quality wigs with hime-cut bangs? like this. i've bought a few wigs from random chinese sellers before, but i'd like this one to last a while.

i don't think i'd have a problem with getting them to maintain the style, but i'd feel nervous cutting something like that myself.

>> No.7522254
File: 199 KB, 520x520, aries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying Aries this summer and I'm wondering how you would go about make the cotton-y poofs on the ends of her hair. Do you think just curls would work?

>> No.7523285
File: 242 KB, 461x1729, Sharpie_Wig_Dyeing_Tutorial_by_FireLilyCosplay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a wig styled like a mohawk that I'm looking to dye. I was thinking about sharpie dyeing it, but it requires me to soak the wig in alcohol, and I was wondering if it would ruin the already-styled mohawk part of it? halp

>> No.7523348

It depends. If the wig is styled like that from the manufacturer, it will probably survive. If it's treated with anything (like hairspray) you'd have to wash that off so the dye can properly contact the fibers.

>> No.7523389
File: 112 KB, 570x520, d34827b34bdbbf93d5cf5824a5e1c176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any store suggestions, links etc for moderately priced wigs that could pass for or at least resemble real hair and don't scream 'cosplay wig'; such as those ashy pastel and natural color ones the hyper cool tumblr girls wear? Pic kinda related.

>> No.7523417

I'm pretty sure wig fashion on ebay has started doing stuff like that.

>> No.7523449

Could always do your sharpy coloring by hand. With a mohawk it shouldn't take you that long.

>> No.7523541
File: 44 KB, 417x571, 1260887_654758024534531_975975198_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can use all the advice for spiking and adding wefts to a wig for this chick. And advice on how to start in general.

>> No.7525405
File: 24 KB, 252x553, BDFFedeafreelancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be making Edea Lee's Freelancer outfit from Bravely Default for this summer. I don't work with wigs much, so any suggestions as to how I can attempt the little flipped part of her bangs in the front?

I'm planning on buying the Matilda from Arda and straightening it. It's also a lace front, so will I be able to use the wig as is, or will I have to buy extensions to create the flip?

Pic related, any help would be greatly appreciated!!

>> No.7525413

A hair straightener and hairspray. Spray it, use the straightener to get it into the shape. Repeat until it's solid and won't move but not so much that you damage the fibers.

>> No.7525451

Will I have to add any extra support to it? I feel like if I did that the hair piece wouldn't stay up. But then again, I don't know much about how wig fibers and wig styling works, haha.

Thanks for the advice though!

>> No.7525546

Just....get wefts of the same color. Sew them in between existing tracks on the wig cap. Or use glue but that will be not as secure/could get bulky. When you're done, section out the fibers in roughly the shape you're trying to achieve, backcomb and spike them. If you're adding some kind of support stucture, paint it a similar color as the wig fiber.

>> No.7525561

I've done a fair bit of gravity defying work and hair spray should be enough provided there isn't too much fiber in the flick. If it isn't after following the post above, brush the back with watered down pva and dry with a hair dryer on low heat.

>> No.7526249
File: 454 KB, 500x596, tumblr_lk8n29SPv81qgl4vbo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find a nice serah wig? All the ones ive seen are either to dark or too pink...

>> No.7526284
File: 74 KB, 229x353, Scarykira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ordering my first wig from arda wigs. How long do they usually take, & do you guys think this would style well into Kira's Hairstype from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? I've never done this before & don't want to screw it up.


>> No.7526299

curl & tease ends a lot to make it fluffy

>> No.7526316
File: 324 KB, 598x384, Art009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying Sunny from Toriko at an upcoming con and I'm really stuck on his wig. My idea for now is getting a base wig in white and getting wefts of the other colors. I'm open to any suggestions though

>> No.7526322
File: 313 KB, 320x480, Harmony_01_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always be lazy and use a celestia wig

otherwise, yeah wefts I guess. It'd be a total pain though, and hair that long... yeaaaaaah

>> No.7526334

Gotcha. I'm going to use the 45 inch wig by arda for the base and 45 inch wefts from cosworx. I really like the 60 inch but I couldn't find 60 inch wefting and I'm not confident enough to make my own wefts. Plus his hair changes length drastically throughout the series so 45 is still decent imo

>> No.7528305
File: 131 KB, 950x1400, giorno-allstarbattle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there wig thread. I am finally going to take the plunge and order my first Arda Wig (and wefts) soon. I am going to be getting a Jareth Long and some matching wefts for my Giorno Giovanna cosplay. The only problem is I don't quite know which blonde I would prefer it in.

The color that I really would like is Pale Blonde 115, but they don't offer either Jareth or Jareth long in the color, and I am not confident enough in my abilities to overhaul an entire long wig just yet.

So I am thinking my next best option would be Platinum Blonde, but that would require me to go for a Jareth and sew in extra lengths through Wefts (which isn't too bad, considering I have to do it for his hair donuts anyway)

I am a total noob with arda, so any help is much appreciated.

Pic Related, the color scheme I am doing is fairly close to the ASB colors.

>> No.7528345
File: 55 KB, 500x1183, 500px-When_I_take_the_floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, is he related to Danse from Jem

>> No.7528491

Anyone order from Lockshop?

