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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7517513 No.7517513 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, give me the worst and the best from your bad weeaboo phases. We all had one. Don't even try to deny it.
>No Vendettas
pic related, my amazing Misa Amane "cosplay" from 7th grade

>> No.7517524

My daily school outfit included
>cat ears and tail
>Naruto headband tied on my thigh
>fishnet fingerless gloves

I wore chinese qi-pao style blouses in formal occasions

I'd say ohayou to everyone in school, along with a peace sign

I'd also meow to people

Thankfully, back in my day social media wasn't half as popular, and people didn't really take too many pictures of themselves or their friends. Those days are long gone and there's no evidence they ever even happened.

>> No.7517548

I desperately wanted to be a mallgoth, but didn't have the guts. The worst I ever did was repeatedly wear too small anime t-shirts with black cargo pants from Old Navy and color in my fingernails with neon marker. Put stupid drugstore fuschia in my hair once without bleaching. Cheapass gawffic boots from like Kohls or something.
Still embarrassing as hell but I shed about 80 pounds, learned to dress myself, all that. Just really glad I only very recently started doing cosplay and cons -- would have been an embarrassment in high school. God.

>> No.7517559
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No words need to be said

>> No.7517569 [DELETED] 
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Here's a gem of me upon return from Anime Next 05 or 04!

>> No.7517572

All evidence of my bad weeb phase is gone.

The worst thing I did was create my own unique snowflake squad captain when I was really into Bleach. I made the number just a bunch of lines.

>> No.7517579
File: 497 KB, 960x1280, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a gem of me upon return from Anime Next 05 or 04!
I wore that FMA shirt signed by Vic McNuggets everywhere. Never combed hair, as is evident (though I will say it's slighty worse in this picture because I was wearing a wig. I am giving 13 year old me that at least). I also had this really weird habit of never trimming my nails, and always wearing this one Sonic the Hedgehog sweatband. I'll see if I can find a picture of that thing...

>> No.7517581

In middle school I wore the Naruto headbands around my neck and constantly read manga in class. I was always the "artist" for group projects and drew shitty anime drawings for the assignments. For my speech class, we had to do a "how to" speech and show the class how to do something, and so I brought in my PS2 and dance mat and did a speech on how to play DDR. (I did get an A which was kinda cool though.) In my sophomore year of high school, I tried to be all 2edgy4u and cut my hair short. I bleached the top of my hair, dyed the main part of my hair dark brown, then underneath it was black and I styled my hair like Sasuke from Naruto. I also wore emo clothes and listened to "edgy" music.
Fun times, fun times.

>> No.7517595

I tried really hard to be emo and, later, scene. Failed both times, thank god. I watched a lot of Naruto and other anniemays popular at the time, listened to jrock and jpop, played RuneScape and got bullied by chavs at school. I also had a MySpace and VampireFreaks and thought metalheads and goffs were SO COOL.
Other than that I was pretty clean for a weeb and was skinny because my helicopter mum kept a really close eye on what I wore and did. Which I thank her for nowadays.

>> No.7517629

Oh man, wish I had a picture of my gothic catgirl geisha costumes from 8th grade. My mom made the "kimono" for me, it was dark navy (nearly black) with an orange "obi."

The year before that my friend went to Anime North and cosplayed (kinda) Miho from Megatokyo, wearing some gothic lolita dress from ebay. She couldn't take me because her brother was her chaperone and couldn't really handle two 13 year olds. I was so jealous of her! She bought be an FLCL manga to make it up to me, so that was really awesome.

Not to mention that I carried a sketchbook everywhere and wanted to be a sugoi desu mangaka. Those were the days~

>> No.7517648

never forget

>> No.7517654

Were they as weirded out as they look in that picture?

>> No.7517658

I looked and acted like absolute shit, but my friends and I had lots of fun and nobody got injured or harmed in any way doing it.

>> No.7517669

In middle school, I was super into Gundam Wing, along with my two best friends. We made up OCs and wrote bad self-insert fanfics and all of our notes that we passed to each other had bad chibi doodles and chat log type writing of us "talking" with the Gundam pilots who were our boifurendos.

In high school, I chilled out with the anime, but I found out about decora fashion, and being a poorfag with no sense of style, I looked fucking awful up until graduation. I wore a kimono to prom, but that was mainly because my boyfriend pitched a fit about the dress I wanted to wear being too short and something he'd bought for me when he thought he could go to prom (he found out his grades were shit later, so I had to go with friends), and the kimono was the only other nice thing I owned. Eh.

I'm just thankful I wasn't a loud spaz. I was super quiet and shy, but I don't think most people thought of me as the "weird anime girl", just the silent nerdy one. I'm embarrassed by my weeb phase, especially my clothes, but it could have been soooo much worse.

>> No.7517672

im so glad i didnt go to japan when i was in the stage of my life

>> No.7517727

Is there such a thing as good self insert fanfiction?

I was a weak ass weeb. My Hot Topic wardrobe didn't go much beyond simple Tripp pants and black shirts. Even then I wanted to hide my power level so I stuck with Pink Floyd and Emily the Strange shirts instead of animu. It wore off quick as I got a job putting books back at the public library and found out quickly that crouching down to put stuff on the low shelf would make the Tripp straps fall under my feet. So when it stood back up I'd pull my pants down or fall over if it was too quick. BTW in hindsight our library had the DVD for Mezzo Forte....glad I never checked it out. It was bad enough my mom walked it during the all women planet episode of Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.7517734

oh god anon

>> No.7517769

I used to wear a Naruto headband around my neck everyday and I drew yaoi for a short period of time

Luckily my weeaboo phase was really short. Praise almighty

>> No.7517818

Ah man I did some stupid shit.

Got banned from a deviantart chatroom for talking about yaoi and the users trolled me pretty hard. In retrospect it taught me not to say stupid things on the internet. Tried calling one of my friends Sempai and he told me off. Made a lot of really bad self insert OCs for the Naruto-verse. I made some shitty ass cosplay ritual thing complete with paint blood for a photo as this stupid OC and someone posted it here with all my deviantart details pretending to be me but I had no idea what 4chan was at the time and anyone that asked me about it was pretty much met with "what is that site though" idiocy. I thought it was Photobucket.

>> No.7517856


You're a brave soul anon.

>> No.7517862
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This pic has (obviously) been edited, but it's the only picture I still have of myself during my chuunibyou days. I'm the one with the lighter hair.
I liked anime, but wasn't a huuuge weeaboo besides drawing mango and thinking I was the best drawer evar!! I even had a "How to Draw Manga" book (the one with the guy with blue hair on the front) and thought it was SO cool and professional.
I was mostly a bad mall goth. I loved Hot Topic of course. My friends and I antagonized the jocks at our jr. high by threatening to eat their souls, and they retaliated by fucking around with us. We also hated on "preps", but the preps didn't give a shit. We were also lol so randumb!!! As you can probably tell by the edits on this photo. I also thought I had special aura-reading powers or something.

>> No.7517866

i'm dying anon

>> No.7517873
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>Sempai telling you off
atleast sempai noticed you

>> No.7517876

didnt she say in the last video that was done as a joke?

>> No.7517891 [DELETED] 
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I got a mullethawk because "ZOMIGAWD DEMYX IS SO KAWAII".

I wore trip pants and either wore 50 lbs of eyeliner or no makeup at all. Tried to be goffik, but didn't have enough money for more Hot Topic bullshit (didn't even understand what goth was then).

Worst thing though?

I used to go on 4chan even though I was still like 5 years too young.

>> No.7517894

I never had a weeb phase. I mean, I had no friends to weeb out and I pretty much lied about not liking Japanese music or Anime when I was in HS to be cool with the other kids.
But at home, I was a whole different person. I'd take my mom's cane from when she broke her foot and pretend I was an animu character and I'd RP by myself.. I guess I was a closet weeb.

>> No.7517927
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I wish I had something to show you, /cgl/, but as soon as I came back to reality I shucked every weeby pic I had. My worst was middle school in the days where Inuyasha and FMA were the shit and subbed Naruto was starting to take off.

I used to wear my mom's red windbreaker and braid my hair because squee Edo-kun!! I also had an I<3yaoi bag and would giggle like crazy when lol silly adults asked what yaoi was. "It's a special kind of male only photography in Japan!!!" I used to RP at lunch with my friends - we would call it our "story" - and I was always the badass overpowered character that got the chick - because I also played the chick - and would try to turn the male characters gay. I drew explicit gay porn during class - and I pretty much right next to the teachers - though coincidentally the only time they yelled at me was the one time I decided to draw a chick. Typical war with the preppy girls, though it actually was because I was prettier than them, as I later found out. (The preppy girls were downright hideous, though.) I dressed "lolita" to the middle school dance and I really wish I could find those pics. You all would've gotten a real kick out of them.

>tfw my friends used to jokingly say "you just want to be a guy so you can be gay"
>tfw I am now ftm, 3 years on hormones, and I love dick

>> No.7517933
File: 88 KB, 640x480, what a fucking weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a mullethawk because "ZOMIGAWD DEMYX IS SO KAWAII".

I wore trip pants and either wore 50 lbs of eyeliner or no makeup at all. Tried to be goffik, but didn't have enough money for more Hot Topic bullshit (didn't even understand what goth was then). I wasn't as bad as some weebs, but pretty back to my own standards.

(Reposted cause wrong version of file that could lead to accounts of mine)

>> No.7517936


>> No.7517942

I will never sign up for that site. jfc the drama that leaks out onto here is enough of a preview.

>> No.7517948

Started around 7th grade when I started really getting into Shonen Jump after seeing a boy I knew reading one. Always wrote poorly done kanji in my notebooks, bought Japanese slang books to insult teachers behind their backs. Every student found out and started calling the teachers "ama" or "baka."

Then every time I got money I bought full price anime DVDs, Newtype, and a bunch of other magazines. If it was Japanese, I wanted it. Even wore a Qi Pao for my birthday.

Aside from the usual spaz behavior I thought I was a real anime girl and thought it was perfectly ok to ask for hugs and kiss people on the cheek when they said yes. My standards got impossibly high when all I wanted was my Lord Sesshoumaru and I cursed my filthy heritage because I would never be his Kagura.

What I hated though is that everyone in my family, I didn't hide my powerlevel, still thinks that I'm the same way I was 5 years ago. My weeb phase lasted until I was 16. Every time there's a con my uncle dials me up saying things like "Oh, you know there's a convention coming up, right?" I say yes but I don't care about it because it doesn't relate at all to what I like. "But you should go because it has comics and you like that stuff right?" Even when the retarded weebs are strolling around downtown, my mom or someone will assume they're my best of friends. Though one time when Trick or Treating, I saw a Sora cosplay and bowed down to her. It was just some pasty skinned white girl with no wig, no keyblade, normal gym shoes, and a store bought Wisdom Form. I think I was in 8th grade when that happened.

I don't know where all my old photos are, but I'm glad they're lost forever.

>> No.7517958

I tried for an emo look and weeaboo lifestyle
Switched to nerd.

A lot more happy.

>> No.7517964
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>shitty haircut, no wig
>dat eyeliner
>wore this to school

What was worse was that I wore FMA shoes and an FMA hoodie thinking I was the shit. P.S. I only saw like 3 episodes of that anime.

>> No.7517966

I genuinely feel bad for you.

>> No.7517970

ty anon. Good thing that was 2005.

>> No.7517972

Oh god this. I would always try to style my frizzy/nappy hair into an emo style. I wanted FMA shoes, but Hot Topic stopped selling them when I saved up enough.

Was in Mississippi at the time and one of the clerks said "Hahaha, oh, those are totally last year." The rage of 1000 suns I felt at that moment.

>> No.7517975

Yup those were the shoes alright. Straight from hottopic. I also had a samurai champloo hoodie... Never even saw that anime. I guess I was glad that anime shit was finally being sold so I bought anything I could.

>> No.7517988

>be me
>see 1 episode of show
>suddenly expert
I remember the olden days of reading Naruto, Inuyasha, and Yu-gi-oh fanfiction. Tried writing it but it was all self insert smut that is forever lost on my Windows 98 PC.

God I'm so glad to finally get all this out.

>> No.7518007

>dress in J-fashion everyday
I'm living my kawaii weeaboo phase right now.
>not even bait
I would have gotten this out of my system when I was younger, but I was a penniless teen and now as an adult, I have the money to spend on all the seifuku and anime merchandise I want. I hope this phase passes soon. I'm so happy, but I can just feel it deep deep down somewhere that I most likely look like a total retard.

>> No.7518010

Oh and
>currently stocking up collection of official Goku plushies
Not sorry about this one.

>> No.7518011
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>> No.7518175

I'm on the same boat as you anon

>> No.7518190

I'm afraid that since I grew up poor as hell and never got any of the weeb or J fashion stuff I really wanted as a child or preteen that the moment I have an expendable income that I will essentially do this. Or just blow it all on making all of the elaborate cosplays out of really expensive fabric that I want.

>> No.7518262

I always wore this horrible attempt at decora when I hung out with a certain weeb friend, which consisted of throwing as many clashing things and every piece of jewellery I owned on.
When I was a bit younger I tried to say "su" after everything because my favourite manga character did (though I was never that into anime/manga)

>> No.7518289
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>> No.7518296
File: 93 KB, 600x668, gremlin_gaia_hat_by_haru_megumi-d377dmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear oversized black tshirts from hot topic, sports bra, and blue jeans daily
>blue dyed streak in bangs
>stay up until 1 or 2 AM watching Inuyasha and FMA on Adult Swim
>wake up for school 6 AM the next day
>sleep in class
>go home immediately after school and go on Gaia

Also pic related. I wore it everywhere I could, despite living in south FL and it's a fucking fleece hat.

>> No.7518299

I was a lonely weab.
So lonely that I was trying to imagine having sugoi~ friends just to feel less lonely during breaks.
The teachers ended up thinking I was schizophrenic.
After putting up such a shameful display that I ruined the chances to ever get a social contact with any human being I left school and fled to another one.
That is where my weeaboo phase ended

>> No.7518301
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> Naruto headband as necklace
> Death Note bag
> Bleach necklace
> Constantly squealed and nya'd at people
> Other friends also had anime shirts and bags
> Though I was uguu kawaii~
> Would dance anime at parties

I wasn't that bad but oh lord was it embarrassing. Not to mention I dated my first boyfriend because he was Japanese.

Pic related, me and my weeb friends back when we were 14.

>> No.7518310

My weeaboo phase was coupled with a really bad emo phase...
>dyed hair unnatural colors, but was lazy to upkeep so most of the time my hair was this kinda weird grayish-greenish-blueish disgusting mess
>piercings, oh piercings. I still have a really visible hole from one lip piercing that was too big
>hot topic clothes, luckily I was too chubby to fit into anything really horrible so I mostly wore the animal ear hoodies and the strappy pants
>worshipped crap bands like good charlotte and simple plan
>drew yaoi, read yaoi, wrote yaoi, yaoi yaoi yaoi
>commissioned a seamstress for a really bad replica of a moi-meme-moitie dress, thing probably cost more than the real deal
>shaved my eyebrows and drew in jrock eyebrows, you know those really tiny kinda angry looking ones

>> No.7518312

forgot about the randomly spouting random japanese words to seem like I was totally fluent at japanese
I did that too

>> No.7518313
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>shaved my eyebrows

>> No.7518319

Nah man, you looked way cute when you were 14.

>> No.7518324
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Yes, the weeb phase... Worst between 13-16 years.

>constantly drawing animu
>wanted to be edgy, so I listened to "emo" and "tortured" music, like Linking Park and Evanescence
>no guts to dress/style Emo though (thank God, this would have been a whole new level of Fail)
>otherwise I look like the stereotypical weeb underneath normal fag clothes - fat, pimples, no make up, etc
>so desperate to be edgy though, so I drew animu pictures full of gore, blood, sprinkled with "deep" Linkin Park lyrics
>think "being insane" is so kawaii and edgy
>secretly wish to be a mangaka

I had my power levels hidden though; I never wore cosplay/cat ears or anything, but only because I did not dare to, otherwise I would have dressed as a total weeb. I eyed the most itatastic dresses on ebay and thought cat or bunny ears were the kawaiiest clothing choice... But on the other hand I had the most fantastic friends I have ever had in my whole life, so while I was not one of the popular kids, I still had a ton of fun. I am not way better looking and outgrew my weeb hase but damn, I never had so much light hearted fun and such good friends in my life ever again. :(

>weeb friends and I would always categorize ourselves into Uke and Seme, and make fun of it
>enjoy a pic one of us made with paint
>enjoy my eyebrows

My Uke friend actually called me Seme-sama...

>> No.7518337
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Pic related should explain it all but
>Ultra super greasy hair all the time [ Had an actual hair condition then, all good now fortunately ]
>eBay costumes are as good as home-made costumes [ I now buy my shit from Taobao but w/e you get what I mean if you were a cosplayer back in the 00's ]
>So randumb X D
>I laugh at hentai lol so edgy and funnay [ was also the type who would grab girls' boobs cause they did it on my anniemays and it was so funny lmao rofl lolololol!111 ]
>Spewing japanese words at people and laughing at memes out loud all the time [ Was introduced to /b/ when I was like, 14 and I thought it was the funniest shit I had ever seen. ]
>One day I will be a mangaka in Nippon =^_^=
>y does nobody want to be my friend tho
>Brought lewd manga to school on show-and-tell days, wore cosplays to field trips, drew ugly manga characters next to my name whenever we had a test in class, all the dumbest shit.

I was pretty tame in comparison to many others in that I didn't like Naruto and yaoi and the like, but still.

- My behavior changed when I cosplayed L at a local con one year. I was attacked and nearly raped by a bunch of overweight Light cosplayers and that's when I started acting a bit more normal.

>> No.7518351

I appreciate that comment anon so thank you!

It makes me sad actually, thinking about back then. I may have been bad with a minor case of autism when it came to personal boundaries and hygiene, but I was the happiest I have ever been. Something about that naivety and innocence I guess.

>> No.7518377

Oh Anon, I can relate to that...

>So randumb X D
Oh yeah, I remembered when that was a thing. Randomness, and cookies/pockies for weebs. These goddamn things.

>Spewing japanese words at people and laughing at memes out loud all the time [ Was introduced to /b/ when I was like, 14 and I thought it was the funniest shit I had ever seen.]

Lel, I remember finding Enceclopedia Dramatica... I never actually visited /b/, but I read all about dem memes and drama and shit. Because so funny!! So edgy!!

>Brought lewd manga to school on show-and-tell days, wore cosplays to field trips, drew ugly manga characters next to my name whenever we had a test in class, all the dumbest shit.
Yep. I always drew shitty bloody animu-fan art because I secretly wished people would pay attention to me.

A-at least you looked kinda cute...

>> No.7518416

>Enceclopedia Dramatica... I never actually visited /b/
Ugh why was this a good idea? I still have pages saved, like actual web pages, since my internet tended to go out and I wanted to read them. I actually signed up on the forums along with Youchew Poop and, of course, lied my age for maximum funposting.

Also I didn't know how many people were so racist on the web and got ultra mad all the time. Especially if the picture was of me and I just wanted positive attention.

>> No.7518453

>tfw you were that freshman in school who didn't actually watch/read that many series but would always try to talk to others about them who did to look like a big anime fan
>tfw now you are the big anime fan and there's nobody to talk to about all the obscure manga you read

I actually did wind up being a co-pres of my school's anime club for three years. It's something I'm kind of neutral on because of the weird kids that were attracted to the club and the dwindling numbers by the time anime started dying out in popularity but it was something to do after school with my friends that were in it, I guess. I'd bring in anime DVDs for everyone to watch but half the time we couldn't finish series because the more entry-level weebs would complain.
>this OP is so boring! (Gankutsuou)
>this show is too girly! (Princess Tutu)
>why are we watching old anime? (Evangelion)
>the character designs are too ugly! (Baccano)

The teacher who let us use his room for the last two years I was in the club was really nice though, he liked videogames and would play some with us on days where everyone brought their Nintendo DS'. He even bought some plush Pokemon keychains for the remaining members at our end of the year party.

>> No.7518458

Made my day. I wanna see the gay porn...

>> No.7518459


>> No.7518461

>family still thinking you're a weeb
the worst feel. I barely animu, and don't try to japanese, but whenever a family member see anything japanese they think I want it.

>> No.7518470

I'm so glad my weeaboo phase was like 03/04, and all I really used the internet for was video games, Legendary Frog, and Homestar Runner. Also, that it didn't hit me until I was a senior in HS/freshman in college, so I had a little bit of sense at the time. I did have a pair of tripp pants, though.

>> No.7518480

>Ugh why was this a good idea?

I remember someone linked their twilight article somewhere. I had no idea waht ED was, but the twilight article was funny, so I kept lurking.

>I actually signed up on the forums along with Youchew Poop and, of course, lied my age for maximum funposting.

I never did that, too afraid someone might find out who i am and post me to 4chan/other webstie to make fun of me. The thought of having an ED article for being an attention whore scared me away from ever posting anythinf to the Forum/signing up.

>Also I didn't know how many people were so racist on the web and got ultra mad all the time. Especially if the picture was of me and I just wanted positive attention.

Yes, I remember being shocked at first too. Now, after years on the internet, I ran out of fucks to give in most situations...

>> No.7518481
File: 15 KB, 200x289, make-your-own-japanese-clothes-patterns-ideas-for-john-marshall-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, this.
I recently bought a bunch of Otome no Sewing Books (lolita pattern books) to start making my own lolita wardrobe. Excited that I'd gotten back into sewing, my father bought me this for my birthday:
Basically, how to make traditional Japanese clothes with a painfully 80's twist. I'm not remotely interested in making my own traditional Japanese clothing and don't feel comfortable secretly re-gifting it to someone who is because it's just so terrible and cringeworthy. I love my dad but... no.

>> No.7518504

why not keep it? it's a perfectly good pattern book.

>> No.7518516
File: 33 KB, 261x240, hiddenleafweebdesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ultra super greasy hair all the time [ Had an actual hair condition then, all good now fortunately ]

Oh god mine was the same, except mine was because of a hormone condition.

Here's the only surviving photographic evidence of me in the height of my weeb phase. My friend gave me this Naruto hoodie and I literally wore that thing every day for almost 2 years until it fell the fuck apart. It had the leaf village symbol on the front, the red spiral on the sleeve, and Kakashi doing Chidori on the back (Kakashi-sensei was my idoru, since he read porn and gave no fucks). My weeb phase also coincided with the height of the Evanescence/HIM/AFI emokid era, so I also had a metal pic necklace with a fucking heartagram on it from Hot Topic, wore that erryday as well.