Bit annoyed since I placed my order on Friday of last week, chose the shipping method where it goes out on Wednesdays, get email saying the preparation is in progress yesterday, then nothing. Went to the website, it says the next shipment is in about six days.

Anyone know if maybe they send the confirmation late or something? Or if there's anyway to upgrade shipping? Just gotta have this wig by a certain time and I'm afraid a week later might not cut it.

>> No.7528528


hehe clearly.
Or they see the same hairdresser.

>> No.7528592

I would recommended dyeing a human hair lacefront/lace wig if you want to get a really natural style.

The one you posted is pretty good too but I'm having no luck finding really good realistic ones.

>> No.7528859
File: 85 KB, 253x447, Th14Seija.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the best way to create this wig be buying a blakc wig and using white and red wefts?

>> No.7528968

They typically update with tracking the next day or so.

>> No.7529007

Yeah. Dyeing to black is a huge pain and there's not many other options.
It should be too hard though, as long as the root of the weft is hidden.

>> No.7529010


>> No.7529024
File: 706 KB, 1000x1000, Usagiwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking about getting an Usagimodoki wig but not sure what color to choose. So any help on which would look best would help.

>> No.7529407


>> No.7529426

I would say whatever looks best with your skin tone. Blond is a really finicky hair color and certain shades of blond can look really bad on some people.

I personally really like number 5 though, especially if you're gunna make it a little curly, it'd be really cute.

>> No.7530443

Are there any good wig care video's or tutorials. I finally bought my first lolita wig from Lockshop, but I am still clueless about everything. I would love to get some tips.

>> No.7530743

arda tutorials

>> No.7530758

Oh, I've been thinking about buying from Lockshop.
Which one did you get and do you have any pictures/review?

>> No.7530768

Not >>7530443 but I just ordered my first wig from Lockshop as well. Was planning to do a review both on here and probably on Tumblr since there are a lack of reviews that stick around. (I've seen a few on /cgl/, but looking through the archive for them would be ehh).

That being said, I didn't get anything fancy just yet. I got the Angelic in Honey for cosplay, then I'll probably branch out and get the hime wig later for lolita if I like it.

>> No.7530849


Haven't gotten it in yet and since I'm still clueless about wigs I don't think a review from me would be helpful to anyone. I got a mermaid and a starlet.

I would like to know how to/whether to comb or brush them, how to keep the curls/waves in place, how and when to wash it etc.

>> No.7530852

Newbie question, how often should a wig cap be washed? After every wear?

>> No.7531514

Question about shipping the time. About how long does a wig take to arrive from L-email wig/wig supplier? I have a con in early June so I wasn't sure turn around time.

>> No.7531587
File: 90 KB, 566x580, human xeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to give up and and try to fabricate a helmet, but I wanted to do one last search for answers. I want to do a sort of xenomorph (The alien from Alien) gijinka based on this design. One of the elements I really like is the hair, but I have no solid idea of how to make it. Every time I ask people link me to the same Jessie from pokemon wig tutorial, which is great, but not immensely helpful. So, how I make wig do the thing?
tl;dr how I make wig do the thing

>> No.7531589

could you get a better picture?

>> No.7531619
File: 144 KB, 1002x543, 2 euuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a couple more that give you a good look at the hair

>> No.7532072
File: 23 KB, 500x500, pTRU1-16548595dt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, the jessie wig tutorial is your best bet since this wig is also back heavy. i know you probably don't want to hear a repeat of the tutorial but that's the only way i can think to make something like this. if it were me (and i'm totally bullshitting this because i'm no wig expert) i'd probably use a wire/foam structure for each "sectional bump" then cover it in wefts. it'll end up looking similar to the toy in pic related with a hollow center but with all the little details of course. i figure it'd help with the weight too. once all the sections are complete, i'd attach them all together then attach it to the base wig. i hope this somewhat inspires/helps you and if it doesn't sorry about that. either way good luck!

>> No.7532375
File: 43 KB, 160x120, 1267787011346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do Polnareff this summer, and my plan is to get a Morpheus in silver from arda and try what I read a someone's blog.
That is, to make a cardboard cylinder as a base, and style/glue the hair along it.

Would there be a better wig choice/method for doing this?

>> No.7532455
File: 136 KB, 1104x354, wigcollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to cosplay Irabu from Kuuchu Buranko. When I first ordered the wig, I always had in mind that I was going to dye it because the wig's stock photo colour was too pale. So, I recieved the wig this week and well, the color looks great in RL and I must say that I totally fell in love with it.

Because of this, now I don't know if I should dye it or not. The character has a vibrant yellow hair and I love how some cosplayers portrayed it but the wig's colour may be enough for it (and it would be my first time dying a wig, so there's a chance I'll fuck it up).

tl;dr: if the character has a flashy colour hair, would you try to emulate that or would yo go for a more "natural colour"?

Pic related with some cosplay examples, the character and my wig (it's more yellowish but it can't be seen due to shitty mobile camera). Thanks, guys!

>> No.7532466

It wouldn't work anyway, anon. You'd have to dye a white wig with fluroscent ink to get that yellow, or buy a yellow wig.

In this case it may not matter due to stylization - The character is a blonde, so you can still do a 'realistic' version. If the other haracters all had super natural haircolours and she stood out it'd be different.