I also saved ramune bottles, did the Naruto run in gym, had entire composition books filled with the most grating self-insert multifandom fanfic involving me and all my friends that, surprisingly, even the preps and rednecks wanted to read. I guess because it was randumb ("All hail the magical spork of destiny! Muahahaha~!") and had ninjas (Naruto characters) and rockstars (Dir en grey).

I remember what snapped me out of it, too- I went to see Dir en grey in 2008, I looked like shit of course (because I sprayed my hair with some blue glittery hairspray my mom got from this ghetto ass hair salon, and for some reason wore a Starbucks hat), but seeing that crowd and making fun of them with my friend was kind of the "holy shit, they're US" moment for me.

>> No.7518518
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Here's a pic of that Dir en grey crowd

>> No.7518523
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And me and my friends at that same show. To this day I have no idea who took it or how I got it, since it was just us 3, only one of us had a camera and it she didn't even have it out yet.

>> No.7518525
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This was my attempt at "lolita" when I was 15. I can't believe I actually wore this in public.
My weeb phase didn't last very long, as I quickly discovered 4chan. But it sure burned bright. Like a firework of embarrasment and shame.

>> No.7518531


IMO that's actually pretty cute...

>> No.7518534

I would listen to nothing but An~Cafe and other generic J-Pop stuff, and constantly go about how much better Japan is than my country (Australia). Everybody I knew would say I liked "hentai" and not any real anime, and that urked me off to no-end.

Thankfully, because of my weeb stage, it ended my stage of listening to nothing but Dream Theater, and got me on the road to checking out more music from around the world.

I'm basically a Japanese music weeb, now.

>> No.7518535
File: 173 KB, 362x334, 8f78d29b-4b1e-4f3c-8ace-2d5d83c77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grew up in Mississippi
>no cons
>no anime clubs
>only "anime fans" are DBZ niggers and Narutards
>Literally no one to really fall down the rabbit hole into weeabooism with

>Dad wouldnt let me watch anime when I was younger for some reason (used to be ultra bible thumper)
>couldnt even watch pokemon (because evolution)
>couldn't play yu-gi-oh(because..magic or something? demon worship? I can't remember)

Thank you based Mississippi and Dad for creating the worst possible environment for a weeaboo to fester in. It actually helped me in the end.

Granted being forced to hide my powerlevel resulted in some cringe-worthy, emoticon-abusing, random-Japanese-inserting forum posts, but theyve all since died.

>> No.7518536

baby the weebs burn bright


>> No.7518540

would bang

>> No.7518601

not that anon but i would have a monobrow if i didn't shave it when i was 13

>> No.7518634

thats actually damn cute anon. I dont know if its just the lighting, but it makes that dress look really nice. Not quite lolita, but a nice casual look.

Lets see... I think I have always been a weaboo. Ever since age 3 I was super into Pokemon and Sailor Moon, and having a weeb dad didn't help much. I didn't really let it show much past "omfg Pokemon" until it was no longer cool to like Pokemon in 4th grade. Thats where I can say my real "weeb" stage started.

Along with the fact that I accidentally created a Tulpa, I was fucking crazy and lonely from not having any friends. In 5th grade I finally met some people who liked Anime, including this weird girl named Michaela who I watched Mew Mew Power with together and I hated that she was able to go to her first con at 13.

In 7-8 grade I resumed my reclusive nature and played vidya any spare moment I could. I dressed in long Pokemon T-shirts that didn't fit me. In 8th grade I began buying fitting clothes at good will and attempted wearing makeup.

In 9th grade I moved to a state where Weaboos are a common commodity. High school started the "typical" weeb phase, which included glomps, nyaaning, dancing to stupid anime songs, and going to Anime club. I luckily had computer lab friends who would pull me away from it and want to play vidya with me instead.

in the rest of highschool, i was kind of a closet weeb who still watched a lot of anime but mostly stopped wearing stupid anime shirts.

>> No.7518688

I guess I should clarify that I stretched a babydoll style top down to look more like a dress, and the blouse was a jersey material that was open at the top so I used the giant bow broach to hold it together. I wish I had pictures that showed how much of a train wreck it actually was in person, but unfortunately all the pictures I took were in black and white for some reason.

>> No.7518697

>I went to see Dir en grey in 2008,

I had tickets to see them that year. And instead i went to a dance that my local anime club had with my future girlfriend.


>> No.7518707
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Speaking of things I should have never worn in public, I just found this. I'm fairly certain I wore this to my friend's memorial service...

>> No.7518720


The show was great, even though the venue was tiny as fuck. It's just... the goddamn screaming never stopped, not even during Kyo's solos. they had huge ass speakers on the floor by either end of the stage blasting shit and you still couldn't much over the screaming- and I was in the front row beside them.

>> No.7518729

It looks like a Putumayo dress almost. Cute in a kinda tacky way but not lolita.

>> No.7518737
File: 413 KB, 604x830, whywasiallowedout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many embarassing photos of me from when I went on a school exchange to Tokyo when I was about 14/15.

This is one of the worst, these guys from the school asked to have a photo taken with me and I'm SURE they just made fun of me at the time for being a weaboo (they asked me if I was an otaku at one point)... I didn't think of it and just thought it was SO COOL to have a picture taken with japanese classmates.

I don't think there's anything worse than being a total weaboo and actually getting to go to Japan to embarass yourself.

>> No.7518748

Is this the ATL show? Because I think I might see my friend in that picture.

>mfw I was also at that show
>mfw I was so upset that I didn't have any ttly nipponese edgy desu clothing to wear

>> No.7518750

I'm also going to leave the fact that I forgot to crop the fucking picture in paint as further punishment for my past.

Also, I pretty much caused second hand embarassment wherever I went, ESPECIALLY in Akihabara, in any store that sold doujins. My friends and I almost got kicked out of Tora no Ana for being too loud about yaoi.

>> No.7518752

Reading this makes me so glad that I had uniforms and a very strict dress code in middle school...

>> No.7518769

>try to talk to others about them who did to look like a big anime fan

This never worked out for me.

I've always looked normal, been active in sports, but never really had a weeb friend to weeb-out with. And whenever I tried, I always had the bigger powerlevel. They wouldn't even know basic stuff. Stuff that even someone who only had a mild interest would know. And they all only seem to know the same generic shows and manga.

>What's cromartie, anon?
>I've heard of Eh-ven-jellion, but no one watches that old stuff
>Yeah, but Elfen Lyed is so deep, anon, watch it with us

One year in college I tried to find a good friend who enjoyed manga/anime like me. So I joined an anime club.

I was at the first meeting and the topic was: "What anime should we watch together?" It was the spring that Madoka had just come out, so I answered with "Let's watch Madoka." I told them it was by Shaft, who did Bakemonogatari. I told them it would be good.

>Who is shaft?
>What is bake-moon-tari?
>is it dubbed?
>I don't wanna watch with subtitles i can't read fast
>we can't marathon it?
>are you from japan? how did you know about this?
>how are you watching it if its not out in america?

So they all watched Haruhi for probably like the 20th time. I came back next year just to drop by. They were watching dubbed Madoka.

I took me a long time to realize these people really didn't like anime or manga.

>> No.7518788


Holy shit, this is almost exactly what the anime club at my high school was like. They would all donate money every week and then go to the local best buy and see what anime dvds they had in stock, and binge it that week.

Then after we finished someone could either buy it for themselves from the club, or "rent" it for a small fee. They had a damn good dvd collection though, i'll give them that, but absolutely no idea about the internet back in 2002~2005.

>> No.7518789

Oh I'm so sorry anon....

>> No.7518795

Holy shit, I just clicked on this instead of /fit/ and I'm fucking cringing out of here. I can't imagine the amount of embarrassment you all must feel.

>> No.7518813
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When I was 12, I signed up for an MSN account with a made-up name (I think Kuroyami or Hikari or something) added all my IRL classmates. I pretended that I was Hikari, best friend of Anon. Hikari was a really cool girl who knew how to make her own websites, drew very pretty animu pictures, and spoke Japanese. I thought it out very intricately IMO I even installed a plugin so that both my real account and Hikari's could be logged in at the same time so that people won't suspect me. I made sure Hikari used pink cursive font which I personally hated the most. Also when I pretended to be Hikari I would intentionally type in a different style. Still, I was nearly found out by a classmate, she was all

>Hikari, you sound so much like Anon

from then on Hikari went back to Japan and couldn't use MSN anymore so she never logged in.

My first infatuation/crush ever was an anime character. Few months after, I started having a crush on a guy classmate, we chat a lot on MSN but he never spoke to me IRL. I crushed on him 3 years or so and he never knew. I never saw him again...

When I was 13~14 my dream was to go to Japan and be a great Mangaka. (ha. ha.)

Around 15, 16, I condemned anybody who didn't like Japanese music to be all tasteless pieces of poop. When I chat with anybody on MSN, and they talk about music that was not jpop, I made it a point to turn it into a group chat and add a bunch of jpop fans so we could uhmmm flaunt the power of jpop by power of majority or something, IDK, childish shit.

Oh god MSN, so much nostalgia

>> No.7518825
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>> No.7518868

It is the pain of pains. You will never know.

>Did a presentation on anime for school. Included a bit about hentai, which was awkward as fuck.
>Used to say "sayonara" and "arigatou" and such.
>Asked my friends to call me "Shadow" because I thought it was edgy
>Used to do those personalized quizzes on quizilla all the damn time
>Fucking quizilla all day every day
>And Neopets, where I would join a bunch of anime guilds
>Used "meyagami" (I think?) as a username because I thought it sounded Japanese.

>> No.7518879

>my helicopter mum

what the fuck??

>> No.7518889

Aw, you're cute. I bet you're even cuter in actual lolita though!

>> No.7518903

>be 15/16
>local comic store is hosting anime and cosplay party
>Wearing shitty Hot Topic Misa costume
>There's a cute L cosplay
>be completely obnoxious and sexuallly inappropriate to the poor L

I still cringe thinking about how horrible I used to be.

>> No.7518916

I wasn't a weeb as a teenager.

No, I don't even have that excuse.

My cringe worthy yaoi phase kicked in when I started studying. I had the common sense to not flaunt it too publicly, but by GOD did I write about it. Not so bad you might think, but I literally did my bachelor's in linguistics about the variations used for the words uke and seme.

Let that level of fucking weebiness sink in. I've had not only uni professors read this, but somehow, through some miracle, got it through. I remember preparing for my thesis presentation, I was so proud about my proposal. It included pictures.

Some days I can't get myself to rise out of bed just remembering that my fucking thesis is available for people at my uni. I tried to repent through my Master's, but there's no use.

I will always, ALWAYS be tainted by this.

>> No.7518924

That's not even bad, that's fucking amazing. Holy christ.

>> No.7518925

you've never heard the term? it means over involved, kind of like their always hovering over their children.

the type of parents that want to sit in a class and watch how their kid behaves or the kind who yells at the teacher when a student gets a bad grade

>> No.7518927

Goddamn, girl, you deserve a gold fucking star in weeabooing. I think you just made it into an art form.

>> No.7518973

>bachelor's in linguistics about the variations used for the words uke and seme.
You are a god amongst students. What grade did you get?