>> No.7532474
File: 49 KB, 614x357, danyweddingep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone point me in the direction of a good lace front for Dany? I think I can do her wedding style myself so I'd just need a base. So could anyone point me in the right direction please?

>> No.7532477
File: 473 KB, 914x233, lightbulb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the tutorial I was going to follow uses light bulb paint in order to obtain wigs with flashy colours (pic related). I know my wig it's darker, but *I think* that's still light enough to end up being a little yellowish.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your response, anon!! I'll leave this until last and then try it on with the completed cosplay to see if a realistic version also looks good.

And if any of you are interested in this method, here's the tutorial (spanish only, though, but I can translate if you have any question about it). Because I can't post the url, just google "laca de bombilla cosplay morrigan" (it's the october 2013th entry).

>> No.7532482

I'm no wig expert, but if the odango tutorials that follow the same method end up looking good, yours might have the same effect.
Do you have any picture of the final product you've read about? That'd help a lot to see if in the end it's look good or not.

>> No.7532494

Arda just released their Dany lacefront/lacepart that you could take a look at

>> No.7532739

Honestly, for the wedding style, I personally prefer the Arwen more in the Titanium Blonde from Arda. You can get the kind of "puffier" look easier by just brushing out the curls.

In fact, I think the Dany kinda sucks for Dany overall.

>> No.7532764

curious about this too tbh, can't find any info thru google

>> No.7532817
File: 37 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mgq8jkbihi1rztdgoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should one change the hair color of a cosplay to fit their race or general appearance? I have a brown haired character, but it doesn't match my skin that well. I was considering just going a darker brown or black.

>> No.7532836

I suggest a darker brown, if you think it will help the overall look of your cosplay.

>> No.7532990

Lockshop has a lacefront wig that matches her hairstyle.

>> No.7532992

Oh nvm it's out of stock at the moment.

>> No.7533137
File: 319 KB, 1067x1600, whatwigisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what wig she's wearing? I really fell in love with it, but I can't find one that's quite like it.

>> No.7533238


I agree; I think it's okay and almost important to slightly change the shades of natural colored hair to go better with your skintone. I'm INCREDIBLY pasty white, so I bought the darkest dark brown (the one that's one color step up from pure black) instead of a black wig for my most recent cosplay, and I'm glad I did, otherwise I would literally be a ghost. It's so dark it almost looks black unless you're really up close to it.

>> No.7533272

It's apparently a wig of Tsubasa Masazuwa and it was from Bluebeard wigs on taobao or something.

>> No.7533281

Thanks anon. But I honestly think the color is off a little.
I'll check this out. Thanks kind anon.
Damn. Thanks though anon.

>> No.7533286

Thank you!

>> No.7533750

I typically do this too for the same reason. I also have a lot of asian friends that look horrible in most blonde wigs, so yeah, it's pretty important to adjust the wig color to match your skin tone

>> No.7533800
File: 1.96 MB, 1560x756, boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm cosplaying chrom, and am new to the wig scene in cosplaying

I noticed the image on the right had spikier looking hair (I realize its the wind blowing, but I like the look).

Is it considered bad to style it differently then the canon style? Also which do you prefer?

>> No.7534073

First off, I always thought Chrom just had spiky hair. I didn't even realize that his spikes went away. That being said I like the look of the spikes much more than just boring and flat. Personally I say go with whatever you want with the costume. I don't think any autists will be on your case about you having or not having spikey hair.

>> No.7534398


I have two styles coming in suitable for Dany. One like in the picture with smaller waves and one that's currently out of stock! Probably in about a month. BUT if you're in a rush, I could send out the sample one that I have that matches your picture?

>> No.7535330

they usually take a week or less.

His hair looks wavy, you might want a longer one so you can curl it a bit. That wig is probably a tad short to add the wave to.

>> No.7535369

>I didn't even realize that his spikes went away
Did you even play the game? All his sprites and artwork are shown with the hairstyle on the left.

But since you're a beginner I would just go with the canon style. If you don't have the skills to make the spikier style look natural, it'll just end up looking stupid.

>> No.7535524

Thanks guys! Luckily the wig came into the mail today, looks almost perfect, just a little messy but styled almost ideally.
If i try and comb out some tangles and cut the back a bit, will that ruin the hold and shape it currently has? Also what hairsprays do you reccomend?
I'll post a picture in a bit for reference.

(It's from Arda wigs, its the synthetic fibers stuff, not human hair)

>> No.7535613
File: 134 KB, 620x450, 6186-1405820141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume gluing fibers on some kind of foam thing would be the best option? Cures have too much hair.

>> No.7535615
File: 90 KB, 800x1200, img_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kigurumi from stage shows

>> No.7535655
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd i do? cosplaying miku soon, just got this wig in a week ago with untrimmed bangs. i think i did alright

>> No.7535735

I'm guessing you have the Magnum (since it looks closest to Chrom)? It should be fine. If it can keep it's shape during transit, cutting and combing shouldn't ruin it. If not, I found with mine, that just running your hand through would help keep its fluffiness in the back.

What color did you end up getting from Arda btw? I'm planning a Lucina cosplay soon, not sure which blue to go with.

>> No.7535745
File: 427 KB, 740x658, 5688-2110921450 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some help finding a good Shiro wig? The colors in this show are so all over the place that I'm having difficulty choosing a colour.

>> No.7535752

I would use a white or very light grey wig and use a hairspay with glitter or use hair spray and separate glitter and put it through it.

>> No.7536039

This might be pretty basic, but I'm super frustrated with my wig right now.

I've got the Arda Jeannie wig and it had hella bag hair when it arrived. I've been trying to restyle it into a nice, clean ponytail and every time it ends up looking all lumpy-bumpy.

Any advice? What am I doing wrong?

>> No.7536200

Hey there, anybody have some pictures of really good sailor moon wigs? I've tried looking but most of what I've seen uses the styrofoam ball method or the buns look really flat and sad looking. I was thinking about using Godsavethequeen's tutorials for a crisscross back and fluffy bangs but any other tips or good tutorials would be greatly appreciated thank you!

>> No.7536225

I had to do the same thing with it, and honestly it just takes a lot of patience. Pin the entire hairline to the wighead extremely securely, it helps.

>> No.7536243

I'd by a light blue wig and then do some careful purple gradient? Then do as the other anon and use some sparkly hairspray.

>> No.7536457

back, still making the armor at same time.

Dark blue is the so perfect I squeeled a bit, then remembered my testicles and stopped myself.
Dark blue should work, but if i remember, Lucina's hair is slightly more blue, so look at midnight as well

>> No.7536462

and yeah, magnum

>> No.7536521
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1920, 2014-05-04 13.47.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the chrom wig

>> No.7536588

>sorry for the selfpost

I made a hipster Sailor Moon (yeah, I know) based on some fanart. I ended up departing quite a bit from the picture- it was one of many test runs.

I used the following tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y4FD4Pso_I

This was my first wig styling, so it came out a little wonky, I think. If I were to do it again, I would be more careful with the way the hair wraps over the center of the styrofoam ball because it got a little egg-shaped.

>> No.7536589
File: 1.64 MB, 1032x1198, sailorMoonWigTest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped pic :<

>> No.7536624

can't see because the picture is sideways

please fix that shit

>> No.7537250

best way to do the stripes in a death the kid wig?

>> No.7537260

It's a stupid thing 4Chan does with large images. Open it in another tab.

>> No.7537512

just make your fucking image smaller. It stretches the image and makes you look horrible

>> No.7537532

It takes way more effort to whine about it than to just tilt your head sideways, jesus.

>> No.7537581
File: 34 KB, 370x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find a wig for Iori, I was thinking about a lace front from arda but I want to know what you all would reccomend.

>> No.7537600
File: 701 KB, 770x900, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Sailor Moon cosplayers never seem to style the bangs or curl the ends of the wig? It looks so unfinished.

>> No.7537689

been wondering this for nigh on 15 yrs. Hardly anyone does the bangs properly.

Occasionally I see someone do something with the pigtail ends but the bangs....nope.

>> No.7537789

howabout wigs for everyday wear? like, every day.
I've been balding due to a health condition

>> No.7538117


Since it was for a "hipster" look, I was trying to go for the side-swept bangs thing.

>> No.7538643

because it looks absolutely terrible in person.

>> No.7539100
File: 184 KB, 393x595, mermaidcherrychocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my from Lockshop in the mail today (mermaid chocolate cherry). They send a care sheet with their wigs which goes over how to brush, how to store, what temperature can be used to style, and how to wash it.

>> No.7539108

...curled bangs look terrible? You're an idiot.

>> No.7539235
File: 159 KB, 694x769, Kira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well it's a bit too late for that now. What do I need to style it to look more like Kira? The pastebin link to the "Wig Styling Walkthrough" just takes me to a 404.

A youtube video said I need one of the got2b hair gels but they were talking about spiking so I don't know what I should be doing now that it's ordered.

Also, where can I get a fake woman's hand? I had a manakin store close to me & when I checked they had gone out of business.

>> No.7539253
File: 2.19 MB, 4000x3000, tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also my tie came in

>3 skulls not 4

Best I could do with zazzle. It was that or pay $500 for an official one.

>> No.7539266

Did you have to cut the bangs on that anon? They look great

>> No.7539289

Try a party/costume store or something, you probably wont find a hand nice enough for Kira's tastes but they'll probably have fake hands.

>> No.7539295

no they're just ugly as sin and outdated

>> No.7539299
File: 199 KB, 443x1800, how_to_cut_simple_bangs_by_katsumiyo-d4hjmfv.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did cut them myself, thanks!
I've fucked up a wig by cutting the bangs too short before so I was a little scared, but I'm really happy how it turned out. I followed this tutorial for it.

>> No.7539756

bump.. my only wig is starting to look ratty no matter what I do so I'm in the market.

>> No.7540731

How long did it take you to receive it/where are you located? A bit nervous since I need my Lockshop wig in a certain amount of time and the tracking is stuck in Frankfurt. Has been since the 30th.

>> No.7540842

Shipped on the 23rd of April and arrived yesterday; I live in BC, Canada.
Hopefully you receive yours soon!