>> No.7518986

What >>7518925 said, though I have found legit airplane porn once.

>> No.7518989

My weeb phase involved a lot of shitposting on cosplay.com, where I thought I was an absolute goddess and everyone wanted to hear my advice. I lied about my age, despite actually being old enough to use the site, said I was 16 when I was 14, no one suspected, they just though I was that much more of an autist because I was definitely acting like a 14 year old. Used to sell stuff on the coscom marketplace, and to be fair, had a transaction go wrong by no fault of my own (won the paypal dispute even. Well, my mom did, it was her account, and she might have been lenient in some aspects, but she had an iron fist when it came to honesty in selling online), but I was such a fucking brat about it that it totally blew up in my face, and I got a total baptism by fire in which I ended up with my own thread on cosfu (yes, I'm old now, that was a thing) where I was torn to shreds, everything about me was made fun of from my costumes to my personality, and even things about my body I couldn't help, like hiruitism. I found the thread, and luckily I was so horrified and upset by it I didn't even respond, just silently deleted my coscom profile picture by picture. I had to adopt a pseudonym in the cosplay community for 7 years. I'm still paranoid people will remember it and recognize me when I meet cosplayers who where in the community back then. Ironically, since then I've become a semi-well respected cosplayer, and I even had some of the people who were the most vocal in the hate thread follow me on deviantart and stuff like that, and tell me how much they love my work, go figures.
I still have mixed feelings about that incident. Yes, I was being a brat, but I was only a kid, and I don't know if I wish that kind of rude awakening on anyone. It definitely shook me to the core, and while I know how to not be an asshat online now, kind of still makes me upset to remember.

>> No.7518992
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You may not be the hero every weeb wants, anon, but you're the hero every weeb needs.

>> No.7519021

Well, shit, anon, now you got me all curious.

>> No.7519049

I fucking feel ya

>> No.7519050

Thankfully I went into my weeaboo phase at a very young age where it was very much acceptable to be that weird. In fact, I kind of find it weird retrospectively that it did happen so early.
It probably started when I was 9/10 (jfc this was 10 years ago), I fucking loved Gundam Wing, Shaman King etc, used to tell everyone in my class that I was in an arranged marriage with Ren Tao (character from Shaman King) thank fuck I got over it by then time I was 13/14

>family members see you are vaguely interested in something
>always bring it up every time they hear about it.
Back before One Direction formed, I liked Liam Payne, I legitimately liked his singing and was disappointed when they made him join One Direction, so now every time they're mentioned my mum always says "Hey anon! That's the boyband you like!"

>> No.7519055

haha... I was the faggot who always tried to make enough subtle modifications to my uniform so that no one could say anything against it, but still notice how much of a special snowflake I was.

If there was anything I "most" regret, it's that... but I'm not sure if I actually regret it.

>> No.7519059

I wonder whether before they go into schools, art teachers are trained to deal with shitty weeaboo wannabe-manga artists since it's SUCH a common story in every single school

>> No.7519087

I'd tell more if it weren't for the fact that like I already said, I'm way paranoid about people connecting the dots. I'm not kidding when I'm telling you that was some scarring shit.

>> No.7519100

If it's been 7+ years like you said, I doubt most sane people would attack you again for something so long ago, but I totally understand where you're coming from. I guess I was more curious about your cosplays, then vs now.

>> No.7519103

My mom is a high school librarian, she asks me for advice about what manga series to get a lot, but one day she comes up to me and is like "anon, why does so and so student call themselves Puma and wear a tail?"
And that was the day I got to tell my mom about furries.

>> No.7519104

That's so disgusting I can't help but be impressed. It's the people who continue being a weeb past highschool who kill me.

>> No.7519138

>If it was Japanese, I wanted it. Even wore a Qi Pao for my birthday.
You do realize a Qi Pao is NOT japanese, do you?

>> No.7519150

I love you anon. I think it's awesome you are catching up on your teenage dreams :)

>> No.7519159

>When I was a bit younger I tried to say "su" after everything because my favourite manga character did
Shit anon, are you me? I did this all throughout 8th grade. And talked all ~kawaii~ like her too. One of my friend still calls me "su" to this day.

>> No.7519173

If it makes you feel any better, I recently met a Ph.D. candidate who studies yaoi doujinshis. She seems pretty well liked/respected within the academic community, as well.

>> No.7519175
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Then they were made of cotton with hanging threads, or basically anything I could get my hands on. My family was poor to begin with, and my mom didn't mind me having the hobby but she refused to finance it, so I cut corners everywhere. I had one costume that was literally a spandex workout shirt and a pair of bicycle shorts with the cut of hem of red tshirt as the red details. My wigs were tolerable, mostly Chinese fashion wigs from eBay, because those were the cheapest option at the time, but because they were fashion wigs, they were kind of weird for cosplay. And I was way into Naruto and FMA.
Now my costumes look like pictured. Not immaculate, by any means, but decently constructed.

>> No.7519184

I thought about this too. I manage to found an anime club at my school but it was terrible. All I wanted to do was watch anime with the other kids. But because of the school system, I had to BS my way through by saying it was educational and that we'd be doing activities with my proposal to the principal. Even as a weeb I still could manage eloquent speech.

Ended up being extra boring because all we did was draw mangas. Not a single episode from one of my Newtype DVDs was watched. I'm still pretty mad. Art teacher was just glad to see us drawing.

>> No.7519191

It was Asian. And in my mind Asian=related to Japan. Offended my Korean teacher to devastating levels when I asked her if Koreans wore kimonos.

>> No.7519218

Oh damn I can't even imagine the offended rage.

>> No.7519224
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I pretty much grew up with Anime and it was never a big deal, but when I hit puberty the madness began,I blame my friend from 7th grade who got me into Naruto.
So yeah I spent middle school being a Yaoi-addicted Narutard who would bring explicit 18+ yaoi mangas to school, RP all teh hentaiz with online friends, drew very bad hentai for my male classmates and was generally inappropriate because lol it's so funneh to talk about gay porn in public. I ran like Naruto and learned all the hand signs, and of course I had lame OC's (pic related) and drew alot of Mangu, even tried drawing 'professional hentai and yaoi doujinshis' (I still got the drawings to laugh and cry at).
I managed to get one of my 'normal' friends into shonen-ai and we were doodling our favourite pairings all the time in class, we shipped everyone and everything, even two classmates (at least we kept that safe and didn't get too creepy about it). I joined "art club" which then turned into inofficial anime club due to all of us talking about it 24/7. On top of that I played ALOT of World of Warcraft and read/wrote alot of fanfiction.
I also dyed my hair in every possible colour, wore solely black and put bells and safety pins EVERYWHERE. I used to print out pictures of my Naruto yaoi OTP of that time and pinned them to my school bag. They weren't too explicit, but one featured a naked guy from behind with kitty ears and tail and oh god, the embarrassment. The probably worst thing I did was on class vacation, where I was printing out ACTUALLY explicit 'hot yaoi' pictures of my husbandos and used those to cover the walls around my bed. I had the top bunk and even put dat porn on the fucking ceiling so I could look at porn wherever I turned. It is a miracle my non-Anime friends didn't leave me because of embarrassment.
Eventually I started enjoying things like a normal person.
I have to admit I am getting back into Naruto and I hate myself for it but alas, I can't stop this nostalgic feeling.

>> No.7519241

tfw I've used that exact pattern before. Very cute pattern

>> No.7519245

My weeb phase started when I was 11 and lasted until I was 17/18 (these days though I'm getting back into anime...) But one thing that is burned into my memory is when I was 13 me and my weeb friends would play "virtual Final Fantasy." Basically we would be on the school steps waiting for the bell to ring while pretending we were FF characters (this included us hitting each other with umbrellas and yelling out attacks.) Oh and I can't forget I loved being a chocobo and would squawk and run around....

>> No.7519396

That's kind of cute actually. Kind of like how little boys pretend to be superheroes and stuff.

>> No.7519411

>"you like One Direction"
This is me because everyone knows I think Zayn is the hottest guy ever. I don't like 1D any more than other generic pop music. I just think one of the members is hot.

>> No.7519424

lol for my how to in speech i dressed in hakama/yukata and i brought in a shinai and showed the class how to do kendo based off of watching my friend practice at her club. i'm cringing just thinking about it, but I also got an A so whatevs

>> No.7519434

ommgggg same and we named ourselves with the last names of our boifurendo pilots and our first names were the sailor scouts. mine was digimon gundam wing and a bunch of other random anime crossover self-insert i'm not sure how anything in the world could manage to be worse

>> No.7519450
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>being a chocobo

There's nothing to be ashamed about pretending to be a chocobo. They're the best mode of transportation every created.

>> No.7519460

As an art teacher, I assure you that's not covered. I'm not sure how to deal with it though, cause I think it's fucking hilarious. 5th graders drawing DBZ, MLP, and meme faces.

>> No.7519494
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>to the rape cave

>> No.7519500

somehow this reminded me that i would trace doujin/fan art or sometimes even official art and try to pass it off as my own

>> No.7519535


Nah, Orlando 2008. I don't think they went to Atlanta that year.

>> No.7519588

I live in Holmes Chapel, and every time I tell somebody, they're always "DO YOU KNOW HARRY STYLES?! THAT'S SO COOL ANON!"
I never used to get this weird attention back before One Direction didn't exist.

>> No.7519615

omg was it house of blues? (i didn't think it looked like it in your pic). If so i was totally at that show. i remember being freaked out when the main singer dude (i didn't even listen to their music i just went b/c "OMGZ japanese band!!1") started scratching his chest and ~~bleeding~~ it was weird.

>> No.7519815

Yuppp, me too.

>"Anon, you drew it on see-through paper."

Oh, the shame.

>> No.7519818

I went to a Miyavi show, in a different western country, and yet everyone looks the same.

>> No.7519891
File: 372 KB, 396x279, headbutt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still fucking love Dir en grey. You will have to pry all my merchandise from my cold, dead hands. I got my Ghoul 2013 tour dvd this week and most of the shots I saw myself in involved me being crushed by crowd surfers. The best one is when I got headbutted and the camera just sort of zooms in. GIF very related

>> No.7519918

Seriously though were those Harajuku kids as freaked out by your gaijin presence as the photo makes it seem

>> No.7519928

I was pretty quiet and mean in high school and middle school so I never really had any problems myself. I think the height of my weeb phase was wearing a akatsuki ring for like a three days but nobody noticed. There were other kids at my school that were hard weeb though and they had to deal with the pain.

Group of girls in art club drawing yaoi and winged inuyasha shit.

This one guy lived in the apartments across the street from the school and would constantly do his hair like cloud and come in with his group of friends that would be dressed up poorly as cloud , Neo , anything really weeb and would tell people that picked on them about their special animay powers.

A lot of them calmed down thankfully but still have no clue how to act socially but my school never really went hard on teasing anybody.

>> No.7519958
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>be 13
>Have insane crush on biggest emo/weeb in school.
>basically only go to first con so senpai would notice me
>see he's into that shit
>completely changes self
>turns into a walking desu monster.

why? just why? pic related thats him.

>> No.7520026

>Used to trace Inuyasha manga and pass it off as my own work(or fanart) at deviantart
>Had awful OC's for every series
>Hiei was my boifurendu
>Used to read "lemons" on quizilla
>Wrote one fanfic, it was so bad that ff.net rejected it.
>Linkin Park and Evanescence are like so dark and deep you wouldn't understand it
>Would imagine AMVs in my head whenever I heard a song a liked, had no idea how to actually make one.

>> No.7520059

I watched naruto once.

>> No.7520066

>get curious and google old weeb username
Oh god everything is so awful.
>quizilla and deviantart account with shitty naruto drawings and RP crap
>stupid post on tamagotchi forum that has like 22,000 views
> cosplay.com "lol halp me guys" threads

>> No.7520089
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Now I had to do it too. The worst feel.
My deviantart is still around. I drew this?
Also, someone else seems to be using my name these days. Good, it'll cover up my tracks.

>> No.7520100
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ok well here is me at 13

>into animu because friend got me into manga books
>started watching anime
>me and my 2 weeb friends would write gay as fuck screenplay story bullshit things where we had names like "kiki" and "misha" and shit like that
>i was getting in trouble a lot because i was dealing with shit at home and taking it out on other kids
>drew ugly anime characters in trip pants and wrote faggot emo poems
>dyed my hair stupid colors
>hit boys i liked before i even knew what tsundere was
>played maplestory with all my 13 year old asian friends
>XD and all those other gay anime faces
>friends with girls who also dressed in hot topic and guys who wore fedoras and black lipstick

>tfw i still watch animu but i don't look like a shitlord or show my power levels at all ever
>tfw i wear normal clothes and give a shit about my looks now
>tfw so glad that phase is over

>> No.7520109

>was already out of school before naruto, death note, all the other weeby fandoms were even a thing
I always hid my power level, I met weebs and wanted no part of that.

>> No.7520110

You're all still weeaboos ya know, you can' t be on 4chan all the time and not be a weeaboo the only difference is it doesn't hurt as much to look at you.

>> No.7520116

Can I see the quizilla account
>tfw spent a horrifying chunk of last night doing "R U GOTH-LOLI" quizzes just to see how bad they were

>> No.7520118

I didn't even start watching anime until I turned 16/17, so I kind of skipped that whole phase.

>> No.7520121

See, I know I'm a total weeb. But I'm not a Weaboo with a capital W anymore. I'm a total dork when it comes to my hobbies, I love me some JJBA, Cowboy Bebop, Trinity Blood and Fullmetal Alchemist. But I live in reality now, I don't worship groious Nippon like I did when I was 13, I don't love things JUST because they're Japanese, I don't harbor delusions of becoming a manga-ka or moving to Kyoto or any of the dumb shit I thought I was going to do back then. Now I can laugh at my weebishness. Back then I was dead fucking serious about it.

>> No.7520126

I still like yaoi....

>> No.7520135

Let me guess. Middle class suburban home with both a working mother and father?

>Used to read "lemons" on quizilla
I never got into those. I preferred taking dozens of "well done" quizzes that didn't have obvious answers. Like what character in Shaman King's pants do you wear. I wore Hao's pants.

I miss that old How shrine.

>> No.7520157

No, that was filmed in Chicago for the 2013 tour. But there was a huge group of Japanese that had come over to see them. They were all VIP so I was hearing them scream "ANKORE!"

>> No.7520161

Anyone remember how Hot Topic smelled? They all have the same fucking smell. It's seared into my memory.

>> No.7520206
File: 64 KB, 730x908, Marly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it ever explained why we rated smut based around citrus fruits? I still think about that every now and then...

I think I purged my dA account and harddrive, because I'm missing a good three years of gross shit. This is the oldest thing I was able to find from 2007.
I think I was doing a zodiac thing for each Org. member, but this is all I can find from that.
>tfw kh weeb...

>> No.7520208

I remember it being dark as fuck, but not how it ever smelled. I only remember how it smells now, which is a combo of feet, body odor and cheap perfume. Or at least that's how our store smells closer to the fitting rooms.

>> No.7520219

I remember the smell, they all had the same burning incense smell right? Do they still smell like that or has the times changed?

>> No.7520236

Lemon comes from the hentai series "Cream Lemon". It's a very pretty series from the 80s, reminds me a little bit of Creamy Mami but with dicks.

>> No.7520245

You know, I went through the phase of collecting every little anime thing and feeling like everything Japanese was somehow better. Nowadays I watch an anime once in a while and I no longer feel the need to hoard merch and gush about this or that artist or character. But I'm not sad I went through it, because I enjoyed it at the time and I met a lot of good friends because of it. So don't worry about what new name 4chan will call you. Maybe break out the cat ears once in a while. Be yourself and have fun.

>> No.7520260

No idea, I just remember the lemons and limes. Were there oranges? Or tangerines?
It was all so weird.
I saw someone label their fanfic a lemon a while ago. It made me nostalgic.

>> No.7520263

I don't hate myself for it or anything. It's who I was then, it made mo who I am now. Although my weeb phase was blissfully short, I discovered /a/ when I was 14 and that was the end of any weebiness for me.

>> No.7520278
File: 47 KB, 635x118, angryrant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jesus I found my old tripod website.
All these midis.

>> No.7520287

I found my old fanfiction dot net account. OH LAWDY

>> No.7520290

Can I call you Emiri-chan~~~?
It's okay. We all need to come to terms with what we did.

>> No.7520291

Hahahaha, you made one of those shitty paintings with the grass tool. http://shadowgodess.deviantart.com/art/A-gray-day-16572132
I did those too! I thought I was so smart and no one would find out my secret.

>> No.7520294
File: 19 KB, 588x144, thisismylife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Randomly googling my old username brought me to some weird goal website I don't remember ever signing up for.
But I love what I found, it's such an exquisite summary of what it is to be a weeb.
>Done nothing
>Wishes to do nothing
>Except to watch shitty anime

>> No.7520298

I love the "so there" at the end. That's the best.

>> No.7520300

I know, it's just the cherry on top.
Still, I must have been around 12 when I wrote that, so I forgive myself. aT LeAsT I dIdn'T WRitE LiKe ThiS

>> No.7520302


Nope, it was Club Firestone, but I do remember that they banned them from coming back to the HoB because of that, which in my twisted little weebtard mind was like, the coolest thing ever.

>> No.7520303
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>I still fucking love Dir en grey

Fucking same, bro. Too bad I'm the only one left in North Florida, fuckin' A.

Me and my friend are possibly going to be on that, too! One of their camera guys was standing outside the ATL venue recording and since we were the first ones out, idk I guess they wanted shots of the fans outside of the actual show. They didn't film us at all in the line, though.

>mfw our DVD is still 3-5 weeks away

>> No.7520305
File: 60 KB, 694x448, 1364318909712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Used to read "lemons" on quizilla

>mfw that word just reminded me that I used to read that shit like crazy on the school library computers


Dye your hair blonde and put in brown contacts and we could be twins, holy shit.

>> No.7520307

tbh you look pretty, and the hair ain't that bad, aside from it being the wrong color.

>> No.7520308

I used to read them on my mom's computer. And I didn't know how to delete my history...
I still have no idea if she knew how much porn I read.

>> No.7520309


Those girls were VIP at EVERY FUCKING SHOW. They pulled up in a cab like 2 minutes before the meet and drove off in one immediately people started filing out of the venue behind me and my friend.

I wonder what they do, other than follow DEG around? I know that blonde Canadian girl who was also there follows them around and doesn't have to work except for touring money, but dem hardcore Japanese fans...


Yesss, that smell. Mine closed down last year, and even when it was all MLP and 1D shit I still went in for that smell to remind me of the old times of Dir en grey CDs and Invader Zim shirts.

>> No.7520316
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Oh God, I just unearthed a repressed memory:

Cute Asian wannabe gangsta-thug type guy got assigned to sit next to me in computer lab, I spent every spare second I had watching subbed recordings of Japanese celebrity interviews for Miyavi and Gackt (that one where he does the crotch splitter and talks about getting groped on the train and cooking naked and shit), well one day he leans over and tried to see what I'm watching, sees my powerlevel, and I die of humiliation.

That was in middle school, in high school I got placed in Drama and so did that guy, and one of the first day exercises was to tape a piece of paper to your back and go around and talk to the other students for 5 minutes, then they would write a short sentence describing what they thought of you on the paper.

Well, this one girl I kind of used to hang out with in art class the year before thought it would be cute to put "LOOOOVES ASIANS XD" on mine and when the guy saw it, he looked so embarrassed (this is a podunk ass small town, he was literally the only Asian guy in school at that time).

He dropped out of Drama the next day, a week later I dropped out of school all together because everyone was getting into their slutphases and I just wanted to bury myself in the memories of my happiness and innocence.

>mfw it will never be the same and I can never go back

>> No.7520327

Did you at least finish school later?

>> No.7520330


Oh yeah, got my diploma almost immediately. I went straight to the school board and took a test to get it. The good thing about small towns is, it's not hard to make a bunch of semi-educated rednecks think you're a genius. I was in college the next year but I quit that because it was a piss poor school, and ever since then I've been saving to move to a good college city, but medical problems keep getting in the way (I've spent $10K on medications/office visits in the last 6.5 months).

>> No.7520333

Hope it works out for you sis

>> No.7520367

That's cute anon. Do you still draw?

>> No.7520368

You let him rip your hymen?

>> No.7520374

r u a boy?

>> No.7520376

at least did you have an OMG hat in gaia??
i had the qt AFK hat til some nigga stole it

>> No.7520380
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i once entered the weeb phase

and i stayed there

>> No.7520386
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I wanted to be the kawaii-est mangaka.

>> No.7520402
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No, he nope'd the fuck away from me every chance he got. It was everyone else that scared him away from me in the end. But it's okay, he knocked a chick up in sophomore year and now they're living with her parents and he flips burgers, hahahahaha~


>pic related

>> No.7520405
File: 123 KB, 849x599, not a single fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I so desperately wanted the OMNOMNOM hat. The cute white one with the little bear thing with the huge teeth that was eating your head and had really long clawed arms so you could have pockets?


>> No.7520416

Vendetta pls

>> No.7520420

Another ex-hot topic chick (despite HT not existing in my country) reporting in. I had to quit after one year due to becoming allergic to hair dye, though.

Interestingly, I was at my weeabooest when I had only seen a few shows from glorious nippon. It mostly manifested itself as a bishie/animu syndrome in all my drawings and at one point grabbing a book about how to read kana or something from the library. I never wore animu-related stuff or spammed japanese words, though.

All you people who used to browse ED all day erry day, are muh niggas too. I discovered ED long before I ever thought of visiting 4chan, and I think the satire and articles attacking the more crazy weebs actually made me a bit more self aware. Like CWC does to autistics or something like that. The bad thing is... Well, just look at the forums. I hope weev's release makes things less cancerous.

>> No.7520425
File: 31 KB, 433x650, gfdgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel pretty fortunate that my weeb phase wasn't that awful. I learned how to cut my own hair and apply makeup half way decent around 15~ish (I'm 15 in this picture, am 24 now). But oh man, reading back on some of the things I posted on the internet around that time were pretty cringe worthy.

>> No.7520432

>go to jewtube
>get a notice
>someone has replied to your several year old comment on some animu video
>complete with ^_^ and everything
These are the only really embarassing weeb-related blasts from the past that I'm getting these days.