>> No.7540864

Do you think it's a good idea to make a ponytail out of a whole wig? I need very massive long ponytail so I thought I'd stuff a long wig with foam or something to give it shape and then attach it to another wig. And I'd sew some extra wefts on it too and tease it to make it look bigger.

If anyone has images of someone doing this, I'd be glad to see them.

>> No.7540904

What about a half wig? Not cosplay, but Misako made twin tails using half wigs in a Kawaii.i tutorial

>> No.7540911

you can buy a black Ryuuko wig and ust add the white wefts

>> No.7540975
File: 328 KB, 750x729, T2EBXpXcxNXXXXXXXX_!!55083938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking for a review for The Second Nachname's Saber Alter wig (pic related)

Specifically I'm interested to know how is the colour in real life, having a picture will be great.

>> No.7540996

looks good, but are you going to be doing any sort of styling to it?

>> No.7541689
File: 899 KB, 1280x720, Amy_Soul_Calibur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a con coming up in a few weeks and a wig I ordered two months ago is nowhere in sight. Instead of worrying about another wig coming on time, I figured I'd dye a blonde wig red for Amy.

I've watched a couple videos on sharpie dying but they're all bad quality and never actually show the person doing it. This is my first time and I don't want to screw it up completely. Any good videos or tutorials for this? Thanks a bunch!

>> No.7541695

Nggh. For a second I thought that you said "I figured I'd dye my blonde hair red for Amy." and then sharpie dying.

I was terrified that you'd boil your scalp. ;~;

>> No.7541696
File: 84 KB, 800x800, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought about that, but it needs to be lavender/light purple and I haven't found any halves in that color. I was planning of getting two of these.

>> No.7541711
File: 220 KB, 600x589, b1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ow.. all that bleach, dye, alcohol, molding shit and spray for the drills.

>> No.7541758

I really doubt you'd get a blonde wig to go that dark of a red..at most it'll probably end up a pinkish color.

>> No.7541784
File: 19 KB, 450x338, image_5c51c59e03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a matter of time until some poor kid reads about it and thinks "Wow, I'm totally doing this to my hair."

>> No.7541810

Anyone have a wig that's similar to Arda's Jeanie? I have thick hair and a somewhat thick head, and it said it won't go over 23 inches (I am 26 ~)

>> No.7542147

That is a good idea however I never saw a pure black Ryuko wig for sale. Anyone know where I can find one?

>> No.7542246

>it said it won't go over 23 inches
I don't see where it says that. It even has tips for if your head is 24 inches.
But If you can't fit into the Jeannie, I don't think there's an alternative. I don't know any store that has a bigger wig size than Arda's, let alone ponytail wigs in that size. Just buy a base wig and a ponytail clip on.

>> No.7542462

Yeah, sorry I meant 24. I have 26 with my hair. I might just cut my thick hair to fit in.

>> No.7542464

where about are you if you dont mind me asking? i ordered a wig as welll and im in bc.

>> No.7542705

On Vancouver Island

>> No.7542906

Has anyone figured out what Jesus magic shit was used on that miku wig that didn't tangle while the wearer was dancing and jumping around? I need that in my life.

>> No.7542909

We think she got her wig from Cyperous' Cosplay website

>> No.7542928

Ahh, that'd explain a lot. There's hardly anything you could treat a wig with to achieve such a godly level, is there? I heard something about a product by Mane 'n' Tail, but I have no idea which one or whether it's actually any good.

>> No.7542951

Who gives a shit? This hobby is about accuracy and if you don't look like a dumbass you're doing it wrong.

Her bangs are curly, curl your fucking bangs or don't cosplay a character from the early 90s

>> No.7542977

A question from someone who's totally inexperienced. What kind of brush or comb do I need? And how do I properly brush it?

>> No.7542984

There's an anon in the KLK thread who's cosplaying Iori, you should go ask them.

>> No.7543026

I dun goofed and forgot to order a wig for Fanime. What are some good wig sellers that can get a wig to me in two weeks? I need a medium-to-dark blue wig that will stand up to lots of teasing and hairspray.

>> No.7543289
File: 18 KB, 304x262, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7544026

I'm so mad I can't even. I ordered a wig from Lucaille over a month ago using China air mail since I didn't need it immediately, yet the tracking number just barely registered as 'Origin Post is Preparing Shipment' after not even registering since I received it.

Arda and Epic Cosplay are US based sellers and both have a variety of blues.
Out of the two, Arda wigs'll hold styling better from my experience.

A wide toothed comb will work just as well as anything.
Just start from the bottom and work your way up slowly and don't ever yank.

>> No.7545271
File: 98 KB, 550x658, fb8a428b1837fab1850e26c48db43e0e1389753420_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of getting the Jaguar style wig from Arda in dark brown to make the hairstyle on the left.


Would this wig be suitable to make this style? Any tips or pointers I should keep in mind when trying to style it to look like this?

>> No.7545792
File: 35 KB, 361x550, 968full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy, so I know very little about wigs. I'm trying to find the best lacefront base wig for Bigby Wolf from Wolf Among Us.

I got a cheap mullet wig to alter, and the front was a bit too short and the color a bit too dark.

does anyone know the best wig to use?

>> No.7546143

its the detangling spray :O
could i have i link to the mentioned video?