>> No.7520607

i still have friends that use that face. they're all 20. they're not even huge weebs anymore, wtf

>> No.7520609

This whole thread is making me more nostalgic than embarrassed.
I'm currently listening to midis and doing personality quizzes and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7520619

a few years ago when i was 14-15ish i posted some comment on a kuroshitsuji video like "if all undertakers looked like him everyone would want to die!!! XD"
and apparently it got top comment

>> No.7520627 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 320703_181003401983579_1182779455_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, but a friend of mine during her weeb phase. Instead of growing out of it though, she evolved into this weird Homestuck loving yaoi fan girl that hates every single female character in any show really just because they're female.

>she's also claims to be Japanese and has been in this weird 3 internet year relationship with another girl that's obsessed with yaoi. Since they both basically hate just about every female, they talk and roleplay with eachother as if they were male characters from different animes.

I really want her to grow out of this but I think all hope is lost

>> No.7520631

Oh hey, you still play TERA?

>> No.7520635

>tfw kh weeb...
>tfw able to recognize Marluxia just from the hair
You have no idea how many hours went into reading Marluxia and Vexen smut. Also, I pronounced his name wrong all the time. You know, the Mar-lucks-ee-ah when it's really Mar-loosh-ah.

After all these years I never knew. Thanks anon.

>> No.7520650
File: 9 KB, 320x240, p31468623359033u_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my name`s sarah u can call me what ever idc. I`m emo.. i`m actually femo which is a friendly emo. I like the show Naruto Shippuden.I`m a big fan of Naruto, Inuyasha, Vampire Knight, Blood+ and Bleach.If your a fan of Naruto or Inuyasha or Bleach PM me. I can be a big downer if i want to but i like making ppl happy XD

Please don't look at me.. Oh god this is too much

>> No.7520653

OH FUCK I read "lemons" on quizilla too (about 9 years ago)! When I was 14 I was reading yu-gi-oh fanfictions and one chapter was a 'lemon' and I had no idea what this meant until I read that one, then I became really obsessed with them, but I didn't actually tell anyone about it.

>> No.7520662

Haha, it was like that for me too.
"A lemon? What does that mean? Oh. Ohhhh..."

>> No.7520664
File: 71 KB, 400x1023, thepinkwizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I win?

>> No.7520667

You get a cookie XD
A mental cookie ^_^
Now that just sounds weird o_0

>> No.7520671

I kinda had two weeby phases. From 12 to 14, I was dark goff weeb, from 14 to 17 I was kawaii rorii desu nee weeb, and in that phase with the indulgence of my parents, I wore burando everyday.
And I had a pet "wolf" (an older guy I lead on a leash).
Sounds horrible everytime I describe it, but the second weeby phase was not so bad, dare I say.

>> No.7520672

I'm pretty random, huh? XD
Message me if you like Inuyasha!!! ^_^

>> No.7520677
File: 25 KB, 449x317, hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a hammer once

>> No.7520683

I have no words and I must react.

I still visit Gaia. Not more than an hour at a time, but every month or 2 I peek back in at my old items and what I spent money on just for some accessory that's so outdated no one even wants it on the market.

I'm still mad my first account got hacked. ice_witch00 was my username for everything. I actually stole the idea off some user from Girland. I-I wasn't the only one who liked Girland here, right?

>> No.7520696
File: 89 KB, 600x800, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea... Pic sadly related (12 years old).
I grew up right when emo was cool, like most of you.
The only thing was, I was too poor for emo clothes and I wasn't allowed to cut my hair.
So I was doubly emo, since I didn't have the clothes to show my emoness.
I had a DeviantArt where I talked about my problems and how special I was a lot.
I've since lost a lot of my baby fat, stopped wearing fucking shorts and mismatched socks, christalmighty, got my hair cut and stopped wearing glasses.
I like to think I'm pretty qt now, and certainly not a weeb. Dweeb certainly, but not a weeb.

>> No.7520698

I..don't know what to say
Congrats, you're the chuuni master.

>> No.7520708

I remember how I used to envy those kids whose parents let them be scene queens and kings. It was like "SO COOL your mom doesn't care what you do at all!"

Now I realize how actually shitty those parents were; two were actual hippies (good intentions though, they did genuinely care for their daughter, their progressive parenting just tended to backfire a lot), one lived off of divorce settlements, alimony and money laundering and let her daughter get plastic surgery to become Asian AND a bimbo, others were either trailer trash or had five kids they couldn't support starting at 16 and gave up.

Thank god my mom was strict.

>> No.7520710

I use emoticons for my text to seem less threatening and bitchy, albeit only in chats and never XD

>> No.7520714

I was so mad at my mom for not letting me dye my hair blue.
I'm so grateful now.

>> No.7520729

I wanted to have hair like Reno from FFVII, later when I saw Advent Children same shit but with Kadaj.
I never seemed to have shaken off that thing where I try to copy people, only now it's Audrey Hepburn and to a much lesser extent so I guess that's an improvement.

>> No.7520920

The highlight of my weeb phase.
915 views, I'm so proud.

Ngl, sill fucking love this song.

>> No.7520987

The XD face simply got ingrained so deeply into my typing pattern that I can no longer help myself. It's literally the only face I use except for a very occasional c: when I need to make sure what ism saying comes across as nice and not bitchy. But man, that XD face, I literally cannot help it.

>> No.7520996

Same here, though I only do it when I talk to friends. Sometimes I look at the message before sending it, thinking if I should remove it, but I fear it might sound too harsh. Typing "haha" feels as stupid to me as "XD" and it's longer. It doesn't help that my friends use it too, so it's an emoticon fest whenever we talk.

>> No.7521018

cgl 1D feel bros ._.

>> No.7521213

Oh God, I just remembered my initiation. Some kids were roleplaying death note slash on the Neopets forums. They pointed me towards a shota ero visual novel. It was all downhill from there.

>> No.7521228

holy fuck, how mary-sue can this get.

>> No.7521234
File: 4 KB, 489x95, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, and wow this thread is making me so happy. It's bringing back a lot of memories. In fact, I have another fun story!

>be on gaia
>9 years old
>wearing that fucking gothic lolita dress
>in gaia towns one day
>meet guy
>he asks if I want to cyber
>don't know what that means
>"You really don't know what that means anon, how old are you?"
>tell him 9
>he freaks the fuck out
>I say "jk im 13 lol :3 " (somehow thinking that's better??)
>he says okay, and tells me what cybering is
>he starts
>I log the fuck out

to be fair though, I did use a fake picture and name. It was a picture of some really pretty asian girl, and I pretended to be her. Basically I catfished the fuck out of everyone, and got people to buy me things because of how pretty "I" was.
Good times. Pic related, my about me.

>> No.7521260

Yes I do!

>> No.7521269

Fuck, I had a similar experience on habbo where a guy invited people to add him on MSN for a "show", and I asked him what the show was about. He said he would be getting naked and I told him I was 10 and he freaked out.
Though I think he was just pretending, I mean who the heck goes on a tween site and doesn't expect kids to watch? The guy was probably a pedo.

>> No.7521316
File: 20 KB, 100x100, tumblr_myunsvLPwI1sv0118o1_100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 12 I was obsessed with effeminate bishounen, especially ones that would be mistaken for girls by normalfags. I'm pretty sure I had a picture of my husbando I drew in a maid dress on the front of my binder for most of the 7th grade.

I also had stamps on my deviantART that said I didn't like real boys because ~*~anime boys were so much better~*~

>mfw I grow up to be a lesbian

>> No.7521331

Anon... are you me?
>obsessed with girly bishi guys when younger
>no real guy was ever pretty enough
>realize my lesbianness when 18
Good times.

>> No.7521375

Anon you have made my day.

>> No.7521402

In high school I was really into Chichiri of Fushigi Yuugi (let me point out this was forever ago, I'm 30 and I never saw a hardcore weeaboo until my final year of high school... they just didn't exist yet) Anyway, I drew pictures where I was his miko and shit. I found some of the old drawings, they are pretty pathetic. I said "no da" sometimes at random, but not incessantly at least.

>> No.7521405

>trained properly for much of anything they actually experience as teenagers

Oh you are funny, anon. I was a hardcore art kid and I'm a teacher. I guarantee art teachers just learn how to deal or they don't. When I was a student, I did some anime art and a lot of dragons. My teacher was middle aged and she fought me all the time with the typically "all anime is copying" argument. Meanwhile, had other kids in my class who drew shit obsessively but it was "real" crap like horses so it was okay that they didn't do something different.

>> No.7521406

i give you freshman year
note: i had to throw that hat out the next day because it got infested with lice

>> No.7521408
File: 25 KB, 352x329, 139854990748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fushigi Yuugi

>> No.7521411

Teenagers = teachers

>> No.7521412

Holy crap. I did the same. I also tried to make his outfit using a curtain rod and table cloth for Halloween one year. It was horrifyingly bad.

>> No.7521415

The show seemed so good if I avoided thinking about Miaka. But then I experienced Watase Yuu's other series and realized every fucking series is the SAME GODDAMN THING. She recycles her characters horribly.

>> No.7521416

How adorable. I've cosplayed for a long ass time but never cosplayed as him since I've yet to see his hair not look retarded in the real world..

>> No.7521418

I was too angry and cynical in school to be a weeb. I liked shit like Hellsing and Trigun, but I would always trash my anime loving friend and constantly mock Japan anytime he brought it up.

I guess that's cringeworthy in a different kind of way.

>> No.7521428
File: 47 KB, 598x400, 1282379159521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue spray on hair "dye". It was terrible. I've seen a couple of Chichiris that weren't so bad. Pic related took some creative liberties on the fringe, though, so that's probably why.

>> No.7521488
File: 76 KB, 720x960, dG6dvRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I totally forgot the pic.

>> No.7521624
File: 33 KB, 160x220, Guest_Lala2SeXy4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I log the fuck out
I laughed. Though, reminds me of the first time I got into RP. Didn't have internet on my pc at the time so I had to use my phone. Started on one of those WAP sites then someone directed me to mocospace. Went downhill from there.

Once I did get internet I went on imvu. I had made an account a year prior, but I wanted a new name and the best way to do it was to make an account. Just like how everyone has their (fashion wise) weeb and ita phases , I had mine especially on there. Pic related is the only surviving image from one of my original outfits. Sexy anime cat girl desu desu desu~

>mfw I grow up to be a lesbian
>tfw I grow up to be bi
This hasn't ended for me. No 3D man will ever be perfect but the women sure are. Everyone I know asks me why I don't have someone. I refuse to tell them it's because none look like my Japanese animes. Except Hyde, Miyavi, or some J-star.

>> No.7521636

Yeah doing those insane few mega bangs in the front just cannot look awesome in any world. Since this hair is similar to a real monk's hair, it works well.

>> No.7521645

oh god, no nonoon NOOOOOO.
I'd lie and sya that my maid was typing for me... I'm so embarrassed. . and then I had super lagging angel wings or something.
I'll see if I can remember my password.

>> No.7521671

It's alright anon. The worst happens to the best of us. And I think imvu is the worst. I've invested so much time and money into it I'm still there. Not as cringe inducing, but still there. I don't even talk to anyone since it's like being on an elitist /b/ with furry vampire RP sprinkled on top. Ever since all my vip rooms were taken and having AP apparently doesn't allow you 3 rooms anymore I just do husbando dress up.

>> No.7521711

I actually got into anime via the Neopets rp forums too. People were role playing Inuyasha, and I thought it sounded like an awesome fantasy book series, and I went to check it out at my local library. I think I was 11.

>> No.7521720

>casually jokes with friends that 2D>3D
>slowly starting to believe it

>> No.7521722

ohhh god
>tfw think was 11 or something
>some guy tried to cyber me
>asked me whats my bra size
>i said medium?
>he asked a, b, c, d
>i didn't know what he was saying
>I'm medium?

>> No.7521731

I'm glad I am not the only one who has made this mistake when someone tried to cyber with me.

>> No.7521738

lulz Fushigi yuugi. i hated miaka because she was a wymnz!! gettin in the way of my yaoi otp nuriko/htohori!! i can hear that goddamn mysterious play opening song even now

>> No.7521745
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>> No.7521811

Why do they get so aggressive? What in their minds told them that if you use all caps with ?!?!?! that will make someone feel more inclined to comply? Then when you don't do it, they either go nuts or leave.

>because she was a wymnz!! gettin in the way of my yaoi otp
This was me with Winry and just about every female character who was a love interest. Ed wasn't my husbando but he sure was hot. By the time the movie came out I was omega mad.

>> No.7521863

Lemons ruined me as a gradeschooler. Last time I read one was in 6th grade at the very end of my weeb phase, during my engineering class. All I remember was that it was on Quizilla, was about YYH, it was a "you-fic," the main character was named Kay, and I got two other girls in the class reading it too...

My weeb phase started in 3rd grade, it was every bit of inappropriately sexual as the next person's weeb phase, and that terrifies me. Before that I was pretty normal and didn't recognize that Sailor Moon, DBZ, Gundam Wing, YYH, Outlaw Star etc were anything other than regular ol' cartoons and I just loved Toonami's Midnight Run and Adult Swim. (I basically lived in front of the tv with little supervision). Unfortunately what snapped me out of it as discovering ED just before 6th grade ended -- which ricocheted me into a weird edgy-political-atheist phase where I replaced my anime obsession with Guns N Roses and alienated all of my friends. ED was pretty damaging at the tender age of 11..

>those squiggly leaves on the cheeks
I did those too! To this day I have no idea what they're meant to be. Fairly sure I saw them in those awful How to Draw Manga books by Katy Coope and took off with them

>> No.7521872

I made friends with people on the internet in middle school and high school because we'd moved cross country and I had a hard time fitting in. While I eventually did make friends at school, they were just as awkward as I was.

Now as an adult, the internet friends are all still on my Facebook friendslist and occasionally leave in-jokey comments. I don't mind it much, except that they seem to forget that I'm no longer 13 and supremely naive. It can be annoying at times because it feels pretty disrespectful/creepy.

>> No.7521874

I hated Miaka because she was a shitty character. I always liked Yui more.

>> No.7521875

Fucking Katy Coope. I had that book too.
>reader-insert lemons
all day erry day

>> No.7521877

Reader inserts. Fangirl's wet dreams come true before VNs. I can't believe Yo-Jin-Bo was so appraised. I played it last year and it was garbage. But anyway, ED damaged anyone immature enough to take their articles to heart. To this day I still get pretty butthurt over the racist ones, but nothing else there can affect me since I've been on /v/ and /a/.

>> No.7521878

I never hated Miaka, because I never really liked any of the characters in Fushigi Yugi.
My hatred for Mukuro could power a house though.
Jesus I was so jealous.

>> No.7521880

I don't know, I think I was 11 when I went on ED too, and only maybe 12 when I went on 4chan. I don't think it did any serious harm. Aside from an excruciatingly embarrassing thread I made on an anime forum that was basically HAY GUYS HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THIS COOL SITE CALLED 4CHAN? XD IT HAS MEMES! XD

>> No.7521896

All these Fushigi Yuugi and Chichiri fans, man.

I met my best friend over ten years ago in a Fushigi Yuugi forum (where no one could stand Miaka because she had a terrible personality) when I was 14. We bonded over Yuu Yuu Hakusho and our love for its characters.

Only with her I could unleash my full weebiness. I had a friend at school that was an anime fan too, but we were never too extreme even if we mostly talked about anime boys, had normalfag friends and got decently along with most classmates. Though I have the kind of shitty hair that gets greasy if I don't wash it every day, so you can guess how that turned out. And now...

>Studying Japanese because I love the challenge
>All current friends are hardcore nerds and otaku now
>Got friends to play otome games with
>Make up cringe-worthy self-insert stories together and laugh at them
>Play Pokémon and cosplay together
>Got a SO that is into RPGs, sci-fi and comics
>Still crushing hard on manga and book characters
>Always and forever in love with Kurama
>All while somehow managing to look like a perfectly normal person in public and having a stable job

I'm living the life.

>> No.7521899

I have that hat shoved deep into my fucing closet. It's a backpack too, I bought it in 2008 but god damn.

>> No.7521900

Not to be that guy, but what was even appealing about Chichiri? I don't remember him having much of a personality OR being good looking.

>> No.7521904

I didn't hate Miaka, because I'd already encountered Usagi in Sailor Moon, and they're basically very similar (chubby chick, easily crushes on random 'dark' stranger, passion for food beyond all else, but ultimately compassionate and working towards saving her friend(s)). I did prefer Yui as a character, apart from the brainwashing arc. That seemed a bit contrived, all things considered. I also was annoyed by Nuriko and Tasuki both saying that Tamahome had better do right by Miaka or they'd move in on her. Since that meant that four of them were all "in love" with her by the end of it.

I think the only reason Chichiri and Mitsukake escaped that fate was because of Trajik Lovestories in their pasts (and Chiriko was WAY too young).

>> No.7521916

Ah. Well.

1) He never declared anything but brotherly affection for Miaka, so not being part of her mini harem is a good a starting point.
2) Though he was outwardly silly, he was one of the most mature in the bunch.
3) He had a tragic backstory and a cool scar.
4) Mysterious powers! Out of all of her warriors, he was probably the most useful. The whole fox-faced mask thing alludes to his ability to shape-shift/disguise himself, which I thought was clever and cool (because foxes, wheee! Total weaboo bait, foxes)

>> No.7521919

I liked that he was the mature one and had cool powers. He was also one of the smartest of the main group, which admittedly is not saying much.

I didn't like Usagi either. That sort of character rubs me the wrong way to this day, be it male or female. I just can't see the appeal in them. I did like Yui much better, and found her a much more believable character.

Also, as a chubby teen it bothered me that Miaka and Usagi were supposed to be chubby when they actually looked like every other anime girl, and that made me feel bad about myself.

>> No.7521922

Weren't reader inserts banned from ff.net so you had to go to Quizilla to get your fix? Unless my memory is just making shit up.

Even when it is damaging, people eventually realize it's toxic. I always knew it was lampooning stuff, and I thought I was soooo adult for finding "satire" funny, but I was also very vocally liberal to the point of being anti-American so I guess it got weird. I grew up smothered by strict Polish catholic grandparents so I wanted to rebel but I couldn't figure out which kind of edgy I wanted to be.

A-at least all of my phases ended at 14. It was nice when sophomore year of high school came by and you got to see everyone go through their emo and scene phases after you had long passed it.

Were people able to get away with XD faces on 4chan back then? I stayed on ED until it went down in flames under girlvinyl and promptly switched to 4chan.
>all those years spent on ED because couldn't figure out how to post on 4chan

>> No.7521925

>they actually looked like every other anime girl, and that made me feel bad about myself.
Limitations of the artists. Both admitted to not being very good at rendering what they wanted, but also being pressured by editors not to actually try, because it's shoujo. Who the hell wants to see fat girls in shoujo?! (apart from, y'know, chubby girls themselves who probably buy the releases en masse...)

>> No.7521926

Forgot to say I also wanted to shit all over deviantART forever and ever and ED was the best place for it. I loved their dA portal dearly.

>> No.7521927

>Weren't reader inserts banned from ff.net so you had to go to Quizilla to get your fix? Unless my memory is just making shit up.
They were. I went to mediaminer.org too.

>tfw I know an active fanfic archive that is mostly self-insert stuff and is my biggest guilty pleasure

>> No.7521930

I get that, but it was annoying. They could have avoided talking about their weight at all if they were going to look like everyone else, after all there are plenty of girls IRL who eat a lot and never gain a pound.

>> No.7521931

I guess that makes sense.
It's been ages since I read it, I don't remember much of it.
I don't think they were banned, but OC-inserts were a lot more popular there. Smaller sites used to be bigger on the actual reader inserts.

>> No.7521932
File: 37 KB, 192x171, 1382196273118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reader inserts and scripts aren't allowed, but there's still stuff there. And nothing gets deleted anyway so no point in reporting.

>suddenly remember author's note chapter
>whiny child threatens to report
>do it and claim I'll just put it back up
>I'm watching you
If it weren't such a terrible piece of crap I'd re-upload the entire thing.

>> No.7521933

I guess Miaka at least had a rounder, softer look to her. Usagi was a stick.

>> No.7521937

Fanart, anon. Fanart. I've seen quite a few actually chubby drawings lately with the revitalising of the fandom. I've also seen some fairly buffed up Jupiters, which I like. Since she and Uranus were both intended to be "heavier because of muscles" according to Takeuchi's interviews.

>> No.7521944

My internet acces was pretty limited back when I watched the series and I never liked it enough to search fanart of it a few years down the road. I guess I should give it a try though, Uranus and Neptune were my absolute favourite characters in that show.

>> No.7521949

There's a boatload of amazing fanart for Uranus and Neptune.

Do you remember Mamoru.net/Bianca's Sailor Moon gallery? I printed pretty much every picture in that gallery at the library and taped it all to the walls of my room. A solid 6 x 9 ft block of pure Sailor Moon. There was a fanart gallery, but it was mostly people trying to mimic her style.

>> No.7521954

>be at library pre-pay to print
>find all kinds of anime images
>print and tape them to my school folders and binders
Good times. Vamppire and Inuyasha Journey were my favorites. I hate Sailormoon.com shut down. I had email accounts there.

My walls are still slathered with anime posters though. I only take them down to have new paint applied. Other than that, animu everywhere.

>> No.7522032

Mine was awful, awful, awful.
I posted embarassing statuses and photos on Facebook every single day and ran a Facebook fan page on which I posted really crap Japanese and talked about how I was basically Japanese (I was a white, Scottish 14 year old)
Luckily my then boyfriend was a weeaboo too and enjoyed my "kawaii hairstyle" which was basically like Naruto's with a fuckload of gel and some shitty bows in it.
All the cliches were present, I drew Death Note yaoi, awful animu drawings were posted to my Facebook and gained no likes, I went all the way to London just to buy overpriced Pocky, I wore lolita clothing which, thank god, actually suited me, but was still embarassing.
My lowest point was when I wrote a very long status on my page on which I bitched about how much I hated weebs, because I was a "true otaku". Thank fuck I didn't ever cosplay then.

>> No.7522055
File: 104 KB, 774x1032, Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I used to wear this hat a whole damn lot.

>> No.7522082

Dat sensitive pornograph desktop.

>> No.7522088

I've been trying to erase this from my typing since years and it pops up every time I'm a bit drunk.
God why.

>> No.7522094

I use it all the time. I hate it but I can't stop it. Someone please help me!