>> No.7546718
File: 459 KB, 835x569, Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 1.08.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought EpicCosplays ponytail wig? I'm looking for an alternative since I hate how thin the front is on Ardas, but i'm a little skeptical.

>> No.7546955

It's not a wig but a wig-piece, I guess?
I saw some fake bangs in a local store and tried them on. They're where really cheap and didn't look too shiny, but shiny enough to see the difference when worn. I was thinking of buying them anyway and using the fabric softener/talcum method on them, but I'm afraid it'll ruin it totally since it's a small hair piece?

>> No.7546960
File: 1.92 MB, 1399x904, b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many apologies for the messy assortment of reference images, but which of these wigs would be best for Botan from Yu Yu Hakusho? I'm having trouble picking out just one since it's difficult finding a ponytail wig that'd work for her. Of course, other suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well, but I thought I'd check here just in case, thanks!

>> No.7546963


>> No.7546965

I'd say the middle-top one.

>> No.7546969

Purple Plum
All US sellers so it'll get there fast.

>> No.7546972
File: 7 KB, 160x148, 27522_133069023370235_2939_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based anon. Gonna get this tomorrow and try it out.

>> No.7546974

does anyone know wtf happened to cosplay-wig on ebay??? did they go out of business or something???
they had my favorite wigs...

>> No.7546989

what is this wizadry

>> No.7547024

Yes, but you'll need to make a fake hairline

>> No.7547055

What happened to Fantasy Sheep's base unstyled wig line? All I see is character wigs and cosplay accessories now.

>> No.7547064

Whenever I've used them, they've taken around a month. Would not recommend ordering it from them if you need it for fanime

>> No.7547066

It only takes a month if you order a wig on back order.

>> No.7547119

Ah, thank you. I'm looking up tutorials on making a fake hairline now. Any other tips or advice I should note before I attempt this?

>> No.7547759

I'm starting to think the mahogany magnum long might be a better wig for this style http://arda-wigs.com/products/magnumxl This should work too right?

>> No.7550531


It's curly, but you could straighten it, amd get it a bit longer. For something the long, though, wefts are probably your best option.

>> No.7550572

Hi. New to cosplay and need a Link wig. I have no clue at all about wigs though.
It should be realistic looking. Movie and not anime like. Brown-blond.

offtopic but: what kind of earrings could i get? i once wore blue earings left and right but the holes are closed now.

>> No.7550756

Do you guys have any suggestions for a good Ryuko wig base? I really want Arda's Inigo in Raven, but they've been sold out of it for months. I have another wig for her that is way too thin and looks awful, so I don't want to chance another ebay wig.

>> No.7550989
File: 35 KB, 227x576, CI_87643_1391204017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a wig for a cosplay of Agnes in her Vestal garb from bravely default (pic related).
The problem is, I've never owned a wig this long before so I have no idea where is the best place to get one.
I've seen alot of con pictures of long wigs that end up looking like rats nests before the end of the day, some even apparently tangle after only a few minutes of use. I'd like to avoid this.
So any idea where I would be able to get one suitable, but won't tangle horribly?
Also for me to be able to do the bangs, it needs to be heat resistant, or if anyone has any idea to do the bangs without heat would be awesome too.
Any help would be super appreciated

>> No.7551043

Try the mane and tail thing >>7546989
Epic cosplay has pretty good long wigs

>> No.7551078
File: 267 KB, 600x600, WL006-A016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about purchasing a wig from Airily, but does the quality reflect the relatively hefty price tag?

>> No.7551088
File: 783 KB, 1037x778, airilyswatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've ordered..... like 10 wigs from them over the years. Never disappointed! I prefer them for long wigs as they are super silky. I will say for simpler styles I prefer cosplayDNA on ebay. But Airily has colors that other sellers do not have. Lately they've been charging a min 3000 yen ems shipping by default. So either group it or order a few to make that shipping worth it.

>> No.7551098

Sounds great! Thank you anon!

>> No.7551202

How do I cut a wig without totally fucking it up and being minus 30 dollars?

>> No.7551203
File: 1.05 MB, 5797x3543, 719207-yande.re_277178_hoshimiya_kate_komodori_renge_sekai_seifuku_shimada_sanae_thighhighs_venera_sama_white_robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on finishing my Kate cosplay for a con in summer. I'm having trouble figuring out what wig I should buy for her though.
I think the 1st one has the perfect colour but since colour can vary on computer screens I'm afraid it's going to be way too dark when I receive it.
The 3rd would be an okay alternative and I know but that and the 2nd are both Kirigiri wigs but they have around the same hair colour.

Thanks in advance!

>> No.7551216

-google tutorials. Look at a few for what you want to achieve
-decent scissors,not necessarily hair ones but not shitty blunt safety ones from primary school
-if cutting on a wig head, compare proportions to your head and leave it longer, most wig heads are smaller than people heads
-if cutting on your head, wear it as you intend to (i.e. with cap on/hair tucked under properly/on straight/not too far forward or back)
-go slowly, cut small amounts off in small sections, don't get impatient and chop it all at once
-leave it longer because you can always cut more off but can't stick it on

>> No.7551224

anon its practice makes perfect. If you don't cut your own you'll never get good at it.

Just remember not to just bluntly chop it. Get some thinning scissors as well.

>> No.7551228

its a good colour for Chrom but you'll definitely need to style and cut it. Right now you look like some scene kid.

>> No.7551279

I want to get better at wigs but I all of my upcoming costumes have really boring hair. I was wondering if people could suggest some moderate level hair styles for me to practice doing? I have a bunch of mid-tier level wigs I don't mind butchering for practice.
They're mostly black with a few odd colored ones. I'm pretty good at slicing up and wefting wigs together, but i'd love to work on more intensive styling.

>> No.7551462
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 4100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i just found out, that they used real human hair in the lotr movies and yak and human in the hobbit.

Humanhair wigs are pretty expensive though. Are there synthetic wigs that look and feel pretty real, with a proper crown and parting of the hair?

>> No.7551478

If you have any longer wigs, you could temporary style them for Sansa Stark with her updos. I may just not have a good wig for it, but it's difficult for me to get it nice, so I am practicing with that.

>> No.7551479

My friend's mum works on the wigs for these films. I never thought to ask her about stuff like this.

>> No.7551488

Look for "full lace wig", those are the realistic looking ones. They're made by threading a couple hairs at a time into a fine mesh, instead of sewn together into wefts.

So far as your closed earholes go, put some ointment (like Bacitracin or something: lubricating + antibiotic) on the holes and massage the lobes with your fingers to stretch them out. Then you can try greasing some earrings with the same ointment and putting them through.

>> No.7551509

if you are UK based i would definitely recommend Coscraft.
i bought 2 wigs from there, and i was very pleased, they were very soft . I'll post up a picture soon.

>> No.7551521
File: 34 KB, 610x407, jaime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full lace wig
welp. expensive af too. seems like i have to settle with a normal wig then. With the hat a big part would be invisible anyways.

a style similar to Jamie Lannister's in GoT would fit Link pretty good i think.

>So far as your closed earholes go
i have only wore earrings for half a year. thats 2 years ago now. i doubt i'll get them opened again and i'm not really motivated for it anyways...

btw, i'm a guy

>> No.7551570

Google pound of flesh. You can buy hands arms and feet. They are for tattooing but they make nice realistic props as well

>> No.7551685
File: 894 KB, 784x1134, Caster_Extra_Takeuchi_design_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help with wigs that are styled like this? I was thinking about buying a longer wig (since i need the length in the front) and using the excess hair i'm cutting off in the back to attach to a clip-on bow.

>> No.7551978

anyone has experience with Front lace wigs from this shop? this shop or front lace wigs in particular?

is it possible to cut such long wigs short and style them like Jamie for link?

>> No.7552263

holy heck you are adorable

>> No.7552283
File: 602 KB, 1067x1600, 68316016d71adfb62c60466e4bafcb93-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any advice on cutting a rhapsody wig and still keeping it nice? I need to take 10-15 centimeters at least off of mine but I've only seen one other person do it and the end result was choppy and awful and I still want to keep the flowy look of it.

>> No.7552416

If a character you're trying to cosplay as has yellow hair (think Sailor Moon's haircolor), is it better to go with a yellow wig or a blonde wig?

I feel like a blonde wig wouldn't look right, but I feel like a lot of the Yellow ones look way too bright and not actually yellow (or there is no reference photo on the sites I'm shopping at). Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm kind of new to this. I appreciate any help.

>> No.7552456
File: 367 KB, 956x1280, what is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a Ferrari from Arda?
Is it normal to have all this crimped hair at the base? I have a few wigs from them (both Magnums, a Jareth and a one of their long wigs) and this is the first I've seen this. I'm not really sure if it's a defect since this isn't described on their site nor have I seen many people talk about it, but I really don't like it.

>> No.7552462

I'm not seeing any crimped hair in your photo, but a lot of wigs have short, crimped/teased hair at the base to give them volume.

>> No.7552477
File: 328 KB, 700x761, T2BwgDXtRaXXXXXXXX_!!655734967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you decide on yellow, try to shoot for something like the color of pic related.
I personally think, if you make your cosplay with bright fabric, something the shade of pic related would work.
If you have fabric that's toned down and easier on the eyes, a natural blonde would look better.

>> No.7552483

That's hardly the crimping most wigs with it have, but as the other Anon said, it's meant to give the wig a little bit of volume, possibly good for light spiking.

>> No.7552495

That's kind of what I was thinking too, a natural golden blonde. The costume won't be too brightly colored.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you find that wig (link)? Thanks very much for the advice!!

>> No.7552501


>> No.7552509
File: 1.87 MB, 3000x2250, SAM_5110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kira guy again. This is what I have to work with. How can I make this look more like David Bowie Kira?

I don't have a Styrofoam head, is there anywhere I could get one walking into a store?

>> No.7552511

Hopefully that's a sign it doesn't capture well on camera then haha. But thanks, I was just worried since I've never seen a wig with it.

>> No.7552512

My Ferrari has a ton of crimping in it like that too. Fortunately the cosplay I wear it with has a hat so I don't worry about it.

>> No.7552517
File: 63 KB, 392x251, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


& here's a picture of Kira's hair for reference.

BTW, is the wig styling guide on the pastebin down for anyone else?