>> No.7522097

oh shit I remember watching that and thinking they were all soooooo haaawwwt

>> No.7522100

Did you ever follow up with your weeb dreams? Did you continue learning Japanese, go to Japan to go clubbing, etc?

>> No.7522103

Not that anon, but I legitimately moved to another city just to go to a high school where you could study Japanese.
The upside is that I was best in class, won some contests with it and speak genuinely okay N2 Japanese (albeit not perfect yet) that apparently gets my CV noticed a LOT.

>> No.7522104

I think someone on quizzilla gave me the fucking link to watch that online. Something like mafia-rose. something , I wonder if it's still up.

>> No.7522106

It's a curse, the mark of your weeaboo days forever etched in your skin.
I don't even use emoticons anymore, it's the only one that pops up.

>> No.7522186

They have the downloads on otakucenter forums.
Speaking of, I remember downloading doujins off aerinfantasy a lot.

>> No.7522367

i hated winry throughout all of middle school because ed was MY husbando and he belonged with my perfect self-insert OC
hell, i once bullied my friend's fifth-grader little sister when i was in eighth grade because she liked ed too. (she was a tough little fuck though, she fought back)
that OC is long gone but i still won't watch fma brotherhood or finish the manga because somewhere in me, there's a little seventh grader madly in love with him who won't let me let it go

>> No.7522381

yo i used to live in my ORLY? hat.

>> No.7522382

Not fluent yet, but I'm make a lot of progress. I did go to Japan and I got drunk and passed out on a bench in a yukata.

>> No.7522405

My friend used to have that same hat. I got so irrationally mad at her when I found out she hadn't even heard of Trigun and even madder hen the hat didn't even inspire her to at least fucking google it. Looking back, she probably didn't just to spite my aspie anger because it was such a dumb thing to be mad about when the hat looks like a generic cat.

>> No.7522410

Sis I know that feel. Like I literally COULD NOT get over canon romances with "my" bishies. I had to skip any episodes where it was hinted that Kagura and Sesshoumaru might end up together, or Hiei and Mukuro.

>> No.7522417

>not being raised by a huey UH60

>> No.7522447

You look cute, but I get the feeling this picture is from the "please can you NOT talk overly loud and squeaky all the time" phase of your life.

>> No.7522459

The Japanese language learner struggle is real. After 4 years of instruction at uni and a year in Japan, I still consider myself nowhere near fluent. Sure, I can get around, hold a conversation, read newspaper articles without relying too heavily on a dictionary, and manage daily life bs with ease, but have I obtained fluency? No.

>> No.7522498
File: 35 KB, 505x429, entire month&#039;s rent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped Brotherhood for this reason too. I have the entire series dubbed on my hard drive but I just can't bring myself to watch. There's a con coming up so I want to marathon everything on my backlog, but I just don't want to suffer.

When Kagura died, I felt a small bit of relief. Then someone told me Rin grew up and I decided to never finish Inuyasha ever.

Nothing makes me happier knowing I was too poor to go to Japan. I told my whole family about how I was gonna go to Japan, draw manga, get married, and name my kid Yuki because it meant snow. Nevermind housing expenses, hiring a translator, learning the language, price of living, and not being bashed in the head by a yakuza for breaking some social rule.

>> No.7522524

Well, if it makes you feel better, there's never any romance implied between her and Sesshoumaru. Not even if you squint. So go ahead and finish it if you have a couple of years to kill.
It's weird how deep set the jealousy is. I'm not attracted to Ed anymore, he's way too young for me now. Still doesn't make me hate Winry any less.

>> No.7522525

>though it actually was because I was prettier than them,
looks like you're still in your self-insert fan fiction phase

>> No.7522565


>> No.7522597


RinxSesshomaru 4lyfe Kagura and Sesshomaru was for fags

>> No.7522909

Oh god IMVU... I played IMVU religiously.
I was actually a pretty popular and normal person for most of my life despite my inner weeb until 2010 then I became a Brony and omg no. I'm currently in a weeby-downward spiral, someone help me.

>> No.7522937

Embarrassing weeb-ish story:

In I think 6th or 7th grade, my mom found a floppy disk that was full of yaoi, mostly of really graphic fanfics I was writing along with some hentai. She was always nosy and going through my things, so I'd hidden that, but she found it and asked me about it. I begged her not to look at it. She said she'd have to look if I wouldn't tell her, and I said I'd run away if she did. She went to the computer, and I took off out the front door and ran as fast and as far as I could. She spent four or five hours trying to find me. When we got home, I grabbed the floppy disk, broke it in two, and then went to my bedroom and cried over the wonderful bishounen yaoi fics I'd lost.

She asked me about it years later, and I just shrugged it off like "I don't know, probably some cursing or something? I was eleven or twelve, what could it have been?".

>> No.7522969


Wow. That takes me back to my 12 year old self. I obsessively took quizzes and saved almost every image result.

>> No.7522976

>>Wrote one fanfic, it was so bad that ff.net rejected it.


>> No.7522977
File: 406 KB, 170x127, 1361999435232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm so glad I didn't start watching animu until I was 17 and able to hide my power level. I was in therapy for assburgers as a teen and would've been the worst weeaboo ever if I started watching anime as a teen. I never feel so thankful as when I'm looking at these threads.

>> No.7523192
File: 213 KB, 632x896, 1386841092876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's way too young for me now
>tfw your old crushes will forever be kids
>tfw you will keep aging
My husbando is at least in his 40's so I'm good for awhile.

>> No.7523217

watch brotherhood anon. Ed gets even hotter and cuter and hnnngghhhhh

>> No.7523232

>wrote smutty SI fanfics and staff-reviewed fanfics for a couple of smaller sites
>joined about 50 IRC channels devoted to anime downloads/fansub groups
>only listened to jrock/jpop because it was "deeper" than music in English
>joined anime RPGs on AIM and IRC
>masturbated to fantasies featuring jrockers (Hyde, Gackt and Sugizo were all prominently featured)
>wrote notes in "code" to friends (reallyreally bad Japanese)
>covered the sliding panel doors of my closet with Sailor Moon and Fushigi Yuugi print-outs from the library
>covered school binders with the same on the outside and my own art on the inside
>Was an Bakaneko Oekaki Sempai Board regular for quite a while
>Deviantart account full of really bad fanart and OCs

>> No.7523345

Sometimes I feel glad that I was really sheltered. I didn't even find out what Hot Topic or HMV was until grade 11, although I was still basically an edgy goffick bitch minus the clothes.

>> No.7523354

>tfw you will never dress up as some random 12 year old weeaboo's girls favorite character (shirtless version, to show off my abs) and then have sex with her, pump her full of semen, take her virginity and dump her

Sucks to be a nice guy.

>> No.7523360

That's 3D pedophilia anon.

>> No.7523415
File: 32 KB, 600x735, stock-photo-closeup-portrait-of-skeptical-young-man-looking-suspicious-and-some-disgust-on-his-face-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting 3D children.

>> No.7523647

Hey, I did something like that! I was a shitty misa at my first con, and I saw some light, who was also shitty, but thought he was cute, and I fangirled and giggled and got a picture and I am so sorry

>> No.7523660

I did how to make onigiri in 8th grade. That was the year I ate japanese food every day. My mom liked making bentos soooo

>> No.7523672

Maybe it wasn't ff.net, I'm not entirely sure. But it got rejected because of the poor english, it was barely readable.

>> No.7523681

I know. I used to have a crush on Tao Ren when I watched Shaman King. Now I rewatched it and he's like 13.

>> No.7523683
File: 424 KB, 300x675, Untitledsaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love reading these threads, I can really (sadly) identify with many of you. If only every ex-weeb in /cgl/ had met and made a group when we were all 12~15. Can you IMAGINE.

>had friends draw sharpie "itachi lines" on my face in 8th grade, only for my alg teacher to demand i wash them off in the bathroom
>stayed up til ~4:30 in the morning almost every night to work on my naruto fanfic
>wore my ninja headband to school
>glued pictures of naruto characters and wolves all over my poetry books (read: unimpressive & emo silent hill poems)
>played hentai games at a friend's house
>terribad acne, yet cosplay with no makeup *shudder*
>"anime guy love list" ~ w/over 50 entries
>read shitty yaoi lemons like it's nobody's business
>gaia online all day
...the list goes on and on, really.

I still allow my inner weeb to flourish now and then (anime & sushi days). Guilty pleasures...

>> No.7523689

First husbando was Hao. I could pull the 1000 year old loli card.

Could it have been Luna Essence? I've had fanfics rejected there quite often.

>> No.7523707

Hm, I don't think it was. I remember that site, but it was a bigger one than that one.

>> No.7524065
File: 734 KB, 800x1141, fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. My weab phase back in 2005 was so bad.
I wanted to 'become' a gothic lolita and was a huge fan of Malice Mizer.

>Don't know anything about lolita brands
>I'm a gothic lolita b/c I wear a lacy skirt and blouse
>Rage when people would call me a gothic instead of a gothic lolita
>Worship Mana-sama
>Malice Mizer is the best band ever
No one knew what the fuck I was talking about.
I can even remember that we had to draw a portrait in art class and I wanted to draw Mana.

I've been a drawfag ever since so;
>omg teh hawt yaois
>wrote yaoi fanfics and drew yaoi pictures in class with a friend
>wanting to become a mangaka
>draw kawaii desu magical girls all time
>wanting to become a kawaii desu animu artist
The only good thing is that I used to draw night and day to improve, and I now reached a level where I am very satisfied with my art.
Pic somewhat related. It's the only picture from 2005 I still have saved on my hard disk.

Oh sweet memories~

>> No.7524149

I was pretty obnoxious at the time but not overly loud, that was a few years before this picture when I was a huge narutard.

They used to sell these everywhere back then, I think I might still have it too. I didn't even like Trigun that much, what the fuck was I thinking.

>> No.7524153
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, Anime-girl-anime-girl-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you use generic anime girls like pic related for your OCs?
Or did you draw your own?

>> No.7524165

I used to google that shit for hours !
I had an entire folder of purple haired randumb animu grills. To use as RP OCs...

I remember when tracing Naruto pictures to make RPCs was a thing too, and the drama that followed.

>> No.7524186

I used to trace like a pro.
In paint, too.
With a mouse.
But seriously, I wasn't bad at it, it looked pretty decent for, you know, a pic that had been traced in paint.

>> No.7524188

>plastic surgery to become Asian

I thought that was a myth?

>> No.7524196


omg, please tell me you have pics of it

>> No.7524527

I always thought it was so weird when I recognized the "OC". Like, no, her name isn't Hikari and she's not a shadow demon, that's Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War

>> No.7524869
File: 20 KB, 225x346, Housen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both. That's all anyone did on Mocospace. I remember legit thinking I was in love with an Itachi roleplayer. But when you saw their irl pictures... well, it was never as good.

>> No.7525174

>Had friends that were into the same hobbies
>Had the money for your animu merch
>Thought you were kawaii

Bitch that's a great childhood.
Why are all of you so ashamed of enjoying your younger years?
If anything it's great you all got to do embarrassing things when it was easier to get away with it.

>> No.7525190

Traps, my friend.
There are boys that look like anime boys out there, and it's glorious.

>> No.7525865
File: 152 KB, 500x913, nepnep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Still not great but definitely a lot better than I used to be.

>> No.7525873


>> No.7526376

Honestly I think the worst part is her consistently monotone, nasally voice.