>> No.7552518

Have you tried looking at Hobby Lobby or Michaels? I could imagine any craft store would have one. They're usually by all the other.. Styrofoam stuff
I think Sally's might also carry some but I'm not sure, they might just be those heads hairstylists practice on.

>> No.7552531


Not yet, much more focused on styling the front to look like kira at the moment. Just putting my hands through the hair makes it more wavy which is fine since I can set it that way wth the freeze spray if I need to, but I don't know how to get the front of his hair right.

Also since I don't have lace front tape, will I need to use spirit gum to keep it on?

>> No.7552535

I went through the customer gallery for the Ferrari and couldn't really see it in any pictures, relieved to hear it's a normal thing then, thanks!

>> No.7552536

So the wig I was planning on getting for Momocon at the end of the month from Arda is sold out until June. They have a longer wig in the same color, which I could trim up to the (short and a little spiky) hairstyle, or I could buy a lighter color from arda or epic and dye it. Which has a better chance of success?

>> No.7552564
File: 34 KB, 140x343, 140px-Fionna_design2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best wig for Fionna from Arda, Epic Cosplay, the5witts or any other us seller? Im horrible at picking blondes and I dont have time to return it if it's off. I stupidly lent my friend the perfect Fionna wig and she trashed it; cut the bangs and sides horribly despite me telling her no styling.

>> No.7552766
File: 412 KB, 1099x867, kyouhei-full-1419087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a good wig rec for this character, please.

>> No.7552768

I don't think they have it any more unfortunately you. Might want to look at ghost wig (they don't had as many styles as FS used to have though)

>> No.7552829

Most beauty stores will have them. I usually get my wig supplies at my local "ethnic" beauty shop. I'm not sure what the PC term for that would be...

>> No.7553153
File: 78 KB, 352x542, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really appreciate some suggestions on a wig for the comic version of Knives Chau. I don't have any experience doing anything multicolored, so I'm not entirely sure how to put in the red bangs.

>> No.7553187
File: 132 KB, 424x318, tumblr_mselchKvm11r9iooso7_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ventilating right now without a ventilating needle because it is out of stock at arda and i dont have time to wait and this is the WORST THING EVER, it'd better look amazing when I'm done, the process is just so tedious.

pic, uh, mostly related

>> No.7553190

Party stores also sell them but I'd only get one there if you can't find one at the places suggested (I've seen up to $7-10 for one).

>> No.7553237
File: 1.13 MB, 1456x748, rukamargarinewigz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for keeping a long wig (curly or straight) relatively neat during a con? I hope to go to one eventually and want to be prepared! (as much as i can be, anyways) I've heard of Mane and Tail before, would I spray that on pre-con to help it stay sleek? Or is it only for after? Am I doomed to have to stop every half-hour or so and brush? pic related are the wigs.

>> No.7553321

Most people I've seen do Fionna seem to use just a bang clip at the front rather than a full wig since your head is going to get bloody hot with a wig + full hat like that.

>> No.7553322

Try ebay, I got one for less than half the price of Arda's and it arrived in 3 days.

>> No.7553358

Im looking for some wigs to suit gothic lolita. In blacks, reds, auburns and such but I'd like to stay away from GLW, Lockshop and Taobao. Anyone know any good sellers? Extra points if you dont need to cut the bangs

>> No.7553375


silicone spray. Keeps the fibers slick and they'll tangle less. I hear home depot and places like it carry it.

You only need a little.

>> No.7553749

Any clip suggestions then? arda is out of pretty much every blonde and Epic's don't seem long enough. I need it before the 23rd so that's why i'm hoping for a us seller otherwise I gotta pay out the wazoo for express shipping and hope it gets here in time

>> No.7553840

You could also buy a package of wefts and rig one yourself. It's really not that difficult.


>> No.7554152

Is there a certain tutorial for it? I'm afraid of fucking everything up since I'm not used to super long wigs.

>> No.7554263
File: 27 KB, 520x678, 1398291388921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what the deal with arda? It's my first time using them, and I ordered a silver jareth May 1st.. and only now is it saying its out of stock... and the restock post doesn't have it listed.. am I doomed for all eternity? The shipping status says it's "unfullfilled." My cons in early august so I still have time but im still biting my nails over it

>> No.7554310

You have time, anon. They restock every month or so, and shipping should take 2-3 weeks max (max as in they usually take less time than that). You can always send them a message asking them for an estimate time of restock if that would make you feel any better.

>> No.7555925

Ugh, seriously? I'm so bummed. Even though their longer wigs tangle really bad, I really like how realistic their fibers look and feel and they had an awesome color range... Ah well, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.7556222

Speaking of Amazon, anyone bought from this Cf-fashion? I have an amazon gift card to spend and this seems too good to be true:

Or what about animewild wigs? Sold through cosplay depot. http://www.amazon.com/Brown-Shoulder-Length-Cosplay-Costume/dp/B005EDV73M/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1400051425&sr=8-14&keywords=short+red+brown+wig+cosplay

>> No.7556389

Looking for a wig for a Sycamore cosplay. I'm guessing I'll need something curly that I can jerry rig and style into something that looks okay. Any one have any ideas? I can't use ebay, so preferably arda...